HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-22; City Council; 17147; Presentation: Lanikai Lane Mobile Home ParkDEPT. CM CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL I TITLE: Request to Give Presentation by Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park - 7 I DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. &E? CITY MGRa RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from Lanikai Lane Mobil Home Park regarding the installation of a Knox-box at Ponto Drive/Surfside Lane. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit I) from Leslie Tanner, Board member of Lanikai Lane, requesting that she be allowed to make a presentation to the City Council regarding the proposed installation of a Knox-box at Ponto Drive/Surfside Lane. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown at this time. EXHIBITS: I. Letter to City Manager Ray Patchett from Leslie Tanner, Board member, Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park, dated March 31, 2003. 2. Re-Evaluation of Vehicular Ingress/Egress Serving the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. 03/31/2063 14:15 7604389217 LANIKAI PAGE 01 Ray Patchett City Manager 720-946 1 The Lanikai Lane Homeowners Association is requesting an appointment on the city council agenda as soon as it can be arranged. The subject is the Knox-Box Gate at Ponto Dr./ Surfside Lane. David Rich planned installation in 6 to 8 weeks from the date! of his letter of March lo, 2003. We would appreciate a hold put on that if possible. Thank You Leslie Tanner Lanikai Lane'Board member Chairman Stop The Gate Committee April 17,2003 TO: Mayor Lewis Council Members FROM: RE: Council Agenda Item for Tuesday April 22,2003 Residents of Lanikai Lane have requested time on the Council Agenda to speak with you about the scheduled installation of a gate at Lanikai Lane, which would close access to Ponto Drive from Surfside Lane. Attached is a copy of the Re-evaluation of Vehicular IngresdEgress Serving the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park that was originally circulated November 13,2002. This document will provide you the background information for Tuesday’s item. RPIch Attachment Cc: City Attorney City Clerk November 13,2002 TO: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING SERVICES FROM: Deputy City Engineer, Transportation RE-EVALUATION OF VEHICULAR INGRESWEGRESS SERVING THE LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK Attached is the completed ingresdegress analysis for the mobile home park. It is recommended that an emergency access gate be installed on the north. end of Ponto Drive at this time. Deputy City Engineer, Transportation RTJ:jd c: Deputy City Engineer, Engineering Services Assistant Engineer, Rick RE-EVALUATION OF VEHICULAR INGRESWEGRESS SERVING THE LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK November 2002 . prepared by: City of Carlsbad Engineering Department Transportation Division 5- Backqround Staff completed a traffic study in September 2001 that analyzed residential ingress and egress for the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park when drivers use Ponto Drive via Surfside Lane. Results of the study were presented to residents of the La Costa Downs subdivision and also the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park at a meeting on December 3,2001. Generally, the consensus of those in attendance was that the following two events take place simultaneously: 0 install an emergency access gate on Ponto Drive at its intersection with Surfside Lane. 0 install a traffic signal where the main entrance to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park intersects Carlsbad Boulevard. Many residents at the meeting were of the opinion that another traffic study should be conducted when the subdivision, referenced as Poinsettia Properties Area 7, was completed and fully occupied. This subdivision is located immediately south of the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. All homes in Poinsettia Properties Area 7 have been sold and occupied as of mid-summer 2002. Staff obtained additional traffic counts in September and October, 2002. Citizen Reauest Engineering Department staff received a report February 1, 2002 that was initiated by a committee of residents from the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and La Costa Downs subdivision. Listed below are the verbatim recommendations from the report. 1. Defer the consideration of the recommendation to amend the La Costa Downs Specific Plan 201 to permit permanent access to Ponto Drive from Surfside Lane. 2. Install a traffic signal light on Carlsbad Blvd. at Lanikai Lane, the main entrance to Lanikai Mobile Home Park, and provide access to both northbound and southbound lanes of Carlsbad Blvd. 3. Reduce the speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. from La Costa Ave. to Palomar Airport Road from the current 50-mph to a maximum speed limit of 40 mph. 4. Reduce the speed limit on Island Way, Franciscan Road, and Surfside Lane to 15 mph. 5. After completion of the installation of a traffic signal light and full access to Carlsbad Blvd. at Lanikai Lane, close access to Ponto Drive from Surfside Lane by installing a gate permitting only emergency secondary access. These five recommendations will be addressed later in this report. Traffic Counts Staff previously obtained traffic counts at five locations in the vicinity of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. Those locations, labeled A and E, are found on page 5, Exhibit 1. Three additional locations recently counted are also indicated on Exhibit 1 as F, G, and H. The main entrance to and from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park was opened to traffic in March 2001, Traffic volumes shown on Tables A through H, found in the Appendix, represent volumes obtained before and after the mobile home park main driveway was connected to Carlsbad Boulevard. 1 Analpis When drivers exit Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and proceed to Carlsbad Boulevard, they have three choices. Depending upon the location, they can travel either north or south on Carlsbad Boulevard. The choices are: 0 proceed north on Ponto Drive to the Island Way/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection via Surfside Lane and turn north or south on Carlsbad Boulevard at the traffic signal (north egress). 0 exit the main driveway from the mobile home park to Carlsbad Boulevard where a right-turn only movement is permitted to proceed north on Carlsbad Boulevard (middle egress). 0 proceed south on Ponto Drive to the traffic signal at the Breakwater RoadlCarIsbad Boulevard intersection and turn north or south on Carlsbad Boulevard (south egress). A total of 542 vehicles were found to exit the mobile home park from all three egress points during the October count. Traffic volumes leaving the mobile home park are indicated on Table 1. During the September count, there were a total of 572 vehicles exiting the park from the three locations, as indicated on Table 2. TABLE 1 OCTOBER 2002 TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXITING LANlKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK Date % of Total Location Volume 1 0/29/02 52.8 south egress 286 10/29/02 42.0 middle egress 232 10/29/02 4.4 north egress 24 TABLE 2 SEPTEMBER 2002 TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXITING LANlKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK Date '- Volume % of Total . '' I. Location 911 2/02 50.0 south egress 286 9/12/02 41.6 middle egress 238 911 2/02 8.4 north egress 48 Traffic counts from the north egress location recorded the lowest number of vehicles leaving Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. However, in September there was almost a 3 to 1 ratio of vehicles using southbound Ponto Drive from Surfside Lane to reach the mobile home park compared with vehicles using northbound Ponto Drive to exit the park. In October, this ratio increased to about 7 to 1. This indicates that some residents traveling southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard are using Ponto Drive north of the main entrance to enter Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park by performing a left-turn at the signalized intersection of Island Way. Those drivers are choosing not to travel southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard to Breakwater Road where a U-turn can be made. However, if a U-turn is completed, drivers can proceed north on Carlsbad Boulevard to turn east (right) into the main entrance of the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. It can be observed on Tables 1 and 2 that a low number of vehicles use northbound Ponto Drive to exit the park and proceed to Carlsbad Boulevard via Surfside Lane and Island Way. In September, 48 drivers used this route and in October, 24 drivers exited the mobile home park in this manner. These drivers have two other choices to exit the mobile home park. They can use the main entrance which permits a northbound turn to Carlsbad Boulevard, or they can use the traffic signal at Breakwater Road that allows a driver to proceed either north or south on Carlsbad Boulevard. 2 Residents of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park can reach the park from two locations. Traffic volumes obtained in September and October, 2002 of vehicles, entering the mobile home park are indicated on Tables 3 and 4. TABLE 3 OCTOBER 2002 TRAFFIC VOLUMES ENTERING LANlKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK Date, , , % of Total . ' Location Volume' 10/29/02 64.1 middle ingress 286 10/29/02 35.9 north ingress 160 TABLE 4 SEPTEMBER 2002 TRAFFIC VOLUMES ENTERING LANlKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK 9/12/02 66.8 middle ingress 204 911 2/02 33.2 north ingress 141 Date. ,~ 9'0 of Total . i) .Location ,: ..i Volume . ,. Over a 24-hour period, about two-thirds of the residents use the main entrance as the primary means to enter the mobile home park. This location has a wide throat entry and a northbound deceleration lane on Carlsbad Boulevard. The total volume of vehicles (425-446) entering the park from both locations on a daily basis is considered low. Closing the Ponto Drive north ingress would result in less than 500 vehicles using the main entrance (middle ingress) from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard. This volume of vehicles projected to use the middle ingress would not negatively impact traffic operations at that location. Staff has not observed operational problems at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard/Breakwater Road. Southbound vehicles in the queue on Ponto Drive are able to access Carlsbad Boulevard when the traffic signal indication is green after vehicles waiting on Breakwater Road proceed west and clear Breakwater Road. Traffic counts obtained recently reflect the trip generation from 10 homes occupied on Surfside Lane. An additional nine homes remain to be built on Surfside Lane. Recommendations from Residents Residents have initiated five recommendations with respect to installation of a future gate at the north terminus of Ponto Drive where it intersects Surfside Lane. These recommendations and the staff response is discussed below in the same order as indicated on page 1. 1. Staff believes there is some confusion and ambiguity regarding the Ponto Drive access issue and the intent of the La Costa Downs Specific Plan. It is recommended that this issue be resolved in a timely manner now without deferring the matter to a later date. 2. Warrants are not met for consideration of constructing a traffic signal on Carlsbad Boulevard at the main entrance to the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. If the north egress location is removed, two routes remain for drivers to use when leaving the mobile home park to access Carlsbad Boulevard, one of which is at a signalized intersection. Staff does not recommend installation of a traffic signal at the main entrance. 3. The prima facie 50 mile per hour speed limit upon Carlsbad Boulevard has been established based upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey. Arbitrarily lowering the speed limit to 40 miles per hour would result in a speed trap as defined by the California Vehicle Code. In that case, the Police Department could not use radar for enforcement of the speed zone. Carlsbad does not establish speed traps and the speed limit cannot be lowered on Carlsbad Boulevard if radar is to be used as the primary enforcement tool. 3 4. Streets that qualify as a residence district according to the California Vehicle Code have a prima facie 25 mile per hour speed limit. It cannot be reasonably expected that drivers, both residents and others, would comply with a 15 mile per hour speed limit on Surfside Lane, Franciscan Road, or Island Way. As a result, this non-compliance would lead to frustration on the part of the residents or repeated requests to the Police Department for enforcement. Staff does not recommend a 15 mile per hour speed limit. Basic speed law does require, however, all drivers to operate their vehicle in a safe and prudent manner based upon roadway conditions. 5. Not installing a gate on the north end of Ponto Road where it intersects Surfside Lane, until a traffic signal is installed on Carlsbad Boulevard at the main entrance to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park, would result in the gate installation issue being deferred to a date uncertain. Staff recommends that the gate issue be resolved at this time. Alternatives Residents of the La Costa Downs subdivision and Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park have asked that an emergency access gate be installed on the north end of Ponto Drive at the terminus of Surfside Lane at an appropriate time in the future. If a gate were installed, the following two alternatives have been identified. 1. Do not implement other actions. Two locations would be available for residents of the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park for travel to and from Carlsbad Boulevard. 2. Install a traffic signal on Carlsbad Boulevard at the main entrance to the mobile home park concurrent with installing a gate on the north end of Ponto Drive at Surfside Lane. Recommendation Staff recommends that an emergency access gate with a Knox Box lock be installed at this time on Ponto Drive at its terminus with Surfside Lane. Once the gate is installed, drivers that use the portion of Ponto Drive located north of the main entrance to the mobile home park either for ingress or egress, or both, will have two routes available to exit the mobile home park and one entrance to the park. It is recommended that the Police Department conduct a training session for interested drivers residing in the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park to explain how drivers can safely utilize the two locations to exit the park and the one location to enter the park. 4 @ 2 NOT TO SCALE LANlKAl MOBILE HOME PARK POjNSETTIA PROPERTlES AREA 7 PROJECT NAME: TRAFFIC COUNT LOCATIONS EXHIBIT 1 5 APPENDIX I I 4&j 4 3) 5' contiguous sidewalks on both sides (includes top of * $ .'+ curb). 4) Additional 11 dedication required by property owner on north side of Descanso Bhrd. No dedication will be required from property owner on s,outh side of Descanso. d) CUL-DE-SAC DESIGN ON ANACAPA ROAD: 1) Curb radius = 38 2) Tangent length = 50' 3) Additional dedication may be required as determined by the City Engineer. 4) . Until alternate access is provided to'hnikai Lane Mobile Home Park, a modified knuckle shall be constructed as shown on the "Road Alignment" illustration page 25. required prior to occupancy of any building on Lots 8 or 9 of Block 24 and Lots 11, 12 or 13 of Block 25. 5) Construction of full cul-de-sac -and modified knuckle is e) LA COSTA BOULEVARD: 1) Adjacent property owners may request street vacation by City of Carlsbad. Existing utilities will remain within appropriate easements. [Note: All street vacations must conform to State Code and are subject to approval by the' City Council). Designated easements will be utilized to calculate lot size and determine setbacks; however. building construction shall not occur over said easement. 2). Additional right-of-way may be requiied as determined by the City Engineer. r) ACCESS TO IANlKAl UNE MOBlig HOME PARK: (Refer to "Road Alignment, page 25.) Access to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park, shall be provided via an existing 25' wide easement plus additional right-of-way as required by City Engineer. Improvement of this access shall include but not be limited to modified knuckle and A.C. pavement base. it shall be the responsibility of the adjacent lots to develop this access (Ref.' 13a)4) below). This access shall be considered temporary until permanent access to Carlsbad Blvd. is constructed. Permanent access to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park will be located approximately 2800 feet south of the existing Anacapa Bridge. ly When permanent access to tanikai Lane is constructed, the access easement across Lot 9 of Block 24 shall remain as an emergency secondary access. A Knox Box gate shall be installed by the developer conditioned to provide permanent access to Carlsbad Boulevard. f. Special Design Criteria - Transit Oriented and Other: 2. Where walls are provided for privacy andor sound attenuation, pedestrian gates shall be installed where feasible to facilitate pcdestriaxdbicyclist use of the trails within and adjacent to this planning area. 3. A separate on-site private trail system providing access to the railroad right-of-way through a secured gate located at the northeast comer of the site may be provided in addition to the public trail located within the Carlsbad Boulevard right-of-way and adjacent to the north'pmperty line. The private on-site trail will be for the use and benefit of the residents of this planning area To encourage the usc of these trails, they should be visually demarcated through the use of special surface treatment, consistent landseping, lighting and signage. 4. Prior to the granting of occupancy for any home within a planning area adjacent to any public or private trail, construction of that portion of the trail which is within this planning area shall be completed. 5. All access to and from Planning Area 7 shall be directly fiom Carlsbad Boulevard with appropriate traffic control in place. Ponto Drive, in hnt of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park, shall not be used for construction traffic. 6. A right-tum-inlright-turn-out access fiom Carlsbad Boulevard, with appropriate deceleration lane, shall be constructed by the developer at the entry to the Lanikai Mobile Home Park concurrent with the development of Planning Arca 7, to the satisfhction of the City Engineer. 7. ~~~~~~~.f~.~~~'~~:~~~c~~~~~~ ~*~*.gqqprg&&mls&pf6~~w .. x. 8. An emergency access point shall be provided between PoinsettiaLane and the main entrance in Planning Area 7. The exact design and location of the emergency access point shall be determined at the time of tentative map review. 9. Walls constructed around the perimeter of Planning Areas 7 along Cqlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane shall all be compatible in design with the dwelling units in this planning area Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 145 November 27, I998 January 30,2002 Ponto Drive Safety Committee 6550 Ponto Dr. Carlsbad, 92009 City of Carlsbad Public Works 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Mr. Lloyd B. Hubbs, P. E. Public Works Director RECEIVED FEB 0 1 2002 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Lloyd Hubbs and Mr. David Rick, Assistant Engineer: A committee, from both LaCosta Downs and Lanlkai Lane M.H.P, gathered the following information for you concerning traffic on Ponto Drive. We hope this information will help you with your evaluation. Sincerely, Landcai Lane Mobile Home Park LaCosta Downs CC: Mayor Lewis Ann Kulchin I4 PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13, 2002 We, the residents of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and owners in La Costa Downs Specific Plan Tract, respectfhlly petition the City of Carlsbad take the following actions: 1. Defer the consideration of the recommendation to amend the La Costa Downs Specific Plan 201 to permit permanent access to Ponto Drive from Surfside Lane 2. Install a traffic signal light on Carlsbad Blvd. at Lanikai Lane, the main entrance to Lanikai Mobile Home Park, and provide access to both northbound and southbound lanes of Carlsbad Blvd. 3. Reduce the speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. from La Costa Ave. to Palomar Airport Road from the current 50-mph to a maximum speed limit of 40 mph. 4. Reduce the speed limit on Island Way, Franciscan Road, and Surfside Lane to 15 mph. ., 5. After completion of the installation of a traffic signal light and full access to Carlsbad Blvd. at Lanikai Lane, close access to Ponto Drive from Surfside Lane by installing a gate permitting only emergency secondary access. The signatories believe that these recommendations will correct traffic problems that have developed (and continue to worsen) in the immediate area surrounding Lanikai Lane. These problems involire issues of public safety, noise pollution, and efficient access for the residents of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. By attachment to this petition, the various issues are discussed and the petitioners’ opinions and observations are set forth. Attachment ,- ATTACHMENT TO PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 THE NEED.FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE ISSUE HI-LITES The critical issues prompting this petition are as follows: The main entrance to and from Lanikai Lane from Carlsbad Blvd. is inadequate and unsafe. A full intersection with a traffic signal light is needed. (See page 2) The speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. is too high, given the recent development in the area. It needs to be lowered. (See page 3) The Surfside Lane - Ponto Road access to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park was not designed as a permanent thoroughfare and should eventually be closed. (See page 3) The speed limit in the La Costa Downs Residential Tract should be reduced in order to protect the safety of its’ residents. (See page 3) The Ponto Road - Breakwater Road exit from Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park is poorly designed and will cause problems for both Lanikai Lane residents and Poinsettia Cove residents. (See page 4) Traffic studies performed in the area last year were incomplete. Additional traffic studies are necessary to determine the best solutions to current problems. (See page 4) -. BACKGROUND The La Costa Downs Specific Plan SP.201, approved April 3, 1991, states that access to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park “shall be considered temporary until permanent access to Carlsbad Blvd. is constructed.” In the plan, it fbrther states that “When permanent access to Lanikai Lane is constructed, the access easement across Lot 9 of Block 24 (the connection of Surfside Lane to Ponto Drive) shall remain as an emergency secondary access. A Knox Box gate shall be installed by the developer conditioned to provide permanent access to Carlsbad Blvd.” In the early 199O’s, the residents of Lanikai Lane were promised a permanent access to . Carlsbad Blvd. at the main entrance to the park (to include a traffic signal light) when such permanent access was constructed. The Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan, approved November 27, 1998, states two items pertinent to this petition: 1. A right-turn-idright-turn-out access from Carlsbad Blvd., with appropriate . deceleration lane, shall be constructed by the developer at the entry to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home park concurrent with the development of Planning Area 7 (Poinsettia Cove). Page 1 of 7 . ._ ”” -- - .-.- - . .. . .. ATTACHMENT TO PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 2. The existing street connection between Surfside Lane and Ponto Drive shall not be affected by.the approval of this project. THE PROBLEMS TODAY The agreements made with the developer of Poinsettia Properties are in conflict with the verbal commitments made to Lanikai Lane residents and the provisions of the La Costa Downs Specific Plan 201. The existing access options provided for Lanikai Lane residents are inadequate. It is creating problems for La Costa Downs residents, and may create problems for Poinsettia Cove residents in the future. If the Poinsettia Properties developer had been required to provide a traffic signal light on Carlsbad Blvd. (with access to both southbound and northbound traffic) at the main entrance to Lanikai Lane, for its 146 units, no problem would exist today. The permanent access constructed to Lanikai Lane is both inadequate and dangerous. In addition, the developer was relieved of any obligation to install a gate .at the connection of Surfside Lane and Ponto Drive as required by the La Costa Downs Specific Plan. Finally, the additional exit for Lanikai Lane residents provided at the Carlsbad Blvd. a Breakwater Road intersection is poorly designed and has created problems that may only get worse as Poinsettia Cove becomes fblly occupied. DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEMS AND PROPOSED SOLUTIONS Main Entrance at Lanikai Lane and Carlsbad Blvd. This entrance provides for only a right turn (northbound) when exiting Lanikai Lane. With no traffic signal light, no acceleration lane, and a Carlsbad Blvd. speed limit of 50 mph, exiting onto Carlsbad Blvd. is both difficult and dangerous. There is a bus stop just . north of the exit that firther complicates the situation. At night, it is even more dangerous because there are no streetlights at the intersection and it is hard to tell in which lane on-coming traffic is travelling. It is also hard for on- coming traffic to recognize that they are approaching an exit from Lanikai Lane at night, The older residents of Lanikai Lane are having a particularly difficult time. Further, the intersection poses a safety threat to cyclists and joggers. We believe that this entrance is inadequate for the 146 occupied units in the park. Poinsettia Cove has 117 units and La Costa Downs has only 40 units. Both of these developments have direct traffic signal controlled access. The Lanikai Lane residents should have no less. Page 2 of 7 .. ~ ". ~ ATTACHMENT TO PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 keed Limit on Carlsbad Blvd. The stretch of Carlsbad Blvd. from La Costa Ave. to Palomar Airport Road is posted for 50 mph and is probably the last significant section of the Coast Highway in this area with such a high speed limit. Traffic, routinely goes faster than 50 mph and drag racing is common at all hours of the day and night. There seems to be ineffective traffc enforcement in this area. This is dangerous- as well as noisy for all residents along this section of Carlsbad Blvd. The speed limit should be lowered to 40 mph. It would then conform to the speed limit on Coast Highway south of La Costa Ave. and be only 5 mph higher than the speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. north of Palomar Airport Road. Surfside Lane - Ponto Road Access The transition from the Surfside Lane cul-de-sac to Ponto Road is not designed to be a permanent and safe access. Surfside Lane is a very narrow street and the cul-de-sac was designed to be a closed cul-de-sac. When cars are parked on both sides of Surfside Lane, there is limited room for two cars traveling in opposite'directions to pass. At the cul-de- sac, the entrance to Ponto Road is at an angle and is followed by an immediate curve on Ponto Road. Driver visibility is impaired by the curve and parked cars onSurfside Lane, Ponto Road itself is only 17 feet wide, about the width of a two-stall garage door. For traffic coming north on Ponto Road, there is a stop sign at the, Surfside Lane cul-de- sac. This sign is not visible until the last minute due to the curve in Ponto Road just before the cul-de-sac. With small children living on Surfside Lane, this situation is an accident waiting to happen. Only half of the lots on Surfside Lane are built out so the congestion on Surfside Lane will continue to build as more houses are completed. SDeed Limit in La Costa Downs Regardless of the final disposition of the Surfside Lane - Ponto Road connection issue, all of the streets in the La Costa Downs area should have a speed,limit of 15 mph. This would include Island Way, Franciscan Road, and Surfside Lane. With traffc congestion increasing on Carlsbad Blvd, especially during the evening rush hour and weekends, there is another potential problem. When traffic on northbound Carlsbad Blvd. backs up at the Island Way traffic signal, drivers will be tempted touse the Ponto Road - Surfside Lane access to bypass that traffic signal and re-enter Carlsbad Blvd. just north of the Carlsbad Seapointe timeshare. The property owners on the cul-de-sac had to give up some of the land that would have been part of their lots in order to create the cul-de-sac. If the cul-de-sac is not closed, they can rightfblly feel cheated. Page 3 of 7 ~.. . ". .. . ~~. . ATTACHMENT TO PETITION'TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED-FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 Ponto Road - Breakwater Road Exit An exit from Ponto Road to Breakwater Road has been created in an effort to provide Lanikai residents with a way to exit to southbound Carlsbad Blvd. by using the Breakwater Road - Carlsbad Blvd. traffic signal controlled intersection. Vehicles using this exit from Ponto Road have a very difficult time getting into the lane to turn left onto Carlsbad Blvd. There is barely room for two vehicles in the left turn lane between the traffic light stop line on Breakwater Road and the gate to Poinsettia Cove. It only takes one vehicle in this lane to block the exit from Ponto Road. In addition, to get to the left turn lane, those exiting from Ponto Road must cross the right hand turn lane. If there is only one car in the right hand turn lane, they are also blocked. Likewise, traffic exiting from Ponto Road onto Breakwater to turn left onto Carlsbad Blvd. can block access to the right hand turn lane onto Carlsbad Blvd. for Poinsettia Cove residents. The Poinsettia Cove development is not nearly full and there are already problems at this intersection. When Poinsettia Cove is klly occupied, those residents will be as unhappy with the arrangement as the Lanikai residents are already, even though Poinsettia Cove residents have another exit via Poinsettia Lane. THE SEPTEMBER 2001 TRAFFIC STUDY REPORT -I Last March, the Engineering Dept. notified La Costa Downs and Lanikai Mobile Home Park representatives in writing that they would postpone traffic studies until all residential units in Poinsettia Cove were occupied. That made sense to us. A week later, they amended their intentions, again in writing, indicating that they would proceed with traffic studies before Poinsettia Cove was hlly occupied since that project would have minimal impact on the Surfside Lane closure issue. We respecthlly disagree with that assessment. The Public Works Department proceeded to performed the traffic study analyzing the vehicular access to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home park via the Surfside Lane cul-de-sac access. The study was very professional but we believe that it is incomplete. Traffic activity needs to be measured after Poinsettia Cove is hlly occupied, and again 90 days later, in order for any meaningfbl conclusions can be reached. Consequently, we believe that the staff conclusion and recommendation to leave the Surfside Lane cul-de-sac open, as a permanent access is premature. We believe that additional traffic studies, done after Poinsettia Cove is hlly occupied, will show that traffic on Surfside Lane is increasing for several reasons: 1. Congestion problems at Breakwater Road - Ponto Road exit, after Poinsettia Cove is klly occupied, will cause more Lanikai residents to use Surfside Lane to access southbound Carlsbad Blvd. Page 4 of 7 - d. ATTACHMENT TO PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 Traffic on Carlsbad Blvd. will continue to increase due to continuing residential development in the area. As this happens, Lanikai residents will be more hesitant than ever about using the main entrance to Carlsbad Blvd. from Lanikai Lane given its design deficiencies, the high speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd., and associated safety problems. They will tend to go back to using Surfside Lane to access northbound Carlsbad Blvd. There will be a tendency for rush hour and weekend traffic to use the Ponto Road - Surfside Lane route to by-pass the traffic signal light on Carlsbad Blvd. at Island Way. Surfside Lane is only 50% built out. When all of the lots are occupied, the traffic from just Surfside Lane residents will probably double. We would expect that Surfside Lane traffic to exceed 500 vehicles per day. The City of Carlsbad Engineering Department's Standards specifies a maximum Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume on a cul-de-sac street of 500 vehicles according to the Traffic Study Report. While, traffic studies are an important input to making a decision on access issues, they should not be over-emphasized. Consideration of public safety, noise pollution, and public convenience must also be considered. Given the narrowness of Surfside Lane and the awkward entry between the Surfside Lane cul-de-sac and Ponto Road, it is hard to conclude that it makes sense to keep that access open permanently. ' It was not designed to be a permanent access. SUMMARY While the residents of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park have now been provided "permanent access", it is not adequate and it is not safe. A traffic signal light should be installed at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Lanikai Lane. Full access to and from Lanikai Lane from both northbound and southbound Carlsbad Blvd. should be provided. This is what the residents have always expected and what they were promised. The current combination of three access routes, each of which is flawed and/ or dangerous, is unacceptable. We recognize that a traffic signal light installed at Lanikai Lane would be fairly close to the light at Breakwater Road, approximately 750 feet to the south. It has been suggested to us by the Engineering Dept. that the distance may be too close for another traffic signal. There are numerous places in Carlsbad, on busy thoroughfares, where traffic signals are 750 feet apart or closer. Exhibit A to this document lists some of them. We strongly believe that the speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. needs to be lowered regardless of whether or not our other recommendations are implemented. 50 mph is an unsafe speed given the increase in traffic, the building of more intersections, and installation of more traffic signal lights in the area. Page 5 of 7 ATTACHMENT TO PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 It is premature to amend the La Costa Downs Specific Plan at this time. There are many dynamics at work, which need to be reviewed and considered. We believe that there are other solutions that make more sense. The residents of La Costa Downs purchased their lots and/ or homes based on the provisions of the La Costa Downs Specific Plan. That plan indicates that Surfside Lane will be closed after permanent access is provided to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. The prospect of Surfside Lane becoming a closed cul- de-sac made the properties on Surfside Lane more valuable. Any decision now to. amend the plan to leave the cul-de-sac open unfairly penalizes every La Costa Downs owner. Since La Costa Downs owners had to comply with the provisions of the Specific Plan in order to build their homes, the City of Carlsbad should comply with those provisions that are their responsibility to execute. The narrowness of Surfside Lane as well as Franciscan Road and Island Way convinces us that the posted speed limit on Franciscan Road, Island Way, and Surfside Lane should be reduced to 15 mph. This will provide an additional level of safety for the many children in the neighborhood not to mention all of the out-of-town timeshare users and children at Carlsbad Seapointe Resort. If the residents of Lanikai Lane are provided with adequate permanent access to and from Carlsbad Blvd. at their main entrance, Ponto Road should be closed at the Surfside Lane cul-de-sac except for emergency use. Likewise, consideration should be given to closing Ponto Road at Breakwater Road except for emergency use. ATTACHMENT TO PETITION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD THE NEED FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LANIKAI LANE Draft 2.0 - January 13 2002 EXHIBIT A The following distances between traffic lights are approximate and were calculated by pacing off the distance from the center of an intersection to the center of the next intersection. The distances should be within a variance of -t 10%. The distances on El Camino Real are estimated by using the l/lO* of a mile calculation on the car's trip odometer. (1/1 O* of a mile = 528') EL CAMINO REAL From Dove Aviara Distance Feet To Less than 500' Plaza Marron Less than 750' Marron Hospital Way Less than 750' Tamarack Kelly Less than 700' AVlARA Blvd. - From 420 - El Camino Real Manzanita 68'0 * Manzanita Mimosa Distance Feet * To DOWNTOWN FREEWAY OVERPASSES Page 7 of 7 . - - . ~.. . Table A Location A: Island Way, East of Carlsbad Boulevard . ,,-> . . .. 24-Hour Date ' . ~ -' Dirediion. Two-way ADT 24-Hour Volume I* I 1 /09/0 1 1,588 854 EB WB EB 41 1 910 1 734 1,497 857 EB 811 410 1 836 WB 1,769 933 WB 640 WB 402 WB 911 0102 911 2/02 985 583 EB 1,023 627 EB Table B Location B: Surfside Lane, South of Island Way j. ~' . ,. , .. , .L , :, , . .,,> . , , ,. .. ' - , , .. ,, . . , ." ' .,' ~. ., . 24-Hour ~*, ,, .- 'X" n,l , ,, . ., , p-+ , ~ .* . .I . ~.~ Date: _' " : . , . " ..' )i Two-way ADT 24-Hou\i.'Volljme '. .a -i ..':.-..Direction.. ((, .. , .' '. 1 /09/01 903 497 NB SB SB 406 179 SB 179 SB 175 SB 28 1 SB 294 411 910 1 811 410 1 626 332 NB 452 171 NB 911 0102 911 2/02 357 182 NB 290 111 NB 10/29/02 248 69 NB Table C Location C: Surfside Lane, North of Island Way '~ 24-Hour I. ', /1,,_ . , , ~., . ~~' ~ ,~ *IX ._,_ I> . ,. -. , .. ,I , "l, ~. , ,_ > . , , ,h Date- y' 3 . ' Direction' .' Two-way ADT 24-Hour Volume .' . ., . .": , . ,-..=_ 1 /09/01 392 236 NB SB 383 SB 369 SB 284 SB 25 1 SB 156 4/ 1 910 1 811 410 1 574 323 NB 654 370 NB 911 0102 9/ 1 2/02 677 308 NB 69 1 308 NB a3 Table D Location D: Ponto Drive, North of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park Main Entrance '' Date: Two-way ADT 24-Hour Volume Direction .. ,' , - 24-Hour 1 /09/0 1 81 7 399 NB SB 41 8 411 910 1 424 193 NB SB 207 SB 23 1 160 SB 141 SB 1 44 SB Table E 811 410 1 292 85 NB 911 0102 189 48 NB 911 2/02 1 96 52 NB 10/29/02 1 84 24 NB Location E: Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park Main Entrance at Carlsbad Boulevard , , ,, s, ' 24-Hour .' .~ ' . .Date Two-way ADT 24-Hbur Volume. 'Direction : 1 /09/0 1 0 0 EB WB (Not Constructed) 0 411 9/01 678 255 EB WB Location F: Ponto Drive, Immediately South of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park Table F 232 WB 51 8 286 EB 10/29/02 238 WB 522 284 EB 911 2/02 25 1 WB 546 295 EB 911 0102 407 WB 423 81 1 410 1 71 4 307 EB Main Driveway (one-way travel southbound only) I i. ~ '. .. ' . , 1, I 24-Hour 1 :* ,, Date , ,. :Direction Two-way' ADT 24-Hour Volume 811 410 1 1 89 189 SB 10/29/02 1 83 183 SB 911 2/02 181 181 SB 911 0102 203 203 SB Table G Location G: Ponto Drive, Immediately North of Breakwater Road (one-way travel southbound only) t I I I 24-Hour 1 .. Table H Location H: Breakwater Road, East of Ponto Drive I I 24-Hour Date' Two-way ADT 24-Hour Volume Direction 9/10/02 1,939 892 EB WB 1,047 9/12/02 1,661 779 EB WB I 882