HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-23; City Council; 16838; Appeal of Decision re: Use of Polyethylene TubingMTG. 7-23-02 IEPT. BLD CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL m: APPEAL OF DECISION REGARDING THE USE OF CROSS- LINKED POLYETHYLENE TUBING FOR A POTABLE WATER SYSTEM IN NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION fm DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR TECOMMENDED ACTION: rhat the City Council DENY the appeal of a decision made by the City's Building Official to allow the use or cross-linked polyethylene (CPEX) as a material from which to :onstruct the potable water system in a single family residence. (Adopt Resolution NO. TEM EXPLANATION: 2002-224) \ prospective builder, Mr. Gary Duerst, has requested that the City allow the use of a lroprietary product to plumb a proposed single-family residence. The product is cross- inked polyethylene water tubing (CPEX). The product is not included in the California State Plumbing Code as an allowable material. Mr. Duerst has requested that the City allow the use of CPEX as an alternate material. This request was denied as noted in the etter from the Community Development Director dated May 6, 2002 (Exhibit 1). The 'easons for denial are: 1. Local building officials may approve an exception to the State Codes on a case-by- case basis for climatic, geographic or topographic reasons (California Health and Safety Code Section 17958) (Exhibit 2). To date, there is no evidence that the water quality in Carlsbad is particularly corrosive to copper piping, thus requiring the use of an alternate material. 2. The State Building Standards Commission recently adopted the 2001 State Plumbing Code and has specifically not allowed the use of CPEX in California untii it has undergone CEQA review (Exhibit 3). To ignore the current lawmaking process by allowing a non-conforming product that the Commission clearly has not approved would be outside the lawmaking and Code adoption process in California and possibly pose an unnecessary risk to the City. The use of an alternate material or method of construction is.a discretionary decision of he City's Building Official. The Code states that a City may allow the use of such naterials, and in all practicality, the City sometimes does so when it can be demonstrated here are no other practical means or materials to achieve compliance with the Code. In his case, there are allowable materials (copper) readily available for construction of a lotable water supply system in a new residence. If the City were to allow the use of CPEX water tubing when the State has clearly not yet codified it for use in California would be ?xposing the City to unnecessary and unwarranted risk. The appellant's remedy for the jse of CPEX in residential construction is to approach the State Building Standards >ommission to allow the use of the material on a statewide basis. %CAL IMPACT: \lo Impact. I PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 16g838 ENVIRONMENTAL: The Planning Director has determined that the activities above are categorically exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15309 of the CEQA Guidelines. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to Gary Duerst dated May 6, 2002 2. Article from CALBO NEWS Dated June 2002 3. Appeal dated June 21.2002 4. Resolution No. 2002-224 ”EXHIBIT 1” ~ May 6,2002 Mr. Gary Duerst 7084 Seville Way Riverside, CA 92504 Dear Gary: Your request to use CPEX (cross-linked polyethylene) tubing for potable water lines has been denied by the Building Official. In taking this action, I want you to know that your request and supporting documentation was carefully reviewed by the City’s Principal Building Inspector Pat Kelley and by me. Pat and I talked to several cities regarding the use of this material, since it is not listed as an approved product in the California Building Code, to find out the process used by these cities to allow use of this product. Our findings indicate that many cities are allowing this product as an “alternate method and material” as the Code language allows. Conversely, many cities do not allow the use of this product, and will not do so until it is codified at the State level. About half of the local jurisdictions in this county, including the City of San Diego and Chula Vista, will allow the use of CPEX if the owner requests to do so in writing and agrees to fully disclose to buyers that the plumbing system is non-conforming, alternate plumbing material. Carlsbad has consistently advised builders and suppliers of CPEX that the City will not allow its use until it is codified at the State level. It is our opinion that notifying people in a title report or at the transaction stage of a real estate purchase is not always reliable in a real estate transaction. In addition, future homeowners would have to disclose the use of non-conforming, alternate plumbing material upon the resale of the home. We believe we have an obligation to homeowners to require use of materials that fully meet State Codes. Our professional position regarding the use of CPEX is based on the following reasons: 1. Local building officials may only modify the State Codes for climatic, geographic or topographic reasons (e.g. Carlsbad required non-combustible roof covering due to climatic and topographic findings). To date, there is no evidence that the water quality in Carlsbad is particularly corrosive to copper piping. In fact, the water quality in Carlsbad is quite good and copper piping performs well. Therefore, there doesn’t appear to be support in this situation for ”alternative method and material usage” under the State Codes. 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 - (760) 602-2710 FAX (760) 602-8560 @ , 9 May 6, 2002 Gary Duerst Page Two 2. The Code writing and law making process in Sacramento is influenced by various political actions groups. To ignore the current lawmaking process by allowing a non-conforming product that the Commission clearly has not approved would be outside of the Code adoption process in California. 3. Allowing the use of CPEX without compelling reasons to do so could set a precedent for all buildings within the community. This may not be in the best interests of the eventual homeowners. Installation, repairs, and maintenance to CPEX tubing require proprietary materials and special tools and methods unlike conventional piping systems. Although we appreciate your desire to use this product and agree that the product appears to technically meet the requirements to be listed in the State Code, we believe it is in the best interests of our homeowners citywide to wait until the product is approved by the State. The City does not have an administrative process to review appeals of the Building Official as suggested in your letter. You may file a written notice of appeal to this action to the City Council within ten (10) days. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, SANDRA L. HOLDER Community Development Director c: City Manager Pat Kelly, Principal Building Inspector "EXHIBIT 2" Governor Appoints Two New CBSC Commissioners At the end of April, just days before the most : Dickerson, a registered professional engineer. Mr. anticipated California Building Standards Commission . Dickerson is the President and CEO of Donald E Dickerson meeting in months, Governor Davis appointed two new . Associates, Inc. He provides design and construction members to the Commission. Barry Broad was appointed to fill a public member seat. . litigation. Mr. Dickerson is a member of the American : consultation as well as forensic support for construction Mr. Broad is a lobbyist who has his own lobbying firm : Institute of Architects, the National Society of Professional and law offices, representing California Teamsters Public . Engineers, the Society of Fire Protection Engineers and a Affairs Council, California Conference of Machinists . founding member of the American Society of Plumbing (partial list). Mr. Broad has also served under Governor Engineers (partial list). Davis as an appointee to the Industrial Welfare . The Building Standards Commission is responsible for Commission from September 1999 to March 2001. . codifying and publishing all building standards of state The Governor's second appointment was Donald agencies. CBSC Approves UPC With CSST and Without PEX On May 2,2002 the California Building Standards Com- . Food and Agriculture. mission voted to approve the 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code . The only other item of interest on the agenda was for the allowing the use of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) ' Commission to ratify the Code Change Committee's recom- and deleting PEX from the model code. With this action the : mendation to appoint individuals to serve on the various Commission finally finished the 2001 Triennial Code Adop- ' Code Advisory Committees. Commissioner Cavanaugh Standards Code is November 1,2002. tion Cycle. The effective date of the 2001 Triennial Building : made a motion to table the adoption of the Code Change tion of upc, the D~~~~~~~ of H~~~~~~ and community : sioners Barthman and Winkel dissenting. Because the Code . Committee's recommendation until the July meeting. men the commission got to agenda item 38, the adop- : After debate, this motion was approved, with Commis- Development, acting as the lead agency, presented their . Advisory Committees had been to meet to review arguments for adopting the UPC with necessary amend- . code changes in hlY and AuWst, the start of the new code ments. Commissioner Broad then handed out a three-part ado!"tion cycle be months. pre-typed motion, which reads as follows: 1. Adopt the 2000 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code . with necessary amendments proposed by the Department of Housing and Community Development; 2. Find that evidence has been presented that approval of . PEX may result in a significant effect on the environment . requiring compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act prior to any adoption of building standards . authorizing the material; 3. Direct the Executive Director, in consultation with the Coordinating Council and the Commission's Code Commit- . tee, to prepare a report to the Commission on a proposed procedure for a coordinated state review of PEX consistent . with CEQA. After a lengthy and heated debate from the public about . the validity of the motion and the product itself, the full Com- mission voted to approve this motion. The lone dissenting . vote against the motion was by Commissioner Steven Winkel, the architect member of the Commission. Once this first motion was approved a nearly identical : motion was approved for the following state agencies: . Division of the State Architect/Structural Safety, State Fire : Marshal, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Develop- . ment, University of California, California State University, Department of Health Services and the Department of . I Member Sheila Lee received after the CBSC May 2, Below is re-printed text of an email that CALBO Board meeting. Ms. Lee: I want to take the time to thank you and the other CALBO members for attending the California Building Standards Commission meeting on May 2, 2002. CALBOs presence was noticed and your positions heard within our department and the CBSC. We at HCD appreciate CALBO and its members and understand that collectively CALBOs 450+ members represent and protect the approximately 32 million California citizens on a daily basis. We are looking forward to building a stronger working relationship with CALBO and its members in the future. If you should have any questions regarding HCD or the State Housing Law Program, feel free to contact me at anytime. Thanks again, David Walls, CSAI State Housing Law Program Manager Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Codes and Standards (916) 445-9471 CALBO NEWS JUNE 2002 8 &.L 13 &-nil< F6 lb,K.38 CITY CLERK’S OFFICE APPEAL FORM I (We) appeal the decision of the Building Official to the Carlsbad City Council. Date of Decision you are appealing: May 6, 2002 (Appealed in m6&&fir# OFFICE March 31, 2002 after verbal denial and May 15, 2002 after written denial). CllYOF CARLSBAb Subiect of ADDeal: BE SPECIFIC Examples: if the action Is a City Engineer’s Decision, please say so. If a project has multiple elements. (such as a General Plan Amendment, Negative Declaration, Speclflc Plan, etc.) please list them all. If you only want to appeal a part of the whole actlon, please state that here. The Building Official’s denials of my request to use Wirsbo CPEX tubing in our new personal residence in lieu of copper tubing under the State Plumbinq and Health and Safety Codes permitting the use of alternative materials, despite his concurrence that it technically meets the requirements in the State Code. Reason(s) for Appeal:-* PIoase *to F~IIU~O to spoctfy a roason may nsult in donlal of the appeal. and you wlll bo Ilmltod to the grounds stated hero whon presenting your .ppeal. stat. or local laws, plans, or policy? 6E SPEClFlC How dld the declslon maker err? What about the decision is Inconsistent with {I) State Plumbinq Codes do not require a finding of “climatic, aeoaraphic or tOpOQraphiC” reasons to permit use of alternative materials - only “equivalency of the particular proposed alternate,” and the Building Official has found it so. (2) The only reason CPEX is not in the State Code, as it is in all but one other state, is because of Governor Davis’ use of his political appointees to the Buildina Standards Committee to pav back Labor’s massive campaign contributions. (3) Approval of my request does not require the establishment of a precedent. since State Code requires a proiect-bv-proiect review and approval process for use of alternative materials. (4) CPEX tubing is no more proprietary than comer tubing. It is available to the general public and the tools used cost less than $200, but installation by a factorv-trained plumber earns the homeowner a 25-year manufacturer’s warranty - somethina unheard of when usina copper pipe. (9G9) 3797121 0 I PHONE NO. 909) 780-41 16 (H) Gary Duerst 7084 Seville Way NAME (please print) ADDRESS: Street Name & Number June 17. 2002 Riverside, CA 92504 DATE CW, State, Zip Code 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 434-2808 May 28,2002 Mr. Gary Duerst Riverside CA 925044841 7084 Seville Way RE: Appeal of Building Officials determination We are in receipt of your appeal and appeal fee to the Carlsbad City Council regarding the use of Wusbo CPEX tubing in a residence. Our office has forwarded a copy of your appeal to the Building Department for preparation of the staff report. You will be notified when the Council meeting date, at which your appeal will be heard, has been determined. Enclosed please find receipt no. 72435 for your records. If you have questions regarding the date of the appeal, please contact the Building Department directly at 760-602-2700. Sincerely, Debra DcerfleU Senior Office Specialist Office of the City Clerk Enclosures (1) cc: City Attorney City Manager Principal Building Inspector 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2808 @ BIA OF SAN DIEGO PAGE 82 BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY San Uiego. CA 02122-59Z 6396 Greenwich Drive, Suite A FAX No (858) 552-1445 ww biasandlego Org (8581 450-1221 PRESIDENT H.G. Fenton Company Mike Neal VICE PRESIDENT Kent Aden Tho Otay Ranch Company ‘TREASURE~VSECRETARY Jardee Construction Company Carlene Matchnifl IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Brookfield Homes Steve Doyle EXECUTIVE ViCE PRESIDENT Paul A. Tryon CalifcrnlaBuilding Industry As$x!ia!lon Nalional Associalion 01 HomQ Builders August 13,2002 Mayor Claude Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: AB# 16,838 Appeal of Decision Regarding The Use of Cross-Linked Polyethylene (“PEX”) Tubing. Dear Mayor.Lewis, This Building Jndustry Association of San Diego County represents builders developers and associates on mtters of concern to the construction industry. The BIA has advocated for the use of “PEX” through its state organization the California Building Industry Association. We believe it to be a safe reliable and cost effective substitute for copper plumbing. We believe that reason one misstates the proper standard for appmving an alternate material. While it is true that Health and Safety Code $ 17958 requiies climatic, geographic or topographic reasons to adopt and ordinance amending the Local Building Code, 5 104 of the building code allows approval of alternate materials without the need for climatic, geographic or topographic reasons on a case by case basis. We take exception to the characterization of action taken at the state level regarding the use of “PEX” in your staff report reason for denial. The decision made by the state was to neither approve nor disapprove of the addition of “PEX to the 2000 Edition of the Plumbing Code In its Proposed Final Stdement of Reusons the Department of Housing +nd Community Development included this statement on “Significant Decisions” Based on the fact that PEX is a new product for approval in the California Plumbing Code, the Department chooses to be cautious and continue review ofthe efficacy of PEX before including it in the California Plumbing Code. This action is not a prohibition on the use of PEX in California. Local Building Officials remain authorized to approve PEX pursuant to State Housing Law on a case-by-case basis through the alternate ' 88/13/2882 14:42 8585521445 .. r BIA OF SAN DIEGO PAGE 63 approval provision, or by ordinance upon an expressed fining that it is'reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or Topographical conditions. (Emphasis added.) We believe a decision by the Council should be based on the merits of the proposed alternate construction material not on a desire to avoid the issue. We ask the Council to refer this matter back to staff to properly research and review the'effectiveness of PEX for use in single-family homes on a caseby- case basis. Your staff has. failed to do so in this case. At the least this matter should be referred back for an accurate description of the law and facts before taking a recommendation for denial. Sincerely, ' ,=F=" Jeny Livingston staff Counsel Building Industry Association of San Diego County cc: ' Myor Pro Tern Ann Kulchin Councilmember Ramona Finnila Councilmember Matt Hall Councilmember Julianne Nygaard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-224 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DENYING AN APPEAL REQUESTING TUBING (CPEX) AS AN ALTERNATE MATERIAL FOR A RESIDENCE. WHEREAS, the appellant has requested the use of cross-linked polyethylene tubing (CPEX) as an alternate material for constructing a potable water supply system in a proposed single family residence; and THE USE OF CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE WATER POTABLE WATER SYSTEM IN A NEW SINGLE-FAMILY WHEREAS, the State Building Standards Commission has specifically not allowed the use of this material in California until that body receives a report to the Commission on a procedure for a coordinated State review of CPEX consistent with CEQA; and - WHEREAS, the use of this material as a local modification to the State Plumbing Code requires a finding of a local climactic, geographic, or topographic reason (California Health and Safety Code Section 17958); and WHEREAS, there is no compelling reason to allow the use of a material which is not an allowable material in California; and WHEREAS, the City is responsible for enforcing the California State Building Codes once adopted and published by the State Building Standards Commission; 1 1 2 - 4 c - t i 8 9 la 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City o Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations and true and correct. 2. That the appeal to allow to use CPEX water tubing in constructing a new single family residence be denied. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the Carlsbac City Council on the 13th day of AUGUST 2002, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Nygaard NOES: Council Members Finnila, Hall ABSENT: None I/ ATTEST: 257, * (. -IN M. WOOD, City Clerk Page 2 of 2 of I' Resolution No. 2002-224 -2- -z c4 n z 0 E 4 d 4 PII H pcl 0 E 0 4 2 c, c, Q) Q) k 2 0 0 & w 0 a Q) u 4 0 A 0 i+ 4 4 0 E -r 3 9 a 3 A k G ko a Q) i+ Pa a H 4 0 G s 0 E t= PID E k 0 a * k 0 k a E k a a E a MI m s E s Q) Q) c, a E 3 m E Q) k .rl -c, Q) k E a -c, a? E E Q) b k 7 0 ii Q) A k I 3 A Q) * 0 'CI 0 0 $I, m 0 E 0 Q) k a F h a E a k 7 0 a a m 4 u 0 F9 +a A cb 0 ;4 $ CL CL a m .. cb E a 'm c, & m aa I m 0 c! c, 6" . Q) w E E LC 2 .c, k 0 E k 1 5 *rl H W Q) Q) m m 7 0 A iz Q) PC a a m m c, 5 E a E Q) k c, m Ql h 0 . E' H 3x 3x 0 4 m m 4 E 4 z H n 4 H m 5 u X E W plr u 8 W W I cl 4 u 5 0 E plr n z W H 3 E W I4 u 'i r) I ci 2 " m 8 E s 8 $3 0 .d a, m 6 a, . CA Codes (hsc:17950-17959.5) Page 4 of 7 department adopted for limited-density owner-built rural dwellings, 17958.2. (a) Notwithstanding Section 17958, regulations of the which are codified in Article 8 (commencing with Section 74) of Regulations, shall not become operative within any city or county Subchapter 1 of Chapter 1 of Title 25 of the California Code of unless and until the governing body of the city or county makes an express finding that the application of those regulations within the and the city or county files a copy of that finding with the city or county is reasonably necessary because of local conditions department. (b) In adopting ordinances or regulations for limited-density modifications in the requirements contained in Article 8 (commencing owner-built rural dwellings, a city or county may make any changes or with Section 74) of Subchapter 1 of Chapter 1 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations that it determines are reasonably necessary because of local conditions, if the city or county files a copy of the changes or modifications and the express findings for the changes or modifications with the department. No change or modification of that type shall become effective or operative for any purpose until the finding and the change or modification has been filed with the department. ordinance, establish a date by which all residential real property 17958.4. (a) Any city, county, or city and county, may, by with security window bars on bedroom windows shall meet current state window bars consistent with the applicable standards in the 1995 and local requirements for safety release mechanisms on security made by the city, county, or city and county pursuant to Section Edition of the California Building Standards Code, and any changes 17958. on any security window bar shall be made in writing, and may be included in existing transactional documents including, but not limited to, a real estate sales contract or receipt for deposit, or a transfer disclosure statement pursuant to Section 1102.6 or 1106.6a of the Civil Code. (a) shall not apply as a condition of occupancy or at the time of any LC) Enforcement of an ordinance adopted pursuant to subdivision transfer that is subject to the Documentary Transfer Tax Act, Part 6.7 (commencing with Section 11901) of the Revenue and Taxation Code. (b) Disclosures of the existence of any safety release mechanism in Section 17922.6, in adopting the ordinances or regulations pursuant to Section 17958, a city or county may make such changes or modifications in the requirements contained Code and the other regulations adopted pursuant to Section 17922 as in the provisions published in the California Building Standards it determines, pursuant to the provisions of Section 17958.7, are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or reasonably necessary modifications to the requirements, adopted For purposes of this subdivision, a city and county may make pursuant to Section 17922, contained in the provisions of the code and regulations on the basis of local conditions. http://www.leginfo.cgov/cgi-bin/display~e?s~tion=h~~ou~l7001-18000&file=17950-17 ... 3/24/2002 CA Codes (hsc:17950-17959.5) HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 17950-17959.5 published in the State Building Standards Code, or the other rules 17950. The provisions of this part, the building standards and regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this part buildings and structures accessory thereto, apply in all parts of the which relate to apartment houses, hotels, motels, and dwellings, and state. 17951. (a) The governing body of any county or city, including a charter city, may prescribe fees for permits, certificates, or other forms or documents required or authorized by this part or rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this part. city, or fire protection district, may prescribe fees to defray the costs of enforcement required by this part to be carried out by local enforcement agencies. (c) The amount of the fees prescribed pursuant to subdivisions (a) administer or process these permits, certificates, or other forms or and (b) shall not exceed the amount reasonably required to documents, or to defray the costs of enforcement required by this part to be carried out by local enforcement agencies, and shall not be levied for general revenue purposes. The fees shall be imposed pursuant to Section 66016 of the Government Code. (d) (1) The provisions of this part are not intended to prevent the use of any manufactured home, mobilehome, material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, or method of construction not this part, provided that this alternate has been approved by the specifically prescribed by the California Building Standards Code or building department. "- alternate if it finds that the proposed desiqn is satisfactory and method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the that the material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, Code or this part in performance, safety, and for the protection of equivalent of that prescribed in the California Building Standards life and health. evidence that any material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, or method of construction conforms to, or that the proposed alternate is at least equivalent to, the requirements of this part, building standards published in the California Building pursuant to this part and in order to substantiate claims for Standards Code, or the other rules and regulations promulgated alternates, the building department of any city or county may require tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or the owner's agent by an approved testing agency selected by the owner or the owner's agent. (b) The governing body of any county or city, including a charter (2) The building department of any city or county may approve an ' (3) The building department of any city or county shall require building standards published in the California Building Standards 17952. (a) In the event of nonenforcement of this part, or the Code, or the other rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Page 1 of 7 http://www.leginfo.cagov/cgi-bin/displayc~e?~tion=~~~u~l7001-18000&file=17950-17... 3/24/2002 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS 301.0 Materials -Standards and Alternates 301.1 Mlnirnum Standards 301.1.1 Approvals. Unless otherwise provided for in this Code, all materials, fixtures, or devices used or entering into the construction of plumbing and drainage systems, or parts thereof, shall be submitted to the Administrative Authority for approval and shall conform to approved applicable standards, or to other equivalent standards acceptable to the Administrative Authority, and shall be free from defects. All pipe, pipe fittings, traps, fixtures, material, and devices used in a plumbing system shall be listed or labeled by a listing agency or shall be approved by the Administrative Authority when listing or labeling by a listing agency is not available. 301.1.2 Marking. Each length of pipe and each pipe fitting, trap, fixture, material, and device used in a plumbing system shall have cast, stamped, or indelibly marked on it, the maker’s mark or name, the weight and the quality of the product, when such marking is required by the approved standard that applies. AU materials and devices used or entering into the construction of plumbing and drainage systems, or parts thereof, shall be marked and identified in a manner satisfactory to the Administrative Authority. AU such marking shall be done by the manufacturer. Field marking shall not be acceptable. 301.1.3 Standards. Standards listed or referred to in this chapter cover materials which will conform to the requirements of this Code, when used in accordance with the limitations imposed in this or other chapters thereof and their listing. Where a standard covers materials of various grades, weights, quality, or configurations, there may be only a portion of the listed standard special conditions or materials not provided for which is applicable. Design and materials for herein may be used only by special permission of the Administrative Authority after the Administrative Authority has been satisfied as to their adequacy. A list of generally accepted plumbing materials standards is included in Table 14-1. AU IAPMO Installation Standards are included at the rear of this Code. 301.1.4 Existing Buildings. In existing buildings or premises in which plumbing installations are to be altered, repaired, or renovated, the .c Administrative Authority has discretionary powers to permit deviation from the provisions of this Code, provided that such a proposal to deviate is first submitted for proper determination in order that health and safety requirements, as they pertain to plumbing, shall be observed. .. . 30&? Alternate Materials and Methods 301.2.1 intent. n- Code are not intended to prevent the use of any alternate such alternate has been first approved and its material or method of construction provided any use authorized by the Administrative Authority. 301.2.2 Compliance. The Administrative -sed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of this Code and the least the equivalent of that prescribed in this material offered is for the purpose intended, at Code, in quality, strength, effectiveness, durability, and safety or that the methods of nationally recognized plumbing standards. installation propcsed conform to other acceptable 301.2.3 Requirements. The Administrative Authority shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims any proposed material or type of construction. that may be made regarding the sufficiency of 301.2.4 Testing. When there is insufficient evidence to substantiate claims for alternates, the Administrative Authority may require tests, as proof of compliance, to be made by an approved testing agency at the expense of the applicant. 301.2.5 Tests shall be made in accordance with standards, the Administrative Authority shall approved standards, but in the absence of such specify the test procedure. 301.2.6 The Administrative Authority may require tests to be made or repeated if, at any time, there is reason to believe that any material or device no longer conforms to the requirements on which its approval was based. 302.0 iron Pipe Size (I.P.S.) Pipe Iron, steel, brass, and copper pipe shall be standard weight iron pipe size (I.P.S.) pipe. 303.0 Disposal of Llquld Waste It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, suffer, or 17 c. 0 Q) m 1 s c, c! 0 c, 4 . Pagelof3 14:45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Paga3of 3 TOT= P.El4 TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL. REPORTS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL State of California BILL LOCKYER Attorney General OPINION NO. 01-306 of December 12,2001 BILL LOCKYER Attorney General CLAYTON P. ROCHE Deputy Attorney General The CALIFORNIABUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSIONhasrequested an opinion on the following questions: 1. Is City of Pasadena Ordinance No. 6847, which authorizes that the International Building Code, the International Residential Code, the International Plumbing Code, the International Fuel and Gas Code, and the International Mechanical Code may be deemed by the city’s building official as an approved alternate for materials, designs, and methods of construction, consistent with state law? 2. Does state law allow model building codes other than those adopted in the California Building Standards Code to be deemed by a local jurisdiction as “approved alternate” authority to the California Building Standards Code for purposes of approving materials, designs, and methods of construction for buildings constructed in California? 1 01-306 International Mechanical Code as published by the International Code Council (ICC) may be deemed by the building official as an approved alternate for materials, design and methods of construction. One copy of the above referenced codes are on file for public inspection.”’ Section 104.2.8 of the 1998 California Building Code, referenced in the ordinance and constituting a portion of the Code, provides: “The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the use of any material, alternate designor method ofconstructionnot specifically prescribed by this code, provided any alternate has been approved and its use authorized by the building official. “The building official may approve any such alternate, provided the building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this code and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in suitability, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, safety and sanitation. “The building official shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use. The details of any action granting approval of an alternate shall be recorded and entered in the files of the code enforcement agency.” The Code preempts local regulations as to building standards except in the narrow set of circumstances set forth sections in 17958.5 and 17958.7 regarding “local conditions.” (See Leslie v. Superior Couri (1999) 73 Cal.App.4th 1042, 1048; Building Industry Ann. v. City OfLivermore (1996) 45 Cal.App 4th 719,726; ABSInsiiiuie v. Ciiy of Lancasier (1994) 24 Cal.App.4th 285, 293; Briseno v. Ciiy of Sania Ana (1992) 6 Cal.App.4th 1378,1382-1383; DanvilleFireProieciion Disi. v. DuffelFinancial& Consir. Co. (1976) 58 Cal.App.3d 241,245-249.) as . Rather, theissue is whether Ordinance No. 6847 is consistent with the language of section 104.2.8 of the California Building Code. Under the latter provision, amaterial, design, or method of constructionmay be approved by a building official as an alternate to what is prescribed in the California Building Code. The building official must be satisfied that the material or method of construction is at least equivalent to that prescribed in the California Building Code for the * “Building official” is a technical term referring to the person responsible for overseeing local code enforcement activities. (See 5 18949.27.) 3 01-306 purpose intended. ed 64 0ps.Cal.Atty.Gen. 536 (1981), we analyzed similar language in a related context, stating: “The question remains as to whether the Legislature intended under the statute for a city to review and approve alternate methods of construction on an individual project basis or whether a fmding of equivalency may be made applicable to all future projects where the identical alternate method of construction is proposed. “Applying the principles of statutory interpretation enumerated in the discussion of the first question, we believe that a project-by-project review is necessary under the statute’s provisions. The key phrase is that an alternate method of construction can be approved if a finding is made ‘that the proposed design is satisfactory and that the . . . method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the State Building Standards Code.’ “Because of the use of the word ‘design’ in the singular (as well as the entire statute being drafted in the singular), the possible unique features of any project vis-a-vis a particular alternate method of construction, and no express indication in the statute of a multiple approval process, it appears that the Legislature contemplated a project-by-project review procedure. Such a conclusion gives the statutory language its ordinary and usual meaning, harmonizes the provisions as a whole, and appears to be a workable solution without the imposition of undue administrative burdens.” (Id. at p. 540.) Ordinance No. 6847, on the other hand, does not envision a case-by-case review and determination by the building official of the required findings. Rather, it sets forth a legislative policy that the International Codes may be deemed approved altematives without further investigation by the building official. (See 57 0ps.Cal.Atty.Gen. 443,445- 447 (1974).) The purpose of the ordinance was described in the Agenda Report of the City Manager of the City of Pasadena dated October 9,2000: ’ “The merging of the three major building codes has substantially advanced the Code Development Process. The International Codes have been created by a combination of the Uniform Building Code, the Basic National Building Code, and the Southern Standard Building Code. The provisions of these codes have been incorporated into a single document titled, the .hternational Building Code. This Code contains the most modem, up-to-date 4 01-306 . i 'C 8 w c % .- E Tucson's Sustainable Buildings: Retrofitted Homes ht~://www.tucson~nec.org/tou~~uild/re Next: Commercial Buildinas I Buildinas I Techniques I Sustainable Home Page I MEC Home Paae homes retrofitted with innovative technologies This page containsphotos and descriptions of homes in the Tucson area that have been retrofitted with sustainable technologies. Some of these homes will be available for visiting on the 1998 Tucson Innovative Home Tour. Check back for more information at this site by mid-summer of 1998. Consult our "techniclues"section for more information on many of these technologies. The architect/owner of this 1930 Pueblo Revival style house designed its major renovation. While preserving the original design and style of the house, he has modernized it to a level of comfort and convenience that is hard to find anywhere. It was featured on the PBS program, This Old House, last spring. The attic crawl space, 18-24 inches high, provided a volume to install blown cellulose for an terrific insulation rating of R-52 above the ceiling. A new roof coating has very high reflectivity and added insulation. The 1 0-inch thick jumbo adobe brick original construction was covered on the outside with 2 inches of polyurethane insulation plus a protective membrane and coating by Synergy to match the original stucco style and color. This provides both insulation and interior thermal mass. A new addition was built using Energrid -- panels of recycled Styrofoam & cement reinforced with steel and cement -- that has an insulation value rated at R-40. New double-pane windows, argon-filled, with Low E glass, were installed. A new privacy window in the bathroom uses the new technology that can be switched electronically from clear to frosted. Both heating and cooling are accomplished with natural gas. An advanced gas-fired ammonia chiller system by Robur-Serve1 cools water, which is circulated through pipes around the house. Heat exchangers in each room use the water to supply cold air at a temperature of around 55 degrees. This system is capable of making a house quite cold. There is also an advanced humidity control and air filtration system. Honeywell controllers make all of this automatic. The plumbing was completely redone using Wirsbro pipe. Water treatment results in three water systems: regular, soft water and reverse osmosis filtered. Landscaping around the house is primarily natural native plants. An interior courtyard with veranda and fountain provides an oasis type landscaping zone on the south side of the house to help with cooling. An outdoor kitchen, outside the regular kitchen was added. This offers a pleasant connection to the outdoors that also reduces the cooling load in summer. The driveway was redone in concrete pavers that let rainwater permeate into the ground. Roof runoff waters the south courtyard. Deciduous trees help with sun control on the south and west sides of the house. This is a remarkable renovation. c -27 I of2 X 0 H u m P4 m P4 B u m 4 1 E E z E E 4 4 I E 4 E E 3 m m 0 F9 & + F9 U m F x w P4 0 b w P4 0 H 5 0 + m 0 d d w c d W 0 * 0 m m F n 4 m m w 8 F9 & 0 H 5 0 0 H 4 W F9 m m W H W c;l 0 H 0 0 z d W m H 0 H 5 H z z 0 n E 4 w F9 H m 4 z H H TOTM P.B2 -,>-__I - ,; 4Ja&due ;4.5:: July 22,2002 ....e... "&e .- .. ... ., ....... . .... , ...................... Capitol Report PW Manufacturers File Lawsuit Against CBSC<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemasmicrosoft-com:office:office" I> The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleges that the California Building Standards Commission (BSC) and other state agencies responsible for adopting the California Plumbing Code, missed the legal deadline for approving an updated code by more than a year and a half, and compounded their error by illegally removing PEX as an approved building matetial before adoptfng an updated Plumbing Code on May 2,2002. The BSC's action puts PEX in consumer limbo. Communities in California that currently allow the use of PEX may contlnue to do so, but any expansion would have to be approved by each local building department or city council, a daunting task in a state with nearly 550 separate cities and counties. The suit seeks to overtum the state's action on May 2 and recognlze the automatic adoption of the Uniform Plumbing Code, effective October 2000. It names the BSC and five state agencies that advise the BSC on code adoption--Department of Housing and'community Development (HCD), Division of the State Architect (DSA), Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). I of 13 CALBO Capitol Report By law, the BSC is mandated to update these building codes every three years, based on national model codes prepared by organizations like the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), which publishes the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). The law gives the BSC one year from the date of its publication by IAPMO to review the Uniform Plumbing Code and make changes needed to adapt them to California. At the end of a year, if the BSC has not acted, then the Uniform Plumbing Code automatical& becomes law. The most recent update to the Uniform Plumbing Code was published in October 1999 and included the unresbicted use of PEX. The BSC adopted an updated California Plumbing Code, eliminating all rehrences to PW, on May 2,2002, some two and a half years later, and more than one and a half years af&er their legal deadline for action. In August 2001, state agencies indicated support for the inclusion of PEX in the California Plumbing Code, The only opposition came from the California Pipe Trades Council, the statewide umbrella organization for the plumbers' unlons, which suggested an environmental review should be conducted before PEX was included in the codes. Subsequently, the state agencies reversed themselves, using nearly identical language to suggest they didn't have time to do an environmental review before they could make a recommendation on the use of PEX in California. In the end, the BSC mled that an environmental assessment needs to be prepared evaluating the effect of PEX on the environment, but failed to require a similar assessment for any other proposed change in the Plumbing Code. 20f 13 The suit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. A hearing date has not been set. Governor Appoints Two New CBSC Commissioners At the end of April, just days before the most anticipated California Building Standards Commission meeting in months, Governor Davis appointed two new members to the Commission. Barry Broad was appointed to fill a public member seat. Mr. offices, representing California Teamsters Public Affairs Broad is a lobbyist who has his own lobbying firm and law Council, California Conference of Machinists (partial list). Mr. to the Industrial Welfare Commission from September 1999 to Broad has also sewed under Governor Davis as an appointee March 2001. The Governots second appointment was Donald Dickerson, a President and CEO of Donald F. Dickerson Associates, Inc. He registered professional engineer. Mr. Dickerson is the provides design and construction consultation as well as forensic support for construction litigation. Mr. Dickerson is a member of the American Instiiute ofkhitects, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Society of Fire Society of Plumbing Engineers (partial kt). Protection Engineers and a founding member of the American The Building Standards Commission is responsible for agencies. codifying and publishing all building standards of state By Doug Hoffner. Director of public Atfain departments, along with some bills from last year's legislative Below are the most recently introduced bills affecting building and voted out of the appropriate policy committee; otherwise session. These bills will have just about one month to be heard they will be dead for the remainder of thk session, which ends 3 of 13 7/22/2002 904 AM X W (3 0 t) W n 0 L $ W n W I ch n X cn 0 p1 t) L 0 W cn 3 W I: + w n __ m __ 3 zz n W J m 0 n a p1 0 L 0 0 cn W p1 w z a, c I= -c.r m m c) c/> U m - L m a> m S 12 3 " E - a. a, c 0 -c.r I. 3 a, > " a, 6 a L W c) - 0 cn " X W a. I. 8 " m c) 7 0 0 cv I. 0 U a, IL cn m cn m c U 0 3 U 0 Q L m a, c 0 0 L "r -cI v, E a, L cn cn 0 e 0 w m L. L a, 3 - h a X W cn c 0 " U I. L 0% m 0 0 0 Z 0 - " - U S 0 0 Qa, m- Lm mr nL U n- Q- a, cn c 0 a, cn 3 a, c " -cI I. U I. s L Q% z U S 0 Balancing Considerations When considering building products the approving agencies must always balance the potential benefits against the potential risks. When approving a product new to the California Plumbing Code, such as the product does not produce an unreasonable risk to health or safety. When balancing the interests, the cross-linked polyethylene tubing VEX), the Department has an obligation to be reasonably assured that the installers. Certainly tllere is an economic consequence to the manufacturers and distributors of these Department resolves close questions in favor of protecting the health and welfare of the consumers and products, as well as a potential loss of choice to the consumers, but history has shown that caution is appropriate. product, or an interruption in the availability of a product, such as corrugated stainless steel tubing On the other band, when contemplating actions that will cause the elimination of an already available effects of causing a market disruption. This is particularly true where there are only allegations, but no (CSST), other factors must be weighed when balancing the interests. One such factor is the negative confirmed reports, regarding potential risks. There are many indicators that the product may be a cost effective alternative material that can contribute to housing preservation and affordability. One installers of the product. But, equally significant are the implications of eliminating the product for those consequence of a market disruption is the very real economic impact on the manufacturers, retailers and consumers that have homes in which the product has been used. The mere appearance that California has determination, could result in a loss of market value of these homes (must these families disclose the determined that the product warrants elimination from the code when, in fact, it has made no such presence of this product upon sale?) and the fear for some homeowners that the product may result in a catastrophic failure. The Department consider the possibility that at least some homeowners may choose the costly path of replacing the material while others may sue the builders of the homes. Such actions cannot, and should not, be taken lightly. In this balancing of interests, the Department must be circumspect before removing a product from usage unless there is reasonably compelling evidence that such an action is appropriate. The Significant Decisions As noted earlier three products were the subjects of significant comments with strong objections voiced against the use of these producs, and strong defenses offered by the manufacturers, academia, and others of the products. In each case, the Department was presented with conflicting and, in many cases, mutually exclusive information. In briefsummary, the Department has concluded: national code used as the basis for the California Plumbing Code, and the market-disruption Based on the paucity of confirmed problems, the apparently brief absence from approval from the considerations discussed above, the Deparbnent proposes continuing the existing approval of CSST for use in California. This action does not represent a conclusive finding that the safety ISSU~S raised issues brought up during this rulemaking were opinions without substantial supporting evidence. by those opposed to the use of CSST are without merit, but recognizes that at this time the safety Department chooses to be cautious and continue its review of the efficacy of PEX before including it Based on the fact that PEX is a new product for approval in the California Plumbing Code, the in the California Plumbing Code. This action is not a oroh 'bition on the use of PEX in California. Local building officials remain authorized to approve PEX pursuant to the State Housing Law on a case-bv-case basis throu- finding that it is reasonably necessary because of local climatic. geolo~ical, or too^ pd 1 Conditio& - Proposed Final Statement of Reasons 2000 Uniform Plumbing CoQ 8. April 22,2002 Department of Housing and Communi@ Development As to PEX. while the Department -s with the suggestion that CEQA applies to the adoption of a new model code product because of the issues raised during the comment period, the Department believes that further evaluation is warranted. The appropriate process for the adoption of building standards is set the Health and Safety Code. forth in California Building Standards Law, Chapter 4 (commencing with section 18935) of part 2.5 of believes because there are similar factual circumstances surrounding the expanded use of these materials In the case of the proposal to allow the use of ABSPVC for DhV above 2-stories, the Department of ABSlPVC for DWV. to those involved with CPVC that a CEQA review may be necessary before approving the expanded use B. PEX Is Currentlv Beine ApDroved For Use In California One commenter stated that the Department's proposal would authorize for the first time the use of PEX plumbing pipe for use inside and outside residential structures in California the Department adopted the use of PEX. While the Department agrees with this comment as to a statewide approval of PEX for the interior distribution of water, it believes that this is factually inaccurate as to the use of PEX outside of structures and in other contexts. PEX is currently approved statewide for use outside residential structures under the authority of the CalifomiaguStandardsations. (See approval of plastic pipe for use as connections to residential structures un-itle 22.) This section provides for the approval of any plastic pipe material that has been tested and certified as suitable for use in potable water DiDino systems by the Kational Sanitation Foundation Testing Laboratory (NSF .. -. Intknational). YSF Intemational.has cenified PEX. copper and other materials for use in potable water Eartnients Manufactured Housing Program. piping. PEX has also been an approved material in manufactured houslns slnce 19% under the In addition, PEX has also been approved in a number ofjurisdictions on a case-by-case basis under the altsmats approvals authority of HSC section 179jl(d)(?). Currsntly for ssample. the City of LOS AngeleS has gi\en PEX a general approval since February I?, 1999. There are many local jurisdictions that hate approved the use of PEX trithin residential structurss under the alternati\e approval methods provided in ihe State Houslng Law. C. All Plastic PiDe Has the Same Health and Environment Impacts The Department doss not believe that the comment that PES is merely another form of plastic pipe subiect to all of the same health and an envtronmental concerns IS an aDDroDnate analysis. Many p.---cts - . ,.~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ have difterent chemical compositlons and many products use,different mechanisms for-ionnections. For example. one commenter suggested that the Department should make a finding that similar chemical composition exists between polybutylene ("PB") and PEX. However. the Departme'nt is unable to find anything in the record to suppon this suggestion. The record shows that PB is a semicrystalline thermoplastic formed by polymerization of I-butene. which creates a significantly different material than PEX and cannot be chsmically compared with PEX. which is a family of thermoplastic resins obtained by .. . .. polymerizing ethylene. The recordalso reflects that PE material (polyethylene, the material base for cross-linked polyethylene) is currently used in water storage tanks. tlexlblc tood packaging such as ..Saran Wrap." and liquid food packaging such as milk canons sold in grocery stores. Proposed Final Stdtement of Redsons I 5. April ?2.?002 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code Department of Housing and Conmunit!. Development RPR-23-20G 15: @@ Diviaion of Codes and Standards P.BI/Bl r* Robett Payne Fmm: Dave Walls / HCD (916) 4459471 Auk.tc0: Went X For bvimw .O hue comnent 0 PI- kpb 0 PIHW ROC~C~ Cornmen*. You can address any correspondence regardlng the ase of altema?e materials to the following; Department of Housing and Community Development Ann: Dave Walls P.O. Box 1407 Sammento. CA 85612-1407 WIRSBO Lqe, Safety, Comfort Sptm Date: May 10, 2002 To : State of California Plumbing and Building Officials From: Randall Knapp Brand Manager - Plumbing Subject:California PEX Approval Status At the May 2, 2002 meeting of the California Building Standards Commission (BSC), The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) reiterated their earlier opinion that CEQA does not apply to PEX, and that PEX can continue to be approved as an alternate material under the California Plumbing Code. The Final Statement of Reasons from HCD states simply that the "Department chooses to be cautious and continue its review of the efficacy of PEX before including it in the California Plumbing Code." (p. 8) HCD makes it clear, though, that: This action is not a prohibition on the use of PEX in California. Local building officials remain authorized to approve PEX pursuant to the State Housing Law on a case-by-case basis through the alternate approval provision, or by ordinance upon an expressed finding that it is reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geographical or topological conditions." The full text of the Final Statement of Reasons from HCD can be found at www.hcd.ca.gov. Against the opinion of California building officials and the public, the BSC at the May 2, 2002 meeting voted to adopt the new California Plumbing Code with amendments that did not include PEX tubing systems. The BSC, which is appointed by Gov. Gray Davis, reiterated the call for a CEQA review of PEX based on evidence submitted that the approval of PEX may result in a significant effect on the environment. The evidence referred to by the Commission is one unsubstantiated letter from Messrs. Cordozo and Reid. It is interesting to note that Messrs. Cordozo and Reid represent an organization whose members supported and voted for the adoption of the UPC including PEX. The BSC decision was arbitrary and capricious and in direct violation of the Health & Safety Code (as well of regard for the opinion of building officials, plumbers, builders, as its own procedural rules and regulations), and demonstrated its' lack IAPMO membership and even other state agencies by ignoring all positive SUFpOrt for PEX. The California Association of Building Officials (CABO) membership wa's well represented at the BSC meeting, and they were outraged by the decision of the Commission and the- rocess uied to adopt-the code. CABO AQUAPEX' AQU&E- RADIANTFLOORS Uponor Wirsbo 5925 148" Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124 800-321-4739 www.wirsbo.com representatives addressed failure of couDer svstems Lge, Safe& Comfort Systems everything from the need for PEX because of the in California to the obvious political agenda _- - of the members of the Gov. appointed Commission. The recent actions taken by the BSC further strengthen our case and our resolve. Uponor Wirsbo, the entire PEX industry and many other organizations are committed to fighting the California code process that has been based on political agendas not fact. We are in the process of challenging the BSC decisions in the appropriate forums. During this challenge, PEX continues to be an approved and proven material for plumbing systems in California. AQUAPEX. , : .. , JUS-12-2002 15:48 W I RSBO 9528911489 F. 02 i Date: June 6.2002 To: Valued Customers From: Randall Knapp, Brand Manager - Plumbing Subject: PEX Tubing in California There have been numerous questions and rumors about the status of PEX Tubing Systems in California. Many false claims are being proliferated by parties opposed to PW about current local approvals and future armovals of PEX in the state. Tne fOllOwin9 should provide some clariflcation aboui the status and actio; being taken by Wirsbo and PPFk Background On May 2, 2002. at a pre-scripted meeting, the Caliiomia Building Standards Commission (CBSC) voted to exclude PEX from the 2001 Callfomia Plumbing Code Environmentai Quality Act (CEQA) review of PEX based on evidence Submitted that (CPC.). The CBSC. which is appointed by Gov. Gray Davis, called for a California the approval of PI3 may result In a slgnifimnt effect on the environment. The evidence referred to by the Commission Is a single unsubstantiated letter from Messrs. Cordozo and Reid. It is interesting to note that Messrs. Cordozo and Reid represent the California Pipe Trades Council, an organization whose members supported and voted for the adoption of the 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) including PEX. The BSC decision was arbitrary and capricious and In direct violation of the Health 8 Safety Code (as well as its own procedural rules and regulations). and demonstrated its' lack of regard for the oplnion of building officials, plumbers, builders, IAPMO membership and even other state agencies by Ignoring all positive support for PEX. No evidence has been submitted that demonstrates that PEX may result in negative effect on the environment or on health or safety. All evidence in the recard (and the HCD's findings) are to the contrary. Over 130 jurisdictions in California have already approved PEX for use as an alternate material, and there is no evidence of any reported problems with respect tc PEX Installations in those jurisdictions. The findings show that PEX is an appropriate material for the local jurisdlctions to approve. If it is appropriate for local jurlsdictions. it is appropriate for the state. @ uponor JUN-12-2202 15:49 W I RSFO 9528911489 P.03 WIRSBO LiJe. Safe& Comforr .&terns Key Points (I) PEX tubing has not and will not be banned in California1 Local Officials are fully authorlzed to approve the use of PEX in their jut-sdictions. That lawful approval gives builders and contractom the right to install PEX within :he jurisdiction. a. The State is operating under the 1998 CPC until the new code is adopted. The 2001 code is not scheduled for adoption until November 2002. b. Neither the 1998 CPC nor the DendinQ 2001 CPC includes PE3 Tubing at Alternate Materials and Methods remain valid regardless of what code the this time. but current local approvals gained through Section 301 for state is operating under. c. The base document of the CPC, mandated by state law, is the UPC. The 2000 UPC explicitly approves PEX tubing for use in hot and cold potable water systems in residential and other buildings. d. The California Health and Safety code states that the City can change or modify the standards found in the UPC as it determines are 'reasonably necessary because of lccal conditions.' e. The Final Statement of Reasons from the Callfornta Department of building officials remain authorized to approve PEX pursuant to the State Housing and Community Development specifically states that local Housing Law on a case-by-case basis through the alternate material provision. f. In an upcoming article in Reeve's Journal, Stan Nishimura, Executive Director for BSC, states that local jurisdictions can still approve the use of PEX as an alternate material. (2) Wirsbo and PPFA are strongly challenging the CBSC decision to exclude PEX from the 2001 CPC. a. A Petition for a Writ of Mandate was filed by the Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association (PPFA) on May 31, 2002 against the followfng California State Agencies: i. California Building Standards Commission ii. California Department of Housing and Community Development iii. Calfornia Dlvision of State-Architect Structural Safety iv. California Office of Statewide Health, Planning and Development v. California Department of Health Services vi. California Department of Food and Agriculture b. The Writ of Mandate challenges the arbitrary and capricious decision to decision attempts to apply CEQA requirements to the adoption of a exdude PEX from the 2001 CPC by the Californra BSC. The CBSC product into the CPC. CEQA may only be applied to projects, not the approval of products. That decision and the process used to arrive at that specific violations are as fdlows: decision directly violate numerous California laws and Federal rights. The G9 uponor JUN-12-2302 15:50 WIRSBO i. Violation of California Housing Law ii. Violation of Caliiomia Building Standards Law iii. Violation of California Administrative Prooedures Act and iv. Violations of the Federal Civll Rights Act 42 U.S.C. 1983 c. The process of adopting the 2001 CPC is ongoing. Nothing is finalized in the adoption process. The current deadline for adoption is Nwember 1, 2002. It remains "business as usual" in California. d. Once all of the state agencies respond, and our attorneys have submitted their legal 'Brief'. the case will be heard In court before a judge. All of this should occur within the next 60 days. (3) PI3 solves problems for California builders. plumbers and consumers a. PW is clean and healthy b. FEX stands up to aggressive soil and water conditions c. PEX helps promote safe end affordable housing solutions. Objectives moving Forward (1) Reverse the current BSC decision to exdude PEX from the 2001 CPC. (2) Stop the adoption of the 2001 CPC until such time PEX can be added. (3) Assure that the decision of over 130 aties throughout California to approve PEX in their local jurisdicticns is upheld regardless of threats and scare tactics. We will work at all levels to ensure your right to use PEX in your jurisdiction. Please be assured that Wirsbo will continue work to make sure that PEX is adopted as pari of the CPC. Regardless of the CPC situation in California, PEX can stili be, and should be, approved as an alternate material by all local jurisdiction. If you have any questions, or if you need support, please contact your local Wirsbo representative or Wirsbo directiy. Thank you for your continued support. comfort Bringing to life @ uponor AQUAPEXB FACTSHEET VJirsbo's AOUAPEXQ Professional Plumbing System combines the unique features of Engel future of plumbing. The AOUAPEXB system uses state-of-the-art cross-linked polyethylene Method AOUAPEXa tubing with the revolutionary ProPEXa fitting system. Together, they are the tubing which is like no other plastic or metal tubing manufactured today. Cross-linking provides superior strength. plus chemical and high temperaturdpressure resistance. A0UAPEXQ.tubing uses the-thod. Because this method cross-links when the molecules are above the crystalline meltingmnt, the cross-linking is extremely uniform throughout AOUAPEX3 tubing has been used in plumbing systems around the world for over 25 years, longer than any other flexible plumbing system on the market. Health effects testing shows that AOUAPEX3 tubing is completely non-toxic and free of harmful lead, copper and other metal ions. a' t'dirsto AQUAPEX3 has 2 long system life with a minimum of 100 years service. . AW;,?EXE tubing is ceeified to h'SF San5ards 14 and 61. . AQUAPEXO tubing is light, flexible an2 durable making it installati3n.friendly. . AQUAPEXD tubing has a smooth interior wall that eliminates scale build-up. \'/i:sb's patented ProPEX3 fitting utilizes the shape memory of AOUAPEX3 tubing. The rcsdt is a strong. permarient and leak.proof connection. AOUAPEX8 tubing is manufactured to ASTM F876 and F877. AOUAPEXQ is currently listed in the following model codes for potable hot and cold Water distribution systems: IPC, ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI. CABO. AOUAPEXTM tubing is accepted by IAPMO. - . AOUAPEXB is the only PEX tubing that holds a standard grade rating. A standard grade is a hydrostatic strength recommended by the Plastlc Pipe Institute. . Proven Amoco's Udel Polysulfone has been in use for over 10 years in harsh plumbing environ. ments, as well as many other unique applications including the following: Vending Machine Valves: PLS is ideal for this application because it has no taste or odor, it has FDA approval, it easily resists mineral~build-up and withstands the continuous 212'F temperatures. Faucet Cartridges: PLS provides good resistance to chlorinated water, resistance to mineral build-up, the ability to mold to tight tolerances and a longer service life than brass. - Mixture Valves: PLS provides close tolerance moldability and superior creep resis:ance. Under water Pool & Spa Lights: PLS works very well in this application because it p:mi:'es resistance to continuous exposure to high levels of chlorine and high ternpera- tures. Color Printer Ink Jet Cartridges: PLS provides superior v:ater perme;tion resis:ance en3 resis!ance to the solvents in the ink. Milking Equipment: PLS provides FDA approval and superior resistance to the clea~ino ss!g:ixs used in the equipment. Membranes for Kidney Dialysis: PLS provides biocompatibiky a.nd sugerior ck,emical resis:ance. Artificial Hearts: PLS provides FDA approval and toughness for implantetion within the human bodv. Hot Beverage Vending Machines: PLS provides impact resistance, NSF and FDA approvals, and the ability to v:iths!and the continuous 206' F operation temperature. NASA Helmet: PLS provides toughness 2nd heat resistance. High Amperage Auto Fuses: PLS provides dimensional stability, and resistance to high temperatures. Water Heater Pump Bodies: PLS provides corrosion resistance, hydrolytic stability and resistance to chlorinated water. PLS ProPEX5 Technical Packet WIRSBO- PEX-Three Decades of Proven Performance w irsbo cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) tubing is one of the most pro\zen tubing nlaterials in the world. The testing history of Wirsbo PEX tubing began in 1968 \vhen \\'irsbo Bruks AB of Sweden acquired the rights to P process dc\clopcd hy Tllolna> Engel, a Gtrm;ln chemist and inventor. Ah )'car> of expcrinlentation and testing, Wirsbo successlully incorpo- rated tht "Engel method" into a commercially vinble PEX tubing ni;lnul'JL.iuring process. In 1972. M'irhho inlroduced PEX in Europe. becoming the first company in the \\odd to market PEX tubing for u3e in rdiunt Iloor heating and plumbing systems. 1 WIRSBO" PEX-Three Decades of Proven Performance The expected senice life ofWirsbo PEX tubing, 100 years. -. under normal operating conditions, is greater than The service life of plastic tubing is estimated by testing numerous samples to failure under extreme conditions (high temperatures and pressures). The resulting time-to-failure data is then used to esti-. mate service life under norma! operating conditions with established extrapolation formulas. Of course, any extrapolation is only as good as the quality of the data used in the calculations. The quality of the data is strengthened by: I) testing a large number of samples, 3) lengthening the test period, and I or 3) using test methods that simulate real-life conditions. Behind the service life estimates for \\'irsbo PEX tubing is a considerable aniount of high quality tesi data. * Large number of samples:. Thousands of samples of \\'irsbo PES tuhin: have undergone long-tcm Ie5tin: under elevated prc\\urc\ \kith tcmpcr;Iturcr 21 high a\ 130' F. AI thc Studrvil, Labordtory of SwJen alone. \vel1 over 2.000 \\'irsbo PEX tuhin; \:11np1c\ h:lvc hccn tcrtcd since 1973. Longer tests: HundreJs of \Virsbo PES tubing samples have undsrgone hydrohtatic tests under ektreme pressures and tenlperatures for longer than 20.000 hours.-This significantl) e\ceeds the maxinlum length of testing required by any North .American cenification agency, including the plastic pipe induwy's pressure rating system. . Testing real-life conditions: In actual plumhing and heating i~~rt;~ll~tions, tubing is bent and scratched during installation. and is exposed to aggressive. flowing \vater tvhen in operation. For this reason, \Virsbo PEX tubing has bein subjected to a variety of tests designed to determine long-term strength under demanding, real-life conditions. Summaries of some of these tests appear in this report. Based upon the quality of Wirsbo's lab testing experience, it is evident that the expected service life of N'irsbo PEX tubing. under normal operating conditions. is greater than 100 years. 176' F IO 203" F and p, r-asures ranging/,om 145 psi IO 239 psi. Ajrrnrorc than a qaarrerccnrun- wrder these rxrrenle con>irions. srill going strong. Thew ore rlw many of the tubing sonlplcs arc longesr conrinuous rcsrs known IO erisr an any tubing mareviol. -. 2 WIRSBO" PEX-Three Decades of Proven Performance The proven toughness of\irirsbo PEX tubing makes it uniquely suited to stand up to the most demanding installation conditions. - Plumbing and radiant heating tubing is often subjected to rough conditions on the job site. During and after installation. tubing can be exposed to a variety of mechanical forces that can initiate stress cracks such as scratches, bend stresses. stress corrosion at the fittings, pressure surge (water hammer) and hot-cold cycling. The unique molecular structure of Wirsbo PEX tubing gives it the durability to \vithstand the most demanding job-site conditions. Following is a sampling of some environmel!l:ll stress tests that have been performed on Wirsbo PEX tubing. In a test designed to measure resistance to stress-crack initiation. multiple samples of Wirsbo PEX tubing were filled wilh 201' F water containing 2 percent of a stress-crack inducing agent (Lutensol) and then hydrostatically tested for over 1-0.000 hours. The samples demonstrated no stress cracks and no material loss in mechanical properties. - * \\'irhhu PES tubing has been rested to determine resistance to 'ncL-grontl1 propapion in accordance with the IS0 13179 lest nl~.thod. \\'it\bo PES tuhinf wnples \\ere notched to a depth of 1.S pc.rccnt and h)drobtatically lesled at 176' F and 138 psi for 9,700 and 12.200 hours, and at 176' F and 119 psi for 23.300 hours with no fxilures. Te\ts designed to nicasure resistance 10 surge and pressure (atiguc ucte perrornlcd on \\'ir>bo PEX tubing as par1 of the Auhtralim plunlbing code requirements. \Virsbo PEX tubing sample.;. connected with \\'irsbo ProPEX' fittings, were cycle te3tc.d ber\\.c.cn 0 pbi and 167 psi for S33,OOO c)cles, then subjected to hydrostatic testing at elevated temperatures and pre\zurc.s. Dcspire these dmanding test conditions. the results pro\e that \Grsbo PEX tubing used in conjunction with the ProPEX' litling system provides a reliable, leak-proof connection. 111 ;I IC>[ ilw ha5 ~CCII rcpc;d IIUII~C~UUS ti111cs uvcr the ycars in \Virsbo's test labs, multiple tubing samples are kinked. repaired wi111 :I hc.;tt gun. and hydrortatically tcslcd to failure. The tests prove that the kinked and repaired section of tubing retains its mechanical properties. In fact, the tested samples demonstrate no correlation between the kink and the point of burst failure. rubing. Icrsbo PU'rubing. how- me,: will not conode. pir or scale. inside vnllfree ofbuild-up. and irs snroorh surjnce keeps rlrr WIRSB-0- PEX-Three Decades of Proven Performance Wirsbo PEX tubing has proven long-term performance in hot, chlorinated water. Chlorine is an essential element in most sanitary plumbing systems. Hobvever. it is a very aggressive chemical and when present in high concentrations can significantly shonen the life of certain materials used in plumbing systems. While the Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization reconmend that cw levels in tap water should not exceed 0.5 ppm for publ~c eahh reasons. some municipal water systems routinely exceed 1 .O pam. Additionally. many experience short intervals of elevated chlorine levels due to shock treatment or poor con~rols. Under the supervision of Dr. \'.'alter L. Bradley. P.E. and Director of Ihc Pol)mcr Tcchnolo;) Centcr :II Tcsa A&hl Univerbity. \\irsbo's PEX tubing underwent the mobt comprehsnsivc 1esting ever performrtd on PEX tuhing exposed to hot. chlorinated ivater. Thtse tebb wrt conducted at Xlaterials Performance. Inc.. on more than 50 tuhing samples espossd to nvo chlorine levels (3.0 ppm and -m) and three temperatures (194' F. 221' F and 339: F). The teht> \\ere conducted using flotv-through systems to simula~e actual sen ice condirions. where chlorine is maintained at a prescribed level h), 3 continuous suppl) of fresh. chlorinated \vmr flowing through the hyxtcn,. .Aitc.r nearl!, thrtx year\ of tsrting. an txtrapolation of the data dc.rnumtrclrc\ tIut \\'irh PEX tuhin;. stands up to heavily chlorirurd tidttr. In 3 continuous flo\v-thJough application (such as rccirculclring. redcntial potable \mer) using hot. chlorinated \vater (L- 70' F. 5.0 ppn~ chlorine) the expected service life of \\'irsbo PEX tubing exceeds 50 years. In-a typical static plumbing system. where \vat:r is not flowing most of the time. alloiving the free chlorine to rapidly dissipate, and hot, chlorinated water flows through the tubing less than 20 percent of the time, the expecred service life is even prearer. exceeding 100 vears. " 4 WIRSB.0- PEX-Three Decades of Proven Performance \Virsbo offers more than just PEX tubing; it offers pro\'en system solutions. \Vhile comprehensive, long-term lab testing on the tubing is impor- tant. thc pcrform:~nce of any plumhing and heating tuhing is only as good a\ the liuings and components installed with the tubing. A key reason \\'irsbo PEX remains the uorld's preferred PEX tubing is the quality 01' the littings and components used to complete Wirsbo systems. \Virsho fittings and components, along with Wirsbo PEX rubing, have delivered reliable performance in hundreds of thou- sands of N'irsbo systems over the last three decades. Adc from the obvious benefits of \\orking \vith a proven system hupplier (hinglt source accountabilily and system compatibility), the \\'ir\ho 5) \ten1 olf'er\ numerous advantages: \\'ir\ho c~I.l>rh Xortll Anwrica's most comprehensive PEX >!wn1. including tubing ranging in sizes from 'A'' IO 1 %". and a c(mplctc p;~cLagc of firtinfs. nunifold.;. controls. tools and xcc\mrie> nmkd to complete thc s>wm. * Plunlbsrc and contractors have a choict of three proven fitting \)htcn~% including bras ProPEX'. PLS fpolydphone) 1'wt'E.Y'. anJ c.ompre>sion \t!Ie lilting\. \\'irh) s!\tcnlr arc colltract(Ir-I'ricnJly. \\'ir\ho PEX tuhing and components are light. flexible. safe and clean. Making \Virho litLing connections does not require a torch or glue, and proper ali:nment of the connecrion can be quickly verified visually without a gauge. hlany of the joints necessary in rigid plumbing systems are eliminated tvith a \Virsbo system. An important reahon \Yirho syitcms deliver superior perfor- mance is that they are installed by knowledgeable, well-trained b'irsho comractors and plumhers. Over the years Wirsbo has trained many thousands of contractors across Nonh America. No other PEX supplier can match \\'irsbo's commitment to system training; WIRSBO- PEX-Three Decades of Proven Performance The cleanliness ofll'irsbo PEX tubing is unsurpassed. ..- The unique materials and process used to manufacture Wirsbo PEX tubing yield a remarkably clean tvater di\tributiun tubing. \i'ir>hu PEX tubing is manufactured from high density. high nlolccul.:;. weight, 100 percent virgin polyethylene Ilake. The material is not conlpounded or pelletized. and does not use plasticizers. regrind. fillers or color~nts. All material mixing is performed at \i'irsbo sites by \'.'ir*bu c'~~~pIuyc.~.s. Toxicity extraction testing performed in accordance with NSF Standard 61 proved that Wirsbo PEX tubing does not leach potentially harmful substances into the drinking water. In addition to testing and certification at NSF Standards Association. and Sprinzborn Laboratories in Nonh America. tested and approved for po- table wter applications by the rno>! as DVG\if - Gsrn1any. KI\VA - Netherlands. CTSB - agencies have.additiona1 appro\aI criteria not found in \\'irsbo is the name you can trust. Ths testing of \\'ir>bo PES tubing is a never-ending. c ntinuous process. Given that \firsbo PES ruhing i\ con\rmtly being evaluared for new appli ations. ne\v operating en\ ironmenth and nsu feographical rerritories. \Virsbo trill conrinue to le d the \vay in long-ternl laboratory ti'4nf ;IZ dcnlandh ariw. 4 \Ye are proud of the proven. reliable performance that 'irsbo systems have demonstrated in xtud fifld installations ow the la<! three decades. is no substitute for experience. Honever. 3s 3 nleans of proving long-term product relying on field experience alone has obvious drawbacks. \Virsbo is product testing under the most extreme conditions and under varied and marketing claims are supponed with hard d~tta. laboratory tests and in actual installations. provides officials, plumbers, nlechanical contractors. come to depend on superior \Virsbo quality. June 20,2001 Rich Houle ER-5142 ProjeWCoda Development Engineer Please reference this nurnbr Wirsbo Company on all correspondence 5925 148' Street West Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 Dear Mr. Houle: The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the status of your ICBO ES Evaluation Report ER-5142. Currently. the subject report is valid for the code and acceptance miterla referenced in the report, and is being held for further study to address the following. Recognition of additional AQUAPW tubing and ProPEX fittings . Use of AQUAPEX tubing in fire-resistive construction. . Recognition of AQUAPEX tubing in ducts and plenums If you have any questions, please contact me at (562) 699-0543, extension 3289. Yours very truly, David Pereg Staff Engineer DPllh TOXL F.13 WIRSSO AOUAPEX* TUBE AND FllTlNG SYSTEM FOR HOT- AND COLD.V/CTER DISTRIBUTION .WlRSEO COMPANY 5925 148TH STREET WEST AP?LE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 .~ "" ~ .~~~. 1.0 SUBJECT . Cald.v/ater Dis:ribution. Ylirsbo AOUAPEe Tube and Fit:ing System for Hot. and 20 DESCRIPTION 2.1 Genem!: Tt.e Wrsbo AOUAPEX" system consists of AOUAPEX c..-ss.!inktJ ;c:ye!'.y!;:e (PEX) tvDing,'fir.ir,gs and ssdition- liSn systems i:, residential and light commercial apilications 21 comp:nr:.:; far use in po:able hot- and cold-water distn'bu- L:3er Ch22:ir 6 cf Ihe 1997 /fifemafiona/ Plumbing Code (IFC) an? Ck;:er 6 of L!e 1995 Unilorm P/umbhg Code' (U?C). 22 Ma!erials: 2.2.1 Tubing: The tubing Is produced from po1ye:hylene mmpound v3kh has been crcss-linked and which wnpiies w!:h ASTI.! F 676. The luting Is available In no?r,inal 3/8-, Vr, I' 'e . I 'I4- ar,5 l-inc5-diemeter (9.5. 12.7, 15.9, 19.1 and 25.4 rn) sires. I he prctx's ere pressure-rated for 100 psi (be9 kPa) et rr: dimEnSi3fi G!;? is the raso of outside tu!mliame:er to wall , :'J r (62'C). Icr a slanlard dimension ntia 01 9. (The nand- L'.::kness. aci is ccr.s:ar,l lor all lube sizes.) i.i.2 Fittinss: Two Ibippes of dtlinw are recognized. Pro- t:zss or p>'ytY:ans ple!ic :hat are used with an enernal ?EX* fiXir.,-s a:? inseC-type fitlings manu!aclurad 0: eilher FEX tu3in; by ypnling the lube and the external PEX com- FEX coni:esslsn ring. The king is instelled in the end 01 sc? end 01 the firkg Is then lnseded into the expanded end F:essisn riq w!h a tqol supplied by Wirsbo Company. The In- cf the tubing. 2nd wkhin a shod period 01 lime the tubing and rias conlrad around the filling. wt, compression ring and lnsen may also be used. Wirsbo brass compretsion.fype fillings that conslst dl a The fiihcs ~.~mply wilh ASTM F 8T7. are illustraled in Fig- we 1. and are iienYAed es described in Sedion 2.5.2. Fmings shall be allached lo tubing in slricl aaordance m'th the Wirs- bo Company insallation ktNCtiON. 2.3 Intlallallon: - .--e- Tnr system nust be Inslalied by Wirsbatralned lnsldlen in ;=ordance kith me manufacturer's instrutlions. which are prsvided w?h lhe product. Ins:aIlalion musl conform Wilh Chap:er 6 01 the IPG.or Chapler 6 o! the UPC. end Is susjecl ..IC? . lo lpproval by the building ollicial of jurisdiction. hfdunting bra:'keu and Inslallation hardware are provided by Wirsbo Company. Horironlaliy laid pipe musl be secured in such a minner that temperature-induced expansion and contraction ar8 accommodated. Minimum bending radius is 8 times the outside tube diamcler of Ihe PEX tube. The outside diameter is the nominal diameter plus $18 inch (3.2 rim). Tubing must be pro:ected from exposure to direct sunlight. and prolened from physical damage w2h an oversized flexlble slecve at structural rmss pcnelralim and when the :ube is uncovered. 2.4 Inspection: quirsj by Sectisn 606.6 of the IPC or Sertion 103.5 01 the Int!rlicd tubing shall be pressure-tesled and inspected as re- UPC. 2.5 Identification: 2.5.1 Tubing: The lubing is marked at minimum in:emIs of 5 lEet(l524 mrn) with Ihe Wirrbo Compzny name, producl desi;nalion (AOUAPEX). ncmlnal lube size, malerirl desig- na:ion (?EX), polable wakr marking, s:andard dimension ra. Iio (SDR 9). temperature und pressure ralings. ASTM F 876F 877 designation, production code, Ihe name of the qualiry co3lrol agency (Hzuser Lebsratcrier Division, Heuser Chem- ical Rerearch. Inc.), and Ihe evalua:lon re;orl number (ICE0 2.5.2 Fittings: ProPEX fiCings ere marke5wi:h the foi!owing desi;nations: Wrrbo Irac!ezvk, nominal size, po!at!c water marking. producl code and 'F 677.' The PEX compression ring is marked with the nominal pipe sire. Brzss cornmession fithcs ere matded wi:h the fcliowino ES ER-5142). desi;nations;Wrsbo Iradckrk. nomina! she. po!eb!e water mziking and 'F 877.' prodilc: ;a&, model n&er ind evalualion reph iumber uceo Es ER-5142). . ...-rr?R-l~~,l~~~i?:38::. ..._ . ~~~~;",.:-:,wlrDBDs#EyMcTt . ._ ?.:,:,~...~~~~.,-,~'~ :.. i . '.: . . t:61z mi ,1246 .. .1p.m . . .. . . .... . .,,. y:;; ...... '.:; -.... :..:..+ ..:..,~:.':..~.;: .... :. .. .. .. ;:;:, . ... '.'? .-. ~.~...~,'... ;~;.~~.,....~.~~. ... . . . .. .. : . . . . . i. .. ., , .; . '' 'rnaiuf&lurer s lnstnictions .':Manufa~ur~rl'~'In-...,' :i .'. . 4.4:. The'tublng Is malnklned,rt the proposed operating .'.. t7. .'.' structioni%l$l be furnlchad to the bullding offldal: . '..: ' pressure during placement of eonsrete. ' . . ., +. upon rcqucrt Installrtlon Is performed by lnsall-: ' ' ': . '. .-e . . ... . ... . . . .: rers tnined ty Wirsbo." :'.'' ' : .'.: ' . 4.5 .. For floorsrbove grade, the tubingli limited to non- .. *.. '. .. 4.2 Oetalls 01 ;he:besign and lnslallat~on of the hkting ' 4.6 ' ihe product Is manufactured inApple Valley. Min-' system we submitted .. to the bui!ding olficfal for ap- proval.' . , . ' . nesola, under a quality control program with In- . ... . '. .: . . . Chemical Research, he. (AA-622), for the quality . system, and NSF International (An-633) for toxicity. . fire-resfstlvc. combusli.ble,sonstrunlon. .. . ,. .. .. .. .. .. . : .i. : . . '.spections by Hauser Laboratories Division, Hauser 4.3 Prior IO coveting, idch 'tubing lnslallation is ln- .. . specled end tested In lhe presence 01 the bunding, . Inspector In accordance with Section 2.4.. .. . .This report is subject to'r.%?xamlnation In one year. .. .. . _. . .. _- COMPRESSION FlllINC . .. .. . : PROPEP FITTING AND PEXRING .. ,. 612 891-2908 Dear Mr. Houle: As per your request, 1 am confirming that you( product, Crosslinked Polyethylene (Pa) Plastic tubillg and tiltirlgr, listed under file 3558 can be Used as potable water epplication. This produd is currently listed under ASTM F877 specifcation. The components covered by this specitication are intended for use well as sealed central heatinGI, including undtw-flwr heating sy$tsrns. in residential and commercia;. hot and cold. potable wafer distribution systems as Please call me should you have further questions. KFr Assistant Director. UT Be anlo Soesilo JUif-14-=362 13: 46 . . -. . . . P. 82 IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. 2G001 Walnut Drive South, Wainur. CA 917892826 To1 (909j 595444 Fax (909) 594-3690 E-Mall httD;//ww.iapfno.otg CERTIFICATE OF LISTING Samples of the product deSC'ibed bein have Been tectec b an independent tertlng laboratory and hwe been rev18wed and accepted for listin by the Plumbing Resewoh Eomrnittee of IWMO Research ana Testing. Inc. 86 mee3ng the requirements of thekmforrn P'urnblng Code". This listing is subject IO rhe WndRiOnb set forth In the maracterlstlcs belo% and IS not to Be construed as any recommendatior, 'ussurar~ce or guerentee by IAPMO Research and TefUq, ~nc. of the prodm scceptance by lccal jurisdictions or snhonties using the Uniform Plumblng Coa6TM or otherwise etfillated wlth IAPMO Researcn and Tesllng. InC. IDENTIPiCkTION: CHAARACTERISTICS: April 2032 Void After; April 2003 Cropslinkad !+olyethyleno Water Dlstrlbution System (PEX) Wizcbc Cemprny 14985 Oatier Avr Apple valley, MN ¶%2C The tubing shall be marked with the manufacturer's name or tredunark, ASTM F 877, PEX. pressure raclng at 1800 P, raminal size, a-andard dimemion ratio and t code number idencifying tke cmpound and the Betc of manufacture. The ficcinps shall be marked wlch the mafiufactures's name ?r tubing and Cittinpa six11 be racked with the UPC@ crsdurark, anC ASTM F 877 and the designstion 180° F. Both c8rt~ficaeion mark. CrooPlinked polyethylene plastic hoc bnd cold water diotribution system nade in cne acandard Chnsion ratio and. intended for a maxinm of 100 psi wa~cer service up to Cornponefits are conpriued of tubing and/or fittings. and including a mximn w0rkir.g tenuJerature of l8OD P. Manufactlrred in conollance with PSTM P 877-96a. '3 be and the latest ejiticn of the rmiform Piwbing Ccde. inszalled in accoz'dance with the mnutacturer's instructions IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. ?age 2 AcceyteC: April 2002 void After: April 2003 PRODUCT: Cros~linked Polyethylene Water Distribution System (DWI APPLICAAT: h'irsbo Company FILE NO. 3558 114' Pex Lav Riser 12' 1/4' "&X Lav Riser 20" 1/4' Pex'Lav Riser 30" F1072512 F1072520 F1072530 FlOE2Si2 F1082520 F5200375 F5200E.00 112' 'Copper StLb Elbox (13.25' x 8.25 li2. Prow Wet 1/2" Copper St& Elbow (3.75' x 6.25"l. 3i8' PrWP Inlet 42863850 Q2855CSO 1/2' Copper Tub Elbow (6.25' x 1.25"), 1/2" .?roPW Me: 112' Cosper Tub Elbod (4.3' x 3 25"). 3/8' T+bFExr Inlet Q2875050 1/2" Cogper Stub Elbow (8.23' x 13.25 X" -PEP' Inlet Inlet 42895050 1/2" Copper. Straight Stub (6*), 1/2" Prolex" Inlet 112' Copper Straight. Stub (14.5.) ,. 1/2 PTOPEP Inlet 42935050 a2945050 3/8' PEX, ProPSX- Polysulfone Closet Adapter 1/2" PEX, ProPEP Polysulfone Swivel Closet Adapter 44340375 1/2' PEX, ProPP Polysulfone Ada2tsr Closet Maptcr Qf36dS00 ~28~5850 Q434C,"d 3/8' PEX x 3/8' ?EX. ProPW Straight Stuy 112' Pa x 1/2" PEX, Prop" Straight Stop 3/8' PEX x 1/2" PEX. ProPW Enion 1/2* PEX x 3/4* PFX. ProPLT'" Uaion 04493038 44435050 Q4543850 3454507S Sponsor of the Uniform Plurnoing COdB", Uniform Mechanical Code". Uniform Swimming Pool. Spa and HOI Tub Code'" and Uniform Solar Erergv Code?". - " - " . , IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. CERTIFICATE OF LISTING ?ago 3 Accepted: April 2002 Void After; Arril 2003 PR03UCT: Crosalmksd Poiyethylens Water Distribution System (PEXJ APILICm: Wirsbo Company FILE NO. 3558 ?/2' PEX x 1/2' PEX X 314' PEX, Pr3FEp Tee ProPExY Nale NPT, 1' PEX x 314" NPT ProPEp Male NPT. 3/8' ?EX x 1/2' N?T ProPEP' Male NPT, 1/2' PEX X 1/2* h'?T PrbPEX' Hale NPT, 1/2' PEX x 314' N?? PfOPEP' male NPT, 518- PEX x 314" NP: ProFw Male NPT, 3/4' P-d x 3iC" NPT PXOPSP Male NPT, :/4,' PEX x 1' NPT " ProPEY" Male NPT. 1' PEX x 1' NPT PzoPEx" Swivcl Faucet Acapter 1/2" PEX PZOPE~F Swivcl Faucet Uapter 3/B" PEX ProPPXl Fumale NPT 1/2" PEX'x 3/4" NPT Pi?oPLP Female NPT. li2' PEX X 1/2' PIP? PtbPfX" Funale NPT 5/8' x 3!J' NPT ProPEP Female NPT. 314" PEX x 3/0" NPT ProPEF Femnle KPT, 3/4" PEX x 1.' NPT PrOPEXP Peugtls NFT, 1" Pa x 3/2' NPT ProPzX" Feqale h'PT, 1' PEX X 1" NPT T-roPW L%im 3./8" P& x ,3/8' Fa ProPZXm Gnion i/Z" ?Ex x 1/2' PFX FroPZF 5nion ?/4. PEX x 3!C' ?w( FXOPEX'" Union 1" PEX X 1" Pa, FroPEP Poly Adapter, i" PW x 3i4' Thly Barb irOPEP Poly Adapter, 1" PEX X 1' Poly Bsrb Prc?EX MIY Elbew, li2" PLY x 112" MIP FroPEP Elbow, 112" x 112" FroPEXa Elbow, 1" x 1' FroPEx- Elbow, 3/C" X 5/4. PrOPEP Tee 112" PEX x I/?.' PEX x 1/2" P3X FroPm ?ea 3i4' PEX X 3/1' Pu( x 3/4" Pa Swnsor of me Uniform Plurnailg Code". Uniform Mechanical Code". Uniform Swimming Pcol, SPS and Hot Tu3 CodeTu and Unifcrm Solar Energy codeT*. Q4613850 Q4645050 44681250 ~468a500 Q4705S75 Q4521075 Q4525C50 QC525075 Q4526375 Q4527510 W527575 Q4S21C10 44555850 Q4655050 Q4575050 Q457j075 44576375 44577915 Q4577310 94571015 Q4571010 Q4543838 Q4545050 24547513 Q1541010 Pa591075 Q4591010 34125050 Q4710500 Q4710750 14711000 Q4?G5090 Q4707575 ~4me50 lAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. Page a Accepted: April 2302 "old After; April 2003 PRODUCT : Crosslixked Polyethylene Water Disrri~uclm System lF!W APSLTChNT: Wirobo Company FILE NO. 3558 DESCRIWU ProPFX Tee 1" ?EX x ':" PEX x 1' ZFX Yro?EX'* keagcer. 5/6' PU x 1:Z" C!J PrcFP hCapter. 5/B" PW x 3:C' CU ProPEF Adapter, 5/8" PEX x 3,'4'# CU ProPLw Adapter. 314" PEX x 1:2" CU ProPF2P Adapter, 314" PEX x I' CU ProPEXr Adapcer, 5/41 PEX x 3i4' CU ProPEXY Adapcer, 1' PEX x 1" CJ ProPEX" Fitting Adapter. 3/6' FEX x 112' CIJ ProPW Pitting kdqcer, li2' PEX Y L/Z"'.CV ProPW Pirtlng Ad?.?Fer, 1/2" Pi3.x 3/4' Cu . ProPEF Fitting Adapcrr. S/B' PEX x 1/2" C!J ProPEX"' Fittmp AdapteE, 5/8' PEX x 2!&" CU ProPEF Fitting Adapter, 314" PEX x ?/4" CU ProPFXm PiCClng Adaptor:' 3/4' PEX x i.2" CU ProPEP Fizcing Aaapter 3/4' PW x 1" CU Drop Ear aend Sugport. 3/8' ProPEX" Ficcing ndnptar 1" PfX x 1" Cc DX-OD Ear Bend Support, 1 i2' ProPEXu Croa Ear Elbow 3/8' PLi to 1.3" Fw5de NPT ?TOPEP lrop Ear ElbOSr 1/2" PM to i;2" Fmle WT Straight-thrA Support, 1!2" ProPP Cogpr Tub 81 1/2' PEX x 1/2' 3J (3' x C") ProPSX.* Ccppr Stub El 1/2" w: x 1,'P CU (3-12" x 8') FroPEX. Ccp;u swb Ei 3/4" PM x 3?4- co 14" x 8") Plug Brass, 3/60' Pa Plug Brass. 1/2" ?EX Sponsor of the Uniform Plun:Ding Codem, Unito:m Mechanical Codem, Llniform Swirnmlne Pool, Spa and Hot Tub CodeT" and Uniform Sola: Energy CoaP. QP70101C Q470755C Q4707555 44701751 Q4731775 Q47ali50 C473L175 ~4757110 C4S1385C Q4515850 44515075 a4516375 44526375 44517550 Q451?575 04517510 Q4503E:J 44511C10 Q4505C53 Q4505C75 Q4506375 Q4SJ7575 Q4507550 Q4507510 Q4501010 F5120375 F5120500 93233850 09235050 F51CC500 ~07079~ I ~4516x0 ~as06350 2:sasoso 32ec5053 44533e3a Q289757 j Q4535053 ,",l-L.b--;ucl; 1J):L.Y P. Oh IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. Page 5 Acccpced: April 2002 Void After1 April 2003 PRODJCT : Crosslixked Polyethylene water Circribution System (PEX) APPLIClrNT: Wlrsbo Company FILE NU. 3558 z!Esc- ?:Ug Braan. 5/8' PEX Plug Braas, '314" PEX Pix0 Braas, I* PBX Plug, 3/8' PEX ?lug. .. 1/2' .PEx Phg. 314" PEX Plug; 1; PEX PW Rilg 3/8' !whir.el PES Ring 3/8" !red) PEX Rlng 3/8# (blue) 3F.X Ring 1/2" iwhicei PEX Ring 1/2' ired) REX Ring 3/4" iwhieei PEX Ring 3/4' Ired) PEX RLC~ 3/4" (blue) Metal Bend Support, 3/8' PXX Ring 1" (white) Metal Be2d SupRcrt, 2/2" metal Band Suppcrt, 3/C" Plastic Bene Swport, 3/V Plastic Bend. Scpport, 1/2' Plastio Bend Etpport, 319' Plascic Bend Support, 1/2,' Plaszic Bond Support, 3/&" 21as;lc Bend Support, 1' Polysolfonr hinoco Tee, 3/4" x 3'4" x 314" Polysolfonc hoco Tee. 112' x 1'2" x 115' Polysolfone hoc0 Tee. 314" x 3:4' x 112% ' PEX Ring 1/2" Lbl-Jel U2RE.L .?!E. 94535J-3 Q4537575 Q4553838 Q4555050 G45510CO C4557575 94690375 C46903C1 Q4630302 Q46905Cl Q4690502 Q46907F2 44690751 Q4681C00 A5110275 A5110500 €6110750 A5150500 A5L50375 A5150760 A5S00500 A5501000 A55007SO ~a531000 ~46ao~c0 ~46ao7~0 Folysolfone xnoco Te6. 314" x I/?" x 314. 04757957 Polysolfone ~mocs Tee, 3/40' x 1:~~s x l!~** Polyfolfone hoc0 ?be. 1" x 1" x Polysolfone iirr.0~0 Tee, 1' x 3/1' x 1" Polysolfoce hnioco Tee, In x 1" x 3/4. Polysolfone ~OCD Tee. 1" x 314' x 3/4. Polyaolfone &oe? Tea, 1' x 1" x 1/2" Polysolfona A~QCO Elbow, 1/2" Sponsor of me Uniform Plumping Coderh', Uniform Uectlanlcal Coder*. Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa end Hot Tub Code" and Uniform Solar Ersergy Code'". " " ". IAPMO RESEARCH AND TESTING, INC. CERTIFICATE OF LISTING Page 6 Accepted: wril 2002 Veid After: April 2003 PROWJCT. crosslinked 2olyetkylene Water DisrribcTion System (PET) APPLICANT: Wirsbo Cmphny FILE NO. 353 Polyfclfor.6 Amaco Elbow. 3/C' ~oi~solfono ~OCO ~1I)ow. 1" SGonsor of the ilniform Plumbing Code". Uniform Mechanical Code", Uniiorm Swimming Foal, Spa and Hot lua CDde"* anc! Uniform Solar Energy Code'". Q47607S5 Kr2pEBQL Q1761000 44350375 Q4350500 Q435075c' Q43510lJO Q477383E Q477507C Q477505i 947?75?5 Q477101C a4501313 60501515 04511335 Q4511515 Q45i1313 44531313 Q4521515 44531515 04541313 Q7040500 44551515 A5150750 QWhat is PEX A-Crossed Linked Polyethylene The best way to describe what the cross linking looks like is to draw a picture of two different materials, regular P.E. (Polyethylene) and Pex (Crossed Linked Polyethylene) PE PEX Cross Linking starts from a HDPE ( High Density Polyethylene ) the molecules are literally changed at the simplest level ( Kinda like the difference between a picket fence and a chain linked fence) to a Crossed Linked Molecule. Pex is the generic term for any Crossed Linked Polyethylene Tubing. Currently the three different methods of extrusion are. Pex-A Engle Method Wirsbo is the originator of Pex ( Crossed Linked Polyethylene ) as developed by Thomas Engle in the late 60s. The Engle Method is a hot cross linking process, the tubing is cross linked at the time of extrusion. Wirsbo Aquapex carries a 25-year warranty when installed by a certified Aquapex installer Pex-B Silane Method . Silane Pex is a two step process. The tubing is extruded at a low percentage of cross linking then the tubing is placed into a hot water or steam bath for 8-48 hours to finish the process. Vanguard & Quest use this method and started making tube in 1996. Pex-C Radiation Method Radiation Pex is also a two step process. The tubing is extruded and in stead of water or steam the tubing is bombarded with millions of electron volts to finish the process. Common uses. Radiant Heating Hydraunics Plumbing Fluid Transfer 2 WIRSHO Date: 1/2/97 To: Interested Persons From: Randall Knapp - Wirsbo Engineering Manager Background The original Wirsbo company (Wirsbo Bruks AB) was founded in Sweden in 1620. The company was formed to produce forged steel products. In the early 19OO's, Wirsbo began proaucing steel pipe for use in plumbing and heating applications. Wirsbo's experience in the field of pipe products eventually led to the development of a revolutionary process for manufacturing Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) tubing (1969-1971). This process is referred to as 'The Engel Method." The result is a tubing product (PEX) with remarkable ability to endure long-term stress at elevated temperatures and pressures. Wirsbo introduced PEX tubing in Scandinavia in 1970 for radiant floor heating systems and in 1971 for hot and cold potable water systems. By 1980, AQUAPEXB tubing, formerly known under the trade name Wirsbo-PEX tubing was approved in most European building codes. Since its introduction, more than 2 billion feet of AQUAPEXB tubing has successfully been installed in Europe. That's enough to circle the globe 16 times at the equator. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard F876, "Standard Specification for cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing," and standard F877, "Standard Specification for cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Plastic Hot and Cold Water Distribution Systems" were developed during the years 1981 through 1984. AQUAPEXB is manufactured to these ASTM standards. In June 1984, Wirsbo Company, a subsidiary of Wirsbo Bruks AB, was incorporated in the United States. From 1985 to 1990 AQUAPEXO tubing and related components were imported from Europe and sold for use in radiant floor heating systems. In August 1990, Wirsbo began producing Engel Method PEX at its new North American Headquafiers in Apple Valley, Minnesota. This modern facility provides all the AQUAPEXB tubing required for the North American markets. Over 50 million feet of PEX tubing has been installed in the United States since 1985, mainly for radiant floor heating and snow-melt applications. Samples of informational material relating to these applications, and general corporate information is provided under the sections entitled "Introduction to Wirsbo PEX and "general". Since 1988, Wirsbo Company, Wirsbo Bruks AB and several other subsidiaries, have operated under an international industrial group called Uponor. Uponor's main products are piping systems developed through state of the art plastics technology. The Uponor Group, operates production facilities in fourteen countries, including five pro.duction plants in the United States. Uponor's other facilities in the United States produce PVC and PE pipe. .I WRSBO COhtPANY 5925 rdS!n STREET WEST - APPLE VALLEY. MlNNESOTA 5512; * (612) 891-2wO * FAX (6121 891.2008 bponor "" WlRSBO 1. Long Term Strength of AQUAPEXa Under the section entitled "Long Term Strength," there are tables that show the minimum strength of nominal '/z inch and nominal 5/8 inch (and larger dimension) AQUAPEXB tubing. The tests are conducted under continuous pressure, at temperatures between 32O F and 338" F, for periods of time between one hour and 50 years, The inside pressure resistance is listed in psi (pounds per square inch). Theaevaluated long-term strength of AQUAPEX@(in accordance with ASTM D 2837) has resulted in a pressure rating of 160 psi at 73.40 F, 100 psi at 180" F, and 80 psi at 2OOQ F. Note: ASTM D2837 is the basis for the Plastic Pipes Institute (PPI) rating for AQUAPEXB. The Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) is a Division of the Society of Plastics Industries (SPI). PPI manages the Hydrostatic Design Stress Board and publishes Technical Report TR4: Recommended Hydrostatic Strengths and Design Stresses for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fitting Compounds. The recommendations of TR-4 are adopted by NSF and by ASTM. At maximum continuous rated temperature and pressure, the safety factor toward failure of AQUAPEXB tubing is approximately two (2). Under conditions that exist in "normal" plumbing installations, the safety factor is significantly greater. The long-term strength of AQUAPEX@ was established by long-term pressure tests at numerous official testing laboratories throughout the world. "Experience from 12 years Evaluation of Cross-Linked Polyethylene" (under the section entitled "long Term Strength") is a study presented at the international conference PLASTICS PIPES VI. More than 2,200 long-term pressure tests (and other tests) were performed on PEX tubing samples. Almost 1,500 of those samples were AQUAPEX@. The study was published in 1985. Since then, an additional 6 years of testing have been performed, 18 years of testing at this particular institution. This is the most extensive long-term pressure resistance study performed on any plastic pipe material in the world. Perhaps the most exhaustive tests that have been performed and continue to be performed on PEX tubing are the test series T 98, and W 51 at BASF, Germany (under section entitled "Long Term Strength"). These tests of AQUAPEXB tubing were started between June 15, 1973, and March 18, 1975. Nine test samples are still under test. Test temperatures for these samples are 203O F (95' C) and 176" F (80' C). These are the longest official tests known to exist on any plastic pipe material, and every day is a new record. Numerous other successful long-term tests have been performed at official testing institutes throughout the world. Copies of the results will be submitted upon request. Resistance to creep is also considered part of a material's (tubing) long-term strength. Test results show the strain is clearly below 5% at the materials rated stress (160 psi at 73.49 F, \ 100 psi at 180" F and 80 psi at 200' F), after 100,000 hours (1 1.4 years). This is a rating requirement for plastic pipes in accordance with ASTM D 2837. Test data available upon request. AQUAPEXB has the same long term regression (strength) diagram when installed in straight position as when installed in a bent position (at room temperature "cold" and at temperatures over the crystalline melting point "hot"). As PEX tubing is installed in most cases in a bent pos'Jion, the resistance to creep is an important property of the material. Test data available upon request. Wirsbo AQUAPEXB tubing has virtually the same long-term strength when tested with a strong stress-crack inducing agent pressure medium, as when it is tested with a water pressure medium. Typically, most plastic pipes would show drastically lower pressure resistance when subjected to this kind of test. Test data available upon request. Tests demonstrate that AQUAPEXB is unaffected when the tubing wall is scoured to a depth of 15 percent of its thickness. Pipes with this notch depth (inside, and outside of the pipe wall) passed the expected time to failure tests. When failures did occur, they occurred in areas outside of the notch. This test indicates that scratches that may occur as a result of installation will have insignificant affect on the performance of the tubing. Many other plastics are sensitive to crack propagation, but not AQUAPEXB. Test data available upon request. Tensile strength tests on AQUAPEXa before and after exposure to long-term hydrostatic pressure tests at 203' F (longer than one year) show that no aging (embrittlement, or change in mechanical properties) of the material has taken place. Test data available upon request. 2. The Production Process of AQUAPEXa AQUAPEXB tubing is cross-linked polyethylene manufactured by the Engel Process, in which the molecular chains (carbon chains) in the material are bound to each other in the amorphous condition (above the crystalline melting point) under heat and high pressure, using an organic non-toxic peroxide as a cross-linking initiator. AQUAPEXB tubing is endowed with precisely the correct degree of cross-linking, and optimum physical properties at the extrusion stage. Note that the "Engel Method" of cross-linking is a "true" cross-linking. The links between the molecular chains are carbon-to-carbon. Bridges that consist of other chemicals are not utilized. The difference between normal polyethylene (PE) and cross-linked polyethylene or PEX is analogous to that between over cooked spaghetti and a fishing net. In the first case, the molecular chains are loosely arranged, while in the second, the chains are tightly joined or cross-linked. It is this cross-linking which makes PEX tubing superior to other forms of plastic. I WlRSBO COMPANY * 5925 ?381n STREET WEST . APPLE VALLEY. MINNESOTA 55124 * (612) 891-2ooO * FAX (612) 891-2W8 fiponor "" .. The raw material used for the process is EHMW-HDPE (Extra High Molecular Weight high Density Polyethylene) in the form of fluff (the form that PE polymerizes at the raw material plants). The material is taken from those plants prior to granulation -- it is the most "virgin" form of PE. Mixing raw material with. its cross-linking initiator and anti-oxidants is accomplished with our own specially designed mixing equipment prior to extrusion. Wirsbo . I Company remains in full control of all steps in the manufacturing process, and thereby, in full control of the quality of the AQUAPEXB product. The "Engel Process" of cross-linking chaihges, and improves, the properties of the PE raw material to such an extent that it is transformed into a completely new substance. The properties of AQUAPEXC3 tubing are optimal for flexible plastic pipe applications in terms of its: thermostability, long-term strength at high temperatures, chemical resistance, stress fatigue characteristic, thermostability, impact strength, flexibility, friction losses and abrasion resistance. 3. Quality Control In addition, for all tubing that requires or carries the NSF marking, we will follow the requirements of the National Sanitation Foundation and ASTM Specifications F876 and F877. For other quality marks, we follow the appropriate quality assurance methods associated with said marking. 4. Hygienic-Toxicological Tests and Certifications of AQlJAPEX@ In the above respect, AQUAPEXC3 has been tested and found to comply with the national standards: NSF international (Standards 14 & 61) and Canada CANlCSA B137.5M89. In addition, certified independent laboratories have tested AQUAPEXB tubing foi ignition, flammability and smoke density (see "Standards and Certifications, Hygienic and Toxicological Testing). 5. Code Approvals for Potable Hot & Cold Water AQUAPEXB is approved for potable hot and cold water distribution systems in many states, countries and cities throughout the United States and Canada (see the section entitled "Approvals" for a partial listing). 6. Standards and Model Codes Listing or Referencing PEX The following published guidelines are available at present ASTM Standard F876-96B, F877-96 (USA) CANlCSA Standard B137.5M-96 (Canada) ICBO Evaluation Service Inc. Report No. 5142 BOCA National Plumbing Code SBCCI PST-SI (PST and ESI Report #9661 j CAB0 One and Two Family Dwelling Code International Plumbing Code IAPMO Classified Listing File# C3558 .. WRSBO COMPANY . 5915 148zh STREET WEST * APPLE VALLEY. MINNESOTA 55124 (612) 891.2000 FAX (612j891.2008 "" .- ASTM and CSA Standards, ICBO Evaluation Report No. 5142, IAPMO Classified Listing file #C3558 and SBCCI Evaluation Report $9661 are provided (see the section entitled "Standards and Certifications"). AQUAPEXa is published in many other foreign standards which are available upon request. . 7. Contacts on External Supervision of Quality Assurance AQUAPEXa tubing undergoes extensive works testing and inspection before the product is deliv'ered. These highly comprehensive procedures cover all aspects from the raw material, from degree of cross-linking to the appearance of the packaging. Dimensions, physical and chemical properties, appearance, and marking are all checked for compliance. In addition, inspectors from various national testing bodies visit the works at certain intervals (usually 2-3 times per year) to check our internal testing and control procedures, records and test methods. The inspectors also take random products samples for testing in their own laboratories in accordance with specified test programs. The results of these quality supervision measures are reported directly to the type approval authorities. Inspection agreement documentation available upon request. 8. Miscellaneous Test Reports and Evaluations on AQUAPEXa 8.1 Aging Resistance It is very important for plastic pipe to be resistant to thermal degradation caused primarily by oxidation at high temperatures. There are numerous examples in the industry where tubing has failed due to factors relating to degradation. Some examples include: failures due to insufficient amounts of antioxidants, failures due to poor selection of antioxidants, failures of tubing or pipe that has become thermally degraded during the manufacturing process, failures where raw material manufacturers "forgot" to add antioxidants, exhaustion of antioxidants due to soaking into the water system. These types of failures are significant in the unfortunate fact that, too much emphasis has been placed on short-term pressure tests rather than long term tests (including thermostability). Short-term tests are of little or no significance in detecting the types of failures previously listed. Wirsbo has completed significant research in the area of long term thermostability and resistance to aging. ASTM Standard F876 (section 6.8 and 7.10 for the test method)Fs the only plastic pipe standard in the United States that addresses thermal degradation. The Wirsbo Quality Assurance Manual prescribes that at least every sixth coil of tubing (roughly every 3,600 ft.) must be tested for its thermostability. This stringent quality requirement is unique in the industry and illustrates Wirsbo Company's commitment to producing quality PEX tubing products. Additional information on aging resistance is available upon request. WRS80 COMPANY . 5925 tmn STREET WEST * APPLE VALLEY. MINNESOTA 55124 (612) 891-2003 FAX (612) 891.2038 8ponor "" WIRSEO 9. North American Certifications, Ratings and Standards for AQUAPEXa 9.1 National Sanitation Foundation AQUAPEX@ has been officially listed with the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF Standard 14) since 1986. NSF 14 defines requirements for ingredients, materials, products, quality assurance and marking. AQUAPEXB has been officially listed with the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF Standard 61) since the 1980s. Standard 61 defines requirements for toxicity. 9.2 Canadian Standards Association AQUAPEX@ tubing is listed with Canadian Standards Association (A National Standard of Canada) under CSA Standard 8-137.5M89 "Cross-linked Polyethylene (EX) tubing Systems for Pressure Applications Plumbing Products and Materials" since June 14, 1990 (see the section entitled "Standards & Certifications"). 9.3 Hydrostatic Design Stress Basis AQUAPEX@ obtained a "Standard Grade" rating for Hydrostatic Design Stress basis from the Hydrostatic Design Stress Board of the Plastic Pipe Institute in 1983 (see the section entitled "Standards & Certifications"). At the time of writing, Wirsbo is the only company with a standard grade rating on its PEX tubing. 9.4 State of New York AQUAPEX@ tubing has been evaluated for Acute Inhalation Toxicity Testing (see the section entitled "Hygienic and Toxicological Testing") in compliance with the New York State Pittsburgh Modified Protocol in compliance with Article 15 Part 1120 of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code since June 20, 1989 (DOS File Number 150-60- 890822-4001). 10. Installation Manual, Installation Instructions A complete Wirsbo AQUAPEX@ Installation Handbook is provided to the installer. The Handbook addresses material handling, design and installation of the Wirsbo AQUAPEXB potable water distribution system (a copy is provided in the sleeve of the front cover of this binder). 11. Wirsbo Factory Trained Installers Education Program Outline The Wirsbo AQUAPEXB Factory Trained Installers Program is designed to teach qualified individuals about the unique properties of PEX materials and how best to utilize those properties to deliver a quality potable water system to the customer. The program is intended for recognized professional members of the plumbing trade. Material covered centers on materials handling, proper system design and installation (a program outline is provided under the section entitled "Wirsbo Factory Trained Installers Program"). .. WIRSEO It is the goal of Wirsbo to train AQUAPEXB installers to ensure that a quality product is installed. Each person successfully completing the Factory Trained Wirsbo Installers Program will be entitled to extended warranty and direct mail benefits. They also receive a card that states that they have been trained to install the AQUAPEX@ Plumbing System. 12. Warranty AQUAPEX@ tubing carries a twenty-five (25) year warranty when installed by a trained installer, and a one (1) year warranty when installed by a non-trained installer. Wirsbo ProPEXB fittings carry a ten (10) year warranty when installed by a trained installer. Please refer to the complete document (under the section entitled “Factory Trained Installers Program”) for specific information and warranty conditions. Conclusion Thank you in advance for your interest and consideration in the Wirsbo AQUAPEXB potable water distribution system. We believe the AQUAPEX@ system to be the finest potable water system available today and Wirsbo AQUAPEXB tubing the safest, most thoroughly tested plumbing pipe in the world. We think after completing the research you will agree. \ A System No. W-L-2126 F Rating - 1,2,3 & 4 HI. (See Item 1B) TRating-l,2,3&4Hr SECTION A-A I. \\'all Assembl?. - The 1, 2, 3 or 4 hr fire-rated gypsum uallboard'stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the nmaials and In the manner specified in the individual L300 or UlOO Series \\'all and Panition Designs in the UL FIIS Keslstmcc Directory and shall include the following construction features: A. Studs . \!'all framing may ronsist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs !o .. nsist of B. \\'allboard, Gypsum' - Thickness. type, number of layers and fasteners as specified in the Individual lion1 2 by 4 in. lumbcr spaced 16 in. OC. Steel studs to be min 3-5/8 in. wide and spaced nlax 24 in. OC. \Val1 acd Panition Design. Max diam of opening is 3-3/8 in. 2. Through Penetrants - One nonmetallic pipe or tubing installed either concentrically or eccentrically uithin the firestop system. Pipe or tubing to be rigidly supponed on both sides of wall assembly. The annular space bmveen penetrant and periphery of opening shall be min 0 in. (point contact) to max 1 in. The following pes A. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Xom 2 in. diam (or smaller) CPVC pipe for use in and sizes of nonmetallic pipes or tubing may be used: B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid core or cellular core C. Crosslinked Polyctllylene (I'EX:) Tubing - Nom 1-112 in. diam (or smaller) SDR 9 PEX tubing for use in D. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit+ - Xom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in closed (process or supply) piping system. PVC pipe for use in closed (proeess or supply) piping system. closed (process or supply) piping systems. accordance with Anicle 347 ofthe h'ational Electrical Code (MPA No. 70). 3. Fill, \'oid or Cavity Material' - Sealant - Min 518 in. thickness of fill material for 1 hr rated wall assemb!ies and min 1 in. thickness of fill material for 2, 3 or 4 hr rated wall assemblies, applied within the annulus, flush . ' uith both surfaces of wall. At point contact location between penetrant and periphery of opening, a min 112 in. dim1 bead of fill material shall be applied at the wallboarUpeneaant interface on both sides of wall assembly. Passive Fire Protection Partners'. - 4800DlV *Bearing the UL Classification Marking **Folmerly Firestop Syrtenx Inc. @ Underwriters laboratories Inca System No. W-J-2038 F Rating - 1,2,3 & 4 Hr (See Item 1) T Rating - 1,2,3 & 4 Hr A A I A SECTION A-A 1, \\‘all Asrenibl) - hlin J-7/8. 6-I/S, 7-3,’s or 8-5;s in. thick lighnvcight or normal H,eight (100- IS0 per! concrete ias I. 2. 3 or 4 hour sated \\.all assenlblies. respectively. \Val1 may also be consmcted of any C:. :Llassified Cutlrrcte Ulucks. hln dnm of oprning is 3-31s in. See Concrete Ulocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. 2. ‘Tllrougll Pelletrants - On: nonmetallic pipe or Nbing installed either concenmcally or eccenmcally uithin the filestop system. The annular space benveen pipe and periphery of opening shall be min 0 in. (point contxt) to ~IJX 1 in. Pipe or mbing to be rigidly supponed on both sides of \\.all assembly. The following lypes and sizes of no,m:etallic pipes or tubing may be used: A. Chlorinated Poly’inyl Chloride (CPI’C) Pipe - Kom 2 in. diam (or smaller) CPVC pipe for use in B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 (or heavier) cellular or solid C. Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEN Tubing - Nom 1-112 in. diam (or smaller) SDR 9 PEX tubing for use in D. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit+ - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit ’ .Ned in closed (process or supply) piping systems. core PVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. closed (process or supply) piping systems. accordance with Ankle 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) 3. Fill, \‘oid or Cavity hlaterial’ - Sealant - Min 5/8 in. thickness for 1 hr rated wall assemblies and 1 in. thickness of fill material for 2, 3 or 4 hr rated wall assemblies, respectively, applied within the annulus, flush with both surfaces of wall. At point contact location between penerrant and periphery of opening, a min 112 in. dim bead of fill material shall be applied at the concrete/penenant interface on both surfaces of wall. Passive Fire Protection Partners” - 4600DW ‘Bearing the UL Classification Marking +Rc;lsinf thc UL Listing Mark “Fornlcrly Firestop Systems Inc. . @ Underwriters Laboratories 1nc.o .. FD33UL 4!99 1. 2. 3. System No. C-AJ-2165 F Rating - 2 Hr T Rating - 2 Hr . . .. SECTION A-A Floor or \\'all Assembly - Min 4-112 io. thick lightweight or normal weight (100-IS0 pcf) concrete. Wall miy also be constlucted of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. hlax diam of opening is 4-1/2 in. See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names ofmanufa TIS. Through Penetrations - One nonmetallic pipe, conduit or tubing to be installed either concentrically or eccentrically within the firestop system. The annular space between penetrant and periphery of opening shall be min 0 in. (point contact) to nlax 2-118 in. Pipe. conduit or tubing to be rigidly supponed on both sides of floor or wall assembly. "he following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes, conduits or tubing may be used: A. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe for use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. D. closed (process or supply) piping systems. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe for use in use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) C. Crosslinked Pol)eth)lene (PEX) Tubing - Nom 1-112 in. diam (or smaller) SDR 9 PEX tubing for D. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit+ - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in Firestop System -The fuestop system shall consist of the following: A. Packing Material - Min 4-114 in. thickness of min 4 pcf mineral wool ban insulation firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from top surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the requircd thickness of fill material (Item 3B). annulus. 'flush with top surface of floor or both surfaces of wall. At point contact location between penetrant and periphery of opening. a min 114 in. diam bead of fill material shall be applied to the penenandconcrete interface on top surface of floor or both surface of wall assembly. Passive Fire Protection Partners"- 4800DW. 41OOSL, 4100NS. 5100SP B. Fill, Void or Cavity hiaterial* - Scalant - Min 114 in. thickness of fill material applied within *Dealing the UL Classification Marking +Bearing the UL Listing Mark "Fom~erly Firestop Systems Inc. @Underwriters Laboratories 1nc.o FWIUL UP0 r-- A System No. C-BK-2002 F Rating - 4 Hr T Rating - 4 Hr t", A SECTION A-A 1. 2. 3. Floor 01 \!'all Assembly - >lin 11-1/2 in. thick lighhveight or normal Iveight (100-150 pcf) concrete. \Vz!] ~.ry a!so b? cocstmctcd of any L'L Classified Concrete Blocks'. hlax diam of opening is 3 in. Se: Concrete Blocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names ofmanufa:rac:s. 'll~rouglt Penctrant - 01:e nonme!3llic pipe or conddit to be installed either conccr.trically or ecccntri;dly tvithjn I!!? liltstop systc.m. 1.lle aru~ular space betu.een penenant and periphery of opening shall be min 0 in. (point comct) to nux 1-12 ill. Penenant to be rigidly supponed on both sides of floor or wall assem5ly. The fullun 1112 types a:ld sizes of noirmctallic pipes or conduit may be used: A. l'uly in!l Chloride (I'VC) Pipe - h'om 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid core PC\' pip? for tisc in B. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe -Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) SDRI7 CPL'C pipe for use C. Crosslinked Polycthylene (PEX) Tubing -Nom 3/4 in. diam (or smaller) SDR 9 PEX tubing fo: use in D. Rigid Xonmetallic Conduit+ - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit installed in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping system. in closed (p:ocess or supply) or vented (drain. waste or vent) piping systems. closed (process or supply) piping systems: accordance with Article 347 of the National Elccnical Code (XFPA No. 70). Firestop System - The ficstop system shall consist of the following: A. Packing Material - Min 11 in. thickness of min 4 pcf mineral wool ban insulation firmly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from top surface of floor or from boih B. Fill, \'oid or Cavity hiaterial' - Sealant - Min 112 in. thickness of fill material applied within annulus, surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the required thickness of fill material (Item 3B). flush with top surface of floor or both surfaces of wall. At point contact locations between pcncrrznt and bo:h surfaces of wall. concrete. a min 112 in. diam bead of fill material shall be applied at the concrete/pencuant interface on Passive Fire Protection Partners" - 4800DW 'R-ring !!!e UL Classification Marking -Bearing the UL Listing hlark "Fonnclly Firestop Systems lac. @ Underwriters laboratories 1nc.o FPS:UL4199 System No. C-AJ-2222 F Rating - 2 Hr T Rating - 1-112 Hr I. 2. 3. 4. 'L t I W A SECTION A-A Floor or \Val1 Asscmb!) - hlin 4.112 in. thick lightweight or normal weight concrete (100-150 pcf). Wall may alia be constructed of: ~y UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. hlax diam of opening is 4 in. See Concrete B;,cks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Director) for names of m3nufacturers. grouted in:o floor or wall assembly, flush with or max 2 in. above top surface of floor or both suriuL~, of \Val1 .\lrtallic Sleeve'- (Optional) - Som 4 in. diam (or smaller) E!4T or Schedule 5 (or heavier) steel SIP.; , cast or assembly. Through Penetrnnts - One nonmetallic pipe or tubing lo be installed either concentrically or eccentrically ulthin the firestop system. The annular space benreen pipe or tubing and sleeve or periphery of opening shall be nlin 0 in. (point contact) to max 1-518 in. Pipe or tubing to be rigidly supponed on both sides of floor or uall assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes or tubing may be used: A. Poly\in?l Chloride (PVC) Pipe ~ Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid core or cellular core B. Cltlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Nom 2 in. diarn (or smaller) SDRll CPVC pipe for use C. Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing - Nom 314 in. diam (or smaller) SDR 9 PEX tubing for use in D. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit+ - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduit i llled in PVC pipe for use in closed (process and supply) piping system. in closed (process and supply) piping systems. closed (process or supply) piping systems. accordance with Anicle 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) Firestop System - The firestop system shall consist of the following: A. Packing Material - Min 4 in. thickness of min 4 pcf mineral wool ban insulation firmly packed into opening as a pernianent form. Packing material to be recessed from lop surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall to accommodate the required thickness of fill material (Item 4B). B. Fill Void or Cavity Material* - Senlnnt - Min 112 in. thickness of fill material applied within annulus, flush with top surface of floor or both surfaces of wall. At point contact location between peneaant and sleeve or concrete, a 112 in. diam bead of fill material shall be applied at the sleeve or concrete/penenant interface on the top suiface of floor or both surfaces of wall. .- . Passive Fire Protection Partners'. - 4800DW 'Bearing the UL Classification Marking *Bearing the UL Listing Mark "Formerly Firestop Systems Inc. @ Underwriters Laboratories 1nc.o '@ System No. C-AJ-2251 F Rating - 2 Hr T Rating - 2 Hr L A SECTION A-A I. Floor or \Val1 Assembly - Min 5-I/% in. thick lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf) concrete. \\'all may also be consrm:ted of any UL Classified Concrete Block. htax diam of opening is 4 in. See Concrctc Bloch (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers. 2. Through Penetrants - One nonmetallic pipe, conduit oi tubing IO be installed either concennically or eccentrically within the firestop system. The annular space between pipe, conduit or tubing and edge of through openlng shall be min 0 in. (point contact) to max I-YS in. Pipe, conduit or tubing to be rigidly supponed on both sides of floor or wall assenlbly. 'he following cpes and sizes of nonmetallic pipes, condcits or tubing may be uscd: A. Polpinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - h'om 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 cellular core or solid core U. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) CPVC pipe for use in C. Rigid Sonmetallic Conduit+ - Nom 2 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 PVC conduir br,lalled in D. Crosslinked Pulyethylcne (PEX) Tubing - Som 1-1/2 in. dianl (or smaller) PEX tubing for use in closed P\'C pipe for use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. closed (process or supply) piping systems. accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) (process or supply) piping systems. 3. Firestop System - The fuestop system shall consist ofthe following: A. Packing Material - Min 5 in. thickness of 4 pcf mineral wool ban material fumly packed into opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed from bonom surface of floor or from both surfaces of wall to accommodate the required thickness bf fill material (Item 38). B. Fill Void or Cavity hIa1eriaP - Sealant - Min IR in. thickness of fill material applied, within annulus, and periphery of opening a min 112 in. diam bead of fill material shall be applied at the concrete!penetrant flush with bonom surface of floor or both surfaces of wall. At point contact location between penenant interface on bonom surface of floor assembly or both surfaces of wall assembly. Passive Fire Protection Partners" - 4800DW -Bearing the UL Lis!ing Mark *Bearing the UL Classification Marking "Formerly Firestop Systenls IIIC. @Underwriters laboratories 1nc.o FOISUL 4109 19 April, 2000 Mr. Rich Houle Wirsbo Co. 5925 148' Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124 Re: Sound intensity Dear Rich Considering the change in sound intensity when switching from copper to PEX tubing, all else remaining the same, the sound intensity in the radial outward direction would be a good indicator. Beginning vith the general wave equation, A' p = ( 1/c2 ) ( M2 p / hl e ) and some sinp!ifjirig assumptions (e.g. point source of sound), the relationship for intensity can be derived with the following form: I=pv \\%ere I is the sound intensity, p is the sound pressure, and v is the particle velocity. The main sources of sound in a water piping system are cavitation, surface roughness and water hammer. Cavitation is generally a design issue, so the question is which material will absorb more of the sound if it occurs. Typical polqmers mill absorb sound in the range of 10 dB/cm, whereas metals are on the order of 0.1-1.0 dB/cm. For similar thickness of material, the PEX would reduce the noise level approximately 10 times that of copper. Surface roughness is very low for any plastic pipe, and would be for new copper as well. nere shouldn't be any significant difference from one material to the other in this aspect. Water hammer is probably the most significant concern, and can be evaluated using the following: A = 4660 / [ 1 + kD/(Et) ]In Where A = wave velocity k = bulk modulus of water (300,000 psi) D = inside diameter of pipe E = tensile modulus of pipe material t = wall thickness For %” nominal size pipe, the dimension ratio @/t) of PEX is approximately 7, while for copper (Type K) it is approximately 11. Assuming a PEX modulus of 250,000 psi, and copper modulus of 16,000,000 psi, the vave velocity is: PEX - 1520 Wsec Copper - 4240 Wsec The surge pressure is calculated as P = Av / (2.3 I ,e) \\.here \’ is the weter vdociv prior to the valve closing. Assuming this is also the sound pressure (;.e. no losses), the sound intensity can be calculated 2s: I = (A2)(v) I74.4 Or, for PEX, I = 3 1,000 (v) And for copper, I = 242,000 (v) This demonstrates that for a given change in water velocity, the intensitv of the sound fm coppxpipe \rill be approximately 8 times higher than that of the PEX. While a fair number of assumptions are made in reaching this point, even a conservative estimate would be an intensity 2 to 4 times that of PEX. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. - Sincerely, (original sent via e-mail) James R. Paschal, P.E. NSF Director, Physical & Mechanical Testing DID: 734-769-5192 FAX: 734-827-7719 e-mail: paschal@nsf.org Pwa &Shpb WIRSBO Lije, Safety, Comfort Systems A Safe Plumbing System For Your Family Your builder has chosen Wirsbo AQUAPEX', the world's most proven plumbing system. AQUAPEX tubing is clean and safe. The pure drinking water that passes through the tubing stays pure. AQUAPEX tubing has a smooth interior wall that eliminates scale build-up. - AQUAPEX is clean and safe. AQUAPEX is resistant to corrosive soil and water. - AQUAPEX systems are quiet. The flexible tubing eliminates water hammer and dampens the sound of rushing water. AQUAPEX tubing is freeze resistant. Wirsbo's patented ProPEX' fitting is a strong and leak-proof permanent connection. AQUAPEX tubing carries the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) label insuring clean water delivery and has local and national code acceptance. * Homeowners are comforted to know their plumbing system will last. The AQUAPEX system has a minimum service life expectancy of 100 years based on long-term testing. AQUAPEX tubing comes with a 25-year limited warram when installed by a trained plumber. With over five billion feet of$%X tubing installed worldwide, AQUAPEX is a potable water system you can trust. @ uponor WIRSBO AQU Wirsbo's exclusive ProPEXa fittings make solid, permanent connections without torches, glues and gauges. The unique "shape memory" of AQUAPEX- and hePEX'"plus forms a tight seal around the fitting, creating a strong, reliable connection. This pamphlet provides a quick reference for & making proper ProPEX fitting connections. For more AQUAPEX Installation Handbook or the Wirsbo information on these procedures, please consult the Installation Handbook on Radiant Floor Heating. ProPEX Components - AQUAPEXlhePEXplus Tubing Insert Fitting - ProPEX Rings PLS ProPEX Fittings In addition to brass fttings, Wirsbo offers ProPEX fittings in a revolutionary plastic material called polysulfone (PLS). PLS has a proven history in rigorous plumbing environments and offers: - Greater resistance to harsh conditions Resistance to high chlorine levels Ability to withstand temperatures from - 40°F to 320°F * Strength to withstand pull-out tests of 1000 pounds * Completely non-toxic components PLS ProPEX fittings are as brass ProPEX fmings. installed exactly the same way Care and Handling of ProPEX Hand Expander Tool The ProPEX Hand Expander Tool is very sturdy but must be handled with care to prevent possible damage to the internal driver and the expander heads. Keep the tool and additional expander heads in the case when not in use. Store the tool the internal driver. with an expansion head in place to protect The internal driver of the expander tool must A thin coat of grease should be applied daily be kept clean and lightly greased at all times. when the tool is in regular use. Also Available from Wirsbo: ProPEX Air Expander Tool ProPEX Battery Expander Tool - -' Wirsbo's ProPEX Air and Battery I Expander Tools make fast, easy connections to Y<, 'h", =I<, 3/4" and 1" AQUAPEX and hePEXplus tubing. Making nations a ., ., uponor : Tools Needed: * ProPEX Expander Tool (Hand Expander, Air Expander or Battew Expander) WIESBrn - Properly sized Expander Head hand tightened on the tool Tubing Cutter designed for plastic tubing 1. Square cut the PEX tubing perpendicular to the length of the tube. Remove all excess material or burrs that might affect the fitting connection. IMPORTANT: The tool should be rotated 'la turn after EACH expansion, to provide smooth and even expansion of the tubing. If the head is not repositioned after EACH expansion, the segments on the tool head may cause deep grooves in the tubing. These grooves can be potential leak paths. I I 2. Slide the PEX ring over the end of the tube. Extend the end of the ring over the end of the tube no more than 'Id' (Imm). 4. Repeat the expansion process until the tubing and ring are snug against the shoulder on the expander head. See Chart A below for the recommended number of expansions for each tube size. 3. Brace the free handle ofthe tool, or place the handles and slide the expander head one hand on each handle. Fullyseparate are necessary to make a proper connection. into the tube until it stops. Full expansions Separate the handles, remove the head Bring the handles together to expand. tool head into the tubing in the newly from the tube and rotate it% turn. Slide the rotated position and expand again. 5. Immediately remove the ProPEX tool. As you slide the tubing over the fitting, you should feel some resistance. If the tubing reaches the shoulder of the fitting without any resistance, the tubing may be over-expanded and may require additional time to fully shrink over the fitting. The tubing and PEX ring must be seated against the shoulder of the fitting for a proper connection. Chart A lm n - Rotate the tool after EACH expansion. * If the fitting does not slide into the tubing all the way to the stop, immediately remove it from the tubing and expand the tubing one final time. To avoid overexpanding the tubing, do not hold the tubing in the expanded position. * The number of expansions in Chart A is the recommended number of expansions. Experience, technique and weather conditions dictate the actual number of expansions. Fewer expansions may be necessaly under certain conditions. The correct number of expansions is the number it takes to get the tubing and the shoulder of the tool snug against each other. Good connections have the PEX ring snug against the stop of the PmPEX f~ing shoulder. If there is more than l/W between the ring and the fitting, square cut the tubing two (2) inches away from the fitting and make another connection using a new PEX ring. The Y8" PEX ring is smaller and thicker than the PEX rings used for other tubing sizes. The 3/8" PEX ring must be expanded once on each side to properly fit over the tubing. Expansion of the PEX ring is only necessary for 3/8" AQUAPEX. 1. Square cut the 3/s" AQUAPEX tubing perpendicular to the length of the tube. 2. Expand each side of PEX ring with ProPEX tool once. 3. Slide the expanded %" ring over the end of the tube. Extend the end of the ring over the end of the tube no more than lhe" (Imm). Once the Ve" PEX ring has been properly expanded and is on the tubing, refer to steps 3 through 5 in the previous section (Making ProPEX Connections) for further instruction. nt a When the temperature is above M"F, ProPEX connections to V8" AQUAPEX tubing require four (4) to five (5) expansions. When the temperature is below 4O"F, only four (4) expansions are necessary. * The thicker PEX ring used for 3/8" ProPEX connections shrinks over the fitting faster than Vi', V4". and 1" PEX rings. Rotating Tool After Each Expansion: The tool should be rotated l/e turn after EACH the tubing. If the head is not repositioned after EACH expansion, to provide smooth and even expansion of expansion, the segments on the tool head may cause deep grooves in the tubing. These grooves can be potential leak paths. Note: The photos above show enlarged views of the inside of expanded tubing. Improper Connections tubing two (2) inches from the PEX ring, and begin the In the event of an improper connection square cut the steps for making a ProPEX connection. Reforming Kinked Tubing AQUAPEX is Engel method cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) which has the unique propew of thermal memory. If the tubing is kinked and hinders flow, repairs may be made in the following manner: 1. Straighten the kinked portion of the tubing. 2. Heat the kinked area to approximately 265°F with an electric heat gun. Apply the heat evenly until the tubing turns transparent around the entire circumference. Do not use an open flame. 3. Let the repaired AQUAPEX tubing cool undisturbed to room temperature. When the tubing returns to its opaque appearance, the repair is complete. 1 COOLED TO ROOM TEMPERATURE TUBING RETURNS TO ITS OPAQUE AWLARANCE Troubleshooting Guide Trouble free ProPEX installations begin with a ProPEX Hand Expander Tool that is maintained in proper working condition. If the tool or segment fingers are damaged, it is very difficult to make a proper connection. The following trouble shooting guide is designed to assist with problems in the field: Make sure the expander head is securely screwed onto the fool (handtightened). * Make sure the segment fingers are not bent. If the head does not completely close when the tool's handles are open, the head must be replaced. Examine the tool for excess grease on the segment fingers. Excess grease must be removed prior to making ProPEX 1 connections. 'a Examine the fitting for any damage. Nicks and gouges on the . ' fitting will cause the fming to leak. ) Make sure the internal driver is not damaged or bent. '* Make sure the last expansion is not held in the expanded position for more than three seconds before the fitting is inserted. The longer the pipe and ring are held in the expanded position, the greater the chance for a leak. * Be sure to rotate the tool '/a turn after EACH expansion. Itf Expansion is Dfticuk: .* Make sure the internal cone has been properly greased For Fittings That Will Not Seal: ,.. allowing the handles to move freely. 'I! the Expansion Head Slips Out of the Tubing When j Maklng Expafisions: ;* 'The tubing and ring must be dry. :* 'We sure that grease is not getting into the tubing. '- Examine the segment fingers to make sure that none are bent. ;I! More Than the Recommended Number of Expansions 'are Needed to Make a Connection: MkRe sure that the head is handtightened to the expander tool. Examine the segment fingers to make sure that none are bent. Be sure to completely open and close the tool on each expansion. Cold Weather Expansions - Temperature affects the time required for the tubing and ring to shrink onto the fitting. The colder the temperature, the slower the contraction time. contraction time. Put fittings and rings in your pockets prior to installation to keep them warm. expanded position after the final expansion. 5" F (-15" C). * Warming ProPEX fittings and ProPEX Rings reduces * In temperatures below 40" F, do not hold the tubing in the - ProPEX connections must be made at temperatures above Cleaning the ProPEX Expander Tool Head The ProPEX Expander Tool head comes in different sizes ranging from Ya" to 1". All heads contain the same number of segmentfingers (61, attachment ring (1) and spring (1). It is very important to keep the heads on the tool or in the tool case at all times as dirt and other debris can affect the connection process. 1. Remove and clean the segment fingers once a week. Remove the segments from the attachment ring by pushing the segment finger down toward the opening in the ring. Once the first segment is removed, the rest follow easily. 2. Place the segments on a flat surface with the ridges facing up. The fingers should be laying flat without any curve in the middle. If the segments are bent, replace the head immediately. 3. To reassemble, replace the segment fingers one at a time to the attachment ring by sliding the grooved attachment ring. The narrow end of the segment fingers portion of the segment fingers over the spring in the point awayfrom the solid side of the attachment ring. Hold these segment fingers in place with your thumb as the remaining segment fingers are inserted. 4. Once the expander head is cleaned and reassembled, a light coat of graphite grease should be applied to the expander cone prior to making any ProPEX connections. Product Information * Wirsbo AQUAPEX and hePEXplus tubing should not be installed where temperatures and pressure exceed their ratings. original boxes. Exposure to direct sunlight for more than 30 days can cause damage to the tubing. AQUAPEX and hePEXplus should not be welded or glued. - An open flame should not be applied to AQUAPEX or hePEXplus tubing. * AQUAPEX and hePEXplus should not be installed with 6 of any single wall gas appliance vent or within 12" of any uninsulated recessed light fixture. electrical ground. * AQUAPEX and hePEXplus should be stored in their * AQUAPEX and hePEXplus cannot be used for an - AQUAPEX' RA- FLOORS AQUASAFE" - 5925 148th STREET WEST. APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 TEL: 800-321-4739. FAX: 952-891-1409 www. wirsbacom @ uponor WIRSEO AQUAPEX@SavesTime and I I I I onev - for Rem H1-e JUNE 2001 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA E very North American understands that when it comes to the work day, time is money. Nowhere does this mean more than in the building industry. John Jacobsen’s Mechanical Contracting Firm, Phoenix Mechanical, reaffirmed this belief when he began using Wirsbo AQUAPEX Professional Plumbing Systems. For several years, Jacobsen has installed miles and miles of AQUAPEX tubing in residential high rises in Western Canada’s Vancouver, British Columbia. The result is time savings, money savings and a more reliable plumbing system. Jacobsen switched to AQUAPEX after learning about the benefits it offers over copper-flexibility, durability, reliable fittings, faster installations and a 25 year history of reliable service. AQUAPEX is also extremely resistant to corrosive water and soil that can eat away at copper pipe. The tubing even comes with a 25 year limited warranty when installed by a Wirsbo trained installer. “The flexibility of AQUAPEX allows us to eliminate many of the fittings that were required with copper,” Jacobsen says. “This means our systems are installed faster at a lower cost.” Vancouver’s largest developers, Concord Pacific. Phoenix Mechanical is currently working with one of Concord Pacific is building 41 residential high/low rises over the next several years. Three of the buildings, with feet of AQUAPEX tubing. more than 300 units, are plumbed with over 120,000 In these buildings, AQUAPEX tubing is tied to structural re-bar in the concrete slab. The flexible coils of tubing eliminate joints within the slab and cut installation time by approximately 50 percent when compared with copper. “I have used AQUAPEX since the day it was approved in Vancouver, and I think it is an absolutely wonderful Jacobsen says. “With product,” AQUAPEX, the in- stallation is fast and easy, and the tubing can be buried directly in concrete-something the codes won’t allow us to do with copper. We put the tubing in a sleeve so that it can be easily removed in case of construction damage.” Energy bylaws in Vancouver also require that all copper tubing used for hot water distribution is insulated. Because AQUAPEX tubing is a good insulator, it is not subject to the same insulation requirement as copper. The money saved by eliminating insulation makes AQUAPEX a worthwhile investment. “The cost of AQUAPEX tubing is similar to the cost of the insulation that would have been required for copper,” Jacobsen says. “You can’t beat savings like that.” Another benefit of the AQUAPEX system is the unique ProPEX’ fitting. Wirsbo’s fittings capitalize on the shape memory of AQUAPEX tubing. A ProPEX expander tool expands the tubing enough for the fitting to be inserted, and the tubing then shrinks around the fitting as it returns to its original shape. The result is a connection that is permanent, leak proof and actually gets stronger over time. “AQUAPEX offers us a complete system that is reliable and that is ideal for both the plumber and the homeowner,” Jacobsen says. “Since I started using it, I won’t use anything else.” @ uponor WIRSBO 5925 1481h STREET WEST. APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 TEL: 800-321-4739. FAX.: 952-891-1409 www. wfrsbo.com SUMMARY OF BENEFITS Fast ZnstaCLztion: The flexibility of AQUAPEX tubing means it requires fewer joints than rigid plumbing systems. Fewer joints save money, time and reduce the risks of leaks. In this job, two people people could only install two units per day. can install five units per day. With copper, two Quiet: The residents of these luxurious high rises do not want noisy plumbing. AQUAPEX tubing has excellent sound dampening characteristics. Water hammer and singing pipes are eliminated. Corrosion Resistance: Vancouver has very acidic water that can eat away at copper pipe over time. AQUAPEX tubing is invulnerable to aggressive water and soils. This means concerns with corroding pipe are eliminated. Reliable Fittings: Wirsbo's fittings use the shape memory of AQUAPEX tubing. This makes them unlike any other fitting system on the market because they are quick, easy and do not require a torch, or a golno go gauge. Best of all, ProPEX fittings allow for visual inspection. This ensures a successful connection. A Proven System: Wirsbo AQUAPEX tubing has been used in plumbing systems around the world for over 25 years, longer than any other flexible tubing product available. In addition to a quarter century of field experience, AQUAPEX has undergone extensive testing at independent testing laboratories. In fact, AQUAPEX tubing has been held under continuous high temperature and pressure for over three decades. A Healthy System: AQUAPEX tubing is completely non-toxic. That means there is no concern with toxins leaching into drinking water from the plumbing system. As an additional benefit, AQUAPEX tubing does not emit any odor or taste. Wirsbo manifolds supply hot and cold water to the fixtures in the building's 300+ units. PROJECT DATA Size of the 3 structures: 300,000 square feet Type of construction: Steel stud Floor construction: Concrete Tubing type: Wirsbo 'h" AQUAPEX Number of manifolds: 2 per suite, 8 suites per floor W tubing Feet of tubing: 68,000' of 'h" tubing and 10,000 of The design information in thls case study is provided lor Illustrative on regional climatic condltlons, project specific heat loss, owner purposes only. The actual requirements of similar projects wiil depend expectations, applicable bullding codes, etc. Piease contact your Wlrsbo representative lor assistance in designing your specific project. 5925 148th STREET WEST. APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 TEL: 800-321-4739 . FAX.: 952-891-1409 www. wrrsbo.com >kc .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :c :o ' m: =u - 'G . .- . +. ziil ~ I?) - ". = OD: n .5 < -n ?3 6 $7 Ll-c ? C WJ $ FOI .-1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1. ! n\o Y-! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 0 ! u 5: 2; nL j: 3' Y - r =I: UN.' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '1 n -. "N? ???P ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. Vi.. c:i zc. 0 .o i 2; j c- . 0 ji Eu :c m & 202' -m>( U K 0 m' lb ?? .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n ., Y: x 3 0: a 2 3: 3.: L nor ??' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Vi ix 2 'E . 25: - TI L- z E> ?S: nQ 0 ? E 30: "b. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ""' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 0. . . . . .... ." . . ... . . . U & 2 0 N - m h . . ... . .. -. m t- ._ VI ?3 b D t C a, . tj 9 > 0 C r ._ L . . . . . . . . . . . .. . &I- . I-1 . .... .5 W r L-i & m r .- -Fi I-0 so m m N 6. > a, N N L :% a5 P N 3 a i "l m m N m N . . .. . 4 I P m m N m P m nm ... c . M .. ._ N 0 P N P .- 2 M 3 e W vi W > 0 g ID P m d m P ?i vi vi 3 e Q needed. You would want it to be reliable, leak-proof and maintenance-free. You would make it as affordable and easy to install as possible. Your perfect plumbing system would be virtually silent. It would keep the water clean, safe and toxin free. And it would be guaranteed to deliver trouble-free performance for over 25 years. It would be an AQUAPEX plumbing system from Wirsbo. ,:$ 'jcj,&+~x' fi;rlrr;iiit , . ystt :: : :.!wee ;{!?,,&es pI-oveil . 'rtm .::q.:,: AQUAPEX plumbing systems have been meeting the demands of discriminating homeowners for over 30 years A unique and innovative plumbing system, it utilizes flexi- ble tubing and offers a number of important advantages over traditional copper systems. These advantages are making AQUAPEX a preferred AQUAPEX tubing won't leach toxins into the plumbing system for new construction and remodeling water or corrode like copper piping. projects alike. A noiseless system, AQUAPEX dampens the sound of rushing water and eliminates water hammer problems. An AQUAPEX system can be installed faster and easier than traditional copper plumbing. AQUAPEX plumbing requires no time- consunilng soldered joints that are prone to leak. AQUAPEX systems are installed without the fire hazards created by soldering guns and torches. A tested and proven system with more than 30 years of trouble-free installations, Wirsbo's AQUAPEX system is hacked by a 25-year limited warranty when installed by a Wirsbo trained plumber. .< g ', 1 .:::; A % . ,.. .. For all the n&bt reasons ~ ~~~ ~~ . "... ."" ~ ~~~~ ~~~ f+aCtk3f - AQUAPEX tubing requires fewer joints than rigid plumbing systems, so it can be installed quickly, easily and with less chance of leaks. ~r~~~@ ~ AQUAPEX has a life expectancy of 100 years and is able to withstand harsh chemicals such as chlorine. ~e~f~~~~ ~ Wirsbo's exclusive PROPEX fittings provide tight, permanent seals without torches, glues and gauges. eristant - AQUAPEX will not corrode, pit or scale like copper tubing. ~/~X~~~~ ~ AQUAPEX is lightweight and easier to handle than rigid piping materials. ~~~~~~~~~~ - Wirsbo offers a thorough training course to ensure that all plumbers installing AQUAPEX maintain the quality and integrity of the system throughout the installation process. ~~~~~~ - More than 5 billion feet of AQUAPEX tubing has been installed worldwide for residential and commercial applications. 25-k%?t?r Limited !&WTi3nby- when installed by a Wirsbo-trained professional. i . : ..._ . . . . . ..:,, ._::: .....,. . .... '.. :... ,: :._ ." ~. . , . ,:. ". . . .. .. ' ' " l'f AQUAPEX tubing is still going strong after more than a quarter century of testing under extreme conditions at BASF's independent testing laboratory in Ludwigshafen, Germany. This is the longest continuous test known to exist on any tubing material. Wirsho AQUAPEX tubing was the first PEX tubing to receive standard grade pressure ratings of 80 psi at 2000 F and 160 psi at 730 F from the Hydrostatic Stress Board (HSE) of the Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI). In a test conducted at Materials Performance, Inc., AQUAPEX passed the most comprehensive testing ever performed on PEX tubing exposed to hot, chlorinated water. Wirsbo AQUAPEX tubing has been tested and approved for potable water applications by the most demanding agencies in the world, including: NSF International, Canadian Standards Association, Springhorn Laboratories in North America, DVGW - Germany, KlWA ~ Netherlands, CTBS - France and BSI -Great Britain. .,~ fitting materiaba In addition to brass fittings, Wirsbo offers ProPEX' fittings and manifolds constructed of Udel Polysulfone (PLS), a proven product of Amoco Polymers, Inc. Wirsbo seleaed PLS for their ProPEX fitting line after years of research in which PLS was shown to offel a number of unique advantages: Durable, affordable and resistant to harsh environments Resistant to high chlorine levels Withstands temperatures as high as 320° F to as low as -4OOF Extrernelystrong, will not pull out of the tube in pull-out tests of 1000 pounds FDA approved as completely non-toxic * Clean, will not leach toxins into drinking water UAPEX Firestop Sealant AQUAPEX Firestop Sealant provides the ultimate in fire protection for AQUAPEX professional plumbing systems. This unique sealant, developed exclusively for use with AQUAPEX tubing, is affordable, safe and proven for use as a firestop and smokestop wherever the plumbing system penetrates a firewall or fire separation. It remains flexible while withstanding tempera- tures that exceed all North American temperature test requirements, typically 1832O F (lOOO°C) for up to two hours ~... ~ " - .~ ~ ~ .~~ . . F~ere-rcrc..;":~ ' : 1 While no piping is freeze-proof, AQUAPEX tubing is remark- ablyfreeze resistant. The tubing expands to accommodate a freeze. This feature makes it ideal for use in seasonal cottages, underground lines or walls susceptible to freezing. Why pfrj,rl y i . . Y prefer ,q z$ I. ,: The AQUAPEX System is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for plumbing professionals across the country, for a lot of good reasons: m The AQUAPEX system is the most installer-friendly system on the market today. The PEX coil lengths are much easier to handle than awkward rigid copper pipe. m The AQUAPEX system, combined with ProPEX technology, reduces plumbing rough-in time to a fraction of that required for copper. Wirsbo's reputation for quality, long term product testing, and installer training programs a5sures homeowners of the finest, most maintenance-free, plumbing system available - anywhere. Perfect plumbing ~~~~9~~~~~~~ every time! ProPEXfittings make solid, permanent connections without messy primers and solvents, or dangerous torches. The ProPEX system takes advantage of AQUAPEX tubing's unique "shape memory" to create an incredibly strong connection. Within seconds the tubing forming a tight seal as shrinks around the fitting it tries to return to its original shape. I . ,. - Tested and listed to NSF 61 for water purity. * Tested and listed in accordance with NSF 14, AST - Listed with IAPMO, ICSO. SBCCI, CSA and NSF. %. F877, F1960. F1807and UL 1821. Approved by the IPC, NSPC and UPC. i wirsbo - more areat reasons to come with US... Wirsbo Radiant Floors Wirsbo Radiant Floors are synonymous with home comfort. When your floors become a large, mild, efficient radiator, your home is cozy without noise, drafts or high heating bills. In addition to providing comfortable. efficient heat for homes and businesses, Wirsbo radiant heat technology is used for melting snow and ice from sidewalks, streets, drive- ways and even outdoor football fields. Wirsbo AQUASAFE Wirsbo, an experienced and respected international Fire Protection Systems company, has been sening home comfort standards for The Wirsbo AQUASAFE Fire Protection System is the most more than a quarter century. Founded in 1620, we're proud effective protection against a house fire - and one of the of our enviable reputation for quality and dependability as most important safety features a family can include in their the manufacturer of choice for PEX tubing. home. Designed to save lives and protect families, homes, and possessions from fire, the high quality, low-cost AQUASAFE system is incorporated in the AQUAPEX plumbing system. Using heat-activated sprinkler heads, the AQUASAFE system can extinguish a fire within seconds after it starts. Wirsbo's Home Comfort Team "' Proper installation is the key to effective radiant floor heating. Wirsbo offers the most complete installation training in the industry. The Wirsbo Home Comfort Team program for heating and plumbing contractors includes a rigorous hands-on program to ensure that Wirsbo's quality components are installed by the most knowledgeable people in the industry. For information on a Home Comfort Team member in your area, call 800-321-4739. Today, Wirsbo leads the industry with comfortable radiant floor heating systems for residential and commercial applications. We are well-known for our innovative plumbing systems. And now, we are setting new stan- dards with high quality fire protection systems. All of our systems are designed for installation by plumb- ing and heating professionals. Wirsbo. We're moving ahead with great people, great products, a great guarantee - and a great future. Come With Us. AOUAPEX' AOUASAFE" FIADIANT FLOORS : .. . . .. . @ uponor WlRSEO"!' 'lhe firturc has never been brighter at Wirslm - and it shows. Our 2001 Wmbo Plumhing Catalog continues to imprnve and highlight products that are designed to enhance yonr plumbing business. It certainly hzs for tho% plumbing with PEX tubing. Thousand3 2001.. . anming, isn't it? It's almost likr the future hay amived. Sy-stcm is not only the fun~rc,but it's happening right now. of plumbers have come to see that the Wusho AQIJAPW The benefits to plumbers and homeowners alike are jnst impossible to ignore which explains the tremendous growth in plnmbing with AQUAPM". NO doubt yodve noticed our new company me - UponorWrsk). Upnor is Wirsb-bo's parent company and they are woking on a new new logo that combine Uponor and Wirslx, to capitalize on the and improved hmding smtegy 'Illis new strategy includes a market awareness and excellent reputation sharcd hy both companies. We arr proud to add Uponor to our Wirsho name, and zs aJwqs, our mission is to support you and your bushes with up-to-date technology and reliable products. As we've said before, it's about partnership, profits and peace of mind - we hope you agree. Your feedback md hiit on pmducts and instahtion techniques continue to be invaluahlc and much apprcciated. Come with us.. . Together, we're chaqqng the way people live. Sincerely Joe Pauley President I www. wirsbo.com 1-800-321 -4739 a uponor WIRSBO TABLE OF CONTENTS Plumbing Section Page Tubing ........................................................................................................ 1 Manifolds .................................................................................................. 2-5 ProPEX@ Fittings .................................................................................... 6-13 ProPEX@ PLS Fittings .................................................................... 6-7 ProPEX@ Brass Fittings .............................................................. 8-11 ProPEX@ DZR Brass Fittings .................................................... 12-13 Valves .................................................................................................. 13-1 6 Installation Aids .................................................................................... 17-19 Tools .......................................................................................................... 20 Expander Tools .................................................................................... 21 -22 Price SheetslShipping Weights Price Sheets/Shipping Weights ............................................................ 23-31 ... ..... ... ... .. .. .... Wirsbo PEX is one of the most proven tubing materials in the world. The testing history of Wirsbo PEX began in 1968 when Wirsbo acquired the testing rights to a cross-linking process developed by Thomas Engel. Wirsbo PEX is manufactured from 100 percent virgin polyethylene flake. The material is not compounded and does not use plasticizers, regrind, fillers or colorants resulting in remarkably clean water distribution tubing. Wirsbo AQUAPfP carries the NSF-pw seal for use in potable water plumbing systems and can be used in heating systems that are isolated from ferrous components or are ferrous free systems. Professionals Prefer Wirsbo PEX: Durable & Reliable Extensively lab & field tested Faster, easier installations Stress & chemical resistant Price competitive & stable 25 year warranty* * When installed by a Wirsbo trained plumber Proven Performance Wirsbo PEX tubing has been used in heating systems since 1970, in plumbing systems since 1971 and under long term high temperature/high pressure testing by a third party laboratory since 1973. The proven toughness of Wirsbo PEX tubing makes it uniquely suited to stand up to the most demanding installation conditions. 1-800-32 1-4739 @)nor IRSBO www. wirsbo. corn c AQUAPEX" AQUALPEX@ mbing AQUAPEX" (Engel method cross-linked polyethylene) is tubing for hot and cold A) tubino is rated and listed bv the Hvdrostatic Desian Stress Board of PPI at; '3 i~ F 9.. 3/d AQUAPEX- %" AQUAPEX" 3/8" AQUAPEX" %" AQUAPEX"' %' AQUAPEX"* Y.'' AQUAPEX" W AQUAPEX'* %" AQUAPEX@ %" AQUAPEX- 1 " AQUAPEX- 1" AQUAPEXO 1" AQUAPEX* 1'4 AQUAPEX" 1%" AQUAPEX" 100 R. coil 1000 11. coil 400 n. coil 300 11. coil 100 11. coil 1000 fl. coil 100 ft. coil 300 fl. coil 500 R. coil 300 R. coil 100 fl. coil 500 fl. coil 100 R. coil loon. COII 50 18 22 12 18 16 8 12 12 8 5 10 6 10 F1040250 F1090375 F1120375 F1040500 F1060500 F1120500 F1040750 F1060750 F1100750 F1041000 F1061000 FllOlOOO F1061250 F1061500 $0.40 $0.44 $0.44 $0.52 $0.52 $0.52 $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 $2.50 $2.95 $176.00 $42.00 $440.00 $52.00 $156.00 $520.00 $255.00 $85.00 $425.00 5147.00 $441.00 $735.00 $250.00 $295.00 * Note: Wirsbo '/2" AQUAPEX" tubing is listed to UL 1821 and carries an additional rating of 120" Fat 130 psi. Straight Lengths % AQUAPEX- 20 ft. straight length, 15lpkg '/2" AQUAPEX- 20 fl. straight length, 25ipkg F1930500 $0.52 $260.00 F1930750 1" AQUAPEX* 20 11. straight length, 10lpkg $0.85 $255.00 F1921000 $1.47 $294.00 AQUALPEX@ Riser AQUAPEX" risers must be installed with delrin rinas (included with the risers) %"x 12" %" x 20 14 x 30 '4 x 36 X" x 12" %"x20 AQUAPEX- Lav Riser AQUAPEX- Lav Riser AQUAPEX- La" Riser AQUAPEX* Lav Riser AQUAPEX- Closet Riser AQUAPEX* Closet Riser (% O.D.) (% O.D.) (W O.D.) (% O.D.) (% O.D.) (W O.D.) F1072512 F1072520 F1072530 F1072536 F1082512 F1082520 100 100 100 100 100 100 $0.60 $0.90 $1 25 $1.65 $0.70 $0.90 $60.00 $90.00 $125.00 $165.00 $70.00 $90.00 'A' Delrin Ring (%" O.D.) a4440250 50 '4 AQUAPEXO Riser Washer' NIA (%" O.D.) 04300250 100 $3.00 N/A $8.00 *Note: Wirsbo recommends %" AQUAPEX" riser washers be used in hot water applications. Description IA IB %' nom. AQUAPEX* I .zzg I ,375 www. wirsbo.com &)nor IRSBO 1-800-321-4739 1 Wirsbo PLS Manifolds The Clean Water Management System Wirsbo AOUACENTERTM When you're installing a plumbing system with Wirsbo AQUAPEX*, isn't a big part of the appeal the fact that you tubing or worry about toxins that can leach from metal piping into the water they are drinking. are providing homeowners with a pure, clean water distribution system? No more dirty build-up inside copper Well, Wirsbo's AQUACENTER" family, both the Valveless Manifold and the Flow Through Manifold, are made of polysulfone (PLS) -an incredibly strong and proven plastic that is durable, affordable and resistant to harsh environments. The AQUACENTER" is a perfect match for the clean AQUAPEXe System. Using the AQUACENTERTM Manifolds together with Wirsbo AQUAPEXa, you have a durable system that's easily installed, efficient, healthful and takes advantage of the revolutionary ProPEXe fitting. PLS Branch Manifold This is the gem of many a plumber. This V4" manifold is made of durable PLS and comes with four 'h" ProPEX" outlets. It makes branching off for fixture supply quick and easy. For ease of installation and quality, this is a value that just can't be beat. 2 7-800-321 -4739 span r WlbSSO www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" ~ ProPEXa PLS Manifold-The AQUACENTER" Wirsbo's AQUACENTERTM Valveless Manifold is available with 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 ProPEX" outlets. The AQUACENTERTM is made of PLS, the same durable material used in Wirsbo's PLS fittings. Note: ProPEXW Tool required. ProPEXm Rings must be purchased separately. .. .. AOUACENTERTM, 4 loop valveless with 3/" ProPEX- end 02200400 1 10 524.00 AOUACENTERTM. 6 loop valveless with 3/i ProPEX- end 02200600 1 10 532.00 AOUACENTERTM, 8 loop valveless with Y4" ProPEX* end 02200800 1 10 $40.00 AOUACENTERTM, 10 loop valveless with W ProPEX* end 02201000 1 10 544.00 AOUACENTERTM, 12 loop valveless with % ProPEX" end 02201200 1 10 548.00 AQUACENTERTM, 8 loop valveless with 1" ProPEX- end 02210800 1 10 $40.00 AQUACENTER", 10 loop valveless with 1" ProPEXB end 02211000 1 10 $44.00 AQUACENTER", 12 loop valveless with 1" ProPEXB end 02211200 1 10 $48.00 ProPEXm PLS Manifold - Flow Through Wirsbo's AQUACENTERTM Flow Through Valveless Manifold, available in 4, 6, 8, 3/4" and 1" ProPEX" outlets. The AQUACENTERO is made of PLS. the same 10 and 12 ProPEX' connections. The manifolds come with 1" ProPEX" inlet and durable material used in Wirsbo's PLS fittings. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. L .. .. .. 1" x ?I," PLS Manifold, 4 outlet (W) 1" x %4" PLS Manifold, 6 outlet (W) 1" x %" PLS Manifold, 8 outlet (W) 1" x %," PLS Manifold, 10 outlet (%") 1" x %" PLS Manifold, 12 outlet (W) 02240400 1 10 530.00 02240600 1 10 536.00 02240800 1 10 545.00 02241000 1 10 552.00 02241200 1 10 559.00 e 1" x 1" PLS Manifold, 4 outlet ('K) 1" x 1" PLS Manifold, 6 outlet (W) 02250400 1 10 532.00 02250600 1 10 538.00 ProPEX@ PLS Branch Manifold Wirsbo's PLS Branch Manifold has a 3/4" ProPEX" inlet and outlet with 'E ProPEXa branch outlets. The Branch Manifold is made of PLS, the durable material used in Wirsbo's PLS fittings. "_ % PLS Branch Manifold, 4 outlets ('K) 02247557 10 100 $15.00 www. wirsbo.com IRSEO 1-800-321-4739 3 4 7-800-321 -4739 AQUAPEX" Copper 1" Valved Manifold Copper 1" Manifolds (type "L copper) with %" ProPEXa outlets. Soldered valve connection allows for simple and easy isolation of individual loops. Sections can be sweat together to extend the number of outlets using a standard 1" copper ends are copper tube size and will require a copper end cap, coupling or coupling. Do not exceed accepted flow rates for 1" nominal copper. Both 1" transition fitting to make the proper system connection. 1" CU Valved Manifold, 4 - 'fl outlets 1" CU Valved Manifold, 6 - 'fl outlets 1" CU Valved Manifold, 8 - >fl outlets 1" CU Valved Manifold, 10 - W outlets 1" CU Valved Manifold, 12 - W outlets Q2500400 1 NIA $52.00 Q2500600 1 NIA $77.50 02500800 1 NIA $104.00 Q2501000 1 NIA 5126.00 02501200 1 NIA 5155.00 Prop- 1 " Copper Manifold w/ 5%'' Outlets ProPEXa 1" Manifold (type "L copper) with 3/s' ProPEX" brass fittings brazed to manifold trunk. Sweat together to get the correct number of outlets. Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. .I :I : . .. 1" ProPEX" Manifold, 4 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX" Manifold, 6 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX- Manifold. 6 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX" Manifold, 10 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX" Manifold, 12 outlets (W) a2801038 1 NIA 520.15 a2mo38 1 N/A 537.75 Q2811038 1 N/A $29.20 Q2631038 1 NIA $55.00 Q2641038 1 NIA 565.00 ProPEm 1 " Copper Manifold w/ W' Outlets manifold trunk. Sweat together to create the desired number of outlets. ProPEX" 1" Manifold (type "L" copper) with %" ProPEX" brass fittings brazed to Note: ProPEX" Tool reauired. ProPEXW Rinas must be purchased separatelv, 1" ProPEX- Manifold, 4 outlets ('W) 1" ProPEX@ Manifold, 6 outlets ('W) 1" ProPEX- Manifold, 6 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX- Manifold, 10 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX@ Manifold. 12 outlets (W) Q2801050 1 N/A $22.00 Q2821050 1 NIA $38.00 Q2811050 1 NIA $30.00 Q2631050 1 N/A $46.00 02641050 1 NIA $56.00 ProPEX@ 1" Copper Manifold w/ l/2" Outlet and %4" ProPEXm End ProPEXO 1" Manifold (type "L" copper) with %' ProPEXW brass fittings brazed to manifold trunk and one % ProPEX' fitting brazed to manifold end. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rinas must be purchased separately. 1" ProPEX" Manifold wlone % ProPEX" end, 3 outlets ('W) 1" ProPEX- Manlfold wlone % ProPEX' end, 4 outlets ('W) 1" ProPEX- Manifold done 3/n" ProPEX" end, 6 outlets (>W) 1" ProPEXe Manifold wione 3/n' ProPEX- end, 6 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX- Manifold wlone % ProPEX" end, 10 outlets (W) 1" ProPEX" Manifold wione % ProPEXe end, 12 outlets (W) f&lf IRSBO Q2905050 Q2617550 Q2627550 Q2637550 02647550 0~807550 1 N/A $22.00 1 N/A $25.00 1 N/A $33.00 1 N/A $41.00 1 N/A $49.00 ij 1 N/A $59.00 www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" ProPEX* 1 " Copper Manifold w/ %" Outlets and 3/" ProPEX@ Ends 1%- ProPEX" 1" Manifold (type "L copper) with 1/2" ProPEXe brass fittings brazed to manifold trunk, and two 3/4" ProPEXa fittings brazed to manifold ends. f 1" ProPEX. Manifold witwo %" ProPEX' ends, 4 outlets (W) Q2807557 1 N/A $29.00 1" ProPEX- Manifold w/two % ProPEX- ends, 8 outlets (M") Q2827557 1 N/A $45.00 1" ProPEX" Manifold wltwo Y4'' ProPEXB ends, 6 outlets (W) Q2817557 1 N/A $37.00 1" ProPEX- Manifold w/two %" ProPEX- ends, 10 outlets ('E) 02837557 1 N/A 553.00 1" ProPEX" Manifold w/two %" ProPEXB ends, 12 outlets (W) Q2847557 1 N/A $62.00 Copper 1 " Manifold w/ l!" Copper Outlets Copper 1" Manifold (type "L" copper) with %" nominal branches. Can be sweat together to create the desired number of outlets. Branches are brazed to manifold trunk. Use %" ProPEX" adapters to make connections to AQUAPEXm. Requires 1" copper end cap. 1" Copper Manifold, 2 ('E outlets, 1%' on center) 1" Copper Manifold, 3 ('X outlets, 1 %" on center) F2751050 1 N/A $17.00 F2741050 1 N/A $15.00 1" Copper Manifold, 4 ('N outlets, 1%" on center) F2761050 1 N/A $18.00 0 Copper 1 " Manifold w/ %" Copper Outlets together to create the desired number of outlets. Branches are brazed to Copper 1" Manifold (type "L" copper) with % nominal branches. Can be sweat manifold trunk. Use % ProPEXO adapters to make connections to AQUAPEX". Requires 1" copper end cap. 1" Copper Manifold, 2 p/." outlets, 1%' on center) F2741075 1 N/A $15.50 1" Copper Manifold, 3 (%outlets, 1%" on center) F2751075 1 N/A $16.00 c www. wirsbo.com f 1" M" 1 L T 1 " 1-800-321-4739 5 AQUAPEX" __ ProPEX@ Rings ProPEX* Ring. Made from Engel PEX tubing, ProPEXd Rings slide over end of tubing to make a ProPEXe connection. Red and blue writing is used to help distinguish hot and cold lines. ProPEX- Ring % (while with red writing) Q4690301 50 250 $0.10 ProPEX" Ring % (white with blue writing) Q4690302 50 250 $0.10 ProPEX@ Ring 'M (white with red writing) 04690501 50 250 $0.10 ProPEX- Ring 'fl (white with blue writing) Q4690502 50 250 $0.10 ProPEX- Ring (white with red writing) 04690751 50 250 $0.20 ProPEX- Ring (white with blue writing) 04690752 50 250 $0.20 ProPEX- Ring 1" (white with blue writing) 04681000 50 250 $0.35 ProPEX- Ring 1W (white with black writing) 04681250 10 150 $0.55 ProPEX" Ring 1" (white with black writing) Q4681500 5 100 $0.70 6 1-800-32 1-4739 ProPEXm PLS Coupling ProPEX" Coupling (PLS). Use to make AQUAPEXe connections Note: ProPEX" Tool required ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately, PLS Coupling, Ye'' PEX x 3/d PEX PLS Coupling, '/2" PEX x Vd PEX PLS Coupling, )/b" PEX x 3W PEX PLS Coupling, 1" PEX x 1" PEX Q4773838 25 100 $0.65 I24775050 25 100 $0.75 04777575 25 100 $0.95 Q4771010 10 100 $1.35 ProPEX@ PLS Elbow ProPEXe Elbow (PLS). Use to make 90" connections Note: ProPEX* Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. PLS Elbow, 'M PEX x PEX PLS Elbow, )/b" PEX x % PEX PLS Elbow, 1" PEX x 1" PEX 04760500 25 100 $1.00 I24760750 25 100 $1.15 04761000 10 100 $2.75 ProPEXa PLS Tee ProPEX" Tee (PLS). Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX- Rings must be purchased separately. PLS Tee, *IS PEX x >IS PEX x 'M PEX PLS Tee, W PEX x PEX x PEX PLSTee. 1" PEX x 1" PEX x 1" PEX I24755050 25 100 $1.00 Q4757575 25 100 $1.60 Q4751010 10 100 $3.00 @)lllu IRSBO www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" ProPEX" Reducing Tee (PLS). Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEXa Rings must be purchased separately ProPEX@ PLS Reducing Tee - A - B- C PLS Tee, PEX x 3/1" PEX x %" PEX PLS Tee, % PEX x '1' PEX x 'X PEX PLS Tee, % PEX x 'E PEX x % PEX PLS Tee, 1" PEX x % PEX x 1" PEX PLS Tee, 1" PEX x %' PEX x 3/1" PEX PLS Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x W PEX PLS Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x % PEX 04757550 25 100 $1.35 04757555 25 100 51.70 Q4757557 25 100 51.70 04751751 10 100 52.95 (14751775 10 100 52.75 I24751150 10 100 52.95 04751175 10 100 $2.95 ProPEX@ PLS PEX Plug ProPEX" Plug (PLS) for pressure testing and permanent plug installations. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. PLS Plug, 3/d PEX PLS Plug, '/2" PEX PLS Plug, %" PEX PLS Plug, 1" PEX Q 04350375 25 100 $0.60 Q4350500 25 100 $0.60 04350750 25 100 $0.85 04351000 10 100 $1.45 ProPEX@ PLS Swivel Faucet Adapter ProPEX" Swivel Faucet Adapter (PLS). Use to connect %" AQUAPEX" tubing to male NPSM faucet connections. Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. PLS Swivel Faucet Adapter, Vi PEX 04360500 25 100 $1.40 ProPEX@ PLS Swivel Closet Adapter II C ProPEXm Swivel Closet Adapter (PLS with plastic nut). Use to connect 3/a" or %" AQUAPEX" tubing to water closet. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. .. PLS Swivel Closet Adapter, ?/s" PEX 04340375 25 100 $2.00 PLS Swivel Closet Adapter. %" PEX 04340500 25 100 $2.00 c www. wirsbo.com bIpZss0 on r 1-800-321 -4739 7 8 AQUAPEX" ...,,.,.,,.,,, :., ~ ProPEX@ Brass Coupling ProPEXO Coupling (brass). Use to make AQUAPEXa connections. Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. Brass Coupling. 3W PEX x 3/8' PEX Q4543838 25 100 51.60 Brass Coupling, ?/d PEX x %' PEX 04543850 25 loo $3.00 Brass Coupling, %" PEX x '/2" PEX 04545050 25 loo 51.50 Brass Coupling, 'X PEX x % PEX Q4545075 25 100 54.60 Brass Coupling, % PEX x PEX Q4547575 25 100 $3.25 Brass Coupling, %" PEX x 1" PEX Q4547510 10 100 $5.50 Brass Coupling, 1" PEX x 1" PEX 04541010 10 100 $5.80 ProPEXa Poly Adapter (PEX to Polyethylene) AQUAPEP tubing. Does not include hose clamps. ProPEX" Poly Adapter (brass). Use to transition black polyethylene pipe to Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEXO Rings must be purchased separately. PEX lo Polyethylene Adapter, 1" PEX x Poly Barb Q4591075 10 100 56.80 PEX to Polyethylene Adapter, 1" PEX x 1" Poly Barb 04591010 10 100 57.20 1-800-321 -4739 ProPEXa Polybutylene Adapter (PEX to PB) AQUAPEXm tubing. ProPEX" Polybutylene Adapter (brass). Use to transition polybutylene pipe to Note: ProPEXa Tool reauired. ProPEXa Rinas must be purchased separately. PEX lo Polybutylene Adapter, '/2" PEX x '/2" PB PEX to Polybutylene Adapter, ?/n' PEX x % PB ProPEXa PEX to Male NPT threads. ProPEX" Male NPT (brass). Use to connect AQUAPEX" tubing to male NPT Note: ProPEX" tool reauired. ProPEXa rinas must be purchased seoaratelv. - .. -I I .. .. . . .. Male NPT, 3/s' PEX x '/d NPT Q4523850 25 100 $2.00 Male NPT, '/d PEX x %" NPT Male NPT, '/2" PEX x % NPT Male NPT, PEX x W NPT Q4525075 25 100 $2.55 i Q4527575 25 100 53.00 Male NPT, PEX x 1" NPT 04527510 IO loo $4.50 Male NPT, 1" PEX x % NPT Q4521075 10 100 $4.00 Male NPT, 1" PEX x 1" NPT Q4521010 10 100 55.15 04525050 25 loo 51.60 fiponor WIRSEO" www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" ProPEXa PEX to Female NPT ProPEXW Female NPT (brass). Use to connect AQUAPEX" tubing to female NPT threads. Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEXm Rings must be purchased separately Female NPT, jfl PEX x IN NPT Female NPT, 'M PEX x NPT Female NPT, 3/n" PEX x% NPT Female NPT, PEX x 1" NPT Female NPT. 1" PEX x Ya'' NPT Female NPT, 1" PEX x 1" NPT 04575050 25 100 $3.30 04575075 25 100 $3.50 04577575 25 100 $3.70 04577510 10 100 $9.00 04571075 10 100 $6.50 04571010 10 100 $8.00 ProPEX@ Copper Adapter ProPEX" Adapter (brass). Use to transition AQUAPEX" tubing to copper pipe Note: ProPEXe Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. ,I Adapter, % PEX x 'N CU 04513850 25 100 $1.80 Adapter, 'N PEX x 'N CU Adapter, 'W PEX x3/i CU 04515075 25 100 $2.10 Adapter, 3/n" PEX x 'fl CU 04517550 25 100 $2.25 Adapter, $/i PEX x % CU Adapter, % PEX x 1" CU 04517575 25 100 52.75 AdaDter. 1" PEX x 1" CU 04517510 10 100 $3.75 04511010 10 100 $4.40 :, . . .. a4515050 25 loo $1.05 ProPEXa Copper Fitting Adapter fittings. ProPEX" Fittlng Adapter (brass). Use to transition AQUAPEXe tubing to copper Note: ProPEXa Tool rewired. ProPEXa Rinas must be purchased SeDarateIV ProPEXO Brass Elbow ProPEX" Elbow (brass). Use to make 90" connections. Note: ProPEXO Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately, Brass Elbow. PEX x 'fl PEX Brass Elbow, 3/i PEX x PEX Brass Elbow. 1" PEX x 1" PEX 04710500 25 100 $2.20 04710750 25 100 $3.30 04711000 10 100 $5.95 www. wirsbo.com 1-800-321-4739 9 \- lo 1-800-321 -4739 AQUAPEX" ProPEXa MIP Elbow PEX to Male NPT yy ProPEX" Elbow (Brass). Use to make 90" connections. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. Brass Elbow, W PEX x 'M MNPT a4125050 25 100 57.00 ProPEW Drop Ear Elbow (PEX to Female NPT) stud wall or penetrates a floor. Provides rigid 90" and the ability to secure AQUAPEXa tubing where it exits a Drop Ear Elbow, PEX to W Female NPT Drop Ear Elbow, %" PEX to %" Female NPT 04233850 25 100 $4.95 a4235050 25 100 $4.50 ProPEXa Brass Tee ProPEX* Tee (brass). Note: ProPEXa Tool reauired. ProPEX" Rinas must be ourchased seoaratelv Brass Tee, W PEX x 'M PEX x Vi PEX Brass Tee, %" PEX x % PEX x PEX Brass Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x 1" PEX 25 100 25 100 10 100 $2.60 $4.50 $8.00 ProPEXa Brass Reducing Tee ProPEXO Reducing Tee (brass). Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEX" Rinas must be Durchased SeDaratelv, - A - B E Brass Tee, 'M PEX x 'X PEX x % PEX Brass Tee, % PEX x 31 PEX x '/d PEX Brass Tee, % PEX x %" PEX x %" PEX Brass Tee, %" PEX x ?/i PEX x 3/d PEX Brass Tee, % PEX x % PEX x 1" PEX BrassTee, 1" PEX x W PEX x 1" PEX Brass Tee, 1" PEX x % PEX x % PEX Brass Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x '/2" PEX Brass Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x W PEX a4705575 25 100 $4.50 04707550 25 100 $4.50 a4707555 25 100 $4.50 04707710 10 100 $8.00 a4701751 10 100 $8.00 a4701775 10 100 $8.00 Q4701150 10 100 $8.00 a4701175 10 100 58.00 a4707557 25 100 $4.50 ProPEXa Brass PEX Plug ProPEXO Plug (brass). Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEX' Rings must be purchased separately, Brass Plug, W PEX Brass Plug, W PEX Brass Plug, W PEX Brass Plug, 1" PEX 04533838 25 100 $1.20 04535050 25 100 50.90 a4537575 25 loo 51.60 www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" bf ProPEX@ Brass Swivel Faucet Adapter % ProPEX" Swivel Faucet Adapter (brass). Use to connect 3/8 or 'fl AQUAPEXe tubing to male NPSM faucet connections. Note: ProPEXM Tool required. ProPEXe Rings must be purchased separately. .. .. . .. Brass Swivel Faucet Adapter, 3/s' PEX Brass Swivel Faucet Adapter, 'E PEX 04653850 25 100 53.90 04655050 25 100 53.10 ProPEXa Brass Swivel Closet Adapter ProPEX" Swivel Closet Adapter (brass with plastic nut). Use to connect 3/8" or %" AQUAPEXm tubing to water closet. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. Brass Swivel Closet Adapter, M PEX Brass Swivel Closet Adapter, W PEX 04643850 25 100 54.00 04645050 25 100 54.00 ProPEX@ Copper Tub EL ProPEX" Copper Tub El. Provides a 90" transition from tub and shower valve to AQUAPEX". 0 Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. .. . .. Copper Tub El, ?W PEX x '12" CU (3" x 4") Copper Tub El. '/2" PEX x '/2" CU (3" x 4") 02883850 25 100 $4.60 02885050 25 100 54.50 Copper Tub El. %' PEX x '/2" CU (3" x 6") 02875050 25 100 54.50 ProPEX@ Copper Stub EL ProPEXa Copper Stub El. Provides a 90" transition from AQUAPEXe to copper. Note: ProPEXe Tool required. ProPEXa Rings must be purchased separately. Copper Stub El, 3/8' PEX x '/2" CU (3% x 8") Copper Stub El. 'X PEX x '/2" CU (3% x 8") Copper Stub El, 3/n' PEX x W CU (4 x 8") Copper Stub El, W PEX x W CU (13" x 8') Copper Stub El, 'h' PEX x '/2" CU (8" x 13) 02863850 25 100 55.00 02865050 25 100 $4.90 02897575 25 NIA $10.25 02855050 25 100 56.75 02895050 25 100 56.75 ProPEX@ Copper Straight Stub ProPEXw Copper Stub. Provides a straight transition from AQUAPEX'to copper. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX' Rings must be purchased separately. :., . 02935050 25 100 54.90 02945050 25 100 55.90 . .. Copper Straight Stub, (8') Vi PEX x '/i CU Copper Straight Stub. (15") W PEX x '/2" CU www. winbo.com +#lor IRSBO 1 -800-32 1-4739 1 1 AQUAPEX" ~ DZR (Dezincification Resistant) Brass fittings are available for use in domestic potable water systems. DZR brass is highly resistant to aggressive soil and water and ideal for direct burial installations. 12 1-800-32 1-4739 ProPEXa DZR Brass Coupling ProPEX" coupling (DZR brass). Use to make AQUAPEX' connections. Safe for burial in the soil. Note: ProPEX- Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. DZR Brass Coupling, % PEX x % PEX DZR Brass Coupling, 1" PEX x 1" PEX DZR Brass Coupling, IW PEX x lW PEX DZR Brass Coupling, 1%" PEX x 1%" PEX G4547575 10 N/A $4.20 G4541010 10 NIA $5.80 G4541313 10 N/A $13.00 G4541515 10 N/A $18.00 ProPEW DZR Brass PEX to Male NPT ProPEXe Male NPT (DZR brass). Use to connect AQUAPEX" tubing to male NPT threads. Safe for burial in the soil. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately DZR Brass Male NPT. % PEX x NPT DZR Brass Male NPT, 1" PEX x 1" NPT DZR Brass Male NPT, 1%" PEX x 1X NPT DZR Brass Male NPT, 1%" PEX x 1'/i NPT G4527575 10 NIA $4.50 G4521010 10 N/A $8.00 G4521313 10 N/A $11.50 '1; G4521515 10 N/A $16.00 ProPEXa DZR Brass PEX to Female NPT ProPEXe Female NPT (DZR brass). Use to connect AQUAPEX" tubing to female NPT threads. Safe for burial in the soil. Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEXa Rings must be purchased separately. DZR Brass Female NPT. % PEX x % NPT G4577575 10 NIA $6.75 DZR Brass Female NPT, 1" PEX x 1" NPT G4571010 10 NIA $8.50 DZR Brass Female NPT, IW PEX x lW NPT G4571313 10 NIA $17.75 DZR Brass Female NPT, 1'/d PEX x 1'H NPT G4571515 10 N/A $21.00 ProPEXO DZR Brass Copper Adapter ProPEX" Adapter (DZR brass). Use to transition AQUAPEX" tubing to copper pipe. Safe for burial in the soil. Note: ProPEX* Tool required. ProPEXa Rings must be purchased separately. DZR Brass Adapter, W PEX x % CU DZR Brass Adapter, 1" PEX x 1" CU DZR Brass Adapter, 1 '/2 PEX x 1V." CU DZR Brass Adapter, 1%" PEX x l'/i CU i)&nar IRSEO G4517575 10 NIA $4.75 G4511010 10 N/A $5.75 G4511313 10 N/A $9.50 G4511515 10 NIA $15.50 www. wirsbo.com " AQUAPEX" ~ ProPEX" DZR Brass Fitting Adapter copper fittings. Safe for burial in soil. ProPEX" Fitting Adapter (DZH brass). Use to transition AQUAPEX" tubing to Note: ProPEXB Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. DZR Brass Fittlng Adapler,l%' PEX x 1 W CU DZR Brass Fitting Adapter,l'h'' PEX x 1W CU G4501313 10 NIA 59.50 G4501515 10 NIA $15.00 ProPEX@ DZR Brass Elbow ProPEXm Elbow (DZR brass). Use to make 90" connections. Safe for burial in the soil. Note: ProPEXe Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. DZR Brass Elbow, PEX x 3/r" PEX DZR Brass Elbow, 1" PEX x 1" PEX DZR Brass Elbow, lW PEX x 1W PEX DZR Brass Elbow, 1'K PEX x 1" PEX G4710750 10 NIA 59.00 G4711000 10 NIA $10.00 G4711250 10 N/A $14.00 G4711500 10 NIA 520.50 Compression Ansle Stop Valve - - - Compression Angle Stop Valve (chrome plated). Point-of-use valve for shut-off at fixture. Connects 3X AQUAPEX" P/d 0. D.i and '/2" AQUAPEX@ (W 0. D.I to W 0. D. riser. Comoression inserk and rinas included: Angle Stop lor %" PEX Angle Slop tor 'K PEX F4410375 10 100 57.25 F4410500 10 100 55.80 Compression Straight Stop Valve Compression Straight Stop Valve (chrome plated). Point-of-use valve for shut-off at fixture. Connects '/$ AQUAPEXm (5K 0. D.) to YE" 0. D. riser. Compression inserts and rings included. Straight Stop for %" PEX F4420500 10 NIA 57.00 www. wirsbo. corn 1-800-321-4739 13 AQUAPEX" - Compression Insert AQUAPEXm insert (stainless steel) . Must be used with compression straight and angie stops. Do not Substitute similar inserts. %" AQUAPEX" Insert (stainless steel) Yd AQUAPEX" Insert (stainless steel) '/i AQUAPEXB Insert (stainless steel) - 1-800-321 -4739 F5400250 10 100 $0.40 F5400375 10 100 $0.65 F5400500 10 100 $0.50 Compression Ring Compression Ring (brass). Replacement part. Use with straight and angle stops. .. =N Compression Rings (brass) %" Compression Rings (brass) F4440375 10 100 $0.30 F4440500 10 100 $0.40 ProPEX@ Straight Stop Valve connection to 3/8" and %" AQUAPEXa. ProPEX" Straight Stop Valve. Point-of-use valve for shut-off at fixture. PEX x PEX Note: ProPEXw Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately ProPEX" Stop, PEX x 3N PEX ProPEX- Stop, 'K PEX x %" PEX a4433838 10 100 $5.00 04435050 10 100 ProPEX@ Angle Stop Valve vaive for shut-off at fixture. Connects 1W AQUAPEXe (W 0. D.) to 3/8" 0. D. riser. ProPEXm Angle Stop Valve (chrome plated) for %" PEX. Standard point-of-use Note: ProPEX" Tool reauired. ProPEX" Rinas must be Durchased seoaratelv ProPEX- Angle Stop for 'K PEX a4855038 10 100 54.80 ProPEXm Straight Stop Valve ProPEXe Straight Stop Valve (chrome plated) for %" PEX. Standard point-of-use valve for shut-off at fixture. Connects l/2" AQUAPEX" (W 0. D.) to 3/8" 0. D. riser. Note: ProPEX* Tool reauired. ProPEX" Rinas must be Durchased SeDaratelv. ProPEXe Straight Stop for '/i PEX a4865038 10 100 $4.35 1: I. b,ksso or www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" ___ ProPEXa to Copper Ball Valve and Y4" copper. ProPEX" Ball Valve (brass). Shut-off valve for 3X, 1/2" and 3/4" AQUAPEX" to l/Z Note: ProPEX" Tool reauired. ProPEX'" Rinas must be nurchnsed snnnratnlv Ball Valve (large bore), Yd PEX x copper Ball Valve (large bore), W PEX x 3/i copper Ball Valve (large bore), '/d PEX x 'X copper Ball Valve (small bore), 'X PEX x %'copper 04803850 04805050 04807575 04835050 10 100 10 100 10 100 10 100 $7.75 $8.00 $1 1 .oo $6.00 ProPEX@ Ball Valve ProPEX" Ball Valve (brass). In-line shut-off valve for W, l/i and 3/4" PEX. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEXL Rings must be purchased separately. Ball Valve (large bore), % PEX x Yd PEX Ball Valve (large bore), W PEX x %" PEX Ball Valve (large bore), Yd PEX x j%'' PEX Ball Valve (small bore), 'X PEX x 'X PEX 04813838 10 100 $7.00 04817575 10 100 $10.00 04845050 10 100 $6.75 a4815050 IO loo $8.75 ProPEX@ Angle Ball Valve ProPEX* Angle Ball Valve (brass). 90" shut-off valve for %" PEX. Note: ProPEXO Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately Angle Ball Valve, Yd PEX x 'fl PEX 04875050 10 100 $7.00 ProPEX@ to Male NPT Ball Valve ProPEXw Ball Valve (brass). Shut-off valve between %" AQUAPEX" and l/i male N PT. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX'" Rinas must be Durchased seDaratelv. Ball Valve, 'X PEX x !X MNPT 04795050 10 100 $7.15 ProPEX@ Gate Valve ProPEXe Gate Valve (brass). For use as a shut-off valve for 3/4" and 1" AQUAPEXO Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEXm Rings must be purchased separately. ProPEXm Gate Valve, W PEX x 3/4' PEX ProPEX- Gate Valve, 1" PEX x 1" PEX www. wirsbo.com 04827575 10 N/A $15.00 04821010 10 N/A $22.00 IRSBO" 1 -800-32 1-4739 15 AQUAPEX" Offset Washing Machine Outlet Box Offset Washing Machine Outlet Box (plastic with brass valves). Use to connect %" AQUAPEX" to washing machine valves. Valves may be moved to desired position within Outlet Box. Note: ProPEX* Tool required. ProPEX* Rings must be purchased separately. * Part No. I A I B * Measurements Shown are I 04838809 I 5.5 I 5.5" I 16 Offset Washing Machine Outlet Box with ProPEX* Fitting 04838864 NIA 10 $24.35 Ice Maker Outlet Box Ice Maker Outlet Box (plastic with brass valve). Use to connect '/i AQUAPEX- to ice maker valve. Note: ProPEXa Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately. Ice Maker Outlet Box with 'E ProPEX Fitting Q4838809 NIA 10 $14.25 ProPEXa Ice Maker Valve Connects %" PEX x l/4" O.D. compression with 'h turn shut off capability. Note: ProPEX* Tool required. ProPEX" Rings must be purchased separately Ice Maker Valve, 'E PEX x Vi O.D. compression 04785025 10 NIA $7.50 ProPEX- In-Line Ice Maker Tee In-Line Tee (%II PEX x %" PEX) with valve, l/8" NPT x l/J O.D. compression. Note: ProPEX" Tool required. ProPEX' Rings must be purchased separately. 1-800-32 1-4739 In-Line Ice MakerTee Q4455050 10 NIA $10.00 LPRseo pon r www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" Finish Sleeve use valve. Provides urotection and imuroves auuearance. Finish Sleeve. Slides over 3/8" and %" AQUAPEXW tubing connected to point-of. Chrome Finish Sleeve for Ys'' PEX Chrome Finish Sleeve for %" PEX Polished Brass Finish Sleeve lor % PEX Polished Brass Finish Sleeve for 'E PEX F5600375 25 100 $2.50 F5600500 25 100 $2.50 F5620375 25 100 $8.25 F5620500 25 100 $8.50 Plastic Bend Support sleeve for %, %" and % Wirsbo PEX tubing products. Plastic Bend Support (glass reinforced nylon). Provides rigid 90" bend and Ve" Plastic Bend Support A5150375 25 600 $0.90 'X Plastic Bend Support A5150500 25 600 $0.90 3/i Plastic Bend Support A5150750 50 NIA $1.75 .. Plastic Drop Ear Bend Support connection free stub out from a stud wall or floor for % or %" Wirsbo PEX tubing Drop Ear Bend Support (glass reinforced nylon). Provides rigid 90" bend and products. % Plastic Drop Ear Bend Support '/z" Plastic Drop Ear Bend Support F5200375 25 250 $1.80 F5200500 25 250 51.80 Metal Straight-thru Support Straight-thru Support (zincplated). Provides rigid straight-thru support for %" AQUAPEX'" tubina as it exits a floor. %." Metal Straight-thru Support F5140500 25 N/A $5.00 www. wirsbo.com 1-800-32 1-4739 17 ~ AQUAPEX" Metal Bend Support Metal Bend Surmort (zinc dated). Provides riqid 90" bend for 3X, %" and Yi 3/s' Metal Bend Support 3/i Metal Bend Support 'K Metal Bend Support A5110375 50 N/A $1.75 A5110500 50 N/A $1.75 A5110750 25 N/A $3.25 Metal Drop Ear Bend Support Drop Ear Bend Support (zinc plated). Provides rigid 90" bend and connection free stub out from a stud wail or floor for 3/8' or %" Wirsbo PEX tubing products. -. % Metal Drop Ear Bend Support 'K Metal Drop Ear Bend Support F5120375 25 NIA $4.30 F5120500 25 NIA 54.00 PVC Bend Support Wirsbo PEX tubinq runs exitinq a concrete slab. PVC Bend Support. Provides rigid 90" bend and sleeve for W, 'h", 3/4" and 1" - - I) 3/8" and '/2" Plastic Bend Support % Plastic Bend Support A5500500 25 N/A 51.05 A5500750 20 N/A 52.30 1" Plastic Bend Support A5501000 25 N/A $3.10 Steel Plate Protector Steel Plate Protector. Use to protect tubing from possible damage by drywall and trlm screws or nails, etc. :, : Steel Plate Protector F5700002 100 NIA 515.00 ',"> /" Fixing Wire '/ Fixing Wire (6 galvanized steel). Use to secure Wirsbo PEX tubing products to wire mesh or rebar. Use with fixing wire twister. /<'' ,'X ,,' Fixing Wire, 1000/pkg A7031000 1000 5000 $21.35 j 18 7-800-327-4739 @#lor IRSEO www.wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" ~ Fixing Wire Tuwister Fixing Wire Twister. Use with fixing wire (A7031000). Fixing Wire Twister E6090005 1 NIA $4.50 Auto Fixing Wire Tbwister Auto Fixing Wire Twister (ratchet style). Use with fixing wire (A7031000). Fixing Wire Twister (ratchet style) E6091700 1 N/A $52.00 -be Talon Tube Talon. Use to secure 3'2, %", % and 1" Wirsbo PEX tubing products. -: -1 Tube Talons (W PEX), lOOlpkg Tube Talons (W 8 % PEX), lOO/pkg TubeTalons (1" PEX), 1001pkg F7051000 50 500 $13.50 F7050375 100 1000 $13.00 F7050750 100 1000 511.00 PEX Rail PEX Rail (plastic). Use to secure %" AQUAPEX" tubing products to metal and wood support structures. "- 1 "I- E Note: Suitable fastening hardware required (not included). t '/z" PEX Rails, 6.5 A5700500 1 16 $6.00 AQUAPEXm Firestop Sealant .I "nlir (i..... i/,n ~ _,.. ... . , ., ,, .,, ,. AQUAPEX@ Firestoo Sealant (caulkinal. One comoonent firestoo sealant provides 1 and 2 hour firestop for A61UAPEXa fire'wall penetratibns. Tested and listed for use with AQUAPEX". AQUAPEX* Firestop Sealant (10.3 oz tubes) Q6237103 12 N/A $19.50 www.wirsbo.com 560 1-800-32 1-4739 19 AQUAPEX" PEX Tubing Cutter PEX Tubing Cutter (3K to 1" tube size). Cutter has a reversible double blade. Tube Cutter E6081125 1 NIA $23.00 Tube Cutter Blade Replacement. spare part E6081140 1 NIA $9.00 PEX Tubing Cutter (Ratchet Style) PEX Tubing Cutter (ratchet style). Cuts 3K to 1'X Wirsbo PEX tublng. Tube Cutter (ratchet style) E6081500 1 NIA 525.00 Tube Cutter Blade Replacement, spare part E6081544 I NIA $9.00 20 1-800-32 1-4739 Large Dimension PEX Tubing Cutter fl))l PEX Tubina Cutter (ratchet style). Cuts up to 1'K Wirsbo PEX tubing. Large Dimension Tube Cutter (ratchet style) E6082000 1 NIA $175.00 Tube Uncoiler The Wirsbo Tube Uncoiler facilitates the uncoiiing Of %6" to 1" Wirsbo PEX tubing. Simplifies installation and reduces labor. Weighted arms hold tubing in additional hardware necessary for attaching arms. Easy to assemble. place while uncoiling. Eyelet keeps tubing from tangling. Base is collapsible. No Note: Upon assembly, guide pin must be moved on the Swivel guide arm in order to keep it in place. Tube Uncoiler E6061000 1 NIA $275.00 * IRSEO (jl www. wirsbo.com AQUAPEX" @ uponor WIRSBO Note: % Expander Head sold separately for part number Q6295075. 'E, %, 1" heads (case included) ProPEX' Hand Expander Tool, wlthout heads (case included) ProPEXw Hand Expander Tool, a6295075 1 NIA $500.00 a6275075 1 NIA $215.00 ProPEX@ Air Expander Tool (Pneumatic) 3/4" and 1" Wirsbo PEX tubing products using the ProPEX" connection method. ProPEXm Air Expander Tool (pneumatic). Air driven tool used to expand 3/8', %', Kit includes: '/2" head, lubricant, carrying case and 4 02. tube of pneumatic oil. Note: W, 34 and 1" Expander Heads sold separately. ProPEX" Air Expander Tool (case included] Q6301000 1 NIA $950.00 ProPEX' Air Expander Oil, 4 oz. bottle Q6301010 1 N/A $2.50 www. wirsbo.com 1-800-321 -4739 21 I AQUAPEX" ProPEXm Expander Head ProPEXa Expander Heads for hand and air tools (Q6275075. a6295075 and Q6301000). ProPEX" 3/s" Expander Head 06310375 1 N/A $110.00 ProPEX- %' Expander Head 06310500 1 NIA $100.00 ProPEX- Expander Head 06310750 1 N/A $100.00 ProPEX- 1" Expander Head 06311000 1 N/A 5100.00 Graphite Grease for ProPEX-Tool (spare part) 05590028 1 N/A $20.00 ProPEXm Expander Tool Belt ProPEXo Expander Tool Belt. Leather belt includes holder for ProPEX" Expander Tools (part numbers Q6295075 and Q6275075) and pouch for fittings and rings -I .. ProPEX" Expander Tool Belt (Medium, 32-36" waist) 06505075M 1 N/A 5100.00 ProPEX" Expander Tool Belt (Large, 37-40 waist) 06505075L 1 N/A $100.00 ;,)I ProPEX" Expander Tool Belt (XL. 41-48" waist) 06505075XL 1 N/A $100.00 Large Dimension Power Expander Large Dimension Power Expander (1 15VAC). Electrically powered hydraulic expander used to expand AQUAPEX" (W,l'',ll/d and 1lK) and hePEXTMplus (1" only) tubing using the ProPEX" fitting connection method. Kit includes: Y4", 1",1'/4" and 1% hydraulic expander heads, lubricant for heads, pneumatic oil and carrying case. Note: The heads used by the Large Dimension Expander are different from the The Large Dimension Expander heads are marked with an "H" on the front heads of the hand and pneumatic expanders. They are not interchangeable. bezel. Large Dimension Power Expander with W. l", 1W and 1%.' Heads 06385555 1 NIA 53750.00 06380750 1 N/A 5120.00 06381000 1 NIA $120.00 06381250 1 NIA 5125.00 e3/d Large Dimension Power Expander Head 1" Large Dimension Power Expander Head 1W Larae Dimension Power Exoander Head 1" Large Dimension Power Expander Head 06381500 1 NIA $130.00 I i 22 1-800-32 1-4739 www. wirsbo.com @ uponor AQUAPEX" Date: WIRSBO Fill-In Order Dyes P.O. #: a No Tag: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. 'q PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. 4 'c Information: 0 Best Way Please Copy As Necessary 0 Other Discount % Total this page Page Of 23 10" Fill-In Order ayes a No Tag: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: i'q I, WlRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. I" x % PLS Manifold, 6 outlet (W) 1" x ?/i PLS Manifold. 8 outlet ('+3 ~~ 1" x 3/n" PLS Manifold, 10 outlet (W) 1" x % PLS Manifold, 12 outlet ('h'') ~ 1" x 1" PLS Manifold, 4 outlet (W) ~ ProPEX. PLS Branch Manifold 1" CU Valved Manifold, 12 - '/i outlets ProPEX. Copper Manifoldswith 3/a" Outlets ~ 1" ProPEX" Manifold. 4 OUtletS (W) 1" ProPEXm Manifold, 6 outlets (?a") 1" ProPEXB Manifold, 8 outlets (%.? 1" ProPEX- Manifold, 10 Outlets (%)~ 1" ProPEX* Manifold, 12 outlets 1" ProPEXO Manifold 1" ProPEX* Manifold wione 3/i ProPEX* 1" ProPEX" Manifold wione % ProPEX" 1" ProPEX- ~~ Manifold wlone ~ % ProPEX- ~ e Shipping Information: 0 Best Way OOther Total this page Please Copy As Necessary Discount % Page Of I 'i .i/ifj 24 ~~ fiponor AQUAPEX" Date: WIRSBO Fill-In Order ayes 0 No Tag: P.O. #: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. Part Description Wt. (ea.) Ibs. Number Price (ea.) Shipping Part List Quantity Extendes Pricelea ~ ___- ~__. __ __ ~~~~~ 1" ProPEX" Manifold wltwo W ProPEXO ends, 4 outlets ('4 1.3 ib. 02807557 $29.00 1" ProPEXB Manifold wllwo J/." ProPEXe ends, 6 oullets (W) 1.5lb. 02817557 1 $37.00 1" ProPEX- Manifold wltwo W ProPEX- ends, 8 outlets (W) 1.9 Ib. 02827557 $45.00 1" ProPEX" Manifold wltwo W ProPEX" ends, 10 outlets (W) 2.0 ib. 02837557 $53.00 1" ProPEXe Manifold wltwo 3/." ProPEX* ends, 12 outlets ('E) 2.3 Ib. Q2847557 $62.00 Copper 1" Manifolds with %." Copper Outlets (Connection to PEX must be sweat to this manifold) 1" Copper Manifold, 2 ('E outlets, 1%' on center) ] ~ 0.5 Ib.(7= ~~~~~ ~~ - .___~. ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ __~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~___~~.~.~____~ 1 $15.00 ~ ~ 1" Copper Manifold, 3 ('fl outlets, l'fl on center) 1" Copper Manifold, 4 ('fl outlets, 1W on center) ~~ ~~ ___~~.~~~___. 1" Copper Manifold, 3 (W outlets, 1W on center) 1- 0.6ib. 1 F2751075 I $16.00 I ~ I ProPEX- Rings ProPEX- Ring Ye" (white with red writing), 50iBag - ProPEX- Ring W (while with blue writing), 5OlBag ProPEX" Ring %" (white with red writing), 5OIBag- ~~~ FITTINGS (Pages ~ 6-13] ~~~ .~ ~. ~__~ -~ $0.10 ___ ~ ProPEXB ~~ Ring 'h' (white with blue writing). 50lBag - 0.01 ib. 1 04690502 ~__ 1$0.10 1 I _____ ~ ProPEX- Ring % (white with red writing), 5OIBag ProPEXO Ring =/1" (white with blue writing), 5OIBag ProPEX* Ring 1" (while with blue writing), 50lBag ~ ProPEX" Ring 1%' (white with black writing). 101Bag ~~ ~~ ~ ~__~~ ~~ ___ ____.___~ .~ ProPEX" Ring 1W (white with black writing), 5lBag 0.01 ibL04681500 ~~ 1 $0.70 I I Shipping Information: 0 Best Way OOther Total this page Please Copy As Necessary Discount Oh Page Of 25 @ uponor AQUAPEX" Date: WIRS6O" Fill-In Order ayes a No Tag: P.O. #: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. Part Description Shipping Control List Quantity Extended Wt. [ea.) Ibs. Number Price [ea.) Pricelea. PLS Tee, 1" PEX x % PEX x 3A'' PEX. 10/Bag .. 0.08 Ib. a4751775 $2.75 PLS Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x %1" PEX. 10/Bag 0.08 Ib. a4751150 $2.95 PLS Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x % PEX. lO/Bag 0.09 Ib. a4751175 $2.95 Brass Cough, %" PEX x % PEX. 2518 Brass Coupling, %' PEX x 3/1" PEX, 25/B PEX to Polybutylene Adapter, Y4" " Male NPT. %" PEX x '/2" NPT. %/Baa Shipping Information: 0 Best Way OOther Total this page I Please Copy As Necessary Discount % Page Of 26 ~~~ ~~~~~ AQUAPEX" Date: P.O. #: Fillh Order ayes a No Tag: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. Female NPT, 1" PEX x W NPT. 10iBau Female NPT, 1" PEX x 1" NPT, lO/Bag ProPEX. Copper Adapters Adapter, % PEX x '/d CU. 2- Adapter, %" PEX x %" CU, 25/Ba4 Adapter, W PEX x %" CU, 25iBag Adapter, 3/r" PEX x Vi CU, 25/Bag Adapter, % PEX x % CU, 25/Bag Adapter, 9/d' PEX x 1" CU, lOiBag Adapter, 1" PEX x 1" CU, IO/Bag_ ProPEX. Comer Fittina Adapters Fittinq Adapter. %' PEX x Fittinu Adapter. Y+'' PEX x 1" CU. 10lBaU ~ 0.3 Ib. Q4507510 FittingAdapterLm 1" CU, 10IBau 0.3 Ib. 614501010 ProPEXB Brass Elbows Brass Elbow, W PEX x -25iBag 0.1 Ib. Q4710500 Brass Elbow, % PEX x PEX ,25/Bau 0.2 Ib. (24710750 . Brass Elbow, 1" PEX x 1" PEX, 10/Bag 0.3 Ib. Q471 1000 Brass Elbow, %" PEX x %" MNPT ,25/Bag 0.3 Ib. 04125050 57.00 Dropar Elbow, W' PEX to '/2" Female NPT, 25/Bau ProPEX' Drop Ear Elbows Drop Ear Elbow, %' PEX to %=NPT, %/Bag 0.2 Ib. 04235050 ProPEXw MIP Elbow PEX to Male NPT -~ ~ 0.2 ib. a4233850 4.95 ProPEX' Brass Tees Brass Tee, '/2" PEX x '/2" PEX x 'fl PEX ,25/Baq BrassTee, Y+'' PEX x ?4 PEX x ?4 PEX, 25iBaq Brass Tee, 1" PEX x 1" PEX x 1" PEX, 10/Bag mTee,'/2"PEXePEX x % PEX, %/Bag ~ Brass Tee, % PEX x %a'' ~~~~ PEX x %' PEX, %(Bag I 0.4 Ib. I 04707550 I $4.50 I I Brass Tee, 3x PEX x '/d PEX x 'L' PEX, 25iBag 0.4 ib. I a4707555 I $4.501 Brass Tee, % PEX x '/2" PEX x % PEX, 25iBaU I 0.4 lb. 1 04707557 1 $4.50 1 I ~~ ~ Shipping Information: 0 Best Way OOther Total this page Please Copy As Necessary Discount % Page Of 2i @ uponor AQUAPEX" Date: WIRSBO Fill-In Order ayes P.O. #: a No Tag: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. ProPEX. Brass-Swi Brass Swivel FaucetAapie ProPEX. Brass SwiwLClo Brass Swivel Closet Adapter, W PEX, 25/Bag..~ ProPEX' Copper Tub EIs Copper Tub El, % PEX x %" CU (3 x 4), 25/Bag 0.2 Ib. 02883830 $4.60 Copper Tub El, '/2" PEX x '/2" CU (3 x 4), 2z/Bag 0.2 Ib. QE65050 $4.50 Copper Tub El, %" PEX x '/2" CU (3 x 6), 25/Bag . 0.2 Ib. 02875050 . ". ~ $4.50 ProPEX. Copper Stub Els -per Stub El, % PEX x 'E CU (3W x E), 25/Bap-- Copper Stub El, %" PEX x %" CU (3'/2" x 8), 25/Bag ~. 0.2 Ib. 02865050 .. $4.90 Copper Stub El, % PEX x % CU (4" x E), 25/Bag 0.2 Ib. 02897575 $10.25 ~ Copper Stub El, '/2" PEX x '/d CU (13 x E), 25iBag . 0.2 Ib. Q2855050 $!:7_5 . " -~ . 0.2 Ib. 02863850 $5.00 .~ Copper Stub El, %" PEX x %" CU (8" x 13). 25/Bag 0.5_lb, ~ 02895050 $6.75 Copper Straight Stub, (8") %" PEX x '/d CU, 25/Bag ProPEX. Copper Straight Stubs .~ 0.5lb. 02935050 $4.90 Copper Straight - Stub, (15) %" PEX x '/2" CU, 25/Bag ". ~ 0.5 Ib. 02945050 $5.90 ProPEX. DZR Brass Fittings I I I I DZR Brass Coupling, 3/" PEX x 3/" PEX, lO/eox 0.2 Ib. I G4547575 I $4.20 I I ~~ DZR Brass Coupling, 1" PEX x 1" PEX. l.o/Box 0.4 Ib. G4541010 $5.80 DZR Brass Coupling, l'/i PEX x IW PEX, lO/Box .. 0.4 Ib. G4541313 $13.00 ~~~ DZR ~ Brass_aline ~~~. 1%" PEX x 1%" PEX, lO/Box 0.7 Ib. G4541515 DZR Brass Male NPT, % PEX x % NPT, 10/Box " 3J.8.00 ." ". ." 0.3 Ib. G4527575 A430 , I DZR Brass ~. Male NPT. 1" PEX x 1" NPT, lO/Box . .~ 0.5 Ib. I G4521010 I $8..00 I DZR Brass Male NPT, 1%" PEX x lW NPT, lO/Box .. - 0.6 Ib. I G4521313 I $1 1.50 I DZR Brass Male NPT, 1'E PEX x 1-K NPT. IO/Box 0.7 Ib. G4521515 $16.00 I lj !i~ Shipping Information: 0 Best Way OOther Total this page II 1 ~ , 8. Please Copy As Necessary Discount % Page Of Qii~I: 28 ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ -. @ uponor AQUAPEX" Date: WIRSBO" Fill-In Order ayes a No Tag: P.O. #: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. Part Description Shipping Part List Quantity Extendec Wt. (ea.) Ibs. Number Price (ea.) Pricelea ~~~~ DZR Brass Female NPT, W PEX x % NPT 1OiBo~~ ~ ~~ ~ 0.3 Ib. ~ G4577575 ~~~ DZR Brass Female NPT, 1%" PEX x 1W DZR Brass Female NPT, ~ 1%" PEX ~~ x IW NPT, 1OiBox DZR Brass Adapter. W PEX~xJ/n'* ~~ 0.3 Ib.~~ G4517575 A5 ~~~ ~~ DZR Brass Adapter. 1" PEX x 1" CU. 10iBox DZR Brass Adapter. 1" PEX x 1W CU, 10iBox -~ 0.5lb.- G4511313 ~ ~250- RZELB~&@CLLV""~'b~BOx 0- F4511515 $15.50 - DZR Brass Fitlina Adapter, 1X PEX-CU, lO/Box ~ 03 Ib. ~ G4501313 $9.50 DZR Brass Fittinu Adapter. 1'H PEX x 1'H CU, 10/Box .~ 0.- G4501515 $1 5~.00 - DZR Brass Elbow. % PEX x % PEX. lO/Box 0.3 Ib. ~ .G4710750. $9.00 DZR Brass Elbow, 1" PEX x 1" PEX, 10/Box 0.5 Ib. G4711000~ 510.00 DZR Brass Elbow, 1%' PEX x 1%" PEX, 1O/Box ~ ~ 0.9 Ib. G4711250 $14.00 ~ DZR Brass ~~ Elbow, 1'H PEX x 1%' PEX, 10iBox ~ ~~~ 1.1 Ib. G4711500 X50 ~~ _____~ VALVES(Pages 13-16) ~ ~- 56.75-- DZR Brass Female NPT. 1" PEX x 1" NPT, lOBox 0.5 Ib. G4571010 $8.50 NPT. 10iBox 0.7 Ib. G4571313 $17.75 ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ 0.9 Ib. G4571515 $21.00 ~~ ~p 0.4 Ib. ~ G4511010 375 ~~ -Valves &@Stop for 3/s" PEX, lO/Bag Angle Stop for w" PEX. 10/Bag Straiqht StoD b-X, 10iBau ~~ ~- 0.3 Ib. F4420500 -27.00 Y" WFX- hmt (s~st~~ ~2Q2 Ih, FB "$W 3/8"APEXo lnserllstalnless steelL IOiBag .~ 0.02. -75" $0.65-~ 1/2" AQUAPEXO Insert (stainless sleelL IOlBaq -O10E?!bp ~-0 $0.50 l/s' Compression Rings (brassL 10/Ba4 ~~ 0.03 Ib. F4440375 $0.30 %" Compression Rings (brass), 10/Bau ~ ~ 0.03 Ib. J@QXOO~ $0.40 ProPEX* stop- ~~ ProPEX* StopL% PEX x % PEX. 1OiBau ~ A2 Ib. 04433838 $500 ProPEX- Stop. '/2" PEX x 'M PEX. 10IBaq ~~ ~ ~~~ 0.2 Ib. 04435050 $5.00 ProPEX" Anqle Slop for 'H PEX, 10/Eag ~ ~ 0.2 Ib. 04855038 ~ ~~ $4.80 ~ ~~~ ~ - - ~~~ ~ ~ - BQPEX~t.~YZPEX.BL~ ~ 0.2 ib. 848650L" a ~~ ~..p -. Ball Valve (larqe bore), Y8'' PEX x '/d copper. 10!Bau ~ ~~~ ProPEX*BallVaL ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ .- 0.3 Ib. 04803850 ~~$/75~- Ball Valve (larue bore), %" PEX x %" copper, 1OiBau 0.3 Ib. 04805050 $800 Ball Valve (large bore), yPEX x % copper, 10/Bag 0.5 lb. Q4807575 $1 1 .oo " Ball Valve (small bore), %" PEX x 'H coDoer. 10iBau 0.3 Ib. 04835050 ~~ $6:00 - Ball Valve (larue bore), 3/a" PEX x 3/8" PEX. 10IBau 03 Ib. 04813838 ~$7.00 " Ball Valve (larqe bore\, '/a" PEX x '/z" PEX. 10iBaq 0.3 Ib. Q~4815050 $8.75 - Ball ~~ Valve [large bore), W PEX x % PEX, 1OiBaq ~~ 0.5 Ib. 04817575~ $10.00 Ball Valve (small bore), %' PEX x W PEX, lO/Baq 0.3 Ib. 04845050 " -~ - $6.75 Angle Ball Valve, IOlBag ~~ 0.4~lb. 04875050 1 $7.00 1 I Ball Valve, %' PEX x 'H MNPT, iO/Bag 0.2 Ib. 04795050 I $7.15 I .~ Shipping Information: U Best Way DOther Total this page Please Copy As Necessary Discount % Page Of 29 m AQUAPEX" Date: El P.O. #: Fill-In Order ayes a No Tag: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. Part Description Pricelea. Price (ea.) Number Wt. (ea.) Ibs. Extended Quantity List Part Shipping ProPEC Gate Valves Gate Valve, % PEX x ?4" PEX, IOiBag $22.00 04821010 1.3 Ib. Gate Valve, 1" PEX x 1" PEX, 10/Bag $15.00 (24827575 0.8 Ib. Qffset Washing Machine Outlet Box with X" ProPEXO Fitting,lOBox Miscellaneous Valves 1.8 Ib. $24.35 04838864 ~ Ice Maker Outlet Box with '/2" ProPEX Fitting, 1OIBox I 1.0 Ib. I 04838809 I $14.25 ProPEX" Ice Maker Valve, '/2" PEX x %" compression. 10/Bag 0.5 Ib. ProPEX. In-line Ice MakerTee. IOiBag $7.50 Q4785025 0.3 Ib. $8.25 F5620375 0.02 Ib. Polished Brass Finish Sleeve for %'PEX, 25/Bag $2.50 F5600500 0.02 Ib. Chrome Finish Sleeve for '/2" PEX. 25/Bag $2.50 F5600375 0.02 Ib. Chrome Finish Sleeve for a" PEX, 25/Bag $10.00 Q4455050 - Polished Brass Finish Sleeve lor 'h" PEX. 25iBag I 0.02 Ib. I F562050C .- %" Metal Straight-thru Support, 25 Pkg Shipping Information: Please Copy As Necessary Discount YO 30 ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ @ uponor AQUAPEX" Date: WIRSBO Fill-In Order ayes a No Tag: P.O. #: Customer: Customer: Company: Company: Address: Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: WIRSBO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ROUND UP TO PACKAGE QUANTITY. PLEASE ORDER NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL PIECES NEEDED. Part Description Shipping Part Wt. (ea.] Ibs. Number Price (ea.) List Quantity Extended Pricelea. Tube Cutter TOOLS [Page 20) .~ _______ -~ 0.4 Ib. E6081 125 $23.00 ~ ~~ ~____ ~____ ~~ ____~~ 59.00 5175.00 $275.00 ~ ~ ____~~ ~~ ~~ .____.____~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ $100.00 ) ProPEXm Y4" Expander Head ProPEX" 1" Exeander Head Gra hite Grease for ProPEX Tool (spare part ' Expander Tool Belt, (medium, ProPEX@ Expander Tool Belt-7-40' waist) ~~ ~ ~ _______~. ~_______~ ~ 32-36"waist) ~ ~~ ProPEX- Expander Tool Belt, (XL, 41" waist and larger) $100.00 Large Dimension Power Expander with %, l", IW, 1'/i Heads $3750.00 ?4 Large Dimension Power Expander Head 5120.00 1: Large Dimension Power Expander Head $120.00 1%" Large Dimension Power Expander Head $125.00 1W Large Dimension Power Expander Head 5130.00 ~ ____~- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ _____~~____~~~~~ ~~ ~~ Shipping Information: 0 Best Way OOther Total this page Please Copy As Necessary Discount Yo Page Of 31 Wirsbo's Background Wirsbo Company was founded in Virsbo, Sweden in 1620. In 1970, Wirsbo Company introduces Engel-method PEX tubing into the European market. Wirsbo Company is incorporated in the United States in 1984 and introduces Engel method PEX into the US. North American headquarters are established in Apple Valley, MN in 1990. Wirsbo's 130,000 square foot manufacturing facility includes sales and marketing, engineering, quality, manufacturing, assembly, warehouse and shipping, accounting and training. In 2000, Wirsbo opens an 11,000 square foot sales and marketing facility featuring a state-of-the-art training center that includes sophisticated audio, video and computer systems as well as interactive display areas. Wirsbo's Customer Service department offers up-to-date information on products and orders for distributors. The Technical Services department provides CAD drawings, heat loss and design assistance. The Engineering department searches around the world for the latest in technology that is superior in quality, Cost- effective and practical. Wirsbo is proud to provide the best training in the industry for both its heating and plumbing systems. Licensed plumbing contractors are trained in the proper design and installation of AQUAPEX@ Professional Plumbing systems, and can offer the consumer Wirsbo's 25-year tubing warranty. market. The most thoroughly tested PEX tubing product in the world. WIRSEO^ Droducts can only be Durchased through your local wholesale distributors. @ uponor WIRSBO WIRSBO Company reserves the right to disccontmue Copytight0 2W1 Wirsbo Company. Printed ~n the UnM States TEL: 800-321-4739. FAX: 952-891-1409 or impmw pmducts at any time WItIIOJUt prior "OtlC*. 5925 148th STREET WEST. APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 www. wirsbo.com a rn m 5 r z "I 0 0 z v) -I a c c) Z D 0 m 'I] 2 r m D z "I m a v) 4 v) "I m - Z "I x c m v) m 0 n 0 a 0 v) v) Z x m 0 + - D 'I] 3 F r 0 n 0 m 0 v) m c) D a 0 z c) - U Q 3 S 0 z m v) m v) m Iv 0 0 A 0 -u m X " " 0 -. F u 3 ca -. 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Atl-br 5- I 3-02 I -5- Date: August 5,2002 AI&"/ To: Assistant City Manager Via: Community Development Director w From: Principal Building Inspector +& RE: . Appeal to use Cross-linked Polyethylene Tubing At the July 23, 2002 appeal hearing for the above topic, the City Council requested staff provide additional information to assist in their determination of the appeal decision. Council requested staff research the following topics: Deputy City Attorney +.l..,;?3i, How many cities in California are allowing the use of CPEX? What has been the consumer experience in areas where CPEX has been in use? 0 What does the County Water Authority have to say about corrosivity of the local water supply? How have local cities allowed the use of the product given the State law limits? Approvals in California: According to information provided by CPEX manufacturers, CPEX is accepted in 130 jurisdictions in California. There are about 550 jurisdictions in California. This is an approval rate in California of about 25%. Answers to an email sent out by staff were sporadic, and those answers are logged in the attached table. Consumer Experience: Council asked staff to research product performance in areas of the country where the product is currently in use. Staff has contacted jurisdictions in California, Arizona, Idaho, and Nevada to gather their experience. The attached table has the particulars from the 37 jurisdictions that replied. Generally, jurisdictions reported no widespread problems for consumers with the product. A senior plumbing inspector for the City of Las Vegas reported that in one instance in Nevada a batch of CPEX tubing installed in new homes had to be completely replaced because the tubing would not hold its "memory" as required to maintain leak-free connections. This report could not be corroborated by any of the other jurisdictions in Nevada staff contacted. It has been reported in one instance in Arizona a subdivision of homes plumbed with CPEX had to have the water systems replaced with copper. New homeowners had complained about the taste of their water. The developer had an independent, chemical analysis performed. It was determined the water systems had extremely high concentrations of MTBE's and t-butanol (web page attached for reference). Staff followed up on this report with two telephone conversations with the firm that produced this report Dr. Michael Fox indicated there were positive tests of t-butynol and MTBE's well above the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) standard of 50 ppb (parts per billion). Dr. Fox commented that the developer and the developer's insurance company covered the $300,000 cost of re-piping the homes in copper. Dr. Fox stated he has done further independent testing of CPEX using the NSF Standard. His results for these chemical signatures are above this NSF standard. Dr. Fox stated he has sent his independently gathered information to the NSF. The NSF has acknowledged receipt of the information. City staff has placed Dr. Fox in contact with the staff person at the State's Housing and Community Development Department, so that information may be included in the State's review of this matter. Water Corrosivity: Council asked staff to investigate the local water quality after sales representative Robert Payne testified that the county's water is corrosive to copper piping. The water quality in Carlsbad has a corrosivity index of between 0.19 and 0.39 SI (Langelier Saturation Index). This positive index means that water is scale forming, but not corrosive. A negative SI would suggest that the water is corrosive. The Langelier Index at the various County Water Authority filtration plants is between 0.10 and 0.33 (2000-2001 CWA Annual Report). Water pH (alkalinity and acidity) in Carlsbad and from the CWA is between 8.05 and 8.37. This is above the neutral point of 7.0 (more alkaline than acidic). The hardness of the water (Calcium Carbonate) is about 250 mg/l and the Total Dissolved Solids are at about 500 mg/l. This type of water is not corrosive to metallic piping. In fact it tends to add scale to the inside of water piping protecting the piping from corrosion. This information was confirmed with Mr. David Frost of the CWA. Approval mechanisms for jurisdictions: City's may approve the product on a case by-case basis in accordance with State Law. In cities that are doing so, approval is routinely granted without mitigating measures or special noticing of the consumer. Sumrnarv: CPEX may be allowed by 25% of California jurisdictions case-by-case. There'have been no independently verifiable reports of material failures in areas of the country where CPEX has been in use. There is one documented case of a subdivision having the product removed from the homes for taste and water quality problems. There is a substantial debate occurring in California about the product's effect on the environment. The State Building Standards Commission has asked HCD for a CEQA review of the product. Water quality in the San Diego Metropolitan Water Authority's service area and in Carlsbad is not corrosive to metal piping systems. City's may approve the product on a case by-case basis. In cities that are doing so, approval is generally routinely granted without mitigating measures or special noticing of the consumer. Staff continues to recommend that Carlsbad not approve the use of CPEX until such time as the State Building Standards Commission formally allows its use. Jurisdiction Use City of Oceanside Allowed - case by case City of Escondido Restricted to above slab use City of Vista Allowed -case by case Not allowed Special site conditions needed (i.e. -reverse Comments osmosis system) City of El Cajon City of Encinitas Not allowed City of La Mesa Allowed - case by case Not Allowed City of Solana Beach Allowed - case by case City of Chula Vista Allowed Approved by Board of Appeals in 1999. No - City of Lemon Grove City of Poway City of Santee City of San Diego extraordinary problems. Allowed -case by case Allowed - case by case Allowed - case by case Allowed - case-by-case Restricted to above slab use Disclosure to consumer rewired County of San Diego Not allowed Imperial County, CA City of San Clemente Not allowed City of Orange, CA Not allowed Allowed City of lrvine Not allowed City of Chino Hills Not allowed Waiting for the product to be readily available for May disallow if State rules negative May disallow if State rules negative I homeowner repairs City of Los Angeles I Wirsbo CPEX no longer I City of LA listing expired by limitation June 02 allowed City of San Mateo. CA (per website - calls and emails to LA not City of West Covina returned) City of Whittier Not allowed Allowed case -by-case Will onlv be allowed after November 1, 2002 wl Allowed City of Garden Grove City of Torrance City of Redondo Beach City of Fontana Citv of San Marino ~ ~I ~ ~~ City of Sunnyvale City of Redwood City County of Ventura County of Riverside ~~ City of Ventura City of Henderson, NV City of Las Vegas, NV City of Reno, NV Allowed case-by-case Allowed case-by-case Not allowed Allowed case-by-case Not allowed Allowed case-by-case Allowed case by case Allowed case-by-case ~~~ ~~ Allowed case-by-case Allowed case by case Allowed for 8 vears Allowed for 8 years ~,~~ ~ Allowed since 3-99 specialcircumstances I No bad experiences recalled a batch of tubing with bad “memory” and the Pretty good luck - one phase of a subdivision got consumers moved in. entire systems had to be replaced after fixture. Metal Fittings only and angle stops at every Disclosure to consumer required Goodyear, Arizona Idaho Falls, ID Allowed by State Code No Reported Problems Allowed by State Code No Reported Problems a. Polyethylene Tubing and Water Contamination Page 1 of 1 I Polyethylene Tubing 1 Polyethylene Tubing and Water Contamination Families that had just purchased newly constructed custom homes valued at over a half million dollars noticed that their drinking water smelled and tasted strange. The odor was reminiscent of gasoline. Chemaxx was brought in to investigate the source of the chemicals. First, it was determined that the incoming water from the city was clean. Therefore, the chemical contamination was originating from somewhere in the home itself. A number of scenarios were initially investigated, including accidental contamination during construction or sabotage. Two predominant chemicals that were showing up in the water were t-butanol and MTBE, both of which are usually fingerprints for gasoline. The levels of t- butanol were as high as 50,000 ppb in some instances where water had been stagnant for an extended period of time. It turns out that the homes had been plumbed with cross-linked polyethylene tubing. After considerable investigation, it was determined that the source of these two chemicals was the tubing itself. One method of cross-linking polyethylene tubing is via the catalyst t-butyl peroxide. The t-butanol and MTBE are breakdown products of the t-butyl peroxide. The t-butanol was about 1OX more predominant than the MTBE. CH3 CH3 CH: I I I I I I CH3 H~C-C-O"O-C-CCH~ V H,C"C"O-CHJ +- H-0-C-CH, I I CHI CH3 CHI CH! t-butyl peroxide MTBE 1-butanol Since the chemicals enter the water via a diffusion process, the concentrations were a function of how long the water was in contact with the tubing. Long periods of stagnation favored high levels of the chemicals while frequent and regular use of the water lines favored lower concentrations. With time, the chemicals are eventually washed out of the tubing. Research is currently underway to determine exactly how long they persist. Top of Page C2002 CHEMAXX, INC http://www.chemaxx.codpolytube.htm 07/3 1/2002 FILE-13-2882 15: 23 W IRSBO 1 952 891 2888 P. 02/05 DATE: August 13,2002 SUBJECT: Commmts on the "PoIyeIhyfac Tubing ad Water Con&dwtim" 1 feel compelled to respond to the half-truths and false statemaus made by Dr. Michael Fox on his Jntemct website. Thac are two homes in Arizona that havc cxpcrimced taste and odor problems with their pobble wtcI. Although the capse of tbs we and odor problem hns not been d~linitivdy d&mbd, it is dear that tho sourcc is something other than the PEX tubing; in fact the current plan to ronedy previously state4 although thc CBU is not fully bnoq the me and odor problans arc widely the problem is to fhh tbc cxiJtina, system oi possibly rc-plumb the homes with PEX. As believed to he originatsd from misapplied pesticides during conmudion. On his website. Dr. Fox mngfully leads the rcadm to believe the caw of the Cute and odor io the WW is hvo chemicals: t-butanol and MTBE. He further goes on to state the ~ourcc of these chemicals is the PFx tubing. I believe the website was purposely animn to dead thc reader In fact, nowhae on the website. is it stated that the chanioals are associated with the taste and odor cxpcrienced in the Arizona homes. The phrasing of the article wrongly insinuates the connection TIC informatimcontainrd on Fm's website as it rclatps to the obovc itcms is falsc. While Small amOUntS Of t-butonal CBn bo 8 byprodua of PEX msnufacturing the lWClS 0d"S and certified by NSF lntcmrtimd to be safe for wnsumption. But& is a vcry commdy CDnsUmod chemical owdng naturaUy in a wide variety of food producls such as vegetable oils. .flavoring agars, and fumentcd bwwagcs. Butonal is present in these items in relativdy high Ilmolmts. MTBE is reported both by the AWA and municipalities IO be common in watcr throughout the United States. bTBE 2s not an ingndiatt, na a byproduct of PEX man-g. we dispute the dm Of Dr. Fox's tdng, we haw found thc testing msthodology used by h.Foxtcbtioaror.WhentcstcdmaoocrdaDcFwiththeNSFstandardWirsboPEXaswcllas other PEX products In the makd, is found to be in wmplianca with NSF standards. Wirsbo AquaPEX bas been Iiad to NSF rtandard 61 since the early 1990% aud has never lost its listing for any reason. Uponor Wirpbo bas millions of feet of PEX pipe installed in tm of thauands of homes with no complaint of taste or odor. Wirsbo ha ova 130 Id approv8b in Califanin. We havc the support of p1umbe.r~. 6uildaJ d code offioials across the state in om campaign with the BSC to allow PEX in California, as forty-nine othm states havc The Natiod Sanitaticn Foundation (NSF) culification codinns the product is safe to use in potabI6 wata applications. NSF regularly tea and certifies PBX and other products tbap ool~lc in HUG-13-2002 15:23 W I RSBO 1 952 891 2008 P.El3/!35 . Polyethylene Tubing and Water Contamination Families that had just purchased newly constructed custom homes valued at over a half million dollars noticed that their drinking water smelled and tasted strange. The odor was reminiscent of gasoline. Chemaxx was brought in to investigate the the city was clean. Therefore, the chemical contamination was originating from source of the chemicals. First, it was determined that the incoming water from including accidental contaminatio,n during construction or sabotage. somewhere in the home itself. A number of scenarios were initially investigated, Two predominant chemicals that were showing up in the water were t-butanol and MTBE, both of which are usually fingerprints for gasoline. The levels of t- butanol were as high as 50,000 ppb in some instances where water had been stagnant for an extended period of time. tubing. After considerable investigation, it was determined that the source of It turns out that the homes had been plumbed with cross-linked polyethylene these two chemicals was the tubing itself. One method of cross-linking polyethylene tubing is via the catalyst t-butyl peroxide. The t-butanol and MTBE more predominant than the MTBE. are breakdown products of the t-butyl peroxide. The t-butanol was about 1OX t-butyl pemxide MTBE 1-butanol were a function of how long the water was in contact with the tubing. Long Since the chemicals enter the water via a diffusion process, the concentrations periods of stagnation favored high levels of the chemicals while frequent and regular use of the water lines favored lower concentrations. With time, the chemicals are eventualIy washed out of the tubing. Research is currently underway to determine exactly how long they persist. Top of Page 02002 CHEMAXX, INC QUG-13-2002 15: 23 W lffBO 1 952 891 2008 P.04/05 August 13,2002 Steven G. Redford, PE Director of Engineering Uponor Wmbo 59252 1448" Street West Apple Valley, MN 55124 Dear Mr. Redford: NSF International is an independent, not for profit, third party organization, that develops national voluntary consensus standards d tests and oertifies produds to national standards. These NSF standards and certification programs protect the health and safety of U.S. consumers. One of the NSF standards is NSFIANSI Standard 61. NSF standard 61 "Drinking Watw Systm Components-Health Effects" WW developed by a consortium of agencies: American Water Works Association (AWWA), AWWA Research Foundatioq NSF International, and Assxiation of State Drinking Water Administrators with support from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency @A) to ensure all products that come into contact with drinking water do not COntamiMte the water. Currently 47 of the 50 states require thesc products to comply with the requirements of NSF/ANSI Staudsrd 61 PEX products used for the transport of potable water are required by NSF/ANSI Standard 14, 61. Products for dri- water appfications csrtifitd by NSF to NSFI'ANSI 61 Standard have national modd c~des, and states codes to pass the requiremems set forth in NSF/A.NSI Standard been tested and evaluated for all poteotial drinking water contaminants. This includes t-butanol and MTBE. PEX products bearing the NSF Mark are in complete compliance with the contaminant levels set forth in NSWANSI Standard 61, These contaminant levels are set by the US Epq Health Canada, and by pea reviewed to~logical studies. Significant studies have been performed on both t-butanol and hrlTBE due to their widespread US in many applications today. MTBE is present in drinking water across the U.S. from various sources, according to the American Watex Works Association (AWWA). The claims raised by CHEMAXX have been referred to tbe Joint Committee that oversees the development Of NSF/ANSI Standard 61. This committee includes members of state and federal reguhtory agencies, as well as renowned toxicologists. The Chaimn of the Joint Committee has made P.O. Box 130140 Annhr, MI (81134110 USA 734-769-8010 1"Nsp-MARK Fu734-769.0109 0%-13-2002 15: 24 W IFSBO 1 952 891 2008 P. e645 several offers to CHEMAXXto present the data to the Committcc. To date, CHEMAXX has not accepted thc invitation. AD PEX products wrtified by NSF undergo M annual unannouud auda of the facility. hoducl samplcs arc cokcled during the audit and are tested to insure continued compliance with NSFlANSl Standard 61. Please do not hesitate contacting me should yw have additional questions on this subject. Sincerely, Naeost Mark lost Senior Vice President> Water Systems Phone: 734-913-5702 Email : jost@nsf.org F~x- 734-827-7118 TOTRL P.135