HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-13; City Council; 15780; Solutions to the Rail CorridorCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL ’ AB# /,5! %ii TITLE: Request to Give Presentation on Solutions to the Rail Corridor MTG. from Phillip Winter, a Resident of Carlsbad b - 13-0 DEPT. CM DEPT. HD. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from Phillip Winter, a resident of Carlsbad, on possible solutions for the rail corridor. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1) from Phillip Winter, a resident of Carlsbad, requesting that he be allowed to make a presentation to the City Council regarding the rail corridor and some potential solutions to alleviate the noise impact from the trains. FISCAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to Ray Patchett, City Manager, from Phillip Winter, dated April 17, 2000, which requests the opportunity to make a presentation to City Council. ,, hnonativ, Hpnl i I. LUU; y.35 FM k 3 Kay rtlww. LILY ~vkai~~y~~ I :s ““Ilp I\. ““111151, ! “Y-I L”-L”.Jd “I-. . -. - - EXHIBIT 1 P hIClip R. Writer 4012 kguk~ Stmet YB Carleba.d, CaIIfomlaa 92008 USA Home Phone ‘TM-7204217 Emit piwinW~use.nct April 17,2000 Ray l’atchctt. City Maulgeer City of Cnrbbad 1200 C&bad Villrga L&c f‘hrhbad, CA 9?rOO8 Re: Noi.. rriatcxl ta trins on the rail ccmidor rhrouyh tha city of ca-l&d Dew Mr Pnchctt: I have lived ui my curra~u s&rfX+n for over seven yuw:. Whit I have awhwe4 is the co&ant incawrsG oftile noise lcvcl &om the train% that now trnval up arid &wn this mrfidor. When I fust muvoc1 here tkre wm apprortinurtaly ‘7 kntralc trains per day. NOW wilh the. addirim lafrhe two adtional u;sin EKIcyiccs this tmflic ha9 increwxi to ovw 30 tnai11s per d&y- Whst I find mod distrubing is rba MC csfrclrpacf rhar tlrc qiuccrs show towards those of us who live shear the tucks. I muxt say that Amtrak is ti rnoti off&~Ge uf the ~RIWC S~~~CCS. Tbcy am the first ta travel by in rhc moruiq nlS:45. At the rrpoed they (rarval I’m nut sure lb& bfowisg that horn really nccomptishcs anything mcanin& o&er thy to distrub ail cd’us that live mxr the trruks. I would au-n&e that if we did M (1%IA noioe test for repetitivo around it would fti, their standard& of r,oiac accaptabiblty. But 1 bcliave I hirve a vary Gtnple solution to this vt:xinp; problsm but need iho be+ of the City &C&bad k prtxsdnling it to the vnliouti rnil stlvicefi that ply the tiflCk8 on this corridor. I would liJc0 to Come betbrt the city council and m&c this proposal. Would you be SC) kimi (IS to AJ ma when I might do thk My prc~tation would t&a approdmiscel:y 30 minuleo. 1 utiy bdi@ye icwe nil agreed to thia timpRo salution nU will be well served zuld citizens and government will have worlced togothor to do n good ia.& t’nr ~31 comnl. Sincerely, /f’hiilip R. Wintcs .R&dcnt af Car-Mad