HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-10; City Council; 16883; Recommendation re: Speed Limit on La Costa AvenueCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL
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Deny the citizen request to overrule the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission to not
establish a 20 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon La Costa Avenue east of El Camino Real.
Staff received two requests from Mohammad Mehdi Zomorrodian, a Carlsbad resident, as follows:
1. Lower the existing 45 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon La Costa Avenue east of
El Camino Real to 20 miles per hour.
2. Install speed bumps on La Costa Avenue.
Various staff in the City Attorney's office and the Engineering Department discussed the concept of
speed zoning with Mr. Zomorrodian over the telephone. Staff explained why a 20 mile per hour
prima facie speed limit could not be established on La Costa Avenue and that the City does not
install speed humps on public streets (speed bumps are features found in private parking lots).
Mr. Zomorrodian disagreed with staff and asked that his request be reviewed by the Traffic Safety
This matter was considered by the Traffic Safety Commission at their meeting of August 5, 2002.
At the meeting, staff reviewed with the Traffic Safety Commission the history of La Costa Avenue,
roadway features, collision history, and results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey used to
establish the 45 mile per hour prima facie speed limit. Staff also explained the concept of speed zoning and why a speed trap could not be created on La Costa Avenue.
Mr. Zomorrodian addressed the Commission and stated the drivers are traveling at excessive
speeds on La Costa Avenue. He informed the Commission that he thought the established speed
limit upon La Costa Avenue was illegal since the road did not meet State and Federal design
guidelines. At the Commission meeting, Mr. Zomorrodian asked that a 20 mile per hour speed limit
be established on La Costa Avenue east of El Camino Real and he also suggested that speed
bumps be installed on La Costa Avenue.
The Traffic Safety Commission determined that the prima facie speed limit had to be established
based upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey. By a 4-0 vote, the Commission
recommended that the existing 45 mile per hour prima facie speed limit remain on La Costa Avenue
and that no speed humps or bumps be constructed upon La Costa Avenue.
1. Location Map.
2. Appeal form from Mohammad Mehdi Zomorrodian.
3. Minutes of the August 5, 2002 Traffic Safety Commission meeting.
a- ,.
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1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad. California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2808 03
__ City of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 - (760) 434-2808 @
speed limit and install speed humps.
La Costa Avenue - Citizen request to revise the 45 mile per hour prima facie
Referring to an overhead slide, Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, stated a
a letter to the Ci Attorney requesting that prima facie speed limit on La Costa Avenue be revised to 20
resident of Carlsbad, Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Zomorrodian initiated agenda item MA. Mr. Zomormdian sent
Attorney, Mr. Zomorrodian did speak with the Assistant City Attorney and several staff members in the miles per hour and that speed humps be installed on La Costa Avenue. Prior to sending the letter to the City
engineering department to learn how speed zoning is done, e.g. what the Engineering and Traffic Survey means and how staff arrived at the existing 45 mph prima facie speed limit upon La Costa Avenue east of El Camino Real.
Mr. Johnson stated that La Costa Avenue is designated as a secondary arterial on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. It is a four lane mad in most locations from a point easterly of El Camino Real to
Camino de 10s Coches. Either a two-way left turn lane or a turn lane at the intersections separates the two traffic lanes in each direction. There are homes on both sides of the roadway, either on the north side or the
south side, depending on the segment of the mad. Parking is allowed on portions of the north side and also on portions of the south side. In addition, there are bicycles lanes on portions of the roadway.
Traffic signals have been installed on La Costa Avenue at the intersections of Cadencia Street. Romeria Street and Viejo Castilla Way. The average daily traffic (ADP varies on La Costa Avenue, depending on
location, and ranges between 9,300 and 12,400 vehicles per day.
Mr. Johnson stated that one area of concern mentioned by Mr. Zomormdian was a fatal collision on La Costa Avenue. This collision occurred in April 2002 and it was not speed related. According to the police
and veered into the westbound lanes in a broadside position and was struck by a westbound vehicle. report the primary collision factor was an unsafe turning movement. The vehicle did strike the south curb
Mr. Johnson noted that there was a fatal collision approximately one year ago, in August 2001, at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue. That collision also was not speed related. The
collision was due to the driver running a red light and the driver died as a result of this collision. Mr. Johnson stated that anytime a red light running collision occurs at an intersection it usually involves an injury or a
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission, that in the last twelve months on La Costa Avenue, on the subject segment indicated in the overhead slide, according to police reports there have been six mid-block collisions
and this includes the fatal collision in April 2002. Only one of the aforementioned collisions was due to exceeding the safe speed.
Continuing, Mr. Johnson noted that an Engineering and Traffk Survey was conducted for La Costa Avenue.
He stated that this is required by law in order to set the prima facie speed limit. The speed limit was set in compliance with the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey at 45 miles per hour. The speed limit was
set after an evaluation of all of the conditions on the roadway, i.e. traffic volumes, prevailing speeds, or
Augusl5,2002 TRAFFIC "Y COMMISSION pase 3
critical speed, collisions and other factors. There are varying conditions on each and every roadway
throughout California. The State Legislature in California Vehicle Code section 22358.5 has addressed this. Mr. Johnson showed an overhead slide that stated the vehicle code section, 'It is the intent of the
condition readily apparent to a driver, in the absence of other factors, would not require special downward Legislature that physical condtions such as width, curvature, grade and surface conditions, or any other
speed zoning, as the basic rule of section 22350 is sufficient regulation as to such conditions.'
Mr. Johnson mentioned that section 22350 of the Vehicle Code is basic speed law which states, 'No person
shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which
endangers the safety of person or property.'
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the roadway conditions on La Costa Avenue are readily apparent to the driver.
The mad does follow a curvature linear alignment, there are some vertical curves, there are homes on each side, there are intersections that are apparent, there are signalized intersections and parking on the
vehicle upon. roadway, which does send a message to the driver as to the type of roadway, he or she is operating the
the request for a 20 mile per hour speed limit upon La Costa Avenue and the installation of speed humps on In summary Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee reviewed
this roadway. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee could not agree with either of the requests and is
recommending that the 45 mile per hour prima facie speed limit remain as is and that speed humps not be installed on La Costa Avenue.
Chairperson Courtney asked if there were questions of staff.
As there were no questions of staff, Chairperson Courtney opened public testimony.
Mohammad Mehdi Zomorrodian, 2664 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92009, stated that he initiated this request due to the unsafe situation on La Costa Avenue from El Camino Real to the Rancho Santa Fe
Road. Noting that he contacted the City about the conditions on the street before the fatal accident, he noted
that one fatality is one too many and he believes this fatality could have been prevented if a lower speed limit had been in effect.
He mentioned his numerous interactions with staff and the information gamered regarding the Galifomia Vehicle Code. He advised the Commission that he was a registered civil engineer and did not believe that
the physical and geometric condition of La Costa Avenue was taken into account when the prima facie speed limit was Set. He nMed that traffic volumes'had nothing to do with the geometric and physical conditions of La Costa Avenue and the safety of the citizens.
Mr. Zomormdian stated that he nor residents in the area were not notified in a timely manner that the request for a lower prima facie speed limit and speed humps on La Costa Avenue would be an agenda item on the August 5,2002 Traffic Safety Commission meeting.
Referring to the Highway Design Manual Published by Caltrans, section 80-1, Section 80-5. and table 82.1A Mandatory Standards chapters 100 and chapter 200 - Figure, 201.4 (stopping sight distance on crest vertical curves) and Figure 201.5 (stopping sight distance and sag vertical curves) and Figure 201.6
(stopping sight distance on horizontal curves), Mr. Zomorrodian commented that La Costa Avenue is in
... .. .. .
direct violation of the aforementioned and that the 45 mile per hour speed limit should be lowered officially to meet the standards that the City has been practicing.
Mr. ZomorrorJian also mentioned that La Costa Avenue sidewalks in some areas are in violation Of the
federal government American with Disabilities Act and the City is in direct violation of Federal, State and
City standards. He stated that he oMained plans from the City of Carisbad's engineering department and mentioned that the speed limit posted on La Costa Avenue is not the proper speed limit according to the plans. He noted that the plans were from the 1960's and suggested that the alignment of the mad would
have to be adjusted and 200 houses condemned in order to meet the conditions and standards of today.
In conclusion, he mentioned that many people have been injured on this mad, but may have not filed an
official accident report. He assured the Commission that the average driving speed on this roadway exceeds 75 miles per hour and reiterated his request for a lower speed limit and the installation of Speed humps to
insure the safety of the residents.
Chairperson Courtney asked Mr. Zomorrodian how long he had resided in the area.
Mr. Zomorrcdian responded that he has lived on La Costa Avenue since December 2001
Emilie K. Cuthberct, 3207 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad. CA, mentioned that her home was the fourth lot
January of 2000. In this time she has noticed a major increase in traffic on La Costa Avenue. The posted north east of Cadencia Street on the right hand side of La Costa Avenue. She has resided in the area since
speed limit is 45 miles per hour, but the speed limit is not being enforced. Ms. Cuthberct stated that she
feared for her safety and did not walk on La Costa Avenue due to the vehicles traveling at excessive
walking to and from school, and entering and exiting her driveway without being hit by motorist traveling at speeds. She expressed concerns regarding the safety of the pedestrians, especially the school children
speeds as fast as 70-75 miles per hour.
Ms. Cuthberct mentioned Avenida de la Posta in Encinitas. She noted that part of the street was closed off, speed bumps and four way STOP signs were installed in order to reduce the traveling speed of vehicles.
She suggested that four way STOPS would slow the traffic down on La Costa and asked staff to look at the installation of STOP signs as a viable option.
Tressa England, 2378 La Costa Avenue, Carisbad, CA, expressed concern regarding the vehicles traveling
extremely dangerous entering or exiting her driveway due to the high volume of vehicles traveling at speeds
at excessive speeds on La Costa Avenue. She concurred with the previous speaker, noting that it was
well over the posted speed limit. She noted that most motorists were not prudent and did not drive at safe
speeds, but instead drove at speeds that endangered lies and property. She din? know if merely reducing the posted speed would eliminate the problem and suggested that continuous monitoring of the roadway
should be done. She mentioned that upon her request, the State Highway Patrol increased the red line at her driveway entrance, because there was no visibility. Ms. England stated that many people park in the red
line zone and asked staff to have the Carisbad Police Department enforce the laws regarding the speed limit and the NO parking in red zones.
Commissioner Heffner asked Ms. England how long she has resided in the area.
Ms. England replied 4 years.
William J. Lewis, 2428 La Costa Avenue, Carisbad. CA, mentioned that he has lived at this address since
that drivers travel at speeds well above the posted 45 miles per hour speed limit. He suggested that STOP
1968 and noted that during most of this time the high-speed madway was not in existence. He commented
signs would do much to slow the flow of traffic. Mentioning the fatality of a child on this roadway, he
expressed his concern for the pedestrians walking in the area.
.. , . .
Norman England, 2378 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, concurred with the statements of the other public
testimony and expressed his concern relative to the posted speed limit on La Costa Avenue not being enforced.
Chairperson Courtney asked Mr. England how long he has resided on La Costa Avenue,
Mr. England replied four years.
Michael Razmajuo, 3019 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, has been a resident since October 1992. He
mentioned that he operates a child daycare center in his home. He noted that prior to 1999 there was not a
traffic volume, noise or excessive speeding problem on La Costa. He mentioned that while entering his driveway his vehicle was rear ended by a vehicle that was tailgating his vehicle. He mentioned the fatality of
an eight-year-old child in the area and expressed concern for the safety of the pedestrians in the area. Noting that this segment of La Costa Avenue is a residential street, he suggested that this should be taken into consideration and the speed limit should be reduced to facilitate the safety of the residents in the area.
In addition, he mentioned that he believed the motorist traveling at speeds that exceeded the posted speed limit were not residents in the area. He did not undentand why the City of Carlsbad elected to install signal
lights, when the installation of all way STOP signs at each intersection would have been less expensive and solved the speeding and cut through traffic problem.
Kazem Zomomdian, 2400 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, mentioned that he is the president of Atlantic Engineering and brother of Mohammad Mehdi Zomorrodian. He stated that he review the plans and firmly
believes that all of the accidents on La Costa Avenue are speed related and questioned the data given by the Deputy City Engineer of Transportation. Mr. Robert Johnson.
pedestrians and motorists due to the excessive speeds of vehicles traveling on La Costa Avenue. Various
In addition, Mr. Zomomdian stated that financial institutions do not believe the roadway is safe for
financial institutions refuse to lend funds for construction on La Costa Avenue. He concurred with the
Zomorrodian reiterated that motorist travel at excessive rates of speed on this roadway. previous public speakers regarding the hazardous conditions when entering and exiting ones' driveway. Mr.
In conclusion, he stated that the geometry of the roadway are taken into consideration when roadways are
designed and a margin of emr is factored in; e.g. if the road is designed to handle 45 miles per hour, the speed limit is set for 35 miles per hour. Referring to the geometry of La Costa Avenue, he suggested that
the speed limit on La Costa Avenue should be set at 25 miles per hour.
Chairperson Courtney asked Mr. Zomomdian how long he had resided on La Costa Avenue.
Mr. Zomonodian replied approximately one year.
Mrs. Hjordis Parker, 3111 La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, second house west of Cadencia Street. She
expressed concerns related to safety and the construction trucks using La Costa Avenue since it is an extremely steep roadway. She also mentioned the hazardous conditions that exist for her while entering and
exiting her driveway due to the numerous vehicles using La Costa Avenue traveling at speeds well in
from the vehicles.
excess of the posted speed limit. She has noticed a tremendous increase in traffic and an increase of noise
subsequently crashed into neighbors' front yards and homes. She acknowledged that traffic accidents have Concluding, Mrs. Parker referred to several incidents in the past where vehicles jumped the curb and
been reduced as a result of the traffic signal being installed at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and Cadencia Street and believes that lowering the speed limit on La Costa Avenue will do much to further
reduce the incidents of traffic accident on this segment of roadway.
. .. .
As there were no additional public comments, Chairperson Courtney closed public testimony and called for a discussion.
Commissioner Mertz stated that he has driven La Costa Avenue and commented that it is a secondary
arterial with many of the attributes of a residential road, which makes it a very tough situation to deal with.
He advised Mr. Zomorrodian that the Commissioners were not in a position, at this point, to determine whether or not there is a road design issue that needs to be addressed. He suggested that additional policing
and traffic enforcement in the area could improve the situation significantly. Noting that construction vehicles do not have the ability to brake as rapidly as motor vehicles, Commissioner Mertz expressed
concern regarding safety issues relating to construction vehicles driving on La Costa Avenue's steep grade.
That there is a problem on La Costa Avenue is not the question, Commissioner Mertz set forth that the question is, "what is the solution to this problem?' He asked staff to review the issues related to the design of the road to ascertain if the design speed is appropriate to the speed that has been set for the traffic.
Noting that the Engineering and Traffic Survey results are from a short period of time, Commissioner Mertz acknowledged that the speeds recorded, e.g. 52 mph, 49 mph, were not outrageously out of line with the
average speed and the 45 mile per hour posted speed. He noted that baring very special circumstances, speed limits set by the engineering and traffic studies are the speed limits that judges use in validating
speeding tickets.
Addressing the issue of construction traffic, Commissioner Mertz suggested that construction traffic be
restricted from La Costa Avenue.
evaluation of the situation. He mentioned that installing STOP signs and/or speed humps on an arterial road Commissioner Schall mentioned that he drove the area and concud with Commissioner Mertz's
such as La Costa Avenue could potentially create an even more hazardous situation and impede the response time for emergency vehicles. .
Concluding, Commissioner Schall asked staff to conduct a new Engineering and Traffic Survey and suggested that the Carlsbads Police Department police the area vigorously.
Commissioner Heffner commented that the installation of speed bumps would create hazardous conditions, in addition to impacting emergency response vehicles and their arrival times and therefore are not a viable option. Noting that he observed the roadway on several occasions, he stated that he did not notice an
abundance of speeding traffic.
Commissioner Heffner suggested that a mobile radar trailer be installed to monitor speeds and alert drivers how fast they are really driving. He commented that he was not in support'of lowering the prima facie speed
limit to 20 or 25 miles per hour.
Chairperson Courtney asked staff what the design speed of the road was when it was initially built.
the County design speed when the mad was built. Mr. Johnson replied that La Costa Avenue is an old road designed to County standards. He does not have
Chairperson Courtney stated that he was familiar with the area. Reviewing the history of the 'speed trap" law
and the Engineering and Traffic Survey, he mentioned that the prima facie speed limit, by law, had to be set !n the 85 percentile of the prevailing speed. He did concur with the need for additional policing in the area.
He expressed his support regarding staffs recommendation.
Commissioner Schall commented that the issue of street design is beyond the charge and scope of the
Traffic Safety Commission.
Mr. Johnson responded that the street design has been taken into account in the Engineering and Traffic
Survey. He stated that if the issue at hand were a brand new road in a vacant area there would be design standards incorporated into the design. He reminded the Commission that La Costa Avenue is an older mad
that the City inherited the road and it has been improved over the years. He commented that the physical characteristics are what they are and the Engineering and Traffic Survey takes this all into account.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the Police Department has been issuing tickets to speeding motorist on La
Costa Avenue. Noting that the 45 mile per hour speed limit is being upheld by the Traffic Commission Judges in the San Marcos court, Mr. Johnson stated that it was a valid speed zone and a posted speed of
anything less than 45 miles per hour would not be a valid speed zone. If the speed is posted lower than 45 miles an hour, radar cannot be used for enforcement and if radar is not used there will be no enforcement because the only other option would be for the police to pace the speeding vehicle. Mr. Johnson stated that
pacing speeding vehicles is potentially a very dangerous situation for all motorists and the police officer.
Chairperson Courtney asked staff how old the Engineering and Traffic Survey was.
Avenue east of Rancho Santa Fe Road and the condtions of the road have changed conditions at that Mr. Johnson replied 3 year?.. He advised the Commission that there has been construction on La Costa
location, hence staff is in the process of updating the survey.
As there was no further discussion, Chairpenon Courtney closed discussion and called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, denying the
request to establish a 20 mile per hour speed limit on La Costa Avenue and also to deny the request to install speed humps on La Costa Avenue.
VOTE 4-50 AYES: COUrtney, Mertz, Schall, Heffner
NOES: None
Chairperson Courtney called for a fwgminute redess 'at 4:l.O pm.
Chairperson Courtney reconvened the regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission at 4:15 pm
ITEM 6B: Avenida Encinas - Palomar Airport road to a point 3,500 feet southerly of
Palomar Airport Road - Police Deparbnent request to revise the prima facie
speed limit to 40 miles per hour.
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Catisbad. CA 92008
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From: Lorraine Wood
To: Bob Johnson
Date: 8/5/02 4:55PM
Appeal of Speed limit on La osta Avenue
Mr. Mllhdl2oWhMWa .. &fka~d&fic%kdkm decision today. Please note that when
Council the following people have requested to be notified:
ngland 2378 La Costa Ave(
qe'ssa England 2378 LC+ "Merdad Razmjoo 3019 LCW
William T. Lewis 2428 LC/+
Hjzrdis Parker 31 I I LC/? Joakim Parker 31 I I LCW
Emilie Cuthbert 3207 LCA --em Zonnorrodian 2400 LCW
Lorraine Wood
CC Debra Doerfbr
._ .. .
Date of Decision you are appealing: 7/05/d 2.
Subiect Of ADDeal:
multiple elements, (such as a General Plan Amendment. Negative Declaration, Specific Plan, etc.) please
BE SPECIFIC Examples: if the action is a City Engineer's Decision, please say so. If a project has
list them all. If you only want to appeal a part of the whole action, please state that here.
A .,0 v- I> VQvY c L(Y
Reasonlsl for ADDeal: Please Note Failure to specify a reason may result In denlal of
the appeal, and you will be limited to the grounds stated hers when presenting your appeal.
BE SPECIFIC How did the decision maker err? What about the decision is inconsistent with state or local
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (619) 434-2808 @
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2808 @
FbG Doertier - Appeal of Speed limit on La Costa Avenue Page 1 1
From: Lorraine Wood
Bob Johnson
Subject: 6/5/02 4:55PM Appeal of Speed limit on La Costa Avenue
Mr. Mehdi Zormorradian filed an appeal of a Traffic Commission decision today. Please note that when this comes to Council the following people have requested to be notified:
tre'ssa England 2378 LCA
Hormow E. England 2378 La Costa Ave.
Merdad Razmjoo 3019 LCA William T. Lewis 2428 LCA
Hjordis Parker 31 11 LCA Joakim Parker 31 11 LCA
Kazem Zormorrodian 2400 LCA Emilie Cuthbert 3207 LCA
Lorraine Wood
CC Debra Doerfler
Date AUGUST 6, 2002
To FILE OReply Wanted
From DEBRA UNO Reply Necessary
COPY of appeal sent to Attorney, City Manager, .s Bob Johnson
per procedure manual instructions. 98 g/L'02/
Mail Envelope Properties (3D4F1075.BAO : 8 : 8889)
Subject: Appeal of Speed limit on La Costa Avenue
Creation Date: 8/5/02 4:55PM
From: Lorraine Wood
Created By: Lwood@ci.carlsbad.ca.us
Ddoer CC (Debra Doerfler)
Bjohn (Bob Johnson)
Post Ofice
Expiration Date: None
Priority: Standard
Reply Requested: No
Return Notification: None
Date & Time
08/05/02 04:55PM
Concealed Subject: No
Security: Standard
I. /6,8&- 3
+J /
9-/D-ii2- *
What’s up with all the different speed zones? Actually, it’s a matter of pesms~
getting down to the basic premise of setting realistic speed limits for each 62‘
zone, based on a specific engineering and traffic survey conducted on that ~0 /4/.1/” fiD
designated (portion of) road. The engineering and traffic survey, which is M &If D 1
required by the California Vehicle Code, takes many elements into account, 2 ofluWWflfl
such as: PPPELUGNJ-
0 Collisions.
Roadway features.
Adjacent land uses.
0 Driveway locations.
Traffic volumes.
Pedestrian volumes.
Critical speed.
0 Horizontal and vertical road
0 Stopping sight distance.
Conditions not readily apparent to the
La Costa Avenue does not meet the requirements of
California Vehicle Code & CALTRANS manual that is
adopted by the city of Carlsbad.
In the following items La Costa Avenue is failing the code
requirements for 45 MPH. And meeting the requirements
for 20 MPH
Vertical Alignments.
1-Sight Distance Criteria
0 La Costa Avenue has sustained downgrades of steeper
than 3 % and is longer than 1.5 miles (2km). Per item (I-
201.3)(A) .Therefore the stopping sight distance should
be increased by 20 % and since is practically impossible
to re grade and realigned the road ( unless city obtain all
the houses along LA COSTA AVE and condemn them to
meet the federal requirements) then the speed limit
should be reduced to 20 mph
the required stopping distance per item ( I &F -
0 La Costa Avenue crest vertical curves dose not provide
the required passing sight distance per ( I & T-201.1)
0 La Costa'Avenue sag vertical curves does not provide
headlight sight distance per ( I & F-201.5) ( M) as well
as no lighting of the road has been considered as
mitigation ( 1-20 1.5)
0 La Costa Avenue crest vertical curves dose not provide
2-Grade Standards
La Costa Avenue profile grade does not comply with
maximum specified in table 204.3 (1-204.3)
3-Vertical Curve Criteria
0 La Costa Avenue dose not meet the 45 requirements of
speed set by ( 1-204.4)
4-Climbing Lane Requirements
0 La Costa Avenue profile dose not meet the sustained
safe grade per (1-204.5)
Horizontal Alignment
0 La Costa Avenue dos not meet the minimum sight
distance requirements at each horizontal curve per (1 -
203.1 & F-201.6) (M)
0 La Costa Avenue does not meet the requirements of
0 La Costa Avenue does not meet the requirements of
compound curves per ( 1-203.4) (A)
super elevation transition per ( F-202.5) (A) and
AASHTO standards ( 1-203.1) ( M)
coordinated such that horizontal curves not to be hidden
behind crest of vertical curve.
0 The horizontal and vertical alignments are not
0 La Costa Avenue does not meet the superelevation rate
At-Grade Intersection
La Costa Avenue does not meet the intersection standards
per chapter 400 of Caltrans standards for failing the
following standards.
0 Inadequate stopping and corner sight distance
Steep grades
0 Inappropriate traffic control ( posted speed limit of 45
mph instead of 20 mph)
0 Presence of curves within intersections ( driveway is
considered intersection in Caltrans manual)
0 La Costa Avenue does not meet the design and
specifications of STAA truck turn per (1-404.3 (2))(A).
Sight Distance Requirements
La Costa Avenue does not meet the corner sight distance
stopping standards per (1-405.1(2)(b))(M)
specified in table 202.2
La Costa Avenue with posted speed of 45 mph does not
provide pedestrian access to individuals with disability to
safely travel in the road per item (I-105.4)( l))(A)
According to Traffic Manual Chapter 6 and 10 and topic
105 of highway Design Manual for Pedestrians
Physical conditions may force students to walk on the
roadway (Two schools are within one mile of La Costa
Avenue, The school bus does not stop to Pick up students
in the immediate are of school) the Students have to walk
to school, there is not enough protection for students when
the vehicles are dnving the speed limit of 45 MPH. The
speed limit to be lowered to protect the pedestrian fiom
accidents. The pedestrian ramps and sidewalk does not
meet the requirements of Federal Disability Act . The are
areas that do not have sidewalks . Some sidewalk areas
are sub standards . Some sidewalk enclosed with guardrails
with less than legal width.
La Costa Avenue does not meet the pedestrian and bicycle
safety code of section 627 of engineering and traffic
survey of California Vehicle Code Amended Ch. 466
effective Jan 01, 1983, and Amended Sec 1 , Ch. 45
effective jan 0 1 200 1.
" G' -. ._
Let's talk about
't ,,
r T he California Vehicle Code is based on the premise that, .
on the whole, mmt people drive responsibly. Happily. local.
Carlsbad conforms to California's Basic Speed Law,
which states,'No person shall drive a vehicle upon a regional and national statistis Support Mat assUmPtb highway [road] at a speed greater than is remmbk
in terms of the speed at which motorists generally drive on any
given road.Accordingly, the City of CarlsDad Sets realistic speed or prudent having due regard for weamer,visibilii,
limits in the upper half of the narmal pace Of traffic to achieve the traffic on, and the surface and width ot me
voluntary public complianee and to maintain unambiguous highway, and in no event at a speed which
enforcement of the law. . endangers the safety of persons or propa@."
I <
The rationale behind setting Speed limits
50, or even 55? The answer is the speed limit on various arterials Here's a riddle: What. depending upon location, can be 40,45,
Roadway features.
Adjacent land uses. Stopping sight distance.
road alignment.
Driveway locations. Traffic volumes.
Conditions not readily
. .apparent to the driver.
Horizontal and vertical
Pedestrian volumes.
Some definitions
CrlUcal Speed
The speed at which 85% of drivers
travel at or below.
Mumum Sped Umn
In California, the maximum speed limit is 55 mph. I
Selected freeways in California may be posted to
Abrolub ulnlt
permit a maximum af 65 or 70 mph. This is an
any arcurnstance.
absolute limit mat may not be legally exceeded under
Plhhd.SpudUllllt This Latinphrase means "on the face of it." A prima facie limit Is
deemed reasonable and prudent under normal condMns. The prima
facie limit is 15 mph in alleys, blind intersections and blind railmad crossings; 25 mph in business and residential districts. There also is
a part-time prima facie limit of 25 mph in posted school mnea when
children are going to or from school.
orivers may exceed a prima facie limit it ii is sate to do sa. If Mad, however, they must prove they were driving in a reasonable and
prudent manner according to existing condhns.
A roadway secfion that has a prima facie speed limit not justnied by
an engineering and traffic survey but nevertheless uses radar
entorcement is known as a speed trap. Speed trap citations do nat
generally hold up in couk
sped IhP
speed llmits
me Carlsbad Police Oepaltment rigorously enforces all
responsibility of enlorciw speed limits. The survey-based realistic
Six motor enforcement omcers are charged with the
speed limits established by the CIS traffic engineering staff make it
posted speed limits on arterials provide motorists, police and the traffic
easier for the Police Department to enforce the law using radar. The
courts with clear guidelines lor reasonable and safe speeds while
facilitating efficient traffic flow under normal driving conditions. -
STREET: La Costa Avenue
LIMITS: 1,000 Feet East of El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road
A. Prevaillna SDeed Data:
Date of Speed Survey
85th Percentlle Location of Speed Survey
In MPH Pam
Percent in Pace Posted Speed Limit
. - . . . . . . . - - -
8. Accident Hlstow (6/01/97 to 5/31/99)
Speed-Related Accidents Total Accidents Acc./Million Veh. Miles
C. Traffic Factors:
Average Daily Traffic Traffic Controls PedestrianlBicycle Traffic
On-Street Parkino Bicycle Lanes
Street Classification
Length of Segment Design Speed
Roadway Width Number of Lanes Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Sidewalks Driveways Street Lighting
40 to 50 MPH RR%
45 MPH
6 19
! 7/20/99 7/20/99 300' e/o Vieja Castilla Way At Esfera Street 48 MPH 46 MPn 40 to 50 MPH 92% 45 MPH 45 MPH
38 to 48 MPH 91%
Traffic Signals at Rancho Santa Fe Road, Cadencia Street, Romeria Street, & Vieja Castiila Way 15,800 - West of Caile Madero (7/28/99); 10,600 - East of Esfera Street (7/28/99)
Moderate Bicycle Lane on Each Side between Rancho Santa Fe Road 8 Romeria Street Prohibited on Portion of Roadway Bike Route per Circulation Element of the General Plan
Secondary Arterial 40 MPH 2.1 Mi. 64 Feet 3 to 4 Lanes
Curvilinear Roadway Grades Vary from 1% to 7.71 %
Numerous Closely Spaced Driveways Limited Sidewalk
Limited Street Lighting
E. Adiacent Land Uses: Residential, Fire Station, Golf Course
F. Remarks: This portion of La Costa Avenue connects two prime arterials. Rancho Santa Fe Road and El Camino Real, and ha! numerous driveways. Two lanes run in each direction except between Romeria Street and Levante Street where there is only one eastbound lane in order to provide parking on the south side of the street. Parking is also allowed on the majority of the remainin< section on the north side and a two-way left-turn lane divides the travel lanes for a portion of the segment. Eastbound travel lane! are reduced to one through lane and one right turn only lane at Romeria Street and again at Rancho Santa Fe Road. Tht
sign advises westbound motorists of the intersection at Dehesa Court. Advanced warning signs and signs stating an advisog horizontal and vertical alignment of the roadway limits sight distance to some driveways and intersections. An advanced warning
speed lower than the posted speed limit have been installed advising motorists of a curve in the roadway. Mail delivery vehicles UPS trucks, and others stop along the roadway and partially utilize through lanes.
G. Traffic Enaineer's Recommendation (Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the Caiiforni: Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the CALTMNS Traffic Manual with respect to design an( prevailing speeds, accident history. pedestrian activity, driveway spacing, stopping sight distance, and roadway and traftic conditions. A speed limit posting of 45 MPH is found to be appropriate and justified. ., ,
H. mt6valS flJ : ,, ,
Recert!Rcation of existing speed zone per Sections 22357,22358 and 40802 of the Caiifornia'Vehicle Code. Establishment of new speed zone. Approved "7.AOLh &. %/,/,/9 4 rraffic Enginqr Date
ITE: Appropriate speed survey(s) islare attached hereto and made a part hereof.
I Figure 3-8
Users requiring meMc values can apply a converSron factor of 1.6093 to obmin a mettic value In kilometers. The TASAS Hlghway Data Base Is cunently available only in US values
Fax Cover Sheet
Christine Davis
2412 La Costa Avenue 760-942-0957 Home
Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-644-2 12 1 Cell
chris@idapinc.com 760-635-0920 Fax
Date: 9- 10-02
Pages: 2
Deliver to: Bob Johnson
Company: City of Carlsbad - Public Works Department
Fax #: 760-602-8562
Regarding: La Costa Avenue Speed Limit
Mr. Johnson:
Due to the short notice for tonight’s meeting my husband and I are unable to attend. In our
absence, please accept the following letter as our opinion of the problem regarding excessive
car speed on La Costa Avenue.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Christine Davis
September IO, 2002
Mr. Robert T. Johnson
Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
Carlsbad, CA 92008
1635 Faraday Avenue
Re: Speed Zonenimit on La Costa Avenue
Dear Mr. Johnson:
In my absence at tonight’s meeting, I would like to offer the following written opinion regarding the speed limit
on La Costa Avenue and the danger it poses to residents.
My husband and I bought our home at 2412 La Costa Avenue in February of 2001. Our one concern when
considering our purchase was the excessive speed on La Costa Avenue. While we proceeded with the purchase,
we know that it will hamper our ability to sell our home in the future. It is the one single “downside” to owning a
home on La Costa Avenue.
I feel that a 45 mile per hour speed limit is not altogether excessive, however, the posted speed limit is not
adhered to at all and therein lies the problem. Our home is situated where the road curves somewhat and it is not
unusual to hear squealing brakes as cars come around the curve. Brakes will not squeal at 45 miles per hour.
Friday and Saturday evenings are downright frightening for us as cars veer out of their lane and hit the curb as
they round the curve. It is only a matter of time before one of our cars parked curbside is rear-ended or a car
jumps the curb and ends up in our driveway or hits the light pole.
Prior to this home I owned a home off of Alga. Alga’s speed limits are much more closely adhered to because of
routine monitoring by police. Speed traps are set on a regular basis at the bottom of the hill and residents are
accustomed to traveling the speed limit because they know it is only a matter of time before they are caught. In
addition, machines that post a driver’s speed limit as they pass are positioned on Alga occasionally (there was one
there today) which helps further educate drivers to the posted speed limit on Alga. It is a shame that La Costa
Avenue is ignored in this regard.
As you know, cars travel higher than the posted speed limit as a rule of thumb. The “additional 5” miles per hour
rule seems to be a simple fact of life. However, cars travel much higher than simply 5 miles per hour over our
posted 45 mile per hour speed limit. I work off of Rancho Santa Fe Road and therefore travel up and down La
Costa Avenue two to four times per day on my way to and from work. I have been passed by cars traveling no
less than 60 miles per hour on so many occasions I have lost count. In order to assure that cars travel La Costa
Avenue at no more than 45 miles per hour, it is imperative that a much lower speed limit be posted.
With the introduction of the Sav-On shopping center at the top of La Costa Avenue and the soon-to-be built
Albertsons center at the bottom of La Costa Avenue, along with the new homes planned for the Rancho Santa Fe
Road corridor, traffic on La Costa Avenue will increase dramatically. A lower posted speed limit, along with
cooperation from the police department, will hopefully keep another resident from being killed on La Costa
Christine Davis
2412 La Costa Avenue * Carlsbad. CA 92009 * 760-644-2121
My Fellow Citizens:
Our family of five lives on La Costa Avenue. On many occasions, I have
found myself driving the posted 45 mile-per-hour speed limit, and had to remind myself to slow down.
After all, this is a neighborhood street heavily populated by children
and families. Five days ago, I witnessed what could have been a tragic
fatality. A boy of about 9 or 10 years of age, wearing a pair of skate shoes, darted onto La Costa Avenue near Romeria. Fortunately, the van
in front of me was going at a speed far leu; than the posted one and
was able to brake in time to miss the boy. What if the van had been
traveling at 45 miles per hour-or moceds is often the case?
A couple of years ago, I witnessed an accident as my neighbor
attempted to pull out of her driveway. Two cars were severely
damaged. That time, no one was injured. The cost was surely borne
by insurance companies-and ultimately the consumer.
Minimally, the speed limit on this heavily populated residential street
needs to be drastically reduced. More crosswalks are needed-and
crossing guards are needed during school hours. There are only
three crosswalks sewing the entire length of La Costa Avenue. There
are homes on both sides of this dm&, whereas Aviara Drive has NO
driveways or homes directly fronting the street, and the speed limit is
40 miles per hour. Additionally, between El Camino and the Von's
Center and the first condo complex, the speed limit is a logical
35 miles per hour. The speed limit only goes to 45 miles per hour om
you hit the residential area!
One wrongful death lawsuit against the City of Carlsbad could likely
result in damages that might equal the value of all the properties on La
Costa Avenue.
The city has certainly been watned-and I hope will be responsive to
the pleas from its taxpaying citizens and residents.
3205 La Costa Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92009
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