HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-01-15; City Council; 16507 Exhibit 10; Calavera Hills Phase II/B&TD #4David Hauser - Reach 4 (please forward to Planning Commissioners) ~- Pa2r * --__- - EXHIBIT 10 - From: To: Date: Subject: eMY300ZZZX@aol.com> <dhauser@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <emunoz@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 111102 6:19PM Reach 4 (please forward to Planning Commissioners) Dear Planners and Planning Commissioners: If you delay in approving the last extension of Cannon Road to the future, the environmental rules in this State will be more conservative, stringent and difficult to accommodate. This Master Plan Road has been needed in our County for well over 10 years. Please do not delay this project based on threats from environmental groups and one homeowners association. Thanks for reading his email. N. Staehr Former Oceanside Planning Commissioner and Ocean Hills resident P’- December 30,200l Jack Gorzeman 3766 Saddle Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (FAXED 12/31/01 at 7100 am to the Planning Department) The Honorable ‘Bud’ Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Viltage Drive Carlsbad, CA Re: CALAVARA HILLS PHASE II/BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #4; CASE FILE: EIR 98QZIGPA 9943MP 150(H)/LFYP 87-07(A)ZC Ol-OlICT 00- _ 02IHDP 00-02 Dear Mayor Lewis: I am writing as a resident of the Cii of Carlsbad and Calavera Hills Village T, and whose property will be directly affected by proposed Village U, to be located south of our residence. I am deeply concerned about the impacts of Village U, as proposed, for the following reasons: The existina/adooted Calavera Hills Master Plan calls for the area identified as Village U to be Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) which allows 0 to 4 dwelling units per acre. This density is the same as our residential property/neighborhood located within 500 feet of proposed Village U. However, the current proposal for Village U calls for an increase in allowable residential density of almost four fold, from single-family to multi- family. We purchased our residence with the knowledge that the property in question (Village U) was approved for single-family residential. Allowing Residential Medium-High Density (RMH) development on the site identified as Village U will most certainly cause a substantial impact on our private residence, relative to aesthetic quality. This fact is recognized in the Final EIR, page 65, “However the existing aesthetic amenities currently provided by the undeveloped southern villages (Villages U, Y, W, and X), in conjunction with the existing off-site agricultural setfing to the south and east would be substantially altered by the proposed grading and residential development of the southern villages. The landform alteration/aesthetic impact from both within Caiavera Hills and off-stie areas from the development of the southern villages would be considered a significant visual quality impact. ” The Final EIR proposes no mitigation in an effort to reduce this impact to a less than significant level. Letter to The Honorable ‘Bud” Lewis, Mayor December 30,200l Page 2 of 2 Another impact of the proposed multi-family development of Wage U on our property is noise. The draft final EIR does not evaluate the impact on the noise receptor to the north, our residence and southern portion of the existing neighborhwd of Village T. There is a canyon and open space of less than 500 feet separating our residence from Village U. The pad elevations between our residence and Village U differ by only about 50 feet. Also, the proposed multi-family development of Village U would be located on the most prominent ridge in Phase II of Calavera Hills. Sound travels quickly and easily under these conditions, as I have personal observed. There is no assurance in the Final EIR that the proposed development will not raise interior noise levers for our residence above the City’s interior standard of 45 CNEL (with the windows open). In an effort to provide for residential development that is mom compatible with the existing residential development to the north of Village U, and to reduce noise and headlight glare from automoblles, I respectfully request that the City Council and Planning Commission consider adding the following conditions to the certification of the Final EIR for the development proposal referenced above: 1) Any structures located in Village U shall be limited to a height of two stories Of 35 feet 2) Opaque screening no less than six feet in height shall be constructed along the top of the north facing slope of Village U. Any dwelling units that would need to be reallocated due to the height restriction could, most appropriately, be transferred to Village El, the proposed multi-family residential site at College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive. On a related matter, 1 do not recall receiving notice of availability of the Draft EIR for public review. Please have staff provide me with a complete mailing list used in satisfying this requirement under CEQA. I am requesting that this letter become part of the public record at the Planning Commission public hearing on January 2, 2002 and the City Council public hearing on January 15,2002. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerety, cc: Seena Trigas, Chairperson, Planning Commission Eric Munoz, Senior Planner i?OM : LAW OFFICES OF EUERETT I’=LQNO PHONE NO. : 768 516 1565 Dec. 29 2801 03:09QM P2 -- ._ LAW OFFICES OF EVEREIT L. DELWO 111 220 W. Grand Avenue Escondido, Californiar 92025 (760)510-1562 (760)510-1565(fax) December 28,2001 Carlsbad Planning Commissioners City of Carlsbad 1353 Corvidae St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attn: Jeff Seagall Re: I . CaIavera ]tllills Master whasc II and Bridge and Thoroqg&t Dlstnct ##4 JCoIlene and Cannon) Dear Carlsbad Planning Commissioners: This letter is submitted on behalf of the Ocean Hills Country Club Homeowners Association (“Association”) concerning the proposed Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II and Bridge and Thoroughfare District ##4 (“Project”). It became abundantly clear during the December 19,2001 Planning Commission meeting that there is substantial concern about the proposed Cannon Road Reach 4. Among these concerns was the current lack of coordination between local jurisdictions to address regional traffic and planning considerations. By this letter, the Association respectfully requests that the Commission remove Cannon Road Reach 4, from its current termination at the Oceanside city limits on the cast side to the proposed location of the high school parking lot on the west side (approximately 800 feet cast of the proposed intersection of Cannon Road and College Blvd.), f?om the Project. Removing this stretch of roadway will allow for area jurisdictions and interested parties to consider the many issues involved and allow for adequate environmental review at the appropriak time. If the Planning Commission ’ adopts this suggested approach, the Association will not oppose the rest of the Project. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. Sincerely, w& Evcrett DeLano, Esq. cc: William Haifley, Ocean Hills Country Club Homeowners Association Sandra Holder, Community Development Director Cindie McMahon, Deputy City Attorney Tony Gullom 3744GvemPIace cdrkb4 ca. 9200s (760)730 -9010 I I wouldWe to thank you for allowing me to speak during your December lgQ meeting about myviewsantbeCaloveraHillrII:Envirornncatal~.~Icannowapprrdak:rhe ti#icul ywdlfiiwinyourpositim~timebtime. t IamwfiringbD~asizcmyconcemaboutthepos~leacclusionofcannOnRaach4 ~theEIR~theCalaveraHills;ZTplan.C~gtothemeotingthe~~~gIwar daboutthenegativeimpadRQlovingthe~betwealcartsbd&xloceanside would~etomyneigbkomoad~~veryli#lebcneStIamnoa,evenmclrc~~pAa the malting because of the diacuskon of possibly excluding Cannon Reach 4 fixzx the m which\i/ouldaddM~~ti~6000cerspaday~u~myneighborbood Attcr&ehlieflii- with nei&bors this week, I have learned that the residents in the Calavm Hills community have hen nlatively quiet through this pxocns be+3use they have ~~theCi~ofCarlsbadwouldadinthc~~ofi~residentaThe~~of CalavaraHiUshavehPd~~~-ndrepast~atrhe~thcci~waarn~in~e llscawoutdbemadeinthemoetpo~~ewaypo~ble~theirwellbeingwhcn1~ withthahthcwtimated~cflowwithReech4,theywcrtquitesmprjsed,busassumed~ cvuythhgpossi%le wouldbe done to minim& anynoiseandsafetyissuesthatmayariscdue totk~traf5c.Weallhopethese~cmsarc~. hlightofthin,IwaattocautionyouanyourappraachtoQEidingwbsther~ol~ear exclude Canmn Reach 4 in the EIR By excluding it, you would &arly be placing the well being of Oceanside reside above chose C&bad nxidcnts that have placed their fxust in you ‘&is would be a serious violation of their trust, in my opinion, and I would assume in the opini~ofallCPlavaa~nsidmts.I~eyoutonot~ceyourown~~dutro the prebsures of rddenk in 0th cities. May 1 remind you that Oceanside has been pressuring our~~~ral~timetoopen~~e~bhrdtobentfitikownnsidemsmthesrpensed Carlsbkd residents, but when opening a mad negatively a&k their own axmnhty, they claim they’re being violti. This is obviously a hypocritical position. To address &is p&ion. I request that the Civ of Carlsbad not caier to the de&s of Oceanside, but instead to force~cooperatiadbynotcrpmingCollegeBlvdto~atall~~CannonReach4 iaCU+ertd. Pleapt&notapgrovetheE~fbrcalavnaHillsIIwithouttheinc~~ ofCannonReach4. -=pYs LOFTIN & WARD ATTORNEYS AT LAW L. SUE LOFTIN WILLIAM J. WARD BRANDY P. TYLER JASMIN D. FLORES WEB ADDRESS: w~~~~.la~~~ers.conl/loftin~\,ard An Association of Independent Law Firms THE PLAZA LA JOLLA VILLAGE 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DRIVE. SUITE 330 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92 122 TELEPHONE (858) 535-9380 FACSIMILE (858) 535-9381 WRITER’S DIRECT LINE (858) 535-9380 HUGH MCLEAN. OF COUNSEL (858) 481-686 1 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER RCHOAI47 I December 19,200l Eric Munoz, Project Planner Frank Jimeno, Project Engineer [Calavera] David Hauser, Project Engineer pTD#4] 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-73 14 Re: Case File: (1) EIR 98-02 - Calavera Hills Phase II/Bridge and Thoroughfare District #4 and Detention Basins BJ and BJB GPA 99-03/MP 1 SO(H)/LFMP 87-07(A)ZC 001 KTOO- 02/HDP 00-02 - Calevera Hills Phase II Hearing Date: Carlsbad Planning Commission December 19,200l @ 6:00 p.m. Requested Action: Vote YES, if agreed to conditions are added to the designated Planning Commission resolutions. Dear Sirs: On behalf of the Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association, Inc, a conceptual resolution has been agreed upon, subject to finalization of required documents, among McMillin representatives, City of Carlsbad staff, and the Association. A general letter of understanding has been agreed upon between McMillin and the Association. A copy of the general letter of understanding is attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” Letter of Understanding. The Association has requested, and continues to request, that conditions be added to both the EIR Resolution No.5 112 and the TTM Resolution No. 5117 to assure the specific implementation of the agreements set forth in the Letter of Understanding. A copy of the proposed conditions is attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” EWTTM Conditions. In lieu of the EIR Conditions, the Association will consider a Letter Agreement from the City incorporating those same issues. LOFTIN & WARD Eric Munoz, Project Planner Frank Jimeno, Project Engineer [Calavera] David Hauser, Project Engineer IBTD#$] December 19,200 1 Page 2 of 2 Based on the foregoing. the Association is withdrawing its requested action to vote NO set forth in the December 5, 2001 correspondence addressed to the City Clerk from this office and is requesting that the Planning Commission approve the project with the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” EIR/TTM Conditions, or in lieu of the EIR Condition, the Letter Agreement with the City of Carlsbad. The Letter of Understanding and the TTM Conditions require completion of certain documents, including without limitation, a Purchase Option and the refinement of the requested TTM Conditions, including without limitation, legal descriptions of property, prior to the City Council hearing on these matters. The Association is hereby reserving all of its objections to the project to raise those objections at the City Council hearing or to appeal a Planning Commission - decision in the event the final agreements among McMillin, the City of Carlsbad, and the Association cannot be completed. Sincerely, LOFTIN & WARD By&&$- 9 9. LSL:seb c: Honorable Chairman of the Planning Commission, and Distinguished Commissioners Honorable Bud Lewis, and Honorable Council Persons City Clerk Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association, Inc. Allen D. Haynie, Esq. [Attorney for McMillin] Amy G. Nefouse, Esq. [Attorney for McMillin] a33 EXHIBIT “A” Loftin 12-19-1 Correspondence to Planning Staff & Commissioners Letter Agreement between Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II (McMillin) and Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association 234 BOSTON CtilCAGO FRANKFURT MPHeURG HONG KONG LWNDON LOS ANGELES HOSCOw NEW JtRSEY AlTORNEYS AT LAW -.Lw.cou .- NEW YORK NORTbiERN VIRGINIA ORANGF COUNTY P4RIS SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY SAN FRANCISCO SILICON VALLEY SINGAPORE TOKYO WASnlNGTON. D.C. December 19,200l .-... . ^. ._. ,- - L. sue L&in, Esq. L&tin&Ward The Plaza La Jolla Village 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92122 Re: Calavera Hills Proiect Dear Ms. Lotin: This sets forth the gene!ral terms of an agreement between your client Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners Association Inc. (the “‘Association”) and Calavera Hills II LLC (“Owner”) concerning the Calavera Hills Master Plan, Phase II, Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 & Detention Basins Project (‘Troject?‘). This agreement is subject to approval by the City and the parties agree to request that the City become a party to the agreement. In addition, it is understood that we will resolve the specifics of the agreement prior to the City Council hearing on the Project. The Association has agreed to withdraw its opposition to and formally support the Project at upcoming meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council in exchange for the following commitments, assuming the details of the agreement are worked out and memorialized as conditions in and to the appropriate discretionary permit prior to the City Council hearing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association will reserve all legat rights to object at the City Council hearing, if and only if, the agreement and conditions are not satisfactory resolved for all parties. 1. Owner will construct a five-foot sound wall atop a three-foot earthen berm to run along Reach 3 of Cannon Road between El Camino Real and the intersection with College Boulevard (the “sound wall”). The berm shall be fully landscaped along that portion of the berm facing the Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobile Home Park and the 2.25 acre grove parcel described below. The requirement to construct the sound wall will be included as a mitigation measure in the Final EIR for the Project and/or a condition of Project approval, to be built as part of the construction of Reach 3, and to be completed prior to opening Reach 3 of Cannon Road to public t!XlffiC. 7016 STRUT. svm Pm0 l sue Dlcoo. CAuroRNu ezlol-alo7 TELEPIIONL; I6191 ZJfH234 l TAX: @SIB) 686-7419 SDJOCsU02423.2fW2000] L. Sue L&in, Esq. December 19,200l Page 2 2. Owner will install irrigation and plant with eucalyptus trees and native shrubs an approximately 2.25 acre parcel of land generally located between road marker 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road (the “grove parcel”), as illustrated on the landscape concept plan attached hereto as Exhibit & and shall either deed the grove parcel to the Association at no cost to the Association, or the Association wilI accept a maintenance casernen~ on the parcel. The requirement to pIant the grove parcel will be included as a mitigation measure in the FinaI EIR and/or a condition of Project approval, and planting shall be completed prior to or concurrent with construction of Reach 3. 3. Owner will enter into a purchase option agreement with the City of C&bad giving the City the option to purchase, at not more than fair market value, an approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land, the general location of which is shown on Exhibit A as the community garden, RV parking lot and wash area (the “facilities - replacement arca”). The agreement shall provide that if the City does not exe&t its option within a minimum of eight (8) years, the Association may exercise the option and purchase the parcel. The parties agrtc to work out the precise boundaries of the facilities replacement area and the terms of the purchase option agreement prior to the City Council hearing on the Project. Please let me Imow if I have misstated or misunderstood any of the texms of our clients’ agreement. We are pleased that the parties have been able to reach an amicable resolution of these issues and look forward to working with you on the details of the agreement. Enclosure CC: Allen D. Haynie, Esq. Mr. Brian Milich Mr. Dave Hauser i &I.; 3 1 zZi$ 1 - +:-a I I ! ! L I *. _- : i ‘. - _ . __ ; . . - . * - . - _. - . . - -. ---.- - _ -. ;.;< ;.--z-e;. _ ‘_. . _.. i ..* >-*, .-a,. . . . . . i .i, ._ ._- -..i - -- .- - _- .- - ---. . ,_,, -_ .--.,- --- .:+;+.; _;T1=T y,: .-;- . .: . a33 EXHIBIT “B”, Part 1 Loftin Correspondence to City of Carfsbad, 12-19-1 TTM Conditions; PC RESO 5117 ADDED CONDITIONS FOR PC RESOLUTION 5117 - CT 00-02 The applicant and representatives from the Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) recently concluded negotiations on certain proposed revisions to the offsite requirements for the Caiavera Hills project to alleviate the major concerns of the Ranch0 Carlsbad residents. To implement these conditions the Developer/Applicant has agreed that Planning Resolution No. 51 17 should be amended as follows: 1. 2. Add new condition, Page9, Dedications/Improvements: The Developer shall construct a five-foot sound wall atop a three-foot earthen berm to run along the south side of Reach 3 of Cannon Road between El Camino Real and the intersection with College Boulevard. The berm shall be fully landscaped along that portion of the berm facing the Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobilehome Park and the 2.25 acre parcel described below. The sound wall shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the southern right-of-way of Cannon Road Reach 3, where wetlands or other sensitive habitats do not interfere. Add new condition, Page9, Dedicationsllmorovements: The applicant shall cause the owner to plant eucalyptus trees and native shrubs on an approximate 2.25 acre parcel of land generally located between Cannon Road Station 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road. This property shall be deeded or provided by permanent easement to the Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association at no cost. Deeding or granting of the easement, and planting and irrigation of this parcel shall occur prior to completion of cannon Road Reach 3. Page 1 of 2 Hearing: 12-l 9-1 PC RESO 5117 a38 3. Add new condition, page 8, Fee/Aqreements: Prior to approval by the City Council of this Resolution, the applicant shall cause Owner to enter into a purchase option agreement with the City of Carlsbad offering the City the option to purchase, at not more than fair market value, an approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land (Parcel 6, Exhibit 1 ), the general location of which is shown on Exhibit 1 as the community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal (the “facilities replacement area”). The agreement shall provide that if the City does not exercise its option to purchase by January 1, 2010, the Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association may exercise the option and purchase the parcel. The City shall provide the mechanism whereby the purchase by the Association shall be eligible for credit and repayment from the appropriate fund.. Page 2 of 2 Hearing: 12-l 9-1 PC RESO 5117 a39 Sent By: WILSON ENGINEERING; 7604380173; Dee-19-01 16:26; Page 2!; ; 1 ; . ? C v c . 5 t . i i I . : . f a : i 01 1 DEL B-10 1 A -0@03'28' ) 190.0 1 20.72' 1 10-11 msw17=E 4aa.71' 11-12 A -2El7'MI' 1461.0 716.68' 12-13 N81'33'l.r? c ;1; I ) 360.93' -1 15-l 1 -6'4 I 4 3939' -~ 4-14 1 N4c18'132 I 1 lf3.al' I -- --m--.. _--- . ;, y,,: “T -1 C’. :!’ *r, .A:- , .4 -0 0 . . .- , --I -- -- 15-11 A -1436'llr 12-15 A -1cO1'39' 14-3 N4&19'13~ l BASIS OF BWWG- COURSE # 16-17 PER RECORD OF SURVEY #171lj - tE- S51’ 39’15”W ROBERTSON RANCH ‘,& ADJlJsrMENT PL&T 01-13 \* PtAT OF PORTtON OF PARCEL 3 CtlY OF CARISBAD AWUSWMT PtAT 01-13 BEING A PORTtON OF LOT E OF RANCH0 AQUA HEDtONDA, CtlY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY DF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAlJFORNtA PER MAP 1823, RECORDED NW. 16, 1886 EXHIBIT 1 ROBERTSON unn300 cmsmD,m9pooo PHoNE(760)43a3189FClX060)43&0~~ ’ RANCH L-1074 -lwl&uI EXHIBIT “B”, Part 2 Loftin 12-19-1 Correspondence to City of Carlsbad TTM/EIR Conditions AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONS OF MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN PHASE II and THOROUGHFARE DISTRTCT NO. 4 and DETENTION BASINS PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 1. Land Use: (a> Bridge & Thoroughfare District & Detention Basins: Amend introduction sentence to read as follows: The following measures shall be shown on the grading and improvement plans for College Boulevard Reach A (Item I) and - detention basin “BJ” (Item 2), except the Option Agreement between Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II and the City of Carlsbad shall be set forth as an attachment to the Conditions of Approval, for CT 00-02, Planning Commission Resolution No. 5117.; (9 Mit.Mon.No.1 ( Page 1). Deiete in its entirety and replace with the following: Prior to the elimination of access to the existing 1.5 acre R V storage parking, project maintenance area, disposal facilities, vehicle wash, and garden area for Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobile Home Park located within proposed Detention Basin “BJ” and commencement of construction of Reach A of College Boulevard (which will eliminate access), the project applicant for College Boulevard Reach A shall secure an alternative location for the above listed facilities, with pedestrian and vehicular access to the above listedfacilities. The preferred alternative location has been identtfied, subject to certain conditions, by the granting of an Option to purchase by the Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II applicant to the Civ, at fair market value, an approximate 5.7 acre parcel of land, generally located between the north perimeter wall of Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobilehome Park and Cannon Road Reach 3, as more specifically shown on the landscape concept plan attached hereto as Exhibit 1.’ . The ’ The identification “Exhibit 1 ” shall mean the conceptual drawing of all of the proposed uses -- between Cannon Road and Ranch0 Carlsbad, limited to The Grove Parcel and the Relocation Parcel [RV, Waste Disposal, Maintenance, Vehicle Wash and Garden]. Page 1 of 3 Hearing: 12-19-01 PC RESO 5117, et al. (ii) agreement shall provide that tf the City does not exercise its option to purchase by January 1, 2010, the Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association may exercise the Option andpurchase the Parcel. The selected site shall be approved by the Planning Director for the City of Carlsbad and shall be installed prior to the beginning of construction for installation of Detention Basin “BJ” (which will have the potential to inundate the lot with floodwaters). This location was surveyed for biological resources in conjunction with Cannon RoarL/College Boulevard and consist of disturbed agricultural land. Additional impacts will not occur. If another site, not previously considered in the EIR, is chosen, then additional evaluation for biological impacts will be required. The site selected will require a Conditional Use Permit and accompanying environmental review will be required at the time the relocation action is proposed. Mit.Mon No.2. (Page 2). This condition will conform to the final ” language of the Mitigation Monitoring Condition No. 1, finalized between the Planning Commission and the City Council hearing on this matter. 2. Noise: (a> Bridge & Thoroughfare District. (0 Mit. Mon. No. 25 (Page 24). Delete in its entirety and replace with the following: Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobile Home Park: To reduce significant noise impacts to the Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobile Home Park for the proposed Cannon Road Alignment (EIR Alternative 1 or for Alternative 3), the project applicant shall construct a five-foot sound wall atop a three-foot earth berm to run along Reach 3 of Cannon Road between El Camino Real and the intersection with College Boulevard (the “sound wall”) as shown on Exhibit 1, and project applicant (Calavera Hills Project) shall set aside and landscape an approximately 2.25 acre parcel. of land generally located between Cannon Road Station 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road (the “Grove Parcel “7 as illustrated on the landscape concept plan attached hereto as Exhibit . The Gove Parcel shall either be deeded to the Association at no cost to the Association, or the Association will accept a maintenance and use easement on the parcel AMENDMENTS TO FINDING OF FACT, EIR 98-02 c/:lsl/RCHOA/BasinRoadFloodP Page 2 of 3 Hearing: 12-19-1 PC RESO 5117, et al. Necessary revisions to the findings will be made to conform to the revised language of the mitigation measures. c/:lsl/RCHOAIBasinRoadFloodP Page 3 of 3 Hearing: 12-19-1 PC RESO 5117, et al. a43 EXHIBIT “B”, Part 2 Loftin 12-19-1 Correspondence to Planning Staff & Commissioners Letter Agreement between City of Carlsbad, David Hauser, and Ranch0 Carlsbad Homeowners’ Association December 19, 2001 Sue Loftin LOFTIN & WARD 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92122 RELOCATION OF RANCH0 CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK RV STORAGE AREA, MAINTENANCE FACILITIES, WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, VEHICLE WASH FACLITY AND COMMUNITY GARDEN (THE “RC AMENITIES”) Pursuant to our telephone conversation earlier today, I have prepared this letter to memorialize our understanding regarding the future relocation of the Ranch0 Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) amenities located on Parcel 4 owned by RCMHP. We recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of College Boulevard Reach A will effectively sever the physical access to the RCMHP amenities currently enjoyed by the residents living within the park. We also recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of Retention Basin BJ will require relocation of all RCMHP amenities located within the area of inundation created by Basin BJ including the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and portions of the community garden. City staff will pursue the goal of collaboratively working with the RCMHP owners, the Zone 15 developers and the McMillin Company towards a solution which includes relocation of the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and community garden onto the approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land located generally north of the RCMHP property and south of future Cannon Road Reach 3 as shown on the attached Exhibit 1. The relocation of these facilities will include planning and design for such facilities, site preparation, provision of utilities, installation of replacement RCMHP amenities, installation of security fencing, installation of appropriate pedestrian and vehicular access from RCMHP across Calavera Creek and processing of any discretionary actions and agency permits. City staff will also pursue the goal crafting a financial plan for the relocation of said facilities in such a manner as to not require any financial involvement of the RCMHP over and above their current obligation for payment of Local Drainage Area “B” fee and RCMHP’s dedication Sue Loftin Letter Page 2 of the needed land or easements required to construct Basin BJ in exchange for the relocation benefits generally outlined in this letter. It is the City’s further intention to require establishment an appropriate financing mechanism(s) to spread the costs of the relocation in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with State law and to require construction of the relocated RCMHP amenities, including without limitation, access from the existing Lot/Parcel 2 (the Lot/Parcel on which the mobilehomes are located) of RCHOA prior to construction of Reach A of College Boulevard and Retention Basin BJ. If you have further questions or comments on this matter, please feel free to give me a - call to discuss. Respectfully, David Hauser Deputy City Engineer C City Manager Public Works Director Community Development Director Planning Director Bill Arnold, Ranch0 Carlsbad Owner’s Association Brian Millich, McMillin Development Company David Bently, Cantarini Ranch Bob Ladwig, Ladwig Design Group MD-= CHRISTIAN FELiOV+‘StiiP December 19: 2001 Mayor Lewis and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Catlsbad Village Drive Cartsbad, CA 92008 Re: New Venture Christian Fellowship Cannon Road Extension at Calavera Hills Master Plan Reach 4 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: This letter is being provided as a Statement of Record regarding the proposed Cannon Road Extension at Calavera Hills Master Plan Reach 4 as it pertains to the interest of New Venture Christian Fellowship. In January of 2000, an engineering firm hired by the City of Carlsbad informally contacted NVCF regarding a proposed Cannon Road realignment. At the time, a schematic drawing was presented necessitating the acquisition of a portion of the property owned by NVCF that is immediately adjacent to Cannon Road at the OceansideiCarlsbad border. This acquisition was proposed as a necessary component for the realignment consideration. However, we have not been officially contacted or given written correspondence from the City of Carlsbad requesting permission or desired negotiation to accomplish this realignment. Let it be noted that we are in full support of.Cannon Road going through in the most expedient manner. As indicated by our correspondence dated January 19, 2000 to the City of Carlsbad consulting engineer (attached), we are willing to consider options that simultaneously protect the interest of NVCF and that are sensitive to the needs of our community. We have been somewhat surprised by the lack of direct correspondence or contact. Nonetheless, as a church community of over 4000 members comprised of families throughout the North County Area, we do have a vested interest and are optimistic that with proper due diligence and communication a solution can result favorable to all parties concerned. Sincerely, h Shawn J. Mitchell Senior Pastor Andre N. Brackens Project Manager P-El1 December 19,ZOOl Chairperson seagall and Planning Commissioners City of Catlshad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlshad, CA 92008 Subject : Glavexa Hills Phase 11 iT!R. and BTlJ Dear Chairperson and Commissioners: Preserve Calavera is a grassrooots organization whose goal is the proor&ion and preservation of the largest remaining native habitat in coastal north county. To that e:id we submitted extensive comments on the Draft Environmental Impact RepowEn) for the c’alavcra Hills Phase II /Bridge and Thoroughfbe District # 4 project We have reviewed the rqxmscs to our comments, the changes that have been incorporated in the proposed I? nal EIR , and additional technical studies. Based on our review of all of this inf’ormation we titiil find that the EIR fails to meet the requirements of CEQA. Adequate analysis has not been ma& of significant environmental impacts, proposed mitigation is insu&icnt, alternative:; analysis did not include realistic entionmentally superior alternatives, and significant cumulaaIve impacts wcrc not addressed. - The following are our specific comments. Numbers refer to those incitvded in the responses to comments of the DEXR l-2 While SANDAG is not a permitting agency- it still sets region! standards and guidelines. CEQA does require evaluation of a project within the regional contub not just that of the proposing city. The EIR failed to appropriately address the lack of c~.~qhnce tith the rc@onal guidelines. I-3 The revisions further reduce housing units - increasing the hou..E ng shortfall and placing the city tier out of compliance with regional guidelines. See X-2. I-4 Incrm-ing density in the areas to be developed provides for more housing units with no reduCtiOn in open space. This is a reasonable alternative that w noi czxxG&ed. Since it was not considered the discussion of potential impacts is inaccurate. ir&v:mt, and incom+te. I-5 SANDAG’s lack of permitting authority is imlevant. A dcmx pymt with more open space would trade off reductions in habitat and species loss for potenti;il. increased impacts for noise, traffic, and air quality. These are exactly the kind of trade-offs ihat CEQA intends to be done. i-6 The issue was not that the HMP didn’t accuunt for “circulation elttcnent roadways.” The issue is that it did not accurately depict these specific roadways and tbwc spccifk roadways were handled differently than&emwx &J&@ciCr~e are clearly shown on www.veseweca~avera.org P. la2 the detailed project Figures and the ovemll figure. Your HMP is not tr~r~ccf and this inaccurac! effects the ability of the public to interpret the impacts. It is not reasonable that the public should have to refer to 3 separate documents as well as appendices filr ,:gCh to figure out what you are proposing to do. This inconsistency should bve been identi l.?eJ as part of the evaluation of consistency with the HMP. Even when the inconsistency was pnind out in the comments on the DEIR you f&d to make the correction. Bath the EIR and the HW should be corrected to be consistent with your intended actions. The analysis of impacts need+ to address the inconsistency of assembling a preserve, and then putting a 4-lane divided major arterial road through the ccnter of it. l-7 You are correct in stating that the replacement sites will “require &rthcr environmental review and approvz&..” The point is that this is in environmental impact for this project- the relocation site should be specified and the impact and mitigation for the impact should be addressed in this FEIR. l-8 The recreational uses of this site were not identified. The loss of tids portion of Village H impacts both the wildlife corridor through this area and the rec~~~tion;af uses by the community The EIR should have addressed actual WCS of the site- nut just the p~rc!r uses that ore shown on the city’s Master Plan. I-9 After completion of the DElR the city adopted a new ordinance WI !h respect to Community Facilities. The FEIR should have addressed this. Furthermore we havt! requested consideration of an exception to these provisions to atlow community acquisition of this parcel as a way for the community to retain the existing uses that are highly valued by thha local residents. The issue is not how much total open space is being preserved. The i~ue is that this particular piece of open space is of particular significance. The analysis Wed w include any of this relevant information and therefor significant impacts wire not ident&d or mitigated. As an alternative we have discussed at several meetings the importancr: of delaying grading or dumping on this site. The developer has agreed to “look into this.” ? hrs interim action should be taken to protect this land pending determination of the city’s poeit~ regarding the release of the developer from the Community Facilities designation rquiremcrt. J- 11 City staff is well aware that there are recreational uses at L&a Cz! tavera as there have been for the last 50 years. The Dcpt of Fish and Game regularly patrols this area to assure that fisherman are properly licensed and are not exceeding the legal limit. i’n addition to fisherman, equestrians, hikers, and bikers all regularly use this area. This area w&s once planned for a county park- fivther testimony to its recreational use. Putting the devt:@ment on the lakeshore limits future formaIiz&oa of the recreational use of this land- it star& :he process of limiting public access, reduces the biological function of the lakeshore, and Iiv4s recreational use. These are all significant indirect environmental. impacts. I-l 2 The Colony, The Cape, and Capistrano are all in the immediate \jicinity of the proposed development. Visual impacts to these neighborhoods will be signSal;+ and will be P. 03 exacerbated by the addition of sound walls. The impacts on these nej#&orhoods should have been evaluated. I- 13 Vistas of a Master Planned suburban community are not the sari:+: as scenic vistas of hillsides with native vegetation, the ocean and coastal watershed. hil’t Calavera includes tmils that are part of the expected recreational use of this nature preserve. ‘J‘iews from 8 nature preserve are rcasonahly expected to be views of nature. Changing t&e views is a significant impact and was not addressed. I- 15 Our comment s%nds. I- 16 Our comment stands. I- 17 The resource agencies accepted the plan to preserve Village K se;everal years ago. The degtadation of the iand around K, roadway design, and changes incor~rated in the regional MHCP now make it clear that there are better altemi&es- unfortunare$~ the prior decision to I accept this site tied the hands of the resource agency staff. This docsn’a eliminate the CEQA requirement to evaluate reasonable alternatives. A revegated manu&ctured fifl slope is not equivalent to 3n existing south facing slope natural co&al sage scrub hillside. The retention of the natural l&sides should have been assessed. Since this altematfw was not evaluated it is inappropriate for the responder to conclude that it would not avoid 01 reduce impacts. Retaining an existing native habitat with firi1 connection to the contipous ntlturc preserve is a much better alternative to the use of an interior village surrounded by roads. The EIR failed to assess the most reasonable alternative to preserve hi& quality existing habitat. l-1 8 Our comment spoke to the scenic vistas- not to the standards fbr j~velopment of hillsides. Answer is nonresponsive. I- 19 The subject project impacts views from trails identified in the -&opted Conceptual Open Space and Conservation Map. Answer is unresponsive to the visual impacts from these trails. I-20 Our comment stands. The grading associated with Cannon R.d &zach 4 also needs to meet the provi~ioa~ of the Hillside Development Chdinanm and should be n,r;ctuded in the summary of grading impacts. I-21. We fully understand why the city proposes to elevate the roadway- that is not the issue. The issue is that a roadway that is level with line of sight has much more impact than one that is 40-50 feet below the line of site. Landscaping the earth berm is not &quate mitigation for this significant adverse impact. I-23 The number and extent of the ‘I 9 projects within this quadram of’ the city are part of the significant cumktive t&k impacts. They should have been otddma:d in the cumuMw impacts analysis. J-28 The resource agencies recommended the elimination of Cann!)rl Kd Reach 4 and relocation of College to the west to minimize the wetiands impacts at the intcrzzztion of Cannon and College roads. The revised trafftc study eliminated this segment, SUI failed to take into account other proposed changes to the regionai arterial network- particulariv the decision of Vista to eliminate the extension of Cannon Rd through Vista and instead to m~prove Escondido and Sunset, The original and the revised traffic study both fail to include alternatives that address the regional change in the arterial network, that redistribute the traf%r: from this segment of Caanon Rd, and that provide any analysis to evaluate the trade-off oftraffic congestion and protection of the biological resources that wiH be destroyed by this raadw~~y segment. The EIR fails to provide adequate analysis of alteruatjves. This roadway segment has significant biological impacts. All of the three proposed alternative a&nments nave significant impacts. No alternative avoided or minimized these impacts The elimination of Reach 4 would etiminaie these impacts CEQA requires a reasonable alternative that avoids these impacts but still attempts to address regional traffic patterns. None of the proposed alternatives do this. 1-29 The response does not address the identified inconsistency. 1t i$ :he city and project sponsors responsibility to review the model input and assure that the zput data is correct and consistent- that is not the job of the public. We pointed out an ob+our error- it is your job to correct il. 1-30 and I-3 1 The comment proposed an alternative that would reduce the traffic impacts by providing better support for public transit. The answer WBS non-respoztsive. I-33 Any increase in peak hour trips is a significant impact otl the contJestcd #78 and El Carnino Reai. The cumulative impacts have not been adequately addressed. A reasonable mitigation is to revise the project proposal to reduce these peak hour trips back to ~RL” level of the Master Plan and thereby eliminate this significant impact. 1-35 The EIR should have flagged this as a condition and include intoning the city of Oceanside of the traffic impacts in the vicinity of these schools as a rc~uired mitigation. I-36 These improvements need to be identified as part of the required rllitigations. I- 37 The church does not have the authority to approve a public ruadlvay within the city of Oceanside. The city of Carl&ad has not properly coordinated a major ;:hange in roadway connection elevation at the city border with the adjacent city. The city of Oceanside voted on December 12th to oppose the proposed roadway aIignment and elevation. Carisbad has not properly integrated planning for this road with the adjacent c&y. The adverse impacts on Oceanside were not adequately addressed. The revised noise study still shows several residences where the exteriw noise feuel ex& the iimits specified in the Oceanside city ordinance. This remains a si@&:ant impact. This impact has not been mitigated. Furthermore the topography in this area will result in significant noise level increases for mmv mar* r~~~~aa thk9~5 t~,b~ cL.--.- :- a.- -.-. L-~--~ ---- - &-‘- ’ 1 he rewed noise study still shows several residences where the exterw noise ievei escee& the limits specified in the Oceanside city ordinance, This remains a sipiE-‘.:ant impact. this impact has not been mitigated. Furthermore the topography in this area till wult in signi.ficant noise level increases for many more residences than was shown in the vt~ frmired area of the noise Study. I-38 There were two alternative roadway alignments- and both efTeat:d only a few hundred feet of the road. None looked at alternative configurations such as recluctng the number of lanes, or eiiminating sidewalks on one side and replacing with unpaved trails, Either of these altcmatjws would reduce costs, and also reduce the environmental impacts of the road. Such alternatives are feasible, but were not considered. I-41 The updated noise study dated November 30,200l and shown az+ Attdment to Appendix D in the FEIR clearly shows many Ocean I-Ms residences will exceed the exterior noise standard of 65 CNEL. In fact homes several hundred feet past the place where the roadway alignment is I changed will exceed the standard- the study doesn’t address how much of the impact is from the elevation of the road and how much i.s from the increased t&Tic volume. From the map showing the srudy area the home at the extreme southeast has a level vi’71 CNEX It is reasonable to assume that the next house also exceeds the standard. The revised noise study sIill fails to ident@ the extent of the significant noise impacts. It did not include the entire area of impact, and failed to distinguish the effect that elevation of the road kr:d on the noise level increase. The roadway has been included in the cities’ Circulation Elements- but it is certamly reasonable to assume that the road would extend fiom where it currently ends- R&XL 40 feet below the level of the homes jn the adjacent neighborhood. I-42 The comment completely mistakes the proposal of Preserve Wavera- our proposal is to efiminate Reach 4- which completely eliminates any noise impacts to this neighborhood and completely avoids any adverse impacts to the sensitive habitat. Clear/~ this is an alternative that eiiminates all of&se adverse impacts- yet it was not evaluated. I-43 Of’ course one would not blast right under the bulldozer doing grtiing- however there is no nsttiction on blasting occurring in one area while ding is occtinp XI the next, and of courx materials processing will be occtiny simultaneously with blesting. ‘!‘!aere is no restriction on combining these activities therefor the combined noise impacts should be assessed- or the activities should be restricted so they cannot occur simultaneously III al’2aB where theze would be a combined noise impact. I-44 When the 1998 blasting was done this area contained no residencco the only immediate impact was to the animals which probably had the good sense to ~CXWZ the area. Because of the Phase I construction there are now several thousand people in the aaca where blasting noise will be apparent. Phsthg will have 8 much greater effect on people- many of whom are home during the day. The blasting analysis needs to be responsive to these changing conditions with improved mitigation. This should include advance notification, a “‘hmiine” to call for problems. and on-site monitoring. 4 3-l T r(l h-. . . - _ ” ------, _^- __vw- e C” YY .YqJu.LJl.C w UICJC bmII~ng cxnw1L1w113 WI111 improved mitigation. This should include advance notification, a “‘hoti~ne” to call for JIVJ~~~S. and on-site monitoring. l-46 Previous Lnvironmental documents could not have assessed the cumulative impacts associated with the addition of this project and other recent projects, ‘I’:tc entire purpose of the fquirement for cumulative impact assessment3 is to provide for up&red comprchcnsivc revjew of the combined impacts of projects occurring over a pcxiod of time. TX response to our comment shows a complete lack of understanding of the CEQA nzyuxements for a cumulative impact analysis. If in fact these impacts have been addressed in “previous cntinmenta1 documents” then the specific documents should have been cited, I-47 It is unfor%unate that one of the side effti of this developmat in the loss of one of the few _ remaining active fms in this area, The restrictions on accegs, edge e&cts front the nearby development, and yes- the trampling of farmland are all predictable impacts from this project. Mitigation should include directing pedestrian access in this area avav from active fanniand as part of the overall trail plan. I-48 It should also be noted that Car&ad is a regional leader ia using cheap illegal labor and then going in and bulldozing migrant worker camps. Mitigation shooid include proper planning for relocation of migrant workers in this area, I-5 I The guidelines in the Master Plan ELR do not adequately address $he lighting levelsltypc with respect to their impacts on the adjacent core wildlife habitat. Several of the habitat corridors have residences on both sides and are so narrow that the entrre corridor will be lit- impacting nocturnal animals. The EIR failed to assess the impacts on the nature preserve- it just assumed that the prior standards remain sufficient- without consideration for the changes in the wildlife corridors and the adjacent preserve. 1-52 Our comment stands. The faiiure to plan for public access from this nci@orhood to the Citywide Trail System trails, and to the tmils provided by TET will nxx!t in unplanned access at locations that will he damaging to the designated open space habitat. 7’mils must be planned to prevent this kind of damage, and to limit public access to areas where Y&Z impacts can be controlled. I-53 The issue is not how much power supply will be available in Calii:tia when new power piants are built The issue is the waste of power required by a design that forces 24 hour a day energy use in southern California where the normal tempem~ r&y require any use of power to achieve a comfort level indoors, This project wastes power by desigr! The waste of power is an adverse impact. The amount of this waste should be identified ati mitigations should be assessed, 1-54 The discussion inchxjed in the response shquId have been made ~srt of the EIR. I-55 The 1993 M.8mfgment PIan WC me &the -n,,;roA -x--c.-- pi- -f - - - -- - as3 P. El comment shows a complctc lack of understanding of the CEQA rcquuements for a cumulaavc impact analysis. If in fact these impacts have been addressed in “previous environmenral documents” then the specifk documents should have been cited. I-47 Jt is unfortunate that one of the side eff&ts of this developmen is the loss of one of the few remaining active farms in this SJWL The rcsttictions on access, cd9 c%cts from the nearby development and yes- the trampling of farmland are all predictable izlpacts from this project. Mitigation should include directing pedestrian access in this area aw:; from active farmland as part of the avwa~l trail plan. I-48 It should also be nokd that Carisbad is a regional leader in using cheap ilIe@ labor and then going in and bulldozing migrant worker camps. Mitigation slwuid include proper planning for relocation of migrant workers in this area. I-51 The guidelines in the Master Plan Em do not adequately address the lighting IeveIs/type with respect 10 their impacts on the adjacent core wildlife habitat. Several of the habitat corridors havt: residences on both sicks and zuz 50 narrow that the cntirc corridor will be lit- impacting mxtumal animals. The EIR fY&d to assess the impacts on the nature preserve- it jwt assumed that the prior standnrds remain sufficient- without cansideratlon for the changes in the wildlife corrklors and the adjacent preserve. I-52 Our comment stands. The faiiurc to plan fm public awess from rbis neighborhood to the Citywide Trawl System trails, and to the trails provided by ‘ET will rcwlt in unp~mneci access at locations that will be damaging to the designated open space habitat. i’rails must be planned to pnvent this kmd of damwe, and to limit public access to IUC%S whew !hc impacts can bc controlled. I-53 The issue is not how much power supply will be available in California when nc~ power pIants are buift. The issue is the waste of power requ.ircd,by a design that forces 24 hour a day energy use in southern California where the normal tempcmiurcs rarc1~ require any use af power to achieve a comfort level indoors. This project was&s power by design. The waste of pvwcr is an adverse impact. The amount of this waste should be identified and mitigations should be asswed. 1-W The hxssion in~hdcd in the response should have been made prt of the EIR. I-55 The 1993 &nagement Plan was part of the required mitigation Gw Phase I of the Calaven Hills Development. Errors in altocation of habitat credits have now been corrected in the FHR with a resultant increase in mitigation requirements. However, the other actions that were part of this plan have not been implemented. It is a CEQA violation to no! cany out a required mitigation plan Failure to implement the 1993 Management Plan is swh a violation. The ElR should have identified the failure to carry out this Plan, the resultant IitfS in habitat, and the reduction in endangered species’populations. Mitigation for habitat IC)‘JR does not mean that there is a piece of paper that says there is mitigation. It means that there in f& is a viable habitat replsnng that which was destroyed. The EIR did not address tire failure of the 1993 Plan, the bss of habitat, and the corrective action that is necessary co wure that this land is not fticr degraded. Transferring the land to TET does not absolve the ct:~ from their responsibility to rrmnage the mitigation for Phase I , to Anti@ shoncamings and to take corrective actt an. 1-S ‘Ihxc is no basis for this conclusion. The impact on wildlife shw!d have been assessed I: was not assessed. E60 The Draft HMP will soon be going through a second round of p&tic comment as part oi the formal comment Period on the MHCP, the mvimnmemal documer~ts and the north county sub-area plans. The only reference we found to Cannon Rd Reach 4 is me line on Appendix I3 ‘Thnnon Rd Reach 24 - I7 acres.” AU of the related figures fkiied to show this roadway thr~ugb hardline preserve. Whether e&dental or inter&x& the ef%cr is that the public was not adequately info& This is a significant issue that should have ken identified in tbc EIR. I-66 The comment was not addressing “wildIife corridors.” It was a&.&sing “wildlife crossings.” Failure to pmvide for wiidlifc crossings of major roadways does not provide a violable wildlife corridor. The f&t that it is costly to retrofit an existing road does not effect the City’s responstbility to mitigate for this adverse impact. I-67 and 68 The project includes impact to over 4 acres of wetlands. ‘7 he only alternative that avoids these impacts is the ‘240 Build” akemetive- which was detemrkd to not bc fcasibk. There were no eknativcs identified that avoided wetlands impacts, QT even that significantly reduced them. Since the majority of wetlands impacts arc associated uith the roadway extensions roadway alternatives that avoided the wetlands must be inciuckd- Abxnative 3 still includes subst;mntial wetlands impacts. The proposed alternatives do na? meet the requiremeut.s of CEQA.. I-69 There is evidence of vernal pools. Surveys for vernal roof spec~cs must be conducted in these areas. E;tssentially all of the remaining vernal poofs in north c.out~~~ are isolated. The fact that they are not under USACE jurisdiction has no&kg to do with ti ri=gional MHCP and local HMP tiquirement to avoid wetlands impacts. The E[R failed to assc~z ihis significant nsoun;e. i-70 Adequate management of the open space has not ken provided fix in the IZIR. The Phase II project should have learued something from the failures of the Phase ! plan. The condition of the Phase I piat implementation is significant in understanding rhc cuir+nt conditions. This assessment should have been included in the EIR. Furthermore crxre4vc action is rcquind for mitigations that were supposed to be provided in Phase I and have not v;:t been done 8 years later. I-71 See the attached letter ftom the Army Corps of Engineers. P. 83 I-72 It is a requirement of CEQA to mitigate for environmental impseis . The access to the preserve will rncrease by the hxation and design of the residential nrigbborhood. Signage and enforcement of off-road vehicle activip is a reasonable mitigation. 1-73 Our comment stands. In 1993 funds were set aside for prcservat;on of MT Calavem. The developer who was responsibte at that time went bankrupt. The city put the money into an interest bearing account and instead of taking action to protect the mountain did nothing for 5 years. In 1998 the new developer transferred the land to TET for management. In their first 3 years of management they only bilied $ 11,000. Not a very high,leve! of ef%.nt considering that they had 5 years of catch-up work. Five years with such extensive damage by off-road vehicle use in the arm that the Ca Department of Fish and Game installed j-brtr around the adjacent property to keep vehicles out so they could begin to decdmpect the soii and work toward a restoration plan. The damage is obvious, extensive, and still not conei*.ted. The 1993 plan tequircd annual biological sll~tys md corrective accbo~:. Neither the city nor TET can produce the required surveys or any evidence of corrective action, We have met with city staff and tdentificd specific problems with compliance with the 1993 agreement. We have submitted thw issues in writing and requested 8 joint mwting with the city and ‘IET. We have requested of both the city and TET their documentation as to the status of the I5 actions required as part of the 1993 agreement. City staRhave stated that they have no responsibility for monitoring this agreement- it is up to the developer and the ‘IXT. TEY has not responded to our request. - CEQA requires that specified mitigation be monitored to assure it is ilone in accordance with the; approved plan. The city failed to carry out their responsibility to do c;, This is a cbr violation of CEQA. I-74 Having a paper requirement does not constitute ptatection of the rlative hahitat from invasive landscaped area plantings. We submitted documentary eviriertce of such encroachments with our comment letter. Neither the city nor the developer bothered 10 take any wrrective action. The HOA’s in this area are stilt under the direction of the devtiloper- it is the developer’s responsibility to correct these problems- and it is the tit;/‘:: responsibility to monitor and enforce this. I-78 The topographic reiationship limits direct impacts- it does not ii& indirect impacts. These indirect impacts arc required to be evah~tod and were not. I-80 The issue is to provide 8 contingency phtn in the event of devc\oI%r insobxncy- 89 wits already exparrenced with this project The city is responsible to asburc that ths aped to mitigation plan will be carried out rcgardftss of the financial conditici: of the developer. The response did not addtoss this issue. I-84 See above I- 51 and I- 74. P.84 l-85 see response to I-71. l-89 See attached letter from the Army Corps of Engineers. I-94 There is a significant difkrcnce between designing a project IO stipport the use of mass transit and “ coordinating with the NCTD to id&& apprqn&e routa and stops within the development. * That is saying we’ll see what we can do to accommodate public transit within the restrictions imposed by the project design rather than saying lets &sign a project to see what we can do to cptimize the use of public transit. l-95 There is no evidence in the EIR that there WBS any analysis of rock outcroppings or other geologic features. These feehues are a significant resource and requtrc evaluation far adverse impacts. Several an located where they will be destrayed by blastinq und grading activities. I- 97 198 The aItematives described in tbc EZR do not represent B reammablc range of akrnatives. 20 altmatives were wove than tbc one selected and oniy the no build alternative was envirotunentally superior. No reasonable person would con&k tnis a reasonable range of altemativcs. It should also be noted if there were no development there would be no destruction of open spsce- the Calavera Nature Preserve would be a healthy, self- suqtiniug 3,000 acre ecosystem. 1-99 our comment stands. I- 102 OIli comment stands. We request that these comments be made part of your deliberations a:ld be included in the public record. Sincerely, Diane I+Jygaard On Behalf off Calavera January 19,200O Mr. Oraham Frsser Fraser Engineering 2191 El Camino Real Suite 208 Oceanside, CA 92054 Re: Neti Venture Christian Fellowship Dear Mr. Fraser: Per our meeting on January 12, I have enclosed the following items below for your review and reference. l T&Xc Impact Analysis by O’Rourke Engineering dated Ma&h 1993 . Copy of City of Oceanside Conditional Use Pennit “Conditions” I will supplement this information by fax with agreements that have been made with the City of Oceanside regarding parking and traffic flow. These items have been filed and stored and will take a few days to retrieve. In the meantime, I hope the information provided now will be of some use, Additionally, we are preparing a summary of items we consider as necessciry for reasonable ‘T&Gtigation of Impact” associated with this project. We also believe we have a creative alternative with regard to the negotiation process for reasonable mitigation should the City of C&bad be open to these consideratio&. They will be officiaIly submitted upon receipt of w-ritten notification from the City of C&bad and the City of Oceanside regarding the development of Cannon Road along OUT southern and western property lines. We hope to see a win/ti,project for all parties. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you Sincerely, An&e N. Brackens Assistant Pastor cc: Pastor Shawn Mitchetl: NVCF n 4000 My&-a Dhe l Dceanslde. CA 92056 l ‘60 721-7777 l FAX 760 63D-CM03 l 768 2D 9461 F . ob’&~ 4 i’ . - .-.a-.. . . -_. ._ __ _ .- _..- -.-----,. T . - ___. .- .- . -... . . .e . . , . -. _ . -...a.. . I : 4 ‘\ j-. ’ _I ,. ,: . . . f .--.--w-e. .-- --_. -- _.._ .- .- -- ---me--...-_ f -I _-.. ! I m i 1 1 ! _ _-.-- LIGHTHOUSE VENTURES LLc RECEIVED HANDDELIVERED December 19,ZOOl DEC 1 .’ -- -1 cl-l-Y OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. Mr. David Houser, Deputy City Engineer Mr. Eric Munoz, Senior Planner CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Avenue Cadsbad, California 92008 RE: EI’R5lW!!-C4W~~PILQSE~/B~GE~ ZEfOROUGwI;IARE DISTRKT#4AND D -ION _” - 3529-20 CANNW RD. BASINSBJAALVB~ Sum: 5 I9 Dear Mr. Houser and Mr. Munoz: ~:hNSllWi. CA 92056 PIIONI:: 7604434652 FAX: 7604434642 On behalf of the Robertson family, this letter serves as notice to the City of Carlsbad that the family reserves the right to challenge their inclusion into the Bridge and Thoroughfare District #4. While the family recognises that the action to be -_ considered by the Planning Commission on Wednesday, December 19,201 is not ‘. to formally create the financing district, it is important to inform you of their current position on the district as it relates to their remaining land holdings. As you are well aware, a portion of the Robertson Ranch has recently sold and the remaining family interest is generally APN 208-010-32. Moreover, the family in conjunction with the new property owner has embarked on the master/specific planning of the entire ranch under one application, but separate ownerships. As a result of the sale and the direction of both the resource agencies and the city, two distinct development areas have formed concurrent with the ownership with each site bifurcated by Link B as identified in the city’s draft habitat management plan. The likelihood of the family’s interest, currently known as the West Ranch, benefiting or conttibuting to College Boulevard or Cannon Road is remote. We recognize that the exishg Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 14 does not make any distinction of ownership or varying levels of &axial participation within the Robertson Ranch and therefore treats the entire ranch on par. Certainly it is this document that needs to be amended and updated to reflect recent changes. -. _-__-- - .__.._~ ._. Mr. David Houser Mr. Eric Munoz --- _-. __ Page two December 19,2OOl We will be working with you and your staff and consultants very actively in the coming weeks to address this issue. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. very -ly youfs, UG~OUSE lZ!WlVRFJ. JLLC cc. van Lynch Galen Peterson -.--._ _ FROM : LFIW OFFICES OF EUERETT DELQNO PHONE NO. : 760 5lQ 1565 Dec. 19 2881 03:lBQM Pl LA w OFFICES OF EVEREST L, DELANO 111 220 W. Grand Avenue Escondido, California 92025 (760) 51 O-l 562 (760) 510-l 565 (fax) December 18,ZOOl VIAFACSIMILE&U,S.MAIL Eric Muiioz, Senior Plarmer City of Carlsbad Planning Department 163s Faraday Ave. Carlsbacl, CA 92008 Re: Calavcra Hills Master Plan Phase II and Bridge and Thoroughfare District #4 /Colleae and Catmon) Dear Mr. Mui’ioz: This letter is submitted on be&Jr of the Ocean Hills Country Club Homeowners Association (“Association”) to provide comments concerning the proposed Calavcra Hills Master Plan Phase II and Bridge and Thoroughfar District ##4 (“Project”). These comments are intended to supplement prior comments concerning the Project and the Environmental Impact Report (“EJR”). Recirculation of the EIR If an agency adds significant new information to an EJR subsequent to the commencement of the review process but prior to the EIR’s certification, then the agency must issue new notice and recirculate the EIR for comment and consultation. Pub. Res. Code $ 2 1092.1; CEQA Guidelines $ 15088.5(a). Exampks where recirculation is required include: 1, A new significant envimnmentaJ impact would rest& from the project or from a new mitigation measure proposed to be implemented. 2. A substantial increase in the severity of an environmental impact would result unless mitigation measures are adopted that reduce the impact to a level of insignificance. 3. A feasible project alternative or mitigation measure considerably different from others previously anaJyLed would clearly lessen the cnvironmcntal impacts of the project, but the project’s proponents decline to adopt it. 4. The draft EIR was so fundamentally and basically inadequate and conclusory in nature that meaningful public review and comment wet-c prccludcd. CEQA Guidelines $ 15088.5(a). In this instance, all four of these factors arc implicated by the many new changes r-caked subsequent to the circulation of the draft EIR. FROM : LQW OFF!CES OF EUERETT DELANO PHONE NO. : 760 518 1565 Dec. 19 2801 03:Il~ P2 Comments re Calavera Hills, Phase II/Bridge & Thoroughfare Dist. #4 DEIR December 18,2003 Page 2 of 4 Indeed, over three pages of “Errata” to the EIR acknowledge 20 different and substantial changes since circulation of the draft. The City’s assertion that none of the changes “affect the impact anaIysis conclusions or generate additional or increased mitigation measures” is uns~pportcd. Substantial changes include the fNowing: l Reach 4 of Cannon Road is proposed to be raised above that discussed in the draft EIR by 35 feet. See ElR Attachment to Appendix D. This substantial change will result in significant impacts, including impacts to noise, trafftc, landform ’ alteration, air quality, and aesthetics. l The City of Vista Planning Commission has eliminated Cannon Road from its circulation element (the report adopted by that city’s planning commission was provided to you with an October 24,200l letter from the Association’s general manager). This change will af&ct substantially the discussion and conclusions in the ElR’s current traffic analysis. For example, the analysis projects a Year 2020 average daily volume for Cannon Road cast to Melrose Drive of 30,000. EIR a? Table 3C-9. This projection will be affected significantly if Cannon Road is not construcWI to pass beyond its present point. l In a December 12,2001 letter to CarWad’s mayor and City Council, the Oceanside City Council publicly expressed its opposition to the proposed elevation of Cannon Road Reach 4. The fact that the neighboring city, the one that must link up these stretches of roadway, opposes the Project as proposed, is significant new information that must be addressed prior to proceeding. Additional substantial changes include the following: l A noise technical report has been prepared. l A discussion of an ephcmcral stock pond has been added to the biology technical report. l A cultural resources report has been prepared. l Several changes have been made to the Project to address impacts to biological rcsourccs. l Additional biological impacts analyses have been prepared. l Two new analyses have been included as attachments to the traffic report. 9 The intersection of College Blvd. and Cannon Road has been changed. See genera& EIR “Errata.” Accordingly, the City is required to provide public notice and recirculate the EIR in drafI form. FROM : LAW OFFICES OF EUERETT DELANO PHONE NO. : 760 5lEi 1565 Dec. 19 2001 03:12FIM P3 Comments re Calavera Hills, Phase II/Bridge & Thoroughfare Dist. #M DEIR December 18,2001 Page 3 of 4 Failure to Consider the Existing Environmental Conditions The City is required to “examine the potential impact of the [Project] on the existing physical environment; a comparison between the [project] and the existing gcucral plan is insufficient.” Christward Ministry v. Superior Court, 184 Cal.App.3d 180,186 - 87 (4th Dist. 1986). At present, there is no Reach 4 of Cannon Road. Cannon Road ends at the border with Oceanside. The City’s comparison between noise levels between different roadway alignments is therefore misplaced. See EIR Response to Comment # G-l. The City must consider the Project’s impacts i-n relation to the existing conditions; with no roadway thcrc, traffic noise is non-cxistcnt. Insufficient Water Supply On October 9,2001, Governor Davis signed into law tow bills (SB 221 and 610) that rcquirc proof of an adequate water supply prior to approving housing projects greater than 500 homes. Among other things, water agencies must provide written verification, based upon substantial evidence, of an adequate water supply, and provide an adequate water supply assessment. A water supply assessment must include an identification of water supply entitlements, water rights, or water service contracts relevant to the identified water supply for the proposed project and water received in prior years pursuant to those entitlements, rights, and contracts. The Project and the El’R fails to make the demonstrations required by these laws. Indeed, an adequate water supply is not assured, particularly in light of the numerous other development projects proposed and planned for the arca, as well as the area’s existing water supply problems. The Project will provide for the construction of 781 dwelling units, EIR at Table 3A-1, yet the EIR fails to provide the i.nfoxmation necessary to ensure compliance with these requirements. 1d at 203 - 204. Inadequate Responses to Comments There arc numerous instances (far too numerous to list in their entirety) in which the City’s responses to public comments miss the point of the comment or mislead the reader. The EIR’s conclusory responses “fail to crystalike issues, and afford no basis for a comparison of the problems caused by the project and the difficulties involved in the alternatives.” Environmental Protection Information Center v. Johnson, 170 Cal.App.3d 604,628 (1st Dist. 1985). Inadequate responses include the following: l EIR Responses ### M-l to M-8 claim that the description of the Project in Chapter 2 is adequate. Yet the EIR’s text and responses to other comments reveal an enigmatic and unstable Project description, For example, EIR Responses ### A- 1 & A-2 discuss additional impacts from the Calavera Hills Phase II aspects of the Project., but fail to discuss impacts associated with the development of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. It is clearly established that the development of roads leads to additional traffic. On the other hand, EIR Response # A-4 is based FROM : LRW OFFICES OF E’JERETT DELFINO PHONE NO. : 760 51Q 1565 Dec. 19 2081 03:13AM P4 Comments re Calavera Hills, Phase II/Bridge & Thoroughf~c Dist, ##4 DETR December 18,2001 Page 4 of 4 upon the assumption that the Project entails onIy the roadways, and it ignores or fails to consider the Calavera Hills Phase II aspects of the Project. This shifting of the Project is found throughout the EIR and its responses to comments. . EIR Response # M-l I claims that the City, wildlife agencies, and Project applicant participated in discussions, which lead to an agreement codified in an attachment to the biology technical report. This is misleading because that agreement applies to the Calavera Hills Phase II aspects of the Project. The comment at issue specifically not& that the analysis had failed “to address the roadways or detention basins.” The comment went further to point out that “much of these facilities, and particularly Reach 4 of proposed Cannon Road, would travel directly through existing and proposed hardline areas” and cross State of California biological mitigation lands. Again, the August 2, 1999 letter f&n the wildlife agencies did not address these issues.’ l A letter from the wildlife agencies reveals numerous problems and unaddressed impacts to biological resources. EIR Comment AI. In general, the City has avoided responding to the agcncics’ specific concerns and objections. In one moment of candor, and contrary to the EIR’s concIusions that biological resource impacts will be less than significant, the City acknowledges that impacts will be significant. EIR Response # M-12. Conclusion Accordingly, the Association requests that the City withdraw the DER disapprove the Project, and pursue appropriate alternatives. I respectfully request that you provide copies of this letter to all Carlsbad Planning Commission members prior to tomorrow night’s meeting. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. Ever&t DeLano, Esq. ’ It is particularly troubling that this problem continues in Iight of the meetings and discussions that were held between you, David Hauscr, and various members of the public regarding this Project. Indeed, after rcvicwing a draft response to this commmt, I personally called you and alerted you to the fact that it failed to address these important considerations. -a, A-, ---- - . . -- I SY -**Y&I v-b-l L-IV rclut t- CALIFORNLA INDIAN LEGAL SERVICES 609 South Escondido Boulevard Escondido. CA 92025 Phone (760) 716-8941 l Fax (760) 746 18 15 www.calindian.org Directing Attorney L.mrQ uumda Senior Staff Attorney Luwnncc R. 5ttiam December l&2001 Staff Attorneys LJsel CoKon: Drtrdn hf. Da!\ Denise M Douglat-Bafd Kathy A. Oppr Brenda Tomarm Joanne Wiliti h&foe City of C&bad Plaun.ing Commission VIAFAXTO(760)602-8559 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008-73 14 Re: URGENT: Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II, Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4, & Detention Basins (“Calavera Hills Project”) Dear Members of the Planning Commission: California Indian Legal Savices (CILS) represents the San Luis Rey Band of LuisGo Mission Indians (“San Luis Rey Band” or “Tribe”) regarding the Calavera Hills development. The San Luis Rey Band is a local San Diego County Tribe whose aboriginal territory includes the City of G&bad. The San Luis Rey Band has been designated the “Most Likely Descendant” (MI-D) by the Native American Heritage Commission under state law for the area impacted by the Calavera Hills Project. See Calif. Pub. Res. Code $5097.9. In addition to any public testimony that may be provided by the San Luis Rey Band or our office at the December 19,200 1 hearing, I write now to express concems the Tribe has about preserving and protecting cultural, archeological and historical sites within the areas to be impacted by the Calavera Hills Project. This letter also follows up on the April lo,2001 letter by Mark Mojado, CulturaJ Resources Representative of the San Luis Rey Band. Although the San Luis Rey Band is not generally opposed to either the Calavcra Hills Project or the majority of the proposed mitigation measures, the Tribe wants to work with the City and the developer to ensure the best protection possible of unique and irreplaceable ahural resources that may be impacted by the development. Specifically, the Tribe wishes the City to require the developer, as both a condition of approval and a mitigation measure, to enter a pre- excavation agreement with the Tribe that provides for (1) on-site monitoring by a paid Native American monitor during both the archeological testing and grading/ground-disturbing activities; (2) protection of known or newly-discovered archeological sites during all. phases of development; (3) Tribal participation in the appropriate treatment and rebwial of any human remains discovered during the development; and (4) return of all ceremonial and cultural items which may be found during the development to the San Luis Rcy Band. These measures are needed to ensure the Project’s compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act 1 Letter to City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Re: Calavera Hills Project December 18,200 1 Page 2 (CEQA) and the proper treatment of any cultural resources found during this de\7elopment. I. There is a lack of information about the cultural sites that may be impacted by this Project. The Band’s greatest concern about this Project is that the sites that may be impacted have not been sufficiently studied. Although we understand that there is a Final EIR being considered which may contain more de&xl studies, we have been repeatedly told that the Final EIR was not available for public review and so were unable to obtain a copy to review in time to make these comments. As such we rely on the Draft EIR’ in making our comments. According to the DEIR, most of the sites in this area have not been evaluated and those that were evaluated were evaluated a decade ago. Given the large number of cultural sites and the insuf%ency of information on these sites, it is likely that Native American human remains or cultural artifacts will be uncovered during subsequent archeological studies or ground- disturbing activities. The presence of an on-site Native American monitor and a formalized pre- excavation agreement would ensure the proper handling and disposition of these remains and artifacts. In addition, requiring a pre-excavation agreement would allow the City of Carlsbad to “make provisions for archeological sites accidentally discovered during construction” as suggested by the CEQA. See Calif. Pub. Res. Code $210832(i). The 14 sites located within the various alignments considered for the second part of this project, the Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 Extension of College Boulevard and Cannon Road and Detention Basins, have nor been adequately evaluated. In fact, the Cultural Resources Technical Report in the DEIR itself calls for an investigation and evaluation of 12 of the sites to determine their importance and significance. -al Resources Technical Reoort for the Calavera yijls Master Pb Phase IX. Bxi * Carlsbad. (“Cultural Resources Tecwcal ReDa’) at 2 1. Given the fact that the proposed road alignments are near the water sources of Calavera Creek and Little En&as Creek and the additional fact that people have always tended (and still tend) to live near water sources, it is highly likely that the archeological evaluations will uncover additional cultural items and Native American human remains. The presence of a Native American monitor and the existence of a prc-excavation agreement would help to ensure that these cultural items and human remains are properly treated. The DEIR’s Cultural Resources Technical Report finds that the first part of this project, ‘Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II, Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4, & Detention Basins, Draft Environmental Impact Report (“DEIR”). 2 Letter to City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Rc: Calavera Hills Project December 18.2001 Page 3 the Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II, will not adversely impact any significant cultural resource site or fcaturc, but this conclusion is based upon 199 1 and 1992 evaluations in which CA-SDI-635, CA-SDM2,470, and CA-SDI-12,47 1 were determined to be not important under the CEQA and not significant under the Cuktural Resource Guidelines (CRG) of the City of &&bad. -al Reswes Technical Reuort at 18. These decade-old evaluations were conducted under outdated regulations and standards and it is not clear that these sites would be determined to be not important or not significant under current standards. II. The developer should first study the significance of the sites which will be impacted by the possible road alignments and then select the alternative that wlll avoid significant cultural rites. In choosing the alignments of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, the City should ensure that the significance of the sites that may be impacted .are studied first and that the alignment that better avoids impacting any significant cultural sites is chosen. Although the - Draft EIR suggests that the significance of the impacted sites will be tested uj?ev selecting the a@rnents2, this approach is backwards under CEQA which prefers avoidance to other means of protecting cultural resources. See Calif. Pub. Rcs. Code #221083.2(b) (preference that unique archeological resources be preserved in place); CEQA Guidelines 0 15 126.4(b)(3) (agencies should avoid effects on historical resources of a archeological nature). Moreover, this approach is backwards under the City’s own cultural resources guidelines which state that “(a)voidauce of impacts through design or redesign is the preferred mitigation al&native. . . . For resources which are found to be important, the prcfctrcd alternative is protection through preservation, avoidance or capping.” Citv of C&bad Cultural Resource Guidelines (“CCCRG”) at 10. The law’s preference for avoidance and preservation of cultural sites means that the City should first study the sites and determine their significance so that it might choose the alignments better able to avoid and preserve the sites. III. The San Luis Rey Band has tbe cultural knowledge that would be helpful in evaluating the significance of the sites impacted by this development. Another key problem the San Luis Rey Band has with the Project is the fact that the Tribe was not consulted or given the opportunity to provide valuable input in the study of these sites. The Tribe has a unique perspective on cultural resources matters, a view that is completely distinct from archeologists. Whereas archeologists may be more conccmcd about what they can learn from artifacts, the Tribe wants to ensure that these irreplaceable artifacts, as part of their ‘DEIR, at p. 266. 3 Letter to City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Re: Calavera Hills Project December 18,200l Page 4 tribal heritage and current cultural practices, are preserved in culturally appropriate ways. In order to ensure that the San Luis Rey Band’s position is represcntcd in cultural resource matters, the Tribe must be consulted during the study and evaluation of cultural sites. The City recognizcs the importance of tribal consultation in its Cultural Resource Guidelines which recommend that appropriate Native American groups be consulted for input during archeological survey and testing programs. CCCRG at 4,7. Given that these significance evaluations were conducted without the input of the entity most knowledgeable about these cultural resources- the San Luis Rey Band- t&y are questionable. IV. Requiring a Pre-Excavation Agreement is consistent with the City’s Cultural Resources Guidelines and would complement the mitigation measures recommended in the Draft EIR. Pre-excavation agreements serve to protect cuhural resources, as required by the CEQA: by formalizing procedures for the appropriate treatment of Native American human remains, - grave goods, ceremonial items and cultural items that may be uncovered during development and by providing for Native American monitoring of these procedures to ensure the proper treatment of these culturally sensitive artifacts. AI1 of these purposes are consistent with the City’s own Cultural Resources Guidelines: 0 ‘Recommendations regarding the treatment or disposition (with appropriate dignity) of the human remains and any associated grave goods (Public Resources Code $5097.98) should be sought from the appropriate Tribal Council. Under circurnsta~~~~ where Native American skeletal remains arc anticipated, it is recommended that a formal agreement between the involved parties be drafted and signed prior to the commencement of subsurface testing.*’ CCCRQ, at 7-8. 0 “It is recommended that the appropriate Native American representative(s) be consulted prior to testing. The Native American Hcritape Commission can provide information concerning locat Tribal CounciI contacts. Employment of Native American monitors may be necessary during testing and/or data recovery projects.” SCRG, at 7. The City’s own guidelines recommend that the parties sign formal agreements regarding the treatment of disposition of human remains and associated grave goods, that the appropriate Native Americans are consulted prior to testing, and that Native American monitors are employed during testing and/or data recovery projects. The pre-excavation agreement provides a convenient vehicle for complying with these recommendations. 4 Letter to City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Re: Calavcra Hills Project December i&2001 Page 5 With the exception of mitigation measure number 4 which provides for the curation b\. the San Diego Museum of Man, the San Luis Rey Band agrees with the proposed mitigation measures. The Tribe, however, asserts that rquiring the developer to enter a pre-excavation agreement with the Tribe is consistent with these measures, provides a means whereby the Tribe can provide essential information to the dcveioper’s archeologist, and provides a formalized procedure to follow when human remains or cultural artifacts are discovered during the Project. For all these reasoti, the San Luis Rey Band urges the City to add a mitigation measure and condition of approval requiring the developer to enter a pre-excavation agreement with the Tribe. V. Mitigation measure number 4 should be replaced with a mltigation measure that provides for return of all cultura1 artifacts to the Ssn Luis Rey Band. The San Luis Rey Band strongly opposes mitigation measure number 4 which provides for our&on of collections by the San Diego Museum of Man (SDMM). Cultural items should be retuned to the Tribe rather than the museum. As mentioned above, the San Luis Rey Band has - been designated the “Most Likely Descendant” under state law by the Native American Heritage Commission. As the descendants of the original inhabitants of this area, the Tribe considers the artifacts which remain to be those of the Tribe’s ancestors. As such, the Tribe - and not the SDMM- has a grcatcr claim to artifacts uncovered during the dcvelopmcnt of this project. Accordingly, the Tribe urges the Planning Commission to reject mitigation measure 4 as currently drafted and replace it with a rquirement that the developer enter a pre-excavation agreement with the Tribe that provides for return to the San Luis Rey Band of all cultural artifacts discovered during development. VI. The San Luis Rey Band is committed to protecting its cultural resources As demonstrated by this letter, Mr. Mojado’s letter of April, and the public testixnony to be provided at the December 19* Planning Commission hearing, the San Luis Rey Band is committed to the protection and preservation of its cultural resources. As such, the Tribe ir&nds to pursue all available methods to ensure the protection of all the cultural resources that may be potentially impacted by this Project. The Tribe expresses its wish that it may work with the City as a pattner in ensu&g this protection. In closing, I would like to note the San Luis Rey Band’s appreciation for this opportunity to comment on the proposed Project. Given that the City of Carlsbad is within the Tribe’s ancestral tenitory and that the City’s own CCCRG recognize the need to consult with affected Native Americans, the Band hopea to work with the City in the future, on a govemment-to- government basis, on similar cultural resource matters. The Tribe and the City share mutual 5 Letter to City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Rc: Calavera Hills Project December 18.2001 Page 6 concerns when it comes to protecting cultural resources during deyclopment and the Tribe hopes to partner with the City in addressing these concems as they arise. Thank you. Sincerely, Staff Attorney cc: Mark Mojado, San Luis Rey Band Dale Chcever~uss Colette, Recon Brian Millich, McMillin Eric Munoz, Planner . . --- -- -e-e -1 -7 -*II VJ Ll-W\lJY- e rot CCL Nbi '.d cc . DEC-19-2001 10:44 CITY OF CARLSBAD 760 720 9461 P.05/08 4886 Galicia Way Oceanside, CA 92056-5 125 Ai/ , December 12, 2001 “-L .‘:j./:, ., .I WI,.. I ,.I., . . Rc: Road construction pians The Honorable Teny Johnson Mayor, City of Oceanside 300 North Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 Dear Mayor Johnson: My neighbors in Ocean Hills Country Club have astonished me with their attitudes against road construction, and I wish you to know that not all residents here share their views. Since moving to San Diego County about 3 years ago, I have been concerned about the poor road planning and the traffic snarls that seem to character& the North County. It seems to me that the problems are self-evident and must be solved ifthe area is to remain desirable and a pleasant place to live and work. It also seems to me that Cannon Road and Melrose Avenue and College Boulevard are all streets that should not stop and start and boggle the %e movement of traflic. Tfieremustbewaystoconnectthesestrcetsinasafeanh~onalollanaerthatwill not harm propcrcy values, the environment, OR the fkture growth of the area, and that rise above petty political agendas. I want you to how that I support any such efforts by you and your planning officials who are trying to solve these problems in this manner. Kathryn Bowles Copies to: Mayor Bud Lewis, City of Carl&ad y Mayor, City of Vista Assemblyman Mark Wyland Congressman Darrell lssa Dan Weisman, North County Times City Council member& City of Carl&ad City Council members, City of Oceanside City Council members, City of Vista Mr. Will HaifIey, Homeowners Association, OHCC MAYOR TERRY JOHNSON December 12, 2001 Cll-Y OF OCEANSIDE DEPUTY MAYOR BETTY HARDING COUNCILMEMBERS JACK FELLER CAROL R. MCCAULEY ESTHER SANCHEZ Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Cannon Road Extension at Calavera Hills Master Plan Reach 4 Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: This letter is to formally register our concerns regarding the extension of the proposed Cannon Road alignment through Oceanside. The City of Oceanside recognizes the regional nature of Cannon Road and the importance of completing the regional roadway network connecting all roadways in the Carlsbad/Oceanside area. The current documentation provided by the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) fails to address the reduced elevation option discussed by our respective staffs as an alternative to reduce potential noise and visual impacts to Oceanside residents. Prior meetings of staff representatives from Carlsbad and Oceanside with residents of Ocean Hills identified alternatives to the elevated alignment initially proposed in the “Draft EIR” by Carlsbad. We were encouraged by Carlsbad’s willingness to consider alignment and elevation options for the Cannon Road extension that would minimize the noise and visual impacts of this proposed roadway. The residents of Ocean Hills, adjacent to this proposed section of Cannon Road, are extremely concerned about the noise impacts of the elevated roadway section and the potential for visual obstructions caused by noise wall construction along this elevated section. The Oceanside City Council and the residents of Ocean Hills request your thoughffil consideration in restoring the examination of the “at grade” (lower elevation) option to the EIR process. Of the three original alignments examined by the Oceanside staff, the original Cannon Road alignment “at existing grade” elevation is the best alternative. This position was rejected by the Carlsbad staff due to potential impacts to wetlands habitat. It is our position that the wetlands impacts of an “at existing grade” alignment should be mitigated rather than exposing residents to increased impacts and the resulting measures necessary to reduce these impacts. CIVIC CENTER l 300 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY l OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-2865 l TELEPHONE 760-966-4400 . FAX 760-966-4404 Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad December 12, 2001 Page two In addition to requesting :I% restoration of the “at grade existing alignment” to the EIR, we would like to go on recoc$ in.opposition to the preferred elevated alignment proposed in the EIR. We highlyrecommend that the section of Cannon Road (Reach 4) be further discussed and analyzed by Carlsbad and Oceanside staffs to find a compromise position that may better serve our mutual concerns. We do not believe the timing on this issue is critical enough to jeopardize any funding resource through accommodating additional dialogue in this regard. It is our belief that we can find a mutually agreeable alternative for the Cannon Road extension through our cooperative efforts. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, f$$J+J- LJ P . 0 nson w Betty Harding Deputy Mayor Esther Sanchez Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember cc: Ray Patchett, Carlsbad City Manager Carlsbad Planning Commission Ocean Hills HOA General Manager New Venture Christian Church -- . -. CITY (23F ~I3CEAIbEiDE MAY& TERRY W. JOHNSON December 11,200l Mayor Claude Lewis City of Car&bad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 and opposition to the Cannon Road alignment recommendation of your staff. I understand this item will be presented to the Carlsbad Planning Commission on December 19, 2001. Any and all of the proposed alignments that would raise the elevation of Cannon Road above. the existing road configuration near our common border, New Venture Church and the Ocean Hills area, will negatively impact residents in this area and must be opposed. I urge you, your City Council and the Carlsbad Planning Commission to reject all alternatives and to select the Cannon Road alignment that most closely matches the existing Cannon Road elevation at our common border. cc: Carlsbad City Councilmembers Carlsbad Planning Commission Ocean Hills HOA General Manager New Venture Christian Church CIVIC CENTER l 300 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY l OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-2665 l TELEPHONE 760435-3041 l FAX 76043&O EMAIL: t@hmn@d.-.c8.u8 a77 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name -z!i! Lrn Address %3s? cJLPbu4 @Y WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWVNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AN-D ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONIWENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-TY. Address &P/r& ,A& ~&&&zk / / / WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-TY. . Name Address m bL.- wkv hpbdw q-2 0 $4 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE’REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EXR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. . WE, TEE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITYANDENVlRONMENTOFTHEOCEANHlLLS co-. Name Add- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN - HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-TY. Address (I843 m&a &A\/ t’~fjw,-riob G WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN KILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENWRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address %%3? -l-ii- t.J#F WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGN-IMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF .CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRON-MEZNT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. ai?= j WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMEN?’ AmbiD ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN KILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOVVNERS OF OCEAN HXLLS, PROTEST THE’REALIGiYMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD.’ THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AN-D ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-Y. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN 4 HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COn!llmmpY. s Address $1; ..: ‘,, J ./7 - . .( Lyy..>;5-,‘, ;, ,,, Q.;7 C,.. . ‘:5.,; ; .’ ,*d ;..t** ,,;I :&/,, * , ,,.i * ,/ i . . d ‘I a, .J- ” / ., _...“_ .-- __________. l..” ..“l--m-m .-., _-.._ _ . _.. .” ~ .l.-_____., __._.. ,.” *.“. -..I _..,.. I I_ _r_ WE, TBE UNDERSIGNED HOM%OWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN.HILLS COMMUNITY. Name qp) CH , I - \. a’- 1 <: .-’ , ;rl ..- :. i, II f .-I i -Ju J cf.2 : b-r+ %?zz i _I, -; ,. . . . . I’. ..;,..., ..i I- ,’ c: &-‘, ,,_,.I .,,‘. d::.. c- , __ >a’:-. ; /-+A- ;L ( f WE, THEUNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVXRONMXNT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN _ HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. a9a WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. a93 WE, THE UNDEIWGN-JZD HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. / *, 9 _* r- 2” / &.,j- “‘$2 33 L _- ry.,,~:,+ .e..{’ --7,; ,,, , ‘;;-d., ; l.-;:& / , A &- I I - ‘7 i m ciA,L-;- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMXJMTY. Address “‘7,g & &I ) L(,: ,p c Il. .x \/ “I HF cr /r -.. .a- r _ __ I--. - L 4&L-J/’ 4, -\ j?’ , +7// .:’ ,// l/f,. ,t; ./I /( ,, .’ ,I L 4-J// “5 “’ L?&/ ,,_ ‘?J&(~ 4.74 ;zL I; CA.? / / t - ’ -, 3 / 07-L&L&.- ‘EMe;u, ti . . . ; 3 49s WE, THE UNDERSIGN%D HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF . CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Q$g‘-‘ &&*-. , Address I WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN FIILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS, COlMlWUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF T,HE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN H-ILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address C wmgp$&q L/ / I / I A-l 1 -- r&~(/&p&&J $ij+ // / \ Hi/ u i C/J u CJ I\, -. ~‘Lhkx. 1/:“__ __ _ & & I-,‘- - : ‘7 , : i I I WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN - HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PRQPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE,THEUNDERSIG~NED HOMEOtVNERS OFOCEAN HILLS,PROTESTTHXREALIGNMENTANDELEVATED CANNONROADASPROPOSEDINEZRBYTHECITYOF CARLSBAD. THISROADWAY,ASPROPOSED, PRESENTSATHREATTOTHEHEALTB,SAFETY, SECURaITYANDENVIRO~NTOFT~E~CEANHILLS COMMUNITY. 30 a- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address 4wrkL : /f&j& p$&f+.‘, ‘-& IJ-. L.-L . . .LL, .;.*.‘.! -:-:. z.!-. ,.I 4 ., I ,fl & ‘k & ./4fLAJd $ 4 ,.ALP ,g,$f ifiJipffj& u c/ y// t JhJkQ 7 L&M-L/ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS’ COhdMUNITY. WE, THE U?KDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THX CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTSATHREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITYANDENVlRONMENTOFTIEEOCEANHILLS co-. Address 308 L WE,THE UNDERSIGNEDHOMEOwyNERs OFOCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD. T%lS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTEE, SAFETY, - . SECURlTYANDENVIRONNENTOFTHEOCEAN~LS COMMUNITY. Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE R.EALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIFt BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO TEE EEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITYANDElWXRO~NTOFTHEOCEANHILLS co-. Address &7+43 /4 &QFP, A/LLq &cgigi / m . i ’ ,*’ I ,,.’ ,/ : ( &//f w ‘.+ ’ , /p?.-p&JjY&&~L q//y ‘J - L,&” /q*- +fily / WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CAIUSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMXJMTY. Name . . Address d 0 s-b &&c/ Y . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGN-MXLNT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND EN-VIKOINMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address . * . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGMMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. &p&& ;, ---. izft5L&a &?/,‘J3& r&,, y Q-7-3 &a~&> &k??/ Y/-Jy 1 I I , 3 L-7 313 . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OFjLlCEAN HILLS, PROTEST TEIE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THtS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A TaREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, l . SECURITYANDENVIRONMENTO~~OCEANHILLS co-. Name Address A c- l3ALDicrrd ., vu7.5 t&/tPQf$ wf-y WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A TEREAT TO THE EKEALTE, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS co-. Name fLM,LrP r2E2w-A u - Address ~Wcr cikbc-2 \ CA \kJ II I WE, TEE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST TEE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURXTY AND ENVIROl5JMENT OF TRE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITYANDEtiONMENTOFTHEOCE~Hl.LLS co-. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNEXS OF OCEAN e HILLS, PROTEST TBE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THXS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . - SECURLTY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS co-. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HtLLS coMn!nmrm. Name Address 3ao . WE, THE UNDERSXGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTESI: THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, ‘- . SECURJTYANDENVlRONMENTOFTHEOCEANHILLS co-. Addrtss . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO TEKE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMuNrN. ! - WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST TEE REALIGNMENT AN5 ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF C-AD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS ATHREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURlTYANDENVIRONMENTOFTHEOCEAJUU.LLS COMMUNITY. 323 , WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILliS co-. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HLLLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRON-MENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COlMMlJNITY. - Name Address -[Lb -, \I :’ 1” ./ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMXNT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIG~D HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address 3&f 6 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EUR BY THE CITY OF CAJXLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY Ai?TlD ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMXMTY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HXLLS, PROTEST TH[E REALIGMMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMXJMTY. Name &f&@/b. &4!t&& Address y+ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HlLLS, PROTEST THE REALIGN-h%ENT AM3 ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY TJXE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND EN-VIRONi’vlENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address /I && ,&q&p I’ (- I( : .’ - 331 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COh$MUNITY. I Address 3 &&?. . ,_ ‘5 333 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT-AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-TY. Name -5 lJ=w f/& I 0 /<Ey ‘- / &JL. /d / Address 602 5- /%@.a \r/p y rl J/P 6. fiqy ,,-qP A .k9&%q, Ldp /%2&f L.‘“7 - WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMIMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVAT.ED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COnfMuNITY. Address WV5 & lvay &?5ztG& a I\’ I I I WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN FIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMZMUNITY. Name Address 337 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMXJNITY. Address YT/ d fy> /,$p, ! :;, 1: i r - . .r’ /r--y&?&z, :; “-- q- &J / / +q, yy--.( / ,.:‘I’ 1, &,<;-:;‘/ /’ - 338 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT *TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRON-MENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COIbMUN-I’rY. . Name seJ&&. ..-a EC L&.4&. I 0 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTSATHREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name . @u . EG-J- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEO’WNERS OF OCEAN E3o[LLS, PROTEST THE RE4LTGNMENT AaND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THlS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVDRO~NMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address &r! r wLh32F M? , / WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EJR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUN-ITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND COMMUNITY. Name ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECWRlTYANDENVlRO~NTOFTHEOCEANHILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AN-D ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMXN-ITY. r Name Address 2 :” t/&J-L; t&J&Q& b 4 m? GqL/L’//3 LJg ‘-/ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN EILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. s WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEO‘WNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMIMUNITY. 1 : . :,’ 1) .’ stis WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address 349 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMIMUNITY. 3.579 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEO~RS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THX REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIJX BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AN-D ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, Tm UNDERSIGlNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN mLS, PROTEST THE REMJGLNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED Iii EIR BY THE CITY OF CAKLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND EEOO~NKENT OF THE OCEAN EFILLS COMM7lNTY. Name Address -. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON R04U) AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIliONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMIJNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS RO+JDJVAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMRIUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN EILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN FULLS co-. 357 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMliXUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECUR.ITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. 357 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-TY. Address ‘-i 6 $J- =?-&%..H& Y,.) ccw -+ u Y +& y...:; ,A .:‘A “.* 2 c- &:,c . , , u / WE, THE UNDERSIGNliD HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. .r. ’ Name Address @7 .J..& &y :j& ;’ ‘, ,‘. ~, I/!&L’:: ’ \*- ,-~-yy.: 5 &&& ~, i/’ . -. / /J-,,. ,,?i j //$X’ l?L J&iig- G.3 LA b&k~~J\ G ’ d& & . -2 9 ’ tiQfJ! [h&A P$ziy _ I( 0 /I , WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY ANTl ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COlklMUNITY. Name Address WE, TEE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOW’bfERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THISROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-Y. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPqSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COlMMUNITY. Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address . h. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN BILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED Cpi_rinuON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. TEttS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRJXSENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address y,7ic 5 J .’ v &?z ;/&i. IL,ti- J &77/ /gzg;L 12 //(g/j/ / d7,5~g4L,~e,/4 l&L J 3/7/L--- GA&W (/&;/ WE, THI3 UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAJX THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO?+ttMUMTY. , LQ..%~ 2 3;Mc &xh&i.i,~ *7u2 &fL&& L.&- u . . 4 “ua e * ]y(i .-- k, -< L,! .! O. 3 kh CA ‘d 4 - 474 t CtfkiC.irj id+i .I. ,UL ,.+&f :’ ; .i’ ’ : ), ( .&tff.ic, ,$,744 .&/,‘i‘ ~;;&‘, c W-E, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAlri’ HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS ,4 THREAT TO THE KEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMVNITY. Address O&d WE, THJZ UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CAEUSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address 367 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN KILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address 178 P ii Qb f4 y/H Ji?LdA I WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PRbPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THIS REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND E~NVTRONMXNT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. 370 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY TKE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONME5T OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address 371 -- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CAN-NON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AN-D ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HXLLS COMMUNITY. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT. TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. - Name Address . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRON-MENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address 4778 l Uii/hla,i n : . . ;,’ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD A’S PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address .’ i.. 3 75 - , WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE’REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRON-MXNT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name 7 AL//L .!w &Z/d E&L ‘3 . . 44 A ..- , ,./ , ,j>. .+#y A- Au Address ri’ 714 /P+a /CIA lzjfl f y7)7&L 26 - WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMlENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THEl CITY OF CAJKLSBAD. THK ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURXTYANDEWIRONMENTOFTHEOCEANHILLS COMIMUNITY, Name AddresS 377 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE’REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS CO-TY. , WE, THEl UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF . CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO TEE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURXTY AND ENVIRONMENT OFTHE OCEANHILLS coMn!mNmY. Name Address . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST TH3$ REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address 389 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMIZOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGN&LENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. TH?S ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address WE, TBE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST TEE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTSATHREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURITYANDENVIRONMENTOFTHEOCEANHILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address c ( ~UJhJd~ \. 4$fs-c- &A9 s _ L&c/ 0 cT-tA&A II . . . - WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOI~OWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGMMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HJMLTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN KILLS COI&JM-UMTY. Address , LK/g-LL -i;- J,J iL7R3& -, - -,- / _” ,q A& ..-. -& Lc7Lj i’ I/ / . - c-. , ? ’ . / .’ .I I-,,, //- /p/J///J,,,. i/7/q &/&-,.B,// ,,&./ ., . \ . 383 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THXEAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. d,Name (7 / “-’ c- Address ,,:;:+ , ‘y /Ii !-,.; y x’ /+.s f /f/t /-IA. &A ; L -/ C.1 _ Q&,-l q’ 2-L , / *i/L t c?L: ’ ,L .& L/ppy I( ‘f f~-p 53 I - t / ; ,.. <.’ I c ,b&&$ ‘. ” -+ .&/& _ /- /,‘I! &g a&-#; -c ,A ?t/ I . t e-f-f+? c&izza- I 2-d c ’ 3 384 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF QUUSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURl’IYANDENVIRONMENTOFTHEOCEANHXLLS COMnmNrrY. Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST TEE REALIGNMENT ANTI ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS co-. v ,:m, WA u ‘-;‘” ,+-I d---c $& WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address 367 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. WE, THEl UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HXLLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN H13LLS, PROTEST THE REALIGN-bXENT A.N-D ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF t%RLSBAD. TBlS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COM&llJNITY. Name . ’ . * Address . o- . . : ’ . . :. , , . . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COlMMIJNITY. Address 391 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN EULLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS -PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY ANIl ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name Address 394 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. 393 WE, THE UNDERSIGNl$D HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HtLLS COMMUNITY. Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - SECURITY AND ENVIRONMXNT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. Name z)yL Lwy jr-J Address u II3 ,d&- &%yI?, AAL 39 3- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENWRON-MENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COMMUNITY. m Name Address WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE REALIGNMENT AND ELEVATED CAMiON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A THREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE OCEAN HILLS COiMMUNlTY. : . . . ::. 397 . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED HOMEOWNERS OF OCEAN HILLS, PROTEST THE RIWLIGNMENT AND ELEVATED . CANNON ROAD AS PROPOSED IN EIR BY THEl CITY OF CARLSBAD. THIS ROADWAY, AS PROPOSED, PRESENTS A TEREAT TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY, - . SECURlTYANDENVIRONMENTOFTBEOCEANHILLS COMMUNITY. . .. c: Mayor From: "KS <skyspoon@earthlink.net> City Council To: "Marilyn Strong" <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> City Manager Date: 1 /I 0/02 10:44AM City Attornoy Subject: Input for Calaveras EIR at Jan 15 council meeting Dear Ms. Strong and Carlsbad Council, Just a quick note from a resident who wants to thank the City for doing such a good job managing the Calaveras area, and to add my small vote to any items you might be considering on January 15th. I'm including a couple of items that were not specifically addressed at the planning commission, if those consideration. items should come up. If not, I'd like my request to be forwarded as appropriate to commissions for future feeling, the beauty of the city and its open spaces, and the attraction of the facilities for my young family, I bought my home in Carlsbad Calaveras (Capistrano) two years ago on the basis of the kid-friendly including the top ranked schools. I did a lot of homework on the development, including visiting the Planning Department and reviewing the HMP, and the reputation of the developer, McMiilan. I've since been informally following the open space planning process with a special interest in the Calaveras Preserve area. job and McMillan is demonstrating what great partnership and commitment is all about from the developer My wife and I are more thankful each day for the decision we made to live here. Carlsbad is going a great side. As to the open space issues, in my opinion there have been no suiprises. and I see only win-win compromises so far among all the many stakeholders in the process. I'd like to only ask that the Council continue to be careful listening to the community, and be as conservative with the safety of the area residents as possible. Specifically, extension as quickly as possible. 1. Please do not delay the EIR or development of the Phase I1 housing, and do expedite the College 2. Please do NOT open the College barriers to Oceanside until this extension is completed. This should remain closed to protect our school children until the College and Cannon reaches go all the way through to 1-5. 3. Please close the MiraMonte drive connection to Oceanside permanently. This street is not mentioned in the EIR or references to traffic studies that I have viewed, either interim or future, even though only temporary barriers exist there today. The experience with through traffic during the short time this was open during development indicates that this is a very dangerous connection, in that it funnels regional traffic through residential streets that are not designed for the volume or the high speeds of the through-commuters, This connection passes a school and three mini-parks. I've personally seen two kid-car near-misses in the Tamarack-Saddle intersection due to the already too high speed this "wide street on a hill" encourages. When College opens there will be no practical reason to open MiraMonte. and this "short cut" will only endanger children. 4. Please be very responsive to the community on traffic safety, and err on conservative side, if needed. While I understand the need for College to connect communities, I personally believe the proposed traffic speed limits and zone enforcement (on the section of Carlsbad Village Drive to College to Oceanside area) is grossly inadequate as it stands now. With a very active community center on one side and a school and regional Preserve on the other, you already have constant pedestrian (children) traffic, and when Phase 2 is built out, this will double or triple from the multi-sue and high-density housing. This road therefore cannot be envisioned or zoned as another "El Camino Real" with speed limits of SOMPH and practical enforcement of violations above GOMPH. I request that the City use lower speed limits, traffic lights, and as much proactive enforcement as possible to maximize the safety to the school children on this soon to be busy street. Lets not have a tragedy occur before the City make this decision 5. Support strong Police presence and integration of the Calaveras Preserve into regional hiking and biking plans. The Carlsbad Police Department, City Water Department, and The Environmental Trust have done a super job cleaning up and managing the safety of this beautiful natural resource. This is a diamond in the rough that needs to be polished further by actively planning for inclusion in the Carlsbad hikinglbiking trail project. Keep giving this area the attention it needs. warm regards, Kevin Skjei 760-729-6322 01/10/2002 18:03 9492553129 + 917607209461 I NO. 058 D82 Januaj IO, 2002 Dear Council Members: Myname is Tony Gullotta and I am a resident of the Calavua Hills phase I development. I am writing you to ask to postpone making a decision on the approval or disapproval of the Calavqa Hills Il development until your kt meeting of February. I how that the public hearing on the lSth cannot postponed, but if you could please just delay your decision, this would allow the residents of the Calavera Hills I development more time to submit a petition U) you that outlines our concerns with this project. I apologize thar I have to ask you for lhis delay. As a community, I adn~t that we should be better prepared, however, I have found rhat many residents have misbfomed about the effect the Calavera Hills r[ project would have to our community tmtil very recently. Like many othas, when I moved here I was aware ?hat College Blvd would eventually be built as part of Calavera Hills II. What many of us were not aware of wt16 the volume and speed of traffic that would travel on tlis rod The developers of ow projects advertised this road to buyers as a means of c6nvenience to reach the 78 heway. When my family called city staff as p& of our research on this two years ago, we were mistaLenly given a rough Pamc volume estimare in the low to mid 20,000's, which is far less than is now cunently estimated. The bottom line is we knew it may be somewhat busy, but trusted that the city had designed the road with the safety ofits residents in mind. City Alto6ey As I have learned hm attending the recent planning commission meetings and kom taking with city st&, the volume and speed or tr&c predicted is fat greater than expected by my neighbors and myself. Due to safety concerns, these recent hdings are just not tolerable. Due to this late discovery and the difficult schedules of a middle-class commuter cenQic oommunity, we arc not optimistic that we can educate all of the residents and obrain their signatum before the IS*. We have, so far, obtained signatures &om 100% of the residents visited, but it will take us some time to reach them all in this tine. We hope that a pospnement of a decision by rhree weeks may give us that time. so you can take inro considetation the me feelings of your Carlsbad residents. The fohowing bulleted items summaize rhe points of concem that the Calavera Hills I community has. I hope to be able to hand you a petition that illustrates the support of these points bhortly. If you would like to contact me prior to the council meeting, you can call me at (949) 255 - 3339 or email me at ~1llotta@access36O.com. Increased Noise - Addiuonal Noise abmenr on College Blvd. In Calavera Hills Phase I. ~ High Speed Avenue of Approach - The Cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, The Carlsbad Unified School Distric~, McMillin and representatives of Calavera Hills Phase I 01/10/2002 IB:~ 9492553129 + 917607209461 N0.058 D03 _. .. . I ' 0 Page2 January 10.2002 (excluding HOA delegates and board members) will meet IO develop and institute a Tra.6~ Circuiation Plan consistent with the safety needs of the community (i.e., safe speed limits, safety of school children, and pmpa tr&c light placement and pdguration). Safety of residents and pedes+rians - The Cities of Cadsbad and Oceanside (Police zmd Fire Departments) will increase their presence in the area of Calavera Ells. Coordination of College Blvd opening to Oceanside - The City of Carlsbad will 'coordinate the opening of the College Rd segment into Oceanside with all affecting regional &c artery projects being funded and scheduled at a minimum. These projects include, but me not limited to the following: Cannon Rd. Reach 4, completion of Mehse, 5-78 interchange widening, and El Camino Real 78 overpass and onrmp widening. Special coordination must be made 50 that the timing of the 15-78 interchange widening does not cause College Blvd to become a consumion detour for wmutm. I AGENDA ITEM #I \3 December 30,2001 Jack Gorzeman 3766 Saddle Drive city Council city Manager c: Mayor Carlsbad, CA 92008 city Attorney (FAXED 1213- am to the Planning Department) The Honorable ‘Bud” Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA Re: CALAVARA HILLS PHASE IllBRlDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #4; CASE FILE: EIR 98-02lGPA 99-03lMP IBO(H)/LFMP 87-07(A)ZC 01-011CT 00- OZHDP 00-02 Dear Mayor Lewis: I am writing as a resident of the City of Carlsbad and Calavera Hills Village T, and whose property will be directly affected by proposed Village U, to be located south of our residence. I am deeply concerned about the impacts of Village U, as proposed, for the following reasons: The existindadopted Calavera Hills Master Pian calls for the area identified as Village U to be Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) which allows 0 to 4 dwelling units per acre. This density is the same as our residential propertyheighbohood located within 500 feet of proposed Village U. However, the current proposal for Village U calls for an increase in allowable residential density of almost four fold, from single-family to multi- family. We purchased our residence with the knowledge that the property in question (Village U) was approved for single-family residential. Allowing Residential Medium-High Density (RMH) development on the site identified as Village U will most certainly cause a substantial impact on our private residence, relative to aesthetic quality. This fact is recognized in the Final EIR, page 65, Wowever the existing aesthetic amenities currently provided by the undeveloped southern villages (Villages U, Y, W, and X), in conjunction with the existing off-site agricultural setting to the south and east would be substantially altered by the proposed grading and residential development of the southern villages. The landform alteration/aesthetic impact from both within Calavera Hills and off-site areas from the development of the southern villages would be considered a significant visual qualrty impact. ” The Final EIR proposes no mitigation in an effort to reduce this impact to a less than significant level. Letter to The Honorable "Bud" Lewis, Mayor December 30,2001 Page 2 of 2 Another impact of the proposed multi-family development of Village U on our property is noise. The draft final EIR does not evaluate the impact on the noise receptor to the north, our residence and southem portion of the existing neighborhood of Village T. There is a canyon and open space of less than 500 feet separating our residence from Village U. The pad elevations between our residence and Village U differ by only about 50 feet. Also, the proposed multi-family development of Village U would be located on the most prominent ridge in Phase II of Calavera Hills. Sound travels quickly and easily under these conditions, as I have personally observed. There is no assurance in the Final EIR that the proposed development will not raise interior noise levels for our residence above the City's interior standard of 45 CNEL (with the windows open). In an effort to provide for residential development that is more compatible with the existing residential development to the north of Village U, and to reduce noise and headlight glare from automobiles, I respectfully request that the City Council and Planning Commission consider adding the following conditions to the certification of the Final EIR for the development proposal referenced above: 1) Any structures located in Village U shall be limited to a height of two 2) Opaque screening no less than six feet in height shall be constructed stones or 35 feet. along the top of the north facing slope of Village U. Any dwelling units that would need to be reallocated due to the height restriction could, most appropriately, be transferred to Village El, the proposed multi-family residential site at College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive. On a related matter, I do not recall receiving notice of availability of the Draft EIR for public review. Please have staff provide me with a complete mailing list used in satisfying this requirement under CEQA. I am requesting that this letter become part of the public record at the Planning Commission public hearing on January 2, 2002 and the City Council public hearing on January 15,2002. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Cc: Seena Trigas, Chairperson, Planning Commission Eric Munoz, Senior Planner - AGENDA ITEM # 13 From: To: Lori Homstad cIhomstad@yahoo.com> Cmstro@ci.carlsbad.c.us> Maw Date: 1/13/02 5:02PM City @OULPGiI Subject: SAVE VILLAGE H city ManzW January 12,2002 city Clerk Attn: City Council members: L1 Calavera Hills residents, the surrounding communities and my neighbors: city Attorney 1) DO NOT WANT OR NEED a Community Facility Structure (ie. Day Care Center) at Village H (Dog Walking Trail Park) this beautiful natural gathering place would destroy the community, 2) BELIEVES the Village H area (dog run) serves this purpose already, and that any construction on 3) NEED traffic and safety problems to be adequately addressed. Village H is on a dangerous curve on Carlsbad Village Drive (numerous cars could speed off the road into the Community Facility (i.e. Daycare Center Site). 4) BELIEVE a Community Facility (Le. Daycare Center) is not compatible with Village H's function as a community dog-walking trail park. 5) DO NOT support the idea of leaving Village H undeveloped to function as a wildlife corridor and would like to see the restoration of native vegetation (coastal sage scrub, etc) on the slopes adjacent to the community trail. Thank you for reconsidering your decision to change this land, on January 15th. Sincerely, Lori Homstad 3608 Cheshire Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 . Lori Homstad 760-720-2003 Proposition 40 will protect the most important coastal lands. Yes on Proposition 40 Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online at Yahoo! Greetings. 01/14/2002 10: 16 9492553129 + 917607209461 N0.065 D02 I ., i c: hfb;,.., e-, , *. d.....;il Tony Gullotta Ch,.t ,:icrll;.for 3744 Cava Place clrj ... I: .~.AC?,y city L . .,lib cam (760) 730 - 9010 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Ccouncil Members: I have recently sent you a letter requesting the postponement of the decision on approving the Calavera Hills II project so that a petition that is being circulated could be completed. Attachb was a brief summary of the concerns of myself and many other Calavem Hills I residuits. I am writing you today to elaborate on many of those concerns in hopes to give you an undhtanding of why they exist. Our g&d view is that the housing development and College mad extension southward are all positives. It is the opening of College Blvd northward into Oceanside that has drummed up the most concern. The letter is organized into three sections. The first section provides an oveniiw of the traffk situation rhat will be the result of the completion of the prqiect. This oveM& is based on infomation obtained hm Carlsbad city staff. The second section summbes the concems of residents. ”he third section suggests actions to mitigate these I by the city and applicant before completing the project at hand m*eW The &c volume M College Blvd was originally estimated at 39000 cars per day at build- out. With rhe exclusion ofthe Cannon Reach 4b segment, this estimate is raised to 45000 ws per da$ In the near tern (2005), it is estimated that 31M10 cam per day will travel College Blvd. 11 has also been stated that the Calavera Hills area residents will only produce 7500 cars per day at build out. I-Iowever, it is not expecwd that my ofrhese residents will travel north to the 78. In fact, city staff has stated that most likely, the volume of tdic naveling north fium Uie Calavm Hills area would not, in itself, warrant the need for the road to be connected to Ocehide. This means that most of the tramc traveling on College will be generated hm outsidei cammunities. In addition to typical commuters, because or its perceived time advandgq we can also cxpect there will be a lot of high-profile vehicle traffic on this road. Althou& city staff has stared that reach 4b will still be completed before build-out, it has also been s&ed that the father in the future the project is begun, the more possible it is that federal emindnencal restrictions can change and prevent the project fiom ever being done. College Blvd. has been engineered to allow a speed limit of SOMPH. The current plan and expec+on of the ciry’s enweering department: is that the speed limit will be set ar that SOMPH mark However, as we’ve found fmm discussions with the city’s traffic enforcement diVisioh, it is not the practice of fie city’s tramc enforcement staffto cite drivers exceedingrhe speed +hit unless they are traveling more than IOMPH over the posred speed lirmt. The concludion we can reach hm this ht the ciry will tolerate a speed of 60MPH on this road. The od exception to this speed limit may be in the area of the elementary and middle school, which il l adlacent to College. However, instead of lowering the posted speed limit here, only a pmt-tiqe (approx. 2 horn per day) 25MPH while children are present zone will be I 01/14/2002 10:16 9492553129 3 917607209461 N0.065 I703 irnpl&ented. This would result in the possibility of drivers having to decrease speeds of 6OMPg to 25MPH in quick fashion. To put' all of this in perspective, it is best to look at a current example of a road with the same Mc tbaracteristics. Unfortunately, there are not too many mads that this comparison can be made to today. Only El Camino Real and Palomar mort Road are close. To be the most specific, the road segment between El Camino Red and Melmse Dr. on Palomar Airport Rd will provide the best example. Tmtlic cancer Safety - The volume and speed of naffic estimated on this road will be p. huge safety d to Ithe resid- and school children in the nrea. The Noah County Times reported last week that commul'en nuling home or to work caused 66% of all tr&~c accidents in Carlsbad last +. One of the more dangerous intmections today is the Palow Airport Rd - Mehse intersection, which will be very similar to the intesections developed in our area. Even though the road can be engineered correctly, correct engineetkrg does not preclude accidents because driven are human and can make misues. Since the coxnmuta traveling through the commwity usually cases the accident, most likely Lhe resident leaving their neighborhood will be the victim. I ask you to envision younelf as a redden1 here. Would you feel safe with the every day risks outlined above? Child Safety - The elementary and middle school adjacent to College Bivd will be the dewon of several pedestrian school children, many of which will have to cross College Blvd. ?though there will be part-time warnings of school children posted, there is still the humamfactor of drivers being aware of these part-time warnings and being able to slow bom possiblb 60MPH IO the appropriate 25MPH. Also, since the 25PMH zone will only be part- time, there is great cancan for the safety of childrar who fjlequent the school during off-peak hours fy activities such 89 sports. Beyond the concerns qarding he school, there is also a near-by community center that these local children now make use of. Today, children and familid as a whole can walk 10 this community center. With this volume and speed of Wc, this wil not be an option without considerable risk. Please remember, thee are children we're talking ,about. P Once again I ask, if you were a resident, would you feel comfortable with the safety df your children in this environment? Noise - It is obvious that the noise generated by this volume of tr;lffic will be substantial. Although there have been noise abatement walls placed around portions of the community, there are still portions without protection. The on& noise impact report far this area used an average katlic speed of 45MPH. It now appears as thoti& hat average speed may be more like S5?4€'H. From discussions with the author of ais noise impact repors this difFerence in make a "major" difference in the results and a reevaluation may be needed. In , the noise abatement in place satisfies code as dictated from a noise analysis report ed on inaccurate assumptions. Even with the adherence to code however, it is my opinionon that the code itself is very sympathetic to the appbcmt and not to &e resident. codes like these should be treated as the baseline of work, not the ceiling. 01/14/2002 10: 16 9492553129 + 917607209461 I NO. 065 D04 January 14,2002 Mtigition of Concerns Develop safery mitigation plan - A plan should be developed by the city with the involvement of the bmmunity that will outline how the safety of the residents can be rnaiuained with the open& of this road segment. It is understood that there are state mandated regulanons hat must be adhered to, so it is clear the plan may not be as simple as arbitrarily lowering speed limik. However, I believe them is some flexibility thar can be taken advantage of to help keep these speeds in check. There may also be some effectiveness with additional trfic enforcement resources in the area during high traffic volume periods, and possibly more strict enforckment ofthose posted speeds. Improve noise abatemenr - The applicant, 01 city, should address the inadequate noise abatements c~urently implemented in the community. The current noise abatement imp1 entation is according lo code, but is not realistically effective. To address these be constructed where they axe missing. These improvemenrs should not seem unreasonable. The cMt Calavera Hills ll plan includes noise abatanent for the residents of Rancho Carlsbad that are well above and beyond the same city codes that have been so closely followed for our area We feel that the actions requested to satisfy the residents of Calavera HiUs I jvill be comparatively less dificult and costly t~an hose included for Rancho Carlsbad. Time the opening of College Blvd to Ocewside when needed - Instead of opening the nmh@ segment of College Blvd to Oceanside as soon as the College colmection to Cannon is cox!$leted to satisfy pssures from neighboring cities, open the segment when the regional tdic circulation plan is more mahue. As we’ve found, the traIIic generated by local residents does not require this segmenl, however we do understand that the regional trafEc circulation plan ddes quire it at some point. 11 is really is just a matter of tim!ing as it appears as though this is the only part of the circulation plan that IS moving forward. It is very aggravating to see Owansde and Vista protest or cancel regional projects like Cannon Reach 4 and the Cannon - 78 sepent when they are the most active in pushing for the College opening to use OUT commhity as a highway subslitute. There is a deiinite concem about the uncertainty for the Completion of the Melmse segment to Vista and the 15-89 interchange improvements that were nrpposed to be@ by now. Wlth the perceived inertia of all of these projects (and possibility of their elimination), there is that much more risk that by opening up this artery only, ttie bottlenecks trying to be avoided on the 78 roday will just get transferred to our o complicate matters, when the 15-78 freeway improvements are being made, since may possibly degrade the efBctiveness of that interchange, even more lrsffic will be he14 thmugh College. One last regional improvement that should be made, but is currently not scheduled, is the widening of the El Camino Real - fieway 78 overpass. This current bottleneck just entices commuters to substitute the use of CoUege for El Camino Real, which &odd be the roadway thar is promoted as the chosen thoroughfire instead of College. The actjon here is to coordinate the opening of this northern segment of College Blvd. with the funding and scheduling of the initiatives to complete Cannon Reach 4 and Melrose Blvd. Also, to postpone the openins of this segnent until lhe I5-78 freeway improvements and wid+g of the El Camino Real overpass have begun and reached a state that allows them to remain An effective tratfic option. I *qm: acies, more landscaping is needed where current walls are in place, and walk need to P co-$.? l- 01/14/2002 10: 16 9492553129 -f 917607203461 NO. 065 005 I .. paged i January 14.2002 ! I wodd like’to thank your for taking your time to read this lener and leave you with this closing statement. Coda and readations can provide a vay good foundation for development of an aka, however they often don’t take the well being ofreal people into considaation when applied to real sihlations. The safety and well being of real people mw always take pmed)nce. I . To: From: "Brian J. Butchko" <tasdevil@msn.com> Date: 1/14/02 2:52AM Subject: Attention: Mayor Bud Lewis & Council Members: Ann Kulchin. Matt Hall, Ramona Finnilla. &Julie Nygaard -- CALAVERA HILLS DEVELOPMENT CONCERNS To: Mayor Bud Lewis & Council Members Ann Kulchin. Matt Hall, Ramona Finnilla, &Julie Nygaard AGENDA ITEM # la Re; Village "H" - DANGER! - Parcel Not Suitable for a Child Care Center Q Mavor cmstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, ccouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members, As a homeowner whose property abuts the Village 'H' parcel within the Calavera Hills Development area I am very well acquainted with the current activities that occur on the parcel. From my upstairs home office, I have a &i-Y" full view of the proposed child care site adjacent to Victoria Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive. In the past six months alone, there have been two over and down the embankment, landing in the area of planned development. I incidences of cars traveling Eastbound on Carlsbad Village Drive and going would estimate that over the years (I have lived here since 1984) this has probably happened at least six times! Not only have cars ended up on the Village "H" parcel, but numerous accidents have happened at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive. I believe that this is happening because this section of Carlsbad Village Drive has not ever been fully improved as designed by McMillin in the mid-80's when we purchased our home. When Westbound cars stop to make a left turn at Victoria Avenue they are rear-ended. Also, cars traveling left curve just past Victoria Avenue. They end up down the embankment on Eastbound (usually at high speeds)lose control as they make the sweeping the Village "H" child care center planning area. It was a danger then, and it is a DANGER NOW!! I just can't tell you how many times I have heard screeching and crashing and have responded to these numerous accidents. It behooves any conscientious planners to fully research all of these accidents and plan accordingly. One would CERTAINLY not plan to build a child care center, let alone any other dwelling, on a parcel with such a history. RECOMMENDATION: DO NOT BUILD OR CONSTRUCT ANYTHING ON THE VILLAGE "H" PARCEL UNLESS AND r . _. -..I At_mney C21 i2crk u UNTIL THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS ARE TAKEN: * to Victoria Avenue to a full width four lane design as originally planned " frontage of the Village "H parcel on the Southerly side of Carlsbad Village Drive, Easterly of Victoria Avenue. As a Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer who has enjoyed Carlsbad for many years I am DEEPLY CONCERNED about the potential danger that exists right outside my window. Please take all of this into account when making a Improvement of the street section of Carlsbad Village Drive adjacent Construction of a k-rail or other constraining device along the * decision as to the disposition of the Village "H" parcel. Sincerely, Brian J. Butchko 2763 Victoria Avenue cc: "Eric N. Munoz" <ernuno@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>. "Gigi Orlowski I Bruce Grouse" <GIGlao@aol.com> AGENDA ITEM # I .3 From: Lori Homstad <Ihomstad@yahoo.comz c: Mayor To: ccouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> city Council Date: Tue, Jan 8,2002 2:50 PM CiCy Manager Subject: Letter to Council Ci2y Attorney City Clerk January 8,2002 Attn: Carlsbad City Council On the 15th of January, please use your heart, care, intelligence and understanding of your residents concerns (not the developers). Land Needed for Carlsbad high school's kids is still being compromised. In a letter of March 16, 2001 the Carlsbad Unified School District informed you that the proposed Cannon Rd Reach 4 and detention basin would take between seven to eleven acres of the new high school site. The letter concludes, "The reduction of land area available for a high school campus, given the topography of the site creates the possibility that there may not be an adequate amount of usable property to adequately accommodate District and State requirements." Cannon Road Reach 4A will still impact the high school site. Please recommend to remove the entire segment of Reach 4 for further study. The future school site is being jeaporized with piecemeal planning. Plan the school site: and determine what access roads are needed and how to best address both traffic and the education of our children. Sincerely, 3608 Cheshire Avenue Lori Homstad Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ihomstad@yahoo.com Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail, To: From: "nctimes" <dandd@nctimes.net> "Lori Homstad" <Ihomstad@yahoo.com> AGENDA ITEM # I 3 c: Subject: Date: Tue, Jan 8,2002 12:17 PM Letter to Editor G: Mayor coordinating the issue on Vilage H. The other is that the city is still planning to do a@OktW@innon Rd Hi Folks- there are two issues we need letters to the editors on- from carlsbad ressi$taWplmr to access the new high school- and get their foot in the door with the rest of the rod, awareness on both. d to raise e-mail it to the nctimes , cc carlsbad city council, and bcc lori and me. This needs to be done immediately Here are 2 draft letters on the road- please inform which one you would like to ref- in order to impact the decision on January 15th. Note: letters are limited to 200 words. Call or e-mail me at 724-3887 or Gigi with any questions. Diane nc times is at opinion@nctimes.com city council is at council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Letter 1 Why are we allowing our future second Carlsbad high school to be compromised for a road to nowhere and a detention basin? In a letter of March 16,2001 the Carlsbad Unified School District informed the city of Carlsbad that the proposed Cannon Rd Reach 4 and detention basin would take between 7 and 11 acres of the new high school site. The letter concludes " The reduction of land area available for a high school campus, given the topography of the site creates the possibility that there may not be an adequate amount of usable property to adequately accommodate District and State requirements." On January 2, the city Planning Commission decided to remove part of Reach 4 from the EIR to allow further study- but to move forward with the first 1,200 feet that impacts the high school site. We need to remove the entire segment of Reach 4 for futher study. Let's not jeopardize our future school site with piecemeal planning. Let's plan the school site, determine what access roads are needed and how to best address both traffic and the education of our children. your name your address City Council b Letter 2 and serves a future high school that the community may not even want to build. In an attempt to reach a Last week the Carlsbad Planning Commission approved half a road to nowhere, that destroys wetlands, compromise over the extension of Cannon Rd Reach 4 between El Camino Real and the city limits with Oceanside the Commission removed most of the Cannon Rd extension from the EIR for the related project. They left in the first 1,200 feet- ostensibly to serve the proposed new high school. There are major issues to consider before moving forward with an $80 million high school. Will this divide the city racially and economically - with an old high school serving primarily poor and minority students? Are there better options to keep a single high school - such as using the site at Valley for grades 9 and 10, and the existing high school for 11 and 12? Let's not waste any more taxpayer money on this road- until we know there is a reason to build it. From: cEYELVBOOKS@aol.com> To: copinion@nctimes.com>, scouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Tue, Jan 8,2002 559 PM Subject: Fwd: Letter to Editor Hello, Why are we allowing our future second Carlsbad high school to be compromised for a road to nowhere and a detention basin? In a letter of March 16,2001 the Carlsbad Unified School District informed the city of Carlsbad that the proposed Cannon Rd Reach 4 and detention basin would take between 7 and 11 acres of the new high school site. The letter concludes " The reduction of land area available for a high school campus, given the topography of the site creates the possibility that there may not be an adequate amount of usable property to adequately accommodate District and State requirements." On January 2, the city Planning Commission decided to remove part of Reach 4 from the EIR to allow further study- but to move forward with the first 1,200 feet that impacts the high school site. We need to remove the entire segment of Reach 4 for futher study. Let's not jeopardize our future school site with piecemeal planning. Let's plan the school site, determine what access roads are needed and how to best address both traffic and the education of our children. >> Stan Katz 4906 Neblina Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92008 To: Carlsbad City Council Members Re: URGENT - Calavera Hills Phase I1 (Village H) Date: January 12,2002 I am writing to support the idea that Village H be left as is. I understand that Village H is going to be used to fulfill the Calavera Hills project requirement for a “community facility”. I don’t know what the city’s definition of a community facility is. The name implies a facility that benefits the surrounding community, one that gives a sense of cohesiveness to a growing development. Village H already accomplishes this and has done so for many years. It survives as a place to take a quiet walk alone or with ones companions (be they human or animal). It’s a place ventured by cluldren who don’t want to worry about on coming traffic. It’s a place that entices people of all ages to come walk its eucalyptus lined paths. Village H is a place where cement is non-existent. In other words, a very cherished reprieve from what we are surrounded by. I hope this picture matches what the city defines as a “community facility”. It would be a severe injustice to this community if Village H were to be altered in any way. I urge the city council to please take this into consideration when making its decision this coming Wednesday. Sincerely, Lynn Tucker 4717 Edinburgh Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM # IL?l From: Dave Siccardi cdsiccardi@earthlink.net> To: cmstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/14/02 10:llAM Subject: Village H. Carlsbad City Council, descision regarding the Box Canyon Area. I have heard of the plans for the I am a Carlsbad resident soon to be impacted by your unfortunate area known as the Village H dog run and I am writing to urge the city to consider preserving this area and in the future more areas of Carlsbad in a natural state with public access. It is this type of land use that will continue to preserve the quality of life in Carlsbad not more development and cookie cutter homes. Thank you Dave Siccardi 5835 Avenida Encinas #I25 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760 930-0920 760 930-0966 (fax) AGENDA ITEM # 13 To: From: Amanda Grillo <amandagrillo@yahoo.com> Date: 1/14/02 9:59AM <mstro@ci.car!sbad.ca.us>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Calavera Hills and surrounding communities DO NOT WANT OR NEED a Community Facility Structure (ie. Day Care Center) at Village H (Dog Walking Trail Park) or any other construction development! The Village H area (dog run) serves a purpose already.-it provides the community a beautiful gathering place. A place that adults, children and dogs can all enjoy. The "dog park" developed by the city off of Carlsbad Village Drive is horribly inadequate and quite frankly, a complete waste of my taxpayer dollars! Not only does it not allow running space for the dogs, it certainly isn't an open space for local kids to enjoy with their dogs. For the money, the Village H area could have been designated as a dog park. The community would have been MUCH happier. Village H is currently an open and natural area that everyone can enjoy. Me and my family consider it a value to have that area near our home. We have taken our dogs there for the 6+ years we have lived in the community. We have made great and lasting friendships because of that park. that she has that area to enjoy as she grows up. I have an 18 month old daughter and I hope and pray Please reconsider your plans to develop this area. Sincerely, The Grillo Family 2983 Brandon Circle Carlsbad CA 92008 ""_ "_" Amanda Grillo "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference" Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! http://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/ AGENDA ITEM # I> CI Mayor City Council Ciiy Manager City Attorney City Clerk cc: <emuno@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> To: From: "Dee Whiting" Cdee-whiting@yahoo.com> Date: 1/14/02 11:54AM Subject: Please save our grassy knoll Please, dear City Council, We do not need or want another Community Facility Strucvture. Village H, our lovely grassy knoll with beautiful trees, is already serving this purpose at no cost to you. It is not wise or appreciated to use this irreplaceable area as a construction dumping area. Please help save it for the community you are committed to serve. Please find another place to dump during construction and leave the area of Village H as it is now. Sincerely, <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Mrs. Dee Whiting 3205 Fosca Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 AGENDA ITEM u Mayor City Council City Manaer city At^;crr;ey City Clerk From: <PEGBOSCH@aol.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>. ccouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/14/02 2:29PM Subject: village H To: BudLewis,Ann Kulchin, Matt Hall,Ramona Finnella, Julie Nygaard town/village still had some green land and the city council were looking I moved to Carlsbad almost 4 yrs ago. I moved here because I believed this afler the people. All I have seen lately is every square inch of land built on including every corner. Where will it end? Now you people want to build a day care facility at the corner of Victoria and Carlsbad Vill. Drive. woods while we enjoy some peace in a natural setting. This area is part of I and many others have been walking our dogs, and meeting new friends in the our community and we want it iefl untouched. Before you think of building once again you need to address the traffic and safety problems at that corner. Regularly, there are traffic issues there. Putting in a Daycare Center is not compatible with the Vi1I.H function as a community dog-walking trail park. I fully support the idea of leaving Village H undeveloped to function as a wildlife corridor and would like to see restoration of native vegetation on the slopes Thankyou MDodds Lakewood St, Carlsbad CA From: Eric Munoz To: Marilyn Strong Date: 1/14/02 12:24PM Subject: Oceanside Mayor Terry Johnson will be at City Council to support the Planning Commission recommendation to defer Cannon Road Reach 48 from certification with EIR 98-02. O'side Engineering staff member Frank Watanabe left a voicemail this morning. EM 1 I1 4/02 cc: David Hauser; Frank Jimeno; Michael Holzmiller AGENDA ITEM # I3 CI Mayom- city a;OUliZil CQ Manager City Acorfley City Clerk From: <MATSMAN@aol.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/9/02 10:27AM Subject: Cannon Road, Phase 4 Directed to the Carlsbad Mayor and to each Council member completion of all phases of Cannon Road including the juncture to Oceanside. I have been a resident of the Ocean Hills area for 10 years. I support the The completion of this road will significantly reduce the traffic load on 1-76, the Carlsbad Business Park and Palomar Airport Road. The local opposition (Ocean Hills Country Club) to the final extension of Cannon Road does not represent the bulk of the !O,OOO Ocean Hills residents. There is, in within the Country Club. I was advised that they have never even taken a vote fact, a question as to whether they even represent the bulk of the owners of their owners to determine if they want the Cannon Road extension. In reality, the opposition consists of a handful of sue happy individuals who are opposed to all developments. Any delay in approving the final phase of Cannon Road is more then likely to probably become even more stringent then those currently in force. Vista, result in the road never being approved as the environmental rules will Oceanside and Carlsbad residents need a complete Cannon Road NOW. Richard Staszak Senior Oceanside Resident AGENDA ITEM # /3 GI Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk FiLirJ rn- To: From: "Arthur Hughes" <ahughes34@home.com> Date: Sat, Dec 15,2001 155 PM Subject: Cannon Road extention G: ~."=/LJ December 15,2001 CX] Pilanzer Dear Mayor and City Council, Carlsbad, California: <Council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> AGL, .: \ r?Xi # \ 3 u.:y bduiacil _II Ibi .y Attorney Mayor Bud Lewis Ann Kulchin Ramona Finnila Julanne Nygaard Matt Hall City Council: I am a resident of the Ocean Hills Country Club in the City of Oceanside and concerned about the planned construction, realignment, and elevation of Cannon Road in the City of Oceanside. This $1.4 Million road is planned to be 50 feet higher than the existing Cannon Road and will lead to intolerable pollution, safety hazards, and traffic gridlock. As presently planned, it is a "Road to Nowhere" which ends at So. Melrose Drive in the City of Vista and it will become a source of traffic stagnation rather than a solution to traffic circulation in the Ocean Hills community. the proposed City of Carlsbad [plan for the construction of Reach 4 of Cannon Road into the City of I hope, as a voting and tax-paying member of the community, that I can count on your support to oppose Oceanside. Sincerely yours, Arthur & Janet Hughes 5041 Caesena Way Oceanside, CA 92056 < ahughes34@home.com ~nciI'lnternet'Email- reach 4 -'cannon road'ext. ___m,,, ,,, , , , , , , , , , 7 AGENDA ITEM # 1 From: cCCates8431 @aol.com> To: cCouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Tue, Jan 1,2002 4:11 PM Subject: reach 4 - cannon road ext. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, As a citizen of Carlsbad (Calaavera Hills community) I would like to voice my opinion in opposition to the extension of Cannon Road from College to Oceanside. I was at the planning commission meeting and have recently spoken with Eric Munoz (a very knowledgeable and friendly asset to the asset) and I understand the possible traffic implications of not building the extension. However, those are estimates based on theoretical population density at buildout sometime in the future. The impact on the habitat and quality of life and the city coffers I feel far outweighs the theoretical traffic problems. And, if they should occur, I personally will be feel the tradeoff of inconvenience versus maintaining the natural beauty of the area will be well worth it. Finally, if these traffice problems do become unbearable, at that time you can reassess the extensions, or other options, that may be available. So, in summation, I urge you to eliminate reach 4, the connection of cannon from college to Oceanside, from the city plans. Thank You. Charlie Cates 4725 Edinburgh Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 JfiN--14-2002 82:58 FIM COMP-U-BfiG 760 729 2300 P. 01 G: !* ... 'jkA 3BII.n J. Butchko From: Brian J. Butchko [tasdevil@rnsn.com] Sent: Monday, January 14,2002 252 AM \.I,. 'AL.;-:l _I t "*"Y &.y &tc]:,> .' ~w : 720- 4-r:;: To: rnstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us CC: Eric N. Munoz; Gig1 Orlowski I Bruce Grouse Subject: Attention: Mayor Bud Lewis 8 Council Members: Ann Kulchin, Matt Hall, Ramona Finnilla, & Julie Nygaard -- CALAVERA HILLS DEVELOPMENT CONCERNS Finnilla, C Julia Nygaard TO: Mayor Bud Lewis L council Membsrs Ann Kulchin, Matt Hall, Ramona Re; Village "H" - DANGER! - Parcel Not Suitable for e Child Care Centar Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members. As a homeowner whose property abuts the Village 'H' parcel within the Calavera Hills Development area I am very well acquainted with the current activities that proposed child care site adjacent to Victoria Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive. occur on the parcel. From my upstairs home office, I have a full view of the In the past six months alone, there have been two incidences of cars traveling Eastbound on Carlsbad Village Drive and going over and down the embankment. landing in the area of planned development. I would estimate that over the years (I have have Cars ended up on the village "H" lived here since 1904) this has probably happened at least six times! Not only at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive. parcel, but numerous accidents have happened I believe that this is happening because this section of Carlsbad village Drive has nor ever been fully improved as designed by McMillin in the mid-80's when we purchased our home. When Westbound cars stop to make a left turn at Victoria Avenue they are rear-ended. Also. cars traveling Eastbound (usually at high speedsllose control as they make the sweeping left curve just past Victoria Avenue. They end up down the embanment on the Village "11" child care center planning area. It was a danger then, and it is a DANGER NOW!! I just can't tell you how many times I have heard screeching and crashing and have responded to these numerous accidents. It behooves any conscientious planners to fully research all of these accidents and plan accordingly. One would CERTAINLY not plan to build a child care center, let alone any other dwelling, on a parcel with such a history. RECMNMTIM: DO NOT BUILD OR CONSTRUCT ANYTHING ON THC VILLRGE "H" PARCEL UNLESS AND UNTIL THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS ARE TAI(EN: - Improvement of the street section of Carlsbad Village Drive adjacent to Victoria Avenue to a full width four lane deaign as originally planned frontage of the Village '*H" parcel on the Southerly side of Carlsbad Village Drive, Easterly of Victoria Avenue. Construction of a k-rail or other constraining device along tho As a Land surveyor and Civil Engineer who has enjoyed Carlsbad for many years I am DEEPLY CONCERNED about the potential danger that exiats right outside my window. Please take all of this into account when making a decision as to the disposition of the Village "H" parcel. Sincerely, Brian J. Butchko 2163 Vict-oria Avenue From: Greiko <greiko@pacbell.net> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/13/02 5:26PM Subject: Please save dog trail To the Carlsbad City council, Please leave the dog walking trail, it is the only area in town to walk with my dogs and other dog owners. The dog park is nice, but it does not allow me to walk with my dogs (only sit while they sniff around). I walk my dogs at the dog trail every morning. 1) I DO NOT WANT OR NEED a Community Facility Structure (i.e. Day Care Center) at Village H (Dog Walking Trail Park) 2) The Village H area (dog run) serves this purpose already, and that ANY construction on this beautiful natural gathering place would destroy the heart and soul of our community. Village H is on a dangerous curve on Carlsbad Village Drive (numerous cars 3) Traffic and safety problems have not been adequately addressed. have speeded off the road into the Community Facility (ie. Daycare Center Site). Village H's function as a community dog-walking trail park. (And the City 4) A Community Facility (Le. Daycare Center) is not compatible with may be inviting law suits if any problems occur between dogs and children at a Daycare Center.) 5) I support the idea of leaving Village H undeveloped to function as a wildlife corridor and would like to see the restoration of native vegetation (coastal sage scrub, etc) on the slopes adjacent to the community trail. Thank you, John and Mary Goble To: From: "Tom Lyman" <TomLymanPTC@msn.com> Date: 1/13/02 6:lEPM Subject: PLZ- NO FACILITY VILLAGE H DEAR: Bud Lewis, Ann Kulchin. Matt Hall, Ramona Finnilla. &Julie Nygaard FROM: TOM LYMAN, CARLSBAD VOTER AND RESIDENT (STANFORD STREET) RE: Please see below my serious feedback regarding Village H TODAY'S DATE: 1-1 3-02 <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 1) I DO NOT WANT OR NEED a Community Facility Structure (ie. Day Care Center) at Village H (Dog Walking Trail Park) 2) The Village H area (dog run) serves this purpose already, and that ANY construction on this our community. Village H is on a dangerous curve 3) Traffic and safety problems have not been adequately addressed. on Carlsbad Village Drive (numerous cars have speeded off the road into the Community Facility (ie. Daycare Center Site). beautiful natural gathering place would destroy the heart and soul of 4) A Community Facility (i.e. Daycare Center) is not compatible with Village Hs function as a community dog-walking occur between dogs and trail park. (And the City may be inviting law suits if any problems children at a Daycare Center.) wildlife corridor and would like to see 5) I support the idea of leaving Village H undeveloped to function as a the restoration of native vegetation (coastal sage scrub, etc) on the slopes adjacent to the community trail. THANK YOU, TOM LYMAN cc: <GIGIAO@aol.com> From: "JAX Equipment Registry" cphildebrand@sbcglobal.net> To: cmstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/13/02 10:41PM Subject: Village H Dear Council Members, I'm writing to you in hopes that you will thoughtfully consider leaving the area known as Village H as it is now ... Please do NOT consider placing a day care center, or community center or what have you in that location. become sane again. We walk, talk, visit, run, bike, think, dog walk, bird watch, look at butterflies, I've lived on Haverhill Street since 1984. The area known as Village H is the only place left for us to appreciate nature. Kids swing. We meet our neighbors there ... neighbors we didn't even know before. We become a community there. Adding any kind of facility to that corner will change our community for the worse. There already is too much traffic on Victoria. And it moves much too fast. Little kids walking home from Hope Elementary along Carlsbad Village Drive are a few feet from cars that are traveling 50 mph or better. We don't need even more traffic. A day care center would mean coming and going constantly. I know that parents don't always drive so carefully just because they have children. A few years ago, a new family moved in on our street and opened up a day care in the home. Haverhill is one block long ... It used to be the quietest street in the tract. Now the cars in the morning and evening are fast and furious. We don't need more of that on a corner that is already dangerous. A Day care or Community Ctr and be placed anywhere ... but the animals and birds that live in this area can't be placed anywhere. This is it for them. Where do you expect these creatures to go? Can't you leave them something? Is Carlsbad so in need of more revenue that it has to take this piece of land from these creatures? When you take away the animals and birds, trees and natural growth, you diminish all of our lives. Please leave it as it is. We need it just like it is Thank you. Pamela Hildebrand 3605 Haverhill Street Phone 760-434-5336 FAX 760-434-4604 AGENDA ITEM # 13 To: From: "Robert Leppan" cRobert.Leppan@Novamex.com> Date: 1 /I 3/02 10:39AM City Council Subject: Calavera Hllls Village H Development City Manager Cily Attorney cmstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> c: Mayor Dear Bud, Ann, Matt, Ramona & Julie: My family and I live in close proximity to the intersection of Victoria Ave and Carlsbad Village Drive. It has come to my attention that the "Village H beautiful canyon area where we jog, walk our kids & dogs is being considered for development by City Council. This letter is to express my disapproval of ANY changes to this wonderful would be a horrendous mistake. Firstly, such construction totally ignores site. Specifically, council's consideration of a Community Center or Daycare the fact that the city's official plan, as I understand it, never considered this type of commercial development. Secondly, this site is a wild life corridor and construction would forever alter the habitat pattern for coyotes, foxes, owls and other animals. Thirdly, Carlsbad Village Drive is a busy thoroughfare and approval of any community facility ignores the problems of extra traffic plus a curve where cars have gone out of control and off the road several times in the last few years. Please leave this beautiful land just as it is. Yours truly, Robert Leppan cc: ccouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> From: <LoriandTimP@aol.com> To: cmstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>. ccouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/13/02 1:54PM Subject: Please preserve the dog run areal Dear City Council, Please do not use our dog run ("Village H) as a dumping ground. Don't take away ANOTHER piece of Carlsbad that so many are already using. It seems that tax collectors keep getting the vote in their favor. Please draw the line in spite of many existing residents' wishes, over the years, the developers & traffic & over-congestion problems. and vote for us, the people who already live here & who are inundated with Thank you for your consideration. Please do what you can Lori Powers From: Lynn Crockett <lynn.crockett@america.lego.com> To: ccouncil@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "'mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us"' <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1/14/02 9:14AM Subject: Village H Dear Mr. Munoz and City Council: The proposed development of a community facility structure on the currently undeveloped wildlife corridor of Village H is not necessary and is unwanted by the surrounding community that a facility would propose to serve. Existing trails and undeveloped areas are now used daily by adults, Village H contributes to the peace and beauty of our community, and children, dogs, and families of our community. The undeveloped state of providing a place within walking distance where community members gather to enjoy the natural beauty of our city. We consider Village H a vital community resource as it is. It is my understanding that McMillin is willing to consider leaving Village H undeveloped, and would also consider restoring the natural vegetatiomon slopes adjacent to the community trails, except for the city's Community Facility Zoning Requirement. Speaking for myself and many other members of the community, I urge the city to remove the Zoning Requirement from Village currently functions well for us. Has the city heard from community members H. An undeveloped Village H is in the best interest of the community and who are demanding a child care facility in Village H? Any restoration of natural vegetation would improve Village H. Any further development would not serve our community better than the current natural wildlife corridor.. "'emuno@carlsbd.ca.us"' <emuno@carlsbd.ca.us>, "'council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us"' Sincerely, 2738 Avalon Ave. Lynn Crockett Carsbad, CA 92008 760-720-2376 AGENDA ITEM # 1 3 c: Mayor Gity Council City Manager City Attorney 1EriqMunoz,- pdty council.wps Page 1 I ” AGENDA ITEM #I C: myor city Council city Attorney w- January 14,2002 City Manager Mayor Lewis and Ci Council Members CIQ of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re : Calavera Hills Phase I1 EIR and BTD Honorable Mayor and Council : Preserve Calavera is a grassroots organization whose goal is the protection and preservation of the largest remaining native habitat in cod north County. To that end we have raised numerous concerns about this project- most mtly at the December 19,2001 and Janua~y 2, 2002 Planning Commission meetings.(please review our letter of December 19th and summary of testimony included m your packet.) . We recognize the extensive work by your staff and Planning Commission to address many of the the concerns that have been raised with this project. They are to be mngratuIated for their efforts. The concern with trail access has been addressed and will be worked out through the next phases of community planning. The remaining concerns are all issues that have beRl raised over the last 10 years as part of the regional planning process documented on the Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan, and in the City of Carkbad‘s own Habitat Conservation Plan. These are all serious issues that will impact both this preserve and the quality of We for residents of this area We urge you to take the time to assure yourselves and the citizen’s of Carlsbad that these issues have received thorough re+ and consideration. These issues are as follows: - extension of Cannon Rd Reach 4 Extendii a road through the center of hardline preserve land is a major issue. The recommended solution of dividing the road into two segments in order to do further study of alternative aligmnents and elevations recognizes the importance of this decision. We would ask that you clarify your intentions by adding conditions that make it clear that the 1,200 foot section of Reach 4a would only be built if required for access to the new high school site, or for completion of all habitat- and doesn’t go anywhere. of Reach 4. Let‘s all make sure we don’t end up with a road that impacts wetlands and core - wildlikcorridon College Blvd. creates major barriers to the movement of wildlife in what is supposed to be a major regional wildlife corridor- connecting core babitat at Calavera with core habitat to the north. The current plans do not protect the ability of wildlife to move through this area cost alternatives that would address this corn- but they haven’t beem seriously considered. Retrolitting College Blvd with an dercrossing will be costly. We believe that there are lower I ~nc Munoz - PC-city council.wps Page 2 I - ViUage H Community Facility Two community Facilities(CF) are proposed with Phase 11, but only the single 1 acre site at Village Y was required at the time the Master Plan Amendment was submitted. The developer got caught in the middle of the city's action to increase this requirement. The 2 acre CF at Vie Y is in fact used as a community facility- for dog walking, recreation, and community gathering. The topography in this area allows it to function both for the community, and as a secondary wildlife corridor at the base of the canyon Reducing or eliminating the requirement for a second CF at Village H would recognize the existing community use of this area, &w the existing wildlife corridor to continue to function, and be fair to the developer by not adding a new requirement in the. middle of the project approval process. - wetlands impacts regional and your own plans require that wetlands impacts are to be avoided, and only if The proposed roadway coniigmation will impact over 4 acres of existing wetlands. Both the has been an adequate evaluation of alternatives that either eliminate or minimii these wetlands avoidance is not practical are the impacts to be minimized and mitigated. We do not believe there impacts. - management of the preserved lands W~th the Calavera Hills project alone there will now be three management entities each responsible for managing only a portion of the protected open space. This includes TET managing the mitigation area at h4T Calavera, the homeowner's associationmanaging other protected open space fiom Phase I, and probably the Center for Lands Management the balance lands- with effective monitoring and public accountabii. We are all responsible for managing of the Phase I1 land. The HMP recognizes the importance of uniform management of preserve work towards an integrated, effective system of managing hard line preserve land. the remaining sensitive habitat in this area- and none of us are doing a very good job. We need to Thank you for your consideration of these concern. Your continued efhrts at their resolution will result in a better community for the people of this area, and the endangered plants and animals that live here with us. Diane Nygaard On BehaKof Preserve Calavera c ‘1 January 15,2002 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Deputy City Engineer, Transportation EXISTING AND BUILDOUT VOLUMES ON EAST-WEST ARTERIALS As requested by Council Member Hall, attached are the most current traffic volumes for the listed east-west road segments and the projected build-out volumes for the same segment. These volumes are the 24-hour ADT for the road segment. RLtT.p+ ROBERT T. JOH SON, JR., P.E. An Recciie-Agenda 1-L Deputy City Engineer, Transportation RTJ:jd ClTYcoUNcIL C: Public Works Director F&k. Information Of the. Ad. CM-CALWd City Engineer Date \* \fliWua EAST-WEST ARTERIALS I Carlsbad Village Drive I Pi0 Pic0 Drive I Monroe Street I 17,362 I 15,000 I Carlsbad Village Drive I El Carnino Real I Pontiac Drive 7,000 10,622 - Carlsbad Village Drive 10,000 8.868 Carlsbad Village Drive El Carnino Real Tamarack Avenue 15,000 16.091 Park Drive Pi0 Pic0 Drive Tamarack Avenue 17,000 5,388 College Boulevard Tamarack Avenue Cannon Road Paseo Del Norte LEGOLAND Drive 15.695 28.000 Cannon Road I Faraday Avenue I El Carnino Real I No Count Available I 22,000 Cannon Road I El Carnino Real I Colleae Boulevard 1 No Count Available I 21.000 Palornar Airport Road I Yarrow Drive I El Camino Real Palornar Airoort Road I El Camino Real I El Fuerte Street 29,000 29,785 66.000 50.404 Palornar Airport Road I El Fuerte Street I Melrose Drive 61,000 49,468 ,, I Poinsettia Lane I Paseo Del Norte I Aviara Parkway 22,030 35,700 I Poinsettia Lane I Aviara Parkway I Black Rail Road I 1,902 I 18,600 I Poinsettia Lane 36,300 32,246 El Carnino Real Interstate Highway 5 La Costa Avenue 24,100 22,973 Melrose Drive El Camino Real Alga Road 19,400 No Count Available Melrose Drive El Carnino Real ., La Costa Avenue 17.000 14.406 Rancho Santa Fe Road El Carnino Real ATTORNEYS AT LAW An Association of Independent Law Firms L. SUE LOFTIN THE PLAZA LA IOLLA VILLAGE slofh%loftinlaw.com 4330 LA IOLLA VILLAGE DRIVE, SUITE 330 JASMIN D. FLOES SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 jflores~.loftinla\\.com FACSIMILE (858) 535-9381 (858) 481-6861 TELEPHONE (858) 535-9380 HUGH McLEAN , OF COUNSEL WEB ADDRESS: WRITERS DIRECT LINE (858) 535-9380 CLIENTMATTERNUMBER urw.la\~verr.camiloflinlaw.com RCOA-471 January 15, 2002 VIA HAND DELIVERY The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: EIR 98-02 - CALAVERA HILLS PHASE WB; BRIDGE & MASTER TENTATIVE MAP FOR CALAVERA HILLS PHASE I1 (the “Project”) Hearing Date: January 15,2002 Hearing Time: 6:OO p.m. ACTIONREQUESTED: A Yes vote on the Project, providing the Conditions of Approval include those conditions as set forth in this correspondence. THOROUHFARE #4; DETENTION BASINS BJ & BJB AND CT 00-02- Dear Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons: This correspondence is submitted on behalf of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association, Inc., a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, representing its Members, the individual owners of Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estates. The purpose of this correspondence is to support the above project, providing the following conditions are approved and incorporated into the resolutions presented for the above referenced Project: THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 2 of 4 ERRATA SHEET, 1-15-2 Prepared by D. Hauser, as amended by Association On page 2 of City Council Resolution No. under the section that reads “The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows:” append the following statements: 4. That condition numbers 31,38 and 39 imposed by the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 51 17 be revised to read as follows: 31. Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the Calavera Hills Phase II project (“Project“), the applicant shall cause Owner to enter into a purchase option agreement with the City of Carlsbad and the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association offering the City the option to purchase, at not more than fair market value, an approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land, to provide a relocation site for facilities that will either be replaced by or have the access severed by the construction of College Boulevard Reach A or Detention Basin BJ(the “Facilities Replacement Area”). The general location of the Facilities Replacement Area is shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the location of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association facilities, including the community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area. The purchase option agreement shall provide that if the City does not exercise its option to purchase by January 1, 2010, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association may exercise the option and purchase the parcel. The sole consideration for this Option shall be the agreement by Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association to withdraw its opposition to and formally support the Project at the Planning Commission and City Council hearing@), and any other governmental agency. The “Project” is defined as Calavera Hills Master Plan, Phase 11, Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 and Detention Basins Project. The agreement shall also provide that the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association, with agreement of Owner, may process any and all permits and applications with the appropriate governmental agencies required for the implementation of these provisions provided any such permits issued are conditioned upon the transfer of the parcel. Alternately, the owner may elect to process the necessary permits and applications to implement these provisions itself. The agreement shall also provide that if either the Owner or Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association are denied by any approving governmental agency a requested permit necessary for use of THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 3 of 4 the 5.7 acre parcel for a community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area, then the purchase option agreement shall automatically terminate. The City shall provide the mechanism whereby the purchase by the Association shall be eligible for credit and repayment from the appropriate funding source or sources established by the City which include this purpose. Any such credit and repayment mechanism shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with the transfer to the City by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association of the property rights required to install Basin BJ. If the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association and Owner are unable to reach agreement with respect to the terms of the purchase option agreement by May 1,2002, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association and Owner shall enter into binding arbitration to resolve the terms of the agreement, subject to concurrence by the City to the extent the terms impact the City’s obligations under the agreement. Such arbitration to be paid for by Owner. The City Manager and City Attorney, or their designees, shall be authorized to negotiate and enter into the purchase option agreement on behalf of the City, provided it complies with the terms of this condition, without further review by the City Council. The actual purchase or acquisition of the property which is the subject of the option agreement will require City Council review and approval. 38. The applicant shall construct a five-foot sound wall atop a three-foot earthen berm to run along the south side of Reach 3 of Cannon Road between El Camino Real and the intersection with College Boulevard (the “Berm”). The Berm and the slope shall be fully landscaped, as shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit, on that portion of the berm and slope facing the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The landscaping plans shall be approved prior to the approval of the final map for CT 00-02 and such landscaping shall be installed at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road to public traffic. The sound wall shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the southern right-of-way of Cannon Road Reach 3, where wetlands or other sensitive habitats do not interfere. 39. The applicant shall cause the Owner to plant eucalyptus trees, or such other trees as are comparable in price and availability, and native hydroseeding on an approximately 2.51 acre parcel of land generally located between Cannon Road Station 150 plus 80 feet and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, as shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the grove parcel. Approximately 2.25 acres THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 4 of 4 of this parcel of land, generally located between Cannon Road Station 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, shall be deeded or provided by permanent easement to the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association at no cost. Deeding or granting of the easement, and planting and irrigation of the grove parcel shall occur at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road Reach 3. If the conditions as stated above are not adopted as part of the Project approval, then the Association does NOT support the project and refers the City to its Letter of Objections, dated, December 5, 2001 addressed to Eric Munoz, and incorporating correspondence dated 10-10-01 and objections to Army Corp of Engineers, dated 11-9-01, and filed with the City Clerk, for the Planning Commissioners consideration. The Association would like to commend the City Council on its staff, particularly David Hauser and Eric Munoz, both of whom have worked with the Association in a positive manner during the Planning Commission process and leading up to the City Council hearings. Sincerely, L. Sue Loftin, Esq. LSL:seb Encl: Three (3): The Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit; Exhibit 1 Robertson Rancho & Letter dated 12- 19-1 from David Hauser C:Via Email: Client David Hauser Eric Munoz Amy Nefouse, Esq. (Attorney for McMillin) Brian Millich, for McMillin December 19, 2001 Sue Loftin LOFTIN &WARD 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92122 RELOCATION OF RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK RV STORAGE AREA, MAINTENANCE FACILITIES, WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, VEHICLE WASH FACLITY AND COMMUNITY GARDEN (THE “RC AMENITIES”) Pursuant to our telephone conversation earlier today, I have prepared this letter to memorialize our understanding regarding the future relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) amenities located on Parcel 4 owned by RCMHP. We recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of College Boulevard Reach A will effectively sever the physical access to the RCMHP amenities currently enjoyed by the residents living within the park. We also recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of Retention Basin BJ will require relocation of all RCMHP amenities located within the area of inundation created by Basin BJ including the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and portions of the community garden. City staff will pursue the goal of collaboratively working with the RCMHP owners, the Zone 15 developers and the McMillin Company towards a solution which includes relocation of the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and community garden onto the approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land located generally north of the RCMHP property and south of future Cannon Road Reach 3 as shown on the attached Exhibit 1. The relocation of these facilities will include planning and design for such facilities, site preparation, provision of utilities, installation of replacement RCMHP amenities, installation of security fencing, installation of appropriate pedestrian and vehicular access from RCMHP across Calavera Creek and processing of any discretionary actions and agency permits. City staff will also pursue the goal crafting a financial plan for the relocation of said facilities in such a manner as to not require any financial involvement of the RCMHP over and above their current obligation for payment of Local Drainage Area “B” fee and RCMHP’s dedication Sue Loftin Letter Page 2 of the needed land or easements required to construct Basin BJ in exchange for the relocation benefits generally outlined in this letter. It is the City's further intention to require establishment an appropriate financing mechanism(s) to spread the costs of the relocation in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with State law and to require construction of the relocated RCMHP amenities, including without limitation, access from the existing LotlParcel 2 (the LotlParcel on which the mobilehomes are located) of RCHOA prior to construction of Reach A of College Boulevard and Retention Basin BJ. If you have further questions or comments on this matter, please feel free to give me a call to discuss. Respectfully, David Hauser Deputy City Engineer C City Manager Public Works Director Community Development Director Planning Director Bill Arnold, Rancho Carlsbad Owner's Association Brian Millich, McMillin Development Company David Bently, Cantarini Ranch Bob Ladwig, Ladwig Design Group Sent By: WILSON ENGINEERING; 76043801 73; Oec-19-01 16:26; Page 212 .. From: <LGarfin@aol.com> To: cmstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 1 /I 5/02 4:05PM Subject: Calavera Hills EIR Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council: This is to request that you remove, entirely, Cannon Road Reach 4 from the Calavera Hills EIR which you will consider for approval this evening. As I understand it, the plannning commission has recommended that you remove, for further planning study, only the portion of Cannon Road Reach 4 adjoining Oceanside, and approve the EIR including 1200 feet of its westernmost portion. According to the EIR itself and testimony at the Planning Commission hearing, none of Reach 4 is required for the major plan which gives rise to the EIR, is not requested by the developer of that project, and has no funding other than what the City may provide. Also, there has been no adequate study of the impact of eliminating either all (the "no build" option) or a portion of the road. Cannon Road Reach 4 would cause permanent degradation of an established community, it would be harmful to the environment, is not needed, would not significantly help the traffic situation and would be very costly to the City of Carlsbad. I urge you to entirely delete it from the EIR which you are considering for approval at this time and, eventually, from the circulation element of the City's Master Plan. Thank you for your consideration Louis Garfin 4013 Arcadia Way Oceanside. CA 92056 AGENDA ITEM # January 15,2002 To: City Council From: Deputy City Engineer, Planning and Programs & ERRATA SHEET FOR EIR 98-02 - CALAVERA HILLS PHASE 111 B&TD#4/ DETENTION BASINS BJ AND BJB AND CT 00-02 - MASTER TENTATIVE MAP FOR CALAVERA HILLS PHASE II Please consider the following changes to City Council Resolution No. 2002-016 certifying EIR 98-02 and approving GPA 99-03(/MP 150(H)ILFMP 87-07(A)/ZC 01- OI/CT 00-02/HDP 00-02 and the Candidate Findings of Fact (identified as Exhibit EIR- A) : On page 2 of City Council Resolution No. 2002-016 under the section that reads “The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows:” append the following statements: 4. That condition numbers 31,38 and 39 imposed by the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 51 17 be revised to read as follows: 31. Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the Calavera Hills Phase II project (“Project”), the applicant shall cause Owner to enter into a purchase option agreement with the City of Carlsbad and the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association offering the City the option to purchase, at not more than fair market value, an approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land, to provide a relocation site for facilities that will either be replaced by or have the access severed by the construction of College Boulevard Reach A or Detention Basin BJ(the “Facilities Replacement Area”). The general location of the Facilities Replacement Area is shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the location of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association facilities, including the community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area. The purchase option agreement shall provide that if the City does not exercise its option to purchase by January 1, 2010, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association may exercise the option and purchase the parcel. The agreement shall also provide that the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association, with agreement of Owner, may process any and all permits and applications with the appropriate governmental agencies required for the implementation of these provisions provided any such permits issued are conditioned upon the transfer of the parcel. Alternately, the owner may elect to process the necessary permits and applications to implement these provisions itself. r EIR 98-02 Errata Sheet Page 2 of 4 The agreement shall also provide that if either the Owner or Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association are denied by any approving governmental agency a requested permit necessary for use of the 5.7 acre parcel for a community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area, then the purchase option agreement shall automatically terminate. The City shall provide the mechanism whereby the purchase by the Association shall be eligible for credit and repayment from the appropriate funding source or sources established by the City which include this purpose. Any such credit and repayment mechanism shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with the transfer to the City by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association of the property rights required to install Basin BJ. If the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association and Owner are unable to reach agreement with respect to the terms of the purchase option agreement by May 1,2002, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association and Owner shall enter into binding arbitration to resolve the terms of the agreement, subject to concurrence by the City to the extent the terms impact the City’s obligations under the agreement. Such arbitration to be paid for by Owner. The City Manager and City Attorney, or their designees, shall be authorized to negotiate and enter into the purchase option agreement on behalf of the City, provided it complies with the terms of this condition, without further review by the City Council. The actual purchase or acquisition of the property which is the subject of the option agreement will require City Council review and approval. 38. The applicant shall construct a five-foot sound wall atop a three-foot earthen berm to run along the south side of Reach 3 of Cannon Road between El Camino Real and the intersection with College Boulevard (the “Berm”). The Berm and the slope shall be fully landscaped, as shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit, on that portion of the berm and slope facing the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The landscaping plans shall be approved prior to the approval of the final map for CT 00-02 and such landscaping shall be installed at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road to public traffic. The sound wall shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the southern right-of-way of Cannon Road Reach 3. where wetlands or other sensitive habitats do not interfere. 39. The applicant shall cause the Owner to plant eucalyptus trees, or such other trees as are comparable in price and availability, and native hydroseeding on an approximately 2.51 acre parcel of land generally located between Cannon Road Station 150 plus 80 feet and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, as shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the grove parcel. Approximately 2.25 acres of this parcel of land, generally located between Cannon Road Station 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, shall be deeded or provided by permanent easement to the Rancho Carlsbad EIR 98-02 Errata Sheet Page 3 of 4 Owners Association at no cost. Deeding or granting of the easement, and planting and irrigation of the grove parcel shall occur at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road Reach 3. Make the following changes to the Candidate Findings of Fact identified as Exhibit EIR- A in the agenda packet: On page 2 of in the first paragraph under the section entitled “Project Description and Purpose” change the words “...Cannon Road (Reaches 3 and 4). . .” to read ‘I.. .Cannon Road (Reaches 3 and 4A) ...” On page in the second bulleted sentence under the section entitled “Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4IDention Basins:” change the words “...Reaches 3 and 4 for Cannon Road.” to “...Reaches 3 and 4A for Cannon Road. Reach 4B of Cannon Road, which begins adjacent to the entrance to the proposed high school site, approximately 1200 feet east of the future proposed intersection with College Boulevard, and extending easterly to the intersection with Leisure Village Drive within the City of Oceanside, has been eliminated from the project being approved with these Findings.” On page 7,in second subparagraph a) under “Traffic Circulation”, replace “(Reach 4)” with “(Reach 4A)”. On page 20 under the heading “Sensitive Plant Communities” make the following revisions: Under the fourth bulleted sentence within the section entitled “Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub:” replace “Cannon Road (Reach 4). Impacts to 16 acres of ...” with “Cannon Road (Reach 4A). Mitigate impacts to ...” Under the third bulleted sentence within the section entitled “Non-native Grasslands:” replace “Cannon Road (Reach 4). Impacts to 0.2 acre of ...” with “Cannon Road (Reach 4A) Mitigate impacts to ...” Under the second bulleted sentence within the section entitled “Cismontane Alkali Marsh:” replace “Cannon Road (Reach 4). Impacts to 0.1 acre of ...” with “Cannon Road (Reach 4A). Mitigate impacts to ...” Under the third bulleted sentence within the section entitled “Riparian ForesVRiparian Scrub:” replace “Cannon Road (Reach 4). Impacts to 0.1 acre of riparian scrub (Reach 4) ...” with ”Cannon Road (Reach 4A). Mitigate impacts to riparian scrub.. .” On page 27 under subsection 1) entitled “Infeasibility of Mitigation for Significant Unmitigated Impacts” add a “(I)” in advance of the subheading “Landform AlterationNisual Quality” and add the two following significant unmitigated impacts: EIR 98-02 Errata Sheet Page 4 of 4 (2) Noise a) Impact: If property owners in The Cape do not permit construction of noise barriers on their property, significant noise impacts would occur due to future College Boulevard (b) Finding: There are no other feasible mitigation measures, other than construction of noise barriers, that would mitigate the significant noise impacts to The Cape. Therefore, if the property owners refuse permission to construct these barriers, the impact will remain unmitigated. (3) Cumulative Traffic (a) Impact: The SR-78/EI Camino Real westbound off-ramp would operate at LOS E in the PM peak hour during the year 2020, which is considered a significant cumulative impact. (b) Finding: The SR-78/EI Camino Real westbound off-ramp would operate at LOS E in the PM peak hour during the year 2020, with or without the project. All feasible traffic mitigation measures have been adopted for the project’s direct impacts. There is no feasible mitigation that can lessen this cumulative impact to below a level of significance. On page 37, in item number 7 entitled “Citywide Road Network Improvements”, replace “...(Reaches 39nd 4) ...” with “...(Reaches 3 and 4A) ...‘I. avid Ha er Deputy City Engineer Planning and Programs C City Manager City Attorney Public Works Director Community Development Director Brian Millich, McMillin Co. LLC Sue Loftin. Loftin and Ward . 'ROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp TE OF CALIFORNIA Ity of San Diego a citizen of the United States and a resident of ounty aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen and not a party to or interested in the above- rd matter. I am the principal clerk of the :r of North County Times erly known as the Blade-Citizen and The ;-Advocate and which newspapers have been icated newspapers of general circulation by uperior Court of the County of San Diego, of California, for the County of San Diego, he notice of which the annexed is a printed (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has published in each regular and entire issue of lewspaper and not in any supplement thereof z following dates, to-wit: January 5, 2002 ify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that regoing is true and correct. i at San Marcos , California Proflf,?f~b!?+%?b?fic Hearing NOTICE QF PUBLlG HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to yw, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the p.m. on Tuesday, January 15;2002, to constder a requ. t lor a Council Chambers. 1200 CarlsbadVillage Drive, Carlsbad. Calihia, at 6:oO Report includihg Candidate Findings of Fact. Stat@ments 01 Overriding remmmenQ#on of bpbrom'for certicca6on a0 Environmen3 Idpad Consideration. and a Mitigation Monitoring and RepcrMg Program lor the environnyntal and Detention Basins BJ and BJB of the Cis Master OrainaM Plan, and requesl for a rwiew of the Calavera Hills Master Pbn, the Cis Bridse andThqroughfare Distriet (BTD) #4 Calavera Hills Master PIBn: (3) an amendment to the ZoRe 7Local Facilnles Management Plan; recommendation of approval for: (1) a General Plan Am@Lfwnti (2) an anandiwant to me 14) a Zone Change: 151 a MasterTentative Map. and (61 a Hillside Development Permit. These hitions are being resietted to allow for the land use'changes and rnass'grading proposed for the buildout of me Calavera Hills Master Plan, located in the northeast quadrant of the City and more particularly described as: A portim of LotS"8.. "W, 'E", and "X of Rancho Aqua Wionda, according ta partilmn map therwf NO. 823, filed in the Oftice of the Counly Rmfdeder of saki San Diego County on November 16, 1896 a11 being in me City of Carisbad. County of San Diego, State of California. Those persms wishing to speak on mis proposal are cordially invited to anend the public hearing. Copies of me stan report will be available m and after January 1t.2W2. Hyc4 pave any qu?@titions,.please call Eric MUROZ in the Planning Depatlment at (760) 602-4608 The time within whii pu may judicialty challenge the Tenwive T%'I Map, if approved, is established by State law andlor cily ordinance, and is very shorl. It you .challenge me Envimnt6ental Impact Report, General Plan Amendment, Master Plan. Local Faallties Management Plan. Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, and/br Hillside Dweiopment Plan in court, you may be limited to Msing only those issues you or Someone else wrinen correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, ramd at the public hearing described in this notice or in Attn: City Clerk's Office, at or prior to the public heanng. CASE FILE EIR 98-OZGPA 99-03iMP lSO(H)ILFMP87-07(A)lZC 0141lCT 00-OZHDP 00-02 CASE NAME CALAVERA HILLS PHASE IlIBRlDGE ANDTHOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #4 PUBLISH JANUARY 5,'2002 I . .. NORTH COUNTY'TIMES Legal Advertising 01/02/02 WED 09:29 FAX 760 761 0908 NORTH COZTNTI TIMES SM MOO1 + c 105-CarIsba 4x6 12/02 8:41 NOT'lrGE OF PUBLIC HEARlNC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affeclt that fhe City Council of the Ciiy of Cadsbad will hold a public hearing at I Council Chambers, 1200 CarlsbadVillage Drive. Carlsbad, California. at 6 p.m. on Tuesdv Jmuary 15. 2002, to consider a request for recommendation of approval for certilication of an Envimnmenld Irrp; eport including Candidate Findings of Fact, Statements 01 Overridi Consideration. and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporllng Program for he ennronmeo review of the Calavera Hills Master Plan, Ihe Clty's Bridge andThoroughfare Distrid (ETD) and Dolendon Basins BJ and BIB of the City% Master Drainage Plan, and reqUeSl fcl recommendation of approval for: (1) a General Plan Arnendmenl; (2) an amendment to 1 Calaven Hills Masler Pian: (3) an amendment lo lha Zone 7 Local Facilities Management PI8 (4) a Zone Change: (5) a MasterTentative Map, and; (6) a Hillside Development Pemdl. The actions are being requested to allow for the land use Fanges and mass graana proposed the buiidout 01 Ihe Calavera Hllls Master Plan, located In the northead quadrant of the Giy a more panimlarly described as: A portion of Lots "B', "Dm, 'E'. and 11" of Rancho Aqua Hedlonda, according m parWn m thereof No, 823, filed in the Office of me Counly Recorder of sald San Diego COUntY November 16,1896 all belng In the city of Cambad. County of San Diego, Stale 01 Califorr Those persans wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially inviled IC anend The put hearing. Copies of the staff reporl will be available on and alter January 1 t ,2002 If yau k any questions, please call Eric Munoz In Ihe Planning Deparlment at (760) 602-4608. The time within which you my judicially challenge The TennWe Tram Map. if approved eWlished by stale law and/or city ordinance, and b very short. If you challenge I Environmental inQad Report General Plan Arnendrnen Master Plan Local Faclli Management Plan. Zone Change, Tenladve Traa Map. andlor Hlllslde Development Plan in court yw may be Ilrnlted IO raising mly those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this nOW or in written correspondence delivered to the C~ly of Carlsbad, Am Cily Cleh's Olce, at or prlor to the public hearing. CASE FILE EIR SBWGPA 99-03MP 15O(H)ILFMP 87-07(A)EC 01-OllCT W4)ZIHDP 0002 CASE NAME: CALAVERA HILLS PHASE IllBRlDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #4 PUBLISH; JANUARY 5.2002 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Legal 71 889. January 5,2002 lap on tia. ~lic we lhe is ies j "1. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, to consider a request for a recommendation of approval for certification of an Environmental Impact Report including Candidate Findings of Fact, Statements of Overriding Consideration, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the environmental review of the Calavera Hills Master Plan, the City’s Bridge and Thoroughfare District (BTD) #M and Detention Basins BJ and BJB of the City’s Master Drainage Plan, and request for a recommendation of approval for: (1) a General Plan Amendment; (2) an amendment to the Calavera Hills Master Plan; (3) an amendment to the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan; (4) a Zone Change; (5) a Master Tentative Map, and; (6) a Hillside Development Permit. These actions are being requested to allow for the land use changes and mass grading proposed for the buildout of the Calavera Hills Master Plan, located in the northeast quadrant of the City and more particularly described as: A portion of Lots “B”, “D, “E”, and “J” of Rancho Aqua Hedionda, according to partition map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County on November 16, 1896 all being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after January 11, 2002. If you have any questions, please call Eric Munoz in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4608. The time within which you may judicially challenge the Tentative Tract Map, if approved, is established by state law and/or city ordinance, and is very short. If you challenge the Environmental Impact Report, General Plan Amendment, Master Plan, Local Facilities Management Plan, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, and/or Hillside Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerks Office, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: EIR 98-02/GPA 99-03/MP 150(H)/LFMP 87-07(A)/ZC 01-011CT 00-02/HDP 00-02 CASE NAME: CALAVERA HILLS PHASE WBRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #4 PUBLISH: JANUARY 5,2002 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CALAVERA HILLS PHASE IVBRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #4 EIR 98-02/GPA 99-03/MP I50(H)/LFMP 87-07(A)/ ZC 01 -OI/CT 00-02/HDP 00-02 CARLSBAD UNlF SCHOOL DlST 801 PINE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF ENClNlTAS 505 S VULCAN AVE ENClNlTAS CA 92024 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STE 100 91 74 SKY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123-4340 AIR POLLUTION CNTRL DlST 9150 CHESAPEAKE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92123 U.S. FISH &WILDLIFE 2730 LOKER AVE WEST CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKSKOMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT PLANNER ERIC MUNOZ CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME 4949 VIEWRIDGE AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92123 CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 SD COUNTY PLANNING ST€ B 5201 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 SANDAG STE 800 401 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 CA COASTAL COMMISSION ST€ 103 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92108-4402 CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKSENGINEERING DEPT CITY OF OCEANSIDE 300 NORTH COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CITY OF VISTA PO BOX 1988 VISTA CA 92085 LAFCO 1600 PACIFIC HWY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 I.P.U.A. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMIN AND URBAN STUDIES SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SAN DIEGO CA 92182-4505 CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 12128/2001 HANSON AGGREGATES PACIF 9229 HARRIS PLANT RD HANSON AGGREGATES PACIF CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C 9229 HARRIS PLANT RJJ 2727 HOOVER AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92163-9069 SAN DIEGO CA 92163-9069 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HARNEY ST CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL 2727 HOOVER AVE 2182 S EL CAMINO REAL 2 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6207 TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HARNEY ST EARL I PARKER EDWARD J & ROSE HARRIS 2744 AUBURN AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 2746 AUBURN AVE DEAN C & FAITH SPINOS GARY D HUTTENMAIER BLACKBURN 2748 AUBURN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2172 2750 AUBURN AVE 3602 LAREDO ST SUK H KIM 2746 VICTORIA AVE SOTERIOS S TRIANTIS SCOTT D THOMPSON 3625 HAVERHILL ST 3623 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2190 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 ROBERT A & JANELL HULL CHERYL L FLETCHER CARY & JENNIFER IKEMOTO 3621 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3423 3619 HAVERHILL ST 6722 LEMON LEAF DR DENNIS G BRADY RUSSELL MACLARDY MARSHALL P GARDNER 3615 HAVERHILL ST 3613 HAVERHILL ST 3611 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 STEVEN L HALLETT THOMAS E MENZIE 3609 HAVERHILL ST 3607 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 PAMELA E HILDEBRAND 3605 HAVERHILL ST JAMES J MARRON KEVIN B BLACKBURN PAUL & MARY KONIECZNY 3603 HAVERHILL ST 3601 HAVERHILL ST 3602 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 NORRIS E WILLIAMS CHARLES F MCFARLANE 1406 CHESTNUT CT BERT & BARBARA HONIG 3608 HAVERHILL ST 3606 HAVERHILL ST HERNDON VA 20170-3935 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 CAUSEY NOVAK 3610 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 PAUL H ALEXANDER 3614 HAVERHILL ST 3612 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 DANIEL L SEXTON WOLFROM DONALD & GRETA DOCKER 3616 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 3618 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 3620 HAVERHILL ST BROWN ROBERT M CUNNINGHAM 3622 HAVERHILL ST 3624 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2174 JOHN D STAMATELATOS 3626 HAVERHILL ST DOMING0 G PARRA JAY & PAMELA WIESTLING 274 VICTORIA AVE 2751 VICTORIA AVE FRANK J & DONNA VANONI 2753 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 JOHN F SCHWEI 3431 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 BRENT & DOYAN HOWARD GARY L & LINDA HECK 3437 CORVALLIS ST 3443 CORVALLIS ST FREDERICK C FREY FRANK J FLANAGAN PETER E & JUNE HUEBER 3449 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 3455 CORVALLIS ST 3461 CORVALLIS ST SHULTZ ALAN H ARAO 3467 CORVALLIS ST DANIEL P STEINDLBERGER 3473 CORVALLIS ST 3479 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 FRANK R BAIRD BRUCE RUDINGER 3485 CORVALLIS ST FRANK P & NANCY TROTMAN 3499 CORVALLIS ST 3498 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 MARION R & ALMA SKINNER 3492 CORVALLIS ST MAY J COMFORT STEVE D & CARMINA BAKER 3486 CORVALLIS ST 3480 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 ELINOR M BROWN CHARLES BULLARD 3474 CORVALLIS ST 3468 CORVALLIS ST KATHERINE G SHERICK CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 1303 GREENWICH CT SAN JOSE CA 95125-5957 TR LALL SABER N & MINEN NAJAD 5273 MILTON RD GALLERY CARLSBAD CA 92008-3853 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 3444 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 3450 CORVALLIS ST RAYMOND S MORGOSH 3438 CORVALLIS ST HARRIET A NORRIS PSC 450 PO BOX 656 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 FPO AP 96206-0601 EARLY WILLIAM R 2756 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 FARRELL CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 2764 OLYMPIA DR ARCHIE D HENDERSON CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 2770 OLYMPIA DR ROGER E BAKER 2776 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 ROGERSON CARLSBAD CA 92008-2189 2771 SPOKANE WAY DAVIS 2759 SPOKANE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-2189 SIMMS 2747 WATERBURY WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-1370 SURVIVORS T JACOBSON 2728 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 WILLIAM N WEYERS 2754 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 TR ACCE COLLINS 2758 OLYMPIA DR 2762 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 RONALD S & JOAN LANCIAL GEORGE J DELISLE 2766 OLYMPIA DR 2768 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CANDACE L SMITH 380 COMPASS RD EDWARD GRODSKY 2774 OLYMPIA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92054-4642 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 WHALEY TR RICHARD & LINDA CHICK 2779 SPOKANE WAY 2775 SPOKANE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-2189 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2189 HARRIET A ORR FRANCIS J FORTUNA 2767 SPOKANE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-2189 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2189 2763 SPOKANE WAY WOLF MEL EST OF 17944 SENCILLO CT SMITH DALLAS 1011 IRIS CT SAN DIEGO CA 92128-1320 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4824 JUDY T HOWARD JONES 2748 WATERBURY WAY 2726 OLYMPIA DR JAY V CHAMBERS CARLSBAD CA 92008-1371 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 2730 OLYMPIA DR JACK E & WANDA GRIFFITH KEN M & LESLIE SUGAHARA CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 2732 OLYMPIA DR STEPHEN F YOUNG SHIRLEY R MANNING 2734 OLYMPIA DR RICHARD & DIANE DUNS 2736 OLYMPIA DR 2740 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 SAM T CAITO DAVID C STEPHENS DONALD C SNYDER 2754 AUBURN AVE 2744 OLYMPIA DR 2746 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 DEWEY M WEBER STEPHEN L WARYK 2748 OLYMPIA DR 2750 OLYMPIA DR JOHN & JESSIE SIMMONDS 2752 OLYMPIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 WILLIAM A KIRKSEY LARRY L h EILEEN LETTS PETER & VERENA BOSNAK 3426 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2186 3420 CORVALLIS ST 3414 CORVALLIS ST GENE & ARLENE DEFREITAS JAMES F STUART DAVID K WOODWARD 3425 CORVALLIS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 3419 CORVALLIS ST 3413 CORVALLIS ST MARILYN M SMITH THOMAS K FOGARTY 2735 OLYMPIA DR 2731 OLYMPIA DR THOMAS A & PETER CAITO 2774 BERKELEY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2183 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2183 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7919 STANDARD PACIFIC CORP ARCELLE 5750 FLEET ST 200 4537 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-4700 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 JAMES A KETCHAM 4535 HARTFORD PL LORETTA E REYNOLDS TERESA S CIOCCA 4501 GOOSE VALLEY RD 4531 HARTFORD PL RONALD D GERDES PO BOX 6385 HARRISBURG PA 17112-2172 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 OCEANSIDE CA 92052-6385 ELIZABETH G HARRISON 4527 HARTFORD PL DOUGLAS J ANDERSON RICHARD A RECK 4536 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 4534 HARTFORD PL KIMBERLEE J PEASE PAMELA R PATERSON 4532 HARTFORD PL 4749 EDINBURGH DR WILSON 1031 DAISY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4821 PAMELA S GLOVER 4526 HARTFORD PL JAMES H & CHERYL LEAMON GEORGE D & LINDA HOOD 4535 NORWICH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6514 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6542 4533 NORWICH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6542 RANDOLPH S VORHIS HEDWIG D GORSZWICK MAUREEN LEHAN 4720 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6542 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 2973 RIDGEFIELD AVE 4534 NORWICH PL EVA M PETRY 500 EL CAMINO REAL 208 WILLIAM H MCWETHY WILLIAM L CHAMPION 11839 SORRENTO VALLEY R 2979 RIDGEFIELD AVE BURLINGAME CA 94010-5154 SAN DIEGO CA 92121-1040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 VERA M THEISS EVA M BROWN 2974 RIDGEFIELD AVE 2796 RIDGEFIELD AVE THOMAS J & JILL NASH 2978 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 LANCE A JACKOLA 2980 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 2986 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 BERNICE C HILL JEFF KUESTER 2984 RIDGEFIELD AVE THOMAS P FLANAGAN 2988 RIDGEFIELD AVE BARBARA A STROTHER LOUIS F JOHNSON 2990 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6543 2990 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6545 LAURA SKARVADA DEBRA C NELSON BILLIE J KELLY 2150 CORTE CIDRO CARLSBAD CA 92009-9010 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6544 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6544 2986 WOODBURY CT 2984 WOODBURY CT THOMAS J CONNORS ALEX & ALICE KREMER 2979 WOODBURY CT RUTH M FUQUA 21193 S MATTOON RD 170 ELY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6544 ESTACADA OR 97023-8644 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-3858 CYD L & SIDNEY SHAW 2985 WOODBURY CT JUDITH D WESTFALL CURTIS A ROBERTSON 2987 WOODBURY CT 2989 WOODBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6544 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6545 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6545 RUBEN B LUJAN JACQUELINE ERSKINE DWAIN K & ANNE ALLEN 2988 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 2990 BRANDON CIR 2992 BRANDON CIR HARRY G KRIKORIAN 2994 BRANDON CIR DERK & ERIKA FOLKERT SHERI LUONGO 2996 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 2998 BRANDON CIR W H DRAPER EULANA M BASTONE ERIC VANHAMERSVELD PO BOX 381 3002 BRANDON CIR OCEANSIDE CA 92049-0381 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6547 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6547 3003 BRANDON CIR MARIE F REILLY 3001 BRANDON CIR NOLlHADE DAOU KAREN S KELLY 2999 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6547 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 2997 BRANDON CIR JULIE A MARTINET JAMES L GATES 2995 BRANDON CIR RICHARD L KRANTZ 924 ALYSSUM RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 VISTA CA 92084-3415 1332 ARCADIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009-3907 STALEY RUSSELL K EST OF 1880 HARBOR ISLAND DR 3 HILARY JOHNSON RICHARD G CROSS 3999 SAN AUGUSTINE WAY 2982 BRANDON CIR SAN DIEGO CA 92101-1019 SAN DIEGO CA 92130-2261 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 WILLIAM B EVANS SKEWES 2978 BRANDON CIR LEO J & BEVERLEY MILLER 537 E LOS AMIGOS AVE 2970 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 MONTEBELLO CA 90640-2847 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 GLENN THOMASHOW FRANCES T ROBLES ,DENNIS A BROWN 2966 BRANDON CIR 2962 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 3513 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 MARIANNE S WALDROP AMY M SCHWEITZER 2951 BRANDON CIR 2955 BRANDON CIR CAROLINE T PRESCOTT 2727 ROOSEVELT ST B CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1617 JOANNE M POMERLEAU HENRY C MANZOLA NICHOLAS M DETURI 2963 BRANDON CIR 2967 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 ENCINITAS CA 92024-4108 1546 AVENIDA DE LAS LIL MICHAEL L LEWIS CONDIT VINCENT F GRILL0 2975 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 2983 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6546 4772 BROOKWOOD CT HEBRON EVERGREEN JAMES T PETERSEN WILLIAM J BRYANT PO BOX 1454 RANCHO SANTA 92067-1454 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 2965 CAPE COD CIR 2963 CAPE COD CIR ROBERT T & JUDY HUTTON 1264 OAK AVE SANDRA B RAY ELEONORE MCNABB 2959 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-1929 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 2957 CAPE COD CIR CHRIS J KALIVAS 2955 CAPE COD CIR ROBERT G RAGOSTA MONICA C NAVA 2953 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 2951 CAPE COD CIR RAYMOND R SERLES JANET A BIEBER DAVID J & MARY CROWDER 2952 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 2954 CAPE COD CIR 2956 CAPE COD CIR FIELDS TR THOMAS R PROTZELLER 1761 MOUNT HAMILTON DR 2960 CAPE COD CIR ANTIOCH CA 94509-8816 DAVID L PHILLIPS 8603 CALMOSA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6548 WHITTIER CA 90605-1526 JACKOB YERMIAN 3218 LONE JACK RD STEFFAN & SHAWNEE COX FRANK A PUGLIESE 4542 CAMBRIDGE WAY ENCINITAS CA 92024-7011 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6550 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6550 4544 CAMBRIDGE WAY STACEY C GOODSON 4546 CAMBRIDGE WAY WARREN E & DORIS JENKS COLETTE NESBIT 4548 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6550 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 4545 CAPE COD CIR ROBERT SANTONI JANET GOSSELIN 4552 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 JAMES M & MARILYN HOPE 4558 CAPE COD CIR 4554 CAPE COD CIR HUGH J & TERESA MCGRANE FREDERICK E SPADA ROBERT L WEXLER 4560 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 VISTA CA 92083-8334 4562 CAPE COD CIR 2206 BROOKHAVEN PASS JOHN J WALSH WILLIAM S DICKEY 4566 CAPE COD CIR CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS 44 E COLORADO BLVD 1/2 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6549 ARCADIA CA 91006-7130 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS DOROTHEA L CLARKE WALTER W & LORRI HAYS 3900 HARNEY ST 2945 LANCASTER RD 3943 LANCASTER RD SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 WILLIAM H STROUP DOUGLAS D & BETSY BLACK RALPH A BELLERUE 2941 LANCASTER RD 2 93 9 LANCASTER RD 2935 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 LORI S BARTLETT BROWN & JOHN SILVIA BARBARA S GWINN 2933 LANCASTER RD 2931 LANCASTER RD 2045 JANET CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6120 SHEILA BERTRAM DANIEL 0 & LAURIE WALSH SEAMANS 2925 LANCASTER RD 2923 LANCASTER RD 2921 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 FLOYD D & MARY HENRY ROBERT L STAKES GORDON M FRENCH 2919 LANCASTER RD 2915 LANCASTER RD 2913 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CRAIG J & JILL ANDERSON RUTH E DAY EDWARD S PASCHALL 2 911 LANCASTER RD 2909 LANCASTER RD 1526 LOWER LAKE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARDIFF BY TH 92007-1142 THOMAS W & CAROL LONDON ROBERT A RUBIALES DAVID E MCBEE 2903 LANCASTER RD 2897 LANCASTER RD 3465 CAMINO DEL RIO S 2 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6567 SAN DIEGO CA 92108-3907 GAYLE SANDERSON JOHN GRIESHABER JOSEPH Z COLLINGS 2893 LANCASTER RD 2891 LANCASTER RD 2889 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6567 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6567 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6566 RAYMOND A LANOUE BARBARA R VIENTE JUDITH L WARD 2887 LANCASTER RD 2885 LANCASTER RD 2883 LANCASTER RC CARLSBAD CA 92008-6566 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6566 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6566 JULIA KECK LUANN J GOEDERT DANNY M YAMAOKA 2886 LANCASTER RD 2888 LANCASTER RD 2890 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6566 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6566 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6567 ALAN H ROOK 2449 JEFFERSON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-1411 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6567 2896 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6567 ALLENE L DEBOMY SYLVIA J KOTICK 2894 LANCASTER RD RONA L KIESERMAN 2904 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 LAKEWOOD CO 80232-6341 ROBERT V ERIKSON 2908 LANCASTER RD TONI RUSSO 9968 W OREGON PL JUDY A HOLBERT 2912 LANCASTER RD DONALD W RASMUSSEN 2916 LANCASTER RD JOSEPH A & SHERRI DOLAN 2918 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 TROY B PAYNE 2920 LANCASTER RD STEVEN BATUTIS LYNNE C WEINBERG-DAVIS 908 RUSSETT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 SAN MARCOS CA 92078-4994 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 2926 LANCASTER RD STEPHEN J SEGRO 2928 LANCASTER RD DOYE & LELAH LESTER JOHN K & SUSAN HUMPHREY 9012 SAINT JEAN CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6568 BAKERSFIELD C 93312-4337 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 2932 LANCASTER RD THE CAPE AT CALAVERA HI 6992 EL CAMINO REAL 105 LINDA M MANNES 4591 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92009-4145 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 PATRICK E FRAWLEY 4593 SALEM PL 4595 SALEM PL PATRICK W CAWLEY CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 LAGUNA NIGUEL 92677-1414 4597 SALEM PL JEANNE PARRISH SCOTT F COLTON 25342 CALLE BECERRA CAROLYN M TAGARIELLO ERNEST A JAKSIK WILLIAM OSBORN 4592 SALEM PL 4594 SALEM PL 4596 SALEM PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6563 FRANK M TORRE 6832 PEAR TREE DR DAVID G & RUBY JOHNSON JOAN S WARNER 2958 LEXINGTON CIR 2960 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92009-3936 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 GOEDERT TR ROBERT G BURTON JOAN M BALL 2753 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6521 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 2964 LEXINGTON CIR 2966 LEXINGTON CIR JAMES H LAIDERMAN 2968 LEXINGTON CIR GERMAN A GUERRERO MINDY CHRISMAN 2970 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 2972 LEXINGTON CIR ALLEN P & VICKI ALJTH THOMAS P PERFETTO 4705 TRAVIS VIEW CT AUSTIN TX 78732-1736 ANDRE 0 CHMIELEWSKI CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 2967 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 2969 LEXINGTON CIR ALFRED0 D DONOVAN 2965 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 RESIDUAL T LALLO JULIE A SEVERINO 2963 LEXINGTON CIR 2959 LEXINGTON CIR MICHAEL D ADAMS JOHN BORG 2957 LEXINGTON CIR NILA DAWSON 2953 LEXINGTON CIR 1058 GINGER GLN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 SAN MARCOS CA 92069-4903 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 EVELYN L SAMMON 2949 LEXINGTON CIR GARY M WILLIAMS DAVID N ANDERSON 2947 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 2945 LEXINGTON CIR ANDREAS KALLINIKOS 2943 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 SANTA CLARA C 95054-3755 PATRICIA, J BROWN LAWRENCE FARHAT 2998 LEXINGTON CIR 1528 VISTA CLUB CIR 303 JEFFREY HOYDAL ROBERT N BROUGHTON JODI V SCHMALTZ-TATUM 2994 LEXINGTON CIR 2992 LEXINGTON CIR 2990 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 DAVID A PLOESER DAVID M & PAULA LEMKUIL JOSEPH D & KRISTI PAYNE 2988 LEXINGTON CIR 2986 LEXINGTON CIR 681748 LAIE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 WAIKOLOA HI 96738-5122 SHARON M LUTHER DIANNE M DEUITCH MARY DEMEO 19524 REDWOOD GLN 2980 LEXINGTON CIR 1330 OAK AVE CASTRO VALLEY 94546-3518 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1931 ALEXANDRIA BRAVA MAULTSBY RANDOLPH C ADAMS 2976 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CASHIERS NC 28717-0070 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 PO BOX 70 2977 LEXINGTON CIR SANDRA R TOLLACK PETER J BURINSKAS ROBERT P & TAMARA IRWIN 2979 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 SAN DIEGO CA 92124-3006 10988 BAROQUE LN 2981 LEXINGTON CIR RAYMOND T NOLIN 2985 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-5007 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 ERNEST C ALCANTARA STEPHANIE A GROSS 1020 S DITMAR ST 2993 LEXINGTON CIR MARNI L WALKER GILBERT THOMAS A MAYER 2995 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6565 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2008 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 3465 CHARTER OAK DR 2952 LANCASTER RD JOHN C SPERO 2 9 54 LANCASTER RD ANN B HARRISON 2956 LANCASTER RD ,JULIE A RICHTER 2958 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 SANDRA K STAMPER 2962 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 HUNTINGTON BE 92649-2206 CLYDE E & LINDA HORNER STEPHEN A BELGUM 2964 LANCASTER RD 16002 FANTASIA LN OLIVER J BLOCK 2968 LANCASTER RD ENGLESON GILBERT LAURENCE 3502 CELINDA DR 2972 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6570 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2768 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6570 WILLIAM F GAVIN 21793 TICONDEROGA LN EARL V GREEN BENNARD M KOUNS 2965 LANCASTER RD EL TOR0 CA 92630-2311 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1031 1340 LAS FLORES DR KATHLEEN M CHANDLER JACK L & EVAJEAN HADLEY 'SHAHRYAR ROKNI 2700 GREEN OAK CT 809 S 750 W LEWISVILLE TX 75077-8661 OREM UT 84058-6718 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6569 2955 LANCASTER RD EARL s PICKELL 4648 WOODSTOCK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 LEONARD J SAVALLO GLORIA L TOTH 4650 WOODSTOCK ST 4652 WOODSTOCK ST RICHARD HOPPE JAY L & LINDA TANK JOHN A & LISA ERBACHER 4654 WOODSTOCK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 4658 WOODSTOCK ST 4656 WOODSTOCK ST LEWIS C LAFFEY ROMEO & MARISA APOSTOL PRESCOTT ROBERT B EST 0 4662 WOODSTOCK ST 4664 WOODSTOCK ST 4749 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 TERRILL L & HOLLY HART CAROLINE T PRESCOTT E T & JANICE FLAGG 2740 AUBURN AVE 2727 ROOSEVELT ST B 1777 YUCCA RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1617 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6156 YOUNGJA P CHUN HASAM M SULEMAN PAULY 320 W HAWTHORNE CT 4661 WOODSTOCK ST 1516 OLD CREEK CT LAKE BLUFF IL 60044-2309 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARDIFF BY TH 92007-1145 ADELLA VINCENT THEODORE A WHEELER MURPHY MARJORIE 0 4657 WOODSTOCK ST 4653 WOODSTOCK ST 4651 WOODSTOCK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6571 WALTER H FOSTER ELIN D EVANS BEVERLY J GODDARD 12 HARBOR SIGHT DR 3713 BENNINGTON CT 3711 BENNINGTON CT PALOS VERDEPE 90274-5116 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 ADAM K KESSEL HELENE TOFFLER JOHNSTON 3709 BENNINGTON CT 3712 BENNINGTON CT 44 SANTO DOMING0 DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 RANCHO MIRAGE 92270-1974 TYIMOTHY J HOCK JOSEPH P & CINDY CURRAN CAROL T SAYLOR 1243 GROVE RD 3720 BENNINGTON CT 3717 BENNINGTON CT WEST CHESTER 19380-1023 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 SURVIVORS T HIRSCHBERG SHIRLEY BELLERO KATHERINE VANDERLINDEN 3355 SEACREST DR 3721 BENNINGTON CT 3723 BENNINGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-2036 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CAROL J MURPHY CARLA J HITE BRUCE A GROUSE 3725 BENNINGTON CT 8240 W 82ND ST 3729 BENNINGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 INDIANAPOLIS 46278-1002 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 NIELS C SCHROETER EARL E GILLIAN STEVEN W PAINTER 3731 BENNINGTON CT 4345 QUAY CT 3770 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAE CA 92008-6558 LAS VEGAS NV 89120-1539 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 THOMAS B SZALAY FERNANDA HASSE MICHAEL R LYNCH 1470 CAHOON ST OGDEN UT 84401-2040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 3739 BENNINGTON CT 3736 BENNINGTON CT LORRAINE B WATSON 3734 BENNINGTON CT JON L PECCHIA RHONDA G HEATHER 737 BARBERRY LN 3730 BENNINGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 PEACHTREE CIT 30269-6903 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 ERWIN C HARRIS DIANA P GOMEZ CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS 3728 BENNINGTON CT 3726 BENNINGTON CT 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6558 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS DREW DESHIELL 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3720 LENOX CT SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6551 STEVEN J BOWKER LISA M MCLEAN JOHN R MARTINEZ 479 HONEYGLEN DR 3724 LENOX CT 3726 LENOX CT SAN MARCOS CA 92069-4990 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6551 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6551 MATHIASEN TR W H DRAPER LARRY MICHALEC 1872 TURNBERRY DR PO BOX 381 10663 ESMERALDAS DR VISTA CA 92083-5349 OCEANSIDE CA 92049-0381 SAN DIEGO CA 92124-2007 BARBARA MICHALEC CHRISTOPHER HELM VICKI G TRIPP 10625 ESMERALDAS DR 3734 LENOX CT 3738 LENOX CT SAN DIEGO CA 92124-2007 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6551 ;CARLSBAD CA 92008-6551 CARL J ESQUEDA-CRIMSON CATHLEEN L ARMS ROGER P SANTORA 2858 NANTUCKET LN 2860 NANTUCKET LN 2862 NANTUCKET LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 KAREN J JEWETT PAMELA WGNESS 'DENISE L KOLDE 2864 NANTUCKET LN 2856 NANTUCKET LN 2854 NANTUCKET LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 PHILIP L & KRISTIN READ SHAMEEM & SmAB HASHMI BARTON C & SANDRA SHARP 2852 NANTUCKET LN 2850 NANTUCKET LN 3740 LENOX CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6551 SUSAN T VANHAMERSVELD 3003 BRANDON CIR JEANNINE MENGER 174 WALNUT AVE MARY J WALTER 2855 NANTUCKET LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6547 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3193 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 ROGER A OUILLETTE ROBERT W FILLER MABEL B SMILEY 2874 NANTUCKET LN 2872 NANTUCKET LN 2857 NANTUCKET LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6552 TR WEIN-QUARTARONE DAMIEN B BROWER 2715 SPOKANE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-2188 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 J T & J SMITH 2876 SANFORD LN 2878 SANFORD LN JAMES L LYONS ROSEMARIE R ROWLETT TR EWZIAN 2880 SANFORD LN 2884 SANFORD LN 2314 SHAWN CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2078 MARA L WARMBRAND ADDIE M LYONS LYNNE C WELKE 2886 SANFORD LN 2888 SANFORD LN 2890 SANFORD LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 MARY E RORAPAUGH DEBORAH A STILWAGEN NOEL ALLANMEYER 10327 112TH CT NE 2894 SANFORD LN 2893 SANFORD LN KIRKLAND WA 98033-5175 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 JULIA RAGOZZINO RUTH I SABULA TR SHAW 2 891 SANFORD LN 2889 SANFORD LN 2887 SANFORD LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 RONALD R HEUMANN BRIGHT LEE A CAROL A LINCOLN 5631 ROYAL HILL DR 2875 SANFORD LN 6400 PULLMAN PL SW RIVERSIDE CA 92506-3458 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 PORT ORCHARD 98367-7637 STEPHEN E JACOBS LISA M CHAMNESS ,DANIEL MILICH 2871 SANFORD LN 3766 PORTLAND CT '3768 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6554 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6554 VIRGIL CURRY DANIEL A ELIAS PETER A & LAURA WALSH 3770 PORTLAND CT 3772 PORTLAND CT 2885 SANFORD LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 SAM D HERNANDEZ SYLVIA A PHILLIPS GLENN T HAYASHI 2883 SANFORD LN 2881 SANFORD LN 2879 SANFORD LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 MICHAEL HODELL KENNETH D MARTINEZ ROOSEVELT CLEVELAND 3774 PORTLAND CT 3776 PORTLAND CT 3786 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 JEFFREY H HAYES 3788 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 SUSAN C WESTLUND 3787 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 MARK K MCCAMPBELL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 3781 PORTLAND CT MAURICE COHN 2261 MASTERS RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-3849 ELLIOTT JARNES 4505 SALUTO CT 517 MORRO RD SAN DIEGO CA 92130-2736 FALLBROOK CA 92028-3074 VIRGINIA L PERRINE VIRGINIA T BOBYAK 3785 PORTLAND CT 3783 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 ,CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 SERGIO F ESPINOZA MARY B ROBERTS 3779 PORTLAND CT 3777 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 HARVEY P HARLIB DALE & MARY BODMAN PO BOX 2564 3242 CELINDA DR CARLSBAD CA 92018-2564 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2071 SANDRA L PEARSALL TR JARVIS PAMELA M MONTANEZ 3782 PORTLAND CT 3780 PORTLAND CT 3778 PORTLAND CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6555 STEPHEN W BRYANT GARY E WALLACE STEVEN R FRANDEN 2873 SANFORD LN 516 OREGON ST 1410 GASTON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6553 EL SEGUNDO CA 90245-3236 AUSTIN TX 78703-2514 JAMES DORSEY MONICA HUMPHREY ROBERT J MCBRIDE 2838 HILLSBORO CT 2840 HILLSBORO CT 29816 MONTEREY LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6556 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6557 EVERGREEN CO 80439-8816 PAULINE T HANSOM-KELSO GLENN A MALONE FABRICE LEDET 2841 HILLSBORO CT 2839 HILLSBORO CT 78 2837 HILLSBORO CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6557 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6556 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6556 JEANNINE C MENGER DENNIS H CUTLER DOUGLAS F BROWN 174 WALNUT AVE 2833 HILLSBORO CT PO BOX 181002 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3193 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6556 CORONADO CA 92178-1002 CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CREST OF CALAVERA HILLS VILLAS OF CALAVERA HILL , 'JONETTE C VOLLMER 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3540 RIDGEWOOD WAY 8 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 1CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 JON & LISA TIMMERMAN MARY A & MAURA OGRADY STEPHEN T SHELLEY 353 8 RIDGEWOOD WAY 3536 RIDGEWOOD WAY PO BOX 1286 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 SAN CLEMENTE 92674-1286 ROXANA J LUCAS MARION D SWIFT OLEARY ERIKA M PO BOX 4451 3550 RIDGEWOOD WAY 3548 RIDGEWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92018-4451 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 TR BLOZAN GREG A BRILLON NORMAN DOBRUSKIN 3546 RIDGEWOOD WAY 3544 RIDGEWOOD WAY 3542 RIDGEWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7012 DEBRA A BASOM MARY E HOLLAND JOHN P KRESSIN 3539 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 3537 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 3535 CEDARBRIDGE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 AILEEN L SCHICK SHIRLEY J SOMMERS DARIN M MCGHEE 3533 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 3531 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 3604 28TH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 !SAN DIEGO CA 92104-3502 SALLY CHERNESKY BAKER JANIS M HENRY BYZAK 3547 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 3545 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 3543 CEDARBRIDGE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 PATRICK M FARLEY THIERRY FALLET MICHAEL ANDREWS 3541 CEDARBRIDGE WAY 1005 FOXGLOVE VW 220 PLUM AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7013 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4822 BREA CA 92821-5952 TR EMOA ANNA DEMETRIS JOHN S COLLINS 327 LINDEN WAY 2870 ANDOVER AVE 2727 ROOSEVELT ST A PLEASANTON CA 94566-6881 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7003 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1617 SHARON V & WENDE WILTSE 2882 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7004 PATRICIA M LINKINS 2 867 ANDOVER AVE CAriLSBAD CA 92008-7003 CARL H TUTTLE SEATTLE WA 98125-3401 14089 24TH AVE NE RICHARD K JACOBS OCEANSIDE CA 92056-3266 2104 WEDGEWOOD DR PHILIP J BOSTROM ENCINITAS CA 92023-0934 PO BOX 230934 WILLIAM R BOLDT 6845 SHEARWATERS DR CARLSBAD CA 92009-3702 RIZZO CARLSBAD CA 92009-5339 6533 VISPERA PL PATRICIA J YOUNG TEMECULA CA 92592-3743 31935 CALLE ESPINOSA RODNEY J & MARY BAIROS 9029 CALLE DEL VERDE SANTEE CA 92071-2984 FRED L & CAROL CLARK 2859 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7003 KARIN L DULAK 2873 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7003 LON1 D SCHURR 2856 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 DARCY J BERGEN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 2850 ANDOVER AVE MICHAEL C DAQUILA 2 8 6 4 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7003 JERI T MUSE 3054 JUNIPER ST SAN DIEGO CA 92104-5437 ERIK K TAPPIN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7003 2863 ANDOVER AVE SIGNE R JOHNSON CARLSBAD CA 92008-7004 2877 ANDOVER AVE DESHANO RODNEY A SAN DIEGO CA 92129-1007 15035 CALLE JUANITO RANDOLPH K WHITTINGTON 2854 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 GIESE LA MIRADA CA 90638-1933 13076 MARLETTE DR 'THOMAS J SHIELDS 2862 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7003 DEENA L DISTEFANO JONATHAN D CHESNUT 2860 ANDOVER AVE CAKLSBAD CA 92008-7003 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 2858 ANDOVER AVE SCARLETT H MCCONNELL 2847 ANDOVER AVE 49 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 BRADLEY R SCOTT 2845 ANDOVER AVE TR DODD JAMES J & JOAN OCONNELL 218 CHAPALITA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 ENCINITAS CA 92024-4826 S WEYMOUTH MA 02190-2147 105 GAS LIGHT DR 4 ROBERT H CARTER 2855 ANDOVER AVE CHRISTOPHER J LASKE TIMOTHY G CAUFIELDS 2853 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 2851 ANDOVER AVE PAT & MONICA MCDONNOUGH PHILIP J BOSTROM 2849 ANDOVER AVE JILLIAN BROWN 2832 ANDOVER AVE PO BOX 230934 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 ENCINITAS CA 92023-0934 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 MARY A SCHERR EVELYN A HARTMAN ,PAMALA C RIGGLE 3244 MEADOWLARK LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-2024 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 2828 ANDOVER AVE 2826 ANDOVER AVE HELGA H CONNER MICHAEL B & NANCY KOZAK ROZINA THOMPSON 2 844 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7002 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 2842 ANDOVER AVE 2840 ANDOVER AVE EVE KEELING 2838 ANDOVER AVE HARRY R & IRMA EKNO 'THOMAS M ALKZIN 2836 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 ,CARLSBAD CA 92008-2525 '3437 HIGHLAND DR MERINO TIM T FARRIS JOHN ZAGARELLA 1613 STARLING CT CARLSBAD CA 92009-5019 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 -2825 ANDOVER AVE '2823 ANDOVER AVE EMILY B GREY 2837 ANDOVER AVE AUDREY LESLIE KATHRYN A DELLACQUA 2835 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 2833 ANDOVER AVE JOHN K AFFSA FARRELL CARL R & CLARA POLIZZI 2831 ANDOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2143 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 2764 OLYMPIA DR 2809 NEW CASTLE WAY KEVIN J & NATALIE OHARA 2807 NEW CASTLE WAY 77 ROSA L MURO JACQUELINE C LOPES CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 118 REDONDO WAY DANVILLE CA 94526-1939 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 2803 NEW CASTLE WAY JAMES D WONG KURT & HARUM1 BURKHART 388 MERCER AVE 2819 NEW CASTLE WAY PAUL Y & JLTYONG ROE RIVER EDGE NJ 07661-1806 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 2817 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 LUIS A FIGUEROA KIPRIAN C WINNING DANIEL J GERO 2815 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 2812 NEW CASTLE WAY 2813 NEW CASTLE WAY DAVID E & JACKEI PEALE SUSAN L GUY EDWARD K LIEHR 2 810 NEW CASTLE WAY 2808 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2868 4496 SALISBURY DR JERRY & DIANA QUINT THOMAS K ADISHIAN TERRY GOODMAN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7008 2820 NEW CASTLE WAY 2818 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 1951 ANDREWS CT OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6100 I CLIFF & CAROLE STABLER 2814 NEW CASTLE WAY 92 ROBERT R WOLFORD 542 9 BARCLAY AVE RAYMOND & DONNA ESPARZA 2812 CHATSWORTH WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7007 SAN DIEGO CA 92120-2839 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 ANN K TAYLOR 2810 CHATSWORTH WAY ESTELLA G DONCOUSE MEGAN W LAMONTAGNE 2808 CHATSWORTH WAY 2806 CHATSWORTH WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 PHILLIP & LAURIE HASLAM WELCH B KAREN M NEWTON 2626 HALL DOME 2826 CHATSWORTH WAY 2824 CHATSWORTH WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7912 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 WILLIAM C KELLAWAY KAREN A CLARE DELORES HEREDIA 2822 CHATSWORTH WAY 2820 CHATSWORTH WAY ,508 N CLEVELAND ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-2430 GREGORY N LEVORCHICK JAMES R HOWCROFT DEBRA L KLOTZ 2 816 CHATSWORTH WAY 2836 ENGLEWOOD WAY 2834 ENGLEWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7011 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 SALLY A HANNON 2 832 ENGLEWOOD WAY 107 27 SEBASTIAN CT 2844 ENGLEWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 HOPEWELL JUNC 12533-6705 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 ' CHARLES W CAGLIOSTRO MADELINE R ARNOLD MICAHEL S GOTTES DIANE H SALT0 JOHN K ROSS 2842 ENGLEWOOD WAY 2840 ENGLEWOOD WAY 2838 ENGLEWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 ROBERT C & SUSAN LLOYD MARILYN J BRYANT ROBERT D JENSEN 1809 HIGH RIDGE AVE 2852 ENGLEWOOD WAY 2850 ENGLEWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-3760 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 WILLARD L ERICSON SHERRIE L FERGUSON SVETLANA L FOUDA 2848 ENGLEWOOD WAY 2274 S 1300 E G8 2860 ENGLEWOOD WAY 118 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7005 SALT LAKE CIT 84106-2882 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 WILFRED0 R VALENZUELA CHERYL S SMITH ALEXANDER K ARMOUR 9212 BUTTERCUP AVE 2856 ENGLEWOOD WAY 120 2872 ENGLEWOOD WAY FOUNTAIN VALL 92708-1906 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 WALKER MARIO & PATRICIA DELEON ROBERT J CONNOR 4381 SHASTA PL 2868 ENGLEWOOD WAY 451 LEXINGTON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7914 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 OCEANSIDE CA 92057-7355 TR ECK MARYLOU BELEW WASUNG 2880 ENGLEWOOD WAY 125 2878 ENGLEWOOD WAY 13033 TRIUMPH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 POWAY CA 92064-6404 HARRY S & DOREEN MAY TR LEE PABLO & JANICE KOVARIK 2874 ENGLEWOOD WAY 128 41366 EDGEWOOD WAY 2832 FAIRFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7006 AHWAHNEE CA 93601-9705 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 DONALD A MCKEON ~ GABRIELLE WARD JACQUELINE V CAVA 2830 FAIRFIELD AVE 2828 FAIRFIELD AVE 2844 FAIRFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 DAVID J SHAUGHNESSY GLENN-LEVIN CAROLE A WEISENSTEIN 2842 FAIRFIELD AVE 414 HILMEN PL 2838 FAIRFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 SOLANA BEACH 92075-1318 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 CHERYL HOST RONALD E MITCHELL LAWRENCE E WOODY 2836 FAIRFIELD AVE 2814 FAIRFIELD AVE 2812 FAIRFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7010 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 STEVEN R & KAREN DIENER RIAN C KRISS 5018 MILISSI WAY 2808 FAIRFIELD AVE JEFFREY G TARDIFF 2822 FAIRFIELD AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5437 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 LAND DOROTHY M 2820 FAIRFIELD AVE KAREN J MCKEAN NANCY L SUNDSTEDT 2818 FAIRFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 2816 FAIRFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7009 CYNDA L MAXON 2 546 SAN CLEMENTE TER REVA ZEMKE BRADLEY W GRIMM 2810 SEASIDE WAY 2808 SEASIDE WAY SAN DIEGO CA 92122-4028 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7020 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7020 MARY L LAMB SHARON M ONEIL 2806 SEASIDE WAY ROGER D & MARY PHILLIPS 2765 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7020 NEWARK CA 94560-1054 6946 JARVIS AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 KAREN M CAVANAUGH JERALDINE A MCDONNELL FARLEY GROUP 2820 SEASIDE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7020 2818 SEASIDE WAY 154 6489 FARLEY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7020 SAN DIEGO CA 92122-3026 BARBARA BEDROSIAN BRAND1 HAMMON NANCY J SWEENEY 2814 SEASIDE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7020 2814 WINTHROP AVE 2589 PALMETTO HALL BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 MT PLEASANT S 29466-8076 DELBERT L BOWLING LINDA C CARRILLO SHERRI ESKESEN PO BOX 4001 2808 WINTHROP AVE 283 PENNS WAY DANA POINT CA 92629-9001 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 BASKING RIDGE 07920-3040 RICKY W & TAMARA BACKLJS MICHAEL H ALAYNICK 'NANCY G KLAMM 2114 VISTA VALLE VERDE 2826 WINTHROP AVE FALLBROOK CA 92028-8363 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 2824 WINTHROP AVE PATRICK A SULLIVAN KENNETH W STOCKWELL JOHN P KEENAN 1060 GOLDENEYE WJ CARLSBAD CA 92009-1224 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 2820 WINTHROP AVE '2818 WINTHROP AVE NELSON C BAXLEY ROBERT J FERENCE BRIAN MCDONNELL PO BOX 5451 7507 BRAVA ST CALEXICO CA 92232-5451 CARLSBAD CA 92009-7504 ENCINITAS CA 92024-8703 326 ENCINITAS BLVD 200 AXEL G & LOIS DEHEE 2834 WINTHROP AVE ELENA L MILKOVA DARLENE R NEWTON 8560 RUMEX LN 2830 WINTHROP AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 SAN DIEGO CA 92129-4142 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7018 GRANT W KUHNS REBECCA A GOWAN KAREN E SAUER 2848 WINTHROP AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7019 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7019 TRABUCO CANYO 92679-4317 2846 WINTHROP AVE 175 32881 SENTINEL DR HARLENE D DIET2 LYNNE M SEABLOOM 1572 N THORNE AVE 2840 WINTHROP AVE FRESNO CA 93728-1541 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7019 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 YOUNG 3523 BROOKFIELD WAY MELODIE A KELLEY JOANN GARCIA LORA A ZAROFF 3525 BROOKFIELD WAY 3527 BROOKFIELD WAY ,3529 BROOKFIELD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 TR LEE DAVID B BOEGLY CRONK TR 41366 EDGEWOOD WAY 3533 BROOKFIELD WAY 3535 BROOKFIELD WAY AHWAHNEE CA 93601-9705 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 CLAUDIA JONES NANCY HAGERMAN 3537 BROOKFIELD WAY GUTIERREZ-TUNISON 1302 LEMON PL 3817 PINNACLE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 ESCONDIDO CA 92027-4712 ESCONDIDO CA 92025-7934 JESSICA L MOORE MURIEL M BRENNAN !KATHRYN MCKEE 3543 BROOKFIELD WAY 3545 BROOKFIELD WAY 3503 PROVIDENCE LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7017 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7016 MITCHELL A SALT2 ELENOR F MCELLIOTT 7234 E SHOEMAN LN 9 SCOTTSDALE A2 85251-3315 CARLSBAE CA 92008-7016 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7016 JULIA K BUTLER 3507 PROVIDENCE LN 3509 PROVIDENCE LN MICHELLE RICK CINDY L GIBBONS ~ZARL E SAIMRE 3511 PROVIDENCE LN 3513 PROVIDENCE LN 3515 PROVIDENCE LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7016 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7016 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7016 WILLIAM & LEAH GOULD DAVY L MINGE MALLOY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-1705 3365 PAR DR 3516 SOMERSET WAY 3514 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 MARVIN J MAROHN COLLETTE C EELLS RALPH W & JEAN BLEAK 3512 SOMERSET WAY 3510 SOMERSET WAY 10422 LORENZO PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 LOS ANGELES C 90064-4449 DONNA GUGLER SUSAN B NIXON JOSEPHINE G MAGDICH 3506 SOMERSET WAY 3528 SOMERSET WAY 1880 LAUREL RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7015 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6152 ALBERT W WILSON WILLIAM P LUND KELLY KORSMEIER 3524 SOMERSET WAY 3522 SOMERSET WAY 208 3520 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7015 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7015 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 GARY D FARMER ROBERT G ANDERSON ANDREW P MIRABELLI 3518 SOMERSET WAY 1217 GOLD FLOWER RD 3513 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92009-3422 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CONSTANCE YANCHEWSKI BRIAN TAYLOR !AUDRIE E MCINNIS 3511 SOMERSET WAY 3509 SOMERSET WAY 3507 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 ENCINAS J N PIERCE SHERRIAN K DEAN 3505 SOMERSET WAY PO BOX 8465 3525 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 INCLINE VILLA 89452-8465 ,CARLSBAD CA 92008-7015 BJORN L BOUWMEESTER AMIELYN C DIZA GEORGE J SHADE 3523 SOMERSET WAY 3521 SOMERSET WAY 3519 SOMERSET WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7015 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7015 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 FRED S & KRISTIE LITTLE STEVEN M PALMIER1 'SAM & JOSEPHINE CAITO 3517 SOMERSET WAY 2752 AUBURN AVE 2754 AUBURN AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7014 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 DAVID M OLEKSY JOHN & JILL GANEY SUSAN MCKITTRICK 2756 AUBURN AVE 2758 AUBURN AVE 3602 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92,008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2170 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 JUSTIN B HICKEY SEELYE ROY & KAREN BUNNELL 3604 KINGSTON ST 3606 KINGSTON ST 3608 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 ARNOLD & JANE HOGE KATHERINE H SCHOMMER TR GRAY 3610 KINGSTON ST 3612 KINGSTON ST 3614 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 JEPSEN THOMAS A BROOKS ALBERT H PERKINS 3616 KINGSTON ST 3618 KINGSTON ST 3620 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 GREGORY P MATELSKI ROGER D & MARY PHILLIPS BUTCHKO 3622 KINGSTON ST 2765 VICTORIA AVE 2763 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 MICHAEL T & TASHA SWAHN GARY C & SHELLEY WENK CYNTHIA A ALT JUDD 2761 VICTORIA AVE 2759 VICTORIA AVE 2757 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 FRANK & CARMEN ARCE MARK E & YOMARA DAVIS KENNETH L HETRICK 2755 VICTORIA AVE 2754 VICTORIA AVE 2756 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-2146 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2191 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2191 DAVID F & CAMILLE MARSH DAVID & HELEN BESSLER $?+WRENCE F GRIFFITH 2758 VICTORIA AVE 2760 VICTORIA AVE '3625 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2191 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2191 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 ROBERT 0 LOUGHREY CECIL A PERRY 'DALE S & MARY GREANEY 3623 KINGSTON ST 3621 KINGSTON ST 3619 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 RODNEY A ANDERSON RICHARD J ANDERSEN TR GIBBON 3617 KINGSTON ST 3615 KINGSTON ST 7109 PRIMROSE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4834 LEN & PAT WHITACRE DENNIS C VIRGIN ' STEWART FAMILY 3 611 KINGSTON ST 3609 KINGSTON ST 3607 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 DAVID K & SARAH PEARCE JAMES D MANGINI C A & MARY WEHMAN 3605 KINGSTON ST 3603 KINGSTON ST 3624 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 GRANT & MERA BRAZIER ADELINE KANE ROBERT W TOBEY 3 626 KINGSTON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2181 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 3038 GREENWICH ST 3042 GREENWICH ST CARLOS MOLINA ANNELY JORGENSEN KIM & MICHELE BLAYLOCK 3046 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 3050 GREENWICH ST 3052 GREENWICH ST BLAKE E HARTZELL 3053 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 GUY & MARY KENNINGTON CATHERINE J BELT 3049 GREENWICH ST 3045 GREENWICH ST SAUNDERS DONNA C REIFF 32 PINEWOOD CT 3031 GREENWICH ST SAN MATE0 CA 94403-3982 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 LINDA R ASTORGA '3026 GLENBROOK ST BARBARA L SWEARINGEN RAUL A & RUTH HOLGUIN 3030 GLENBROOK ST DUNKLE 3038 GLENBROOK ST 3034 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 JOHN PRESS ERLING R JOHANSEN 3042 GLENBROOK ST 3048 GLENBROOK ST THOMAS C CHRIST 3045 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 GUY S GREENWOOD PHILIP A & MEGAN DIEHL 3041 GLENBROOK ST SUSAN L STILWELL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 ,3033 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 3037 GLENBROOK ST ERLING R JOHANSEN ROSE M COONS 3048 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7031 CAROLYN R CATALDO 3019 GLENBROOK ST '3016 NEWSHIRE ST MIKE & JILL KENNY 3020 NEWSKIRE ST TIMOTHY J BRENNAN 3024 NEWSHIRE ST 3028 NEWSHIRE ST PHILIP W & PAMELA WERTZ CARLSBAD CA 92008-7031 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7031 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7031 PHILLIP SHECKLER WALTER F & JUDY FLORES 1811 IVY RD RICHARD H BROWN 1831 IRVING ST NW 15222 N 5TH AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92054-5642 PHOENIX AZ 85023-5209 WASHINGTON DC 20010-2614 CHET N & J SEAPY SCOTT D KREML JONATHAN M INGBER 2435 FELT ST 2 3635 CHESHIRE AVE 3633 CHESHIRE AVE SANTA CRUZ CA 95062-4240 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 SAG ALBERT & LISA ALDAVA KATHRYN D BICKLE 185 E D ST 3629 CHESHIRE AVE 3917 CALLE ABRIL ENCINITAS CA 92024-3628 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 SAN CLEMENTE 92673-2602 EATON NEIL SPELLMAN STEVEN R BUEHLER 3625 CHESHIRE AVE 3623 CHESHIRE AVE 4264 SKYLINE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3642 MICHAEL R FARM ALAN & MARY SHERMAN !MARTA J LOPEZ CREE 4747 MARINA DR 6 3617 CHESHIRE AVE 3615 CHESHIRE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-4240 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 JERRY & RHONDA BRUMMET RICHARD E HUGHES KENNEDY 3613 CHESHIRE AVE 3611 CHESHIRE AVE 4386 SHASTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7914 MARK K BROWN NHUNG T TRAN MICHAEL M FERNANDEZ 3607 CHESHIRE AVE 3605 CHESHIRE AVE ,3603 CHESHIRE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7022 DEAN A HOMSTAD CRAIG R & SHAWN AREY PHILLIP J BOSKOVICH 3608 CHESHIRE AVE 3610 CHESHIRE AVE 3612 CHESHIRE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 , CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 SANDER S & CAROL TOTH ROBERT H MORRELL KEVIN P & MONICA MAHNE 3614 CHESHIRE AVE 331 HICKORYHILL DR 3618 CHESHIRE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 ENCINITAS CA 92024-4021 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 RICHARD D GLOGER TR CHEN FRANCIS J ESCOFFIER 3620 CHESHIRE AVE 105 CRISTAL SPRINGS CT 3624 CHESHIRE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 BREA CA 92821-4363 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 JACQUES STAPPER WILLIAM E WIEHL TODD E HATFIELD 3626 CHESHIRE AVE 3630 CHESHIRE AVE 622 CABEZON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 VISTA CA 92083-6309 GRAHAM T & ANN FRASER BRUCE R TIMBERLAKE MARY V & WESLY STROTHER 2310 CARRIAGE CIR 3636 CHESHIRE AVE 3638 CHESHIRE AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-3604 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 WILKES TR LYNDSAY L JACKSON WILLIAM M MARTINEZ 18361 SANTA BELINDA 3642 CHESHIRE AVE 3644 CHESHIRE AVE FOUNTAIN VALL 92708-5626 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 ALEXANDER & LISA ORTEGA TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3646 CHESHIRE AVE 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7021 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL KARL J & IDA VOSS ,DAVID C & CARRIE GARZA 3900 HARNEY ST 2996 GREENWICH ST :le05 JERRY ABBOTT ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7027 EL PAS0 TX 79936-4203 LARRY W & LLISON JONES WEBSTER TR CLAUDIA J SCOTT 2986 GREENWICH ST 2982 GREENWICH ST 2976 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7027 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7027 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7027 ALICE J PEREZ SERGUEI MALIARTCHOUK EDUARDO D CONSUNJI 2972 GREENWICH ST 2968 GREENWICH ST 19320 SEGAL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7027 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3667 CERRITOS CA 90703-7143 CLAUDE A & MARY NASH KENNETH BROWN FRED D & JANET WATSON 2957 GREENWICH ST 2963 GREENWICH ST PO BOX 325 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7028 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7028 CARLSBAD CA 92018-0325 DANNY W & JULIE BAILEY DAVID T GORMICAN JESSE L STACKHOUSE 3540 SIERRA MORENA AVE 2981 GREENWICH ST PSC 558 PO BOX 3186 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2139 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7028 FPO AP 96375-3100 TERRI FAUSS WILLIAM B HAYES !JOHN B & TERI DELCAMP 2993 GREENWICH ST 2997 GREENWICH ST 2996 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7028 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7028 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7023 JEFFERY K THOMAS DAVID E ADKINS JIAN Z ZHENG 4395 SHASTA PL 2988 GLENBROOK ST 2982 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7914 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7023 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7023 KEITH H PATTERSON CHRISTOPHER WESTROPP HUTCHINGS 2976 GLENBROOK ST 2972 GLENBROOK ST 2977 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7023 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7023 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7024 FRANCINDA T ROVEY RAFT 0 & SHARON RANGEL DOUGLAS J KELLY 2981 GLENBROOK ST 2985 GLENBROOK ST 2989 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7024 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7024 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7024 ANTHONY F SERRATORE NANIK CHANDWANI KATHLEEN STAFACI 2993 GLENBROOK ST 28072 CLIMA 3635 WILSHIRE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7024 MISSION VIEJO 92692-2607 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7034 ELEANORA E GOOLKASIAN DONALD E ELLING CLIFFORD SCHECHTEL 3637 WILSHIRE ST 3639 WILSHIRE ST 3641 WILSHIRE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7034 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7034 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7034 RICHARD D SALGADO HELEN M KELLY DIANE M PROULX 3002 GREENWICH ST 2944 CORTE DIANA 3010 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92009-5914 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CRAIG F & BERNICE RIZZI ALBERT F PIEPMEYER DANIEL W & DEBRA GRIDER 3014 GREENWICH ST 3018 GREENWICH ST '3022 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 MICHAEL J BARELA PHILIP J ANSBERRY :CHARLES S GAMMON 3026 GREENWICH ST 3030 GREENWICH ST '3034 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7029 MARC C DEMAS WILLIAM R RICHMAN KEVIN BOND 1202 BYRON ST 3023 GREENWICH ST 3737 MISSISSIPPI ST PAL0 ALTO CA 94301-3212 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 SAN DIEGO CA 92104-5901 WILLIAM D & ANN FRANZ PAUL F & DIANE ZEPEDA ESTELLA HASLUP 3015 GREENWICH ST 3011 GREENWICH ST ,3007 GREENWICH ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 MARK COURON PAMELA K HENDRICK SHERMAN T WATKINS 3003 GREENWICH ST 3002 GLENBROOK ST 3006 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 MARY E TIESEN 3010 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 GLENDORA CA 91740-6126 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 GERALD & JOANNE CHAO SHARON L DANA 1727 SUNFLOWER AVE A 3018 GLENBROOK ST STOTLER HARRY L DEVEREAUX JOHN PRESS 3022 GLENBROOK ST 3015 GLENBROOK ST 3 042 GLENBROOK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7025 EARL M CONNALLY CYNTHIA A MCMANUS ,J T & KATHLEEN MARTIN 3 007 GLENBROOK ST 1053 BLUEBIRD AVE 3004 NEWSHIRE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7026 SANTA CLARA C 95051-4201 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7031 LEX M & JUDY COWSERT ROBERT A VONDERHAAR ,TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3008 NEWSHIRE ST 3011 NEWSHIRE ST '3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7031 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7032 'SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 ~ TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL PRICE TR EDIE 3900 HARNEY ST 4729 POINT MALAGA PL #3400 SEACREST DR SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 OCEANSIDE CA 92057-3401 ,CARLSBAD CA 92008-2037 MICHAEL A SALONEK REUBEN & MOIRA GARCIA WALTER D & BONNY BRUNER 3545 SIMSBURY CT 3543 SIMSBURY CT 3541 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 JOHN J WILL TERRELL L & LISA RODMAN ,THOMAS A & IRENE GIBBS 3537 SIMSBURY CT 3535 SIMSBURY CT '3533 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 MANUEL L GONZALEZ CHARLES COOLURIS MICHAEL STAPLETON 3529 SIMSBURY CT 3527 SIMSBURY CT 3525 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ZAKOV PATRICK R HOURIGAN DAVID H & JAMIE IRVINE 13073 POLVERA AVE 3521 SIMSBURY CT 83519 SIMSBURY CT SAN DIEGO CA 92128-1137 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 GAIL J WATTS RICHARD VANALSTINE DAVID BARNUM 3517 SIMSBURY CT 3515 SIMSBURY CT '3513 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ROBERT D & THERESA SIEK 3511 SIMSBURY CT WASH MOHSENZADEH CAMERON S HERNDON 3509 SIMSBURY CT 3507 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLTON D LUND 1320 CORVIDAE ST CARLSBAD CA 92009-4851 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2722 MARK E & GAIL HURST TR RYON 3500 SIMSBURY CT 3502 SIMSBURY CT ANTHONY & SUE TARTOL 3504 SIMSBURY CT T D & DEBORAH BENNETT 'WILLIAM M ACOSTA 3554 SIMSBURY CT 3556 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ITZHAK VERONA 4141 PARKSIDE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-3672 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 KEVIN & JANIE CRAWFORD DANNY A & SHERRY REEVES 3560 SIMSBURY CT 355 SIMSBURY CT CATHERINE L LYNN 3553 SIMSBURY CT BRIAN SARDELICH RALPH H & ANNE LIMON 3552 SIMSBURY CT 3550 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 JASON R FARROW GOVIND B KOTECHA 3548 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ARCADIA CA 91006-4052 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ROBERT T TRAMMELL 11 E LE ROY AVE 3544 SIMSBURY CT KIRK E & ANNETTE WASSON MICHAEL D & LYNN HASLAM HARRY C & MARIAN FANG 3542 SIMSBURY CT 3540 SIMSBURY CT 333 HORIZON DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ENCINITAS CA 92024-4148 PHILLIP R MORROW ALDEN R CABACUNGAN JOHN C FEESS 3536 SIMSBURY CT 3534 SIMSBURY CT 3532 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 JOHN M YANTZER PAULA L MORTIMER NUN0 & CARENE BATTAGLIA 3530 SIMSBURY CT 3528 SIMSBURY CT 3526 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 WILLIAM HAYES STEVEN N RUNZEL 3524 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 FREDERICK C BURNELL 3522 SIMSBURY CT 3520 SIMSBURY CT DENNIS E & GAIL OSGOOD 3518 SIMSBURY CT JEFFREY E MYERS MICHAEL L ROBINSON 3516 SIMSBURY CT 3514 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CHRISTOPHER W RECHLIN 3512 SIMSBURY CT DAVID B PITTMAN MICHAEL LICHTMAN 3510 SIMSBURY CT 3508 SIMSBURY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 ALAN CUMMINGS KNOLLS OF CAIAVERA HILL KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL 3506 SIMSBURY CT 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7035 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HAFNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HAFNEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL KAS s CHAU JACK & MARIKA MOLLIN 3900 HARNEY ST 3195 SEABURY ST 3193 SEABURY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 JAY F MCCANN SCOTT R MURRAY TR SOT0 3191 SEABURY ST 3189 SEABURY ST 3187 SEABURY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 WENDY BALLAGH KEVIN S WILLIAMS KIUMARS T BOURBOUR 3545 EMMA LN 3183 SEABURY ST 3181 SEABURY ST VISTA CA 92084-6634 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 KENNETH I DAVIES MICHAEL G HOWES DIANE PAL 4132 AVOYER PL 3177 SEABURY ST 3175 SEABURY ST LA MESA CA 91941-7006 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 ALEXANDRA A HAMNER OWENS ROBERT P & ELLEN SMITH 3173 SEABURY ST 3171 SEABURY ST '3169 SEABURY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 BRIAN D & LISA STARK GEORGE A DECOTTES DEBORAH A EUBANKS 3167 SEABURY ST 3165 SEABURY ST '3163 SEABURY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7037 AHMED AZIMZADEH 3164 SEABURY ST EDWARD J & CAROL KANE RICHARD M LEPPERT 2480 WILLISTON DR 3168 SEABURY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 CHARLOTTESVIL 22901-7738 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 RONALD & JILL ANDERSON DAVID P & LESLIE WYNN ROBERT C & LINDA ALLEN 3170 SEABURY ST 3172 SEABURY ST 3174 SEABURY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 MARGARET A SULLIVAN JEFFREY D & PEGGY MOORE RUSSELL A SERRANO 3176 SEABURY ST 3511 STOCKTON PL 3515 STOCKTON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7044 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7044 THOMAS A MAYER NORMAN & DOREEN YEOMANS 'PAULETTE THOMPSON 3519 STOCKTON PL 3523 STOCKTON PL 3526 STOCKTON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7044 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7044 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7043 MALCOLM P DOTTS THOMAS D & EVELYN BLAKE WILLIAM F & LILIA SMITH 3524 STOCKTON PL 3522 STOCKTON PL 3518 STOCKTON PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7043 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7043 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7043 SEAN & FATIMA MOONEY WILLIAM A FRONK 'JERROLD A PETERSEN 3 514 STOCKTON PL 3510 STOCKTON PL 3511 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7043 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7043 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7052 NIRSCHL JOSE A OLIVAS JAMES D & LOIDA BROWN 3515 MILFORD PL 3519 MILFORD PL 3525 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7052 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7052 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7052 PAUL A VANDERPOOL ROBERT L ANDERSON CALAVERA HILLS HOMEOWNE 3527 MILFORD PL PO BOX 1616 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7052 RANCHO SANTA 92067-1616 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CALAVERA HILLS HOMEOWNE KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILL TREETOPS UNLIMITED 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 DAVID A KILBOURNE CAROL ANDLAUER JEREMY & SUNNY JEROME 3504 HASTINGS DR 3510 HASTINGS DR 3512 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 JANICE L VALDIVIA 3514 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 LOS ANGELES C 90024-6182 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 TR SCHWARTZ JOHN C BURGESS 10475 EASTBORNE AVE 3518 HASTINGS DR JOHN B & MARY KING 13154 JANETTA PL ROSA A DEVLIN THOMAS H MITCHELL 1130 GARFIELD AVE 3524 HASTINGS DR SAN DIEGO CA 92130-1878 SAN JOSE CA 95125-3113 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 BARNEY E KELLEN CATHERINE L CHESTER LORRAINE MALONEY 3526 HASTINGS DR 3530 HASTINGS DR 3532 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 MARASHI TR LINDA D INMAN DANIEL J HONSOWETZ 2704 TIBURON AVE 3536 HASTINGS DR 3538 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7907 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 ALAN D KENNEDY HUGH R & CINDY STALEY SUE Y TU 3540 HASTINGS DR 3542 HASTINGS DR 3544 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 BROYLES PHILLIP J HASLAM KAREN L RILEY 3546 HASTINGS DR 3548 HASTINGS DR 3552 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 WALL & RUDI BACA KENNETH SCHMITT ALORA J BURTON 3554 HASTINGS DR 3556 HASTINGS DR 6 HERRADA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 SANTA FE NM 87505-8877 SUSAN R MELENDEZ SCOTT D & TONYA KENNEDY MICHAEL L SAUNDERS 3560 HASTINGS DR 3562 HASTINGS DR PSC 813 PO BOX 138 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 FPO AE 09620-0138 DENNIS J DELUCA JAMES T MCCLAIN SANDRA LEVEE 3557 HASTINGS DR 3555 HASTINGS DR 800 GRAND AVE C1 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1876 MICHAEL FRYER BERNICE E BLUNK FREDRICK CORDOVA 3551 HASTINGS DR 3549 HASTINGS DR 3537 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 LISABETH M CARRACINO ANDREW S MCCLURE JAIRO A VALDERRAMA 3535 HASTINGS DR 3533 HASTINGS DR PO BOX 74 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 WESTMINSTER C 92684-0074 DAVID D & ELLEN KNELL EDITH S TAN ROBERT C SUSATCHEK 3529 HASTINGS DR 3527 HASTINGS DR 3525 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 JANUZZI 3523 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 JOAQUIN F DEVELASCO CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 3541 LANDSFORD WAY MARY R HJELT 3535 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 ELEANOR MATEER CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 3529 LANDSFORD WAY BERNARD R HEAD 3523 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 MARTHA M WOOLWEAVER 3517 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 JEFFREY D & MARY SAVAGE 3509 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 JOHN T BURKETT 3521 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7042 KERRY A FOOTE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 3539 LANDSFORD WAY NORMAN R HAMSON 3533 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 PAUL R RUNGE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 3527 LANDSFORD WAY MATTHEW P & DONNA BRAGG 3521 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 JACK B BROWN 3515 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 JAMES W & MARY RYAN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 3507 LANDSFORD WAY JUERGEN H MUELLER SAN DIEGO CA 92128-3775 14054 VIA CORSINI JOHN D & VICKI ROBERTS 3537 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 DOREEN D LECAKES 3531 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 BARBARA L PRUIETT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 3525 LANDSFORD WAY SHARON A RADT 3519 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 JUDITH A GRIESHABER 3511 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 THOMAS H LUCAS 3505 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7047 KENNETH S WINFIELD LINDA SHIRVANIAN 3508 LANDSFORD WAY 3510 LANDSFORD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7046 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7046 VAGAN MOVSESYAN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7046 3512 LANDSFORD WAY JOHN ARCHDEACON GEORGI GEORGI 3514 LANDSFORD WAY 1875 BIENVENIDA CIR 1875 BIENVENIDA CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7046 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3804 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3804 MARGARET BATEMAN HERRICK TICH-HUY DU ALEXANDER 3513 HASTINGS DR 3511 HASTINGS DR 3509 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 ROBERT C KETTS RANDY J CUNNINGHAM STEVEN E & JANICE BURKE 3507 HASTINGS DR 3505 HASTINGS DR 3503 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7041 TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HARNEY ST TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL ,TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 WEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SCHMIDT ARTHUR M GARY RICHARD S ELDER 3936 SYME DR 3508 HASTINGS DR 3606 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-3569 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7040 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 OHANNES KITABSIZIAN HAZEL S & LINDA STEWART STEPHEN P DONOHUE 3608 MILFORD PL 3610 MILFORD PL 3612 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CONRAD c & LYNN HAMMANN CHRISTIAN B COWDREY JENNIE L SMITH 3614 MILFORD PL 6117 SUMMER PARLE LN 3618 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 ALEXANDRIA VA 22315 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 KEVIN C WALKER STEPHEN G LADLEY PHILIP J CLARK 3620 MILFORD PL 3622 MILFORD PL 3624 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 SCHULZ TR RISLEY JAMES V SULLIVAN 3626 MILFORD PL 3628 MILFORD PL 4905 NEBLINA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3727 DAVID N PADGETT JOHN J BROADMEADOW 3627 MILFORD PL EUGENE E KARL 6313 ALBERTA ST 3623 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 SPRINGFIELD V 22152-1959 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 LINDA R LEE 3621 MILFORD PL DARRELL A PINES KASO & JEANNINE JOHN 7233 MIMOSA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 CARLSBAD CA 92009-5136 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 3617 MILFORD PL E W BAILEY TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3615 MILFORD PL 3900 HARNEY ST TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7045 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 RICHARD M HANNASCH MARK T & BETTY BLONDIN 3611 HARWICH DR LIGIA C LFAKE 3615 HARWICH DR 3619 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7049 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7049 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7049 JOHN & JOANN LOPEZ JERRY C SANDERS 3621 HARWICH DR 3623 HARWICH DR GONZALO E GRANDA 134 CALIFORNIA ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7049 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7049 ARCADIA CA 91006-3641 2771 SOUTHAMPTON RD STEVEN A & JUDY JOHNSON KAREN MORALES 3674 HARWICH DR JOHN M CASEMENT 3375 RAMBLA PACIFIC0 ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2883 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 MALIBU CA 90265-5142 JOHN B & JANE TRAYER TY P & ANNE TURLEY PO BOX 758 ROBERT I CHEKERDJIAN 3668 HARWICH DR 3666 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92018-0758 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 JIMMIE C SEBRING QUANEY 3664 HARWICH DR C R & JUDITH WALTERS 3662 HARWICH DR ,3660 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 GRAHAM J ESPIE MICHAEL A AGUIRRE LINDA S BUTLER 4717 GATESHEAD RD 3656 HARWICH DR 3654 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 PATRICIA L ZADRA JACK & AIDA SHAKARIAN 3652 HARWICH DR 3650 HARWICH DR JACK K & MARILYN KARINS 3634 HARWICH DR CARLSBAE CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 RUDY W NOVOTNY WILLIAM T HOFFMAN ROBERT L TUCCI 4298 CORDOBES CV 3630 HARWICH DR 1216 BASINBROOK DR SAN DIEGO CA 92130-2221 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 N. LAS VEGAS 89032-7845 STAN TIGER GLENN & PATRICIA HAKIUS ROBERT E CULBERTSON 3626 HARWICH DR 3624 HARWICH DR 3622 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7048 PETER E & JUNE HUEBER LARRY J & BRENDA BROWN RICHARD Y YONEW 3461 CORVALLIS ST 3614 ASHBY CT 3612 ASHBY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-2187 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7050 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7050 JOHN E SCHNEIDER BRADFORD A THRALL HERMAN W SMITH 3610 ASHBY CT 3608 ASHBY CT 18932 AMADOR CIR 1312D CARLSBAD CA 92008-7050 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7050 ,HUNTINGTON BE 92646-8731 JOHN D LINDSLEY TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL 3 604 ASHBY CT 3900 WEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7050 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILL JOHN D DOWDY 3900 HARNEY ST 3900 HARNEY ST 3716 AZIMUTH PL SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 ! CYPRESS VALLEY L L C CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 'BRIAN C GALLAGHER 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE 2900 CLIFF CIR NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 ROBERT & JOAN PARTIN RUDY & SHERRY GONZALEZ 'LOUIS F VELASCO 2904 CLIFF CIR 3708 AZIMUTH PL '3712 AZIMUTH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 CONRAD B KREUTZER RHETT W SAUNDERS ROGER W & MARY BROWN 3716 AZIMUTH PL 2952 CLIFF CIR 22 ,2956 CLIFF CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 MARFELO 0 MAGAOAY TIMOTHY A MERCER CHIW & JULIE TSANG 2960 CLIFF CIR 24 2964 CLIFF CIR 25 5003 ROSE CT SE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 SMYRNA GA 30082-1860 DAVID R & SUSAN LEVINE ANDY D TA KEITH S & MARY BADINER 4 SIRIUS IRVINE CA 92612-5714 2976 CLIFF CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7058 2975 CLIFF CIR GILBERT E & J GORDON HARRY J & KAREN TAYLOR 2959 CLIFF CIR CHIUMAN & JULIE TSANG 2949 CLIFF CIR 2937 SEGOVIA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-7058 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7058 CARLSBAD CA 92009-8231 CAROLYN T MILAFDO MOHAMMAD H ASLAMI 2935 CLIFF CIR 33 WENQING WU CARLSBAD CA 92008-7058 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7058 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 2903 CLIFF CIR 35 2920 CLIFF CIR GERALD M & BARBARA HEIT ALEXANDER R STRILER 2908 CLIFF CIR ANTHONY KIM '2569 ALMANOR DR 2912 CLIFF CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 TRACY CA 95304-5811 NATHAN T BARNES ROBERT J MORRIS 2920 CLIFF CIR 2924 CLIFF CIR MARY M MILLS 2928 CLIFF CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 MARISA M LEE VICTOR J BAROTHY-LANGER BONNIE M TIGLIO 2932 CLIFF CIR 2936 CLIFF CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 2940 CLIFF CIR MICHAEL N & ANNA CALLAN RAYMOND S WYSMIERSKI STEPHEN J CURRIER 2944 CLIFF CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7057 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 2948 CLIFF CIR 3711 AZIMUTH PL WENQING & ZHANG WU ROY L & LYDIA PARKER DAVID & TRACI TROXELL 3707 AZIMUTH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 3703 AZIMUTH PL 3700 AZIMUTH PL LAWRENCE J MALONE LESLIE J SUTTLE JACOB MENDOZA 3704 AZIMUTH PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7062 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7058 CARLSBAD CA 92008 2919 CLIFF CIR 3711 AZIMUTH PL JAMES CROCKETT MARK V CARUANA 2 73 8 AVALON AVE HENNING J JONSSON 2750 AVALON AVE 2744 AVALON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 TR KIISEL RICHARD A BRANDT 2756 AVALON AVE 2762 AVALON AVE RICHARD R RAKIJIAN 2768 AVALON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 ROGELIO S & KEELY ALBA DAVID DEADERICK KENNETH E BREEDING 2774 AVALON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 2780 AVALON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7915 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 4314 STANFORD ST KENNETH B MACKENZIE DIMARCO TR BARTH W VAN DIEPEN 2210 SARA WAY 4326 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-2779 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 4332 STANFORD ST ROBERT M VOITH SEBASTIAN M ADAME 4338 STANFORD ST 4344 STANFORD ST LLOYD G TILLMAN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 4350 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 THOMAS F LYMAN LON H & JOYCE BRASSEY :SHAWN & REESE HARRIS 4354 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 4358 STANFORD ST 4362 STANFORD ST ~ BRENDAN & SUSAN MCCLORY FRANK L BOHLER 4366 STANFORD ST THOMAS A ABRELL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 4370 STANFORD ST '4374 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 JERALDINE K SMITH DUNMEYER 4378 STANFORD ST ' GORIS C GEER CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 4382 STANFORD ST 4386 STANFORD ST MACDOUGALL 4390 STANFORD ST FRANK A VOGEL 4394 STANFORD ST SUKHDEV R & P SHARMA 4398 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 'CARLSBAD CA 92008-7922 PHILLIPS PHILIP L SILCOX TARIZ & ALICE ARAMIAN 2761 TIBURON AVE 15403 PARK ESTATES LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7908 HOUSTON TX 77062-3677 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7908 2755 TIBURON AVE UDEEPTA & VICKI GANGULI JOHN J & SUSAN CABRAL 2751 TIBURON AVE 2747 TIBURON AVE SAMUEL J ALESSI 2743 TIBURON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7908 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7908 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7908 CLYDE E LEFEVRE PETER P & SUEMING YANG 2739 TIBURON AVE 2745 AVALON AVE JAMES C CHEN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7908 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7916 2751 AVALON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7916 MARGARET B GILLETTE 2 757 AVALON AVE CLIFTON R & ERIN MADDOX JAMES P & LISA BAKER 2763 AVALON AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7916 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7916 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7916 2769 AVALON AVE BARBARA R SMITH STEVEN R & MARY MEDINA 2 775 AVALON AVE KIRK F WEISENBURGER OLD APRA HTS 2774 BERKELEY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7916 SANTA RITA GU 96915 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7919 MOHAMED YUSUFF 2768 BERKELEY AVE JEFF & NATANYA FOGEL GERALD J BIANVCHINI 2762 BERKELEY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7919 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7919 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7919 2758 BERKELEY AVE ~ TIM A & KAREN OCONNOR ROBERT R CHASE 4353 TUOLUMNE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 DAVID C PULSIPHER 4363 TUOLUMNE PL 4357 TUOLUMNE PL RALPH A & MALYNDA KAY 4367 TUOLUMNE PL WEINER TR LEO A DANA 2613 ROCA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 THOUSAND OAKS 91360-1309 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 4375 TUOLUMNE PL PAT & JUDY ENTEZARI CHRISTOPHER M YEOMANS 4377 TUOLUMNE PL TR COTTON CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 4374 TUOLUMNE PL 4378 TUOLUMNE PL ROBERT W GRAEFF JEFFREY B SATTERWHITE 4370 TUOLUMNE PL OCONNER CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 4362 TUOLUMNE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 4366 TUOLUMNE PL GARY & KAREN POLSTER CLARENCE P WILTJER GLENN & NANCY GARBEIL 4358 TUOLUMNE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 CARLSBAD CA 92009-4442 4354 TUOLUMNE PL 2949 UNICORN10 ST ARTHUR L EDLIN 4346 TUOLUMNE PL PAUL M & BETTY FENLON CAMPBELL TR 619 VALLEY FORGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 WESTERVILLE 0 43081-2731 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7920 2781 BERKELEY AVE JORGEN S NIELSEN 4351 STANFORD ST LEE A & LYNN SWENSON JULIA R MAINE 4355 STANFORD ST 4359 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7923 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7923 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7923 REYNOLDS JUDY C ULRICH STEPHEN J & JANE RIEGER 4363 STANFORD ST 4367 STANFORD ST 4375 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7923 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7923 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7923 AIMCO SUNSET VILLAGE L HANSON AGGREGATES PACIF CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C 7537 E MCDONALD DR 9229 HARRIS PLANT RD 2727 HOOVER AVE SCOTTSDALE AZ 85250-6062 SAN DIEGO CA 92163-9069 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 BRIAN K ROBERTSON ENVIRONMENTAL TR CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 4656 EL CAMINO REAL 7879 EL CAJON BLVD 2727 HOOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-3751 LA MESA CA 91941-3623 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C 'CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE 272 7 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C TR ENVIRONMENTAL :STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2727 HOOVER AVE 7879 EL CAJON BLVD PUBLIC AGENCY NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 LA MESA CA 91941-3623 LOS ANGELES C 90017-1466 ROBERTSON ~ CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 5056 EL CAMINO REAL 2727 HOOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-3772 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 *** 1223 Printed *** MAXIMINO J DELVALLE DEMPSEY 3637 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4609 GALLEISKY 4041 MIRA VERDE ST 3641 ESPLANADE ST GALLEISKY FRANK & VIRGINIA MANN 4041 MIRA VERDE ST DAVID M MCINROE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4609 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 4032 ALTO ST 4036 ALTO ST PAGE & LEAH DANIEL WILLIAM W & DORENE SIMS 4040 ALTO ST 4044 ALTO ST 4039 ALTO ST JAMES D PAULSON OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 MINA MARJANOVIC 4035 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 GREGORY L KESSNER TR STOTTS 4031 ALTO ST 4027 ALTO ST DEBORAH J ROBUST0 4023 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 LIAMATUA F FAASAMALA RANDALL s HAINES 4019 ALTO ST 4015 ALTO ST THOMAS M FRATANGELO MARK S EASTMAN 1073 LA TORTUGA DR WILLIAM E HOKAMA 3632 ESPLANADE ST 4007 ALTO ST VISTA CA 92083-6442 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4618 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4619 JAMES F & SUSAN HICKEY 4012 ALTO ST NORMA J HESSE CHRISTOPHER S RUDDY 3640 BOLIVAR ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4615 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 4002 ALTO ST KAL-P FRANK T MERIWETHER PO BOX 1155 CARLSBAD CA 92018-1155 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5028 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5028 HUNTER C & ANN NEWMAN 3627 MIRA MONTE DR 3631 MIRA MONTE DR WILLIAM W MONTGOMERY CLAUD10 I VILLARREAL 3635 MIRA MONTE DR STEVEN R MORACE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5028 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4608 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4608 4094 MIRA VERDE ST 4090 MIRA VERDE ST BURYL R & SHARON EADS DOUGLAS G MICHAELS WILLIAM H HOLLINGSWORTH 4086 MIRA VERDE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4608 4082 MIRA VERDE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4608 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 4073 ALTO ST DANIEL L FAASAMALA 4101 ALTO ST CHRISTOPHER A BRIDGE RONALD A ALLRED 4105 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4616 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4616 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4616 4109 ALTO ST ROBERT & FREDA HARRIS JOSE E & ELSA TORRES JAMES R SWAB 4111 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4616 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4609 CARLSBAD CA 92018-0194 4065 MIRA VERDE ST PO BOX 194 TR HOGG ROBERT J ROGERS 23894 VIA DE GEMA LINDA 4060 ALTO ST 4056 ALTO ST KENNETH W DIAS MURRIETA CA 92562-2063 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 VICTOR L SCHNEIDER PAUL E & SANDRA GAFF 4052 ALTO ST 4048 ALTO ST NANCY I DICKESON 4047 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4617 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 ROBERT A KFASZULYAK VINCENT J KALAHER 4051 ALTO ST THOMAS M & KIM REESER 4059 ALTO ST 4055 ALTO ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 GERMAN & FIDELIA TORRES 4063 ALTO ST WILLIE R & SARAH MURPHY BEESON 4067 ALTO ST 2636 DAVIS PL OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4601 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1461 WAYNE J & OBYN MCMAHON 4086 VISTA CALAVERAS ST RICHARD L PORTER ISABEL M GARCIA 4082 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4078 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 MADYLON K SHUPERT ANN D HORKA BERNIE & BERTHA KLIMEK 4074 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4068 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4064 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 TERRY M KERLEY ROBERT J ROWLAND 2036 PORT WEYBRIDGE PL 4058 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4054 VISTA CALAVERAS ST RAYMOND J ACOSTA NEWPORT BEACH 92660-5433 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 DANIEL F TRENSKI ROY E DOXSTADER 4050 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4046 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4042 VISTA CALAVERAS ST MICHELLE L SAGNIMENI OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4602 KATHLEEN M QUIGLEY 4036 VISTA CALAVERAS ST LEROY DOMINGUEZ 4032 VISTA CALAVERAS ST GILBERT ARRIAGA OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 4031 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 BYRON L BLANCHFIELD TYLER ALEXANDER 4035 VISTA CALAVERAS ST THOMAS W PRAGER 4037 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 2020 CORDOBA PL OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3710 PATRICIA A BARACHKOV CHARLES F WURSTER 4043 VISTA CALAVERAS ST JOHN A & LINDA SANDERA 4047 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4051 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 RICKY L JUSTICE 4053 VISTA CALAVERAS ST DIANE L WILKINS MARY M & FRANK AMARI 4057 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4061 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 THOAMS I DUBOSE ROBERT A RILEY 4065 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4069 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4073 VISTA CALAVERAS ST NOBLE E & LA ORSTAD OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 RUSSELL H JOHNSON 4077 VISTA CALAVERAS ST LEON CONTRERAS RAYMOND K JOHNSON 4081 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4085 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 FELIX & SALLY LOIACONO 34061 MALAGA DR B EDMON L PORTER SHEILA L OLEARY 3661 ESPLANADE ST 3657 ESPLANADE ST DANA POINT CA 92629-2658 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 CHRISTOPHER STOCKDALE MARY J KORBACHER HOFFMAN 3653 ESPLANADE ST 3649 ESPLANADE ST 3645 ESPLANADE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4612 LEONEL G BARAJAS JOHN R & ESLIE DONNELLY 3644 ESPLANADE ST THOMAS M BURRITT OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4619 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4619 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 3648 ESPLANADE ST 4006 VISTA CALAVERAS ST BILLY G & PAULINE WHITE DUANE MOORE 4010 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4014 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4018 VISTA CALAVERAS ST EVA PESAK OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 STEVEN E DREYER TR BRADLEY PAUL E NOLEN 4020 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4024 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4026 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 ANN H HALLOCK 3500 UPPERLINE GARY B DAVIS WILLIAMS 4030 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4029 VISTA CAIAVERAS ST NEW ORLEANS L 70125-4816 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 ANA B DAUGHERTY EVELYN F AUSTIN JUDY A LIU 4027 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 1528 NW 5TH ST 4023 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 MCMINNVILLE 0 97128-5122 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 CANDICE D JOHNSON ROBERT S & RHONDA CROSS VICCIE F YOUNG 4021 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4019 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4015 VISTA CALAVERAS ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 EDWARD E ARMS JOSEPH A FREDERICKS DONALD E PURCELL 4320 POINT REYES CT 4009 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4007 VISTA CALAVERAS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7926 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 DONALD L SCHRA” TIM J FARRELL JOHN F CURRAN 4005 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4001 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 3691 WATER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4607 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5025 DONALD W & ELAINE ANSON MARTIN G ESQUIVEL JAMES R & SILVIA FENNEY 3689 WATER WAY 3687 WATER WAY 3685 WATER WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5025 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5025 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5025 MIGUEL ARRIOLA THOMAS C ROSENTHAL WILLIAM PERREAULT 3 683 WATER WAY 3681 WATER WAY 712 VALLEY CREST DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5025 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5025 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-7441 ERNEST L TOLLES BRENNER A & BLANCA DUNN LISA AVILA 3808 VISTA CAMPANA S 46 3667 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3669 HARBOR VIEW WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92057-8137 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 RICHARD S DANWALDER ANDREW MARTINEZ FRANKIE W DOBRATZ 3671 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3675 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3672 HARBOR VIEW WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5037 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5037 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5037 GERARD A DEVITT KIMBERLY A KOCH AARON D & TERFS HULTIN 3670 HARBOR VIEW WAY 2360 FOOTHILL DR 3666 HARBOR VIEW WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5037 VISTA CA 92084-5807 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 ROBERT RAMIREZ JAMES E FIELDS MATTHEW BLOMGREN 3664 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3662 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3661 HARBOR VIEW WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 IGANCIO C DIAZ JOHN HENDERSON HICKS 3659 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3657 HARBOR VIEW WAY 712 SILVER DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 VISTA CA 92083-4241 CARMEN H MARTINEZ TODD A MUSGRAVE DENNIS G TAYLOR 3653 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3651 HARBOR VIEW WAY 3633 HARBOR CREST WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5006 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5007 NICK J ,s JEAN ALVAREZ DAVIS LUIS A & MARIA TATENCO 3631 HARBOR CREST WAY 362 9 HARBOR CREST WAY '3627 HARBOR CREST WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5007 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5007 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5007 TR SELL BRADLEY E NERHUS BEVERLY A STUBER PO BOX 1091 3623 HARBOR CREST WAY 3634 HARBOR CREST WAY CARLSBAD CA 92018-1091 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5007 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5007 LYNN C VANDERLIP-WATERS AGUSTIN & NORMA OCHOA HEREDIA 3636 HARBOR CREST WAY 1179 BLUE BIRD CANYON T :730 ANCHOR WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5036 VISTA CA 92084-7435 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3326 SOWELL LORRAINE JULIUS CYNTHIA PEREZ WALKER 1041 MAR VISTA DR 3644 HARBOR CREST WAY 3645 HARBOR CREST WAY VISTA CA 92083-7430 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5036 'OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5036 SALVADOR R MORENO BERNARD B HOLCOMB KATHLEEN AHLFORS 3643 HARBOR CREST WAY 76 TANGERINE 3639 HARBOR CREST WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5036 IRVINE CA 92618-4575 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5036 WALTER H & ARDETH RICE DEBRA WURTH LOVE YVONNE C EST OF 9959 AVENIDA MAGNIFICA 3645 HARBOR CREST WAY 5201 RUFFIN RE A SAN DIEGO CA 92131-1423 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5036 SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1699 RICHARD HUNTER 3603 SEACREST WAY RICHARD P & REBEKA BESS ADALBERTO CAMPOS 3605 SEACREST WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5027 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5027 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5027 3607 SEACREST WAY MARLOW GUDMUNDSON 653 CRESCENT CT VISTA CA 92084-7035 DOROTHY E FRYE ALVIN HATCHETT 3622 SEACREST WAY 3620 SEACREST WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5038 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5038 ROY F MCKINNEY KAREN JOHANNSEN 3618 SEACREST WAY KATIE A MCLAUGHLIN 3616 SEACREST WAY 3614 SEACREST WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5038 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5038 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5038 JAMES D MONDAY 4679 ESTHER ST DIXON 1462 OLIVE AVE ARTHUR G VALDEZ 4449 POINT DEGADA SAN DIEGO CA 92115-3835 VISTA CA 92083-5547 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6906 JAMES E LONEY SARAH N SPAID 104 COUNTRYWOOD LN ENCINITAS CA 92024-3109 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5027 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5027 SADAKO ZETTEL 3604 SEACREST WAY 3602 SEACREST WAY CHARLES H MAGEE 33596 VIA DE AGUA SAN JUAN CAP1 92675-4944 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 DOUGLAS G DUGGAN 'DAVID & ANN KO0 4178 BAYCLIFF WAY '4176 BAYCLIFF WAY DANIELLE S GUTHRIE KATHLEEN M QUIGLEY 4174 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-4606 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 HEREDIA AUDREY M 4036 VISTA CALAVERAS ST 4170 BAYCLIFF WAY SOURAPHONH SENGVILAY MARY MERRY MARIA TAYLOR 22 6 SANTA CLARA DR 4139 CHASIN ST 4177 BAYCLIFF WAY VISTA CA 92083-5638 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-3445 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 RYAN A BROWN 4175 BAYCLIFF WAY RALPH H & TERIE ROWLEY JUAN J GUTIERREZ 4173 BAYCLIFF WAY 4171 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 STEVE & CYNTHIA SALAS 4169 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5035 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 WAYNE J COLLINS ROBERT J OTOOLE 4167 BAYCLIFF WAY 4165 BAYCLIFF WAY JOHN P & NANCY PATTON 4163 BAYCLIFF WAY JOHN D & JULIE MACK JULIE M KNIFFEN 4161 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 4159 BAYCLIFF WAY NEDRA L JOHNSON 4157 BAYCLIFF WAY COLIN & ALICIA HAYNES DAVID DICKHOFF 4155 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 4153 BAYCLIFF WAY GLORIA MENDEZ VICKI L BREUL 28485 VALLEY CENTER RD 4156 BAYCLIFF WAY ROBERT S SEELY 4154 BAYCLIFF WAY VALLEY CENTER 92082-6563 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5029 DONALD G & LINDA EVANS 802 ANNS WAY 4146 BAYCLIFF WAY CHRISTOPHER E PUTMAN JEFFREY B SMITH VISTA CA 92083-4717 4144 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 CORRINE PEREZ-GARCIA 2801 VIA CARRIO ERNIE T & SOPHIA GARZA CHRISTINE E SILVERTHORN 4140 BAYCLIFF WAY 4151 BAYCLIFF WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-8340 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 SHIRLEY J SWARTWOOD 4149 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 JORGE & SHARNA MORAN IRA SCHECHTEL 4147 BAYCLIFF WAY 4145 BAYCLIFF WAY BEATRIZ J TAYLOR 4143 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5034 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5030 SHARON K BAILEY MARY B REUTER 4141 BAYCLIFF WAY 4139 BAYCLIFF WAY R S & ROBERT LENT ADRIAN CANTU ELMER P & GRACE HAYES 24772 VIA BALBOA 952 KNOWLES AVE 28362 GITANO LAGUNA HILLS 92653-4637 CARLSBAD CA 92008-1455 MISSION VIEJO 92692-2214 JENNIFER M BANGS 4131 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5030 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5030 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 BRENDA C SONNEBORN MARC I PICKER 4129 BAYCLIFF WAY 3602 SURFLINE WAY BRIAN W KIRBY ALAN IADISERNIA 3604 SURFLINE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 CINDY L GIBSON 3606 SURFLINE WAY 3608 SURFLINE WAY DAWN L SUART ALEXANDER RODRIGUEZ MATTHEW S WHITTEN 420 W ACACIA AVE 3612 SURFLINE WAY 3614 SURFLINE WAY EL SEGUNDO CA 90245-2128 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 TIMOTHY J BRENNAN AMANDA J AMERSON THOMAS D & SHARON FURRH 1581 SW CURTIS ST 3618 SURFLINE WAY 3620 SURFLINE WAY PORT SAINT LU 34983-3050 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 BETSY E MACE BARBARA L ILLETTE GILBERT & HOULIHAN TR 3622 SURFLINE WAY 3607 SURFLINE WAY 2445 MARK CIR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2816 ANGELA A MCMILLAN KATHRYN GASTELO JOSE R AGUILAR 3603 SURFLINE WAY 3601 SURFLINE WAY 4127 BAYCLIFF WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5026 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5030 GRAHAM T & ANN FRASER STACEY C SHULMAN HUBERT J INGOLD 2310 CARRIAGE CIR 4123 BAYCLIFF WAY 4135 PARK DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-3604 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5030 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3636 BAY SHORES SOUTH OWNERS DENNIS E & MELBA DUNN DAVID & LISA MARSHALL 17881 SKY PARK CIR 3609 CERRO AVE 3611 CERRO AVE IRVINE CA 92614-6304 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 'OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 GRANT W GAERTNER GUSTAVO S OROZCO CHARLES 0 & ERICA COBLE 4211 SERENA AVE 4213 SERENA AVE 4217 SERENA AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5018 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5018 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5018 EDWARD M PATERSON DENNIS B LARISON SALVADOR MARQUEZ 1375 BASSWOOD AVE 4227 SERENA AVE 4231 SERENA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-1904 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5018 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5018 RICHARD ORRELL ROBERT & BARBARA BIRCH DEBORAH D SANTINO 1718 VICTORIA WAY 4210 SERENA AVE 4206 SERENA AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92069-9401 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5019 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5019 JAMES T FREDERICK PETER M HERRON MASON A MARTIN 3658 CERRO AVE 1020 MONTEREY BLVD 4 4234 LA TIERA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 HERMOSA BEACH 90254-3714 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 CLARK & MOLDENHAUER TR JUDY A BEAN 5168 SUMMERHILL DR GORDON T & RUTH COWIE 4230 LA TIERA DR 4228 LA TIERA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92057-6925 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 KIRK D & KRISTINA BAKER ROBIN VANDERSCHAAF 4226 LA TIERA DR RAMIE P LABELLE 4224 LA TIERA DR 4222 LA TIERA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 FEODOR & HANA SOUCEK 4220 LA TIERA DR RABBIT TR THUAN T CRIM ROLFE PO BOX 5466 3623 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5022 OCEANSIDE CA 92052-5466 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 DANIEL V ZALINSKI WILLIAM A HANSON GLEN HAHN 3625 CERRO AVE 3627 CERRO AVE 3629 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 DONALD D FRATE ROSALEE M KINANE RICHARD X MILLER 3631 CERRO AVE 3633 CERRO AVE 3635 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 WILLIAM A ROECKER DAVID L & CASEY BROWN CLIFFORD HARVEY 3637 CERRO AVE 3639 CERRO AVE 3641 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 DEEANN & RICHARD COSTA MARY L VOLLMER KAREN S BROWN 3643 CERRO AVE 3651 AZURE LADO DR PO BOX 6603 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5011 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5005 OCEANSIDE CA 92052-6603 ROBERT J THIELMANN ANTHONY J DEMARCO MICHAEL T ACEVEDO 3655 AZURE LADO DR 3657 AZURE LADO DR 3659 AZURE LADO DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5005 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5005 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5005 DONALD R & HELEN BRAGG 3661 AZURE LADO DR LLOYD W BRINER JIMMY F & DEBRA HIGGINS 3660 AZURE LADO DR 3654 AZURE LADO DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5005 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5004 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5004 ROBERT S SEELY MICHAEL S MULSIZER EDWARD L & CONNIE KREBS 3 652 AZURE LADO DR 3650 AZURE LADO DR 3647 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5004 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5004 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5002 DAVID R FANDEL PO BOX 782 DENNIS H & DIANA CLEARY PAT & JUDY ENTEZARI 3651 CERRO AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92079-0782 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5002 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7924 4377 TUOLUMNE PL KEITH A & DEBORA COMEY ARTHUR J METRAS 3655 CERRO AVE 2830 ARDEN WAY 187 STEPHEN C COSGRAY 3652 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5002 SACRAMENTO CA 95825-1372 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 SCOTT F BENNER ALBERT & JANET DEVLIN 3650 CERRO AVE KEVIN M & MARY CLEARY 3648 CERRO AVE 3646 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 HOLLINGSWORTH WILLIAM & NICOLE HAGE 3644 CERRO AVE THOMAS S OTTENBERG 3642 CERRO AVE 3640 CERRO AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5001 PAULINE UMSCHEID JOHN & BARBARA GOMBAR 4223 LA TIERA DR ROBERT F & CINDY GOAD 775 MARSOPA DR 4227 LA TIERA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5021 VISTA CA 92083-6484 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5021 DARRYL ELMER SUE A HULTIN EDWINDO B ESTABILLO 4229 LA TIERA DR 4231 LA TIERA DR 4233 LA TIERA DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5021 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5021 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5021 DAVID & ROSE WEINBERG KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO I KUBOTA JACK Y 4235 LA TIERA DR PO BOX 1155 !536 MERIDIAN WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5021 CARLSBAD CA 92018-1155 CARLSBAD CA 92009-5400 LARRY & KATHLEEN SLAGAL R&R PROPERTIES MIFSUD 3750 LONGVIEW DR 325 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 37 MONACO CARLSBAD CA 92008-2815 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2928 NEWPORT BEACH 92660-6820 GARY THOMASON SKY HAVEN POINTE UNIT N 3675 AZURE LAD0 DR 2131 S EL CAMINO REAL 1 PATRICK M JOYCE 6650 AMBROSIA LN OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5005 OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6217 CARLSBAD CA 92009-2634 PAUL S CHRISTENSON AZIN HATEFI ERIC J WHITESELL 3529 COASTVIEW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6594 3533 COASTVIEW CT 3537 COASTVIEW CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6594 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6594 ROBERT C & LINDA ALLEN MICHAEL T BILTUCCI CHRISTOPHER D WOOLSEY 3174 SEABURY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008-7036 POWAY CA 92064-1911 16425 BRONCO LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 3579 CAY DR JACK W & JOY HOOK MARIAN L KUKLA JIANLI & ZHENG ZHU PO BOX 2582 3571 CAY DR 3567 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92018-2582 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 DONALD C & JOAN MAY RICHARD A & MARY ISAAC DAVID B & KRISTEN KUNCL 3824 STONERIDGE RD 3559 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 3555 CAY DR ROBERT R VESSINY 3551 CAY DR LINDA E BENARDO PLAZA VINCENT+TEANIO-PL 3547 CAY DR 3731 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7070 HSIEN H & WE1 MENG KIRIAKOS & MARIA BANDIS STEVEN & NADIA GALBUR 3735 WHITESANDS CT 3736 WHITESANDS CT 3732 WHITESANDS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7070 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7070 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7070 RANDALL E DUMONT FREDERICK J GREENE IVAN X DCUNHA 3728 WHITESANDS CT 3724 WHITESANDS CT 3569 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7070 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7070 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7060 STEVEN L & BARBARA HILL RUSSELL R CURRAN YU-REN & XIAO-XIA ZHANG 3109 DEL REY AVE 3561 BLUFF CT 3557 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92009-7512 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7060 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7060 NANCY G MADDOCKS DAVID N VINEGARD CONRAD B KREUTZER 3553 BLUFF CT 4016 AGUILA ST 3552 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7060 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4150 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 PAUL & DYANNA BURAK HEDTKE MEDHID A SHARIFI 3556 BLUFF CT 3560 BLUFF CT 3564 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 CHRISTOPHER W ARMSTRONG LAWRENCE R MOORE RALPH W BROWN 3568 BLUFF CT 1914 BLUERIDGE ST 3586 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 OCEANSIDE CA 92056-6021 CARLSBAD CA 92008 MATTHEW KILGORE JIN & CHAOTING YAO 3590 BLUFF CT 3594 BLUFF CT JOHN L HJELT 3598 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7059 KENNETH H PAYNE 3577 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7061 JOHN A & LORI TEKVERK 3589 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7061 GREGORY M & RUTH GAZDA 3631 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 JAE Y & KYUNG YANG 3626 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 WOLFGANG G WERNER 3703 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 CHRISTOPHER M ZOLOTH 3715 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 M T & MARYANNE MURRAY 3718 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 PAUL C & BARBARA JENSEN 3706 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 EDWARD E BOHRER 521 W BOBIER DR VISTA CA 92083-1908 ROGER W & GEORGIA BEST 3581 BLUFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7061 ZHARGE & SU WANG 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 JESSIE GONZALEZ 3627 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 GERARD J VANWAGNER 3630 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 DUANE A CONDER 3 707 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 MICHAEL R MCFADDEN 3719 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 CHARLES H & DONG KIM 3714 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 DAVID W GRIFFITH 3702 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 STEPHEN A & MERRI LUSE 3712 RIDGE CT DONALD C & JOAN HANNAY 3824 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CORNELIS A VAN OEVEREN 363 5 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 ROBERT K MCRAE 3623 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CALAVERA HILLS I1 L L C NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 2727 HOOVER AVE JAMES A WHITTAKER 3711 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 MARC0 A & IRMA GUERERRO 3722 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 BRADLEY G RUBOTTOM 3710 SANDPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7068 MIKAEL P & MARCIA DID10 3720 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7067 YOUNG S & AESOON PARK 3708 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7067 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7067 JAMES R HAASIS LEWIS S & TERRI LEON FRANZ BOROWITZ 3704 RIDGE CT 3700 RIDGE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7067 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7067 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 3501 CAY DR ANN M ADAMS KEVIN W PIERCE THOMAS J DOYLE 3505 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 3509 CAY DR 3513 CAY DR MICHAEL G DENNIS 3517 CAY DR JOHN C ENGSTROM CRAIG J WAGSTAFF 3521 CAY DR 3525 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 RADE L & JULIE POPOVICH 3529 CAY DR KARL & SHARI NEVAREZ XINGKLAI & XIAOMEI DANG 3533 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 3537 CAY DR JOHN C & LENA PLEICK 3541 CAY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7072 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7063 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7063 MARK D METTEN RAYMOND N MILLER 3486 HARWICH DR 3490 HARWICH DR MICHAEL J & BRADY CODY EDWARD C & SUSAN WILSON TIMOTHY H SCHINHOFEN 3494 HARWICH DR 3498 HARWICH DR 3631 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7063 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7063 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7056 PAUL D LANGSTON DOLORES K YOUNG CHRISTOPHER Y FONZO 3635 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7056 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7056 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7056 3639 BARRANCA CT 3643 BARRANCA CT PAUL L & JEANNE WAGNER L C BASKEVITCH LANCE A & SHAUNA RANKIN 3647 BARRANCA CT 3651 BARRANCA CT 3652 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7056 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7056 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 MEHRDAD TEYMURIAN 3648 BARRANCA CT MARC0 A PALACIOS JOHN J & LIZA LUM 3 644 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 CERRITOS CA 90703-7252 19318 MOORSHIRE DR KENNETH W DUNST DONALD F KONCHAN DOUGLAS E & SUSAN SMITH 3636 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 3632 BARRANCA CT 3624 BARRANCA CT MORAD RAZMIAFSHARI BERNARD A DAQUIOAG ELDWIN LUM 3620 BARRANCA CT 3616 BARRANCA CT 19318 MOORSHIRE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 CARLSBAE CA 92008-7054 CERRITOS CA 90703-7252 STEPHEN F SCHAFER MICHAEL T LARSON GILLES H MARCOTTE 2140 JANIS WAY 3604 BARRANCA CT 3600 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-2022 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7054 MARK A & MARIA RICHEY RICHARD A WAGNER MICHAEL J DESROSIERS 3603 BARRANCA CT 3607 BARRANCA CT 3611 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7055 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7055 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7055 TERRY E MCCARDLE PHILLIP SALVAGIO JAMES L GOSNELL 3615 BARRANCA CT 3619 BARRANCA CT 3623 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7055 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7055 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7055 CHIRAFISI GRAHAM & JILLIAN FLIGHT THOMAS I & TRISHA HICKS 3502 HARWICH DR 3506 HARWICH DR 3510 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 ALEX B COHEN JOHN D PUDDY JEREMY P WILKS 3514 HARWICH DR 3518 HARWICH DR 3522 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 DERAY L SCHOLZ SONGBAI & LI WANG MARK K & ALISON OWEN 3 619 PROMONTORY PL 3611 PROMONTORY PL 3607 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 M K & P BOLTON RICHARD D & DANNE GANN 3 603 PROMONTORY PL 3606 PROMONTORY PL 3610 PROMONTORY PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION MARGARET A HAYES LISA F MORGOSH PO BOX 942895 3 618 PROMONTORY PL 3622 PROMONTORY PL SACRAMENTO CA 94295 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7069 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A CYPRESS VALLEY L L C CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 MARY A DONN 3526 HARWICH DR TAY M & KATHLEEN BASS RICHARD & HWEI-HWEI WU 3530 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 3534 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 SALLI E HAYWARD CURTIS FENSKE 3538 HARWICH DR 3542 HARWICH DR JEFFERY R SPRAGLE3 3546 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 JAMES W & BONNIE HALL PATRICIA M MULLEN 3550 HARWICH DR 3554 HARWICH DR ALLEN & LAURA COLEMAN 3558 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 YU-REN ZHANG GREGORY M & RUTH GAZDA KVEHWAN KIM 3562 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 3566 HARWICH DR 3570 HARWICH DR FRAZIN BAHRINY 3574 HARWICH DR JAY B & MICHELE KING MARK A & ANNA STONER 3578 HARWICH DR 3582 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 NADER NIKFAR 3586 HARWICH DR MICHAEL E HARTSHORN DONALD C & JOAN HANNAY 3590 HARWICH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 3824 STONERIDGE RD MICHAEL S GRIFFITHS 3598 HARWICH DR CFJAVERA HILLS MASTER A CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7065 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NANTUCKET-149 LLC BART & SUSAN STOTLER KIM 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE 330 HEMLOCK AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-8227 TU M CAPPADONA KAREN S SCHARAGA DAVIS 3534 HUMMOCK DR 3538 HUMMOCK DR 3542 HUMMOCK DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7086 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7086 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7086 ANDREW D FILIPPI JAY L & KATHERINE SMITH RON MYERS 3896 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 3892 ROCKFIELD CT 3888 ROCKFIELD CT BARCLAY D NOBLE DOUGLAS M LEARY RODNEY K COTTON 3884 ROCKFIELD CT 3880 ROCKFIELD CT 3876 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CHRISTOPHER W KRUEGER DAVID J & ANGELA SWAIN STEVEN M DEPETRO 3879 ROCKFIELD CT 3883 ROCKFIELD CT 3887 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7084 PAUL LA BARBERA PETER K & ROBERTA JONES MANISH & RUPAL MEHTA 3541 HUMMOCK DR 3537 HUMMOCK DR 3533 HUMMOCK DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7087 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7087 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7087 JENS K & NICOLE MICHAEL PERRY C ZABALDO ROBERT S & VALANE JONES 3529 HUMMOCK DR 3525 HUMMOCK DR 3508 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7087 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7087 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7078 JUDITH L THOMAS JOHN P MULLEN KEVIN B OCONNELL 3504 LEVEE DR 3500 LEVEE DR 3875 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7078 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7078 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 SHANE T & CHERYL ALLEN NORMAN & ELLEN CYPERS THOMAS F MURPHY 3879 STONERIDGE RD 3883 STONERIDGE RD 3887 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 KIM H & SHUI WANG HEYWARD G CHRISTMAS ERIKA SECKENDORF 3891 STONERIDGE RD 3899 STONERIDGE RD 3903 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7077 JOSEPH R KULCHAR MOHAMED S OUERGHI SAEID & ROBABE MARASHI 3907 STONERIDGE RD 3512 LEVEE DR 3895 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7077 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7078 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7075 WILLEM C BYNAGTE RAYMUNDO B SEVIDAL THOMAS S VETLESEN 3908 STONERIDGE RD 3904 STONERIDGE RD 3900 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7076 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7076 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7076 MATTHEW A GOLDMAN BRATTON EDWARD F FRANZ 3892 STONERIDGE RD 3888 STONERIDGE RD 3884 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 RODGER D & TINA VANKIRK RANDALL L STRONG 3880 STONERIDGE RD JOHN & KATE MAHONEY 3876 STONERIDGE RD 3872 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 JEFFREY A KENNEDY 3868 STONERIDGE RD CATHERINE F WALSH TED J & RHIZA CAMAISA 3864 STONERIDGE RD 3856 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 HUNTER H MARSHALL HAGEN MICHAEL P JARVIS 3852 STONERIDGE RD 3848 STONERIDGE RD 3844 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 MA1 T ORLOFF SANTO DANIAL L & ANGELA LOPEZ 3840 STONERIDGE RD 3836 STONERIDGE RD 3832 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 GAKU NITTA DONALD C & JOAN WAY HYMAN LEN 3828 STONERIDGE RD 3824 STONERIDGE RD 3820 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 SCOTT P CARROLL THERESE GHANAYEM DAVID C COLON 3816 STONERIDGE RD 3812 STONERIDGE RD 3808 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 LEWIS & DEB1 MULLEN THEODORE L7iBAHN MARC & JODI WAGSTAFF 3804 STONERIDGE RD 3800 STONERIDGE RD 3803 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7074 RUTH E KOCHOFF JOHN K MASTON PETER J CROSBY 3807 STONERIDGE RD PO BOX 296 3815 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7074 CARLSBAD CA 92018-0296 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7074 CHARLES N DAVIS KANNAN & SARASWATHI RAJ BARTHEL 3819 STONERIDGE RD 3823 STONERIDGE RD 3827 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7074 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7074 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7074 FRANK J FRUEH RONALD C BISHOP BRUCE J & TAMARA DOOM 3501 LEVEE DR 3505 LEVEE DR 3509 LEVEE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7079 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7079 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7079 SCOTT & MICHELLE SILBER WALLACE ROSENGART CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A 3513 LEVEE DR 3517 LEVEE DR 2727 HOOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7079 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7079 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 DALE R & BARBARA ELMORE CARLSBAD CA 92008 13534 KNOLLWOOD DR OFER & CAROLE MEILICH 3522 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 KEVIN P VESTEY CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 3510 KNOLLWOOD DR DAVID E LOPEZ CARLSBAD CA 92008-7039 3983 FOOTHILL AVE STANLEY R HELENSCHMIDT 3995 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7039 STEVEN J BECKETT 3994 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 JEFFREY R & ELLEN CLARK 3982 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 JACK KWELAS ARTHUR A SAULT 3561 KNOLLWOOD DR 3538 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 ANRTONIO W TILLMAN CHRISTOPHER VON HUBEN 3530 KNOLLWOOD DR 3526 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CHRISTOPHER W THORNE GARY & MAYA SCHULTZE 3518 KNOLLWOOD DR 3514 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CHANGHUA SUN RONALD D MAURER 3506 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 ' CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 3502 KNOLLWOOD DR DOUGLAS C HE- TEI I & VALERIE TSOU 3987 FOOTHILL AVE 3991 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7039 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7039 DOUGLAS A & TRACY FOOTE STEPHEN M GRIFFIN 3999 FOOTHILL AVE 3998 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7039 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 MORRIS SCHUSTER CUONG T & TRACEY PHAM 3990 FOOTHILL AVE 3986 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 DOUGLAS W WILKIE KHALED H SUNNA 3978 FOOTHILL AVE 3974 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 DANIEL RENDON 3970 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7053 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 ROBERT F TESSITORE 3953 FOOTHILL AVE MOHAMMED A HUSSAIN 3957 FOOTHILL AVE YONG K & KWANG SHIN MATTHEW J & LISA GRAU DAVID W CRUZ 3961 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 3969 FOOTHILL AVE 3965 FOOTHILL AVE JAMES D & HEIDI FRY WY&THANHHA JOHN S & DEBRA KOWITE 3973 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 3976 PLATEAU PL 3972 PLATEAU PL MICHAEL D GUNIA 3968 PLATEAU PL FARID & LIANE SARDARIAN MCMILLIN CAPISTRANO LLC 3964 PLATEAU PL 3960 PLATEAU PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 FRANK J WANDERSKI 3956 PLATEAU PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 ROBERT K & LYNEEN MOYER ALFRED C LAGAYA 3952 PLATEAU PL 3948 PLATEAU PL JACQUELINE L FREEMAN MICHAEL Z & AMY WANG DREW A OSTERMAN 3 944 PLATEAU PL 3940 PLATEAU PL 3936 PLATEAU PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 RICHARD C SHEA JEROME R & LAURA SATRAN JOE J SALOMER 3 932 PLATEAU PL 3928 PLATEAU PL 3825 PLATEANO PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008 GHAXI A & FAYZA ARYAN ELLIS & ILETIA SMALL MCMILLIN CAPISTRANO LLC 26158 SE 39TH WAY 3933 PLATEAU PL 3963 PLATEAU PL ISSAQUAH WA 98029-7744 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 ROBERT G & DEAN STACEY DAVID C MERCIER MCMILLIN CAPISTRANO LLC 3967 PLATEAU PL 3971 PLATEAU PL 3975 PLATEAU PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7082 DAVID J & KATHY LAWOR DARREN BEARDSLEY MINESH S & VIBHA SHAH 3529 KNOLLWOOD DR 3533 KNOLLWOOD DR 3527 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 ELEANOR M FERNANDEZ PARR MARC C & KIMBERLY VOLPE 3 541 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 3544 KNOLLWOOD DR 3549 KNOLLWOOD DR SANJEEV SHARMAN LISA S ALLEN ROBERT D & MARGO CLARK 3 553 KNOLLWOOD DR 3557 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 3910 RILL CT NANTUCKET MICHAEL GRAVES JACK A KIRKMAN 2727 HOOVER AVE 3918 RILL CT 3922 RILL CT NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 NANTUCKET KATHLEEN M VAN-WART LAN PHILIX & YEN LEE 2727 HOOVER AVE 3930 RILL CT 3934 RILL CT NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 DARIN L & LISA CHESTNUT MICHAEL & SUSAN KIMURA EDWARD & MARY BOBKA 3931 RILL CT 3927 RILL CT 3923 RILL CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7088 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIAM S YEAGER NANTUCKET NILESH B & PRITI PATHAK 3919 RILL CT 2727 HOOVER AVE 3925 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 JOSEPH A & GINA ZYBURT EDITH L GILLEY COREY A SMITH HALVERSON 3929 FOOTHILL AVE 3933 FOOTHILL AVE 3937 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 LUONG D NGO CLAYTON I ROBINS ADELE R CHANDLER 3941 FOOTHILL AVE 3945 FOOTHILL AVE 3962 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7038 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 MOHAN SHAMACHAR DARRYL K REITMEYER JOHN M & BRIGITTE ADSIT 3958 FOOTHILL AVE 3954 FOOTHILL AVE 3950 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 YUNG K & CHOUN YANG JUSTIN W & LILI GILBERT MATTHEW J MILLER 3946 FOOTHILL AVE 3942 FOOTHILL AVE 3938 FOOTHILL AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 BARRY P LILORE 3920 STONERIDGE RD ERIC G ANDERSON MICHAEL A TAOUSAKIS 3916 STONERIDGE RD 3912 STONERIDGE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-7076 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7076 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7076 JAMES T & KAREN HAGLER CYPRESS VALLEY L L C CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 3966 FOOTHILL AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-7000 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CYPRESS VALLEY L L C TERRY E & NOEMY BAHR JERRY D ABSHIER 2727 HOOVER AVE 3569 GORGE PL 3573 GORGE PL NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7083 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7083 BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN EHAB S & NEVINE GERGES 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 3577 GORGE PL DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7083 JOAQUIM & STACY SUM HAROLD & DEIDRE ROSE MICHAEL & SHARON WALSH 3574 GORGE PL 3570 GORGE PL 3566 KNOLLWOOD DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-7083 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7083 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 TIMOTHY P SEGNERI GLENN P DOMING0 BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN 3 562 KNOLLWOOD DR 3558 KNOLLWOOD DR 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 JIANGUO & HUI FAN PHILLIP J HASLAM DONALD S PETERSON 3550 KNOLLWOOD DR 3546 KNOLLWOOD DR 3907 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 MICHAEL S BREW TWEED RONALD R HEUMANN 3911 ROCKFIELD CT 3915 ROCKFIELD CT 3919 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 GREGORY W JONES ROBERT T & LORI JOHNSON TING K & PING TSAI 3924 ROCKFIELD CT 3920 ROCKFIELD CT 3916 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 NASSER TAHMASSEBY TIMOTHY D GNIBUS JOHN M & PAULA HOVEY 3912 ROCKFIELD CT 3908 ROCKFIELD CT 3904 ROCKFIELD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CARLSBAD CA 92008-7085 CYPRESS VALLEY L L C CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE BROOKFIELD BARRINGTON I 2727 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN SCOT R & C BENSON 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 3626 TERRACE PL DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6593 SCOTT A HENRIKSON BRIAN & MELANIE LEE GREGORY J JACKSON 3630 TERRACE PL 3634 TERRACE PL 3638 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6593 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6593 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6593 JOHN & MONIQUE RUSSELL KENNETH WATSON ROBERT H HOFFMAN 3 642 TERRACE PL 3639 TERRACE PL 3635 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6593 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 N LE ANH KRISTOPHER J KOLLENDA RICK E SCHWARTZ 3631 TERRACE PL 3627 TERRACE PL 3623 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 KEVIN K LIPPERT MARK & JILL SCHICKTANZ CARL W KNEPLER 3619 TERRACE PL 3615 TERRACE PL 3611 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 KURT ERIKSON AN B & KIMCHI W LEONARD H KUHLMAN 3607 TERRACE PL 3603 TERRACE PL 3600 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6592 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6591 THOMAS A & SUSAN ARNOLD DARRELL DORTHICK MIXHAEL W BROWN 3604 TERRACE PL PO BOX 1851 3612 TERRACE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6591 FREMONT CA 94538-0185 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6591 JASON C & LAURA FERBER WILLIAM L LAUER JOHN R MCQUEEN 3681 STRATA DR 3677 STRATA DR 3673 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 STEVEN M GREEN KEYUR & TINA NAGRIK 3665 STRATA DR 3661 STRATA DR JOHN J PAPP 3657 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 TR STEINLAUF KEVIN V GREENE LYNN A & LINDA ELLIS 3653 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 3649 STRATA DR 3641 STRATA DR PATRICK SCANLON MICHAEL B RAPSKE BEEJAL PARMAR 3637 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 3633 STRATA DR 3629 STRATA DR STEVEN M MUSKAL LUTHER B & TAMMY URIE DONALD C & JOAN HANNAY 3625 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92009-9301 3276 AVENIDA ANACAPA CARLSBAD CA 92008-7073 3824 STONERIDGE RD STEVE M & BARBARA KELLY C J ODELL JEFFREY T KAMHOLZ 3613 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6589 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6599 3609 STRATA DR 3600 BAYVIEW PL LARRY BROWN ERIC G STEPHENS JOSEPH & SUSAN CROWLEY 3604 BAYVIEW PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6599 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6599 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6599 3612 BAYVIEW PL 3608 BAYVIEW PL ASAD & HURNA ASHRAF 3616 BAYVIEW PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6599 SAN DIEGO CA 92111-5525 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 HOANG Q & LAURA TRAN TONY J MARASCHIELLO 2811 ULRIC ST 3602 CONTOUR PL STEVE A HAMILTON 3606 CONTOUR PL CARL & LISA MEASER DAVID L PARKER 3610 CONTOUR PL 3614 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 VAN & BECKY LE DANG LACHU & BINDU KHIATANI RUDOLF 0 DALLENBACH 3618 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 3622 CONTOUR PL 3626 CONTOUR PL JEFFREY A DORFMAN ANGELA M GULLOTTA BRIAN L & COREEN BAKER 3630 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 3639 CONTOUR PL 3635 CONTOUR PL JOHNNY DANG ROBERT E KRISTIANSEN JOSEPH A & MARIA BULGER 3631 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 3627 CONTOUR PL 3623 CONTOUR PL RAVI K NEMANI 3619 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 RYAN F & SARAH ANDERSON SHAWN R MURRAY 3615 CONTOUR PL 3611 CONTOUR PL ROBERT R & ANN FLAHERTY SKANDE CARPENTER 3607 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6596 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6588 DONALD C & JOAN HANNAY 3603 CONTOUR PL 3666 STRATA DR DAVID A & MICHELLE LUNA 3674 STRATA DRIVE 3670 STRATA DR 3674 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6588 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6588 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD IN SHEFFIELD L BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD L BROOKFIELD 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 ~ SHEFFIELD L BROOKFIELD SHEFFIELD L BROOKFIELD CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA 12865 POINTE DEL MAR WA DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 DEL MAR CA 92014-3860 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 2727 HOOVER AVE CYPRESS VALLEY L L C CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2 72 7 HOOVER AVE 2727 HOOVER AVE STEVE & KRISTINE HERMAN 3825 SHALE CT NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5501 MATTHEW C LAW STEPHAN T MELNYCHUK 3750 CALDERA PL MARILYN K LANDBLOM CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 3754 CALDERA PL 3758 CALDERA PL JOHANNES R ROEBERS RONALD W EMERICK SACHA & SOPHIE NINKOVIC 3762 CALDERA PL 3766 CALDERA PL 3771 CALDERA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CHRISTOPHER M MURRAY STEPHEN G WILKINSON ADRIAN C FIGUEROA 3767 CALDERA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 3763 CALDERA PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 3759 CALDERA PL MARK W & JULIE ROSS1 AMBO 3755 CALDERA PL BRIAN GOODING 3751 CALDERA PL 3704 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 ROY H & HOPE GASTELUM RIAZ & ZHILA ZABOORI ZIAEDIN DANESHFAR 3708 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 3716 STRATA DR 3712 STRATA DR CARMINE A & KATHY ROCCI MIKE L GONZALES DIONY L & M SANPEDRO 3720 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 3728 STRATA DR 3724 STRATA DR MARK & BARBARA SENDAR EDMUNDO B GONZALES RICHARD E FIELDEN 3732 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 3733 SADDLE DR 3729 SADDLE DR JOHN H & MICHELLE HEIL FRANCISCO J LOPEZ JAMES L JOHNSON 3725 SADDLE DR 3721 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 3717 SADDLE DR XINGANG & ZHENG WANG LIEM K NGUYEN RAYMOND L WILHELM 3821 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5504 3817 SHALE CT 3733 STRATA DR MICHEAL A VALVERDE HOWARD J KELLER ROBERT S JENNINGS 3729 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5501 3805 SHALE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5501 3809 SHALE CT JASON T WILLIAMS 3813 SHALE CT GREGORY A & LINK AU TIN T TRIEU 3823 CROWNPOINT CT 3819 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 MICHEAL & LAUREN CONRAD SAMUEL K AFOLAYAN 3815 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 BRETT H POLLOCK 3811 CROWNPOINT CT 3807 CROWNPOINT CT RAYMOND H DREIFUSS PENG & WU ZHU GEOFFREY M & JULIE LESS 3808 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 3816 CROWNPOINT CT 3812 CROWNPOINT CT KEVIN J HACKETT KENNETH C KENDRICK 3820 CROWNPOINT CT 3824 CROWNPOINT CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 GILAVERA HILLS MASTER A 2727 HOOVER AVE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A DEVIN B CARNEY CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2 72 7 HOOVER AVE 3804 CROWNPOINT CT NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 2727 HOOVER AVE CARL SARRAZOLLA JAMES W & SANDRA LEE CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5500 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5504 3803 CROWNPOINT CT 3800 CROWNPOINT CT MICHAEL A VALVERDE 3729 STRATA DR BRIAN & DON PETERSON 3736 STRATA DR JAMES Y SHISHIDO PAUL & TERI RAPPAPORT 3740 STRATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-5503 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6586 3739 CAVERN PL PHILLIP J VOGEL 3735 CAVERN PL BASSAM c ABISAMRA KEVIN R & SHARNA SKJEI 3745 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6586 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6576 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 3741 SADDLE DR TRACY T THORSON DANIEL R CANCELLER1 RANDY & DOREEN BERGERON 3737 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6575 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 3718 SADDLE DR 3722 SADDLE DR ATUL C & SMIRA PATEL MONTE L & LUISA BIBLE SEAN M PIROUZFAR 3726 SADDLE DR 3734 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 3738 SADDLE DR GERALD W FLECK PIJUSIN K DEWANJEE RICHARD E BISHOP 3 742 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 3746 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 3750 SADDLE DR LUIS F CAMOLAS ABDOLHAMID KARIMI THOMAS M & MARY AYKROID 3 754 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 3758 SADDLE DR 3762 SADDLE DR JACK A & JOY GORZMAN 3766 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6576 3759 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6576 PIERRE R & JODI BRETON GARY & CAROL RAMOS 3763 SADDLE DR JOSE M & ANGELA DUENES RICHARD C PYLE 3 755 SADDLE DR MARVIN K JOHNSON 3751 SADDLE DR 3747 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6576 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6576 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6576 MICHAEL B & KAREN KLEIN ANITA W MINARD LAWRENCE N BALICH 3732 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 3736 CAVERN PL 3740 CAVERN PL ANTHONY J GULLOTTA MITCHELL R MILLER 3744 CAVERN PL WILLIAM J SCHILDGE 3748 CAVERN PL 3752 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 ALAN & ANNETTE CROSS DENNIS 0 SHAY TR VANPESKI 3756 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6585 3760 CAVERN PL 3764 CAVERN PL MARIO A CARZO BRIAN J STRINGFELLOW 3761 CAVERN PL 3757 CAVERN PL MIKE & JOANN BOURS 3753 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6587 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6587 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6587 WILLIAM T SCHMITZ KEITH G HENDRICKSON DEREK N GASCON 3749 CAVERN PL 3741 CAVERN PL CARLSBAD CA 92008-6587 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6587 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6586 3745 CAVERN PL CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A 2727 HOOVER AVE CAPISTRANO L MCMILLIN 2727 HOOVER AVE CYPRESS VALLEY L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER A ADOLPH J & MARY KUHN BRENT D LAUTENSCHLEGAR 2727 HOOVER AVE NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 3706 SADDLE DR 3702 SADDLE DR DENNY K & CYNTHIA KING 3710 SADDLE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6574 *** 805 Printed *** TR ROBERTSON TAMARACK POINT MASTER A 5056 EL CAMIN0 REAL TAMARACK POINT MASTER A 5075 SHOREHAM PL 160 5075 SHOREHAM PL 160 CARLSBAD CA 92008-3772 SAN DIEGO CA 92122-5928 SAN DIEGO CA 92122-5928 COLONY AT CALAVERA HILL COLONY AT CALAVERA HILL 9373 MIRA MESA BLVD CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS 9373 MIRA MESA BLVD 3900 HARNEY ST SAN DIEGO CA 92126-4816 SAN DIEGO CA 92126-4816 SAN DIEGO CA 92110-2825 CALAVER~I HILLS I1 L L C 2727 HOOVER AVE TED H ONG BURNS & HEANEY TR 4706 EDINBURGH DR 4710 EDINBURGH DR NATIONAL CITY 91950-6625 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6530 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6530 LOUIS W PIPER 4714 EDINBURGH DR RICHARD C VANCE RANDOLPH S VORHIS 4718 EDINBURGH DR 4720 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6530 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 STEVE & JEAN BROWN STANLEY & MARY MAZYCK 4722 EDINBURGH DR EMMA L SCOTT 4726 EDINBURGH DR 4728 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 GREGORY C & JILL AGOSTI MCCAIN 412 WILLOWGROVE AVE 4734 EDINBURGH DR MELVYN W & KAREN TAYLOR 4738 EDINBURGH DR GLENDORA CA 91741-2980 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6502 ASHOK & ANITA BHARDWAJ 4740 INVERNESS CT JAMES & HAZEL WHITTAKER DONALD P MILLER 4742 INVERNESS CT 4744 INVERNESS CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6501 JOHN & JEANNE SANDERS 4746 INVERNESS CT CAMINER TR BRETT A & JANINE KORF 4748 INVERNESS CT 2754 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6501 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 MERRY A VAN HOUTEN HARMON TR 2758 INVERNESS DR 2762 INVERNESS DR FRED R & IRENE REALE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 2766 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 OKEEFE JOHN H DEEGAN 4737 EDINBURGH DR DAVID R BEITH 4733 EDINBURGH DR 4729 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6533 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6533 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6533 CHARLIE S & NANCY CATES 4725 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6533 WILLIAM MCMILLAN 2771 GLASGOW DR AMANDA J SHAFFER ROBERT K & LYNN TUCKER 4721 EDINBURGH DR 4717 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6533 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6533 JOHN & BARBARA FOULK JAMES E BENFSCH 2773 GLASGOW DR 2769 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 BARBARA A ALEXANDER JAY & CLAUDINE ANDERSON 1756 ZINNIA ST JULIE TINNEY 2761 GLASGOW DR 2757 GLASGOW DR RAPID CITY SD 57703-6281 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 LISA A HAUGHEY-POPE ARVENE M BRIERLEY JOHN M & BARBARA HAASIS PO BOX 416 2744 BANFF CT 2746 BANFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92018-0416 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6538 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6538 MARINA C HYNDS MARGARET E ALLEN JAMES W SHEFFIELD 2748 BANFF CT 2750 BANFF CT 2752 BANFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6538 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6538 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6538 PETERSON DONALD B PATTERSON 2766 DUNDEE CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6508 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6508 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6508 WILLIAM L HARD 2768 DUNDEE CT 2770 DUNDEE CT TIMOTHY R MONK LUKE ARCIDIACONO MELANIE L DEWS 2772 DUNDEE CT 2774 DUNDEE CT 4713 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6508 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6508 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6532 CHARLES B BLUE DAVID E & PAULA STOFFEL JAMES J STURIALE 4709 EDINBURGH DR 4705 EDINBURGH DR 2742 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6532 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6532 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 MARTIN L ZIMMERMAN JOHN M MAYER CAMERENA 2140 GLASGOW DR 2738 GLASGOW DR 2734 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 JAMES T & MARY FORD PERROT 4425 MAYFAIR CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-2894 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 LOLITA E BUONAGUIDI 2126 GLASGOW DR 2725 GLASGOW DR GARY L SMITH JOHN C SIMPSON MARK D REA 2729 GLASGOW DR 2733 GLASGOW DR 2737 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 CLIFFORD W JOHNSON STEVEN & CAROLE ROSS FWlNK & DOROTHY WEBBER 2741 GLASGOW DR 2745 GLASGOW DR 2749 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6537 DANIEL J RUNNESTRAND STEVEN J & SUSAN PYNES ALEXANDER M DUARTE 2750 INVERNESS DR 2746 INVERNESS DR 2744 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6522 JACK D WILSON THOMAS D & LAURA CREWSE RUTH L HANSEN 2734 INVERNESS DR 2730 INVERNESS DR 2726 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6520 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6520 CARLSBAE CA 92008-6520 JAMES D MCFARLAND SCOTT A & NADINE TYREE THEODORE J RICHTER 2733 STIRLING CT 2735 STIRLING CT 2737 STIRLING CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6509 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6509 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6509 STEPHEN E HJELT WILLIAM E ERNST WILLIAM B BATTAILE 2739 STIRLING CT 190 SPRING RIDGE CT 2743 STIRLING CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6509 ROSWELL GA 30076-2612 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6509 GOEDERT TR STEVEN A & LORI SALTZ R K & JANE DROST 2753 INVERNESS DR 2757 INVERNESS DR 4747 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6521 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6521 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 KENT R PATERSON WAYNE P lrrRTRRAY BRITTON B GARRETT 4749 EDINBURGH DR 4751 EDINBURGH DR 4753 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 DONALD A WOFFORD MICHAEL F MCMANUS CRAIG S WAGNER 4757 EDINBURGH DR 4761 EDINBURGH DR 4765 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 GEORGE GWIAZDOWSKI 4769 EDINBURGH DR TR BARNES F B & SUSANNE HOPPER 2722 GLASGOW DR 2718 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 BARRETT STEVEN E THOMPSON 2714 GLASGOW DR 2710 GLASGOW DR TR TRENT 2706 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6535 GRAHAM J & PAMELA ESPIE 4717 GATESHEAD RD RANDELL A AGADONI RICHARD H SMEDLEY 4721 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 4725 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 BIZIEFF STEPHEN J AHLE ROBERT A & CAROL SIZE 4729 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 4733 GATESHEAD RD 4737 GATESHEAD RD ROBERT D & HOLLY HILL 4741 GATESHEAD RD GARY C AGLIATA FRED D KAPLAN 4745 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 4749 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 KENNETH J & JUDY MILLER THOMAS N TARANTINO 4753 GATESHEAD RD 4757 GATESHEAD RD MICHAEL A GRANIERI CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 4761 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 GOMEZ RALPH A PORTER THOMAS ATHERION 4765 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6507 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 4769 GATESHEAD RD 4773 EDINBURGH DR WILLIAM W AUBREY 4777 EDINBURGH DR WILLIAM COUNTREMAN MARC D SILBERBERGER 4781 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 4785 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6534 JOE & ANN COLLINS FERRY PAUL S & TERESA HO 4762 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6506 4758 GATESHEAD RD 7543 NAVIGATOR CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6506 CARLSBAD CA 92009-5405 BEVERLY M HANEY JOHN A SAPPINGTON 1901 LAUREL RD 4746 GATESHEAD RD MURPHY OCEANSIDE CA 92054-6153 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6506 4742 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6506 JOHN E & SUSAN BECK 4738 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6506 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 BRICK D LANGFORE ZOE M SHOMATE 4734 GATESHEAD RD 2715 GREENOCK CT WILLIAM D & DONNA KOREN HUBERT E SMITH WITTENDORFER 2717 GREENOCK CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 2719 GREENOCK CT 2721 GREENOCK CT DIANE M LEWIS JAMES J & MARY TORRETTO 7741 QUITASOL ST NASSIM & SOUMAYA NASSER 2725 GREENOCK CT 2727 GREENOCK CT CARLSBAD CA 92009-8036 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 WILLIAM D & S QUINN 2729 GREENOCK CT LONAN & CAROLYN KING NANCY F RUSSIAN 2731 GREENOCK CT 4893 ALMONDWOOD WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6515 SAN DIEGO CA 92130-2785 DOROTHY S SPARKS BRETT FFANKENBERG JEFFREY R SPRAGUE 27.18 INVERNESS DR 2714 INVERNESS DR 2710 INVERNESS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6520 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6520 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6520 JOHN W MCCARTHY KNUT & VALERIE MADDEN JAMES W SHEFFIELD 2706 INVERNESS DR 2705 GLASGOW DR 2752 BANFF CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6520 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6538 BOYD L & JILL HOWLAND JEFFREY D LUESCHEN VINCENT D MORALES 2713 GLASGOW DR 2717 GLASGOW DR 2721 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6536 GAD & DAPHNA ZEILINGOLD LENORE P SHARP BYRON & JOANN MAUCK 2680 GLASGOW DR 2684 GLASGOW DR 2688 GLASGOW DR CARLSBAD CA 92008-6572 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6572 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6572 ROBERT J HAHNEL STEPHEN W SEELIG ARTHUR G & BARBm WOOD 2692 GLASGOW DR 2696 GLASGOW DR 4770 BROOKWOOD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6572 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6572 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CONDIT ATTILA H & PATTI FELSEN 4772 BROOKWOOD CT 4774 BROOKWOOD CT 2612 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CARLSBAD CA 92009-7324 HAROLD T & SUSAN HARRIS TIMOTHY D TRABER HELM1 ABU HAMID 4778 BROOKWOOD CT 4780 BROOKWOOD CT 4781 BROOKWOOD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 SCOTT A MILLER 4779 BROOKWOOD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 FRANK & JOANNE VOLPE MEYER TR 4777 BROOKWOOD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 4775 BROOKWOOD CT MARY B CASEMENT 4773 BROOKWOOD CT LOUISE T BARCLAY ROBERT P VIRGADAMO 4771 BROOKWOOD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6577 4768 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6578 GARY PHILLIPS RONALD A & EMMA GOODWIN 4770 GATESHEAD RD 4772 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6578 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6578 JAMES W WESSELL 20750 VENTURA BLVD 140 TR PRIORE WOODLAND HILL 91364-6202 4780 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6578 JAMES S & JILL GONGOLA WILDERS FAMILY 4805 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 4803 GATESHEAD RD SCOTT A KOPPEL 4420 TRIESTE DR DAVID E BUTTERFIELD CARLSBAD CA 92008-3739 4797 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 EVANGELINE E ALMANZA GLENN 0 WILLIAMSON 4793 GATESHEAD RD 4791 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 MARILYN A DAY MICHAEL A GUNZELMAN 4787 GATESHEAD RD 4785 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6579 THOMAS A & CAROL KING DENNISON 4781 GATESHEAD RD 4777 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6579 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6579 JAMES MASAMOTO 4773 GATESHEAD RD 23622 CALABASAS RD 333 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6579 CALABASAS CA 91302-1594 SB & A DECTOR DANIEL P OBRIEN 4655 COUNTRY VALE CT ANNANDALE VA 22003-4524 i4782 GATESHEAD RD KEVIN J ANDERSON CARLSBAD CA 92008-6578 DAVID & FIONA ROUSE 4801 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 HARVEY J SCHROEDER 4795 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 CHRIS TAMMARIELLO 4789 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6580 CRAIG J & ROSE MOHNACKY 4783 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6579 JOHN LUITGAARDEN 4775 GATESHEAD RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-6579 COLONY AT CALAVERA HILL 251 N EL CAMINO REAL ENCINITAS CA 92024-2808 251 N EL CAMINO REAL COLONY AT CALAVERA HILL GARY A FOX 4760 ABERDEEN CT ENCINITAS CA 92024-2808 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6505 PLEASANTON CA 94588-4752 DAVID A & JUNE DUET 8130 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR C ERICH M & ERIKA SCHAAF 4756 ABERDEEN CT ROBERT L SHEPPARD THOMAS F BLAYLOCK 4754 ABERDEEN CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6505 4752 ABERDEEN CT TARUT TR DAVID P & ROBIN HENDRIX VERNON G DINGLEY 4750 ABERDEEN CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6505 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 4612 BUCKINGHAM LN 4614 BUCKINGHAM LN DIANE DUFFEY 4616 BUCKINGHAM LN JEFFEY BROWN GRAVES JAMES B 4618 BUCKINGHAM LN 4620 BUCKINGHAM LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 MALCOLM D & JILL MEIKLE CHAUR S & LIME1 WEN 4622 BUCKINGHAM LN 13036 CANDELA PL MA1 z 4626 BUCKINGHAM LN CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 SAN DIEGO CA 92130-1800 CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 RORY D GOSHORN 4628 BUCKINGHAM LN JOYCE D SPRAGUE HILARY B SUTCLIFFE 3610 SIERRA MORENA AVE 4583 PICADILLY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-6401 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2141 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2895 JANET M WILLRICH SYLVIA M FORD 4587 CHELSEA CT 4583 CHELSEA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-2892 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2892 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2892 EDWARD F SHEDLEY 4579 CHELSEA CT ROBERT G & GLORIA COOK 4575 CHELSEA CT CHARLES W & LORNA LETTS TAKAYUKI & YUKIKO TORI1 4571 CHELSEA CT 4583 CHANCERY CT CARLSBAD CA 92008-2892 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2892 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2893 RANDELL L SHULTZ RICHARD R TWELVES 273 1 SOUTHAMPTON RD 2729 SOUTHAMPTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-2896 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2896 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2896 JOANNE MARTINEZ 2727 SOUTHAMPTON RD JUDITH A RAY RENATA A HARTLEY 2725 SOUTHAMPTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-2896 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2896 LA JOLLA CA 92037-5918 MCCREESH 226 NAUTILUS ST 2723 SOUTHAMPTON RD Smooth Feed SheetsTM PAMELA HILDEBRAND 3605 HAUERHILL ST. CARLSBAD CA 92008 h4R JOECINFO 3571 DON JUAN DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 GISELA I HARMUTH 51 33 DON MIGUEL DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 REED HARRIS 5268 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 M J CUDDLE 3437 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BILL AUGUST 3479 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FREDERIC KOOLHOF 3425 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AUDREY BERNSTEIN 3467 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLYDE SNOW JEAN SNOW 5310 DON ALVAREZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARIE D. HEEP 3435 DON ORTEGA CARLSBAD CA 92008-3435 MAREE SULLIVAN 3467 DON ARTURO DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 PHYLLIS J GARNSEY 3442 DON CARLOS DR. CAEUSBAD CA 92008 FRANK MCLEOD APT 322 3462 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 REM0 TERSOLO 3453 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GARY AGLIAFA 4745 GATESHEAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLAUDE JONES 3489 DON PORFIRIO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEO SWAIN 3468 DON ORTEGA DR CAEUSBAD CA 92008 RALPH HALLSTROM 2689 COVENTRY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 E J VANDERSLICE 5302 DON MIGUEL DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAVID SELKOWZ 3462 DON JOSE DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 Address labels Use template for 5160" MARIANNA KWIECIEN 3458 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MR WILLIAM P HANSEN 5158 DONMATA CARLSBAD CA 92008 V RUTH COLE 3561 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 THERSA TROST 3715 SIERRA MORENA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROGER PHILLIPS 2765 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLARD ENGELHARD 3484 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MR EVERETT HILLIARD 5140 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 HENRIETTA TUCKER 3347 DON TOMASO CARLSBAD CA 92008 EUGENE TAYLOR 3506 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARGIT DORNAY 3457 DON CARLOS DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 laser 6241" Smooth Feed SheetsTM KENNETH A. LIDDELL 3441 DON PORFIRIO DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAY O'HARN 3322 DON QUIXOTE DR CARLSABD CA 92008 ELIZABETH H. BROWN 3442 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LOU BRANDY McCORMICK 3479 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 J.M. CAVANAGH 3302 DON TOMASO CARLSBAD CA 92008 SUNDRA L. GORDINIER 3472 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GLEN C. HEMPHILL 3350 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 R. CAROLINE ALUOTTO 2440 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WMF CHESTNUT 5271 DON VALDEZ CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILDRED WOODS 5215 DON RICARDO CARLSBAD CA 92008 STEPHEN CUSTODERO 3429 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MONTE L. THORNBURG 3456 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHARLES MONT 5 120 DON MATA CARLSBAD CA 92008 CURT L. LUWIS 5 179 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 J. PETERSON 3471 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANNETTE KOPLOF 3457 DON JOSE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARY M. BUCKLEY 3432 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ! BETH BRENALE ~ 5102 DON MATA SPACE 169 ' CARLSBAD CA 92008 JEANNE! N. DIMINNO 3468 DONE JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARY ANN BLAIR 5144 DON RICHARDO CARLSBAD CA 92008 Use template for 5160@ R. DANA WOOD 5426 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICHARD F. HULL 3345 DON DIABLO DR CARLSABD CA 92008 BARBARA PRICE 33 1 1 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MR. & MRS. A. RYFLE JR 3349 DON PABLO #46 CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOWARD R. HESTER 5188 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 BETTY E. LOWE 5127 DON MIGUEL CARLSBAD CA 92008 HELEN PENTELEI 5135 DON RICHARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOWARD E. FRAKES 53 1 8 DON MIGUEL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAYL HESTER 3515 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 C. KOSCIELSKI 3539 DON JAUN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 aAVERV@ Address Labels Laser 6241rM Smooth Feed SheetsTM JOAN PLESSNER 3384 DON DIABLO CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROY & MILDRED COOPER 52 1 7 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 VIRGINIA M. WALTER 3424 DON ALBERT0 DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 F.X. HUNDSHAMER 5201 DON RICHARD0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANTHONY W. STORTI 3373 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANNETTE GOODMAN 3437 DON COTA CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAVERNE ANDERSON 521 0 DON MIGUEL CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOYCE DAVENPORT 3547 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAMES GIBSON 5124 DON MATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BETTY SWAIM 3468 DON ORTEGA CARLSBAD CA 92008 Address Labels ROBERT J. MOLLE 3413 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROGER C. SHADRICK 5152 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BETTY WEINBERG 3438 DON JOSE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHN S. MALTROTTI 3447 DON PORFIRIO CARLSBAD CA 92008 WALTER MALEN 3470 DON LOREN20 DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GL DUFFIN 5128 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 YOLANDE LAFONTIAINE 5442 DON FELINPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 IRENE JOHNSON 5382 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ELINOR BOLKER 3488 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRETCHEN MERRITT 3434 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Use template for 5160@ PAT KURTH 3366 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LORRAINE V. THOMPSON 3438 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GERALDINA J. THORPE 3446 DON CARLOS DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 MONICA E. HARRIS 3426 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARLE M. JOHNSON 3472 DON ARTURO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LAVERNE ANDERSON 5210 DON MIGUEL CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHN BARNETT PAMBARNETT 3420 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AMALIA OLIVER 3302 DON QUIXOTE CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHARON STRAND 3475 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARY BRANN 3342 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Laser 6241TH RICHARD RECK 4534 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 LYNN TUCKER 47 1 7 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRIAN BUTCHKO 2763 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEE ANN GEE 2727 SPOKANE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 LOREEN LARNER 2649 VANCOUVER ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 STAN KATZ 4906 NEBLJNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIANA GOh4EZ 3726 BENNINGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIANA QUINT 2820 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAUL. KREISEL 3606 SANTA CLARA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOE VAHATI 3491 LAWRENCE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIETER SCHULZ 3626 MILFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 JEANNE MENGER 2835 HILLSBORO CT CALRSBAD CA 92008 JASON ROWELLS 2415 STEVENS CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MAUREEN KONEVAL 4707 BUTTERNUT HOLLOW BONITA CA 9 1902 WARREN JENKS 4548 CAPE COD CIRCLE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT TUCKER 4717 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GEORGE HILL JR 5348 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 E C ROBINSON 5 1 17 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARTINHARTMAN 5 163 DON h4ATA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 M G ARNOLD 3379 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JULIA PACE 5 157 DON MATA DR. CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE ANNE BRIGHT 2875 SANFORD LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 NANCY KILGORE 3443 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 920008 V RUTH COLE 3561 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KENNETH DISCENZA SUITE A 1016 BROADWAY EL CAJON CA 92021 MERLE BEVIS JR 343 1 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLAUDE JONES 3489 DON PORTFIRO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHN DUNZER 3660 MERCED DR PCEAMSODE CA 92056 ELIZABETH GOSNELL 3623 BARRANCA CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SANDRA ABBAMONTE 3531 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Smooth Feed SheetsTM GEORGE MARSH 5223 DON VALDEZ CARLSBAD CA 92008 CHARLES SAAR 541 5 DON LUIS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAMES SCOTELLA 3420 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUTH FOND 3466 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EUGENE KREINICK PEARL KREINICK 3319 DON PABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JUNE ROBINSON 5208 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRANCIS BURCH DORIS BURCH 5101 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 EARL MUNRATH 3446 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 LEE ANDERSON 3432 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIANE NYGAARD 5020 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PAULINE KAUFMAN 3420 DON JUAN DR CAFUSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT VAN SLYKE 3460 DON ORTEGA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 E C ROBINSON 51 17 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEWEY NEAL 3468 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRYAN MACE 3468 DON LORENZO CARLSBAD CA 92008 MINNIE THURMAN SPACE 442 3496 DON ALBERTO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JACK JAFFE 5144 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOSEPH BOITANO 3485 DON LORENZO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 J REESE BROWN 271 1 ATHENS AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 KIMBERLEE PEASE 4532 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 Use template for 5160@ LYDIA VRIELINK 5227 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUSSELL GRAY 5118 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 IRENE ARTINGSTALL 3407 DON COTA CARLSBAD CA 92008 SYLVIA NOVAK 3444 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ARTHUR YOLLES 3449 DON JOSE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATRICIA DRAKE 3539 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SONJA JAFFE 5144 DON RODOLFO CARLSBAD CA 92008 AVONELE KELSEY 5320 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT LEPPAN 3487 LAKEWOOD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHERI DIMARCO 4326 STANFORD CARLSBAD CA 92008 Address Labels laser 6241TM YIL lM9 Jasq KAREN VOLZ 5202 DON VALDEZ DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIANEWARNER 3484 DON ALBERT0 DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 M DODDS 3487 LAKEWOOD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SUSEN MCCLORY 4366 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOM LYMAN 4354 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 LON1 TODOROKI 3550 TRIESTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GIG1 OFUOWSKI 3729 BENNINGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARMEN BONTEMPS 5201 DON VALDEZ CARLSBAD CA 92008 TERESA MCGRANE 4560 CAPE COD CIRCLE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRUCE GROUSE 3729 BENNINGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 SEBASTIAN ADAME 4344 STANFORD ST CARSBAD CA 92008 JOCELYN KOTICK 2896 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 AMANDA GRILLO VINCENT GRILLO 2983 BRANDON CIRCLE CARLSAD CA 92008 JEAN CRAWFORD 3430 DON COTA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BERNICE HILL 2984 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CLIFF STABLER CAROL STABLER 2814 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 FRANK VOGEL 4394 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 TOM DI MARC0 4326 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMAS FLANAGAN JOAN FLANAGAN 2988 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Smeoth Feed SheetsTM MS WHALEY 3462 DON ORTEGA CARLSBAD CA 92008 MILTON FWELIS 5452 DON FELIPE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RUTH STEPHENSON BROWN 5110DONMATADR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ERIC ALEXANDER 3554 DON CARLOS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 GEORGE HILL JR 5348 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICHARD PIERCE 5301 DON RICARDO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Use template for 5160@ ROBERT LYMAN 3414 DON COTA DR CALRSBAD CA 92008 JOHN MITCHELL 3530 DON JUAN DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIAM ANDERSON 3460 DON LOREN20 DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 mAVERW Address Labels Laser 6241rM Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160@ TERRY ROBERTS SENIOR PLANNER 1400 1 lTH STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95812 JOHN ROBERTUS SD REGIONAL WATER BOARD SUITE A 9171 CLAIREMONT MESA BL SAN DIEGO CA 92124 1324 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER JOHN CONLEY PO BOX 1988 CITY OF VISTA VISTA CA 92085 EVERETT ROBERTSON 5056 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 EVERETT DELANO ESQ LAW OFFICES OF EVERETT L DELANO SUITE 104-272 197 WOODLAND PKWY SAN MARCOS CA 92069 JOHN DUNZER 3660 MERCED DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056 RUTH GANS 4918 DELOS WAY OCEAN HILLS CA 92056-7408 BERNICE HILL 2984 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 RICHARD A RECK 4534 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 Address bbek NANCY GILBERT USF&WS 2730 LOKER AVE WEST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRENNA C CORSON ASSISTANT TRANSPORTATION PLNR NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DIST 8 10 MISSION AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92054 BILL ARNOLD PRESIDENT RANCHO CRLSBD OWNERS ASSOC 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIANE NYGAARD PRESERVE CALAVERA 5020 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEAN HILLS CA 92056 BILLDARNELL PE DARNELL & ASSOC 1445 FRONT STREET THIRD FLOOR SAN DIEGO CA 92101 GARY AGLIATA 4745 GATESHEAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 THOMAS P FLANAGAN JOAN R FLANAGAN 2988 RIDGEFIELD AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAMES M HICKS 5 150 AVENIPA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAMES HOPE MARILYN HOPE 4558 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 SANDAR STAMPER 2962 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIAM TIPPETS USF&WS 2730 LOKER AVE WEST CARLSBAD CA 92008 GAYLEN FREEMAN ASST SUPERINTENDENT BUS CUSD CARLSBAD CA 92008 801 PINE AVE ROBERT KARAN PRES 4600 LEISURE VILLAGE WAY OCEAN HILLS COUNTY CLUB OCEANSIDE CA 92056 5 101 AMANDA A GRILLO VINCENT GRILLO 2983 BRANDON CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT LADWIG LADWIG DESIGN GROUP SUITE 300 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOAN P ARCELLE 4537 HARTFORD PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 GORDON M FRENCH 291 3 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAMELA HILDEBRAND 3605 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUGH MCGRANE 4560 CAPE COD CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 TED WHEELER KATIE WHEELER 4653 WOODSTOCK ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 Laser 6241rM Smooth Feed SheetsTM BRUCE WILSON CITY OF VISTA 1 130 NIKI PLACE PLANNING DIRECTOR CARLSBAD CA 92008 600 EUCALYPTUS AVE VISTA CA 92085 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DIST 11 BILL FIGGE W BOX 85408 MS 50 SAN DIEGO CA 92186-5406 Use template for 51&@ CITY OF OCEANSIDE PLANNING DIRECTOR 300 N COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 aAVERW Address Labels Laser 6241" Smooth Feed SheetsTM JACK JAF'FE 5144 DON RODOLFO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MONA KELLY 2806 NEW CASTLE WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 JUDY BLANDY 3367 AF'PIAN RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 STAN KAT2 4906 NEBLINA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JIM DEZEAU 3626 LAREDO ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 DIANENYGAARD 5020 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PAT KURTH RANCHO CRLSBD OWNER 3366 DON DIABLO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008. JOHN DUNZER 3660 MERCED ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 ALANKENNEDY 3540 HASTINGS DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 PAMELA HILDEBRAND 3065 HAVERHILL ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 LYNN TUCKER 4717 EDINBURGH DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CINDY LYMAN 4354 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 GIG1 ORLOWSKI BRUCE GROUSE 3729 BENNIGTON CT CARLSBAD CA 9208 TIM TRABER 4780 BROOKWOOD CT CARLSBAD CA 92008 LON BRASSEY 4358 STANFORD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 SHANDE CARPENTER 3603 CONTOUR PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 DAVE HOGAN CENTER FOR BIO DIVERSITY PO BOX 626 SANTA YSABEL CA 92070 NANCY STAEHR 5014 NIGHTHAWK WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056-5445 MR AND MRS P MARTINELLI RUTH GANS 5013 NIGHTHAWK WAY 4918 DELOS WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 OCEAN HILLS CA a AMRW Address Labels 92056 Use template for 5160@ MARGARET DODDS 3487 LAKEWOOD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRIAN BUTCHKO 2763 VICTORIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOSELYN KOTICK 2896 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 LONI TODOROKI 3550 TRIESTE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RAY MCNAY 2905 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHN HERNANDEZ SEMRA ENERGY 8316 CENTURY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123 #51-B LISA SMITH 586 EL MIRASO VISTA CA 92083 LARRY TUCKER P.O. BOX 7974 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 BILL ARNOLD RANCHO CRLSBD ASSOC 5200 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILLIAM HAIFLEY OCEAN HILL CTY CLUB 4600 LEISURE VILLAGE WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 Laser 624lTM Smooth Feed SheetsTM BRUCE GROUSE 3729 BENNINGTON COURT WSBAD CA 92008 Use template for 51608 ROBERT H SPRINGER TERRY L ROSTAMO 2 719 SOUTHAMPTON RD 2717 SOUTHAMPTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-2896 CARLSBAD CA 92008-2876 JANET L KUBIAK 2715 SOUTWPTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-2876 RYMSZA TR CARLSBERG RANCHO LTD BR 2713 SOUTHAMPTON RD 6171 W CENTURY BLVD 100 BERANCE HOLDING INC 11377 W OLYMPIC BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008-2876 LOS ANGELES C 90045-5300 LOS ANGELES C 90064-1625 CARLSBERG WCHO LTD BR SURVIVORS T CANTARINI 6171 W CENTURY BLVD 100 4759 W AVE N M12 CANAM PROPERTIES LLC 5850 AVENIDA ENCINAS A LOS ANGELES C 90045-5300 QUARTZ HILL C 93536-2463 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4465 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2 006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD AT S TERRACES CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RE 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 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TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2 0 06 PALOMAR AIRPORT RE 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RE 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2 006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2 0 06 PALOMAR AIRPORT RE 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD '2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 AT S TERRACES AT S TERRACES 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 2006 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 CARLSBAD CA 92008-4812 *** 284 Printed *** January 1 1,2002 Mayor Bud Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Viage Drive Carlsbad, CA 92208 I- I s-oa v 92018 Subject: Calavera Hills Phase II Master PldCollege-Cannon BTD Dear Mayor Lewis, As advocate for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation tries to review major projects in the watershed upstream of or adjacent to this important environmental resource. We have reviewed the proposed Calavera Hills project and have visited the open space and resource preservation areas proposed within the Master Plan. We feel the project meets or exceeds general standards and will have a balanced mix of development and environmental protection. We can support it. deal since the original project was approved in the mid 70s. These changes have generally been for the better, meaning better protection of the environment. We understand that the wildlife agencies consider the plan fidy consistent with the regional Habitat Management Plan. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation has been in discussions with the developer ("illan) and the Center for Natural Lands Management, with the hopeful outcome of the Foundation and the Center holding joint responsibility for management and monitoring of the open space, consisting of more than 60% of the project are% and including several miles of public trails. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon watershed contains a variety of sigmficant environmental features. It is important to protect and preserve these in our growing community. The Calavera Hills project does a reasonable job of balancing development and environmental protection in this part of the watershed. Environmental regulations and community consciousness have changed a great ob Richards, President A Catrornia Nonprofif Corporaflon Since March I990 ATTORNEYS AT LAW An Association of Independent Law Firms L. SUE LOFTM THE PLAZA LA JOLLA VILLAGE sloftin’iir.loftinlaw.com 4330 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DRIVE, SUITE 330 JASMIN D. FLOES SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 jlloresk3!loftinlarv.com FACSIMILE (858) 535-9381 (858) 481-6861 TELEPHONE (858) 535-9380 HUGH McLEAN , OF COUNSEL WEB ADDRESS: \*ww.lawvers.corn/loftinlaw.com VIA HAND DELIVERY The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 WRITERS DIRECT LINE (858) 535-9380 AGENDA CLlENTlMATTER NUMBER January 15, 2002 a Mayor city Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Re: EIR 98-02 - CALAVERA HILLS PHASE IUB; BRIDGE & MASTER TENTATIVE MAP FOR CALAVERA HILLS PHASE I1 (the “Project”) Hearing Date: January 15,2002 Hearing Time: 6:OO p.m. ACTION REQUESTED: A Yes vote on the Project, providing the Conditions of Approval include those conditions as set forth in this correspondence. THOROUHFARE #4; DETENTION BASINS BJ & BJB AND CT 00-02- Dear Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons: This correspondence is submitted on behalf of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association, Inc., a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, representing its Members, the individual owners of Rancho Carlsbad Country Club Estates. The purpose of this correspondence is to support the above project, providing the following conditions are approved and incorporated into the resolutions presented for the above referenced Project: THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 2 of 4 ERRATA SHEET, 1-15-2 Prepared by D. Hauser, as amended by Association On page 2 of City Council Resolution No. under the section that reads “The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows:” append the following statements: 4. That condition numbers 31,38 and 39 imposed by the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 51 17 be revised to read as follows: 31. Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the Calavera Hills Phase II project (“Project“), the applicant shall cause Owner to enter into a purchase option agreement with the City of Carlsbad and the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association offering the City the option to purchase, at not more than fair market value, an approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land, to provide a relocation site for facilities that will either be replaced by or have the access severed by the construction of College Boulevard Reach A or Detention Basin BJ(the “Facilities Replacement Area”). The general location of the Facilities Replacement Area is shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the location of the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association facilities, including the community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area. The purchase option agreement shall provide that if the City does not exercise its option to purchase by January 1,2010, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association may exercise the option and purchase the parcel. The sole consideration for this Option shall be the agreement by Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association to withdraw its opposition to and formally support the Project at the Planning Commission and City Council hearing(s), and any other governmental agency. The “Project” is defined as Calavera Hills Master Plan, Phase II, Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 and Detention Basins Project. The agreement shall also provide that the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association, with agreement of Owner, may process any and all permits and applications with the appropriate governmental agencies required for the implementation of these provisions provided any such permits issued are conditioned upon the transfer of the parcel. Alternately, the owner may elect to process the necessary permits and applications to implement these provisions itself. The agreement shall also provide that if either the Owner or Rancho Carlsbad Owners’ Association are denied by any approving governmental agency a requested permit necessary for use of THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor "Bud" Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 3 of 4 the 5.7 acre parcel for a community garden, RV parking lot, wash area and waste disposal area, then the purchase option agreement shall automatically terminate. The City shall provide the mechanism whereby the purchase by the Association shall be eligible for credit and repayment from the appropriate funding source or sources established by the City which include this purpose. Any such credit and repayment mechanism shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with the transfer to the City by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association of the property rights required to install Basin BJ. If the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association and Owner are unable to reach agreement with respect to the terms of the purchase option agreement by May 1,2002, the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association and Owner shall enter into binding arbitration to resolve the terms of the agreement, subject to concurrence by the City to the extent the terms impact the City's obligations under the agreement. Such arbitration to be paid for by Owner. The City Manager and City Attorney, or their designees, shall be authorized to negotiate and enter into the purchase option agreement on behalf of the City, provided it complies with the terms of this condition, without further review by the City Council. The actual purchase or acquisition of the property which is the subject of the option agreement will require City Council review and approval. 38. The applicant shall construct a five-foot sound wall atop a three-foot earthen berm to run along the south side of Reach 3 of Cannon Road between El Camino Real and the intersection with College Boulevard (the "Berm"). The Berm and the slope shall be fully landscaped, as shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit, on that portion of the berm and slope facing the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The landscaping plans shall be approved prior to the approval of the final map for CT 00-02 and such landscaping shall be installed at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road to public traffic. The sound wall shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the southern right-of-way of Cannon Road Reach 3, where wetlands or other sensitive habitats do not interfere. 39. The applicant shall cause the Owner to plant eucalyptus trees, or such other trees as are comparable in price and availability, and native hydroseeding on an approximately 2.51 acre parcel of land generally located between Cannon Road Station 150 plus 80 feet and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, as shown on the Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit as the grove parcel. Approximately 2.25 acres THE LOFTIN FIRM The Honorable Mayor “Bud” Lewis & Esteemed Councilpersons January 15,2002 Page 4 of 4 of this parcel of land, generally located between Cannon Road Station 151 and the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, shall be deeded or provided by permanent easement to the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association at no cost. Deeding or granting of the easement, and planting and irrigation of the grove parcel shall occur at least 30 days prior to the opening of Cannon Road Reach 3. If the conditions as stated above are not adopted as part of the Project approval, then the Association does NOT support the project and refers the City to its Letter of Objections, dated, December 5, 2001 addressed to Eric Munoz, and incorporating correspondence dated 10-10-01 and objections to Army Corp of Engineers, dated 11-9-01, and filed with the City Clerk, for the Planning Commissioners consideration. The Association would like to commend the City Council on its staff, particularly David Hauser and Eric Munoz, both of whom have worked with the Association in a positive manner during the Planning Commission process and leading up to the City Council hearings. Sincerely, L. Sue Loftin, Esq. LSL:seb Encl: Three (3): The Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit; Exhibit 1 Robertson Rancho & Lefier dated 12- 19-1 from David Hauser C:Via Email: Client David Hauser Eric Munoz Amy Nefouse, Esq. (Attorney for McMillin) Brian Millich, for McMillin December 19, 2001 Sue Loftin LOFTIN &WARD 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92122 RELOCATION OF RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK RV STORAGE AREA, MAINTENANCE FACILITIES, WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY, VEHICLE WASH FACLITY AND COMMUNITY GARDEN (THE "RC AMENITIES") Pursuant to our telephone conversation earlier today, I have prepared this letter to memorialize our understanding regarding the future relocation of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park (RCMHP) amenities located on Parcel 4 owned by RCMHP. We recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of College Boulevard Reach A will effectively sever the physical access to the RCMHP amenities currently enjoyed by the residents living within the park. We also recognize and acknowledge that the future construction of Retention Basin BJ will require relocation of all RCMHP amenities located within the area of inundation created by Basin BJ including the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and portions of the community garden. City staff will pursue the goal of collaboratively working with the RCMHP owners, the Zone 15 developers and the McMillin Company towards a solution which includes relocation of the RV storage area, sewer disposal site, maintenance facilities and community garden onto the approximately 5.7 acre parcel of land located generally north of the RCMHP property and south of future Cannon Road Reach 3 as shown on the attached Exhibit 1. The relocation of these facilities will include planning and design for such facilities, site preparation, provision of utilities, installation of replacement RCMHP amenities, installation of security fencing, installation of appropriate pedestrian and vehicular access from RCMHP across Calavera Creek and processing of any discretionary actions and agency permits. City staff will also pursue the goal crafting a financial plan for the relocation of said facilities in such a manner as to not require any financial involvement of the RCMHP over and above their current obligation for payment of Local Drainage Area "B" fee and RCMHP's dedication Sue Loftin Letter Page 2 of the needed land or easements required to construct Basin BJ in exchange for the relocation benefits generally outlined in this letter. It is the City's further intention to require establishment an appropriate financing mechanism@) to spread the costs of the relocation in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with State law and to require construction of the relocated RCMHP amenities, including without limitation, access from the existing LotlParcel 2 (the LoVParcel on which the mobilehomes are located) of RCHOA prior to construction of Reach A of College Boulevard and Retention Basin BJ. If you have further questions or comments on this matter, please feel free to give me a call to discuss. Respectfully, David Hauser Deputy City Engineer C City Manager Public Works Director Community Development Director Planning Director Bill Arnold, Rancho Carlsbad Owner's Association Brian Millich, McMillin Development Company David Bently, Cantarini Ranch Bob Ladwig, Ladwig Design Group Sent By: WILSON ENGINEERING; 7604360173; Dec-i9-Oi i6:26; Page 212 I " " "" ".. "- -11 Section / I"= IG Rancho Carlsbad Exhibit January 11, 2002 Mayor Bud Lewis 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, I would like to express my delight as a fairly new resident of Carlsbad. I arrived in Carlsbad in early 2000 and purchased a Brookfield Home in the newest Calavera Hills Masterplan. After moving from the Scottsdale/Phoenix area we have discovered our new city has a clear vision and excelleni planning. The intent of my letter is to convey my support for the McMillan masterplan for the Calavera Hills area. When we purchased our home, the salesperson communicated clearly what was intended and planned in the future. Our purchase of our home was somewhat based on what we understood of the masterplan. We realized that growth for a city is not only inevitable, but can bring depth and strength to our community life. I believe the planning for roads and open spaces is realistic and done with creativity. Our masterplan in Calavera Hills is environmentally sensitive and as I care about my living environment, I am in favor of what is on the drawing board. I would encourage the city council to approve this plan which satisfies myself and others who believe the McMillan Company has done an excellent job. Please feel free to contact me at any time in regard to my sentiment on this matter. As I am pastor for the First Presbyterian Church in the Oceanside, Carlsbad, and Vista communities, you may call me at my office 757-3560 or at my home, 720-2299. Sincerely and appreciatively, /Ky- The Rev. Dr. Le 7s S. Leon 4 3700 Ridge CT. Carlsbad, CA 92008 P. 02 - Wage HE Community Facility Two Comuniry Facilities(CF) are propOBed with Phase II, but only the single 1 acre site at village Y was required at the time the Master Plm Amendmen? we\s xhni&xj. The developer pot caught in the middle ofthe city’s anion to increase this requirement.. The 2 acre CF at Village Y is in fact used as a cornunity facility- for dog walking reereatioq and community gathering. The topography in this atea allows it to function.botb for t& community, and as a secondazy wildlife conidor at the base of the cany~n. Reducing LY eliminating the requirement for a second CF at Village H would recognize the existing community use ofthis area, allow the existing wildlife conidor to continue to function, and be fair to the developer by not adding a new requirement in the middle of the project approval process. - wetlm& impacts The proposed roadway configuration will impact ovcr 4 acres of exist& wetlands. Both the regional and your own plans nquk that Werlands impacts aw to be avoided, and only if avoidance is not practical are the impacts to be minimized and mitigated. We do not believe there has been an adequate evaluation of alWves tbat either elirninete or minimize these wetlands impacts. - management of the preserved lands With the Calavera Hills project alone there will now be three managlonsmt entities each responsible for managing only a portion of the protected open space. This includes TET managing the mitigation area at MT Calavera, the homeowner’s.assocht;on managing other protected open space from Phase I, and probably the Center For Lands Management the balance of the Phase II land. The HMP recognizes the imporhnce of uniform management of preserve lands with effective monitoring and public wmmtability. We are all responsible for managing the remaining sensitive habitat in this am- and none of us am doing a :very good job. We need to work towards an integrated, effective system of managing bard line’preserve tand. Thank you for your consideration of these concerns. You Cmrtirmed efforts at their resolution will result in a better community for the people of this area, and the enhgered plants and animals that live here with us. Sincerely Dane Nygaard On Behalf of Preserve Caiavera