HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-02; City Council; 16704; La Costa Canyon Park ImprovementsCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL ,E# 1b,70q TITLE: LA COSTA CANYON PARK MTG. 4/2/02 IMPROVEMENTS )EPT. PW/GS RECOMMENDED ACTION: I CITY MGR ZS Adopt Resolution No. -2- I approving the improvements at La Costa Canyon Park and appropriating funds to the General Fund Parks Maintenance Operating Budget. ITEM EXPLANATION: Last year, the City settled a lawsuit involving the unauthorized cutting and removal of over 60 Eucalyptus trees in La Costa Canyon Park. The City received $170,300 from the settlement. The City Council designated the settlement proceeds for the park. Recently, the City began replenishing the tree stock at La Costa Canyon Park by planting nearly 200 five-gallon trees. The type of species that were planted included California Pepper, Coastal Live Oak, Holly Oak, Brisbane Box, Deodar Cedar, Sumac and Brachychiton trees. In addition, the City removed the Eucalyptus tree stumps and installed new irrigation equipment for the five-gallon trees. The total cost for these improvements was $10,400. The City has a balance of $159,900 to perform additional improvements at this park site Staff is recommending the expenditure of this balance on various improvements at the 20+ year old La Costa Canyon Park. A brief description of the recommended improvements and the estimated costs is provided below. Tot Lot Improvements -This project requires the removal of tot lot equipment and a swing set because they do not comply with safety and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. A new swing set (6 place with 4 belt and 2 full bucket) and tot lot structure, along with rubberized surfacing for accessibility will be installed. The total cost for this project is $56,000. Stairwell Improvements -The stairwell leading to the tennis courts is made of wood wooden stairwell with concrete steps. The design is currently underway and the cost and is a safety hazard because of aging and vandalism. This project will replace the is estimated at $20,000. Restroom Improvements - Improvements for this facility include roof replacement, ADA modifications, improved ventilation and various exteriorhterior improvements. The cost for this project is estimated at $40,000. On-going Maintenance -Additional maintenance cost will be attributed to the 200 planted trees and new irrigation system. Additional funds are needed for water, pruning, cultivating, weed abatement, irrigation repair, etc. Staff estimates that $15,300 will be sufficient enough to maintain the new trees and irrigation system. After completing the improvements mentioned above, the City will have a balance of $28,600. Other improvements can include, but not limited to new picnic tables, barbeques, benches, a gazebo, etc. Recently, staff solicited customer opinion surveys regarding proposed improvements to park users. Tot lot improvements received the most favorable rating of 59%. Other favorable improvements included additional picnic facilities and restroom improvements. Attached, as Exhibit 2 is a copy of the survey results. You will notice in the comments section that many users indicated the tennis courts at La Costa Canyon Park need improvements, as well as repairing the drinking fountain. On March 14, 2002, staff received, 3 PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. I(, ,70Y opened and witnessed bids to resurface the tennis courts at La Costa Canyon and at other park sites. This project should be completed by May 2002. In addition, the drinking fountains at La Costa Canyon Park have been repaired. Both projects were funded from existing appropriations in the Parks Maintenance Operating Budget. On February 21, 2002, staff presented the proposed improvements and expenditure plan to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration and approval. The Commission approved the improvements and expenditure plan, but also suggested planting larger trees (15-gallon) in the park and landscaping the small open space area (10,000 square feet) located north of the tennis courts. While staff agrees with the Commission that the suggested improvements are a good idea, staff does not recommend these improvements at this time. After reviewing the maintenance history of La Costa Canyon Park, staff discovered that a the past, sprinkler heads have been broken, which has caused the area to flood, picnic tables considerable amount of vandalism occurs at the open space area when it is landscaped. In have graffiti, etched or been broken, barbeques have been vandalized, etc. In addition, staff does not recommend planting 15-gallon trees at this park site because of its slow growth patterns and high mortality rate. Based on staffs experience, 5-gallon trees will grow faster and adapt to the environment better than 15-gallon trees. The 5-gallon trees will also save the City money for replacing 15-gallon trees that do not survive in their new environment. In conclusion, staff is recommending that Council approve the recommended improvements and expenditure plan for La Costa Canyon Park and direct staff to implement said improvements. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project has been determined to be exempt from environmental review per CEQA- Class 1 (c), Minor alteration of existing park facility. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff is requesting an appropriation of $170,300 (the amount received from the monetaty settlement) from the General Fund balance to the Parks Maintenance Operating budget for the tree replacements and the other specified improvements to La Costa Canyon Park. EXHIBITS: 1. Adopt Resolution No. dOOa- \a approving the improvements at La Costa Canyon Park and appropriating funds to the General Fund Parks Maintenance Operating Budget. 2. Results from the Customer Opinion Survey for La Costa Canyon Park, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. APPROVING THE IMPROVEMENT PLAN AT LA COSTA CANYON~~PARK AND^ APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO THE PARKS MAINTENANCE OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, in 2001, the City received $170,300 in settlement proceeds for damage done to over 60 Eucalyptus and other trees; and WHEREAS, in accepting the settlement the City Council designated the settlement proceeds for the park; and WHEREAS, the cost of replacing the damaged trees with 200 five-gallon trees is $10,400; and WHEREAS, the City has a balance of $159,900 to perform additional improvements at this park site; and WHEREAS, staff has prepared and staff and the City's Parks and Recreation Commission are recommending the La Costa Canyon Park 2002 Improvement Plan, attached as Exhibit "A and incorporated here by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessaly, desirable and in the public interest to appropriate the total funds received to pay for tree replacement costs and perform the improvements as described in the Improvement Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Council authorizes an appropriation of $170,300 from the General Fund balance to the Parks Maintenance Operating Budget. Ill Ill 111 Ill Ill 3 I I ! 1( 11 1i 1: f 1: 1E 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That Council approves the use of the funds to implement the 2002 improvement Pian x La Costa Canyon Park. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City If Carisbad held on the 2nd day of April , 2002 by the following vote, to {it: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, and Hall. NOES: None. /'I TTESY) J Page 2 of 2 of Resolution No. 2002-100 Exhibit "A" of RESOLUTION NO. 2002-100 LA COSTA CANYON PARK 2002 IMPROVEMENT PLAN Imurovements ComDleted Tree Replacement - Plant nearly 200 five-gallon trees. Approximate Cost: $6,000 Stump Removal - Remove 60 tree stumps Approximate Cost: $3,000 Irrigation Installation - Purchase irrigation supplies and installed new irrigation equipment for the five-gallon trees. Approximate Cost: $1,400 Sub-Total: $10,400 Prouosed Improvements Tot Lot Improvements - Remove existing tot lot equipment to comply with safety and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Install a new swing set and tot lot structure, along with rubberized surfacing for accessibility. Estimated Cost: $56,000 Stairway Improvements - Replace the wooden stairs leading to the tennis courts with concrete steps. Estimated Cost: $20,000 Restroom Improvements - Improvements will include but not limited to roof replacement, ADA modifications, improved ventilation and various exteriodinterior improvements. Estimated Cost $40,000 Picnic Facilities - Miscellaneous picnic table, barbeques and benches will be installed at various locations. Estimated Cost $8,600 Wind Screen at Tennis Courts - Remove and replace tennis court windscreens. Estimated Cost: $5,000 Shaded Structure - Construct a gazebo or provide a shaded structure for picnics. Estimated Cost: $15,000 I 5 Exhibit "A" (Continued) LA COSTA CANYON PARK 2002 IMPROVEMENT PLAN On-Going Maintenance -Additional maintenance cost will be attributed to the planted trees and new irrigation system. Additional maintenance activities will include but not limited to water, pruning, cultivating, weed abatement, irrigation repairs, etc. Estimated Cost $15,300 Sub-Total: $159,900 TOTAL: $170,300 Page 2 of 2 of Exhibit A to Resolution No. 2002-100 2 6 EXHIBIT 2 Customer Opinion Survey La Costa Canyon Park Improvements o Should be more toddler age equipment. Separate playground into age categories. o More babyhoddler swings. o More people would use the park if better playground equipment existed. o We go to Stagecoach because this park has inadequate equipment and facilities. o Tennis courts need refurnishing o Drinking fountain at tennis courts does not work. Please fix o I have 4 kids (all ages) that play at the park every day. The playground is old much variety. Please improve!! o Your staff is doing a great job maintaining this park! Keep up the good work! o We love the Park! It is well maintained and City personnel are very professional. As new parents our most pressing issue is public safety. We would like to see more police patroling in the area and perhaps more lighting. A suggestion for the bathroom improvements is a “family“ bathroom with a changing table, so either parent can take care of the diaper changing and feel safe. o Need dispensers with dog-scooping baggies in the upper area. Need more trees - larger ones! o Courts need to be resurfaced. Drinking fountains may have to be replaced. Bathroom sinks are broke. o Thanks for planting the new trees. The park looks beautiful. The hawks are back! 0 Inside the fenced are things are fine. Outside and at the front of the park is very neglected and over run. There’s garbage in the undergrowth from older kids who invade the park at night. The area in front (entrance) area in Carlsbad! is tended by neighbors to keep it from getting too out of hand. People in the area joke that it‘s the worst cared o How about more “dog friendly’ park facilities. o Add a tricycle path around the tot lot and shaded benches. Put stepping stones in the sand as building platform. o Tennis courts need resurfacing. Water fountain at tennis courts need tobe put in service. Access stairs need maintenance. o This park has needed a lot of attention for years. I hope these improvements go forward. Put in a 3 hole putting green. Paint hopscotch patterns. -7