HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-11; City Council; 17077 part 2 of 3; Appeal Casa Montessori De Vista School CUP 01-12aoa ob " ." . 2 '4 c I . ."Ai 05 .*? s-::, !... , , ., ,cy ' ,. .q Gerald D Capp 3140 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Case File Regards:- July 17 public hearing on 3016 I have received your public hearing 7/17 notice. My family moved to the Carlsbad Highland Drive Heritage 1887 Victorian home in 1968. So, I am very familiar with this locale. As I may not be able to personally attend this meeting I wish to write my opinion and opposition to the request for a private K-8 school at 3016. Through the past 34 years I have seen Highland Drive car volume increase markedly. I credit the City of Carlsbad for its earlier efforts to'restrict this street to the choice residential area it has always been. Now, we Highland residents see commuters use this route as an alternative to waiting in a long line as 1-5 northbound traffic crawls onto 78 heading eastward. Many of whom turn right at this intersection as they drive to the Jefferson on-ramp. The 3016 U shape driveway will load more con- gestion at the critical commute hours of am and pm. This ingress and egress access location is most undesirable. The needs for additional different school facilities is well realized. Plainly this residential location is not the answer. I shudder.to think of the risk any youngster will face who walks to school through this intersection. .. For the 115 years that my home has been on Highland this has only been residential area. Please let us not change it into a commercial business use. Sincerely, July 30,2002 Ms. Barbara Kennedy 1635 Faraday Carisbad, CA 92008 ciofcarlsbadPlalmingDepartmest Ms. Kennedy, This letter is to express our concerns for the plan to place a private Montessori Schd in a residential area on the comer of Highland Drive and Carlsbad Viie Drive. Wehi~ydisagreewiththeplanandhopethe111PlsnningDepartmentwill~with the Planning staffmember’s recommendation and deny the proposal. It’s clearly not an . appropriate area for such a business venture, especialty when it hvolves the safety of ChildrUl. Some of our umcems arc: a. The proposed location, zoned for a resideatial area at the corner of Highland Drive and Carlsbad Vie Drive, is cleariy inappropriate and the full Planning Department should firmty deny this application. It’s d for the b. TrafEic on Highland is already. heavy during the normal school year. TrafEc is c. TralBic on Highland will increase coI1sidcfBbly. We errvision a congestion of children-& it’s &dm *-to happen now.trayehg~hterthanthe speedhit of25WH. tdic in the morning as parents drq~off their children and in theaftmoon when the ”busiiss venture” is over for the day and &-parent will arrives to pick up their children...what a mess the Highland DrivdCarlsbad Viie Drive comer will be when 45+ cars arrive to get their children and the staff depart! ’ concemed about them departing the business venture (school) grounds when they see their parent’s car and wish to get to the vehicle faster. In a crowd of vehicles, this is not a “de” condition fir the .children. Also, the location poses the potential of a child being abducted and whisked away north or south on the hay More they are missed. e. Kids will be kids, regardless of the number of adults supervising them. Duriq recess periods the children will be cWi fences, playing on the grounds, generatiog noise, throwing balls, dc. How will this affect the neighbors, established residents, who cumntly live in a residential area and are forced to live.next to a commefciaf business, which they do not wish to have in their neighborhood.Jt’s unfbirand not appropriate. f. The increase in trafiic on Highland Drive will impede emergency vehicles that wethestreetonaregularba8is.. .. g. The increase of traffic on Highland Drive will also affect the safety of the public school students walking to public schools andfie Carlsbad residents that are walking for exercise. d. Having had children of our own and knowing how children are, we are . . ._ .. July 30,2002 Letter to Ms. Barbara Kennedy Page 2 This venture for the school is nothing more than a commercial business and we do not think a mned resid& tuea is the proper location for a commercial business. We hope you will collsider the thoughts of the many “already established residents” over the desire of an individual who wishes to start a “codal business” in a residential tuea and disrupt the established peacdid environment that presently exists. What will their next step be? Will they suddenly acknowledge the dkty issues and then request sidewalks on Highland Drive then trees will be removed and sidewalks added? Ifthis is approved, can Highland Drive and other si Carlsbad neighborhoods look forward to other residential pperties being turned into commerd ventures? We urge the City Of Carlsbah Planning Department to disapprove this proposal. 3370 Highland kve Carlsbad, CA 92008 f To: Ms. Barbara Kennedy, Carlsbad Planning Dept. 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Kennedy, My wife and I would like to record our opposition to the proposed Montessori De Vi School on Highland Drive. We have lived at the above address for 26 years, and feel that Highland Drive is one of the leadiig residential areas which characterize the older, original Carlsbad. The addition of a school would open the door and be a precedent for further degradation of this historic residential street. Sincerely, JOY watts Brian Watts W. J. PALENSCA COMPANY' I CONSULTING '9 hLawd P.0. Box 431 Carlsbad, California 92008 August 4,2002 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: CASA MONTESSORI SCHOOL To Whom It May Concern, I have been a resident of Carhbad for 49 years and have seen many changes, both good and bad. Unfortunately, it seems that the children always get the short end of the stick. When there is a budget shortf the &st cuts to be made seem to affect children, schools, hds, etc. In this case, a FEW residents are out to once again shoot down something good for our future, our children. All this negative energy due to a FEW cars? . Well, we residents raised the same traflic issue questions when LEGOLAND went in next to the Price Club and we were told by our Mayor "THE RESIDENTS WILL JUST HAVE TO GET USED TO IT." Legoland was much more devastating to Carlsbad tban Casa Montessori could ever imagine being. Mrs. San Taylor is an outstanding teacher who is able to get the most out of a child no matter what their academic ability. Both of our children received outstanding foundations for fbture learning and they were on opposite ends of the academic spectrum, Jan brings so many wondd things to life for the students, which they could not experience except in this setting. Carlsbad is home of Casa Montessori preschool and kindergarten so this school is a natural and necessary transition for the Montessori students. Currently, students would have to travel to Oceanside (Mission Montessori) or Encinitas to continue their education through 6* grade. Why not keep the revenue in Carlsbad? You on the planning commission have the opportunity to do a great thing fbr our hture by allowing this great school to be located in your great City. We must nourish the fbture of our Country, which is our children. PLEASE VOTE YES FOR THE CHILDREN. Petersen and Ann Petersen 1410 Yourell Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 729-3419 U n r’ July 17,2002 To: Carlsbad Planning Commission From: Kathy and Danyl Tell 261 1 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 729-9078 Re: Opposition to changing the intent of the property the at 301 6 Highland Drive with a conditional use permit. We want to voice our omosition to the request for a Conditional Use Permit for the property at 30 1 6 Highland Drive. This property should remain R- 1 single-family and should not be allowed to become a private K-8 school. There is already high trafliic flow on Highland Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive and it is a route for city buses. That section of Highland Drive is narrow with historic houses and trees with nesting birds that are protected A school in that location would create trafliic safety issues and would negatively impact the surrounding area. Please vote to DENY the Conditional Use Permit for the property at 3016 Highland Drive. Thank you. John and Sue Bosio 3242 McKinley Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 August 9,2002 _, . . -. Barbara Kennedy Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760/602-4626 Dear Ms. Kennedy: This letter is to let you know we are opposed to the Montessori school proposed for the comer of Highland and Carlsbad Village Drive. This is already a very busy comer, and Highland Avenue is only two lanes. Even with 36 students plus staff, this will create a traffic problem at this comer in the morning and aflernoon during some of the busiest times for commuters, parents with children at other schools, and the residents. This neighborhood is strictly residential and is not compatible with a commercial venture of this nature. In addition, there are already two Montessori schools in the downtown Carlsbad area, and we feel there is no need for another one. Please heed the voices of the community and do not allow this new, high impact business to be allowed at the proposed location. Sincerely, John and Sue Bosio Highland Drive Friends 8 Neighbors, We are trying to reach a11 the neighbors who have an interest, signed a petition andlor been to meetings to express their opposition to changing the intent of the property at the corner of Highland Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive (3016 Highland Drive, former Dunne property) from R-1 single-family to allowing a commercial school, Notice has been given that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, at 6:OO p.m. on Wednesday, July 1Fh, to consider a request for a private K-8 school located at 3016 Highland Drive on a 0.7 acre lot. The site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Highland Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive in the R-1 zone, Some of the things that will impact our residential street are: This is a private school that is a high impact, for-profit, commercial business proposed in a house on this already busy corner, bringing in traffic from Oceanside and San Marcos as well as Carlsbad. 45+ students, 5+ employees. 45+ cars arriving and departing 830 AM to 9:OO AM 45+ cars arriving and departing again at 3:OO PM to 3:45 PM. 90% of existing front yard will be a parking lot. This business has been denied approval by the Planning 6 Engineering staff but is now appealing to the full Planning Commission anyway. If anyone challenges the Conditional Use Permit in court, they are limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing. We need your support at this meeting opposing the approval of a Special Use Permit for the operation of this private school on this property in a residential neighborhood that should remain within the single-family intent. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE WEDNESDAY, 711 7/02 6:OO PM Contact: Terry Simpkins, 3042 Highland Drive, 720 9430 for additional information or comments. Barbara Kennedy - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 ATTACHMENT 7 From: <h.ekdahl@att.net, To: <Planning@smtp.ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 411 2/02 4:58PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Planning. Below, please find the information that was submitted: First Name: Harry Last Name: Ekdahl Address: 1630 James Dr. City: Carlsbad State: CA Zip: 92008 Country: US E-mail: h.ekdahl@att.net Message: Subject: Proposec Highland St.: j Montessori School at the southeast corner of Carlsbad Village Dr. and MY wife (a stay at home homemaker) and I (civil engineer)object to the proposed school for the following reasons: a) The noise from the school would be very disturbing; it is very close to my property. The proposed playground would cause an large amount of loud noise. b) I am also concerned about the possibility of other groups using the facility on weekends and the associated noise from that would be unacceptable. c) The traffic with the probability of 5 cars backing across her driveway would be a hazard. d) We already have a school at the corner of Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr. Having 2 schools in close proximity, could mean a lot of noise and traffic congestion. e) The applicant was not honest with me about my neighbor, Mr. Gardner, not objecting to the approval of the proposed project with the construction of a sound wall. He told me he would not drop his objections in any case. f) The proximity of the proposed school to Carlsbad Village could be a real hazard to the small children. User details: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt; AT&T CSM6.0) I web browser / hostname / ip address July 2,2002 Barbara Kennedy Planning Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008-73 14 RE: CUP 01-12 Case Name: casa montessori DE VISTA school Please notethe reasons why, I Bertha Michele Levy , say NO to the CUP 0 1 - 12 being given a conditional use permit. ** 1) More traffic / More chance of accidents. 2) Pollution - Extra cars waiting. 3) Noise fiom people and cars. 4) Seven business days in a residential area. 5) The loss of two more trees on Hidand Dr. which the birds and I really 6) Having to see a parking lot where flowers use to be. 7) Having now more noise and pollution because owners of 301 6 8) Conditional use permit should -be given to people who have go& the enjoy every day. Highland Dr. have cut plants and trees that help reduce noise and pollution. city money because of their illegal grading. Sincerely, Bertha Michele Levy 1 ** 2/9/02 5:40pm A car rolled from fkont of 3016 Highland Dr. to my property 3021 Highland Dr. , crossing a two lane street, hitting trees , my fence and nearly hitting my house and people. July 2, 2002 Barbara Kennedy, Planning Department City of Carlsbad Planning 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 RE: Application CUP 01-12 for Casa Montessori Elementary School. This letter is to place our formal objection to and disapproval of a private school next door at 3016 Highland Drive. We live at 3042 Highland Drive, the property adjacent to the south of the above property. The Casa Montessori de Vista School is a private school that will be attended by 40+ children who will be chauffeured by parents or nannies from all over the tri-city area to this busy corner. This property is a R1 zoned corner lot with a traffic light, sided by the busy four-lane Carlsbad Village Drive and facing the residential Highland Drive. This means that the cars will be lined up on Highland Drive to get into the planned small drive-through drop-off area, or park in the proposed parking lot (which will replace the present front yard), and will only move as fast as the traffic light allows. This parking lot will be extremely busy twice a day, at least five days per week: thirty (40) to forty (50) cars within a thirty minute period each time at 8:30 AM arrival drop-off and again at 3:OO PM for student pickup. On many days this comer already has cars backed up in front of our house in the morning and afternoon at the traffic light on the corner of Highland Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive, which is directly in front of the proposed private.school property. Numerous cars already use the two parallel driveways (that one and ours) to turn around. Because our granddaughter is a student at the existing Montessori school on Pine (just a few block away from this proposed school) and we often pick her up, we know that the parents park on both sides of the street on most of the block at pick-up/drop-off time. Since there is very little place to park on Highland Drive, cars will be backed up on the street, significantly slowing the already busy corner. Even a single student drop-off comihg from the east or west at busy times will back up traffic into the intersection of Highland Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive. We also worry about the students’ safety at this busy corner if drivers in a hurry decide to drop students off on the street. These cars will also start turning around in driveways all along Highland Drive to avoid the mess at the corner traffic light. This is not a case of “Not in my own back yard” as the Casa Montessori de Vista School is not a school that will be attended by local Carlsbad neighborhood children, that just any child can attend, or that is for underprivileged children who have no other good choice. This business caters to parents who do not, for some reason or another, want to put their children in their own local public school system and can afford a private school. Janann Taylor, Director of Casa Montessori de Vista School, would have you believe that this beautiful residential area is already very commercial in feeling. She mentions the assisted care facility that has been approved on Carlsbad Village Drive between Highland and Pi0 Pic0 without mentioning that the property has always been zoned for precisely that type of thing, and would have been a good choice of property for her school. She also states that we, next door, manufacture flight simulators here. While that is our business, our executive offices are at 2026 Palomar Airport Rd. and the manufacturer is Matrix Enterprises in Poway. Granted, there are flower growers across Carlsbad Village Drive, but they were here first, generate no traffic and add a certain charm to the area. After stating the above, it is hard to imagine how putting this large school in a small house in a single-family neighborhood could add to the value of the lives of the present ance our residential neighborhood. t Linda M. Simpkins Tele: 720 9430 Fax: 720 9916 July 7, 2002 Barbara Kennedy, Planning Department . City of Carlsbad Planning 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 RE: Application CUP 01-12 for Casa Montessori Elementary School. Since receiving the notice from the planning department stating that any concerns must be addressed either in writing or at the public hearing on July 17th, we feel in addition to all the concerns we have mentioned in a former letter that it is time to address property values. Why should these people be allowed to make money from a business at this property while making the surrounding neighbors lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in property values? We are in our 60s and plan to stay in our home as long as we can. That’s probably a good thing, as we know that all disclosures must be made to potential real estate buyers (we have already had this hanging over our heads for years), and not many people now would buy our property (which includes a large use-to-be-private backyard and pool) if there was any chance of a business generating so much traffic and noise going in next door. In a letter dated 11/16/01 Jan Taylor, director of Casa Montessori de Vista School, states, “As a twenty year resident at 1351 Pine Avenue, my family and I enjoy the quality of life in Carlsbad. I wish to contribute and even be part of a solution for the development of this unique property.” As fourteen year next door neighbors of this property, we wonder why Ms. Taylor even thinks this beautiful estate property needs to be developed. We do not believe that “developing” properties on Highland Drive adds either to the quality of life or value of the properties of the current residents. Especially a development that will bring in 45+ cars, from Oceanside and San Marcos as well as a few Carlsbad residents, at least twice per day, five days per week. Since over 115 property owners directly surrounding this property have signed a petition against granting a Conditional Use Permit for this private school for children whose parents have decided, for one reason or another, they don’t want to put their chi,ldren in their own public schools (not even all from Carlsbad) and can afford the tuition, we don’t believe she knows what is best for our neighborhood. Mrs. Taylor also states in another letter that Mrs. Dunne, the former owner, would be delighted to have this school for 45 children plus staff in her beautiful home. Both the Colonel (a former Carlsbad Mayor) and Mrs. Dunne were very proud of their home. When we would visit with them they would bring out scrapbooks and photos and the house was filled with beautiful objects and furnishings from their many travels. We believe we knew the Dunnes better than Ms. Taylor ever did and do not agree with her presumptions. 1 We have read the letters sent by proponents of the school on this property and their only real support seems to be for how wonderful Montessori schools are. We agree. Our Granddaughter is presently in Kindergarten at the one on Pine, a few blocks away, across the street from the Senior Center and next to the old grade school. As far as we know they do not have a waiting list. We know how much traffic, commotion and noise this school generates all day long. It’s certainly more traffic than can get through an already busy intersection. Ms. Taylor states that because her property is not near any existing school that the traffic generated by her school will not interfere with other schools. It’s nice of her to worry about the other schools. Now, if she would only show the same concern for this neighborhood. If we had wanted to live near a busy private ve bought a house next to one. Carlsbad CA 92008 7607209430 ‘t!inda M. Simpkins 3042 Highland Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 City of Carlsbad Plauning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue carlsbad San Diego CA 92008-73 14 Request for Private school at 3016 Highlad Avenue I own the property at 1648 James Drive that is close to the proposed development. I would like to express my opposition to the granting of any request for development of this residential property as a school for the following reasons; 1) The situation of 3 106 Highland (partially concealed entry, on narrow street at a busy intersection) is such that children attending the school will be placed in danger when being picked up and dropped off. Not only will this endanger children but the resulting injuries will cerhidy result m liability suits. It is positively the worst site imaginable for a school. for other motorists and those driving to and &om the schooL The nearby residents . will most suffer as result of the added risk. The impact of dropping off and picking up 45 pupils (in addition to the school staff and any service deliveries) will be to create waiting lines stretching on both sides of Highland up past the junction with Oak. (This is already hazardous due to limited visibility and motorists speeding when driving West on Oak to Highland). James Drive will become a short cut raceway to the school exposing the children and Mes there to added unnv through trafEc. 3) Highland is a residential street. This is a commercial development out of character with a quaint and interesting residential neighborhood, and close historical homes. A development of this kind - high fencing, lighting, 45-55 people on a small lot, fiont yard parking lot etc is totally out of place on a street of this kind which is correctly zoned as R1. 4) There has been no account taken by Ms Taylor to ameliorate the disruption that threatens this neighborhood fiom this ill conceived development. This is utterly amazing in the face of virtually unanimous opposition &om the adjacent community. It shows extreme insensitivity to the residents and the young lives that will be put at risk because of this scatter brained scheme. 2) The additional pick up and drop off trafiic at the intersection will create a hazard Sincerely Dr David and Elaine Waite James Gardner 1636 James Dr. Carlsbad Ca. 92008 July 1,2000 City Of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad California 92008-73 14 Planning Department Re: Case file-CUP 01-12 Case name- CASA MONTESSORI DE VISTA SCHOOL I am a resident & property owner of Carlsbad. My' property borders 3016 Highland properties along our shared back fence. I feel that I will be affected as much or more than anyone by this proposed school. I would like to make it clear that I am very much opposed to this idea of another school in our residential neiborhood. Traf€ic in this area is already a major issue. Forty -five more cars twice a day at already congested times is my biggest concern. Besides the traffic issue, the idea of forty-five children playing 50 feet from my bedroom window is less appealing. I can only imagine the noise & stray play toys, ECT. That will be accumulating in my yard & on Carlsbad Village Dr., let alone stray children. This is a residential neiborhood not a commercial property I feel that attention must be given to the fact that if a school is allowed to operate, what's to stop before & after hours child care, night, weekend, and holiday fbnctions, year round or summer school. You would be forcing the local neighbors to police the use of this property & that is just not right. I have worked long & hard to be able to own a home in a safe & quiet neiborhood in Carlsbad. I am quite sure our property values will be negatively affected if this school is allowed. Due to the fact that Mrs. Taylor has already been a less than desirable neighbor, I can oniy hope you will not allow this school to proceed. This is just not the right location for this school. && s Gardner Dan dk Barbara Anderson 1642 James Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-729-3072 The petition contains 120 signatures from Carlsbad, representing 114 properties. Properties shaded are current residents that oppose a school at 3016 Highland Dr. The map includes only signers of properties in close proximity. Many other signatures, all from Carlsbad, have been collected. Of the residents asked to sign this petition'only four refused. The other properties in close proximity that are not shaded could not be cont$!&. -../ m w fl v I. w/ L-W /t U.I et8 rn m\\\\\ \ A mn% \n IY v Y OPPOSING PETITION UPDATE JULY 17,2002 THIS PETITION WAS SIGNED BY NEIGHBORS OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE. THIS PETITION REPLACES ALL OPPOSING PETITIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO JULY 17,2002. 169 SIGNATURES REPRESENT 148 SEPARATE SURROUNDING PROPERTIES 70 OF THESE PROPERTIES ARE ON HIGHLAND DRIVE ALL SIGNATURES WERE GATHERED BETWEEN JUNE 22 AND JULY 17,2002 I I THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: / Name (please print) Address Phone # 1 *Q& 3 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST .CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-I AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # ' @L .4 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTHEAST FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. CARLSBAD.VILLAGE DR., R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone Y -5 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) ., Address Phone # *. OH 6 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone Y THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Addrqqs Phone # B THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. 8i CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # 9 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST .CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # lulc wr3 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE,. THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone Y I/ THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address . Phone # iiz THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL.AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-I AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone I I i 91 I 10 I I signrtun // I I I dd. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # .. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTHEAST .CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTWWST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone Y 6 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST . .CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # 4 - 5 I riprvtun fl I I 81 I I I - data I .. 9 d8ta 10 .rgNtur, datm THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # I THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAlN.WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: ;9 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPEWTION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # a47 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CO.RNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-I AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone ## I sign- data I . ,. v date I I 61 I I I 1 rlgnature date I 71 8 I signature date 9 ~ signature date 10 signature data APPEAL FORM I (We) appeal the decision of the ?Ian& to the Carlsbad City Council. Date of Decision you are appealing: Wem ber 3 0, 2007 Subiect of ADDeal: .M BE SPECIFIC Examples: if the action is a City Engineer's Decision, please say so. If a project has multiple elements, (such as a General Plan Amendment, Negative Declaration, Specific Plan, etc.) please list them all. If yw o I-< rhcOnsc=-b + 'wI+.)) % bmfur rss:CY) rRJ 3I"B I/ t 4 < t 4 oa Reason&) for Atmeal: Please Note Failure to specify a reason may result in denial of the appeal, and you will be limited to the grounds stated here when presenting your appeal. BE SPECIFIC How did the decision maker err? What about the decision is inconsistent with state or local 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 - (61 9) 434-2808 "P a4 Montessori Arts and Sciences Mnntessori Arts & Sciences- Inc. Fsilitv # 376612582 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1915 (760) 434-6440 Fax (760) 434-6440 December 2,2002 I appeal the decision of the Planning Commission to the Carlsbad City Council. .. The date of the decision wasJ!U!m” Subject of the Appeal: The decision of the Planning Commission that the project, a small private school, is incompatible with the neighborhood is inconsistent with the Planning Commission’s previous decision on the CUP 01 -1 2 and mitigated Negative Declaration. No new substantive information was presented at the hearing and there are no new environmental conditions or changes in the proposed project which would alter the earlier findings of the Planning Commission Resolutions 531 4 and 531 5. Reason($) for Appeal: All elements relating to neighborhood compatibility had been addressed as evidenced by the Planning Commission’s approval of the project as conditioned. A small, private school is allowed by a Conditional Use Permit, according to municipal code. No testimony was offered during the hearing refuting the adequacy of the proposed conditions as related to maintaining neighborhood compatibility. Therefore, the decision made by the Commission was not based on new facts. The Commission’s findings are inconsistent with State and Local CEQA regulations and guidelines: particularly, but not limited to Section 15064 and 15270 with project’s mitigated Negative Declaration approved by the Planning Commission in Resolution 531 4. The Commission’s Findings are not based on a logical progression demonstrated by substantiative information in the public record. There are procedural and substantiative errors in the Commission’s findings. POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT w. -, ' \\ %Lb\k SUMMARY OF CRIME, ARRESTS, CITATIONS, & COLLISIONS 0.1 mile surrounding Highland Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive January 1, 2002 - December 3 1,2002 ACTMTY 3 Traffic Collisions 7 Warnings/Field Interviews 3 Citations 2 Arrests 3 Crime Cases COUNT CALLS FOR SERVICE 30 16 Highland January 1,2002 -December 31,2002 DATE DESCRIPTION 9/ 17/ 02 9/ 19/02 Chronic problems with neighbor PR contact 11/ 19/02 of students Complaint re: neighbor taking photos February 7,2003 To Whom It May Concern: We are writing this letter in support of Ms. Jan Taylor who has proposed the opening of a small Montessori elementary school on the southwest corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland. We have known Ms. Taylor since we had our children enrolled at Casa Montessori in Carlsbad. We were extremely pleased with the education that our children received at this school. We have always thought of Jan as an excellent teacher and human being who truly cares about her students. We always found her to be a person of high integrity. We currently reside at 1363 Pine Avenue and go by the proposed school site on a regular basis. We feel that the location that has been selected is appropriate given the other school and city service buildings that are close to the proposed school. We feel that the impact on the community will be minimal in terms of traffic but tremendous in terms of providing continuity for the students who currently attend Casa Montessori. We both work in public education and believe in allowing parents to have choices when looking for educational programs for their children. This is what Ms. Taylor is proposing to offer this wonderful community. She wants to give and not take away. Ms. Taylor has demonstrated a genuine concern for the respect of others in the community by her planning of the school facility and grounds. We support Ms. Taylor’s proposal to enrich this great City of Carlsbad by providing a quality school for its children. Please do the right thing and approve her proposal. C-\rbsk E. De Anda 1363 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Isabel I. De Anda ALL RECEIVED Sue Team AGENDA ITEM # 1749 Bonita Lane /o C: Mayor Please vote NO on this conditional use permit case file CUP 01-12 Sincerely, Dear Mayor Lewi s Montessori school L% 7- (0 -. ., Lars:, or City cl:auncil ALL RECEIVED City Manager City Attorney City lerk &&&&#A f I am writing you in support of Montessori Arts and Sciences School and Jan Taylor. The benefits to the community in having such a school surly outway any precieved drawbacks. My daughter, Nicole, went to Mrs. Taylors school last year and I look forward to having her attend again. The quality of the education at the school i s excel 1 ent . It has come to my attention that Jan Taylor's integrity has been questioned by some. MrS Taylor's integrity is beyond reproach. The children and thei r education are of paramount importance to Mrs. Taylor, as it should be. Ask any of the parents, who entrust their greatest treasure in life to Mrs. Taylor, how they feel about her integrity and I'm sure that ou will get two thumbs up. Anyone who slanders Mrs. Taylor's integrity does not z now her and has their own self centered interest in mi nd. Mrs. Taylor is an educator not a politician. Do not fault her for not knowing how to play the city Hal 1 . she excel 1 s at teaching our chi ldern. our society would be much better off ifame we had more people like Jan Taylor. Thank you for your time and consideration Capti an D. E. Frye United Ai rli nes Page 1 ALL t ;YED January 31,2003 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mayor Bud Lewis AGENDAITEM # c: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney IU Dear Mayor Lewis: I write this heartfelt letter to you in hopes that the City of Carlsbad will seriously consider appealing the planning commissions denial of the CUP to Montessori Arts and Sciences. I strongly believe that Carlsbad has a need for a qualified Montessori school of this nature. When we first moved to Carlsbad, I could not understand that in one of the bggest cities in San Diego, with so many young families, that there are not more quality small private schools to choose from. In fact, there are very few. The few private schools that do exist in Carlsbad are mostly relrgious and the one Montessori school is poor at best. Our family chose Casa Montessori de Vista (back in September of 2000) primarily because of Jan Taylor’s dedicated vision as an educator of children. I have visited nearly every private school (Montessori or otherwise) ftom Oceanside to Del Mar and have yet to find any as amazing as what I have experienced at Casa Montessori de Vista. This has everythurg to do with Jan Taylor and the small intimate size of the former school. She is a teacher who has been educating children for over two decades with such stellar results. I have known Jan Taylor personally for nearly three years and I can tell you she is a woman with such immense honesty and integrity that if she is given the opportunity from the City of Carlsbad, I am certain this can only sgdicantly benefit Carlsbad. I sincerely urge the City Council to please consider this project as a major enhancement to the city of Carlsbad and not the unsafe, unsightly proposal that certain individuals have portrayed this to be. I believe this proposed small school deserves a fair chance and so do the citizens of the community. ALL RECEIVED t 3 YO CB Dwayne Edwards-Pastor February 4,2003 Mayor Bud Lewis Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGENDAITEM# /o City Council City Manager Drive City Attorney City Clerk c: Mayor Dear Mayor Lewis, Hi! Hope your new year is going great! I am writing in support of the private school that is attempting to get a C.U.P. at 301 6 Highland Drive. You will be looking at it again on February 1 lL. I'm aware of the situation because one of the families in my church is involved with this school. Their daughter, who graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University, is teaching there. I have also spoken with the owner, Jan Taylor. I want to encourage you to approve her being able to have the school, This school can only add to the value of our community in Carlsbad. I am sure the traffic from this small school will hardly be noticed. In addition, I have learned that some of my neighbors - those living just around my church (at least three to four blocks away on the North side of Carlsbad Village Drive) - are joining in the complaint against this school. I would hope that you would not seriously consider their interests in this project, because they live in this neighborhood and not that one. Unfortunately, these same neighbors are adamantly opposed to us building a new facility atour location at 1400 Las Flores Drive. I really appreciate all you do. You are in my prayers constantly. As a church, it looks like we will be reevaluating our long-range plans at 1400 Las flores Drive. We are excited for the future God has for us. Thanks for your prayers. Sincerely, Dwayne Edwards 1400 Las Uores Drive * Carlsbad, C4 92008 760.729.023 1; email pastordwayne@asioreschurch.com AGENDAITEM# 10 or- QbCd cur- " (I' 59 Carlsbad City Council February 5,2003 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ALL RECEIVED Dear Mayor Lewis: I am writing to express my support for the conditional use permit application for Casa Montessori School to operate at 3016 Highland Drive. As a Montessori School operator for thirty years I know the value to parents of small programs such as this. I have known the applicant, Jan Taylor, for twenty-five years and can vouch for her integrity and her dedication to children. potential traffic problems. If the application is approved the whole parking section will be re-structured and sheltered from view by trees and shrubs; will be a much safer environment than is currently there and will continue to look like a private home. Additionally, the arrival and pickup of students will be staggered in order to make less impact on the neighborhood. Two-thirds of the frontage of this property is on Carlsbad Village Drive not on Highland Avenue. history of Car1sbad.A small school is a good neighbor and a buffer from traffic. Neighbors can be sure that there will be no loud parties at night and no weekend activities. Mrs. Taylor has stated that any activity involving the whole school will be held off site in order to not disturb the neighborhood. Not all children can cope with a large school environment such as public schools and a quality program like this will be a big asset to Carlsbad. I sincerely hope that you will approve this conditional use permit. I know that one of the concerns of the neighborhood has been This would be an excellent use for this fine older property that is part of the Sincerely, Avril Ferguson 4260 Sunnyhill Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 February 10,2003 TO: MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FROM: COUNCIL MEMBER KULCHIN PHONE CALL FROM MARY CASLER FYI - Mary Casler called me on Thursday, February 6 to let me know she is opposed to the Montessori School at 3016 Highland Drive. mhs c: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk MONTESSORJ TEACHERS COLLEGE. OF SM DIEGO 45444 Pocahontas Avenue San Diego, California 92112 Director: Lo Ann Jundt Early Ckldhood Coordinator: Betty Bailey Administrative Aesistant: Darlene Wells Elementary 6-9 Coordinator: Susan Wktacre Phone: (858) 210-9350 FAX: (858) 213-4254 Elementary 9-12 Coordinator: Katherine Basmagy February 4, 2003 AGENDA ITEM # 0 C: Mayor City Council City of Carlsbad, City Council City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village City Attorney Carlsbad, CA 92008 To Whom It May Concern: We believe that children are the future and the greatest resource that our communities have. We also share the belief of many individuals that the goal of Montessori schools is to address the uniqueness of each child in a nurturing, emotionally secure and academically excellent environment, and that they provide children the support they need for emotional, intellectual, physical, and social growth. With those goals in mind, Jan Taylor, an experienced educator, has plans to extend the developmental programs provided by Casa Montessori de Carlsbad, located for 30 years at 3470 Madison Street. The plans include the preservation and conversion of the Olde Carlsbad Historic Estate into a small Montessori Elementary school for 36 children ages 6-12. The conversion 'will not only. provide a .beautiful indoor and outdoor, environment for children but will also enhance . the aesthetics of -the estate property and blend beautifully with. the surrounding neighborhood while ensuring neighborhood compatibility. By so doing, the property value will also be increased. I have known Jan Taylor since 1992 and have been impressed by her dedication to the high standards of Montessori education which adheres to the principles of showing children respect and encouraging independence as they realize their full potential. To those who know her, Jan lives by the very philosophy she teaches, which includes a belief in universal human values, integrity and compassion for others. She has been an enthusiastic teacher and administrator of Montessori schools for 22 years, and has been very supportive of various Montessori programs in the community. With the realization of this project, she will be able to reach her goal of providing this opportunity for excellent alternative education in your community. We wish to lend our support of Jan Taylor's endeavors in Carlsbad. Our Montessori Teachers College of San Diego has been serving the San Diego area since 1975. Our college applauds the' efforts of Ms., Taylor in bringing a high quality Montessori Elementary school to Carlsbad. .I I . ,, ,. .. , .. . .. .. I Director, Mon&sori Teachers College of San Diego Accredited by MALTE to 2007 Affiliated with the National Center for Montessori Education To: Cartsbad City Council Re: CUP 01-1 2 - Casa Montessori de Vista School C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney Dear friends. I urge you to approve this application, as a positive approach to adaptive reuse of an historic site in an established neighborhood. The Casa Montessori proposal retains the home's original architecture and provides landscaping that would enhance its appearance from every aspect. Carlsbad has managed to develop a tradition of converting former residences to profeaional and/or commercial uses. Many mall homes in the downtown area have followed this pattern, as have similar structures in other cities. In doing so, they have retained historic neighborhood scale, while providing for community needs and usages. Once upon a time the project site wa6 remote from traffic concerns but the eastward extension of Elm Ave., [now Carlsbad Village Dr.) changed all that. David Dunne, the former owner of this house, was the Mayor of Carlsbad when that project was designed to facilitate accea to and from Camino Plaza Real and other points east, The subsequent installation of traffic lighb was a reaponse to the succeM of this endeavor even as it further altered the quiet residential flavor of this particular part of Highland Dr. As you already know, change is a constant in any growing community and usually requires some adjustment on the part of its citizens, The needs that inspire changes, such as the traffic lights, benefit the community at large. With the library and fire station less than a block away to the west, and two churches a block away to the east., this portion of Highland Drive is now adjacent to a major thoroughfare. To those of us who frequently travel on it, the neighborhood is unmistakably changing every day. several very large homes have taken the place of more modest dwellings, often forsaking the style and scale of the original structure. Thanks to ita history, style and location, the Dunne home is already a true local landmark. The Casa Monkssori proposal insures that its visual qualities would remain but, more than that, they would shelter a unique educaBona1 and cultural asset of value tX, the entire community. Thank you for your consideration. T ..- Mayor and City Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM # / 0 C: Mayor City Coundl 3 1 January 2003 City Manager City Attorney City Clerk * Re : Montessori Arts and Sciences Academy The honorable Bud Lewis, Ramona Finnila, Matt Hall, Ann Culchin, Mark Packard, Before you is a comprehensive package and implementation plan to provide much needed alternative advanced primary school education in the City of Carlsbad. However, a small but vocal band of opponents has recently voiced their opinions in opposition of this project, convinced this school is wrong for Carlsbad. To the contrary, I strongly urge all of you to consider this proposal on Its merits, without bias, weighing both. pros and cons, and appreve its recommendation as overwhelmingly the right thing to do for Carlsbad. The proposed Montessori Arts and Sciences Academy, planned for 3016 Highland kve brings with it the bright prospect of endowing over 30 young students with an enriching and nurturing environment. Although somewhat different from current public elementary education, the Montessori curriculum is carefully structured and integrated to demonstrate the connections among the different subject areas. Every class teaches critical thinking, composition, and research. History lessons link architecture, the arts, science and technology. However, Montessori schools by their nature are generally small in size and therefore do not directly compete with public schools for either enrollment or funding. They function as tax-paying and revenue-generating businesses operating in full compliance with local regulations and requirements. A key argument plan opponents previously raised involved business operation in a predominately residential neighborhood. True, 3016 Highland Drive occupies an extremely desirable plot on one of the City’s most desirable residential street addresses. However, the proposed business’ clientele are elementary school-aged children who will occupy these premises from only 8AM to 5PM daily. Comparatively, far more impacting business lie only two blocks away at the comer of Pi0 Pic0 and Carlsbad Village Dnve, open for much greater portions of the day. The average Carlsbad citizen would not even notice the resulting overall impact of a small school operating for eight hours a day. Secondly, some opponents voiced concern over school children laughing and playing disturbing the area solitude. Although the sleep patterns and silent wishes of all neighbors must be overall respected, the specific requests of a few must be reasonably compared to the overwhelming needs of the whole. As mentioned above, the Montessori Arts and Sciences Academy is planned as an academic school with lessons playing a predominant role in the daily curriculum of 30 small children. However, daily recess and physical activities are necessary requirements toward proper development of young minds and bodies. Occasional laughing and playing noises must be expected. Whether these small sounds can be differentiated from traffic noises from either Carlsbad Village Drive or Interstate 5 is unlikely. Additionally, plan opponents speculate traffic generated from the proposed school would severely and negatively impact the local intersection. Although the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland Drive is a modestly busy intersection within the City, the Environmental Impact Report submitted with the plan and conducted by the respected and unbiased City of Carlsbad staff conclusively shows an insignificantly small traffic impact resulting from the school. The plan features a staggered student drop-off and pick-up plan, and cueing of twelve cars to minimize participant volume in the area during these times, effectively counteracting any anticipated traffic impact. Again, any impact by cars to or from school OCCUTS only twice per day and for extremely short time duration. Finally, artist depictions and plan layout details show the proposed school's respect for the historic design and estate quality properties of former and current City residents of this area. Little overall current appearance impacts to building facade are planned while significant property improvements have already been or soon will be incorporated. The plan retains the unique charm Carlsbad properties offer residents and visitors alike. The plan also will provide those who live here a similarly new and unique schooling environment currently offered nowhere else within City borders. As leaders of this City, I respectfully ask that you reconsider this plan on all its merits, examining the overall good of the plan over the unwarranted fears and unjustified opposition of plm opponents. I then ask you to move toward approval so this school may soon open. Unfortunately, a direct result of a final City Council plan rejection may force the current property owners to re-evaluate their economic outlook. A potential property sale and resulting alternative property redevelopment might leave Carlsbad residents with something far less appealing and generally useful than the masterful plan that slipped away. Sincerely, Lou Chow 3936 Syme Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM # Io C: Mayor City Council City Manager February 5,2003 Dear Carlsbad City Council, , I would like to express my unconditional support for the proposed school at 3016 Highland Drive. I encourage the Council to accept the project not only for its compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood but also for the incredible benefits that it will bring to the community. As the daughter of the applicant, Jan Taylor, I was raised in Carlsbad for my entire childhood and educated at her previous school, Casa Montessori. educator. For me Casa Montessori was a haven-a place where I could enjoy freedom in my intellectual pursuits, hone my skills under the guidance of my mother and her staff and witness the meaning of personal responsibility and good citizenship. Jan Taylor, through her work at Casa Montessori, imparts on children the value of ethical action, leadership, social responsibility and giving back to the community, while encouraging them and challenging them intellectually. Today as a graduate from the University of California, Berkeley with a double major in Molecular Biology and Dance and as a professional dancer with the Mark Morris Dance Group, I attribute my success to the foundation I gained at Casa Montessori and continue to employ the lessons I learned there as I face new challenges. Upon visiting Casa Montessori at its previous location as an adult I was struck by the harmony of the environment and the symbiotic relationships of the students. The older students, eager to share their knowledge and set a positive example, were assisting the younger students. Meanwhile the curiosity of the younger students was inspiring the older students to reach even higher in their pursuit for knowledge and skill. In the intimate environment carefully fostered by my mother and her staff the students were encouraged to delve into foreign language, music, art and culture. At Casa Montessori the students were provided with all the tools to succeed intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. I look at my peers from Casa Montessori and I am astounded at their accomplishments in science, art, academia, politics and human relations. I am thrilled with their personal successes but moreover I am proud of the positive contributions that they have made to the local community and the society at large. It is from these successes that I am able to go back and realize that Casa Montessori is a microcosm of the type of harmony that we should all strive for in society-people working together, challenging one another, and supporting one another in their pursuit for a higher good. It is disturbing to me to think that the City of Carlsbad and the community at large may miss out on the benefits that come with allowing a school at 3016 Highland Drive because there is hesitation to stand up to the false brouhaha that has been trumped up by a few individuals. I have been a victim of the abuse that has come with being the daughter of the applicant, including unsolicited verbal assaults and crude gestures. Are these individuals the ones that are trying to work with the City to better the community and our society? I think not! As a previous student of Jan Taylor's I can attest to her outstanding abilities as an I urge the City Council to dismiss whatever doubt looms about the credibility of Jan Taylor, my mother. She is an upstanding, honest, accountable woman that answers to the highest moral authority. How else would she be able to face the fiesh, young faces that look to her everyday for guidance, assistance and inspiration? The approval of this project is no longer about codes and regulations. It is about the right of one woman to do what is reasonable, legal, and in this case, noble with her property and whether the City Council and community is willing to accept and support that. I encourage you to look at my mother's impeccable record of 22 years of service and commitment to the community. I encourage you to look at the unquantifiable benefits that will be gained by present and future citizens and to wholeheartedly and unabashedly embrace the project so nobly proposed. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Brynn Taylor W February 3,2003 Mayor Bud Lewis Mayor Pro-tern Ramona Finnib Councilwoman Ann Kulchin Councilman Matt Hall Councilman Mark Packard AGENDAITEM# 10 C: Mayor , City Council ' ' City Manager .. : City Attorney Dear Mayor and City Council Members, This letter is in support of Jan Taylor's request to open a Montessori school at 3016 Highland Drive, Carlsbad. My family and I have known Mrs. Taylor for over 6 years and my daughter Cami attended her school in Vista for 4 years. It took much searching just to find alternative types of education in North County than what could be provided at a public school. These schools me few ltnd far between, and thus they are priceless. As 8 parent in what I would like to think of as a progressive community, I valued having a choice like the one her school provided. Getting to know Mrs. Taylor over the years has only matured our respect for her ability to work with children in a Montessori environment, and as the director of B private school. She is B person who gives 1 10% to all of her students, all of the time, a quality which is rarely found in a teacher, Her integrity and fairness in completing her promises has been shown to us time and time again. Rules are followed because parents have specifically sought out and value the type of learning environment that they have chosen for their children. The parents enwmge and respectfblly co-operate because they want to, not because they have to. is no better way to help than to support schools that can provide the ability to produce independent, strong minded, caring individuals that are equipped to handle life. The presence of her school in your community can only be an asset, and will speak for itself in years to come. We strongly encourage your suppart ofthe kind of influence and opportunity a school such as hers could provide. It is onty fair to give parents a choice abut what kind of education they wg~t to provide for their children, it is only fair for cities to let parents have these choices. In this day age where children need more and more attention and guidance, there Sincerely, Street Address Gate 3,74 Epsom Ave Epsom, Auckland Postal Address Private Bag 92601 Auckland 1035 Symonds street Naw 7~aland 28/1/03 Mayor Bud Lewis, Councilwoman Ramona Finnila, Councilwoman Ann Kulchin, Councilman Matt Hall, Councilman Mark Packard. Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 AGENDA ITEM # 10 City Council City Manager City Attorney C: Mayor I On a recent visit to the United States to present a paper at the Technology, Reading and Learning Disabilities Conference I had the privilege of visiting the Montessori Arts and Sciences presently operated by Jan Taylor as a large family child care home. During my time there I was extremely impressed by the quality and range of resources being used, and the pedagogical skill and enthusiasm of Jan and her staff. In my work as a pre-service teacher educator I have had the opportunity to visit schools in New Zealand, Australia, England, Israel and the United States. Based on what I observed in Jan Taylor’s present institution I consider that her proposal would rank with the best of those learning environments. I believe the proposed Montessori elementary school would offer a very high quality alternative to the public schools in Carlsbad and that it would also enhance the quality of life and prestige of Carlsbad. Should her application be declined not only would Carlsbad be losing educationally, but it could also miss the opportunity of preserving the original Mission- Revivalist style bungalow in which it is intended that the school be situated. In New Zealand we have already lost too many of our heritage buildings, and I would be sad to see the same trend happening in your city. Yours sincerely il Brent Mawson Senior Lecturer Centre for Technology Education Montessori Arts and Sciences 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1915 (760) 434-6440 Fax (740) 434-6440 Project Name: Casa Montessori Elementary Applicant’s Name: Jan Taylor The applicant wishes to locate a small Montessori elementary school for children age 6-12 years of age to 3016 Highland Drive, the southeast corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland. The proposed school would adapt the existing home to classrooms and a small administrative office. An additional 868 square foot building is planned for additional classroom space. It would match the roof line and exterior of the existing building. The existing garage is to be adapted for a multipurpose room with a staff workroom above. The proposed school would basically follow the traditional school year as set by Carlsbad Unified School District and offer summer workshops. The school day would last for six and one half hours. An extended day program would provide childcare for students from 8:OOa.m. to 5:30p.m. The school will function as an individualized program for a maximum of 36 children in grades 1-6 and serves as an extension of developmental programs provided for 30 years at 3470 Madison Street. The students use hands-on equipment and materials following the philosophy of Maria Montessori. Universal human values, community service and compassion for others is part of the philosophy. Presently the applicant operates a Large Family Childcare Home for 14 children. It is required by the Department of Social Services that there always be at least two care givers present. The traffic generated presently would be calculated at 56 trips for children, 4 trips for staff, 10 for family and 10 for visitors per day. This total is 80. The traffic engineer has estimated the school would generate is 162 trips. The difference is very low impact by the industry standard. Sunday, February 02,2003 c: Mayor city council City Manager City Attorney city of carlsbad City Council 6 Carlsbad CA 92008 I am writing in support of Jan Taylor’s application for a Montessori school on the corner of Highland and Carlsbad Village Drive. I would be there tonight myself but as you know our son Alex has been deployed to Kuwait and my daughter-in-law needs help with the triplets in Savannah. Children and their needs have always been at the top of my list for our community. This community has always prided itself on its caring for children. Adding an opportunity fbr children to attend a Montessori school in our neighborhood seems like a ‘?IO brainer” to me. If children and schools are not located in a neighborhood, than where? It is important to remember that the business everyone keeps referring to IS an elementary school. The site on Highland and Carlsbad Village Drive seems like a great transitional use, not out of character with the Beautiful Savior Luthern school located just one block M the East m exactly the same location along Carisbad Village Drive. Land use is the question. Several people have mentioned that their land value will somehow be diminished. I think the opposite it true. There will be no activity on weekends or in the evenings. With strong CUP des and proper landscaping the site will be greatly improved. I also think it is important to recognize the important historic nature of this site. You have an opportunity to preserve that site. If the school goes away, we could be faced with the sale of the property and two or three large homes could be pW on the site without any monitoring. I would rather preserve the character of the neighborhood by supporting the school. The traffic studies have proven that the trafBc can be managed. The additional traffic projected seems like a large number but managed well, I am sure it would I not even be noticed. People are always &aid of what they have not seen. This city i council has been very successhl in making sure that the plafls for any land development in CarlSM are of the highest quality and fit well into the surrounding I I I - I 4 neighborhood. You have demonstrated that over and over again. Ms Taylor has been operating a large family day care center there for several months without impact to the existing neighbors. Some people have tried to make this CUP application an indictment of character. That is not what land use is all about. Ms Taylor has carefully documented each allocation. She has been absolved of them all. Her record is impeccable but that is not the question before you tonight. This is a land use question and should be looked at in the light of what's best for Carlsbad. You have an opportunity to preserve and improve a historic site and provide an additional education opportunity for our community. I know this is a hard decision but I know you will make the right one. Thanks for all that each of you do for the citizens of Carlsbad. It is a difficult task but one that validates the high quality of life we have all come to expect. You have always proved yourselves by doing what's in the best interested of all the community. Warm Regards, Montessori Arts and Sciences Montessori Arts B Sciences, Inc. Facility #376612582 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1915 (760) 434-6440 Fax (760) 434-6440 January 31,2003 Mayor Bud Lewis Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM # b&ph ?& 11 C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney U Dear Mayor Lewis, Enclosed are some materials concerning the proposed Casa Montessori Elementary project application for Conditional Use Permit 01-12. Perhaps you can take some time to look overthem and let me know if there is any other information that may be useful in the decision-making process. We have,worked diligently to meet all the neighborhood compatibility issues. The CEQA negative declaration showed the proposed project will result in less than significant impact to the neighborhood or the surrounding community. 1 feel confident that the project will have merit and benefit to the community. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the city and to contribute positive energy toward service and quality of life with this unique educational option for those that have the need or desire. I look forward to meeting with you prior to the City Council hearing on February 11, 2003. Please feel free to call for any questions you may like answered. Sincerely, 4 Jan Taylor - Reasons to support Casa Montessori Elementary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 Benefits the community beyond the. immediate neighborhood Alternate educational option Preserves the comer by keeping the property intact Adaptive reuse of a landmark building Improved appearance with landscaping and screening Provides recreation and childcare opportunities Allows for the continuity of Casa Montessori de Carkbad Preschool and Kindergarten to Elementary Carlsbad Village Drive is a main artery that was designed to handle the small increase in flow Provides a cornerstone gateway to the residential neighborhood Good buffer from Carlsbad Village Drive to homes No use on weekends, nights and holidays Maintaining the Olde Carlsbad atmosphere Planned to encourage use of library, arts office, and civic offices Improved safety at entrance and circulation on site Proposed good practices to rninirnalize impact on the neighborhood 1. Staggered drop-off and pick-up tirnes 2. Staff assisting children in and out of cars. 3, Performances held off-site 4. Open Houses and Parent Meetings will be held at 5, Providing sufficient space for 10 cars to park on site separate tirnes for off-peak hours in addition to 4 staff and 1 handicapped space 6, Enhanced entrance to Highland Drive 7. Landscaping will screen parking 8. Visual character of site will be improved 9. Majority of use is for quiet study 10.Modified sporting activities to keep equipment on site TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING July 25,2002 Ms. Janann Taylor 135 1 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-1 94 1 D&A Ref. No: 010402 Subject: Casa Montessori School in the City of Carlsbad - Reduced Project Trip Generation Dear Ms. Taylor: Per your request, Darnell & Associates, Inc. has evaluated the trip generation associated with the revised Carlsbad Casa Montessori School project which reduced the size of the proposed school from 45 students to 36 students and reduced the number of teachedstaff from five (5) to four (4). As summarized in Table 1, assuming the number oftotal daily deliveries remains at one (1); the revised project will generate approximately 162 average daily trips, 78 morning peak hour trips, and 76 afternoon peak hour trips. This is a reduction of 40 average daily trips and 19 morning and afternoon peak hour trips over what was previously analyzed in our April 22,2002 report. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY (WORST CASE) Students: Doily: 4 trips per student; AM: 50% of daily (50% in: 50% out); PM: 50% of daily (50% in: 50% out) TeacherdStaff Daily: 4 trips per teocherktafl, AM: 25% of daily (25% in: 0% out); PM: 25% of daily (0% in: 25%:out) Average Daily AM Peak PM Peak Land Use Density Traffic Total In Previous Project Trip Generation Calculation (Per April 22,2002 Report) Casa Montessori 00 0 1 1 2 2 1 Delivery Deliveries os 5 0 5 5 20 5 TeacherdShff TeachcrdStaff 45 45 90 45 45 90 180 45 students Total Trips: 202 97 51 46 50 45 95 Revised Project Trip Generation Calculation (Per April 22, 2002 Report) Casa Montessori 00 0 1 1 2 2 , 1 Delivery Deliveries 04 4 0 4 4 16 4 TeocherdStaff TeacherdStaff 36 36 72 36 36 72 144 36 students Total Trips: 1 62 78 41 37 10 9 19 9 10 19 40 Net Difference (Previous - Revised): 40 36 76 ~ ~~ 1446 FRONT STREET SUITE 300 SAN DIEGO, CA 921 01 E-mail: BD492@aol.com PHONE: 61 9-233-9373 FAX: 61 9-233-4034 t Ms. Janann Taylor July 23,2002 Page 2 c In addition to reducing the number of students and staff, the revised project modified the proposed site plan to provide extra on-site stacking by reducing the number of on-site parking spaces from 10 to 5 (four standard and one handicap) Reducing the number of parking spaces on-site allows the site to accommodate one lane for stacking along the outside for the pick-up/drop-off zone plus a 14 foot travel along the inside. As currently designed, the revised site plan can accommodate stacking for thirteen (13) vehicles along the outside stacking lane plus approximately ten (1 0) additional vehicles within the travel lane. Therefore the revised site plan can provide adequate storage for up to 23 vehicles on-site within the stacking lanes and the internal travel lane. As discussed in the April 22, 2002 report it is estimated that there will be a vehicle occupancy rate of approximately 1.3 students per vehicle. Assuming a vehicle occupancy rate of 1.3 students per vehicle, the reviscd Carlsbad Montessori school will have a total demand ofapproximately 25 vehicles (i.e. 36 studentdl .3 students per vehicle = 27.7 vehicles). If the demand of 28 vehicles is equally spread over three 20 minute intervals in the morning (8:30 - 850 AM, 850 -9:lO AM, and 9:lO -9:30AM) and three 20 minute intervals in the afternoon (3:OO - 3:20 PM, 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM, and 3:40 PM to 4:OO PM), there will be a demand of approximately nine (9) to ten (IO) vehicles per 20 minute increment. As previously discussed, this demand can adequately be accommodated on site. In conclusion, our April 22, 2002 study found that the previously proposed project (45 students) would not significantly impact any intersections or roadway segments. Since the revised project (36 students) will generate 40 fewer daily trips and 19 fewer peak hour trips and the site plan can accommodate stacking for an additional eleven (1 1) as compared to the previously proposed project the impacts associated with the revised project will be less. Therefore, the conclusions of our April 22, 2002 study are still valid for the revised project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the ofice. Sincerely, DARNELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. Vicki S. Root, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer Firm Principal RCE 22338 Date Signed: 3 / i!y' BED/vsr/lag 01 WM-CarfsbadMontessori-ReducedProjectSiz~~~.~2~7 c Project of Merit versus Campaign of Allegations The Conditional Use Permit Application for a small, private elementary school at the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland has withstood a rigorous campaign by immediate neighbors to discredit the reputation of the applicant and find fault with the activities of the property owner and applicant. Several alleged viofations and character- attacks have passed erroneous information to the public servants and the residents of Carlsbad. Please review this timeline of misconceptions created by a few opposed to the school in a residential neighborhood. 1. May, 1999- Michelle Levy claimed that schools or businesses do not belong in a residential zone. Clarification/ Action: City Code Chapter 21 -42.010 Permitted Uses “The following uses may be permitted by approval of a conditional use permit in (2)All zones including residential, with the exception of the community facilities the following zones: zone. (c) Public and private schools 2. April 20, 2000- Property owner, E. L. Geissinger, attempted to clean property of termited trees, debris, overgrowth and smooth out gopher damage prior to planting grass and landscaping. Upon complaint by Michelle Levy, the Public Works Department determined that in fact too much dirt was moved. Clarification/ Action: Property owner met with Joe McMahon and agreed to immediately put up an erosion fence to eliminate any risk to health, safety and welfare of the public and return the property to its original grade using preexisting points and compacted to an eight-five percent (85%) with positive drainage. A certified soils engineer certified this in a letter report on June 6, 2000. Case closed June 9, 2000 with property owner in compliance. 3. September 4, 2002- Zoning Neighbor complaint that school age children may not attend a Large Family Child Care Home. October 2, 2002 - Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 01- 12 based on findings for a small private school: Resolution 5314 and Resolution 531 5, Mitigated Negative Declaration & Mitigated Monitoring Clarification/ Action: Inspection by Code Enforcement and investigation by City Attorney. Applicant provided information clarifying guidelines for Large Family Child Care Homes. Applicant met with Code Enforcement and City Attorney on October 30, 2002. October 10, 2002 California State Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division made an unannounced visit to the Home and found no violations. The Child Care Home Permit does not prohibit tutoring school-aged children. Case closed with finding that applicant is compliant and within guidelines of City of Carlsbad and State of California on November 12, 2002. 4. November 8, 2002 Neighbor complained that property owner had converted garage into habitable space. Code Enforcement officer checked with resident and determined that in fact the garage was still a garage with doors that open. Resident and property owner were in compliance. 5. November 12, 2002 Michelle Levy made the complaint that more than 14 children were in the Child Care Home. November 14, 2002- Mike Peterson, Code Enforcement and Inspections, sat in an unmarked truck across the street to determine the count. Data on record shows cars dropping off children approximately every 10 minutes. Total number of children eleven (1 1 ) children. Applicant was in compliance. November 18, 2002- Mike Peterson repeated the procedure to check the number of children. The count was 13 children . Applicant was in compliance. 6. November 12, 2002- Letter from Deputy City Attorney, Julia Coleman, dated November 12, was sent. The letter stated that she recommended the case be closed and that there was insufficient evidence that a private school was operating. The November 12 letter also stated that upon inspection it was noticed that the garage appeared to be used for supplemental space for child care activities. The applicant was instructed to contact the Building Department within five business days as this was a violation. \ , November 13, 2002 - Applicant received the letter and contacted the Building Department and the State of California Department of Social Services. Dana Lovelace, Department of Social Services, informed the City of Carlsbad that it is a policy of the State that a garage may be used for supplemental space for Childcare activities. Clarification / Action: Applicant ceased use of garage for Childcare activities. Applicant was compliant with the findings of the City of Carlsbad prior to five business days from notification. November 19, 2002 - Letter was sent from Code Enforcement stating the City’s ordinance prohibits the use of a garage for Childcare activities. In order to remedy the violation, resident must remove carpet, tables and chairs from the garage within 21 calendar days of the date of the letter. In addition, it was stated to immediately stop using the garage for Childcare activities. Commissioner Jeff Segall visited on November 20 at 12:30 p.m. Children were playing outside and making pumpkin pies in the main house. Letter was received November 20, 2002 at 4:OO p.m. Planning Commission denied approval of Conditional Use Permit. Tables, chairs and carpet were removed. Carpet was removed. December 18, 2002 - Inspection of garage. Applicant was compliant. Case closed. 7. Michelle Levy has stated in Public Hearing at City Council that applicant has advertised a school at 3016 Highland Drive in the Pacific Bell Yellow Pages. Clarification/ Action: In fact the advertisement is for Childcare for children aged 6-12 and makes no mention of “School”. The Yellow Pages advertising manager recommended not using the Facility number. The contracts are set in the spring prior to the July edition. The advertisement was intended to inform about the Large Family Child Care Home since the Conditional Use Permit was pending. Applicant is Compliant and has only tried to maintain a livelihood and use property within a citizen’s rights. All alleged code violations have been quickly cleared and it is the Applicant’s and Owner’s policy and cQrnrqi\Vqnt tq always be in compliance and maintain good relations in the City. ’ !I .! Montessori Arts and Sciences Montessori Art$ & Scienccs Inr 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1915 (760)4346440ph/fax Background to Casa Montessori Relationship with North County Tabernacle of Praise and Mr. Joseph Miraflor Casa Montessori had been renting the property at 1930 Sunset Drive for 17 years when ownership transferred to the No. County Tabernacle of Praise in March, 1999. At the time of sale a list of assets owned by Casa Montessori was provided to the new owners. The new owners also expressed its desire to continue to offer the facility to Casa for lease. The new owners, three months later, increased the rent by nearly 100% and indicated a new lease agreement would be presented for the 2001 -02 academic year. The Tabernacle failed to produce a lease, despite numerous requests, seriously impacting Casa Montessori's business for the coming year. After consultation with the with its legal counsel, Casa gave hotice and began moving out. During the move, the Tabernacle requested Casa stay and presented a new lease, but indicated there would be some restrictions on use of the property because of their intent to run a charter school during the same hours of operation. The suitability of this arrangement eroded during the lease term as the Tabernacle imposed more and more restriction on Casa's activities, breaching the rights guaranteed in the lease agreement. After deciding to end the lease at the end of the one year term, Casa made plans to remove the assets it owned such as playground equipment. The Tabernacle responded by locking up access to the equipment. I, During the course of its relationship with the various owners of the property including the Tabernacle, Casa never failed to pay rehts and Work collaboratively to upgrade the facility. .,.(, Casa : I I W86 ':I:. , regqrd&c( . , g$fl gbod tenqft? by the previous owners. ', 'I 1 '. I4 . I, , ' ,. :I I 6: 1: :I) ... !) . The Tabernacle of Praise did not negotiate in good faith with Casa Montessori, and used threatening and intimidating tactics that seriously jeopardized the economic security of the business. Further to this the Tabernacle failed to maintain its obligations under the lease requiring Casa to hire landscaping services and pay for maintenance and repairs covered under the lease agreement. During the time of this interaction , the Tabernacle was represented either by Mr. Miraflor, his son or his wife. The applicant has not responded to Mr. Miraflor’s characterization of the relationship and the retraction of the letter prepared by his son, the business manager, supporting the applicant. The applicant has no intention of presenting a public response to Mr. Miraflor and wishes to make it clear that no outstanding financial or other relationship issues exist between the parties. The applicant does, however, request the City Council consider this summary of the relationship as an accurate representation and give the appropriate consideration to Mr. Miraflor’s disparaging and emotionally charged comments presented at the Planning Commission Hearing on November 20. The applicant’s counsel can provide copies of communication with the Tabernacle, if requested. P 1 TABERNACLE OF PRAISE 1930 SUNSET DR. VISTA, CA. 92083 ,./ ._. a. ,., ..,. 1 ’ . . I. .. LitilSDdL: CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISIONERS 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 JULY 23,2002 DEAR COMMISIONERS, I UNDERSTAND THAT JAN TAYLOR IS IN THE PROCESS OF CARLSBAD. TABERNACLE OF PRAISE HAS WORKED WITH JAN SINCE 1998. WITH JAN AS THE DIRECTOR, THE SCHOOL LEASED CLASSROOMS, PLAYGROUND, SPORTSFIELD AND PARKING LOT FOR SCHOOL DAYS. SHARING THE SPACE, TABERNACLE OF PRAISE USED THE SPACE FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL AND OTHER CHURCH RELATED ACTIVITIES ON THE WEEKENDS AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS. APPLYING FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 01-12 IN THE CllY OF IN SEPTEMBER 2001, SUNSET LEARNING CENTER WAS ESTABLISHED AND SHARED SPACE WITH CASA MONTESSORI FOR THE EFFECTIVE EDUCATOR WHO IS CONCERNED ABOUT QUALITY OF ENVIRONMENT AND RESPECT FOR NEIGHBORS. I KNOW THAT JAN TAYLOR WILL COMPLY WITH ANY REQUIREMENTS REQUESTED BY THE CITY. ACADEMIC YEAR 2001-2002. I RECOMMEND JAN TAYLOR AS A HIGHLY THE FAMILIES WHO WORK WITH CASA MONTESSORI HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SUPPORTIVE OF OUR NEEDS AND RQUESTS. TRAFFIC AND PAKING WERE WELL MANAGED. I UNDERSTAND MONTESSORt TO BE AN INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATIONAL OPTION. THE CARS ARRIVED AND DEPARTED IN A STAGGERED MANNER, BY NATURE OF THE SCHOOL. OFTEN, FAMILIES WOULD CARPOOL. JAN TAYLOR AND HER EXCELLENT STAFF WORKED DILIGENTLY TO KEEP OUR CHURCH AND GROUNDS PROFESSIONALLY MAINTAINED. JAN ALSO HELPED US KEEP THE FACILITY SECURE. N MIRAFLOR BUSINESS MANAGER KT-01-2082 16:44 SKOE =Q + SAN DIEGO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION 6401 UNDA VISTA ROAD. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 921 11-7399 (858) 292-3500 Superintendent of Schools I\udy M. Casnvino. Ed.0 September 29.2002 Barbara Kennedy Planning Commission I 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 I would like to provide you and the comission with valuable input concerning the Montessori Arts and Sciences at 30 16 Highland Drive in Carlsbad. Jan Taylor called my office at the beginning Of September to confirm that shc had filed dl the necessary documents concerning the operation of a Large Family Child Care Facility. On September 12,2002,I made an unannounced visit to the facility to observe and obtain fust hand knowledge of the program. 1 want to be dear, that it is not my role to comment on City Codes or Ordinmas. nor the direction that the commission desires to take. Again my task is to focus on the program and environment at the time of the visit. I am pleased to report that the overall climate of the facility was outstmding. It is superior in areas of cfeanlintss, organization and supervision of the children. Each arm is well maintained. The children were busy at various tasks and projects and were proud of thcir accomplishments. Further, althougb the c~mplex does not fit the traditional model of a sahool, it is obvious that within thc Child Care conccpt, there is learning, structure and positive interaction among the children. Thc fact that Mrs. Taylor holds a Certified California Teaching Crcdcntial adds an additionat dimension of cxpcrtisc. Overall, the program meets and cxoceds my expectations of Child Care with a leaning cmmpontnt. I would be plem to provide additional data upon requcst, Sincerely, Stephen P. Fraire. Coordinator Child Welfare snd Attendance Board of Education Vick AqY.lor Ernesr J. Menburg, Jr. hen Foy Jim Kelly John Win SERVICE AND LEADERsHlP TOTRL P.02 August 27,2001 To Whom It May Concern: Ms. Jan Taylor has recently informed the Carlsbad Unified School District of her intent to place a Montessori School for 6-12 year old children in a private residence located at the comer of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland. The program that she will offer is based upon sound research and a proven track record. The Carlsbad Unified School District would support her efforts to obtain a conditional use permit to establish this school. We would see no conflict with our district’s offerings and programs. This particular location is not in close proximity to any of our current schools and would not pose a traffic issue for any Carlsbad schools which normally have high traffic volume at drop off and pick up times. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our support of Ms. Taylor’s efforts to provide alternative private school programs. Cheryl Ernst Superintendent 4260 Sunnyhili Drive Carlsbad,. California 92008 July 1 7, 2002 Planning Commissioners 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California. 92008 Dear Plarmirlg Corrlrrlissiorlers: Montessori de Vista School for a conditional use permit to opcrate the school at 30 16 Highland Avenue in Carlsbad. As the forlner director of both schools bcforc rctircmcnt, 1 know that it will bc a grcat scrvicc to parents to have both schools so much closer together that they have been for the past years. I an1 writing lo express my support Tor the application by Casa I think that a small private school would be an excellent use for this older property and will be a good buffer to the neighborhood from the trailk on Carlsbnd Village Drive. There are professional and civic buildings close by and a church with another small school in the next block. A school such as this will be a good neighbor. I have known Mrs. Taylor for twenty-five years and know that she will provide a good service to the children of Carlsbad and their families. Sincerely, Avrii Ferguson University Fakultat fur Gesundheitswissenschaften School of Public Health - WHO Collaborating Center Work Group 5- Management in Health Services University Bielefeld w P.O. Box 10 01 31 33501 Bielefeld Germany Mayor Mr Bud Lewis 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 U.S.A. Prof. Dr. Bernhard J. Guntert Phone: +49/521-106-6989/4356 Fax: +49/521-106-8053 e-mail: bernhard.guentert@uni- bielefeld.de Internet: http//www.uni- bielefeld.de/gesundhw Bielefeld, the 12th, September 02 Dear Mr Lewis Three years ago for six month we have been living in San Diego for a sabbatical leave, my wife and I spent at UCSD. After having checked other facilities as well, we felt very fortunate that we had found the Casa Montessori School in Vista, where our two kids went to school during this time. As an experienced teacher herself, my wife was delighted that this school was following high educational and disciplinary stan- dards. Needless to mention, that the staff was highly qualified. Two years ago we came to Southern California for our summer vacation and our kids have been attending the summer school program at Casa Montessori de Vista. This year, we spent three weeks in Carlsbad, because Mrs. Jan Taylor has moved the Montessori Arts and Science Summer Program to their home at .anBF2al&keet. Our kids just loved to spend two weeks of their vacation at this particular, very special school. Like in the earlier years, we have been impressed by the high educational standard, the good mixture of the group of students and the very special working atmosphere during the program. Our experience was, not only this summer but earlier also in Vista, that the students aqd their families were conscientious and always willing to comply with any regulations required by the school. The school staff in Vista was always very effective at following up thoroughly with what was requested at the rented facilities there. All the children have been very well served at the Montessori Arts and Sciences program during July this year at the new location. With this very positive experience we would highly recommend approval of the Con- ditional Use Permit for Casa de Montessori de Carlsbad. Not only because this is adding to the attraction of Carlsbad for visiting scientists with children, but because the Casa Montessori is providing a special environment for learning and developing children for all groups of the population. With best regards Yours Bernhard J. Guntert, Prof. Dr.oec./MHA 1 t-l$ Gcoflrey Bell D.D.S 3686 Highland Dr. Carlsbad Ca. Carlsbad City Council 1200 Eh Avc Carlsbad Ca. 92008 Dear Carlsbad City Council, I an1 writing to support the applicatioll by Jau Taylor to sitc a Montcssori school on the corncr of Highland and Carlsbad Villagc Drive. ‘Ihc proposcd sitc is located within an arca that has city serviccs i.c. thc library, city hall, and a firc station, and scvcral churches, some of which also have schools. The school would be on the cdgc of a residcntial t~cighborhood but thc city has a history of locating large public schools, ex. Carlsbad High School, and rcligious schools like Beautiful Savior in residential areas. To deny this pcrmit would imply a prejudice against school placcnlent solcly bccausc of its private and secular charactcr. If you deny this permit then thc Carlsbad School District’s application for placement of the ncw Village Academy 011 the corner of Magnolia and Vallcy should also be rcjectcd given thc impacts of this projcct would greatly cxcccd thc impact of thc Taylor’s project. This is a mattcr of fairness and thc cqual application of standards. If it is good cnough for the public sector, and good enough for thc rcligious sector then it should bc good enough for the private sector. Sinccrcly December 3 1,200 1 Barbara Kennedy City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Carlsbad, CA 92008 Regarding the property at 301 6 Highland Drive and application for a Montessori School at that site. Schools belong in neighborhoods as are all the other schools in Carlsbad. Lots adjacent to Carlsbad Village Drive are a buffer area and Carlsbad Village Drive has a ffre station, city hall, 2 churches, library, and soon Senior Living all within one block of this property. My only request is that Highland Drive be widened to 18 feet on the east side from the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive south for 150 feet with and asphalt berm connecting to the present street with diagonally after that. No Concrete curb, gutter or sidewalk. This will allow traffic turning onto Highland Drive heading south to pass cars waiting to turn left into the school parking lot. This will not affect any trees or utilities and the rural flavor of the neighborhood will not be lost. I have viewed the plans for the school and find all other aspects adequate. I live on the corner diagonally opposite from this property. 2987 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Gerry Matter 3530 Avondale Cr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 November 20,2002 City of Carlsbad Planning Conmission 1635 Faraday Carlsbad, CA 92008 I- Subject: Montessori Arts and Sciences Center Dear Commissioners, Much is being said about the existence of the Montessori Center on Nighland Drive. City requirements on zoning are being met by Jan Taylor and I will not comment in this regard. I would, however, like to express my views on the children attending the Center. They came to my attention during a doccnt tour I conducted at a local art nluseum. I have led docent tours for many groups of children, but at the end of this one, I realized this group had greatly impressed me. They were well behaved, intelligent, creative, inquisitive and provided me with a rewarding experience. Watching children blossom is inspiring. I As a 24 year resident of Olde Carlsbad, I travel I-Iighland Dr. often. Change in any area is uncomfortable. I have personally opposed changes impacting my ncighborhood over the years. I have learned change is inevitable and compromise always wins the day. These children are an asset to the community and they deservc not only a chance, but the respect of their neighbors. Vely truly yours, Gerry Matter -1 cc: Carlsbad City Council \ 1. Jan Taylor Janurary 11,2002 City of Carlsbad Barbara Kennedy Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Re: 3016 Highland Drive Dear Barbara, The purpose of this letter is to support Mrs. Jan Taylor in providing a Montessori education located at her property at 3016 Highland Drive. My husband and I have reviewed the site plan, architectural plans and floor plans of the intended facility. The landscape and the “keeping” of the appearance of the former Mayor Dunne’s home would not only fit in the neighborhood but compliment the neighborhood as well. The property built in 1938 appears as a schoolhouse and encourages a small, private school. If this building were torn down and two houses with two granny flats were built on this site, the aesthetic qualities of this property would certainly be missed. We are familiar with the Montessori education as we have one child currently at Casa Montessori de Carlsbad and one at Casa Montessori de Vista. Montessori method encourages each child to work on hidher own curriculum. This being the case, drop offs tend to vary versus everybody showing up for a class at the same time. Carlsbad would be fortunate to offer the quality of education that Jan Taylor’s school provides. Jan is commited to the education of our children. Her passion for her work is apparent through the results she produces with her students. She is cornrnited to excellence! It is important to give the parents diverse options for the education of the children and obvioulsy, Carlsbad is in need of more schools. As parents and Carlsbad locals, (we have lived in Carlsbad for 35 years) we fully support this project and look forward to a favorable approval for Mrs. Taylor. Thank you for your consideration. ’ erely, 7” Tim and Debra John# 3275 Meadowlark Lane Carlsbad. Ca 92008 The Planning Commission City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 November 12,2002 Subject: Conditional Use Permit CUPOI-12 3016 Highland Drive Casa Montessori Elementary, a private school Dear Commission Members, I would like to express my strong support for Jan Taylor's proposal to provide the City of Carlsbad a healthy and inspiring environment for young children to grow and learn on Highland Drive. My wife and I have lived here in Old Carlsbad for nearly 17 years. Our children went to the areas public schools. One reason we moved to Carlsbad was for the schools. Top quality education is a powerful attraction for parents wanting the best for their children. As Commissioners, I would expect that one factor you consider when evaluating a project is how it helps the reputation of Carlsbad and whom it attracts. This school is an important and valuable addition to Carlsbad. Dreams are important. This dream for Casa Montessori School is worthy of your support. The property and house are intact and will remain intact. This immeasurably helps to maintain the "Old Carlsbad" residential appeal we value. I understand this property once belonged to a former mayor. This small school's impact (traffic and noise) will be negligible. Just up and down Carlsbad Village Drive are the Lutheran Church, the Carlsbad Library, and the Fire Station. Two blocks north on Highland are Buena Vista ES and the Jehovah's Witnesses Temple. The traffic impact from Casa Montessori is minor even when compared to any of these facilities. This project absolutely will benefit the community. It will help children that may not do well in larger class environments. And, good schools attract top-notch residents. In weighing this dream that Jan has, consider the benefits to the community and to the future of its residents: they are immeasurable. Imagine the young students, with their dreams blooming. And twenty, thirty years from now, they may return to Carlsbad to raise their families (as many of us have) in the special environment we have. The dreaming is then sustained long into the future. The purpose of the Planning Commission is to evaluate and exercise its vision for the future improved quality of Carlsbad. This proposal will significantly add to the quality of Carlsbad. The future is in our young ones. To help them learn and think and "do good works" is vital to the quality of our civilization. Please approve the Conditional Use Permit for Jan Taylor. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (w) 858.573.5846 (h) 760.729.5526 cc: 0 Ms. Jan Taylor Mayor Bud Lewis Ann J. Kulchin Ramona Finnila Matt Hall Julianne Nygaard 4pjtaylor@msn.com From: <ZDwelley@aol.com> To: <4PJTaylor@msn.com> Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 335 PM Subject: (no subject) 12-28-01 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter as a vote of confidence for the project at 3016 Highland Dr. Casa Montessori elementary. Jan Taylor and her school has proven itself over the years as a reputable and conscientious business entity. The project fits in the neighborhood, and to that extent, has vowed to keep the integrity of the architecture and surrounding grounds. I have no problem with this project. Sincerely: Zell Dwelley 2771 Wilson St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 12/29/200 1 Barbara Kennedy Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 December 3 1,200 1 Dear Ms. Kcnnedy, We are writing in support of the proposed Montessori school at 3016 Highland Drive which we understand is currently in Staff Review for a conditional use permit. We are property owners on Pine Avenuc near Highland Drive. We see the proposal as a win-win for the residents of, and the city of, Carlsbad. Schools belong in the heart of a neighborhood, and this addition would offer parents a choice not currently available for their children's education. The proposed site is favorable as it is near a main artcry, Carlsbad Villagc Drive, and neighborhood traffic impact should be minimal. Children, such as ours, will even be able to walk to school. The area already supports commercial entities such as Cole Library, the Fire Department, Good Saviour Lutheran Church and School, the approved assisted care facility, among others. We believe the landscaping plan is adequate and will provide a residcntial appearancc to the historical landmark house. We support this project and hope that the Staff Review will as well. Sincerely, Paul and Tiffany Ciamache 1436 Pine Avenue 760-434-6 162 Laurence A. Senseman, M.D. 1365 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ,I , ./*,,./ .. /;7, 3 [+,J ’ / August 27,2001 To Whom It May Concern: Ms. Jan Taylor has recently informed the Carlsbad Unified School District of her intent to place a Montessori School for 6-12 year old children in a private residence located at the comer of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland. The program that she will offer is based upon sound research and a proven track record. The Carlsbad Unified School District would support her efforts to obtain a conditional use permit to establish this school. We would see no conflict with our district's offerings and programs. This particular location is not in close proximity to any of our current schools and would not pose a traffic issue for any Carlsbad schools which normally have high traffic volume at drop off and pick up times. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our support of Ms. Taylor's efforts to provide alternative private school programs. Cheryl Ernst Superintendent 2/9/03 e: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney Peter J. Gray 402 1 Canario Street #133 Carlsbad, CA 92008 City of Carlsbad Re: Conditional Use Permit #0112 (Montessori Arts and Sciences, 301 G Highland Drive, Carhbad, CA 92008) We first heard about Jan Taylor and the Montessori program over a year ago, then after relocating to a thriving part of the Carlsbad community, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to involve our daughter in such a positive and intimate learning environment. Carlsbad supports some of the most envied public and private schools in the system, which only serves to enhance its image and the continued investment in this great city. Sometimes it feels like the overall education system has lost direction through the lack of its leaders paying attention to what impacts the future of our littlest of leaders, our educators, and ultimately our society. Not so in the city of Carlsbad! Leaders have obviously dared to display the necessary foresight, hard work, and initiative to provide students and educators with the opportunities and choices necessary in an emerging community. Jan Taylor is an outstanding example of this tenacity as she strives to improve the lives of her students with a holistic approach to learning and displays her passion for education through creativity and an eagerness to serve her community. We should all be very thankful that this individual has the positive energy and commitment to bringing a little bit more distinction and spark to the closely-knit community and the children of Carlsbad. Being a high school graduate of an Arts Academy, I quickly recognized the distinct advantages when attending university; skills such as creative problem-solving concept comprehension, and self-confidence, were qualities that had been specifically developed through a specialized style of education. On attaining a BA in Fine Arts degree I went on to become an executive supporting the largest corporate advertising agency in the world (83 agencies) and then on to my current position as VI) of Operations for The Ken Blanchard Companies-who’s mission it is to build world leaders in business. I am truly indebted to those educators and government officials that dared to sanction another option for education and thereby help provide a future for a community. Sincerely, Peter J. Gray ALL RECEIVED Thursday, February 06,2003 ACE NIZ...ik’b,,yi; 1 0 c: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attornev Dear Mayor Lewis, I am writing this letter in regards to the issue of whether or not Montessori Arts and Sciences shall become an official school. Last September, I decided to send my eight- year-old son, Matthew, to Montessori Arts and Sciences. My only regret is that I did not send him there three years ago. After three years with Vista schools Matthew was still having difficulty with reading, basic math, and overall concentration. It is because of the quiet and nurturing environment provided by Jan Taylor that my son has overcome his learning difficulties and now excels as a student. In the past five months I have seen the effects of Jan Taylor’s calm and focused teaching techniques transcend to my son. He is a much happier and confident person as he too exhibits calm and focused behavior. As a cancer patient I often feel concerned for my child’s hture. I take comfort in knowing that, in the event that I may have to undergo difficult treatment, Matthew will be spending his days in an environment that fosters the type of learning, caring, ethics, and personal responsibility that we all value. I ask that you please consider this letter when making your decision as to whether or not Ms. Taylor and Montessori Arts and Sciences will be allowed to become an official school. I believe that this fine institution will continue to produce tomorrow‘s outstanding citizens to the pride of the community and all those involved. Sincerely, CC: Mayor Pro-tem Ramona Finnila Councilwoman Ann Kulchin Councilman Matt Hall Councilman Mark Packard To Whom It May Concern: We are writing this letter in support of Ms. Jan Taylor who has proposed the opening of a small Montessori elementary school on the southwest comer of Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland. We have known Ms. Taylor since we had our children enrolled at Casa Montessori in Carlsbad. We were extremely pleased with the education that our children received at this school. We have always thought of Jan as an excellent teacher and human being who truly cares about her students. We always found her to be a person of high integrity. We currently reside at 1363 Pine Avenue and go by the proposed school site on a regular basis. We feel that the location that has been selected is appropriate given the other school and city service buildings that are close to the proposed school. We feel that the impact on the community will be minimal in terms of traffic but tremendous in terms of providing continuity for the studentiwho currently attend Casa Montessori. We both work in public education and believe in allowing parents to have choices when looking for educational programs for their children. This is what Ms. Taylor is proposing to offer this wonderful community. She wants to give and not take away. Ms. Taylor has demonstrated a genuine concern for the respect of others in the community by her planning of the school facility and grounds. We support Ms. Taylo?s proposal to enrich this great City of Carlsbad by providing a quality school for its children. Please do the right thing and approve her proposal. ms6 E. De Anda 1363 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Isabel I. De Anda 5 February 2003 Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members, City Attorney City Clerk My husband and I strongly oppose the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for a business, i.e., a Montessori School at 3016 Highland Drive. My husband has owned property on Highland Drive since 1957. Although there have been many changes in the City of Carlsbad, thanks to foresight and city codes some of the neighborhoods have been able to maintain a semblance of a more serene era. Highland Drive is one of those areas. We are fearfid that allowing a business to be established on an R-1 site would set a precedence and virtually open a Pandora’s Box for the future of all of the City of Carlsbad where residential and commercial zones intersect. Obvious potential problems are just across Carlsbad Village Drive on the northeast and northwest corners of CVD and Highland, specifically the Spite House and the flower fields. This property at 3016 Highland Drive was purchased by Mr. Greissinger for the express purpose of opening a business. He was well aware that it was in an R-1 zone. For over 4 years he and his daughter, Janann Taylor have tried to get a CUP for a private school business at this location. There was never any intention of living on the property. Now that there is a Large Family Child Care Home on the site, someone is supposedly in residence, as required by the permit. The issuance of a permit for a Montessori school has been opposed by the Planning Commission Staff, the Engineering Department, the Fire Department, the neighbors, and was ultimately denied by the Planning Commission on November 20,2002. When the Planning Commission was considering the permit many conditions and restrictions were to be applied. From current activities at the Child Care Home, we question how closely any restrictions on a CUP would be followed. It is common knowledge that the children attending the Child Care Home are all school-aged children. It is common knowledge that they are not attending public schools. It is common knowledge that the Child Care Home is closed on school holidays and during school vacations, e.g., the two weeks at Christmas or winter break. Ms. Taylor avows that she is following the rules of a Large Family Child Care Home. In a letter to Code Enforcement in response to a reported code violation of operating a private school illegally Ms. Taylor stated that in her Large Family Child Care Home she provides: “informal supervision of the child as the family needs are met. family-type projects and chores to provide a home setting with practical life skills, such as sewing, cooking, letter writing, cleaning, yard maintenance, carpentry, caring for pets frequent family-type outings for entertain (sic) and recreation; such as picnics in the park, beach walks, library visits, visits to places of interest (fire station) toys, building blocks, stuffed animals available while parents are away sofas and stuffed chairs for reading and relaxing TV and videos available” If this is what school-aged children are doing all day, every day, when and where are they getting an education? If they are being home schooled, when is this happening? According to the California Statute #48224 applicable to home schooling: “Children not attending a private, full-time day school and who are being instructed in study and recitation for at least three hours a day for 175 days each calendar year by a private tutor or other person in the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools of this state and in the English language shall be exempted. The tutor or other person shall hold a valid state credential for the grade taught. The instruction shall be offered between the hours of 8 o’clock a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m.” Since these children are in day care during these hours, their parents are obviously not teaching them. Who is and when? Statute #51210 states that the adopted course of study for grades 1 to 6 shall include English, mathematics, social sciences, science, visual and performing arts, health, physical education, and other studies that may be prescribed by the governing board. These are not among the list of things that Ms. Taylor sent to Code Enforcement that she is providing for the children in her Child Care Home. My question is this, is Ms. Taylor teaching (tutoring) these children against the regulations of a Large Family Child Care Center or have the children been truant from school since last September? This is not a difficult question. Why can’t anyone get a straight answer? I realize that there are privacy laws to protect children. But, most of these questions require a simple yes or no from Ms. Taylor, not tap-dancing around the issues. I am sure you have heard repeatedly about Mr. Ahmad Hadaegh, 3969 Adams Street, Apt. #C209, Carlsbad, stating at the Planning Commission Meeting on November 20* that his son is in the third grade at Ms. Taylor’s School. He spoke willingly and freely at this meeting. He was in total support of Ms. Taylor and the good things that she was doing for his son. He seemed to be of the assumption that his son was receiving a quality third grade education at Ms. Taylor’s school. I assume that he pays for his son to attend this “school”, Now, has he been paying for his son to be educated by Ms. Taylor or is he paying for daily child care and his son has actually been truant from school since September? Mr. Hadaegh seems to believe that his son is attending a school. Could this be followed up? “Ah, what a tangled web we weave . . .” What are the children who are attending Ms. Taylor’s Child Care Home being taught by example? If she is indeed running a school program surreptitiously, the parents who enroll their children there should be ashamed of themselves. Pastor Job Miraflor of the North County Tabernacle of Praise also spoke at the Planning Commission meeting on November 20,2002. He stated that “it would definitely be a real challenge for her (Ms. Taylor) to follow and be in compliance with the rules and stipulations that the Commission would place on her. As her previous landlord he said they had nothing but problems and he would unequivocally say that it would be a very problematic situation. . . . He said that she was constantly chafing at the rules; always pushing the envelope. . . . He would characterize her tenure there at 1930 Sunset Drive as a real nightmare.” We do not mean to overlook the obvious problems involved in a business venture at this location, e.g. the traffic congestion at this busy intersection, the possibility of accidents caused by traffic, devaluation of surrounding properties, etc. We are just really very concerned that a permit could be issued and once all of the grading, construction, paving, building, etc. are completed, it would never be revoked if/when the conditions are not met by the occupants. It would take a large investment to get the property up to code for a private school. I cannot imagine the city revoking the permit once a lot of money is put into the project by the petitionerlowner. Considering past history and the machinations that currently take place, I seriously doubt that Ms. Taylor would do a lot of self-monitoring of whatever conditions and restrictions would be applied to a CUP. Indications are not too good that the city would do any monitoring on the conditions of the permit either. There would be a constant neighborhood fiasco. Highland Drive is not the proper location for a Montessori School or any other type of business. As our elected officials we look to you, our City Council, to protect the rights of the citizens of Carlsbad and keep business out of our residentially zoned neighborhoods. A business belongs in a commercially zoned area. Irene K. Strause & Robert V. Strause 3291 Highland Drive Carlsbad 92008 Enclosures: 1) Code Enforcement letter 2) Reply to above letter 3) California Statutes applicable to home schooling issues 4) Additional signatures on petitions to be added to the petitions turned into the Planning Commission .* City of Carlsbad October 11,2002 Ms. Janaan Taylor 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 #@ RE: Large Family Day Care Home &nn& Dear Ms. Taylor: As you know from my prior correspondence and from comments made at the recent Planning Commission hearing on your pending application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), the City has received a complaint that you are operating a private school at your home without a CUP and in violation of your existing day care permit. It is.my understanding that, at the hearing, you broadly described the differences between the types of educational activities you undertake as a day care provider and the types of educational activities you would undertake if you were operating a private school. It would be helpful in our resolution of this complaint, if you would provide us with a more detailed explanation of this distinction in the context of what is actually occumng in your home. Complaints about code violations are handled in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the complaint. Our preferred approach is generally to work cooperatively with the violator to correct the violation. In the case of a structural violation, this could mean working with the violator to make repairs or obtain required permits. In the case of a conduct violation, this could mean getting the violator to voluntarily start doing what he or she is required to do or to stop doing what he or she is not permitted to do. The complaint against you is a bit more complex to resolve in that you have publicly indicated you are not operating a school without a CUP or in violation of your existing permit, but you have also publicly admitted you do care for school-age children and you are providing them with some educational activities. To the average person, this seems incongruous, which is why we are requesting additional information. 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-731 4 - (760) 602-2703 - FAX (760) 602-8560 @ c Ms. Janann Taylor October 11,2002 Page 2 In addition, while there are situations where we might hold complaints in abeyance pending the result of a permit application, these situations usually involve structural violations where it would be economically impractical for a violator to remove the violation in the interim. Moreover, it was clear from the comments made at the recent hearing that the Planning Commission would prefer the complaint against you be resolved before your CUP application is returned to them for further consideration. Your cooperation in providing the requested information will assist in that regard. Please send the requested information to my attention at the above address. It would be helpful if I could receive it by no later than October 25,2002. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at (760) 602-2702 if you have any questions or if you wish to discuss this matter further. Code Enforcement Officer c: City Manager City Attorney Community Development Director Planning Director Building & Code Enforcement Manager Montessori Arts and Sciences Montesscni Arts B Sciences, Inc. Facility #376612582 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1915 (760) 434-6440 Fax (760) 434-6440 Oc" 23J zoot @ Ms. Robin Nuschy Code Enforcement Officer City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-731 4 I Dear Ms. Nuschy, I I have received your letter investi ent action. During 'i. the Planning Commission Hearing, October 2, the City Attorney informed the Planning Commission that a complaint of operation of a school without a Conditional Use Permit was being processed. Commissioners were instructed to make a decision based on the application and not on an alleged violation or crimina! act. I have consistently met with the planners since 1998, trying to find a site for a small schdl, trying to do so near Casa Montessori de Carlsbad and trying to be in compliance with every code and requirement. I am aware that a Conditional Use Permit is necessary for a school, day care center, and other uses such as homeless shelter and home to assist juveniles who need supervision and professional support. Presently, I am operating a Large Family Child Care and am licensed by the State of California, Department of Social Services, by the Facility #376612582. My husband and I are reslding at 3016 Highland Drive. This is a requirement of Large Family Child Care Home. Per Title 22, Division 12, Chapter 3, Sectionl02352(f)(l), Family Child Care is defined as providing regular care, protection, and supervision to children in the care giver's own home. Per Title 22, a home is the place where one remains when not called elsewhere ?or labor or other special or temporary purpose. As is required by the law for Large Family Child Care Homes, I make every effort to keep a sanitary, healthy and safe environment that is pleasant for children under the age of eighteen and for less than 24 hours per day while parents and guardians are away. There are puzzles, games, books, toys, didactic materials, art supplies and sports equipment with which children may occupy themselves while under my care. We do take outings to the library, and other places of interest. x’4- a In Chapter 21.83 it states, The purpose of the child care development regulations is to recognize affordable, quality, llcensed child care Is critical to both the well belng of children and parents as well as the economic vitality of the city.” In Chapter 21 -83.01 0 G, it states that the purpose is to implement state law with regard to the provision of child care facilities. As stated in Health and Safety Code, Section 1597.40: ‘Family Day Care homes must be situated In normal residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment which Is conduclve to health and safe development. It is the public policy of this State to provide chlldren in a Famlly Day Care home the home environment as provided in a traditional home setting.” A Large Family Child Care Home is llcensed for maximum capacity 14 children or less. If there are more than 8 children, the provider must have an assistant. Ordinance NS-409 :21 .(part). 1997 states, “Judgments on the quallty of child care are the responslbillty of parents, the provlder, and the licensing agency.” Dana lovelace is the with the Department of Social Services and is the Child Care advocate for San Diego County. She has informed me that the facility meets all the requirements of Child Care Licensing and the program offered at this Child Care Home meets all the guidelines. + -n the Taylor, Janann Large Family Chlld Care Anformal supervision of the child as the family’s needs are met. >family-type projects and chores to provide a home setting with practical life #376612582 e faclllty provides: skills, such as sewing, cooking, letter writing, cleaning, yard maintenance, carpentry, caring for pets park, beach walks, library visits, visits to places of interest (fire station) >frequent family-type outings for entertain and recreation; such as picnics in the >toys, building blocks, stuffed animals available while parents are away >sofas and stuffed chairs for reading and relaxing >TV and vtdeQ&@vailable Casa Montessori Elementary inte to provide as a Small Private >formal lessons instructed to meet the compulsory branches of study required >students will study planned content in a series of classes with related activities >schooling and environment will include Montessori equipment and materials Anfrequently organized field trips that specifically meet grade-specific >structured classroom environment and traditional school setting, without toys - by the California Department of Education guidelines set by the State of California, Department of Education - >the school will be a full-time school and will require children to attend as >records will be kept for attendance and progress of student >standardized tests will be administered to ensure quality of schooling >tutoring will be available for students that may be needing extra help >teachers will meet the requirements of professionalism required by the directed by the State of California and education law Department of Education and the Commission of Teacher Credentialing A Large Family Child Care Home is a service for the community and is an allowable use in a residential neighborhood. I operate a Large Family Child Care Home. I sincerely hope that I will be granted a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Small Private School. I hope this information will be sufficient to clear any questions about the business I am operating while awaiting the outcome of the permit process. I do have an Administrative Permit from the City of Carlsbad and Business License. Please advise me if I can be of any further assistance in this investigation. Sincerely, \ Janann Taylor " is E: 0 a, .. 8 R 0 w 0 0 w I ID, C Y Q 2 N 'N P n 3 W 4 .. 2 (D -. 3 c 3 M 0 n a, Q 0 (D Q 2 rC 3 2 0 0 v) (D 5 3 a, Y 0- (D s 2 K Y a -. 3 S rc (D 3 a, 3 Q -ta 4 2. 8 3 x E. Y m 3 (D a, Q 3 cn 2 !! 4 g 0 m v) 3 7 2. 3 M 2. s CT 0 Ei 3 rn c rn a, (D 0, a a, a, cn E. a, Q 3 0 3 3 (D 0 0 5 8 a, Q 3 3 E. K 0 0 0 U 0 e. 0 3 3 E. M (D a, 3 Q E. 3 8 -. 3 (D 5 rc .VI a, 2 3 (D a, v) (D 5 8 2. U 3 a, (D 3 rc a, 3 Q Q 9 -0 (D 3 2 3 (D I 3 3 (D 3 (D a, & i3 ,O 0 w s U THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-I AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone # THE UNDERSIGNED ARE OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTHlEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-I AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone t# 8 I THE UNDERSIGNED ARE' OPPOSED TO THE APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL AT 3016 HIGHLAND DRIVE, THE SOUTH/EAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND DR. & CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., FORMERLY THE DUNNE PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-I AND WE FEEL IT SHOULD REMAIN WITHIN THE SINGLE-FAMILY INTENT: Name (please print) Address Phone ## rlgnature , r -~ I 71 I dgnature 8 signature 9 I date date date date ~~ date From: "Richard Thomas" crichardthomasQmelroselawcenter.com> To: cPlanningQci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Monday, February 10,2003 9:23PM Subject: Support of Conditional Use Permit Montessori Arts and Sciences February 10, 2003 City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Bud Lewis, Matt Hall, Ramona Finnila, Mark Packard and Ann Kulchin RE: Conditional Use Permit requested by Jan Taylor, 3016 Highland Dr. Dear Council Members: The purpose of this letter is to respectfully request that Mrs. Taylor be granted the conditional use permit required for her Montessori Arts and Sciences School. I strongly believe that children should be one of society's highest priorities, as the African proverb says, "It take a village to raise a child". It saddens me, as a member of the "Village of Carlsbad" that children would not be welcome in one of our neighborhoods. A school such as Montessori Arts and Sciences, would be an asset to our community. The children who attend this type of school are able to work at their own pace, which in most cases is above their grade level. They develop a joy for learning, and are self-disciplined and self-motivated. My children attended Mrs. Tayor's Casa Montessori de Vista school for the majority of their elementary years. When they made the transition to Carlsbad public schools, both were working well above their grade levels. My daughter, along with three friends who also attended Mrs. Taylor's school, graduated from Carlsbad High in 2002. All of them graduated with honors. One, as the Salutatorian of the class. All four of these former students of Mrs. Taylor's are now freshman at various universities, having earned scholarships for their academic achievements. I believe that Jan Taylor's teaching and her school's Montessori philosophy, is a large part of their success. It would be a shame for other families not to have this type of school as an educational alternative. I know that people have voiced concerns about traffic and safety issues. I live a few blocks away from Highland, on Stratford Lane. I travel on Highland frequently and have never experienced traffic problems in this area. There is currently a large volume of traffic, due to the existing neighborhood schools, and traffic always seems to flow well in the area. As I understand, students at Montessori Arts and Sciences would not be walking along the street, but being picked up or dropped off in the driveway, on the school grounds. I can speak from experience in regards to Mrs. Taylor's control of the arrival and dismissal procedure within her school. As well as being a parent of two of her students, I was an employee of her school as part of the administrative staff for nine years. Students were never dismissed unless there was a teacher in the parking lot to supervise for safety, and there was always a teacher in the parking lot at arrival time. If a staggered schedule is required to ensure fewer cars at a given time, or if any other parking, drop-off or pick-up procedure was requested, I can tell you that Mrs. Taylor would insist that parents adhere to the rules. The parents would want to do anything ask of them to help keep this school, that they have chosen, and are paying for, as an alternative for their families. I have known Jan Taylor for 15 years. In addition to my relationship with her as my children's teacher, she was a friend, a co-worker, and later, an employer. In all these capacities I have found her to be a person of utmost integrity. I know that given the opportunity, she will be successful in fulfilling any requirements set forth by the Planning Commission. In closing, I would again like to say, that to me this is an issue of making children a priority in our society. Yes Montessori Arts and Sciences is a business, but it is one that focuses on the child. Our children, the children of our "Village" should certainly be worth making allowances for. Respectfully, Vicki Hendricks 1205 Stratford Lane Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-1 929 ALL RECEIVE FOR THE INFORMATlON OF From: Pat Kelley _CA J .. dcc Subject: 301 6 Highland .DATE CrrY MANAGER Date: 1/21/03 1:lOPM diu3 -yY? To: Cindee Hollingsworth; Marilyn Strong ECFCY For City Council Distribution -?dd\CQQ&\y fp_tr.* Attached is a summary timeline of Planning and Code Enforcement events for the above address. The Montessori Arts and Science private school appeal is tenatively set for the Feb 11 th Council meeting. The appealant and the opponent may wish to speak to Councilpersons before that hearing ,and this background may assist in those conversations. Fe3 I\ s -3 The summary does not list the dozens of phone calls from neighbors (for and against) and the appealant Janann Taylor relative to this project - just official actions and letters. I have FAX'd to MSTRO copies of letters sent to and received from as well. Pat K cc: Barbara Kennedy; Julia Coleman; Mike Peterson; Ray Patchett; Robin NuSchY; Sandra Holder e 7-3-01 3-14-02 5-2-02 7-1 7-02 8-7-02 9-3-02 9-1 6-02 10-2-02 10-1 1-02 10-23-02 10-30-02 11-12-02 Summary of Permit History and Code Enforcement Actions 30 16 Highland Avenue Large Family Day Care Center Application submitted for Casa Montessori de Vista School - CUP 01 -12 Daycare permit application DC 02-02 denied. Fire Department Inspector observed that daycare was to be used as a private school. Daycare permit DC 02-03 approved- states daycare shall not be used as a private school. Standard conditions also apply (such as garage may not be used for daycare purposes). CUP 01-12 - Casa Montessori de Vista scheduled for PC - applicant requests a continuance to 8/7/02 CUP 01-12 - Casa Montessori de Vista scheduled for PC - applicant requests a continuance to a date uncertain. Project is re-noticed for 10/2/02 PC meeting. Code Enforcement receives complaint from neighbor that childcare facility is being used as a private school w/o CUP. Code Enforcement staff sent letter to Ms. Taylor alleging illegal use and use not in conformance with large-family day care use permit. Planning Commission directs Staff to return docs with support findings to allow CUP for a private school for consideration by the Commission. Letter to Taylor from Code Enforcement requesting Taylor define comments made at PC hearing in terms of school age children in her care vs. attending school. Letter from Taylor stating that she cares for children while they self-direct their own education. CEO Nuschy and Deputy City Att'y Coleman inspect premises to determine uses. Letter from DCA Coleman to Taylor. Citing facts as noted in 10-30-02 inspection 0 CUSD and State DOE determine whether children are receiving their compulsory education. This determination is beyond the City's authority. 0 No private school affidavit has been filed with the State DOE There is a reasonable suspicion that the use is comparable to a private school, and final determination of this issue lies with the CUSD and the State DOE. 0 Garage has been converted to habitable space w/o permits and children are using 0 Staff has insufficient evidence to substantiate allegation that Taylor is violating the garage in violation of day care permit. day care use permit. The use of the garage is a code violation. 11-14-02 11-18-02 11-1902 1 1-20-02 12-2-02 12-17-02 12-26-02 12-27-02 Code Enforcement observes 11 children being dropped off at 3016 Highland Avenue between 8:30 am and 9:30 am. on this Thursday morning. Code Enforcement observes 13 children being dropped off at 301 6 Highland Avenue between 8:30 and 9:30 am. on this Monday morning. Code Enforcement sends Taylor a violation Notice re: garage use w/o permits - must stop immediately and remove carpet, tables, chairs etc. PC hearing - PC cannot make findings for approval of private school. Conditions which would be necessary to make the use compatible with the neighborhood are found to be infeasible. Date of Taylor’s request for Appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of CUP Code Enforcement case closed Letter from Taylor requesting copies of all files etc. Copies of all letters and correspondence sent to Taylor ciences 'bb129B2 P. 02 e City of November 19,'2002 JANANN TAYLOR 3016 HIGHLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RE: GEESINGER LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE PERB 301 6 HIGHLN DRIVE Dear Ms. Taylor Thank you for allowing me to inspect your property at 30j 30,2002. During my inspection I observed that the garagl and chairs have been placed in the garage for apparent chi the City's childcare ordinance prohibits the use of a garagl 21.83.050(H), also see Health & Safety Section 1597.47. violation, you must remove the carpet, tables and chairs ii calendar days of the date of this letter. In addition, please garage at the 3016 Highland Dr for childcare activities. If you have any questions about this matter, please contad you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, Robin Nuschy Code Enforcement Officer C: City Manager City Attorney Community Development Director Plannjng Director Barbara Kmedy Building & Code Enforcement 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 (760: ** :arkbad T Highland Drive on October las been carpeted, and tables care use. As we discussed, kor childcare activities, CMC . order to remedy this n the garage within 21 * mediately stop using the le at (760) 602-2702. Thank I iO2-2703 - FAX (760) 602-8560 @ RONALD R. BALL ' CITY #TTORNEY JANE MOBALDI ASSIST4Nt CITY ArrORNEY ClNDlE K. McMAHON OEPUlY CITY ATTORNEY JULIA L. COLEMAN DEPUN CITY A77bFINEY November 12,2002 CITY OF CARLSBA 1200 CARLSBAD VIUGE DRIVE (780) 434-2891 FAX: (760) 434-8387 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-79 Ms. Janaan Taylor 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Large Family Child Care Home Permit DC 02-03 C Dear Ms. Taylor: Thank you'for allowing Code Enforcement Officer Robin I you on October 30, 2002 to discuss an allegation that you 2 at the addross above. I appreciate your response to Ms. letter to you which asked you to describe the activities o( response included a broad description of the 'types of E children in your care. The City issued. an administrative daycare permit ("Pem which included the condition that "the large family day can as a private school." Code Enforcement staff investigate1 operating a private school in the Geissinger Daycare Home Included two site visits to the Home, several telephone cor exchange of letters between Code Enforcement staff and Enforcement staff and the City Attorney's office have respo calls from residents regarding this matter. Finally, both Coc City Attorney's office solicited assistance in this matter frorr District, the State Department of Education, the State Del Community Care Llcensing Division and the San Diego Cou Code Enforcement staff have received numerous telep residents wondering whether the parents of the school-ag complying with the State's compulsory education law. TI- from obsewing school-aged children entering the Home ear the Home in the afternoon. Because these school-age during school hours, we understand how some residents n are operating a prlvate school in the Home In violation of thc I slssinger Daycare uschy and me to meet with 'e operating a private school quschy's October 11, 2002- wring in your home. Your :tivities you provide for the it') to the subject address, home may not be operated the allegatlon that you are ;Home"). This investlgation rersations with you, and the yourself, In addition. Code ded to numerous telephone e Enforcement staff and the the Carisbad Unified School artment of Social Services, ~ty Office of Educatlon. one calls from concerned !d children In your care are residents concerns derive in the morning and leaving children are in the Home ay have conduded that you Permit. . Ms. Janaan Taylor November 12,2002 0. School-aged children may satisfy the State’s compulsory ducation law by: 1) Attending public school; or 2) Receiving tutoring from a Multiple Subject Teachin Credentialed individual who provides instruction in Engllsh in all branches of stud required in public schools for at least 175 days per calendar year for at least thr e hours per day between the hours of 390 a.m. and 4:OO p.m.; or 3) Attending a private full-time day school or boarding s 001; or 4) Entering into an Independent study agreement with a certificated employee of a local school district desfgnated as a *supervising tea ef who makes assignments, evaluates the student’s work and assigns grades. (California Education Code Section 48220 et seq.) 1 The Caflsbad Unified School District and/or the State Dep rtment of Education have .the authority to enforce the State’s compulsory educati n law. The City’s Code Enforcement authority is llmited to confirming your corn liance with the Permit. The parents of any school-aged children in your care are resp nsible for complying with the State’s compulsory education law. However, I have GO tacted the Carlsbad Unified School District and the State Department of Education resldents concerns about the school-aged children in the Home during is wlthin these two entities’ discretion whether this matter requires The Perrnlt does acting as a affidavit for 3016 Highland Avenue in Cartsbad. observed during our October 30, 2002 site visit two years old, playing tetherball, watching a video, presence of school-aged children In the with the observations Ms. Nuschy and I made allegation that you are operating a private support the reasonable conclusion “supervising teacher” to the The California State issues Large Family the Community Care Ms. Jansan Taylor November 12,2002 Page Three October IO, 2002. On this date, Ms. Magafia found no vi0 Chlld Care Home license issued to the Home. A resident made a second allegation that you have illegal address above into habitable spa’ce. Code Enforcement s during the October 30, 2002-slte visit to the Home. Tt items to facilitate childcare activities even though the garz City’s Child Cart? ordinance prohibits the use of a garag, 21.83.050(H). If it is your desire to convert the garage tc motor vehicles, a building permit is required. Because the for each single family dwelling, a’separate garage would use the existing garage for childcare purposes. In conclusion, Code Enforcement staff has insufficlent allegation that you are violating the Permit by operating and I will recommend that Code Enforcement staff clo: However, there is a code vlolation in the garage on your p used for childcare activities. Please contact the City’s Bui regarding this matter within the next five business days. Please contact me at 434-2591 if you would like to dis Thank you, again, for your cooperation with Code Enforce Very truly yours, :‘ ~;;vcounci, lia Coleman City Manager Community Development Director Building and Code Enforcement Manager Barbara Kennedy, Associate Planner Robin Nuschy, Code Enforcement Officer )la ii 1 I I ons of the Large Family :onverted the garage at the ’ investigated this allegation garage was furnished with doors were operable. The a childcare facility, CMC use other than for parking me Code requires a garage /e to be built on site, if you idence to substantiate the vivate school in the Home the file on this allegatlon. Ierty any time the garage is 1g Department at 602-2700 ;s this matter at any time. nt staff in this matter. 0 Montessori Arts and 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 9200801915 (760) Ms. Robin Nuschy Code Enforcement Officer Ctty of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-731 4 Dear Ms. Nuschy, 1 have received your letter investigating the code c \, the Planning Commisslon Hearing, October 2, the City I Sciences %612582 34-6440 Fax (760) 434-6440 horcement action. During horney informed the Planning Commission that a complaint of operation of a chaol without a Conditional Me Permit was being processed. Commissioners were i structed to make a decision based on the application and not on an alleged vlolation r criminal act I have consistently met with the planners since 199 , trying to find a slte for a small schcrdl, trying to do so near Casa Montessori de C rlsbad and trying to be in compliance wlth every code and requirement. I am awar that a Conditional Use Permit is necessary for a school, day care center, and ot r uses such as homeless shelter and home to assist jweniles who need supervisio and professional support. i I Presently, I am operating a Large Family Chlld Car and am licensed by the State of California, Department of Social Services, by the acllity 876612582. My husband and I are residlng at 3016 Highland Dri e. This is a requirement of Large Family Child Care Home. Per Title 22, Division 12, Chapter 3, Section102352(f)(I), Family Child Care is deflned as prov ding regular care, protection, and supervision to children in the care giver's o n home. Per Title 22, a home Is the place where one rernalns when not c Ited elsewhere for labor or other speclel or temporary purpose. As is required by the law for Large Family Child Car v Homes, l make every effort to keep a sanitary, healthy and safe environment that is pleasant for children under the age of eighteen and for less than 24 hours per d y while parents and guardians are away. There are puzzles, games, books, t , didactic materials, art supplies and sports equipment with which children may o upy themselves while under my care. We do take outings to the library, and other I places of Interest. I I 0 I In Chapter 21.83 it states, The regulatlons Is to recognlze critlcal to both the well economic vitality of the In Chapter 21.83.010 regard to the provlslon of Section 1597.40: resldentlal which I8 have an aeslstant. I Ordinance NS-409 :21 (pert). 3997 states, “budgments on the quallty of chlld care are the re6pOnSlbtlCty of parents, the ITcenslng agency.” the provider, and Dana Lovelace is the with the Department of Socia Home meets all the guidelines. offered at this Child Care the requlrernents of Child Care Licensing and the program me that the facility meets all Care advocate for San Dlego County. She has informed Senrlces and is the Child Presently fn the Taylor, Janann Large Faml ;.frequent family-type outings for entertain and rew etion; such as picnics in the setting with practical life >farnify-type projects and chores tu provide a home are met. >informal supervision.of the child as the famify’s needs y Child Care >toys, building blocks, stuffed animals available wh le parents are away >sofas and stuffed chairs for reading and relaxing ,TV and videos available i #376612582 the faclllty provjdecr: skills, such as sewing, cooking, letter writing, cleaning, yard ’ carpentry, caring for pets maintenance, park, beach walks, library visits, visits to places oi Interest fire station) Caaa Montessori Elementary Intend@ to as a Small Prlvate Hormal lessons instructed to meet the of study required >students will study planned content in related activities xchoollng and environment will and materials >infrequently organized tietd guidelines set by the State of >structured classroom School: by the Catifomia Department of Education I. >the school will be a full-time school and will r children to attend as directed by the State of California and educatfon law >records will be kept for attendance and prog xtandardlzed tests will be administered to e Autorlng will be ervaifable for students that m >teachers wilt meet the requirements of p Department of Educatlon and the Commisslon A Large Famlly Child Care Home is a s allowable use in a residential neighborhood. I Home. I sincerely hope that I will be granted Smafl Prlvate School. I hope this information will be sufficient business I am operating while awaiting the ou an Administrative Permit from the Cky of Carl Please advise me if I can be of any further assista in this investfgation. Slncerefy, I October 1 1,2002 Ms. Janaan Taylor 3016 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 I RE: Large Family Day Care Home Pennit DC 02-03 Greissinger Day Care Dear Ms. Taylor: As you know fiom my prior correspondence and hm corm Planning Commission hearing on your pending application : (CUP), the City has received a complaint that you are opera1 home without a CUP and in violation of your existing day c; understanding that, at the hearing, you broadly described the types of educational activities you undertake as a day care p; educational activities you would undertake if you were opa; would be helpful in our resolution of this complaint, if you 'v detailed explanation of this 'distinction in the context of wha1 home. Complaints about code violations are handled in a variety of nature of the complaint. Our preferred approach is general13 the violator to correct the vio.lation. In the case of a structur; worlcing with the violator to make repairs or obtain required conduct violation, this could mean getting the violator to vol or she is required to do or to stop doing what he or she is not The complaint against you is a bit more complex to resolve i. indicated you are not operatmg a school without a CUP or in permit, but you have also publicly admitted you do care for s are providing them with some educational activities. To the incongruous, which is why we are requesting additional info] 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 - (760) ' :arkbad ents made at the recent )r a Conditional Use Permit ng a private school at your differences between the wider and the types of. :kg a private school. It mId provide us with a more is actually occuning in your permit. It is my vays depending on the to work cooperatively with violation, this could mean emits. In the case of a ntarily stafi doing what he mmitted to do. that you have publicly lriolation of your existing hool-age children and you wage person, this seems nation. Ms. Janann Taylor October 11,2002 Page 2 In addition, while there are situations where we might holc pending the result of a pennit application, these situations violations where it would be economically impractical for violation in the interim. Moreover, it was clear &om the c( hearing .that the Planning Commission would prefer the COI resolved before your CUP application is returned to them f cooperation in providing the requested information will ass Please send the requested information to my attention at tht helpful if I could receive it by no later than October 25,20( feel free to contact me at (760) 602-2702 if you have any q discuss this matter Mer. Wdw+ obin Nuschy Code Enforcement Officer c: City Manager City Attorney Community Development Director Planning Director Building & Code Enforcement Manager mplaints in abeyance . ally involve structural olator to remove the nents made at the recent aint against you be urther consideration. Your in that regard. love address. It would be In the meantime, please tions or if you wish to - September 76,2002 Ms. Janann Taylor 3016 Highland Drive Carfsbad, CA 92008 Re: Large Family Day Care Home Permit DC 02-03 Geissinger Daycare Dear Ms. Taylor: The City of Carlsbad's Code September 3, 2002 alleging that private property, I investigated this allegation During my site visit, I activities with a page The Large Family May.2, 2002 is Large Family Carlsbad Please contact me If you would like to discuss this matte1 by calling me at (760) 602- 2702. Sin rely, Robin Nuschy Code Enforcement Offic c: City Manager City Attorney Communlty Development Director Plannlng Director Principal Building Inspector Senior Building Inspector " ./ + 1635 Faraday Avenua - Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 - (760) 6c2-2703 FAX (760) 602-85W @ l@Za%d&UA Jack Henthorn & Associates %* 2-11-03 5365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A d.‘4//- - cou,,,/ &I Curlsbad, California 92008 AkWd %Go. (760) 438-4090 Fax (760) 438-0981 Memorandum TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: JACK E. HENTHORN SUBJECT: CASA MONTESSORI - LETTER FROM THE STA~ DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DATE: FEBRUARY 1 1,2003 The attached letter was received late yesterday evening and requires that Jan Taylor, as owner of the Montessori Arts and Sciences, is required to register with the state as a private school. The receipt of this letter will be disclosed at tonight’s City Council hearing during the applicant’s opening presentation. If you have any questions or wish to discuss the attached letter, please feel fiee to contact myself prior to the City Council hearing tonight. cc: Jan Taylor Philip Buccola IA Page 1 of 1 -_ .FEB“Ll-2003 09:S6 AM MONTESSORI.QRTS 760 434 6440 P. 01 February 6,2003 Janann Taylor Montessori Arts and Sciences 3016 Highland Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008-1915 Dear Ms. Taylor: All private schools conducting private school instruction at the elementary or high school level for students of ages 6 through 18 years must file an affidavit. (Education Code Section 33 190.) As the owner and director of Montessori Arts and Sciences, you are required to file a Private School Affidavit each year. I have enclosed a blank hivate School Affidavit for your convenience. Parents ofprivate school students should not file affidavits and home schooling by parents who do not have a current California teaching credential is not authorized under the law. I have enclosed a document called “Home Schooling Information Sheet.” Please review it carefully. You may also want to review other information at m.cde.ca.govhivatescho& Additionally, the affidavits you forwarded to this offlice for your students are incomplete. When filing online, all data must be completed online, submitted online, and the confirmation page must be printed, signed, and mailed to this ofice. If you have questions, please call me at (91 6) 3 19-037 1. Sincerely, .. Teresa Cantrell Policy and Program Coordination Specialized Programs Division Enclosures cc: Sharon Popp, Coordinator Pupil Personnel Services Carlsbad Unified 801 Pine Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008-2439 Beverly Barrett, Director Pupil Personnel Services Encinitas Union Elementary 101 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Encinitas, CA 92024 -I FEE-11-2663 09:56 ePl MONTESSORI.ARTS 760 434 6448 P. 82 . uHOME SCHOO1LING".INEroRM.A'MON SHEET Local school districts are napansiblt for amring that all children of compulsory school age in the district are either: (I) in attendance at a public school; or (2) legally exempt from a#endimce requirements. Thm a~c three lagai options available in California to pmmts who wish to place their school-age chil&cn.ic a setrlng other than a public ~cho01 classram: 1. One choice is privstt tutoring, ,which is a legal ntunption from the compnlmry public school attendance law. (Ed. Code 55 48200,4820, d 48224.) The Mor (whq may be my per so^, inclw aparmt) must.havt 8 valid Cahfomh teaching credential for the grade lavel(s> being taught, and muat provide instruction in ali the brandm of study required in the public sohools. The tutor must pmvidt instraction for at ltast three horns per day, during the paiod between 8:OO asl. and 400 p-m., for at least 175 days per caleadcvr year, in the Enghsh language. A tutur is not required to file a formal afiidavit, as private schools me. (See ~~SCUS~~II below.) Unless a parent holds a teaching credential for the grade levcl(s) taught, hiis or her instruction dots not qualify under the legal exemption for privat, turns. 2. Another choice, which is ab0 a legal amnption fiom compuleory attendance in the public school system, is to enroll student^ in a priwte full-time day school. (Ed. Code 85 48220, 48222.) Private schoo1s, too, must instruct pupils in all the branches of study rquind in the pblic schools. The law dots not rquk that private school instructors hold reaching credwtials, but they must be "capable of teaching." Acwrding to the California Attorney General, this means thar teachers in private schoob shou1d.meet standards &e those required fa: public ScboOi teachers in similar positions, except for the credential requirement. (See 3 Ops.Ca.l.-4~.Gm. 193.) Furthermore, the couz"lbhavt~jtcttd any rmggtstion that parents may call their own home-instruction program B "private school" in order to avoid the rtquircmcnt of a teaching crcdtntiel. (People v. Tmer (1953) 121 Cal. App.2d Sup. $61, appeal dismissed 347 U.S. 972; reaffirmed inh re Shim (1961) 195 CalApp.26 683.) Courts >- .. .. F€B-l1-2003 89 :57 AM MOt4TESSORL. ARTS ' I ,. ', .~i,___""..,i:..".-. "la- .---. . 760 434 6440 P. 33 3. ' As a.third choice, parcnts might considar indaponbt study, ananged.bugh ibdr 104 public Bchool district. (See Ed. Code 5 51745 and following.) Indepmdent study is not 811 ''exemption" from public schoob rather, it is an altnnativt to cberoom instruction, cond&td under the administraition of public schools. Independent study allows students to carry on thek cthcation outside the classroom based on written agreements with local public school .&tncts. The agreements include requirements caneistent with the local school district's corn of study, and provide for gcncral supervision of each pupil's independent atudy by a credentialed cmpioyct ofthe school &ct in which the child is cnrolled. A child with exceptid needs may participate iL indepmdcnt study oniy ifhis or her individualizsd education program (ZEP), developed pursuant to Education Code sections SO340 and following, provides for that participation. (Ed. Code j 517451~)~) Ifa particular district does not offer indcpmdmt study, we CncoItgBt partnts to contact their county office of education to explore the availability of independent .study through the 'wunty orthrough other. districts in Wir area. R&ed .by 3 I. 2002 ..,LLWA ;I l!3 # 10 City Council City Manager City Attorney C: Mayor ~ ~. C: This letter is a request that you please give the Montessori School on Highle I Marilyn*Strong - Montessori School I - Page 1 1 ACZNDA ITEM # fU Mayor City Council City Manager City Attornq From: <r2conde@cs.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 2/11/03 1:IOPM Subject: Montessori School Dear City Council: 1 Ind and Carlsbad Village Drive a chance to open.their doors. There are many children that would benefit from this school. My child would be one of them if he was given the chance to attend. Unfortunately, my child is not able to attend the school due to the permit issues. There are many children that need the individual attention to flourish and become successful human beings. I as a parent would do everything possible to insure that the neighborhood is not disturbed. Please understand that this school is needed so that "No Child is Left Behind" Thank you for your consideration. Raquel Conde Gerald D Capp 3140 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad City Council Regards:- The proposal for a school in a residential home on Highland Council Members We have enjoyed living on Highland since 1968. Our family is strongly against any commercialization on this residential street. Over the past years we have had purchase offers from Attorney's who wanted their offices to be in this Victorian house. Also, Red and Breakfast enthusiasts, and Tea Room business people. We have always resisted their lucrative purchase offers. We are sure that the present owners of the subject property love and adore young children, and want to assist in their education, But, please not on Highland Drive. On Oak Street across from my home we now have builder developers conducting their business on that residential property. If this school proposal is approved what is to stop other Highland owners from changing their present home pleasure hobbies into business operations? Like one neighbor who enjoys raising scores of exotic Palm trees. Or the very skilled welder craftsman from opening his home hobby into a business endeavor on this street? Your decision could easily set a precAdent. The above are potential negatives for this premier residential street. This is besides the serious traffic congestion and hazards that a school in this location would bring. Since 1887 our home has been on a strictly residential street. City Council please do not change that. AGENDAITEMC b C: Mayor city coanell City Manam City Attorney City Clerk Sincerely, Dear Members of the City Council, February 10,2003 In regard to the Conditional Use Permit at 3016 Highland Drive, I would like to make it public record, that I am in favor of the property to be used as a private Montessori school. I had the opportunity to view Mrs. Taylor‘s former school in Vista, early last spring, when I was looking at schools, as my son would be entering primary education the next school year. Upon my visit I saw separate rooms with many different school aged children working on math, reading, art, etc., but helping each other in a very calm, controlled environment, and really enjoying what they were doing. At that time I had also looked at Carlsbad Montessori School, and did not find nearly the organization or cleanliness that Mrs. Taylor and I am such a stickler for. I have found Jan to be very committed to detail; be it rules, courtesy, paperwork and most anything she deals with. She is the kind of person I want educating my children. I work full time and my wife works with our children. We have not had the opportunity to solicit and pursue the neighbors or put up misleading signs up and down Highland Drive, as have others who are retired or run their businesses out of their homes. We are the parents of these young children, who want a good education for our future community members and leaders. I speak to you from my heart, the heart of a parent who wants the best education he sees fit for his child, and a school such as what Jan Taylor has to offer is second to none. As far as traffic is concerned, I have never seen any congestion in the driveway or on Highland Drive, since I have been taking my son and his two friends to the daycare, in September. Respectfully, Homer Prefonfaine Dear Members of the City Council, February 11,2003 I would like to express my support for the proposed private Montessori school at 3016 Highland Drive. I am a resident within three blocks of the school and have lived here more than 25 years at this address. I am in my mid-seventies and have a grandson that attends the Montessori Arts and Sciences daycare facility. To me, I can’t think of a better place to have a small school, with it’s central location near the library and what better a way to preserve a historic home and to begin to educate our youth about the charm, beauty and history of “Olde Carlsbad”. My children would walk to Buena Vista from our home on Evergreen Circle, and from time to time I walk to the daycare to retrieve my grandson in the afternoon and find it to be, not only very safe, but peaceful. I don’t believe that this small proposed school would have any impact on traffic. As it were, when I picked him up, there were no others there at 3:OO p.m., and I only encountered 2 high school aged children walking on Highland and one car at the light. My encounters with Mrs. Taylor have always been that of pleasantries. She is a woman of integrity and doesn’t lack conviction. I urge you to vote in favor of this school, as I see it to be a win-win situation for everyone. C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney Respectfully yours, Helen T. Chapman Dear Members of the City Council, February 11, 2003 I am writing to express my favor in the proposed school at 3016 Highland Drive. My son is now enrolled in the daycare facility at this address. I first learned of Jan Taylor about eighteen months ago. At that time, a close friend of mine had told me of how her son was having trouble with self-esteem, because his body wasn‘t developing physically due to illnesses. It was then that her son was enrolled in Mrs. Taylor’s school, Casa Montessori de Vista. By the end of the school year, not only was his confidence built up, but also his reading and other academics had improved immensely. She attributed that to the one-on-one care that he received from his teacher, Mrs. Taylor. At that point there was not a doubt in my mind that I wanted my son to receive the same kind of care, compassion and tutelage. I am a product of both public and private education, and I received that education here in this beautiful city of Carlsbad. From St. Patrick‘s and Buena Vista to Victory Christian and Carlsbad High School. I would like to continue to raise my children in the same vein, but in the Montessori method. I have looked into other schools, but I have yet to find an educator with the passion and ambition to see these kids‘ proverbial lights go on. She has the tools and the knowledge and a way of getting them excited to see what the next day has in store for them. It’s amazing and brilliant all in the same breath. I have lived here for more than 25 years and the majority of them were spent in my parent’s home around the corner on Evergreen Circle. I couldn’t think of a better, safer, neighborhood for my children to be schooled in. As I remember it, I used to walk downtown to the ”Big Bear” supermarket in sixth grade with my neighbor, for fun. That street hasn‘t changed in all those years, and in my opinion, a small private school, on the corner isn‘t going to have the slightest bit of impact on traffic, up or down that street. Several of the parents have multiple children in the daycare. Two of which I share carpooling responsibilities with. I urge you to give the school and our children a fighting chance. They are our future Doctors, Teachers, Scientists and Politicians. Please vote in favor of the Conditional Use Permit ... for Carlsbad. Thank You. AGENDA ITEM # 1 0 C: Mayor City Coundl City Manager Clty Attorney AGENDA ITEM # 1 0 Mnrt rac “ d E. rrefontai ALL RECEJVED 2806 Jacaranda Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 February 8,2003 Mayor Bud Lewis 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 E: Mayor city Council City Manager City Attorney I Dear Mayor Lewis: Recentiy i became acquainted with Jan Taylor and her desire to run a Montessori School at her home in Carlsbad. She evidently worked with the staff to develop plans, at considerable expense, that would make her property an asset to the community. My understanding is that the Planning Commission reversed their decision after a group of NIMBYs objected to having a small school on this property. I have lived at the very southern end of Carlsbad for twenty-five years. Across Olivenhain Road is the Early Explorations Day Care Center. I have frequently walked past the Center when parents are dropping off and picking up their children. It does not have any major impact on the neighborhood or traffic. The NIMBYs act as if this property was on a two-lane road in Rancho Santa Fe as opposed to a main street. For the most part, I believe the city leaders have done an excellent job in developing Carlsbad. I believe that elected leaders should listen to the community, as they have in a number of instances. However, they must do what is best, not necessarily listening to every objection. A private school is a wonderful asset to a community, adding more choices for parents attempting to get the best education for their children. I urge you to support Ms. Taylor's endeavor. Regards, Edith Appel Jack Henthorn & Associates 5345Avenida Encinas, Suite A Carlsbad, CIA 92008 1760) 438-4090 F~x (740) 438-0981 Memorandum TO: MAYOR LEWIS AND COUNCIL FROM: JACK HENTHORN % SUBJECT: MONTEsSORI SCHOOL, AGENDA ITEM 10 DATE: . FEBRUARYII, 2003 The attached copy is a fax provided in follow up to material provided under separate cover. The State of California has determined that they were unaware that Ms. Taylor had inactivated her private school. The conclusion they are offering now is that she is not required to file with the State and that she can, in fact, function as a tutor for home schooling purposes. k Page 1 of 1 FAXCOVERSHEET FROM: David Kopperud Coneuitant Counseling end Student Support Omce 660 J Street, Suite 406 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone No.: (9f6) 327-5930 Fax No.: (91 6) 3234061 48228. Tk, classes of ahlldier. dccrarlbad in thie article, 8hdL be attendance upon a putjllc full-rime day echoul. . exempted by thr proper school authorir-ies froM the requlremente of 4ea23. children are being imtructed in a privata full-time day ochool by peweons capable of taaching shall ke exenpted. hdh achool shall, except under the circumetancas descrikwd in SscCi0n 30, ba taught in the tngllah language and ehall after inetructian in the eavera1 branchee of erudy required to be taught in che public scllo~ls of the state. The attendance 02 the pupil0 0hall be Kept by grivrtc acbol au%.iorItier in a regiscar, and che record of artenamco ehall ixdiearc clearly every absence of khc pupil from rchaol fer (L hrlf day OS during each day mac OcnOOl ie mrintrfd during the year. Wmptiona under chi6 aectioa ehall be valid only after verlflcation by tha attendance supervisor of the diecrlct, of ocher Fezson deoignacoa by che board of .bumtion, that the private liehool heB conplied with chs provialone of 9ectlm 33190 requiring the J-ai Silltq Sy the owner 01 uther head of a private school a2 M affidavlt or etacement of prascrihed information with the Superintwdent of Public Inotructlon- The verification required by this scctlon ehall uoc be construed as an malustion, recognition. apPr0vi;ll. or endoramenc er any private cchaol or COUTBB- 48223. chilarrn arho arc msntally gifted and wh~ are being instructed in ir privaee full-time day schocl by preoaa capable af teaching. where all ar part of the cour8ea of inechlotion requlrad t-a be taught in the pobllc oooolo of thle ~tate ie caught Sn a foreLgn language with not lese than 56 percent the total daily instruationsl tine carusht in the English language, shall be wtenrgted. 48722, The attendance of the pupils shall ba kepc pureuant to Seerion ". _"" - Chilaren nbc attendins a privace, full-time, day rcbool and 4-10 are being izwtructtd in oidy 4r.d recitation f3r ht learnt tWee hours a day for 175 aap each calendar year by a private tutor OL' other pe~san In che several branchee of attdy requited to be taught In the publtc schools et! thie ntatr and in the Bnglish language shall be cxunpcnd. The cutor or other peracn ahall hold 3 valid state czvndenrial for chs grade taught. The inotruoEion aha11 be offered between the houro of e o'clock a.m. and 4 O'C~OC~ p.m. I L- ""* 48225. Tna governing hard of any rachool district which has chtldren holding wrk pennlte to work temporarily in the entertainment or allied irduetrlrs who 'ace wenlpred from attending public n.tll-cirnc dry ocheol Under the pl-c~ldons of thia article, or a councy euyerintrndenr of rchoole, may mntzacc with any person. fim oc corporation reeponeiblc for the duartiea of any children, 8~ employed or act.ing on behalf thexQO1, to provide eligibility listn and plscemeat $IWl%sl far 4UAliZiCa teaching and er!ler neceseary geroow-el tor the tucorihg of such ehil&ren while eo crP\ylQyed. Such 02/14/03 FRI 13:48 FAX 58154K - . -. . .. .. - -. To: Lorraine Wood Company: Cify Clerk Fax No.: (760) 720-6917 from: Jan Taylor PSI Facsimile Re: Casa Montessori Date: fib. 74, 2003 -Other- No. of Pages: ( 2 ) Including Cover Ph: Sent by Peter R. Tay/or (858) 581-7799 Re: Letter of Support for Montessori Arts and Sciences Ms. Wood: please add this leffer, read at the Tuesday meetlng, fo fbe C.U.P. application file for the pmject at 3076 Hjghland Dr. Thank-you, Peter. Conlidentiallfy Note; This fac8imlIe hnsmisslon (including any materials accornpanylng this transmission) is intended only for fbe use of fhe individual to which It is eddmssed, and mey contain lnfomtion that Is privileged, sea84 confidential, andor exempt from disclosure undersppliceble kw. If you am not the intended recipient. nor the employee, nor egent msponslble for deliverhg this transmission to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified ih8t any disclosure, copying. dlslribution or use dthis transmission Is strictly pmhlbifed. If you have Feceived lhis communicafion in emr, if is requested that you notify the sender immedlalely to srrange for the return of this transmission a1 no cost. PSI USS TARAWA (LHA 1) HC-11 SAR DET 7 FPO Af' 988224600 February 9,2003 Dear Carlsbad City Council: This letter is in support of the school proposed for 3016 Highland Drive. Mrs. Jan Taylor, the applicant, is my mother. I was raised in the fine City of Catisbad and attended Casa Montessori de Carlsbad, Buena Vita Elementary School, and later Magnolia Elementary School, when the zonas changed. 1 attended Tub University in Boston on a Navy ROTC scholarship and graduated wlth a Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I spent the majority of my childhood at 1351 Pine Avenue, delighted to be raised close to my school, the park, the beach, the library and the communily theater. Although I am not currently a resident, I consider Carlsbad to be my hometown, and I intend to live there when I have fulfilled my obligation to the Naq. Regretfully I am unable to attend the public hearing scheduled for 11 Februaq, as I am currently deployed aboard the USS Tarawa in support of military actions overseas. As a helicopter pilot stationed at Naval Air Station North Island, I did have the opportunity to attend the first Planning Comrnlssion hearing. At that meeting, I was struck by the contrast of the presentations given by those in suppart of the project and those opposed. It appeared to me that the lofty goals and cooperative nature of the pmject's advocates were dramatically oftset by the provocative, and sometimes irrational arguments, of those few individuals opposed. It was evident to me that the opposition was eager to twist any excuse they could come up with into a reason to block the development of the proposed school. How many traffic studies does it take to prove that the effect will be negligible? How much of a disturbance can 36 children really be in a supervised environment between the hours of 830 a.m. and 3:OO p.m.? Finally, who could possibly be more concerned wlth the safety, both perceived and actual, of her students, than a 20 plus year veteran teacher and school owneR I have seen Jan Taylor in action. For her, like any great educator, teaching is not merely a ]ob. It is, quite literally, a calling, a gill, that springs from the heart. Her project is the realization of a dream to create and operate an institution where a small group of students can receive an individualized education in CARLSBAD. I am very proud of Mrs. Taylor's dedication to this project It is her dedication that will make it a success. I say give her a chance. The property Is right, the timing is right, and the people involved are right. You can be sure that the children who receive an education at 3016 Highland Drive will be future leaders in bur community. [m 002 Respedfully, LT Aaron Taylor From: <tlaughlin@palomar.edu> To: <CDAdmin @smtp.ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Wednesday, February 12,2003 3:34PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US MRadve-AgendaItiand b For the Information of tha: CITY COUNCIL4 Asst. CM-CAdw A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed DateeJ~~ city ~~~~ and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Building Department. Below, please find the information that was submitted: First Name: Teresa Last Name: Laughlin Address: 3741 Yvette Way City: Carlsbad State: CA Zip: 92008 Country: San Diego E-mail: tlaughlin@palomar.edu Message: To the Carlsbad City Council, I was unable to speak at the City Council meeting on 2/11/03 regarding the Montessori School on Highland Avenue and I would like to add my voice in opposition to the school. First of all, I am very education oriented. I am a teacher and understand the importance of learning; however, this issue is not about schools in general, or learning, it is about the appropriateness of a school on that site. After watching the Staff presentation, hearing from the fire department, and reading the Planning Commission's report, it is clear that the school must not be allowed on that site. It would be dangerous to the children attending as well as the walkers and joggers that enjoy Highland Avenue presently. Second, the neighbors closest to the proposed school and the people most impacted by the conditional use permit are clearly in opposition. In a three block area around the proposed school there were ten signs against the conditional use permit, not one for it. Highland is a very unique street, and 301 6 Highland is a historic home, it must be perserved. When one moves into an area that is residential, one has an expectation that the spirit of the neighborhood will be protected by the City zoning laws. It is your responsibility to protect our neighborhood and deny the conditional use permit. I am sure that a more appropriate school site can be found that would not be as problematic. Thank you for you consideration. Sincerely, Teresa L.C. Laughlin Voter and Resident of Olde Carlsbad User details: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) /web browser / hostname 208.186.1 90.73 / ip address Planning Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Orive Carlsbad, CA 92008 r, UL To Whom It May Concern, 1 am writing you today with my observations and opinions regarding the Montessori Arts and Sciences at 3016 Highland Drive in Carlsbad. As an American Heart Association Youth Programs Director, I have had the privilege of working with Ms. Taylor and her youngsters for several years. i have also had the opportunity to pop in and visit the program on Highland Drive, I can state with confidence, that the level of Ms. Taylor’s dedication, the climate of the facility, and the organization of the children (and their activity) is remarkable! As always, during this recent visit to the program, the children were engaged and happy! In addition to all this, Ms. Taylor and the children support and give back to the community. They enjoy participating in community functions, including supporting the American Heart Association’s youth programs for several years. Ms. Taylor’s program is an asset to any community, providing a unique, peaceful, nurturing and educational environment for children. I encourage you to continue your support of Ms. Taylor, this program and these fine youngsters. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerelv. American wart AssMiation San Diego, CA (760) 966-1 731 .. city Counell cityM.rurger City Attorney Pamela Hamrin 3700 Highland Dr. #10 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear City Council Members, I am a 12 year resident of 3700 Highland Dr., #lo. I have attended 3 or the four meetings regarding the proposed Montessori school. In past years, I assumed my beautiful neighborhood was treasured by all and our city would be motivated to preserve it for the treasure it is. When the industrial strength Carlsbad Academy replaced the beautiful palm grove I understood I had made a mistake in my perception. Really, folks. That building is plug ugly, and it receives no softening from landscaping. I don’t want to make the mistake again by not expressing my opinion re the current issue. First, though, I want to tell you how much I have enjoyed and appreciated the whole process. I was thoroughly impressed by each one of you at the most recent meeting. Every speaker was met with courtesy, respect and gentleness. Each of you acted as if each speaker was the only one, and very important. It was lovely to see. I also really appreciate the time and thoroughness of the planning commission and staff and the willingness of all of you to receive public input. Re the school I would like to say: 1) The traffic has increased significantly in the years I have lived here. I know doctors dismiss the antecdote in favor of the “scientific study”, but I have a hard time buying the traffic report. We here. The traffic is already an issue and throwing that many extra cars in and out of the driveway, so near Carlsbad Village Dry yiJl create a problem. 2) Again an antecdote-My brother lives in a condo in San Francisco, adjacent to a church preschool. It was charming to look onto but the noise is surprising disruptive, even for people who really enjoy children. The school ended up being shut down. It is not right to impose that noise on a neighborhood where people purchased with R1 expectations. 3) I appreciate all the folks speaking to the value of the Montessori education. I would suggest that those folks drive the extra one mile down to the village and enroll their students in the Montessori school there. Let’s use the resources we have. I look forward to your decision but believe I will not attend the meeting coming up on Tuesday, Feb. 18. I realize there will be a “loser” at that meeting and I don’t want to crow over someone’s disappointed dreams or participate in outrage because a Montessori School is going in down the road. At the end of the day, we are still neighbors. Thank you for your time and energy on behalf of our lovely community. 1, Marilyn Strong - Opposition to Montesorri school at 3016 Highland ." Page I 1 From: Donna Engleman <oceanstr@pacbell.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 2/12/03 5:27PM Subject: Opposition to Montesorri school at 3016 Highland Dear Council, Montesorri school at the corner of Highland and Carlsbad Village Drive. I agree with all the opposition points made at the City Council meeting last night, Feb. 11,2003. since 1980. Thank you for considering my opinion Just a note to voice my opposition to the commercial business of a . I am a tax paying and voting citizen living here in Carlsbad Donna Engleman cc: oceanstr <oceanstr@pacbell.net> AGENDA ITEM # b C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk ALL RECEIVED February 13,2003 Mavor Bud Lewis AGENDA ITEM if c C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Conditional Use Permit for Casa Montessori De Vista School at 3016 Highland Drive. I am Terry Simpkins, the next door neighbor to this proposed school project. As spokesperson for the neighbors opposed to this project, I am available by phone or in person to discuss any issues concerning this project. Issues such as: Inconsistencies and inaccuracies in their plan as proposed. Discrepancies between what they say they will do and what their plan shows. Past behavior of their side and our side. The neighborhood’s plan to constantly monitor/police the school’s every move, if approved. Any other issues. ct meat213 02 194 at any time. Carisbad, CA 92008 . . . . ALL RECEIVED Dm Luke 5451 Losanberry Way Ckeansib. CA 92057 . AGENDAITEM # b U Mayor City Conndl February 10,2003 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 City Manager City Attorney Clty Clerk Dear Mayor Bud Lewis: I am writing to show my continued support for Jan Taylor and the School of Montessori Arts and Sciences. I have been to two City Council Meetings and have spoken both times about the need for this school here on Highland and about Jan’s integrity as a woman of her word. As I witnessed at the City Council meetings, the reasons mentioned for denial of a conditional use permit for Mrs. Taylor were: 1) Mrs. Taylor’s ability or desie to comply with your guidelines 2) thaa the contention between the school and neighbors would be undesirable 3) tr&c 4) that Highland is NOT a desirable place for a school RESPONSES: 1) As you have heard from many Carisbad citizens, fiends and c :olleagues of Jan’s, she is a woman who stands behind her promises. She has jumped over every hurdle, complied with your requests, redesigned her plans and is following all legal regulations required of her. It seems to me that despite this evidence of her integrity, some members of the Council would still prefer to put more credence on the testimony of a few neighbors who wish to tarnish her name for their own gain. A former landlord also spoke against the school and against Jan’s integrity. I would like to testifl on Jan’s behalfthat she always took the position to be as compliant as possible to their demands. I helped Jan take care of the grounds on a weekly basis and I can testify that Jan was always cautious with their property; constantly reminding children where they could and could not walk. She even had the children plant and tend to new grass seed that she planted on THEIR lawn. She assigned the children the task of raking and watering plants on the property. Not only was she responsible, but she held the children and parents to the same Ievel of responsibility. I suggest that you CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY that the landlord /tenant relationship may have been strained more by a dispute over who should keep certain playground and classroom equipment (that WBS purchased and installed by Mrs. Taylor) than by Jan’s supposed non- compliance. As there are always two sides to a story, you are placed in the position to determine the txuth and decide accordingly. t........,................., I b’ .. February io, 2003 Page 2 2) At the council meetings, I have heard of and seen the behavior of a select few of her closest neighbors - opponents who would like to paint the portrait of a wicked witch to protect their interests. You and I have heard about the 24 hour video surveillance by neighbors, the swearing and heckling at visitors to theii house, the misrepresentation of Jan’s potential school, and the scoffing and heckling at City Council meetings. In contrast, you have seen the way that Jan and her husband conduct themselves CIVILY, and NEVER with RETALIATION, how her supporters quietly listen to complaints and respond to them serioosly and respecffnlly. Based on what you have seen, what type of citizenry would you prefer your city be composed of? The contention exists, but look at who is creating it. Will you give the select few nay-sayers more weight than the many supporters who are maintaining a high standard of dignity and honesty? 3) I understand your apprehension on this matter, but because this is such a serious concern, Mrs. Taylor has carefully planned out all the necessary changes. I can guarantee that anything that Mrs. Taylor has the power to affect, she will affect in a positive way. The matter of getting parents to comply with staggered drop-offs will be EASY. The parents care enough for their children to do all it takes to allow this school to happen. In the two years that my son was at Montessori De Vista School, all but one of the parents had very flexible schedules. They either owned their own business, had one stay at home parent, or had otber responsible adults in chaqe of prompt drop offs and pick ups. I suspect this will be the case for Montessori Arts and Sciences as well. 4) The comer of Carlsbad Village Dr. and Highland is unique. A school that maintains the beauty of the neighborhood would be ideal for this location - a busy street meets a quaint little neighborhood school. One council member suggested that the idea of a Montessori school in the city is a good one, but just not in this location. Seriously consider Mrs. Taylor’s option to DO OVER this entire process again. I would think that this would be her last attempt to affect Carlsbad in this way. If you are for a Montessori school in your city, see this Mentcssori school as the golden opportunity that it is. Because it is likely that you will never have the power to affect Carlsbad in such a positive way again in your career with the City. Thank you for your time and consideration, Dim Luke Parent of a former Casa Montessori De Vista School student Cc: Mayor Pro-tem Ramona Finnila Councilwoman Ann Kulchin Councilman Matt Hall Councilman Mark Packard FEB.. (8-2@@3 02:25 PM MONTESSORI - ARTS 760 434 6440 *-l:!-To3rOt3:67A Richard A. Thomas 760 643 408-0 -. P. 02 P.02 , I strongly hclievc that JiMrtn should be onr t)f aociety'~ hiRhrrt prlorftlen, 44 tho African provcrb say#, ''It twkc a village to rairc P rblid", It rrddena me, M P member of the "Village of Cwrbhrd" tbrt children wnuld not bc wclcoar in onc of our nei&hnrhood$, A school such Montessori Arts and Sciences. would bc on aaaet to our comnwrrity. 'l'hc children wlli~ attend this typc 01' school nrc nblc to work at thcir own pact, which in most cases is above their grndc level. They dcvclop a joy for lunrning, and arc sdlrdisciplincd and self-motivated. I FEB- 18-2003 82 :25 PM MONTESSORI. ARTS 760 434 6440 3%-11-03 . .-.- O8:67A Richard A. Thomas 760 643 4oao .1 -. 11; closing, t wdd apain like to say, that to me this is an issuc of making childrm a priority in mr society. Ycs Montessori Arts ~d Scicnccs in u business, hut it is OIIC that li)cusucs on the child. Our children, the childrcn ol'our "VilI~gc" should ccrtdinly he worth making nllowuncw liw, P. 03 P.03 FEB--18-2803 02:25 PM MONTESSORI.ARTS 760 434 6440 AGENDAITEM# c: city Coud " City MaWW City Attorast ____L Ihe Montessori Foundation Tnmormw's Chlld Mag;lzine The Center for Mnntessarf LadersNp The Internattonal Montrmrl Coundl The Mnntessarl Academy for Peace Montessorl lab School Executive Dlnctor Joyce St. GiemPine, Esq. 1001 Bem Creek laop Samota, FL 34240 Phone 800-655-5843 Website: www.montessori.nq Emall: TlmScl~montessori.org Fa 94 1-3 79-667 1 February 18,2003 Mayor Bud Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad, California 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Via Fax: 706-720-946 1 Dear Mayor Lewis: It is my understanding thatq- Taylor has applied for a condi- tional use permit for an elementary Montessori school for 36 chit- dren on .7 acre near to the Cole Library, Fire Department and other city offices. It is my understanding that this is an historic building constructed in the 1930s. I understand that Jan Taylor and her team has dilligently worked to address the concerns of the neighbors and city planning staff. I would like to offer my support for this use of an historic building. Through my travels throughout the United States and abroad I have often seen such buildings used successfully for this purpose, and invariably found that both the school and community regard them as an asset. I know that the parents and the school community will do whatever is necessary to make this use cornpatiblc and be a benefit for your city. Small independent schools like this one serve the needs of fami- lies in unique ways and offer highly innovative programs that are often later integrated into the publicschool system. Montessori schools in particular are widely noted for their excellence of program design and implementation, and I am confident that you will find this program to be an outstanding example of fine practice. Thank you for your consideration, Please ftel frte to call meif you have any questions. Sincerely, 7d52bJ P. 01 Timothy D. Seldin President PSI @I 001 To: Lorraine Wood Company: Cify Clerk Fax No.: (760) 720-6917 From: Jan Taylor Facsimile Re: Casa Montessorl Date: Fe6. 14,2003 -other- No. of Pages: ( 2 ) Including Cover Ph: Sent by Peter R. Taylor (858) 581-7799 Re: Letter of Supporf for Montessori Arts and Sciences Thank-you, Peter. AGENDA ITEM # C: Mayor city Council City Manager City Attorney ConfidenfialQ Note; This r%w'mile transmisslan (including any rnaterbs accompanying this transmlsslon) is intended only for he use of the individual to which It is addmssed, and may contain /Momation that Is privileged, secret, confidential, andor exempt fmm disclosure under appliceble law. If you are not the infended reciplenf. nor the em@oyee, nor egent msponslble for delivedng this transmission to the intended recipient, YOU are hereby nofified thet any disclosure, copying, dlsiribution or use dhis trensmission Is strictly prohlhited. If you have recehed fhis communication in error, if is requested that you not@ the sender irnmedlafely to arrsnge for the return of this transmission at no cost. 02/14/03,, FRI 13:48 FAX 5815442 " c PSI USS TARAWA (LHA 1) HC-I1 SAR DET 7 FPO AP 98622-WJD Dear Carlsbad Cily Council: This letter is in support of the school proped for 3016 Highland Drive. Mrs. Jan Taylor, the applicant, is my mother. I was raised In the fine City of Carlsbad and attended Casa Montessori de Carlsbad, Buena Vista Elementary School, and later Magndia Elementary School, when the mes changed. 1 attended Tuffs University in Boston on a Navy ROTC scholarship and graduated with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I spent the majority of my childhood at 1351 Pine Avenue, delighted to be raised dose to my school, the park, the beach, the library and the community theater. Although I am not currently a resident, I consider Carlsbad to be my hometown, and I intend to live there when I have fulfilled my obligation to the Navy. Regretfully 1 am unable to attend the public hearing scheduled for 11 FebruarL, as I am currently deployed aboard the US Tarawa in suppart of military actions overseas. As a helicopter pilot stationed at Naval Air Station North Island, I did have the opportunity to attend the first Planning Cornrnlssion hearing. At that meeting, I was struck by the contrast of the presenWions given by those in suppart of the project and those opposed. It appeared to me that the bfly goals and caopeFative nature of the project's advocates were dramatically offset by the pmvucative, and sometimes irrational arguments, of those few indwiduals opposed. It was evident to me that the opposition was eager to Mst any excuse they could come up with into a reasan to block the development of the proposed school. How many traffic studies does it take to prove that the effect will be negligible? How much of a disturbance can 36 children really be in a supervised environment between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:OO p.m.? Finally, who could possibly be more concerned wlth the safety, both perceived and actual, of her students, than a 20 plus year veteran teacher and school owneR I have seen Jan Taylor in action. For her, like any great educalw, teaching is not merely a lob. It is, quite literally, a calling, a gift, that springs from the heart. Her pmject is the realization of a dream to create and operate an institution where a small group of students can receive an indvidwbed education in CARLSBAD. I am very proud of ME, Taylor's dedication to this project It is her dedication that will make it a success. I say give her a chance. The property Is right, the timing is right, and the people involved are right You Can be sure that the children Ma receive an education at 3016 Highland Drive will be future leaders in our community. LT Aaron Taylor 15 February 2003 Mr. Claude (Buddy) Lewis, Mayor and. Council Members 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Buddy and Council Members, Please considers the issue of a Montessori School on Carlsbad Village Drive and Highland Drive very carefully. Safety and traffic are our primary concerns. Both streets are major thoroughfares and generate a great deal of traffic during the morning hours. My sister, Frances, and myself live on James Drive, behind the proposed site and have experienced the traffic and we can even hear the noise and commotion that the small school now generates. Ms. Taylor should have foreseen the problems and the opposition that her project would generate in this mostly old residential area. Ms. Taylor‘s property on Pine Street would have been more suitable and safety and traffic would not have been such an issue. You, our leaders, have to make the right decisions and choices. You should not be influenced by people who do not reside in the area and who do not have the neighborhood‘s interest at heart. The taxes or income generated by this project will not offset the well being and quality of life of our peaceful neighborhood. Please consider wisely. Sincerely yours Ofelia E. Eskdo UNION-TRIBVNE Carlsbad Coupcil delays its decision By Hala Ali Aryan STAFF WRITER parents, friends. neighborsand CARKSBAD - Dozens of relatwes spoke on her behaif. Several said she. had helped make their children the suc- ce& people they are today. One man choked up as he talked about the wonderful in. looked down at his son and fluence she had on the boy. an educator Jan Taylor may be, But regardless of how great the City Council must decide whether the Montessori whool- she has dreamed of building. fits in a neighborhood of homes. A petition signed by 120 residents said it doesn't council chambers Tuesday, About 120 people packed the about half to support the pro- posed schooland haifto oppose it. The meeting ran so late that the council delayed its dims Tuesday. That meeting will be sion and vote until this coming at 6 p.m. in the council cham Wage Drive. bers at City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Taylor, a longhe educator, wants to build a fst- through sixthgrade school for 36 chil- * dren and four teachers at Carle bad Wage Drive and Highland SEE SchWl,Page3 I- - $QH&L CONTINUEDFROMPAGEI Drive. She now ms a child- cm, home for 14 children on the 0.7-acre site. ism 2.06%qvarefoot house She wap@ to convert the ex- into classrooms, office space, a kitchen, restrooms and study area She also wants to build an classroom sRace, a fiespace additiod 668 square feet of parking lot and retaining and sound walls, and to landscape the area. ergy with ?he Cole Library, the "It would create a great syn- Arts Office, civic and profee town old vinage of Carlsbad," sional offices and the down- Taylor said. She expbined that the Mo@ :mri philosophy en- cwilges sending students out 1 htotheo vnunitytoleam. , Taylor used to run Casa Visually, it will stand out;" said David Waite, who lives on nearby James Drive. "Nothing they do will make this look like a residence." Ne' hbors say the school woul?be noisy and create too tW&ya~j760)476-8235: hala.aryan@uniontrib.cam AGENDAITEM # b C: Mayor City CowneQ City Manager City Attornsjr *- Councilmember Finnila RE Montessori School at 30 16 Highland Drive Just one observation on the huge emotional outpouring from the friends, neighbors and opponents of the proposed school. Many of the signs and comments from opponents and neighbors express and underlying concern that approval of this "commercial" school is a cancer of commercial growth in Old Carlsbad and that it will lead to a bed and breakfast at my home (which has only 3 bedrooms) and 7- 1 1 s along Highland Drive. This distrust of staff and Council members needs to be changed to confidence. I hope you can approve this project which I am mildly in favor of and restore confidence among the residents over time. I have no children, attended public school, understand zoning and real estate very well, and have no motive to support the school. There is a need for non denominational schools and I'd rather live near a small school than near Michaelle. I voted for you too! Sincerely, r u 2987 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008