HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-26; City Council; 16701; Establish Separation Incentive Plan through PARSCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 'V - R rB # k, 70 I IEPT. & ITG. DEPT. HD~L TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH SEPARATION INCENTIVE PLAN (SIP) THROUGH THE PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SYSTEM CITY M ~ I I lECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. &QOa@bauthorizing the establishment of a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP) through the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS), which would provide the City with the flexibility to offer both voluntary retirement incentive plans and customized severance packages as options for eligible employees. ITEM EXPLANATION: As with any high performance organization that is constantly evolving in terms of its technology, technical requirements and management practices, the City of Carlsbad periodically reviews its organizational design and the contributions made by individual employees. Occasionally, strategic staffing decisions must be made which affect internal departmental operations and individual incumbents. For example, the proposed reorganization of a City department may require the elimination of a current job classification, or may change the assigned duties of a particular position so dramatically that the current incumbent does not possess the necessary skills to perform the job. In such instances, it would be beneficial to the City to have the flexibility to offer supplemental retirement options to employees who have made positive, historic contributions to the organization. This would allow for a positive means of ending the employment relationship, resulting in a "win-win" for both parties. The PARS SIP is a supplement to the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) retirement plan. As proposed, this supplement can be used to provide early retirement options to management employees under certain parameters. The usage of this system would be at the complete discretion of the City. Background PARS is the third largest multiple employer retirement system in California offering retirement programs and benefits to 199 member agencies. One of the program options available through PARS is the Separation Incentive Plan, or SIP. The SIP allows member agencies to offer supplemental retirement packages to qualified employees. This package is designed to enhance the regular retirement benefits that an employee will receive through the CalPERS plan. The plan and the trust established to hold the assets of the plan are qualified under Section 401(a), are tax-exempt under Section SOl(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, and meet the requirements of a pension trust under California Government Code Sections 53215- 53224. The PARS SIP trust is administered by Phase I1 Systems. Phase I1 Systems has served as a consultant on more than 300 public agency plans. Phase I1 Systems provides all administrative services relative to the program, plus retirement counseling for participants and guidance in meeting all federal and state reporting requirements. PARS provides maximum protection under the law for both member agencies and plan participants. The PARS SIP offers the City the greatest flexibility in terms of being responsive to both the needs of its various departments and the needs of the individual employees. The program allows the City to offer packages to individual employees or any class or group of employees that the City feels would benefit from such a program. The Plan Administrator may add years to service credit, add years to age, or provide a lump sum, based on what would be in the best interest of the City and the employee. The City may also initiate participation in the program at any time during the year rather than being restricted to a fixed enrollment period. Eligibility for the program is determined by the City and may vary in individual circumstances. The PARS SIP is not a guaranteed privilege for any employee and is available only at the discretion of the City. Participation in the PARS SIP would be subject to the following recommended parameters: that the employee be employed in a management classification as defined by the Performance Management and Compensation System. that due to the strategic objectives and operational needs of the City, the employee’s position will be eliminated or restructured to the degree that the employee does not possess the necessary skills for the position, that the employee has worked for the City a minimum of ten (10) years and is eligible for retirement under the CalPERS retirement plan, that the full cost of the SIP be covered by the participating department’s approved personnel budget, that the action results in cost savings and/or increased efficiencies for the department, that the City Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Human Resources Director have analyzed the respective legal, financial, and staffing implications and each recommends the action, and that the City Manager (and when applicable, the City Attorney), after considering the recommendations, approves the action. It is recommended that the City Manager or hisher designee be appointed Plan Administrator of the PARS SIP. The Plan Administrator would review and determine whether to approve participation in the SIP based on the above parameters. The decision of the Plan Administrator would be final, and participation in the SIP would be initiated upon that decision. CalPERS also provides the ability for the City to purchase additional service credit for select employees, and the City has taken advantage of the CalPERS “One to Four Years Additional Service Credit” option on two previous occasions. However, this past experience has pointed out several disadvantages to the CalPERS program that would not be associated with the PARS SIP. The most common issues associated with the CalPERS plan include a very PAGE3OFAB# Ib!701 restrictive time period in which the program must be accessed, a limited ability for the City to designate those employees eligible to receive additional service credit, and little flexibility to customize the program to suit the specific circumstances of individual employees and departments. The PARS Separation Incentive Plan provides a significant amount of flexibility and discretion to the Plan Administrator. As proposed, once the City Council has given its approval to the SIP as submitted by PARS, the Plan Administrator would have the authority to offer the SIP to certain employees subject to the above parameters without further Council authorization for each specific offer made. The City Council would be advised annually of the program’s status. FISCAL IMPACT: PARS charges an administrative fee of 5.5% of all contributions made by the City on behalf of participants. These fees will be billed to the trustee as contributions or lump sum payments are made by the City, and those fees will be paid from the assets of the plan. In addition, the PARS trustee (Union Bank of California) has a trustee fee of 0.12% of contributions. To provide an additional measure of cost containment, PARS guarantees through December 31, 2003 that the total administrative expenses will not exceed six percent (6%) of total contributions. The full cost of each individual package will be covered by the participating department’s budget and will generally result in a further cost savings for the City. The administrative costs of 5.5% and 0.12% of contributions will be included in the cost analysis of each package. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution ~0.300 a-ogb 2. Public Agency Retirement System (PARS) Trust Agreement (with its Exhibit “A” - Adoption Agreement to the PARS Trust Agreement) 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 , ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2002-096 ! ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SEPARATION INCENTlVE PLAN THROUGH THE PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, to fulfill its mission of providing top quality services, the City of Carlsbad continually strives through its strategic goals to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations; and WHEREAS, these efforts occasionally require the City to eliminate management positions or to restructure managements positions such that the incumbents no longer possess the necessary skills for the positions; and WHEREAS, the City is eligible to be a member of the Public Agency Retirement Systems (PARS); and WHEREAS, PARS offers its member agencies a variety of products and services, including retirements incentive programs, such as a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP); and WHEREAS, PARS SIPS are qualifying governmental plans under relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Code ($8 401(a) and 501 (a)) and the California Government Code ($6 53215 et seq.); and WHEREAS, the establishment of a SIP through PARS will provide the City with the flexibility, in appropriate cases, of offering retirement incentives in lieu of discharging management employees whose positions are being eliminated or significantly restructured due to the implementation of the City’s strategic goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, PARS SIPS are administered by Phase I1 Systems, the PARS Trust Administrator, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to establish a SIP through PARS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That, effective April 1, 2002, the City Council adopts the PARS Trust and authorizes the City Manager to execute the necessary documents, once they are in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to establish a SIP through PARS; 2. That the City Council appoints the City Manager or hisiher designee to act as the Plan Administrator for the SIP and authorizes the City Manager to take any additional ministerial actions necessary to maintain the SIP in conformance with applicable law. 3. That the participation by an employee in the SIP be subject to the following parameters: a. The employee is employed in a management classification as defined by the Performance Management and Compensation System; b. Due to the strategic objectives and operational needs of the City, the employee’s position is being eliminated or restructured such that the employee no longer possesses the necessary skills for the position; c. The employee has worked for the City a minimum of ten (10) years and is eligible for retirement under the CalPERS retirement plan; d. The full cost of the employee’s participation in the SIP is covered by the approved budget of the department in which the employee works; e. The employee’s participation in the SIP will result in cost savings andor increased efficiencies for the department; f. The City Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Human Resources Director have analyzed the respective legal, financial, and staffing implications and each recommends the action; and Page 2 of 3 of Resolution No. 2002-096 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 g. The City Manager (or when applicable, the City Attorney), after the considering the recommendations, approves the action PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, held on this 26th day of MARCH ,2002, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: . Council Member Nyg INE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) 'age 3 of 3 of Resolution No. 2002-096 I I I G PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PARS) TRUST AGREEMENT PREAMBLE The Huntington Beach City School District and State Center Community College District formed and adopted the Public Agency Retirement System Trust CPARS Trust^) on July 1,1991 ("Effective Date"). Subsequent to the Effective Date other California public agencies adopted the PARS Trust as the funding vehide for tax qualied retirement plans for employees. Subsequent to the Effective Date the PARS Trust was amended. Effective as of July 1,1999 CAmended Effe'ctive Date") the PARS Trust was amended and restated in its entirety as contained herein. This amended and restated Trust shall supersede all prior versions of the PARS Trust as of the Amended Effective Date. \' TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS ARTICLE II THE PARS TRUST PROGRAM ARTlCLE 111 ADMINISTRATIVE MA7TERS ARTICLE N THE TRUSTEE ARTICLE V INVESTMENTS ARTICLE VI FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES ARTICLE VI1 AMENDMENT, TERMINATION AND MERGER ARTICLE Vlll MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ARTICLE IX ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ACCEPTANCE 2 ! 4 7 ., : 30 .I 32 ., '. 2567-12 PEL 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 A 1.5 I .6 1.7 1.8 7.9 1.10 1.71 DEFINITIONS "Act" shall mean California Government Code Sections 53215 - 53224, or their successor sections. 'Agreement far Administrative Services" shall mean the agreement executed between the Member Agency and the Trust Administrator whlch authorizes the Trust Administrator to perform speclfic duties of admlnistering the Member Agency Plan and related Agency Trust. "Amended Effective Date" shall mean July 1. IgSS, the date the PARS Trust Agreement was amended and restated in its entimty. '1 ,, i ':I "Ansets" shall mean all contributions and han6fers of assets received by Menoy Trust on behaK of a Member Agencfs Plan, together with the income and earnings from such contributions and transfers and any Increments accruing to them. 'Agency Trust" shall mean the legally separate and individual trust, whose pmvisiins am Identical to those of the PARS Trust Agreement, that is established by a Member Agency when it adopts the PARS Trust by executing an Adoption Agrsement "Alternate TIU~" shall mean a trustee, other than the Trustee of the PARS Trwt' Program. appointed by a Member Agency to eelve a6 a trustee of a pwUon . . of such Agency Tmt's assets as to which the Trustee mwes as custodian. "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1888 as amendedfrom tlme to . . tim. "Custodian" shall mean Union Bank of California, NA. whose duks are IImHcd to those specifled in Section 4.3, "Delegatee" shall mean an lndMdual or entity, appdntsd by the Plan Admlnlstrator or Member Agency to act inauch matters as are spedfied in the appolntment. "Effectii Date" shall mean July 1,1991, the date the PARS TNS~ Program was established. "inwent Fiduciary" shall mean the fiduciary with the authority and duty to dl& the investment and management (indudlng the power to direct the ' , , i',; , ',si ' , I. ,I ' .I ,_I 3 2687-fZ PEL acquisition and disposition) of some or all of the Assets of the Agency Trust appointed by a Member Agency for its Agency Trust. 1.12 "Omnibus Account" shall mean an account, established for record keeping purposes only, to commingle the Assets of the Agency Trust. 1.13 "Member Agency" shall mean a California public agency that adopts the provisions of the PARS Trust Agreement. 1 .I4 "Plan" shall mean the tax qualified plan whose assets the Agency Trust holds. 1.15 "Plan Administratof' shall mean the individual designated by 'position of employment at the Member Agency to ad on its behalf.in all matters relating to the Member Agency% participation in the PARS Trust .Program and Agency Trust. 1-16 "'PARS Trust Agreemenr' or "Trust Agreement" shall mean the pro forma. Public Agency Retirement .System trust document adopted by each Member Agency upon execution of an Adoption Agreement, as amended from time to time. 1.17 "PARS Trust Program" shall mean the Public Agency Retirement System trust arrangement 1.18 "Participant" shall mean individual participating in a Member Agency Plan or that individual's beneficiary. 1.19 Trust Administrator" shall mean Phase II Systems. 1.20 "Tiustee" shall mean the entity appointed as trustee ofthe PARS.Tfust that shall. also serve as tnrstee of each Agency Trust established' pursuant to the provisions of this trust agreement-exceptwhere an Altemate,Trustw has been appointed. Article ll THE PARS TRUST PROGRAM 2.1 Multiple Employer Trust The PARS Twst Program is a multiple employer trust arrangement established to provide economies of scale and efficiency of administration to public agencies that adopt it to hold the assets of their Member Agency Plans maintained for the benefit of their employees. The PARS Trust Program consists of the Agency Trusts adopted and not terminated by Member Agencies. .. 4 2.2 2.3 2.4 Qualified Governmental Retirement Trust The PARS Trust Program is established pursuant to the pkvisions of Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended' (the "Code"), and California Government Code Sections 53215 through 53224 providing for pension trusts established by public agencies. .. Date of Adoption .,,. The date as of which each Member Agency adopts the PARS Trust Program shall be the "Effective Date" of the PARS Trust Agreement and the Agency Trust, as defined in Section 2.5, as to that Member Agency. Member Agencies Any California public agency may, by action of its governing body in a writing accepted by the Trustee, adopt the provisions of the PARS Trust Agreement as the trust portion of a qualied governmental retirement plan establiskd for the benefii of its employees. Executing an adoption instrument for the PARS Twst Program ("Adoption Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit "A", shall ,constitute such adoption, unless the Trustee requires additional evidence of adoption. In order for such adoption lo be effective, the public agency must also execute an Agreement for Administrative Services with Phase II Systems, the Trust Administrator, pursuant to section 3.6 of this PARS Trust Agreement. Such adopting employer shall then become a Member Agency of the PARS Trust Program. Each.such Member Agency shall, at a minimum, furnish the Trust Administrator with the follawing documents to support its adoption of the PARS TNSt Program: ,, I, I' ,. ' *,, I ,, 1' , . ,. a certified copy 'of the .Member Agency governing. body resolution authorizing the adoption of the PARS Trust Agreement and the appointment of an individual .designated.by: position.,of,employrnent at the . Member Agency to act on its behalf in all matters relating to the Member Agency's participation in the PARS Trust Program and Agency TNst ("Plan Adminlstratof); ,. an original of the Adoption'Agreement executed by the Plan Administrator or other duly authorized Member Agency employee; ', , .I '. ,I, an original of the Agreement for Administrative Services with Phase II Systems executed by the Plan Administrator or other duly authorized Member Agency employee and Phase II Systems; an address notice; and 2567-12 PEL 5 /I (e) such other documents as the Trustee may reasonably request. 2.5 Agency Trust By adopting the PARS Trust Agreement, as provided in Section 2.4. a Member Agency shall be deemed to have adopted a legally separate and individual Agency Trust whose provisions are identical to those of the PARS Trust Agreement. The Assets of an Agency Trust shall be available only to pay benefh pursuant to the provisions of the Plan to participants and beneficiaries of the Member Agency entitled to receive benefits under the provisions of the Plan. The Agency Trust is created for the purpose of receiving contributions made to fund the Member Agency‘s Plan; accumulating. managing and investing those contributions; and providing benefits to active or retired participants of the Plan, their joint annuitants, or their beneficiaries. Each Agency Trust .shall be used to fund only a single Plan maintained by the Member Agency. A Member Agency may establish additional Agency Trusts to fund the assets of additional Plans by executing one or more additional Adoption Agreement(s). 2.6 Assets of Agency Trust The assets of the Agency Trust shall consist of all contributions and transfers received by the Agency Trust on behalf of the Member Agency‘s Plan, together with the income and earnings from such contributions and transfers, and any increments accruing to them (“Assetsl). All contributions or transfers shall be received by .the Trustee in cash or in other property acceptable to the Trustee. The Trustee shall manage and administer the Assets of the Agency Trust without distinction between principal and income. The Trustee and the Trust Administrator shall have no duty to compute any amount to be transferred or paid to the Agency Trust by the Member Agency and the Trustee and the Trust Administretor shall not be responsible for the collection of any contributions or transfers to the Agency TN& 2.7 Commingling for Investment and Administration ,I I( The Assets of more than one Agency Trust may be commingled by the Trustee , , or Investment Fiduciary in one or more Omnibus Accounts for investment and administrative purposes, to provide ecoflomies of scale and efficiency of administration to the Agency Trusts. The responslbilii.for Plan level aocountlng within this Omnibus Account(s) shall be that of the Trust Administrator. 2.8 Trustee Accounting The Trustee shall be responsible only for maintaining recards and maintaining accounts for the aggregate assets of the PARS Trust Program. The 6 2567-12 PEL 17- responsibility for Plan level accounting for each Agency Trust, based upon the Omnibus Atouht(s), shall be that of the Trust Administrator. 2.9 No Diemion of Assets "I The Assets in each Agency Trust shall be held in trust far the exdusive purpose of providing benefits to the Participants of the Plan for which the Agency Trust is holding assets and defraying the reasonable expenses of such Plan. The Assets shall not be used for or diverted to, any other purpose. , ,J Ii . i 2.10 Type and Nature of Trust ,I Neither the full fa& and credit nor the taxing ,power of each Member C\gency, the State of Califomla or any political subdivision thereof other. than each Member Agency is pledged to the di&ibutlon of benefits hemunder. Except for contributions and other amounts hereunder, no other amounts are pledged to the distribution of benefits hereunder. Distributions of benefds are neither general ' nor apdal obligations of any Member Agency, but are payable solely from the Assets of each Agency Trust as more fully desmi hemin. No employee of any Member Agency or beneficiary may compel the exercise of the taxing power by any Member Agency. I I 1 i ,I , .; .I , ,. ,> 3 :: .i Distributions of Assets under any Agency Trust am not debts of any Member Agency, the State of Callfornia or any of its poifflcal subdMsi0ns within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limttation or restriction. Such distributions am not legal or equitable pledges, charges, liens or encumbrances, upon any of a Member Agency's property, or upon any of Itr It'ICOme, receipts, or revenues; except amounts In the emunts which are, undcr the terms of eech Plan, Agency Trust and the Ad, set aside for distributions. Neither the memh of the legislative body d any Member Agency nor Its officers, employees. agent8 or volunteers are liable hereunder. Article 111 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS ., Two thirds or more of the Member Agencies acting Jolntly, may by a two-thirds or greater vote, act to appoint a bank, trust company, retirement board. insurer, commHtce or such other entity as permltted by California law, to senre as the trustee ofthe PARS Trwt Program ("Trustee'). Such don must bo m &g. Upon the written acceptancu of such entlty t ehall beoome thr, Trustee of the PARS Trust Program and, subject to the provisions of Section 3.10, t& trustee of each Agency Trust. By exeoutlng an Adoptlon Agmement, the adopting Member 2WJ2 7 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Agency hereby appoints the Union Bank of California, NA. as the Trustee as of the Amended Effeotive Date. ,.,,:';I Rornbval of Trustee ,I , ,;*:,I , ,! I ' '$ 3 Two thirds or more of the Member Agencies acting jointly, may by a vote of two - thirds or greater, act to remove the Trustee, Such action must be in writing and delivered to the Trustee and the Trust Administrator. Upon such removal from the PARS Trust the Trustee shall also be removed as trustee of each of the Agency Trusts. The Plan Administrator may remove the Trustee as trustee of an Agency Trust by giving at least nlnety (90) days prior wrltten notloc to the Trustee and the Trust Administrator and withdrawing from the PARS Trust Program. I Reslgnatlon ofTrUaee >J ~,';:!l J,,;,'l I: 1 ,I .,I.,, I ,, ! The Trustee may resign as bustee of the PARS Trust Program at any time by to each Pian Administtator of ea& Member Agency thet has adopted the PARS giving at least ninety (90) days prior written notice to the Trust Adminiatretar and T~st Agreement and not tminated its partidpath in the PARS. Trust Ptugram. Such resignation shall also be deemed a resignation'as trustee of each of the ' Agency Trusts. The Trustee may resign as trustee of an Agency Trwt by gMng at least ninety (90) written not& to the Plan Administrator of such Agency Trust and to the Trust Administrator. The Member Agency's appointment of a successor trustee to the Agency Trust wlll vest ule successor bustee wlth title to the Assets of its Agency Trust upon the successor trustee's acceptance of such appointment. The Plan Administrator llwgoveming body of each Member Agenoy shall have plenw avthorlty for the adrninistratlon and investment of the Agency Trust .pursuant ;to .the laws and . Constlttdon of the State of Califomla ,and ~appliClble.+fodml laws and ' mgulaiiocu. Each Member Agency .shall::by msoluthd..;desIgW ,,a Pian . Administrator. Unless othemrise speckid io the' Mtnmont the Pian Adrnlnlstretor shall be deemed to have authority to act on behalf of the Member' , , Agency in ail matters pertsining to thc Member Agency's partldpation in the PARS TNS~ Pmgram and in regard to.the Agency Trust.of the Member Agency.. .. Suoh appointment of a Pian Administrator shall be effective upon receipt and aaknowledgmant by the Trustee and the TNS~ Admlnlstrator and eheli be . .. effedive until the Trustee and Trust Admini6trator are fumlehed wlth a resolution '. , I!' of the Member Agency that the appointment has been modlfled or terminated. , ,jl 1: Failure to Appoint Pian Administrator Agenoy shall be deemed to be the Plan Admlnlstrator. As used h this document if a Plan Admlnlstretor is not appointed, or such appointment lam, Um Member ' r:f ': i .. . ' !; i' ,r 8 2667-12 Pa Plan Administrator shall be deemed to mean Member Agency when a Plan Administrator has not been appointed. 3.6 Delegatee The Plan Administrator, acting on behalf of the Member Agency, may delegate certain authority, powers and duties to an entity to act in those matters specified in the delegation ('Delegatee"). Any such delegation must be in a writing that names and identifies the Delegatee, states the effective date of the delegation, specifies the authority and duties delegated, is executed by the Plan Administrator and is acknowledged in writing by the Delegatee, the Trust Administrator (if not the Delegatee) and the Trustee. Such delegation shall be effective until the Trustee and the Trust Administrator are directed in witing by the Plan Administrator that the delegation has been rescinded or modified. 3.7 Certification to Trustee fhe governing body of each Member Agency, or other duly authorized official, shall 'certiv in writing to the Trustee and the Trust Adminlstrator.the names and specimen signatures of the Plan Administrator and Delegatee, if any, and all others authorized to act on behalf of the Member Agency whose names and specimen signatures shall be kept accurate by the Member Agency acting through a duly authorized official or governing body of the Member Agency. The Trustee and the Trust Administrator shall have no liability if it acts upon the direction of a Plan Administrator or Delegatee that has been duly authorized, as prodded in Section 3.6, if'that Plan Administrator or Delegatee is no longer authorized to act. unless the Member Agency has informed the Trustee and the T~st Administrator of such change. .. 3.8 Directions to Trustee Except as provided in S&on 5.38 .off.this :Tr*l~~~menti~~~ll~di~~~ to the Trustee from the Plan Administrator or Delegatee mustbe ln writing and must be signed by the Plan Administrator or Delegatee, as the case may be. For all purposes of this Trust Agreement, direction shall include any certifcation, .notice, authorization, application or instntction of the Plan Administiator, Delegatee or Trustee appropriately communicated. The above notwithstanding dmdion may be implied if the Plan Administrator or Delegatee has knowledge of. the Tmstee's Intentions and fails to file written objection. The Trustee shall have the power and duty to comply promptly with all proper direction of the Plan Administrator, or Delegatee, appointed in accordance with the provisions of this PARS Trust Agreement. In the case of any direction deemed by the Trustee to be unclear or ambiguous the Trustee may seek written instructions from the Plan Administrator, the Agency or the Delegatee on such, . :: matter and await their written instructions without incurring any liability. If at any time the Plan Administrator or the Delegatee should fail to give directions to the Trustee, the Trustee may act in the manner that in its discretion seems advisable under the circumstances for carrying out the purposes of the PARS Trust Program and/or any Agency Trust which may include not taking any action. The Trustee may request directions or clarification of directions received and may delay acting until clarification is received. In the absence of timely directioh or clarification, or if the Trustee considers any direction to be a violation of the PARS Trust Agreement or any applicable law, the Trustee shall in its sole discretion take appropriate action, or refuse to act upon a direction. 3.9 Alternate Trustee A Member Agency may appoint a trustee. other than the Trustee,. as to 8 pofion of the assets in the Agency Trust. by designating suchperson or entity as an Alternate Trustee on the Adoption Agreement and by speCitYng which assets shall be subject to the fiduciary management of the Alternate Trustee. Such appointment shall not be effective unless it is in writing, spedties dearly the assets as to which the Alternate Trustee is to have trustee powers. is acknowledged in writing by the Alternate Trustee, is delivered to and acknowledged by the Trustee and the Trust Administrator. Only a bank, trust company, retirement board, insurer, the Member Agency or such entity, as pemitted by California law to be a trustee may be appointed an Alternate Trustee. Such appointment will become effective upon acceptance by the Alternate Trustee. 3.10 Powers Of Alternate Ttustee ,I The Alternate Tiustee shall be deemed to have all of the powers and duties and vesponsibilities specified in the PARS Trust Agreement for the PARS Tmstee in Article IV unless otherwise specified. in .the Adoption Agreement. 3.1 1 Responsibility of Trustee Upon AppointmenhfAltemate-Ttustee Upon 'the appointment of an Alternate Trustee, the Trustee shall have no liability or responsibility for any matters relating to the management, investment or administdon of those assets as to which the Alternate Trustee has been appOinted and shall only have the duties set forth in Section 4.3. . ../ ', ,. .. 3.12 Trust Administrator .. The Member Agencies have appointed Phase It Systems as the Trust Administrator. The Trust Administrator has accepted its appointment subject to each Member Agency's delegation of authority, ta act as such, pursuant to Section 3.6 of this PARS Trust Agreement. The Trust Administrator's dutiis 2!i67-12 PEL involve the performance of the following services pursuant to the provisions of this trust agreement and the Agreement for Administrative Services: (a) Performing periodic accounting of the Agency Trust; (b) Directing the Trustee to make distributions from the Agency Trust to Participants pursuant to the provisions of the Member Agenifs Plan and liquidate assets in order to make such distributions; (c) Notifying the Investment Fiduciary of the amount of Assets in the Agency Trust available for further investment and management by the Investment Fiduciary; (d) Allocating contributions, earnings and expenses to .eachAgency Trust; (e) Directing the.Trustee to pay insurance premiums, to pay the fees of the Trust Administrator and to do such other acts as shall be appropriate to carry out the intent of the Agency Trusts. :.. (f) Such other services as .the Member Agency and .the Trust Administrator may agree in the Agreement for Administrative Seyices pursuant ,to Section 2.4. 3.13 The Trust'Administrator shall be entitled to rely on, and shall be under no duty to question,. direction and/or data received from the Plan Administrator, or other duly authorii entity, in order to perform its authorized duties under this trust agreement. The Trust Administrator shall not have any duty t9 compute contributions made to the Agency Trust. determine or inquire whether contributions made to the Agency.Trust by the Plan Administrator or other duly authorized entityare adequateto m~and.discharge.liabiliti~~~~er the Plan; or determine or inquire 'whether ,con~b~ns.~.ma~:to~~e.~~ency.. TNst, are in .compliance with the Plan; The Trust Administrator shall not bd liable for non pehimance of duties if such non performance is directly wused by erroneous, andlor late delivery of, directions or data from the Plan Administrator,'or,other ' duly authorized entity. 3.14 Additional Trust Administrator Servlces ^. - ,. , The Plan Administrator may at any time retain the Trust Administrator as its agent to perfonn any act, keep any records or accounts and make any computations which are required of the Member Agency or the Plan Administrator by this PARS Trust Agreement or by the Member Agency's Plan. The Trust Administrator shall be separately compensated for such service and such sewices shall not be deemed to be contrary to the PARS Trust Agreement. 11 3.1 5 Trust Administrator's Compensation As may be agreed upon from time to time by the Member Agency and Trust Administrator, the Trust Administrator will be paid reasonable compensation for services rendered or reimbursed for expenses properly and actually incurred in the performance of duties with respect to the Agency Trust and to the PARS Trust Program in accordance with Section 53217 of the Act. 3.16 Resignation or Removal of Trust Administrator The Trust Administrator may resign at any time by giving at least one hundred twenty (120) days written notice to each Member Agency of.the PARS Trust Program and the Trustee. The Member Agencies, by a two-thirds or greater vote, may remove the Trust,Administrator by delivering, at least one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the effedie date of such removal, written notice to the Trust Administrator and to the Trustee. Article IV THE TRUSTEE 4.1 Powera and Duties of the Trustee Except as athemrise provided in Article V and subject to Anide VI, the Trustee shall have' full power and authority with respect to property held ,in ,,he Agency Trust to do all such acts, take all proceedings, and exercise all such rights and ' prhiileges, whether specifically referred to or not .in this::dowment, as could. be done, taken or exercised by the aWbte .owner. indudingGwitbout limitation, the following: (a) To invest.and reinvest the Assets or any part hereof in any one .or morf? kind, type, class, item or parcel of property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible; or in any one or more kind, type. class, item or issue of investment or security; or in any one or more kind, type, class or item of obligation, secured or unsecured; or in any combination of them.. To retaln.. , , , the property for the period of time that the Trustee deems appmpriate; (b) To.acquire and sell options to buy securities ("call" options) and to acquire and sell options to sell securities ("put" options); (c) To buy, sell, assign, transfer, acquire, loan, lease (for any purpose, including mineral leases). exchange and in any other manner to acquire. manage, deal with and dispose of all or any part of the Agency Trust . , I' , .. 12 2567-12 PEL property, for cash or credit and upon any reasonable terms and conditions; To make deposits, with any bank or savings and loan institution, including any such facility of the Trustee or an affiliate thereof provided that the deposit bears a reasonable rate of interest: .. To invest and reinvest the Assets, or any part thereof in any one or more collective investment trust funds, including common and group trust funds that consist exclusively of assets of exempt pension and profit sharing trusts and individual retirement accounts qualified and tax exempt under the Code, that are maintained by the Trustee or.an affiliate thereof. The declaration of trust or plan of operations for ,anymEll wmmon or collective fund is hereby incorporated herein and.adopted into this PARS Trust Agreement by this reference. The combining'& money and other assets of the Agency Trust with money and other assets of other qualied trusts.in such fund or funds is specifically authorized. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this trustagreement, the Trustee shall have full investment responsibility over assets of the trust invested in such commingled funds. If the plan and trust for any reeon lose their tax exempt status, and the Assets have been commingled with asseteof other tax exempt trusts in Trustee's collective investment funds, the Trustee shall within 30 days of notice of such loss of tax exempt status, liquidate the Agency Trust's units of the collective investment fund@) and invest the proceeds in a money market fund.pending investment or other instructions from the Plan Administrator. The Trustee shall not be liable for any loss or gain or taxes, if any, resulting from said liquidation; To place uninvested cash and cash awaiting distribution in one or more mutual funds andlor cornmingled investment funds maintained by or made available by the Trustee, and.to'receive,compensatioMom.the sponsor of such fund(s) for setvices rendered, .separate.and apatttfrorn any Trustee's fees. hereunder. Trustee or Tnrstee1s.affiliate.may!:als0--be compensated for providing investment advisory services to any mutual fund or commingled investment funds; To borrow money for the purposes of the Agency Trust from any souroe with or without giving security; to pay interest; to issue promissory notes and to iecure the repayment thereof by pledging all or any part of the Assets; TO take.al1 of the following actions as directed by the Investment Fiduciary or other person with investment discretion over the trust assets: to vote proxies of any stocks, bonds or other securities; to give general or special proxies or powers of attorney with or without power of ,subsfition; to exercise any conversion privileges, subscription rights or other options, I. 13 2S67-12 PEL and to make any payments incidental thereto: to consent to or otherwise participate in corporate reorganizations or other '; changes affecting corporate securities and to delegate discretionary powers and to pay any assessments or charges in connection therewith; and generally to exercise any of the powers of an owner with respect to stocks, bonds, securities or other property held in the Agency Trust; To make, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all documents of transfer and conveyance and any and all other instruments that may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the powers herein granted; To raze or move existing buildings; to make ordinaty or extraordinary repairs, alterations or additiowin .and. to buildings;dtwonstrud bulldings and other structures and to install foctures and equipment;therein; - To pay or cause to be paid from the Agency Trust any and all real or personal property taxes, income taxes or other taxes.or assessments. of any or all kinds levied or assessed upon or with respect to the Agency Trust or the Plan; I As directed by the Trust Administrator, to hold term or ordinary lii insurance contracts on the lives of Participants (but in the case of conflict between any such contract and the Plan, the terms of the Plan shall prevail); to pay from the Agency Trust the premiums on such contracts; to distribute, surrender or otherwise dispose of such contracts; to pay the proceeds, if any, of such contracts to the proper persons in the event of the death of the insured Participant; to enter into, modi, renew and terminate annuity contracts of deposit administration of immediate participation or other group or individual type with one or more insurance companies and to pay or deposit all or any part of the Agency Trust Assets thereunder; to provide.in.any such .contractfo&e~investmnt of all or any part of funds so de~ited.with:theinsuranoe~mpany in securities under separate accounts;-'4o ,exerdse';.and..daim.;:all!'~ghts and benefits granted to the contract holder by any such contracts; To exercise all the further rights, powers, options and privileges granted, provided for, or vested4n trustees generally under applicable federal or. : California laws, as amended from time to time, it being intended that, except as herein ofheMlise provided, the powers conferred upon the Trustee herein shall not be construed as being in limitation of any authority conferred by law, but shall be knstrued as consistent or in addltlon thereto. 20 " 4.2 Addltlonal Trustee P-B In addition to the other powers enumerated above, and 'whether or not the Member Agency has retained investment authority or delegated it to an Investment Fiduciary or Participants in Participant Directed Accounts, the Trustee in any and all events is authorized and empowered: .I ,I I i To invest funds pending required directions in any type of interest-bearing account including without limitation, time certificates of deposit or interest- beating accounts issued by Union Bank of Califomla N.A, or any mutual fund or short tern investment fund rFund"), whether sponsored or I advised by Union Bank of California or any affillate.thereot Union Bank of California, N.A. or its affiliate. may be .oompensated~Afor..pro~ing suoh ' '1 investment advice and providing other.senrlces~~.suuch:~und, in addMan to any Trustee's fees received pursuant to this Trust Agreement; I ';,I ' ., . ,] I To cause all or any part of the Agency Trust to be held In the name of the . Trustee (wt~kh in such instan- need not dlsdose its Muciary cap*) , . or, as permitted by law. in the name of any nominee, and to aqulrt for the Agency Trust any investment in bearer form. but the books and records of the Agency Trust shall at all times show that all such investments are a part of the Agency Trust and the Trustee shall hold evidences of title to all such investments: To Liewe as sole custodian wtth respect to the Agency Trust Assets; To employ such.agents and counael a6 may be reasonably necessary in managing and proteoting the Assets and to pay them resonable compensation; to employ any bmkerdealer, idudlng a broker4ealer affiliated with the Trustee..and pay to such brokerdealer at the e"e of the Agency Trust, its stendard :mmmissions;;..$o0;,. compromise or abandm all dalms'and dernands~ir5favor of-or.agaIn&-the Agency Trust; and -to charge any premiuin-on..bonds*~rchased..:at.~r. value to the principal of the Agency Trust without amortimtlon from the Agency Twst, regardless of any law relating them; In addition to the'powers llsted hereln, to do all other acta necessary or . I . desimble fw the pmper admlnistratlon of the Agency Trust, ~s though the , absolute owner themot To abandon, cornpromlse, contest, arbitrate or settle dalms or dernmde; to prosecute, compromise and defend lawsuits, but wlthout obligation to do so. all at the risk and expense of the Agency Trust; To exercise and perlorn any and all of the other powers and ddos specified In thls Trust Agreement or the Plan; ".i ~ .. , ',I , /' ' :.; i ,I , .i I .. ,, .. ,, (h) To permit such inspections of documents at the pnndpal oftice of the Trustee as are required by law, subpoena or demand by United States agency: I, (i) To comply with all requirements imposed by applicable provislons of law; 0) To seek written instructions from the Plan Administrator or other fldudary on any matter and await their written instructions without incurring any liability. if at any time the Plan Administrator or the fiduciary should fall to give directions to the Trustee, the Trustee may act in the manner that In Its discretion seems advisable under the circumstances for carrylng out the purposes of this Agency TN* I. .. , 'I ,. (k) As directed by the Plan Administrator or Delegatee if.duly authorized, to cause the beneMs provlded under the Plan to be paid directly to the, persons entitled thereto under the Plan, and in the amounts and In the ., manner spedfied, and to charge such payments against the Agency Trust , with resped to which such benefits are payable; (I) To compensate such executive, consultant. actuarial, acbunting, investment. appraisal, admlnlstrative, derlcal, secretarial. medical, custodial, depository and legal firms, personnel and other employees or assktants as am engaged by the Plan Administrator In connection with the admhistratlon of the Plan and to pay from the Agency Trust the necessary expenses of such flms. personnel and assistants, to the extent not paid by the Plan Administrator; , ', ', I (m) To act upon proper wMen diredons of the Plan Admlnlstnrtor Or ,Delegatee; including directions given by photostatk transmi8skno using fauimile olgnature; I. (n) To pay from the Agen~.~~sttthe',~nses~sonablY. Incurred in the administration of the Agency Trust as provided in the Plan; (0) To maintain insurance for such purposes, In such amounts and wg.auch .' i companies as the' Plan Administrator shall.elect; lndudlng insurance tq " I cover liability or losses occurring by reason of me a+ or omiaalono of ,I fiduciaries but only if- such insumnae permits reoourse by Uie Insurer , ', j against the fiduciary in the case of a breach of a fiduaiary obligation by such fldudary. '.,,I ' ,'. i .I I. 4.3 Custodial Powers If an Alternate Trustee has been appointed pursuant to Sedlon 3.9, Unbn Bank of Calffornia, N.A, (Bank") as Custodian, shall only have the fallowing responslbiliiies: (a) Keep records of all transactions entered into for the &en& Trust and furnish to Alternate Trustee statements no less frequently than quarterly which shall be deemed ratified and approved by Alternate Trustee unless showing all principal and income transactions and Agency Trust Assets. Custodian is advised to the contrary within ninety (90) days of Custodian's mailing thereof by first class mail to Alternate Trustee; , I (b) Receive payments of Income and prindpal on.Agency TNSt Ass+. and retain or remit in accordance: with Altematte.T?ustee"8n instructions: (c) Hold Agency Trust Assets in Bank's name as Custodian for Alternate , Trustea or In Bank's nominee name, or, as to securities eligible to be held by the depository trust company or other dsposltory, ,. in 'b nominee naine; (d) Purchase and sell securities. attend to the exchange of sewdhS, depOSit or exchange securities of companies in reorganhtkm. and tender ' securities on redemption or tender offer solely upon direction of Alternete Trustee; (e) Sin the name of ,Alternate Trustee to stoak and bond powers and any other Instruments required for the proper exercise of Bank's dutlw, and ' Bank is appointed Alternate Trustee's attorney-in-fact for these purposm; (f) Forward all proxies and accompanying materials to Alternate TNItae ta be voted unless directed hJwrlting> bthe ,contrary:43isclose Ahmat0 Trustee's name and address :in..response,.to requests, from Issuers of securtbles and others ta !faciliite-~dkacb,.commucricaUon .hr proxy and' ' tender offer response; (9) Sell all fraational shares of stock received as a wsult of stock dividends or (h) Notify &mate Trustee of any inability to collect inoom'oc prlndpal if the securities or other property constituting heeta upon whlch suoh amount is payable Is In default, or if payment is refused after due demand. Bank shall be under no obllgation or duty to take any action to effect collection of defaulted payments, or to file or pursue any bankruptcy or class actlon claims with respect to Agency Trust. other corporate action; ., .. (i) Perform a telephonic verlflation to Alternate Trustee or Alternate Trustee's authorized representatbe or such other '~BcUTify procedure selected by Alternate Trustee prior to wiring funds or following facsimle directions as Bank may require. Alternate Trustee assume6 all risk of delay of transfer if Bank Is unable to reach Alternate Trustee or Alternate Trustee's authorized representatiie, or In the event of delay as a result of attempts to comply with any other security procedure selected by Alternate Trustee. ,I .' ,, ', , Article V INVESTMENTS I. 6.1 Investment Fiduciary ,I ' r ,I ', ., Except as hemln pmvided, the Plan Administrator shall be the lnwstment Fiduoiary. 5.2 Appointment of Trustee or an Investment Manager as Investment fldudary The Plan Admlnistrator may appoint the Trustee or an Investment manager as the Investment Fldudary, with the authority and duty to dlmd the Investment and management of all or any portion of the Assets of the Agency Trust. 5.3 Appointment of Investment Fduaary No action of the Pian Adminwor. punuant to 52 shall be CffecQlve until a certMed copy of ttis rsvieed Adoptkn,Agreem~t,.and,.;~rn9uired, any such , I resolution of the govemlng body'd the .Member AgenoywPIan Adrnlriktmtor idon% delivered to the.Tnrstee. Uponmcolptand awrp@nce, .the Trustee of Investment manager, a8 the case may be, shall assume tiduclary responelbllily ,. I: with respect to the .inverstment and management of such assets of the Agency .' Trust as are spded In the resolution or adon. Any transfer of Investment . . . .'! 1 authority to the Trustee or to an investment manager may be revoked by 'j deliiring to the Truitw or the Investment manager m written notice .frwn either. I the Member &~ency governing body or the Plan Administrator, as the case may .! be. . ,'I , .,,'., . , ,, ', , .. ,. ,. . j 5.4 Relhnce by Trustee on Investment Fiduciary The appointment, selection and retention of an Investment Fiduciary shall be solely the responsibility of the Member Agency acting throligh it0 govemfng body or the Plan Administrator. The Trustee may rely upon the fact that the fi 2667-12 P€L la Investment Flduclary is authorized to dlrect the investment and management of the Assets of the Agency Trust untll such time as the Plan Administrator shall notitj the Trustee In writing that another Investment Fidudry has been appointed to replace the Investment Fiduciary named, or, in me alternative, that the investment Fiduciary named has been removed. 5.6 When Trustee is not Investment Fiduciary The Trustee shall not be the investment Fiduciary and shall have no responsibility or authority for the investment and management of assets unless specifically designated as the investment Flduclary as to some or all of the assets in the Agency Trust and accepts such deslgnation. (a) During such period or periods @.time, if any;as Zhe l?lan:Administrator dr an Investment Fiduciary is authorized .to direct..the investment and management of the Assets of the Agency Trust, the Trustee shall (subject to the overtiding. lim*tatians hereinafasr set forth) effect and change investment of the Assets of the Agency Trust as directed in writing by the Plan Administrator, or Investment Fiduciary. as the caw may be, and shall neither effect nor change any such investments without suqh didn and shall have no rlght, duty or nzsponsibility to recommend investments or investment changes. The followlng provisions shall govern the Trustee during such period or periods of time, if any, during which the Plan Admlnlstrator or an Investment Flduclary is authorized to direct the investment and management of the Assets of any Agency Trust @) So long as the Plan Administrator retains or reacquires full power and responslbilky to direct the Trustee with respect to the invegtment and management of an or any portlon of the Asaeta of the Agency Trust the Trustee shall not be liable mr responsible for losses or unfavorable results arising from the Trustee'swmpliance .with ,pmpw:didonwof the Plan .Adrniri"lstretar which.ara- made-in:accordance with:.thc+AeemUr. of this Trurt Agreement end which amriot. wn~ry.tb;theprons.~of any appllabk (c) 'In the event an Investment Fiuclary Is given authorfty and respon8bflky. . Wlth"respect to' the investment and management of the Assets ,of the Agericy Trust, neither. the Trustee nor the Plan Mmlnistrator shall, be , ' 'na& or responsibk in any way fovany loeeea or other unfavombk results arising from the TNS~~IO'S compliance wHh investment or management directions received by the Trustee from thp investment Fiduciary. ' federal or state statute regulating such investment. 5.6 Investment Directions Must be In Writing Subjeot to the provisions of Section 5.18, in order to a. valid all diredons concerning investments made by the Plan Administrator, or the Investment I' 'i i 2687-12 PEL 19 Fiduciary, or PARS TNstee must be signed by the authorized person or persons actlng on behalf of the Plan Administrator, investment Fidliciary 'or Trustee, a6 the case may be. 5.7 Trustee Reliance On Directions (a) The Trustee shall be entltied to rely upon directions. whlch the Trustee receives. The Trustee shall be under no duty to question any directions of the Investment Fiduciary or Plan Administrator nor to review any securities or other property of the PARS Trust .or Agency Trust constituting assets thereof with respect to which an investment Fiduciary or the Pian Administrator has investment responslbllity, nor.to.make any suggestions to the Investment Fiduciaw.or.-Piah :Adminlstrator4nmmdon thefeu" The Trustee shall, as promptly as possible:comptywith any written directions given by the Pian Administrator or an :Investment Fiduciary hereunder. The Trustee shall not be liable, in any manner nor for any reason, for-the making or retention of any investment pursuant to such dhctions, nor shall the trustee-be liable for its failure to inveat any or all of the Assets of the Agency Trust in the absence ,of such written directions. The Trustee shall be under no obligation to seek written clarification in the event of ambiguity. . ,I, I I 'I (b) During such period of time, K any, as the Plan Adminktmtor, or an investment Fidudary. Is authorized to direct the Trustee, the Trustee shall have no obligation to determine the existence of any conversion, demption, exchange, subscriptlon or other right relatlng to any secudties purchasod of which notice was given prior to the purchase Qf such securities, andshall have no obligation to exerdse any such right unless the Trustee is Informed of the existence af the right and io inshctd to ' exercise suchdght, In Wing, by the Plan Adminbtrator or,h Investment Fidudary. as the case may.'be,"thin:.a nasonable.Alme prior to the expiration of Wch right. ,. (c) ' In any event, neither the Plan Adminlstrator nor any Investment Fidudary retked to abwe.shall direct the purchase, sale or retentiond any Assets , of the Agency Trust if such dlrectlons are not In compliance wfth applicable law. .. . , . .. .I ,, 5.8 T~ustee Few ,I As may be agmed upon, In writing, between the Plan Administrator and Trustee. the Trustee will be paid reasonable compensation for selvlces ~'~ndemcl or reimbursed for expenses property and actually incumd In the performanca of duties with respect to thc Agency Trust or the PARS Trust. .. M 5.9 Contributions The Plan Administrator shall make all of Its contributions to the T~stce, and shall also transmit all contributions of Plan participants. as may be requlred or allowed Trustee agrees to accept a contribution that is not In cash. All contributions shall by the Plan, to the Trustee. Such contibutions shall be in cash unless the be paid to the Trustee for investment and relnvestment pursuant to the terms of this Trust Agreement. The Trustee shall not have any duty to determine or inquire whether any contributions to the Agency Trust made to the Trustee by any Plan Administrator are in compliance with the Plan; nor shall the Trustee have any duty or authority to compute any amount to be paid to the Trustee by any Plan Administrator; nor shall the Trustee be psponsibbfor the collection or adequacy of the contributions to ,meet '.~~:..disoha~el~li~i~~ :.under the Plan. The contributions received by the' Trustee from each .Memker>:Agency shall be held and admlnlstered pursuant to the..tsrms herdwithoutdistlnctlon between income and principal. 5.10 Money Market Fund ., Pending any investment directions. such cash in the Agency TNS~ In an amount a6 is reasonable in the discretion of the Trustee, my be dewsbd in a money market fund selected by the Trustee or the Member Agency. 5.1 1 Purchase of Contracts The Trustee shall have the authority to purchase indiiual or group iMUKm3, annuity, pbllminary ten, 'group pension, and variable annuity contracts In. 'contracts at the diredon of the,Plan Administrator or lnvesbnent Fidualary H such . accordance with the directlons of the Plan Administrator or other insuranae . contracts are acceptable to the Trustee. The Trustee shall act as custodian of such contracts If an Alternate Trustee:ls~appolnted as towchmtracts. .. 5.12 Records '(a) 'The Trustee shall malntam accurate records.and,deteiiled acmunts ,of all Investments, receipts. disbursements and other transadions hereunder at the PARS Trust level. 'Such .records shall be available at .all, reasonable times for lnspedlon by the Trust Administrator. The Trustee shall, at the directim of the Trust Administrator, submit such valuations, reporte or other information as the Trust Administrator may rW3Onbbty Wqrtln. (b) valuation. The asseta of the Agency Trust shall be valued at thelr fair market value on the date of valuation, as determined. by the Trustee based upon such sources of information as It may deem reliable; provided, however, that the Plan Administrator shall inetruct the Trustee as to valuation of assets which are not readily determinable on an established ,_. , , , 21 5.13 ., . . 5.14 ' . ... L 5.15 market. The Trustee may rely conclusively on such valuations pmvMed by the Plan Administrator and shall be Indemnified a& held harmless by the Plan Administrator with respect to such reliance. If the Plan Administmtor fails to provide such values, the Trustee may take whatever action it deems reasonable, including employment of attorneys, appraisers or other professionals, the expense of which will be an eqense of administration of the Agency Trust. Transactions in the account involving such hard to value assets may be postponed unHl appropriate valuations have been received and Trustee shall have no liability therefore. Statements (a) .Periodically 88 specified. and.wlthlndslxty daywaffer June'30. or theend of the PARS Trust's fiscal yewif tlifferent; TrustwShalkWnder to the Trust 'Administrator as directed, a written ' account. showlng in reasonable summary the Investments, receipts, disbursements and other transadions engaged in by the Trustee dudng'the preceding flscal year or pedod with respect to the PARS Trust Such account shall set forth the assets and llabllltles of the PARS Trust valued as of tho end ofthe accounting paiod. @) The Trust Adminlstrator may approve such statements either by written notice or by failure to express objections to such stakments by written, notice delivered to the Trustee withln 90 days from the date the statement is delivered to the Trust Administrator. Upon approval, the Tnrstee shall be released and discharged as to all matters and items set forth In such statement as if sirch account had been settled and allowed by a decree from a court of competent jurisdiction. Wlre Transfer6 Tho '?rwtsS shall fallow the--Plan;AdminEetrator'~~p;Dele(latee's, or. Trust 'Adrnlnlstmtot'e wlre4ransfer Instfuctlons~.intcompliance;witb:~e written secuily :p~oCBdum provided by the party.provkfing .the*Hire.tran~~r~l;~e,~~stee shall p0rfofm.a telephonic vdtication to the Plan Administrator, Trust Admlnistretqr, or Delegate6, of such der security procsdure, as .selected by the pady pmvldlng wire'transfw dituctlons. prior to wiring funds or following faosirnile directions as Trustee may rwquire. The Plan Administrator assumes the. riik of delay of transfer K.Trustee is,unable to..reach the Plan &jministratar,bv in the, event of delay as a result of attempts ta comply wlfh any ather sewrlty procedure seleated by the directing party. Exdusive Benefit The Assets of the Agenoy Trust shall be held In trust for the exduslve purpoee of provlding benefits to the participants and their beneficides of the Member Agency Plan, and defraying reasonable expenses of the Plan. and shall not be 22 2567-12 PEL dlvert such Plan's Assets for the payment of benetlts or ewenses of any other used for or diverted to any other purpose. No party shall have authority to use or Member Agency's Pian. 5.16 Delegation of Duties The Plan Administrator, Delegatee. or Trust Administrator, may at any time retaln the Trustee as its agent to perform any act, keep any records or accounts and make any computations that are required of the Plan Administrator, Delegatee or Trust Administrator by this Trust Agreement or by the Plan. The Trustee may be compensated for such retention and such retention shall not be deemed to be contrary to this Trust Agreement. .. 6.17 Distributions All benefits payable pursuant to the Plan shall be pald out of the Assets of the Agency Trust the Trust& pwsuant to the directbn of the Plan Administrator.or' Delegatee. The Trustee shall, from time to time, upon the Wen dlredion of the Plan Adminlstrator or Delegatee, make dlstributtons from the,Assets of the Agency Trust to or for the beneM of such persons. in such manner in suGh form(s), in such amounts and for such purposes as may be specMed In such directions. The Trustee at the diredion of the Plan Administrator or Delegatee may make any distribution required to be made by it hereunder by deiiverlng to the Plan Administrator or Delegatee: Its check payable to the person to whom such'dlstrlbution is to be made, for delivery to suoh person; or its check payable to an insurer for the benefit of wch pereon, far delivery by such Insurer; or 1nsurance.contrads held on the life ofthe Participant to whom or with respect to~whorr~'the~diiution:ds:~hg . made,. for redellvery to thdperbon tci whornsmh'dstributionktuhe made; provided , . that any contract distrlbuted~shalFbesndo& es?non.treneferable:.. ,, In' dimding the Trust& to make distributions, the Plan Administrator or Delegatee shall -follow the provisions of the Pian and shall not direot that any dlstribution be made either during the.exlstence, or upon discontinuance of ,W Ph. .which Would cause.any part of the Assets of..the AQency,T+t to be. used for or diverted to purposes other than a8 provided in-the Plan and this PARS Trust In no event shall the Trustee have any responsibility, respecding the application of such dlstributlons, nor for determining or lnqulrlng into whether such distributions are In accordance with the Pian. I. 23 I 'I c. 8, ' ,,I ,I ,I ,I , , ", 5.18 Participant Directed Accounts I. , , , ,. The Member Agency may, by written resolution and execution of the Adoption Agreement, terminate the Plan Administrator's right to direct the investment and management of all or any portion of the Assets of the Agency Trust and allow Participants to direct their own account balances ("Participant Directed ,, 1, Accounts"). Notwithstanding any other provision of this Trust Agreement, for Participant Dlrected Accounts, the Trustee shall be entitled to act upon proper '. directions of the Pian Administrator, Trust Administrator. and Participants including directions in writing, or oral Instructions which Trustee in its discretion may follow without receipt of written instructlons. Instruction glven by photostatle teietransmission using facsimile signature, or those .instructions whlch are digitally recorded on the UBOC Voice Response Vnlt (VRUYJ or..intemet webslte. Trustee is hereby authorized to record conversations and.tranamissions made in tonnection-with the Agency Trust. Trustee's'recording or ladcof recording of any such oral, internet or digital instructions. and/or receipt or lack of recelpt of facsimile transmissions, as reflected in the Trustee's'records maintained In the. ordinary cougse of business shall constitute conclusive proof of Trustee's receipt, or non-receipt of such instructions. The Trustee and/or Trust Administrator shall not be liable in any manner for ,I investment or other lasses or other liablllty attributable to Paltldpanfs direotions, .. ' or lack thereof, or exerdse of control over the investments of their Participant Directed Accounts. Llkewise, the Trustee and/or Trust Administrator shall have ,. ' . no.dutyar.'responsibility to review, monitor or make recommendations regarding investments made at the didion of the Participants or the Pian Administrator. In order for Member Agency to be relieved of Investment fiduciary Ilability, the requirements of California law including Sedion 53213.5 of the California Government must be met. The Plan Adminisbator shall eatablbh unllom ' and .nondiscriminatory rule6 .for the operation of the Partldpant Directed Acmunts,~including whether.the'Partldpant,shall dlrect.the;;Ttastee or.dim4 the ' Plan d ad mini abet or who dlreds%e . Trust:.Adminl$trabt% ~who-..fonnrardo suoh directions to the Trustee: Me~~iAgen~~hall;~d~~nat~!~e~~,. Participant Direotd Acoounta are to.be established pursuant to the provisions of sectlon , . ", 5.18(a) or 6.18@), below: ! .. (I I ' .I I ,. I (a) ParticipsaLplcndrpn In ... . idualhr Directed AccounQ. If the .Mem&r '.' 1 over their own segregated aooount balancea ("lndviduaky DIm&d 8 "' .':'I Accounr or 'IDA3. Investments may be diredsd by Participants into assets admin~ely acceptable to Trustee. as limited by guidelines developed by the Plan Admlnistrator (the 'Permlsnible Investment Guldellnes"). Plan Administrator shall notw Partidpants of the Plan's Permissible lnvcstment Guidelines a$ in effect from Ume to tlme. In the 'absence of directions from a Partidpant, the Pian Administrator may dlmd ! the investment of the IDA The Trustee may refuse to comply wfth the , 1 ' 'Agency has so ek&d;Participants may have .investment diredon power . . , (, , 24 2a7-12 PEL directions of the Participant to invest in assets other than those listed in tts Permissible Investments Guidelines or with directions which the Trustee deems to be improper or contrary to the provisions of the Plan and Agency Trust or the Internal Revenue Code and shall have no liability for such refusal. .I (b) Participant Directed Account within Plan Administrator Selected Investment Options (“SelectBENEF/T Accounts7: If the Member Agency so elects, the Participant‘s-Account Balance shall be segregated into a Participant Directed Account (“SelectBENEFlT Account”), over which the Participant.may direct investment into one. or rnore,investment alternatives (‘Investment Options”), .The Plan .Administrator. or its appointed Investment Fiduciary shall. have full responsibilitytfor :designating the Investment Options under the Plan and for selecting the underlying investment vehicle(s) for each designated Investment .Option into which a Participant may direct investment of his or her SelectSENEFIT Ac&unt. To the extent allawed by law, neither the Member .Agency, the Plan Administrator, the Trust Administrator nor the TNSbe shall have any responsibility for monitoring the directions of the Participant nor shall the Member Agency, the Plan Administrator, the Trust Administrator or the Trustee be liable in any manner for investment or other losses or other liability for following directions of a Participant. (c) If SelectSENEFlT Accounts are. established, notwithstanding ‘any other provision of this Trust Agreement, the Member Agency may appoint the Trustee to provide ministerial sewices as recurdkeeper for ‘such accounts by so indicating in the Member Agency‘s Adoption Agreement, provided that an acceptable service agreement has been executed by and between the Member Agency, the Plan Administrator, the Trustee and the Trust Administrator, I I. I Article VI ’ FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 More Than One Fiduciary Capacity Any one or more of the fiduciaries with respect to the PARS Trust Agreement or the Agency Trust may, to the extent required thereby or as directed by the Plan Administrator pursuant to this PARS Trust Agreement and the Plan, serve in more than one tiduciafy capacity with respect to the PARS Trust Agreement, the Agency Trust and the Plan. 2-7-12 PEL 25 6.2 Flduciary Discharge of Duties Except as otherwise provided in the Code and applicable law each fiduciary shall discharge such fiduciary's duties with respect to the PARS Trust Agreement and the Plan: ,, , .I I I, .I I ,. Solely in the interest of the Participants and far the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to Participants. and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the Plan. with the care, skill, prudence, and dlligence under the circumstances then pfeualllng that a prudent man acting in a like capacity and Familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of llke character and with llke aims. By diversifying the investments of the Plan and the AQency Trust so as ta~minlmlze the'risk'of loss and:& maxlR11zethe rate of .: tuWrn. unless under the circumstances it is clearly prudentmdtardo so. . ,' ~ ,. ,. i f. ,, , (I 6.3 Urnitations on Flduciaty Responsiblllty To the extent permitted by appllcable law: No fkluciaty shall be liable with respect to a breach of fiduciary duty by any other fiduciary if such breach was committed before such party beaame a fiduciary or , , after such party ceased to be a fiduciary. No fiduciary shall be liable for a breach by another fiduciary unless the nom - breachlng nduclary knowingly participates in such a breach, knowingly undertakes to conceal.suoh'breach, or has actual knowlsdge of such breach and fails to take reasonable stsps to remedy such breach. No iiduclary shall bo liable for carryirrg out a proper dlrectlon .from another flduciary, lndudlng refraining from Wing an adon in the absence of a proper dirkdon' btn tlie other ,~uclary.:pos'~singe.~autho~~~~pons~llib to 'dke such a~d1redon;which di~ctlon.the.flduclary:In,.~lth believes to be . I ,authorired and appropriate. . , \,, ! I i ' ,J 1 A<, .. + ', , ',,, ., I ,' I' I '1 6.4 Indsmnlfkation of TNS~ by Member Agency The Trustee shall not be liable for, and Member Agency shall Indemnify, defend (as set out in 8.8 of this Trust Agreement), and hold the Tnrsiee (moludhg its officers, agents, employees and attorneys) and other Member Agenoies and Alternate Trustees. harmless from and against any daims. demands, loss, costs. expense or liability imposed on the indemnified paw, inoludq reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the indemnified petty, arising as a result of misconduct in the execution or performance of its duties under this Trust Member Agency's active or passive negligent act or omission or willful Agreement. 6.5 Indemnification of Member Agency by Trustee The Member Agency shall not be liable for, and Trustee shall indemnify, defend (as set out in 6.8 of this Trust Agreement), and hold the Member Agency (including its officers, agents, employees and attorneys) and other Member Agencies and Alternate Trustees, harmless from and against any claims, demands, loss, costs, expense or liability imposed on the indemnified party, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the indemnified party, arising as a result of Trustee's active or passive negligent act or omission or willful misconduct in the execution or performance of its duties under this Trust Agreement. 6.6 Indemnification of Trustee by Trust Administrator The Trustee shall not be liable for, and Trust Administrator shall indemnify and hold the Trustee (including its oficers, agents, employees and attorneys) harmless from and against any claims, demands, loss, costs. expense or llabilii imposed on the indemnified party, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred' by. the indemnified party, arising as a result of .Trust Administrator's , . ' . , active or passive negligent act or omission or willful misconduct in the execution or performance of its duties under this Trust Agreement. ,. 6.7 Indemnification of Trust Administrator by Trustee The' Trust Administrator shall not be liable for. and. Trustee shall indemnify and ,. hold the Trust Administrator (including *tS officers. agents, employees and attorneys) harmless from and against any claims, demands, loss, costs. expense or liability imposed on the indemnified party,.induding reasonable attorneys' fees and cosk incurred by- the indemnified,patly, arising as a result of Trustee's active or passlve negligent act or omi~ion~~or~.~illful~!~isconduct~n~~~e .execution or performance of its duties under this Twst Agreement ,. , " 68 lndemnmcation Procedures -Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party of notice or receipt of a claim or ' 'the cornmencement of any action Far which indemnification may. be sought, the indemnfied pafty will notify the indemnifying party in ,writing of the receipt or commencement thereof. When the indemnifying party has agreed to .provide )1 defense as set out above that party shall assume the defense of such action (including the employment of counsel, who shall be counsel satisfactory to such indemnitee) and the payment of expenses, insofar as such adion shall relate to any alleged liabilii in respect of which indemnity may be sought against the indemnifying party. Any indemnified party shall have the right to employ separate counsel in any suchaction and to participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall not be at the expense of the 33 indemnifying patty unless (i) the employment of such counsel has been specifically authorized by the indemnifying patty or (ii) the &ned parties to any such action (including any impleaded parties) include both the indemnifying patty and the indemnified party and representation of both parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate due to actual or potential differing interest between them. The indemnifying patty shall not be liable to indemnify any person for any .settlement of any such action effected without the indemnifying party’s consent. 6.9 No Joint and Several Liability This document is not intended to and does not create any joint powers agreement or any joint and several .liability. No .Member Agency shall be responsible for any contributions,” costs or distribMlonsmf :any other Member Agency. Article VI1 AMENDMENT, TERMINATION AND MERGER 7.1 No Obligation to Continue Plan and Trust Continuance of the Agency Trust, participation in the PARS Trust Program and continuation of the Plan are not assumed as a contractual obligation of the Member Agency. 7.2 Amendments (a) The PARS Trust Agreement may only be amended or terminated as provided herein. A two-thirds..majority..or.~~e~~~e~ember 4genoies shall have the rightto amend.this~ust’-Agreement~~~me ta time, ,and to similarly amend orcanoel,,anyamendments;. -A.cgpymf all amendments shall be delivered to the ,Trustee, the .~Trust~~Admlnlstrator. and Plan Administrators promptly as each is made. (b) I Such amendments shall be set forth in an instrumbnt in, writing executed by the amending party, the Trust Administrator and the Trustee. Any ’ amendment may be current, retroactive or prospective, pmvided, , however, that no amendment shall: (1) Cause the Assets of any Agency Trust to be used for or diverted to purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of Participants who have an interest in such Agency Trust or for the purpose of defraying the reasonable expenses of administerlng such Agency Trust. . , .. 28 (2) Have any retroactive effect so as to reduce the benefits of any Participant having an interest in the Agency Trwt asof the date the amendment is adopted, except that such changes may be made as may be required to permit this PARS Trust Agreement to meet the requirements of applicable law. (3) Change or modrfy the duties, powers or liabiliiies of theTrustee or the Trust Administrator hereunder without its consent. (4) Permit the Assets of any Agency Trust to be used for the benefit of any other Plan of the Member Agency unless the Member Agency agrees to such use. 7.3 Termination of Plan A termination of the Plan for which the Agency Trust was estabrihed shall not, in itself. effect a termination of an Agency Trust. UpOn.any termination of the Plan, the Assets ofthe Agency Trust shall be distributed by the Trustee as and when directed by the Plan Administrator. From and after the ,date of such termination of the Plan and until final distribution of the Assets the Trustee.shall 'continue to have all the powers provided herein as are necessary or expedient forthe orderly liquidation and distribution of such assets and the Agency Trust shall continue until the interests of all Participants have been completely distributed to or for the benefit of the Participants in accordance with the Plan. 7.4 Reversion In the event a Member Agency's Plan is terminated, the vested interest of any Participant shall-not ba dirninished'or adversely afkcted: Except as may be. provided in this Trust Agreement or the Plan, such termination shall not vest in the Member Agency any corpus'.ro~::incomei:under 4hq&m,@&T~st, .nor permk 'the Plan to discrimindie as to ooverage;.or:'as!~allocatianTof...n~b~o~s . or . .. earnings. in favor of employees-who .r.are,Wficeni-:&adqolders, or 'highly ,axnpensated, nor cause the Agency Trust -to -lose- its :exemption. pursuant 'to .501(a) ofthe.Code..\No modification. amendment.or-termination of4he.Plan shall ', be construed to be a termination of the Agency Trust so as to require the Trustee. to make a distribution of any of the Assets of the Agency T~st to any Participant., In order to make such distribution the Trustee must receive written. Inskudons .fromrthePlan Administratoror Delegatee in a form acceptable to the Trustee. . . . If any Member Agency adopts a Plan whose assets are maintained in an Agency Trust and makes application to the Internal Revenue Senrice, within one year from the date of adoption of such Plan. for a determination that such Plan is a qualified plan under Sechon 401 (a) of the Code, and if such Plan is determined by the Internal Revenue Service not to be a qualified Plan, then all contributions 29 Wdf-12 PEL 7.5 7.6 7.7 .. 8.1 and investment income attributable to such Plan shall be returned to the Member Agency upon application to the Trustee. Fund Recovery Based on Mistake of Fact Except as hereinafter provided, the Assets of the Agency Trust shall never inure to the benefit of the Member Agency. The Assetsshall be held for the excluslve purposes of providing benefits to Participants having an interest in the Plan and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the Agency Trust. The sole exception to the foregoing is as follows: Mistake of Fact. In the case of a contribution which is made by the Plan Administrator because of a mistakecofbact,.that:portionr~~~~nMbution. relating . to ,the'.mistake of fact (exclusive;:of..any..eamings .oc:Jossesattriible ,Whereto) may be returned to the Plan Administrata~,--p~~ded:such~~etflm occurs within one (1) year after discovety by the Plan Administrator of the mistake. If any ' repayment is 'payable. to the .Plan Administrator, then, .as a condition to such repayment, and only if requested by Trustee, the Plan Admlnistrator shall execute, acknowledge and.deliier to the Trustee its writtenundertaking. in a form satisfactory to the Trustee, to indemnify, defend and hold the Trustee hamdess from all claims, actions, demands or liabilities arising in connedlon with such repayment. Transfers from Other Qualied Plans i Notwithstanding any.other 'provision hereof, there may..be transferred to the Trustee, upon direction of the Plan Administrator, all or any of the'assets held (whether by a trustee, custodian or otherwise) on behalf of any other plan which satisfies the applicible requirements of Section 401. of ,the Code: and which is maintained for the.beneftt of any persons who are'or will becorne~Partidpants in the Plan. .. 1, TermiMtion I. '.The.PAR3 Trust 'Agreementmay be tminated .only by.a.unanimouu.agreement ... 'of,all'Mernber Nencles. ':Such..action must be in writing and, delivered to the Trustee and Trust Administrator. Artide Vlll MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Nonalienation TO the maximum extent permitted by law, a Participant's interest in the Agency Trust shall not in any way be liable to attachment, garnishment, assignment or .. 2567-12 PEL 30 other process. or be seized, taken, appropriated or applied by any legal or equitable process, to pay any debt or liability of the Participant or 8ny other party. Agency Trust Assets shall not be subject to the claims of the Member Agency or the claims of its creditors. 8.2 Saving Clause ,I ., I, In the event any provision of this PARS Trust Agreement and each Agency Trust is held illegal or invalid for any reason, said illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the PARS Trust andlor Agency Trust, but this instrument shall,be construed and enforced as if said provision had never been included. 8.3 Applicable Law This PARS Trust Agreement and each Agency Trust .shall. ,be 'wnstrued, administered and governed under the Code and the applicable provisions of , . , California law. .To'theiextent any of the provisions-of this.Trust Agreement or the 'Plan ae inconsistent with the Code or applicable California law, the provisions of . ' the Code or California law shall control. In the event, however. that any provision ., is susceptible to more.than one interpretation, such interpretation shall be given thereto as is consistent with the Trust Agreement and the Plan being a qualified governmental retirement trust and plan within the meaning of the Code. ,. .. , 6.4 Joinder of Parties ': * In-anyaction-otother judicial proceedings affecting.this,Trust Agreement, it shall .. be necessary to join as parties only the Trustee, the Plan Administrator or Delegatee. No participant or other persons having an. interest in any Agency '.Trust stiall~be :entitled to any notice or servicwof process-unleas, othenvise requlred.by law. Any judgment entered in such a proceeding or action shall be binding on all.peieons-.clairning under this Trust2Agreernent; :.pmvided.rhowever. ' ' thetnothingWthi6 TrustAgreementshall be-lconstnred~asl.ta.dep~~~~a~~pant - o~.such.participanrs.~rig~to :seek,'adjudication,::of:such.ipa~pa~s.-gh~. under . ,. . applicable law. 8.5 Employment of Counsel The Trustee may consult with legal counsel (who may be counsel for the Trustee ' ' . or: MemberAgency"Plan Adminkfrator) and-charge the Agency Trust. 8.6 Gender and Number Words used in the mascullne. feminine or neuter gender shall each be deemed to refer to the other whenever the context so requires; and words used in the singular or plural number shall each be deemed to refer to the other whenever the context so requires. 2557-12 PEL 31 33 8.7 Headings Headings used in this Trust Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and any conflict between such headings and the text shall be resolved in fevor of the text. 8.8 Counterparts The Adoption Agreement of this Trust Agreement may be executed in an original and any number of counterparts by the Plan Admlnlstrator (executing an Adoptlon Agreement). the Trust Administrator and the Trustee, each of which shall be deemed to. be an original of the onemnd the same Instrumgat . : Mide IX ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ACCEPTANCE The provisions of the 'PARS Trust Agreement as contained herein are. hereby amended and restated as of July 1.1009 (the "Amended Effective Date") IN WlTNESS WHEREOF. the Plan Admlnlstrator (by exocuUng the Adoption Agreement) the Trust Administrator.and Trustee have executed thls Trust Agrwment by their.rluly authorized agents on thisl9th day of January, 2000, AChOWLEDQED AND ACCEPTED this 10th day of January, 2060. THE TRUSTEE THE.TRUSTADMINISTRATOR ' UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N.A. . By: THk Senior Vice President We: President V .. - 1 EXHIBIT “A” ADOPTION AGREEMENT TO THE PARS TRUST AGREEMENT Member Agency: City of Carlsbad Plan Name: PARS Separation Incentive Plan Plan Effective: March 15,2002 Plan Administrator: Raymond R. Patchett Title: City Manager Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 The above referenced California public agency (“Member Agency”) adopts the PARS Trust Agreement, as amended and restated effective 7/1/99, as the trust portion (“Agency Trust”) of the above referenced qualified plan (“Plan”), effective as of the date set out above. Pursuant to resolution number 2002-096, dated 3/26/02, which authorizes the adoption of the PARS Trust Agreement and names the above referenced individual by position of employment to act on behalf of the Member Agency in all matters relating to the Member Agency’s participation in the PARS Trust Program and Agency Trust (“Plan Administrator”), the Plan Administrator certifies the following entities within the Agency Trust: TRUSTEE: Union Bank of California N.A. TRUST ADMINISTRATOR: Phase I1 Systems INVESTMENT FIDUCIARY: Union Bank of California N.A., acting through its affiliate Higbmark Capital Management By: Title: City Manager Date: ACCEPTED: Trust Administrator: Phase I1 Systems By: Title: PRESIDENT Date: Trustee and Investment Fiduciary: Union Bank of California, N.A. By: Title: Date: