HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-25; City Council; 15846; Historic Preservation Commission Appointment, CITY OF CARLSBAD - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2000- 2Y? appointing one member to the Historic Preservation Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: The term of Gordon Bizieff expires in April, 2000. Mr. Bizieff was originally appointed to the Commission in September, 1993 and was reappointed in May, 1996. He has served seven years. Mr. Bizieff has served in the category requiring “a different recognized expertise in architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or related field.” The appointee, therefore, must meet the qualifications for this category. Other members of the Commission are: Don Christiansen, John Jones, Dorothy Muth and Connie Trejo. NOTE: Members of the Historic Preservation Commission are subject to the Political Reform Act and must file Conflict of Interest Statements. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2000- dY 7, appointing one member to the Historic Preservation Commission. 2. Copies of applications received. RESOLUTION NO. 2000- 247 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Gordon Bizieff as a member of the Historic Preservation Commission expires in April, 2000; and WHEREAS, Mr. Bizieff has served in the following category: “A different recognized expertise in architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or related field”; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Historic Preservation Commission for a term to expire in April, 2004 in the category of “a different recognized expertise in architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or related field” PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of July , 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Ha NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 00 GORDON M. BIZIEF’F, ARCHJTJKT ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING P.O. Box 2143 CARLSBAD, CA. 92018 760434-3215 13 July 2000 Mr. Claude “Bud” Lewis Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, Please accept my request for reappointment to the Historical Preservation Commission for another term. I enjoy the opportunity to serve on the commission and look forward to continuing increased community awareness of Historic Preservation. Sincerely, - &&&A/ (431~OQ APPLICATION FOR APPOINTWNT + &(’ - BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) : tpl I ease print or type). NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: P~FSER vm ri0N ci789wfrr10~ H l-WC ‘ - NAME: fsm~~ r L SM/lW ADDRESS: ZdOf LByPY7F s7-efiw CITY: C&?LJ&qD - ZIP CODE: 72am HOME PHONE: (760) 7s3 - 820+ PRESENT OCCUPATION: &ii~/~ BUSINESS NAME: r l3. sN/ 7% ~ti-UU/if& ARc&/7Zc7 BUSINESS ADDRESS: L5-@ MC?RENA EL W2 . fir/ Dm$a a “? 2 //o WORK PHONE: (d/4> 27s - 3+3/ U. S. Citikship @e,quired foe all appaintmg$s) x Yes Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) X Yes iI Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointkent& x . Yes No I am familiar with the. responsibilities assigned to the Board(s). or. Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. . I am wiiling to be interviewed regarding ,my qualificatidns for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member.. , I am willing to file financiai disclosure statements as required by the state’s or city’s Conflict of Interest codes. _. AB City Clerk’s Of q A I l City aall 1 V 8,. ROBERT B. SMITH, CCS, CSI Architect Certified Construction Specifier 1200 Carl&ad Vi&q Cadsbad, CA 92 Architectural Specifications Quality Control Review Building Technology 1509 Morena Boulevard FAX (619)276-7715 San Diego, CA 92110 TEL (619)275-7431 ‘I c r- ROBEI: BRUCti SMITH, CCS, CSI ARCHITECT 1509 Morena Btvd. San Diego, California 92 110 ‘-&ephone. (6 19) 275-743 1 Fax (619) 276-7715 SUMMARY Twenty-six years of pro&zssWy responsible and diversified. experience as an Architect. 4 building te&nologY specialist with emphasis on material sel&tion, specifications, quality control,~and coWoti adminkration. , EDUCATION Bachelor Ofibdi~icture!,1~3(~ithhQnQrS) CnJiforida Polyte&& State IJniversity, San Luis bbispo, CA, Major: AmhitecturalDesign Q-Year Program) _ ( i 1977 I 198-8 cmtion collqactg glltgspecifications couride, Los Angeles chaptej CSI Bettb Unmg of Roofing Systems lnst@te (BURST), Manville Co,, Denver -1989 Cons&wtioq~peqifi&&ns an8 Co&cts Course, UCSti E&&on 1994; 1995’ Ikilding Code& COrage, San Diego Chapter CSI’ PRUFJ$SSIONAL Registered &him’ S@te of Califomi<. License C-9 13 1, April 1977’ STATUS CSJ Cdfid Constructioi $ecifier (CCS), 1989 P;ROFESS~~N~E~LPE~UENCE - --spring 1992 CO+I?XING AkCHITE~ AND C~NSTRIJCTION SPE-R to Present IN PRIVATE PRACI’Ia : summer 1992 C~NSULTING’ARCHITECTfor ’ CH&A (formerly United Statqs Testin* Csmpany) and I&CC (Handicapped L&w Compliance Consul&its), Sk Dkgo, CA. P&f&ned on-site rev&w and contract d ocument’re,view of several major buildings to ascertain compliance with California Title 24, Federal ADA and UFAS accessibility codes and Javis. Buildings included Century City ABC Enmrukment Center; University of California at San Diego: various buildings, residence and dining hall complex; lO-building multi-~.complex; offioe/manufacturing aiid retail buildings. May 1978. to January 1992 SENIOkASSOCIA+FE ’ KrommenhoewMcKeo~ & Associates (KM&A) Aichitects & Engiqeers, San Diqo, CA Senior Associate in charge of technical services, specifications and quality control. Responsibilities included project Manager/Ar&itect on numerous bank, military, government, commercial and institutional projects; quality control coordinator; formation of production standards; construction admGtration and off& technical information manager, I prepared in excess of 250 project manuals (specifications) while at KM&A. Individual project list available uponv-. March 1977 PROJECT ARCHITEm to May 1978 Richard B. Youfig,- Richard A. Lwnsden Architects/Planners, Oc&nside, CA (Presently YLSR, AIA) Design and preparation of contract documents for Palomar High School, ehula Vista; Alta Vista High School, Vista; Southwest Bank, Vista; Armories, Camp Pendleton; De1 Norte Medical Building, Poway; Ocean shores Continuation Higb School, &eanside; and Blade-Citizen newspaper Building, Oceanside. OVER ROBERT BRUCE SMITH (Page 2) aecember 1974 to March 1977 July 1973 to December 1974 ARcIiITEcruRALAssocIATE Bureau of Public Building& Borrd of Pubtic Works Design Division, City of Los .hgeles The Bun&u performs total architectural services fat the City of Los Angeles; in-house and contract phuiug and design, specifications, estimating, engineer&g, and construction administration. Prc+ts in&ded libraries, police and fire stations, m&ntenance fa$lities, animal shelters, apdeivic ceder buikhgs. 18 months- DesignuandSe&xD&sman 6 monk- specification writer 3 monti- Constmctiqn prajcct Mkager in contract administration PROJEfl COORDINATOR ConthentaI %-vice Company Division of Bank of America, Los Angeles Continen@ Service was the architectural s@ces division for Bank of America. As Project Manager, I performed &bouse de&@ and contract &nit&r&on with private architects for various (new, remodel; high-rise, mobile) Bank of America buildings. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Construction Specifications Ihtitute ((231) *Member: 1978 topresent l Board ofDirectors member, 1987-1989; 1993-1994 l LongRangePlanningCommitteechaimlan l TkcImicalDocumenfsCommitteeChainpan l Conducted “Spcctalk” Seminars and authored Teclmical Articles Specifications Consulbxt~~in Independent Practice (SCIP) * Member: 1995 to prksent American In@ute‘of Archhcts WA) l Memk: 1979-1990 Member of Publicity Committee REFERENCES Mr. William Krommenhoek, AnI4 (retired) Mr. Jack McKeown, AU, President . KMA Architecture & Engineering (619) 276-7710 Mr. Thomas Awbrey, Principal. Mr. Don Blair, Principal h4r.RobertAltevers Altevers Associates Architects (61.9).535-9777 Mr.. James Barker, AIA; Mr. John Bretton, CSI Delawie, Wilkes, Rodrigues, Barker and Bretton, Architects (619) 299-6690 Mr.A.LewisDominy,AIA DominyandAssociatesArchitects (619) 692-9393 Mr. Paul L. Bishop, AlA (619)592-1533 Mr. Jim Grant; Mr. Milo’Hauia Grant General Cametax, Carlsbad, CA (760)438-7500 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT S&t D(S) AND/OR COMMJSSWN(S) (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) ANk3R COlWWISST0N(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: Historic Presenmtion OR Library Board NAME; Din-&i Patrick Georgides ADDRESS:3154 Calle Viento CITY: Carlsbad HOME PHONE: (760) 942-2920 ZIP CODE: 97009 PRESENT OCCUPATION:Author. adjunct professor at National University BUSINESS NAME; BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: u. s. c!R&eBBldp (n?quimd for 8B l pp&tmoDtB) Resident of C&had (required for til l ppd~cnts) x R@tered voter in Carkbrd (reqahd for dl appohhlents) X Yt?B No YCB No x YeB Ne - I am familiar witb the responsibilities ssslgned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) OB which I wish to rerve. I am willlag to be interviewed reRrrdtng my qnalificrtions for appointment by a committee designated by the City Counell or at the request of 8~ indivtdual Council Member. I am willing to file flnancirl disclosure strtcmeats as required by tke state’s or city’s Conflict of latere t codes. . JY4.L SIGNATURE: l * DATEz&. 7 door Up campIerian qfpmralrrpica~ pkaw mail 0T &her the applfcotian to thejbihdng addmr: cityc&rk’a@ke Cl@ Han 1200 cMrb#d vwge~ Gzmmdc192008 - ” . I EDUCATION: B. A. (history) Ripon College, Ripon. WI M. A. (history) University of Kentucky, Lexington I I EXPERIENCE: 25 years in executive positions with Mobil Oil Carp in various countries Author of ‘The Executive Guru’, ‘Another Planet?’ and ‘The Train of the Fifth Era’ and co-author fl The Synolic Manager.’ Co-creator of the Synolic model for comprehensive human reeowx development. Teaching graduate seminars at National Universitv since 1996. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: World Scouting Representative to the United Nations 1980-86, Member of the National Council-Boy Scout8 of America, 1980-85, Member of the Baden Powell World Fellowship to support Scouting, 198~now ‘ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: My book, ‘The Train of the Fifth Era,’ is in some respects a eulogy of Southern California and extols life in Carlsbad while a color photo of the Coaster running alona the coast graces its cover. I I k. YF& . . 407 00 /