HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-07; City Council; 15946; South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer4B# rS!qq b WTG. 11/07/00 DEPT. ENG /,.m. - i --A! 9 5 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL ’ / - TITLE: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT WITH CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE INCORPORATED FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACH SAH3; CMWD PROJECT NO. 92-406; CITY PROJECT NO. 35831 DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. -330 approving Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Incorporated for Engineering Design Services for South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Reach SAH3; CMWD Project No. 92-406; City Project No. 35831. ITEM EXPLANATION: Adoption of Resolution No.&!~-~~will redirect the efforts on the design of the Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reach SAH3 towards studying alternative sites for the lift station and recommending a location that can potentially reduce the impacts to the environment and the construction cost of the project. Based on the recommended site, odor and noise modeling, geotechnical investigation and environmental assessment shall be performed in preparation for design. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 99-479 on November 2, -1999, approving the selection of Camp Dresser & McKee Incorporated (CDM) to provide final engineering design services for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reach SAH3. The original scope of work consisted of preparation of construction drawings and contract documents and providing construction support. The cost for such effort was in the amount of four hundred sixty thousand, three hundred forty eight ($460,348) dollars. The project was separated into two phases. Phase 1 involved developing construction plans and bid documents related to site rough grading and construction of the force main. Phase 2 consisted of preparing plans and bid documents for the construction of the lift station and influent sewer. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) across the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and microtunneling from Cannon Road to the lift station wet well were proposed as construction methods for installing the force main and influent sewer, respectively. At 50% design of Phase 2 and 90% design of Phase 1, CDM presented the City with an engineering estimate of the construction cost for both phases that was $2.7 million dollars more than previously estimated at predesign. The increase was mainly due to costs not considered ,during predesign, including environmental constraints, incorporation of safeguards to reduce horizontal directional drilling mishaps and to prevent sagging of the influent sewer, and providing 100 percent pumping redundancy. In light of the increased cost, the Engineering staff re-evaluated the project and began investigating alternatives. Preliminary cost estimates were developed that showed a significant reduction in construction cost if the lift station was located along Cannon Road, and constructing the force main within the Cannon Road right-of-way and utilizing a parallel 14-inch ductile iron pipe already incorporated into the Cannon Road Bridge. The use of conventional open trench construction of the force main and influent sewer, reduced wet well depths, and reduced influent gravity sewer depths are major factors in the cost reduction. Although alternatives involving alignment of the force main along Cannon Road have higher energy requirements, the twenty-year life cycle cost of these alternatives were up to $2.8 million less than the original alternative involving HDD and microtunneling. The relocation has also received support from the California Department of Fish and Game (Exhibit 4). Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. I;!Wb The results of this preliminary analysis triggered interest in a more refined alternatives analysis that includes, at a minimum, review of environmental impacts, easement requirements, constructability, site layout, and pipe and pumps selection. Staff has instructed CDM to halt progress on the design of the Cannon Road Lift Station and recommends that the remaining funds in the CDM contract, which total two hundred twelve thousand, nine hundred six ($212,906) be used to direct CDM to investigate alternative sites and other activities described in the attached Amendment No. 2. CDM would provide the best service because of their familiarity with the project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: At its April 19, 2000 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission resolution No. 4760 approving a Mitigative Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopted Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4761, 4762, and 4763 approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 99-19), a Hillside Development Permit (HDP 00-03) and Special Use Permit (SUP 00-03) for the original project. Since the focus of the study is to identify the alternative site with least environmental impact and cost, it is expected that the project will receive similar approvals. No advertisement for construction will be issued until the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is approved and Resource Agency permits are acquired for the final selected alternative. FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately $3.4 million has been appropriated for Phase II of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reach SAH3 project and no additional appropriations are required for Amendment 2 to the Agreement for engineering design services. FUNDING SUMMARY FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REACH SAH3 Appropriation to Date $3,395,493 Expended to Date $ 672,548 Amount Available $2,735,008 Amount Requested for this Project $212,906 Remaining Balance $2,510,039 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION 0 This agenda bill is addressing only the design services needed to determine the most cost-effective way to construct reach SAH3, which is part of the overall South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer project. This reach is necessary to provide sewer facilities for new development in Sewer Benefit Areas C, D, E, and F, and to provide facilities for existing developments currently using temporary sewer facilities pending the construction of SAH3. Funding for the entire South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer project (including reach SAH3) is currently under review. Total costs for the project have not been determined. Staff will return to the City Council at a later date with estimates of the overall project cost and funding sources. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Resolution No. a-3 30 approving Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Incorporated for Engineering Design Services for South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Reach SAH3; CMWD Project No. 92-406; City Project No. 35831. . AEdii~ (c Mtcl] \-7-m - 3. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Engineering Design Services 4. Letter dated June 28, 2000, from California Department of Fish and Game LOCATION MAP Project Name: CONTRACT Exhibit SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR No.35831 No. SEWER FACILITIES-REACH SAH3 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-330 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO.2 TO AGREEMENT WITH CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE INCORPORATED FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACH SAH3; CMWD PROJECT NO. 92406: CIP PROJECT NO. 35831. 6 WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the City of Carlsbad entered into an agreement with 7 Camp Dresser & Mckee, Inc. (“Contractor”), to prepare construction plans and bid documents, 8 and provide construction engineering services for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Reach SAH3 (the “Agreement”) ; and 9 lo WHEREAS, on August 28, 2000, the Agreement was amended by Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for an amount not to exceed eleven thousand, seven hundred fifty ($11,750) dollars I1 for additional engineering design services including surveying and preparation of presentation I2 drawings and renderings, right-of-way documents, and additional exhibits for various resource 13 agencies; and 14 WHEREAS, City staff has determined that the site for the Cannon Road Lift Station, which is part of the Project, should be relocated due to higher than expected construction costs and 15 environmental concerns at the existing site; and 16 WHEREAS, the relocation of the Cannon Road Lift Station will require the Contractor to I7 provide additional design services including Initial Studies for alternate sites, and after a preferred 18 site is identified, additional studies on the preferred site to further substantiate the site’s 19 conformance to environmental measures; and 20 WHEREAS, the additional design services will not require an additional appropriation of funds and can be paid for using those funds that have already been allocated under the 21 Agreement; and 22 WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiated and 23 agreed to between the parties, and are attached in Amendment No. 2 to Agreement; and 24 WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize additional work due to the change in scope of 25 work. 26 “I I// 27 /I/ 28 //I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., for an amount not-to-exceed two hundred twelve thousand, nine hundred six ($212,906) for additional engineering design services for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Reach SAH3, as described in the attached amendment is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said amendment. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7TH day of mer , 2000 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and KUlchin 4TTEST . WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) .._--------------- -- - iwE?Jf3 n4 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT WITH CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE INCORPORATED FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACH SAH3 CMWD PROJECT NO. 92-406 This Amendment is entered into and effective as of the 15th day of November , 200_(~, amending the agreement dated November 2, 1999, by and between the City of C&bad, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “City”, and Camp Dresser & McKee Incorporated, a Massachusetts corporation, hereinafter referred to as, “Contractor” for engineering services (the “Agreement”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the initial agreement, dated November 2, 1999, included an Exhibit “A” which described a scope of work for Contractor to provide engineering design services for preparation of final design of a sewer lift station, dual force mains and a gravity sewer, and construction engineering services for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Reach SAH3, CMWD Project No. 92-406 (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, on August 28, 2000, the Agreement was amended by Ratification of Amendment No. 1 for additional design services in the amount of $11,750; and WHEREAS, City staff has determined that the site for the Cannon Road Lift Station, which is part of the Project, should be relocated due to higher than expected construction costs and environmental concerns at the existing site; and WHEREAS, the relocation of the Cannon Road Lift Station will require Contractor to provide additional design services including Initial Studies for alternate sites, and after a preferred site is identified, additional studies on the preferred site to further substantiate the site’s conformance to environmental measures: and 212198 1 - WHEREAS, the additional design services, as further specified in the attached Exhibit “1” will replace, in their entirety, the design services that are currently specified in Exhibit “A” to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the additional design services will not require an additional appropriation of funds and can be paid for using those funds that have already been allocated under the Agreement; and WHEREAS, a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule have been negotiated and agreed to between the parties, and are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibits “1” and “2”, respectively. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. Exhibit “A” to the Agreement shall be replaced, in its entirety, with the attached Exhibit “1 ‘I. 2. Contractor shall provide to City those services as outlined on the attached Exhibit “I “. 3. Paragraph 4 of the Agreement shall be replaced, in its entirety, with the following: “4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONTRACTOR City shall reimburse Contractor for services performed on a time and material basis, not to exceed Two Hundred Twelve Thousand, Nine Hundred Six Dollars ($212,906). Reimbursement shall be in accordance with Contractors Schedule of Hourly Rates, including miscellaneous expenses, attached hereto as Exhibit “2.” No other compensation for services will be allowed except those items covered by supplemental agreements per Paragraph 8, “Changes in Work.” City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until the project has been accepted by the City. Modifications of this Paragraph 4 or to the attached Exhibit “2” must be agreed to in writing pursuant to Paragraph 29 of this Agreement. 21219% 4. Upon execution of this Amendment No. 2, the attached Exhibit “2 will become Exhibit “2” to the Agreement. 5. All other provisions of the Agreement, and any amendments thereto, entered into by and between City and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect. 6. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained include coverage for this Amendment No. 2 and revised scope of work. Acknowledged and Accepted: by Contractor shall CONTRACTOR: CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE INC., a Massachusetts corporation By: l&,&f,-LJ$ &+%y vkt (print name/title) By: (sign here) November 15, 2000 (print name/title) DATE (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached. Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign for corporations. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: 21219% EXHN3lT “1” CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION SCOPE OF WORK INTERIM DESIGN SERVICES JULY 24,200O The selected site for the Cannon Road Lift Station is expected to be changed due to higher than expected construction costs and environmental concerns. Additional services have been requested by the City of Carlsbad to identify a new preferred site for the lift station. These services will include Initial Studies for alternate sites, and after a preferred site is identified, additional studies will be performed on the preferred site to further substantiate the site’s conformance to environmental measures. The scope of these services is presented below. Initial Studies 1. Site selection studies: For not more than five sites, review each site for the following criteria: A. lnfluent sewer size, routing, length, depths, slope, construction methods, and costs. B. Force main sewer size, routing, length, depths, slope, construction method, and costs C. Accessibility for delivery and maintenance vehicles, from Cannon Road into the site. D. Easement requirements E. Proximity to existing and/or proposed residences and other developments F. Pumping head and horsepower at flow rate of 3 and 6.7 MGD G. Environmental review to assess mitigation for disruption to habitat and wetlands H. Opinion of probable construction and energy cost for each site Prepare preliminary conceptual level site plan for each site showing building, driveways, yard piping, retaining walls (if any), existing utility lines within the site, and near-by residences and developments. 212198 IO Expected sites include: A. B. C. Lagoon Site-existing site adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon De-silting Basin Site: located at the easterly end of an existing de-silting basin Residential Lot Site: located on proposed residential lot and adjacent temporary lift station site D. Salt Panne Site: located in salt panne next to existing access road to proposed lift station site next to lagoon; at bottom of slope adjacent to Cannon Road E. Tot Lot site: located adjacent to proposed tot lot/day care center Provide 10 copies of technical report or memoranda documenting results of site selection studies, environmental reviews and estimated construction costs. Additional Studies and Services (performed after a preferred site is identified) 1. Odor Dispersion Modeling: Obtain up to 5 bagged air samples at three separate times, and submit for testing by a panel. Determine background Odor Units on samples, and submit results within 7 days after sample is collected. Using air dispersion modeling techniques, estimate odor units at site and surrounding areas after lift station is constructed. Consider in model the effect of using an oxidant on the influent wastewater, a carbon scrubber (Calgon’s Phoenix system), and a combination of both. Submit 10 copies of report containing results of the air testing and the dispersion modeling. 2. Noise study: Determine noise levels from lift station operation at property lines. Submit 10 copies of report containing results. 3. Geotechnical Investigation: Perform sub-surface soils investigations and laboratory testing necessary to determine soil characteristics, recommendations for construction, and recommendations for design parameters. Obtain ground water sample and have tested for the following: Metals (arsenic, cadmium, total chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, silver, zinc,) Cyanide (Total) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Total Suspended Solids (TSS) PCBs and Pesticides Total Toxic Organics (TTOs) Oil and Grease 212198 0 Organic Constituents (i.e. volatiles and semi-volatiles) 0 inorganic Constituents (i.e. specific conductance, pH, total dissolved solids) 0 Temperature Perform aquifer testing to determine groundwater depths, estimated groundwater pumping rates for dewatering, and recommendations for dewatering methods. Submit IO copies of geotechnical report. 1. Surveys: Provide topographic surveys of site and pipeline corridors as required for use during design. Provide right of way surveys and prepare legal descriptions and drawings for lift station sites and pipeline easements as may be required for the preferred site. 2. Dewatering Permit: Obtain Groundwater Discharge Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA). Submit Groundwater Discharge Permit Application to EWA including groundwater quality, expected flowrate, pumping plan, schematic layout, duration of the project and discussion of other discharge options considered by Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 3. Planning Department Exhibits: Provide wlor exhibits for use at Planning Department hearings. Exhibits shall utilize photo renderings and generally include: A. View shed from existing aerial photography B. Key views with and without lift station development, mitigated and unmitigated site C. Building layout plan D. Building section and exterior elevations E. Site landscaping plan Provide 12 copies of full size exhibit drawings, and 12 copies of half-size exhibit drawings. 1. Environmental Analysis: Provide report containing results of detailed environmental reviews and analysis of selected site. Provide data for use by other agencies in their review of the project. Include field studies as necessary to document existing conditions: topography, botany, zoology, sensitive biological resources, and wildlife movement corridors. Include expected project impacts to plants and habitat, wildlife, and sensitive biological resources. Provide recommendations for mitigation measures to wildlife impacts and sensitive plant communities. Provide 10 copies of report. 2. Meetings: Attend up to 6 formal meetings as necessary and requested to support the City of Carlsbad. Prepare and submit meeting minutes for each meeting. 212198 EXHIBIT “2” CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE INC. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATES January 1,200O EngineersLScientisWPianners: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Principal Associate Vice President Sr. Vice President Support Service: Designer Drafter 1 Designer Drafter 2 Designer Drafter 3 Designer Drafter 4 Designer Drafter 5 Designer Drafter 6 Designer Drafter 7 Designer Drafter 8 Inspectors (CNR14) (CNR15) Administrative Manager Administrative Assistant Office Clerk Clerical Manager Word Processor Technical Writer Financial Manager Contract Administrator Finance Assistant Accounting Clerk Miscellaneous Expenses: Auto Mileage Plotting, submittals only Vellum, paper Mylar reproducible Reproduction Services Black and White Copies Color Copies Outside Services, including sub-consultants Materials and Other Expenses $75.00 85.00 95.00 105.00 120.00 130.00 145.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 95.00 105.00 115.00 75.00 90.00 75.00 55.00 40.00 55.00 55.00 65.00 90.00 70.00 45.00 45.00 0.325lMiie $l0.00lplot $15.00lplot $0.1 O/Page $1 .OOlPage cost + 10% cost + 10% 212198 - personally appeared PUBLIC’) personally known to me -OR- Cl & roved to me on the asis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies!, and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf gLte2hlch the person(s) executed instru’ment. the CXAU Witness my hand and official seal. I ISIGNATURE OF NOTARY) - RIGHT THUMBPRNUT lOptbnsl) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNERIS) q INDNlDUAL(S) OCORPORATE OFFlCERlSI mnm q PARTNERlSI q LIMITED q GENERAL q AlTORNEY IN FACT OTRUSTEEIS) OGUARDlAN/CONSERVATOR q OMER: SIQNER IS REPREBENTINO: (Nama of hnonls) or Entity(iet) RIGHT THUMBPRINT IOptionall OCORPORATE ATTENTION NOTARY The information requested below and in the column to the right is OPTIONAL. Recording of this document is not required by law and is also optional. It could, however, prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to any unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE l-ii or Type of Document MUST BE AlTACklED TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages Date of Document DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Sign&l Other Than Named Abova OFFICER(S) mRE81 OPARlNER(Sl q LIMITED q GENERAL q ATTORNEY IN FACT q TRUSTEElS) OGUARDIANICONSERVATOR OOTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (Name of Panonls) or Entity(iis) WOLCOTTS FORM 63240 Rev. 3-94 @ice class S-2Al 0 1994 WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. ALI. PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT WlTH SIGNER CAPAClTY/REPRESENTATlON~O FINGERPRINTS -M Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. CERTIFICATE I, Mario J. Marcaccio, Assistant Clerk of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., a Massachusetts corporation, hereby certify that at a duly called meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, a majority being present and voting throughout, it was voted to author& Kellene M. Bum-Lucht to execute and deliver proposals, contracts and agreements for the performance of professional services in the name and on behalf of-camp Dresser & McKee Inc. I further certify that the foregoing is consistent with the By-Laws of the said corporation, and has not been modified or rescinded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this certificate and have caused the corporate seal of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. to be hereunder affixed on this 14th day of June, 2000. h.wJ am& 9 a b Clerk of the Corporation EXHIBIT 4 - I STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AbdCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME , South Coast Region 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, California 92123 (858) 467-4201 FAX (858) 467-4239 . . June 28,200O Mr. Victoi Ociano Associate Engineer City of Carlsbad 163 5 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Regarding: Sewer Pump Station Project, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Dear Mr. Ociano: In has come to the attention of the Department of Fish and Game (Department) that there is a biologically superior alternative to the current sewer pump station project’planned within thk Agua Hedionda Lagoon, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County. Although the Department has reviewed and prepared comments regarding the Proposed Negative Declaration for the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reach 3, City of Carlsbad (SCH#200003 1019), we strongly recommend that the City pursue the relocation of the sewer facility to the east of Cannon Road. As you are aware, the Department will soon be accepting the dedication of 186 acres of Agua Hedionda Lagoon adjacent to Cannon Road which is anticipated to include an easement for the proposed sewer facility site. The land will be designated as an Ecological Reserve and will be managed for the protection of wetland and upland resources that exist on the property. The potential for mechanical failure of pump facilities continues to concern the Department as well as the apparent need for improvement of existing dirt roads to the facilities for maintenance activities. Unfortunately, these access roads also allow the general public to access the sensitive marsh habitat areas, causing habitat degradation and harm to endangered species. It is the Department’s intent to eliminate unnecessary vehicular access, which would be easier to control if the sewer facilities were not placed in their proposed location. Although City engineering staff has been helpful in identifying potential alternatives to asphalt road paving, none of the discussed alternatives will address the runoff issues described in our comment letter dated April 3, 2000. Relocating the facility and its associated infrastructure outside of the lagoon and into a location already developed or proposed for development is a more suitable alternative. Because Cannon Road construction is expected to continue this fall, the Department requests a timely decision on the relocation of the sewer line so that any engineering and the construction for the sewer facilities can be incorporated into the road as necessary. This would avoid undue expenses or further time delays in addition to being environmentally superior. Mr. Ociano June 28,200O page 2 of 2 Please contact the Department if a meeting is in order to discuss this issue further, or if there are any questions. Please feel free to contact Ms. Kimberly McKee-Lewis at (858) 467-4222. Theresa A. Stewart Senior Biologist Land Management and Monitoring Program cc: Department of Fish and Game Chuck Raysbrook, Regional Manager Bill Tippets, HCP Program Kimberly McKee, LMMP City of Carlsbad Jason Martin, Associate Planner Bill Plumber, Deputy City Engineer Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director 17