HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-28; City Council; 16766; Northwest Quadrant Community Park Public WorkshopAB# 16.766
MTG. 5-28-02
Determine the guiding principles and establish broad parameters in association with the park master
planning process for the future Northwest Quadrant Community Park at the Pine School location.
Several months ago, as part of a City Council Workshop, Council expressed a desire to act as the
Steering Committee during the Northwest Quadrant Community Park site planning process for the
former Pine School property. With respect to that process, the main focus of this initial public
workshop is to request that Council determine guiding principles and establish broad parameters so
that a more focused public park master planning process may occur.
To that end, the Agenda for the workshop will include a staff report of background information, an .
explanation of existing City documents affecting the site, and an acknowledgement of foreseeable
issues related to this project. After the staff presentation, it is anticipated that the Council will receive
substantial public input related to the future development of the park site. At the conclusion of the
public comment, staff will request that Council establish broad parameters, within which the park
master planning and conceptual design process can continue at the next public workshop.
In accordance with the Parks and Recreation Element of Carlsbad's General Plan, the 7.2 acre Pine
School property was purchased in 2000 for use as a future community park. More recently, several
properties on Madison Avenue immediately adjacent to the school site became available for sale on
the real estate market. Those parcels totaling .51 acres were subsequently bought by the City.
These three residential properties may provide additional opportunities if it is recommended to include
them within a park design. An additional planning opportunity may also exist with respect to including
the 2.3 acre Chase Field property which is located immediately south of the Pine School site,
separated by Chestnut Avenue.
Council has previously approved an Interim Use Plan for the property and, elements of that plan are
currently being implemented. As a result, the Centro De lnformacion and the Stay-N-Play after school
program have been accommodated at the site in modular units. In addition, the hard court areas will
be resurfaced and play apparatus installed. These interim actions will allow continuity of services for '
approximately 18-24 months before the park begins construction.
There are several Planning Documents which, to date, have created a vision for what the Northwest
Quadrant Community Park will be. However, pending the outcome of the Master Planning Process,
the exact specifics of the park amenities and layout remain to be decided. The General Plan, which is
the City's premier planning document, defines a Community Park within the Parks and Recreation
Element. The Element states that typically, community parks are designed to serve the recreational
needs of several neighborhoods. The nature of this type of facility encourages and attracts family unit
populations from a nearby vicinity on a daily frequency. Community Parks generally provide active
and passive use amenities; However, they are not limited to the exclusive use of either. It further
states that minimum facilities should include:
AB# 16,766
Page 2
0 Group and Family Oriented Picnic Areas
0 Turfed Open Space Area for Free Play
0 Multi-Purpose Playfield@) (Lighted when appropriated)
Tot Lot Areas
0 Structures for Lectures, Meetings, Skills, Instruction, Etc.
Buffer Areas
A secondary planning document shaping the vision for this Community Park has been the Capital
Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP is reviewed and approved annually by the City Council after a
series of public workshops. In the current CIP (FY2001 - 02). a park site at the Pine School location is
scheduled for planning and development in FY 2001 - 04 with a budget of $2,250.000. This document
also identifies the concurrent development of a Community Facility with a budget of $4,646,000. Total
planning and development cost for the entire project is budgeted at $6,896,000.
As a result of previous public forums related to the future of the Pine School property, a number of
foreseeable issues will require direction from the Steering Committee in order to provide clarity and
engage a more focused public workshop. It is the guiding principles that will establish broad parameters
for the park design and provide direction on a number of issues which face the master planning process.
Listed below are issues that staff is currently aware of. However, as a result of the public comment
process, additional issues may also be identified.
0 Should the park Master Plan incorporate the recently acquired Madison Street properties
Should the park Master Plan consider incorporating the Chase Field property
What form should the community facility take (Eg. Community Center/Gym, Cultural
0 Should the Centro De lnformacion be included as part of the park site
In addition to providing typical recreational amenities and program opportunities should
the park site include cultural and/or social services components.
0 Should an aquatic facility be included within this park site
within its boundaries
Orientation, Auditorium)
In conclusion, staff will assimilate the findings of this workshop and incorporate them into the proceedings of the next public workshop which is scheduled for June 17Ih, 6:OO p.m. at the Carlsbad
Senior Center.
I. Northwest Quadrant community Park Public Workshop #I- Presentation Material
2. City of Carlsbad UPDATE Flyer - May 2002 -The Pine School Parksite
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The Northwest Quadrant Park
Stagecoach in the southeast and Poinsettia in the southwest. Although the northwest quadrant has beautip1 Holiday
Three of the four quadrants of the city have largeaweage community parks. There is Calavera in the northeast,
Park and other small parks in its midst, as the oldest and earliest developed area of Carlsbad, no space existed for a
larger community park. That changed in March 2wO when escrow closed on the 7.Z-acre Pine School parksite.
Former school site will “graduate” into a park
the Carlsbad City Council, backed
Beginning over 20 years ago,
by strong citizen advocacy, has
included a goal in the Parks and
Recreation Element of the General
Plan to pursue the acquisition of
Pine School for a future parksite in
the northwest quadrant. In 2oOO.
the City was able to purchase the
School District for the fair market
site from the Carlsbad Unified
Jefferson elementary schools were
value of $3.6 million. Pine and
being consolidated at Jefferson,
and the City was delighted to
make the first step toward creating The parksite is bounded by the properly occupied by the Senior
a park long awaited by people in
City, confirms: “We want to get the Center and by Pine Avenue, Harding Street, Chestnut Avenue and word to the neighborhood; to
the surrounding community. the alfqway west of Harding. people who have a vested interest in
processes, such as the gathering of public input, assessment everyone throughout the northwest quadrant.”
of priorities, completion of environmental reports, structure Initial public workshops will be held at 6 pm on Tuesday, May
demolition, creation of a master plan and fund allocation ... 28 at City Council Chambers and at 6 pm on Monday, June 17
all culminating in the construction of this major recreation at the Senior Center. Call 434-2826 for information.
Building a major park takes time and involves many what will be ‘next door’ to them. We also want to notify
Land purchases Accomplishments to date Recently, three adjacent homes on the 3300 block of Madison
A well-attended community forum was held in January 2001 Street became available for sale. The City Council gave the go-
Schmidt Design Group has been selected to develop the park
to determine the pulse of the community. ahead to purchase all three for possible inclusion into the park.
master plan.
Two of the three homes were substandard in terms of adequate
The City miy continue acquiring property when placed on the
The City has no plans to condemn property or in any way force
living conditions.
open market and an opportunity exists to purchase it.
anyone to sell hislher home.
The immediate future
Demolition of current structures will begin in Summer 2002.
As part of the interim pse strategy, two modular units have
* One will house the Library’s popular Centro de lnformacion For more information ...
The other will house the Recreation Department’s equally have your name placed on the Pine Parksite mailing list.
been leased and are now on the site.
currently operating in a classroom at Pine School.
popular Stay ‘n’ Play after-school program currently
operating at Jefferson and Buena Vista elementary schools.
Please contact the Recreation Department at 434-2826 to
Everyone’s input, comments, suggestions and involvement are
welcomed and appreciated.
City of Carishad - I200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2820 * www.ci.carlrhad.ra.us
EI paique en el cuahante noroeste '.
terreno. Estos parques son el Calavera en el nordeste, el Stagecoach en el sureste y el Poinsettia en el suroeste. Por ser el &ea m& antipa de
La ciudad de Carlsbadgeogrdficamente estd dividida en cuatro cuadrantes, de 10s caales tres de ellos tienen parqws con muchos acres de
unos parques pequeiios, por qemplo el bello parque Holidny. Todo est0 cambi6 en aero del alia ZOO0 cuando la ciudad de Carlsbad compr6
Carlsbad y la primera en desarrollarse, el cuadrante noroeste carecia de espaciopara constmir un parque comunitario grande, ah qwdan
10s 7.2 acres de tmeno en donde se encmfraba la escuela Pine, con el prop6sito de consbuir un parque comunitario.
Escuela Pine pasa a ser un parque de recreo
Carlsbad, con gran apoyo de 10s ciudadanos,
Hace 20 aiios, ei cabildo de la ciudad de
incluyo como una de las metas del pian
general del Departamento de Parques y
Recreacion la adquisicion de ia escuela Pine
para un futuro lngar para ei parque del
cuadrante noroeste. En el aiio 2000 la
ciudad le compro el iugar a1 Distrito Escolar
de Carlsbad por un precio de mercado
razonable de 53.6 millones. Las escuelas de
Jefferson. La ciudad con gran placer dib 10s
Pine y Jefferson fueron consolidadas a
primeros pasos para la creacion del parque tan esperado por la
gente que residen en ias comunidades que lo rodean.
procesos, como juntar la opinion publica, hacer una evaluacion de
1as prioridades en 10s proyectos de la ciudad, completar ios reportes
del Departamento de Proteccion del Ambiente, demolicion de 1as
estructuras, ia creacibn de un plan general y la distribucion de
fondos, cuiminando todo con la construccibn de este gran centro
Acontecimientos logrados hasta el dia de hoy
Construir un parque grande toma tiempo e incluye muchos
Se efectuo un foro comunitario en enero del aiio 2001 que he
atendido por mucbas personas de la comunidad. El objetivo he
determinar la opinibn de la comunidad en cuanto a 10s usos
futuros del espacio.
La compaiiia Schmidt Design Group ha sido seleccionada para
que desarrolle un plan general para la construccibn del parque.
El futuro inmediato
La demolicion de las estmcturas comenzarh en el verano del aiio
Como parte del us0 temporal de la propiedad se han rentado dos
Una de ias unidades semiri como casa del popular Centro de
unidades modulares y enan situadas en el lugar del futuro parque.
Informacion que actualmente se encuentra en un salon de clases
de la que fu6 la escuela Pine.
La otra nnidad serviri como casa para el popular programa
Stay'n'Piay que actualmente se encuentra en las escuelas de
Jefferson y Buena Vista y cuyas actividades re realizan despues del
horario de escuela.
Se solicitarh y se considerarh con mucho cnidado toda opinibn publica
Uno de 10s procesos m& importantes en
la construccibn de centros comunitarios es el
consenso de la comunidad. Con esto en
mente, se realhran una serie de reuniones o
talleres comnnitarios a1 comienzo y durante el
tiempa que dure el proceso de planificacion
del parqne. SE ha establecido una lista de
direcciones de correo para notificarles a las
personas sobre las reuniones y enviarles
material con informacion.
ha trabajado en la creation de muchos parques durante sus 27 aiios
con la ciudad de Carlsbad. El SI. Beverly es tambien residente por
muchos aiios de la ciudad de Carlsbad y dice: "Nosotros queremos
que se enteren todas las personas de la vecindad, 10s residentes que
riven cerca del futuro parque y que han expresado su inter& en
saber qu6 se construira ai lado de sus casas. Tambih queremos
informarles a todas la personas que viven en el cuadrante noroeste."
Los primeros talieres publicos se realizaran el mattes 28 de mayo a
las 600 pm en el salon de audiencias del cabildo de la dudad de
Carlsbad y el lunes 17 de junio a las 600 pm en el Centro para
Ancianos en Carlsbad.
El Sr. Keith Beverly, Analista de Proyectos,
Compra de terrenos
Recientemente tres casas adyacentes en la cuadra 3300 de la
calk Madison heron puestas a la venta. El cabildo de Carlsbad
aprovo la compra de las tres casas para posiblemente incluirlas
como parte del futuro parque.
Dos de las tres casas se encontraban en malas condiciones para - La ciudad cosiderara la adquisicion de las propiedades que Sean
La ciudad no confiscara y de ninguna manera planea forzar la
vivir. .
puestas a ia venta y si existe oportunidad de comprarlas.
venta de propiedades.
Para m6.s informacibn ...
Por favor llame al Departamento de Recreacion a1 numero
para enviarle informacion sobre el desarrollo del parque. Se
(760) 434-2826 o si gusta poner sn nombre en la lista de correo
todas ias personas interesadas.
agradecen la opinion, comentarios, sugerencias y participacion de
City of Carishad - 1200 Carisbad Vilage Drive - (:arkbad, CA 92008 * (760) 434-2820 - w.ci.carlsbad.ca.us
~ 9
Donald F Docker
3620 Haverhill St. Carlsbad
Mayor Lewis and Council members
I regret being unable to attend this meeting , however I would like add my voice to that of
Mr. Whittaker in an appeal for a lawn bowling facility to be included in the new Pine St.
I need not point out the benefits of such a facility as you all have heard them many times
The City of Carlsbad is known for its cultural activities so the inclusion of this royal and
ancient game can do nothing but enhance that image, and at the same time introduce
many of its citizens to the sport which provides healthy exercise to so many around the
Thank you.
Carlsbad City Council
1200, Carlsbad Village Dr.
Carlsbad, Ca. 92008
May 28" 2002
4742, Inverness Ct.
Carlsbad Ca. 92008
Dear Mayor & City Council,
I am writing in hope that you will
consider my suggestion for including a Bowling Green in the plans
for the Pine school property and the reasons for it.
Lawn Bowling is a sport for all ages and for both men and women,
but most clubs have a high percentage of seniors in their
membership. The location adjacent to the Senior Center would serve
two important purposes. It would enhance the services available to
seniors without the necessity for other accommodations to be built.
Also the timing of games could be arranged to complement other
activities at the center. Secondly it would provide a smooth
transition from senior activities to the more robust sports which are
also sorely needed.
I have previously mentioned that over a period of three weeks, three
hundred people had indicated an interest in the sport. I believe that it
is high time that Carlsbad had a sport which, is refined and
emphasizes good sportsmanship, etiquette and finesse rather than
force and strength.
I am very much aware of the maintenance costs associated with any
sports activity and so I propose a Lawn Bowling Green made of an
artificial surface. In this way there would be so little maintenance
that the members of the club would undertake this small task with
zero expense to the City. A world class artificial green is available
which requires no watering, fertilizers etc., and the installation cost
is comparable with that of a grass green.
Please give serious consideration to the Lawn Bowling fraternity.
Sincerely, Jim Whittaker.