HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-13; City Council; 16856; Reporting Settlement - Schahn v. CityCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 16,856 DEPT. HD. - TITLE: MTG. 8-13-81 CITYMGR. GIN006452 DEPT. CA CITY ATTY. e SETTLEMENT AS REQUIRED BY THE BROWN ACT IN REPORTING OUT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SCHAHN V. CITY OF CARLSBAD, ET AL., CASE NO. RECOMMENDED ACTION: There is no action the Council needs to take. ITEM EXPLANATION: At its closed session meeting of April 2, 2002, the City Council discussed and approved a proposed settlement of the above referenced case subject to approval by all parties and the Appellate Court. The court has approved the settlement in the form of a Minor's Compromise and the lawsuit is now dismissed. This item satisfies the Brown Act requirement to report the fact of a settlement of litigation approved in a prior closed session, and makes the terms and conditions of the settlement available to the public. The General Release and Settlement of Claim (attached) is provided for public review. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the settlement is $60,000. EXHIBITS: General Release and Settlement of Claim "RF&.E?#P .~~~~4E.~~E~~ OF CLArM schaha V. City of Caw For rhe sole eonsiderarion of Sixty Thvusand DollarR and no/loo ($60.000.00), the undersigned hereby releases and further discharges the CITY OF CARLSBAD, its agents and employees, and all other persons, firms and corporations from ail claims and demands, rights and causes of action of any kind the undersigned nvw cr hereafter nay ha;.e on account of or in ar~y Wdy growing ?ut of the damages resulting or to result from the incident bcccrrina on or about July 20, i999 which is the 6ubjecc of San Dizgo Court of Ap2eal Cdae No. DO39405 (Superior Cuuxt Case NO. GINOC6452). The settlement has been approved by the Frobate Court a6 a valid nrinor's cumpromise. Further, the urldersigned hereby agrees to release any and 01; claims and demands, riylllt; and causes of actlon ot any kind that may now have arisen or hereafter may arise as a rscult af the above iricident, ana r'urther ayzeer Lu hold the CITY OF CARLSW hamless. and to indemiiEy it for and againsr any claim, Llsn or debt which has axasen ~r may arise :ram the incident described herein, including but nut lrmiLed to Worker's Compensation liens and medical liens ot any type whatsoever. fhjs release expresses a full and complete settlement of a liability claimed and denied vn tile part OL all parties, legardless af the adequacy or the above consideration. and the dccepcance of this release shall not operate as an admisslor- of liability on the part of any- parcy hereto. AI). right8 given by Section 1542 cf the Civil Code of California, which is quoted below. are waived by the undersigned. CIVIL CODE SECTION 1.542: “A yexezal release does ECC extend to claim@ which the credirrcr does not know or sukpnrt to exisc in his favor a: the time of exer>;y%ng affected his sectlernent with the debtor.” the releas?, which if kr!nwn hy hi7 must have m;ite”rinl:y Ry signing this General Release, I intend to give up and discharge all rights and claims t? damagea to person and/or property. even thmgh some of such damages may not have shown themselves at the time of DATED ! 7- 25: dz APPROVLZD AS TO FORM AND C-: b> her Guardian ad Litem DORA SCHAHN a