HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-06; City Council; 17163; Request City Council Support Artsplash 2003CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 17,163 MTG. DEPT. CM 5-6-03 TITLE: REQUEST FROM THE ARTSPLASH STEERING COMMITTEE THAT THE CITY COUNCIL SUPPORT ARTSPLASH 2003 DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation and consider action on the request from the Artsplash Steering Committee that the City Council financially support Artsplash 2003, in the amount of $72,000. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit I) from Joni Miringoff, representative of the Artsplash 2003 Steering Committee, requesting that the City Council provide financial support to Artsplash 2003, in the amount of $72,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown at this time. There are available funds within the City Council's Contingency Account . EXHIBITS: 1. Committee, dated April 13, 2003. Letter to Ray Patchett, City Manager, from Joni Miringoff, Artsplash 2003 Steering I EXHIBIT #I April 13,2003 Mr. Raymond Patchett City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Patchett, On behalf of the Artsplash steering committee, we want to thank the City of Carlsbad for its generous support from the Community Activities Grant program for last year's inaugural Artsplash festival. That support was essential in helping to make Artsplash 2002 what was universally considered a smashing success for a first-time community arts event. An estimated 12,000 to 15,000 people visited during the two-day festival and enjoyed the many arts activities offered, especially the spectacular display of chalk art street painting. Artsplash 2002 was the epitome of a publidprivate partnership, with both sides working together to create a memorable arts experience for Carlsbad's residents and visitors. It also served its primary purpose of promoting the arts - making them accessible to people throughout the community - while also raising funds to benefit arts programs in Carlsbad schools. We believe that the festival will only get better - and more self-sufficient - in the years to come, but for Artsplash 2003, major support from the City is once again requested. To that end, we hope that the City of Carlsbad will become the maior sponsor and partner of Artsplash 2003 with a contribution of $72,000, and we would ask you to put this request onto the City Council agenda as soon as possible for consideration. Again, our thanks to the City of Carlsbad for its generous financial support of Artsplash 2002. It is through these types of innovative, joint efforts - among City leaders, private citizens and the business community - that worthwhile programs such as Artsplash can have an important and lasting impact on our entire community. Thank you for your time and consideration of this proposal. Very sincerely, U Joni Miringoff For the Artsplash 2003 Steering Committee EXHIBIT #3 ARTSPLASH 2003 EXTENDING THE VISION The ArtSplash committee believes the inaugural 2002 festival was a success in terms of enthusiasm engendered among visitors, participants and sponsors, and in terms of showcasing Carlsbad’s image and quality of life as well. The committee is aggressively addressing elements in which the festival fell short and broadening its scope. The New Mission: “Artsplash: an Arts Adventure for All Ages.” The Renewed Commitment: To make ArtSplash an annual event whose value to the City and its citizens will expand each year, while becoming increasingly self-sufficient. As a direct outgrowth of the community meetings that took place during the development of the Arts Office’s 2001-2006 Strategic Cultural Plan, ArtSplash meets the needs expressed in that Plan as “an interest across community sectors to ensure arts and cultural opportunities are available to all citizens and that cultural development be an integral component of daily life.” ArtSplash brings to the City of Carlsbad many dividends. Artsplash: Enhances Carlsbad’s cultural image and sense of place. In addition to showcasing Carlsbad’s cultural strengths, the festival celebrates our City’s other unique assets. 0 Builds community. The Armada Drive location helps bring the north and south sections of the city together in shared fun and creativity. In addition, diverse organizations and individuals work together to create this community-wide event. Spurs economic development and tourism. A similar annual event, Valencia’s “Bella Via,” now in its fourth year, draws 200,000 people over two days. 0 Makes the arts accessible to multiple audiences. The multifaceted festival offers great family fare. The live-art aspect (chalk art is a universal language) is particularly exciting and appealing to people of all ages and walks of life. Expands arts education efforts. A sizable percentage of the festival’s profits are earmarked specifically for arts education programs in Carlsbad schools. Four grants were awarded to elementary schools in 2002. The committee will strive to double that number in 2003. Artsplash 2003 Proposal - Page 1 of 5 3 WHAT ARTSPLASH 2003 WILL LOOK LIKE Artsplash 2002 was lauded as a great community and civic success, albeit created on a modest budget. Broad community participation and thousands of volunteer hours were hallmarks of the festival, which offered intrinsic rewards on behalf of accessible art. Building on 2002’s successes and learning from its lessons, the following plans are in place to make ArtSplash 2003 an even bigger and better community event: 0 Expand the scope and quality of the chalk adstreet painting component by inviting (and paying) a small number of elite professional artists to participate and by increasing the quantity of business-sponsored chalk squares. Increase opportunities for children (and adults) to participate in hands-on activities by expanding the number of art squares and other interactive, hands-on art opportunities such as clay sculpting, hat making, woodworking and puppet making. Performing arts workshops and clinics will be offered as well. Leading up to the festival, preparatory chalk art workshops for children will be held at various sites around the City. 0 Partner with Carlsbad schools in advance to develop engaging projects and prospective audiences. 0 Increase the quality and quantity of booths displaying arts, with an emphasis on artwork created on-site during the festival. 0 Expand the entertainment offerings to include performances by entertainers strolling along the street among the visitors. 0 Offer a wider variety of delectable foods, that visitors can eat while moving about the festival. Artsplash 2003 Proposal - Page 2 of 5 2004 AND BEYOND As an evolving event, Artsplash will always be, first and foremost, about the arts and about benefiting arts education in the schools. The committee also believes that as Artsplash grows, it will 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Put Carlsbad on the map as a cultural destination. Become a coveted draw for prestigious professional artists. Attract returning and new visitors each September to an exciting, growing event. Make down-to-earth art with an inherent, exciting immediacy that people can relate to and participate in. Create an atmosphere that promotes volunteers’ and participants’ bonding with the City of Carlsbad. Continue to be a free, fun, family-oriented event, with something for everyone. Continue its emphasis on providing a high-quality, art-exposing, art-exploring, and art-supporting “adventure.” Artsplash 2003 Proposal - Page 3 of 5 s THE REQUEST FOR CITY SUPPORT Within two to five years, ArtSplash is anticipated to become established as a non-profit organization. Accordingly, the dependence upon City support should decrease. Yet even as the event evolves toward fiscal independence, the committee believes the partnership between the City of Carlsbad and ArtSplash should continue. City support has three important effects for the ArtSplash festival. First, the support provides real dollars, and therefore the capacity to stabilize and expand the festival and its impact. 0 Second, it signals a commitment to the event, thus helping leverage future, essential support from the business community. Third, it shows that the City of Carlsbad is a city that cares about the arts and understands their importance to the overall quality of life of the community. 2003 Budget Request Our request for City supuort for ArtSdash 2003 is $72,000. Significant aspects of this budget request include the following points: 0 Since planning for the 2003 event is already under way, it is essential that the ArtSplash Committee knows, no later than February 20, the City’s level of direct financial support and in-lund services for ArtSplash 2003. 0 The ArtSplash Committee would need at least $15,000 of the requested amount as soon as possible, but no later than March 1 , 2003. 0 In addition to the financial request, the ArtSplash Committee also requests the following City services be provided for the event: administrative support; street sweeping; traffic planning and implementation; police support; police department’s special events coordination; slurry sealing of street; street sweeping after the event; paramedic on site; equipment needs such as a scissor lift and night lighting. 0 To become a viable, self-sufficient entity, Artsplash must move to a system that has paid as well as volunteer staff: $20,000 is therefore budgeted for a part-time event directorkoordinator. In return for generous commitment by the City, the ArtSplash Committee would credit the City as the major event sponsor in all of its publicity efforts. Artsplash 2003 Proposal - Page 4 of 5 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2003 Expenses Director/Coordinator Oversees fundraising initiatives; directs public relations efforts; coordinates all event details For featured chalk artists 4 @ $3,000 Artist fees Food and hospitality for volunteer chalk artists Artist supplies Entertainer fees Event production costs Event clean-up Promotion For main stage performers Rental of stage, tents, sound equipment, toilets, etc Printing of collateral material, banners, supplies Rental of equipment, labor Food costs Insurance Photographer Traffic control Signs, labor, bus shuttles Merchandising and marketing t-shirts, etc Webmasterlwebsite Community thank you event for volunteers and artists Total Expenses Income Corporatehusiness sponsorships and chalk art squares Food sales Parking Artist booths City contribution $20,000. 12,000 3,000 1,000 9,000 15,000 4,000 8,000 7,500 1,000 500 5,000 3,500 1,500 5.000 $96,000 $15,000 4,000 1,500 3,500 72.000 Total Income $96,000 Artsplash 2003 Proposal - Page 5 of 5 7