HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-19; City Council; 16985; Community Activity Grants Program 2002-0312 CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL TITLE: COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS PROGRAM 2002-03 FUNDING RECOMMENDATION 4~# 16,985 WTG. 11/19/02 DEPT. FIN RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2002-342 accepting the recommendation of the Community Activity Grant Citizen Review Committee and allocating funds to the organizations identified. ITEM EXPLANATION: Committee was appointed by the City Council to review the 2002-03 Community Activity Grant Under the guidelines established in Council Policy #51, a seven-member Citizen Review applications and make recommendations to Council. These guidelines specify that a review panel be made up of one representative from each quadrant of the City, one Senior Commission member, one Library Board member, and one Parks and Recreation Commission member. The grant applications were due to the Finance Department by October 1, 2002. A total of 31 grant applications were received with funding requests totaling approximately $426,000. The Citizen Review Committee met four times during the months of October and November. They reviewed the applications, interviewed the top applicants, and evaluated the grant requests based on level of enrichment, experience in program area, organizational experience and background, financial capabilities, and scope of project. As a result of their review and evaluation, a total of $56,230 in funding is being recommended for eight of the requests. The table shown in Exhibit 1 summarizes the grant requests and the Citizen Review Committee’s recommendations for funding. FISCAL IMPACT: fund is being used to fund the Community Activity Grants. The fund currently has a $1,059,000 In 1999, the City Council set aside $1 million in a separate fund, and the interest generated by this cash balance. The 2002-03 operating budget contains an appropriation of $60,000 for Community Activity Grants. No further appropriations are required. EXHIBITS: 1. Summary of 2002-03 Community Activity Grant requests and recommended funding. 2. Resolution No. 2002-342 accepting the recommendation of the Community Activity Grant Council subcommittee and allocating funds to the organizations identified. EXHIBIT 1 Summary of 2002-03 Community Activity Grant Requests & Recommended Funding Applicant Program Description Request Funding Grant Recommended 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Tri-City Hospital Foundation Krista Webster Buena Vista Audubon Society Museum of Making Music South Carlsbad State Beach Sarv Hill Hospice of the North Coast Diane Lee1 Mark Cleaveiand North Coast Repertory Theatre Sound Ex~ress Kathy Cook Carlsbad Lions Club Buena Vista Benefactors Funding for the North County Child Study Center. located in Carlsbad. which specializes in assessment, diagnosis. and treatment of children and youth (ages 2-18) suffering from ADD, tourette syndrome. autism, depression and Other development and behavioral disorders. Provide career education and training, job search and intewiew skills. career assessment and counseling, career fair. and job Shadowinglinternships. Funding for promotional materials for Earth Day and supplies and materials to update exhibits in the nature Center. Funding for this interactive field trip program for students from Carisbad Unified School District grade K-8 that integrates curricula in language arts. math, science. history and social studies with the newly adopted State of California music standards. This program would provide funding for equipment to provide educational programs at the newly con8trwted amphitheatre at South Carisbad State Beach Funding to buy accessories for the compact tractor to dig the post holes and lo help control the weeds along the trails as well as funds for supplies. materials and equipment maintenance. Funding lo provide bereavement Services to those in the community that do not meet the federally mandated criteria for haspica care. An interactive event that will combine a cooking class with a movie that is focused on food. Total of four events (one per quarter). Funding to pay for teachers to offer a ten-week playwriting workshop aimed at introducing high school students to the art of playwriting. Bring together musical talent from all of Carisbad's schools lo promote appreciation of music. and serve as a catalyst for continued involvement and advancement of music in Carlsbad. Provide improved beach accessibitiity by Operating a public power beach wheelchair program in Carlsbad. TO fund a $2.000 Scholarship to Miss Carisbad 2003. Funding to upgrade the existing fencing along La Flores and Pi0 Pica, and to install signage over the pedestrian gates along Las Flares. $ 15,000 $ 7,500 55.000 0 4,000 4.000 10,000 3.350 37,374 0 3,000 3,000 10,140 7,500 3.820 0 9,504 0 3,000 0 60,000 0 2.000 0 17,125 0 EXHIBIT 1 (cont.) Applicant Program Description RBq"*St Funding Grant Recommended 14 La Costa Valley Preschool 15 Designated Drivers Association 16 American Combat Veterans of War 17 Calavera Hills Elementary 18 Calavera Hills Elementary 18 North County Coastal career center 20 Susan Wingate 21 Agua Hedtanda Lagoon Foundation 22 Children's Discovery Museum of North county 23 American Legion post 24 Carlsbad Sports Center 25 Artsplash Committee Funding for Kindervision safety program to provide safety education to 600 Carlsbad families in video form, as well as fingerprinting and videotaping of each child Program provides a safe free ride home in your own vehicle on Friday and Saturday night from 1O:OO p.m. to 200 a.m. Work with combat veterans in Carlsbad guiding them to and through the VA hospital and outpatient services. as well as jab training. v Club designed for 4th-6th graders lo learn about photography. End products will be taken to senior center. Funding is for supplies. GsaiLGm Club designed to be an after-school activity at Calavera Hills Elementary. End products will be taken to senior center. Funding is for supplies. To assist Carlsbad businesses by providing a direct link to professional workforce services. Funding is mostly for salaries. To provide a photobiography to foster and adoptive children living in Carlsbad and the surrounding north county cities. Located at the Discovery Center. these programs will include an interactive model Of the Carlsbad Watershed and a Watershed Steward Leadership program Funding forthe printing and distribution of 50,000 Tourist Rack Cards and the printing and distribution of 35.000 travel information guides. as well as the expansion of the promotional program to inclusion in the San Diego Convention and Visitor's Guide and the Sa" Diego Museum Council's brochure Funding request is for: Boys and Girls State programs in Sacramento, which recognizes high school juniors for their leadership abilities: the high school award program, which recognizes graduating seniors for their courage. honor. leadership. patriotism. scholarship. and Service to both the school and community: and the Adopt a Class program. which teaches elementary school children poiice and fire safety. nag etiquette. and geography through the use of coloring books. - at Carlsbad High School that allows the City and the School District to once Funding for a feasibility study to develop a Sports and Recreation facility again work together to fulfill a need in our community. Appicalion withdrawn 9.980 10.000 2.500 909 700 20,000 18,325 34.500 8,400 3.000 6,000 0 26 Join Hands Save-a-Life Funding for Carlsbad Youth Center that provides a gangldrug prevention program to '"at-riskl. youths. 50,000 27 Vista Botanical Gardens Foundation Funding from this grant will go toward an Arbor Day 2003 celebration 5.000 lo plant ZOO canopy trees in the Vista Botanical forest. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24.500 0 2,380 0 0 EXHIBIT 1 (cont.) Applicant Program Description Request Fundlng Grant Recommended 28 Carlsbad Cares Provides temporary lodging facility where families of children with cancer. leukemia. and other serious illnesses reside while their children are treated at nearby hospitals. 5.000 0 20 The Environmental Trust 10,000 Funding for an educational center at the Calavera Preserve entrance. Funding request is for project manager. signage. brochures, and grading for center trailer. 30 Rancho Coastal Humane Society This program provides shelter to pets of domestic violence families. It is the 5,000 only shelter that provides this service in all of San Diego County. 33 Carlsbad Education Foundation . Kids are Funding request is for the student art show at the Taste of Carisbad annual Worth a Million fundraiser. Grant money will be used to frame art. and far promotional materials 8,752 4,000 for the event 32 International Dark Sky Association value and effectiveness of quality nighttime lighting. Funding is far educational Build an awareness of the problem of light pollution by educating about the materials. public presentations. and light replacement program 15,350 0 TOTAL REQUESTS $ 426,029 $ 56.230 Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-342 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT CITIZEN REVIEW COMMllTEE AND ALLOCATING FUNDS TO THE ORGANIZATIONS IDENTIFIED WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, appointed a seven-member Citizen Review Committee to review Community Activity Grant applications and make a recommendation for funding; and WHEREAS, the Citizen Review Committee has recommended eight organizations and their funding level. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following organizations are hereby granted funds in the amounts shown from the Community Activity Grants fund for the 2002-03 fiscal year: Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill //I Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 i 7 ~ 4 5 6 7 E 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tri City Hospital Foundation - North County Child Study Center Buena Vista Audubon Society - Earth Day Celebration Museum of Making Music - Music Ventures Program American Legion Post Boys and Girls State Program Taste of Carlsbad Student Art Show Carlsbad Volunteer Trail Program Hospice of the North Coast - Community Bereavement Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation -Watershed Educational Programs $7,500 4,000 3,350 2,380 4,000 3,000 7,500 24,500 TOTAL s5!523!0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of NOVEMBER , 2002 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Nygaard, Haw NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) Page 2 of 2 of Resolution No. 2002-342