HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-27; City Council; 15799; Solid Waste Disposal Consulting Servicesh CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENIjA BILL AB# rs,79q =: MTG. 6/27/00 DEPT. CM APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH HILTON FARNKOPF & HOBSON FOR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL CONSULTING SERVICES CITY MGRS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.mdQ3 approving Amendment No. 1 and Extension of Agreement with Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson to provide negotiations and contract drafting support for solid waste disposal services, and to conduct a feasibility study for solid waste disposal options; and appropriation of funds from the FY 1999-2000 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. ITEM EXPLANATION: In support of Council Strategic Goal A (“Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top quality services to our community.“), in February 2000, staff contracted with Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson to begin preliminary work on evaluating the existing and future solid waste disposal services for the City of Carlsbad. The attached Amendment No. 1 and Extension of Agreement with Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson will continue and expand on this effort by providing the City with consulting services needed to assist in a comprehensive evaluation of trash disposal options. The Hilton firm will be assisting the City in ongoing negotiations with Allied Waste over the future possible use of the Palomar Transfer Station. The firm will also be assisting the City In the performance of a Trash Disposal Options Feasibility Study. Although they are separate tasks, the negotiations and study will proceed concurrently. The negotiations with Allied are necessary to provide the essentials of a prospective deal which would provide for the future provision of transfer capacity to the City. The parameters of such an Agreement are necessary for the Hilton firm to complete its feasibility analysis. A variety of options will be examined and at the conclusion of the feasibility study a recommendation will be presented to the Council on a course of action to provide long-term trash operations in the City. FISCAL IMPACT: The total additional cost of proposed services for the proposed services is $100,830. Sufficient funds are available in the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. acO-d63 approving Amendment No. 1 and Extension of Agreement with Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson to provide solid waste consulting services and appropriating funds from the FY 1999-2000 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - ,- RESOLUTION NO., 2000-203 A RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 AND EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH HILTON FARNKOPF 8, HOBSON AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE FY 1999-2000 SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE FUND TO PROVIDE SOLID WASTE CONSULTING SERVICES. WHEREAS, staff requested and received a proposal from Hilton Famkopf & Hobson to provide negotiations and contract drafting support for solid waste disposal services and to conduct a feasibility study for solid waste disposal options; and after review of the proposal, staff recommends accepting Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson based on an evaluation of its experience providing negotiations and contract drafting support for solid waste disposal services, and conducting feasibility studies of solid waste disposal options similar to those needed for the City of Cartsbad, and its proven expertise in the solid waste collection and disposal industry; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California hereby finds it necessary, desirable and in the public interest for approval and acceptance of a proposal from Hilton Famkopf & Hobson to provide negotiations and contract drafting support for solid waste disposal services and to conduct a feasibility study for solid ‘waste disposal options; and. WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available in the FY 1999-2000 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund fund balance to cover the total cost of services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council .of the .City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the attached Amendment No. 1 and Extension of Agreement between Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson and the City of Carlsbad to provide negotiations and contract z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 drafting support for solid waste disposal services to conduct a feasibility study for solid waste disposal options be approved and accepted. 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the proposed Amendment No. 1 and Extension of Agreement between Hilton Famkopf & Hobson and the City of Carlsbad. 4. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to appropriate funds in the amount of $100,830 from the City’s Solid Waste Enterprise Fund to cover the total cost of services. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the June 27th day of (2000, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: AMENDMENT NO.1 AND EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT (Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson) This Amendment No. 1 and Extension of Agreement is entered into this 7th day Of June t 2000, by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City” and Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson hereinafter referred to as, “Contractor”, for conceptual design of collection and transfer facilities; evaluation of alternative sites; and, contract negotiations, and extending same. RECITALS WHEREAS, on March 27, 2000, City and Contractor entered into an agreement for conceptual design of collection and transfer facilities; evaluation of alternative sites; and, contract negotiations (the “Agreement”) for a period of six months and for a total contract price of $25,000; and WHEREAS, Contractor has provided approximately $22,000 in services pursuant to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, City desires that Contractor continue to provide services pursuant to the Agreement beyond the current contract price of $25,000; and WHEREAS, the Agreement between City and Contractor is scheduled to expire on September 27,200O; and WHEREAS, City and Contractor desire to extend the Agreement for a one year period from the date of expiration, ending on September 27,200l; and WHEREAS, the City and Contractor desire to amend the Agreement to increase the not-to-exceed price from $25,000 to $125,830; and WHEREAS, a revised supplemental scope of work and fee schedule has been negotiated and agreed to between the parties which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit “A.” NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. The term of the Agreement shall be from March 27, 2000 until September 27,200l. 2. Contractor shall provide those services as contained in the Agreement and as outlined in Exhibit “A,” which said exhibit replaces, in its entirety, Contractor’s letter dated February 5,200O. 3. The not-to-exceed amount of the Agreement shall be amended from $25,000 to $125,830. effect. /I II 4. All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and I/ /I /I II II II II II A 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor pursuant to the Agreement shall be extended to include coverage for the extension period. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: I-L, \-c&--L l&ko~4r&Lso \ ux! (name of Contractor) (print name/title) v- -. Y City Wanager or Mayor ATTEST: - City Clerk ’ June 7, 2000 DATE Ysign here)\/ YW Jo&n w &&7f, SW- (print name/title) ’ (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached. Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign for corporations. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD e . BALL, City Attorney d CALIFORNIA - ALL-PURPOSE State of County of oe. Notary Public”) I personally appeared Name(a) cd Signer(s) , and acknowledged% me that he/she same in his/her/&uthorized capaci f? executed the ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. and and official seal. Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer’s Name: Cl Individual 0 Corporate Officer Title(s): 0 Partner - 0 Limited Cl General Cl Attorney-in-Fact Cl Trustee q Guardian or Conservator Cl Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer’s Name: Cl Individual 0 Corporate Officer Title(s): 0 Partner - 0 Limited q General 0 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: Top of thumb here @ 1995 National Notary Association l 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 l Canoga Park, CA 91309.7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Frea l-800-876-6827 06/12/00 17:ll B760 4311601 “klil2~2ObO 16:51 FAX 925977695 CARLSBAD MWD HP&H - l / @003/007 @Jo02 HlU’ON FAWlCOPF & HOBSON, Ur AdvirO~SWiCtStC MumicipJMrm~cnr SanFmncbm Nc#parrBCSCh sacca~ro hrdand June 13,200O - Mr. FrapkMannar Aizsimnt CqyManager Cie af Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbd Wage Drive Car&bad, Califomia 92008-1989 I& Trash Disposal S&es Negotiations and Alternatives Analysis DmrMr. Manwax hesponse to yourrequest, mron m3kopf&Hobscm, Lx (IHF~babpreparedthis proposal to: 1) Provide negotiation and eontraet drafEng support to the CiQ regarding negotiations fbr solid waste b-aasfer and disposal se&q aad, 2) Determine the feasibility of various tmsfff and disposal alternativea available to the City- This letm commmioates our proposed work mope as well as our sta&g, schedule and projected budget. WORK SCOPE Our proposed scope of work is organized into two Parts. Part 1: Nemtiatim Assistance: The seopi of UmIc we propcm to pcrfkm in@ldcs the ncgotiatioll of The businw amngements associated with the m&is of &atekls co&c-ted in the Cily, processing Those mat&aIa as sitha myclables or waste and disposal of the waste at a landfill. We are currently engaged in negotiating the key terms of such an agreement with A&& as part of an earI& contract. Task 1: Negoti&m of Key Tems and Conditions HF&H will complete its negotiation of the key tems and conditions of the agreeanents with Allied The process invalved in &a pafomaxe of time tasks includes: meeting with City Council +d M; developing and documenting kqtenns far negotiatioq and, prep&g for and 1mdi.q the Ciq negotiatirtg team in tbc nego&tionS wi& Allied -A- 06,912/00 17:ll s760 4-1601 "d6/r2/2000 18:52 FAX 9t3977695. EFm CARLSBAD MWD - . . Jmel3,2000 ’ hrlt.FIiUlkMZtIEKl %e2 Task2: DxaSngof~gre~ents It is cumntly a&ic’rpated &at both a &ausfer statian opera&g agreement and a landfill disposal agreement will be neccssiry to document the terms and cend%ox~~ agreed upon betw=utheCityaudAlliecL HF&Hhasprepared,andisprepiuingnr;lIlnsmussuch documents. We antiaipate dmftiug these agree4neuts fur review by the City staff (from both rbusincss and legd pezspective) and revi&g them once, upon receipt of wzitten commesrts by the City sa b&m presunthg thmn to Allied. Task 3: Negotia#on ofAg,wments On behalf of Qp City, HFkEZ will negotiate the tems and renditions of&e agns~cnts with Allied. The process invo~vcd in the parfbmae of this task incbrcle5: prep* fix aad leading the City negdating team in the negotiations with tied, meeting with city council and sMto davelop revised a~proa&s to the tezzus and conditions in rqonae to Allied’s positions; a& developing and docrrmmting revised temm for negotiation. ~~lYmnsf& rpld Di~ematives kmhsis: The scope of We& we propose to pe&orm i-nch&w the ideatification of a&&+ trm&r and dhpd sys&n~ available. to the Ciq, the aonceptual design of a fboility at a City- owned site, zma&is of the Wai fkasibili~ of the mmtpromisbg a&natives, and preparation of a development plan far the most promising alternative. Task I; Altemativm Analysis HE&H will pezfbxm a high-kvel review of various lmnsf+r and disposal akmatiives that are a-k tcr the City. This review will identifypoteatial alhnati~es and &bate tb,e cost and evaluate the overall reasonabkmxs of each alternaIiv~ including key . impluneutatiaa issues and operational consideratioxx~. Altern&vcs to be coz@ercd arc expected to include the fallowing: l Allied-l&uedPalomarTz-ansfiiStion . City&ad P&mar Tksfk Station l C-q of a Cihed Facility at Another Site l other Collecti~ options The msulte ofthe analysis will bepresentedin atechniealmaaarandum, pdmarily in tabular fbrmat with a brief discussion summaGng the &dings and conchzsions. l3l004/007 #003 jl6/12/00 17:12 s760 441 1601 CARLSBAD XWD @/ 005/007 - -- 06/12/2000 16:62 FAX 8259776856 mkE @loo4 a Junel3,2000 MLFrankMannar page3 T’2: Conceptual Design ~~~~dcY;lapncooeeptuald~fbra~~~fscilityataCitysite.A ttdnicd memorandum will be prepared whiGh out5n.e~ the capkty of the EaciJi~ (at 800 tpd and 1,500 tpd) and the gaxral types of f&tions to be peed (cg., tra&x, asyclables processing material recovery, collections opcratians and maintenance, bin dorago, etc.). A higHevel co~tual de plan will be draf&d showing a possible Iq-out ofthef-kiIitykc~gbuildinglocati~ andtra~~tienpattems. Task 3: Financial FeaslMity Stady RF&H Ml evaluate the long-term jinan&l viability of the most prc&iag altefn&ves ident&d k Task 1 (assumed to be three f&p- of our fee estimate); we wiU prep- a h&al fkasibiliv smdy to ~SSQES the following fktors: l Projected operating pod We costs, including number and types of stationary equipment rolling dock, ptzcmmd, 6dminishatiOn and overhead (&a citymed facility). . Projected capital aosts including land acquisiti~ building construction, quiprnent purdases and mquired repair and replacement costs (for a City-owixd ficility). . Projected annual debt service costs for any financed capital kilities (far a City- . ~ownadm~) l Pmjected tipping fe6 fix altamtive t,msfkr aad disposaI fodlitics. pti any illcremorltal costs associated with the use of akuztativ@ fkilities. WowiU &st document ourprehimxy~ults, whichwe willreviewwith C.itysrafRo iden- any adjustments tbat maybe appropriate. Once these tijusbxuznts have been incorporated into the an&& we will perform certain sensitivi~ analysis to determine the &MS of &&@a to key as~ptions (e.g., the initial capital costs, annual O&M wsts, disposal c06ts, recyclable revenues, tonnage, etc). We will also provide a comparison of the piojscted costs fbr each alternative with cunent costs f6r similar ‘bundles” of solid Waste managanent mvkes,in sutrounding communities and the larger Southerx~ CaGfix5a region- * Costprojeotiam will bopmentcdin apro-forma format al&wipgfor a sideby-side COKtl@SOll Of the YpioUs albematives’ impact OR Cd&Oll KtOS. This JdJ’SiS will cover a 20-year period and 6llmmrkthcassranptiaMu6adinprcp6Tixlgthe6a6lysi6. Am- the key results of tbis analysis will be a wmparison of the total anwal coats of each alternative, the projacted cod per ton, and the monthly cost per aal account for each altexnativ~~ : 06/12/00 17:12 B760 -1601 06/12/2000 16:53 FAX 925977695. EF6a . Juae13,2000 Mr. FranlcAthlWll Page4 CARLSBAD IUWD -4 @jOO6/007 Qioo5 6tmcture of the~solid waste management system assumedwith each altemative ’ Spddy, we will idanti& the variou con-M relationships and key kms. the key hqcing requirwnents of the arrangunents (Zany) and look at the degree of coflftol the Cityclrnmaintainoverthesystem. Task 4: Development Plan HF&-fI will prepare aDeve.lopmcnt PIan onthing thekey tasks and scheduks related to each of mo6f promising alternatives (assumed to be three as desaiied abuve). The t&s to be acb.wd drau irwdepnparati~ andnegotiation ofkeydocuments, permitting, &cing and fadi@ design and conskwtio~ This i&n&on will be presented in the form of a technical’m emarandum desk&g the key activities and presenting a detailed task plan ixlcluding the inter-~ationships of the various tasks. Task 5: Coqmnmicate Results As described above, HP&H WilI docunwnt t4e results ofits review and analysis in a sties of technical memorandum and a Financial Feasibility Study Repa HUB will also attend twomeetings~~theCitytopresentthe~and~Fesultsofoaranalysis. We estimate our schedule for this engagement to be approtiatdy 60 days. Iwill have pximaxy responddity for the pcdonnance of Qe Part 1 tfuks for the City. I may be assisted by less senior staffwho will pcrfkm certain tasks under my supervision ia o&z to reduce the fets to the City. ‘The principal consultants f;or the Part 2 tasks will be witiam Schoes. C3reg Clumpner and David Langer. Mr. Schoen will bava primary rep&M@ f= Tasks 1 “A&& of Altcmati~es” and Task 2 “coeceptua Design”. Mr. Chqmr will have p&my respon&ility fbr Task 3 “Enancial Feasibility Analysis”. Mr. Langcr wiI.l be responsible for Task 4 preparation of t&e “Development Plan”. Each of these staffmembers will work under my s~pemision and wiIl be assisted by less senior SW where possible, to aninkze costs. Iwill haveprimaryresponsibilityfor inkmal review of each ofthe work products and for the prqtation of our results to the City). . og/12/00 17: 13 e780 w 1601 0i/12/2000 16:53 FAX St587768i HF&E CARLSBAD IUWD .- d * Ial 007/007 BOO6 June13,2000 Mr. Frankknnai Page 5 BUDGET Our total bud&i for this engqement is .$110,000. B@causeo\nroleinPartlis~a~tatean~~~~CityaadAUiedand each of these parties has important interests which arc being negotiated, they, more than we, control the number and length of msezings and the nmnber and complexity of the bukiess terms to be incorporated in the documents. ThenzfM, we propose to perfkm this engagement on a “thae and materials basis” at our skdard rates and charges. At the same time, We~~c~theCityneedstomanage~proj~inaceordaacewithabudget and see& specific authorization fhr a contract. Z&&me, we have prepared !a fee mtimate based on the abov5 tasks and certain assumpticn15 regatding a l+l of effbrt reLeted to the pafarmanoc of the tasks. We es&&e tht 250 hours wilt be required resulting in a recommended budget of $45,000, Obviously, because f&ure events are un~ertaia for QC reasons described above, tht actual effort is likely to be d@kxent and that dZfkrence could be significant Should OUT actual houra be leea, we will bill you the corresponding lesser amount- Should ow actual hours be more, we will seek author before proceeding. Our projected bu!get for Part 2 is S65,OOO based on an estimated 500 hours afprotional &&time and a 5% contingency. Beaauss this scqe of work is more easily de&&, we props to perfirm &is work cm a not-to-exceed basis. HETON, F++RNKOPF & HOBSON, UC RobertD. HiNon, CMC PrcGdent July 7,200O Mr. Robert D. Hilton Hilton Famkopf & Hobson, LLC 2175 N California Blvd, Ste 990 Walnut Creek CA 94596 Re: Amendment #l & extension of agreement The City of Carlsbad has approved the agreement for conceptual design of collection and transfer facilities; evaluation of alternative sites; and, contract negotiations, and extending same, as outlined in the amendment. Rnclosed please find a Molly executed copy of the amendment to the agreement for your files. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call our offices. Debra Doerfler w Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office Enclosure 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive * Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 - (760) 434-2808 49