HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-21; City Council; 15969; Community Activity Grants Program 2000-20014 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENbA BILL AB# !KqM MTG. 11/21/00 DEPT. FIN CITY Am-Z COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS PROGRAM TITLE: - DEPT HD. 2000-01 FUNDING RECOMMENDATION CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Adopt Resolution No. de3qqaccepting the recommendation of the Citizen Review Committee and allocating funds to those groups and amending the application to delete for profit entities from eligible applicants. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 15, 2000 Council directed staff to form a Citizen Review Committee to review the 2000-01 Community Activity Grant applications and make recommendations to Council. This subcommittee was established under the guidelines established in Council Policy #51. These guidelines specify that a review panel be made up of one representative from each quadrant of the City, one Senior Commission member, one Library Board member and one Parks and Recreation Commission member. The grant applications were due to the Finance Department by October 2, 2000. A total of 20 grant applications were received with funding requests totaling approximately $250,000. The Citizen Review Committee met a total of four times during the months of October and early November. They reviewed the applications, interviewed the top applicants and evaluated the grant requests based on level of enrichment, experience in program area, organizational experience and background, financial capabilities and scope of project. As a result of their review and evaluation, a total of $52,000 in funding is being recommended for six of the requests. The table shown in Exhibit 1 summarizes the grant requests and the Citizen Review Committee’s recommendations for funding. The Committee is also recommending that based on the limitations governments have in funding for profit businesses, future applications for Community Activity Grant funds should not be accepted from for profit entities. The application has been revised (Exhibit 2) to reflect this recommendation. FISCAL IMPACT: The 2000-01 operating budget contains an appropriation of $60,000 for Community Activity Grants. No further appropriations are required. EXHIBITS: 1. Summary of grant requests and subcommittee recommendations. 2. Revised Community Activity Grant application. 3. Resolution No.w’ccepting the recommendation of the Council subcommittee for funding of the Community Activity Grants Program for 2000-2001, and amending the application to delete for profit entities from eligible applicants. Summary of 2000-01Communlty Activity Grant Requests EXHIBIT 1 Grant Recommended Applicant Program Descrlptlon Request Fundlng 1 Palomar Shuttle Grant request is to support the Palomar Shuttle and Trolley service. 2 Boy8GirisClub p of San Dieguito Funding to support the North Coast Singers choral program. The mission of this program is to provide a traditional choral singing experience to local youth, to provide vocal training and musicianship skills, to foster a sense of responsibility to community and to institute a lifelong appreciation of fine music. 3 Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation and Voters League of Women 4 Ofie Escobedo 5 Richard D. Gann 6 Lory McGregor Improve the appearance of the Buena Vista Lagoon bird ObSeNatiOn area. Grant money would be used for the design and installation of new signs, trash cans. displays and the labor and materials to clean and repair the display area. A community based fiesta, organized to call attention to the historical and cultural diversity of the neighborhood and to honor some of the early pioneers, who were an integral part of Carlsbads beginnings. The goal is to duplicate the successful 2000 Fiesta. Offer a free legal aid workshop to be held every other week at a Community tenant, medical, mail claims, and other common issues. Grant will pay center. Focus will be issues such as probate, estate planning, landlord- for salaries and advertising. Dollars for scholars provides scholarships to graduating seniors of La Costa Canyon High School to assist in their continuing education. Scholarships are awarded based on grade point average, school activities. community service and need. If granted this money would be awarded to a graduating senior living in Carlsbad. 7 Children's Discovery .. Museum of North Support for traveling exhibit for Summer 2001. A traveling exhibit is a County and shipped to our museum for a 2-3 month time span. hands-on, educational exhibit made elsewhere (usually larger museum) 8 Museumof Making Music This grant request is to support a traveling exhibit and Hands-on music 9 American Legion Post education program called the Magics, Music Show. The target audience organizations and at special events. The goals of this program are to is children 3-8 years old in Carlsbad and will be offered to schools, support and supplement the Carisbad music education curriculum for the first - third grades, introduce young children ages 3-5 to mUSiC making, and inspire continued music making. Funding request is for: Boys and Girls State programs in Sacramento which recognizes high school juniors for their leadership abilities; the high school award program which recognizes graduating seniors for their courage, honor, leadership, patriotism. scholarship and service to both the school and community: and the adopt a class program which teaches elementary school children police and fire safety, flag etiquette, and geography through the use of coloring books. $40,000 $0 15,000 0 3.850 5,000 15,000 10,000 12.000 1,000 23,911 1 1,000 18,000 13,000 3,000 3,000 10 Sylvia Martinez 11 Virginia Murphy 12 Magnolia Elementary 13 Magnolia Elementary 14 Sea Lion Water Polo Club 15 Sarah Amador - A youth program focusing on cultural understanding which will bring about peacemaking skills, greater tolerance of different cultures and leadership skills through lectures, activities, field trips, and demonstrations. 3,500 0 Advertising and public relations cost associated with a recruitment 7,700 0 campaign for the youth scholarship program Request is for funding to create a deaf studies curriculum for Magnolia Elementary School. This curriculum will include sign language classes, sign workshops, field trips, student generated technology presentations and language materials, deaf historical literature, lesson plans, guest speakers. perlormances. 10,912 10,000 Request is for funding to bring the whole school on-line without wiring as 4.829 weli as providing a mobile computing unit with internet access. The school is very old and would require extensive expensive work to wire for the internet. Polo Pr- Funding request is to run three 6-10 week sessions of children's water polo. a weekly class for adults with disabilities. and Camp Sea Lion. Funding request also includes costs associated with application for non profit Status. 18.020 Funding request is for the research, writing, and editing of the book, LOS Arnadores. This will include desktop publishing and printing of the book for the Carlsbad Barrio museum. 10,000 16 La Costa Canyon High School I SAS This program will be a videotaped simulated automobile accident involving 9,500 alcohol-using teenagers at LCC. The goal is for teenagers to view, experience and hopefully prevent a real occurrence of an alcohol-involved aut0 accident in the community. 17 Guy Roney The premise of this paper is what will the Carlsbad Community need to maintain or change to enable the residents to continue the current vitality 7,500 18 San Dieguito - Alliance for Drug Study Buddy Program is an aflerschool program where high school students Free Youth friendship and tutor elementary school students for one hour, once a week, 3,000 during Fall session and Spring session. Funding request is for the three elementary schools in the Encinitas School District located in Carlsbad. 19 Jay Klopfenstein This grant money will be used as the first step toward cetiification of Carlsbad as a city of '"environmental merit" with the National Wildlife Federation by 2005. To goal is to make Carlsbad landscapes more suitable for wildlife. I, . . ,, 10,800 0 0 0 20 Vista Botanical 35,000 0 Garden Foundation The Vista Botanical Forest will be a science , research, and educational center. $252,522 $52,000 3 - 70MMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT - EXHIBIT 2 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Applicant Information: Please provide the requested information including: name, address, phone, Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, and two (2) contact names. Two contact names are required for the application to be considered complete. Amount of Grant Request: Enter the dollar amount of City funds you are requesting. Eligibility Requirements: Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply for grant funds. The three basic requirements which must be met for an organization to be eligible to apply for Community Activity Grants are: 1. A Carlsbad City Council Member cannot be on the board of the Organization. 2. The organization cannot have received money from other City sources (including CDBG) for the 3. The program cannot be in competition with other City programs. 4. The applicant cannot be a for profit entity. Program DescriptiodScope: The program description should describe the nature of the program, the benefits to the Carlsbad Community, and the projected percent of Carlsbad residents served by the program, i.e., if the program only serves Carlsbad residents, then this would be 100%. Please provide an implementation schedule for the program showing the timeline and activities required to implement the program. If this is an ongoing program for which you are requesting funds, describe how the program will be funded in the future without the City grant. current fiscal year. Applicant Background: Provide the requested information on your organization. If available, please attach an organization chart. Experience in Program Area: Provide information relating to the applicant’s and other employees’experience in the program for which funds are being requested. Include the number of years providing similar services and the experience level of the individual(s). Provide any other information which would be useful to the reviewers in understanding your capabilities to provide the services for which the funds are requested. Financial CapabilitiesIBudget: In addition to providing a detailed budget for the program request, please include a funding schedule (your request for the timing of disbursement of the funds). Funds will only be disbursed in advance if a separate bank account is maintained. Applicant must also provide the requested information on current funding sources, and previous City funding received or requested within the past three years. Signatures: We require two contact names and their signatures. Reporting Requirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds are spent, whichever comes first. Proof of program expenses are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS APPLICATION Submit to: City of Carlsbad Finance Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Cheryl Gerhardt or FAX to (760)602-8553 Please complete the following application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. You may attach additionalpages gnecessav. Name of Applicant: Address: Phone: - Contact 1) name Contact 2) name phone phone Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: Amount of Grant Request: $ Y N no no Eligibility Requirements: Please answer the following questions: Is a City Council Member on your board? Is your organization a for profit entity? Have you or will you be receiving funding in 2000 for this program from other City sources? no Are you aware of any other City program providing this service? no If so, which one? Zfyou answeredE to any of these questions, your request is not eligible for this grant program Please contact Cheryl Gerhardt at the City of Carlsbad (760-602-2428) for further information, ifdesired. Program DescriptionlScope (please use additionalpages ifnecessary): Describe your program: How will theprogram benefit the Carlsbad Community? % of Carlsbad Residents Served Applicant Background: This applicant is a (an): [7 Non - Profit [7 State Public Agency 0 Other Years in Business: Number of Employees: Number of Volunteers: (Please attach an organization chart, if available.) Names of Officers and Board of Directors: Name: Title: [7 Local Public Agency Individual Experience in Program Area: Financial CapabilitieslSudget: Current finding sources and levels: Previous City funding received or requested in the past three years: (Please attach a budget for program request includingfirnding schedule.) Reporting Requirements: A report on how the funds were spent will be required to be filed with the City annually, or when funds which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. are spent, whichever comes first. Proof of program expenses are required to be held for two years during We agree to adhere to the reporting requirements described above. Yes 0 No 0 Other Requirements Grant recipients will be required to recognize on all printed material that grant program is funded in part by the City of Carlsbad. Certification: We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of - our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Signature Title Title Date Date LIVE -WORK - PLAY - ENJOY1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-349 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT COUNCIL SUBCOMMllTEE AND ALLOCATING FUNDS TO THE ORGANIZATIONS IDENTIFIED WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, appointed a seven member Citizen Review Committee to review Community Activity Grant applications and make a recommendation for funding; and WHEREAS, the Citizen Review Committee has recommended six organizations and their funding level, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following organizations are hereby granted funds in the amounts shown from the Community Activity Grants fund for the 2000-01 fiscal year: Buena Vista Lagoon Bird Observation Area Improvements Barrio Carlsbad Fiesta - 2001 $5,000 10,000 Magnolia Elementary Deaf Studies Curriculum 10,000 American Legion Post High School Adopt a Class 3,000 Program Museum of Making Music - Magical Music Show 13,000 Children’s Museum Summer 2001Traveling Exhibit 11,000 Palomar Shuttle 5,000 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I - x PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 3 day of November, 2000, by the following vote, to ! wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ! ATTEST: A WRRA~M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL)