HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-05; City Council; 16554; Carlsbad City Library Project4B# Id,5sq HTG. 3EPT. LIB UTY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL m: FINAL PROJECT ACCOUNTING AND POST OCCUPANCY BUDGET FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PROJECT I RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. CITYATW. @- CITY MGR-29 Staff recommends the City Council ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. ,?a2 -Ci 70 accepting :he final project accounting for the City’s construction of the Carlsbad City Library Project, 3ty Project No. 32441, and approve a recommended post-occupancy budget for the Dove Jbrary facility. ITEM EXPLANATION: 3n April 3, 2001. the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2001 /I07 approving a settlement agreement in the matter of Sierra Pacific Earth Retention Corporation v. Taylor - Ball of California, Incorporated, Case No. N81303, involving the City’s construction of the Sarlsbad City Library Project on Dove Lane. Along with the dismissal of all contractor :laims against the City, under the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement the 3ty received payment in the amount of $250,000 from the project contractor, Taylor - Ball 2f California, Incorporated. Receipt of this payment effectively concluded all financial natters related to the City’s construction, outfitting, and occupation of the Dove Library ’acility. Staff wishes to provide the City Council with a final accounting of the project costs and *ecommend the City Council authorize a post-occupancy budget for the Dove Library Facility. FISCAL IMPACT: The following is a summary of the final project costs for the Dove Library Project which dates back to 1989 - 90 and the original City acquisition of the 6-acre site: 1. Total Appropriations $20,991,916 CFD Funds 2. All Project Expenditures $ 18,006,473 includes land acquisition, design, construction, and outfitting 3. Outstanding Encumbrances $ 10,600 estimate through 1/03/02 4. Excess Project Balance $ 2,974,843 CFD Funds Available 5. Appropriation Reduction $ 2,728,007 Returned to CFD Fund Balance 6. Excess Project Balance $ 246,836 estimate through 1/03/02 The $ 2,728,007 (Line 5 above) was returned to the Community Facilities District fund balance and made available for other qualified CFD projects in the FY 2001 - 2002 CIP budget. With the completion of the Dove Library Project final accounting, there is available an additional $246,836 (Line 6 above) for other CFD projects. PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. IL,55L7/ Staff first recommended a post-occupancy budget for the Dove Library Project back in 1990 - 91 when the initial project budget was established and subsequently approved by the City Council. The project was thereafter placed on-hold due to the early and mid - 1990’s recession and resulting City budget constraints until 1997 - 98 when it was reactivated, design updated, and then constructed. A post-occupancy budget is a common practice in both private and public sector infrastructure construction when developing larger, more complex facilities such as the Dove Library Project. The controlling authority, or owner, sets aside funds in advance for modifications and enhancements to the project after the project has been completed and occupied for use. The Dove Library has been open for public use for approximately 2 years. Library and Building Maintenance staff operating and maintaining the facility have made several suggestions to improve the library’s systems and functions which, ultimately, will improve the City’s ability to deliver the highest quality library services to the Carlsbad community. These include: Description of Proposed Modifications Estimated Cost - Inter-Library Loan oftice reconfiguration $ 8,100 - Ergonomic upgrades for Adult Reference Desk $ 25,000 - Exterior entry courtyard lighting improvements $ 20,000 - Refinish or laminate discolored wood on public service desks and counters $ 10,000 - Office storage shelves for Art Gallery $ 3,000 - Auditorium video robotics $ 26,500 - Upgrade floor junction boxes to connect lecterns and associated audio visual equipment $ 3.500 Subtotal $ 96,100 Contingency (10% of total) $ 9.600 Total Estimated Cost $ 105,700 Staff recommends the City Council set aside $ 105,700 of excess and available project funds from the $ 246,836 project fund balance described on Page 1, Line 6 above. Library and Building Maintenance staff would propose to accomplish the above referenced post-occupancy list during calendar year 2002 with the understanding that any unencumbered funds from the post-occupancy budget would revert to the CFD fund balance at the conclusion of the 2002 - 2003 fiscal year. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 3C02 - 6 70 accepting the final project accounting and authorizing a post-occupancy budget for the Dove Library Project. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1c 11 11 13 . 14 15 1f 1; 1E l! 2( 21 2; 2: 2r 2f 2( 2' 21 EXHIBIT #1 RES~UTH~ m. 2002-070 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FINAL OCCUPANCY BUDGET FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO, 32442 PROJECT ACCOUNTING AND APPROVING A POST- WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has previously appropriated funds and completed the construction of the Carlsbad City Library Project, .City Project No. 32441, hereafter referred to as the "Project" located on Dove Lane in the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, a final project accounting has been prepared and is offered herewith; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient CFD No. 1 funds available for the proposed post- occupancy budget: and WHEREAS, it is in the public's interest to provide post-occupancy funds for minor modifications and enhancements to said Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council does hereby accept and file the final project accounting for the Project. 3. That the City Council does hereby authorize the expenditure of up to $105,700 of available and excess project funds from the existing project account for Ill Ill Ill I 1f 1: 1: 1: lr 1: 1t 1; 18 15 2( 21 2; 23 24 2s 26 27 28 minor modifications and/orenhancements to the Project.. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Counci of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 5th day o MARCH ,2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Nygaard, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) 2zxd- LMMINE M. WOOD, City Clerk