HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-15; City Council; 16187; Property and Boiler and Machinery Insurance8 is 8 % . . p 2 El 5 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 46#.161163 TITLE: PROPERTY, AND BOILER AND MACHINERY \IITG. 5/15/01 INSURANCE DEPT. RM RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MGRS Approval of Resolution No. aow4~ authorizing the expenditure of $58,828 for continued participation in the Public Entity Property Insurance Program. ITEM EXPLANATION On October 5, 1993, Council and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board approved the placement of the City’s and CMWD’s property insurance with the Public Entity Property Insurance Program, a program developed by the Robert F. Driver Company for public agencies. The cost is allocated to departments based on claims experience and department size. The premium to renew the property insurance for the period May 15, 2001 through May 152002 (coverage was bound pending Council and Board action) is $58,828, an increase of approximately $13,000 over the premium paid last year. This is due to an overall increase in property values and a continued hardening of the property insurance market as a result of an increasing number and severity of catastrophic losses worldwide. Staff recommends renewal of the property insurance under the Public Entity Property Insurance Program. Continued coverage under this program will be evaluated annually with a staff recommendation to Council and the Board accordingly. FISCAL IMPACT The property and boiler and machinery insurance premium is $58,828. Sufficient funds are available in the Insurance Premium Account. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. m/-/qq 2. Public Entity Property Insurance Program Summary of Coverage and Limits 3. Public Entity Property Insurance Program Boiler and Machinery Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2oc1-144 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF PROPERTY INSURANCE WHEREAS, the City has previously maintained property and boiler and machinery insurance for assets; and WHEREAS, the City has received quotations for the continuation of coverage; and WHEREAS, upon evaluation of the quotations for both property and boiler and machinery insurance, the City desires to renew its insurance through the Robert F. Driver Company. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the renewal of property insurance through the Robert F. Driver Company is hereby approved and the Finance Director is authorized to a issue a warrant in the amount of $58,828 for the payment of the premiums of said renewals. / I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of May 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Counicl Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin. ATTEST: . c / &~&a L\OFQRA@J! (@OD@!ity Clerk AB Cover Sheet & Prop & Boiler Renewal 01 ?age 2 of Resolution No. 2001-144 EXHIBIT 2 ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES a Division of Robert F. Driver Co., Inc. Founded on knowledge, integrity and service. PUBLICENTITYPROPERTYINSURANCEPROGRAM (PEPIP) PROPERTY INSURANCE PROPOSAL NAMED INSURED: Public Entity Property Insurance Program including: CITYOFCARLSBAD (See Section 4’for compete Named Insured) May 15,200l to May 15,2002 EFFECTIVE DATE: INSURANCE CARRIERS: See Section 3 TOTAL INSURED VALUES: $109,393,932 LOCATIONS: See Section 6 ’ COVERAGES AND LIMITS: $1 ,OOO,OOO,OOO Loss Limit per occurrence for Real Property, Personal Property, Rental Income, Business Interruption, Ordinary Payroll and Extra Expense subject to the following sublimits: No coverage Individual Flood - Per Occurrence $ 345,500,OOO Program Flood - Per Occurrence & Annual Aggregate - shared with other members in this Declaration No coverage Earthquake Shock - Per Occurrence & Annual Aggregate $ 100,000,000 Combined Business Interruption, Extra Expense, Rental Income and Tax Interruption $ 50,000,000 Miscellaneous Unnamed Locations and automatic acquisition as respects new and existing members (Does not apply to Earthquake) 1 Newport Beach 4041 MacArthur Blvd., #300, P.O. Box 6450, Newport Beach, Calqornia 92458-64.50 e (949) 756-0271 l Fax (949) 756-2713 Lit # OC36861 l www.r$driver.com San Dieao Escondido Sacramento Fresno San Francisco ,;q CITYOF~ARLSBAD PROPERTYPROPOSAL COVERAGES AND LIMITS: (continued) $ 25,000,OOO &i;aping, tees, sand traps, greens and athletic $ 25000,000 Errors & Omissions $ 25,000,OOO Course of Construction (including new for total project values up to $25,000,000) $ l,OOO,OOO Money & Securities $ 10,000,000 Unscheduled Fine Arts $ 500,000 Accidental Contamination $ 500,000 Unscheduled tunnels, bridges, dams catwalks (except those not for public use), roadways, highways, streets, sidewalks, culverts, street lights and traffic signals Note: Coverage is now limited to non-FEMA\OES declared emergencies and excludes damage caused by earthquake $100,000,000 Demolition and Increased Cost of Construction due to the enforcement of building codes applying at the time of loss and up to 12 months after the loss date $ 5,000,OOO Transit $ 1 ,OOO,OOO $~i:;, except $100,000 Specially Trained $ l,OOO,OOO Watercraft under 27 feet $ 500,000 Newly Acquired Vehicles (current members with auto coverage only) $ 10,000,000 Replacement power extra expense at scheduled utility locations $ 5,000,OOO Off premises Service Interruption including Extra Expense resulting from a covered peril at non-owned/operated locations $ 5,000,OOO Contingent Business Interruption resulting from a covered peril at non-owned/operated power generating facilities 2 UPUnit\PEAIIWORD\CA Ol-OZ\Rnwl Docs\Ol-02 Pepip Properly Pro.Mrg.doc /‘Y i,, ‘Y‘ ,/ CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPERTY PROPOSAL COVERAGES AND LIMITS: (continued) $ 5,000,OOO Per occurrence and in the aggregate: Earthquake shock on licensed vehicles, unlicensed vehicles, contractors equipment and fine arts combined for all insureds/members combined that do not purchase optional coverage: Earthquake Shock DEDUCTIBLES: ALL RISK: FLOOD @NDIVIDUAL): FLOOD @‘ROGRAM): $5,000 No coverage $250,000 - Locations in Zone A; $100,000 - All Other Locations EARTHQUAKE: No coverage AUTO COLLISION: $5,000 A~T~C~MPREHEN~IVE: $5,000 SERVICE ~TERRUPTION: 24 hour waiting period all perils UNSCHEDULEDTUNNELS, $500,000 per occurrence BRIDGES, D&S, CATWALKS (~~~D~OSEN~TF~R PUBLIC USE), ROADWAYS, HIGHWAYS, STREETS, SIDEWALKS, CULVER’IS, STRFXI’LIGH’ISAND TRAFFIC SIGNALS MISCELLANEOUS: Not applicable VALUATION: ALLPRoPERTY: Repair or Replace and Agreed Amount (for vehicles, see Section 7) BUSINF.SS INTERRUPTION: Actual Loss Sustained ENDO- CLAUSE: Coinsurance Valuation Premium Adjustment Clause* *If following an insured loss, it is determined that the replacement value for the damaged property is understated by 20% or more, the carriers are entitled to an additional premium equal to the diflerence between premium paid for the damaged property and the policy rate times 120% or more of the actual replacement value at the time of the loss. (This clause is still being negotiated and ultimately underwriters may become satisfied with values before binding and this clause would not apply. We will advise further.) 3 WPUnit!PEPIP\WORD\CA Ol-02\Rnwl Docs\Ol-02 Pepip Progeny Pro.Mrg.doc CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPERTY PROPOSAL NEW EXCLUSIONS EFFE~MAY 15,2001 l Worldwide computer viruses such as “The Love Bug” l Faulty workmanship CANCELLATION: 90 Day Notice except 10 Days for Non-Payment 2000-2001 2001-2002 Total Renewal DRIVER SIGNATURE Available Available Available SERVICES: 6 Hours 6 Hours 12 Hours ANNuALPREMImk BROKER: $52,859 ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES Newport Beach, California Martin S. Heflin First Vice President PEPIP Program Manager Gordon B. DesCombes Senior Vice President Nasreen Kassam Rennetta Poncy Account Administrator Assistant Producer For a complete listing of your terms, exclusions and conditions, please refer to your policy 4 UPUnit\PEPIP\WORMCA OI-02\Rnwl Docs\Ol-02 Pepip Property Pro.Mrg.doc EXHIBIT 3 ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES a Division of Robert F. Driver Co., Inc. Founded on knowledge, integrity and service. PUBLIC ENTITY PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM (PEPIP) BOILER & MACHINERY PROPOSAL NAMED INSURED: POLICY TERM: INSURANCE CARRIER: BEST’S GUIDE RATING: CALIFORNIA STATUS: Admitted COVERAGE: Comprehensive Coverage including Production Machinery, Public Utility Equipment, Digestors, Business Interruption, Extra Expense and Bond Revenue Payments, Loss Adjustment Agreement, Defense Outside Limits, Errors in Description, Earthquake Resultant Damage, Ammonia Contamination, Water Damage, Hazardous Substance Clean-up, Expediting Expense, Consequential Damage, Electronic computer or Electronic data processing equipment LIMITS: SUBLIMITS: EXPEDITING EXPENSE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD May 15,200l to May 15,2002 . CNA Insurance Company A(pooled), Excellent, Financial Size Category 15, Policyholder surplus greater than $2,000,000 $50,000,000 Combined Limit - Property Damage & Business Interruption/Extra Expense (including Bond Revenue Interest Payments for locations where the income is reported) $1 o,ooo,ooo $ 1 ,ooo,ooo Page 1 Ci:\Jpunit\Papip\Word\Bu~ler\lll -K?\l)J 4’2 l’cpip B&M Prupcrsal~M~g.Doc Newport Beach 04/as/o I ., 4041 MacArthur Blvd., #300, P.O. Box 6450, Newport Beach, California 92658-6450 l (949) 7.560271 l Fax (949) 756-2713 Lit # OC36861 l www. $driver. corn San Dieno Escondido Sacramento Fresno San Francisco 1 J li ll 9 I a I a a a a 3 a a I I I PUBLIC ENTITY PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM (PEPIP) BOILER & MACHINERY PROPOSAL MAY l&2001 TO MAY 15,2002 CITY OF CARLSBAD SUBLIMITS: (continued) AMMONIA CONTAMINATION WATER DAMAGE CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE ERRORS & OMISSIONS BUILDING ORDINANCE COVERAGES SERVICE INTERRUPTION EARTHQUAKE RESULTANT DAMAGE ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING MEDIA LOCATIONS: NEWLY ACQUIRED LOCATIONS: VALUATION: NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: EXCLUSIONS: $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 1 ,ooo,ooo $1 o,ooo,oOO $ 2,000,OOO each incident $ 2,000,000 each member $ 2,000,OOO aggregate Coverage applies only to locations covered for Earthquake. $ 2,000,000 Omnibus Location Wording Must be reported to carrier within 365 Days Repair or Replacement except Actual Loss sustained for all Time Element coverages 60 days except 10 days for non-payment of premium l Nuclear Hazard l War and Military Action l Fire or explosion outside the object that occurs at the same time as the accident l Water (fire extinguishing) l Lightening (fire extinguishing) l Flood l Testing l Lack of power, light, heat, steam or refrigeration l A delay in or interruption of any business activity G:Upunit\t’~pip\Wor~\\Doilrr\Ol-02\01-(12 Pcpip B&M ProposaLMrg.Doc Page 2 04/02/O I 1 .- 1 r II J 1 a a a a a 3 a I I I a I I I PUBLIC ENTITY PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM (PEPIP) BOILER & MACHINERY PROPOSAL MAY 15,200l TO MAY 15,2002 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXCLUSIONS: (continued) l Explosion, except for steam or centrifugal explosion l Freeze or Wind l l l OBJECTS EXCLUDED: l l l l l PROPERTY DAMAGE Explosion of gas or unconsumed fuel from furnace of the boiler Electronic Date Recognition Clause (Y2K) Bonus and penalties of a Power Sales Agreement Exclusion Insulating or refractory material Non metallic vessel unless meets ASME standards Catalyst Buried vessel or piping Furnace, oven, stove, incinerator, pot kiln Structure, cabinet or compartment containing the object Vehicle, aircraft, self-propelled equipment or floating vessel Elevator escalator, crane, hoist, ladle or bucket, power shovel, dragline, escalator scale or conveyor but not excluding any boiler, fired vessel, unfired vessel normally subject to vacuum or internal pressure other than the weight of contents Object manufactured by you for sale Machine or apparatus used for research, diagnosis, medication, surgical, therapeutic, dental or pathological purposes Felt, wire screen, die, extrusion plate and swing hammer DEDUCTIBLES: $5,000 All objects over 200 HP, 1,000 KW/KVA/AMPS, or Boilers over 5,000 Sq. Ft. heating surface $50,000 All objects over 350 HP, 2,500 KW/KVA/AMPS, or Boilers over 10,000 Sq. Ft. heating surface $250,000 All ob’ t jet s over 750 HP, 10,000 W/KVA/AMPS, or Boilers over 75,000 Sq. Ft. heating surface $375,000 All objects over 25,000 HP, 25,000 W/KVA/AMPS, or Boilers over 250,000 Sq. Ft. heating surface ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING MEDIA: $2,500 All other insured objects $lO/foot Deep Well Units, $2,500 Minimum $5,000 Page 3 Ci:\lpan,t\l’cpip\Word\8oilcr\(t1-02\tl l-l)2 t’cplp B&M PWPOSAMK~.DK PUBLIC ENTITY PROPERTY INSURANCE PROGRAM (PEPIP) BOILER & MACHINERY PROPOSAL MAY 15,200l TO MAY 15,2002 CITYOF~ARLSBAD CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE: $5,000 TIME ELEMENT DEDUCTIBLES: 24 Hours on All Objects except: 5X 100% Daily value All objects over 750 HP, 10,000 KW/KVA/AMPS or 10,000 Sq. Ft. heating surface; 5X 100% Daily value All objects at Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Utilities and SERFF; 120 Hours (5 Days) @ SERFF: 120 Henry Ford Avenue, Long Beach, CA; 30 days for Bond Revenue interest payments Coverage does not apply to the following locations: City of Glendale; Broadway Steam Power Plant, Pasadena, CA; Glenarm Power Plant, Pasadena, CA; City of Burbank TOTAL INSURED VALUES: $100,288,335 ANNUAL PREMIUM: $5,969 BROKER: Robert F. Driver Associates P. 0. Box 6450 Newport Beach, CA 92660-6450 Ted E. Davidson, President PEPIP Boiler & Machinery Program Manager Gordon B, Descombes Senior Vice President Nasreen Kassam, CPCU Account Administrator REFER TO YOUR POLICY FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS. Page 4 Ci:Upunil\Peplp\Word\Doiler\(l t -02Utt.It2 Pcplp B&M t’top~~sat_Mrg.t)oc (2 p L 04/05/o t RONALD R. BALL CITY Al7ORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DAMIEN B. BROWER DEPUTY CITY A-ITORNEY CINDIE K. McMAHON DEPUTY CITY Al-t-ORNEY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2891 FAX: (760) 434-8367 May 22,200l RANDEE HARLIB SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY ARDIS SEIDEL LEGAL SECRETARY/PARALEGAL Charles Jacobs 7725 Haley Drive Granite Bay, CA 95746 RE: CT-00-09 Dear Mr. Jacobs: The City Council, at its meeting of May 15, 2001 denied the tentative map for your property. I have enclosed an executed copy of the agenda bill and its accompanying Resolution No. 2001-I 17 for your files. % RANDEE HARLIB 4$--- Secretary to City Attorney enclosure c: City Clerk d