HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-11; City Council; 15812; 2000 Dry Weather Testing ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 4B# &,bld- TITLE. -* AUTHORIZATION FOR AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION NO. 2 OF AGREEMENT WITH rllTG. 7111 /oo D-MAX ENGINEERING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IEPT. I CARLSBAD 2000 DRY WEATHER TESTING PROGRAM ENG CITY MGR- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. dOm -2) !? authorizing the Mayor to execute Extension and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with D-Max Engineering for field screening and investigation services for preparation of the City’s 2000 Dry Weather Testing Program. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad is currently operating under the provisions of a regional National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the State Water Resources Control Board pursuant to the mandate of the Clean Water Act. The permit requires local agencies to conduct field testing of storm water outfall flows to determine the existence of illegal discharges to the receiving waters of the United States. The City of Carlsbad has identified 75 storm drain outfall locations which meet the minimum conveyance system size criteria for the analysis of the dry weather flows established by Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 90-42. Dry weather field screening consists of field observations and data analysis at the selected storm drain outfall locations during the dry weather season for the purpose of detecting illicit connections and illegal discharges to the City’s storm drain conveyance system. This marks the sixth year of dry weather testing. Previous testing events have indicated that a majority of the storm drain outfalls are clear of pollutant loading. However, a few outfall locations, mainly in the industrial corridor, have indicated that identified pollutants flow through the City’s conveyance system. On October 6, 1998, the Council authorized a consultant contract with D-Max Engineering for the 1998 dry weather-testing program. During that period, the consultant conducted water quality testing at all the required locations as well as performed additional upstream investigations of dry weather flows. The proposed Amendment and Extension No. 2 to Agreement with D-Max Engineering will include field screening at the appropriate storm drain outfall sites and additional investigations of previously reported dry weather flow that require follow-up evaluation. Therefore, staff is recommending that the Mayor authorize the Extension and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with D-Max Engineering for the preparation of the City’s 2000 Dry Weather Testing program. FISCAL IMPACT: The consultant agreement for the 2000 Dry Weather Testing Program with D-Max Engineering is for a not-to-exceed amount of $40,000.00. This fee is included as part of the 2000-2001 budget appropriations for the support of the Storm Water Program. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. dm-21 gauthorizing the Mayor to execute Extension and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with D-Max Engineering for field screening and investigation services for preparation of the City’s 2000 Dry Weather Testing Program. 2. Extension and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement. -AC~~~--ZERTIFICA=E OF LIABILITY INSUPINCEggg!, ( DATE (MMIDDfYY) 01/24/00 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE I; ,&SUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Cavignac br Associates HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 1230 Columbia St., Suite 850 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. San Diego CA 92101-3571 Phone:619-234-6848 Fax:619-234-8601 INSURED f~~$&.ige~~~~; %t* 222 I COVERAGES INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A: St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co INSURER B: DPIC Companies INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: THE WLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING n .! ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSUFtANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAlD CLAIMS. MERCIAL GENERAL L!ABlLlTy ML OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ANY AUTO EXCESS LIAEILITY OCCUR CLAIMS MADE RETENTION S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND / EMPLOYERS LIABILIN F IESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONSlLOCATlONS 1- -~ AEE0300202 10/14/99 10/14/00 *Limits $1,000,000 Deduct. $ 5,000 1 IICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEME ‘/SPECIAL PROVISI( *Professional Liability-Claims Made Form, Aggregate Limit Policy. Defense Costs Included within Limit of Liability. RE: Water Quality Related Services. Certificate Holder is Additional Insured per attached. *lO days notice for non-payment of premium. POLICY NUMBER RPO6648490 $-o- DmmTIBLs APPLISS RPO6648490 10/14/99 HO COYPIYI OWNSD Nrros F?zgxEp 10/14/99 N JATE (MMIDDNY) LIMITS EACHOCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 10/14/00 FlREoAMAGE(An~onefire) S Included MED EXP (Any one person) 5 5,000 PERSONAL 6 ADV INJURY s1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG I 2 , 0 0 0, 0 0 0 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 10/14/00 (Esscddenl) s1,000,000 AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S OTHER THAN EAACC 5 AUTO ONLY: AGG S CERTIFICATE HOLDER Y ADDITIONAL INSURED: INSURER LElTER: A CANCELLATION CARLS-1 1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE 1 Carlabad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 I ACORD 25-S (7197) EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL I WRIlTEN NOTICE TO HOLDERNAMEDTOTHE ” ACORD CORPORATION 1988 : P.LA.IU. ENDORSEMENT .: .k%~..., ._ -- -; -This endorsement changes your Package _. _‘ -i Xccduhts -For ‘Co.mmercial Znterpiises ,-,: a* _, . . ; ‘ .’ -* Protecti’on. ’ a. .. .- - D-MAX Engineering;i$ic. -- Policy #RPO6648490 ..- How Coverage Is Changed Blanket Property Protection There are several changes in your: l General Rules; l Property Protection; l Blanket Employee Dishonesty Protection; Your property protection applies on a blanket basis.’ The limit of cover;ige is the combined total of your buildings, business contents, and sign values shown on the location coverage summary. and * Commercial General Liability Protection. General Rules 2 The following replaces the first paragraph of the Money And Securities Coverage section. The following section is added. This change limits our right to apply the Recovering Damages From A Third Party rule in the General Rules. Waiver of rights of recovery. We won’t apply the Recovering Damages From A Third Party rule when a work contract requires that this rule not be applied. But we’ll do so only for payments we make because of covered injury or damage that results from work done by or for you under that contract. And only if you enter into. that contract before the injury or damage happens. If you have business contents coverage, we’ll automatically cover your money and securities losses up to a limit of $10,000 inside and $5,000 outside unless money and securities limits are shown in the Coverage Summary. If limits are shown in the Coverage Summary, they are in addition to these limits. This will be the most we’ll pay for all covered loss or damage caused by any one event, no matter how many locations are covered. These limits are separate from your business contents limit. For other contracts you enter into, the Waiver Of Rights Of Recovery Endorsement may be added to this agreement. But we’ll add that endorse.ment for a contract cniy when we both agree it should be added. Work contract means a contract you enter into for work to be done by or for you. 3. The following replaces the sec,ond paragraph of the Accounts Receivable Coverage section. Property Protection We’:! a3u;zmktlca;l.y covei your accounts receivable loss up to $25,000. This is the most we will pay for ail covered loss or damage caused by any one event. If a limit is shown in the Coverage Summary, that limit is in addition to this limit. This limit is separate from your business contents limit. There are six changes which are explained below. 1. The following section is added to the first paragraph in the What This Agreement Covers section. This change explains the limit of coverage that applies to your property protection. 4. The following replaces the second paragraph of the Valuable Records Coverage section. We’ll automatically cover your valuable records up to $25,000 at each insured location. This is the most we will pay for all covered loss or damage caused by any one event, no matter how many single items are lost or damaged. If a limit is shown in the Coverage Sclmmary, PA045 Ed. lo-96 Printed in U.S.A. Endorsement oSt.PauI Fire and Marine Insurance Co.1996 All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 3 . ‘.* - . . &.I’ -.,& ; : ,. +, ?!e+%&QtFgu, .i that limit is in addition to this limit. I r.. a --- _ __.__. ._ A_ __ . . . . . . . _ ,: ._ ‘_ . . ..: 5. ‘. . . . 6. This limit is separate from your business contents limit. The following is added to the Optional Coverages section. We’ll provide a limit of $25,000 for all covered losses under Optional Computer Coverage. We’ll also provide a limit of $10,000 for all covered losses for data and media covered under the Optional Computer Coverage. We’ll provide a limit of $10,000 for all covered losses under Optional Sewer Back-up Coverage. These limits are the most we will pay for all covered losses under the Optional Computer Coverage and Optional Sewer Back-up Coverage in any one event. If a limit is shown on the Coverage Summary for any of these coverages, that limit is in addition to these limits. The following replaces the Computer breakdown coverage deductible section. Computer breakdown cwerage deductible. You are responsible for the first $1,000 of property loss per event for loss or damage covered under computer breakdown coverage. This deductible does not apply to any loss caused by lightning, nor does it apply to any loss caused by or resulting from fire or explosion. Blanket Employee Dishonesty Protection The following replaces the first paragraph in the Limit Of Coverage section. The most we’ll pay for loss in any one event is $10,000. This limit of coverage applies regardless of how many protected persons are affected by the loss. If a limit is shown in the Coverage Summary, that limit is in addition to the $10,000. Commercial General Liability Protection There are three changes which are explained below. The first two changes apply only if you are a covered architect or engineer. 1. 2 ‘The-following -.-a.-_ :- A,,.... AL .x._.e__ I% _._... .-_, ;: is added. to the Partnership or joint vent&e section‘ under. the Who Is Protected Under This Agreement. -This . ;.- change broadens coverage. You are also a protected person for your participation in any joint venture with other architects or engineers, either past or present, that isn’t named in the Introduction, but only for the conduct of - your business. However, this protection doesn’t apply if the unnamed joint venture has direct employees or owns, rents, or leases any real or personal property. Nor does it apply to any other member of the unnamed joint venture. If the unnamed joint venture has separate insurance with limits of liability that haven’t been used up in the payment of judgments and settlements, this agreement will apply only as excess insurance for you. The following is added to the Who Is Protected Under This Agreement section. This change adds certain protected persons and limits their protection. Person or organization under contract Any person or organization who is required by a work contract to be made a protected person under this agreement is a protected person. But only for covered injury or damage that results from the work done by or for you under that eontrac:. For other work done by or for you, or other contracts you enter into, certain persons or organizations may be made protected persons under this agreement with additional protected persons endorsements which provide limited protection. But we’ll add an additional protected persons endorsement only when we both agree that it should be added. And the additional premium if any, is paid when due. Page 2 of 3 oSt.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.1996 All Rights Reserved .- i -. .- - E . *. . . . e .i c .- :. _ PT. . . . -:. -. “s&l -._ .- -. -7;. Retired persons. Your retired directors, officers, employees, and individual ,. Other Terms partners or owners are protected persons. But only for covered injury or damage All other terms of your policy remain the same. that results from services performed for you under your direct supervision. 3. The following replaces the first paragraph in the Other Insurance section. -This change explains how we’ll apply this agreement in connection with your work for an additional protected person who requires that this insurance be primary. This agreement is primary insurance. We’ll also consider this agreement to be primary insurance for covered injury or damage that results from your work for the additional protected person. We’ll consider any other insurance maintained by that additional protected person to be e excess of and not contributory with this agreement. If there is any other valid and collectible insurance for injury or damage covered by this agreement, the following applies. PA045 Ed. lo-96 Printed in U.S.A. Endorsement @St.PauI Fire and Marine Insurance Co.1996 All Rights Reserved Paae 3 af 2 - D-MAX Engineering, Inc. - Consultants in earth & environmental sciences June 21,200O - I I II --wmnv -a--M 7t.E CEW~~D !!,J& i’ ;1 2oo(J +GtNEERING jr"pft ;?::~cFr\!? Ms. Nanci Plouffe Management Assistant City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Dear Ms. Plouffe: Please be advised that I serve as the President and the Secretary of D-MAX Engineering, Inc., a California corporation. I am legally authorized to sign documents on behalf of the company as the President and the Secretary. Sincerely, D-MAX Engineering, Inc. Arsalan Dadkhah, Ph.D., P.E. President AD/ms 8380 Miramar Mall n Suite 222 n San Diego, CA 92121 n (619) 455-9988 N Fax (619) 455-9978 .:: :.. . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE EXTENSION AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT WITH D-MAX ENGINEERING FOR FIELD SCREENING AND INVESTIGATION SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF THE CITY’S 2000 DRY WEATHER TESTING PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is currently operating under a regional National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the California State Water Resources Control Board pursuant to the mandates of the Clean Water Act; and WHEREAS, Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 90-42 requires the City to conduct annual field screening of identified storm drain outfalls for the purpose of detecting illegal discharges or illegal connection to the City’s storm drain conveyance system; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad requires the services of an independent engineering firm to conduct the required field screening and storm drain investigative services in order to comply with Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 90-42; and WHEREAS, D-Max Engineering successfully performed the City’s 1998 and 1999 Dry Weather Testing Programs, and has shown the technical ability to continue to perform this service for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Ill /Ii Ill I// Iii Ill Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute Extension and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with D-Max Engineering, Inc., for field screening and investigation service for preparation of the City’s 2000 Dry Weather Testing Program. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 11th day of ~ulv, 2000 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard ATTEST: KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk July 27,200O Mr Arsalan Dadkhah D-Max Engineering, Inc. 8380 Miramar Mall, Ste 222 San Diego CA 92121 Re: Dry Weather Field Screening Extension & Amendment The City of Carlsbad has approved the extension and amendment #2 to the agreement dated October 6, 1998 for the preparation and implementation of the City of Carlsbad’s Dry Weather Testing Program. Enclosed please find a fully executed copy of the agreement for your files. If you have any questions please contact Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer, at the City of Carlsbad’s Engineering Department, 1635 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad CA 92008. Debra Doerfler v Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office Enclosure 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 - (760) 434-2808 6B EXTENSION AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT WITH D-MAX ENGINEERING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CARLSBAD 2000 DRY WEATHER TESTING PROGRAM This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 26th day - of July ,330 O I amending the agreement dated October 6, 1998 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and D-Max Engineering, Inc., a sole proprietor, hereinafter referred to as, “Contractor” for preparation and implementation of the City’s 2000 Dry Weather Testing Program in compliance with Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 90-42. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City and Contractor desire to extend the term of the agreement dated October 6, 1998 for a period of one (1) year ending on October 6,2001; and WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated October 6, 1998 identified a scope of work to provide the necessary field screening and investigation services for preparation of the City’s 1998 Dry Weather Testing Program; and WHEREAS, the parties to this aforementioned agreement desire to alter the scope of work as follows: 0 Conduct a dry weather field screening program during the summer of 2000. 0 Conduct upstream investigations and monitoring at the sites where the previous programs indicated signs of illegal discharges. l .Prepare an educational program for the operators of industrial facilities at areas with the possibility of illegal discharge of non-storm water. 9111196 WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiated and agreed to between the parties hereto, and as shown on Exhibit “A” Scope of Services and Fee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. The term of the agreement shall end on October 6, 2000. 2. Contractor shall provide services as outlined on the attached Exhibit “A”. 3. City shall pay Contractor for all work associated with Paragraph 1 above, on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed $40,000. Contractor shall provide City on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 4. All other provisions of the aforementioned agreement entered into on October 6, 1998, by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. Iii /II JII III III /If 111 /Ii Ill 9111196 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor shall include coverage for the amended assignment and scope of work for the extension period. Acknowledged and Accepted: CONTRACTOR: D-MAX ENGINEERING, INC., a sole proprietor (print name/title) / I <ORRAIN@ M. WOOD By: &&.& (sign here) July 26, 2000 DATE (print name/title) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached. Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign for corporations. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: LrYJg3J~- 9111196 State of California 5 Qti D\E@3 County of On Joe 0? A00 , before me, K\ n-4 G PQOa a Dal.5 Name dnd Title of Officer kg.. -Jane Doe. Notary Puble”) personally appeared Aela a0 n,d)ck,ah , Name-W of Sagnerfs) Z personally known to me xproved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/a+ subscribed to the within instrument and -acknowledged to me that he/&&they executed the same in his/h&the+ authorized capacity(ieztj, and that by his/ta&&e+ signature(a) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(d acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Place Nomy Seal Above Ka\Pma i&-l Signalum of Notary Pubk OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law. it may prove valuable ro persons refying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reatiachment of this form to another document Description of Attached Title or Type of Document: Document Date: 6-7-00 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Number of Pages: .!? Capacity(ies) Claimed Signer’s Name: Aftiafl s Signer*ad~h*h ?!& Individual Q Corporate Officer - Title(s): 3 Partner - Z Limited l General 2 Attorney in Fact S Trustee 2 Guardian or Conservator z! Other: Signer Is Representing: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 1997 Nalmnal Nolaw Assoc~alvm - 9360 De Soto Ave.. PO. Box 2402 l Chalsvmth. CA 913132402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-600-676-6627 D-MAX Engineering, Inc. Consultants in earth & environmental sciences EXHIBIT "A" May 16,200O Project No. 20207W Mr. Steve Jantz Associate Engineer City of Cartsbad Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92006-7314 Re: Proposal for Performing Dry Weather Field Screening Program City of Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Jantz: D-MAX Engineering, Inc. (D-MAX) is pleased to submit this proposal to assist the City of Carlsbad in performing storm water related services. The scope of work includes: l Conducting a dry weather field screening program during the summer of 2000. l Conducting upstream investigations and monitoring at the sites where the previous programs indicated signs of illegal discharges. l Preparing an educational program for the operators of industrial facilities at areas with the possibility of illegal discharge of non-storm water. This work will be conducted in accordance with the applicable federal, state, and local requirements. We look forward to working with you on this interesting project. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this proposal. Sincerely, D-MAX Engineering Inc. Arsalan Dadkhah, Ph.D., P.E. Project Manager 8380 Miramar Mall n Suite 222 n San Diego, CA 92121 B (619) 455-9988 n Fax (619) 455-9978 INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad (City) is a co-permittee of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) storm water NPDES permit. As a co-permittee, the City is planning to conduct one round of a dry weather field screening program in accordance with the specifications outlined in RWQCB Order No. 90-42 (Permit). Additionally, the City is planning to conduct upstream investigations at the sites where the previous programs indicated signs of illegal discharges SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of the dry weather field screening program is to fulfil1 the requirements of the RWQCB Permit and identify potential sources of illicit connection and illegal discharges within the City of Carlsbad. This year the City intends to conduct the dry weather field screening program as well as additional investigations at the locations with reported water quality issues. Task 1. Selection of Field Screening Sites The number of selected field screening sites for the dry weather field screening program were 71 (1995), 74 (1995), 75 (1997), and 54 (1998). The sites where past records indicated consistently dry or no detectable constituents were eliminated in 1998. During the 1999 field screening program, the number of sites screened was again increased to 75. The results of the previous dry weather field screening programs will be reviewed and a tabulated summary will be developed. This information will be analyzed to identify outfalls with continuous potential non-storm problems. The sites with past records of polluted flow or previous field observations that indicated the possibility of potential problems will be candidates for the year 2000 Dry Weather Field Screening Program. The product of this task will be a list of the locations for field screening. This list will be submitted to the City for review and approval. Task 2. Field Screening Task 2-1 Conduct Visual Observations Visual observation is critical to the success of the field screening and may be the best source of information for many site visits. At each site, the visual observations will be recorded. Visual observations include looking for evidence of dry weather flows such as staining, corrosion, sediment, surrounding vegetation, algae, mosquito larvae, insects, rodents, and other animals in the vicinity of the outfall. At each site, a United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) standard dry weather field screening data sheet will be used to record observations. Photograph(s) Of each ouffall will be taken whether or not it contains flow. Task 2-2 Check for Non-Storm Flow The outfalls will be checked for the presence of flow. If no flow is observed, the screening process will proceed to the next outfall. If water is flowing from the outfall or standing water is observed, the flow and its temperature will be measured and a Proposal For Preparing Storm Water Related Services Page 1 sample will be taken for field analysis. A field test kit (such as CHEMetrics) will be used to test for total chlorine, total copper, total phenols, ammonia, and detergents. Temperature and pH of the sample will also be measured. Brief upstream inspections will be performed to identify the source of flow. This is an important step because of the nature of most illicit discharges; identification may not be possible at a later time. The site will be revisited within 4 to 24 hours and if water is still flowing, another field test will be conducted. We have developed specific charts and tables, and devised special equipment to assist the field personnel in measuring flow in different cross-sectional configurations. Task 3. Sampling for Laboratory Analysis For the purpose of field test kit results verification, water samples from 10 percent of the sites with flowing water will be sent to a state certified analytical laboratory to be analyzed for the constituents outlined in Task 2-2. The laboratory results will be used to verify field test results. If observation and testing of dry weather discharge indicate elevated concentrations of pollutants or possible illegal discharge, the City will be notified immediately. With the City’s authorization, samples will be collected for laboratory analysis. Constituents to be analyzed by the laboratory, depending on the nature of flow and the land use in the vicinity, may consist of metals, total and fetal colifonn, semi-volatile organic compounds and biological oxygen demand (BOD). The laboratory results will be used to verify field test results to either confirm or rule out high concentrations of pollutants. Task 4. Data Evaluation The collected data will be evaluated to identify possible areas of non-storm water flows throughout the City. The data will also be correlated with the results of Task 3 of this proposal in identifying areas and sources of pollutants. Task 5. Providing Recommendations Considering the results of the visual observations, field and laboratory tests, and data analysis, recommendations for future compliance actions will be made. Task 6. Preparation of a Summary Report At the conclusion of the dry weather field screening program, a report will be prepared to summarize the observations and the results of the study. The report will include our interpretation of the field data and test results regarding the possible presence of illicit connections/illegal discharges. The report will also include our recommendations for source identifications, source control, and any other required actions necessary for storm water management in the City of Carlsbad. A copy of the draft report will be submitted to the City for review and comments. Upon receipt of the City staffs comments, the final report will be prepared with five copies submitted to the City. We will provide the City with all original data, records of dry weather screening, laboratory analyses, and photographs. The report organization will include an introduction, background, scope of work, results, conclusions, recommendations, Proposal For Preparing Storm Water Related Services Page 2 and quality assurance/quality control @A/QC), as well as appendices for data sheets, selected site photographs and the results of any laboratory analysis. Task 7. Additional Evaluation The results of previous field screening programs indicate signs of illegal discharge at some sites. Outfalls EN-14A at Palomar Oaks Way, and EN-23 at the comer of Yarroew Drive and Camino Vida Roble indicated low pH flow with white foams. D- Max had prepared a proposal to conduct additional investigations to identify the source of pollutants for outfalls EN-14A and EN23. This proposal was submitted to the City of Carlsbad on March 15, 2000. During the field screening program, if it is necessary to track the observed flow to locations in addition to those approved by the City, we will track the dry weather flow further upstream to identify the source of pollutants In this case, we will proceed closer to the source of flow by trying to find the area where the indicators and/or chemical constiiuents appear to be most concentrated. Outfall AH-12 west of the Dixon Ford parking lot indicated a high concentration of detergents and ammonia during the previous site visits. D-Max has conducted upstream investigations to identify the source of the pollutants. The results of these investigations have been reported to the City. As part of this proposal, we propose to conduct upstream investigations on a quarterly basis at the outfalls in the Car Country area to monitor the sources of high- level detergents and ammonia detected in the previous dry weather field screening programs. Task 8. Additional Evaluation Report At the conclusion of Task 7, a report will be prepared to summarize the findings and results of the study. The report will include our conclusions regarding the sources of pollutants and recommendations for pollutant source elimination. Task 9. Educational Program We propose to assist the City by preparing an educational program for the owners and operators of the industrial facilities in the area of the City where the results of the proposed field screening program indicate the possibility of illegal discharges of non-storm water. The program will include: l Developing educational materials to present best management practices (BMPs) for eliminating or reducing the concentration of detergents and ammonia discharged into the City storm system. l Assisting the City in conducting a workshop for the car dealership managers in the Car Country area to educate them on proper discharge of their car wash water. Proposal For Preparing Storm Water Related Services Page 3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program We are fully aware of the City’s commitment to quality for this project and are confident that our current procedures meet or exceed the City’s requirements. The objective of the QAIQC Plan is to provide the continuous control and evaluation of measurement data throughout the course of the Dry Weather Field Screening Program. The QA/QC Plan for this project will include the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved test methods for field analysis of water samples, calibration of test equipment, pre-and post-rinsing of sample collection containers and test vials, and a sample analysis by a California-certified analytical laboratory with its own QAIQC Plan. Key components of the QAIQC Plan will include the following: pH pens and any other instruments used in the field to measure a quantity will be calibrated prior to use. pH pens will be calibrated with a pH 7.0 standard buffer solution each day of use. The pH pen calibration data will be recorded on the Field Data Sheet during each day of use. The electrode tubes will be kept moist to preserve the meter’s accuracy during field work. Analysis of test specimens of known concentrations will be performed at the beginning of each field screening week. Test specimens of known concentrations will be prepared in the analytical laboratory by diluting standardized stock solutions with water. Test specimen data and the results of the test specimen analysis will be presented in our final report. Containers will be rinsed with the sampled water before sample collection for field testing. Upon completion of sampling at each site, sample collection containers, test vials, and pipettes will be rinsed with distilled water. Samples for laboratory testing will be collected, labeled, and immediately sent to the laboratory under the proper chain-of-custody procedure. The samples will be kept in an iced cooler during the transportation period. The sampling QAIQC plan includes replicate samples, field blanks, matrix spike samples, and method blanks. D-TEK Analytical Laboratory (D-TEK) and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (EEL) will assist us in conducting the required chemical or biological tests. Both D- TEK and EEL are California-certified analytical laboratories and have been involved in several storm water monitoring projects in San Diego County. Proposal For Preparing Storm Water Related Services Page 4 ESTIMATED COST Our proposed costs to complete the scope of services described herein are as follows: l Dry weather field screening program (Tasks 1 through 6) $18,000. If any outside laboratory analysis is required, D-MAx will perform such work at cost plus 15 percent. We will advise the City’s Project Manager of such additional costs prior to proceeding with the laboratory analysis. l Additional Investigation (Tasks 7 and 8). We propose to perform our services and invoice on a time and material basis in accordance with the attached Schedule of Fees. Our expenditure for the scope of services outlined in our proposal will not exceed $12,000. l Educational Program (Task 9). We propose to provide our services on a time and material basis not to exceed $10,000. TERMS AND CONDITIONS We propose to perform the services outlined herein based on the terms and conditions of a existing agreement between the City of Carlsbad and D-Mm Engineering, Inc. dated October 16, 1998. Proposal For Preparing Storm Water Related Services Page 5 SCHEDULE OF FEES January 1,200O This Schedule 01 Fees will be adjusted periodically. The new fee schedule will apply to all existing and new work. LABOR OTHER CHARGES Classification Houriv Rate Clerk* $35 Word Processor* 45 Drafter* 55 Technician* 55 Senior Technician* 65 Staff 75 Project 90 Senior 105 Principal 120 Subcontracted services, such as subconsultants, outside testing, drilling, and surveyors, will be charged at cost plus 15%. Other project-specific costs, such as rentals, expendable or special supplies, special project insurance, permits and licenses, shipping, subsistence, tolls and parking; outside copying/printing, etc., will be charged at cost plus 15%. Overtime (in excess of 8 hours per day) and weekend hours will be charged at 1.5 times the above rates for non-exempt personnel (identified with an asterisk “*“). Field and hourly services will be charged portal to portal from our office, with a two-hour minimum. Client will be responsible for any applicable taxes in addition to the fees due for Services. Appearance as expert witnesses at court trials, mediation, arbitration hearings and depositions will be charged at $2OO/hour. Time spent preparing for such appearances will be charged at the above standard hourly rates. The mileage charge for personal vehicles used on projects will be the current rate as established by the Internal Revenue Service. Company-owned vehicles will be charged at a rate of $6 per hour (subject to a 4-hour minimum), plus $0.40 per mile. Charges for subcontract personnel will be made according to the corresponding standard hourly rates listed above. SF-l C:\FORMS\FEE SCHEDULE 2000 . . :