HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-13; City Council; 17170; Presentation from the San Pacifico HOAAB# 17.170
MTG. 5-13-03
Receive presentation from the San Pacifico Home Owners Association.
The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item
placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a
letter (Exhibit 1) from Dale Ordas, Board member, San Pacifico Home Owners Association
(HOA), requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council regarding the
potential installation of stop signs at Avenida Encinas at Portage Way/Marlin Lane,
Windrose, and at Dory Lane/Meridian Way.
There is no action that the City Council needs to take regarding this matter.
Unknown at this time.
HOA, dated March 27, 2003.
Letter to Ray Patchett, City Manager, from Dale Ordas, Board member, San Pacifico
Dale E. Ordas
Mediator-A&ibutc+ Lawyer- SB #38140
Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
300 Carlsbad Village Dr., Ste l08A PMB203, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Trl(7M) 61 3-9387 D&O@or~.cotn (760) 43 I-9061 Fm
March 27,2003
Honorable Claude A. “Bud” Lewis
Mayor City of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Request of San Pacifico Community Assoc, et al, for Stop Signs on Avenida
Encinas at Portage Way/Marlin Lane, Windrose and at Dory Ln. / Meridian Way
Dear Mayor Lewis:
On behalf of the members of the San Pacifico Community Association, the Vistamat @ San
Pacifico Homeowners Association, Santalina Homeowners Association, and the San Pacifico -
Area A Homeowners Association, request is made that the matter of Stop Signs on Avenida
Encinas at Portage WayMarlin Lane, Avenida Encinas at Windrose Circle, and Avenida Encinas
at Dory Lane/Meridian Way be placed on the agenda of the Carlsbad City Council per the attached petitions, which are incorporated by reference (Exhibit # 1).
Avenida Encinas runs through our community, making it necessary for approximately half of the
residents to cross Avenida Encinas in order to use the pool or tennis courts. In the past,
community members have requested a traffic control device to provide safe crossing for
pedestrians crossing Avenida fincinas at the intersection of Portage Way/Marlin Lane. The city’s
response was to install a “PEDESTRIAN” symbol sign in both directions on Avenida Encinas
approaching Portage WayMarlin Lane, as evidenced by the letter dated August 28,2001, a copy
of which is attached. This action, while appreciated, has not reduced the risk of personal injury or
property damage posed by traffic on Avenida Encinas. The risk for our community members
exists whether they are on foot or in a vehicle.
Stopping D~S~BCCS The reasons given by the city’s Transportation Engineer (the Engineer) was that there were “360
feet of stopping sight distance” and 300 feet would allow a motorist traveling at 45 mph to react
and slow or stop. Avenida Encinas is described by the Engineer as an arterial roadway with a
critical speed of 40 mph &e., 85’ percentile speed) (Exhibit # 2). Where and how these
measurements were taken was not set forth in the materials presented in response to our records
request. Presumably, the stopping distances employed assumed dry pavement and a -75 second
reaction time. These, of course, are optimal conditions. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal
world. The stopping distance would increase substantially if the surface of the roadway were wet
or slippery (approximately 20%). Reaction times can exceed 2 seconds in elderly people, who are
a significant part of our community. Whether the downgrade of Avenida Encinas compels a 20%
increase in the stopping distance required by Table 201.1 must also be addressed?
Vision Obstruction Impacts Stopping Distance
Further, when the bus stop to the southleast of Portage WayMarlin Lane is occupied by a bus, a
motorist approaching in a northerly direction is unable to see a pedestrian crossing at that
intersection. The attached photosraph show a bus northbound on Avenida Encinas just south of
the intersection at Portage WayMarlin Lane (Exhibit # 3). The second photo simulates the same
bus in the bus stop cut-out (Exhibit # 4). The vision obstruction created for northbound motorists
precludes seeing pedestrians or vehicles approaching to enter Avenida Encinas from Marlin Lane.
The NCTD bus schedules show they run approximately every half hour=
Decision Sight Distance
Further, the CalTrans Traffc Manual, the acknowledged benchmark for highway design, provides
that there should be specified distances for Corner Sight Distance at intersections such as
Windrose, Portage Way and Meridian. This must be determined in light of the critical speed of
40mph. The corner sight distance set forth in Table 405.1A for 40 mph is 440 feet to allow the
driver making a left turn fnwn the crossroad a 7.5 second time window. The Decision Sight
Disrrrnccs set out in Table 405.1B ~tfe: 30 mpb ... 450 feet; 40 mph ... 600 feet. Clearly, even at
the posted speed limit of 35 mph, the 360 fix4 cited by the city’s Transportation Engineer is not
enough distance for drivers to see and react to cars or pedestrians entering Avenida Encinas at
those intersections.
Accident Hkrtory & Tnffic Volume The section on Trstffic Signal Warrants (9-01.2), to which the Ensineer may have alluded in
responding to the earlier request, lists sevd hetors to support the installation of an electrically -
powered traffic signal - such as traffic volume and a history of five or more accidents within a
year. By the data provided in response to our records request, the traffic volume criteria have
been met. The accident history is as follows:
1) 1/7/00 Meridian Way; 2) 8/15/00 Windrose Cir;
3) 10/7/00 Winch.ose Ck 4) 1 1/19/00 Wimbrwe Cir;
5) 12/2/00 Windrose Ciq 6) 5/25/01 W&e Ciq
7) 10/8/02 Meridian Way; 8) a ColIision occurred 4-6 weeks ago at Portage Way, but
does not’appear as reported
While the combination of accident history, traffic volume and sight distance probably warrants a
b.affic signal under the CalTtans manual, installation of stop signs would be an economical
interim step toward reduction of the risk. In combination with a Flashing Beacun (9-05-1 3) and a
Cross Road Siga (W9) there should be a substantial improvement in the safety of our
Wherefore, it is requested that this matter be set on the City Council’s agenda at the earliest
available date unless this renewed request for stop signs on Avenida Encinas is approved without
necessi of such further action. Y
San Pacifica, Community Assocition
9665 Chesapeake Drive Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92123-1364
(858) 495-0900 Fax (858) 495-0909
C/O W8bS -t CQ-y
October 2OY2002
k Mr. Patchett:
The Board of Directors of the San Pacifico, Community Association, unanimously petitions the City of Carlsbad to erect
a four way stop sign controlled intersection at the comer of Portage way and Avenida Encinas and Avenida Encinas
ad Dory Lo. / Meridian Way. Both of the locations are a tram hazard to pedestrian trafic and vehicular traffic. This
request grows out of a fear for the safety of ouf COmmuRity member approximately ?4 of which live on each side of
Avenida Encinas and must cross this street to use facilities. There has been both reported and unreported accidents at
both intersections.
Portage Way and Avenida Encinas is the location of the San Pacifico Community Recreation Center on the north side of
Avenida Encinas and one of the San Pacifico pedestrian trails on the south side of Avenida Encinas. There are also
vehicle entrances and exits from Portage way onto Avenida Encinas. Pedestrians crossing at this location can't see far
enough east on Avenida Enciaas to determine if crossing the street is de. Vehicular Mi has the same problem
Avenida Encinas and Dory Ln. is the location of the San Pacific0 RV storage lot. The drivers of Large slow moving
vehicle can not see far enough in either direction on Avenida Encinas to determine if a motor vehicle is approaching that
would be a hazard. Pedestrims have the same difficulty.
The San Pacifico community consists of 398 singlefamily detached homes and 56 condominiunis located West of HWY
5 between Poinsettia and Avenida Encinas. San Pacifico is a common interest development as defined in section 135 I of
the €difmia Civil €!de.
Respectfblly submitted,
?3herman DeForest, President, San Pacified: Comhunity Association
Bob Hale, Vice hident, San Pacifica, Conhun~Association
Vistamar @ San Pacifico, Homeowners Association
c/o Walters Management Company
9665 Chesapeake Drive Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92123-1364
(858) 495-0900 Fa (858) 495-0909
October 20,2002
Ray Patchett, City Manager
city of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
C~lsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Patchett:
The Board of Directors of the Vistamar Homeowners Association, unanimously petitions the City of Carlsbad to erect a
four way stop sign controlled intersection at the corner of Portage way and Avenida Encinas and Avenida Encinas and
Dory La. / Meridian Way. Both of the locations are a trafic hazard to pedestrian trafZc and vehicular traffic.
Portage Way and Avenida Encinas is the location of the San Pacifico Community Recreation Center on the north side of
Avenida Encinas and one of the San Pacific0 pedestrian trails on the south side of Avenida Encinas. There are also vehicle
entrances and exits fiom Portage way onto Avenida Encinas. Pedestrians crossing at this location can't see far enough east
on Avenida Encinas to determine if crossing the street is safe. Vehicular traffic has the same problem
Avenida Encinas and Dory Ln. is the location of the San Pacifico RV storage lot. The drivers of Large-slow moving
vehicle can not see far enough in either direction on Avenida Encinas to determine if a motor vehicle is approaching that
would be a hazard. Pedestrians have the same difficulty.
The Vistamar community consist of 202 single family detached homes located West of HWY 5 betwean Poinsettia and
Avenida Encinas. The specific streets involved are: Portage Way, Anchorage Ave, Dew Point Ave, Wind Sock Way,
Warer Place, Dory Ln, Escalonia Court and Compass Court. Vistamar is a common interest development as defined in
section 1351 of the California Civil Code.
(WteaRt) Vice President, Vistamar Homeo6ners Association "A€ #Ems
Dennis Kraft, D&ec?or, -sibtamar Homeowners Assocktion
By: W. Van Cleve, trfpetition.doc octobet 11,2002
Santaba @ San Pacifico, Homeowners Association
GRG Management lac.
Sherrie Bmgtson, Assoc. Portfolio Manager
3088 Pi0 pic0 Drive, Suite 200 Cmlsbad, CA 92008
' (760) 720-0900 F~x (760) 720-0085
March 12,2003
Ray Patchett, City Manager
1200 Cluebad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008
city of carlsbad
Dear Mr. Patch&:
The Board of Directom ofthe Sautab Homeowners Assohtion, Hllanimous$ petitiolls the City of
Carlsbad to erect a four way stop sign controlled intersection at the comer of Portage way and Avenida Encinas and Avenidp Encinas and Dory LE / Meridian Way. Both of the locations are a traffic hazard
to pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic.
Portage Way and Avenida Encinas is the location of the San Pacific0 Community Recreation Center on the north side of Avenida Encinas and one of the Sa Pacific0 pedestrian trails on the south side of Avcnida kinas. There are abio vehicle entrances and exits from Portae way onto Avmida Encinas. Pedestrians crossing at this location can't see tlu enough east an Avenida Encinas to deteaminG ifcrosshg
the street is safe. Vehicular traffic has the same problem
Avenida Encinas and Dory Ln. is the location of the San Pacific0 RV storage lot. The drivers of large
slow moving vehicles can not see fiu enough m either direction on Avenida Encb to determine if a motor vehicle is approaching that would be a hazard. Pedesttiaas have the same difficulty.
The Santalina Community consist of 56 paired homes located West of HWY 5 bounded by Avenida EncineS, Windrose Circle and Navigator Circle. Santaliha is a common interest development as defined m section 1351 ofthe Califonria Civil Code.
bate .? -12 - 0.3 ident, Santalina Homeowners Association
* Matt Howe, Treasurer, Santalina Home0 Association
bY P8tcM.t CityManager
City of Carlsbad
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
CarSs€md, CA =2008
San Pacifico Area “A”
C/o G.R.G. Management, Inc.
Post Office Box 1186
Carlshad, CA 92018 oflice: 760-720-0900 Fa: 760-720-0085
January 15,2003
Dear Sir
The Board of Directors of San Pacifica Area Auuaqhouslypetitionsthe City ofcarlsbadto erect athx way stop sign at the comer of Avenida Encinas and Windrose Cucb h addition to the four way stop signs proposed for the
intersections of Avaida Encmas and Portage Way (Marlin Lane) and Avenida Encb and Dory Lane (Meridian Way) requested by the San Pacific0 Community Association, which we also support. All intersections present a
dangerous conditioa3 because of the prevailing speeds on Avenida Embas and impairad sight distance (vertical and
horizontal) due tothe curves and hills that make up the roadway.
Windrose is the only entrance to Santalha, Rosalina and Areas A-2,3and 4 of our Association. It is also the only exit for Santalina and Rosalina. Left turns onto Win&- are Mow due to the speed of oncoming traffic, which is sight impaired. Rightturns and leftturns onto Encinas are an adventute, oh requiring drag strip acceleration to enter on the traffic breaks. When one side laoks clear, it seems another speeding vehicle appears fmm the other
dw accelerator everytime we want to use Encinas.
There are a number of close calls and unreported accidents in addition to the reported accidents at these
intersections. We are confident that your traffic analysis will show that a significant factor in the cause of these accidents is the lack of effective traffic control. Stop signs will at least give us a fair chance.
diredion. We fkel that we should have an equal apportuolty * tonsetheilltema ‘on without the necessity of flocning
Our Associ8tion consists of 1% smgle-flmily homes. Theze am 56 condominium units m santaliim sdditionto
tbe single4imily homes in Rosalina and Vistamar.
n the City Council‘s agenda at your earliest convenience.
me purpose of this letter is to follow Up to your Mer regarding your concerns fat the safety of pedestn'ans who cross Aven'ida Encinas at the MarlinLandPortage Way
intersectioni You are requesthg'that the City install a traffic control devk on Avenida Endnas at this intersection to provlds a safe crossing for pedestrians,
- strsr has completed the traffic studies necessary to dmte the situation and address your concerns. The traffic studies induded ahview of current traffic vofumes,
pedestrian crossing volumes, pedestrian. gap studies and intersection geomtridsight distance evaluation.
Based on the rieSults of the studies, a work order has been Issued to instan' 8 'PEDESTRIAN' symbol sign in both dimns on Avenida Encbras approaching the intersection of f%rtage WayMarlhr-Lane. These-sigris witl giva an advanced warning ta- mtcjffsfs to exped pedestrians to be crossing in thki area
The traffic studies found that during the study periods (it15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and
1:45 p.m. to 315 p.m.), there are an average of3 usable gaps for pedestrianre to caws
Avenicta Encinas every minute. Duting this s8m 3 hour time pew, a total of 15 pedestrians were obsewed crossing Avenida Endnas at this intersection without incident. Field measurements of the existing "comer and %bpping' sight distance at this intersection found that the minimum required stopping sight distance of 300 feet (for 40 mph) is being pmvkfed of exceeded. Avenida Encinas, being a secondary
arterial roadway, has a design speed and also a'acr#cal speed" of 40 miles per hour. The *critical speed" (also known as the "85 percentile speed"), is the speed at which
85% of the motorists surveyed we- driving at or Mow. Motorists approaching this intetsedbn on Aven'Kta Enanas CBR see a pedestrian ctossing approximately 360 feet
in advance of the crossing location. This 360 feet of stopping sight distance provides
enough time for a motorist traveling at 45mph to read and elow dawn or stop for a
pedestrian. I
August 28,2001
Page 2
You also mentioned your concerns about motorists exceeding the speed limit on Avenida Encinas. 'You might want to contact .Sgt. Kelly Cain of the Carlsbad
Police Department, Traffic Division at (760) 931-2106, to discuss your concerns and
perhaps request the scheduling of the '%adat trailer' and some enforcement on this
section of Avenida Encinas. The "radar trailer" is an educational device that shows the
posted speed limit and also radars and displays the current speed ofeach appmaching
ve hide.
In closing, the two 'PEDESTRIAN" symbol signs should be installed within the next few
weeks and will give motorists on Avenida Encinas an advanced warning to expect pedestrians to be crossing in the area. Pedestrians need to also be reminded to be alert and cautious when crossing this and any street.
Thank you for your concerns regarding pedestrian safe^ and for your patience while staff completed the traffic studies. If you have any questions, please give me a call at
(760) 602-2734.
Associate Engineer
Transportation Division
c: Public Works Director
Deputy Crty Engineer, Transportation Sgt. Kelly Cain
Topic 201 - Sight Distance
Index 201.1 - Gumera1
Sight distance is the continuous length of hhbway ahead visible to the driver. Three
types of sight distance are considered here passing, stopping, and decision. Stopping
Sight distance it tho ddmum sigbt distance
to be provided on multilane highways md 012 2-lane mads when passing sight distance is not economically obtainable. Stoppiw sipbt distance also is to be provided for all ele- ments of intorchanges rad intersections at
gr#de, including private road connections
(see Indexes 405.1, 504.1 and FiBure 405.7). Decision sight dirrtancs is used at mafor deci- sion points (see Indexes 20J.7 and 504.2).
The following table shows the standards for passiag and stopping sight dietanct related
to design speed. These are the aldnrm ral-
OID tht 8b.n bo Ut8 ia ddg0.
Table 201.1
Sight Distance Standards
Chapter XI1 of 'A Policy on Geometric De- sirn of Highways and Streets," AASHTO, 1984, contains n thorough discvuion of the derivation of stopping sight distance.
2013 Paulns S@ht Dbtuce
Passing sQht distpnce is the minimum sight di8Wnct reqoirod for the driver of one
vehicle to post another vehicle aafcly and comfortably. Paniiag must be occomplishcd
without reducinp the $peed of an oncoming vehicle traveling nt the design speed should it come into view after the overtaking maacwtr
ia started. The sight distance available for passing at my place is tba longest distance at whicb a driver whwe eyes are 3.5 feet above the pavement surface can set the top of an object 4.25 feet high on the toad.
Powin8 sight dittrnco is considered only on 2-hne roads. At critical locrtions, e stretch of 3- or 4-lane paning sectioo with stopping sigbt diatancc ;a tometimen more economical than two lanes with passing right distance (see Indox 204.5).
Figure 201.2 shows graphically the rela- tionship amon$ length of vertical curve, de- sign sw, and algebraic difference in grades.
Any one factor can be determinod when the other two are known.
See Chapter 6 of the Traffic Manual for criteria relating to barrier striping of ao-pass-
hg zones.
~~ ~ - Design Speed(') Stooping(*) Parsing
20 ....... .......U.....urrl 125 ...-... "-.. 800
25 ...._._....-.__._. 150 ._----. 950
30 ..._._ _.. .-._....U_ 200 ---......-... I IO0 35 m.....l-...-.-.v...-.. 250 .......U......Y.. I300
40 ..... 300 --..-.-.... 1500 45 -..-............- 360 _...,........I.lL 1630 50 ....... "......-.....-... 430 ............I..I.. 1800 55 ....._.........-..-_. 500 ....-...._........ 1950
60 ......... ".".."L*. .... -..m 580 ..... I.-... 2100
65 ....... --.... ........ -.- 660 ..". ".".. .... -. 2300
70 .....-..- -_ .____-. 750 ..... 2500 75 .. .._.... -.-...-.-... 840 -. _..- - ...... 2606 80 ...........-- ........ ...-... 930 -... ............. 2700
(mph) Ut) (ft) 201.3 Stopplag sight Dirtance
The minimum stopping sight distnnce is the distance required by the driver of a vehi- cle, traveling at a given speed, to bring his vehicle to a stop after an object on the road becomcs visible. Stopping sight distence ;S
artasursd from the driver's eyes, which are assumed to bt 3.5 feet above the pavement surface, to an object 0.5-foot high on the road.
Tho stopping tight distances in Table 201.1 should be increased by 20% on susttiaed downgrades steeper than 3% and longer than I mile.
Table 405.16
Dccioion Slght DIPtnnce
Design Speed Woa Sight
bPh) Distance (ft)
30 .........r.r...u........~...... 450
40 "III..........W.......*"UI. 600 50 ......U............Y..4.......... 750 60 .......... ----..I.. lo00
Table 405.iC
Application of Sight Diotrnca Requurrmantr
Sight Distance Intersection
TYPB Stoppina Corner Decirioa
Private Roads X XO)
Public Streets X X and Roads
Signalized X Inurrectiono
The District Traffic Branch normrtly os- tablishtcl the need fcw left-turn lanes. See "Guidelines for Recoestruction of Interrec- tiom," August 1985, published by the Califor- nia Division of Transportation Operations.
(2) Design Elenrcntr.
(8) Width-A 12-foot widtb i8 desinble. On wonstroction project% lrae width may v8ry between 10 tat 8nd 12 feet. On ru- rrl higb-rpeed highway$ or l1kodCr8tt speed
highway$ in ruburbra arwa 11 feet is wnsldctcd 8 minimum. In Xowipecd ut- ban areas in coastrained titustions where lorge trucks are not erptcted, 10-foot lanes
may be d.
(b) Approach Tapcr-On I conventional
hiahway without 8 mwdi8n. the approach mper provides rpnce for II left-turn Lnc
by moving traffic laterally to the right. The approach tacr is unntcuanry where a median is avril88ls for tkc full width of
the left-turn lane. Lcaath of the approach taper is &en by the formula oa Figures 40528 and C
(c) Bay Taper--A reversin8 cufvc along the left edge of the traveled way directl traf- fic into the left-turn lane. The length of tbh bay taper &odd be rhort to clearly deIiineprte the left-tarn move and to dis-
cowage throo&k traffic from drifting into
the left-tarn hac. Tabfe 405.2A gives off-
set Uata for dttign of bay tapers. In at- ban area& lengths of 60 and 90 fcet arc normally used. On rural high-speed bigh-
wayq 8 12&fwt length is considered rp- propria te.
(d) Deceleration Len~th-Dosign speed of the approaching traffic should be the basis for I determining dccderation !Cagtb. It is de- airable that deceleration take place en- tirely off the through traffic lane*. De- cclexrtion lane knteh values are given in Table 405.2B: the bar tawr h iscldcdi --
Figure 105.2A is a standard design where the full width, W, of the left turn hns is developed by the end of the approach ta-
per. The standard left-turn design should be used where spaae fs available, usually in rural amak In urban weas and on re- construction projccts where right of way is
405.2 Ltf 8-turn Cba8netizrtion
(I) Gmrral. "be pur- of a left-turn fane is ro expedite the movamcnt of through traffic. control the movemcmt of turning traf- fic, increase the capacity of tbe intersection, and improve safety cbaracteriatics.
M8yt.lorr 8
Topic 405 - Intersection Darign Standards
405.1 Sight Dirt811ce
(1) Stopping Sight Dis&ance. Sbo Index 201.1 for minimum stopping sight distance re- quirements.
(2) Cornar Sight Distance.
(a) Pnblia Road Xaterwctions-At unrignalizcd public nd interwetions (see Iodex 405.7)
I substantially dear line of sight should be rnaintahd between thr driver of II re- hick waiting 8t the -oft road rlad the driver of an asmfoachhg vehicle in the ri$ht fane of the win highway. SO&t dit-
tance values a;vcn in Tabb 405.1A should be used at undgnrlizcd pub& road inter- sections. On 2-lane highways, them values allow 7-1/2 seconds for the driver on tbe crosarord to turn left while the approach-
iag vehicle travels at the assumed design speed of the main highway. On multilsne highways, a 7-1/2 second criteria for the outside lane will normally provide in- creased sight distance to the inside lanes to compensate for the longer distance traveled by the left-turning vohicls. Con- sideration should be given to iacrcasinB these values on downgrades statptr than 3% and longer than 1 mile (we Index
In-some cases the cost to obtain 7-112 see- ond corner sight distances may be axces- rive. High cos!$ might include riat of way, building removal, extensive cxceva- tion, or environmental costs such as tree
removal, avoidance of wetlandi, historic,
and archaeological sites. I. such cases a lesser due for earner right distance may
be us@& but ,be mimSmosn value shall be the stopping right dlstmca gives In Table 201.1 mearered from a 3.5-faot eye height on !he minor road to a 4.25-foot object height on the ma)or road.
Set back for the drSrer 08 tbe cross rad rbaII be a mirlmur of 15 fret from edge of the traveled nay. Set back ussumes 6 feet to the stop bar, I-foot for the width of the stop bar. and 8 feet from front bumper to driver. If the atop bar is more
than 4 feet from the traveled way, oddi- tional allowance should be considered.
(b) Private Road Intersections-Mldmmm cor- ner rtght dlrtrtcs shall be rtwpIy sight
dlrt.8~0 I# dveo ia Table 201.1 aerrnred from I %$foot eye hctgbt bli the private road to a 135-foot object height on the major road Set back b a minimum of 15 feet, the same 8s for pnblic road connec- tiow
(c) Uzkn Driveways-Corner sight distance tcquircments under (b) above do not apoIy to orbun driveways.
(3) Decision Sight Distance. At intersec- tions where tbo Statc si- route turns os
CTOSIIU another Statc route, the &chiom sigh; distance vlllaos given in Table 405JB should
be used. In cornporing and metunring deci-
don sight distance, the 3.5-foot eye hciet and
object being located on the dde of the inter- section nearest the rpproscbiby driver.
The application of the various sight dis- tance reqdrements for the ditftrrcnt types of intersections i8 summarized in Table 405.1C.
the 0.5-foot ObJtct h&ht &Odd bc wd, the
Tab 405.1A
Co tr Sight Distance (7-72 S econd Criteria)
~ -~
30 ......._ -...... 330
40 -____.. ...-..,,,. 440
50 _.-_.-. 550
60 .-..... C-..-... 660
70 U.UI.......rrr...-..N.U.... 770
OOCI-12 Flnrnclng
The following design and operational