HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-12-18; City Council; 16488; Donation To Carlsbad Pop Warner Football TeamCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL x/3c : . I AB# I@@? TITLE: DEPTHS k’--- MTG. 12/l 8/01 APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE CITY AlN a DEPT. FIN CARLSBAD POP WARNER FOOTBALL TEAM CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council chooses to fund the request, the action would be to adopt Resolution No. do0 I- 3g3 authorizing a donation to support the Carlsbad Pop Warner Football Team. ITEM EXPLANATION: Several years ago, the Council set aside $1 million to provide an endowment for grants, which would enhance the quality of life for Carlsbad’s residents and/or visitors. The interest earned on the endowment funds is used to provide the grants to the applicants. This year, there was $65,000 available in the fund to be used for the grant program. The grant applications were due into City offices by October 1, 2001. A seven (7) member Citizen Review Committee reviewed the applications and recommendations were made to Council on December 4, 2001 for the distribution of this year’s grants. The Committee’s recommendation was to fund eight (8) of the requests for a total of $59,000. Council approved the committee’s recommendations at that meeting. The grant applications received and the amounts funded are shown in Exhibit 1. Towards the end of November, the City received a request from a representative of the Carlsbad Pop Warner football team for $4,000 to help pay the expenses of the team’s trip to Orlando Florida. The Carlsbad Pop Warner “Charging Lancers” football team is the Jr. Pee Wee WESCON (Southwestern United States Region) champion. The team traveled to Florida during the week of December 3, 2001 to compete in the National Pop Warner Super Bowl Tournament. The team is requesting financial support to assist in the team’s expenses for the trip. This request was not received in time to be evaluated under the regular community activities grant program and it cannot wait until the next year as it is not an “every year” occurrence. Thus, the request is being brought to Council out of sequence. FISCAL IMPACT: If Council wishes to fund this request, there is approximately $6,000 remaining in appropriations in the Community Activities Grants fund, which could be used without impacting future grant appropriations. Any amounts in excess of this will begin to erode the principal of the fund and would require additional principal contributions to keep the fund at $1 million. Adoption of the attached resolution will authorize the donation in an amount of $4,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Summary of 2001-02 Community Activity Grant requests and amounts funded. 2. Resolution No. doe L - 36 3 authorizing a donation to support the Carlsbad Pop Warner Football Team. Exhibit 1 Summary of 2001-02 Community Activity Grant Requests and Amounts Funded Applicant Program Description 1 Children’s Discoverv Summer 2002 Travelina Exhibit Grant Request 20,615 Amount Funded 10,000 Museum of North * County 2 Tri-City Hospital Foundation 3 Optimist Club of Carfsbad 4 Buena Vista Audubon Society 5 Assistance League of North Coast 6 Mamie Hotto 7 Foundation for Pet Provided Therapy 6 Lisa Murphy 9 YMCA 02 of North Coast 10 Anita Mizusawa 11 Anita Mizusawa 12 Glenda Bonin 13 Seagate Concerts inc. Support for traveiing exhibit for Summer 2002. A traveiing exhibit is a hands-on, educational exhibit made elsewhere (usually larger museum) and shipped to our museum for a 2-3 month time span. North Countv Child Studv Center Funding for this new program which speciaiizes in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of children and youth (ages 2-16) suffering from ADD, tourette syndrome, autism, depression, and other development and behavioral disorders. 2002 Special Oivmpics To purchase food and drinks as well as the printing of fivers for the North County Special Olympics held at Palomar College: The-food is provided at no cost to the participants. Buena Vista Laooon Nature Center sians and advertising Funding for signs and advertising to build awareness for the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation. School oroarams 2,500 0 Funding for their Operation School Bell, Reading Readiness, and Wee Help programs serving Carlsbad schools. “First Contact” autism hotline This program would provide a first contact autism hotline for parents concerned about their chiids tendencies towards autism spectrum disorders. Pet Provided Therapv Educational Brochure Development and printing of a brochure to educate the public about the program and recruit more volunteers. Play Proiect Funding request is to create a unique environment where both residents and visitors can play with and experience creative media. Runawav and Homeless Shelter Support for runaway and homeless shelter serving adolescents (ages 12-17) and their family members. Located in Oceanside. “What’s my Line?” prooram 6,900 Develop a test pilot program that introduces children to various jobs and occupations within the community using games etc. “Senior Friends’ program Develop and implement a pilot program called “senior friends” that fosters friendship and interaction between kids (ages 9-13) and seniors. 8,500 ‘I’m Teiiino” orooram A four week summer artist residency storytelling program designed to serve Cartsbad’s youth participating at four parks and recreation sites. 5,000 Musical Concerts Production of nine musical performances with musicians from the San Diego Symphony, the San Diego Opera, and the San Diego Chamber Orchestra specifically designed to uniquely embrace the City of Carfsbad. 25,000 0 1,500 1,500 6,066 4,800 (1) 6,ooO 0 2,120 59,680 7,500 65,000 0 14 Sally Savin 15 Ofie Escobedo Barrfo Carlsbad Fiesta - 2002 20,000 10,000 16 Interscholastic Surfing Federation 17 Vista Botanical Garden Foundation 16 Preserve Calavera Foundation 19 Kellie Fankhouser 20 American Legion Post 21 Joy of Sports 22 Far Out Enterprises Carlsbad Online Community 65,000 23 Lori Homstad Clean UD Cadsbad Trails Program 6,500 24 The Environmental Trust 25 Robert Hardaway Ill Instant Access for Teens, Children, Parents or Guardians Program to provide community support, counseling and caregiving to families of all ethnic, religious, and social status in Cartsbad. A community based fiesta, organized to call attention to the historical and cultural diversity of the neighbomood and to honor some of the early pioneers, who were an integral part of Carlsbad’s beginnings. The goal is to duplicate the successful 2000 & 2001 Fiesta. Interscholastic Surfina Federation (ISF) The ISF was founded to offer students in Middle and High Schools throughout California, the opportunity to compete in high quality, professionally officiated surf team competitions. Grant request is for equipment for competitions. Develooment of a world class Botanical Garden The Vista Botanical Forest will be a science , research, and educational center. Preserve Calavera Foundation Request is for funding for various projects that are intended to preserve and protect the native habitat in the northeastern portion of the City referred to as Calavera. Exhibit 1 65,000 0 19,200 5,000 13,600 0 After School Photooraohv Prooram Funding is to create and implement an after school photography program for Jr. High and/or High School students. 60,000 0 High School and Adoot a Class Programs Funding request is for: Boys and Gins State programs in Sacramento which recognizes high school juniors for their leadership abilities; the high school award program which recognizes graduating seniors for their courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service to both the school and community: and the adopt a class program which teaches elementary school children police and fire safety, flag etiquette, and geography through the use of coloring books. In addition, they would like to add flags to any Cadsbad classroom that does not currently have one. 3,000 1,500 (2) Star Power for Preschoolers Expand the Star Power for Preschoolers program to serve at&k children in the City of Cadsbad. This program focuses on helping children develop themselves in five key areas: concentration, relaxation, cooperation, imagination, and self-esteem. 2,460 0 Develop an online community for the City of Carlsbad where residents, visitors and businesses communicate, exchange ideas and or simply find out what is going on in their community. This program will provide a civic opportunity to girl and boy scout troupes in Cat&bad and community to clean up trash on Cat&bad’s trails. Funding request is to pay for coordinator and guide’s time and expenses. Educational Center Project An educational center will eventually be built at the Calavera Preserve entrance. Funding request is for entrance signs, trail maps and community outreach. 10,000 10,000 Guitar-Czar Productions Presentation of musical entertainment of 56 one-hour shows to Carlsbad senior citizens featuring 20th century popular American songs with themes of love friendship, and patriotism written by Great American composers including Irving Berlin, George Gershwim, and Coel Proter among many others. 5,600 0 26 Ranch0 Coastal Humane Society Animal Safehouse Program This program provides shelter to pets of domestic violence families. It is the only shelter that provides this service in all of San Diego County. 27 A Resource ARDCN Development and Funding request is to expand the ARDON Resource Clearinghouse to Organizational Network incorporate coalition building , volunteer participation and create linkages 28 Lot-y McGregor through a wide cross section in the public and private sectors including businesses, individuals, foundations, government agencies, and the media. 29 Community Care for Adults 30 The Flower Fields 31 Nicole Hendricks Soirit of Cartsbad 7,500 0 32 Carlsbad Education Foundation - Kids are Worth a Million 33 Dana Burnett music to the residents of Cadsbad. Formal concerts, school and senior center residences and a piano masterclass are planned. The proposed location of the concerts is the Carl&ad Cultural Ads Center. 34 Made Elizabeth Quethera Creative Empowerment A well being program designed to help seniors feel better about themselves by offering cosmetogy services and accepted-touch healing techniques. 35 Susan Fraijo Tutor on the Web Dollars for Scholars at La Costa Canvon High School Dollars for scholars provides scholarships to graduating seniors of La Costa Canyon High School to assist in their continuing education. Scholarships are awarded based on grade point average, school activities, community service and need. If granted this money would be awarded to a graduating senior living in Carlsbad. Oceanside Adult Dav Care Center Funding is requested to provide financial assistance to Carl&ad residents utilizing the services at the agency’s adult day care centers. ARTSPLASH A community-wide partnership of organizations and businesses working together to create a major annual family festival highlighting the unique assets of Carlsbad. This event is to be held September 26 & 29 and is the culminating event in a series of activities celebrating the City’s 50 Anniversary. This program has bands and speakers and takes place for l-2 nights in the spring. This event took place for the first time in Spring 2001. Taste of Carfsbad Student An Show Funding request is to add a student art show to the Taste of Carlsbad Annual fundraiser. Grant money will be used to purchase tents, panels, and other equipment needed to set up an art show. Chamber Music Carlsbad A four day classical chamber music festival dedicated to orovidina great Program provides a tutor program to Carlsbad children in grades K-6. This Successmaker interactive courseware can be used via the intemet from their home. TOTAL REQUESTS 601,545 59,ooo (1) To fund signs. (2) To fund the Boys and Girls State and High School Awards programs. (3) To fund the tents, fabric panels, t-base connectors, matting, frames, tarps and verticle storage unit. 5,000 10,000 1,000 0 6,000 0 25,000 15,000 11,997 8,200 (3) 6,177 15,000 16,088 Exhibit 1 EXHIBIT 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-383 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Crpl OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORZING A 3 DONATION TO SUPPORT THE CARLSBAD POP WARNER FOOTBALL TEAM 4 II 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, created a fund to 6 provide for grants to the community for enrichment activities; and 7 WHEREAS, Carlsbad Pop Warner “Charging Lancers” football team is the Jr. Pee 8 Wee WESCON (Southwestern United States Region) champion this year; and 9 WHEREAS, the City has received a request to help finance the team’s trip to IO Florida to compete in the National Pop Warner Super Bowl Tournament. 11 12 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. . 14 2. That a donation is authorized in the amount of $4,000 to the Carlsbad Pop 15 Warner Football Team from the Council Contingency Fund. 16 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 17 Council held on the 18th day of DECEMBER , 2001 by the following 18 vote, to wit: 19 20 21 22 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Ku -.Finnila, Nygaard, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None 23 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 24 AI-l-EST: ,. 25 26 27 II KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Assistant City Clerk