HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-09-18; City Council; 16369; Correction To Salary Schedule Firefighters Assoc.CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL Q. 75 AB # hi,367 TITLE: DEPT. HDda MTG. g-18-01 CORRECTION TO SALARY SCHEDULE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF CAPTAIN SPECIALIST REPRESENTED BY THE CARLSBAD DEPT. HR FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. z@r d 24 7 correcting the Salary Schedule for the classification of Captain Specialist represented by the Carlsbad Firefighters’ Association. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 24, 1984, the City Council authorized the designation of “Specialist” for Fire Captains on a special assignment who are assigned to work a 40 hour week. This designation of Captain Specialist was to be paid ten percent (10%) above the salary of Fire Captain. Exhibit 2, City of Carlsbad Agenda Bill 7623, outlines the Captain Specialist designation. On December 1, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 97-79 approving a three percent (3%) salary increase for the Fire Captain classification. In order to maintain the pay differential between Fire Captain and Captain Specialist, the salary for Captain Specialist should have also been increased by three percent (3%). However, since there were no incumbents assigned to the classification of Captain Specialist at that time, the Salary Schedule was not updated for the classification of Captain Specialist. Therefore, staff recommends correcting the Salary Schedule for the classification of Captain Specialist to reinstate the pay differential between Fire Captain and Captain Specialist. Exhibit 3, the Carlsbad Fire Department Salary Schedule, has been updated to reflect the recommended correction to the Captain Specialist salary. Staff has met and conferred with the Carlsbad Firefighters’ Association regarding the changes to the Carlsbad Fire Department Salary Schedule as shown in Exhibit 3. FISCAL IMPACT: Since December 1, 1997 there has been only one incumbent assigned to the classification of Captain Specialist. This incumbent was temporarily assigned to the Captain Specialist classification on May 14, 2001 and is currently in this special assignment. The cost during fiscal year 2001/2002 of correcting the Salary Schedule for Captain Specialist is approximately $2,500. Funding for this correction is included in the fiscal year 2001/2002 budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. zm/ - 29 7 . 2. City of Carlsbad Agenda Bill 7623 s 3. Carlsbad Fire Department Salary Schedule 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-297 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CORRECTION TO THE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF CAPTAIN SPECIALIST REPRESENTED BY THE CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, on January 24, 1984 , the City Council authorized the designation of “Specialist” for Fire Captains on a special assignment to be paid ten percent (10%) above the salary of Fire Captain; and WHEREAS, the salary for Captain Specialist should have been increased by three percent (3%) on December 1, 1997 in order to maintain the pay differential between Fire Captain and Captain Specialist, however, this increase did not occur; and WHEREAS, funds for a correction to the Captain Specialist salary are included in the Fire Department operating budget for Fiscal Year 2001/2002; and WHEREAS, the City and the Carlsbad Firefighters’ Association have met and conferred on the impact of this recommendation on their represented employees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: Ill Ill Ill Ill 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Ill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l$ 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That the Carlsbad Fire Department Salary Schedule set forth in Exhibit 3, attached hereto and made a part thereof, is adopted. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 18th day of September , 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila,fld Hall. None. Council Member ATTEST: LfLL 3.J, ‘r/? 2&?2& M. WOOD, City Clerk 3 Exhibit 2 ’ C17 OF CARLSBAD - AGENtr, BILL ’ -. ! !A===- m ;HT& 1 ,/al.. 34 FIRE DEPARTMENT RERRGANIZ~~TI~R DEPT.FIR 1 ,T$ RECCMMENDED ACTION: I Authorize the reorganization of the :ire department. Authorise the fire ch?'ef to institute the concept of constant manning. '- Authorize the transfer of three personnel from the 56 hour shift schcJai@ co 40 hours per week. Two personnel to be fireficJhter/speciaIists (inspcctorsj, and the third to fill the position of battalion chief in charge of services. Authorizc the designation of s-pecialist for firefighters and fire captains who are assigned to work a 40 hour week<W---i The c,c~iqnatiori OF SpeCia!:St to pay ten perCent above the range for their classification. __-_-- . . Authorize the rrtduction of total personnel by three through attrition. That the.reallocation of personnel and the concept of constanf, mnning be incor- porated into the 1984-G budget and become effective duly i, 1984. ITEM EXPLANAilO~I: The fire department has not added any staff positions since Septeiriber, 1977 when we added the paramedic coordinator position. \ The city has grown considerably since tnis time and we arc hard pressed to keep up with inspections, weed abateslent, complaints. public education and information. and still provide a high lavcl of enter9ency service. The fire department does not have a training officer. Because of this, we are not able to keep abreast of hew techniques and assure that our personnel are in.a-hi.+ state of readiness. Recent tests given indicated we are weak ig [JfYSOnlN?l develop- ment. Our personnel have indicated we need to.institute programs 9L;a,*ed toward preparing personnel for advancencnt. This is a plan to reallocate existin personnel to positions of qrcater need. The line of fire combat forces are hot able, because of their shift schedule, to perform many of the support functions that arc required in the organitation. We are not diminishing the combat forces below the current nlinimum level. WC will maintain the I!iinimnl level by rehiring off duty firefighters. FISCAL IWACT: Depends on rate of attrition. Sdvinl; of S38.500 annually after attrition. cost avoidance of ah additional S90,WJ. EXHIHIT: 1. Organizational Charts; proposed a:\d preserbt. 2. Staff report on rcorganization. PROPOSED RYORGANIZA’i’.fCW OF FIkE ?jLPlrR’X&EI~‘? k’F~~:n?!!!:!. ---------.---- ---- --.eI_-.- Wtl.PT TS ThB I’YOPOSAL? 1. To reorgaoixe the Fire bepartmt.r:t I;0 :.hat csjstlng . pccsonnc4 cd11 be USt?:! i4i~:re the.; ace m9,at nrcde:l 2. To have the reorganisation pay for ixsr>I f. WHAT IS THE PROPOSED RWRGANl%h’t?fCN? 1. To create three 4Q-hour per week staEf positions: one Battalion Chief and two Picefiqht4r/S~cci~~ists. 2. To move three positions from the fire suppression division to fill these 40 hour rler week stafr positions. 3. PO classify Lhe :.wn Captains on staff ab Captain/ Specialists and to ceall,.xate tl,ei.r duties to thosrt of Training Officer and Fire Marshal. 4. To further reduce the fire suppre:;nion personnel by three positions through attrjtion. 5. To maintain the desired service level in fire suppression by qoinq to the concept of “constant manning.” WRY IS THIS HEORGANTXATION NECESSARY? 1. The new position of Battalion Chief would head the services division and share in providing top level supervision in both emerqency and day-to-day operations. This would give daily coverage for the ‘three shifts as a battalion chief would he on duty seven days a wsck. 2. The two new positions of -Firefiqhtcr/Spccialist would handle tFe-weed abatc?mont proaram, coxplaints, huildinq inspections and pub1 ic etluca t ion. Thl?se areas art? currently coveccd Ly EireEight.ers on a r.!lift basis. The job is being done, !JI\~. not a:: aEFici+ntLy as it could be. (The above positions have been requested in pr:c>vious hdf-p-t-‘:. They were? denied because of the “no new p9s.i Yions” policy oE the pzt. several years.) more. . . . 5 2. ?‘h<* ~~calluccced ~>~sirl’,n 1,’ ., t-d;!. t,~“d: ‘:*:~:I:::I,: ------ -. Of-f;..nV -u-. 1s ncedwi to SO,?;, our js?l-':f.rr:C-C: ;:. .i i::,..: a-. ii-.: 0f1 ritzdia:esn and t-6 Kepix correct 1~1: v.!;r- ‘.I:..‘-,’ f ireiiqht. j ng n!ctilodc; drlrl t*:chn ~QI~cA.;, 4 . The toallocated position of Fit-r+ %.r.zha? vn*liri ~~-1~~~:~~ ti?e currentbattalion chief of ccrl’tdin prn.:-+:t I,;,: Al:ties to enable him t.o take r~? mcorrr ;1d!::iqi:;:.:*:!t i.:.. duties anL1 to :wpcr~~se one ot t!le t.hrce :;h i (‘rq. 5. Salaries s:ic*~d by r.hc? reA!)ct.i.on nf f i cc2 ilJi:;:r~:::: :or. personnel will Cover the cnst.fj iriclcrr-4 !::t ~.l,i:; reorganization. HOW CAN THIS ‘WORK? HOW CAN ic’F: ELINTNATS 6 FIRE SUPPPl’S:~ION POSITIONS AND MAINTAIN MINIHUM SERVICE i,EVELS? Currently, we operate wit!, variah!c shift staffinrf. The department schedules 15 Zir;?f ightccs to war? ~ac!~ shift ::o . - meet rr.inimum staffing reyctir+mcnt.!; of 13 plus additional personnel to cover vacalions and sick leave. If sick leave exceeds normdl., we rehire ofE-duty personnel to maintain the m.inimum level. I E no one is an ~F?~vP, WC arc ahove 01.1r minLmum standard. W!len we operate abnVc minimum lcvelz we can assign*personnel to weed abatement, complaints and public education. rJsj ng the “constant mantling* concupt , t)lC df?p~~f~tin*?rlL. WOLl?d budget for: a const.ant Level c?f 13 firerlqhters per shift.. Whe’lavsr anyone was on leave, off-duty firefiohters wn<>lr! be hired hack to maintain the. minimum level. The duties done previously by the “extra” pernonnel cc,uld now be scheduled for and carried out by the FireFiqhter/ Specialists on stafC. WHAT IS THE COST OF THIS PHCYOSAL? WdA’P ARE THE .S;RVINGS? o The cost of movinu three existincr per?jc?nnel into t.t:c threa new staff positions is $!d,bG8. This amount reprcscnts an incentive salary Xf~cnt.ial l>C 10% i~r the Pircfiqhter/Specialists anil Captain,/Spt-c:ial ists. 0 If we were to !tire for the three new ctaff poCitir)qr;, t t-l I? cost would be approximately $100,950. -- o This i:; a cost avoidance*oF $90,882 ov~rr Iii ring now personnel. --- NOTE : A COST AVOIDANCE is money not. currently being spent which m;ty or rn;t;/ not !.w spent in t.he Future. 3. 0 To maintain “constant manning”, haset on annual .~ct:c-la1 rates for vacation aand sick leave, we could yxpect to rehire 546 trmes during the year. This would cost, in i excess of what is currently budgeted, approxinrateiy $62,400. -0 o The reduction of staffins hv three wouid reduce fire suppression personnel costs-by S100,950. The reduction c would be throuqh attrition and the savrnss would occur at that time. It-is estimated that the att;ition i~ould occur over the next 24 months. 0 A savings of $700,950 Less a cost of $62,400 wou1t-l ct-eat-c an annual savings of S38,55C. o This savings oE 38,550 added to the cost avoidance- of $90,082 gives us an increased level of Fire Department services for a total annual savings of 5129,432. -- 1 would like to further suggest that this savings could be used by the department to maintain and improve our firefightina and -aramedic equipment. . i A look into Lhe future shows us that when we open’ a new fire station, using the constant manning concept would provide substantial savings. attachment 7 PROPOSED ACninircrrrion ACninircrrrion Oi racelowControl Oi racelowControl BATTALION CHIEF BATTALION CHEF colnunrcrtlons colnunrcrtlons I I C fir* wwl Rescue fir* wwl Rescue BATTALION CHIEF Prcvrnti0n Prcvrnti0n Mastar Planning Mastar Planning Fi rc Nrrrhal PI.,- Checks 8 Exhibit 3 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE May14,2001 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E RANGE $1,585.66 $1,664.94 $1,748.19 $1,835.59 $1,927.38 $1,803.06 $1,893.22 $1,987.88 $2,087.27 $2,191.63 $1,792.43 $1,882.05 $1,976.16 $2,074.97 $2,178.71 $1,838.50 $1,930.43 $2,026.95 $2,128.30 $2,234.71 !§2,111.45 $2,217.02 $2,327.86 $2,444.26 $2,566.47 $2,322.60 $2,438.72 $2,560.66 $2,688.69 $2,823.13 CLASSIFICATION RANGE FIREFIGHTER 35 FIRE ENGINEER 39 DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 40 PARAMEDIC FIREFIGHTER 41 FIRE CAPTAIN 45 CAPTAIN SPECIALIST 49