HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-07; City Council; 15950; Proposals For CDBG Home Program. CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGEhA BILL AB# 15; 4s 0 TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE REQUEST FOR DEPT. HD. ‘MT=. i \ -7 ‘-El PROPOSALS FOR THE 2001-2002 CDBGlHOME PROGRAM; ACCEPT COMMENTS AND APPROVE CDBGlHOME PROGRAM CIJ-YATP/. FUNDING PLAN STRATEGY; AND APPROVE THE CDBGlHOME DEPT. H/RED PROGRAM FUNDING APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. m, to authorize staff to distribute a “Request for Proposals” for the 2001-2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)IHome Investment Partnership (HOME) Program; accept comments and approve the 2001-2002 CDBGIHOME Funding Plan Strategy; and, approve the CDBG/HOME application review process. ITEM EXPLANATION: In fiscal year 2001-2002, the City of Carlsbad will be entitled to a new allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As a participant in the San Diego Urban County Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Consortium, the City will also receive federal HOME funds. To receive these funds, the City must submit a “CDBG/HOME Consolidated Funding Plan” to HUD by May 15, 2001. CDBG Program The total amount of CDBG funding available for the 2001-2002 program year is approximately $710,689. This figure includes an estimated $622,000 in new CDBG entitlement allocation, $67,248 in program income from Villa Loma property lease payments, and $21,440.63, which is available for reallocation from previously approved activities. Of the $710,689 total CDBG funds available, approximately $124,400 will be used for the City’s administration of the CDBG Program and $183,408 will be used for payment of the City’s Section 108 Loan for the Villa Loma affordable housing project. The primary objective of the CDBG program is to assist low and moderate-income persons/households. Each proposed project must meet at least one (1) of the national objectives for the CDBG Program and at least one of the local housing and community development objectives. The local objectives for the Carlsbad CDBG program are outlined in the attached “CDBG/HOME Investment Partnership Funding Plan Strategy” (Exhibit 3). These objectives reflect the City’s desire to develop a program which best meets the various needs of low and moderate-income Carlsbad residents. HOME Program The primary objective of the HOME program is to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income households. The City of Carlsbad ;may use HOME funds to implement the following housing activities directly, through its local housing authority, or through for profit or non-profit organizations: 1) housing acquisition/rehabilitation; 2) housing rehabilitation; 3) housing construction; 4) rental assistance/security deposits; 5) homebuyer assistance; and 5) associated administration/planning activities. The total amount of HOME funding available for allocation to eligible projects is anticipated to be approximately $226,855. Approximately $826,000 in HOME funds previously allocated for the City’s Single Family Rehabilitation Program are also available for reallocation to an affordable housing project if a suitable proposal is submitted for use of the funds. The Rehabilitation Program provided grants and/or loans to lower income homeowners. Due to federal restrictions related to the implementation of rehabilitation programs, staff has found that the program has been only marginally successful. The key restriction which has hindered the program has been the value cap limiting eligible properties to those valued below $197,000 after the rehabilitation work is completed. Due to the limited success of the single . . I Page2ofAB# ]$.%o family rehabiltation program, staff is recommending that the program be discontinued, and the balance of funds in the program be reallocated to other eligible projects. City Council CDBG/HOME Ad Hoc Committee A City Council CDBG/HOME Ad Hoc Committee was formed in 1999 to review the City’s CDBGIHOME Program Funding Strategy and develop recommendations for changes to the Strategy which might better meet the priority needs of lower income households in Carlsbad. The Committee is recommending that applications for funds should only be accepted from nonprofit organizations, and that providing additional affordable housing opportunities for lower income households in Carlsbad should receive priority for funding. The Ad Hoc Committee is recommending that the Funding Strategy be revised so that fifty percent of CDBG funds not utilized for program administration or public service activities be specifically designated for affordable housing. An equal amount of funds (approximately $154,800) will be available to nonprofits for facility improvements, site acquisitions, or other eligible activities. Staff has revised the “Request for Proposals” (Exhibit 2) and Funding Strategy (Exhibit 3) to reflect these recommended changes. CDBG/HOME Advisory Committee To facilitate the selection and funding of activities which best meet the objectives of the CDBGIHOME Program, a City Council appointed CDBGIHOME Advisory Committee will be responsible for interviewing each applicant and making funding recommendations. The Advisory Committee will be assisted by staff, who will evaluate and rank each of the eligible proposals according to pre-established criteria. The Advisory Committee’s funding recommendations will then be presented to the City Council for consideration and final approval. The following residents were appointed on January 18, 1999 to serve two year terms on the Advisory Committee: Housing Commission Representative Edward Scarpelli Planning Commission Representative Ann L’Heureux Northeast Quadrant Representative Sally Hannon Northwest Quadrant Representative Julio Ramirez Southeast Quadrant Representative Steve Dorsey Southwest Quadrant Representative Sally Lyon Mr. Steve Dorsey, the Southeast Quadrant Representative, has moved out of the City, and another resident must be appointed to represent that quadrant on the Committee. A new Senior Commission Representative will also need to be appointed as Commissioner Mildred West has completed serving her two-year term. Staff requests that the City Council appoint the two new Advisory Committee Members at a future Council meeting. Recommendation In order to develop Carlsbad’s 2001-2002 CDBGIHOME Program, staff is requesting the following three actions from City Council at this time: 1) authorization to distribute an RFP for the Program; 2) acceptance of public comments and approval of the proposed 2001-2002 CDBG/HOME Funding Plan Strategy; and, 3) approval of the application review and funding process for CDBG and HOME funds. 2 Page3ofAB# i ‘5,43O FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated that the City will receive an estimated $622,000 in new CDBG entitlement funds and $226,855 in HOME funds during fiscal year 2001-2002. The City also has a total of $88,689 in CDBG funds to be reallocated to new projects and $826,000 in HOME funds to reallocate for the 2001-2002 program year. Federal regulations for the CDBG program allow the City to use a maximum of 20 percent ($124,400) of the new allocation for administration costs. Federal regulations for the HOME program allow the San Diego Urban County HOME Consortium, as the administrator, to use a maximum of 5 percent ($11,343) of the total HOME funds for administration costs. Administration of the CDBGIHOME program can be fully funded by use of the federal funds. There is no fiscal impact on the General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. m -3 3 3 authorizing staff to distribute a “Request for Proposals” for the 2001- 2002 CDBG/HOME Program, accepting comments and approving the 2001-2002 CDBGIHOME Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy, and approving the CDBG/HOME Program Application Review Process. 2. “Request for Proposals” for Carlsbad’s 2001-2002 CDBG/HOME Program. 3. City of Carlsbad’s 2001-2002 CDBGIHOME Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy. 4. CDBG/HOME Program Application Review Process. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C~cO~~~~soL~~~NO. 2000-333 . I A RESOLUTION OF ‘Id CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING DISTRIBUTION OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE 2001-2002 CDBG/HOMk PROGRAM; ACCEPTING PUBLIC COMMENTS AND APPROVING THE 2001-2002 CDBG/HOME PROGRAM FUNDING PLAN STRATEGY; AND APPROVING THE CDBGMOME APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California, is entitled to a new allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for fiscal year 200 l-2002; and, WHEREAS, on June 29, 1999 an agreement between the City and the County of San Diego was executed approving the City’s participation in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership Consortium, and is, therefore, entitled to an allocation of HOME Investment Partnership funds for the fiscal year 2001-2002; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing to consider the distribution of a “Request for Proposals” for a 2001-2002 CDBG/HOME Program and the required documents for development and implementation of the 200 l-2002 CDBG/HOME Program; and, II WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED as follows: II 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That staff of the Housing and Redevelopment Department is author&d to distribute a “Request for Proposals” for the City of Carlsbad’s 200 l-2002 CDBGMOME Program. 3. That the City Council approves the 2001-2002 CDBG/HOME Funding Plan Strategy, required by federal regulations, for Carlsbad’s CDBG/HOME Program. II 4. That the City Council approves the proposed CDBG/HOME Application Review Process. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7th day of November, 2000, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila and Nygaard NOES: Council Members Hall, and Kulchin ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CDBG/HOME Program Request for Proposals Page 2 available for pubic facilities, improvements and other eligible activities. The remaining $154,790 in CDBG funds will be available for selected projects that will provide new affordable housing opportunities in Carisbad. An additional $30,000 in CDBG funds allocated for a Housing Reserve during the 2001-2002 program year is available for affordable housing purposes. it is expected that approximately $828,600 in HOME funds will also be available for affordable housing projects. The combination of CDBG and HOME funds beina made available for affordable housina totals approximateiv S1,013,390. Specificaiiv, the S1,013,390 will be used for acauisition of propertv for affordable housina purposes. To develop a 2001-2002 CDBG/HOME program which meets the needs of the low and moderate income population, Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community. Citizen participation is critical to the success of the Cartsbad CDBG/HOME program. Therefore, we are encouraging all qualified nonprofit organizations to consider the needs of low and moderate income persons within Carlsbad and submit an application for a proposed project(s) or service. The Proposal Review Process for the CDBG/HOME Program is attached for your information. Per federal regulations, all HOME funds must be used for affordable housing purposes and CDBG funds may be used for, but are not limited to: public service activities, acquisition of real property, relocation and demolition, rehabilitation of residential and nonresidential structures, construction of public facilities and improvements and conversion of schools for eligible purposes. in addition, CDBG funds may be used for activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources. The types of activities that generally are not eligible for CDBG funding include: buildings for the general conduct of government, political activities, income payments, construction of new housing and other facilities offering 24-hour care. NATIONAL OBJECTIVES The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBG funds to finance projects and services that provide direct benefit to low and moderate income residents. Every project proposed for the CDBG program must address at least one of the three broad National Objectives for the program. The National Objectives are: 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and 3. Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where no other financial resources are available to meet such needs. LOCAL OBJECTIVES In addition to meeting the National Objectives, every project proposed for CDBG funding must meet at least one of the local Community Development Objectives which are: 1. Affordable Housina: Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision of additional affordable housing units in Carisbad; Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families which 6 CDBGIHOME Program Request for Proposals Page 3 result in an improved situation through employment, permanent housing, treatment of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; and, Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing units in Carlsbad through residential (rental and/or owner occupied) rehabilitation programs. 2. SOCIAL SERVICES (GENERAL): Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic needs of lower income Carlsbad residents. Basic needs providers are defined as those that provide food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care: Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer counseling and self-improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents: and, Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreational and/or cultural programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents. 3. SOCIAL SERVICES (CHILDREN & ADULTS): Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit lower income children living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities: day care, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health care/immunization or self-improvement. The City may also give priority to single-parent assistance programs such as counseling services; and Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit low income adults living in Carisbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities for adults: employment services, job training, and educational programs. Programs designed for elderly adults only must provide one or more of the following activities: meals, homemaking or personal assistance services, financial assistance services, counseling, transportation, or shared housing or other housing related services. It is the intent of the City to only approve CDBG/HOME assisted projects that do not result in the displacement of low/moderate income persons from their homes. Therefore, all persons submitting project proposals to the City should consider the displacement impact upon low/moderate income households. IV. Submission of Reauest For Proposals All persons, organizations, agencies, etc. wishing to submit an application for funding consideration under the CDBG/HOME program must obtain a “Funding Proposal Application” from the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department. Interested persons may request a Funding Proposal Application by calling (760) 434-2818. 7 CDBG/HOME Program Request for Proposals Page 4 Ten copies of each project proposal must be submitted to the attention of Frank Boensch prior to 5:00 p.m. on December 22,200O at the following address: CITY OF CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET, SUITE B CARLSBAD, CA 92008 IV. Technical Assistance/Questions or Comments City staff is available to provide technical assistance in preparing applications and to answer questions regarding the application review process. Please contact Frank Boensch at (760) 434-2818 for information regarding technical assistance or if you have questions or comments on the CDBG/HOME Program. CONSOLIDATED FUNDING PLAN STRATEGY CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBG/HOME PROGRAM PY 2001-2002 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2001-2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The City of Carisbad Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be allocated to organizations, agencies, City Departments, or persons to implement programs or develop/improve public facilities which meet the following community development objectives: 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: . Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or retention of affordable housing units in Carisbad; . Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families which result in an improved situation through employment, permanent housing, treatment of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; and, l Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing units in Carisbad through residential (rental and/or owner occupied) rehabilitation programs. 2. SOCIAL SERVICES (GENERAL): l Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic needs of lower income Carlsbad residents. Basic needs are defined as those which provide food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care; l Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer counseiing and seif- improvement programs/activities for lower income Carisbad residents; and, . Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreational and/or cultural programs/activities for lower income Carisbad residents. 3. SOCIAL SERVICES (CHILDREN &ADULTS): . Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit lower income children living in Carisbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities: day care, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health care/immunization or self-improvement. The City may also give priority to single-parent assistance programs such as counseiing services; and l Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit low income adults living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the following activities for adults: employment services, job training, and educational programs. Programs designed for elderly adults only must provide one or more of the following activities: meals, homemaking or personal assistance services, financial assistance services, counseling, transportation, or shared housing or other housing related services. Fund Strategy 2 of 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2001-2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 2001-2002 PROGRAM YEAR Source of Funds Amount($) New Entitlement Grant 622,OOO.OO Program Income 67,248.80 Reallocation of Previous Funds 21,440.63 TOTAL 710,689.43 CompletedlCanceied Project Funds to be Reallocated Activity Year Status Council on Aging Contribution for Vista Senior Center Expansion 2000 Funds no longer needed Balance ($1 20,000.00 La Posada de Guadaiupe Roof and Floor Repairs 1998 Completed 1,384.63 La Posada de Guadalupe Restroom/Shower Improvements 1997 Completed 66.00 TOTAL 21,440.63 Funds Available by Activity Amount ($1 Public Service Affordable Housing Public Facilities, improvements/Other Program Administration/Fair Housing’ Section 108 Loan Payment2 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 93,300.oo 154,790.21 154,790.22 124,400.OO 183,408.OO $710,689.43 1 No proposals will be accepted for CDBG funds available for planning and administrative activities. All funds will be used for the administration of the City’s CDBG Program. 2 Funds will be used for the payment of the City’s Section 108 Loan used for the acquisition of property for the Villa Loma Affordable Housing Project. Fund Strategy 3of5 II SAN DIEGO URBAN COUNTY 2001-2002 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM STRATEGY The City of Carlsbad, as a member of the San Diego Urban County HOME Consortium, will allocate its HOME Investment Partnership funds to implement the following activities directly, through local housing authorities, or for-profit or non-profit organizations: 1. Property Acquisition/Housing Construction HOME funds may be used for property acquisition and all other eligible costs of providing new affordable housing for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 2. Housing Acquisition/Rehabilitation HOME funds may be used for acquisition of existing housing units with or without rehabilitation for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 3. Housing Rehabilitation HOME funds may be used for housing rehabilitation costs incurred separately or in connection with the acquisition of existing housing for lower-income persons and special needs groups. 4. Rental Assistance HOME funds may be used for tenant based rental assistance, related residential security deposit assistance programs, and other eligible related costs. 5. Home Buyer Assistance HOME funds may be used for home buyer assistance programs for lower income persons. Such programs may include, but are not limited to, downpayment and closing cost assistance, direct loan to the home buyer, interest subsidy to the lender, or “gap” financing. 6. Administration/Planning A portion of HOME funding may be used for eligible HOME administration and planning costs, including direct administrative and overhead costs, public information, fair housing, and program development costs. Funding Process The City’s portion of HOME funds will be awarded to eligible housing activities implemented by the City or by for profit or non-profit organizations on behalf of the City. Staff of the Housing and Redevelopment Department shall evaluate and determine those eligible housing activities to be considered for funding under the HOME Program Fund Strategy 4of5 based upon the housing need priorities established in the City’s General Plan Housing Element and the Consolidated Plan. Staff will present to recommendations for project funding to the City Council for consideration and final approval. Additionally, the Urban County HOME funding program will be implemented through twice yearly Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA’s). Leverage In so far as possible, HOME funds will be leveraged with other public and private funding sources to enhance program productivity. Area of Activity HOME funds may be used for housing activities implemented within the City of Carlsbad. SAN DIEGO COUNTY CONSORTIUM 2001-2002 HOME PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM TENTATIVE FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR 2001-2002 PROGRAM YEAR Participating Jurisdictions Amount ($1 Carlsbad 226,855 Encinitas 204,599 La Mesa 197,846 Santee 185,279 Vista 284,942 Urban County 2,126,979 TOTAL $3,226,500 Fund Strategy 5of5 CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBGIHOME PROGRAM APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS PURPOSE To set forth procedures to be used for allocating the annual City of Carlsbad Home Investment Partnership (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. BACKGROUND Each year the City of Carlsbad is entitled to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development through the CDBG Program to finance projects and/or services which benefit low/moderate income persons/households within the community. The City also receives federal funds through the HOME Program to implement housing activities that benefit lower income households. In response to the City’s “Request for Proposals” for the CDBG/HOME Program, the City receives numerous applications for funding from local organizations. In an effort to facilitate the activity selection and funding allocation process, the following procedures have been established for the program. OBJECTIVE The intent of this process is to streamline the CDBG/HOME funding allocation procedures and implement specific proposal evaluation criteria which can be used to assist in the selection of activities for funding on an annual basis. This process describes the CDBG/HOME application process; outlines the review process for activity selection and funding recommendations; and, summarizes the public hearing requirements. A CDBG/HOME Advisory Committee, will be appointed to review and make recommendations to the City Council on funding levels for each of the eligible activities submitted by organizations and/or city departments. PROCEDURES The goal of the City of Carlsbad is to develop a well balanced CDBG/HOME Program that reflects the various needs of its low to moderate income residents, with three primary areas of focus: 1) affordable housing: 2) general social services for lower income persons; and 3) services for children and adults, including the elderly. The following procedures outline the steps to be used by the Advisory Committee and staff of the Housing and Redevelopment Department in selecting activities which provide for a well balanced program and in making recommendations for allocation of the funds on an annual basis: 1. Interested persons, non-profit organizations, City departments and others may submit a request for funding on the appropriate application form. A public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation will indicate how to obtain an application and the due date for all proposals. Generally, the application review process will begin in November or December of each year. 2. Upon receipt of proposals/applications for funding, Housing and Redevelopment . . . . Department staff will make a determination regarding the elrglbrlrty of each proposed project for funding consideration under the program. Requests for funds shall be considered for funding only if the application is complete and demonstrates that the following conditions have been met: a. The governing board formally authorized the organization’s request for CDBG APPLICATION REVIEW PROCtSS PAGE 2 and/or HOME funds from the City of Carlsbad and authorized official to bind organization into subsequent agreements for CDBG funds ; b. The proposed use of funds is an eligible activity, per the Federal regulations for the CDBG and/or HOME program; C. The organization and the proposed activity must not have any outstanding or unresolved findings of violation of the federal regulations governing the CDBG and/or HOME program; d. If applying for CDBG funds, the proposed use of funds meets at least one national objective for the CDBG program, as established by the Federal regulations: e. If applying for CDBG funds, the proposed use of funds meets at least one local objective for the CDBG program, as established by the City of Carlsbad’s Community Development Plan; and, f. If applying for HOME funds or CDBG funds which are not for public service category activities, the proposed use of funds must be for the purpose of increasing the availability of affordable housing for lower income households. 3. All complete applications, which have met the conditions outlined above, shall be considered eligible for funding consideration and shall continue in the activity selection and funding allocation process. All applications which are deemed ineligible for funding consideration shall receive written notification that the application for funds is ineligible due to a specified reason and will not be reviewed further by staff or the Advisory Committee. 4. The Advisory Committee will consider the needs of lower income Carlsbad residents in developing recommendations to the City Council for the funding of activities which are the “most qualified” to meet those needs. The Committee will consist of seven (7) members and will include the following representatives to be appointed by the City Council: Senior Commissioner, Planning Commissioner, Housing Commissioner, and four citizens-at-large (one from each quadrant of the City). 5. Each eligible application for funds shall be reviewed and evaluated, for ranking purposes, based upon the criteria outlined below. Housing and Redevelopment Department staff will evaluate each eligible proposal/application for funds and assign a score based on a maximum 100 point scale using the following criteria: a. ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITY/CAPACITY Maximum of 25 Points i. Experience of organization in providing 5 Points services to low/moderate income persons/households and in providing the proposed activity. ii. Capacity/ability of staff assigned to 5 Points implement proposed activity. ii. Organization’s experience with the 5 Points administration of CDBG or other State or Federal funds. APPLICATION REVIEW PROCtSS PAGE 3 iv. Level of ability demonstrated by organization to provide services and to adhere to applicable local, State, or Federal regulations governing funding sources. b. FINANCIAL CAPACITY/STABILITY i. Leveraging of CDBG funds with outside resources to finance proposed activity. II. Relatively stable financial position C IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITY i. Demonstration of organization’s readiness to implement proposed activity d BENEFITS/BENEFICIARIES i. Accessibility of activity for use by Carlsbad clients. ii. Extent to which proposed activity benefits low income persons/households (50% of median family income). . . . Ill. Extent to which proposed activity benefits low income Cartsbad households iv. Extent to which proposed activity meets the needs of low income residents 10 Points Maximum of 25 Points 15 Points 10 Points Maximum of 10 Points 10 Points Maximum of 40 Points 10 Points IO Points 10 Points 10 Points Housing and Redevelopment Department staff will initially evaluate the organization’s proposal according to the above pre-established criteria. A total of 100 points are available for each proposal. Each proposal will be ranked according to total points received in the evaluation process. A copy of the Evaluation Form is attached as Exhibit A for information purposes only. 6. To facilitate the complete evaluation of eligible proposals/applications, applicants will be given the opportunity to participate in a 10 minute interview with the Funding Advisory Committee and staff. The public will also be given the opportunity to comment on the eligible proposals being considered for funding. The interview will provide the Advisory Committee and staff with an opportunity to obtain additional information regarding the organization and the proposed activity that may not have been provided, or was unclear in the application. Applicants should provide any documents which may assist the Advisory Committee and staff in evaluating the proposal/application Drier to this interview. 7. Following the interview of each eligible proposal/application, staff will complete its evaluation of the proposal according to the criteria noted above and then categorize the eligible proposals/applications in rank order into the following three classifications: a. b. C. Public services/facilities for the purpose of providing or maintaining affordable housing; Public services/facilities for the purpose of providing general social services: and Public services/facilities for the purpose of providing specialized social services for children and adults. This information will then be presented to the Advisory Committee for further review to determine the level of funding to be recommended for each proposal. - APPLICATION REVIEW PROtcSS PAGE 4 8. It is the Advisory Committee’s responsibility to make a recommendation on the level of funding to be allocated to the eligible activities according to the order the proposals/applications were ranked within each classification. The Advisory Committee shall work from the top of each list to the bottom, taking one proposal at a time on a rotation basis from each classification, and recommend a funding level for the proposal until all available funds have been allocated to eligible activities. This process will be used to make funding recommendations for both public service and affordable housing proposals. The minimum funding level for each recommended public service activity shall be $5,000 and $20,000 for affordable housing activities, but shall not exceed the requested funding amount. EXAMPLE: The Advisory Committee shall take the first public service activity listed within “Affordable Housing” and make a funding recommendation for this activity. Then, the Committee will consider a funding recommendation for the first public service activity listed under “General Social Services” and so on. Once a recommendation for funding has been made for an activity within each of the three classifications, the Committee will then move to the next activity listed. This process will be repeated to also develop funding recommendations for affordable housing proposals. CDBG/HOME PROGRAM FUND ALLOCATION PROCESS PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS Housing General Social Social Services - Services Children & Adults 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL FUNDS ALLOCATED TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE : FUNDS OVER/UNDER TOTAL AVAILABLE $ 9. The Advisory Committee’s funding recommendations will be presented to the City Council for action during a public hearing. All applications submitted and the funding recommendations made by the Advisory Committee will be submitted to the City Council for consideration by the end of April of each year. 10. After accepting public comments on the proposals and recommendations, the City Council may accept the Committee’s recommendations as submitted or modify them as necessary to meet the needs of low/moderate income persons within the community. /7 APPLICATION REVIEW PROCdS PAGE 5 11. Following City Council action, a Consolidated Funding Plan, including the list of selected activities and funding amounts for the CDBG/HOME Program, will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for final approval. 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