HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-12-12; City Council; 16007; Stop Signs On Plum Tree Roadt I Lo - 3 .$ m k Cl7 f OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA ;LL o/6 AB# l(pr bo 7 TITLE: REVIEW RECOMMENDATION DEPT. l#h- OF THE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MTG. 12/l z/o0 NOT TO PLACE STOP SIGNS ON WC-i E ‘i DEPT. I PLUM TREE ROAD ENG CITY MGR. - 90 mu .Y a1 I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and uphold the Traffic Safety Commission recommendation to have staff conduct traffic studies on Plum Tree Road regarding the installation of STOP signs and present the information at a future Traffic Safety Commission meeting. It is further recommended that the $120 fee paid by Mr. Montiel for the City Council to review this item be refunded. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Rafael E. Montiel is requesting a review of the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission made at their November 6, 2000 meeting to not install STOP signs at this time at several intersections on Plum Tree Road. Instead, the Commission recommended, by a 2-1 vote, that traffic studies be conducted on Plum Tree Road in accordance with their July 10, 2000 recommendation to determine if STOP signs were warranted or if other suitable alternatives could be implemented to help control speeding vehicles on Plum Tree Road. Mr. Montiel did not attend the Traffic Safety Commission meeting of November 6, 2000. Based upon a citizen request for STOP signs on Plum Tree Road, the Traftic Safety Commission discussed the request at their meeting of July 10, 2000. At that time, the segment of Aviara Parkway between Plum Tree Road and Cobblestone Road was not completed and not open to traffic. The Commission requested that traffic data be obtained 60 days after the opening of Aviara Parkway to evaluate if speeding and cut-through traffic was reduced on Plum Tree Road. At their July 10, 2000 meeting, by a 4-l vote, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended that 60 days after the opening of Aviara Parkway staff conduct traffic studies on Plum Tree Road and return with the traffic data to the Traffic Safety Commission. The missing segment of Aviara Parkway was opened to traffic on September 20,200O. On October 24, 2000, Mr. Montiel met with staff to discuss his request for STOP signs on Plum Tree Road. He did not want to wait for staff to conduct traffic studies 60 days after the opening of Aviara Parkway and then have the traffic data presented to the Traffic Safety Commission. Mr. Montiel informed staff that traffic volumes appeared to have decreased on Plum Tree Road since the opening of Aviara Parkway, but he still had concerns about speeding vehicles at certain times of the day. He requested that the Traffic Safety Commission address the STOP sign issue on Plum Tree Road at the November 6, 2000 Commission meeting. Staff informed Mr. Montiel that there would be no traffic data for the Commission to review at their November 6, 2000 meeting and without data, the Commission could not evaluate the request for an ALL-WAY STOP. Mr. Montiel recognized the dilemma facing the Traffic Safety Commission by not having current traffic data. However, he wanted to receive a Commission recommendation as quickly as possible and not wait for traffic studies to be conducted and then be presented at a later date to the Commission. Staff scheduled the matter for the November 6, 2000 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. As stated, by a 2-l vote, the Commission recommended that traffic studies be conducted 60 days after Aviara Parkway was opened and the traffic data be brought to the Traffic Safety Commission for review and recommendation at a future meeting. \ \/ 1 ,- Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 1 /ID 67 Mr. Montiel is requesting a review of the November 6, 2000 recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission. Although the request by Mr. Montiel for review of the Traffic Safety Commission recommendation is addressed on an Appeal Form, this item is not officially an appeal of the Traffic Safety Commission recommendation, as there is no provision in the Carlsbad Municipal Code for an appeal. The $120 appeal fee paid by Mr. Montiel should be refunded. FISCAL IMPACT: If an ALL-WAY STOP is established at two intersections as requested by Mr. Montiel, signing and striping costs will be about $1,500. 1. Location Map. 2. Appeal of Rafael E. Montiel dated November 15, 2000. 3. Minutes of the November 6,200O Traffic Safety Commission meeting. 4. Minutes of the July 10, 2000 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. 2 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME PLUM TREE ROAD !“- \ Ir~YfoL.\.,Ir ,TL;rl’.r’l,,,r. r!ee p,-,,.::j <!;*.- “E,‘?F, ,!?:r !-,q 1’ ;‘\,. ~:-:.,~t.“..>,,, EXHIBIT I 3 I (We) appeal the decision of the -kAFF\C -<&6Efl c;3hl/tl65 iOn) action is a City Engineer’s Decision, please say so. If a project has neral Plan Amendment, Negative Declaration, Specific Plan, etc.) please list them all. If you only want to appeal a part of the whole action, please state that here. Reason(s) for Ameal: l Please Note l Failura to specify a reason may result in denial of the appeal, and you will be limited to the grounds stated here when presenting your appeal. BE SPECIFIC How did the decision maker err? What about the decision is inconsistent with state or local laws, plans, or policy? r,A4 7-&z-- ism-7 15 l3eNG i%m As A Cd-- 7-zoax%H za%iL tE k!T!a.mE~ NAME (please print) ////5/&7 DATE /2m Pi04 7kGE E24!b ADDRESS: Street Name & Number &L? CiQ cea74 State, Zip Code 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive l Carlsbad, California 92008-l 989 - (619) 434-2808 h - Mr. Robert T. Johnson, Jr., P.E. Deputy City Engineer City of Carlsbad Public Works-Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 November 01, 2000 Dear Bob, Thanks again for meeting with me last week. As always, I appreciate your time and feedback regarding the traffic problems on Plum Tree Road. Per out discussion, I am using this letter to formally request stop signs for Plum Tree Road. As you know, the community of Seaside Heights has been extremely concerned with the high volume of traffic on Plum Tree, but more so with the numerous vehicles cutting through this street at speeds that dangerously exceed the legal and posted maximum. Since the opening of Aviara Parkway, this September, we think there has been a reduction in the volume of traffic. Unfortunately, the speeding vehicles are still very much present, and the situation for us, especially for all the children in the neighborhood, continues to be unacceptably dangerous. In addition, traffic volumes will rise again when the large housing developments to our north and west are completed. Bob, we have been having discussions with the city, regarding this problem, for almost two years now, and feel that council members and the traffic division are well aware of the issues. We have been encouraged with the council members’ concern with our problem, and their commitment to help us resolve it. . You have seen the petition we have with dozens of signatures, including many neighbors that don’t live on Plum Tree, requesting this action. We believe that the time to take action can no longer wait, and request that two stop signs be installed as soon as possible. Per our discussions, it seems that the intersections of Coneflower Drive, and Bluebonnet Drive would be the best candidates for the stop signs. We are well aware that previous studies on Plum Tree, have concluded that the traffic volumes have not warranted stop signs per traditional criteria. I know that you agree with us that future studies will only confirm these past studies. Considering that the most recent study was conducted this past June, before Aviara Parkway was completed, we concede that our current volumes are unlikely to be higher and far from meeting the minimum traditional criteria. Because of this we ask that no more time, effort, or money be wasted on additional studies that will only confirm what previous recent studies have shown. We are fearful for the safety of our children, under current traffic conditions, and can’t afford the months it would take for the completion of this needless study. Bob, as you know, last night was Halloween night. I accompanied my children as they went around our neighborhood. The number of speeding cars when dozens of children were running around in the darkness was frightening. Without exception, these speeders were using Plum Tree as a cut through, with no regards to the safety of the children. This dangerous atmosphere isn’t restricted to Halloween. It is repeated every day when our children walk or ride their bikes, to and from school, and when they play in their own neighborhood. We are a reasonable neighborhood, and want to explore the least costly and disruptive measure to solve this intolerable problem. Because of meetings with you and other members of the City of Carlsbad, we have agreed to try stop signs to solve this problem, instead of going to more extreme and restrictive measures. We think and hope that this measure will work, and request that we do it without further delay. Bob, thanks again for all your help in this matter. Your concern, time, and expertise has been greatly appreciated by all of us. I wish I was able to attend the meeting next week, but as you know a previous commitment prevents me from doing so. Thanks again for your support. Sincerely, Ray Montiel Mr. Bob Johnson Traffic Engineer City of Carlsbad Public Works Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Johnson, On behalf of the residents of Seaside Heights, we are alerting you to a very serious traffic problem in our neighborhood, and requesting your assistance to help us resolve it. The problem is the unplanned high volume of traffic on Plum Tree Road, and the excessive speeds at which a great deal of these vehicles are traveling. The vast majority of this excess traffic and speeding vehicles comes not from residents of Seaside Heights, but from motorists in surrounding areas using Plum Tree, instead of the nearby roads that were designed for this type of volume and speed. Plum Tree is a residential street that ends at Hidden Valley Road on the west end of the street, and Aviara Parkway on the east end. It is a short street, approximately three city-blocks in length. The homes on the north side of the street face Plum Tree, while the homes of the south side of the street have their sides exposed to Plum Tree. The posted speed limit on Plum Tree is 25 mph. Visiting this area or looking at a map makes it readily apparent that Plum Tree was not designed to be a busy traffic artery. In fact, it seems obvious that the first road south of Plum Tree, Camino de las Ondas, is the road intended for the type of traffic experienced on Plum Tree. There are no homes facing this road. With posted speed limits of 40 mph, Camino de las Ondas is a straight connection between Aviara Parkway and Paseo de1 Norte. Hidden Valley Road ends at Camino de las Ondas, giving the same access to Palomar Airport road and neighborhoods north of Seaside Heights, that Plum Tree is being used for. Our neighborhood is almost 2 years old, and although we have had this problem since the beginning, it has continued to get worse. There are times during the day where we must wait for numerous vehicles to pass, before we can pull out of our driveways. Even then, this can be dangerous for those of us living near the top of the hill because we can’t see cars that are on the 7 other side of the hill speeding toward us. This is very dangerous, and has resulted in cars coming to a skidding halt to avoid a collision with us, or us scrambling back up our driveways to avoid a crash. We are often passed by vehicles that are too impatient to drive behind us at the 25-mph speed limit. Seldom do they fail to gesture or yell obscenities, as they pass at illegal and unsafe speeds. Although most of us have reluctantly been forced to keep our kids away from venturing near the street, and even go to the lengths of driving our kids to play with neighborhood friends, there are still many kids that walk and ride their bikes along and across Plum Tree. For the kids in the neighborhood, as well as adults that walk and jog along Plum Tree, it is the only way to get to Poinsettia Park which is located at the end of Plum Tree, on the other side of Hidden Valley road. Mr. Johnson, it is truly frightening to watch a couple of young boys skateboarding along Plum Tree on their way to play in the park, while a car speeds by them at 40 mph. It is equally gut wrenching to see a little girl on a bike, watching for a break in traffic to safely cross Plum Tree to play at her friend’s home. Without question, it is a tragedy waiting to happen. If unchecked the situation will undoubtedly continue to worsen, due alone to the continued growth of the surrounding areas. However, the problem will become worse this fall with the opening of Pacific Rim Elementary School, which is located at the intersection of Hidden Valley and Camino de las Ondas, just south of Plum Tree road. Undoubtedly, dozens of children will walk to school, either along Plum Tree, or crossing it at some point. This will greatly increase the potential for a tragic accident. To compound the problem, the school’s opening will without question increase the amount of cars using Plum Tree as a short cut, or to avoid the increased school traffic on Camino de las Ondas. As we indicated before, this is not a recent problem, and we have in fact contacted City of Carlsbad personnel on numerous occasions requesting assistance in this matter. Our concerns have always been handled politely, and the people we have worked with seem genuinely sympathetic. In fact, at our request, the Carlsbad police department has made their presence felt on Plum Tree numerous times, issuing citations to speeders. Also, Mr. Jim Murray worked with us to post speed limit signs on both ends of the street. To those individuals, we are grateful for their help and understanding. Unfortunately, nothing that has been done so far seems to have helped. The situation continues to worsen, and is completely unacceptable. Although we love living in Carlsbad, and all the exciting progress that has taken place in the past few years, we can’t enjoy our community as long as our family’s lives are endangered daily by this traffic problem. We truly believe that this problem is not necessary, and working together can be resolved quickly, with minimum cost. We would like to work with you to resolve this problem, and look forward to your suggestions in response to this letter. While we look forward to your suggestions, we would like to offer one that we think would work best for our neighborhood, and bring safety to acceptable levels. We propose blocking off one end of Plum Tree road. This would eliminate through traffic, dramatically decrease the volume of traffic, and the accompanying cause for speeding vehicles. It seems that the east section of Plum Tree would make the most sense for closure, but we are not sure how best to do this. Should it be blocked off so all access is eliminated, or are there ways of doing this that would still allow access to emergency vehicles? Are there ways of doing this, that are more cost effective than others? Mr. Johnson, as we were preparing this letter, we learned of the task force that our city has created to correct the traffic problems afflicting parts of Carlsbad, and that you are heading these efforts. This was great news for our neighborhood, as we now see a clear and formal avenue for addressing our most critical concern. We realize that you will be very busy in this role, but for the sake of the safety of our families, implore that you give our request your highest priority. We are fearful that with every passing day, the chances increase that we will have a catastrophic accident involving our loved ones. It would be additionally tragic if it could have been avoided by rapid and decisive action on our parts. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and working with you to quickly resolve our problem. Sincerely, Y May 12,200O Carlsbad, CA Dear Carlsbad City Council members: The enclosed petition contains pertinent information for the residents of Plum Tree Road. Since the opening of our community, Seaside Heights, we have been exposed to serious traffic problems on Plum Tree Road. Problems due to speeding violations and excessive traffic, have created an ervironment that we consider unsafe for our families. Like most of our surrounding communities, Seaside Heights has a high propensity of families with children of all ages. The severe traffic problems on Plum Tree Road, have made it so tha*t we are fearful to let our children walk, play, or ride their bicycles along this residential street. Although we have had tremendous support from the City of Carlsbad police department, the situation has continued to worsen. The impending addition of two adjacent neighborhoods and a daycare center connecting to Plum Tree road, greatly increases the likelihood of a terrible accident occurring on our street. Plum Tree Road is a natural pathway for children to walk to Pacific Rim Elementary school, and Poinsettia Park. We have also had the cooperation of Carlsbad city traffic engineers, and have met with them on several occasions. These meetings have led us to conclude that there is an inherent flaw in the design of our street, and also helped us learn of the different options available to help us resolve our problem. During numerous neighborhood meetings over the past year, we have carefully studied these available options, and have selected the option that is the least expensive and least complicated, yet likely to be effective. It is described in the petition. It is our desire to avoid,‘if possible, more radical options such as gating our community to ensure the safety of cur families. We consider this situation to be of an extremely serious nature, and ask that you treat the resolution of this problem as a high priority. Sincerely, The residents of Seaside Heights November 6,200O NEW BUSINESS: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 6A. Plum Tree Road- Reauest for Stop Signs at Various Locations. Bob Johnson presented the staff report explaining that this item was requested by Ray Montiel, who lives at 1250 Plum Tree Road. Mr. Montiel spoke with staff on October 24, 2000 and is aware of the recommendation made by the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) in July to wait 60 days after the missing segment of Aviara Parkway was opened before conducting new traffic studies and bringing the results of those studies back to the TSC. Bob stated that the missing segment of Aviara Parkway was opened on September 20, 2000 which means the new traffic studies would have been undertaken at the end of November and the item would, tentatively, be brought back to the TSC at it’s January, 2001 meeting. Mr. Montiel had indicated to staff that he would rather move the item forward and have the matter heard by the TSC at this time rather than waiting, even though he believes traffic volumes are down and STOP sign warrants would not be met. Mr. Montiel also indicated to staff that he would be out of town and not able to attend today’s meeting. Bob mentioned that letters were sent to all persons who attended the July TSC meeting informing them of today’s meeting and Mr. Montiel was also going to notify his neighbors about this meeting. Bob said he informed Mr. Montiel that this is an unusual request since there are no additional traffic studies to present to the TSC. Mr. Montiel informed staff he understands but still wanted the matter heard by the TSC at the November meeting. Bob concluded by saying staff recommends that the TSC reaffirm their previous decision to wait 60 days until a&r the missing segment of Aviara Parkway is opened to traffic and then conduct traffic studies and bring the results to a future Traffic Safety Commission meeting. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Courtney stated he was of the opinion that the TSC is not in a position to act on this matter at the present time because other persons besides Mr. Montiel spoke at the July TSC meeting. Considering that, he said the TSC should pursue their original motion, wait for the traffic studies to be completed, and then place it back on a future meeting agenda. Commissioner Blake asked if 60 days is an adequate period of time to wait before seeing a change in traffic patterns. Bob said 60 days is an adequate period of time and mentioned that a traffic count on Hidden Valley Road south of Palomar Airport Road showed volumes were down by 25 percent not long after the missing portion of Aviara Parkway was opened to traffic. Vice-Chair Whitton said he is aware trafEc volumes are down but he still has reservations about postponing this matter. He said it’s almost irresponsible for this Commission not to act on the requests of the parents who have asked for STOP signs to protect their children and suggested that the STOP signs be approved at this time. Vice-Chair Whitton said he feels the regulations are really guides and the TSC has a responsibility to acquiesce to the parents wishes in this case. Mr. Whitton concluded by saying the TSC has a responsibility to install the signs especially since the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended two STOP signs previously, when traffic volumes were higher. Commissioner Courtney stated that even though citizens request STOP signs and the signs may be a good idea, the TSC must still keep in mind the rules and guidelines regarding them. Mr. Courtney said we can’t just install STOP signs at every block to slow down traffic. He said the purpose of STOP signs is not to slow traffic; that’s why we have the police officers. November 6,200O TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 Vice-Chair Whitton reiterated his position that the TSC should consider the guidelines regarding the matter and use their judgment regarding what to do since being asked twice now by parents. Bob Johnson stated the TSC must evaluate any data that’s presented to them and then make their evaluation. Mr. Johnson said the Traffic Safety Commission’s charge is to look at traffic data and try to make an objective decision. In this particular case, there is no current data to present regarding the matter since the studies have not been initiated. Bob informed the Commission that he mentioned to Mr. Montiel that he doesn’t recall ever taking an item forward to the TSC without traffic data for the Commission to use in making their recommendation. Mr. Johnson concluded by saying it is highly unusual for the TSC to be put in the position it is in today. Vice-Chairperson Whitton re-opened the “Oral Communications” portion of this item due to the late arrival of a person wishing to speak on the matter. Ms. Karen Lonsway, a resident of 1218 Plum Tree Road, apologized for being late and stated that she represents the Plum Tree neighborhood. Ms. Lonsway said Mr. Montiel could not be at the meeting today. She realized she did not hear all of the commissioners statements but commented on Commissioner Courtney’s remarks regarding the TSC not being at the liberty of installing traffic signs throughout the City. She mentioned she has three small children and said this has been an issue since they moved in. She said it’s not the volume of traffic that’s the problem, it’s the speed of the vehicles. She has spoken with the Carlsbad Police Department and is aware of the purpose of STOP signs but said it is the belief of the neighborhood, and especially as a resident of Plum Tree Road, that installing STOP signs will prevent the 55-65 mile per hour traffic from using the roadway and also prevent anyone from getting hurt, She said she has come close to being hit. The residents believe that STOP signs will help because motorists will have to stop even though she realizes some motorists will roll through them without stopping. Ms. Lonsway then read a petition signed by the neighborhood residents asking for the following measures in order to “restore safety on our streets from speeding vehicles and unsafe traffic volumes”: 0 Installation of traffic circles with or without STOP signs. She realized the traffic calming features could not be installed at this time but said the neighborhood felt strongly that the STOP signs will help the problem right now. Vice-Chairperson Whitton asked if a motion needs to be made on this since it was on the agenda. Mr. Johnson said it would be expected that the TSC take some action on the matter but it is their prerogative. If the TSC did not want to take any action at this time, some response to the request would be appropriate. Vice-Chairperson Whitton said he is of the opinion that the request for STOP signs is reasonable, the City was asked to have them installed, the Commission should support the parents, and then, in the future, the STOP signs could be removed when traffic calming features are appropriate. He said we know if traffic studies are done they will indicate even less justification for STOP signs than before but, again, they were recommended by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. Vice-Chairperson Whitton then opened the matter for a motion. November t&2000 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 Commissioner Courtney reiterated his previous comments that the TSC has already embarked on a path to determine whether the STOP signs are justified or not. He also said the Commission should stand by it’s decision since other people attended the July meeting who were interested in the matter. He also said in 60 to 90 days it may not even be a problem or may be twice as bad. At that time, though, we’ll have some data and numbers to act upon. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake, that the T&Tic Safety Commission table this item until the results of the original recommendation are presented. VOTE: AYES: NOES: 2-1-o Courtney, Blake Whitton Vice-Chair Whitton asked Mr. Johnson if the item will come back to the TSC in January and if the interested residents will be notified. Bob said staff will follow the July, 2000 recommendation of the TSC, try to get it on the January TSC agenda, and will notify everybody who attended the July meeting as well as Ms. Karen Lonsway who spoke today. Commissioner Blake asked Lt. Shipley about the history of complaints along Plum Tree Road. Lt. Shipley said Sgt. Cain has been working with the residents there and having enforcement take place. Commissioner Courtney thanked Ms. Lonsway for attending the meeting and addressing the commission. He asked her to try to keep in mind that the TSC is trying to do the right thing and said he personally spoke to Sgt. Cain regarding this matter. Sgt. Cain told him he was out there one night for three hours and wrote several tickets during that time and about a third of the tickets were issued to neighborhood residents. Ms, Lonsway said there are some neighbors who just don’t care and are doing the speeding. explaining this portion of lained the results of two art Road and 50 MPH was established a number of years e critical speed has also increased. Bob said the commissioners in the Traffic San Marcos Municipal Court are starting to scrutinize Engineering and Tra t a roadway’s posted speed limit to be equal to or close to the c f reasons for this including that r3 hdy 10,2ooo TRAFI?tc SAFETY coMMIss1oN mF2 ITEMa Request to establish an ALLMAY STOP at varks intersections along Phm Tree Road. Robert Johnscn, Deputy City Engineer, Tmnqxxtation, stated W Mr. Gregory D. Gorges initiated the request for STOP signs on Plum Tme Road via letter. In his letter, Mr. Gorgas requested that STOP signs be amidered at intetsediins abng PIum Tree Road. currently there ar% four MNsecticns: Robinea Drive, Coneflcwer Drive, Wndflower Drive, and Bluebonnet Drive. The request was initiated due to hii speeding concerns on Plum Tree Road and “cWhrough’ traffk issues. Mr. Gorgas addressed the City Cound during Pubk Comment on May 16,2000 and was directed by the City Council to the Traffic Safety CocnmWon. PlumT~RoadIsa~lroedthatservesaz,aooftedcwroadbetween~~Va~yRbadonthevvest and Avlara Pa&way on the east. Aum Tree Road is approximately 0.35 mites in tength and has been improved with curb and gutter, sidetnafks and streetlights on both sides of the roti plum Tree Road Is located within Sambi Seaside Heights subdiislon. This is a subdivision of i37-single-family dwelling units;t~areerighteer,~BattrontonPkrmTreeRoadon~enorthsideoftheroad.Therosdis posted with 25 mph speed signs and pavement legends that indicate the 25 mph speed zone. The May 30/31,2000 ADT summary on Plum Tree Road indbtes the foI&ving: We!#endnearRobineaDrive 2,372 v%hkles (both @Srediom, In a 24-fmw pertod) Eastend~coneflQwerDrlv% 1,804 vehicles (both d&ecWns in a %-how period) As a msult of the missing gap on Avtarrr Pa&way there ts ‘cut~ruugn” traffic, from Aviara Parkway to ~nV~yRYItWlttrproceedtoPalomatAirpartRoactarrdv~verss. ThereisnodcubttbatPium TrseRoadisbeingusedasa’~~routebecauseofthis~gap. Atpresenttherelsnofbm date of ampWon &the mbing gap. The inspectors am woffhg wlttt the dewbpers; negotiations are taking place with the developer of the apartments at Cobblest~. WMn this porticn of Aviara Parkway is ampleWd, iI is tsged%d that the 9aMhmgW volume will diminish slgm, as drivers will have 8 dkect route to Palomar Airport Road along Aviara Parkway. ~conduc&datteeflisepleteswvayonPRumTreeRoadto~thepe~~of’aR-thn;rugh’ trafflcusingthemad. fttestucty~1~~~~inthea.m.andp.m.pertodonJwre1,2000h9m7:1~ 890 a.m. and from 4:30-6:30 p.m. During these two time periods, It was d&em&ted that in the a.m. psak 31.5% of th% veM%s w%r% I%ut-thrwgn’ Wtk and in the p.m. 48% of the vehicks wefw *cut- tw tmffk In the a.m. there were 90 vehii proceeding eastbound on pkrm Tree Road west of Fbblrtea Drive and if7 vehicles coming from Aviara Perkwey westbounrj to tb easl of CM&tower Road. In the p.m. there were 134 vehiies eastbound and 116 vehicles westbound from AvSara Parkway to tb east of Coneffower Road. lt is anticipated that the *cut-through vokrme will be mduced signlftcsntly, as drlvws will have a dired mute to P&mar Airport Road whelk the missing gap is cQmpi%t%d. ~speedsunreyGonduded~weekonplumTreeRoad~ndicatedthat~mphwasthecritscalspeed at Coneflower. The critical speed is the speed at which 85% of the vehicles am travel&g at or below. At Robinea Drive the cdtical speed was 30 mph. 30, 31 to 32 mph are the typical critical speeds on a residential W%et anywhere is Car&bad that has a 25 mph posted speed limit. The residents in the area have expressed cctncem regarding the speeding issues on Plum Tree Drive for approximately two years. Sgt. Kelly Caln of the Car&bad Police Department has been attempting to address the speeding concerns. Sgt. Kelly Cain of the Cartsbad Poke Department informed the Commission that the radar trailer has been placed in the area in the hidden and unhiiden mode. in addition, motor and traffic officers have I4 July 10,2ooo Th.AFFIc SAPETY c.xMblISSION been assigned to the area, focusing their attention on the west end of Plum Tree Road near Robinea Drive. On Sunday, June 2S, 2ooO from 8 to tO a.m., 23 vehicles were monitored by Sgt. Cain and 2 citations were written for speeds over 35 mph. One citation was w&ten to a resident residing on Coneflower Drive and the other was a pasS though” vehicle coming from the ama east of Poinsettia Lane. Mr. Johnson stated that an ALL-WAY STOP warrant analysis was conducted. Traffic volumes on Phun Tree Road at the intemections of Robinea Drive, Biuebonnet Drive, Windftower Drive and Coneflower Drive are low and do not meet STOP sign warnmts. In the future Coneflower Drive will be extended into the subdivision and will become a FOUR-WAY STOP. Because of the low traffic volumes and a very gocd accident history on Ptum Tree Road, no intersection accidents, the STOP sQn warrants were not mest at any of the four intersections. However, a traffkaiming tool would be to establish an ALL-WAY STOP. This has been done in C&&ad at various locations, e.g. Avenida de Anna and Levante S@eet. Advantages and disadvantages of a STOP sign can be summatized as follows. a) SfowstraffkindlrectvicinityoftheST~s@n b) A series of STOP signs can diirage %uMhrough” traftk and result in lower traffic VOlUfWS c) No imp8U on resident access, ofwtmet perking, bicycle or pedestrian access, street sweeplng or access by larger vehicles. a) Environmental issues - krease in noise and air Nution, increased fuel consumption as a result of stop and go traff5c b) Poten@l compliance problem (“ro&thrwgK - Police Depaftment enforcement @sue) c) Possible increase in accidents d) AldMwpe?8llzed,eventhoseobservingthespeedIimit The Carl&ad Residential Management Program CommJttee is looking at additlonal features of traffic calming. Over the course of the next 12 months this committee will be looking at all types of traffic calming featuw and/or devices that can be used on Cartsbad streets. The committee’s report will be fonw$ed to the City Council for revkw and adoption. As a result of the CommMeeL work, areas such as Plum Tree Road, and others with numerous speed&g comptaints, will have an official process to address~needforinstaltatkwIof Iwidenwtra~celmingfeatures. In cow&ion, Mr. Johnson advised the CommissM that The Trafiic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that an ALL-WAY STOP be estabkhed on Plum Tree Road at the intersections of Bluebonnet Drive and at Comfbwer Chive. Cornmer Btake w8nted to know if foknwp swey!3 wem conducted after the &wtaliaUon of a STOP sign or TRAFFIC SIGNAL to ascertatn if the signage actualiy solved the traffic compliments and/or -* Mr. Johnson infomwd the Commission that 011 Avenida de Anita comments were received from the restdents after the instattation of the STOP signs, indiiting that traffic had slowed down, but the “cut- through” volume did not dem8se significantfy. The residents indicated that vehicles often ‘rolled- through” the STOP signs. Commissioner Blake suggesM that follow-up suweys should be conducted whenever traffiocalming devices were installed. July IO, 2ooo TRAFFIC SAFETY CUMMISSION wF4 Commissioner CouRney stated that there were no STOP signs at the intemaction of Plum Tree Road and Aviara Perkway. Mr. Johnson stated that Aviara Parkway is not contruti~ it doas not have a YIELD or ST0P sign. Plum Tree Road has a STOP sign at both ends of the road and Hidden Valley is an ALL-WAY STOP. Commtssioner Allen asked for a ctabfication regarding the date for the completion of Aviara Parkway. Mr. Johnson stated that presently the lnspectbn Department is working diligently to resolve att of the issues asaodated v&h the missing gap on Aviara Parkway. it is anticipated that the complation of Aviara Parkway will be in August or September. At this point there is no firm date available. Commissioner Allen asked if a traffic sfgnal wwtd be in&a&d on the eomar of Plum Trae Road and Aviara Parkway. Mr.~nsonslsrtedthatowrrsnHythereisaneastkwrnd§TOPsignonPtwnT~Road.Referringtoan overbad slida, he informed the Commission that on Aviara Parkway there woutd be a traffic signal prapasediltCobMestoneandafutwetraffio~~lattheentFanGebothe~~nts. Atthlstknathere Ssm,plgnforatrafRcslgnatontnecomerofP)umT~RoadandAviaraP~y,~oncethe~ng gap is openad, A WtU be monItorad and signal warrants witI be conducted to ascertain if a traffic signal shoukl be installed at Pium tre8 Road 8rld Aviara Parkway. Comnlissloner VVhittm askad ff there were pbns in place ta install a STOP sign at the Intersaction where theKinderGafewHIbe-. Notingthat248lfehweatraveJed- off of Robinaa Drive dally, &mm&stoner Whitton believed that the number of vehictas warranted a STOP sign. Mr. Johnson stated that an ALL-WAY STOP @&se&on had to have 500 entering vehides aach hour wer any S-hour pariod of the day, hance 4,ooO minimum entering vehicles in any 8-hour period to meat warrants of an ALL-WAY-STOP. He did advii the Commission that upon the opening of tha daycare center and the condominium pi%je~X the iocation would be monitored and an analysts would be oondueted to see if STOP signs are warranted. ChairpersonKcdM6illftBenaskedfftneCitywouMbeexposedtoanytgcpeof~~~beceusetnestrests in question do not meet the traffic warrants and STOP signs are not installed. Mr. Johnson replied no. Refbnkg ta the survey, Chabpemon Keith 6~#fMan ask for cfartfieation regarding ‘cut-through traffb, noting that the high volume of I’cut-through” traffic appeared ta be between Coneflower Drive and Robinea Drive. Mr. Johnson statad tttat the license plate survey was conducted in order to ascaflain “cut-through’ traffic. Staff observed the vehicles approaching westbound at Hidden Vattey Ranch making a left turn, right turn or going info the park (during the a.m. and the p.m. time period) and at Aviara Parkway vehtctes going eas@und and also making the turns. Tha vehicles were monitored coming on and off Plum Tree Road at bath locations and compared to vehicles entering fram the east end and popping out on the west end and vcCe versa. From license plate comparisons staff was able to determine the percentages stated in the staff report He stated that the volumes were daily 240hour vobmas based on trafftc counts on May 30, ZOOO; not voknnes during the *cut-through” time percod. hliy 10,2ooo -c SAFETY coMh4ISSIoN page5 Chairperson Kaith Gittfillan asked how the two locations for the proposed STOP signs ware salacted. (Plum Tree Road at the intersections of Bluebonnet Drive and Plum Tree Road at Coneflowar) versus the other options. Mr. Johnson raplied that the Traffic Safety CoonMating Committee believed that the selected locationa warn good logical break points. The TSCC did not want to inundate the neighborhood with STOP signs. In addition, it is antiipated that with the opening of Aviara Parkway a great de&l of the spwdii and “cut-through* traffi wilt be eliminated. Chabperson Keith GilMitan sugges#ed that Robinea Drive rather than Biuebonnet Drive, because of fts proximity to the daycara center, would be a better location for a STOP sign Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that they coukt indaed make that mcommandatton and staff would take the recommandatlon to the City Council. Phii Monet. 6579 Robinea Ddve, ClMsbad, CA stated that because of the hii curve on Plum Tree Road and due to the faot that vehii pick up apead as they go down the hi& ona of the proposed STOP signs shoutd be installed at Robinea Ortve. Greg Badt, 12tCi Plum Tree Road, Car&&ad* CA, stated he has lived in the area since November t9Q7. Although tha traffic swey indlwtes that traffic volumes am low, excessiva speeding on Plum Tme Road isadefiniteprobtam. Asa~w#hfowdrikfren,speedhlgvehiclesaFeofgeramourrtconcem. In t@diWn, he dkl not believe that the completion of Aviara PaMay woutd dtminish tha %ut-through’ traffic because them Hirl not be STOP signs on Ptum Tree Road or traft& signats to d&wage %ut-through= vehicles. Wti the dave@ment of the pmposed office bu&Mgs on Hiien VaHey Road it is anticipated that”cut-through’trafftcwiftinuease. Hequestionedthe~ofPkrmT~Roadasaco~~~. He suggested that cami[no de IaS Ondas (not shown on the map in tha staff report) just south of Plum TnreRoad,whichisa~~roadwithnodriveweysandeasyaccesstoBepar3t,HlouklIjea~ choice to sew8 as a collector road or ‘cut-tw area. Commfssionar Alien askedfordarif&tion regarding Mr. Btack’smcommandation. Mr. Black mspoMed that he woufd like NO whit access to Plum Tree Road from Aviara Parkway. If this is not possibk, he recommends that a STOP sign be placed at Robinea Drive, because of the hkiden cwve and travel speed of the vehtctas at thii point, and STOP signs at Bluebonnet Drive and Coneflower Drive. Don McMoHan, 6580 Bhrebonnet b&e, Cartsbad, CA has faslded at this addwa since Maich of 1998. Mr. McMftlan informed the Commission that the ama had a very high populatiin of childran living in the area. With the establishment of the daycare canter, which wit1 be located on Plum Tree Road at Hidden Valtey Road, and Poinsettia Park the number of chlkfren in the area wttt incraasa dramatically. He expressed concern for the safety of the chitdren due to tha speedii traffN on Plum Trea Road. In Mition to the hidden-blind cuwe at Robinea brive, he advised the Commission of the blind hump at Coneflowar Drive on Ptum Tree Road and the downhii layout of the street, wMh did not contribute to tmfffc safety. Numerous tImas within the previous four months, as ha drove 25 mph on Plum Tree Road, vehicles have passed him going 30 to 40 mph. Mr. McMilian stated that the residents in the arae woufd like to have the entrance to Plum Tree Road at Aviara Parkway blocked off3 with trees and plants insMad in the middle of the street. in condusion he stated that at the very least there should be three STOP signs along Plum Tree Road, at the intersections of Coneflower Drive, WMdflower Drive and Robinaa Drive, to discourage speeding and ‘cut-through” vehicles. 17 hl!y 10, moo TRAFFIC SAFETY (TOMMISSION Chairperson Gillfitian dosad Publk Testimony and called for a discussion. Commissioner Courtney d&agreed with the recommended cowse of action reganting the STOP signs, stating that if STOP signs ara not warranted they should not ba installed. It is his belief that STOP signs in this araa wil craate mom problams, e.g. accidants at the intarsactions. He suggasted that the most effective way to resolve tha p&tern woukt ba traffic enforcement of tha speed limit. He did not support piadng any STOP signage until traffic warrants wara met. Mr. Jahnson informad the Commission that prasaMy Pfum TIW Road has postad signs indicating it is a 25 mph zone. CommisssoM# 6lake awtcamd with Commisstonar Courtnay, addIng that STOP stgns ara not effediva tmffk control devicas. ConanPssioner~~wWrComm~Court~and~;heremarkedthattheSTOP signs rtmmmWd by the Traffi Safety Coo~Iinating Committaa should be in&at&l as watt as an additionai STOP sign at tha intersection Robinaa Drive and Ptum Tree Road. He did not bake the compfatii of Avtara Parkway woutd rasolve tha traffic pmbtams on Plum Tma Road. ~miwknefAll;envolcedhissupportfor~Traflscsafety~~~~cOmm~~srecMmnenrtation reg%dng the instattation of tha STOP signs. He suggested that after the opening of Aviara Parkway furthermoni2orSngandt~surveys~beconduftedtoascertakrtheeffedhrenesaaf,fSStY;IP signs. Chairpamon Gtllfiltan statad that at a minimum he wuuld tika to see a STOP sign placed at the Btuebonneti~ snd~monito~oftheaFeato~n~ffacWlDlanalSTOP~sh~ be inst%M at other TntWns on Plum Tree Road. cOmmlssionsrcourbJey~~that8fop~l0setheire~w~,~motwfst~ resped fOr STOP aistrs pkad in araa wham they ara not warrantad. speediimitst?oukibe-. We reiterated that the 25 mph chairperson GUlfMan caltad for a motion. ACTION: Motion by Commkionar Akn, and duty seconded by Cammissioner Whitton, that the Traffic Safaty Commission accapt the racommendation of the Traffic Safaty Coordinating Committea that %n ALL-WAY STOP ba astabiishad on Plum Tree Road at the intetsection of Mabonnet Drtve and at Coneftowar Drive. VOTE: 2-3-g AYES: Whitton, Allen Nafm Wke, Courtney, GitMltan A6STAJN: None My IO, 2ooo -837 MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly %econd%d by Comm&%ion%r Blake that the matter be tabled until 60 d%ys after the opening of AvSara Parkway, at which time reevaluation of plum Tr8e Road will be conductad to ascartain if in%tail%tion of STOP dgns are warranted. VOTEZ 4-l-O AYES: Blake, Courtney, GiNtan, Allen pEPaRT FROMTRAFFlCSAFEWCOMMl#UNER& Commisstonar Allen infotmad staff that the left-turn traffic pavemant anuws am fadad 1 Pabmar Ahport RoadgoingwastatElCaminaReal. cOnr~~cMllfneywantedt~issueof~pacMngonthekklgewerthe~onchiguapin Avanue investtgatad, e.g. spacifically eastbound. Commissioner Whitton advissd staff that the fSNS sign for CN%gelAvi%r% P%rkw%y on Patomar Airport Raad has bean knodrad down. The Street tZommHte0 report and staff recommendations am schadulad to go before the City Council on Juty 18.2ooo. Traffk Safaty Commission term updataa: Mr. 6Nifttian is in tha process of b&g reappointad. if is customary until rapracements am appobtad by the C3ty Council that the ~ommi.ssionera contfftua to safve and attend maatings. ~~reaularm~oftheTrafficSafetyCornm~wiit~August7,2000et~ityHalIntheC’~ Council Chambers. @ proper motion the Ragular Meeting of June 8, ZWll, was adjoumad at 4330 p.m. Reqactfully sutnnittad, d I @J--a Dianne Scott Minutes Clerk A6 Id,007 CITY OF CARLSBAD ’ ho -o3,~- REQUEST FOR REFUND 12-i ~.-ocl Account No. Vendor No. Amount of Refund $ km? 00 yLdb-mdm.‘%&*- . Date Fee Paid: /j-/1,- dci /77d Yf Facts Supporting Request: hn L13!&L%~~~b / A63 lb,oo7-& 19) Name of Applicant: Address: Street City . State Zip Telephone Signature of Applicant: T Dept. Justification: Ret: q Approve Cl Disapprove Date I Date Finance Investigation: Ret: Cl Approve City Manager’s Action: Cl Disapprove Dept. Head Signature Date 0 Approve 0 Disapprove City Manager Signature Date - “-,a _ _/ 71, *a”. nlrp.d.i>,s. ! \ ’ :\ .! g]:: ij\ *v2l~ ,, * v------ G,Ty ~~~;,g$gz-- c1J-y G~~p:vsof:‘~:g* CARLSBAD ClTy CLERK’S OFFICE ! --d-*-.--m- Date: November 16,200O To: Ray Patchett, City Manager, Ron Ball, City Attorney, Bob Johnson, Deputy City Engineer From: Janice Breitenfeld, Deputy City Clerk RE: Appealed Decision of Traffic Safety Commission $ ,. LEnclosed is a copy of the appeal we received today from Rafael Montiel. He is appealing the Traffk Safety Commission decision to deny installing stop signs on Plum Tree Road. Please advise as to when the public hearing will be scheduled for Council.