HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-11; City Council; 15816; Habitat In Lieu Mitigation Fee- - I vi& rl CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 1 AB# Is, $jlb TITLE: MTG. 7-11-a DEPT. PLN DEPT. HD. HABITAT IN-LIEU MITIGATON FEE CITY ATTY. CITY MGR- RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. d060 - aa 3 , APPROVING the Habitat In-Lieu Mitigation Fee and AUTHORIZING staff to begin requiring payment of the fee as a condition of approval of applicable projects. ITEM EXPLANATION: On September 21, 1999, the City Council approved the Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad and authorized staff to submit the plan to federal and state wildlife agencies for their processing. The plan was submitted to those agencies in December 1999, and processing has been proceeding. It is anticipated that the plan will receive final approval within the next 90 days. A key element of the plan is the acquisition and conservation of approximately 300 acres of habitat land in the unincorporated area southeast of Carlsbad, within an area referred to as the County Core Area. The primary purpose of the Habitat In-lieu Mitigation Fee is to generate approximately $4.3 million to accomplish the preservation in the Core Area. The plan proposes that projects in Carlsbad that impact certain habitat types will be required to pay the fee as the mitigation for their impacts. State law requires that, prior to adopting a new fee of this type, the City must prepare a study of the proposed uses of the funds and the relationship (or nexus) of the fee to the impacts that are being mitigated. Onaka Planning and Economics was commissioned to prepare the study for the City. Onaka’s report is attached as Exhibit 2. The report itself provides a detailed explanation of the methodology and basis for the conclusions. The following is a brief summary of the report: + Conservation within the County Core Area is essential to the viability of the HMP + Sources of funds available to assist with the acquisition total approximately $2.6 million + The unfunded balance totals approximately $4.3 million, and the fee program has been designed for projects in Carlsbad which impact coastal sage scrub (not occupied by the California gnatcatcher), chaparral, grassland, and disturbed/agricultural lands to mitigate their impacts by payment of the fee + The fee for the above habitat types is based on the mitigation ratios stated in the HMP. + The mitigation ratio for unoccupied coastal sage scrub and chaparral is 1 :I, and the proposed fee is $7,897 per acre of impact + The mitigation ratio for grassland is %:I, and the proposed fee is $3,949 per acre of impact 0 The proposed fee for agricultural land and disturbed land is $790, per acre of impact, based on a ratio of l/l 0:l 0 Impacts to habitat types other than those stated above must be mitigated in-kind at the ratios stated in the HMP. Staff has met with the various interest groups and reviewed the structure of the fee program with them. Attached as Exhibit 3, is a letter submitted by the Endangered Habitat League. The Building Industry Association submitted verbal comments, and a letter is anticipated. Verbal comments were also offered by the wildlife agencies, and these were considered in preparing the final report. PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 15, 81 b Although each group expressed some concerns about specific aspects of the fee, staff believes that the fee concept is supported overall. ENVIRONMENTAL: Adoption of this fee is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15313 which exempts acquisition of lands for fish and wildlife conservation purposes, including preservation of fish and wildlife habitat, establishing ecological reserves, and preserving access to public lands and waters where the purpose of the acquisition is to preserve land in its natural condition. In addition, this fee program was discussed in the Habitat Management Plan covered by a Mitigated Negative Declaration approved September 21, 1999. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the staff recommendation will result in a number of fiscal effects. By assessment of the fee on new development, a revenue stream of approximately $4.3 million will be produced over the next 20 to 30 years. At the same time, the City will be required to make contributions toward conservation of the Core Area, primarily by directing golf course mitigation funds to that area. The City’s total contribution is estimated to be $1 .I million, of which $891,000 is Golf Course Mitigation and $178,000 is other City advances. The following table shows the flow of funds to acquire and preserve the acreage in the Core area as required by the HMP: Villages of La Costa Advances City Advances Total Preserve management plan Less: HCP Mitigation requirement HCP/HMP contribution Amount to be reoaid 6.4 6.4 -1,063.3 -1,063.3 -150.0 -150.0 $5506.7 $177.9 $5.6846 Sources of repayment: Ranch0 Carrillo mitigation Golf course mitigation Habitat In-Lieu Fees Total $ 500.0 891.4 4,293.2 $5684.6 The HMP requires the acquisition and maintenance of 307.6 acres of habitat. Land totaling 239 acres has been previously acquired and conserved by Villages of La Costa (VLC), including 12 acres of onsite credit, and it is expected that VLC will also provide the funding for the remaining 68.6 acres required by the HMP. VLC will also be advancing funds for an endowment totaling $780,400 that will provide the necessary funding for the maintenance of the property in perpetuity. These advances less the mitigation amounts required to be paid by VLC will be reimbursed from amounts previously paid by Ranch0 Carrillo ($500,000) for mitigation, from amounts to be paid from the Carlsbad Golf Course fund for mitigation on the proposed golf course (approximately $891,000) and from the Habitat In-Lieu fees, as collected. F~AGE 3 0F AGENDA BILL No. IS, 8 I b A portion of the costs spent by the City in the preparation of the HMP and the fee program and future costs for the preparation of the preservation plan (totaling $177,900) will also be reimbursed from the Habitat In-Lieu fees when available. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. City Council Resolution No. ;;b~~ -22.3 Fee Study Report for Habitat Management Plan Mitigation Fee Program, dated May 16, 2000 Letter from Endangered Habitat League, dated March 22, 2000. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION N0.2ooo-223 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A HABITAT IN-LIEU MITIGATION FEE. CASE NAME: HABITAT IN-LIEU MITIGATION FEE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has approved the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and submitted the plan to the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their approval; and WHEREAS, the HMP proposes a fee program in order to generate funding for conservation of certain parcels totaling approximately 300 acres which lie in the unincorporated area to the southeast of Carlsbad and which are essential to the biological viability of the HMP; and WHEREAS, the City has caused a study to be prepared analyzing the need for the fee, the uses of the funds to be derived from the fee, and the relationship between the fee and the impacts which will be mitigated by the fee; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all pertinent facts and information regarding the fee that have been brought to its attention by persons or organizations having an interest in the matter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council finds: a. The fee is necessary and appropriate in order to implement the Habitat Management Plan and to ensure that the plan will adequately provide for the long-term conservation of wildlife species addressed by the plan, which is a recognized public benefit. b. The fee will produce adequate revenues to accomplish its intended purposes. c. The fee is based on a clear and logical relationship between the impacts of development projects and the mitigation for those impacts. d. In the absence of the fee, development projects which would result in impacts to the habitats addressed by the fee would be required to mitigate those impacts in other ways. e. The fee amounts are roughly proportional to the impacts which will be mitigated by the fee. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. The report entitled “City of Carlsbad Fee Study Report for Habitat Management Plan Mitigation Fee Program” dated May 16, 2000, and prepared by Onaka Planning and Economics is incorporated herein by reference and is approved as to its methodology, findings and recommendations. 4. That staff is authorized to make payment of the fee a condition of approval of all applicable discretionary projects. 5. That staff is authorized to administer the fee, including establishing any necessary accounting and implementing procedures. 6. In the event the HMP is not approved, the fee will be rescinded. 7. The fee shall become effective 60 days following the date on which the City Council adopts this resolution. 8. The amount of the fee shall be automatically escalated annually at one-half the rate of increase in Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers for San Diego County, using as base the reported index of the last biennial period preceding the date of adoption of this resolution. 9. Based on the foregoing, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopts the Habitat In-Lieu Mitigation Fee. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 11th day of JU~V , 2000 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Nygaard ATTEST: KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk (SEAL) -2- - EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE STUDY REPORT FOR HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN MITIGATION FEE PROGRAM May 16, 2000 Prepared by Onaka Planning & Economics P. 0. Box 12565 La Jolla, CA 92039-2565 (858) 535-1420 6 Table of Contents Page Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 HMP and Context of the Mitigation Fee Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Core Habitat Area of the. California Gnatcatcher ............................................... 2 HMP’s Mitigation Requirements for Impacts to Habitat ...................................... 3 Mitigation for Impacts to Agriculture and Disturbed Lands .................................. 3 Estimated Cost of Core Area Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Habitat Acquisition ................................................................................. 4 Endowment for Habitat Management ............................................................ 5 Incidental Costs ..................................................................................... 5 Funding Sources .................................................................................... 5 Properties Subject to Mitigation Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fee Calculation Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Recommended Fee Schedule . . . . ,......................................................................... 7 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 List of Exhibits HMP Mitigation Ratios for Impacts to Habitats Map of Groups C, D, E and F Habitats Core Area Conservation Cost and Sources of Funds Schedule of Fees City of Carlsbad Fee Study Report for Habitat Management Plan Mitigation Fee Program Purpose City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Mitigation Fee Program is intended to provide funding for conservation of 295.6 acres of habitat of the coastal California gnatcatcher and other species, a part of the 6,757 acres of habitat addressed by the HMP. The area to be conserved is located in an unincorporated area of San Diego County, east of the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas and south of San Marcos. This report describes conservation actions to be funded by the Mitigation Fee Program, the estimated costs of those actions, types of undeveloped land which would benefit from, and be subject to, the fee program, the method used to calculate fees, and the recommended schedule of fees. It is intended that this report be circulated for discussion among property owners, federal and state wildlife agencies with authority to review and approve the HMP, and by other interested individuals and organizations. The Mitigation Fee Program will be reviewed for adoption at a noticed public hearing of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. HMP and Context of the Mitigation Fee Program The City of Carlsbad has issued a draft Habitat A4anagement Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Cadsbad (HMP).’ The city has also prepared and circulated for public comment a draft Environmental Assessment of the HMP,* describing the affected environment and potential environmental consequences of the proposed action and alternatives. The purpose of the HMP is to “preserve the diversity of habitat and protect sensitive biological resources within the City while allowing for additional development consistent with the City’s General Plan and its Growth Management Plar~“~ To this end, the HMP would “lead to citywide permits and authorization for the incidental take of sensitive species in conjunction with private development projects, public projects, and other activities which are consistent with the Pla~“~ The permits, also called “take authorizations”, would be issued under the U.S. and State of California Endangered Species Acts and the state Natural Community Conservation Planning Act. Under federal law,5 I’* incidental take” may include direct or indirect harm to species, such ’ City of Carlsbad, Habitat Managemcrrt Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad, December 1999. 2 City of Carlsbad, Environmental Assessment of the Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Car&bad (Draft), December 1999. 3 HMP, p. A-l. 4 HMP, p. A-l. ’ Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), as amended (16 U.S.C. Sec. 1539). HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 1 ti' as significant habitat modification or degradation, that accompanies otherwise lawful activity- for example, grading in accordance with an approved grading permit. The HMP is also a “subarea plan” within the context of a regional habitat conservation plan currently under preparation by seven cities in north San Diego County in cooperation with San Diego Association of Governments (MHCP plan).6 The combination of the HMP and the MHCP Plan serves as a multiple-species habitat conservation plan (HCP) under the federal Endangered Species Act, as well as a natural community conservation plan (NCCP Plan) under the state Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act and the state Endangered Species Act. The HMP authorizes the City of Carlsbad to approve incidental take of species and habitats by public and private development projects, if they adhere to its conservation goals and guidelines. Core Habitat Area of the California Gnatcatcher An important component of the HMP conservation program is the protection and management of a core habitat area of the coastal California gnatcatcher (“Core Area” and “Core Area Conservation”), located in an unincorporated area of San Diego County, east of the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas and south of San Marc~s.~ Core Area Conservation is necessary to ensure the continued viability of the California gnatcatcher in north San Diego County’ and to meet the HMP’s overall conservation goals for the California gnatcatcher and coastal sage scrub. Recognizing the importance of Core Area Conservation, the City of Carlsbad previously participated in the preparation of a habitat conservation plan (HCP) for the southeastern area of the city, called The Villages of La Costa, then owned by The Fieldstone Company and subsequently by Real Estate Collateral Management Company (RECMC; “Villages of La Costa HCP”). Under the Villages of La Costa HCP, RECMC is committed to pay $l,OOO,OOO, plus escalation according to the Consumer Price Index, for purchase of lands in the Core Area, and the city is committed to “act as the lead agency” to bring about the conservation of 240 acres in the Core Area, including the purchase by RECMC. Under the HMP, the city will conserve additional 67.6 acres in the Core Area, or to contribute equivalent funding, using a portion of mitigation funds paid by the developers of Ranch0 Carrillo Master Plan and funds to be paid by the city to mitigate for impacts resulting from construction of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. The city will also contAbute $150,000 to Core Area Conservation; this amount was previously committed by RECMC to defray the cost of the HMP. In summary, Core Area Conservation under the HMP will total 307.6 acres,’ of which 12 acres represent additional on- site conservation in The Villages of La Costa and 295.6 acres represent new purchases in the Core Area. 6 San Diego Association of Governments, Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (Consultants’ Working Draft MHCP Plan), June 1998. ’ HMP, pp. D-71ff. and Figure 29. * MHCP Plan, Attachment E. 9 See HMP, pp. E-6ff. for discussion of existing funding sources for Core Area Conservation. HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 2 7 HMP’s Mitigah’on Requirements for Impacts to Habitat The HMP establishes compensatory mitigation requirements for impacts to habitats, which are grouped by affinity into Groups A through F (Exhibit 1). Compensatory mitigation is required by federal and state ESAs for unavoidable impacts, or those which remain after measures have been taken to avoid and minimize a project’s adverse impacts on species and habitat. Under the HMP, a project’s impacts to habitat must be compensated, or mitigated, by the conservation of other habitat areas, where the ratio of conserved to impacted areas differs according to habitat group. The HMP also specifies that mitigation for impacts to habitats in Groups A, B and C be in the form of physical habitat conservation, while impacts to habitats in Groups D, E and F will be mitigated by payment of an in-lieu fee. Accordingly, the Mitigation Fee Program is applicable only when there is impact to habitats in Groups D, E and F. Coastal sage scrub is classified as Group C habitat if it is occupied by the California gnatcatcher and as Group D habitat if it is not occupied. Coastal sage/chaparral mix and chaparral other than southern maritime chaparral are also classified as Group D habitat. For a specific parcel or group of parcels, investigation by a qualified biologist will be required to determine the type and extent of habitat groups and to determine whether coastal sage scrub is or is not occupied by the California gnatcatcher. Much of the coastal sage scrub in the city is occupied by the California gnatcatcher. lo For purposes of this study, it is estimated that 75% of coastal sage scrub that will be impacted by development is occupied (Group C) and the remaining 25% unoccupied (Group D). Exhibit 2 indicates the approximate locations of Groups C through F habitats, i.e., coastal sage scrub, coastal sage scrub/chaparral mix, chaparral other than southern maritime chaparral, annual (non-native) grassland, agricultural land, disturbed areas, and eucalyptus in the City of Carlsbad. For purposes of the Mitigation Fee Program, the mitigation ratios shown in Exhibit 1 may be taken as indicating relative biological values of habitat groups. Thus, Group D habitat, with a mitigation ratio of 1: 1, can be regarded as twice as important to the HMP as Group E habitat, with a mitigation ratio of 0.5: 1. Accordingly, the HMP directs that mitigation fees be calculated according to mitigation ratios contained in Exhibit 1.” Mitigation for Impacts to Agriculture and Disturbed LQnds Mitigation has not traditionally been required for development of agricultural land or disturbed areas or for removal of such non-native vegetation communities as eucalyptus groves. However, in order equitably to meet the multiple-species, multiple-habitat goals of the HMP and the NCCP Act, the HMP requires that a fee be paid in lieu of mitigation for impacts to non-native habitats. The fee is justified due to the biological values that these lands currently provide to HMP species; to the fact that, prior to their conversion, these lands supported native habitats and species; and to their potential for reversion to native vegetation in the future if left undeveloped or if restored. lo See HMP, Appendix C-43. ” HMP, p. E-8. HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 3 10 The HMP recognizes that although agricultural land, disturbed areas, and eucalyptus groves have a lower biological value than native habitats, they currently provide a variety of benefits to HMP species that are not provided by developed lands. For example, some HMP species forage in agricultural fields or disturbed areas (e.g., burrowing owl, western spadefoot toad, long-billed curlew, and northern harrier), and some raptor species frequently use eucalyptus groves for nesting and roosting. These non-native habitats also provide important linkage and buffer functions for the preserve system. In some areas, agricultural fields, disturbed land, and eucalyptus groves provide linkages that allow wildlife to move between remaining natural blocks of habitat. The non-native habitats also help buffer the conserved habitats from edge effects associated with development. This reduces the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation and the associated need for specialized management. In the past, conversion of natural biological habitats to agricultural use did not require mitigation, despite adverse effects to biological resources. A fee collected when agricultural lands are proposed for development accounts in part for this historic impact. In addition, fallow agricultural fields or disturbed areas may eventually revert to native vegetation (e.g., disked areas may revert to coastal sage scrub), thus representing potential future habitat for HMP species. Development of these lands would remove the potential to be converted to natural habitat. Thus, development of agricultIra1, disturbed, and eucalyptus areas will have a variety of indirect, adverse impacts on HMP species, which require mitigation. Because these impacts are less severe than development in natural habitat areas, Group F habitat is assigned, for purposes of the Mitigation Fee Program, an implicit mitigation ratio of 0.1 to 1, or 0.1 acre of conservation for each acre of impact. The implicit mitigation ratio is used only to calculate the mitigation fee; it is not intended that impacts to Group F habitat should be mitigated by conservation of other Group F habitats. At an implicit ratio of 0.1 to 1, fee for impact to Group F habitat would be 20% of the fee for impact to Group E habitat, which has a mitigation ratio of 0.5: 1, and 10% of the fee for impact to Group D habitat, which has a mitigation ratio of 1: 1. Although the Group F fee would be small, its use helps to spread the cost of Core Area Conservation equitably among all properties which benefit from the HMP. Estimated Cost of Core Area Conservation Actions required to implement Core Area Conservation are estimated to cost $6,897,832, including land acquisition, establishment of an endowment to fund habitat management in perpetuity, and incidental costs for planning and administration. These costs are summarized in Exhibit 3 and discussed below. Habitat Acquisition To date, two properties totaling 227 acres have been acquired for Core Area Conservation. Estimated cost of acquisition, including legal, escrow and environmental costs, is $4,195,568. Additional 68.6 acres need to be acquired in order to attain the target total of 295.6 acres. HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 4 - Including legal, escrow and environmental costs, the estimated cost of additional acquisition is $1,744,000. Endowment for Habitat Management The 295.6 acres of Core Area Conservation is part of a larger core habitat for the California gnatcatcher identified by the subregional MHCP Plan,‘* ranging ultimately in size from 400 to 500 acres. Assuming that the HkIP Core Area will be managed together with the larger MHCP core area, the average cost of management is estimated to be $85 per acre per year,13 plus $7.40 per acre per year for management administration,14 for a total of $92.40 per acre per year. Based on an inflation-adjusted discount rate of 3.5%,” estimated endowment required to fund management costs in perpetuity is $2,640 per acre, or $780,384 for the HMP Core Area. Incidental Costs The City of Carlsbad has previously expended $750,000 for preparation of the HMP and plans to expend $50,000 to prepare a preserve management plan. Since the HMP would lead to new conservation of 2,298 acres,16 including 295.6 acres in the Core Area, planning cost associated with the Core Area represents 12.86% (= 295.6/2,298) of the total planning cost for new conservation under the HMP, or $102,880. The city will also incur estimated $75,000 of administrative costs related to acquisition and establishment of the Mitigation Fee Program. Funding Sources The City of Carlsbad has committed the following funds to Core Area Conservation: l Real Estate Collateral Management Company (RECMC), Villages of La Costa HCP mitigation fund, adjusted by Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers for Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA, for the period from June 1995 to February 1999, as specified in the HCP - $1,063,307. a RECMC, contribution toward preparation of the HMP, committed under the Villages of La Costa HCP - $150,000. l Ranch0 Carrillo Mitigation Fund - $500,000. l Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Mitigation, equivalent to the cost of 51.6 acres of mitigation for impacts associated with golf course construction and contribution to an endowment for habitat management - $891,395. I2 MHCP (Consultants’ Working Draft), Attachment E. I3 MHCP, “Estimated Implementition Costs” (Discussion Paper), January 26, 2000. I4 Estimated annual cost of $50,000 per year divided by total conservation (existing and new) of 6,757 acres (HMP, p. D-75, Table 8). ” Net interest revenue from an endowment after adjustment for inflation. I6 Separate from habitat conserved in existing “hardline”, or committed, areas (HMP, p. D-75, Table 8). HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 5 Total funds committed is $2,604,702. The remainder, or $4,293,130, is funded by the Mitigation Fee Program (Exhibit 3). Properties Subject to Mitigation Fees The HMP benefits all propertie!, in the city through a comprehensive conservation program for various species which are protected under the federal and state ESAs and by streamlining the requirements of those acts into a single permit under the HMP. A project which does not itself require a take authorization or which does not impact native habitat nevertheless benefits from the HMP and the Mitigation Fee Program, because it relies on Growth Management Zone- wide infrastructure improvements which require such an authorization. In addition, the Mitigation Fee Program benefits properties which impact Group D, E or F by simplifying compliance with HMP’s mitigation guidelines and ratios. It may be noted that the average cost of Core Area habitat exceeds $20,000 per acre,17 excluding management and incidental costs. All undeveloped land with Group D, E or F habitat is potentially subject to the Mitigation Fee Program. As previously noted, survey by a qualified biologist is required to determine the extent and type of habitat impacted. Mitigation fee will be calculated for projects which impact Group D, E or F habitat and which require discretionary approvals by the City of Carlsbad, including but not limited to general plan amendment, specific plan, and subdivision map. The fee will be payable upon issuarlce of a grading permit, or a building permit if no grading permit is required, since the Clcy has previously expended funds for Core Area Conservation and the fee is paid in lieu of mitigation for impact that results from clearing or grading activity, or with construction subsequent to grading. Mitigation fees will not be levied for impacts on land owned by the City of Carlsbad, since city-owned habitats will largely be conserved and any impacts will be mitigated in accordance with the HMP, including the use of a city-owned mitigation bank. Mitigation fees will not be levied on lands owned by other public agencies which independently obtain take authorizations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or California Department of Fish and Game; on properties with existing take authorizations; on properties which permanently conserve 67% or more of the undeveloped land, including Groups A through F, in accordance with conservation and management guidelines of the HMP; or on any portion of a property for which an agricultural mitigation fee is paid to the California Coastal Commission. Based on an analysis of geographic information systems (GIS) data for the HMP, estimated acres of impact to Group D, E, and F habitats subject to mitigation fees are 145 acres, 474 acres, and 1,617 acres, respectively. ” Average cost is $20,093, obtaicsd by dividing total purchase cost ($4,195,568 + $1,744,000) by 295.6 acres (see Exhibit 3). HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 6 /3 Fee Calculation Method In calculating mitigation fees, acres of habitat impact are converted to proportionate units, using the mitigation ratios specified in the HMP Plan or, in the case of Group F habitat, using the implicit mitigation ratio discussed above. Thus, one acre of impact to Group D, E and F habitats represents, respectively, 1.0, 0.5, and 0.1 units for calculating mitigation fees. Habitats which may be impacted under the HMP and subject to fees represent a total of 543.7 units, of which Group D, E and F habitats represent 26.67%, 43.59%, and 29.74% (Exhibit 4). Total funding requirement of $4,293,130 is allocated to these habitat groups according to these proportions, then divided by the estimated acres of impact, yielding mitigation fee per acre by habitat group (rounded to the next whole dollar). The fee is applied to acres of impact, without regard to the amount of habitat conserved on-site. Use of mitigation ratios establishes a direct relationship between the fees and acres of impact to habitat. Recommended Fee Schedule Recommended mitigation fees are as follows: Group D Habitat $7,897 per acre Group E Habitat $3,949 per acre Group F Habitat $790 per acre It is also recommended that these fees be escalated annually at one-half the rate of increase in Consumer Price Index-All Urba*r Consumers for San Diego County, using as base the reported index of the last biennial period preceding the adoption of the Mitigation Fee Program and adjusted every 12 months thereafter. HMP Mitigation Fee Study Report Page 7 14 - Carlsbad HMP Exhibit 1. MITIGATION RATIOS FOR IMPACTS TO HABITATS Mitigation Ratio/Requirement by Habitat Group and Type Type of Impacted Habitat A. Coastal salt marsh, alkali marsh, freshwater marsh, No net loss goal (mitigation ratio estuarine, salt panlmudflats, riparian forest, riparian varies by type of replacement habitat) woodland, riparian scrub, vernal pools, disturbed wetlands, flood channel, fresh water Engelmann oak woodland, coast live oak woodland [1] B. Beach, southern coastal bluff scrub, maritime 3:l [2] succulent scrub, southern mariime chaparral, native grass C. Gnatcatcher-occupied coastal sage scrub 2:l [3] D. Unoccupied coastal sage scrub, coastal sage/chaparral mix, chaparral (excluding southern maritime chaparral) E. Annual (non-native) grassland F. Disturbed lands, eucalyptus, agricultural lands 1:i [4] OS:1 [4] Mitigation Fee [4] Source: City of Carlsbad, Habitat Management Plan (December 1999) p. D-95, Table 11. 1. Group A habitats are associated with wetlands. Impacts to these habitat types are subject to review under Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act or Section 1600 of the California Fish and Game Code. 2. It is assumed that all habitat types in Group B will be included in the proposed preserve system. Small, isolated patches of low quality southern maritime chaparral may be located outside a preserve area and maximum avoidance and onsite conservation is preferred. 3. Maximum avoidance and onsite conservation of Group C habitat is encouraged. 4. Offsite mitigation for habitat in this group which is not conserved onsite, shall pay a per acre in-lieu mitigation fee in an amount to be determined by the City Council. Legend k8 Chaparral - q Grassland 0 Urban/Developed q Agriculture, Disturbed, Eucalyptus Woodland n Coastal Sage Scrub Exhibit 2 Vegetation Map Cit.y of Carlsbad w Y + E 5 A Carlsbad HMP Exhibit 3. CORE AREA CONSERVATION COST AND SOURCES OF FUNDS Conservation Cost Core Habitat Acquired to Date Land cost - Parcel 1 Land cost - Parcel 2 Legal, taxes, escrow, environmental Subtotal Core Habitat to Be Acquired Estimated land cost - Parcel 3 Legal, taxes, escrow, environmental Subtotal Core Habitat Management Core Habitat Acres Management Endowment Per Acre [l] Total Endowment Incidental Costs Preparation of HMP and Preserve Management Plans Percent Allocable to Core Area Conservation [2] Plan Preparation Cost Allocable to Core Area City Administration Costs Total Costs Funding Sources Villages of La Costa HCP Mitigation CPI Adjustment [3] Subtotal Villages of La Costa HCP Reimbursement to City Ranch0 Carrillo Mitigation Fund Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Mitigation [4] Subtotal Excluding HMP Fees Costs to be Funded by HMP F,:.es Total Sources 113.0 AC. $1,625,000 114.0 AC. 2,500,OOO 70,568 68.6 AC. 1,715,ooo 29,000 295.6 $2,640 $4,195,568 1,744,ooo 780,384 800,000 12.86% 102,880 75,000 $6,897,832 $1 ,ooo,ooo 63,307 $1,063,307 150,000 500,000 891,395 $2,604,702 4.293.130 $6.897.832 1. Estimated management cost of $85 per acre per year, plus administration of management activities, $7.40 per acre per year, for a total of $92.40 per acre per year. Endowment amount is estimated as present value of annual management and administration costs, using inflation-adjusted discount rate of 3.5%. 2. Core habitat area (295.6 ac.) divided by total area newly conserved under HMP (2,298 ac.). The newly conserved area consists of 1,990 ac. to be conserved under proposed hardline and standards areas plus 308 acres in MHCP core, including 12 ac. in Villages of La Costa (HMP, p. D-75, Table 8) 3. CPI-All Urban Consumers, Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, June 1995 (154.8) to February 1999 (164.6). 4. Includes cost of land acquisition and prorata contribution toward an endowment for habitat management. FT -c . . . . . . ln 7 T- d 6 - EXHIBIT 3 ENDANGERED HABITATS LEAGUE Dedicated to Ecosystem Protection and Improved hnd Use Planning Dan Silver l Coordinator PMB 592 8424-A Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90069-4267 TEL 323-654-1456 l FAX 32364-1931 l dsilver@exo.com -. --------. \ March 22,200O . “‘, . x’ TRANSM~ED VIA FACSIMILE AND US MAIL b +..; Michael Holzmiller, Director Planning Dept. ciq of CarIsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 REz Dmft Fee Study Report for I-IMP Mitigation Fee hgram ?,’ $)!a \‘. E~~,~qaE~~ ‘, ; p*MIWG Q c\ty Qi ‘. . ; @bad L.,’ ;,’ i. ,’ . . <: I \- ; , , .- 7 “, _ ‘_ /” ‘.<“-, Dear Mr. Holzmiller: The Endangered Habitats League (EHL) appreciates the opportunity to review the Draft Mitigation Fee Program. For your reference, EHL is a Southern California organization dedicated to ecosystem protection, improved land use planning, and collaborative conflict resolution, It has been our privilege to work with the City on the HMP for many years, and we are committed to seeing this excellent program to fruition. Our comments are as follows: 1. . . . A strong nexus wblished between impacts and nutrrmon . On page 4, compelling and welldocumented rationales are provided for the mitigation of impacts to disturbed, agricultural, and eucalyptus groves. 2. The imnlicit r&i&on ratio of 0.1 to 1 for disturbed. agricultural. and eucalyptus Prove is low. For the very reasons enumerated on page 4, the value of these lands is significantly under- represented by the proposed 0.1 ratio. Value for raptors alone justifies a much higher ratio. We recommend the following ratios as being more con&tent with biological value: non-occupied coastal sage scrub: 1 S: 1 chaparral, css/chaparral mix, annual grassland: 1: 1 disturbed, agricultural, eucalyptus groves: 0.5: 1 3. . - The calc&ed fees nroduce verv little actual acreage . The proposal is for unoccupied coastal sage scrub and chaparral to pay $7,727 per acre, non-native grassland $3,854 per acre, and agriculture, disturbed and eucalyptus to pay $773 per acre. At a total cost of $20,093/acre for conserved and managed lands, these fees will purchase only two fifths, one fifth, and one twenty-fifth of an acre of actual preserved land, respectively. These on-the-ground outcomes are extremely low. For comparison, the City of San Diego requires one acre of actual mitigation for unoccupied coastal sage scrub or chaparral, and one half acre of actual mitigation for non-native grassland. It is unclear why developers in Carlsbad are uniquely eligible for such low and insufficient mitigation. h The problem, of course, is the predetermined acreage figure. A preferred approach would be to set appropriate ratios (such as those suggested above) which correspond not to “units” but to acreage conserved. This would pay for the 296 acres in the Core Area plus acquire substantial additional lands. 4. The 67% level of on s’te conservation for relief from fees is reasonable. but should onlv aDDly when the conserved land irs of lonp-term biological value. 5. Th Ifee for all projects. It is safe to assume that previously approved projects never mitigated for the full range of impacts to be assessed by the fee, and yet will benefit from the preserve system Thus, the mitigation fee should be collected from all impacting users. C.. Thank you for considering these comments. Dan Silver, Coordinator cc: U.S. Fish and Wiidlife Service Calif. Dept. of Fiih and Game D E v E 1 0 P M E N T PMB #685 July 11. 2000 The Honorable Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM # /I 1296.5 El Camino Real, Ste. IO,5 cl Mayor Carlsbad, CA 91009 City Council City Mana&r phone: 760 929-2301 City Attorney City Clerk fax: 760 929-270.5 Dear Mayor Lewis: Morrow Development supports the creation of a Habitat Management Plan (HMP). We believe that this plan may provide for a viable and comprehensive preserve system. The HMP will facilitate an orderly assemblage of valuable habitat while allowing implementation of the City’s General Plan to occur in an orderly fashion. The cost of implementing the HMP should be born by those benefiting from the program. Therefore. we support the Habitat in-lieu mitigation fee before you this evening. However, I believe that there remains some uncertainty with respect to the City’s ultimate mitigation responsibility. Final approvals by Fish and Wildlife and the Coastal Commission have not been obtained. Therefore, I respectfully request that Council clarify that the dollar amount of mitigation that the city will pay will not be less than stated in the staff report, but it could be more. The exact amount will be determined concurrent with construction of the golf course or the need to implement the acquisition of mitigation lands. l?lltL7* President PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times-Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudged newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the cities of Escondido, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Solana Beach and San Diego County; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: July 2, 2000 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. sari Marcos Dated at , California this of 2r.d July, 2000 day 7-11 -61) J-ttsvn. II / fi r3 j*s,ril fb This space is for the County Clerks Filing Stamp ECEIVED R JUL 1 1 iDl.ki Proof of Publication of Notice of Public Hearkg : Those persons&ihi~3to speak Whii proposa?are tordially invited to attend, the public hearing. Copies of the staff report NORTH COUNTY TIMES Leaal Advertisina NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 11, 2000, to consider a Citywide Habitat In-Lieu Mitigation Fee. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after July 7,200O. If you have any questions, please call Don Rideout in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4602. The time within which you may judicially challenge this Habitat In-Lieu Mitigation Fee, if approved, is established by state law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge the Habitat In-Lieu Fee in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad at or prior to the public hearing. CASE NAME: HABITAT IN-LIEU MITIGATION FEE PUBLISH: SUNDAY, JULY 2,200O CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive * Carlsbad, CA 92008-l 989 - (760) 434-2808 a9 (Form A) TO: CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT RE: PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST Attached are the materials necessary for you to notice HABITAT IN-LIEU MITIGATION FEE for a public hearing before the City Council. Please notice the item for the council meetlng of July 11, 2000 . Thank you. Assistant City Man l/8 Page Ad --=%e=- Smooth Feed SheetsTM c .- City Clerk 1 .Ibl CARLSBAD UNIF SCHOOL DIST SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DIST ENCINITAS SCHOOL DIST 801 PINE AVE 1 CIVIC CENTER DR 101 RANCH0 SANTA FE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN MARCOS CA 92069 ENCINITAS CA 92024 SAN DIEGUITO SCHOOL DIST LEUCADIA CNTY WATER DIST OLIVENHAIN WATER DIST 701 ENCINITAS BLVD 1960 LA COSTA AVE 1966 OLIVENHAIN RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF ENCINITAS CITY OF SAN MARCOS CITY OF OCEANSIDE 505 S WLCAN AVE 1 CIVIC CENTER DR 300 NORTH COAST HWY ENCINITAS CA 92024 SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CITY OF VISTA VALLECITOS WATER DIST PO BOX 1988 788 SAN MARCOS BLVD VISTA CA 92085 SAN WCOS CA 92069 I.P.U.A. 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