HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-10-22; City Council; 16945; General Plan Implementation Status Report 2001-02CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 16,945 TITLE: General Plan Implementation Status Report MTG. 10-22-02 for Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002 DEPT.HD. CITY ATTY. &* DEPT. PLN db( CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ACCEPT and FILE the report. Information only. ITEM EXPLANATION: This is a report to provide information on the status of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and the progress the City has made in its implementation during Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002. Background California Government Code Section 65400 requires that all California cities and counties: (b) (7) Provide an annual report to the legislative body, the Office of Planning and Research, and the Department of Housing and Community Development on the status of the plan and progress in its implementation, including the progress in meeting its share of regional housing needs determined pursuant to Section 65584 and local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 65583. This report for FY 2001 - 2002 is the third annual report to be prepared by the City in response to amended Government Code Section 65400, and satisfies the requirement for information on the status and progress in implementing the General Plan. The Planning and Housing and Redevelopment Departments have also prepared an annual report that includes the regional share housing information, which satisfies the State requirement that the annual report address the progress of the City in meeting its share of regional housing needs. The 2001/2002 Housing Production Report has been prepared concurrently with this report. Report Contents The focus of this report is on the status of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and the progress in its implementation. This report does not include the progress of the City in meeting its share of regional housing needs. The 2001/2002 Housing Production Report satisfies the annual housing needs report requirement. Taken together, this report and the 2001/2002 Housing Production Report meet the requirements of Government Code Section 65400. To determine the status of the General Plan and the City’s progress in its implementation, each department reviewed the General Plan programs for which they have responsibility in implementing. The departments then provided information on the status of the implementation of each program during FY 2001 - 2002. This information is provided in the attached report, and is divided into two parts consisting of 1) answers to a questionnaire; and 2) a table that lists each General Plan program and its status. The purpose of the questionnaire is to highlight major work that had been conducted during FY 2001 - 2002 that implemented the goals and objectives of the General Plan, and to determine what changes might be necessary to better meet the needs of the City. PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 16,945 The second form of information is a table that lists each of the over 500 programs contained within the nine elements of the General Plan. After each department reviewed the programs for which they have responsibility in implementing, the implementation status of each program was indicated in the table along with any additional comments. ENVIRONMENTAL: This report is categorically exempt from environmental review as per CEQA Guidelines Section 15306, which states that information collection activities are exempt from the provisions of CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The preparation of this report will not result in a fiscal impact. EXHIBITS: I. Report titled: Annual General Plan Implementation Status Report for Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002 EXHIBIT 1 ANNUAL GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STATUS REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 - 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction.. ......................................................................................... i - iii Part I - Department Highlights and Comments Highlights of major worklprogress during FY 2001 -2002.. ...................... .1 - 6 Highlights of major worklprogress anticipated during FY 2002 - 2003 ...... 7 - 11 Recommended changes to the General Plan. .................................. ..11 - 13 How can the General Plan better meet needs of City/Community ................. 13 Part II - Implementation Status of General Plan Programs Table. .......................................................................................... 1 - 59 INTRODUCTION This is a report on the status of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and the progress the City has made in its implementation during Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002. It has been prepared in response to the requirements of California Government Code Section 65400, which reads in part as follows: 65400. Implementation of plan After the legislative body has adopted all or part of a general plan, the planning agency shall do both of the following: (a) Investigate and make recommendations to the legislative body regarding reasonable and practical means for implementing the general plan or element of the general plan, so that it will serve as an effective guide for orderly growth and development.. . (b) (1) Provide an annual report to the legislative body, the Office of Planning and Research, and the Department of Housing and Community Development on the status of the plan and progress in its implementation, including the progress in meeting its share of regional housing needs determined pursuant to Section 65584 and local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 65583. Background Prior to 1999 Government Code Section 65400 required that the annual report be presented only to the legislative body (City Council). However, in 1999 State law was amended to require that the annual report also be provided to the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This report for FY 2001 - 2002 is the third annual report to be prepared by the City in response to amended Government Code Section 65400. For many years the Planning and Housing and Redevelopment Departments have prepared an annual report that includes the required regional share housing information, which satisfies the State requirement that the annual report address the progress of the City in meeting its share of regional housing needs. The 2001/2002Housing Production Report has been prepared concurrently with this report. Report Contents The focus of this report is on the status of the City of Carlsbad General Plan and the progress in its implementation. This report does not include the progress of the City in meeting its share of regional housing needs. The 2001/2002 Housing Production i 5 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001-2002 Introduction Report satisfies the annual housing needs report requirement. Taken together, this report and the 2001/2002 Housing Production Report meet the requirements of Government Code Section 65400. In addition to meeting the State requirements, a second objective of this report is to provide information that will be useful to the City Council, City Manager, and those departments with responsibilities for implementing the General Plan. There are over 500 programs contained in the General Plan, which are intended to implement the General Plan’s goals, objectives and policies. To determine the status of the General Plan and the City’s progress in its implementation, each department reviewed the General Plan programs for which they have responsibility in implementing. The departments then provided information on the status of the implementation of each program during FY 2001-2002. This information is provided in two forms, which consist of: 1) Part I - answers to a questionnaire; and 2) Part II - a table that lists each General Plan program and its status. The purpose of the questionnaire (Part I) was to highlight major work that had been conducted during FY 2001-2002 that implemented the goals and objectives of the General Plan, and to determine what changes might be necessary to better meet the needs of the City. The questionnaire consisted of four questions as follows: 1. Highlight the major worWprogress in your departmentkiivision during fiscal year 2001 -2002 (July 1 , 200 1 through June 30, 2002) that was derived from goals and objectives of the General Plan. 2. Highlight major worWprogress in your departmentklivision anticipated to be done during this fiscal year (2002-2003) that is derived from the goals and objectives of the General Plan. 3. Do you have any recommended changes to the General Plan, such as additional programs or modifications to existing programs to help implement the goals and objectives of the Plan? 4. How can the General Plan better meet your departmentWdivision3 needs and the needs of the community? It is staff’s intent to analyze each department’s response to the questionnaire, in particular, any recommended changes that would better meet the needs of the City and help implement the goals and objectives of the General Plan. After review and analysis of the recommended changes, staff will initialize amendments to the General Pian as necessary. ii General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001-2002 Introduction The second form of information (Part II) is a table that lists each of the over 500 programs contained within the nine elements of the General Plan. After each department reviewed the programs for which they have responsibility in implementing, the implementation status of each program was indicated in the table along with any additional comments. The implementation status of each program is referenced as follows: (C) “Completed” = One-time project for which all work has been completed (0) “Ongoing” = Completed program but one that requires recurring activity (I) “In Progress” = Staff work is well under way and program will be implemented soon (including any necessary hearings) (P) “Pending” = Program for which preliminary work needs to be initiated, or program is in early stages of work (D) “Delete” = Program that may no longer be necessary or relevant due to another program, changed circumstances, or policy change Staff Effort Many staff members assisted with the review and assimilation of information for the preparation of this report. Each department assigned a liaison to review and comment on the status of the General Plan programs. The following is a list of the department liaisons whose effort is reflected in this report: Keith Beverly and Sheila Cobian (Parks and Recreation) Jennifer Coon (Planning) Lynn Diamond (Police) Colleen Finnegan (Arts) Craig Ruiz (Housing and Redevelopment) Clint Phillips (Maintenance and Operations) Pat Kelley (Building) Carrie Loya-Smalley (Public WorkdEngineering - all divisions) Tom Ritter (Fire) Helga Stover (Finance) As indicated above, it is an objective of this report to provide useful information regarding the implementation of the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the General Plan. Any comments or questions may be directed to the project manager, Jennifer Coon, Associate Planner. iii PART I DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS AND COMMENTS 8 The following information consists of responses to four questions asked of each City of Carlsbad department with responsibility in implementing one or more goals, objectives, policies or programs of the Carlsbad General Plan. A. QUESTION 1 Highlight the major worwprogress in your departmenVdivision during Fiscal Year 2007-2002 (July 7, 2007 through June 30, 2002) that was derived from goals and objectives of the General Plan. Department Response: - Arts 1. The Arts Office made major progress toward the ready availability of visual and performing arts within the City, as called for in the Arts Element of the General Plan. A community-wide planning committee was established, whose goal is to develop a Regional Arts Festival in Carlsbad (“Artsplash”). Housina and Redevelopment 2. 3. 4. 5. In July 2001, the City of Carlsbad was awarded an “Outstanding Local Government Supporter of Affordable Housing Award” by the San Diego Housing Federation. In January 2002, the Vista Las Flores affordable apartment development was completed. The property consists of 28 units affordable to low and very low income households. The project was developed as a result of the City’s lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, and was assisted through a construction loan from the City Housing Trust Fund. The Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency continues to implement a Parking In- Lieu Fee Program, which is a component of the program to provide additional public parking areas within the Village and beach area. The funds within the Parking In-Lieu Fee Account will be used to enhance or expand public parking within the Village Redevelopment Area. The Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency continued implementation of its Facade Improvement and Signage Assistance Grant Program, which provides grants to business/property owners in the Village Redevelopment Area to revitalize and beautify existing business building facades. The program also provides funding for the replacement, or upgrade, of business signage. The purpose of the program is to encourage business/property owners to remove outdated and/or nonconforming signage and replace it with aesthetically appealing signage that conforms to existing standards. 1 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 6. The Village Master Plan was completed in 1995. Since that time, the Redevelopment Agency has been working to implement the goals, objectives and policies of that document. This is an ongoing activity, which includes a variety of activities to continue revitalization and redevelopment efforts within the Village area. These activities include the promotion of housing projects that are part of a mixed-use concept. Maintenance and Operations 7. Entered into an agreement with Palomar Transfer Station, Inc. to provide stability and reliability for the pricing of solid waste transfer and disposal services in Carlsbad for the next ten years. 8. Worked cooperatively with the City of Vista for disposal of household hazardous waste generated in the City of Carlsbad. 9. Continued to work with the Coast Waste Management to provide curbside collection and recycling of paper, plastics and green waste for all residences and businesses in Carlsbad. Parks and Recreation 10. Phase II construction of Carrillo Ranch Master Plan development. 11. Larwin Community Park Master Plan developed and approved. 12. Master Plan for Alga Norte and the Northwest Quadrant Community Parks underwent public review. 13. Promoted the use of volunteers for recreation programs and park projects. 14. Coordinated finalizing the plans and specifications for development of the Aviara Community Park. Planning 15. As a result of the creation of the “Local Shopping Center” land use designation, the land use designation on 15 commercial sites within the city was changed to “L” (Local Shopping Center). 20. A comprehensive revision to the Sign Ordinance was approved in order to comply with current case law regarding the constitutional validity of sign ordinances and to clarify the ordinance to make it user friendly. 2 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments Modifications to the Municipal Code and General Plan were approved, which incorporate design concepts and criteria for “liveable streets” in residential neighborhoods. Council Policy 44 and 66 were issued, which established the Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines and outline the City’s vision for Livable Neighborhoods and its intent to consider these principles in the review of proposed residential projects. A revision to the Planned Development Ordinance was approved, which a) provides detailed development standards and procedures for the development of small-lot, single-family and two-family\multiple-family ownership dwelling units; b) provides development standards to ensure that homes are in better scale to lot sizes and c) provides design standards to achieve the development of more “livable neighborhoods”. In an effort to protect one of the City’s most important natural resources, staff worked with the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team (SCCAT) to hold community workshops and encourage the pursuance of funding opportunities to eradicate Caulerpa taxifolia from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The Interim Lagoon Management Plan was approved, which is a one-year program to facilitate Caulerpa eradication in Agua Hedionda Lagoon. On June 25, 2002, the City Council decided to form a Citizens Committee to study the issues related with the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. Staff has been working with the committee. A report will be prepared and presented to City Council by 12/1/02. Continued work on a multi-year General PlanRoning Consistency Program. The goals of the program are to: a. clarify what zoning designations implement what general plan designations b. resolve known policy issues c. review general plan and zoning designations on all properties d. recommend changes to remedy any identified inconsistencies Continued work on the draft Habitat Management Plan, with emphasis on issues associated with the California Coastal Commission. A letter of comment from the Coastal Commission has resulted in discussion and issues that are not yet resolved. 3 // General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 28. Staff coordinated the review (i.e. land use, design, habitat preservation, facilities management, environmental review, etc.) of several large development proposals. The following is a summary of some of the major projects that were reviewed during FY 2001/2002: Master Plans 0 Two new master planned communities and a major amendment to an existing master planned community were approved (Villages of La Costa, Bressi Ranch and Calavera Hills Phase II), which established land use plans for residential, planned industrial and mixed use development, habitat preservation/open space, community facilities and recreation areas. 0 Staff continued the review process on a 57-acre master planned development that includes retail, commercial and residential uses (La Costa Town Square - Mag Property). Applications were submitted and the planning review process was initiated for the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. Residential Proiects 0 Several residential subdivisions were approved, including Thompson Tabata and Redeemer by the Sea, which consist of a combined total of 140 single-family lots, 24 condominium units, open space, recreation lots and a church campus site. 0 Two apartment projects were approved that will provide the city with an additional 209 affordable units and 114 market rent units (The Summit and La Costa Greens). 0 Staff continued to review several other large residential projects, including Cantarini Ranch, Holly Springs and La Costa Oaks South, which consist of a combined total of 491 residential lots and open space. 0 Applications were submitted and the planning review process was initiated for a 51-unit senior condominium project (Villa Francesca). Planned Industrial Proiects Several Planned Industrial subdivisions/projects were approved, including Carlsbad Raceway Business Park and Palomar Forum Business Park, which consist of a combined total of 35 planned industrial lots on 216.6 ac. 4 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 0 Staff continued to review several other Planned Industrial projects, including the Fox/Miller Property and the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park Specific Plan, which will result in a combined total of 27 industrial lots, open space and 1 lot for a sewer pump station. Commercial Proiects 0 A large commercial center was approved (The Pavilion), which will provide the city with a 265,357 square foot retail center with second floor office space on 18.3 acres. Communitv and Public FacilitiesAJtilities 0 Several community and public facilities projects were approved, including the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility and Aviara Community Park. 0 Applications were submitted and the planning review process was initiated for several community facilities and public utilities, including the Coastal Rail Trail, Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant and Encina Power Plant Specific Plan and Olivenhain Municipal Water District Specific Plan. Public Works - Enqineerinq 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Obtained funding for Phase II of the Recycle Water Program, including the Recycle Water Treatment Plant. Completed design of the Recycle Water Treatment Plant. Initiated update to the Water and Sewer Master Plan. On-going construction of the VistdCarlsbad Interceptor Sewer and Downtown Storm Drain Replacement Project. On-going planning and financing programs for the following missing links of major arterial roadways: 0 Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to City limits 0 Faraday Avenue from El Camino Real to City Limits 0 Cannon Road from College Blvd. to City limits 0 Poinsettia Lane from Zone 19 boundary to El Camino Real (referred to as Reaches “E”, ‘IF” and “G”) 5 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 34. 35. 36. 37. Obtained environmental approvals for the following major arterial roadway projects: 0 College Blvd. from El Camino Real to Carlsbad Village Drive Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Blvd. Completed design and obtained environmental approvals for Poinsettia Lane from Blackrail Road to Zone 19 boundary (referred to as Reach “C”) Initiated construction of the following roadway projects: 0 Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment and widening, Phase I 0 Cannon Road from Faraday Avenue to Frost Avenue Coordinated the review of several large development projects for compliance with public workdengineering standards (i.e. circulation, grading, drainage, storm water quality, growth management, public facilities, etc). Some of the projects reviewed included the following: Master Plans 0 The Villages of La Costa 0 Calavera Hills Phase II 0 Bressi Ranch 0 La Costa Town Square - Mag Residential Proiects 0 Thompson Tabata 0 Cantarini Ranch Redeemer by the Sea Holly Springs 0 The Summit at Carlsbad 0 La Costa Oaks South 0 La Costa Greens Planned Industrial Proiects Carlsbad Raceway Palomar Forum Carlsbad Oaks North 0 Fox/Miller Property Commercial Proiects The Pavilion Communitv and Public Facilities/Utilities 0 Aviara Community Park 0 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility 6 14 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments B. QUESTION 2 Highlight major WorWprogress in your departmenVdivision anticipated to be done during this fiscal year (2002-2003) that is derived from the goals and objectives of the General Plan. Department Response: Arts - 1. 'The first annual Artsplash festival is planned to take place September 28 & 29, 2002. - Fire 2. Fire Department has budgeted for a part-time temporary employee to assist in implementing the Management and Rehabilitation Plan for Hosp Grove. 3. The Carlsbad Emergency Management Administrative Team has a FY 02-03 goal to update the City's Emergency Operation Plan, and complete the Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Plans. Housing and Redevelopment 4. Housing and Redevelopment staff intend to continue efforts to implement a variety of housing programs to benefit low and moderate income households. 5. A property in the Redevelopment Area has been selected for acquisition and construction of affordable housing. An offer to purchase the property has been accepted. The design of the property and preparation of the site for construction is expected to be completed during FY 2002-2003. 6. Housing and Redevelopment staff intend to continue implementation of beautification projects within the Village Redevelopment Area. In addition, staff will be continuing work on redevelopment programs and projects that will facilitate the addition of new housing units as well as mixed-use projects within the Village. Maintenance and Operations 7. Continue to work with the City of Vista for disposal of household hazardous waste generated in the City of Carlsbad. 7 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Continue to work with Coast Waste Management to provide curbside collection and recycling of paper, plastics and green waste for all residences and businesses in Carlsbad. Staff will implement the Storm Water Protection Program for industrial, commercial, residential and Municipal sectors in order to bring them into compliance with the NPDES Urban Storm Water Permit and local ordinances. Modify and implement tools to record, track, monitor and report “Requests for Action” effectiveness. Report Carlsbad Storm Water Protection Program Outcome and Performance Measurement System in accordance with requirements of the NPDES Order 2001-01 to assess the effectiveness of the Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan (JURMP). Implement an Impaired Water Body 303 (d) List Water Quality Strategy and Monitoring Plan to support the de-listing of coastal lagoons by regional and state agencies. Develop the WURMP as required in NPDES Order No. 2001-01 by coordinating with Watershed Co-permittees, City departments and stakeholders. Initiate a Strategic Plan for 303 (d) de-listing for the Carlsbad Watershed Impaired bodies. Implement a multi-year public education, outreach and training activities program in order to meet the requirements of Carlsbad JURMP. The activities are to include all components of public outreach - Best Management Practices, external and internal training, and opportunities for public participation in NPDES Permit and JURMP implementation. Implement NPDES and JURMP requirements into the checklist, standards and procedures for planning, development and construction for storm water pollution controls to encourage the protection and enhancement of receiving waters and other environmentally sensitive areas. Continue conducting water conservation and education programs, including a “Toilet Voucher Program”, providing on-site water audits for all residential, commercial and industrial customers, conducting large turf surveys to provide technical reviews of irrigation systems, plant materials, soils and horticultural practices, and providing water education programs for all elementary grade levels in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District service area. 8 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments Parks and Recreation omm 17. Completion of Phase II development of Carrillo Ranch C which will open the park to the public. unity P ‘ark, 18. Finalize the master plans for Alga Norte and the Northwest Quadrant Park. 19. Begin construction of Larwin and Aviara Community Parks. 20. Implement the Citywide Trails Program, accepting ownership responsibilities for neighborhood trail systems developed as part of their master planned communities. Planning 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Continue working on the General PlanEoning Consistency Program, and initiate amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan as a result of necessary amendments identified by the Program. As a product of the work and analysis being done on the General Plan/Zoning Consistency Program, staff will initiate an amendment to the CT (Commercial Tourist) Zone and TR (Travel Recreation Commercial) land use designation in order to clarify and expand the purpose and intent of the CT zone and to ensure consistency between the CT zone and TR land use designation. Complete an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create a new zone classification to implement the “L” (Local Shopping Center) land use designation. Continue work on the draft Habitat Management Plan, with emphasis on issues associated with the California Coastal Commission. Initiate and coordinate the review process for the South Agua Hedionda Lift Station and for a major rehabilitation of the North Agua Hedionda Trunk Line. Initiate amendments to the General Plan Parks and Recreation Element, and Open Space and Conservation Element to incorporate new trail information. Initiate and coordinate the review process for the Community Forest Management Plan, which will establish a plan for the planting, maintenance, removal, replacement and preservation of public trees. Coordinate the review process to update the Sewer and Water Master Plan. 9 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 29. Continue to meet and work with the Council Policy 43 Committee to review the issues surrounding the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank, and assist the Committee in preparing a report to be presented to Council by 12/1/02. 30. Continue or initiate coordination and review of large development projects, including the following: Villages of La Costa (review development proposals within master plan) Bressi Ranch (review development proposals within master plan) Calavera Hills (review development proposals within master plan) 0 Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park Fox/MiIler Property Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant Robertson Ranch La Costa Town Square - Mag Property Olivenhain Municipal Water District Coastal Rail Trail Villa Francesca Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs Larwin Community Park (initiate review process) Public Works - Engineering 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Complete environmental review, master plans and local facilities management plans for the planned communities listed above. Initiate design and construction of some of the pipeline and pump station projects associated with the Phase II Recycle Water Program. Initiate construction of the Recycle Water Treatment Plant. Complete construction of VistdCarlsbad Interceptor and Downtown Storm Drain Replacement Project. Complete environmental approvals for Water & Sewer Master Plan Update. Initiate update to the Storm Drain and Water Quality Control Master Plan. Complete construction of Cannon Road from Faraday Avenue to Frost Street. Complete financing plans for the following roadway projects: Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to City limits 0 Faraday Avenue from El Camino Real to City limits 10 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 39. Initiate construction of the following roadways: College Blvd. from El Camino Real to Carlsbad Village Drive Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Blvd. Poinsettia Lane from Blackrail Road to Zone 19 boundary Rancho Santa Fe Road, Phase 2. 40. Continue or initiate review to identify engineering issues for the following development projects: The Villages of La Costa (review of subdivisions and development proposals for projects within the master plan) Bressi Ranch (review of subdivisions and development proposals for projects within the master plan) Calavera Hills (review of subdivisions and development proposals for projects within the master plan) Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park Fox/Miller Property Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant Robertson Ranch La Costa Town Square - Mag Property Olivenhain Municipal Water District Coastal Rail Trail Villa Francesca Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs Larwin Community Park (initiate review process) C. QUESTION 3 Do you have any recommended changes to the General Plan, such as additional programs or modifications to existing programs to help implement the goals and objectives of the Plan? Department Response: Arts - 1 Develop guidelines to be included in the Planning review process that would encourage a strong aesthetic and creative sense of design in order to achieve an aesthetic environment for the City in all of the city’s landforms, landscaping and architecture. 11 /? ‘ns. C. Fire H General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments Fire 2. Modify Public Safety Element, II Existing Conditio - az ards - Paragraph 8, 5th sentence, “For example, -a residential street with parking allowed on both sides would be not less than 36 feet in total width.” This standard has been modified by the new Livable Neighborhood Development Standards. 3. Modify Public Safety Element, II Existing Conditions, H. Oil Spills - The San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) Encina Power Plant referred to in this section is now owned by Cabrillo Power. 4. Modify Public Safety Element, 111. Goals, Objectives and Implementing Policies and Action Programs, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, C. Implementing Policies and Action Programs, C.4 - Wood Shakes and Shingles of any classification are prohibited as a roof covering on all new structures and on all replacement roofs. Housing and Redevelopment 5. Amend Land Use Element, Village Program C.2, to reflect that the Redevelopment Plan has been adopted, but the Land Use Plan for the Barrio has not. Parks and Recreation 6. We will soon be coming forward with amendments to update the park inventory in the Parks and Recreation Element. Planning 7. Much statistical information in the General Plan is out of date and should be updated. For example, all references to population and housing data from the 1990 Census should be updated to reflect data from the 2000 Census. Much of the land use inventory is also out of date. 8. In addition, there are several General Plan Programs that should be updated to reflect current information or should be deleted. Some Programs reference documents or information that is no longer relevant or valid. For example, the Open Space and Conservation Element referenced the “Open Space Advisory Committee”, which no longer exists. 9. Consider adding a program in the Circulation Element to incorporate “transit first” concepts and coordination with NCTD. 12 General Plan Implementation Status Report for FY 2001 - 2002 Department Highlights and Comments 10. The Habitat Management Plan may result in a need to amend the Land Use Element, Open Space Element and possibly other elements of the General Plan. 11. As a result of the General PlanEoning Consistency Program, necessary amendments to the General Plan may be identified and prepared for Planning Commission and City Council review. D. QUESTION 4 How can the General Plan better meet your department’s/division’s needs and the needs of the community? Department Response: 1. The General Plan provides appropriate directives to the Arts Office in the Arts Element. The mission of our division is to implement the General Plan, which “recognizes that an aesthetic environment is an essential characteristic of a community which values its quality of life ...” Parks and Recreation 2. Review and update the document as appropriate. Solicit public review and comments during those periods of review. Planning 3. Consider revising, or doing a thorough review of, the format of the General Plan to ensure that the Programs implement the Goals, Objectives and Policies that they are associated with. The General Plan programs should specify tasks or actions the City plans to take in order to achieve certain goals and objectives. It may be helpful if the Programs specified which departments/divisions have the lead responsibilty for their implementation and clarified how the specific tasks or actions were to be achieved, as is done currently with the Programs in the Housing Element. 4. Consider amending the Land Use Map and/or Zoning Map to identify which properties are subject to a Master Plan or Specific Plan. There is no readily available resource for the public or staff to use to identify what properties are affected by Master Plans and Specific Plans. It would be very useful to be able to clearly identify those properties when answering questions at the public counter or when researching what development standards apply to specific properties. 13 PART II IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF GENERAL PLAN PROGRAMS CY 0 0 "! a 0 v! 0 m a 0 rc 0 a 0 m a Q 0 0 z 0: 7 7 0: z 7 7 a 0 a 0 a - - a a a W 0 T a ? 0; ? - a a 0 T: 0 a& a v, 8 I n a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 cq 0 9 0 '4 0 (0 N PC N a3 N m N 0 CT) N CI) a 0 c? 0 a 0 t 0 (D c9 a 0 (9 0 a - 0 a - 0 ala I I- a a a - 0 a rn 0 T: m d 0 m N m Lo 0 (4 0 a 0 3a n d s n d s n d I c3 U I a a a 0 0 0 0 a cu 0 T: rn T: 0 0 "! 0 0 b - (u b co W m W - a - a - a a a a - 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 @? 0 B 0 Lo 0 a? 0 9 0 (9 0 k 0 d I- 0 co (u co 3r' r - a a la 00 00 I 1 c a a - 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 E c (4 0 k 0 c9 0 c\! 0 W 0 7 v) W n v) W n v) W n -L 0 0 0 00 F F 0: c\! 0 + 0 2 F F 7 U -0 a, Q n -0 0 0 U m m a, 0 C C c a,O 22 .- OB C C a a v) .- .- $ n 8 - v) W n a z n W gt v) W n v) w n - a v) W n 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a W 0 7 r- 0 7 Q) 7 ci 0 * 0 - 0 n! 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