HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-17; City Council; 15925; Exterior Improvements To The Cole LibraryP $ & $ . . p 2 d x z AB# Is;?&‘5 ~.\wJO jcy2i-ee MTG. 9f43fW DEPT. CD I LIB - h, dTY OF CARLSBAD - AGENbA BILL TITLE- -‘APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. aCB0 - 3 1 L) approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the exterior improvements to the Georgina Cole Library, City Project No. 33841. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council appropriated funds in the 1999 - 2000 Capital Improvement Program budget (CIP) for the remodel of the Georgina Cole Library. The appropriation of these funds enables implementation of previous City Council action to undertake an interim remodel of this facility in lieu of a complete replacement of the Cole Library at this time. The ultimate replacement of this facility will be budgeted in a future CIP when funds and opportunities arise. The remodel of the Cole Library facility was divided into two phases, principally interior and exterior improvements. The first phase of the project involved an extensive remodel of the interior of the facility which was completed in April, 2000. This second phase of the project focuses upon improvements to the exterior of the facility and includes: Repair of worn stucco and a repainting of the entire building; Replacement of existing worn metal louvers; Removal of the existing metal fencing surrounding the exterior mechanical equipment and trash receptacles and installation of solid enclosures which will match the building materials; Removal of the existing unreinforced masonry screen walls; Repair and replacement where needed of the landscape irrigation system; Removal of the existing concrete walkway at the main entrance and installation of a new textured hardscape walkway; Replacement of the exterior lighting fixtures and installation of additional fixtures; Installation of new building signage and illuminated parkway signage; Installation of new landscaping, seat walls, walkways, lighting, etc., around the building. * L . . PAGE 2 OF AGENDZILL NO. b I 7% r No changes will be made to the parking lot, driveways, parking lot lighting, number of parking spaces or handicap spaces, etc. The work will require approximately 3 months to complete. The exterior work will not require closure of the building to the public at any time. However, there will be a period of time in which the main entrance adjacent the parking lot will be closed in order to remove and replace the entry walkway. During this time, alternative access to the building will be available via the south and west doors to the building. In order to take economic and coordination advantage of a single contractor being onsite for the Cole Library exterior improvements, staff has included in this project an additional scope of work to remove the vacant modular trailers on the City Hall site adjacent the City Council Chambers. These modular trailer units are old, worn, and have no serviceable value to the City with the recent relocation of several City Departments to the Faraday Center facility earlier this year. The modular trailer units have little or no economic value; the cost to remove, relocate, update, and improve these units exceeds the cost of acquiring new units. The trailer units can be easily removed and disposed of by this contractor very economically. The City’s Landscape Architect Mark Steyaert of the Community Services Department has designed a landscape plan for this space which includes a combination of trees, turf, ground cover planting, and several benches. Staff recommends taking advantage of the opportunity during the Cole Library work to have these old modular trailer units removed and the area landscaped. The necessary plans to accomplish this work have been prepared and are included in the planset for the Phase 2 of the Cole Library Project. Staff recommends approval of the plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids for the exterior improvements to the Georgina Cole Library. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project is a maintenance and repair effort. The Planning Director has determined this project is categorically exempt from environmental review under Section 15301 of the CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption has already been filed by staff. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council appropriated a total of $1.9 million in the 1999-2000 CIP for this project. The Phase 1 interior improvements to the Cole Library facility totaled $1.1 million leaving approximately $800,000 for the second phase of the project. Staff, along with the City’s project architects from McGraw - Baldwin Architects, estimate the available funds will be sufficient for the Phase 2 work without requiring an additional appropriation at this time. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2 Co 0 -3 1 q approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the exterior improvements to the Georgina Cole Library. 2. Plans and specifications on file in the Community Development Department. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-314 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AUTHORIZING TEIE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR THE EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has previously appropriated funds for the Cole Library Project, hereafter referred to as the “Project;” and WHEREAS, the Project plans and specifications for the exterior improvements to the facility are completed and ready for advertisement of bids; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to proceed with the exterior improvements to the Cole Library. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans and specifications for the Project are hereby approved and the City Clerk is authorized in accordance with State law to advertise for bids for the Project. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 17th day of October ,200O by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor (ATTEST) (SEAL) - September 25,200O TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Management Analyst Recommendation for Trailer Removal at City Hall Ray, Attached, per your request, is the background data regarding staffs recommendation to remove the trailers on the City Hall site. The memo from myself to Frank Mannen, dated June 20,2000, details the cost estimate to repair the existing structure, and evaluates some options for the trailer’s re-use. The memo from General Services to myself, dated September 18,2000, evaluates the possibility for using the trailers as a short-term storage facility. If you have any further questions regarding this item, or would like additional research into a possible re-use of the trailers, please let me know. Respectfully, l+=-- Joe Garuba June 20,200O TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: MANAGEMENT ANALYST RE-USE OF CITY HALL TRAILERS Recommendation Based upon the cost estimate to refurbish the trailers, it is staff’s recommendation to remove the trailers and incorporate the available space into the landscaping of the Cole Library Phase II remodel. Background Due to the relocation of Finance, Purchasing, and Risk Management to the new Faraday Center, the trailers that are located on the Southeast side of City Hall are now vacant. Although the contract document management company is temporarily using them, there currently is not an established, long-term use for these trailers. Staff has considered the possible relocating the Adult Learning Center to the trailers. At present the Adult Learning program is located across the street from City Hall. Currently the Adult Learning Center rents facility space at a cost of approximately $35,000 per year. The move to the trailers would provide a closer physical link to the library as well as remove the City’s need to pay rent. It would also offer a substantial increase in available space for the Adult Learning program. In order to make the trailers available for future use, there will need to be substantial maintenance work performed, which includes building a new ADA compliant ramp, exterior maintenance, and the installation of a bathroom. In an effort to get a more complete picture, staff retained Cumming LLC to prepare a statement of probable cost for the renovation. Attached is Cumming’s report that shows an itemized breakdown of those costs. The cost projections are roughly $130,000, and do not include the installation of the water and sewer lateral. Depending on where these tap into the main, the additional cost for these lines could be upwards of $10,000. With a 10% project contingency cost, the projected total for the renovation is approximately $155,000. This does not also include any changes that would be made based on new tenant requirements, such as office configuration and/or new furniture purchases. Based upon the preliminary project cost, the payback for moving Adult Learning into the trailers is nearly 5 years. This does not include any recurring fixed costs such as power, water, and maintenance that Adult Learning would incur if located on City property. In assessing possible options and developing a recommendation for this project, Staff also researched the cost to remove the trailers. Based upon information gathered by the City’s Facilities department, the projected cost is approximately $1500 to remove the trailers. Additionally, the Cole Library is currently in the process of developing the second phase of their remodel, which includes landscaping. If it were decided to remove the trailers, staff would support including the vacated land into the Library project. This would allow the Library to develop a more comprehensive landscaping plan that should increase the aesthetic appeal of the Cole Library and City Hall. Options Staff has identified two main options with regards to the trailers. Option 1. Find an alternative user for the trailers. This would include proceeding with the renovations and upgrades. The largest potential user, which has been identified, is the Adult Learning Center. The Adult Learning program is probably the best candidate due to the fact that the City currently pays rent for the space that this program uses. The payback period is anticipated to be approximately 5 years and would incur additional costs such as power, water, and maintenance. Also, due to the age of the trailers (over 20 years) additional refurbishing may be required, and whose costs we cannot accurately project at this time. The initial cost to renovate would be approximately $155,000. Option 2. Remove trailers. Projected costs to remove trailers are $1500. Additional costs of landscaping have not yet been determined, and will depend upon the landscape design. Sub-Options for the removal would include: 1. Incorporating the vacant land into the Cole Library remodel. This would allow for greater flexibility in the landscape design and a more comprehensive use between the City Hall and the Cole Library as well as provide a funding source and a project manager for this project. 2. Landscape using existing city staff This option might represent the speediest solution, but not necessarily the most useful. Staff would potentially develop the available space with eating areas, grass, and overflow capacity for Council meetings. While this option is attractive, it fails to allow for a comprehensive landscaping design that would highlight both the City Hall and the Cole Library. Currently, funding does not exist for this project in the current budget. So, based on the factors mentioned, it is staff’s recommendation to remove the trailers and incorporate the available space into the landscaping of the Cole Library Phase II remodel. If you have any questions please let me know. Respectfully Joe Garuba Attachment 1: Memo from Glen Boodry, Facilities Maintenance, which includes Statement of Probable Cost from Cummings LLC. May 9, 2000 Joe: Here is a copy of the estimate to renovate the trailers at City Hall. The estimate of $130,845 includes everything necessary to bring the trailers into ADA compliance, resolve some floor safety issues, and improve trailer appearance both inside and out. The only costs that are not included is the amount necessary to run the water and sewer lines from the laterals to a junction point 5’ from the trailers. These were not included because I do not know exactly where the existing laterals are located, although I would guess them to be within 50 or 60 feet. If this cost becomes an issue we will need to have these lines located and an estimate of $42 a linear foot for water line and $54 a linear foot for sewer will be applied. If you have any questions please give me a call. i”;la?r.--T Glen E. Boodry 05/08/2000 03: 05 8586739263 . .’ . . . ‘. - as '18 l I8 ‘18 118 I GUMMING L.L.C. - Remvatioa of City Mall Trailers Carlsbad, CaU.%rnb ConqPrl Statement 0WrobaMe Cost PAGE 02 . ..T..,..TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 16980 VIA TAZON l SUITE 100 l SAN DIEGO . CALIFORNJA 92127 PHONE: 858-485-6765 + FAX: 858-673-9263 05/08~2000 03: 05 8586739263 . , - )_ . . . - CUC PAGE 05 city ofcwlsbad CarlWad, Camomk Rmnw+tlon of cily Hall TraIlem Dew WQWQQ LEVEL 2 - S-Y I C~Mlllt8llWB 1.1 ProvidrADAtxm@bI- s 60,100 1.2wwlADA~&airaIndinglMd~ s lQ.QOO subtotal % woo0 . rm 2.1 Re@aw(e)tmlWddrUq s 15,365 2.2?Nbpmdpeintodsrkroftn&n s 4,765 2.3 Remirwmk@ned -w-m s l,tioo subtot8l % a- E -II-w 3.1 wan- 3.2 Flooring 3.3 casings SUbtOW s 10,W s 14,703 s 3.519 s 26,216 TOTALS t wo,64s Preparsd by: Gumming LLC sh#t20?5 05/08/2000 03: 05 8586739263 . . rc- 1 . . L CLLC P&GE 06 Cltpfcwltb8d culsbad, calwowllr Rat~ovatIon of City Hell TmIJws Data: 08woB DETAIL ELEMENTS lrldustveofan altmcaw-. mchanMand&xQicdMwlr to convert office space into two ADA compttant (unisex) re&motm. lJttwas(to5’outkomtre~) Watertttcurdnwkr Renovati Total 1 LS 6 2.40Q.m s 2,400 1 LS s l#oQ.oo 6 1,800 430 SF $ 130.00 6 56.m 5 80,100 Dwnolkion ExbnngswSItMdkyp Existln~ ramps I tandin~s New wotk Stab-8. tandtngs and -. concrete Ramps, tandtngs and hmdmil8, wmrata 2EAs 550.00 $ 1,100 1 EA t 1.6w.Qo s 1.600 2 EA S 4,!iOO.00 S Q,OOO 1 EA S 6.ooO.00 S 8.000 TOW S 19,960 RWTiOVdOftlWt3CJS~~and~ ofa T-111 rktrttn~ eysteln~onsnowconuotewrb. otnnolii Remove(e)sk lwvwuk comfetewfb Framing %tTttIlBt##WbSU~(~-lll),wdtrkn -mm PaJntskirungand-panets Patchadjawntpaving/&ne8cape TO&t I.460 SF $ 0.80 $ 1,120 3!W tF S 12.00 t 4,200 1.400 SF 6 2.36 s 3.2Qo 1.400 SF s 2.10 8 2,640 4EA$ 3!!0.00 s IMW i.400 SF S 0.605 840 1 Ls s 1,675.00 9 1,575 s 15,365 Prepared by: curnlning LLC Sheot3ofS 05/08/2000 03: 05 8586739263 ,’ I, -, - . . CLLC - PAGE 08 City of Cmrbbad Carirbad, CaHfomh Ronovation of City HaU Traibm rhtw o6m#o DETAIL ELEMENTS Prep and pdnt (0) ceili- thmughout the enth Ci Hall. Re8tfoom mUirt~8 induded under the( heeding. Prep end patit (01 cotlimp 3,910 SF s 0.90 t 3,619 Toa Is 3,519 Prepared by: Cumm)ng LLC sbe8tsot5 September 18, 2000 TO: MANAGEMENT ANALYST JOE GARUBA FROM: Public Works Manager/General Services USAGE OF CITY HALL MODULARS Staff from the Facilities Division has reviewed the existing modular units (at City Hall) for potential usage as storage. Although we recognize the need for (and current cost of) storage, we do not recommend these units be used for storage. The following are the reasons for this recommendation: l These modular units were not designed for storage; they are only rated at IOO- Ibs/square foot, which would accommodate a normal office setting. It is estimated that books and shelving would generate up to 200-lbs/square foot of load. l Substantial modifications would be necessary to make the modulars easily accessible. Things such as a loading dock, double doors, new access points, and a fire suppression system would be required. l The buildings have a severe termite problem, which has weakened their structural capacity. l The units only offer limited security. l This is a poor location for records from departments such as Planning, Building and Engineering. Currently easy, quick access from Faraday make the existing storage a more favorable location. l The size of the units is not large enough to house all the items at the Yarrow Storage. l Locating storage adjacent to City Council Chambers may generate additional foot and vehicle traffic next to a high impact area. Currently, there is a Warehouse Team that is reviewing City storage needs. One of its findings was that storage areas tend to expand with unnecessary “junk.” It is, therefore, staffs recommendation not to use these modulars for storage. & DOUGDUNCANSON pgk c: Public Works Director Public Works Supervisor/Facilities Maintenance Principal Building Inspector Municipal Projects Manager COMMENTS 8Y JlM KING TO CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 18WT. .2m SUWECT : COLE LIBRARY Toni@tyouwillwteonwhethtoapnhghthurrdredthowmddollarr,on l ~rg”theexteriardttteCdeLibrq.ldonotd8ny thatit needsconsi8tent and~mdntwlancs.~earerreaswhsrethsreisnog~onthenathwest aid8.Tlure~ef#mtersatthewestdoa thatarebanenwilhthespkrklas~off .Thaesrr,+~~in~~~watsrandrootmabrtsnancstopevsnttuthar cradriHgd~~The~is~.Also,Ihave~~my~saboutthe lweesedthsrmdloadeontheeasttiweat8jdb8of~krildkrg tom.f’atchettand tnr.CahillandI~thefuhreair~billswilldecid8gratiet3ue.