HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-10-22; City Council; 16952; Promotion Services With CCVBCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 16,952 CITY MGR e DEPT. ED PROMOTION SERVICES CITY Am. CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU FOR COMMUNITY MTG. 10-22-02 DEPT. HD. TITLE: CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL WITH THE CARLSBAD RECOMMENDED ACTION: ADOPT Resolution No. 2002-317 approving a one-year contract for basic tourism promotion and visitor services, for the term November 1, 2002 to October 31, 2003, for $408,600 and appropriate $ 45,600 from the Contingency Account available balance. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. ITEM EXPLANATION: CCVB 2002-2003 Contract Proposal: On October 31, 2002, the contract between the City of Carlsbad and the CCVB will expire. In response to the upcoming expiration of the existing contract for visitor and promotional services, CCVB has submitted a one (1) year proposal for the continuation of these services. In addition, their new proposal includes funding for Group Sales. The term of a contract would be from November 1, 2002 and through October 3 1,2003. CCVB’s new proposal asks the City to increase their funding level to $475,500. This amount reflects an overall increase of $91,500, or approximately 24%, above their existing contract amount ($384,000). A majority of the increase is attributed to the cost of hiring a full-time Sales Director (approximately $60,400 is attributed to a burden rate associated with the position). According to CCVB, the new staff position “is actively selling Carlsbad hotel properties to the group and business segment of travel.” The balance of the increase is attributed to promotion and marketing, including those directed at group sales, as well as increase in personnel costs associated with merit increases, health care insurance, retirement plans, and other miscellaneous expenses. Visitor Center (Request of $217,000 - increase of $75,000): A total of $75,000 of the proposed increase is attributed to the Visitors Center. CCVB notes that approximately $60,400 is actually attributed to a burden rate associated with hiring a full-time Director of Sales, which is captured in the Visitor Center line item budget request. The balance of the Visitor Center increase ($14,600) is attributed to increases in health care premiums, merit increases for qualifying staff, matching contributions for retirement plans, postage, and increased mileage and travel expense. Travel shows and Familiarization Tours (Request of $25,000 -no increase): This item includes (12) travel trade shows directed toward leisure and group/corporate travel. Marketing, Advertising & Promotion (Request of $197,000 -increase of $27,000): This item includes group sales direct marketing through Meetings Database lnstitute (MDI- $6000 fee paid in August 2002), as well as on-line advertising and marketing opportunities and participation in CVB co-operative marketing opportunities PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 16,952 Brochures & Print Materials (Request of $30,000 -decrease of $5,000): This item includes reprint and distribution of the Visitors Guide in Summer 2003 as well as other print collateral, including that to be used for group sales direct marketing. Internet Maintenance & Development - (Request of $6,000 - decrease of $5500): This item includes website maintenance, hosting fees and renewal of existing domain names, BACKGROUND: On August 13,2002, City staff presented the City Council with findings from Phase I1 of the Tourism Impact Assessment, along with a proposed Tourism Policies and Program Strategy. As a part of the Strategy, Group Sales was highlighted as a program that could be considered by the City Council for future funding. Prior to the staff presentation, copies of the report were provided to various interested organizations including Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CCVB), San Diego North Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CVB), the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, and the Village Business Association. In advance of the presentation, a Tourism Alliance made up of various interest groupdindividuals associated with Carlsbad tourism formed, and asked the City Council to postpone any decision related to the Tourism Assessment or the Tourism Policies and Program Strategy. The Alliance suggested a 60 to 90 day delay, during which time they would thoroughly review the document and provide the Council with their comments and/or recommendations. The City Council agreed to the request and voted to postpone of any action related to the report recommendations, until the Tourism Alliance could report back to the City Council. At this point in time, the Alliance has indicated that they may be prepared to present their recommendations to the City Council in November 2002. As a result of the Tourism Alliance’s request and the subsequent City Council action to support it, no discussion of the report recommendations or hnding for a group sales effort has occurred. The existing contract with CCVB does not include a specific group sales component or associated funding. Last year CCVB and San Diego North CVB both requested funding for a group sales program. However, the City Council denied those requests and indicated they wanted to wait until the results of the Tourism Assessment were complete and a report presented. Both CCVB and San Diego North CVB have indicated an interest in obtaining funding to provide group sales support to the City in 2002/2003 (EXHIBIT 2 & 3). Since the Council is awaiting comments and recommendations from the Tourism Alliance regarding possible new programs, including group sales, staff is recommending that only a contract for basic tourism services be awarded to CCVB. This would exclude any funding related to group sales. Once the Tourism Alliance returns to the City with their recommendations and the City Council has an opportunity to review and discuss them, the Council could direct staff to prepare or amend a contract to provide for any additional marketing services related to group sales or any other recommended service. FISCAL IMPACT: Payment for operation of the Visitor’s Center will made to CCVB in monthly installments of $13,050, not to exceed $156,600 for the twelve (12) month period. Payment for all other programs will be made on a reimbursement basis up to the maximum amounts approved in the contract. Proposed funding of services directly related to group sales will be subtracted from the proposed PAGE 3 OFAGENDA BILL NO. 16,952 budgeted amounts ($60,400 - Sales Director [group sales focus] $6,000 - future funding of the Meetings Database Institute [group sales direct marketing]). In anticipation of a contract for promotional and visitor services this fiscal year, a total of $363,000 was included in the 2002-2003 Operating Budget. If the one-year contract, excluding funding for a group sales program, is approved with CCVB, an additional $ 45,600 will need to be appropriated to fund the program. Staff recommends that the City Council appropriate the additional funds from the Contingency Account. The Contingency Account available balance is approximately $2.5 million. If the City Council elects to fund a group sales program or any other new tourist oriented marketing or promotional program as a result of the Tourism Alliance’s recommendations, those monies would need to be appropriated at a future City Council meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL: The Planning Director has determined that the activities above are categorically exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section15309 of the CEQA guidelines. EXHIBITS: 2002-317 1. Resolution No. ’ of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, and appropriating $45,600 from the Contingency Account available balance. 2. Agreements (2) between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to provide professional services related to the promotion of the City of Carlsbad. 2. Letter dated September 20,2002 from CCVB Executive Director Kurt Burkhart to Economic Development Manager, Cynthia Haas. 3. Letter dated September 26, 2002 from San Diego North CVB President & CEO Cami Mattson to Economic Development Manager, Cynthia Haas 3 1 ‘ f l 5 1( 11 12 I? 14 15 It 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-317 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARSLBAD, CALJFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (CCVB) AND APPROPRIATING $46,100 FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AVAILABLE BALANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to promote tourism and provide services to visitors to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has further determined that the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau possesses the necessary skills to provide these services to the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau has agreed to provide these services under the terms and conditions of the agreement attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement, Exhibit 2, between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to provide professional services related to the promotion of the City of Carlsbad. 3. That an appropriation of $46,100 from the Contingency Account available balance is authorized. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 5 1C 11 1; I! 11 If 1f 1: If l! 2( 2 2: 2: 2d 2: 21 2' 21 AYES: council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Nygaard, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) -2- AGREEMENT FOR PROMOTION OF TOURISM AND VISITOR SERVICES CARSLBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the Aq m bC76Bm day of , 2002, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and The Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as ("CCVB"). RECITALS A. City requires the professional services of a contractor that is experienced B. CCVB has the necessary experience in providing professional services C. Selection of CCVB is expected to achieve the desired results in an D. CCVB has submitted a proposal to City and has affirmed its willingness in tourism and visitor promotion programs and services. and advice related to the promotion of tourism in Carlsbad. expedited fashion. and ability to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and CCVB agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK Citv retains CCVB to perform, and CCVB agrees to render, those services (the "Services") that are dehned in attached Exhi6it "A", which is incorporated by this reference in accordance with this Agreement's terms and conditions. 2. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE While performing the Services, CCVB will exercise the reasonable professional care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of CCVBs profession practicing in the Metropolitan Southern California Area, and will use reasonable diligence and best judgment while exercising its professional skill and expertise. 3. TERM The term of this Agreement will be effective for a period of twelve (12) months from the date first above written. 4. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 5. COMPENSATION The total fee payable for the Services to be performed during the initial Agreement term will be Four- Hundred Eight Thousand Six Hundred doliars ($408.600). No other compensation for the Services will be allowed except for items covered by subsequent amendments to this Agreement. The City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until City has accepted the work and/or Services specified in Exhibit "A". 1 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 Incremental payments, if applicable, should be made as outlined in attached Exhibit "A". 6. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR CCVB will perform the Services in CCVB's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of CCVBs independent calling, and not as an employee of City. CCVB will be under control of City only as to the result to be accomplished, but will consult with City as necessary. The persons used by CCVB to provide services under this Agreement will not be considered employees of City for any purposes. The payment made to CCVB pursuant to the Agreement will be the full and complete compensation to which CCVB is entitled. City will not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of CCVB or its agents, employees or subcontractors. City will not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of CCVB or its employees or subcontractors. CCVB agrees to indemnify City within thirty (30) days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which City may be required to make on behalf of CCVB or any agent, employee, or subcontractor of CCVB for work done under this Agreement. At the City's election, City may deduct the indemnification amount from any balance owing to CCVB. 7. SUBCONTRACTING CCVB will not subcontract any portion of the Services without prior written approval of City. If CCVB subcontracts any of the Services, CCVB will be fully responsible to City for the acts and omissions of CCVB's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as CCVB is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by CCVB. Nothing contained in this Agreement will create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of CCVB and City. CCVB will be responsible for payment of subcontractors. CCVB will bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to CCVB's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract and approved in writing by City. 8. OTHER CONTRACTORS The City reserves the right to employ other Contractors in connection with the Services. 9. INDEMNIFICATION CCVB agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the CCVB, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorney's fee, costs or expense City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self- 2 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this section, and that this section will survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. IO. INSURANCE cCVB will obtain and maintain for the duration of the Agreement and any and all amendments, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the services by CCVB or CCVB's agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The insurance will be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:V". 10.1 Coverages and Limits. CCVB will main-in the types of coverages and minimum limits indicated below, unless City Attorney or City Manager approves a lower amount. These minimum amounts of coverage will not constitute any limitations or cap on CCVB's indemnification obligations under this Agreement. City, its officers, agents and employees make no representation that the limits of the insurance specified to be carried by CCVB pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect CCVB. If CCVB believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, CCVB will obtain such additional insurance coverage, as CCVB deems adequate, at CCVB's sole expense. 10.1.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance. $1,000,000 combined single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits will apply separately to the work under this Agreement or the general aggregate will be twice the required per occurrence limit. 10.1.2 Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved for CCVB's work for City). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 10.1.3 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the California Labor Code and Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability insurance will not be required if CCVB has no employees and provides, to City's satisfaction, a declaration stating this. 10.1.4 Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate to CCVB's profession with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Coverage must be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of the work. 10.2. Additional Provisions. CCVB will ensure that the policies of insurance required under this Agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions: City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 10.2.1 The City will be named as an additional insured on General 10.2.2 CCVB will obtain occurrence coverage, excluding Professional Liability. Liability, which will be written as claims-made coverage. 10.2.3 This insurance will be in force during the life of the Agreement and any extensions of it and will not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to City sent by certified mail pursuant to the Notice provisions of this Agreement. 10.3 Providing Certificates of Insurance and Endorsements. Prior to City's execution of this Agreement, CCVB will furnish certificates of insurance and endorsements to City. 10.4 Failure to Maintain CoveraQe. If CCVB fails to maintain any of these insurance coverages, then City will have the option to declare CCVB in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order to maintain the required coverages. CCVB is responsible for any payments made by City to obtain or maintain insurance and City may collect these payments from CCVB or deduct the amount paid from any sums due CCVB under this Agreement. 10.5 Submission of Insurance Policies. City reserves the right to require, at anytime, complete and certified copies of any or all required insurance policies and endorsements. 11. BUSINESS LICENSE CCVB will obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for the term of the Agreement, as may be amended from time-to-time. 12. ACCOUNTING RECORDS CCVB will maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this Agreement. All records will be clearly identifiable. CCVB will allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. CCVB will allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 13. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All work product produced by CCVB or its agents, employees, and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement is the property of City. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all work product produced by CCVB or its agents, employees and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement will be delivered at once to City. CCVB will have the right to make one (1) copy of the work product for CCVB's records. 14. COPYRIGHTS 4 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 CCVB agrees that all copyrights that arise from the services will be vested in City and CCVB relinquishes all claims to the copyrights in favor of City. 15. NOTICES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of City and on behalf of CCVB under this Agreement. For City: For CCVB: Name Cynthia Haas Name &!d8U&cL?k4 Title Economic Dev Manager Title Ex-~L-L b:recrnolc- Department Econ. Development Address 4J a &isLai tfs>ly ~b, City of Carlsbad &,LA 47808 Address 1635 Faraday Ave 0) H34- 6W3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone No.(760) 602-2732 c Each party will notify the other immediately of any changes of address that would require any notice or delivery to be directed to another address. 16. CONFLICT OF INTEREST City will evaluate CCVB’s duties pursuant to this Agreement to determine whether disclosure under the Political Reform Act and City’s Conflict of Interest Code is required of CCVB or any of CCVB’s employees, agents, or subcontractors. Should it be determined that disclosure is required, CCVB or CCVB’s affected employees, agents, or subcontractors will complete and file with the City Clerk those schedules specified by City and contained in the Statement of Economic Interests Form 700. CCVB, for CCVB and on behalf of CCVB’s agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants warrants that by execution of this Agreement, that they have no interest, present or contemplated, in the projects affected by this Agreement. CCVB further warrants that neither CCVB, nor CCVB’s agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants have any ancillary real property, business interests or income that will be affected by this Agreement or, alternatively, that CCVB will file with the City an affidavit disclosing this interest. 17. GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS CCVB will keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by CCVB, or in any way affect the performance of the Services by CCVB. CCVB will at all times observe and comply with these laws, ordinances, and regulations and will be responsible for the compliance of CCVB’s services with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. 5 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 CCVB will be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and will comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that the services required by this Agreement. 18. DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED CCVB will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. 19. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of the Services the following procedure will be used to resolve any questions of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between the parties. Representatives of CCVB or City will reduce such questions, and their respective views, to writing. A copy of such documented dispute will be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution, which would be of benefit to both parties. The representative receiving the letter will reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (10) business days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the disputes will be forwarded to the City Manager. The City Manager will consider the facts and solutions recommended by each party and may then opt to direct a solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Manager will be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure will prohibit the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law. 20. TERMINATION In the event of the CCVB's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the Services, City may terminate this Agreement for nonperformance by notifying CCVB by certified mail of the termination. If City decides to abandon or indefinitely postpone the work or services contemplated by this Agreement, City may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to CCVB. Upon notification of termination, CCVB has five (5) business days to deliver any documents owned by City and all work in progress to City address contained in this Agreement. City will make a determination of fact based upon the work product delivered to City and of the percentage of work that CCVB has performed which is usable and of worth to City in having the Agreement completed. Based upon that finding City will determine the final payment of the Agreement. Either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party may terminate this Agreement. In this event and upon request of City, CCVB will assemble the work product and put it in order for proper filing and closing and deliver it to City. CCVB will be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total will not exceed the lump sum fee payable under this Agreement. City will make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 21. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES 6 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 CCVB warrants that CCVB has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for CCVB, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that CCVB has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City will have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of the fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 22. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS By signing this Agreement, CCVB agrees that any Agreement claim submitted to City must be asserted as part of the Agreement process as set forth in this Agreement and not in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. CCVB acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to City, it may be considered fraud and CCVB may be subject to criminal prosecution. CCVB acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq., the False Claims Act applies to this Agreement and, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If City seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. CCVB acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subject CCVB to an administrative debarment proceeding as the result of which CCVB may be prevented to act as a CCVB on any public work or improvement for a period of up to five (5) years. CCVB acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction is grounds for City to terminate this Agreement. 23. JURISDICTIONS AND VENUE Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. 24. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS It is mutually understood and agreed that this Agreement will be binding upon City and CCVB and their respective successors. Neither this Agreement or any part of it nor any monies due or to become due under it may be assigned by CCVB without the prior consent of City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated by it, along with the purchase order for this Agreement and its provisions, embody the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter of it. In case of conflict, the terms of the Agreement supersede the purchase order. 7 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 Neither this Agreement nor any of its provisions may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except in a writing signed by both parties. 26. AUTHORITY The individuals executina this Aareement and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of CCVB each represe; and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind CCVB to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. ~ CCvB < Ob h (sign heye) - - (print narnehitle) ATTEST: SUM1 .&LC37-- (print narneltitle) If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. If a Corporation, Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. *Group A. Chairman, President, or Vice-president **Group B. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the ofticer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RO R. BALL, City Attorney By: 8 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES The City agrees to engage, and the CCVB agrees to perform the services described below: SCOPE OF WORK 1. Manage and coordinate a marketing program that positions Carlsbad as a prime tourist destination in Southern California. a. Generate awareness of Carlsbad in those geographic regions of the United States that provide the largest number of visitors to Carlsbad each year. b. Operate the Visitor Information Center in the AT&SF Depot seven days per week from 9:00 a.m. to 5:OO p.m., Monday through Friday, from 1O:OO a.m. to 4:OO p.m. on Saturday, and from 1O:OO a.m. to 3:OO p.m. on Sunday, except New Years Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day to assist visitors to Carlsbad. c. Provide familiarization tours (including a travel writers program) by organizing visits to Carlsbad by travel writers and others that result in published articles promoting Carlsbad and additional tourism to Carlsbad d. Promote local community events, including the San Diego Marathon, the Carlsbad 5000, the Carlsbad Triatholon, and the La Costa Resort golf and tennis events in the following ways: 1. Provide hotel/motel referrals. 2. Staff Information booths as requested by the City and/or the private event promoters. 3. Distribute promotional literature related to the events from the Visitor Information Center. e. Develop private funding for advertising co-op programs, central reservations fees and other participatory fees to support a full-time, aggressive tourism marketing program. 9 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 f. Provide reports as follows: 1. CCVB shall deliver to the City, semi-annual reports of the activity and expenses of the CCVB as funded under this agreement. These reports shall summarize activities and expenses for each six (6) month period of the contract and include the following information: a. A written description of the activities of CCVB for the quarter. b. A statistical report showing the results of the information gathered from inquiries at the Visitor's Center, CCVB website, or other sources. c. An accounting of the funds spent by program in a format approved by the City. 2. CCVB shall include in the semi-annual report, statistical or other quantitative information that demonstrates the effectiveness of CCVB's efforts in drawing additional visitors to Carlsbad. PAYMENT OF FEES For the services described above, the City will compensate the CCVB as described below: 1. Payment for the operation of the Visitor's Center shall be made to the CCVB in equal monthly installments by the 15" of each month for the 12 months beginning November 2002 and ending October 2003. The monthly payment amount for the period from November 2002 to October 2003 will be $13,050, not to exceed $156,600 for the twelve (1 2) month period. 2. Payment for all other programs will be released to the CCVB on a reimbursement basis up to the maximum amounts shown below: a. Travel Shows and FAM Tours $25,000 b. Brochures & Print Material $30,000 c. Internet Maintenance & Development $ 6,000 10 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 d. Marketing, Advertising and Promotions $191,000 3. The City reserves the right to terminate or reduce the funding levels outlined in the Agreement in the event of City revenue reductions. Recommended reductions will be reported to the City Council who shall determine the modified funding level. 11 City Attorney Approved Version #04.01.02 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California PR, I.r s&&wd bz. Name and TiG of MTlcer le.$ "Jane Doe. Notaw Public'? personally appeared /dm &hht&' Name(r) *70&. of Signer($) df-ff u.' [I personally known to me Wved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) bare subscribed to the within instrument and the same in tkLhbrltheir authorized acknowledged to me that fiefsheelthey executed capacity(ies). and that by k$er/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Place Notary Seal Above Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer@) Other Than Named Above: w& .. 0 Individual El Corporate Officer -Title@): El Partner - 0 Limited n General 0 Attorney in Fact iJ Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing: e ,998 Nsflonsl Nmsv /\ssoc,a,,m. 9360 De sot0 we, PO Ba" z4m. Chsiiwoflh, CA 913,3~24002. ww nafanalnulaar( ""i Prnd No 5907 Reorder Call Toll-Fme cam-818-6827 September 20,2002 Y Ms. Cynthia Haas Economic Development Manager City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad. CA 92008 Dear Cynthia: We are pleased to present you with the proposed funding request for FY 02-03 that the Board of Directors for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau has approved. This budget represents a19% increase over the current fiscal year, which ends on October 3 1, 2002. We believe that our request for $91,500 over the current operating year can be justified, and for several reasons. First, with the inclusion of a full-time director of sales, Carlsbad has, for the first time, a dedicated professional who is now actively “selling” only Carlsbad hotel properties to the group and business segment of travel. The bureau has worked long and hard to find the right ingredients for attracting group and business travel (group business is defined as, 10 or more room nights) to Carlsbad. Finding a seasoned-sales professional, rather than an on-the-job learner, is what will provide Carlsbad with the best return on investment, which is, identifying prospects, and converting looks and books to consumed business. This expenditure covers the burden rate of our director of sales, which represents sixty- six percent of the entire increase we are asking for in this budget submission. Secondly, the bureau has maintained the same budget levels for “Marketing, Advertising and Promotions” for two consecutive years. However, this year we fully anticipate an increase in advertising costs to; 1) maintain and strengthen our market share of leisure travel, and 2) raise awareness of Carlsbad’s unique setting for group and business travel. The advertising indushy is coming off its worst slump since the Great Depression, and every indication leads us to believe that, as the recovery in advertising continues through 2003, higher prices, especially in the print medium, will follow. Although we plan for cost recovery through co-operative marketing opportunities, external factors - such as another 9-1 1 type incident - will have an adverse impact on occupancies, which translates into fewer partnership dollars at work in concert with the bureau. This was evidenced immediately following the attacks last September. 400 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. California 92008 Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau www.visitcarlsbad.com convis@carlsbadca.org TEL (760) 434.6093 * FAX (760) 434.6056 1 5 The bureau continues to assess which advertising opportunities will allow the CVB to continue marketing and advertising that is specific to the leisure market, and which ads can be substituted in favor of adding strength to the group sales initiative. The $27,500 increase that we are asking for will also allow the bureau to work co- operatively with other regional bureaus, such as the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau and San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau, where marketing opportunities make sense for Carlsbad. Finally, of the five (5) established line items, our budget reflects a decrease in two areas with a third line item showing no increase or decrease in FY 02-03. The first line item where a reduction is noted is with “Brochures and Print Materials.” This reduction is primarily due to the added savings the bureau will have without having to absorb costs associated with new creative in the design of the visitor guide next year. The 2002-03 Visitor Guide was a cover-to-cover makeover of the former brochure, with welcome message from the mayor and council members, updated text and photos, design and production change, along with a pullout map of Carlsbad (a first, ever). Due to a successful advertising sales effort, the bureau realized more than $20,000 in advertising revenues. We do not foresee a similar effort being undertaken in the next fiscal year. Rather, whatever changes are needed next year will be minimal. Therefore, we anticipate a reduction of $5000 in this line item. The second line item where a decrease is noted is in the area of, “Internet Maintenance & Development.” At this time last year, the bureau believed that a website makeover could be accomplished for less than $12,000. Prior to contracting with Zephyr/cvbTV.com, we fully expected that we would work with our former website designer. However, as the needs of the bureau, together with advancing technology demanded high-end changes, the CVB Board of Directors agreed that contractors possessing a higher level of technological sophistication be identified. Consequently, the appropriated amount in this line item was met in early 2002. Because the Internet is the premier vehicle that is used today for marketing, the additional funds needed to build the CVB website came from the line item, Marketing, Advertising and Promotions. Phase One was completed when the bureau’s new website, www.visitcarIsbad.com, went online July 3,2002. The second phase, which includes two elements, is now underway. The first of these two elements is for the online marketing of our website. The process is called, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and registration. This phase is expected to be completed in late-September. It will guarantee improved rankings on all of the primary search engines and directories that control ninety-percent of today’s search traffic (AltaVista, AOL Search, AskJeeves, Teoma, Google, Yahoo, HotBot, Lycos, NBCi, MSN Search, Netscape, Open Directory, FAST Search, About.com, NorthernLight and Direct Hit). To complete the SEO phase of our website by the first week of October, other areas to be addressed will include; keyword search and recommendations, baseline 2 ranking and website position report, doorway page creation, link popularity networking and site submissions. The second element of Phase Two, to be completed by mid-October, will include a video/photo tour, itinerary planner, map plus and newsletter template. One final note that is worth mentioning is that our former website did not have any database capabilities. With the first-ever Artsplash only days away, the bureau was able to identify from its online database more than 500 individuals who specifically requested information about upcoming festivals and events. Through data mining, our message about Artsplash was sent to every individual in the bureau’s online database where there was an expressed interest in this one category. The only required fields for individuals who sign-in and request a visitor guide are the person’s name, mailing and e-mail addresses. This is how the bureau ‘harvests’ individual e-mail addresses where there has been an expressed intent to opt-in to receive future notices. In October, Carlsbad businesses will have the opportunity to ‘buy-up’ their positioning on our website through a series of ranked offerings. The bureau’s staff will work with the regional sales manager for Zephyr/cvbTV.com to solicit area businesses. A revenue- sharing arrangement with Zephyr/cvbTV.com will allow the bureau to realize twenty-five percent of all new revenue generated through this effort. However, at this time there are no projections on the amount of any future revenue. We believe that every component for online marketing has been achieved in this current fiscal year, and what is proposed in the FY 02-03 budget - $6500 - reflects a true amount for ongoing site maintenance, hosting fees and the renewal of existing domain names. The one area where the bureau did not project either an increase or decrease in expenditures was in, “Travel Shows and FAMs.” The bureau has identified eleven (1 1) travel trade shows that it would like to attend in FY 02-03. These shows include; The Travel Exchange 2002, CSAE Seasonal Spectacular, Prestige Travel Fair 2003, Orange County Register Travel Show, IACVB Destination Showcase, California Travel Market, LA Times Travel Show, The Travel Exchange 2003, HSMAI Affordable Meetings West, Addison Travel Trade Show and, Pow Wow. Although we have not asked this year for an increase in funding under this line item, we do, however, expect to increase the hotel co-operative participation at both consumer and industry-trade shows. The Carlsbad CVB is now a full service destination marketing organization and, as such, the director of sales is working with Carlsbad hotels to enlist co-operative participation at consumer shows catering to leisure travel as well as those specifically tailored for meeting planners, associations, incentive, corporate and other group travel. The ‘pay-to- play’ concept has worked well with respect to ad buys and our billboard advertising in Arizona. We expect to realize some cost-recovery with each of these shows, and we are optimistic that the director of sales will work to achieve a level of cost sharing with participating properties. For this reason, we believe that, with the right mix of shows 3 having been identified as ‘ideal’ for the marketplace, our current level of funding - $25,000 - should be sufficient in FY 02-03. Other Sources of Funding In considering our request, it should be noted that, beyond funding from the City of Carlsbad, the bureau has three additional outside sources of financial support. Those sources that provide monetary benefit include; the voluntary assessment of hotels, co- operative (cost-sharing) marketing, and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Specifically, the hotel voluntary assessment generates approximately $40,000. This is based on a per room annual voluntary assessment of $1 1 .OO. Also, in our budget for Fiscal 01-02, co-operative marketing was projected to yield $4000. We believe that, when combined, assessments and co-operative marketing will produce $50,000 in added revenue to the bureau in FY 02-03. Lastly, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has awarded $5000 for FY 02-03, which represents a reduction of $12,000 from the previous fiscal cycle. The budget is also supported by non-cash contributions. These include; non-paid volunteer support staff, private-source in-kind services, and paid advertising equivalent (PAE) for editorial coverage in the print and broadcast media. It is estimated that, with all three combined, would equal nearly $755,700. These are value added components that are customarily included within budgets of convention and visitor bureaus. Recap of Funding Highlights 4 Ooerate Visitor Center - $21 7,000 - a $75,000 increase Salary and wages for three full-time employees and one part-time employee; Fund the total burden rate of one new FTE, director of sales; Cover a 14.1% increase in health care premiums that take effect 11-1-02; Provide a 3% merit increase to qualifying stafc Match 3% of contributions made by three employees in retirement plan; Increased mileage for local and long distance travel; Postal increases; Average monthly expenditure in this line item beginning July 2002 = $18,061. Travel Shows and Familiarization Tours - $25,000 -No increase Twelve (12) travel trade shows - leisure and groupkorporate travel; Sales blitzes to Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, Orange County, San Media familiarization tours to Los Angeles and New York City. Marketinz Advertisinp & Promotions - $197,000 -a $27,000 increase Continuation of group sales direct marketing through Meetings Database Institute Online advertising and marketing opportunities; Participation in San Diego CVB co-operative marketing opportunities; Brochures & Print Materials - $30.000 - a decrease of $5000 Reprint and distribution of visitors guide in late summer 2003; Other print collateral, such as direct response postcards, to be used in MDI marketing; Internet Maintenance & DeveloDment - $6000 - a decrease of $5500 Site maintenance, hosting fees and the renewal of existing domain names. Francisco Bay Area andor Sacramento, Phoenix; (MDI); Conclusion The Carlsbad CVB Board of Directors, together with the management of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, has exercised its fiduciary responsibility in the administering of public funds during the current fiscal year. We believe that this budget submission for FY 02-03 is both sound and prudent, and we ask for a supporting staff recommendation before city council to approve this funding request. 5 We thank you for your continued support of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. Sincerely, 1 Michael Flickinger urt Burkhart Chairman Carlsbad CVB Board of Directors Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau - Executive Director 6 , September 26,2002 Cynthia Haas, Economi City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 c Developm Dear Cynthia: As October approaches, I know Carlsbad staff and City Council will be reviewing the visitor promotion contract for Carlsbad and its ftnding for the current fiscal year. I am a member of the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance and understand the group will be providing recommendations and direction to City Council sometime before the end of calendar year, but possibly after October. I would like to express again the desire of the San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau to contract with the City of Carlsbad for group sales. I also want to express my desire to work collaboratively with the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance and the Carlsbad CVB and all other City partners. To this end, I will not submit any proposal to the City until directed to do so by the Alliance, City staff, and City Council. I would be remiss, however, to not express our continued desire to provide contracted services to the City and be a valued partner in Carlsbad's visitor promotion. Most sincerely, Cami Mattson President & CEO 10/16/02 WED 11:07 FAX 4806935597 October 14,2002 AWA SALES PROGRAMS c The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor and Council Members Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Cadsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: As one of the newest members of the board of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bu~eau, I am compelled to write you in regards to the funding of the sales efforts of the CVB. My understanding is that the sales function within the CVB is (at least in the short term) in jeopardy while City Council awaits recommendations horn a broad-based travel alliance. I would respectllly suggest that City Council not take this path, and instead maintain the current selling efforts underway within the CVB. This will allow the sales momentum already established to continue during the period in which the alliance finalizes, and City Council decides on, its recommendations. As an airline sales executive, frankly it is hard to imagine a viable or valuable CVB without a group and meeting sales effort. Such business does not simply “fall into the lap” of a comnunity - especially a smaller community like Carkbad. It is fought for, and never more than in tough economic limes like these. In fact my experience has always been that group and meeting sales is the primary focus of a CVR. The sales side drives the economic value which makes the service side (e.g. the visitors center) possible. To suspend those efforts, even temporarily, would be a step in the wrong direction. I urge you and the other members of Council to con+jnue to fund this important function. Please feel Free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully, Bob Beglin Director National Sales OCT-21-2082 17:47 P. 02 October 21,2002 ' The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor And Council Mernbek City of Carisbad, Citr; Hall Carlsbad, Californio j92008 Subject. Carlsbad dB 1 Budget Request for 2002/03 Dear Council Membeis: I am writing to support the budget request that is before you from the Carlsbad CVB for he next fiscal ye&. 1 am the Vice President and Owner's Representative for Golf Course Hotels, one of the owning partners of Olympic Resort. it is my pleasure to serve as Board Member and Treasurer of the ilarlsbad CVB. I have over 30 years of experience in the operation OF hotels. I 'have also served as President of the Costa Mesa, CA CVB, the City Advisor for the City OF Costa Mesa, CA for hotel issues, the Vice Chairman for 2 years of the Anaheim, CA CVB, and Founding Board Member and Chairrnon of Team Selection for the Freedom Bowl Football Association. With his background, I have experienced many successes in the promotion of tourism in various cities. The Olympic Resort is a family owned, independently operated full service hotel and resort. We are represented in Global Reservation Systems, Internet Reservation Web Sites and various other source media (ot substantial cost to the hotel) to produce business for our hotei. But, we also rely on the Carlsbad CVB to supplement our marketing activities. The marketing is extremely important to us as we have no "Brand Marketing" to help us. During soft demand period for the travel industry, Smith Travel Research statistics show that independent hotels perform below "Chain" hotels in occupancy and revenue. in the 12 months ending August, 2002 Carlsbad-Oceanside occupancy was down 6.7% from last yeor and independents were down 13.7%. OCT-21-2002 17:47 P. 03 When the number of corporate and tourist travelers are decreasing, hotels need to find additional markit segments to supplement the lost travelers. The best source for the Olympic Resort -uld be g-. The efforts of the Carlsbad CVB in this segment would be exiremety helpful IO our hotel. I wanted to make sure that you have seen the repod of over 50 cities that shows that Carlsbod was fourth highest in percentage OF bed tax collected and last in percentage contributed to the CVb for 2001. I have also enclosed a report that shows the amount of bed tax collected since the tax was raised from 8% tO 10% in 1989. This increase was to fund a municipal golf course to promote tourism. Until (or if ever) this is built, it seems the city could invest a more substantial portion of this increase for the promotion of tourism. The Carlsbad Convention &Visitors Bureau is requesting an additional $91,000 for the next fiscal yeor. I hope you will approve his increase as an investment in the future of the hospitoky industry and bed tax receipts for the city of Carlsbad. Sincerely, Robert J. Seddelmeyer Vice President Golf Course Hotels OCT-21-2002 17:4B P. 04 CVB CitylState Amarillo, TX Santa Monica, CA . SanBarnandino. CA Carlabad, CA Madison, WI Granbury. TX mens. GA Iowa City, IA Abilene, TX Midland, TX Brownsville, TX BryanCollege, TX Cedar-Rapids. IA Juneau, AK McAllen, TX Plano, TX Kansas City, KS Sheboygan, WI Roanoke. VA New Haven, CT St Charles, MO Montgomery, AL Peoria, IL Jackson, IN Brown County, IN Salisbury, MD Manhattan, KS Charlottesville. VA Topeka, KS Las Cruces, NM Evansville, IN Williamsburg. VA Edmond, OK Stillwater, OK Tocoma. WA Columbia, MO SprlngReld, IL Niagra Falls, NY Wheeling, WV Columbus, OH Grand FoM, ND Alachua County FL Ithaca. NY Beckley WV Fox Cities WI Gelena, IL Grand Junction, CO Dayton, OH Southern Pines, NC Holland. MI Utica. NY Hattiesburg,MS Fargo. ND Ann Arbor, MI York. PA Aderdeen, SD State College, PA Portsmouth, VA .l,,_ ..,,...,.,,,, ~ .,I. ::oqy&t$q::: ..,- ” ,,, .. (B Budget ,1”I::~~~u.’:l::::::: % g 1,468,000 ~ 15.0% 1,200,000 12.0% 441,500 ~ 10.0% 500,000 ~ 10.0% 1,500,000 8.0% 345,000 365,000 .’ 7.0% 421,000 : 7.0% 500,000 : 7,0% 660,000 : 7.0% 700,000 7.0% 7.0% 765,000 ’ 7.0% 812,000 7.0% 1,000,000 : 908.000 7.0% 1,000,000 7.0% 569.000 ~ 7.0% 250,000 6.5% 250,000 6.0% 840.000 6,0% 999,999 6.0% 6.0% 1,200,000 1,200,000 6.0% 1,347,000 6.0% 250,000 ~ 5.5% 500.000 ; 5.0% 5.0% 500,000 5.0% 614,000 5.0% 621,034 : 676.000 5,0% 846,000 5.0% 1,066,000 5.0% 5.0% 220,000 8 5.0% 281,000 ~ 4.0% 850,000 : 4.0% 4.0% 900,000 : 1,200.000 4.0% 4.0% 1,500.000 I 230,000 I 4.0% 3.0% 265.000 3 0% 438.000 3.0% 500.000 750,000 3.0% 900,000 3.0% 1,050.000 : 3,0% 3.0% 1,125,000 3.0% 1,300,000 1,500,000 3.0% 325,000 3,0% 2.0% 470,000 2.0% 550,000 825,000 2.0% 2 0% 2,056 1,114,000 2 0% 295,000 1.0% 800,000 : 1.0% .*,~+d” ,,.h,<Z..::: ! 1,900,000 500,000 : 3.0% 1,000,000 iven CVB Dollar Amount from tax 20.0% $ 43.0% $ 1,468,000 20.0% $ 3.9% s 400,000 16.0% 8 376,000 800,000 86.0% $ 220,000 24.0% $ 300,000 40.0% $ 31,0% $ 386,170 500.000 50.0% $ 660,000 65.0% $ 615,000 100.0% 8 45,0% $ 755,000 700.000 280% $ 57 0% $ 548,500 665,000 43,0% $ 100.0% $ 1,000,000 750% S 569,000 90.0% a 240,000 215,000 29.0% $ 703,500 25.0% $ 33.0% $ 1,200,000 999,999 16 0% $ 120,000 40.0% S 75.0% $ 650,000 250,000 1000% $ 500,000 80.0% a 500,000 70.0% $ 170% $ 420,000 326,029 52.0% $ 880% $ 676,000 830.000 60.0% $ 100.0% $ 1,230,000 1,683,000 950% s 100.0% 5 190,000 230,000 100 0% $ 18.0% $ 1,200,000 600,000 800% s 750% $ 919.000 1,000,000 66.0% $ 50.0% $ 200,000 225,000 66 Ooh $ 2a0,ooo 40.0% $ 500,000 800% 5 50.0% $ 412,000 95.0% $ 300,000 930,000 90.0% $ 100.0% $ 607,000 70.0% S 680.000 1,300.000 97.0% $ 100.0% 5 310,000 97.0% $ 100.0% $ 350,000 352,000 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 775,000 75.0% $ 700,000 1,114,000 100.0% $ 66.0% B 285,000 330,000 1,004,800 1,100,000 % of Budget from Occ. Tax 100.0% 8S.756 80.0% 85.2% 53.3% 63.8% 82.2% 100.0% 91.7% 100.0% 87 9% 98.7% 60.4% 86.2% 66.5% 100.0% 100 0% 96.0% 86.0% 100.0% 83.8% 100.0% 10.0% 48.3% 100,096 100 0% 100.0% 68.4% 52,5% 100 0% 98.1% 115.4% 88.6% 86.4% 81.7% 133.3% 70.6% 76.6% 66.7% 87.0% 84.9% 100.0% 63.9% 82,4% 40.0% 103.3% 57.8% 60.4% 100.0% 13.3% 95,4% 74.9% 63.6% 93.9% 70.0% 100 0% 100 0% 41 3% Population 200,000 n0.000 90,000 88,000 400,000 66,050 90,000 147.700 250.000 125.000 150,000 1,800,000 140,000 30,000 110,000 1,500,000 210,000 140,000 51,000 240,000 800,000 300,000 65,000 348,000 35,000 60,000 15,900 119,300 50.000 165,000 78.000 168,000 60,000 68,000 40,000 650,000 80.000 125,000 50,000 150,000 60,000 200,000 100,000 130,000 96,000 200,000 26,600 950,000 86,000 70,000 75.000 250,000 110,000 140,000 45,000 312.000 35,000 132,000 OCT-21-2002 17:48 Dollar Amount Oh of Budget from CVB City/State CVB Budget Occupancy Tax from tax State College, PA Holland, MI Hattiesburg,MS York. PA Fargo, ND Stillwater, OK Grand Junction, CO Columbia, MO Williarnsburg, VA Brown County, IN Portsmouth, VA Cedar-Rapids, IA Mica, NY Southern Pines, NC Fox Cities, WI Edmond. OK Galena, IL Sheboygan, WI Las Cruces, NM Granbury, TX Ithaca, NY Niagra Falls, NY Salisbury, MD Ann Arbor, MI Springfield, IL Jackson, IN Kansas City, KS Dayton, OH Manhattan, KS Aderdeen. SD Columbus, OH Browsville, TX Grand Forks, ND Juneau, AK Evansville, IN Topeka, KS Wheeling, WV Beckley, WV Abilene, TX Bryan-College. TX Plano, TX Sam Monica, CA 800,000 325,000 550,000 825,000 1,000.000 1,125,000 281,000 900,000 1,900,000 500,000 569,000 470,000 812,000 1,500,000 s 900,000 $ 220,000 $ 1,050,ObO 5 250,000 $ 846,000 $ 500.000 P .345.000 $ .500.000 $ 1,114,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 250,000 5 250,000 $ 1,300.000 $ 614,000 $ :285,000 $ 230,000 $ 438,000 $ 700,000 $ 1,066,000 8 908,000 $ 676,000 $ 265,000 5 750,000 $ 660,000 $ 765,000 $ 1;200.000 5 l,ooo,obo $ 1.200.0o0 Alachua County, FL $ Peoria, IL $ Midland. TX $ Athens, GA Montgomery AL $ $ Roanoke. VA $ McAllen, TX 5 New Haven, CT 5 Iowa City, IA SanBernandino. CA 5 $ Amarillo, TX Tocoma. WA s 5 Charlottesville, VA $ St. Charles, MO $ Madison, WI s Carlsbad. CA $ 1,347,000 500,ObO 500,000 421,000 840,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 999,999 500,000 365,000 1,468,000 850,000 621,034 1,'500,000 A41 Sba 1,200,000 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2 0% 2.0% 3 0% 4,0% 4.0% 5.0% 5.0% e. 5% 7.0% 2.0% 3.0% 3.0% 4.0% 3.0% 6.0% 5.0% 7,0% 3.0% 4.0% 5,0% 2 OOh 4.0% 6.0% 5 0% 3 0% 5,0% 1 .O% 3 0% 3 0% 7,0% 5.0% 7.0% 5.0% 3.0% 3.0% 7.0% 7.0% 12.0% 7.0% 3.0% 7.0% 5.5% 7.0% 6.0% 6.0% 7.0% 6.0% 7.0% 15.0% 10.0% 4.0% 5 0% 6 0% 10.0% 8 0% 100,0% $ 330,000 100,0% $ 310,000 100.0% $ 350,000 100,0% $ 775,000 100.0% $ 700,000 100.0% $ 680,000 100.0% $ 230,000 100.0% $ 500,000 100.0% $ 1.200,000 100.0% B 1,683,000 100.0% $ 569,000 100 0% $ 700,000 97.0% $ 352,000 97.0% $ 1,100,000 95.0% $ 930,000 95.0% $ 190,000 90.0% 5 607,000 90.0% $ 215.000 800% S 412,000 66 0% $ 220,000 800% $ 919,000 800% 5 500,000 750% $ 1,114,000 75 0% $ 1,000,000 75.0% S 240,000 75.0% S 250,000 70.0% S 1,300,000 700% $ 420,000 660% $ 285,000 66,0% $ 200,000 65.0% $ 615,000 660% $ 280.000 60,0% $ 1,230,000 570% $ 548,500 520% $ 676,000 50.0% $ 225,000 50.0% $ 660,000 500% S 300,000 43.0% S 1,000,000 45.0% $ 755,000 43.0% $ 1,004,800 40.0% $ 500,000 40.0% $ 650,000 31.0% 386,170 33.0% $ 1,200,000 29,0% 16 703,500 28.096 $ 665,000 25 0% 5 999.999 24.0% S 300,000 20.0% $ 400.000 20.0% S 1,468,000 18.0% $ 600,000 17.0% $ 326.029 16.0% S 120,000 16.0% $ 800.000 3.9% S 376.000 88.0% 5 830,000 40.0% a 500,ooo occ Tax 41.3% 95.4% 63.6% 70.0% 93 9% 60.4% 133.3% 81.7% 100.0% 88.6Oh 100.0% 74.9% 73.3% 103.3% 86.4% 57.8% 86 0% 63 8% 96.1% 82 4% 76.6% 100.0% 100.0% 66.7% 100.0% 96.0% 100.0% 68.4% 100 0% 87.0% 63.9% 87.9% 115 4% 60,4% 100.0% 84.9% 40.0% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 83.7% 100.0% 48.3% 100.0% 100.0% 91.7% 83.8% 100.0% 66.5% 82.2% 80.0% 100.0% 52.5% 70.6% 53.3% 10.0% 05.2% 86.2% P. 05 Population 132,000 75,000 110,000 140,000 45,000 86,000 40,000 15,900 1,500,000 60,000 250,000 70,000 200,000 68.000 26,600 51.000 66,050 78,000 130,000 50,000 312,000 60,000 125,000 35,000 140,000 950,000 50,000 60,000 35,000 150.000 100,000 168.000 165.000 30,000 1S0,ODO 96,000 125,000 140,000 80,000 l,aoo.ooo 210,000 90,000 200,000 250,000 348,000 300,000 147,700 240,000 11 0,000 aoo.ooo 220,000 90,000 200.000 650,000 119,300 65,000 400,000 88.000 OCT-21-2002 17:49 ~ Occupancy Tax Revenues ,' City of Carlsbad, CA 10/2 1 /02 Ywr TOT 20% of Tax 1989-1 990 $ 13,387,513 1990-1 991 $ '3,302,742 1992-1993 $ '3,093,793 1994-1 995 $ '3,256,069 1991 -1 992 $ '3,077,595 1993-1994 $ :3,185,223 1995-1 996 $ 13,407,881 1996-1 997 $ :3,879,827 1997-1998 $ ,5,841,214 1998-1 999 ' $ 16,985,843 1999-2000 $ 18,287,813 2000-2001 $ 9,234,518 2001 -2002 $ !8,433,144 Total $ 45,373,175 $ 677,503 $ 660,548 $ 615,519 $ 61 8,759 $ 637,045 $ 651,214 $ 681,576 $ 775,965 $ 1 , 1 68,243 $ 1,397,169 $ 1,657,563 $ 1,846,904 $ 1,686,629 $ 13,074,635 P. 06 TOTRL P.06 ~ '!, MAYOR BIJDI)Y LEWIS AND 'Tl~ll? CITY 01' CARLSBAD MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL I200 CAKI.Sl3AD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAI). CA 92008 [)ear Mayor I.ewis and Council Members, As wc come before you once again requesting funds tbryour Convention and Visitors Bureau, I am asking COSt ofrhc Sales staff and the supporting proyrams for that position. Althouyh much ofthe revenue Ibr your support of the new sales position we have created. The amount we have requested will cover the yencrated by that position will benefit the larger hotels and not my hotel. I am strongly in support of continuing wirh the program. Even though the focus is on the group sales effort, I know the bureau ig cornmined to continuing the successful marketing and promotion ofthe leisure market. We will be a full SCt'viCe bureau and crenre revenue for the city. I ark that you SU~~OK ug for this year only and le1 us prove (he benefits to you. If we generate one million dollars in sales. the money wc have requested will be covml by the TOT tax from those sales. lfwe generate more and I believe that we will, YOU will muke money for the City. In lnte 1996. I appeured before you asking that you let us take over the bureau and prove to you that we could run it well. You gave us that chance and we have been more successful than we Cver dreamed. 1 am asking that you give us a chance with this new program. I believe in it and in our bureau. Our Executive Director is a strong leader and a good businessman. He has taken the bureau in many new directions, He believes in Carlsbad as we do and I stand behind him in the decision he has made to go forward with thc sales position. I ask that you support him too. My thanks to each of your for all that you do for our community and for your ledemhip which makes Crtrlsbud great. Octc The And City Carl Dea Ast for : Carl requ YOU I wl NO. 938 P. 2 r 18,2002 ‘I r norable Claude “Bud” Lewis, Mayor .ty Council Members ‘Carlsbad, City Hall id, CA 92008 layor Lewis and Council Members: support CCVB’s entire funding request and look forward to speaking meeting, Tuesday, October 22”d. General Manager of Grand Pacific Palisades Resort & Hotel, I would like to ask Lr support as it relates to maintaining the Sales Department und programs of the rd Convention & Visitors Bureau. Since the Council will be hearing CCD’s for continued funding of their Sales Program at next Tuesday’s meeting, I hope 11 agree not to delay or table this request. Thank] you for your lime and attention Flickinger, General Manager acific Palisades Resort & Hotel I Burkhart, Executive Director Convention & Visitors Bureau 10/20/02 19:24 e1 760 727 1583 CERTIFIED @002/003 H CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLLLY w SERVICE, INC. October 20,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor and Council Members City of Carlsbad, City Hall Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: I am writing this letter on behalf of the City fully funding the Carlsbad Convention &Visitors Bureau’s budget request. I have been a resident of Carlsbad for the past 27 years, and I feel that Carlsbad is a very special place for us to live and work. My work experience for the last 25 years as a supplier to the travel and tourism industry allows me a unique perspective to address the critical importance of the Carlsbad CVB in the effective promotion of Carlsbad as a destination. Here’s a brief recap of some of my experience and professional affiliations: California Travel Industry Association (CalTIA) - Board of Directors Carlsbad CVB - Board of Directors San Diego CVB - previously served 6 years on Board of Directors Supplier experience with other 200 CVBs and other Destination Marketing including three years on Executive Committee Organizations (DMOs) throughout the Western United States I am sure you are aware of the tremendous hit the travel and tourism industry has suffered due to the events of 911 1 and the general economic downturn. Now, more than ever, Carlsbad needs to be out in front with our message for Americans and international visitors alike to come to Carlsbad as a vacation and convention destination. For the first time, the Carlsbad CVB has evolved and progressed into more of a full-service bureau with the addition of a Director of Sales position. Here are some of the benefits already realized during just the short time since this position was established this summer: Developed leads with the potential for 10,000 room nights with an economic impact of over $5 million and $245,000 in TOT revenue Coprote Office: I I20 Joshuo Way, Visfa, California 92083 Chena: (760) 727-5100 er 1.800-799-7373 Fax: (760) 727-1583 rww.r~r~lfledfoldar.r.m mww 10/20/02 19:25 Bl 760 727 1583 CERTIFIED E CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY 0 SERVICE, INC. Established lead generation and sales programs with national meeting planner industry organizations Developed and led a first-of-a-kind sales blitz in the Los Angeles area with seven of Carlsbad's major hotel properties Established the structure of a overall sales program to strengthen and expand Carlsbad's position as the preferred leisure destination The sales program is not just group sales oriented -the sales department is charged with selling Carlsbad to a variety of markets - including our core leisure market1 ROI on leisure and meeting sales will bring substantial results to the City's economic section, including helping drive increased TOT The Carlsbad CVB has been in the past a limited service bureau, and now we can be proud that we are evolving into a full-service bureau that has but one mission - to promote Carlsbad! If the funding request is not approved in full, we take a step back in time. The days of "build it and they will come" are over - we need to promote Carlsbad to garner our fair share of the market! Let me close by saying that the Carlsbad CVB is the brand manaaer for the Carlsbad tourism message. We have fantastic tourism resources here in Carlsbad in our accommodations ranging from four-star resorts to budget motels, unique attractions, high-profile sports events, great dining and our wonderful beaches. But we need to compete to keep our visitors coming here and to attract new visitors! We appreciate your support of the Carlsbad CVB's funding request! Sincerely, @"--- Patrick Fearn President 760 Macadamia Drive Grl$bad, California 92008 7601438-2828 760143841 81 Fax Carbad INN. October 17,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor And Council Members City Of Carlsbad City Hall Carlsbad. CA 92005 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members, It has come to my attention that the City of Carlsbad will be reviewing a request for funding for the Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau at the Council meeting October 22,2002. I would like to express my vehement support for their funding request. As the General Manager of the Fairfield Inn Carlsbad, I have had the opportunity to work directly with the CVB staff and benefit from their efforts. I was very pleased to leam about the addition of Lori Hoy, Director of Sales, to the Bureau in June, and have been excited to see the efforts she has put out on behalf of the city and the hotels. While Kurt Burkhart and Frankie Laney have been instrumental in expanding the role of the Bureau, and the visibility of the city, there is still a wide pool of potential into which we have barely dipped our toe. While Carlsbad has a strong leisure market in season, and several beautiful hotels with a strong group base, we have been lacking a concerted effort to target group business for the city as a whole. Approving the funding, and therefore this position, will allow Carlsbad to forge ahead as a year round destination, for leisure as well as corporate and group guests. This will, of course, produce a direct increase in TOT review. The CVB has just completed their first sales mission to LA and Orange County, which was met with great participation from the area hotels, and although I was not able to attend, I understand it was very beneficial. In addition, we have already seen over 10,000 potential rooms nights being brought to the table by the CVB, some which we know would not have considered Carlsbad without Lon’s efforts, and may result in our first city-wide convention in 2005. 760 Macadamia Drive Carlrbad, Califorma 92008 7601438.2828 760/438-8181 Far AIRFIELD Carlrbad -INN, Now that we have started the ball rolling, it would be so detrimental to place those efforts on hold, even for a few months. The key to a successful sales endeavor is a consistent, ongoing effort to produce productive sales results. Prospecting and searahing for qualified leads is a time consuming process, as well as following up with clients and working to educate them on all we have to offer. I believe, and hope, that you will see approval of this hnding request as another step towards in making Carlsbad the place to stay in Southem California. Please say yes to the $91,500, with the confidence that with the additional revenue it grants, the CVB will produce many times that in direct revenue to the hoteliers, and thereby the city. I look forward to hearing your thoughts at the meeting on Tuesday. Thank you for your commitment to the City of Carlsbad, the residents and our businesses. s C ( I I F iincerely, ;+1 Manager & Marketing I 10/21/02 08:46 FAX 7607290497 October 21,2002 WESTFIELD PLZ CAMINO REA a002 Telephone 17601 729-7927 Lacsimile 17601 7290697 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis, Members of the City Colmcil City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Funding of thc Carlsbad Visitors Bureau Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members, I am writing to urge your support for and funding of the Cartsbad Visitors Bureau It is an important time fo:r thc City of Carlsbad to strongly support and fund the business generation effotts of the 131lreau which, under new leadership, has taken a more active role in generating tourism business for the city, which in tun generates more TOT revenue. To eliminate or reduce the fmding requestcd at this particular time would in my opinion not be in the best interests of thc city or the industsy. Your positive support of his important organization is strongly urged. Sincerely, General Manager 19 October 2002 Mayor Claude ‘Bud” Lewis Council Members CARLSBAD CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. California 92008 Dear Buddy, Matt, Ann, Ramona and Julie: It takes money to make money. It also takes an aggressive sales and marketing person to promote and sell an area and when you find a person like that you should keep himher. In my estimation ConVis is doing an excellent job of promoting our Village and Lon Hoy is definitely a person who has done her homework. It would be a shame to quit half ways because lack of funding. True, there are other worthwhile pmjects and many needs, but an important one is getting the business to come visit us and spend some money. I sincerely hope that when you vote on extra funding for ConVis, you will remember that they have done an excellent job and any expenditures are for the good of the entire community. We can all beneM and enjoy. Ofelia E. scobedo CC: Kurt Burkhart, ConVis CALIFORNIA October 1 1,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor Council Members City of Carlsbad. City Hall Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Friends: Tourism works for San Diego County. Tourism works for Carlsbad. As a community, and regional'partner. LEGOIAND supports the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, and the recently formed Tourism Alliance. The Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau is working hard to promote Carlsbad as the destination of choice to hundreds of thousands of potential visitors. This is not an easy task. Competition is fierce, and the destination choices plentiful. As a tourism and hospitality prafessional for more than 15 years, I have witnessed first-hand how destination marketing works. The success is dependent on behalf of dedicated sales and marketing efforts. Recently, the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau had issued a request for additional funding. This funding, supported by the CCVB Board. is needed to ensure the continued success of the CCVB. It also means continued success for Carlsbad as a destination of choice. This is a win-win proposition for all of us. Thank you for your consideration. ?$ULT Robert . Baracz Director of Sales and Mark ting LEGOLAND Cc: Bill Haviluk Kurt Burkhart 6E1-4 200/ZOD'd 139-1 2EOOE03091t LEGOL I2 October 21,2002 To Whom It May Concern: I have been asked by the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau to inform you of the working relationship between the CVB and the LEGOLAND California, theme park. The two public relations teams work together efficiently and incredibly effectivr& to generate awareness of Carlsbad as a destination through traditional news Carlsbad and LEGOLAND in the San Jose Mercury News. The LEGOLAND PR media outlets. A great example of this is the recent multiple page spread on staff had been pitching the paper on a story on the theme park. Once Frankie Laney got involved and pitched the same reporter on Carlsbad as a destination. the story was sold. Together we do more than individually. Another great synergy effort was the partnership during this year's California Tourism media blitz in New York. The two PR teams attended the event together, generating multiple news placements throughout the country proving success as a team once again. The more we work together, the more resources we pool, the greater our results. Please let me know if you need any more information. Be@ wishes, Courtney Simmons U Manager, Media Relations & Government Affairs ALL RECEIVED Administrative Office 755 Raintree Drive, Suite 200 * Carlsbad, California 92009 (760) 438-6661 * Fax (760) 431-9212 - w.innsofamerica.com October 18,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor and Council Members City of Carlsbad Carlsbad CA 92008 Via Facsimile 720-9461 Re: Continued funding of the Carlsbad CVB sales program During this time of continued and prolonged economic uncertainty, it has become increasingly imperative to strengthen the alliance between business communities and local governments. Next week, the City of Carlsbad will hear the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau’s request for additional funding of their sales and marketing program. Leaders in the business community strongly urge your support of the CVB’s continuing efforts on behalf of the City. PKF Consulting’s Trends in the Hotel Industry indicate that North Coastal San Diego hotels are down 8.7% in occupancy and 4.6% in average daily rate for the period January to August 2002. This decline in revenue per available room negatively impacts the coffers of local governments in the form of reduced transient occupancy taxes. Our business is committed to increusing our sales and marketing efforts, despite the change in the travel and hospitality business in the past 18 months. Carlsbad has developed into one of the fmest cities in the country because of the vision and tireless efforts of noble community and business leaders. Providing the appropriate funding for the CVB’s sales and marketing program is another fiscally prudent step the City of Carlsbad can take that also provides a vote of confidence to the local business community. mothy K. &Connor Presldent ALL RECEIVED October 15,2002 Mayor Bud Lewis & Council Members, I know that I speak for many small hoteUmotel operators as well as restaurant and shop owners when I say we need a sales staff at the Convention and Visitors Bureau to help sell Carlsbad. Regardless of how great the product, it still needs to be sold. Large hotel chains have substantial advertising budgets and their own sales departments, as do large restaurants/department stores. Carlsbad’s small lodging establishments, restaurants and shops do not and we need help. destinations north and south of us that have been sold to them by organizations like the Anaheim and San Diego Convis Bureaus. Maybe you are saying we can’t compete with those large cities. Do not believe it. Carlsbad has wonderful attractions such as Legoland, the Flower Fields, world class golf courses, the Carlsbad Company Stores Ultimate Outlet, events like the Carlsbad 5000 and the Carlsbad Street Faire. If you add our small village atmosphere, great location and beautiful beaches you get assets many can only dream about. We are so lucky-think back, how many cities were trying to land the Leg0 park before Carlsbad was chosen. We, the small business operators/owners, need a dedicated and professional partner to help us sell Carlsbad, (remember, it still has to be sold). If there are any doubts, I invite you to spend some time at one of Carlsbad’s small hotels on a weekday night from now through April and see how deafening the silence can be. I hope you will give Mr. Burkhart and his staff the financial support they need to promote Carlsbad. Everyday tourists speed up and down Interstate 5 to all those great A HELM MANAGED RESORT 800-334-2199 (760) 729-3500 FAX: (760) 434-5942 3200 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, California 92008 4000 E. Sky Harbor Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85034 (602) 693-0800 October 14,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor and Council Members Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: As one of the newest members of the board of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, I am compelled to write you in regards to the funding of the sales efforts of the CVB. My understanding is that the sales function within the CVB is (at least in the short term) in jeopardy while City Council awaits recommendations from a broad-based travel alliance. I would respectfully suggest that City Council not take this path, and instead maintain the current selling efforts underway within the CVB. This will allow the sales momentum already established to continue during the period in which the alliance finalizes, and City Council decides on, its recommendations. As an airline sales executive, frankly it is hard to imagine a viable or valuable CVB without a group and meeting sales effort. Such business does not simply “fall into the lap” of a community - especially a smaller community like Carlsbad. It is fought for, and never more than in tough economic times like these. In fact my experience has always been that group and meeting sales is the primary focus of a CVB. The sales side drives the economic value which makes the service side (e.g. the visitors center) possible. To suspend those efforts, even temporarily, would be a step in the wrong direction. I urge you and the other members of Council to continue to fund this important function. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully, Bob Beglin Director National Sales U ENTCO. b 4668 NEB0 DRIVE, SUITE A LA MESA, CA 91941-5200 (619) 589-6222 FAX: (619) 466-6499 www.helmrnanagernent.com ernail: thehelrn@helmrnanagement.com October 18,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor and Council Members City of Carlsbad, City Hall Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Marilyn Strong, Council Liaison To The Honorable Bud Lewis and Council Members of Carlsbad As you are aware, at the upcoming City Council Meeting the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau will be requesting funding to continue the sales program that was recently created this past June. Thus far, the sales program has been actively working to build a group sales effort in Carlsbad to better promote our beautiful city as a preferred year-round vacation destination. As property manager for Tamarack Beach Resort Hotel and Dini’s by the Sea, and member of the Carlsbad CVB, I have come to find the efforts of Ms. Lori Hoy, Director of Sales, and the other members of the Carlsbad CVB sales program, to be invaluable. The program has only just begun, and yet the widespread within reach. In less than six months time, Ms. Hoy has already lined up prospective business that would involvement by community businesses has already gained momentum; the positive economic outcome is potentially bring in 10,000 room nights generating $5 million in sales, with $245,000.00 in TOT. Promoting the small businesses, hotels, and restaurants of Carlsbad, is a worthwhile endeavor that needs the support and funding assistance of the City of Carlsbad. I urge you to believe in the long-term, beneficial affects this program will indefinitely have on Carlsbad. Time is of the essence, and this program needs your backing today, in order to continue on its path in the future. The economic impact of continuing this sales program and enabling its growing marketing abilities for the City of Carlsbad, which consequently brings visitors far and wide to our unique “Village by the Sea,” far surpasses the necessary costs to support and maintain this vital program. By funding the Carlsbad CVB sales program now, we all win - Carlsbad, the properties, local businesses, and the CVB. Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to the success of this new program. Sincerelv. Thomas 0. Hensley Property Manager I VACATION RENTALS 31 00 OCEAN STREETaCARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 720-1400* FAX: (760) 720-7173 October 18,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor And Council Members City of Carlsbad, City Hall Carlsbad. CA 92008 RE: Carlsbad CVB funding of sales effort. Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: This past year has brought major chauges to the hotel and tourism industry. Owners such as myselfhave to tighten our budgets and examine expenditures because our income is down and no one knows wkm leisure travel will pick up again. The hture should be bright in the long run but presently it is hard to predict when we can expect an upturn- Sales are important and advertising is expensive for us. That is why it is important for you on the Council to fully fund the request made by the Carlsbad Convention and Visiors Bureau at this time. The director and st& of the Bureau have done a great job promoting our community and this work needs to continue at its current pace. Sales and promotion are of the utmost importance at this time. For local businesses to survive and to continue to provide jobs for Carkbad residents this community needs to be promoted and that was not possible in the past with the limited seMce bureau. Now is not the time to go backwards. the tax and need the benefits. Please consider using more of the transient occupancy tax to help those of us who collect F. Wilson, Owner http://www. beachwalkvillas.com e-mail: bchwlk@beachwalkvillas.com ~~ ~ ~ ~~ oct 21 02 02:ssp C Liscer L T Harnish 760-931-2664 P.2 October 21,2002 The Honorable Bud Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad, City Hall Carlsbad CA 92008 and City Council Members Dear Mayor Lewis: In anticiparion of your upcoming City Council meeting, I'd like to share with you some thoughts regard- ing the expansion of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. We've been active partners of Carlsbad CVB for over 5 years. In that time, we've enjoyed an increas- ingly beneficial relationship. due, in large part, to the professionalisln snd hard work of their li~nited staff. But Carisbad, the economy, and what it takes to promote a destination have all changed dramati- cally in the last few years. If Carlsbad is to keep pace with other tourism destinations, and if it wants to manage the g~uwlh uf tourism so that the needs ofthe local communiry are mer as well, it needs 10 commit to expanding its tourism expertise. Carlsbad CVB is uniquely positioned to lead the Carlsbad Tourism efforts. Additional staffing will allow them to punue the all-important group and incentive market. Here's why we support expanding the Carlsbad CV6: Superb public relations efTorts! AS a direct result of Carlsbad CVB's public relations efforts, we've hosted reporters from: Westways, National Geographic Guidebook, Arizona Senior World. the Desert Sun. Kidznfun, Adventure Guide to Sourllem California. Bruce Northam's Highway 101 project, a Japanese film crew, the Korean Times, and many others. The public relations staff does a great job of pre-qualifying and managing these and many other leads. In general. the press leads we receive from Carlsbad CVB are better qualified, more personally handled. arid better organized than those we've received from the much larger San Diego CONVIS. Carlsbad CVB's media outreach offers a great balance for our own public relations efforts. As a resulr Of our combined efforts, our venue and good publicity for Carlsbad has appeared in just about every airline magazine, on dozens of TV travel shows (we were even picked by the Travel Channel as their #I US. atlrdcrion for their Short List: 'l'hrill and Chills show), in dozens of national and inlernational magazines, on numerous British, German, and Japanese travel shows, in several Hollywood movies and television shows. and in newspapers across the U.S. and internationally. rdge 1 or 3 6743 Montia Ct - Carlsbad CA 92009 - 760-438-7680 Fax 760-931-2664 http:/lwww.barnstorming.corn * e-mail katetom@barnstorming.com ocr. 21 02 02:ssp C Lister 8, T Harnish 760-931-2664 P.3 Biplane, Air Combat, & Warbird Adventures Car1sh.d CVB staff sells Carlsbad! Carlsbad gets lost in the noise ofthe much larger San Diego Convention and Visitor’s Bureau who’s principal efforts go toward promoting the San Diego downtown hotels and Top 3 attractium (ZOO, Sea World, Wild Animal Park). By contrast, Carlshad CVB, knows Carlsbad. cares about Carlsbad, more effectively promotes Cadsbad. and is able to understand the delicate balance between the needs of the residents and the value oftourism. Carlsbad CVH works hard to promote our bu..inew as well as Carlsbud! Over the past 8 years, we’ve entertained over 70,000 passengers with our vintage airplane flizhts. The large majority of our customers are not from Carlsbad. In fact, more than half are from outside the San niego area. Those visitors, as you k~~ow, spend money not just with us. but throughout Carlsbad as well. It’s obvious Carlsbad CVB understands that fun things to do in an area bring tourisls. Its web site, Visitors Guide, and marketing efforts clearly promote the things that bring visitors to Carlsbad. Carlsbad CVB can help bring groups and incentive travelers! We’ve recently added an 8 passenger WWll vintage plane (named the Rcuch Delle) largely as a result ofthe needs of the group travel market. The popularity of the Four Seasons Hotel. the renovation of the La costa Resort, and the new Ria Carlton and St. Regis have greatly expanded our group and incentive travel business. In the past yar alone we’ve hosted thousands of incentive travelers from companies like Ford, Mazda, Merck, Microsoft, and many others. In fact, in just the past month we’ve entertained over 200 incentive travelers from 8 different sources. And we’re alrcndy bookcd evcry hour for all 6 of our vintage planes during Superhwl weekend of next year. Aside from a few a~ticlzs abour us in group travel publications, almost all of our group business comcs from the established destination management companies. But lately, the word is getting out and more companies are contactinq us directly. Thrlr Ihey’re looking for not just fun airplenc rides, but hotel rooms, meals, and other activities as well. Additional Carlsbad CVB staff would allow them to take a larger role in keeping this business in Carlsbad. Carlsbad CVB should take active role in attracting pup travel business. Group business offers a nice balance to the busy weekend and summer travel times. We’ve found that they’re cvents are largely held during our typically slower weekdays and almost never take place in the summer months. Visitcarlsbad.coln is mung the best travel websites around! Carlsbad CVB’s new web site is one ofthe best around. It’s beautifully done, logically organized, regularly updated and. even bug-free (unlike the California Division of Toulisrn website. or San Diego CONVIS’s web site which frequently crash). The media page is a particularly unique and useful addi- tion. I often direct our customers to their site to give them ideas about where to stay and what to do. Page 2 or 3 6743 Montia Ct - Carlsbad CA 92009 - 760-438-7680 Fax 760-931-2664 http:/lwww.barnstorming.corn - e-mail kntetorn@barnstorrning.com oct 21 02 02:55p c Lister b T Harnish 760-331-2664 P. 4 Biplane, Air Combat, & Warbird Adventures But just having a pat. wcb site isla’( enough. Mainlilining ir an keeping it fresh are key to attracting repeat visits. The Carlsbad CVB staff does an excellent job of making changes to listings, updating information, and adding new features. Beautimi visitors Guide! Like rheir web site, thc Carlsbad CVB Visitors Guide is something Carlsbad can be proud of. It gives a prospective traveler an itnpressiou that Carlsbad is a beautiful and fun place to visit. it’s a very well done piece that’s come a long way over the par1 few years. GwHt orpnization of local hoteUattraction operators! Carlsbad CVB has done a tewilic job of leveraging its resources by bringing local tourist11 businesses together to deal with issues that are colnmon to all of us. Horel/Motel meet.ings and the Carlsbad Tour- ism Council would not exist without CVB’s help. Great response to 9/11! Carlsbad CVB was one of 111s firs tourism organizations we belong to that recognized thc need for a new approach to tourism after 9/11. We were impressed with how the various groups like Sail Diego CONVIS. San Diego North CONVIS. and Carlsbad CVB workcd ~ogecller to deal with the special tourism issues post-9 I I. It’s important to keep that spirit of cooperdtion going. The bottom line is tha~ Carlsbad CVR has managed to do a great deal OF good for Carlsbad with a very limited staff. Marketing talent doesn’t come cheap. The cost of attracting and reuining good peoplc is high and goes far beyond jus[ salaries. Carlsbad CVB has proven it call altrda, manage, and leverage it’s human talent. It’s important that they be given the resources to continue what they’ve started. Other communities are aggressively pursuing the tourism. The individual attractions and propmties can only do so much. The City musc commit to supporting it’s own comprehensive tourism plan. In today’s economy, that means status quo isn’t good enough. We encourage you and City Council 1.0 expand your support. for the Carlsbad CVB. ”. Barnstorming Adventures, Ltd. 6743 Montia Ct - Carlsbad CA 92009 - 760-438-7680 Fax 760-931-2664 http://www.barnstorming.com - e-mail katetom@barnstorminy.com