HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-10-08; City Council; 16919; Rancho Santa Fe Road Water LinesCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL E: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING, PHASE 1, PROJECT NO. 31 90 WATER LINES WITHIN THE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CITY ATTY. 0 CITY MGR. %- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-296 City of Carlsbad and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District for the construction and reconstruction authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement between the of various water lines and related structures within the City of Carlsbad, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Widening, Phase 1, Project No. 3190. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Rancho Santa Fe Road project consists of the widening and realignment of approximately 2.2 miles of Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue to Melrose Drive. The project will be constructed in two phases: Phase 1, from La Costa Avenue to San Elijo Road; and Phase 2, from San Elijo Road to Melrose Drive. Rancho Santa Fe Road is identified in the General Plan as a Growth Management Standards for the southeast area of Carlsbad. Improvements include widening prime arterial. Improving the road to meet prime arterial standards is necessary at this time to meet the road from two lanes to six lanes, realigning the road generally to the east, and replacing the bridge structure at the San Marcos Creek crossing. Benefits of the project include reduced congestion, improved traffic flow, and increased safety for travelers on the road. Additionally, this project will improve a vital link in the North County region’s roadway network. Council authorized the advertisement for bids for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Phase 1 project on September 10, 2002. The project includes widening and realigning approximately 1.75 miles of existing roadway from La Costa Avenue to San Elijo Road. As part of the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, it is necessary to relocate existing waterlines owned by the Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD). Portions of these OMWD waterlines are within easements wherein OMWD has senior rights. Other portions of these OMWD waterlines are within easements wherein the City has senior rights. In addition, OMWD desires to have new water and recycled water pipelines constructed within the realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road. At the City Council meeting of February 15, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2000-63, and a pressure reducing station required to be relocated due to the Rancho Santa Fe Road approving a reimbursement agreement with OMWD that addressed relocation of OMWD pipelines construction activities have been paid. realignment. This work has been completed by OMWD and the costs associated with the The reimbursement agreement with OMWD identifies the costs associated with the portions of the OMWD water and recycled water pipelines that are the responsibility of OMWD, and establishes a framework wherein OMWD and the City can work together to the mutual benefit of all concerned. The OMWD Board of Directors approved the reimbursement agreement at their meeting of August 21,2002 and the OMWD General Manager has signed the agreement. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 16*919 FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated costs for the construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road is summarized below: Funding for Rancho Santa Fe Road is summarized below: This reimbursement agreement falls under the category of Phase 1, other agencies as stated above. Within thirty (30) days of the award of the construction contract, OMWD will deposit funds for their portion of the project. These funds will be appropriated to the project upon receipt. The estimated cost of the OMWD pipelines to be paid for by OMWD is shown below: ENVIRONMENTAL: The City Council at their meeting on June 2, 1992, passed Resolution No. 92-152 certifying at their meeting on April 25, 2000, passed Resolution No. 2000-128 approving Addendum No. 2 to EIR No. 91-1 for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Rancho Santa Fe Road project. The City Council the final EIR No. 91-1 for Rancho Santa Fe Road. This EIR covers the realignment and widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue to Melrose Drive. All permit and mitigation requirements have been met. Per the Habitat Conservation Plan, a qualified biologist has been retained to monitor the adjacent habitat during construction. Per the requirements of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) 1601 permit, a Habitat Mitigation Plan is being prepared based on the conceptual plan approved by CDFG and will be implemented concurrent with construction. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2002-296 authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Olivenhain Municipal Water District for the construction and reconstruction of various water lines and related structures within the City of Carlsbad, Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment and widening, Phase 1, Project No. 3190. 3. Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District for the construction and reconstruction of various water lines and related structures within the City of Carlsbad, Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Widening, Phase 1, Project No. 3190. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ll RESOLUTION NO. 2002-296 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO CARLSBAD AND THE OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS WATER LINES AND RELATED STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING, PHASE 1, PROJECT NO. 31 90. WHEREAS, the Olivenhain Municipal Water District (“OMWD) service area boundary covers a portion of the City of Carlsbad (“CITY”); and WHEREAS, the realignment and widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road by CITY requires the relocation of existing water pipelines belonging to OMWD; and WHEREAS, OMWD desires to construct new water and recycled water pipelines within the realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road; and WHEREAS, CITY and OMWD acknowledge the importance of maintaining and improving potable water service to customers of OMWD; and WHEREAS, CITY and OMWD desire to establish a mutually agreed upon responsibility for the funding, design, construction and maintenance of the relocated and new water and recycled water pipelines belonging to OMWD; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available in the project account for completion of this project; and WHEREAS, based on the City Council approved Environmental Impact Report and addendum thereto and the approved Habitat Conservation Plan for the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment and widening, there will be no additional significant effect, not analyzed therein, and no new or additional mitigation measures are required; therefore, no new environmental document is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That in the best interest of cooperation between CITY and OMWD, the City Council If the City of Carlsbad hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the agreement between the City of Zarlsbad and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District for the construction and reconstruction of larious water lines and related structures within the City of Carlsbad, Rancho Santa Fe Road qealignment and Widening, Phase 1, Project No. 3190. 3. That upon receipt of the deposit from OMWD, the funds will be appropriated to the xoject account. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council leld on the 8th day of OCTOBER , 2002 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Nygaard, Hall NOES: Nom \VEST: ?age 2 of 2 of Resolution No. 2002-296 (SEAL) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE OLlVENHAlN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS WATER LINES AND RELATED STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into as of the I7Ti-f day of DC7b am, 2002, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as ”CARLSBAD, and OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as “DISTRICT” , (collectively the “Parties”) RECITALS WHEREAS, CARLSBAD desires to realign and widen Rancho Santa Fe Road (“ROAD) in the Canyon Alignment as directed by the City Council at their meeting of October 20, 1987; and, WHEREAS, the realigned and widened ROAD will conflict with existing DISTRICT facilities; and, WHEREAS, the ROAD is integral to the traffic circulation element plans for Carlsbad. and the North County Region in general and the water mains are integral to the delivery of water within the DISTRICT; and, WHEREAS, CARLSBAD and DISTRICT desire to establish mutually agreed upon responsibilities for the funding, design, and construction for relocation of the DISTRICT facilities impacted by the realignment and widening of the ROAD. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals, CARLSBAD and DISTRICT do hereby mutually agree as follows: I. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION the existing Road from southerly of La Costa Avenue northward for approximately 1 % Rancho Santa Fe Road, Phase 1 (“PROJECT”) involves the relocation and widening of miles. The PROJECT involves grading of the roadbed to full prime arterial road width of 126 feet with construction of improvements including six traveled lanes, two &foot shoulders, with outside curb and gutters and sidewalks, plus improved median, in the vicinity of the intersection with La Costa Avenue, and six traveled lanes, two 8-foot shoulders, with outside curb and gutter and median curbs, over the majority of the Road northerly of La Costa Avenue. The Road realignment requires the relocation of some DISTRICT facilities due to the incompatibility of existing structures and pipelines with the easements wherein the DISTRICT has senior rights as shown on Exhibit "A' attached new alignment of the ROAD. Portions of the affected DISTRICT facilities are within hereto and made a part hereof. These facilities are as follows: 1. Pipeline "A, an eighteen inch (18") water transmission main to replace a portion of the Unit "G pipeline located along the southerly side of a S.D.G.& E. easement crossing the new Road alignment at approximate road station 198+00. 2. Pipeline "6". a sixteen inch (16") water transmission main to replace a portion of the Unit "N" pipeline crossing the new Road alignment at approximate road station 217+00. Portions of the affected DISTRICT facilities are within easements wherein the CITY has senior rights, see attached Exhibit "A. These facilities are as follows: 3. Portions of the abandoned eighteen inch (18") water transmission main located within the existing truck bypass right-of-way. Removal of portions of this abandoned pipeline is anticipated during construction. 4. Pipeline "D", an eighteen inch (18) PVC water line to relocate a portion of an eighteen inch (18) water main located within the existing ROAD right-of-way. shown in Exhibit "A and as follows: In addition, the DISTRICT desires to construct new facilities in the realigned ROAD as 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Pipeline "B, upsize from sixteen-inch (16") to twenty-four inch (24"), as shown on City Drawing. No. 368-2C, a portion of the water transmission main (Unit "N"), crossing the new Road alignment at approximate road station 217+00. Pipeline "C". an eighteen-inch (18) water main to connect the existing 18 main (Unit "G) to the existing 16 main (Unit "N"), see attached Exhibit "A". the Unit "N" pipeline. Pipeline "E, a thirty inch (30) water main from Camino Juniper0 to southerly of Twelve inch (12") recycled water main from La Costa Avenue to the CMWD metering vault. CARLSBAD AGREES: 1. To act as lead agency for the purpose of design and environmental review and to provide all labor, materials, tools and equipment for PROJECT, including those portions of PROJECT to be constructed by Real Estate Collateral management Company ("RECM") under a reimbursement agreement as shown on City Drawing. No. 368-20. As lead agency CARLSBAD will handle permit acquisition, advertising, award, contract administration, Resident Engineer, material source inspection, independent assurance and specialty testing, and such other construction engineering as may be required, for satisfactory completion of PROJECT. 2 2. To construct PROJECT by contract in accordance, with plans and specifications prepared by CARLSBAD with assistance from DISTRICT and approved by DISTRICT, said plans being referred to as Improvement Plans for Rancho Santa Fe Road, City of Carlsbad Drawing No. 368-2. 3. To advertise for construction bids afler CARLSBAD has received written approval from DISTRICT of plans, specifications and estimates. 4. If, upon opening of bids for PROJECT, it is found that the lowest responsible bid exceeds the Engineer's Estimate, CARLSBAD and DISTRICT shall consult and agree upon a course of action consistent with local and state law. 5. To establish separate PROJECT accounts to accumulate charges for all costs to be paid for by DISTRICT pursuant to this Agreement. 6. To receive from DISTRICT designated PROJECT representative, prior implementation, except when necessary for the safety of motorists andlor approval of all change orders, affecting DISTRICT facilities, before pedestrians or for the protection of property. 7. Upon completion of PROJECT and all work incidental thereto, to furnish and services for PROJECT, including the costs of any contract claims which DISTRICT with a detailed statement of the total actual costs of construction of providing personnel resources (direct salaries and benefits). CARLSBAD have been allowed to the construction contractor. Services shall include cost thereafter shall refund to DISTRICT, within 25 days, any DISTRICT deposits, as required by Section C.5. of this agreement, plus payments CARLSBAD is or to bill DISTRICT for any additional amount required to complete DISTRICT holding, after actual costs to be borne by CARLSBAD have been deducted, financial obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 8. To designate a project Resident Engineer who shall represent CARLSBAD as the single point of contact for PROJECT administration. 9. To consult with DISTRICT in resolution of any contract claims associated with PROJECT work. 10. To acquire and pay for all necessary rights-of-way for the road and waterline easements, to the satisfaction of DISTRICT, for those lines required to be relocated in which the DISTRICT has senior rights. 11. To fund the costs of those waterline facilities required to be relocated as a result of the Road realignment where the DISTRICT has senior rights as listed in Section I.A.1. & 2. above. The facilites relocation costs shall be based on the unit costs for the items as shown on the successful bidder's Bid Schedule. Estimated unit costs for budget purposes are shown on Exhibit "B". attached hereto and made a part hereof. These waterline facilities will be constructed by RECM under a reimbursement agreement with CARLSBAD as part of Drawing. No. 368-2C. Said costs shall include providing personnel change orders and contract claims paid to the construction contractor, and resources, design costs and any furnished materials, supplemental work, the defense of all PROJECT related claims which may be filed by the 3 contractor or portion of services attributed to such work applied in accordance with standard accounting procedures. The actual cost of services for PROJECT shall be determined after completion of all work and upon final accounting of costs. C. DISTRICT AGREES: 1. To designate a single project representative-authorized to act on behalf of coordination. All final decisions that pertain to or affect any DISTRICT DISTRICT in relation to contract change orders and overall PROJECT easements or facilities will be made soley by the DISTRICT except when necessary for the safety of motorists and/or pedestrians or for the protection of property. Where a decision affects both DISTRICT easements or facilities and is necessary for the safety of motorists and/or pedestrians or to protect property, CARLSBAD and the DISTRICT shall agree on the final decision. All final decisions on the PROJECT that do not pertain to or affect any CARLSBAD. Decisions that affect DISTRICT contributions will be made DISTRICT facilities, easements, or contributions will be made soley by jointly by CARLSBAD and DISTRICT. DISTRICT shall respond in a timely manner in all cases requiring a decisions by DISTRICT. Failure by DISTRICT to respond in a timely manner may subject DISTRICT to additional costs due to delay of PROJECT. 2. To relinquish to CARLSBAD DISTRICT'S rights in the maintenance and operation of the construction zone within the boundaries of DISTRICT for the duration of construction and authorizes CARLSBAD to act as DISTRICT'S authorized agent to direct contractor for traffic control, signal timing, and other measures deemed necessary for construction and administration of the PROJECT. 3. To bear the actual cost for those portions of the waterline and other facilities relocation's that are within areas where the CARLSBAD has senior rights as listed in Section I.A.3. & 4, above and for those new facilities the DISTRICT intends to place in the new Road alignment listed in Section I.A.5. through I.A.8. above. These facilities are shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said costs of services shall include providing personnel resources, design, project management, inspection and including the cost of any furnished materials, supplemental work, change orders and contract claims paid to the construction contractor, and the defense of all project related claims which may be filed by the contractor or portion of services attributed to such work applied in accordance with standard accounting procedures. The actual cost of services for PROJECT shall be determined after completion of all work and upon final accounting of costs. 4. To be responsible for the operation and maintenance of water facilities belonging to DISTRICT during the construction period of the PROJECT. 5. To deposit with CARLSBAD within thirty (30) days of award of the construction contract, a sum equal to the approved bid estimate cost plus 10% contingency and 12% Inspection and testing for those facilities that are the responsibility of the DISTRICT, as shown on Exhibit "C". 4 6. To pay CARLSBAD upon completion of all work and within twenty-five working days of receipt of a detailed statement made upon final accounting of costs, any amount over and above the aforementioned deposits and payments required to complete DISTRICT'S financial obligation pursuant to this Agreement. 7. To provide all rights-of-way required for construction and necessary mitigation within DISTRICT jurisdiction. 8. To provide comments or approve PROJECT plans and specifications within ten working (IO) days of final submittal by CARLSBAD. 9. Within ten working (IO) days of completion of the PROJECT and notification by CARLSBAD, DISTRICT shall inspect all work performed on the PROJECT and determine whether the work was completed in accordance with DISTRICT approved plans and specifications. If by the end of this ten (IO) day period, DISTRICT has not notified CARLSBAD in writing through the City Engineer that the work materially varies from the approved plans, DISTRICT shall be deemed to have accepted the PROJECT in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. IO. To cooperate in obtaining required permits. 11. To expeditiously review and approve any required permits for construction of PROJECT within jurisdiction. 11. OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE A. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Upon completion of all work under this Agreement, ownership and title to materials, equipment, and appurtenances which are installed within CARLSBADs right-of-way will automatically be vested in and maintained by CARLSBAD with the exception of materials, equipment, and appurtenances which are the responsibility of the DISTRICT. City shall have senior rights within the road right-of-way. B. WATER LINE EASEMENTS Upon completion of all work under this Agreement, ownership and title to materials, equipment, and appurtenances which are installed within DISTRICT'S easements will automatically be vested in and maintained by DISTRICT. DISTRICT shall maintain senior rights within the existing water line easements. 111. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION Pursuant to Section 895.4 of the Government Code, CARLSBAD and DISTRICT agree that each will assume the full liability imposed upon it or any of its officers, agents, or employees for injury caused by or arising out of a negligent or wrongful act or omission accruing in the performance of it's obligations under this agreement, and each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party for any loss, cost, or expense that 5 may be imposed upon such other party by virtue of Sections 895.2 and 895.6 of the Government Code. The indemnity provisions are not limited in any way by the extent of any policy of insurance currently in force and held by either party. All construction contracts for any project which spans the jurisdictional boundary between CARLSBAD and DISTRICT shall include indemnity provisions and insurance provisions, whereby the contractor indemnities both CARLSBAD and DISTRICT and adds both agencies as additional insured on Insurance Policy. IV. NOTIFICATIONS Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, all notices, demands, or other communications given hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly delivered upon personal delivery or as of the second business day after mailing by follows: United States mail, return receipt requested, postage prepared and addressed as If to DISTRICT: David McCollom OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT General Manager 1966 Olivenhain Road Encinitas, CA 92024 If to CARLSBAD: Lloyd Hubbs CITY OF CARLSBAD Public Works Director Carlsbad, CA 92008 1965 Faraday Avenue V. MODIFICATIONS This Agreement may not be modified, amended, or otherwise changed unless by an amendment, in writing, executed by the parties hereto. VI. TERMINATION This Agreement shall terminate after all the street and water line improvements contemplated by this agreement have been constructed, after all payments required under this agreement have been made, and after all maintenance responsibilities for the respective street and water improvements have been assumed by the respective agencies in accordance with the terms of this agreement. VII. COUNTERPARTS This agreement may be executed by the CARLSBAD and DISTRICT in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument VIII. CHOICE OF LAW 6 IX. X. XI. This agreement shall be governed by, the laws of the State of California and venue shall be proper in the San Diego Superior Court, North County Branch or such other venue as provided by law. SEVERABILITY If one or more clauses, sentences, paragraphs, provisions or terms of this agreement shall be held to be unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable, it is hereby agreed by the CARLSBAD and DISTRICT that the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected hereby. HEADINGS The headings of articles and paragraphs of this agreement are for convenience only, and no presumption or implication of the intent of the parties as to the construction of this agreement shall be drawn therefrom. COMPLETE AGREEMENT The foregoing constitutes the full and complete agreement of the parties. There are no oral understandings or agreements not set forth in writing herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the CITY OF CARLSBAD pursuant to action taken by its City Council and by the DISTRICT pursuant to action taken by its Board of Directors. OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, \ DATE: 17, ma- ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney "" I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I """"" """C"' 1 i -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L""""""""""- -I - .~ ___ " EXHIBIT "B" RANCHO SANTA FE RD. - DWG. NO. 368-2C WORK DONE BY RECM UNDER REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WlTY CARLSBAD POTABLE WATER IMPROVEMENTS (CARLSBAD) Item No. Total Unit Price Unit Quantity Description 1 33,120 $ $ 160.00 LF 207 16 Welded Steel Pipe, Pipeline B Shown as 24 (1) 3 $ 26,880 $ 160.00 LF 168 16 Welded Steel Pipe, Pipeline B 2 $ 43,920 $ 144.00 LF 305 18" Welded Steel Pipe, Pipeline A 4 Connections Between Pipeline A and Unit G 2EA $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000 5 Connections Between Pipeline B and Unit N TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 125,195 $ 1,275 $ 10.000.00 LS 0.13 Cathodic Protection and Joint Bonding (2) D - 15 $ 10,000 $ 5,000.00 EA 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... WSP on Dwg. No. 368-2C Pipeline Pipeline ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... (1) OMWD pays for cost to upsize 16 WM to 24" WM from connection with Pipeline C eastward. Notes: (2) Cathodic Protection and Joint Bonding prorated on basis of lineal feet of pipe, Per Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Bid Schedule D, Dwg. 368-2 Helming Engineering City of Carlsbad (Project 3190) Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 Exhibit "6 AUGUST 13,2002 EXHIBIT "C" RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BID DOCUMENTS, SCHEDULE B RECYCLED WATER IMPROVEMENTS (OMWD) Item No. Total Unit Price 8 Unit Quantity Description B - 1 2 Air Release and Vacuum Relief Valve B - 6 8" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve B - 5 12" Resilient Wedge Gate Valve B - 4 2 lrngation Sewice. B - 3 8" C900 Class 150 PVC. B - 2 12" C900 Class 150 PVC. ................................................................................................. .$ ............,..... .? .... 4.30000. ?:'.B!o.!:o!nsser?e.lY ............................................................. .... B."!... .E.. ......... 1 ..... .$ .... !~60000. ................................................. B . 7 ................................................. 2" Manual Air Release Assembly .$ .................. 4,000 3 .... ?~L.oo000. EA 2 ................................................................................................... 1 600 .$ ............ 1 ..... ? ,000. EA 2 ................................................................................................. 17,600 ..? .................. ..? .... !.,600QQ. EA 11 ................................................................................................. 12,000 .? .................. (6 ..sao.ao. Et! .............. 15.. ................................................................................. 6,250 $ ............... so.00. 125.LF ................................................................................. '... ............... 430,950 -3. ...... ss.00. LF 6630 .................. ...... 8 EA 3 EA 11 12 800 EA 47 300 $ 2.300.00 $ 6,900 Subtotal $ 539.400 Contingency 10% $ 53,940 $ 593,340 Inspection 8 Testing 12% $ Contract Administration 71,201 2.5% $ 14,834 Construction Support 2.5% $ 14,834 $ 694,208 B - 9 24 PVC Casings for Domestic Water Overcrossing Total Construction TOTAL RECYCLED WATER, SCHEDULE "6 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BID DOCUMENTS, SCHEDULE D POTABLE WATER IMPROVEMENTS (OMWD) (1) D - 1 16 Welded Steel Pipe, Pipeline B (Dwg No. 368 207 LF $ $ (160.00) $ 49,680 $ 240.00 LF 207 24 Welded Steel Pipe, Pipeline6 (Dwg. No. 368 (1) D - 3 (33.120) D - 4 18" CMLB Taped CTD Steel Pipe Pipeline C .................. D - 5 18" PVC Distribution Pipe, Pipeline D 1,880 LF $ 253,800 D - 6 8" Potable Water C 900 Class 150 PVC. 63,000 D - 9 $ $ 3.000.00 EA 2 Connections Between Pipeline D and Existing LS 1 .................................................................................................... 25,000 LS 1 .? .................. .~..zs.~ooooo. D - 13 ...................................................................................................... Power Conduit and Rectifier $ 18.000 $ 3,600.00 EA 5 2" Combination Air Valve Assembly per OMWD D - 12 8,800 $ 18,000 $ 4,500.00 EA 4 4 Blow-off Assembly per OMWD Std Dwg No. A D - 11 6,000 .?...?0.~00000. .s .................. 10,000 .C? ,.....D r.!?... Ca!hod!C.ProteC!ip.n.?~~.~~i~~.Bondi?g ........................ O:??..CS ............................................... $ 10.000.00 $ 8,404 .(x.. ................................ __)__. ....................................................... 1000 LF .? ...... ?~OOO. .? .................. 300,000 , $ 4.000.00~ $ 8.000 $ 740,604 $ $ 814,664 74,060 $ $ 97,760 20,367 $ $ 20,367 953,157 Item No. Description Quantity Total Unit Price Unit ................. ...................................................................................................................... 2C) ................. ?C) ............................................................................................................... ? 13500. ...................................................... ................................................... __L ...................................................................................................................... 700 LF $ 9000. ? .................. ................................................................................................................ .................. .? .... ?,?0000..? EA 4 D - 10 ....................................................................................................... 18" Resilient Seated Gate Valve 5,040 $ .? .................. 4000. LF 126 18" Pipeline .......................................................................................................................................... 1.3andA-1.5 Std Dwg N0.A-3.3 ........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ D - 14 D - 16 Stopp!e Valve 30" Welded Steel Plpe Pipeiine E (3) D - 17 .30 Resilient Seated Gata Valve 2 , EA Subtotal Contingency Total Construction 10% Inspection &Testing Contract Administration 12% 2.5% Construction Suppolt 2.5% TOTAL POTABLE WATER, SCHEDULE D Notes: (1) OMWD pays for cost to upsize 16 WM to 24" WM from connection with Pipeline C eastward. (2) Cathodic Protection and Joint Bonding prorated on basis of lineal feet of pipe. J3) 30 Pipeline items estimated for initial review Helming Engineering Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Phase 1 City of Carlsbad (Project 3190) Exhibit "C AUGUST 13,2002 personally known to me - OR- 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hdshdthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. i i i. i i OPTIONAL INFORMATION The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this acknowl- edgment to an unauthorized document. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT i - u INDIVIDUAL 0 CORPORATE OFFICER I TITLE@) mE OR 'Rf'E OF DOCUMENT bekiecn olthwq mm r ~~+ylhrk 0 PARTNER(S) 0 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT I 0 TRUSTEE@) 0 GUARDIANICONSERVATOR 0 OTHER: i NUMBER OF PAGES i SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: I NAME OF PERSON(S) OR EMTTY(IES) J OTHER i t