HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-05; City Council; 16169; Historic Preservation Commission AppointmentCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 16,169 - TITLE: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT MTG. 6-5-01 CITY ATTY. DEPT. Clerk CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2001-131 appointing one member to the Historic Preservation Commission ITEM EXPLANATION: The term of Dorothy Dudley Muth expires in April, 2001. Ms. Muth was originally appointed to the Commission in January, 1996 and was reappointed in May, 1997. She has served five years. Ms. Muth has served in the category requiring “a different recognized expertise in architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or related field.” The appointee, therefore, must meet the qualifications for this category. Other members of the Commission are: Don Christiansen, John Jones, Gordon Bizieff and Connie Trejo. NOTE: Members of the Historic Preservation Commission are subject to the Political Reform Act and must file Conflict of Interest Statements, EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2001-131 appointing one member to the Historic Preservation Commission. 2. Copies of Applications received. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Dorothy Dudley Muth as a member of the Historic Preservation Commission expires in April, 200 1; and WHEREAS, Ms. Muth has served in the following category: “A different recognized expertise in architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or related field”; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Historic Preservation Commission for a term to expire in April, 2005 in the category of “a different recognized expertise in architecture, archeology, history, biology, engineering or geology or related field” DOROTHY MLTTH PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of June ,2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Nygaard, and H NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Finnila. ATTEST: ., - LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) lhJdy Qudppy hfk 7328 SAN BARTOLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4609 (760) 931-9830 29 March 2001 The Eonorable Bud Lewie 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: In April my term on the Historic Preservation Commission concludes. Therefore, I would appreciate the opportunity to Serve again. Cordially, APPLICA TIUN FOR AP?O~~TMfflVT B&D(s) AND/OR COMMISSION(s) (Pleme print or type) - I NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR CDMMISSION(S) KN WEICR INTERESTED: Historic Preservation OR Library Board NAME: Dimitri Patrick Georgides ADDRESS:3154 Calle Viento CITY:Caftsbad ZIP CODE:~2009 HOME PHONE: (760) 942-2920 PRESENT 0CCUPATION:Author. adjunct professor at National University BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: u. 6. cinuasbip (uquiud fer RB sppdebadb) -Y- X No ltesidut of Carl&ad (requlrad hw all appdmtments) X YU N* lbghted voter in cahlml (reqllh?d fb+ 8B SppeiRtRtcRts) -Y-J x No - I an familiar witb the responsibilities sssigred to the Borrd(s) ar Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am wtliing to be Interviewed regarding my qr~llfkatloas for appointment by a commRtee designated by the City Coancll or at the request of RB individual Coencll Member. I m willing to file ftnmclrl disclossrc statements as required by the state’s or clty’8 Conflict of latere t codes. . B/L SIGNATURE: * * DATE++. 7 d&O8 cpoD)~floA~~~~.~nazlOr&liHcrtk~~sO~~~: - __--__- . _-_-_ I EDUCATION: B. A. (history) Ripon College, Ripon, Wl * M. A. (history) University of Kentucky, Lexjngton EXPERIENCE: 25 years in executive positions with Mobil Oil Corn in various countries Author of ‘The Executive Guru’, ‘Another Planet?’ and ‘The Train of the Fifth Era’ and co-author Op The Synolic Manager.’ Co-creator of the Synolic model for comprehensive human resource development. Teaching graduate seminars at National Universitv since 1996. COMMUNTTY ACTIVITIES: World Scouting Representative to the United Nations 1960-86, Member of the National Council-Boy Scouts of America. 1980-85, Member of the Baden Powell World Fellowship to support Scouting. 1988-new ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: My book, ‘The Train of the Fifth Era,’ is in some respects a eulopv of Southern California and extols life in Carlsbad while a color photo of the Coaster runninp atone the coast graces its cover. - \. PFM ’ . 0407 00 / APPLIcATIONFORAPPOINl35NT % ;t’ - 00 . BOARD($J) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) -3 (Please print or type). : NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) IN WHICH INTERESTED: ff/mL ?pES&E V5 ~lo/V #VW’4 lSJlo,U NAMEZ FoBmz r . SrvtIl-Jf ADDRESS: 2601 LF&zAm sTm5Pr- CITY: C&&J-BAD - : ZIP CODE: 92009 IIOME PHONE: f760) 7s3 - c?20+ PRESENT OCCUPATION: fqjeC~/~ BUSINESS NAME: T B. swnf. coIs/sc/Ln~~ A*&cJfypl BUSINESS ADDRESS: /<q MORE/GA i= vL2 a fA@ b%$U, a 92 //o WORK PHONE: /6/4) 275 - 74-31 U. S. Citizenship &e:quired fat Ml appointmeut# No ?( Yes Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) -x Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointientsj ’ x . Yes No . I am familiar with the, responsibilities assigned to the Board(s).or. Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council- or at the request of an individual Co.uncilt Membey, - , I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the &&e’s or city’s Conflict of Interest codes. SIGNATUREi i 7, I/ v Upon completion of &ur appiication,please mail & delii -- - .._. . . . b ROBERT B. SMITH, CCS, CSI b Architect P Certified Construction Specifier 1200 Catlsbad VilZq Catlsbad, CA 92 Architectural Specifications Quality Control Review Building Technology 1509 Morena Boulevard FAX (619)276-7715 San Diego. CA 92110 TEL (619)275-7431 “I .;,- .t /_..I * . EXPERIENCE: SEE /?r-&f# pwm& ’ j : ,. -I - i, ~, ; .,_ - COMMUNITY ~~Tw~~nw:~fWrm tGb%MAMp 4Mm kf..s?ZM LDDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: x mm A _ewtL 7.x . . I ROBERT.BRKJCE SMITH, CCS, CSI : 1509 Morena B&d. San Diego, California 92110 ARCHITECT Teiephtme .(6 19) 2X-743 1 Pq (619) 276-77i5 . . ; SUMMARY Twa&-sii years of prog&s&elyrespon$ble and clix%rGfied~e&ice &an Arc&et. 4 buildii~ k&nolo& specialist with emphasis on m.aterial selection, specifications, quality -~trOl,~atld~ctioii adminis&*%. , ‘.. I EDUCATiON BMklor of Archit&twd, 1973 (witb ~QIIQ~S) .- Wiforhir PoIytee& Sate l+Gveixity, San &is Obispo, CA. Major: ArchitecturalQesi~ @-year Program) , : i 1977. * constructicm,w*~ ~,spec~caticms czour&, Los Angele!s Chap& CSI 1988 . . Bettk Lli~v of Roofing Systems Institute (BURSI), MaWilk Co.,,Denver -1989 . C-on $~@.@atib and Contracts Course, UCSri E&nsion 1.994; 1995. ~Badillg ca &zoursQ, San r&go clBilp@csi ~aiimssl*~ Rq&tcd&~~State hfCalif@a&ce&e C-9-131, April 1977. : STAvt3 CSJ Cdfid Cod $e&ier (CC& 1989 ._ ._ ~ROiTSSONAL EXP=Na , --spring 1492 - CO~Si&i’ING Ak- AND CQN-ON SPECEFIER toPlxsent ~PRHmEpR;AcFI~ sllmmcr 1992 CoNsuLTING~ti~a foti CE$A (forme* United Stat9 Testing Company)..and @LCC(@Qn&capped Law Co~plianceConwltkits), Sk .&&go, CA. . l+irbmed on-qite re&w ad contraet +auneat’r&-m &several major buildings to ascertain corixpliance with Califomia Tit& 24, pederal ADA &d UFAS accessibility &ks andlaws. Buildings inch&d Ce@rtry City ABC l%t&ai+ent Center; University of California at San Diego: varioiw &ildings,~ residence aud dining hall complex; IO-btilding multi-use complex; o@Wacturing aiidretailbrrildings. .: May 1978 to January 1992 t3ltNIORAs8OCIA’FIC~ . ~ Krommenhtteldhk~eo~ 8t Associates (KM&A) GcWec@,& Eqin~eers, San Diego, CA Smior Associate in-charge oftixhnical services, speci-fieations and quality control. Responsibilities inchxled Project Manager/Architect air nuinero~ bi+ military, government ~dmmercial and institutional projects; quality control coordinatk; fvtion of production standards; construction administration and office tc&nical infkmation manager. I prepared in excess of 250 project manuals (spe&fications) while at KM&A. Inditidual prcject list, available upon request. March 1977 to May 1978 PROJRCT ARCl3lTEC.f Ri&ard B. Yeurtg,- Richard A. Lumsd& Architects/Pl~ers9 O.&nsi~ CA (Presently YLSR, AIA) Design and preparation of contract documents for Plilomar High School, Chula Vista; Alta Vista High School, Vista; SoutIrwest Bank, Vista; Arinories, Camp Pendleton; De1 Nor& Medical Building, Poway; Ocean Shores Continuatien High Schckl, bceanside; and Blade-Citizen newspaper Building, Oceanside. OVXR ROBERT BRUCE SMITH@tge 2) lIkse&er 1974 to M~hl977 : ARCHITZCIWiALASSOCiATE Bur&aa oiPvbl~c~Buitdiqsj Board of Public Works Design Division, CI@ oi Los mbgeles The:BW perti- t0t.d ar$iteetural services for the City of Los Angel&; in&owe and eonfrti ~hmiing qid design, specifications, estitnating, ea&neeringi and cons- l- adminisbation. P&j&s in&&d I~lnaries, police and &e stihons, zmktymnce fa@liti& animal hl&Sj @&i~ CXII~Q bU$dhgs.- 18rnontbs- DesignerandSe&rDrafksman~ .6ltXdbS- Specifid writer 3 nionu- Q@N&@ Pmject Ma&& in contract administration July 1973 PROJE~ cOOItDIN/iTOR to izkMInber 1974 cqilm sep+e cbnipaop Division,of Bank of -a, Los +g+s Contin&* S* was the awhitectural sqrvices division for pai& of Ammica. As Project Mtiager, I per&mu& i&muse design ahd cwtract administtati;on with jxiwktk architects for various (new, remodel; Bigh-fise,-mobile) Bat&of America buildiqs. . PROFESSIOivAt coilstrl&oll Speeificati~SIirstiMe (CSI) ASS~TIONS l Member: 1978 tdapeseslt ‘0 Boipd of’l&ck nmnbei, 1987-1989; 1993-1994 :l+ongRangeP~gcomttii~chaiaman . . l T&lmic&Xkm&sC~C~ *Conducted ‘ssgectalls” San&m and authored Technical Articles Spe&caths Con~&nt.s’.ii Independent pirctice (SCIP) l Memk: 1!%5to.pr&ht &ericqn In#itute‘of Architects @IA) : l Member:- 1979-1990 Me&her of PubliGty Commiti &lWEREiNCES- Mr. Will& Kmnntnm AlA (retired) Mr. Tkomas Awbmy, Priwipal Mr. Jack Mclkmm, AlA, president I Mr. Don Blair, Principal lgiiAA.rcbit~&En~g (619)276-7710 Mt. RobeltAltevets Altevers Associates Architects-. (61.9) 435-9777 &4r..James Barker, ALA; Mr. John B&ton, CSI Delawie, Wilkes, Rodrigues, Barker and Brettoq Architects (6 19) 299-6690 Mr. A. Lewis hniny, AIA DomirQ and Associates Architects (619) 692-9393 . Mr. Paul L. Bishop, AlA (619) 592-1533 Mr. Jim Grant; Mr. h&lo Hama Grant General Contractors, Carlsbad, CA (760) 438-7500