HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-20; City Council; 17172; Approval of Used Oil Block Grant Application,B# 17,172 TITLE: ITG. 5/20/03 BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION )EPT. ENG APPROVAL OF USED OIL RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY ATTY. t& CITY MGR- Adopt Resolution No. 2003-126 approving the City of Carlsbad’s application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Used Oil Block Grant Program and authorizing the Public Works Director, or designee, to sign all related grant documents, Le., correspondence and reports. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act authorizes the State of California to collect four cents for every quart of lubrication oil sold, transferred, or imported into California. A portion of these funds is available to local governments in the form of non-competitive block grants for establishing used oil collection programs, which encourage recycling of used oil. The annual grant award to Carlsbad is $27,126 for 2003-2006. The grant is awarded once in 2003 with three years to expend the funds. With City Council’s approval, the current (2003-2006) block grant is slated to address continued public education, and enhance the quality and quantity of permanent collection facilities available to residents. Staff used a previous block grant from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to develop an outreach campaign, strengthen the infrastructure of current collection facilities, and purchase storm drain markings. Staff recommends that the City Council delegate signature authority for all CIWMB grant-related documents to the Public Works Director, or his designee. This delegation of signature authority will make the grant application and administration process less administratively burdensome. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City’s grant application is approved by CIWMB, the estimated revenue to the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund is $27,126. The City will receive $27,126 of the grant funds in 2003 to expend through 2006. EXHIBITS: approving the City of Carlsbad’s application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Used Oil Block Grant Program and authorizing the Public Works Director, or designee, as signature authority for all related grant documents, i.e., correspondence and reports. 2003-126 1. Resolution No. 2. Used Oil Block Grant Application. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ann McClain, (760)602-2776, amccl@ci.carlsad.ca.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-126 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THE 2003/2006 USED OIL BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AND DELEGATING SIGNATURE AUTHORITY FOR GRANT DOCUMENTS. WHEREAS, grant funding has been established by the California Recycling Act and is available to cities and counties through the California Integrated Waste Management Board for establishing and maintaining local used oil collection programs that encourage recycling or appropriate disposal of used oil; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is desirous of applying for these funds; and WHEREAS, the program requires that the grant application be approved by the City Council and a signature authority be appointed by City Council resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. 3. The Public Works Director, or his designee, are appointed as the signature That the above recitations are true and correct. The submittal of the 2003/2006 Used Oil Block Grant Application is approved. authorities for all grant documents. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 20th dayof MAY , 2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard nnila and Kulchin ATTEST (SEAL) Electronic copies of the application can be found at the CIWMB's website: www.ciwmb.ca.gov/usedoil/grants/block/ Estimated Total Grant Amount: $27.126.00 Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Primary Contact: Steve Didier Printed Name of Primary Contact Title: Management Analyst Phone: E-Mail address: sdidier@ci.carlsbad.ca.us I Signature Authority: Steve Didier I Printed Name of Signature Authority I I Title: Management Analyst Phone: E-Mail address: sdidier@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Fax: Consultant: (If applicable) I Contact Name: Phone: E-Mail address: I Fax: New Address: (If changed) New Primary Contact: (If changed) Ann McClain Printed Name of Primary Contact Ma nagemen t Assistant Phone: (760)602-2776 E-Mail address: Fax: (760)602-8562 New Signature Authority: (If changed) Ann McClain Printed Name of Signature Authority Title: Management Assistant Phone: (760) 602-2776 amccl@ci . carlsbad. ca. us E-Mail address: Fax: New Consultant: (If applicable and/or changed) (760) 602-8562 N /A Contact Name: Phone: E-Mail address: Fax: CO-OperatiVe Project: (If applicable) Percentage (%) or Flat Amount to Lead Agency: N /A Lead Agency: Project: Zrant Spending Projections 'lease identify the activities you plan to implement with your fiscal year 2003/2004 Used Oil Recycling Block 3rant funds. The amounts you indicated are only estimates, you will not be held to these amounts. The grand .otal must match the total grant amount listed on the front page. Permanent Collection Facility Subtotal $ 13,500 00 Von-Certified Collection Centers $ Small Quantity Generators $ Zertified Collection Centers $3, nnn .an Agricultural Collection $ Filter Collection $1,000.00 Airport Project $ HaulingRec ycling $7,000.00 Marina Project $ "w Permanent Facility $3,500.00 Other $ I'emporary or Mobile Collection Subtotal $ 1,126.00 HaulingRecycling $ 376.00 Small Quantity Generators $ Temporary Events $ 750.00 Agricultural Collection $ Filter Collection $ Other $ Residential Collection Subtotal $ HaulingRec ycling $ Curbside Collection $ Curbside Collection $ Other $ Door-to-door Collection $ Publicity and Education Subtotal $ 6,500-00 Public Education $2.000.00 Video $ School Education $ Television $ Containers $ New spaper $ Radio $ Direct Mai 1 $ 4,500.00 Special Events Transit Ads Brochure $ Utility Insert $ $ Newsletter $ $ Other $ Stormwater Mitigation Program Subtotal $ 6,000.00 - - $ Publicity & Education $ 5,000.00 Personnel $ $ S tormw ater Mi tigation Supplies and Materials Other Load Checking Load Checking Subtotal $ Other $ PersonneYOther Personnel Subtotal $ Other $ Co-Operative Project Subtotal $ Grand Total $ 27, 126-oo Certification I declare, under penalty of perjury, that all information submitted for the CIWMB's consideration for allocation of grant funds is true and accurate to the best of my acknowledge and belief. Signature of Person Authorized by Resolution Title Date -