HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-12; City Council; 16974; Presentation By Carlsbad Tourism AllianceCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL (9 I 4B# 16.974 MTG. 11-12-02 TITLE: CITY MGRa- DEPT. CM DEPT.HD. CITY ATTY. ZE Request to Give Presentation by the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance on their findings with respect to the City of Carlsbad Tourism Master plan. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1) from Bill Haviluk and Anita Baker, Co-chairs of the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance, requesting that they be allowed to present their findings related to the City of Carlsbad’s Tourism Master plan. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to City Manager Ray Patchett from Bill Haviluk, Co-chair of the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance, dated October 8, 2002. I 16-68-62 16:16 EXECUTIVE OFFICE Carlsbad Tourism Alliance October 8,2002 Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ray, On behalf of Anita Boeker and myself, as co-chairs of the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance, we would like to request time on November 12m to present the findings of the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance with respect to the City of Carlsbad Tourism Masterplan. Best regard &% By1 Haviluk cc: Anita Boeker a November 12,2002 Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Council: The San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau has not formally submitted a business proposal prior to the Nov. 12 meeting because it wants to be aligned and directed by the Alliance, Carlsbad City Council, and City Staff. The voice of industry and the organizations that promote it must be aligned. I am in complete support of the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance and its recommendations. As you well know, the San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau is interested in being one of your partners in promoting group sales for the City of Carlsbad. Just one week ago the Carlsbad CVB and the San Diego North CVB were working on a collaborative proposal for this scope of work. Unfortunately the Carlsbad CVB was advised against this collaborative effort and so there is no joint proposal to present to you today. I am enclosing several proposal samples to be considered for the short-term goals of maintaining tourism momentum in Carlsbad for this fiscal year. These are not final proposals, but examples. They are my attempt to show you my sincere desire to be collaborative in a way to maximize business into Carlsbad while not being duplicative. It also shows our commitment to leverage our resources and dollars to the benefit of Carlsbad. In the sample proposals, every dollar the City of Carlsbad would invest with the San Diego North CVB, our organization would match it. Dollars invested in the San Diego North CVB stay in Carlsbad as proven by the business we book specifically into Carlsbad. We set up an office in Carlsbad with the long-term desire to be contractual partners. We have spent the last 6 years producing revenues into Carlsbad to prove to the City and the hospitality industry that we are a professional organization with trackable results and a desire to serve Carlsbad. We do not SAN DIECO NORTH CONVENTION 0 VISITORS BUREAU Exccutwe Office: 360 N. Errandldo Boulcuard. Ercondido. Californrl 92025-2600 Lonrrd AI Calbtvrnir Cmwr Far The Artz, Eriondldo Vozce: 760-745-4741 800-848-3336 Fax: 760-745-4796 sales om<c: 6120 Paieo Del Norte,Suate L-1, Carlrbrd, Cahfornia 92009-1118 Vo~cc:760-603-1690 800-848-3336 Fax:760-603-9570 www randtegonorrh.com only speak of potential business, but of booked business. Just last fiscal year the San Diego North CVB booked nearly 10,000 room nights into Carlsbad worth $1.2 million dollars. Since January of 2002, the San Diego North CVB has generated leads for nearly 60,000 room nights to Carlsbad businesses for a potential of $7.7 million dollars. 83% of San Diego North leads go to Carlsbad businesses. We are not fair-weather friends. We have stuck to our Carlsbad promotion because we felt with our time invested and the positive results achieved, the City would recognize the credibility of our work and our honest desire to be collaborative and long-term partners. The Carlsbad tourism product has grown dramatically in the last few years. A softening economy and a national tragedy have left the hospitality industry vulnerable with declining occupancy and revenues. While individual promotion of our local businesses is essential, these businesses cannot compete as a destination and capture destination appeal. Many of our competing cities and regions invest sales and marketing dollars to aggressively promote their destination. This collective strength and appeal gives cities a competitive edge over other less promoted destinations and all the hospitality products in them. Utilizing several organizations to promote Carlsbad is a plus to produce maximum benefits for Carlsbad and leverage resources. As in any investment, diversity is the key to yield long-term results that are stable and consistent. This also applies to diversity in land use, housing, products to sell, and all marketing. Additional investment in promotion is needed more than ever to boost City revenues and grow Carlsbad’s appeal as a vibrant and first choice preference in the minds of visitors and business travelers. We look forward to your direction. Most sincerely, Cami Mattson, President & CEO San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau D T Carlsbad Sales Plan FY 2002-03 In light of the current marketplace, it is recommended that the City of Carlsbad immediately invests in a destination focused sales strategy for FY2002-03. A joint proposal of the Carlsbad CVB and the San Diego North CVB is written below. Combined, both organizations will leverage their assets, resources and skills to maximize benefit to Carlsbad. In the short-term, this will allow the city to maintain market share and in the long-term grow the market and increase revenues for Carlsbad without losing momentum. Both organizations should collaboratively develop business plans with performance measures. Oral and written sales reports to Carlsbad City Council and StafF can be done in a combined effort. Group Market: Groups of more than 10 people Consumer-Direct Market: Individual leisure travelers (less than 10 people) Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau $60,000 Oversees all consumer-direct and individual leisure sales Oversees group sales in the San Diego market San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau $40,000 Oversees group sales for all geographic mark& except San Diego Supports California Travel Market 2002 in Carlsbad I Total Citv of Carlsbad Investment $100,000 Sun Diego North CVB (Match ) $ 40,000 Total Value $140,000 Leisure Sales Objective: Develop new Carlsbad product or packages that are bookable and trackable. A focus on the individual leisure market is essential as business travel is down. Programs: Highway 101 promotion Visiting Friends and Relatives campaigns Carlsbad travel packages (golf, family recreation, culturavheritage attractions, shopping and romantic getaways) Carlsbad brand management Tactics: Consumer trade shows Web site marketing Online reservations Corporate employee promotions through HR departments Employee email and newsletters Co-op promotions, collateral, advertising Corporate sponsorship Group Sules Objective: Increase measurable visitor spending through the generation of group business leads for room night bookings and group events Tactics: Phone solicitationlprospecting Personal sales calls to targeted national and international businesses Buyer site inspections Meeting planner familiarization tours Tour planner familiarization tours Trade and travel show attendance Direct mail campaigns Product launches for wholesale and airline vacation companies Email solicitation and promotions Reservation center educationals Ecommerce development Group Market Definitions Corporate: Single property meetings of 10+ people Incentive: Reward-based travel programs Association: Membership-based organizations with multiple meetings Travel Indusiry: AAA, Amtrak, travel agencies, international and domestic tour and mRF: Social, military, educational, religious and fraternal groups receptive operators, wholesalers, airline vacation companies, Internet travel sites Government: Federal and State employees Sporfing Events: Tournaments and competitions, etc. Carlsbad Sales Plan N 2002-03 In light of the current marketplace, the recommendation is that the City of Carlsbad immediately invests in a destination focused sales strategy for FY2002-03 with the San Diego North CVB. The San Diego North CVB will do a 100% match of funds and leverage its assets, resources and skills to maximize benefit to Carlsbad. In the short- term, this will allow the city to maintain market share and in the long-term grow the market and increase revenues for Carlsbad without losing momentum. A business plan with performance measures will be submitted to the City of Carlsbad. Oral and written sales reports will be given regularly to the City Council and City Staff. Group Market: Groups of more than 10 people San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau $50,000 Oversees group sales for all geographic markets botal City of Carlsbad Investment $50,00q San Diego North CVB (Match) $ so, 000 Total Value $100,000 Group Sales Objective: Increase measurable visitor spending through the generation of group business leads for room night bookings and group events Tactics include: Phone solicitatiodprospecting Personal sales calls to targeted national and international businesses Buyer site inspections Meeting planner familiarization tours Tour planner familiarization tours Trade and travel show attendance Direct mail campaigns Product launches for wholesale and airline vacation companies Email solicitation and promotions Reservation center educationals Ecommerce development Group Market Definitions Corporate: Single property meetings of lbt people Incentive: Reward-based travel programs Association: Membership-based organizations with multiple meetings Travel Industry: AAA, Amtrak, travel agencies, international and domestic tour and LYMERF: Social, military, educational, religious and fraternal groups receptive operators, wholesalers, airline vacation companies, Internet travel sites Government: Federal and State employees Sporting Events: Tournaments and competitions, etc. FT Carlsbad Sales Plan FY 2002-03 In light of the current marketplace, it is recommended that the City of Carlsbad immediately invests in a destination focused sales strategy for FY2002-03, A joint proposal of the Carlsbad CVB and the San Diego North CVB is written below. Combined, both organizations will leverage their assets, resources and skills to maximize benefit to Carlsbad. In the short-term, this will allow the city to maintain market share and in the long-term grow the market and increase revenues for Carlsbad without losing momentum. Both organizations should collaboratively develop business plans with performance measures. Oral and written sales reports to Carlsbad City Council and Staff can be done in a combined effort. Group Market: Groups of more than 10 people Consumer-Direct Market: Individual leisure travelers (less than 10 people) Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau $33,500 Oversees all consumer-direct and individual leisure sales Oversees group sales in the Sun Diego market San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau $33,500 Oversees group sales for all geographic markets except Sun Diego Supports California Travel Market 2002 in Carlsbad I Total City of Carlsbad Investment $67,000 San Diego North CPB (Match ) $33,500 Total Value $100,500 Leisure Sales Objective: Develop new Carlsbad product or packages that are bookable and trackable. A focus on the individual leisure market is essential as business travel is down. Programs: Highway 101 promotion Visiting Friends and Relatives campaigns Carlsbad travel packages (golf, family recreation, culturaVheritage attractions, shopping and romantic getaways) Carlsbad brand management Tactics: 0 Consumer trade shows Web site marketing Online reservations 0 Corporate employee promotions through HR departments 0 Employee email and newsletters 0 Co-op promotions, collateral, advertising 0 Corporate sponsorship Group Sales Objective: Increase measurable visitor spending through the generation of group business leads for room night bookings and group events Tactics: 0 Phone solicitatiodprospecting 0 Personal sales calls to targeted national and international businesses 0 Buyer site inspections Meeting planner familiarization tours 0 Tour planner familiarization tours 0 Trade and travel show attendance Direct mail campaigns 0 Product launches for wholesale and airline vacation companies 0 Email solicitation and promotions Reservation center educationals 0 Ecommerce development Group Market Definitions CoTorate: Single property meetings of 10+ people Incentive: Reward-based travel programs Association: WERF: Membership-based organizations with multiple meetings Social, military, educational, religious and fraternal groups Travel Indusby: Ak4, Amtrak, travel agencies, international and domestic tour and receptive operators, wholesalers, airline vacation companies, Internet travel sites Government: Federal and State employees Sporting Events: Tournaments and competitions, etc. . November S, 2002 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Council: It has come to my understanding that you will be hezring about the importance of a group sales effort for Carlsbad on Nov 12 fiom the Carlsbad Tourisnt Alliance. This scope of work is very important. We also believe you should ask for artd consider proposals from all organizations expressing interest in this scope of work. Since 1996, the San Diego North Convention & Visitors Burmu has been an integral and established part of visitor promotion for Carlsbad and this must be sustained. Last fiscal year the organization booked nearly 10,000 rpom nights totaling approximately $1.2 million dollars for Carlsbad. These are not leads of potential room nights, but actual booked business. Since January 2002, leads for nearly 60,0041 room nights have been generated by the San Diego North CVB to Carlsbad businesses for a potential of $7.7 million dollars. We encourage that a collaborative group sales effort be suppolted by the Carlsbad City Council. We can not afford to lose momentum or programs from San Diego North CVB that currently work for Carisbad. Sincerely, - Ted Axe Vice President and General Manager L@+” COSlA IDLL MAR ROAD CARISRAD. CALIFORNIA 92007 1.IOU-B8-29E)2 17 : 54 TFLtPHONT:7(r~438.7111 97% P. 92 m* Carlsbad by the Sea d/t CALIFORNIA November 8,2002 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Council: It is understood that there will be a hearing about the importance of a group safes effort for Carlsbad on Nov 12,2002, from the recently formed Carlsbad Tourism Alliance. The continuance of this group sales effort in Carlsbad is of extreme importance to the continued success of Holiday Inn Carlsbad by the Sea, as well as the other hotels in the area existing and in the works. We believe you should ask for and consider proposals from all organizations that have a vested interest in this scope of work. Since 1996, the San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau has been an integral and established part of visitor promotion for Carlsbad and this must be sustained. Last fiscal year the organization booked nearly 10,000 room nights totaling approximately $1.2 million dollars for Carlsbad. These are not leads of potential room nights, but actual booked business. Since January 2002, leads for nearly 60,000 room nights have been generated by the San Diego North CVB to Carlsbad businesses for a potential of $7.7 million dollars. We encourage that a collaborative group sales effort be supported by the Carlsbad City Council. We must not lose the momentum or programs from San Diego North CVB that currently bring business to Carlsbad. Director of Sales i 850 Palornar Airport Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 *Telephone: (760) 438-7880 Fax: (760) 438-1015 Reservations 1-800-HOLIDAY(465-4329)~www.CarlsbadHolidayInn.com Properry Operated by Woodbridge Hotel’s Inc. E HOTELS November 8,2002 Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Council: It is understood that there will be a hearing about the importance of a group sales effort for Carlsbad on Nov 12,2002, fiom the recently formed Carlsbad Tourism Alliance. The continuance of this group sales effort in Carlsbad is of extreme importance to not just maintain but increase the current momentum of business currently being booked into Carlsbad hotels and other businesses in the area. We believe you should ask for and consider proposals from all organizations that have a vested interest in this scope of work. Since 1996, the San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau has been an integral and established part of visitor promotion for Carlsbad and this must be sustained. Last fiscal year the organization booked nearly 10,000 room nights totaling approximately $1.2 million dollars for Carlsbad. These are not leads of potential room nights, but actual booked business. Since January 2002, leads for nearly 60,000 room nights have been generated by the San Diego North CVB to Carlsbad businesses for a potential of $7.7 million dollars. We encourage that a collaborative group sales effort be supported by the Carlsbad City Council. We must not lose ground on the sales efforts or programs from San Diego North CVB that currently bring business to Carlsbad. Andrew G. Warren Chief Executive Officer "~uilbi~g ~ribges to success' www.woobb~ibgebntels.eom 850 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbab, CA 92008 Tel: 760-930-3840 * Fax: 760-930-3821 ~ _"" ___ "" ~ December 7,200 1 Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad. CA 92008 Dear Mayor ‘Lewis and city council; Since I am unable to atend next Tuesday’s city council meeting. I am sending this letter in regards to the San Diego North Convention & Visitor’s Bureau group sales proposal. Over the past four years L’ve watch Csrlsbad become a destination in it’s own right. This has occurred through the efforts of not only the Carlsbad Convention (P, Visitors Bureau, but also those of the San Diego North and San Diego bureaus, as well as individual business such as Carlsbad Company Stores and Legoland. I have worked closeiy with the sales staff ofthe San Diego North bureau on everything from trade shows to fam tours to sales calls. The sales staff has always proven to be of !he highest caliber ofprofessionals, and has provided Carlsbad Company Stores with proven results. In addition to working in partnership with us on bringing business to Carlsbad, they have also supported our individual efforts including providing co-op funding. I have served on the board of the Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau since my arrival in Carlsbad over four years ago, and support and applaud the efforts made by their staff However, there is much to be done by the bureau staf?-as travelers and the travel industry continues to hear about this wonderfkf “jewel“. I believe that the city and the bureau can benefit from a goup sales effort, one that can dedicate the staff and resources to focus on that area of business. If you have any specific questions that I can answer, please let me know Sincerely, Anita Boeker Marketing Director COMP4NY STORES 5620 Paseo Del Norte, Suite 100, Carisbad. California 92008 (760) 804.9000 FAX (760) 804.9044 DEC-07-241411 16:53 76080498041 93% P. 01 CALIFORNIA -u%> Carlsbad by the Sea December 4,2001 Mayor Claude "Bud Lewis and Carlsbad City Council Clty of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, I would like to strongly endorse the funding of the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau by the Citybf Carlsbad. 1 have worked with Jill Knox of the ConVis' SdeS Office on many occasions. Jill is a tnle professional, which is proven by the Quality of the group sales leads that are consistently produced by her staff. 1 have personally attended trade shows with San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau and have always been impressed with the seamless manner in which they represent the many North County Hotels and attractions. If you should have any questions that 1 can be of assistance with, please feel free to call me directly at 760-930-3814. Sincerely, .. 850 Palonrx Akrporr Road Carlsbdd, CA 92008 *Telephone: (7GO) 438-7880 Fa: (760) 438-1015 Reservaziom I-800-HOLIDAY!4GS-432'))~~ww.CarlsbadHoIrJayIn~.com Fropccry Oyrr~rtd by Wondbridsr Horcl's 1°C. DEC-E!4-28E? ?5:31 75@S303'32? 95z P.03 12/11 '01 12:54 1D:Gla STUDENT SERVICES FRX:760-603-4153 P%E 1 Decenlbcr I I. 2001 Muyor Cluude "Bud" Lowie und Curlsbud City Coullcil City of Curlsbad 1200 Curlsbad Villngo Driva CuIlsbad. CA 92008 Dcar Mayor Lewis and City Council, I work in the Educution Department Fir Gmolo~icul Institute of Amwica in Curlsbud. Appwximetely fllly pcrccnl of the rtudenta that attund GIA ttrc intemutionul and most all ol'thc sludenb know very little about C~lrlvbnd or San Diego. It is my job us a Student Scrvicos Adviaor to assist new studcnts with their housing and activitim. During the past live pars Sun Diego North Oonvcntiotltk Vivilon Uunliu Ira helped me with this job by pciourly supplying 'fravcl Planning and Confercnce Guides for cach UIA Student. As you arc probuhly uwure. this guide highlights the arts. cntcrtainment. yolling. shopping. hotels, restaurants, ovuuts, utc. Tor nut only the SUI Dicgo North County area, but also Carlabad. This guide is u valuablc rcsourcu fir the students ucclimatinp to tho (:url&wl mu. Also, as additional suppoll from 1997 Ihruua 1999, aSan Dicgo North stuff member paonally came to euch new student orientution (monthly) givin8 un overview of San Diego, North County nnd Caflshnd. This is just a sample oftheir dedicution end loyu1,ty lo the Culsbad community. I huvr 6llJOyCd working with Ihh orpni7ation during tho pus1 live yew und look forward to nmny hluru yaurr togelher. I urbc you to consider their rcquest Tor funding. Sincerely, , Clots L. Wright" Student Swvicos Adviaor Exl. 7304 Cc 5. D. North Convention & Visitors Buruuu L Mayor Bud Lewis City of Chrlsbad 1200 Carlsbad'Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Bud: I understand that San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau is seeking furlding from che City SO that they may enhance their Carlsbad group ~lcs effons. Fra~~kly, I was rurpriscd to lcnrn that they don't already receive funding from the city. We've been active members of Nonh County CONVIS for almost 5 years and ax absolutely delighted by the service we receive. In fact, the benefits wc receive from North County CONVIS far outweigh those of the much larger Sa11 Diegu CONVIS. As you know we've worked with dozens of incentive groups ffom companies including Microsoft, TransAmerica, Pflzer, the Discovery Channel, Sprint, Lexus, Ford, wd many others. We know how inqmtant their business is to the local economy. We also know how fleeting their interest can be. One srnall derail will make the rliflkcwe betweet1 tile decision to hold thcir cvcnt hcrc or somewhew else. The group leads we receive from San Diego North CONVIS are timely, well-qualified, and profession- ally handled. The staff takes an aggressive role in coordinating site inspections. demo flights, hotel bids, and follow-ups. Meeting planners from a number of groups have told us how pampered they've felt by the San Diego North sraff. blast irnpurlailly. whro San Dicgo Nurlh brings a clicnt, thcy'rc intinmtely familiar with what Carlsbad has to offer and they're largely selling just Carlsbad. By cOntI;1st, for exa~r~plc. San Diego's CONVIS is selling Carlsbad as one possible alternative and their emphasis always seem to he on the San Diego downtown hotels and activities. More rnt-etiag aud iwmltive busincss will bcnefit Carlsbad in ways that go beyond the illitial travel event. We npeately hear from people who get to know Cwlsbad during a corporate event that they'll be back with their families. As both a Carlsbad resideur and business owner, 1 strongly suppon the use of Ciry funds to dlow them to expand their group sales efforts. Kate Lister, Fresident Barnstorming Adventures, Ltd. 6743 Montia Ct * Carlsbad CA 92009 - 760-438-7680 Fax 760-931 -2664 http://www.barnstorrning.corn - e-mail katetorn@barnstorming.com DEC-06-2001 17:09 760 931 2664 96" P.02 September 7,2001 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92018 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Mr. Mayor and Esteemed City Council Members, I would like to take this opportunity to strongly recommend that the city of Carlsbad fund the San Diego as a tourism destination. North Convention & Visitors Bureau sales effort so that they can continue to promote the City of Carlsbad I have had the pleasant opportunity to work with Jill Knox and her staff over the last 3 years, and they have been responsible for generating some very good business for our Fairfield Inn by Marriott Carlsbad near Legoland and several of our other properties located in North County, Jill and her staff have been instrumental in bringing several high profile accounts to the table for Carlsbad including Walt Disney Travel, American Airlines Vacations and HRN to name but three. Their focus has always been North County San Diego and Carlsbad in particular. Jill and her staif have promoted Carlsbad without funding tirelessly at every show they attend and are responsible for bringing through Contadours that is necessary to secure much of the Tour & Travel business that we badly want to several pieces of new business to the City of Carlsbad. They have also organized ground transportation attract to the area This ground !mnprfation also allows us to compete against SanDiego proper as well by providing needed transportation from Carlsbad Hotels to key tourist destinations within the drive market. This is essential as many of our tour and travel clients do not anive by car 01 are not comfortable driving in North America and this was a pre requisite for clients such as Walt Disney Vacations. I urge you to provide the dollars necessary San Diego North C.V.B. to continue representing Carlsbad, they tourism dependent businesses in Carlsbad. Without successful representatioq business will fall off and have the relationships in place already that are necessary to successfully represent my hotel and the other much less TOT tax dollars will be available to the community of Carlsbad. They are always professional in their manner and focus to bring new business to North County and support them now with the dollars they need before we loose this valuable asset. Carlsbad in particular. Lets show our appreciation for their had work and efforts to promote Carlsbad and Sincerely, Steve Chelew Steve Chelew Director of Marketing 1775 Hanmk Street, Suite 185, SanDiego, CA 92110 P (619) 296-9610 F (619) 296-9124 www.PinnacleHotelsUSA.com December 4,2001 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Caxlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad. CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, I am writing to endorse the funding of San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau by the City of Carlsbad. Woodbridge Hotels manages the Carlsbad Holiday Inn property as well as several others throughout California. Over the course of the past six years with all of the changes that have taken pIace in Carlsbad it has been reassuring to know the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau was an unflagging resoluce that the area hotels cortld rely on fox sales assistance. The quality and quantity of sales leads provided by this orzanization has never wavered. I am certain that whatever funding the City of Carlsbad provides to the Convention and Visitors Bureau will be returned to the area’s economy many times over. It is for this reason I urge you to give. full consideration to providing the funding they require to continue the level of service we have come to count on. ANDREW G. WARREN PRESIDENT & CEO " . . """ ." ". Dccember 7,2001 Honorable Claude A. "Bud" Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drivc Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor: Unfortunately, a nxcting thal I haw to artcnd with LEG0 Senior Managelnmt in Enfield. CT is taking place during your Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 1 I"', whcn tht City will considcr fundins a group sales effort within San Dicgo North Visitors R: Convention Bureau. 1 cunently SCNC on the board of the SDNCVB and can support their solicitation for funding, which in turn will support tourism husiness for the City of Carlsbad. On a personal note, thc events of Seplcmber 11 'I' have caused a severe downturn in business for LEGOLAND from outside the state of California. While LEGOLAND has B significant Sales and Markding budget, we do rely on lc efforts of cveryone involved in tourism promorions. including the work of SDNCVB. 1 would ask Cor your support in approving thc funding of a goup sales effort wirh SDNCVB, 1 appreciate your lime and consideration on this important matter. P. 01 *&+! 2'8 #tu Snn: Carisbad by the Sea CALIFORNIA December 4,2001 Mayo* Claude "Bud" Lewis and Carlsbad City CounciI City ofcarlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad. CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis, I understand the City ofCarlsbad is considering providing funding for the San Diego North Convention and Visit6rs Bureau. I am writing to lend my full support to this. The San Diego North Convention and Visiturs Bureau has worked diligently to provide our hotel with top quality sales leads which have benefited LIS greatly. The professionalism and dedication of the staff is commendable. I can say without hesitation that the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau is a valuable asset to the Carlsbad area and I urge you to do all that is in your power to continue our area's relationship with them. Sincerely, , Gendtal Manager 850 Palomtr Airport Road Cirbbad, CA 72008 *Telephone 1760) 438-7880 * Fm: (760) 438-101 5 Reservar~onr1-800-H@LIDAY(4G5-4329)~www.Carlrb~dHolidayinn.con DEC-04-2001 16:31 Ilrupcrry Oprrxtcd by Woodbrldge Hu~rl'r [IIC 7609303821 3% P. 02 December 6,200 1 Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Dear Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Colmcil, The Four Seasons Resort Aviara has enjoyed being a part of the Carlsbad business community since opening in August of 1997. The Aviara Golf Club has been a part of this community for over ten years. Over thc years, we have seen the tourism industry change dramatically in Carlsbad. The addition ofmore world class resorts and amactions has further defined the city as a premier Southern California destination. The growth in Carlsbad has paralleled that of the region, specifically San Diego North. 1 feel that the Four Seasons Resort Aviara and the Carfsbad business and tourism community would benefit from sales representation by the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau. Thank you for your support and best wishes for a wondnfid Holiday Season. Sincerely, December 6, 2001 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Carlsbad City Councll City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Bud, The purpose of rhlr letter is to support the funding of a group sales effort with the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau. As Director of Sales for a Carlsbad resort, I would appreciate all continued effonr in promoting and securlng business in Carlsbad. The San Diego North Convention and Vlsiton Business Is an excellent vehicle to train and manage additional sales efforts. We stand behind this team involvement. Thank you for your cornideration. x Sincerely, lndy Newsom Dlrector of Sales DEC-07-2B01 15:47 December 6.200 1 Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carisbad VilIage Drive Carlsbad Ca 92008 city of carlsbad Dear Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis and Carlsbad City Council: The San Diego North Convention and Visitor’s Bureau t2as promoted our two Orbbad properties for ma2y yean. On numerous occasions, the bureau’s sales team has brought porential clients t’] the Raintree and the Inns of America for tours and Xormation packets. I have always appreciated the dedication and professionalism that the bureau’s employees’ processed. On a weekly bas?+ they send sales leads, vi fax. The sales leads include infomion on customers and how ow facilities can accommodate them On a monthly basis, they send labels on potential clients, which also serves as a convenient way to promote OUT properties. The San Diego North CVB has played a valuable role to the success of our accounts outside of Carlshd. Although most of our business accounts are local, the San Diego North CVB has put us on the map outside of our neighborhood. On behalf of Raintree Restauradt and Inns of America, I encourage you to consider assisting the San Diego North CVB so that they may continue promoting our beautiful city. Director of Bauquets and Catering cc: cami Mattsof! San Diego N~I CVB December 5,2001 Mayor Chude "Rud" I.ewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carisbad 1200 Carlshad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 9200R 'lo Whom It May Concern: quality service. 'lhe Surf Motel uses San Dicgo North CVB goods on a daily basis with 'lhc San Diego North Convention and Visitors Rurcau has continually provided us with our guests. Our staff uses their promotions to schedule spccial hospitality cvents tix our guests. The SurfMotcl has had only good interaction with Sw Diego North CVR or its pcrsonncl never had a negative experience in our deals will1 them. We can attest Iv their professionalism. We have noted increased business coming from Sw Diego North CVR. 'I'hc Surf Motel apprcciatcs the scrvices that San Dicgo North CVM has bccn providing ovcr thc yews. We fully support the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau. Sinccrcly, DEC-06l2001 14: 40 i60 434 6642 92% P. 01 November 12,2002 H Hilton GardenInrr ALL RECEIVED Carlsbad Beach Mayor Claude "Bud" Lewis and Carlsbad City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Carlsbad City Council: I want to take a moment of your time to express my sincere appreciation in your consideration for funding a sales effort for the City of Carlsbad. In today's times, a strong, but directed sales approach is needed. It is my understanding that you will be receiving a presentation from the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance (CTA) on the evening of November 12. I urge you to listen to the concern and the voice from this committee. As you may or may not know, I have been in the hospitality industry for 20+ years, in which I directed many sales departments. With my strong sales and marketing background, I believe it is critical that the correct approach to a sales effort be taken. I sit in an unusual position; I am currently on the board of directors for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau, and I am an active member of the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau. I have also been closely involved with the Carlsbad Tourism Alliance and have provided input. As a business operator here in Carlsbad, I believe it is my obligation to assist in doing what is best for Carlsbad, the hospitality businesses and all organizations that promote it. My only hope is that the City does not make a hasty decision on the night of November 12 in allocating funds for the sales effort. I feel the City should solicit proposals. In choosing a sales effort there are many qualifiers that need to be considered. They would include the level of sales experience of the individual or individuals that are selling, as well as the individual who is managing the sales effort. Most importantly, in order to maximize revenues, clear goals and an effective measurement system must be in place. TheHiItonFanuly @. 6450 Carlsbad Boulevard, Cerlshad, CA 92009 Tel: 760 476 0800 Fax: 760 476 0801 Reservations: www.hiltongardeninn.com or 1-800-HILTONS It is my belief that we need to embrace a true tourism plan for both short-term and long-term efforts. Yes, I believe that immediate funding for sales is needed, but I believe that there are many opportunities for the City to choose from. If immediate funding went only to the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, I believe it is important to understand that one sales person without the proper resources would not be able to put their arms around what is needed in a group sales effort alone. It's impossible for one individual to handle such a task. Currently there is no trackable business booked from our local Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau salesperson. This is not unusual in a start-up program because this effort takes time and often years to build momentum. In the meantime, however, the City cannot afford to lose momentum. In order to realize the best results, the City needs to consider a collaborative effort funded between the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau and the San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau. San Diego North CVB is established and has continued to book business into Carlsbad year after year. I do not think the City of Carlsbad can expect this effort to continue without City funding and partnership. Of course, both Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau and San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau need to leverage the opportunity and work closely with the San Diego Convetion and Visitors Bureau. Again, my belief is that the City should take this opportunity to solicit proposals for the group sales effort. I would like to personally "thank you" for your time and consideration on my thoughts. If you have a need for any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Best regards, c"7 Bob Moore General Manager Hilton Garden Inn Carlsbad Beach cc: Ray Patchett, City Manager Cynthia Haas, Economic Development Manager November 12,2002 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR INFORMATION REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL As requested, attached is the information from the slide presentation that staff made in August, 2002 regarding the proposed Tourism Policies and Program Strategy. The information provided outlines the nine (9) action item goals proposed in the Strategy as well as the recommended options for action by the Council. In addition, I have attached a copy of the staff proposed Vision Statement and Overarching Goal, Statement for Tourism. I understand that this was a topic to be discussed by the Tourism Alliance during their presentation tonight. If you need any additional information, please let me know. -. 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