HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-09-18; City Council; 16365; Amendment to 2001 Legislative PlatformCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL
AB# Jb!sbS TITLE- -* DEPT. HD.
Amend the Legislative Platform for 2001 to support legislation opposing the creation of a
county airport authority.
On June 6, 2001, the City Council adopted a Legislative Platform stating its position on
issues of importance to the community. One of those categories on which the City stated its
Legislative Platform is local land use. Since its adoption, AB 93 (Peace) has been
introduced which proposes to create the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority. The
Authority would have the power of eminent domain; it could condemn private property for
purposes expressly or reasonably implied by it; it could condemn public property if for a more
necessary public use. The City Council has expressed opposition to AB 93 as it is currently
Therefore, staff proposes adding plank 11 .(f) to the Legislative Platform to read as follows:
“Oppose legislation creating a county airport authority such as proposed AB 93 or similar
legislative proposals unless local land use power is preserved, eminent domain is not
included or exercised only with the consent of the affected jurisdiction, governance is by an
elected body or by elected representatives from other agencies, and no prejudice to existing
financial inter-modal resources.”
1. Proposed amendment to 2001 City of Carlsbad Legislative Platform
of drugs and/or alcohol, from the guilty party.
(9 Support legislation that would allow for the destruction, confiscafion, or extended
safekeeping of firearms or other deadly weapons involved in domestic violence incidents.
(9) Oppose legislation that would restrict or reduce the ability of local government to
determine the extent or method of fire hazard mitigation necessary in or around
wildland areas.
0’0 Support legislation granting immunity to or limiting liability of governmental
entities and their employees who provide emergency medical instructions and/or
treatment as a part of their public safety dispatch system.
(0 Oppose legislation that would restrict a local government from revising the
delivery of emergency medical service to its citizens and support measures
which broaden these powers.
(i) Support legislation that would assist local safety agencies in regionalization of
activities such as training, crime labs, and other appropriate functions.
Support legislation that would provide funding for addiction rehabilitation
II. Land Use Planning:
Support legislation to strengthen the legal and fiscal capability of local agencies
to prepare, adopt and implement fiscal plans for orderly growth, development,
beautification and conservation of local planning areas, including, but not limited
to, regulatory authority over zoning, subdivisions, annexations, and
redevelopment areas.
Support measures in local land use that are consistent with the doctrine of
“home rule” and the local exercise of police powers in planning and zoning
Support legislation requiring environmental review of initiatives to amend a
general plan or zoning ordinance before the initiative is placed on the ballot or
Support legislation to allow cities to issue all coastal development permits within their jurisdiction consistent with a previously certified coastal plan.
Support legislation that facilitates and provides funds for habitat management
planning, maintenance, administration, and local control.
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