HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-17; City Council; 16888; Contract with the County of San Diego AIS2 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 16,888 DEPT.HD.m : CONTRACT AND GRANT AWARD FROM MTG.w INDEPENDENT SERVICES (AIS) FOR THE DEPT. Recreation PROVISION OF NUTRITION, HOME DELIVERED RECOMMENDED ACTION : CITY MGR s City Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-273 accepting the San Diego County Aging & Independent Services (AIS) contract and grant award to provide nutrition, home delivered meals and transportation services; and authorize the Finance Director to appropriate the funds necessary to operate these programs for F.Y. 2002-2003. ITEM EXPLANATION : On January 13, 1987 the City Council authorized Staff to contract with the County of San Diego Area Agency on Aging (A.A.A.), now known as the County of San Diego Aging and Independent Services (A.I.S.), to provide nutrition, home delivered meals, and transportation services for senior citizens in the City of Carlsbad (AB #8858). In order for the City of Carlsbad to accept and expend the funds approved by the A.I.S. to provide these services, it is necessary for the City Council to accept the grant and have staff appropriate the funds. SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: 4t the Senior Commission meeting on August 1, 2002, the Senior Citizen Commission voted Jnanimously to recommend that City Council accept the contract and grant award negotiated Nith the A.I.S. to provide nutrition, home delivered meals, and transportation services for the xrrent Fiscal Year 2002-2003, including options to renew annually through FY 2006-2007. FISCAL IMPACT: The total Grant Award from A.I.S. to provide nutrition, home delivered meals, and transportation services for fiscal year 2002-2003 is $127,366. The City of Carlsbad General Fund (Account Fool-4570) does support the A.I.S. contract by providing such things as heat and light; vehicle maintenance, additional food, etc., all of which was approved in the 2002-2003 Operating 3udget. EXHIBITS: THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AGING & CITY AlTY MEALS AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES n w 0' U a a a z 0 F 0 U 0 d z 3 0 0 .. 1. Resolution # ~302-273 2. Agreement for Senior Nutrition Program 3. Caregiver I*!eal Demand Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 25 RESOLUTIONNO. 2002-273 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AGING AND INDEPENDENT SERVICES (A.I.S.) CONTRACT AND GRANT AWARD FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($127,366) TO PROVIDE NUTRITION, HOME DELIVERED MEALS AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FROM JULY 1,2002 THROUGH JUNE 30,2003. TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX WHEREAS, on July 17,2002, the County of San Diego Aging and Independent Services (A.M.) approved a contract and grant award with the City of Carlsbad to provide Nutrition, Home Delivered Meals, and Transportation services; and, WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to accept and approve said contract and grant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council accepts and approves the contract and grant (Exhibit 2) between the City of Carlsbad and San Diego County A.I.S. in the amount of One hundred twenty-seven thousand, three-hundred sixty-six dollars ($127,366) to provide Nutrition, Home Delivered Meals and Transportation services for senior citizens. 3. That the amount of $127,366 is hereby appropriated in the amounts and to the accounts shown in Exhibit 2 attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOFTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 17th day of SEPTEMBER ,2002 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Hall Member Kulchin ATEST: /’ ,_” &w/byg6c , LOrhrAlNE M. OOD, City Clerk (SEAL) __ . ,L j’ ! COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT wm CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM This Contract (“Contract”) is made and entered into on the date shown on the signature page (“Effective Date”) by and between the County of San Diego, a political subdivision of the State of California (“County”) and Contractor City of Carlsbad, located at 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 (“Contractor”), with reference to the following facts: RECITALS A. B. C. D. The County, by action of the Board of Supervisors Minute Order No. 3/19/02 (22) authorized the Purchasing and nutrition service system. Contracting Deputy Director, pursuant to Article XXIII, Section 401of the Administrative Code, to award contracts for a Contractor is specially trained and possesses certain skills, experience, education and competency to perform these services. The Chief Administrative Officer made a determination that Contractor can perform the services more economically and efficiently than the County, pursuant to Section 703.10 of the County Charter. The contract shall consist of this pro forma contract, Exhibit A, Statement of Work; Exhibit B, Insurance Requirements; and Exhibit C, Contractor’s Budget. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 NCE OF WORK 1.1 Standard of Performa professional standards, at its own cost and expense, furnish all of the labor, technical, administrative, professional and all nce Contractor shall, in good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the highest other personnel, all supplies and materials, equipment, printing, transportation, facilities, and all other means whatsoever, except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be furnished by County, necessary or proper to perform and complete the work and provide the services required of Contractor by this Contract. 1.2 Contractor’s Renresentative Contractor’s duties under this Contract shall be performed on behalf of the Contractor by Contractor’s Representative has fulfilled all applicable requirements of the laws of the State of California to perform the the person identified on the signature page. (“Contractor’s Representative”); Contractor represents and warrants that (I) Contractor and County recognize that the services to he provided by Contractor’s Representative pursuant to this Contract services under this Contract and (2) Contractor’s Representative has full authority to act for Contractor hereunder. are unique: accordingly, Contractor’s Representative shall not he changed during the Term of the Contract without County’s written consent. County reserves the right to terminate this Contract pursuant to Clause 7.1 “Termination for Default”, if Contractor’s Representative should leave Contractor’s employ, or if, in County’s judgment, the work hereunder is not being performed by Contractor’s Representative. 1.3 Contractor as Independent Contracb Contractor is, for all purposes of this Contract, an independent contractor, and neither Contractor nor Contractor’s employees or subcontractors shall be deemed to be employees of the County. work which shall be in the exclusive charge and under the control of the Contractor, and which shall not he subject to Contractor shall jmfcgxu its obligations under this Contract according to the Contractor’s own means and methods of control or supervision by County except as to the results of the work. Neither Contractor nor Contractor’s employees or subcontractors shall be entitled to any benefits to which County employees are entitled, including without limitation, overtime, retirement benefits, workers’ compensation benefits and injury leave. 1.4 Contractor’s Aeents and Emvlovees or Subcon employees and subcontractors required for Contractor to perform its duties under this Contract, and all such services shall tractors. Contractor shall obtain, at Contractor’s expense, all agents, he performed by Contractor’s Representative, or under Contractor’s Representatives’ supervision, by persons authorized Contractor’s sole cost and expense, and County shall have no obligation to pay Contractor’s agents, employees or by law to perform such services. Retention by Contractor of any agent, employee or subcontractor shall he at such claim. subcontractors; to support any such person’s or entity’s claim against the Contractor; or to defend Contractor against any Any subcontract which is in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or a combination of subcontracts to the same individual or firm for the contract period must have prior approval of the Contracting Officer Technical Representative. Contractor shall provide Contracting Officer Technical Representative with copies of all other subcontracts relating to of Contractor shall be notified of Contractor’s relationship to County. “Subcontractor” means any entity, other than this Agreement entered into by Contractor within 30 days after the effective date of the subcontract. Such subcontractors County, that furnishes to Contractor services or supplies relevant to this Agreement other than standard commercial supplies, office space, and printing services. Carlsbad NUT0203-0506 Contract - Page I of 16 06/02 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 Contractor retains the prime responsibility for caving out all the terms of this Agreement, including the re- Contractor Resuonsibility. In the event any subcontractor is utilized by Contractor for any portion of the project, sponsihility for performance and insuring the availability and retention of records of subcontractors in which has a term extending beyond the ending date of this Agreement. accordance with this Agreement. No subcontract utilizing funds from this Agreement shall be entered into Mandated Clause. All subcontracts shall include the Standard Terms and Conditions required of Contractor herein. Countv ADO the Contracting Officer Technical Representative. roval. As identified above, all subcontracts under this contract shall have prior written approval of 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 SCOPE OF WO ARTICLE 2 RK 2.1 Statement of Work. Contractor shall perform the work described in the “Statement of Work” attached as Exhibit “A to this Contract, and by this reference incorporated herein, except for any work therein designated to be performed by County. 2.2 Right To Acauire Eauioment and Services. Nothing in this Contract shall prohibit the County from acquiring the same type or equivalent equipment andor service from other sources, when deemed by the County to he in its best interest. 2.3 ResDonsibilitv For Eauipment. For cost reimbursement contracts, County shall not he responsible nor be held liable for any damage to persons or property consequent upon the use, misuse, or failure of any equipment used by Contractor or any of Contractor’s employees, even though such equipment may he furnished, rented, or loaned to Contractor by County. The acceptance or use of any such equipment by Contractor or Contractor’s employees shall he construed to mean that Contractor accepts full responsibility for and agrees to exonerate, indemnify and hold harmless County from and against damage be to the employee or property of Contractor, other contractors, County, or other persons. Equipment includes, any and all claims for any damage whatsoever resulting from the use, misuse, or failure of such equipment, whether such hut is not limited to material, computer hardware and software, tools, or other things. 2.3.1 Contractor shall repair or replace, at Contractor’s expense all County equipment or fixed assets that are damaged or lost as a result of Contractor negligence. 2.4 Non-Exoendable Prouertv Aca acquire with funds from this Agreement if payment is on a cost reimbursement basis, including property acquired by uisition. County retains title to all non-expendable property, which Contractor may lease purchase agreement. Contractor may not expend funds under this Agreement for the acquisition of non-expendable property having a unit cost of $5,000 (except Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Treatment funded) or more and a normal life expectancy of more than one year without the prior written approval of Contracting Officer Technical disposition. Inventory records on expendable equipment shall be retained, and shall be made available to the County Representative. Contractor shall maintain an inventory of non-expendable equipment, including dates of purchase and upon request, for at least three years following date of disposition. TERM 0 F CONTRACT: COUNTY’S OPTIONS TO EXTEND THE TERM ARTICLE 3 3.1 Contractor shall satisfactorily complete all tasks required by this Contract during the period commencing upon the Effective Date, which is defined as the date that this Contract is executed on behalf of the County, and ending on the date shown on the signature page (“Initial Term”). This Contract may be extended at the sole option of the County as shown on the signature page. 3.2 Such options to extend the term shall be exercised by delivery to Contractor of written notice thereof ten (IO) days prior to expiration of the then current term. Carlsbad NUT0203-0506 06102 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER45811 ARTICLE 4 COMPENS ATION 4. I Compensation is on the signature page. The County is precluded from making payments prior to receipt of services (advance payments). Invoices are subject to the following requirements: 4.2 4.2.1 General Princioles. Contractor shall, in development of the fiscal information for cost reimbursement, comply with generally accepted accounting principles and good business practices. Contractor shall, at its own expense, furnish all cost items associated with this contract except as herein otherwise specified in the budget or elsewhere to be furnished by County. In accordance with State policy, Indirect Costs can be no more than eight percent (8%) ofprogram costs. 4.2.2 Contract Budeet. The Contract Budget is in Exhibit C. In no event shall the contract budget total be increased or decreased prior to County approved contract amendment. In no event shall County pay Contractor in excess of the amount identified on the Signature Page. Some budget line item adjustments require County review and approval. Adjustment requirements for this program are listed below. Additional information and criteria are included on the Budget Form in Exhibit C. ~ Adjustments among the budget categories of Salary and Benefits, Operational Expenses (Services and Supplies), and approval if in excess of ten percent (10%) of the total originally approved category. Requests for such Indirect (Overhead) costs including Other Costs, as seen on Exhibit C, require County review and adjustments must be submitted to the COTR for review and must be approved by the COTR prior to implementation. All other adjustments are subject to County review and comment. Line Item Additions and Adiustments. Addition of line items and adjustments among line items within the budget categories of Salary and Benefits, Operational Expenses (Services and Supplies), and Indirect (Overhead) costs including Other Costs, as seen on Exhibit C, require County review and approval if in excess of ten percent (10%) of the total originally approved line item. Requests for such adjustments must be submitted to the COTR for review and must be approved by the COTR prisr to implementation. All other adjustments are subject to County review and comment. 4.2.3 Availabilitv Of Funds. The County's obligation for payment of any contract beyond the current fiscal year is contingent upon the availability offtdubg from which payment can be made. No legal liability on the part of the County shall arise for payment beyond June 30 of the calendar year unless funds are designated by the County and are made available for such performance. County shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or reduce compensation and service levels proportionately upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Contractor in the event that Federal, State or County funding for this Agreement ceases or is reduced prior to the ordinary expiration of the term of this Agreement. In written notice to renegotiate this Agreement based upon the modified level of funding. In this case if no the event of reduction of funding for the Agreement, County and Contractor shall meet within ten (IO) days of agreement is reached between County and Contractor within IO days of the first meeting, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement within ten (IO) days written notice of termination. In the event of termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall be entitled to retain all sums so paid, subject to County's claims for damages as elsewhere provided. It is expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between Contractor and County and in no event shall Contractor be entitled to any compensation, benefits, reimbursements or ancillary services other than as herein expressly provided 4.2.4 Administrative Adiustment. The COTR may make administrative contract adjustments to change or modify the budget as long as the total contract amount or contract term is not modified. 4.2.5 Contract Amendment. A contract amendment is required to modify the total contract amount or contract term. 4.3 Claims And Payment 4.3.1 Claims For Reimbursement. Contractor shall submit properly executed monthly Claims for Reimbursement (CFR) to the COTR for reimbursement of allowable costs associated with the work performed in the prior month. Payments will be paid as described in paragraph 4.3.2 below. 4.3. I. 1 Only authorized agent(s) of the Contractor shall sign and date the Claidnvoice. Contractor shall have 4.3. I .2 Claimsilnvoices shall be completed and submitted in accordance with written COTR instructions. a signature card on file at HHSA designating the current authorized agent(s). CarlsbadNUT0203-0506 Contract - page 3 of 16 06102 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 4581 1 PavmentS. County agrees to reimburse Contractor after receipt of properly completed CFR. County will percent (1 10%) of the total amount budgeted in such month without prior written authorization from the County reimburse for actual allowable costs incurred in consideration for services performed, up to one hundred and ten given fiscal year so as to exceed the authorized total budget for that fiscal year of the amount authorized by any Representative. However, in no event shall any expenditure of funds be made or obligation incurred during a budget category of that fiscal year. Contractor will maintain supporting documentation of expenses as specified in Articles 11 and 13. Payments shall be in arrears after receipt of properly completed CFR approved by the COTR. Payments shall be within 30 days after approval of the CFR unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. Any expenditure of funds by Contractor not within the limitations of the approved budget and the purview of eligible costs as set forth in this Agreement and all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, rules, regulations, and requirements is not a chargeable cost to Project and shall be borne by Contractor. and complete compensation to Contractor for the invoice. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement Full Commnsation. Pending any adjustments by the COTR, each CFR approved and paid shall constitute full between Contractor and County. Contractor shall be entitled only to reimbursement for allowable costs associated with services pursuant to Exhibit A. exists: Conditions Prereauisite To Payments. County may elect not to make a particular payment if any of the following -. Contractor, with or without knowledge, made any misrepresentation of substantial and material nature with respect to any information furnished to County. Unauthorized Actions bv Contracu. Contractor took any action pertaining to this Agreement which required County approval, without having first received said County approval. m. Contractor was in default under any terms and conditions of this Agreement. Fees for Service. Contractor shall not implement a schedule of fees to be charged to clients or third Withholdine Of Pament. County may withhold reimbursement until reports, data, audits, or other information required for contract administration or to meet County or State reporting or auditing requirements are received and approved by COTR or designee. County may also withhold payment if, in County's opinion, Contractor is in noncompliance with this Agreement. Severabilitv Limits. Severability pertains only to those contracts that originate in one fiscal year and end in another fiscal year. This Agreement is severable for and limited to the amounts in the attached budget. In no event shall Contractor exceed the Severability Limits. Disallowance. In the event Contractor receives payment from County for a service, reimbursement for which is refund the disallowed amount to County on request, or County may offset the amount disallowed from any later disallowed by County or the State of California, or the United States of America, Contractor shall promptly payment due to or to become due to Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement. Similarly, a disallowance under a prior agreement may he offset against this Agreement. -. If Contractor fails to perform specified services, provide specified products or perform services or provide products timely and in accordance with specified requirements, Contractor shall be paid only the COTR. reasonable cost for the services performed or products provided for the payment period as determined by the proiect Generated Revenue. Project Generated Revenue realized by Contractor in excess of the contract budget shall be utilized in support of the Project. Project Generated Revenue and Expenditures shall be reported at the end of the contract period. With COTR approval, Contractor may expend a remaining balance of project generated revenue in the pa* client representatives without prior County approval. term of a subsequent County contract in support ofthis Project. 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9 4.4 Fiscal Administration 4.4.1 Contractor shall maintain an accounting system segregating, supporting, controlling and accounting for all funds, property, expenses, revenues, and assets for each County contract distinct from other contractor activity and shall provide assurance that the system is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. 4.4.2 Contractor shall implement written fiscal policies, procedures and fiscal systems that include: A double entry accounting system utilizing a cash, accrual or modified accrual basis of accounting. Carlrbad NUT0203-0506 Contract - page 4 of 16 06/02 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER45811 A system of internal controls that ensures proper authorization, recording, classification and documentation of transactions, segregation of duties, safeguarding of assets, separate accountability of funds and a documented filing system for all financial records. An audit trail that reports expenditures, supported by source documents, that clearly identifies the cost as a reimbursable contract expenditure and which shall include: A. Pavroll Records - Records shall include properly executed time cards for each employee paid with contract funds and signed by the employee and the supervisor. a. Leave records are to show eamed, used and remaining balances for all employees. Leave b. Employees shall not be paid for any leave with funds received from County in excess of the B. Payroll JournalsiRegisters are to be reconciled and approved each pay period to payroll checks and time cards, and have the signature of the person who performs the reconciliation and the date reconciled. a. Approval of the reconciliation is to be done by a responsible individual (e.g., Executive records must be current and maintained on a monthly basis. leave amounts that have been earned by each employee. Director or designee). C. Documentation for fractionalized positions must reflect time worked per funding source. D. Monthly Trial Balances E. Monthly Bank Reconciliation F. Petty Cash Documentation (if a petty cash fund is used) G. Supporting Documentation - Invoices, time and attendance records, canceled checks and bank statements are examples of supporting documentation that are to be maintained and available. All paid invoices should show paying check number, date paid, amount paid, and the initials of the person processing the payment. H. State and Federal Quarterly Tax Returns. Checks written against contract funds are to have two (2) signatures. A. Blank checks shall not be pre-signed. Under no circumstance shall checks be written payable to B. Voided checks shall be kept in numerical sequence with the canceled checks. They are to be C. Canceled checks shall be retained in accordance with contract terms and conditions. "cash." marked "Void and the signature section mutilated. Mileage and Travel Claims - Each person claiming mileage or travel expenses must prepare mileage reimbursement claims. A. The claim shall show the signatures of both the person requesting payment and the person authorizing reimbursement. B. Claims shall show dates, places, miles and purposes for each trip claimed, and to County on a monthly basis. Mileage and Travel costs shall not be accumulated and claimed at the end of the contract period under any circumstances. 4.4.3 Contractors shall he responsible for insuring that costs billed to County are allowable and reimbursable under the terms and conditions of the contract. Allowable use of contract funds are those uses necessary and proper to perform the provisions of the contract and that are included in County contract budget. An allowable cost must be necessary, normal and reasonable. The burden of proof for meeting this test rests with Contractor. County and funding sources may review the costs claimed and the supporting documentation. 4.4.4 Non-allowable use of contract funds include, but are not limited to: Costs that do not directly benefit contract goals and objectives. Costs not incurred within the contract period. Costs not included in the approved budget. Fines and penalties resulting from violations of, or failure to comply with, Federal, State, and local laws and regulations (e.g., parking tickets, penalties for late payment ofpayroll taxes). Carlsbad NUT0203-0506 Contract - Page 5 of 16 06102 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM Expenditures for which Contractor also claims reimbursement from another source. Costs that should he allocated to another revenue source. Costs of food consumption by paid staff except when written policy provides that staff must remain on premises to care for or supervise clients. Salary advances to employees. Payments to employees for vacation, sick or compensatoly leave in excess of earned leave balances. Reimbursement of mileage costs for private automobile usage in excess of County’s authorized rate of reimbursement or funding source requirements. ARTICLE 5 CONTRACT ADMlN ISTRATION 5.1 (“Contracting Officer”) and is the only County official authorized to make any Changes to this Contract. The County bas Countv’s Contract Administrator. The Director of Purchasing and Contracting is designated as the contracting officer designated the individual identified on the signature page as the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (“COTR) 5.1.1 County’s COTR will chair Contractor progress meetings and will coordinate County’s contract administrative functions. The COTR is designated to receive and approve Contractor invoices for payment, audit and inspect records, inspect Contractor services, and provide other technical guidance as required. The COTR is not authorized to change any terms and conditions of this Contract. Only the Contracting Officer, by issuing a properly executed amendment to this Contract, may make changes to the scope of work or total price. 5.1.2 Notwithstanding any provision of this Contract to the contrary, County’s COTR may make Adminiseative Adjustments (“AA”) to the contract, such as line item budget changes or adjustments to the service requirements, which do not change the purpose or intent of the Statement of Work, the Terms and Conditions, the contract period or the total contract price. Each AA shall be in writing and signed by COTR and Contractor. All inquiries about such AA will be referred directly to the COTR. 5.2 Contract Proeress Meeting, The COTR and a County personnel, as appropriate, will meet periodically with the Contractor to review the contract performance. At these meetings the COTR will apprise the Contractor of how the County views the Contractor’s performance and the Contractor will apprise the County of problems, if any, being experienced. The Contractor shall also notify the Contracting Officer (in writing) of any work being performed, if any, that the Contractor considers being over and above the requirements of the contract. Appropriate action shall he taken to resolve outstanding issues. The minutes of these meetings will he reduced to writing and signed by the COTR and the Contractor. Should the will be taken to resolve any areas of disagreement. Contractor not concur with the minutes, the Contractor shall set out in writing any area of disagreement. Appropriate action ARTICLE 6 CHANGES 6.1 Contractine Officer. The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, make changes (“Changes”), within the general scope of this contract, in the definition of services to be performed, and the time (i.e.) hours of the day, days of the week, etc.) and place of performance thereof. If any such Change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any pat of the work under this contract, whether changed or not changed by an such order, an equitable adjustment shall he made in the contract price or delivery schedule, or both, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly 6.2 Claims. Contractor must assert any claim for adjustment under this clause within 30 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notification of Change; provided, however, that the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final payment under this Contract. Where the cost of property made obsolete or excess as a result of a change is included in the Contractor’s claim for adjustment, the Contracting Offcer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of such property. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall he a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this Contract entitled “Disputes” (Article IS). However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with this Contract as changed. TERMINATION ARTICLE 7 7.1 Termination For Default. Upon Contractor’s breach of this Contract, County shall have the right to terminate this Contract, in whole or part. Prior to termination for default, County will send Contractor written notice specifying the cause. The notice will Carlrbnd NUT0203-0506 Contract - Page 6 of 16 06102 ,T;. c COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM give Contractor IO days from the date the notice is issued to cure the default or make progress satisfactory to County in curing the default, unless a different time is given in the notice. If County determines that the default conhibutes to the curtailment of an essential service or poses an immediate threat to life, health or property, County may terminate this Contract immediately upon issuing oral or written notice to the contractor without any prior notice or opportunity to cure. In the event of termination under this Article, all finished or unfmished documents, and other materials, prepared by Contractor under this Contract shall become the sole and exclusive property of County. In the event of such termination, the County may purchase or obtain the supplies or services elsewhere, and Contractor shall be liable for the difference between the prices set forth in the terminated order and the actual cost thereof to the County. The prevailing market price shall be considered the fair repurchase price. Notwithstanding the above, Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to County for damages sustained by County by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by Contractor, and County may withhold any reimbursement to Contractor for the purpose of off-setting until such time as the exact amount of damages due County from Contractor is determined. 7. I. I If, after notice of termination of this Contract under the provisions of this clause, it is determined for any reason that the Contractor was not in default under the provisions of this clause, the rights and obligations of the parties shall, if this Contract contains a clause providing for termination for convenience of the County, be the same as if the notice of termination had been issued pursuant to such clause. 7.2 Damaees as shall ensure its completion within the time specified in this contract, or any extension thereof, or fails to complete said For Delay. If Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work, or any separable part thereof, with such diligence work within such time, County will be entitled to the resulting damages caused by the delay. Damages will be the cost to County incurred as a result of continuing the current level and type of service over that cost that would be incurred had the contract segments been completed by the time frame stipulated and any other damages suffered by County. 7.3 Countv Exemntion From Liab&y. In the event there is a reduction of hnds made available by County to Contractor under this or subsequent Agreements, the County of San Diego and its Departments, officers and employees shall incur no liability to Contractor and shall be held harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, injuries, or liabilities arising directly or from such action. 7.4 Termination For Convenience. The County may, by written notice stating the extent and effective date, terminate this Contract for convenience in whole or in part, at any time. The County shall pay the Contractor as full compensation for performance until such termination: 7.4.1 The unit or pro rata price for any delivered and accepted portion of the work. 7.4.2 A reasonable amount, as costs of termination, not otherwise recoverable from other sources by the Contractor as approved by the County, with respect to the undelivered or unaccepted portion of the order, provided compensation hereunder shall in no event exceed the total price. 7.4.3 In no event shall the County be liable for any loss of profits on the resulting order or portion thereof so terminated. 7.5 Remedies Not Exclub. The rights and remedies of County provided in this article shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under resulting order. 7.6 Full Cost Recoverv Of Investieation And Audit Costs. Contractor shall reimburse County of San Diego for all direct and of the terms of the contract. Reimbursement for such costs shall be withheld from any amounts due to Contractor pursuant indirect expenditures incurred in conducting an audithnvestigation when Contractor is found in violation (material breach) to the payment terms of the contract, or from any other amounts due to Contractor from County. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND RECU LATIONS ARTICLE 8 8.1 Conformance With Rules And Reeulations. Contractor shall be in conformity with all applicable Federal, State, County, and local laws, rules, and regulations, current and hereinafier enacted, including facility and professional licensing andor certification laws and keep in effect any and all licenses, permits, notices and certificates as are required. Contractor shall and sanitation. further comply with all laws applicable to wages and hours of employment, occupational safety, and to fire safety, health 8.2 Contractor Permits and License. Contractor shall obtain and maintain, at no cost to the County, all approvals, permissions, permits, licenses, and other forms of documentation required in order to comply with all existing foreign or domestic statutes, ordinances, and regulations, or other laws, that may be applicable to performance of services hereunder. The County resewes the right to reasonably request and review all such applications, permits, and licenses prior to the commencement of any services hereunder. Carlsbad NUT0203-0506 ont tract - Page 7 of 16 06102 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM 8.3 -Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Title VI1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in that it will not discriminate against any individual with respect to his or her compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment nor shall Contractor discriminate in any way that would deprive or intend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his or her status as an employee because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, medical condition, sexual orientation or marital status. 8.4 Affrmative Action. Each Contractor of services and supplies employing fifteen (15) or more full-time permanent employees, shall comply with the Affirmative Action Program for Vendors as set forth in Article IIIk (commencing at Section 84) of the San Diego County Administrative Code, which program is incorporated herein by reference. A copy of this Affirmative Action Program will be furnished upon request by COTR or from the County of San Diego Internet web- site (www.co.san-dieso.ca.us). 8.5 Non Discrimination. Contractor shall ensure that services and facilities are provided without regard to ethnic group identification, race, color, nation origin, creed, religion, age, sex, or physical or mental disability in accordance with Title Discrimination of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101), Article 9.5, Chapter 1, Part 1, Division 2, Title 2 (Section 1 1135, et seq) of the IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title VI1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000-d), the Age California Government Code, and Title 9, Chapter 4, Subchapter 6 (Section 10800, et seq.) of the CCR. 8.6 AIDS Discrimination. Contractor shall not deny any person the full and equal enjoyment of, or impose less disadvantageous terms, or restrict the availability of, the use of any County facility or participation in any County funded or supported service or program on the grounds that such person has Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome, AIDS- related complex (ARC), or AIDS-related status (ARS), as those terms are defined in Chapter 1, Section 32.1203, San Diego County Code of Regulatoty Ordinances. 8.7 American With Disabilities Act (ADA) 199Q in employment, public services, transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications services in compliance . Contractor shall not discriminate against qualified people with disabilities with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Administrative Code Title 24. 8.8 Political Activities Prohibited None of the funds, provided directly or indirectly, under this Agreement shall be used for any political activities or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. Contractor shall not utilize or provided thereunder shall be utilized in support of any partisan political activities, or activities for or against the election of allow its name to be utilized in any endorsement of any candidate for elected office. Neither the contract nor any funds a candidate for an elected office. 8.9 w. Contractor agrees to comply with the lobbying ordinances of the County and to assure that its officers and employees comply before any appearance before the County Board of Supervisors. None of the funds provided under this Agreement shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes designed to support or defeat any legislation pending before State and Federal Legislatures or the Board of Supervisors of the County. tion with the performance of this Agreement. 8.10 Relieious Activitv Prohibited. There shall be no religious worship, instructions or proselylization as part of or in connec- 8.1 I Drue and Alcohol-Free Workolace. The County of San Diego, in recognition of individual rights to work in a safe, Diego Drug and Alcohol Use Policy C-25. This policy provides that all County-employed contractors and Contractor healthful and productive work place, has adopted a requirement for a drug and alcohol free work place, County of San employees shall assist in meeting this requirement. 8.1 1.1 As a material condition of this Contract, the Contractor agrees that the Contractor and the Contractor employees, while performing service for the County, on County property, or while using County equipment: 8.1 1 .I. 1 Shall not be io any way impaired because of being under the influence of alcohol or a drug. Shall not possess an open container of alcohol or consume alcohol or possess or be under the influence of an illegal drug. 8.1 1.1.3 Shall not sell, offer, or provide alcohol or a drug to another person; provided, however, that the foregoing restriction shall not be applicable to a Contractor or Contractor employee who as part of the performance of normal job duties and responsibilities prescribes or administers medically prescribed drugs. 8.11.2 Contractor shall inform all employees who are performing service for the County on County property or using County equipment of the County objective of a safe, healthful and productive work place and the prohibition of drug or alcohol use or impairment from same while performing such service for the County. 8.1 1.3 The County may terminate for default or breach this Contract, and any other Contract the Contractor has with the compliance with the conditions listed herein. County, if the Contractor, or Contractor employees are determined by the Contracting Officer not to be in Carlsbad NUT0203-0506 Contract - Page 8 of I6 06102 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM 8.12 -. B Contractor represents that it is familiar, and shall use its best efforts to comply, with the following policies of the Board of Supervisors: 8.12.1 Board Policy 8-67, which encourages the County's contractors to offer products made with recycled materials, reusable products, and products designed to be recycled to the County in response to the County's requirements; and 8.12.2 Board Policies 8-53 and B-39a, which encourage the participation of small and disabled veterans' business enterprises in County procurements; and 8.12.3 ero T r n or Fr Board of Supervisors Policy A-I20 "Zero Tolerance for Fraudulent Conduct in County Services." There shall be Contractor shall comply with County of San Diego of County services. Upon proven instances of fraud committed by independent contractors in connection with "Zero Tolerance" for fraud committed by contractors in the administration of County programs and the provision their performance under the contract, said contract shall be terminated; and. 8.12.4 i, Contractor shall comply with County of San Diego Board of Supervisors Policy E-13, "Family-Centered Practice." Family-centered practice addresses the needs of the whole family and is intended tn promote and support community and family involvement to ensure safe and healthy environments for children; and 8.12.5 lnterlockine Directorate. In recognition of County Policy A-79, not-for-profit contractors shall not subcontract with related for-profit subcontractors for which an interlocking relationship exist unless specifically authorized in writing by the Board of Supervisors; and 8.12.6 22 San Diego in recognition of its unique geographical location and the utilization of Welfare and Medi-Cal system cumented Immigrant& The County of by foreign nationals who are not legal residents of this county or country, has adopted a Zero Tolerance policy and shall aggressively prosecute employees and contractors who coach Medi-Cal or Welfare clients (including un- documented immigrants), to obtain services for which they are not otherwise entitled. while performing service for the County, on County property or while using County equipment shall not: As a material condition of this Agreement, Contractor agrees that the Contractor and Contractor's employees, (a) in any way coach, instruct, advise, or guide any Medi-Cal or Welfare clients or prospective clients who are undocumented immigrants on ways to obtain or qualify for Medi-Cal assistance, for which they are not otherwise entitled. (b) support or provide funds to any organization engaged directly or indirectly in advising undocumented immigrants on ways to obtain or qualify for Medi-Cal assistance, for which they are not otherwise entitled. Contractor shall inform all employees that are performing service for the County on County property or using County equipment of County's Zero Tolerance Policy as referenced herein. County may terminate for default or breach this Agreement and any other Agreement Contractor has with County, if Contractor or Contractor employees are determined not to he in compliance with the conditions stated herein. 8.7 Cartwrieht Act. Following receipt of final payment under the Contract, Contractor assigns tn the County all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright act (Chapter 1) (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the Contractor for sale to the County under this Contract. 8.8 Hazardous Materials. Contractor shall comply with all Environmental Laws and all other laws, rules, regulations, and requirements regarding Hazardous Materials, health and safety, notices, and training. Contractor agrees that it will not store any Hazardous Materials at any County Facility for periods in excess of ninety (90) days or in violation of the necessary to protect third parties, including, without limitation, employees and agents of the County, from any exposure to applicable site storage limitations imposed by Environmental Law. Contractor agrees to take, at its expense, all actions Hazardous Materials generated or utilized in its performance under this Contract. Contractor agrees to report to the appropriate governmental agencies all discharges, releases, and spills of Hazardous Materials that are required to he reported by any Environmental Law and to immediately notify the County of it. Contractor shall not be liable to the County for the County's failure to comply with, or violation of, any Environmental Law. As used in this section, the term court decisions (including the so-called "common law"), including, but not limited to, the Resource Conservation and "Environmental Laws" means any and all federal, state or local laws or ordinances, rules, decrees, orders, regulations or Recovery Act, relating to hazardous substances, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, toxic substances, environmental conditions or other similar substances or conditions. As used in this section the term "Hazardous Materials" means any medicine, vaccine, bacteria, virus, hazardous waste, toxic, overtly injurious or potentially injurious material, whether chemical, compound, material, substance or other matter that: (a) is a flammable, explosive, asbestos, radioactive nuclear injurious or potentially injurious by itself or in combination with other materials; (h) is controlled, referred to, designated carlsbad ~urn203-0506 Contract - Page 9 of 16 06/02 I '/ AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 Environmental Laws, or (d) is any other material or substance giving rise to any liability, responsibility or duty upon the in or governed by any Environmental Laws; (c) gives rise to any reporting, notice or publication requirements under any County or Lessee with respect to any third person under any Environmental Laws. 8.9 Debarment And Susoension. As a sub-grantee of federal funds under this Agreement, Contractor certifies that it, and its principals: 8.9.1 Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal Department or agency. 8.9.2 Have not within a 3-year period preceding this contract been convicted of or had a civil judgement rendered against them for the commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction; violation of Federal or State anti-trust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; 8.9.3 Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in the paragraph above; and 8.9.4 Have not within a 3-year period preceding this contract had one or more public transaction (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. ARTICLE 9 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. CONTRACTOR'S CONDUCT 9.1 Conflicts of Interest. Contractor presently has no interest, including but not limited to other projects or independent contracts, and shall not acquire any such interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this contract. The Contractor shall not employ any person having any such interest in the performance of this Contract. Contractor shall not hire County's employees to perform any portion of the work or services provided for herein including secretarial, clerical and similar incidental services except upon the written approval of County. Without such written approval, performance of services under this Agreement by associates or employees of County shall not relieve Contractor from any responsibility under this Agreement. 9.2 Conduct of Contractor: Privileeed Information. 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 Contractor shall inform the County of all the Contractor's interests, if any, which are or which the Contractor believes to be incompatible with any interests of the County. The Contractor shall not, under circumstances that might reasonably be interpreted as an attempt to influence the recipient in the conduct of his duties, accept any gratuity or special favor from individuals or organizations with whom the Contractor is doing busmess or proposing to do business, in accomplishing the work under this Contract. Contractor shall not use for personal gain or make other improper use of privileged information, which is acquired in connection with his employment. In this connection, the term "privileged information" includes, but is not limited to, unpublished information relating to technological and scientific development; medical, personnel, or security records of the individuals; anticipated materials requirements or pricing actions; and knowledge of selections of contractors or subcontractors in advance of official announcement. The Contractor, or employees thereof, shall not offer directly or indirectly gifts, gratuity, favors, entertainment, or other items of monetary value to an employee or official of the County. Referrals. Contractor further covenants that no referrals of clients through Contractor's intake or referral process shall be made to the private practice of any person(s) employed by the Contractor. 9.3 Prohibited Contracts. As required by Section 67 of the San Diego County Administrative Code, Contractor certifies that it is not in violation of the provisions of Section 67, and that Contractor is not, and will not subcontract with, any of the following: 9.3.1. Persons employed by County or of public agencies for which the Board of Supervisors is the governing body. 9.3.2 Profit-making firms or businesses in which employees described in sub-section 9.3.1, above, serve as officers, principals, partners, or major shareholders; 9.3.3 Persons who, within the immediately preceding twelve (12) months came within the provisions of the above sub- performed by the contract, or (2) participated in any way in developing the contract or its service specifications; sections and who (I) were employed in positions of substantial responsibility in the area of service to be and 9.3.4 Profit-making firms or businesses in which the former employees described in sub-section 9.3.3 above, serve as officers, principals, partners, or major shareholders. Carlebad NUT0203-0506 Contract-~agelOof16 06102 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM 9.4 Limitation Of Future Contracts Or Grants. It is agreed by the parties to the contract that Contractor shall he restricted in its future contracting with the County to the manner described below. Except as specifically provided in this clause, Contractor shall be free to compete for business on an equal basis with other companies. 9.4.1 If Contractor, under the terms of the contract, or through the performance of tasks pursuant to this contract, is required to develop specifications or statements of work and such specifications or statements of work are to be incorporated into a solicitation, Contractor shall he ineligible to perform the work described within that solicitation as a prime or subcontractor under an ensuing County contract. It is further agreed, however, that County will not, as additional work, unilaterally require Contractor to prepare such specifications or statements of work under this contract. 9.4.2 Contractor may not apply for nor accept additional payments for the same services contained in the Statement of Work. INDEMNITY AND INSURA NCE ARTICLE 10 10.1 Indemnity. County shall not be liable for, and Contractor shall defend and indemnify County and the employees and agents of County (collectively "County Parties"), against any and all claims, demands, liability, judgments, awards, fines, mechanics' liens or other liens, labor disputes, losses, damages, expenses, charges or costs of any kind or character, including attorneys' fees and court costs (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Claims"), related to this Contract and arising either directly or indirectly from any act, error, omission or negligence of Contractor or its contractors, licensees, agents, servants or employees, including, without limitation, Claims caused by the concurrent negligent act, error or omission, whether active or passive, of County Parties. Contractor shall have no obligation, however, to defend or indemnify County Parties from a Claim if it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that such Claim was caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of County Parties. 10.2Insurance. Prior to execution of this contract, Contractor must obtain at its own cost and expense, and keep in force and effect during the term of this contract, including all extensions, the insurance specified in Exhibit "B," "Insurance Requirements," attached hereto. AUDIT AND INS PECTION OF RECORDS ARTICLE 11 The County shall have the audit and inspection rights described in this section. 11.1 Audit And . & accounting records relative to all its activities under this Agreement. Authorized Federal, State or County lnsoectim. Contractor agrees to maintain and/or make available within San Diego County accurate hooks representatives shall have the right to monitor, assess, or evaluate Contractor's performance pursuant to this Agreement, said monitoring, assessments, or evaluations to include but not limited to audits, inspection of premises, reports, and interviews ofproject staff and participants. At any time during normal business hours and as often as County may deem necessary, Contractor shall make available to County, State or Federal officials for examination all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement and will permit County, State or Federal officials to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, information regarding clients receiving services, and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement. If any services performed hereunder are not in conformity with the specifications and requirements of this contract, County shall have the right to require the Contractor to perform the services in conformity with said specifications and requirements at no additional increase in total contract amount. When the services to be performed are of such nature that the difference cannot be corrected, County shall have the right to (1) require Contractor immediately to take all necessary steps to ensure future performance of the services in conformity with requirements of the contract, and (2) reduce the contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services performed. In the event Contractor fails to perform the services promptly or to take necessary steps to ensure future performance of the service in conformity with the specifications and requirements of the contract, County shall have the right to either (I) by contract or to otherwise have the services performed in conformity with the contract specifications and charge to Contractor any cost occasioned to County that is directly related to the performance of such services, or (2) terminate this contract for default as provided in the Termination clause. 1 1.2 cost or Pricing Data. If the Contractor submitted cost or pricing data in connection with the pricing of this Contract or any change or modification thereto, unless such pricing was based on adequate price competition, established catalog or market prices of commercial items sold in substantial quantities of the general public, or prices set by law or regulation, the Contracting Officer or his representatives who are employees of the County or its agent shall have the right to examine all books, records, documents and other data of the Contractor related to the negotiation pricing Carlsbad NLlT0203-0S06 Contract - page I I of 16 06102 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 or performance of such contract, change or modification, for the purpose of evaluating the accuracy, completeness and currency of the cost or pricing data submitted. 11.3 Availability. The materials described above shall be made available at the office of the Contractor, at all reasonable times, for inspection, audit or reproduction, until the expiration of 3 years from the date of final payment under this contract, or by section 11.3.1 and 11.3.2, below: 11.3.1 If this contract is completely or partially terminated, the records relating to the work terminated shall be made available for a period of three years from the date of any resulting final settlement. 11.3.2 Record which relate to appeals under the “Disputes” clause of this contract, or litigation or the settlement of claims arising out of the performance of this contract, shall he made available until such appeals, litigation, or claims have been disposed of, or three years aAer contract completion, whichever is longer. 1 I .4 Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert a clause containing all the provisions of this Article I I in all subcontracts hereunder except altered as necessary for proper identification of the contracting parties and the contracting offker under the County’s prime contract. INSPECTION 0 F SERVICE ARTICLE 12 12.1 Subiect to InsDection All performance (including services, materials, supplies and equipment furnished or utilized in the performance of this Contract, and workmanship in the performance of services) shall be subject to inspection and test by the County at all times during the term of this Contract. Contractor shall cooperate with any inspector assigned by the County to permit the inspector to determine whether Contractor’s performance conforms to the requirements of this Contract. County shall perform such inspection in a manner as not to unduly interfere with Contractor’s performance. 12.2 SDecification and Reauirements. If any services performed by Contractor do not conform to the specifications and requirements of this Contract, County may require Contractor to re-perform the services until they conform to said specifications and requirements, at no additional cost, and County may withhold payment for such services until Contractor correctly performs them. When the services to be performed are of such a nature that Contractor’s cannot correct its performance, the County shall have the right to (I) require the Contractor to immediately take all necessary steps to ensure future performance of services conforms to the requirements of this Contract, and (2) reduce the contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services received by County. In the event Contractor fails to promptly re-perform the services or to take necessary steps to ensure that future performance of the service conforms to the specifications and requirements of this Contract, the County shall have the right to either (I) without terminating this Contract, have the services performed, by contract or otherwise, in conformance with the specifications of this Contract, and charge Contractor, andlor withhold from payments due to Contractor, any costs incurred by County that are directly related to the performance of such services, or (2) terminate this Contract for default. ARTICLE 13 USE OF DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS 13.1 Findines Confidential. Any reports, information, data, etc., given to or prepared or assembled by Contractor under this Contract which the County requests to be kept as confidential shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the County. 13.2 L. All reports, studies, information, data, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems, and any other material or properties produced under this Agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of County. No such materials or properties produced in whole or in part under this Agreement shall be subject to private use, copyright or patent right by Contractor in the United States or in any other country without the express written consent of County. County shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, copyright or patent, in whole or in part, any such reports, studies, data, statistics, forms or other materials or properties produced under this Agreement. 13.3 Confidential&. County and Contractor agree to maintain confidentiality of any information regarding applicants, project participants or their immediate families which may be obtained through application forms, interviews, tests, participant, such information shall be divulged only as necessary for purposes related to the audit and evaluation of reports, from public agencies or counselors or any other source. Without the written permission of the applicant or the Agreement and then only to persons having responsibilities under the Agreement, including those furnishing ser- vices to Project under subcontract. County and Contractor agree that all information and records obtained in the CarlsbadNUT0203-0506 Contract-page 12of16 06102 ! .I i -i COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM course of providing services to project clients shall he subject to confidentiality and disclosure provisions of applicable Federal and State statutes and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. However, at County's request, Contractor shall permit County access to all records and information regarding the project and confidentiality shall not he a bar to County's access to all records and information. 13.4 Maintenance Of Records. Contractor shall maintain and keep available all records within the County of San Diego for disposition. a minimum of five years from the ending date of this Agreement unless County agrees in writing to an earlier 13.5 Custodv Of Records or at such other time as County may deem necessary. County agrees that such custody will conform to applicable , County, at its option, may take custody of Contractor's client records upon contract termination confidentiality provisions of State and Federal law. Said records shall be kept by County in an accessible location within San Diego County and shall be available to Contractor for examination and inspection. 13.6 Audit Reauirement. Contractors shall annually engage a Licensed Certified Public Accountant to conduct an annual audit of their agency's operations. Contractors that expend $300,000 or more of federal grant funds per year shall have an audit conducted in compliance with Government Auditing Standards, which includes Single Audit Act Amendments, Public Law 104.156, and OMB Circular A-133. Contractor shall include a clause in any contract or agreement Contractor enters into with an audit firm to provide access by the County, State, Federal Government to the working papers of the independent auditor who prepare the audit for Contractor. Contractor shall submit two (2) the independent Certified Public Accountant. copies of the annual report and the management letter to the County no later than fifteen (15) days aRer receipt from 13.7 m. Contractor shall submit reports required in Exhibit A and additional reports as may be requested by the COTR and agreed to by the Contractor. Format for the content of such reports may be developed by County. The timely submission of these reports is a necessary and material term and condition of this Agreement, and Contractor agrees that failure to meet specified deadlines will he sufficient cause to withhold payment. Contractor shall submit to County within thirty (30) days of the termination of this Agreement a report detailing all work done pursuant to this Agreement by Contractor. 13.8 Evaluation Studies. Contractor shall participate as requested by the County in research and/or evaluative studies designed to show the effectiveness andlor efficiency of contractor services or to provide information about Contractor's project. (RESERVED) ARTICLE 14 ARTICLE 15 DISPUTES Notwithstanding any provision of this Contract to the contrary, the Contracting Officer shall decide any dispute concerning a question of fact arising out of this Contract that is not otherwise disposed of by the parties within a reasonable period of time. The decision of the Contracting Officer shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, capricious, arbitrary or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith. Contractor shall proceed diligently with its performance hereunder pending resolution by the Contracting Officer of any such dispute. Nothing herein shall he construed as granting the Contracting Officer or any other administrative official, representative or board authority to decide questions of law. ARTICLE 16 G- 16.1 Assienment and Subcontracting. Contractor shall not assign any interest in this contract, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation), without the prior written consent of the County; County's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.. The Contractor shall make no contract with any party for hrnishing any of the work or services herein contained without the prior written approval of the COTR. 16.2 Contineency. This Contract shall bind the County only following its approval by the Board of Supervisors or when signed by the Purchasing and Contracting Deputy Director. 16.3 Entire Aereement. This Contract, together with all Sections attached hereto and other agreements expressly referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, warranties and statements, oral or written, including any proposals from Contractor and requests for proposals from County, are superseded. Carlsbad NUT07.03-0506 Contract - Page 13 of I6 06102 , ,* .*.a COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM .. Sections and All sections and exhibits referred to herein are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Further Assurances: Parties agree to perform such further acts and to execute and deliver such additional documents and instruments as may be reasonably required in order to cany out the provisions of this Contract and the intentions of the parties. the State of California. Governine Law: This Contract shall be governed, interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Headines; The Article captions, Clause and Section headings used in this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to define, limit or affect the construction or interpretation of any term or provision hereof. Modification: Waive amendment or discharge of this Contract shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by both parties. r Except as otherwise provided in Article 6, “Changes,” above, no modification, waiver, Neither Partv ConsiuDrafter. Despite the possibility that one party may have prepared the initial draft of this Contract or played the greater role in the physical preparation of subsequent drafts, neither party shall be deemed the drafter of this Contract and that, in construing this Contract in case of any claim that any provision hereof may be ambiguous, no such provision shall be construed in favor of one party on the ground that such provision was drafted by the other. no representations, statements, warranties or agreements other than those expressed herein. No Other Inducement: The making, execution and delivery of this Contract by the parties hereto has been induced by Notices. Notice to either party shall be in writing and either personally delivered or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the party to be notified at the address specified herein. Any such notice shall be deemed received on the date of personal delivery to the party (or such party’s authorized representative) or three (3) business days after deposit in the U.S. Mail, as the case may be to the COTR and Contractor’s Representative identified on the signature page. unenforceable, to any extent, by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Contract shall not be Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Contract is held to be invalid, void or otherwise affected thereby, and each term, provision, covenant or condition of this Contract shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and he enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal Successors. Subject to the limitations on assignment set forth in Clause 16.1 above, all terms of this Contract shall be representatives, successors, and assigns. Time. Time is of the essence of each provision of this Contract, Time Period Cornoutation. All periods of time referred to in this Contract shall include all Saturdays, Sundays and state or national holidays, unless the period of time specifies business days, provided that if the date or last date to perform any act or give any notice or approval shall fall on a Saturday, Sunday or State or national holiday, such act or notice may be timely performed or given on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or State or national holiday. m. The waiver by one party of the performance of any term, provision, covenant or condition shall not invalidate this Contract, nor shall it be considered as a waiver by such party of any other term, provision, covenant or condition, Delay by any party in pursuing any remedy or in insisting upon full performance for any breach or failure upon full performance for the same or any similar breach or failure. of any term, provision, covenant or condition shall not prevent such party from later pursuing remedies or insisting Third Partv Contractor. Any benefit to any third party is incidental and does not confer on any third party to this contract any Beneficiaries Excluded. This agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the County and its rights whatsoever regarding the performance of this contract, Any attempt to enforce provisions of this contract by third parties is specifically prohibited. Publici& Announcements and Materials. All public announcements, including those issued on Contractor letterhead, and materials distributed to the community shall identify the County of San Diego as the funding source for contracted programs identified in this contract. Copies of publicity materials related to contracted programs identified in this contract shall be filed with the COTR. County shall be advised at least 24 hours in advance of all locally generated press releases and media events regarding contracted services identified in this contract. 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 Curlsbad NUTO203-0506 Contract - Page 14 of 16 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 16.19 Critical Incidents. Contractor shall have written plans or protocols and provide employee training for handling critical incidents involving instances of violence or threat of violence directed toward staff or clients, breach of confidentiality, fraud, unethical conduct, or instances of staff or client drug and/or alcohol use at the program. Contractor shall report all such incidents to the COTR within one work day of their occurrence. Carlrbad NUT0203-OS06 06102 \I COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARJSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM SIGNATURE PAGE CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective this first day of July 2002 (“Effective Date”) and end on June 30,2003 (“Initial Term”) for a total contract period of one year. OPTION TO EXTEND. The County’s option to extend is for three increments of one year each for a total of three years beyond the expiration of the Initial Term, not to exceed June 30, 2006, pursuant to Exhibit C “Budget”, as revised and to the expiration date that they do not intend to renew the contract, the contract will be automatically renewed for another year. approved by the County for subsequent option years. Unless County notifies contractor in writing, not less than 30 days prior Options To Extend For One To Six Additional Months At End Of Contract. County shall also have the option to extend months at the discretion of the County Purchasing and Contracting Director. Each extension shall be effected by a the term of this Agreement in one or more increments for a total of no less than one (1) and no more than six (6) calendar unilateral written contract amendment delivered to Contractor no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to expiration of any contract term. The budget set forth in Article 4, Exhibit C, or other pricing section of this Agreement shall apply to any option exercised pursuant to this option clause unless provision for appropriate price adjustment has been made elsewhere in this Agreement or by contract amendment. All payments are subject to “Availability of Funds.” thousand, three hundred sixty-six dollars ($127,366.00) for the initial term of this contract, Fiscal Year 2002/2003, of which COMPENSATION Pursuant to Exhibit C, County agrees to pay Contractor a sum not to exceed one hundred twenty seven Nine hundred seventy seven dollars and thirty cents ($977.30) will be paid in equivalent monthly installments for the expressed purpose of administering the Caregiver Meal Demand Assessment as described in Exhibit A, Statement of Work, Paragraph 4.2.5; and a sum not to exceed One hundred thirty thousand, three hundred thirty four dollars ($130,334.00) for the option year of Fiscal Year 2003/2004; and a sum not to exceed One hundred thirty six thousand, eight hundred fifty dollars ($136,850.00) for the option year of Fiscal Year 2004/2005; and a sum not to exceed One hundred forty three thousand, six hundred ninety three dollars ($143,693.00)) for the option year of Fiscal Year 200512006; and a sum not to exceed Sixty two thousand, sixty three dollars ($62,063.00) for the optional six month extension period of Fiscal Year 200612007; for a maximum contract amount of Six hundred thousand, three hundred six dollars ($600,306.00), in accordance with the method of payment stipulated in Article 4. COTR. The County has designated the following individual as the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (“COTR”) Aging & Independence Services Pamela B. Smith, Director San Diego, CA 92123 9335 Hazard Way CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVE. The Contractor has designated the following individual as the Contractor’s Representative. Claude Lewis, Mayor Carlsbad, CA 92008 799 Pine Ave. (760) 602-4650; FAX (760 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, County and Contractor have executed this Con te fust set forth above COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO By: WINSTON F. McCOLL, Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting Date: Date: qhb,/&? SvcAgree.Carlrbad.NUT.0203-0SO6.doc Contract - Page 16 of 16 06102 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK 1. Scope of Work Senior Nutrition Services provide low-cost, nutritionally-sound meals and social services throughout San Diego County to individuals 60 years old and older in two settings, congregate (group setting) at Senior Dining Centers, and home delivered taken to the senior's home. Transportation is provided or arranged to and from Senior Dining Centers. Nutrition services assist older individuals to live independently by promoting better health and reduced isolation through a program of coordinated congregate meal, home delivered meal, and supportive services. Providers give priority to serving persons with the greatest economic or social needs, in particular low-income minority individuals. 2. Backqround Senior Nutrition Services are funded through the Older Americans Act, Title Ill. It is a federal program administered by state and county governments and operates under rules. policies and regulations of the California Department of Aging (CDA). This program began in the County of San Diego, Aging B Independence Services (AIS), as early as 1974 and has increased to twenty-six (26) contractors providing congregate noon meals (Ill GI) for seniors at nearly seventy sites. Most contracts also provide home-delivered meals (Ill C-2). All contracts also provide access to dining sites through transportation, a supportive service (Ill B) program element. The Family Caregiver Support Program is newly funded in conjunction with the Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act of 2000. CDA provided service unit definitions for allowable services. The services funded through the Family Caregiver Support Program (Ill E) are intend?d to provide assistance to caregivers of individuals age sixty (60) and over who are experiencing decline in two or more areas of activities of daily living. Grandparent caregivers, age 60 and over, caring for minor relatives, under the age of 18, are also included. Supporting the caregiving role as long as is possible and safe is a primary goal. Funding for Family Caregiver and home-delivered meals, adult day care, media outreach, grandparent programs, training and innovative Support services provides for respite care, support groups, counseling and case management, in-home support projects, legal assistance for caregivers, and program evaluation and research. Because the services include home-delivered meals for adult family caregivers caring for seniors age sixty (60) and over in the County of San Diego, this element is introduced as a part of the Nutrition Service System. Older individuals will be able to live independently because of better health and reduced isolation as a result of Senior Nutrition Services, a program of coordinated congregate meals, home delivered meals, and supportive services. Adult family caregivers of persons age sixty and over, will be able to continue in their roles as caregivers because of better health and reduced isolation as a result of Senior Nutrition Services, a program that is capable of providing home delivered meals to this new target population. 4. Objectives 4.1. Outcome Objectives 4.1.1. Services rendered with respect to the congregate meals element of this contract shall: Increase the senior's sense of physical and general well-being, as measured by customer-satisfaction survey. EXHIBITA: STATEMENT OF WORK CITY OF CARLSBAD P~~~~~ vcno n?m? CONTRACT # 4581 1 PAGE A-1 SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES ~ COUNTV OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK Increase the opportunity for socialization of participants receiving congregate meals at dining sites, as measured by customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 90% "Very Satisfied", the participant rating of overall service. as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 90% "Very Satisfied", the participant rating of contractor's understanding of participant's needs, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 90% "Very Satisfied". the participant rating of contractor's courtesy, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. 4.1.1 6. Increase to or maintain at 90% "Very Satisfied the participant rating of contractor's staff responsiveness, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. 4.1.2. Services rendered with respect to the home-delivered meals element of this contract shall Prevent isolation of home delivered meal participants, as measured by customer- satisfaction survey. Allow participants to live independently in their own homes for longer than might otherwise occur without these services, as measured by customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 81% 'Very Satisfied", the participant rating of overall service, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 90% "Very Satisfied, the participant rating of contractor's understanding of participant's needs, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 95% "Very Satisfied", the participant rating of contractor's courtesy, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. Increase to or maintain at 90% "Very Satisfied the participant rating of contractor's staff responsiveness, as measured by the AIS customer-satisfaction survey. 4.1.3. Participation levels of low income minorities shall be maintained or increased to replicate the percentages of the minority population in the SRA served, according to the 2000 SANDAG data. 4.2. Process Objectives 4.2.1 The Contractor shall provide 25,000 hot meals to seniors in a congregate setting five-days-per- week. 4.2.2. The Contractor shall provide 6,111 hot or other appropriate home delivered meals to seniors covering seven-days-per-week. 4.2.3 The Contractor shall provide four approved units of Nutrition Education activity on an annual basis to each congregate dining site and to each home delivered participant. EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CONTRACT # 4581 I CITY OF CARLSBAD PAGE A-2 SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES n x,-." "rn? 'J COUNN OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK 4.2.4 The Contractor shall provide 7583 units of transportation to and from Senior Dining Centers counted as one-way trips. 4.2.5 The Caregiver Meal Demand Assessment. The Contractor shall complete an assessment with each existing and new Home-Delivered Meals (Ill C-2) participant in order to determine the meal demand from the caregiver, if one is present, and of those who would qualify as new participants according to Title Ill E. Contractor must use the AIS approved survey tool distributed by AIS. The survey tool must be administered in person by Contractor's staff. The survey must be conducted at the time of the regularly scheduled "Annual Assessment", or at the time of registering a new Ill C-2 participant. The survey must be carried out during the initial contract term, over the period of July 1. 2002, through June 30,2003. 5. Target Population and the Geographic Service Area 5.1. Target Population for Outreach Activities: The contractor shall conduct outreach activities to older individuals with the greatest economic and social need. The Older Americans Act defines older individuals in the greatest economic need as any person sixty (60) years or older whose need results from an income .: level at or below the pclerty line as defined by the Federal Bureau of the Census and greatest social need as physical and mental disabilities, language barriers, and cultural, social, or geographical isolation, including isolation caused by racial or ethnic status, that restricts the ability of an individual to perform normal daily tasks; or threatens the capacity of the individual to live independently. Additionally, contractors shall, according to the 2000 Amendments to the Older Americans Act, use outreach efforts to identify and inform the following individuals (and their caregivers) of the services they provide with emphasis on: 5.1.1. Older individuals residing in rural areas 5.1.2. Older individuals with greatest economic need (with particular attention to low-income minority individuals). 5.1.3. Older individuals with greatest social need (with particular attention to low-income minority individuals). 5.1.4. Older individuals with severe disabilities 5.1 5. Older individuals with limited English-speaking ability. 5.1.6. Older individuals with Alzheimer's Disease or related disorders with neurological and organic brain dysfunction (and the caregivers of such individuals). 5.2 Target Population for Adult Family Caregiver; Meal Demand Research: 5.2.1 Adult family caregivers, over the age of eighteen, who provide support to care receivers, age Sixty (60) years and over, in San Diego County. EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CONTRACT # 4581 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD PAGE A-3 SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES "",.,"-An n\7,172 ,a .. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK 5.2.2 Adult family caregivers identified as priority. Contractor shall give priority for services to older individuals with greatest social and economic need (with particular attention to low-income older caregivers of olderlfraii individuals and caregivers of Alzheimer's patients) and older individuals providing care and support to persons with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities [as defined in section 102 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (42 U.S.C. SOOI)]. 5.3 Geographic Service Area: Contractor shall perform services within the program number provided in the service area (SW) as identified in Attachment A-1. The program number associated with this contract is Request for Information (RFI) Letter. Each program number pertains to service in one or more sub-regional listed below, along with the affiliated SRA(s): 5.3.1 Program Number: 19 5.3.2 Sub-Regional Service Area (SRA's): 41 6 Service Locations and Hours of Operation 6.1 Contrclctors shall provide services and service hours that are responsive to the needs of the target population. 6.1 .I The facilities shall be accessible via public transportation and shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Title 24. 6.1.2 Dining Sites. The Program Number identified in the section above and its associated SRA's require(s) service to the following congregate dining sites: Carlsbad Senior Center 799 Pine Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 7 General Requirements for Service Delivery 7.1 Contractors Manual: Contractor shall comply with all requirements in the Aging & Independence Services Contractors Manual. 7.2 State Guidelines: Contractor shall comply with all requirements which govern nutrition service and which is listed and described in the California Code of Regulations, Title #22, Division 1 .8. Article 6. 7.3 Reference to County of San Diego, AIS: All printed materials, publicity, and media outreach prepared or conducted by the contractor shall identify Aging & Independence Services as a funding source. Copies of publicity materials related to contracted programs identified in this contract shall be filed with the COTR. EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CITY OF CARLSBAD SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES \I_._ nlrnl CONTRACT # 4581 1 PAGE A-4 . c _____~ COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK 7.4 Press and Media: The COTR shall be advised at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of all locally generated press releases and media events regarding contracted services identified in this contract. 7.5 Equipment Documentation: Contractor shall document, in writing, the need for purchasing equipment. Written documentation must demonstrate a direct relationship between the goals, objectives and specific requirements for service delivery and the equipment to be purchased. In the case of automation equipment, the contractor must demonstrate that the equipment and related software to be purchased will meet the requirements and standards as set by the County of San DiegolHealth and Human Services AgencylAging & Independence Services. 7.5.1 Maintenance of Equipment: Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of any meal preparation and storage equipment purchased through County funds for the provision Of Services as listed in this Agreement. Such equipment must be properly and visibly identified Such equipment includes, but is not limited to: salad bars, hot food carts, pots and pans, and servinglheating tables. 7.6 Contractors using vehicles owned by AIS shall participate in the coordination efforts formulated by the Coordinated Transportation Service Agency (CTSA) and the Paratransit Coordinating Council. 7.7 Vehicles: Contractor shall be responsible for the following regarding any vehicles purchased through County funds and utilized for the provision of services as listed in this Agreement, if applicable: 7.7.1 Insurance: Contractor shall provide and maintain, during the duration of this Agreement and for such other period as required herein, at its sole expenses, insurance in the amounts and form as described in Exhibit B - Insurance and Bonding Requirements, of this Agreement. 7.7.2 In the event of any accidents involving said vehicles, Contractor shall report said accidents to COTR within twenty-four (24) hours. Contractor shall then submit within ten (IO) working days a written report to COTR to include, but not limited to, the following: a copy of the police report, the amount of damage, and a written plan addressing the steps the Contractor will take to repair or replace the vehicles. 7.7.3 Contractor shall immediately report the theft or suspected theft of said vehicles to COTR 7.7.4 Usage and Maintenance of Vehicles: Contractor shall be responsible for the proper usage and maintenance of vehicles. 7.7.5 Vehicle Logs: Contractor shall be responsible to maintain an accurate vehicle log which lists the following: each individual trip taken in the vehicle, odometer reading at the beginning and end of the trip, purpose of the trip, and the number of passengers transported, if any. 7.7.6 Geographical Boundaries: Contractor shall operate the vehicles only within the geographical San Diego County boundaries. Any requests for use of the vehicles outside of said boundaries is to be submitted in writing to COTR for review and approval prior to such use. 7.8 Cultural Competence and Diversity: Contractor shall support the County of San Diego, the Health and demonstrating cultural competence and diversity. A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes.and policies Human Services, and Aging & Independence Services through organizational and systematic practices for projects, programs, and systems shall be adopted that enable contractor to work effectively in cross- EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CONTRACT # 4581 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES nr-...\,-.-n?m= PAGE A-5 , COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK cultural situations. All services provided shall be oriented to meet the unique linguistic and cultural needs of the diverse participants to be Served. 7.9 Critical IncidentsNiolence: Contractor shall have written plans or protocols and receive training for handling critical incidents involving the instances of violence or threat of violence directed toward staff or participants, breach of confidentiality, fraud, unethical conduct, or instances of staff or participant drug and/or alcohol use at the program. Contractor shall report all such incidents to COTR within one workday of their occurrence. 7.10 Contractor shall work cooperatively with the county and/or its contracted organization(s) in the AIS customer satisfaction survey process. 8 Specific Requirements for Service Delivery 8.1 Food Service: Contractor shall provide a hot or other appropriate lunch meal, which shall be Served in a congregate setting five (Monday through Friday) or more days a week. Meals to participants who are week for weekends or holidays. Meals shall be prepared and Served in a manner that complies with homebound shall be made available every day of the year. Frozen meals may be delivered during the local public health laws and regulations. Each meal shall contain at least one-third (1/3) of the current daily-recommended dietary allowance as delineated in the Title Ill-C menu planning requirements. 8.2 Services: Contractor shall conduct outreach activities to ensure participation of eligible older persons, particularly those in greatest economic or social need; must develop or maintain coordination with other social services agencies; and plan for and provide nutrition education services. 8.3 Advisory Role of Participants: 8.3.1 Contractor shall develop procedures for obtaining the views of participants about the services they receive. 8.3.2 This will be implemented by the establishment of a Project Council that will include participants and and the contractor. 8.4 Staffing/Administration: Contractor shall have an adequate number of qualified persons to assure the satisfactory implementation of: project leadership; program planning; provision of nutrition services; outreach and other services; volunteer activities; financial and contract management; and data collection for required federal, state and county reports and records. 8.5 Meal Contributions by Eligible Participants: Contractor shall provide eligible participants receiving nutrition services the opportunity to contribute to the costs of the service received. No person shall be denied participation because of failure to contribute. Methods to receive contributions shall ensure anonymity at the time of collection. The contractor shall encourage participants to contribute towards the cost of the meal and shall establish a suggested amount. The suggested donation shall be developed with input from the Project Council. A suggested contribution schedule may be developed, considering the income ranges of older persons in the community. Contribution schedules shall not be used as a "means" test to determine eligibility. 8.6 Meal Charges for Staff and Guest under 60: Contractor may serve meals to staff, volunteers and guests under sixty (60) years of age if doing so will not deprive an older person of a meal. These individuals shall pay at least the full cost of the meal. Contributions and charges for meals are considered program income and shall be used to increase the number of meals Served. EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CONTRACT # 4581 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD orrrlrl vcno nqma SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES PAGE A-6 I COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE 8.7 Records, Reports and Distribution Information: Contractor shall maintain a system for the collection of with respect to confidentiality, and fulfill the information required by the COTR. data that will accurately reflect the project's program and financial operations, will meet requirements 8.8 Holidays: A maximum of twelve (12) holiday closings will be allowed per year. 9 Data Collection and Reportina Requirements 9.1 Contractor shall register participants on CDA forms provided, and submit registrations electronically or by computer disk to COTR each quarter. 9.2 Contractor shall keep daily records that provide accurate counts of meals provided and participants Served. 9.3 Contractor shall submit monthly summary reports of above information to COTR or designee by the ern calendar day of the following month. 9.4 Contractor shall submit monthly invoices to COTR or designee by the 8Ih calendar day of the following month which shall include: 9.4.1 The monthly United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funds which are dependent which is subject to change. upon the number of actual meals served, currently reimbursed at rate of $53 per meal. and 9.4.2 The monthly program income which includes participant donationslcontributions and guest fees. 9.4.3 Other applicable revenue for the month (which includes value of volunteer hours and items provided by the contractor) which together make up the required 15% match to the total contract amount. 9.4.4 And the total billable contract funds for the month. 9.5 Contractor shall gather and submit Caregiver Meal Demand Surveys to COTR or designee on a monthly basis, accompanied by the tabulation cover form, by the calendar day of the following month. 9.6 Contractor shall retain source records of the Caregiver Meal Demand Survey results for the period of four years, coinciding with the potential term of this agreement. 9.7 Performance Expectations: Contractor shall submit to COTR or designee a Corrective Action Plan as requested whenever any performance outcome falls below ninety percent of the contracted levels of paragraph 4. 10 Automation 10.1 Contractor shall establish and maintain an electronic mail account that allows the transmittal of correspondence, information, and data to the COTR. 10.2 Contractor shall document participant registrations on a computer disk, in a format approved by county, and which shall be provided to county on a quarterly basis. CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CONTRACT # 4581 1 PAGE A-7 SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES RWN vct.~n71n? COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICE EXHIBIT A - STATEMENT OF WORK 10.3 Contractor is encouraged to submit invoices for reimbursement electronically. 10.4 Contractor is encouraged to submit requested budget revisions electronically. 10.5 Should AIS identify standardized computer software for the data collection and reporting purposes of this contracted program(s). contractor shall participate in training and orientations that may be conducted, and shall incorporate its use as resources are made available to acquire and make possible its installation. EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK CITY OF CARLSBAD SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES o~~~~, vcno n?tn? CONTRACT# 4581 1 PAGE A-8 . .. . ... SENIOR NUTRITION SERVICES STATEMENT OF WORK: ATTACHMENT A-I e COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT B - INSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS INSURANCE REO UIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS ARTICLE I Without limiting Contractor’s indemnification obligations to County, Contractor shall provide at its sole expense and maintain damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder and the results of the for the duration of this contract, or as may be further required herein, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or. work by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. 1. Mi ’ Coverage shall be at least as broad as: A. Commercial General Liability, Occurrence form, Insurance Services Office form CG0001. B. Automobile Liability covering all owned, non owned, hired auto Insurance Services Office form CAOOOI C. Workers’ Compensation, as required by State of California and Employer’s Liability Insurance. D. Professional Liability required if Contractor provides or engages any type of professional services, including but not limited to medical professionals, counseling services, or legal services. 2. Mnrmum Li mits of Insurance Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: .. A. B. C. D. Commercial General Liability including Premises, Operations, Products and Completed Operations, Contractual property damage. The General Aggregate limit shall he $2,000,000. Liability, and Independent Contractors Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and property damage. Employer’s Liability: $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury or disease. Coverage shall include waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of County of San Diego. Professional Liability: $1,000,000 per claim with an aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000. Any self-retained limit shall not be greater than $25,000 per occurrenceievent without County’s Risk Manager’s approval. Coverage shall include contractual liability coverage. If policy contains one or more aggregate limits, a minimum of 50% of any such aggregate limit must remain available at all times; if over 50% of any such aggregate limit has been paid or reserved, County will require additional coverage to be purchased by Contractor to restore the required limits. This coverage shall be maintained for a minimum of two years following termination of completion of Contractor’s work pursuant to the Contract. 3. Deductihles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the County’s Risk Manager. At the option of the County, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the County, the members of the Board of Supervisors of the County and the officers, agents, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to the County guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. 4. Other Insurance Provisions The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain the following provisions: A. B. Additional Insured Endorsement Any general liability policy provided by Contractor shall contain an additional insured endorsement applying coverage to the County of San Diego, the members of the Board of Supervisors of the County and the officers, agents, employees and volunteers ofthe County, individually and collectively. Primarv Insurance Endorsement For anv claims related to this Contract. the Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects ~ ~~ the Cdunty, the members of the Board of Supervisors of the County and the officers, agents, employees and volunteers of the County, individually and collectively. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the County, with it. its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute City of Carlsbad Exhibit B - Insurance and Bonding Requirements I of3 Senior Nutrition Program FY 02-03 Contract #45811 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT B - INSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS C. Notice of Cancellation Each reauired insurance Dolicy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not he canceled by either party, except .. after thi& (30) days’ prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the County at the address shown in section of Contract entitled “Notices”. D. SmmUtvofIn terest clause .. Coverage applies separately to each insured, except with respect to the limits of liability, and that an act or omission by one of the named insureds shall not reduce or avoid coverage to the other named insureds. GENERAL PROVISIONS 5. 6. I. 8. 9.. 10. 11. Oualifvine Insurers All reouired oolicies of insurance shall he issued bv comDanies which have been approved to do business in the State of ~~~~ ~~~ , ~ r~ California by the State Department of Insurance, and which hold a current policy holder’s alphabetic and financial size category rating of not less than A-, VI1 according to the current Best’s Key Rating guide, or a company of equal financial stability that is approved in writing by County’s Risk Manager. .. Prior to commencement of this Contract, but in no event later than the effective date of the Contract, Contractor shall -e of Insurance clause. Contractor shall furnish certified copies of the actual required insurance policies within thirty days after furnish the County with certificates of insurance and amendatory endorsements effecting coverage required by this commencement of Contract. Thereafter, copies of renewal policies, certificate and amendatory endorsements shall be County at all reasonable times to inspect any policies of insurance, which Contractor has not delivered to County. furnished to County within thirty days of the expiration of the term of any required policy. Contractor shall permit Failure to Obtain or Maintain Insurance: Countv’s Contractor’s failure to provide insurance specified=ure to furnish certificates of insurance, amendatory endorsements and certified copies of policies, or failure to make premium payments required by such insurance, shall constitute a material breach of the Contract, and County may, at its option, terminate the Contract for any such default by Contractor. No Limitation of Oblieati The foregoing insurance requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained by Contractor, and any approval of said insurance by the County are not intended to and shall not in any manner limit or qualify the provisions concerning indemnification. liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by Contractor pursuant to the Contract, including, but not limited to, the Review of Coverape County retains the right at any time to review the coverage, form and amount of insurance required herein and may require Contractor to obtain insurance reasonably sufficient in coverage, form and amount to provide adequate protection against the kind and extent of risk which exists at the time a change in insurance is required. Contractor may, with the prior consent of County’s Risk Manager, fulfill some or all of the insurance Self-Insurance requirements contained in this Contract under a plan of self-insurance. Contractor shall only be permitted to utilize such self-insurance if in the opinion of County’s Risk Manager, Contractor’s (i) net worth, and (ii) reserves for payment of claims of liability against Contractor, are sufficient to adequately compensate for the lack of other insurance coverage required by this Contract. Contractor’s utilization of self-insurance shall not in any way limit liabilities assumed by Contractor under the Contract. If coverage is written on a “claims made” basis, the Certificate of Insurance shall clearly so state. In addition to the coverage requirements specified above, such policy shall provide that: overa A. The policy retroactive date coincides with or precedes Contractor’s commencement or work under the Contract (including subsequent policies purchased as renewals or replacements). Exhibit B - Insurance and Bonding Requirements 2of3 City of Carlsbad Senior Nutrition Program FY 02-03 Contract #458 1 1 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 45811 AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT B - INSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS B. Contractor will make every effort to maintain similar insurance during the required extended period of coverage following expiration of the Contract, including the requirement of adding all additional insureds. years to report claims arising in connection with the Contract. C. If insurance is terminated for any reason, Contractor shall purchase an extended reporting provision of at least two D. The policy allows for reporting of circumstances or incidents that might give rise to future claims 12. Subcontractors’ Insurance Contractor shall require that any and all Subcontractors hired by Contractor are insured in accordance with this Contract. If any Subcontractors coverage does not comply with the foregoing provisions, Contractor shall defend and indemnify the County from any damage, loss, cost or expense, including attorney fees, incurred by County as a result of Subcontractors failure to maintain required coverage. 13. Waiver of Subroeation Contractor and County release each other, and their respective authorized representatives, from any Claims (as defined in the Article entitled “Indemnity” of the Contract), but only to the extent that the proceeds received from any policy of insurance carried by County or Contractor, other than any self-insurance, covers any such Claim or damage. Included in any policy or policies of insurance provided by Contractor hereunder shall be a standard waiver of rights of Subrogation against County by the insurance company issuing said policy or policies. FIDELITY COVERAGE ARTICLE I1 Without limiting Contractor’s indemnification obligations to County, Contractor shall provide at its sole expense and maintain for the duration of this contract, or as may be iirther required herein, Fidelity coverage providing Employee Dishonesty, Forgery or Alteration, Theft, Disappearance, Destruction, covering Contractor’s employees, officials, and agents for Fidelity with a $ 50,000 limit. Exhibit B - Insurance and Bonding Requirements 3 of1 City of Carlsbad Senior Nutrition Program FY 02-03 Contract #4581 I AGING AND INDEPENDENCE SERVICES EXHIBIT C ~ BUDGET CONTRACT PERIOD 7/1/02-6/30/03 CONTRACTOR NAME: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT NAME: TRANSPORTATION CONGREGATE HMilE DELIVERED EXPENDITURES: T-Ill T-Ill Gl T-Ill c-2 PERSONNEL 10,522 42,836 23,687 TRAVELITRAINING 0 300 100 TRANSP/DELIVERY 8,155 5.000 0 EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 OTHER COSTS 523 11,624 79 CAREGIVER TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL BUDGET 77,045 400 13,155 0 0 116,263 12,226 977 I 220,066 I REVENUE PROGRAM INCOME 4,200 58,000 30,500 92,700 OTHER REVENUE /CASH MATCH 0 0 0 0 IN-KIND MATCH ., CONTRACTAMOUNT 15,000 85,645 26,721 127,366 TOTAL REVENUE -1 r"l-1 TRANSPORTATION CONGREGATE WME DELIVERED CONTRACT MEALS T-Ill B T-Ill Gl T.111 c-2 TOTAL BUDGET BREAKFASTMEALS NOON MEALS 25,000 6.111 CITY MEALS USDA MEALS(over.4 above contract meals) 2,160 2,105 CONTRACT AMOUNT CAREGIVER TITLENI-E 977 977 NUTRITION TITILENI GflANT 15,000 71,250 21,389 107,639 USDA(@ .53/meal) 14,395 4,355 18,750 CONTRACT AMOUNT m"m AlS~EXHIBlT C 6/02 c-l IN-KIND MATCH 46,980 EII 46,980 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY RODGER G. LUM. Ph.D., DIRECTOR PAMELA 8. SMITH DIRECTOR 9335 HAZARD WAY, SAN DIEGO. CALlFORNlA 92123-1222 (858)495-5858 FAX(858)495-5080 AGING a INDEPENDENCE SERVICES June IO, 2002 CAREGIVER SUPPORT PROGRAM (TITLE IIIE), CAREGIVER MEAL DEMAND ASSESSMENT Dear Home-Delivered Meals Provider: In a national effort to support the family caregiver, the federally funded (Title mE) Family Caregiver Support Program is being implemented by Area Agencies on Aging throughout the Country. As a part of the program in San Diego County, we are asking you to help us determine the demand by caregivers for a home-delivered meal (IIIE) on existing meal routes. In an effort to measure demand, we are implementing the Caregiver Meal Demand Assessment, as a part of you new service contract. Attached are the following: > Provider Title ILIE Allocations, Survey Administration > Caregiver Meal Demand Survey Tool > Caregiver Meal Demand Survey Transmittal Form Caregiving and the need for services for caregivers are growing national concerns. It is estimated that one in more than 100,000 older persons need some form of care. Often the burden of caregiving is on a spouse or an four Americans 60 years and over is in need of assistance from a caregiver. In San Diego, it is estimated that adult child. Adult children, especially women, often sacrifice pcrsonal and family time, give up paid work, and even curtail careers to provide care for family members. In addition, the pool of paid caregivers, who are shortage of qualified and dependable personnel is llkely in the future. unrelated to the family, is shrinking in comparison to the growing population of older persons. A critical You will be financially remunerated over the next twelve-month period, beginning July 1,2002, and ending June 30, 2003, according to the mE allocation plan. Surveys are forthcoming and will be provided to you by AIS on or before July I, 2002. Description and requirements for the Caregiver Meal Demand Assessment project is found in the contract in Process Objectives Paragraph 4.2.5, Target Population Paragraph 5.2, and in the Reporting Requirements Paragraphs 9.5 and 9.6. I look forward to hearing back from you and working with you to expand home-delivered meal services to please contact me at (858) 495-5252 or by email tcummisa@,co.san-dieeo.ca.us. support family caregivers in San Diego County. If you have any questions or need additional information, Your involvement in administering the demand survey is essential. We thank you Sincerely, Traci M. Cummings Caregiver Support Coordinator cc: Pamela B. Smith, Director; Aging & Independence Services ICarlsbad Borrego ...... .. ~ .. ......... Jewish Family Ser. 2,935 .... .... 0.6% 469.4 Jul i an ~ ~~- ~.~. .- .. ~~ 3,000 0.6% 479.8 MVG 26,000 5.5% 4,158.0 NHA Oceanside 40,000 8.5% 6,397.0 Pac Ed 20,500 ~ 4.4% 3.278.4 15,500 F4::m.r 3.3% 2,478.8 14,000 , 3.0% 2,238.9 Poway 7,500 1.6% 1,199.4 Sal Amy 80,000 17.1% 12,793.9 San Marcos . -- .. ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ . ~~~ ~~ .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ . ~ ~~. ~ ~ 18,200 : 3.9% .- - -~ 2,910.6 ~~~ ~~ ~_ ~ ~ ........ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~. ~ ~ ~. . ~~ ...... ~ ~ ~~~ ~~. .~ . ~~~ ~. ~. - ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ . ~~~ ~ -~ ~. ~~~ ~~~ ~~ .......... ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ I .......... ,. ~ ~ ........ ~ .~ .~ ~. ~~. ~ ~ .............. ... ....... ....... ....... .... .......... .......... ............... ............. ............ ....... ..... .......... , .................... .............. ...... .. .... .............................. .... ....................... .. .... ., ~ SCC 50,644 ........... 10.8% 8.099.2 ~~ . Southern Health St Charles St Judes . ~ , ~ ~~~~ "" 6,000 1.3% 959.5 65,000 13.9% 10,395.1 27,000 5.8% 4,317.9 ~ -~ - ~~~~ ... ... . ... ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ . - ..... ~~~~ ~ ~- ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ......... ............. ..... .... ................ ................. ....... ........ ................. ... ................ ...................... .... .............. ......... ................................. ...... ........ ........ ......... .... ........... UPAC Vista 15,000 ~ 3.2% 2,398.9 TOTALS 468,973 i ..... 100.0% 75,000 75,000 ........... ...... ...................... ~~ .. . .. .. ..... ..... ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ , ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ . .~ -~L~ ~ 1- roject Monthly $ ~. 73.3 66.6 81.4 261.0 446.5 ~. . ................ ............. .... .... ........ ............. ......... ............. ........... ........... ....... ........ ............ ........... ........... ........ 106.6 ...... ..... .......... ... .... ...... .. .. ... .. 39.1 242 533 273 206. 186. .. .6 .1 .I .. 6 6 100.0 1,066.2 ......... ... .... ...... ... ...... ....... ........ 674.9 80.0 866.3 359.8 ......... .... .......... ...... ............ ... .. ............ ....... 199.9 Aging & Independence Services HOME-DELIVERED MEALS CAREGIVER MEAL DEMAND ASSESSMENT SURVEY Family Caregiver Support Program (Title IIIE) Planning T-RA-N-S-M-I-T-TA-L F-0-R-M This transmits to AIS the collection of surveys administered in each household of a home- delivered meal client in the month identified below. This is a requirement for the Caregiver Meal Demand Assessment of the Senior Nutrition Program contract, described in paragraph 4.2.5 of Statement of Work. I Pragpam I Home-Delivered Meals Provider Name I I I MONTH I YEAR I Receipt of surveys and certification below makes this contractor eligible for a monthly cash claim in the amount of $ according to the terms of the agreement. I certify that the aforementioned surveys were administered in the home at the time of intake for a new client or at the time of the annual re-assessment. Contract Staff Person: (signature) I Aging & Independence Services HOME-DELIVERED MEALS CAREGIVER MEAL DEMAND ASSESSMENT SURVEY Family Caregiver Support Program (Title HIE) Planning I Program 1. Home-Delivered.Meals Provider Name I 1 The Home-Bound Client {A Care ReciRient 60+ now eligible for a home-d.elivtired mQal) * I Question I Answer I I Question I Circle One I Is this an existing client? Yes I No Does the CLIENT have a primary Caregiver? Yes I No Is this a new client? Yes I No 1 The Primary Caregiver il {An adult, spouse or other family member, who provides supervision and care} II I I Question I Answer I What is the CAREGIVER'S name? Is the CAREGIVER age 18 or older? Yes I No Question: For the Caregiver who is a Spouse Circle One Survey Completed by: (name of provider staff person)