HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09-16; City Council; 15904; Vista Funding Request Regional Family Shelter. . -- __ CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENUA BILL TITLE- AB# -y$& -- . MTG. _ .I DEPT. H/RED DEPT. HD. VISTA FUNDING REQUEST FOR REGIONAL FAMILY SHELTER CITY All-Y. CITY MGR.m I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. r)\&% 244 approving an appropriation of $12,800 from the Housing Trust Fund to provide funding assistance for a regional family shelter in Vista. I ITEM EXPLANATION: In past years, the City of Carlsbad has provided funding assistance to the City of Vista for the operation of an emergency winter shelter for the region’s homeless individuals and families. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of families using the shelter. Although there are a number of homeless shelters in the region, there are limited shelter opportunities for families with children in the region. At the request of Vista Mayor Gloria McClellan, representatives from the City of Carlsbad have participated in a task force established to facilitate the establishment of a permanent regional shelter for families with children. The task force has been working with Mr. Chris Megison, Executive Director of North County Solutions for Change, to find a suitable site for the permanent shelter. Vacant property on Olive Avenue has been chosen as the site for construction of the permanent shelter. The shelter will include case management services designed to help families move back into a home. A vacant office building on East Vista Way has been leased to serve as an interim shelter until the permanent facility is completed. The City of Vista has approved use of the office building as an interim shelter, and has allocated $60,000 to support the interim facility. Solutions for Change is raising funds in the private sector to support the shelter, and has also applied to the County of San Diego for funding assistance. Mayor McClellan and Mayor Pro Tern Ritter of Vista have requested that the City of Carlsbad contribute $12,800 to support the shelter. This amount is based on previous usage by Carlsbad residents at the winter shelter and City contributions to operate that shelter in the past, adjusted for the increased amount of time the shelter will operate. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the City Council approve an appropriation of $12,800 from the Housing Trust Fund to support operation of a shelter for families. I FISCAL IMPACT: A total undesignated balance of approximately $1,270,000 currently exists in the Housing Trust Fund. Appropriation of a $12,800 financial contribution to help support the operations of a shelter for families will not substantially impact the fund balance. I EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. m -all appropriating a $12,800 financial contribution to assist in the operation of a regional shelter for families. I 2. Letter requesting funding contribution for regional shelter for families. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2ooo-2g4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING $12,800 FROM THE HOUSING TRUST FUND FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO SUPPORT A REGIONAL SHELTER FOR FAMILIES IN THE CITY OF VISTA AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO FORWARD THE APPROPRIATION TO NORTH COUNTY SOLUTIONS FOR CHANGE. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to cooperate with other local agencies to address the shelter needs of homeless families; and WHEREAS, a site has been identified to provide an interim regional shelter for families until a permanent shelter is established; and WHEREAS, the City of Vista is requesting assistance in providing funds to support the interim regional shelter for families. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1, That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council hereby appropriates $12,800 from the Housing Trust Fund as a contribution to assist in supporting the interim regional shelter for families operated by North County Solutions for Change and authorizes the City Manager to forward the contribution to North County Solutions for Change. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 26th day of September 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City of Vista July 5.2000 Mayor Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008-I 949 Dear IMayor Lewis: For several years, the North County cities have contemplated a permm center to assist the region’s homeless. Whenever this comes up. the same problem surfaces - where to put the facility. Now, more than ever in our seven years of providing winter shelter services, we are witnessing the need for housing for homeless families with children. So much so. that we extended our emergency winter shelter operation beyond the customary mid-March closure. We continue our willingness 10 support ;I permanent facility in Vista if other North County cities will participate. Specifically. we are asking every North County city to participate in the followingIh.ree ways: .:. : : : . 1) Send a letter of support for Korth County Solutions for Change’s application for County of San Diego Cycle T1v-o Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Affordable Housing Activities. This organization has accepted the leadership role in developing the family center to provide shelter and support for the homeless. *Attached is a draft letter to the County of San Diego encouraging them to recommend the North County Solutions lbr Change application. As the deadline is July 14. your timely attention is requested. 2) He!p tinancially support a short-term emergency housing center for SO ftiily members with children. We believe this shelter crisis to be so important that we have identified an interim site to be open in August while we continue to develop the permanent family center prqject. \ve hope you will be able to provide $12,800.00. This is an amount similar to \vhat you have given to the winter shelter program in the past. adjusted for the increased length of time. 3) Councilmember Matt Hall has represented your city at the Regional Family Center Task Force meetings. Our next meeting is T!lursday, August 241h at 9:30am. The meeting will be held in the Multi-Purpose Koom at Vista City Hall. 600 Eucalyptus Ave. After several months of site selzctlon work. we are now at the time where your support towards the Regional Family C’cnrer is imperative. :: 600 Eucalyptus Avenue l P.0. Box 1988 l Vtsta. California 92085 l (760) 7261340 l www.ci.vista.ca.us 3 ’ I , . . Attached is a report of the homeless served at the shelter this year. The shelter saw five times the number of children during the three winter months than ever before and has helped hundreds more since being extended. The geographical distribution shows that 15 homeless from Carlsbad used the shelter 169. times. Thank you in advance for your attention to this critical matter. Please feel free to contact Rick Dudley, Assistant City Manager, at (760) 639-6131 if you have any questions about this matter. Yours Sincerely, Gloria E. McClellan J&J&itter Mayor Mayor Pro Tern 4 SAMPLE DRAFT LETTER County of San Diego Housing & Community Development C/O Ed Baker, Director 3989 Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92 123 Dear Mr. Baker: The City of Carlsbad recognizes the need for a Regional Family Center for the homeless families and individuals that operates year-round. In the past, the cities of North County have contributed towards a case managed Emergency Winter Shelter with the goal of assisting homeless persons. The City of Vista operated its shelter with the philosophy that case management and participant responsibility and accountability are essential toward resolving the problems of homelessness. With this concept in mind, Vista has agreed to site a regional family center in the city. subject to all necessary appropriate discretionary approvals and permits. The City of Carlsbad is supportive of establishing such a regional facility and plans to cooperate with Vista in acquiring and operation a regional family center. In accord with that goal. we are asking you to endorse North County Solutions for Change’s application for Cycle Two Year 2000 Notice of Funding Availability for Affordable Housing Activities. Sincerely, . * *‘. . . Vista Winter Shelter 2000 Here are a few of the highlights from the Vista Winter Shelter ~000 Report. The Vista Winter Shelter was open for 90 days from December 17,1999 thru March 17,200O. The shelter provided 5572 bednights during this 90 day time-frame. This represents an average of 62 persons per night. The shelter provided 2189 more bednights than was provided during the same period the previous winter and housed 61% more (38 v. 62) on average, per night, than the previous year. Over one hundred children were provided 1539 nights of shelter, representing an average of 17 children per night. The same period the previous winter provided 3 15 nights of shelter representing 3.5 children per night. Despite the 500% increase in families with children, the 1% vacancy rate for rental housing, and an unusually competitive housing market, 90 persons were helped into long term housing or residential treatment programs. 4s o-5 36 6-11 41 12-18 26 19-30 86 31-40 145 41-50 118 51-60 34 61-70 16 70+ 0 502 Gender II City II Escondido 137 I 1296 Native I II 13 Vista Total persons sheltered Dee 17-Mar 17: 502 Total number of beds used Dee 17-Mar 17: 5572 Case Management sessions: 643 Number housed or placed: 90 ( 18%) (62 were parents with children) Number employed: 162 Law Enforcement calls: one Emergency Medical calls: three Major incidents: None NO. DuP * 15 169 9 142 11 I 141 82 / 889 Bednight Summary 1 T 1 C 1 December 17-3 1, I999 410 140 January 1-3 1,200O 2051 644 Total First Half 2461 784 February l-29, 2000 I I 1 2147 1 571 March l- 17, 2000 1 964 1 184 1 Total Second Half I 3111 I 755 I 90 Day Total 5572 1539 Average per night 61.9 17 11 90 Day Total Dee 15, Average per night 37.6 3.5 T= Total C= Children No. = Number of persons Dup = Number of duplicated persons