HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-14; City Council; 17035; Dudek & Associates Agreement Amendment No 2CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL LE# ITG. 1/14/03 IEPT. ENG CITY MGR. % PROJECT NO. 3537 17,035 TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER, DUDEK AND ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE CITY ATTY. i‘,w RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-010 agreement with Dudek and Associates, Inc., for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, to approve Amendment No. 2 to the professional services Project No. 3537. ITEM EXPLANATION: The North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, constructed in 1965, is a 24-inch sewer pipeline approximately 15,500 feet in length. The alignment begins near the intersection of Cannon Road and El Camino Real and proceeds westerly along the north shoreline of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the Foxes Lift Station located just east of Interstate 5. The North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation, (Project) includes the restoration of the access holes, the construction of access roads, and shoreline protection to provide maintenance accessibility to the pipeline and to protect pipeline from coastal erosion. Currently, there are approximately 30 access holes along the lagoon shoreline with inadequate accessibility, and the pipeline structure is threatened by erosion caused by the lagoon’s tidal and wave actions. In order to expedite the rehabilitation project, it was divided into two phases; the first phase being for the eastern segment, and the second phase being for the western segment of the pipeline. The phases derive from the project’s scheduling constraints, which resulted from construction methodologies and environmental impacts. On June 10, 2002, the City entered into an agreement with Dudek and Associates Inc., (Dudek), to perform environmental and engineering services for the project. Tasks included preparation of a biological conditions report, alternatives analysis report and design for the eastern segment of the project. On December 31, 2002, Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement was approved to provide field reconnaissance and preliminary engineering for the wall structure which will protect the proposed access road and existing pipeline from shoreline erosion. The scope of work for Amendment No. 2, includes environmental and engineering services for the western segment of the project. Environmental services include preparation of a Coastal Development Permit, resource agency permits and agreements, and a wetlands mitigation and monitoring plan. Engineering services include preparation of final plans and specifications for the wall and access road and preparation of easement plats and legal descriptions. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The level of activity contained in the scope of the consultant agreement regarding CEQA is defined in (section) 15306 as Class 6, Information Collection, and is categorically exempt from CEQA. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. l7 035 FISCAL IMPACT: - i,( z : PROJECT COST SUMMARY ' Design $1 57,700 Environmental $1 44,000 I I Construction I $1.200.000 I The cost associated with the subject amendment is not to exceed $159,170 and is included in the estimates for design and environmental in the table above. Sufficient funds are available in the project account. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2003-010 approving Amendment No. 2 to Professiona 11 Services Agreement with Dudek and Associates, Inc., for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Project No. 3537. 3. Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement with Dudek and Associates, Inc., for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Project No. 3537. 2 LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME: ~ PROJECT NUMBER: EXHIBIT NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REHABILITATION '1 ' 3537 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II RESOLUTION NO. 2003-010 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DUDEK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 AND ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER, PROJECT NO. 3537. II WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary and in the public interest to approve and accept Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Dudek and Associates, Inc., for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer, Project No. 3537; and WHEREAS, Dudek and Associates, Inc., in performing engineering and design services for the eastern segment and preliminary environmental and design services for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer's western segment, is uniquely qualified to perform final permitting and design services for the Interceptor's western segment; and WHEREAS, the level of activity contained in the scope of the consultant agreement regarding CEQA is defined in (section) 15306 as Class 6, Information Collection, and is categorically exempt from CEQA; and WHEREAS, a mutually satisfactory fee for the services has been negotiated; and WHEREAS, funds have been appropriated in the 2001-02 Capital Improvement Program from Sewer Connection Fees and sufficient funds are currently available; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Agreement With Dudek and Associates, Inc., has been prepared and is attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 2. That the proposal by Dudek and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $159,170 for the mrrnitting and design of the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer’s western segment is ccepted and approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Irnendment. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council leld on the 14th day of JANUARY , 2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall, Packard \TEST: Page 2 of 2 of Resolution No. 2003-010 (SEAL) AMENDMENT NO:2 TO AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC.) LJiAR/u*LI/ This Amendment No. 2 is entered into and effective as of the /S7k day of , 2003, amending the agreement dated June 10, 2002 (the “Agrecknent”) by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, (“City”), and DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC., a California corporation (“Contractor”) (collectively, the “Parties”) for engineering design services including Geotechnical Investigation and Shore Protection Design. RECITALS A. On December 31, 2002, the Parties executed Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement amending the scope of work to provide geotechnical investigation and shore protection design for a fee of $15,400; and B. The Patties desire to alter the Agreement‘s scope of work to include further engineering and environmental services. Engineering services includes engineering design, survey, mapping, preparation of easement plats and legal descriptions, and necessary engineering to complete plans and specifications. Environmental Services includes preparation of environmental permit applications and the preparation of a wetlands mitigation and monitoring plan; and C. The recent execution of Amendment No. 1 was done in an effort to expedite the work prior to the Parties fully identifying and developing the scope of work for Amendment No. 2. D. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit “A”, Scope of Services and Fee, for engineering services and Exhibit “B”, Scope of Services Fee, for environmental services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit “A and “B. 2. City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit “A and Exhibit “B on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed one hundred fifty nine thousand one hundred seventy dollars ($159,170). Contractor will provide City, on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 3. Contractor will complete all work described in Exhibit “A and Exhibit “B by December 15, 2003. 1 City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.01 4. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment. 6. The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. CONTRACTOR DUDEK &ASSOCIATES, INC., If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. Corooration. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. 'Group A. Chairman, President, or Vice-president **Group 8. Assistant Secretary, Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer@) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney By: % /4hm Deputy City Attorney 2 City Attorney Approved Version #05.22.01 U CALIFORNIA ALLPURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT d.mer\?am.h)aW 4&Ii c, Nun4rI d S4W.I executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. d PWmY Wk Though me im%nnat/on bebw !a not rsquld by law, it may prove valuable to persons Wng on me document and mukiprevent lraudulem removal and reaaachment of this fonn to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) 0 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing: Signer’s Name: 0 Individual 0 Corporate Officer 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 General Title(s): 0 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: I I Signer Is Representing: December 23,2002 2798-13 760.942.5147 Fax 760.6320164 Mr. Mark Biskup City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 1635 Faraday Avenue Re: ~O~OSI~ -North Agua Hedionda Inlveeplor Sewer Western &ernativ&Engineering Servues Dear Mr. Biskup: Per your request, Dudek & Associates is pleased to submit this proposal for yow aonsideration. rhis proposal provides a Scope of Work which includes engineering design, survey, mapping, easement and legal descriptions, a detailed cost estimate and necessary engineering to provide complete plans and specifications for bid purposes. This proposal also includes limited services for bid phase support. Detailed dcscriptions ofthese services am provided herein. Project Understanding the nortb shore of the salt water Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The interceptor was oonsttucted in 1965 The North Agua Hedionda Interceptor is a 24-inch diameter gravity scwer which aligns with rap along the shoreline. The access road and rip-rap have disappeared over the years due to wave with an acccss road adjacent to the alignment. The access road was protected by the placement of rip- The wndition of the existing sewer and proposed alternatives have been addressed in two previous erosion. ?he City of Carlsbad requires accesa to this sewer alignment for repairs and maintenance. Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Rehabilifalion Project AIternotives AnalysLr, November 2001. The reports: North &a Hedionda Sewer Mmhole Inspection Report, October 2001 and North Agua proposed alternatives include various means of shoreline protection and a 12-foot wide gravel access road or abandonment of the line with a bypass pump station. This proposal addresses the various alternatives, assigns ' detailed cost estimates for budgetary purposes and provides plans and specifications for the access road and shoreline protection structure. Bid phase support services are also proposed. Detailed Scope of Work Dudek & Associates will provide the engineering consulting, design, bid and construction services as follows: Task 1.0-Preliminary EngiDeerhg and Field RecoanaiMaoce The work will include geotechnical subconsultant coordination and a schematic wall alternative design as detailed in the attached proposal fiom Dudek & Associates subconsultanf Terracosta Consulting Group. The preliminary engineering will include comparison of wall options, description of conrtmction methods and dewatering requirements of each option, graphic design of computer rendertdhimulated wall alternative and a budget cost estimate for the work. 'Itis task also includes site visits and reconnaissance, meetings with City ste, subconsultants, public intemt groups, and agencies and coordination with Dudek & Associates Environmental Division to assure that the preferred design alternative may proceed to construction contract documents. Dudek & Associates designated project manager, Kdward Matthews, shall be the single point of contact for all engineering and environmental ooordmation. Deliverables: Schematic wall design, cost estimate for wall comction alternatives including provided in Microsoft Projcct that incorporates environmdl, permitting and engineering into a dewatering, decomposed granite access road and appurtenant structures. A project schedule shall be construction costs and included figures and exhibits showing wall location, typical sections, single timeline. A letter mportlhoject Description shall be provided whish identifies total estimated above shoreline. simulatedlcmputer enhanced renderings of walVacoess road and approximate wall and road height The estimated cost for cornplcting Task 1.0 is forty two tbousand eight hundred and fifty dollars ($42,850.00). Task 2.0 -Plans and Spedfications The work will inelude preparing calculations, plan and profile drawings, details and sections of the turnaround plans. This task also includes preparation of as-built drawings upon project completion. retaining walVshorelme ptection with aesthetic Wig, speciflcatims, access road details and Deliverables: Plans and specifications per Cily of Carlsbad requirements for 90% and fmal submittals. Specifications will include standard City of Carlsbad fkont-end and necessary delivered to the City. The final plans will be provided on mylar in accordance with City specifications in CSI format. Both hard and electronic copies of plans and 'specifications .will be requirements. The estimated cost for completing Task 2.0 will be nineteen thousand five hundred and fifiy dollars (%19,550.00). Task 3.0 -Property Descriptions and Easement Acquisition The work will include easement plats and legal descriptions in accordance with the attached proposal dated November 20, 2002 by Dudek & Associates, Survey and Mapping Division. This work will protection structure and tempomy construction easements for same. Boundary line aad parcel include sixteen easement plats and legal descriptions for the access road, retaining wall/shoreIine resevh and plat and legal description for one parcel identified by the City of Carlsbad as the task is subject to the conditions defined in the aforementioned proposal attached. designated mitigation site shall be included as detailed in the attached proposal. The scope of this Daliverabler: Legal dcscriptions and plats for access easements and temporary easements, and the mitigation site as defined in attached proposal. The eslimated cost for completing Task 3.0 will be twenty one thousand and fm dollars (s2l,0s0.00). Task 4.0 -Bid Phase Support The work will include attendance at the pre-bid meeting, review of bidder qualifications and to Requests for Information (IW) from the bidders (assume four RFI's for the basis of this Scope of adherence to bid requirements and recommendation of the apparent low bidder. Ihraek will respond Work). Dudek will also prepare ad issue any necessary addenda during the bidding period The estimated cost for completing Task 4.0 will be one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars (S1,920.00). Proposed Project Fee tasks outlied herein on a time and materials basis for an estimated fee of eighty five thousand three Based on OUT assessment of the project requirwnentr, Dudek proposes to perfom the enginkcring hundred seventy dollars ($85,370.00). A detailed breakdown ofthis fee is attached in Exhibit A. begin work upon receipt of your authorization to proceed. Should you have any questions, please do Thank you for providing this opportunity to serve you and the City of Carlsbnd. Jhdck is prepared to not hesitate to give me a call me at (760) 942-0366 ext 108 or mail me at ematthawshdudek.c~. Project Manager Attachments: Mibit A 2003 Standard Schedule of Charges Dudek & Associates Survey Division Proposal 11/20/2002 Terracosta Consulting Group Proposal 1U17/2002 Daniel McNaughton Bt Associates Proposal 1/03/03 cc Mike Metts, Dudek & Associates, Inc. Sheni Miller, Dudek &Associates, Inc. Vipul Joshi, Dudek & Associates, Inc. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES. INC . 2003 STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES Engineering Selvices Principal Engineer ....................................... $140.001hr Project Manager .......................................... $ISO.OO/hr Associate Engineer ..................................... $1 15.00/hr Project Engineer II ......................................... S95.001hr Resident Engineer $95.00/hr Project Engineer I 585.Whr Engineerlng Inspector II $80.00/hr Fleld Engineer S95.00hr Engineering Assistant f60.00Ihr Englneerlng Inspeetor I $7 0.OOlhr Planning Planning Project Manager ........................... S120.001hr Senior Planner ............................................ S100.00hr Research Planner ......................................... $85.MYhr Aasistant Planner .......................................... S65.001hr Planning Drafter 555.Wlhr Planning TechnicIan $SO.OO/hr Senior Engmew .......................................... 5125.001hr Assistant Engineer ........................................ S95.001hr .......................................... ......................................... ............................................... ................................ ................................. ................................... Projed Planner .............................................. $90.00/hr ...................................... ............................................ surveyrng Dwirion Managerllimnred Surveyor .......... $125. 00hr Mapping & Legal ProJed Manager ................ 196.001hr Field SuwevorlSUwW Analvst ...................... SSO.001hr Assistant Sbey Anaiyot .... .......................... $85.00hr Mapping & Legal Technician ......................... S75.00hr Survey Techni*an .......................................... SB5.Wlhr 1- Person Survey Crew ............................... $125.0O/hr 3- Person Survey Crew $195.00/hr 2- Person Survey Crew $155.OOIhr Hydrogeological Services Prindpal ...................................................... $170.00/hr Associate HydmgeologlstlEngineer S115.OOlhr Sr HydmgeologisVSr Pmject Manager S130.001hr Hydrogeologist IVEngineer N ...................... $95.00/hr Hydmgeologisl IllEngineer II ......................... S75.00hr Hydrogeologist IlEngineer I ........................... 865.00lhr Technician ..................................................... $55.00/hr Environmental Sewices Plincipal ...................................................... $150.00hr Senlor Project manager/Specialiot .............. $14O.OOlhr Environmental SpeclallsVPlanner VI ........... S130.00hr Envirmmental SpeoialisVPlanner V ............ $125.00lhr Environmental SpecialisUPlanner IV ........... $115.001hr Environmental SpecialistlPlanner Ill ............ $105.001hr Environmental SpecialistlPlanner i $BO.OO/hr Environmental SpecialisVPlanner II $85.00/hr Analyst .......................................................... S7O.OOhr Research Analyst .......................................... %50.00Jhr Construction Managemant Services PrincipaWManager ....................................... 8135.00hr Construction Manager ................................ .$12 5.001hr Senior Project Manager .............................. $115.00/hr Project Manager .......................................... $105. OOJhr Construction Engineer ................................... $05.00hr ............................... ............................... ...... . . ............ Hydrogeologist IlllEngineer Ill ....................... S85.00lhr ............... ................ Construction Inspector 111 .............................. $85.00hr Construction Inspector II ............................... $BO.OOhr Construction Inspector I ................................ $75.00hr District General Manager S145.0Ohr District Management & Operations ............................ District Manager II SlZ0.0017~ District Engineer ..................... $1 10.00hr DiMcl Manager Assistant $70.0" District Manager I $1 ..00.r Grade V Operator $SO.OO/hr Disvid Seeretary/Acwunl ............................ 870.00hr Grade 111 Operator $65.Wfhr Grade IV Operator $8O.M)/hr Grade II Operator ............................. ~ ............ $55.00/hr Operator in Training S40.00hr trade I Operator 552.001hr Labwer ........................................................... $~.OO~r Urban and Community Fo~wby PrincipaVSenior Consutting Arborlrt ............ S150.00hr senior Project Manager IV S120.00mr Senior Pmject Manager V 9135.001hr Senior Projed Manager 111 .......................... $105.00lhr Pmied Manaaer II ......................................... 690.00hr ..................... ....................................... ........................................ ............................ .......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ........................................... ...................................... ........................... .......................... Pmjed Managa I S75.Wmr CertiRedlConsulting Arborist ................ $SQ$lK).OMlr - .......................................... . Certified Fares kr ........................................ E1ZO.OOlhr Global Position System TechnicIan ............... $75.00/hr Data Collection Specialist ............................. S60.00mr Research Assistant ....................................... $50.00hr GIs Equipment Chame .............................. $50.001day Resistograph .............................................. 530.Wday OMce Services Techn!c&ra#/ngCADD Services Senior Dedgner S95.00mr 3D O~aphc Artist S125.00mr GIs Specialist Ii ............................................. S90.00mr GIS Technidan .............................................. $90.00hr GIS Specialist I .............................................. S8O.OOIhr CADDl Deslgner ........................................... t85.OOlhr CADD Drafter ............................................... $75.00~r Assistant Designer Drafter 565.001hr CADD Operator 1 $6 5..hr Support Setvises Computer Processing .................................... S65.00hr Clerical Administration .................................. $5O.OOhr ......................................... ............................................ ........................................... ............................ Fonnrk Englneerlng . Court wpesrencea and depc4tians as apen wllnru will be bllka a1 1.5 me3 normal retee . Emcrgency and Holldaya . Minimum charge of Iwo hours win be bllkd 81 1.5 Umes me normal mc Raterlal and Oublde Bervlqea . Suboonbctos. rental 01 spedal equipmenl spacial fapm4uclions and aluepdnllng. ou!slde dala pmceashg and mpuler eerrices . eta. are char@ at 1.15 limes the direr3 cos1 Effective January 1.2003 December 27,2002 Corporam Mfice: GoSThird Street Encinitas, California 32024 160.9425141 Fnx 760.6320164 2798-03 Mr. Mark Biskup Carlsbad Municipal Water District 16335 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Maintenance Access Road - Western Segmmt - Cie of Carlsbad, Calt~ornia Dear Mark, Dud& & Associates, Inc. @WE), is pleased to submit this proposal to you as quested, for ~viromnmtal pumitting services for the western segment of the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Maintenance Access Road. The proposed project corridor lies between tho existing pump station immediately east of Intestate 5 and manhole 25 in the City of Carisbad, California. DUDEK’s scape ofwork is based on discussion with City of Carlsbad (City) stafE Thc scope of work includes the modifications to the environmental documentation to be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), preparation of environmental permit applications, preliminaty design of a wetlands mitigation area, and coordination to acquire necessary environmental permits fix the project. SCOPE OF WORK and COST ESTIMATE Task I Modifications to Mitigated Negative Declaration As discussed with City of Carlsbad staff on December 19,2002, DWDEK will provide additional analysis of visual impacts related to the project as well as a complete analysis of the wetlands mitigation component of the project in the third screencheck draft of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. This additional analysis is not provided for in the previously authorized scope ofwork for this project. Also included in this task is support and COO~diMtiOn efforts related to public outreach. DWDEK staff will be available to attend up to two meetings with community pups and supply information, in the form of text and maps, for a project mailer, if requested by the City. CoslEstimate .......................................................... ~5,000.00 Mark Bishup Re; Additional Environmental Services for the North Agua Hedionda Sewer Rehabilitation Western Semnent Task 2. Wetlands Permjttjng Task 2A. Section 404 Individual Permit Application DUDEK will complete and submit an Individual Permit Application to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) m accordance with Section 404 of the fdd Clean Water Act. The application will include a project description, a statemmt of purpose and need, an impacts analysis, an dtematives analysis, a discussion of avoidance and minimization of impacts, a wetland delineation, a &aft mitigation plan, all associated figures (vicinity maps, project site map, constructiodgrading cross-sections, mitigation area, etc.) and copies of the wetland permit applications submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). DUDEK will also forward a copy of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification. DUDEK will prepare the draft Public Notice for ACOE staff as well as the dTaft Environmental Assessment, including responses to public comments. Following submittal of the application, DUDEK will coordinate with the ACOE throughout the review process. This task will include meeting with staff from the ACOE, U.S. Fish and WiIdlife Service (USFWS) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Task 2B. Section 401 Water @a& CerliJication Application DUD= will complete and submit an application for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification to the RWQCB. The application will include a project description, an impacts analysis, a discussion of avoidance ad minimization of impacts, a wetland delineation, a discussion ofpotential impacts to watu quality, a discussion of potential impacts to sensitive species and wildlife corridors, a draft mitigation plan, all associated figures (vicinity maps, project site map, constructiodgrading cross- sections, mitigation area, etc.) and copies ofthe wetland pamit applications submitted to the ACOE and the CDFG. DUDEK will coordinate with RWQCB st& following the submission of the application. This task will include meeting with RWQCB staff. 279503 December2002 Page 2 Mark Biskup Re: Additional Environmental Services for the North Ama Hedionda Sewer Rehabilitation Western Segment - ~ ~. Task 2C. Section 1601 Streambed Alleration Agreement DUDE will submit to the CDFG an application for a Section 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement. The application will include aproject description, an impacts analysis, a discussion of avoidance and minimization of impacts, a wetland delineation, a draft mitigation plan, all associated figures (vicinity maps, project site map, constructiodgradmg cross-sections, mitigation area, etc.) and copies of the wctland pennit applications submitted to the RWQCB and ACOE. DUD= coordinate with the CDFG stae this will include meeting with CDPG M. CostEstimate ........................................................%35,00 0.00 Task 3: Preparing Coastal Development Permit Since the Agua Hcdionda Lagoon was deferred certification and is not included within the City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program (LCP), a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) must be obtained from the California Coastal Commission (Commission). DUDEK staffwill prepare an application for a CDP, including a description of the proposed development, identification of adjacent-property owners, and analysis ofproject consistency with relevant Coastal Act policies, taking into account proposed mitigation. This task includes assembly of the application materials in accordance with Coastal Commission requirements, including all public noticing materials. A draft CDP will be submitted to you for your review. DUDEK will then make any necessary changes and submit the application to the Commission. It should be noted that it is our understanding the City will have a separate consultant who will process the CDP. DUDEK will be available to assist the City's Coastal Commission Consultant, attend four meeting with the Commission staff and one hearing. CostEstimate .............................................................. 0.00 Mark Biskup Re: Additional Environmental Services for the North Agua Hedionda Sewer Rehabilitation Western Segment Task 4: Section 7 Permitting It is anticipated that the final project descriptionwill include disturbance of coastal sage scrub and/or southem willow scrub and therefor? it is likely that a Section 7 consultation between the ACOE and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Senrice (USFWS) would be required by the fbdd Endangered Species Act. DUDE will facilitate the Section 7 consultation by draf!ing a Biological Assessment which would be used by ACOE and USFWS staff to determine federal nexus and potential jeopardy of any federally-listed threatened or endangered species. DUDEK will also coordinate with ACOE and USFWS staffin theprocessing ofthe Section 7 consultation and resulting Biological Opinion, issued by the USFWS. CwtEstimate ........................................................ ~15.000,OO Task 6. Conceptual Wetlands Mitigation and Monitoring Plan will ptepare a written wetlands mitigation and monitoring plan to support environmental agency &view of thc proposed habitat creation. The plan will be a written report compatible with resource agency permit requirements. The plan will summarize existing site conditions, discuss project description and impact, outline the goals of the revegetation program, detail the planting design on the site itself, address plant materials sources and lead time, describe installation requirements, irrigation sources, erosion control, maintenance and monitoring requirements, and outline reporting/documentation requirements. For purposes of this proposal, DLJDEK assumes that the City will select one of the three previously identified wetlands mitigation sites. This proposal does not include the identification of additional wetlands mitigation sites or preparation of mitigation construction plans and specifications. CostEstimate ......................................................... 86,SO 0.00 Mark Biskup Re: Additional Environmental Services for the North Agua Hedionda Sewer Rehabilitation Western Segment COST ESTIMATE All labor will be billed on a time-and-materials basis not to exceed S71,800.00 in accordance with ow 2002 Standard Schedule of Charges. Direct costs will be billed at a 10% markup and anticipated to be in the range of $2,000.00. Direct costs include rnilcage, 'eproduction, and mailing costs. This does not include permit application. filing fees which are to be provided by the City. The total project costs are estimated to be $73,800.00. The scope does not include supplemental surveys, additional permit applications, or biological monitorinp. If desid, these tasks can be provided in the future with an additional scope and budget amendment. DUDEK is prepared to begin work immediately upon receipt of a signed contract or task order. Please feel free to call me a& (760) 942-5147 if you have any questions. very MY YOU=. DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Environmental Sciences Division m: Michelle Balk DUDEK Myloc Ngwen. DUDSK Skrri Mifk DUIXK Edward Marfhews, DUDEK alf: ZOO2 Sfandord Schedule vf Charger