HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-06; City Council; 16834; CDBG & Home Funds Reallocation\ CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 6 ,B# 16,834 IEPT. HIRED CITY Amy. ACQUIRE PROPERTY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING TG . 7/23/02 DEPT. HD. ,m~9 9" m: REALLOCATON OF CDBG AND HOME FUNDS TO PROJECT RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a public hearing to accept comments on reallocation of funds from the City's Community Development Block GranVHOME Investment Partnership Program and adopt Resolution No. 2002-220 to reallocate funds from the Housing Reserve Fund to acquisition of property for affordable housing. ITEM EXPLANATION: funding through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Community Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsbad receives Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program to finance programs that serve the needs of lower income persons. As a participant in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Consortium, the City also receives federal HOME funds to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income households. The City Council has allocated $376,551 in CDBG funds and $812,879 in HOME funds over the last three years for the Housing Reserve Fund. The funds are to be used to create new affordable housing opportunities in Carlsbad for lower income households. In order to expend the CDBG and HOME funds which have been allocated to the Housing Reserve with approvals for the release of these funds from HUD. On May 14, 2002, the City Council authorized Fund, the City must identify an appropriate property and affordable housing project in order to proceed staff to negotiate the purchase of property at 2578 Roosevelt Street. A purchase price has been agreed escrow to purchase the subject property, action must now be taken to allocate funding from the Housing upon and a purchase agreement is being prepared for execution. Because the City will soon enter Reserve Fund specifically to the noted acquisition. The City intends to allocate all of the CDBG funds ($376,551) and a portion of the HOME funds ($300,000) from the Housing Reserve Fund to assist with financing acquisition of the property at 2578 Roosevelt Street for affordable housing purposes. In order to use the HOME funds for this purchase, July 30, 2002. The timing of this action by the City is critical to allow the County of San Diego Board of City Council must take action to allocate the $300,000 in funds to this specific project by no later than funding to the City for the site acquisition. As an additional action, the City Council must reallocate the Supervisors adequate timing to implement the appropriate administrative actions to release the HOME $376,551 in CDBG funds specifically to the property acquisition to obtain a HUD release of funds. The City Council may reallocate the CDBG/HOME funds to an alternate project at a later date if for any reason the purchase agreement is not executed for the property noted on Roosevelt Street or escrow does not close. RECOMMENDATION: from the CDBG/HOME Program for the noted property acquisition for affordable housing purposes. It is staff's recommendation that the City Council accept public comments on the reallocation of funds Then, if determined to be appropriate, it is recommended that the Council adopt the attached resolution approving the reallocation of funds from the Housing Reserve Fund to acquisition of the subject property and authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Director to submit an amended Consolidated Plan to HUD to set forth the reallocation of funds to a specific affordable housing project. Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 16 I 83 4 FISCAL IMPACT A total of $1,189,430 has been allocated to the City’s CDBG/HOME Program Housing Reserve Fund during the past few years. A reallocation of $376,551 in CDBG funds and $300,000 in HOME funds from the Housing Reserve Fund for acquisition of the Roosevelt Street property will result in a remaining balance of $512,879 in the subject Fund. This balance of funds will need to be reallocated to a specific housing project within the next year. At this time, it is anticipated that this balance of funds will be used to assist with financing for construction of the affordable housing project on the property to be purchased on Roosevelt Street. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2002-220 reallocating funds from the CDBGlHOME Housing Reserve Fund and authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Director to submit an amended Consolidated Plan to HUD. a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 iz 21 28 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2002-220 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING PUBLIC COMMENTS AND APPROVING THE REALLOCATION OF CDBG/HOME PROGRAM FUNDS FROM THE HOUSING RESERVE FUND TO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California has previously allocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to the City's Housing Reserve Fund for the purpose of creating new affordable housing opportunities in Carlsbad; and, WHEREAS, negotiations are underway to acquire property for affordable housing purposes through the use of a portion of the Housing Reserve Fund; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing to consider the reallocation of a portion of the funds from the Housing Reserve Fund to acquire property at 2578 Roosevelt Street; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED as follows: 1, That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That $300,000 in HOME funds and $376,551 in CDBG funds from the CDBG/HOME Housing Reserve Fund is reallocated to acquire property located at 2578 Roosevelt Street for affordable housing purposcs. 3. That the Housing and Redevelopment Director is authorized to submit an amended Conoiidated Plan to HUD reallocating a portion of the CDBGNOME Reserve Fund to acquisition of property located at 2578 Roosevelt Street. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 6th day of August, 2002, by the following vote, lo wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, and Nygaard NOES: Council Member Hall ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: M. WOOD, City Clerk PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Proof of Publication of - Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times-Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circul the Superior Court of the County of Sal State of California, for the County of Sa that the notice of which the annexed is i copy (set in type not smaller than nonpx been published in each regular and entire said newspaper and not in any supplemen on the following dates, to-wit: I certify (or declare) under penalty of pel the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at SAN MARCOS. California This 17TH day CITY OF CAKLSBAD 2002-2003 Communit Development Block Grant/HO d E Program NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND PUBLIC REVIEW fhe citizens of Carlsbad and other interesredlpar!ies are hereby notified that Carlsbad'! 3ty Council will hold a ublic hearing on ueaday, July ?3. 2002 at 600 pm in tht Council Chambers locate81200 Carlsbad Villa e Ikve to uccc t ublic conlmenls on i proposed amendment to the City's ConsolidatefPlan for tke 2ohl?-!!OO3 Communtty De velopmenl Block Grant CDBGIIHOME Prop Thepped mi~ndment wou!, reallocate $376 551 in Chi funding and $, 0.000.m 0 E lunds lrmf the City ,DBG/HOME kousmg Reserve Fund to ac ulbition ot property at 2.578 Rooseveli Stree lor affordable housing ulposes. The City oqCLlsbad will also be accepting ublic com men& on the pmpose8amendment as required by the U. S. Department ot &using an( Urban Development (HUD). The pro sed amendment will he availahle for publlc rc view and comment from July 23 2$ to Au us1 23, 2002. Copies of the pro (ne( amendment are for review at the city Clerk's Office (12M) Carlsbad Vil!age Dnvef. ,n, the Housmg and Redevelopment Department (2965 Roosevelt Stnet. Su~te B). Written or verbal comments will be accepted until 500 pm on August 23, 2002 at th Housin and Redevelopment Dep'epnrtment., Commeuts must be submitted to the attcntiol 3f Franf Boensch, City of Carlsbad, Housing & Redevelopment De anment. 2965 Knw welt, Suite B, Carlsbad. CA 92008. Questions or Comments Call f760) 434-2818. Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad's CURGIHOML Prognm or who u,ould like more s ecific informntion on the ropoced amendment ma! :ontact Frdnk Boensch at (760) 43&-2818, Monday through 8iday'between 8:00 am 1( I:@ pm. Persons in need of uanslalon or other special services should coiltact the Housing an1 Redevelopment Department at (760) 434-2818. PUBLISH DA1E SUNDAY, JULY 14.2W2 - V 'f Of JULY, 2002 NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp City of Carlsbad 2002-2003 Community Development Block GrantlHOME Program Notice of Public Hearing and Public Review The citizens of Carlsbad and other interested parties are hereby notified that Carlsbad's City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 6:OO pm in the Council Chambers located 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive to accept public comments on a proposed amendment to the City's Consolidated Plan for the 2002-2003 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/HOME Program. The proposed amendment would reallocate $376,551 in CDBG funding and $300,000 in HOME funds from the City's CDBG/HOME Housing Reserve Fund to acquisition of property at 2578 Roosevelt Street for affordable housing purposes. The City of Carlsbad will also be accepting public comments on the proposed amendment as required by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The proposed amendment will be available for public review and comment from July 23, 2002 to August 23, 2002. Copies of the proposed amendment are for review at the City Clerk's Office (1200 Carlsbad Village Drive), and the Housing and Redevelopment Department (2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B). Written or verbal comments will be accepted until 5:OO pm on August 23, 2002 at the Housing and Redevelopment Department. Comments must be submitted to the attention of Frank Boensch, City of Carlsbad, Housing 81 Redevelopment Department, 2965 Roosevelt, Suite B, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Questions or Comments Call (760) 434-281 8. Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad's CDBG/HOME Program or who would like more specific information on the proposed amendment may contact Frank Boensch at (760) 434-2818, Monday through Friday between 8:OO am to 5:OO pm. Persons in need of translators or other special services should contact the Housing and Redevelopment Department at (760) 434-2818. PUBLISH DATE: SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2002