HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-10; City Council; 16884; Funding from Carlsbad Village Business AssociationAB# 16,884 MTG. 9-10-02 DEPT. CM CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL ~~ ~ TITLE: REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. &!- CITY MGR- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation and consider action on the request for funding from the Carlsbad Village Business Association. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to submit requests during the City’s budget process for consideration. During the development of the 2002/03 City budget, the Carlsbad Village Business Association (CVBA), requested that the City Council approve and authorize a grant for $25,000 to assist and enhance the CVBA in their current efforts. Due to recent changes that have occurred at the CVBA, the City Council requested that the CVBA provide additional information on their request to assist the Council in their deliberations. Based upon this direction, City staff requested that the CVBA provide the following information: Organizational Structure, Mission, Goals, Business Objectives of the CVBA, Detail of the CVBA’s operating budget, detail of the CVBA’s request for funding and an explanation of how the funds will be utilized, and an explanation of the CVBA’s fund expenditure controls and detail on how the CVBA will report back to Council on the expenditure of grant monies. This information is contained in the attached report. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the City would be $25,000 to be allocated from the City Council Contingency Account . EXHIBITS : 1. Carlsbad Village Business Association, dated July 23, 2002. Report on Request for Funding submitted to the Carlsbad City Council from the Cads bad Vi1 lag e Business Association P. 0. Box 1460 Carlsbad, CA 9201 8-1 460 760.433.5598 Phone 760.757-01 88 Fax www.cvba.com REQUEST FOR FUNDING -submitted to- CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -from- CARLSBAD VILLAGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION July 23, 2002 CVBA Request for Fundtng -1- Carlsbad Village Business Association Organization The Carlsbad Village Business Association (CVBA) is chartered as a tax-exempt organization under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code 501(C) (6). Voting membership is open to all holders of a business license fiom the City of Carlsbad having a place of business or business interest in the area bounded by the Pacific Ocean in the west, Interstate 5 on the east, Tamarack Avebue on the south and Buena Vista Lagoon on the north. The governance of the CVBA is through an elected Board of Directors selected fiom the membership, currently numbering thirteen, which is subject to its own Bylaws and the laws and regulations governing non-profit corporations in the State of California. Meetings of the membership are held weekly and the Board of Directors meets monthly. The CVBA is staffed by a 50% FTE Executive Assistant and a list of the Directors is included in Appendix A. The CVBA was founded 20 years ago for purposes of preserving and enhancing the character and a business friendly environment in “the Village”--.Carlsbad’s historic and original town site. An additional function that has evolved qver the years is an educational one of keeping the membership advised of developments within the3ity that affect the Village and their businesses as well as providing the merchants with a forum for expressing their views. In recognition of the fact that the Village is predominantly small commercial, retail and service businesses, the CVBA endeavors to coordinate issues and activities of concern to the area into a coherent and meaningful approach that will be of benefit to all and to the Village. Mission. Goals. and Obiectives of the CVBA The Mission of the CVBA is: To help improve the business atmosphere of the Village through cooperative marketing and representation of business concerns to governmental bodies and other organizations. One overall goal of the CVBA is to define the Village’s business, commercial and civic role within the greater City of Carlsbad and, given that role, to enhance the image and view of the whole City of Carlsbad, which is inextricably tied to the Village, where the city’s roots are tied to its history and its traditions. In furtherance of completing such a goal the CVBA has identified several objectives to achieve that will promote the Village’s and the city’s image. Some objectives are fund raising in nature to allow the CVBA to complete its Village enhancement activities. CVBA Request for Funding -2 - 3 Obiectives: To promote the Village as a safe and fiiendly environment for business, shopping and leisure activities. To sponsor and fund direct advertising of the Carlsbad Village within Local and Regional publications. To maintain a CVBA website where information about the Village is available along with links to other enterprises throughout the city that might be of interest. To publish a monthly newsletter for all interested merchants and businesses providing information about and informing each bf current issues that affect the Village. To maintain contact with city leaders and city administration officials relative to issues and concerns that are of importance to or may impact or negatively affect the Village’s environment. To develop the CVBA infrastructure so that we can assist the city government in either transitioning or planning for expanded redevelopment functions at the current housing charter in 2005. To fund the CVBA through organizing, sponsoring or assisting special fund raising activities and events as follows: -c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. c Antique Shows Arts and Crafts Shows-Three each year Weekly Farmer’s Market and Strawberry Festival Seasonal Holiday Decorations and Events New Light post Banners Program Carlsbad Village Awareness Program (cultivation of NCTD Visitors Programs Business Plan The CVBA operates largely through the volunteer efforts of its board and members or through contracts with administrative support from a .5 FTE Executive Assistant. The sponsored special events are chaired by board members and are budgeted separately with the CVBA fbnding the expenses fiom its general funds. These funds are reimbursed after the completion of the project and any revenues over the expenditures inure to the CVBA general fbnd. The weekly Farmer’s Market is contracted through a vendor that specializes in these events. A percentage of the revenues from the market is paid to the vendor. These events fbnction as dual-purpose events in that they promote the Village by exposing it to visitors and customers throughout the region as well as raise funds for CVBA activities. CVBA Request for Funding -3- Other Communitv Enhancement Activities In keeping with its objective to enhance the Village atmosphere, the CVBA has undertaken the project of “o~tfitting’~ the Village for the four Seasonal Events of Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween and the Holiday Season embracing Thanksgiving and Christmas. This project takes the form of encouraging businesses to focus on each of these occasions through special occasion merchandising and marketing, sales, pricing and window displays. During the Thanksgiving- Christmas Holiday Season, the CVBA decorates the Village Streets and cooperates with the Carlsbad Rotary Club in the Christmas Tree Lighting held in the Village Square at the Intersection of State and Grand Streets. In connection with this Season the CVBA sponsors a “Window Decorating Contest” to recognize those businesses whose efforts greatly enhance the Villages appearance and appeal during the Holiday Season. These events have served to draw thousands of visitors throughout San Diego County and the adjacent regions to the Village and greater City of Carlsbad. The CVBA has begun focusing on the Carlsbad’s sea front location, a unique aspect that few other cities can claim, as the “Village- by-the-Sea” (e.g. note the CVBA Logo), that offers retail shopping, an array of eateries, coffee houses and specialty shops, all within walking distances of beautifbl beaches. Together, these events are serving to provide an added stimulus for visitors and customers to spend time in the Village generating increased retail sale that translates into increased sales tax and TOT revenue for the City of Carlsbad. Detail of CVBA’s Operating Budget The 2002 CVBA Budget is contained in Attachment I along with a Summary Report of Income and Expenditures for the current year (January 1 through July 16,2002). * c Year-to-date revenues are generally congruent with the projected 2002 budget. The projected revenue ($34,000 including Projected Special Events Income) will likely be realized with a slight surplus. Expenditures on the major line items are, likewise, generally in alignment with budget projections. Not included in the projected 2002 budget were two restricted special purpose grants that CVBA was informed will be received just prior to the last quarter of this year. The first of these is a $5,000 grant for the Highway 101 Project Committee. Also, San Diego County has signaled their intent to provide a $10,000 grant to the CVBA from Community Enhancement Funds. Both these are for restricted purposes and accounted for separate and apart from the CVBA’s general operating hnds and both will involve expenditures during the 2003 Calendar Year. Detail of CVBA’s Request for Fund and Explanation of how the Funds Will be Expended Rationale As is the case with the Carlsbad Village itself, the CVBA is at a transitional crossroads and presently engaged in planning how to better serve the Village and the greater City of Carlsbad. Over the past 15 years as Carlsbad went through unprecedented growth and expansion it began an inevitable migration of most of the larger retail outlets to sites outside the Village. The Carlsbad Company Stores, renovation of Plaza El Camino Real Mall, the building of the CVBA Request for Funding -4- Encinitas Town Plaza, and the relocation of some of the main civic services from the Village such as the Dove Library, closure of the Pines school and the impending move of City Hall has affected the character of the Village in dramatic ways. Within this process, however, the Village, as the struggle to redefine itself is in process, is in an extremely vulnerable position. This poses what should be a recognizable danger to the Greater City of Carlsbad should “the Village”, its core, become an undesirable “shell of its former self’ and present an image of a city that attracts only the wrong types of businesses catering to the wrong kind of customers. Without a doubt the City Council’s effort through the Village Redevelopment Program helped to stem this trend and has served to “buy some time” during which those efforts must be continued and expanded. However, the private sector doing business in the Village, which has never been fblly engaged in this process, needs to’be engaged or the ultimate goal of a restored Village will not be realized. There remain some very serious problems in retention of tenancy and desirability of doing business in certain sectors of the Village. This issue is not confined to the Village, but extends throughout the Northwest Sector, Carlsbad’s original and therefore oldest section. There are several shopping centers throughout this sector, including some in the Village, that aie badly in need of renovations to bring them up to a standard that is compatible with the image of a safe, successhl community and desirable place to do business. It must be recognized that the business sector of this area is predominantly comprised of small businesses. In the aggregate, however, small bustnesses comprise the “backbone” of the City, and while Carlsbad has been blessed in recent years with attracting many large businesses and corporations, these would not have come and could not remain had it not been for the existence of the city’s vital “backbone”. However, it is the consensus of the small business sector “backbone” that in the process of accommodating these corporations, it was not recognized that the needs of small businesses differs dramatically from those of the City’s large businesses and corporations. As a result it has become increasingly difficult to attract desirable new businesses particularly into certain areas such as the Barrio sector of the Village despite its wealth of history and culture. The CVBA recognizes in order to be an effective “backbone” there must be redevelopment in all sectors. The CVBA has hnctioned largely as a volunteer organization with its directors and some members devoting extremely large blocks of time to the community enhancement hnctions and special events described above. With the increasing demands in running businesses, it is increasingly dificult to find individuals who can allocate the time that must go into special events in order to assure their continued success and growth. In addition this drains the CVBA’s capacity to engage as a more active participant in assisting in the development and retention of businesses within the Village and planning with City Officials and staff for sustaining the Village while growing with its natural beauty into a first class environment and experience for residents and visitors alike. Utilization of Funds The CVBA’s Board of Directors has recognized these facts and determined that they must secure more hnding in order to contract out and/or hire assistance to continue the community CVBA Request for Fundmg -5- b enhancement and special events activities. These activities will remain under the direct control and supervision of the CVBA, but many of the hnctions, which are now covered by volunteer hours, will be contracted. A planning committee has been appointed by Steve Oggel, President of the CVBA to work with city staff toward planning for the Village and bringing a better understanding of the issues, problems and potential solutions to the difficulties small businesses are having in keepsg their doors opened. It was noted in the City’s tourism study that several recommendations centered on the Village and were dependent on the private business sector in order to come to fruition. It is, therefore, a timely moment for increasing dialog and coordination of such actions between the City and the CVBA. Some individual members of the committee have already had some productive meetings with staff fiom the City Manager’s Office and the City’s Redevelopment Office. A grant fiom the City will allow the CVBA to grow its infrastructure and its current community enhancement and special events programs hrther while allowing us to take a more proactive role with the city in maintaining and further developing Carlsbad’s image and status as one of Southern California’s prime cities in all aspects. t A breakout of how hnds received fiom the city ’would be expended is contained in Attachment 11. Fund Expenditure Controls and CVBA Reporting on Use of Funds The CVBA’s Board of Director’s, in accordance ’with its Bylaws as well as state and federal regulations governing non-profit organizations, carries the fiduciary responsibility for the organization. The treasure is charged with maintaining budgets, authorizations for expenditures, issuing checks and accounting for all receipts, deposits and withdrawals from CVBA accounts. The board reviews all financial records and the current transactions monthly during its regular board meeting. Those authorized to sign checks are limited to the executive committee and dual signatures are required on checks in excess of $250. Some general supervision of CVBA Accounting System is provided by a CPA who also files IRS Form 990 (See Attachment 111) on behalf of the CVBA. I The CVBA would propose submitting progress notes to the City Council and/or designated city staff on a quarterly basis and a comprehensive report on how expended hnds were used with results attained on a yearly basis. CVBA Request for Funding -6- Attachment I a) CVBA.2002 Budget b) Summary Report of Income & Expenditures CVBA Request for Funding -7- CVBA Budgerfor 2002 (Approved on 1 /I 0/2002) CVBA Account Balances : Cash on Hand Comments Checking - #03501337 Petty Cash Flex CD Savinas 5,154.68 12/31/2001 Actual 50.10 12/31/2001 Actual 7,833.96 12/31/2001 Actual Preliminary Projections for 2002 Draft 1/7/2002 “ . . - - - - - Total Account Balances 13,038.74 Less: Prepaid Rent Arts & Crafts Bazaar Beginning Funds 2002 after Adjustments (2,310.00) 10,728.74 Postage (360) $30/Mo. (2001 =$388) Self Storage locker (540) $45/Mo. Actual ,’ Administrative &Z General Expenses Miscellaneous Subtotal Projected Net Income e Salaries & Events Less: Administrative Sec.- Salary (1,200) (300)- (1 1,260) 12,440 (12.000’1 $1000 Der month IProjected Special Event Income Subtotal 7 .. I I 440 I ,Antique Show (Spring - 373/2002 NET Arts & Crafts Bazaar (Summer- 8/11/2002) NET Antique Show (Fall - 10/6/2002) NET 4,q3 $6375 est 11/14/01 less 30% contingency 6,848 $8560 est.l2/10/01 less 20% contingency 4 463 $6375 est 11/14/01 less 30% continaencv Open Subtotal ~~~ ~ 15,774 CVBA Budget for 2002 (Approved January IO, 2002) L Projected Net Income for the year (2002) Tom McMahon, Treasurer 16,214 Summary Report 1/1/02 Through 7/16/02 7/16/02 Category Description INCOME A a c 2002 Inc Antique Spring 2002 InC Farmers MM Inc Int Inc Lic Plate Hold Meetings Members Dues Newsletter Inc TOTAL INCOME 'I EXPENSES U ncategorized A 8 C 2002 Exp Accounting Exp Administrative Secretary , Advertising Antique Fall 2002 Exp Antique Fall 2003 Exp Antique Spring 2002 Exp Bulk Mail Dues Farmers MM Exp * c Ins - Dir a Off tic PI Hld Exp Newsletter Office Supplies Postage Storage Locker Supplies Tax Telephone TO Pamela L. Petty Cash TOTAL EXPENSES OVERALL TOTAL 1/1/02- 711 6/02 12,430.00 3,669.00 1 9,830.12 20.09 51 1.26 305.10 1,980.00 50.00 *. 0.00 2,689.22 400.00 5,500.00 640.00 200.00 231.19 4,228.02 562.81 175.00 11,847.04 1,553.00 384.18 453.14 705.72 237.01 269.70 155.37 123.00 357.46 200.00 Page 1 Attachment TI Explanation of How Funds Will Be Used CVBA Request for Funding -8- -Bud pet- The CVBA is requesting support from the City of Carlsbad in the amount of $25,000. These funds will not supplant any that are currently being allocated to existing purposes and programs, however they will be dedicated to enhancing and expanding the reach and impact of some of the current activities now being completed by the CVBA. The allocation of these funds would be to the three major categories. 1.0 Personnel Support $7,500 2.0 Special Events Enhancement and Development $7,500 3.0 Advertisement and Village Presentation $1 0,000 A grant from the City of Carlsbad would be utilized for the specified activities as identified in the following Budget, Justification. -Budpet Justification- 1.0 Personnel Support 1.1 Currently CVBA allocates $15,000 for personnel. This request for $7,500 will be matched by an additional, $7,500 from CVBA general funds for a total of $30,000 for personnel. In keeping with refocusing the CVBD Directors and key members into a more active role with City Staff and planners, the additional staff will assume much,of the time now dedicated to special events by the Board. Additional staffing hours will provide administrative support for the Board in unifying and representing the various business sectors within the Village. Focus will be on developing a greater degree of cohesion and vision for the Village, involvement and investment with the City Officials and Staff and in the planning processes that involve the Village Business sector. 1.2 - 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.0 Special Events Enhancement and Development 2.1 Focus will be on “seed money” and securing professionals under contracts to take CVBA special events to the “next level” as premier activities that expose the Village and Greater Carlsbad to populations from larger regional and national areas. Focus will be on establishing the Village’s “niche” identity within the Greater City of Carlsbad while planning and defining its “niche markets” among the various business interests and sectors that constitute the Village’s business community. Focus will be on expanding on the Wednesday Farmer’s Market into an evening venue with an accompanying “Evening of Dining and Shopping in Carlsbad--Village by the Sea”. To grow the very successful arts and crafts shows into three events per year. + CVBA Request for Funding -9- 3.4 3.5 3.6 * 3.7 3.8 3.0 Advertisement and Village Presentation 3.1 3.2 CVBA will assume an increasing responsibility in establishing the “Carlsbad-Village by the Sea” theme. Regular advertisements in regional media will be provided and timed to coincide with the special events that occur both within the Village and within other areas throughout the City of Carlsbad. CVBA will budget additional funds for decorating the Village. Particular focus will be on the Thanksgivinglchristmas Holiday Season with sponsored special events and entertainment during this time to enhance the Village’s Holiday atmosphere and desirability as a place to shop. Businesses will be encouraged to decorate their stores in accordance with the season and the villages theme and to market specials that will attract shoppers. Businesses will ’be encouraged to cooperate in establishing coordinated and some evening hours to assure availability for shoppers who are attracted to the area by its “Village by the Sea’’ theme. Contingent on availability of a budget the CVBA will sponsor a professional video presentation featuring the “Carlsbad--Village by the Sea” theme for distribution to regional and national areas. Web Site Enhancement. Highway 101 Regional Conference Participation Augmentation of a Village Banner Program 3.3 CVBA Request for Funding - 10- Attachment I11 U c IRS Form 990 CVBA Request for Funding - 11 - Short Form Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax Under Suction 5Ol(c), 527. or 4947(lixl) of the lntlmd Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or prlv.k foundlition] For organizattons with gross receipts krr than $laO,oaO and total assets less than $250,000 at the end of the year. c The orpanuatton may Mu? lo use a copy of this return to satrsl). $?ate reportino requrrements. Form 9900EZ u Deuulmonl d r* Tte.url I~WIWR.WW sunu A For tho 2wn ulandrr yew, or tu year beginning B cndrrrpplublr.r IC ,2001, end ending ,zQ os WD. \w.1150 2001 0p.cltoPUbJlc lnrprctlm Carlsbad Village Business Association Carlrbad, CA 92018 comrhta return. ............................ ..................... 58 Gross amount from rate of assets othbr Wan inventory., .................. b Leu: cost or oWr basis and sales axpenses.. ........................... of contributions reported on line 1). ..................................................... b Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses.. .................. c Net income or (loss) from special events and activihes (line 6a less line 6b). s, postage, and shippiw ......................................................... * See Statement 1 23 Land and buildings.. .............................................................. 26 TOW Ilmbililrs (describe btkma knndrcportd to th, LRSl II Ys,' aWh a fanSMmrQ d hchngr,. ............. L JIa Enter amount of political rxpodituros, direct or indirect, as described in tho irnlrwtionr ...... b M Um wgmiulion fib Form 112WOL for this year?. ......................................... SI sol(c)mcwgcniulions . Entor: 8 lnilition faas and capital contributions included on Jino 9. ...... b Gross ramiptr. inclW en line 9, for public weof club facilities. .............................. 408 sl(C)fl) Or--. Entor: knount of tu inyosod on Vn 0rg;miZation durinp Vlr flu undor: N/A ; Section 4912 * Saclion4911 during tha par or 4-a mare of M excess bons)lt transactan tromr priarysvl If vm8'&achm 8xpIrrutton.. ....................................................................... N/A ; Section 4955 * Did thr organization enga e in any Section 4958 excess knsfil Urn b 501(c)(l) and (4) 01 ' . c knwrtd trximpcwP on orwnzabm mups or eirpurlirid paxons during ttm yur wrdrm, 49% nd4W.. .................. dEnb: Amowl of c 0. on li a, rbo~, rrimbursed by the organization., .................................... u zoo1 Federal Statements Page Carlsbad Village Businass Association 33-aa2l Statement 1 Form 99O-EZ, Part I, Line 16 Other Expenses Advertisin ........................................................................................ I 4,761. Arts & Cra ts Faire Expenses ................................................................ 4,344. 2,311. Farmers Market Expenses ...................................................................... Insurance.. ......................................................................................... 1,386. License Plate Holder Exp ..................................................................... 317. fli sc.. ................................................................................................. 2. News I e t t e r Expense. ............................................................................. 1,175. Office Expenses ...................... .c.. ......................................................... 3,019. Total 5 18,35A. P; Telephone.. ............................... .'. ......................................................... 438. Statement 2 Orgmiution's Primary Exempt Purpose Improve the economic conditlon of the business community within the geographic area known as the Carlsbad Village. FOm SO-=, P8rt 111 * < Statemont 3 Form 99O-R, Part 111, Line 28 Statement of Program Service Accomplishments Grants Program Service DescrlDW Allocations- and .. Im rovement of the economic condition of the Carlsbad and by brin ing people to Carlsbad for festivals, and the Vi f \age business community through promotion, advertising, farmers mar 1 et. 26,173. 3 0. s 26, lfr Statement 4 Form 990-U, Part IV List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees Title and Cont r i - Expense Compen- bution to Account/ 5s Per Week De voted. sw LRLuL- Tom McMahon Treasurer I 0. $ 0. s 0. 4028 Park Or. 30 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Average Hours 2001 Federal Statements Carlsbad Village Business Association Page ; 33-Mc;Fm' Statement 4 (continued) List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees Form 99O-EZ, PII4 1V Contri - Expense Compen- bution to Account/ Title and Average Hours - Jan Jones Secretary L 0. s 0. 0 0. Name and_Address sation JRLuL- 2608 State St. 10 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Io. Total 3 -0, Statement 5 Form 990-U, Part V Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (a) Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? ........................... No (b) 'Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? ................................................... No