HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-10; City Council; 17022; Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Planm 0 I d N I r( ICI 0 ul ul 0 r- d =It= 2 a, a, cn w w a u cn 0 u 5 a P a a, Fc Fc a, u-4 a, Fc cn B u -4 a, s B .. ?3 2 ei E3 H w V 0 V AB# 17,022 MTG. 12/10/02 DEPT. REC TITLE : DEPT.HD,& CITY ATT CITY MG NORTHWEST QUADRANT COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED ACTION : Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-371 approving the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan in concept, directing staff to proceed with project entitlements, and to authorize the use of available funding allocated under Proposition 12 and Proposition 40 Park Bond Acts of 2000 and 2002 respectively, for this project. ITEM EXPLANATION: In February of this year, the City Council approved a consulting agreement with the landscape architectural firm of the Schmidt Design Group (SDG) to assist staff in preparing a park master plan for the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. The goal was to create community consensus for the park design through a series of public workshops, supplemented by staff and consultant input. The information would be synthesized into a master plan, which would be the foundation for the development of the 7.7-acre property on Harding Street, formerly known as Pine School. Workshops On May 28th, 2002, the City held the first master plan workshop in the form of a Special City Council meeting with the Council participating in the role of a steering committee. At the meeting, City staff presented some preliminary issues to Council for clarification, which was followed by an opportunity for public testimony. Council then provided staff with general guidelines to follow while proceeding with the park master plan process. The issues and decisions were: Should an aquatic facility be included within this park site? No. Should the Park Master Plan incorporate the recently acquired Madison Street properties within its boundaries? Yes, but with sensitivity to surrounding neighbors. Should the Park Master Plan consider incorporating the Chase Field property? Yes, but there must be a definition of how it would fit in and any new development should be sensitive to its previous use as a ball field complex. What form should the community facility take (e.g. community centerlgym, cultural orientation, auditorium)? It should be similar to the community centers and gymnasiums at other Carlsbad community parks. Should the Centro De lnfonnacion be included as part of the park site? No. In addition to providing typical recreational amenities and program opportunities, should the park site include cultural and/or social services components? Yes, similar to those found in other Carlsbad community parks. On June 1 8'h, 2002, a second park development workshop was held at the Carlsbad Senior Center. Staff summarized the results of the first workshop and then introduced SDG, who led the community attendees in a design exercise. The exercise resulted in the formation of eight groups of 5-8 people that were tasked with creating their own vision for the Northwest Quadrant Park within a specific set of parameters developed at the Council workshop. Consequently, eight concepts for the park were generated by the workshop attendees and presented by a representative of each group. AB# 17,022 Page 2 On August 28*, 2002, the third public workshop was also held at the Senior Center. SDG presented and displayed three conceptual design alternatives. Each alternative was created as a result of compiling the information collected from the eight designs produced at workshop number two, in addition to staff input. Alternatives for the community center design and the art element were also presented and displayed. The public attendees then completed questionnaires providing commentary on the three alternatives, the architecture, and the art element. The fourth and final public workshop, a “kid’s workshop”, was held with a Recreation Department day camp. This was to gain park design insight from the children in the community, something that was noticeably absent from the three previous public workshops. The consistent ideas that came out of the children’s workshop were to include a skate park, playground, and a multi-use sports field area. In addition to these workshops, a number of presentations and discussions occurred with the Carlsbad Senior Commission, Carlsbad Youth Baseball, Youth Enrichment Services, and City staff from various departments. These presentations and discussions were conducted to obtain additional input from all of the park stakeholders. One of the presentations took place at a Senior Commission meeting to inform the seniors of the intentions for the proposed park and community building. Proposed Master Plan The final Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan is a product and result of the many public workshops, stakeholder input, and project studies (Exhibit 3). While complying with the many constraints of the project, it is the feeling of staff and the consultant that the proposed plan reflects a solution for the park design that will best serve the majority of needs for the community. The proposed Master Plan includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Community Center / Gymnasium with lobby, offices, teen room, fitness room, activity room, restrooms and storage (19,500 square feet) Multi-purpose Sports Field (one basebaWadult sofiball field and one soccer overlay field). Two Basketball Courts (1/2 courts) Skate Park (about %the size of the current skate park at the Safety Center) Totlot Picnic Areas Open Play Area Community Gardens (at the “Madison Properties”) Parking Synthetic Turf The City Council has made a commitment to fund installation of synthetic turf at Poinsettia Park and the proposed Aviara Community Park. Staff is also pursuing the potential of installing synthetic turf to several fields at Stagecoach Park. Soccer fields in particular are susceptible to deterioration of natural turf due to intense use from athletic organizations. Benefits of synthetic turf include increased playability, safety to the users, water conservation, and the environmental benefits of eliminating fertilizer and pesticide use. For these reasons, staff is also recommending the use of synthetic turf for the multi-use field at this park. Parks and Recreation Commission At a special October 28, 2002 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the conceptual Master Plan (5-1) and endorsed the use of grant funding available through the Propositions 12 and 40 Park Bond Acts. In addition, the Commission had the following recommended additions to the Master Plan: 1. Amend the configuration of the berm areas immediately adjacent to the skateboarding amenity. 2. Install appropriate traffic calming device at Harding and Pine for pedestrian safety. 3. Reserve adequate time for casual use of the park by participants not associated with structured group activities such as organized sports. 4. If parking requirements can be reduced as a result of further review, additional amenities or open space should be considered in its place. 5. Educational opportunities should be promoted as part of the facility use operations associated with the park and community centerlgymnasium. Public Art Component The plan includes a public art component. Artist Kim Emerson was hired to work with the landscape architects and has participated in the public meetings for the project. This process resulted in a proposal to incorporated 5 “stellas” throughout the park. These are mosaic tile covered concrete columns, resembling flowers historically significant to Carlsbad, and will be approximately 8 feet tall. The proposed art has received preliminary approval from the Arts and Parks and Recreation Commissions, and will be displayed for public comment following City Council’s action on the Master Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that approval of the Northwest Quadrant Park Master Plan in concept is exempt from environmental review at this stage of the park planning process per Section 15262 of the CEQA Guidelines (re: feasibility and planning studies). Local agency environmental review of this project will occur concurrent with the Planning Commission’s review and action on the required Conditional Use Permit and other applicable entitlements. This is expected to occur within the next 6 months. FISCAL IMPACT Public Facility Fee funds in the amount of $6,900,000 are budgeted for the project in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Although the actual cost to develop the park will be subject to the bidding process, preliminary estimates for the proposed Master Plan indicate that additional funding may be needed. When staff initially prepared the cost projections outlined in the CIP Budget, the development costs did not consider the installation of synthetic turf for the multi-use field (estimated to be between $700,000 to $900,000). In addition, construction costs in general have risen more than anticipated over the last year. Including the increase for the synthetic turf, staff estimates that the construction cost may be $1.5 million greater than originally anticipated. As a means of funding any additional construction costs over the amount authorized in the CIP Budget, staff is recommending using grant funding available through Propositions 12 and 40. Both of these Propositions, approved by the California voters, were Park Bond Acts and will provide guaranteed funding for qualifying park and recreation projects. Staff strongly believes the Northwest Quadrant Park is a qualifying project. Grant funding to the City of Carlsbad under Proposition 12 is $982,754 with a required matching City contribution of $71,626. An additional grant for $634,000 is expected under Proposition 40 (matching City contribution of $71,400 required). Total grant funding is estimated to be $1,600.000, and may be available as early as FY 2003-04. Staff is recommending that Council authorize the use of these funds for this project. 3 AB# 17,022 Page 4 Item Original I Estimated Revised Pine School Demo and Interim Plan Master Plan and Administration Final Design and Administration *Preliminary Construction Estimate - Original CIP Budget (PFF Fund) Additional Grant Funding Total Available Fundinn Budget Changes Estimate $ 500,000 None $ 500,000 200,000 None 200,000 600,000 None 600,000 5,596,000 1,500,000 7,096,000 I Estimated Remaining Balance I *The construction estimate is based on very preliminary master plan level design. More refined cost estimates will be prepared as the project progresses. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Entitlements (C.U.P.) complete Design complete Bidding and construction complete EXHIBITS: July 2003 December 2003 Mid 2005 1. Location Map 2. Resolution No. 2002-371 3. Proposed Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan (Site Plan). 4. Complete Master Plan book (not attached; distributed to the City Council and available at the Recreation Administration Office, Cole Library, Dove Library, and the Senior Center) 4 . VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE EXHIBIT 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-371 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARSLBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN IN CONCEPT, DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH ENTITLEMENTS AND APPLICATION OF PROPOSITIONS 12 AND 40 STATE PARK BOND FUNDS FOR USE IN FUNDING THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT COMMUNITY PARK WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California desires to develop a community park in the Northwest Quadrant of the City to meet the recreational needs of the citizens, and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad calls for the development of a community park in the Northwest Quadrant, and WHEREAS, funds have been appropriated funds in the FY 2002-3 Capital Improvement Program to develop the Northwest Quadrant Community Park; and WHEREAS, the use of Proposition 12 (the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000) and Proposition 40 (The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002) funds is desirable to assist in funding the development of this park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan is hereby approved in concept. 3. That staff is hereby directed to proceed with acquisition of entitlements for the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan. 4. That staff is hereby directed to apply for funding from Propositions 12 and 40 State Park Bond funds for use in developing the park. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the day of 2002 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk PC RES0 NO. -2- (SEAL) 7 I EXHIBIT 3 I