HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-12; City Council; 16227; Zone 19 Community Park Master Plan8 is E % . . p 0 4 1 Y z AB# J&u? TITLE: DEPT. HD. b$i?‘d 1 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN tP-- MTG. AND RESULTS OF ADDITIONAL PUBLIC INPUT Td% C,TYA DEPT. RECl CD CITYMGR $fW RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. d7cr>/-]G@ approving the Zone 19 Community Park Master Plan and direct staff to proceed with project entitlement and design. CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL I3 ITEM EXPLANATION: I BACKGROUND At the City Council meeting of March 6, 2001, staff proposed Zone 19 Community Park Master Plan for the City Council’s Following the staff presentation and Council discussion, the City on the Master Plan and directed staff to provide the following additional 1. Secure additional public input on the proposed Master Plan; ~ 2. Evaluate potential interim uses of the area within the park site proposed for the future Community Center facility. Following the March 6, 2001 City Council meeting, staff prepared exhibit b Master Plan’s proposed park site layout along with an information sheet questionnaire (Exhibit 4) soliciting additional public input. These the Dove Library, Cole Library, and at the Stagecoach Additionally, the information sheet and questionnaire were the various homeowner association representatives After 6 additional weeks of public input, a total of 168 questionnaires were fi led out and returned to the City. The information contained within the completed questionnaires has been tabulated and summarized by staff and appears in attached Exhibit 5. At this City Council meeting, staff will review the results of the additional public input. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After considering the various suggestions and / or modifications to the park and recreation program components proposed Master Plan for the Zone 19 Park, staff believes the existing layout is the one that best fits the property available. Further, staff believes t park program strikes the best balance of diversity of active and property. Lastly, several of the park components proposed in the City maintain its Parks and Recreation standards for park program uses. recommends the City Council approve the proposed Master Plan as Community Park. POTENTIAL INTERIM USES OF COMMUNITY CENTER SITE interim uses of the area within the park site proposed for the future facility, staff and the project architects have evaluated other uses. The PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 1 b ! a a -;) were analyzed: (1) tennis court(s); (2) additional parking; (3) another tot I bowling; (5) additional basketball court(s); (6) additional restroom; (7) no other than additional open, passive area; and (8) another group picnic area additional passive area. In making its evaluation, staff and the design architects considered the conditions, wind direction, sunset direction, surrounding park uses, and parking, restrooms, utilities, etc. Additionally, staff and the architects balance initial installation, ongoing maintenance, and removal costs for these uses. Staff and the architects recommend the City Council utilize this portion o number 8 above: another group picnic area with adjacent additional passive cost to implement, maintain, and remove this interim use of the property woul and at the same time provide a needed additional group picnic area for la Community Services staff are inundated with requests to reserve the picnic areas at the existing City park facilities. Adding another large group pi the Zone 19 Community Park, even on an interim basis, would make facilities available for greater public use. PARK NAME With respect to formally naming the Zone 19 Community initiate the existing City Council Policy No. 48, a copy of which is attached Staff will bring forward the list of names and the Parks and Recreation recommendation to the City Council for review and action in the near future. PROJECT SCHEDULE With the City Council’s approval of the Master Plan, Community Services staff will proceed to initiate the local agency entitlement proces which will include environmental review, Coastal Development Permit, Conditional se Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and other requirements. Staff will also return i to the City Council in early July with the design contract after which an extensive design evelopment effort will begin. It is estimated the Planning Commission will take action n the local agency entitlement and permit applications within 3 months. Followi g Planning Commission approval, the Community Services Department will turn over the ntire project to the Public Works - Engineering Department to complete the final design and initiate construction. The schedule calls for final design to be completed by Ma , 2001 with construction to begin in August, 2001. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: I No environmental review has yet taken place on the Zone 19 Community P The site itself was originally identified in the Pacific Rim (“Aviara”) Environmental Impact Report in 1987 as a future park site. Formal of the proposed Zone 19 Community Park will occur Commission’s review and action on the Conditional Use entitlements. This is expected to occur within the next 3 months. PAGE 3 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 1 b ; fi 2 7 FISCAL IMPACT: In the FY 2000-2001 CIP (current year), the City Council has appropriated t funds: Phase Proiect Description Funding Source Bud< Phase 1 Entire Park (less Community Center) Public Facilities Fee $48 The City Council has also designated future funding in the CIP in FY 2010-202 Phase Proiect Description Funding Source Buds Phase 2 Community Center Public Facilities Fee $3,0: In the proposed FY 2001-2002 CIP, staff has made a recommendation to i park construction budget based upon the preliminary cost estimates develop the Master Plan process. Additionally, staff has recommended merging P Phase 2 to complete the entire Zone 19 Community Park at one time. Th issues are anticipated to be addressed by the City Council during the up review. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Resolution No. 200 / -/6 b approving the Zone 19 Community Park and directing staff to begin the entitlement and design phases of the pro Location Map. Zone 19 Community Park Information Sheet. Zone 19 Community Park Public Input Form. Summary of additional public input on the Master Plan. City Council Policy Number 48. - Zone 19 Community Park Master Plan on file in the office of the City Cle the 2 City Library facilities. ! following ,000 :rease the md through rse 1 and ;e funding Iming CIP aster Plan A. and at 3 EXHIBIT 2 ZONE 19 PARK EXHIBIT 3 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK INFORMATION SHEET Zone 19 Community Park is 24 acre park located in the Southwest Quadrant of the City and in the northern portion of the Aviara community. Development of the park is outlined in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan and is needed to meet the standards established under the Growth Management Plan (3 acres park per 1000 population). A project design team was formed that consisted of City staff from various departments as well as the City’s park planners, P&D Consultants. After data gathering, site analysis, and preliminary discussions of the initial program for the park, several conceptual layouts were produced for consideration. On November 20, 2000, staff presented an update on the progress of the master plan to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Staff explained two alternative park layouts and described the proposed public outreach program. An “open house/ public workshop” was held on December 7,200O at the Dove Library. The workshop was noticed using mailings and newspaper advertisements. Staff and the consultants were in attendance to explain the exhibits and to encourage input from the attendees. Comment forms were provided. Approximately 50 residents attended the open house and staff received valuable input from the citizens. Following the public meeting, the design team met and analyzed the public input. Along with the expertise of staff, they developed the final program for the park and recommended the “preferred alternative”. The proposed Zone 19 Park Master Plan is attached as Exhibit 3. Amenities include: One *Large soccer field w/2 smaller One Community center (approx. 17,000 over-lay fields square feet) One *Ball field One Large picnic area Two *Basketball courts (half court Two Restrooms design) One Large tot lot Walkways and trails *will include sports lights. One Maintenance bldg. Parking (approx. 175 spaces) The community center is intended to be different than the City’s other community centers. It will be slightly smaller and will not include a gymnasium. The vision for the center is to accommodate meetings, banquets, weddings, dance classes, and other like uses. Additionally, there will be a “senior component” that will include a dedicated “senior family” room for “drop in” services that cater to seniors (e.g. library, meeting rooms, computer station, occasional health services, etc). The architecture is proposed to present a generally higher quality of aesthetics than the more purely functional designs of Calavera Hills and Stagecoach community center/gymnasiums. For more information on this project, please contact John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager (602-2726) or Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator (434-2655) EXHIBIT 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK PUBLIC COMMENT FORM 1. Are you a City of Carlsbad resident? (circle one) YES NO 2. What do you like about the concept park layout? 3. What changes would you like to see in the concept park layouts, if any? 4. What possible “names” would you suggest for this City park? 5. Please provide any other comments: OPTIONAL: If you would like to be contacted about any further public meetings regarding this plan, please provide the following information: Name: Mailing Address: Use the back if necessary THANK FOR YOUR INPUT !!!!!!!! 6 EXHIBIT 5 SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL PUBLIC INPUT RECEIVED ON THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK Proposed Park Amenities: Tot Lots: 10 Positive Basketball Courts: 16 Positive 2 Negative 2 Negative Community Building: 4 Positive 10 Negative Passive Areas: 13 Positive 0 Negative Picnic Areas: 6 Positive 4 Negative Soccer Field: 1 Positive 13 Negative Softball Field: 3 Positive 11 Negative Restroom Facilities: 10 Positive 0 Negative Parking: 1 Positive 4 Negative Other Amenities Requested: Trails 21 Tennis Court(s) 50 Dog Area 16 Lawn Bowling 3 Gymnasium 9 Swimming Pool 39 Skateboard Park 6 Fitness Course 5 Notes: 1. Total written questionnaires submitted: 168 2. Most questionnaires had multiple comments and suggestions. OF CARLSBAD L POLICY STATEMENT EXHIBIT 6 Policy No. 48 Date Issued June 18, 1991 Effective Date June 18, 1991 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Specific Subject: NAMING OF PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN PARKS AND RENAMING PARKS Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To establish guidelines and procedures for the naming of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and the renaming of parks. STATEMENT OF POLICY The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be responsible for recommending the name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks and for considering the renaming of parks every 25 years. The Commission will recommend and the City Council will determine the official name of parks, facilities and amenities within parks. PROCEDURE At the appropriate time for naming a park or considering renaming a park, the Parks and Recreation Commission will solicit public input. The proposed names shall be submitted in writing to the Parks and Recreation Commission with justification to aid in considering the proposal. The proposed name shall be placed on the Commission agenda, allowing appropriate time for review by the Commission (and subcommittee, as necessary) and to publicize and receive input from the public at the Commission meeting. When considering proposals, the Commission shall emphasize the following criteria in making their recommendation to the City Council: n Geographic location w Community significance rn. Historical significance n School name, when adjacent to a school n Individual person who shall have made a significant contribution to the City The Commission’s recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their determination of the official name.