HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-27; City Council; 15804; Infrastructure Financing District- - If (3 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILd‘ 2 ’ 6 1 AB# ts,g@f ) -1 I DEPT. HD. MTG. 6-27-00 DEPT. CLK ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. NS-551 ADOPTING AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN CITY ATTY. AND CREATING AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 OF THE CARLSBAD CITY MGR RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. NS-551 adopting an Infrastructure Financing Plan and creating an Infrastructure Financing District for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area. ITEM EXPLANATION: Ordinance No. NS-551 was introduced and first read at the City Council meeting held on June 20, 2000. The second reading allows the City Council to adopt the ordinance, which would then become effective in thirty days. The City Clerk will have the ordinance published within fifteen days, if adopted. FISCAL IMPACT: See Agenda Bill No. #l&797 on file with the City Clerk. EXHIBITS: Ordinance No. NS-55 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-551 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN AND CREATING AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Section 1: Recitals A. The Legislature of the State of California has enacted a comprehensive statutory scheme, the Infrastructure Financing District Act (Government Code Section 53395 et seq.) (the “Act”), authorizing a city, county, or city and county to create an infrastructure financing district as a means of financing construction of public works and facilities for new development projects through the funding mechanism known as “tax increment financing” under which incremental increases in property taxes are allocated to finance public capital facilities associated with the district. B. On February 8,2000, the City Council (“City Council”) of the City of Carlsbad (“City”) instituted proceedings for the creation of an infrastructure financing district (“Infrastructure Financing District”) for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area (“Property”) by adoption of a Resolution of Intention to Establish an Infrastructure Financing District pursuant to the Act. The City Council also directed the City Manager to prepare an infrastructure financing plan for the Property. C. The City Manager prepared an infrastructure financing plan for the Property (“Infrastructure Financing Plan”), sent the Infrastructure Financing Plan to each landowner within the proposed Infrastructure Financing District, and made the proposed Infrastructure Financing Plan available for public inspection, as required by the Act. The Infrastructure Financing Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. D. On March 14, 2000, after first publishing notice as required by law, the City Council held an informational public hearing on the proposal to create the Infi-astructure Financing District for the Property and to adopt the Infrastructure Financing Plan. E. As provided in the Act, the City Manager and staff have consulted with and met with representatives of the County of San Diego. F. Based on such consultation, the proposed Infrastructure Financing Plan has been modified to propose formation of the Infrastructure Financing District for the Property without allocation of the tax increment revenues of the County of San Diego or any other affected taxing agency except the City. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 G. H. I. J. K. On April 18, 2000, the City Council held a second public hearing on the proposal to create the Infrastructure Financing District and adopt the Infrastructure Financing Plan, as modified, after first publishing notice as required by law. Following the public hearing, the City Council adopted a Resolution Proposing Approval of an Infrastructure Financing Plan and Formation of an Infrastructure Financing District for the Property. Following the adoption of said Resolution, on May 1, 2000, a landowner election was conducted in the manner required by the Act with regard to the proposal to create the Infrastructure Financing District. The Property landowners voted in favor of creating the Infrastructure Financing District. The City Planning Director has determined that the environmental effects of adoption of the Infrastructure Financing Plan and creation of the Infrastructure Financing District have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environmental documents (EIR 91-03, MEIR 93-01 and MEIR 94-Ol), and, therefore, no additional or subsequent environmental evaluation is required. The City Council has duly considered all terms and conditions of the proposed Infrastructure Financing Plan for the Property, as modified, and believes that the proposal to create the Infrastructure Financing District and adopt the proposed Infrastructure Financing Plan, as modified, is in the best interests of the City and the health, safety, and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable state and local law and requirements. The proposed Infrastructure Financing Plan complies with all of the requirements of the Act and all actions required by law have been taken by all appropriate persons and entities. Section 2: Ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2. The City Council hereby adopts the proposed Infrastructure Financing Plan, as modified, in substantially the form presented to the City Council, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk, and hereby creates the Infrastructure Financing District with the full force and effect of law. 3. 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute this Ordinance. The City Manager is hereby authorized to take any action and execute any and all documents and agreements necessary to implement the Infrastructure Financing Plan 5 1 1 1 1 1 1< l! 2( 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .- and Infrastructure Financing District. 5. The City Council hereby directs staff to file a notice of determination with the County Clerk of San Diego County within five (5) working days of adoption of the Infrastructure Financing Plan. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 20th day of June, 2000, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27’h day of June, 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council.Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None WOOD, City Clerk File: Libra 1 . * . . Exhibit “A” Form of Bond UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF CALIFORNIA INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA SERIES 2000 INTEREST RATE DATED DATE 0% June 1,200O HOLDER: Carlsbad Estate Holding Inc and LEGOLAND Estates A.G. RECITALS A. On June 27 , 2000, pursuant to the Infrastructure Financing District Act (Government Code Section 53395 et seq.) (“Act”), the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (“City”) by Ordinance adopted an infrastructure financing plan (“Infrastructure Financing Plan”) and created an infrastructure financing district (“Infrastructure Financing District”) for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area (“Property”). The City is the sole affected taxing entity for the Infrastructure Financing District as defined in the Act. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Infrastructure Financing Plan. The Infrastructure Financing Plan is hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full herein. B. The City and LEG0 entered into a Development Agreement with respect to the development of LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA on Parcel 18 of the Property (“Development Agreement”). An attempt to form an infrastructure financing district to fund public improvements that would otherwise be funded by LEG0 was part of the incentives offered to LEG0 in the Development Agreement. Because uncertainties about the legality of the Act were not resolved until 1998, public improvements for which the Inli-astructure Financing District was intended were already in place prior to the City’s creation of the Int?astructure Financing District. However, the intended expansions of LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA and the intended LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA hotel project will result in development impact fees and assessments for a variety of public improvements serving the Property that remain to be constructed. Therefore, consistent with the Development Agreement, the City is issuing this Bond pursuant to the Act to reimburse Holder for some of these development impact fees and assessments, as more particularly described in the Infrastructure Financing Plan. C. This Bond sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Infrastructure Financing District will reimburse Holder for said development impact fees and assessments. TERMS 1. The City, a California municipal corporation, for value received, promises to make to Holder Annual Payments pursuant to all of the terms and conditions of this Bond. As used herein, the term “Annual Payment” shall mean each annual payment made to Holder in an amount equal to tax increment revenues actually received and available to the City from the Infrastructure Financing District pursuant to the Infrastructure Financing Plan and the Act (“IFD Funds”), subject to the limitations set forth in Sections 4 and 5, below. Annual Payments shall be made to reimburse Holder the Aggregate Reimbursement Amount. 2. As used herein, the term “Aggregate Reimbursement Amount” shall mean a sum equal ( to the aggregate amount of Fees actually paid by Holder minus the cost of this Bond and certain costs to be paid to the County of San Diego pursuant to the Act. 3. a. As used herein, the term “Fees” shall mean development impact fees and assessments which are allocable to Eligible Public Works actually paid to the City by Holder in connection with the development of the LEGOLAND Expansions or the LEGOLAND hotel project on the Property. b. To determine the amount of Fees that Holder has paid, each August 1”’ Holder shall prepare and submit to the City Manager or designee, for the City Manager’s or designee’s reasonable review and approval, a detailed accounting of all development impact fees and assessments actually paid by Holder for the period covering August 1”’ of the prior year to July 3 1”’ of the current year, which development impact fees and assessments Holder believes to be Fees as defined herein. C. If Holder determines that it has not paid any Fees for the period covering August 1 st of the prior year to July 3 1 st of the current year, then no accounting shall be required. d. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of said accounting, the City Manager or designee shall provide written notification to Holder of which development impact fees and assessments the City Manager or designee determines to be Fees as defined hereunder. If the City Manager or designee determines that some or all of the development impact fees and assessments paid by Holder are not Fees, then the City Manager or designee shall explain its reasoning for such determination in the written notification provided to Holder. 4. The City shall make an Annual Payment to Holder on or prior to October 1” of each year, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,760,000 or the outstanding Aggregate Reimbursement Amount, whichever is less. 5. The City’s obligation to make the Annual Payments shall be subject to and limited by the following: a. Annual Payments shall only be payable from IFD Funds. Until there are IFD Funds, the City shall not be required to make any Annual Payments. b. The City shall only be required to make an Annual Payment if there is an outstanding Aggregate Reimbursement Amount. C. The City shall have no further obligation to make -any Annual Payments following the date which is twenty (20) years after the City Manager’s execution of this Bond. d. Once the City has made Annual Payments to Holder in the aggregate amount of $1,760,000 or the Aggregate Reimbursement Amount, whichever is less, or twenty (20) years have elapsed since the date of execution of this Bond by the City Manager, the City shall have no further obligations hereunder regardless of whether the Aggregate Reimbursement Amount has been reimbursed to Holder. 6. Since the Infrastructure Financing District was effective prior to the August 20,200O date of equalization of the tax assessment roll, the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 will be the base year and the assessed valuation of the Property on the January 1, 1999 lien date will be the base year assessed value. 7. Holder shall have the right to assign, in whole or in part, this Bond by providing written notice thereof to the City. Any assignee’s rights shall be subject to the same ! terms and conditions of this Bond. 8. This Bond shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. 9. The Bond shall hear no interest. 10. This Bond is executed under the provisions of and in full compliance with the Act, and 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. There is no requirement that this Bond be registered. 18. There is no requirement that this Bond be called or redeemed, either with or without premium. a Resolution duly adopted by the City pursuant to which this Bond is executed and which authorizes execution of this Bond. The Bond is a limited obligation of the City, and the Annual Payment is payable solely and only from the IFD Funds. THE ANNUAL PAYMENT IS A LIMITED OBLIGATION OF THE CITY PAYABLE EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE IFD FUNDS. THIS BOND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A DEBT OF THE CITY, OR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OR OF ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF, WITHIN THE MEANING OF ANY STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION OR STATUTORY LIMITATION AND SHALL NEVER CONSTITUTE NOR GIVE RISE TO A PECUNIARY LIABILITY OF THE CITY, OR OF THE STATE OR ANY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THIS BOND SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A GENERAL OBLIGATION OF OR A CHARGE AGAINST THE GENERAL CREDIT OF THE CITY, BUT SHALL BE A SPECIAL, LIMITED OBLIGATION OF THE CITY PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE IFD FUNDS, BUT NOT OTHERWISE. NO RECOURSE SHALL BE HAD FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE ANNUAL PAYMENT AGAINST ANY PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE OFFICER, DIRECTOR, MEMBER, EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF THE CITY, OR ANY SUCCESSOR OF THE CITY, AS SUCH, EITHER DIRECTLY OR THROUGH THE CITY OR ANY SUCCESSOR TO THE CITY, UNDER ANY RULE OF LAW OR EQUITY, STATUTE OR CONSTITUTION OR BY THE ENFORCEMENT OF ANY ASSESSMENT OR PENALTY OR OTHERWISE, AND ALL SUCH LIABILITY OF ANY SUCH OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, MEMBERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS, AS SUCH, IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVED AND RELEASED AS A CONDITION OF, AND CONSIDERATION FOR, EXECUTION OF THIS BOND. This Bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until it has been executed by the City Manager. The City hereby assigns and pledges for the benefit of Holder all of the IFD Funds subject to the limitations set forth in the Infrastructure Financing Plan. Reference is also made to the Infkstructure~Financing Plan with respect to the nature- ~- and extent of the City’s assignment and pledge, the rights of the City, and the terms upon which this Bond is executed and the Annual Payment made to Holder. I3 19. If any October 1”’ is not a business day, then the date for the payment of any Annual Payment which may be due and owing shall be the next succeeding business day. Payment on such later date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the nominal date of payment. 20. This Bond shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Date: June 27, 2000 ATTEST: CITY OF CARLSBAD Library/Agenda bills/lFD Ordinance 6-20 agenda bill , EXHIBIT A INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Adopted: June 27, 2000 Ordinance No. NS-55 1 FINAL REPORT 4/l l/O0 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SECTION 2 THE IFD; MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIRED TO SERVE THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 4 Section 3.2 Identification of Public Facilities and Improvements.. ............................. 4 Section 3.3 Allocation of Costs to IFD Area.. ............................................................. 5 SECTION 4 FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC FACILITIES (TO BE FUNDED FROM THE IFD) ARE OF COMMUNITY-WIDE SIGNIFICANCE AND PROVIDE SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS TO AN AREA LARGER THAN THE AREA OF THE IFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SECTION 5 FINANCING SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Section 5.1 General ................................................................................................... 9 Section 5.2 Maximum Portion of Incremental Tax Revenue Committed ...................................................................... 10 Section 5.3 Projection of Tax Revenues Received By the IFD ............................................................................................. 10 Section 5.4 Plan for Financing Public Facilities.. ..................................................... 11 Section 5.5 Tax Increment Limit .............................................................................. 11 Section 5.6 Term of the IFD.. ................................................................................... 11 Section 5.7 Cost/Benefit Analysis.. .......................................................................... 12 Section 5.7.1 Costs to the City ........................................................................ 12 Section 5.7.2 Revenues to the City ................................................................. 12 Section 5.8 Projected Fiscal Impact ......................................................................... 14 SECTION 6 DISPLACEMENT FROM IFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.................................. 16 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A IFD MAP EXHIBIT B IFD LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT C ELIGIBLE CAPITAL PROJECTS AND FUNDING SOURCES EXHIBIT C-l EXHIBIT C-2 EXHIBIT C-3 EXHIBIT C-4 Cost Summary for Capital Projects Serving IFD Area Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel Cost Summary for Capital Projects Serving IFD Area Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel Identification of Funding Sources for Capital Projects Serving IFD Area Description and Cost Allocation of Capital Projects Serving IFD Area EXHIBIT D TAX INCREMENT REVENUE PROJECTION EXHIBIT D-l EXHIBIT D-2 EXHIBIT D-3 EXHIBIT D-4 EXHIBIT D-5 EXHIBIT D-6 Estimated Valuation of New Construction Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel Incremental Property Tax Revenue Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel City Tax Revenues Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel Estimated Valuation of New Construction Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel Incremental Property Tax Revenue Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel City Tax Revenues Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel EXHIBIT E COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS EXHIBIT E-l EXHIBIT E-2 EXHIBIT E-3 City of Carlsbad General Fund Expenditures Scenario 1: 400-Room Hotel City of Carlsbad General Fund Expenditures Scenario 2: 700-Room Hotel City of Carlsbad General Fund Revenues Scenario 1: 400-Room Hotel I7 iii LIST OF EXHIBITS (CONT’D.) EXHIBIT E-4 City of Carlsbad General Fund Revenues Scenario 2: 700-Room Hotel APPENDIX DESCRIPTIONS OF ELIGIBLE CAPITAL PROJECTS iv SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA This is the Infrastructure Financing Plan (the “Plan”) establishing an Infrastructure Financing District (the “IFD”) for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California (referred to in this Plan as “Parcels 17 and 18”). This Plan consists of text, the Infrastructure Financing District Map (Exhibit A), the Infrastructure Financing District Legal Description (Exhibif B), the Eligible Capital Projects and Funding Sources (Exhibit C), the Tax Increment Projection (Exhibit D), the Cost/Benefit Analysis (Exhibit E), and an Appendix containing descriptions of eligible capital projects. This Plan will be implemented by the City of Carlsbad (the “City”) under the authority of and pursuant to the Infrastructure Financing District Act of the State of California. The definitions of general terms which are contained in the Infrastructure Financing District Act govern the structure of this Plan unless more specific terms and definitions are otherwise provided in this Plan. In 1990, the State Legislature enacted Chapter 1575, which adds Chapter 2.8 (commencing with Section 53395) to Part 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code (referred to in this Plan as the “Act”), relating to infrastructure financing districts. In Opinion No. 97-906, issued on January 16, 1998, the State Attorney General determined that the Act was constitutional, and that a city or county may form an infrastructure financing district under which incremental increases in property taxes are allocated to finance public capital facilities associated with the district. On February 8, 2000, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted a resolution of intention to establish an infrastructure financing district for Parcels 17 and 18. The IFD includes all properties within Parcels 17 and 18 shown on the Infrastructure Financing District Map and described in the Infrastructure Financing District Legal Description. The IFD consists of approximately 189 acres, all within the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan area. The permitted land uses are set forth in the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan, which was approved on January 16,1996 by Ordinance Number (s) NS 344 SPA #207 (a) and NS 345 SPA # 207 (g) (the “Amended Specific Plan”). In addition, the City and Lego Park Planning, Inc. have entered into a Development Agreement with respect to the development of LEGOLAND CARLSBAD on Parcel 18, recorded March 22, 1996 as Document No. 1996-0141299. This Plan is consistent with the General Plan of the City, the Amended Specific Plan, and the Development Agreement. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Reporf 4/l l/O0 20046ndn Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Ici Page 1 - The purpose of this Plan is to provide for the financing of a portion of the cost of public works needed for the development of Parcels 17 (APN 211 100 14) and 18 (APN 211 100 09) that benefit the broader community, described in the Schedule of Public Facilities and Improvements, with incremental increases in property taxes from Parcels 17 and 18, subject to the limitations set forth in this Plan. The only taxing entity to be affected by this Plan is the City of Carlsbad. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 2 SECTION 2 THE IFD; MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION The boundaries of the IFD are illustrated on the IFD Map attached to this Plan as Exhibit A. The legal description of the IFD is set forth in the Legal Description attached to this Plan as Exhibit B. No part of the IFD is within a Redevelopment Project Area which is or has been previously created pursuant to Part 1 (commencing with Section 33000) of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report WI 1/00 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 3 SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES REQUIRED TO SERVE THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 Section 3.1 Introduction This section identifies the public facilities and improvements required to serve the development proposed for Parcels 17 and 18, including their respective location, timing, and estimated cost. As background, the IFD consists of two parcels of land, Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area. Parcel 17 is currently vacant and undeveloped, and Parcel 18 is the site of Legoland Park (“Park”). The Park, in its initial phase, was completed and opened in March 1999. The Park owner, Legoland Development, has identified plans for future expansion of, and additions to, Legoland within Parcel 18. According to Legoland Development, proposed annual expansions will range in value from $2 million to $6.1 million. A major resort hotel is planned for development on Parcel 17. The resort hotel is intended to complement the Park as well as the municipal golf course planned to be constructed by the City of Carlsbad adjacent to Parcel 17. Specific plans regarding the size, operator, or construction schedule for the proposed resort hotel have not yet been identified. The quality and size of the project is anticipated to be comparable to the existing Four Seasons Resort Aviara and La Costa Hotel and Spa resorts located in the City of Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad planning staff have identified the achievable scope of the resort project on Parcel 17 as ranging from 400 to 700 hotel rooms. The financing plan for the IFD considers both hotel scenarios, in combination with the phased expansions planned for Legoland, with respect to the projection of tax increment revenues, the potential cost/benefit to the City of Carlsbad, and fiscal impacts to affected taxing entities. For the balance of this report the two development scenarios are referred to in the following manner: l Scenario 1: Legoland expansion and development of a 400-room resort hotel. l Scenario 2: Legoland expansion and development of a 700-room resort hotel. Section 3.2 Identification of Public Facilities and Improvements The expansion of Legoland and the construction of the resort hotel are likely to cause impacts upon the efficiency of existing public facilities in the IFD area and surrounding community. Additional public works projects necessary to mitigate the impacts of the planned resort hotel, as well as the impacts of future development in the community, have been identified by the City of Carlsbad. A number of these projects are eligible to receive financial support from the IFD. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Repoti 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 4 - -. The Infrastructure Financing District Act identifies the nature of public works projects and facilities that are eligible for financing by the IFD (Government Code Section 53395.3). These include major roadway improvements, sewage treatment and water reclamation plants, water treatment and collection facilities, flood control projects, parks, solid waste disposal stations, and civic uses such as libraries. The Eligible Public Works required to serve the development proposed for Parcels 17 and 18, including their respective location, timing, and estimated cost, are set forth in Exhibit C. The City has determined that these projects are of community-wide benefit. The projects identified in Exhibit C serve not only the IFD area, but also the larger community, by increasing water and sewer capacity, improving traffic circulation and easing traffic congestion, and providing needed public services such as libraries, parks, and public administration offices to better serve the greater community. A complete listing of the capital projects serving the IFD area is presented in Exhibit C-4. Supporting project descriptions from the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Budget are included in the Appendix. It should be noted that the total project costs shown in Exhibit C-4 reflect the amount of the project costs remaining to be spent, while the project descriptions in the Appendix reflect the total cost of the project through completion. Section 3.3 Allocation of Costs to IFD Area According to the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Budget for Fiscal Year 1999-2000, the total remaining cost to complete the public improvements and facilities serving the IFD area and surrounding community is approximately $122 million. Many California cities utilize a variety of funding sources and mechanisms to finance these types of public works projects, including Special Assessments, Community Facilities Districts, and Development Impact Fees. The burden of funding public works through these funding mechanisms is ultimately borne by developers of new construction. Fees and assessments are apportioned to new projects and paid by developers on a fair-share basis related to the impacts that their development projects will have on existing infrastructure and public facilities. The funding mechanisms currently in place in the IFD area and surrounding community include a Public Facilities Fee, a Community Facilities District Fee, a Traffic Impact Fee, and a Bridge & Thoroughfare District Fee, among others (see Exhibit C-3). These districts and fees were initiated by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad in recognition of the fact that present and future development would create adverse impacts upon streets, water and sewer capacities, and other public facilities and services. The City of Carlsbad has apportioned a fair-share of the cost of funding these projects to the Legoland expansions planned on Parcel 18 and to the resort hotel development proposed for Parcel 17. The cost figures are estimates based upon preliminary assumptions regarding Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Repofi 4/l l/00 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. 23 Page 5 expansion plans for Legoland and the development concept for the resort hotel (ranging from 400 to 700 hotel rooms). The total burden of fees and assessments allocated to future Legoland expansions is approximately $0.9 million and the fee burden allocated to the hotel is estimated at approximately $2.2 million for the 400-room scenario and $4.5 million for the 700-room scenario ( see Exhibits C-7 and C-2). The fees must be paid at the time of issuance of building permits. On a preliminary basis, City staff has determined that new development within the IFD would be eligible for reimbursement of fees and assessments in the range of $2.78 to $4.61 million, depending on the size of the hotel. The maximum amount of eligible fees and assessments that can be reimbursed through the IFD is $1.76 million. Bonds will be issued by the IFD pursuant to Article 4 of the Act (Government Code Sections 53397.1 et seq.) to facilitate the reimbursement. The sole bondholder(s) will be the developer(s). This reimbursement will be subject to the tax increment revenue limit set forth in Section 5.5 below. The following table summarizes the allocation of the costs of public improvements and facilities among the IFD (tax increment revenues); Legoland and the developer of the hotel; and other sources. Other sources include the range of funding mechanisms detailed in Exhibit C. Although these funding sources are controlled by the City of Carlsbad, they originate from fees and assessments collected from other private developers throughout the community. As shown in the table, the proportion of public improvements and facilities to be funded by the IFD is 1.4% of the total costs. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 6 Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Costs of Public Improvements Legoland Expansion Legoland Expansion and Facilities (1) and 400-Room Hotel and 700-Room Hotel Reimbursed by IFD (2) $1 .76 million $1 .76 million % of Total 1.4% 1.4% Funded by Legoland $1 -36 million $3.66 million and Hotel Developer % of Total --~ 1.1% 3.0% Funded by Other Sources (3) % of Total Total Costs % of Total (1) Allow for rounding error. $118.83 million $116.53 million 97.4% 95.6% $121.95 million $121.95 million 100.0% 100.0% (2) This amount is limited by: (a) the amount of fees and assessments determined to be eligible for reimbursement by the IFD; and (b) the tax increment limit. (3) Fees and assessments collected from other developers. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Repoti 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 7 SECTION 4 FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC FACILITIES (TO BE FUNDED FROM THE IFD) ARE OF COMMUNITY-WIDE SIGNIFICANCE AND PROVIDE SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS TO AN AREA LARGER THAN THE AREA OF THE IFD The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby finds that the public facilities and improvements set forth in Exhibit C (collectively, the “Eligible Public Works”), are of community-wide significance and provide significant benefits to an area larger than the area of the IFD. In all cases, the Eligible Public Works: (a) are necessary for the development to be constructed in the IFD, and (b) provide significant benefits to the broader community in the City of Carlsbad. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 8 JQ SECTION 5 FINANCING SECTION Section 5.1 General Incremental property tax revenues from the City of Carlsbad may be used to finance the Eligible Public Works. All taxes, if any, levied upon taxable property included within the District each year by or for the benefit of the State of California and the City (but no other taxing entity) after the effective date of the ordinance adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 53395.23 to create the IFD, shall be divided as follows: (a) That portion of the taxes which would be produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or for each of the affected taxing entities upon the total sum of the assessed value of the taxable property in the IFD as shown upon the assessment roll used in connection with the entity, last equalized prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopted pursuant to Section 53395.23 to create the IFD, shall be allocated to, and when collected shall be paid to, the respective affected taxing entities as taxes by or for the affected taxing entities on all other property are paid. (b) That portion of the levied taxes each year specified in this Plan for the City in excess of the amount specified in subdivision (a) shall be allocated to, and when collected shall be paid into a special fund of, the IFD for all lawful purposes of the IFD. Unless and until the total assessed valuation of the taxable property in the IFD exceeds the total assessed value of the taxable property in the IFD as shown by the last equalized assessment roll referred to in subdivision (a), all of the taxes levied and collected upon the taxable property in the IFD shall be paid to the respective affected taxing entities. When the IFD ceases to exist pursuant to this Plan, all moneys thereafter received from taxes upon the taxable property in the IFD shall be paid to the respective affected taxing entities as taxes on all other property are paid. The IFD will be effective prior to the August 20, 2000 date of equalization of the assessment roll. On this basis, then, Fiscal Year 1999-2000 will be the base year and the assessed valuation of the properties on the January 1, 1999 lien date will be the base year assessed value. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Repoti 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 9 Section 5.2 Maximum Portion of Incremental Tax Revenue Committed The City of Carlsbad is an affected taxing entity as defined by the Infrastructure Financing District Act (Government Code Section 53395.1). Under the terms of the financing plan for the IFD, the City will commit 100% of incremental tax revenues to the IFD in each year during which the IFD exists. This commitment will be subject to the tax increment revenue limit set forth in Section 5.5 below. Section 5.3 Proiection of Tax Revenues Received bv the IFD Exhibit D presents a projection of the amount of tax revenue projected to flow to the IFD under the two development scenarios: Scenario 1, Legoland expansion and development of a 400- room hotel; and Scenario 2, Legoland expansion and development of a 700-room hotel. Projections of the tax increment revenues for the IFD for each year of its duration are shown in Exhibits D-3 (Scenario 1) and D-6 (Scenario 2). Projected tax increment revenues are based upon increases in the annual incremental assessed valuation of the IFD which result from: (1) transfers of property ownership; (2) new construction activities; and (3) 2% annual inflationary increases allowable under Article XIIIA of the California Constitution. New development in the IFD area will include phased expansions of Legoland and construction of the resort hotel. According to Legoland Development, expansions to Legoland of varying magnitude ($2.0 million to $6.1 million per year) are planned for at least the next 10 years. Legoland is currently under way with significant improvements to the Park expected to total $29.8 million by the end of 2000. These expansions will add new assessed value, which will, in turn, generate additional tax increment. In addition, Legoland Development has indicated that the target date for completion and opening of the resort hotel is the year 2002. On this basis, the tax increment projection in Exhibit D assumes that tax increment revenues from the hotel development would begin to flow in Fiscal Year 2003-2004. Under either development scenario, the amount of tax increment revenue committed to the IFD by the City will total $1.76 million (future dollars). Under Scenario 1, the IFD is projected to reach the tax increment limit (set forth below in Section 5.5) by Year 9 of its existence. Under Scenario 2, the District is projected to reach the tax increment limit by Year 7. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 10 Section 5.4 Plan for Financing Public Facilities The use of the IFD tax increment revenue is restricted to the reimbursement of one-time Development Impact Fees and assessments related to eligible capital projects serving the area of the IFD, as defined in Exhibit C. Legoland and the developer of the resort hotel shall pay to the City of Carlsbad all required fees and assessments at the time of building permit issuance. The IFD will reimburse the eligible portion of these fees, as tax increment funding becomes available over time, up to a limit of $1.76 million. The sole purpose of the IFD is to facilitate the reimbursement of these fees. The financing plan for the IFD does not provide for the issuance of any form of indebtedness on the part of the IFD, except to document the obligation to reimburse the developer(s) as provided in this Section 5.4. The agreement to reimburse the developer(s) will be in the form of a bond issued by the IFD pursuant to Article 4 of the Act (Government Code Sections 53397.1 et seq.). The sole bondholder(s) will be the developer(s). The tax increment revenues from the District will be pledged for the ZO-year term of the IFD to pay the principal amount of the bond (equal to the eligible portion of the fees and assessments paid by the developer(s) minus the costs of bond issuance and certain costs to be paid to the County pursuant to the Act), without interest, not to exceed $1.76 million. Section 5.5 Tax Increment Limit The maximum amount of taxes that may be allocated to the IFD is $1.76 million. Section 5.6 Term of the IFD According to State law (Government Code Section 53395.14), the maximum life of an infrastructure financing district is “to be not more that 30 years from the date on which the ordinance forming the district is adopted.” This IFD will cease to exist on the date that is 20 years from the date of adoption, or upon the allocation to the IFD of $1.76 million, whichever comes first. A projection of tax increment revenues for the IFD was presented in Section 5.3 above. The tax increment revenue projection indicates that the IFD is estimated to achieve the limit of allocated taxes as stated in Section 5.5 $1.76 million), and therefore cease to exist, by the seventh year of its operation for Scenario 2 and by the ninth year for Scenario 1. These projections are subject to the market performance assumptions in Exhibits D-l through D-6. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 11 Section 5.7 Cost/Benefit Analysis Section 5.7.1 Costs to the City This section addresses both the one-time capital costs to the City of providing facilities to the IFD area and the recurring annual costs to the City of providing services to the IFD area. As shown in the table at the end of this section, the costs to the City to provide facilities to the IFD area are estimated to range from $3.1 million to $5.4 million. Costs of providing services to the IFD area were estimated based on the City’s General Fund expenditures for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. As shown in Exhibits E-7 and E-2, a correlation between municipal service costs and population/employment factors can be used to project incremental General Fund expenditure impacts on a per-resident and per-resident-equivalent basis. The standard approach involves estimating the relative impacts on municipal service expenditures of new residents and new jobs within the City. A typical assumption in fiscal impact methodology is that three new jobs have the municipal service impacts of one new resident. Build-out of the IFD area is not expected to generate new population. However, the anticipated employment can be expressed as a total of 418 “resident equivalents” under Scenario 1 and 493 “resident equivalents” under Scenario 2. Based on these assumptions, build-out of the IFD area is projected to generate recurring annual General Fund expenditure impacts of $217,000 per year under Scenario 1, and $257,000 under Scenario 2. These estimates are expressed in current (2000) dollars. Section 5.7.2 Revenues to the City This section addresses both one-time capital and recurring annual revenues to the City resulting from expected development in the IFD area. As shown in the table below, the City will receive fees and assessments from new development within the IFD ranging from $3.1 million to $5.4 million. These revenues fully offset the anticipated costs to the City to provide facilities to the IFD area. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 12 The City will also receive a range of building permit and plan check fees related to expansions of Legoland and development of the hotel. The amount of building permit and plan check fees that could be received has been estimated by the City to range from between $470,000 to $1,060,000. These revenues can be expected to offset the City’s costs of providing services related to the planning and building approval process. Recurring annual taxes and other revenues resulting from development activity within the IFD area were estimated for both development scenarios, as presented in Exhibits E-3 and E-4. Annual property taxes generated within the IFD area are estimated to total $1.38 million. This estimate is 1% of the combined base year property tax valuation of Parcels 18 (Legoland) and Parcel 17 (hotel). The City of Carlsbad’s share of base year property tax is calculated by applying the City’s 19.3% share to the 1% base year property tax. On this basis, then, base- year property tax revenues from the IFD area to the City of Carlsbad are estimated to total $268,000 annually (all figures represent 2000 dollars). Sales tax generated within the IFD area at Legoland and the proposed hotel were estimated for both scenarios. Based on retail sales estimates provided by Legoland Development, and projections of retail, food, and beverage sales at the proposed hotel, annual sales tax to the City is estimated to total $463,000 under Scenario 1 and $563,000 under Scenario 2. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenues generated from the proposed resort hotel were determined based on application of the City’s 10.0% TOT rate to projected hotel room revenues. Under Scenario 1, annual TOT revenues are estimated to total $1.7 million. Under Scenario 2, $2.9 million annually from TOT is anticipated. Other recurring annual revenues to the City resulting from development within the IFD area were based on estimated General Fund revenues for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and application of the per capita approach described above in Section 5.7.1. As indicated in Exhibits E-3 and E-4, total recurring General Fund revenues inclusive of all taxes and other revenue sources, are estimated to total $2.5 million under Scenario 1, and $3.8 million under Scenario 2. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 13 One-Time Capital Impacts costs Revenues Scenario 7: $3.12 million for facilities Legoland and hotel Legoland Expansion serving IFD area. developer will be and 400-Room Hotel ($118.83 million in responsible for payment of additional community-wide $3.12 to $5.42 million in improvements). fees and assessments upon issuance of building permits. IFD will reimburse Scenario 2: $5.42 ,million for facilities eligible fees and Legoland Expansion serving IFD area. assessments through and 700-Room Hotel ($116.53 million in issuance of bonds, up to a additional community-wide maximum of $1.76 million, improvements). serviced from tax increment revenues. Recurring Annual Impacts Scenario 1 L-- Scenario 2 $217,000 $2,470,000 $257,000 $3,840,000 Section 5.8 Projected Fiscal Impact The total projected fiscal impact of the IFD and associated development on the affected taxing entity (City) is shown in the table below. The fiscal impact can be expressed as the amount of tax revenue that is foregone by the City. During the life of the IFD, the total tax increment foregone by the City of Carlsbad is estimated to have a future value of $1.76 million and a net present value ranging from $1,057,000 under Scenario 1 to $1 ,I 11,000 under Scenario 2. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/7 l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 14 Foregone Tax Increment City of Carlsbad Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel and 700-Room Hotel Future Value Present Value @ 10% Discount Rate $1,760,000 $1,760,000 $1,057,000 $1,111,000 . Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 15 33 SECTION 6 DISPLACEMENT FROM IFD No dwelling units occupied by persons or families of low or moderate income are proposed to be removed or destroyed in the course of private development or public works construction within the area of the IFD. Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 16 EXHIBIT A IFD MAP Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l 7/00 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 17 35 . EXHIBIT B IFD LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGOLAND PARCEL - Lot 18, Map No. 13408 (CT 94-09) RESORT HOTEL PARCEL - Lot 17, Map No. 13408, (CT 94-09) and a Portion of Lot F, M823 Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l f/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. 3b - EXHIBIT C ELIGIBLE CAPITAL PROJECTS AND FUNDING SOURCES EXHIBIT C-l Cost Summary for Capital Projects Serving IFD Area Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel EXHIBIT C-2 Cost Summary for Capital Projects Serving IFD Area Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel EXHIBIT C-3 Identification of Funding Sources for Capital Projects Serving IFD Area EXHIBIT C-4 Description and Cost Allocation of Capital Projects Serving IFD Area Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 19 39 -. . . 2 .p E z .!$ 2; P i; $8 E g - r- c: f r i 5 5 t a p. & z ST a” x B Y? 5 2 E E .- D B t E 3 E z I a IL 1 F 5 aJ I- d. 8 v? s z 6 E 2 Y 5 E I tz 4: ZP IL-I G 5 b .E! n tc .- g .- 0 2 h .= 5 E s I- a’ /$ ! g ; a’ : u’ iU,d QC ! ‘C Q) I-D- ; E 2 n 1 ‘t-0 9 :-a’ 1 a’ ’ ; u-B@ mu ;iiz ! 2 g, L$ a , .a’ I 5% i i ! 6 ' a' ;u I- : % ig YE ' a' j E rQ 2% :g 3 f r 02 E, d sx 1 N E 2 g 0 2 z 0 6 2 B 0 I = E - *I, ‘$ , ,, ,,,, r 4 $1 2 E 6 a 2 P = w e 6 E z (II vt! 22 24 86 I I EXHIBIT D TAX REVENUE PROJECTION EXHIBIT D-l Estimated Valuation of New Construction Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel EXHIBIT D-2 Incremental Property Tax Revenue Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel EXHIBIT D-3 City Tax Revenues Scenario 1: Legoland Expansion and 400-Room Hotel EXHIBIT D-4 Estimated Valuation of New Construction Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel EXHIBIT D-5 Incremental Property Tax Revenue Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700,Room Hotel EXHIBIT D-6 City Tax Revenues Scenario 2: Legoland Expansion and 700-Room Hotel Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Repoti #/I l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 21 s .- s E 2 2 s .- ;;I E E - _- 0” WI t g COI t 6 r-l 2 $ WI t g UN t ;r *)I t: g WI 2 8 h(l k 6 rl t 8 01 t ,- g WI t: i “0 WI 2: 6 bl t: $ WI t g v)I z g -al 1: g ml t 2 Nl 2 6 4 t g 01 t: . - 2- .8 -i 0’ v)ol 32 .- 00 00 ;; 070 23 Go d &F f Ra .- 5 s .i s.. Ti 5 n+ E ual PE .- E ‘- gg p LZ a au - 00 1 88 co cd te - 000 “Kit3 - * 3% z;E;; OCOCQ “sic? - - :s &Z hh gFJs a- u-l- 2 W’“E Bs t m I wx 8 s t9 te i a : . ; I ; I b . 9 . I ; 8 IL Ei .- H tj ‘C .- E 3 >. C 0 ‘Gi ri d - EXHIBIT E COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS EXHIBIT E-l City of Carlsbad General Fund Expenditures Scenario 1: 400-Room Hotel EXHIBIT E-2 City of Carlsbad General Fund Expenditures Scenario 2: 700-Room Hotel EXHIBIT E-3 City of Carlsbad General Fund Revenue Scenario I: 400-Room Hotel EXHIBIT E-4 City of Carlsbad General Fund Revenues Scenario 2: 700-Room Hotel Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Repoti 4/7 l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 23 EXHIBIT E-l CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES , 1. ’ SCENARIO I:.; AOO-ROOM HOTEL INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 CARLSBAD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Baseline Assumptions Population Total Number of Jobs Carlsbad (1999) 77,600 49,680 Number of Hotel Rooms 0.75 Employees Per Room Equivalent Residents Total Resident Equivalents 16,560 3 jobs = 1 resident 94,160 A’ General Fund Revenue Expenditures FY 1999-2000 Expenditures Per Resident or Total or Resident Equivalent Policy Leadership Group $2,465,452 $26 Per Resident Equivalent 416 $11,000 Adminstrative Services $3,760,069 $48 Per Resident 0 $0 Public Safety $21,720,296 $231 Per Resident Equivalent 416 $96,000 Community Development $5,060,662 $54 Per Resident Equivalent 416 $23.000 Community Services $6,921,626 $115 Per Resident 0 $0 Public Works $11,547,762 $123 Per Resident Equivalent 416 $51,000 Non-Departmental $4,125,000 $44 Per Resident Equivalent 416 $16,000 Contingencies $4,000.000 $42 Per Resident Equivalent 416 $16,000 Area IFD n/a 954 (1) 400 300 416 416 IFD Area (2) Projected Residents or Resident Equivalents Total Impact Total General Fund Expenditures $61,641,269 $217,000 (1) Represents mid-point of peak and off-peak employment. Assumes 658 full-time and 592 seasonal/part-time positions. (2) Estimates of annual expenditure impacts at project stabilization in 2000 dollars. Excludes impacts of Legoland expansions. Prepared by: Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. - EXHIBIT E-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES I, ., -SCENARl0.2:..700-ROOM HOTEL INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 CARLSBAD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Baseline Assumptions Carlsbad (1999) IFD Area Population 77,600 Total Number of Jobs 49,680 n/a 954 (1) Number of Hotel Rooms 700 0.75 Employees Per Room 525 Equivalent Residents Total Resident Equivalents 16,560 493 3 jobs = 1 resident 94.160 493 General Fund Revenue Expenditures FY 1999-2000 Expenditures IFD Area (2) .’ -Policy Leadership Group Per Resident or Projected Residents m or Resident Equivalent or Resident Equivalents $29485,452 $26 Per Resident Equivalent 493 Adminstrative Services $3,760,069 $46 Per Resident 0 Public Safety $21,720,298 $231 Per Resident Equivalent 493 Community Development Community Services Public Works Non-Departmental Contingencies $5,080,862 $54 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $8,921,626 $115 Per Resident 0 $11,547,782 $123 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $4,125,000 $44 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $4,000,000 $42 Per Resident Equivalent 493 Total Impact $13.000 .>I $0 $114,000 $27,000 $0 $60,000 Total General Fund Expenditures $61,641,269 (1) Represents mid-point of peak and off-peak employment. Assumes 658 full-time and 592 seasonal/part-time positions. (2) Estimates of annual expenditure impacts at project stabilization in 2000 dollars. Excludes impacts of Legoland expansions. Prepared by: Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. EXHIBIT E-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUND REVENUES SCENARIO 1: 400-ROOM HOTEL INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 :“CARW3AD RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Baseline Assumptions Carlsbad (1999) Population 77,600 Total Number of Jobs 49,680 Equivalent Residents Total Resident Equivalents 16,560 3 jobs = 1 resident 94,160 Area IFD n/a 954 (1) Number of Hotel Rooms 400 0.75 Employees Per Room 300 418 418 General Fund Revenue Source FY 1999-2000 Revenues IFD Area (2) Per Resident or Projected Residents j&l or Resident Equivalent or Resident Equivalents Total Impact Property Tax (3) $15,808,000 $268,000 Sales Tax (3) $17.756,000 $463,000 Transient Occupancy Tax (3) $7,463,000 $1,682,000 Other Taxes (4) $4,511,000 $48 Per Resident Equivalent 418 $20,000 Licenses and Permits $3,087,000 $33 Per Resident Equivalent 418 $14,000 Vehicle License Fees $3,967,000 $51 Per Resident 0 $0 Charges for Services $6,162,000 $79 Per Resident 0 $0 Fines and Forfeitures $816,000 $11 Per Resident 0 $0 interest $2,164,000 $23 Per Resident Equivalent 418 $10,000 Interdepartmental Charges $1,650,000 $18 Per Resident Equivalent 418 $7,000 Other Revenue Sources $1 .ooo,ooo $11 Per Resident Equivalent 418 $4,000 ..I- ._t._ Total General Fund Revenues . ._ $W384000 (1) Represents mid-point of peak and off-peak employment. Assumes 658 full-time and 592 seasonal/part-time positions. (2) Estimates of annual revenue impacts at project stabilization in 2000 dollars. Excludes impacts of Legoland expansions. (3) Confidential worksheet submitted to City under separate cover. (4) Includes Franchise, Business License, and Transfer Tax. EXHIBIT E-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL FUND REVENUES SCENARIO 2: 700-ROOM HOTEL INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN FOR PARCELS 17 AND 18 CARLSBAD-RANCH AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN AREA Baseline Assumptions Population Total Number of Jobs Carlsbad (1999) 77.600 49,680 Area IFD nla 954 (1) Number of Hotel Rooms 700 0.75 Employees Per Room 525 Equivalent Residents Total Resident Equivalents 16,560 493 3 jobs = 1 resident 94,180 493 General Fund Revenue Source FY 1999-2000 Revenues IFD Area (2) Property Tax (3) Sales Tax (3) Transient Occupancy Tax (3) Other Taxes (4) Licenses and Permits Vehicle License Fees Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Interest Interdepartmental Charges Other Revenue Sources Per Resident or Projected Residents m or Resident Equivalent or Resident Equivalents $15,808,000 $17,756,000 $7,463,000 k $4,511,000 $48 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $3,087,000 $33 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $16,000 $3,967,000 $51 Per Resident 0 $6,162,000 $79 Per Resident 0 $816,000 $11 Per Resident 0 $2,164,000 $23 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $1,650,000 $18 Per Resident Equivalent 493 $1 ,OOO,OOO $11 Per Resident Equivalent 493 Total Impact $268,000 $563,000 $2,943,000 $24,000 $0 $0 $0 $11,000 $9,000 $5,000 Total General Fund Revenues $64,384,000 $3,839,000 . ;._,-. L,” (1) Represents mid-point of peak and off-peak employment. Assumes 656 full-time and 592 seasonal/part-time positions. (2) Estimates of annual revenue impacts at project stabiliration in 2000 dollars. Excludes impacts of Legoland expansions. (3) Confidential worksheet submitted to City under separate cover. (4) Includes Franchise, Business License, and Transfer Tax. - APPENDIX DESCRIPTIONS OF ELIGIBLE CAPITAL PROJECTS Infrastructure Financing Plan for Parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan - Final Report 4/l l/O0 20046ndh Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. 57 . / . e . 2% p! .E P .- I 8 % .I i3 51 5 L I : 0 1 u V f 4 I V . . 4: 8 g 5 d o. g : II iii 8 ;? z . . . -,.- .-. . . ‘t. 3. II P B B B 4 A... f 3 3 I I a f I I . P @I+ r-0 mW 07 0 iif g F 9 i 1 W 3 E ,’ . . B . L 8 3 (0 g. E aa B 6 r z . . 5 ii ZJ “E T z z: 2 3 *g :: B 8 s 6i .I .E . 2 J Lt ii 8 0 v ii E 5 fi . . z g ‘0’ i i3 2 $ n ic . . 59 . . . . . . lo-az-99; 8:46AM;Clty OfT-3rlSbdd B E i.;, z s: w a . 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