HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-20; City Council; 17176 Exhibit 6; Multi-Family Housing Revenue BondsRECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Thomas A. Hauser, Esquire Ballard Spahr Andrews & In ersoll, LLP 300 East Lombard Street, 19 Floor Baltimore, Maryland 21202 t! (Space Above for Recorder’s Use Only) ASSIGNMENT AND INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT by and among CITY OF CARLSBAD, [TRUSTEE], as Trustee, and FANNIE MAE, and acknowledged, accepted and agreed to by CIC CALAVERA, L.P. Relating to [$S,OOO,OOO] City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A Dated as of LA1 : 1004255.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 . SECTION 2 . DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 1 ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................ 6 Section 2.1 Section 2.2 Section 2.3 Section 2.4 2.4.( 1) 2.4.(2) 2.4.(3) 2.4.(4) Section 2.5 Section 2.6 2.6.(1) 2.6. (2) 2.6. (3) Section 2.7 Section 2.8 Section 2.9 Section 2.10 Section 2.11 2.1 1.(1) 2.11 . (2) Section 2.12 2.12.( 1) 2.12.(2) 2.12.(3) Assignment ........................................................................................... 6 Assignment of Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider ............. 7 Assignment of Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to Trustee .............. 7 Effect of the Issuer’s Assignments ....................................................... 8 Effect of Assignment of Mortgage Loan Rights and Mortgage Loan Payments Interest ........................................................................ 8 Assignment of Mortgage Loan Upon Payment or Redemption of Bonds ............................................................................................... 9 Assignment of Mortgage Loan Without Payment or Redemption of Bonds ........................................................................... 9 Trustee’s Assignment ......................................................................... 10 Exercise of Assigned Rights .............................................................. 10 Exclusive Exercise of Rights by the Credit Provider; Exclusive Exercise of Rights by the Trustee ...................................................... 10 The Credit Provider ............................................................................ 10 Trustee ................................................................................................ 11 Disclaimer of Assumption of Obligations .......................................... 12 Confirmation of Assignment .............................................................. 12 Further Assurances ............................................................................. 12 No Other Encumbrances .................................................................... 12 Consent Required for Amendments ................................................... 12 Insurance; Condemnation ................................................................... 13 Insurance ............................................................................................ 13 Condemnation .................................................................................... 13 Possession of Mortgage Note and Security Instrument: Records and Books of Account: Examination of Records and Books of Account .............................................................................................. 14 Possession of Mortgage Note and Security Instrument ..................... 14 Records and Books of Account .......................................................... 14 Examination of Records and Books of Account ................................ 14 LA1:1004255.2 -1- TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Section 2.13 Disposition of Mortgage Loan ........................................................... 14 Credit Provider Assignment ............................................................... 14 DISPOSITION OF CREDIT FACILITY ...................................................... 15 LIMITATIONS ON ISSUER ......................................................................... 15 EFFECT OF DEFAULT ................................................................................ 15 MORTGAGE LOAN SERVICING ............................................................... 15 BORROWER’S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................. 16 REGULATORY AGREEMENT ................................................................... 16 Monitoring of Regulatory Agreement ................................................ 16 Termination of Regulatory Agreement ............................................. 16 Right To Enforce Compliance ............................................................ 16 Notices of Violations of the Regulatory Agreement .......................... 16 Cure Rights ......................................................................................... 17 ISSUER’S COVENANTS ............................................................................. 17 2.13.(1) SECTION 3 . SECTION 4 . SECTION 5 . SECTION 6 . SECTION 7 . SECTION 8 . Section 8.1 Section 8.2 Section 8.3 Section 8.4 Section 8.5 SECTION 9 . Section 9.1 Limitations on Issuer .......................................................................... 17 Section 9.2 Enforcement ....................................................................................... 17 Section 9.3 Specific Performance ......................................................................... 18 AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENTS ............................................................ 19 REPRESENTATIONS; WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS ................... 19 Representations; Warranties and Covenants of the Issuer ................. 19 Representations and Warranties of the Credit Provider ..................... 20 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Borrower ............ 20 SECTION 10 . SECTION 1 1 . Section 11.1 Section 11.2 Section 11.3 Section 11.4 Representations and Warranties of the Trustee .................................. 21 SECTION 12 . SECTION 13 . SECTION 14 . SECTION 15 . SECTION 16 . SECTION 17 . SECTION 18 . LA1 : 1004255.2 - CONTROL ON RIGHT OF REDEMPTION ................................................ 22 EXCULPATION ............................................................................................ 22 DISCLAIMERS; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................. 22 TERMINATION ............................................................................................ 22 LIABILITY OF BORROWER ...................................................................... 23 INCORPORATION OF SECURITY INSTRUMENT .................................. 23 NOTICE .......................................................................................................... 23 .. TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................................... 24 SECTION 19 . Section 19.1 Section 19.2 Section 19.3 Section 19.4 Section 19.5 Section 19.6 Section 19.7 Section 19.8 Section 19.9 Section 19.10 Section 19.11 Section 19.12 Section 19.13 Section 19.14 Section 19.15 Section 19.16 Waivers ............................................................................................... 25 Amendments ....................................................................................... 25 Governing Law ................................................................................... 25 WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL .............................................................. 25 Severability ......................................................................................... 25 Additional Assignment ....................................................................... 25 No Merger of Interests ....................................................................... 26 Reimbursement of Assignees ............................................................. 26 Incorporation of Rights ...................................................................... 26 Counterparts ...................................................................................... -26 Assignment Without Recourse ........................................................... 26 Remarketing Agreement .................................................................... 26 Approval of Documents ..................................................................... 26 Consent of the Credit Provider ........................................................... 26 Certain Notices to the Credit Provider and Loan Servicer ................. 27 Bailee .................................................................................................. 27 SECTION 20 . SECTION 2 1 . SECTION 22 . EXERCISE OF RIGHTS ............................................................................... 27 REMEDIES CUMULATIVE ........................................................................ 27 OBLIGATIONS LIMITED ............................................................................ 27 LA1:1004255.2 ... -111- An extra section break has been inserted above this paragraph. Do not delete this section break if you plan to add text after the Table of Contents/Authorities. Deleting this break will cause Table of Contents/Authorities headers and footers to appear on any pages following the Table of Contents/Authorities. MULTIFAMILY NOTE U.S. [$5,000,000] City of Carlsbad, California As of [DATE] The meanings of capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Mortgage Note are set forth in Schedule A to this Mortgage Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, CIC CALAVERA, L.P. (the “Borrower”), a California limited partnership, promises to pay to the order of the [CITY OF CARLSBAD (the “Issuer”), a municipal corporation - confirm this should be Issuer and not Trustee] and its successors, assigns and transferees, or order, the principal sum of Five Million Dollars and No/100s (U.S. [$5,000,000]), together with interest on the unpaid principal balance of this Multifamily Note (the “Mortgage Note”) at the following rates of interest (in each instance, the “Mortgage Note Rate,” the components of which are more fully described in Paragraph 1 of this Mortgage Note): (a) % per annum for the period beginning on the Accrual Date (as specified below) to the first day of the month immediately preceding the Initial Remarketing Date (the “Initial Adjustment Date”). Effective as of the Initial Adjustment Date, the Mortgage Note Rate shall be a per annum rate equal to the Remarketing Rate which takes effect on the Initial Remarketing Date plus such additional basis points of interest (“Additional Basis Points”) as shall be necessary to ensure that (a) the payments under this Mortgage Note will at all times be sufficient to pay when due the principal and interest on the Bonds and (b) the Mortgage Note Rate will be sufficient to (1) cover Set Rate Interest and (2) produce a Pass-Through Rate sufficient to cover Third Party Fees to the extent included, in accordance with paragraph (i) of Section 4.3 of the Financing Agreement, in, and payable out of, the Mortgage Note Rate, (collectively, as to clauses (a) and (b), the “Required Mortgage Note Rate Coverage”), all as shown in a then current Cash Flow Projection and Verification Report. If the Bonds Outstanding are remarketed on a Remarketing Date after the Initial Remarketing Date, the Mortgage Note Rate shall, effective as of the first day of the month immediately preceding such Remarketing Date, be a per annum rate equal to the Remarketing Rate which takes effect on such Remarketing Date plus such Additional Basis Points as shall be necessary to ensure that the Mortgage Note Rate produces the Required Mortgage Note Rate Coverage, all as shown in then current Cash Flow Projection and Verification Report. Interest shall begin to accrue on this Mortgage Note on [DATE] (the “Accrual Date”) and shall accrue continuously thereafter until this Mortgage Note is paid in full. The principal of and interest on this Mortgage Note shall be payable monthly, as follows: this Mortgage Note shall be payable interest only, in arrears, at the Mortgage Note Rate, in consecutive monthly installments, such monthly installments of interest to be due and payable on the first day of each month beginning on [DATE] (the “Amortization Commencement Date”), until the entire indebtedness evidenced by this Mortgage Note is paid in full, provided that any remaining indebtedness, including principal, accrued interest and any and all other sums due under this Mortgage Note, shall, if not sooner paid, be due and payable on [DATE] (the “Maturity Date”), provided, further, that the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note LA1 : 1004261.2 shall, based on a then current Cash Flow Projection and Verification Report, be reamortized as of each Remarketing Date, so as to change the amount of each subsequent installment of principal and interest to the amount necessary to amortize the then remaining principal balance of this Mortgage Note at an interest rate equal to the adjusted Mortgage Note Rate over a period of 360 months minus the number of months in which regularly scheduled monthly installments of principal and interest shall have become due commencing with the Amortization Commencement Date through the first day of the month immediately preceding such Remarketing Date, with the first such revised payment being due on the first day of the month in which such Remarketing Date occurs, provided, however, that all remaining indebtedness evidenced by this Mortgage Note, if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the Maturity Date set forth above, but, in any event, not later than January 1, 2036. The Borrower shall not make any regularly scheduled payment of interest or principal and interest earlier than the date such payment is due. The Borrower shall, contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of this Mortgage Note, pay, or arrange for payment, to [TRUSTEE], a [NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION DULY ORGANIZED AND VALIDLY EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA] [OTHER TYPE OF ENTITY], not in its individual or corporate capacity, but solely as trustee (the “Trustee”), under the Trust Indenture (the “Indenture”), dated as of the date hereof, between the Issuer and the Trustee, as an additional payment obligation under this Mortgage Note, the sum of which is the Initial Debt Service Deposit provided for in the Indenture, and required, by Section 4.2(3) of the Financing Agreement, to be paid or provided for by the Borrower to the Trustee, for deposit by the Trustee into the General Account of the Revenue Fund created under the Indenture. Dollars ($ 1, ’ The Borrower further promises to pay, when due, any and all other sums which at any time are due and payable under this Mortgage Note. Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8 of this Mortgage Note, the principal, interest and other amounts payable under this Mortgage Note shall be paid or be caused to be paid by the Borrower to the Issuer c/o Red Mortgage Capital, Inc. (the “Loan Servicer”), at 150 E. Gay Street, 22”d Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, or such other place as the Loan Servicer may designate in writing. 1. Mortgage Note Rate. This Mortgage Note shall bear interest at the Mortgage Note Rate in effect from time to time, computed as provided in Paragraph 1.3 of this Mortgage Note. The Mortgage Note Rate comprises: (i) a fixed pass-through rate of interest (the “Pass-Through Rate”), which is the applicable fixed rate of interest per annum set forth in Paragraph 1.1 of this Mortgage Note; and (ii) the Set Rate Interest provided for in Paragraph 1.2 of this Mortgage Note. Multifamily Note LA1 : 1OO4261.2 2 Mariposa Apartments 1.1 Pass-Through Rate. The Pass-Through Rate is, beginning on and including the Accrual Date to but not including the first day of the month immediately preceding the Initial Remarketing Date, -% per annum, which Pass-Through Rate includes an amount, expressed as a percentage, sufficient to pay Third Party Fees to the extent included, in accordance with paragraph (i) of Section 4.3 of the Financing Agreement in, and payable out of, the Mortgage Note Rate, and thereafter, the Pass-Through Rate shall be equivalent to the Mortgage Note Rate in effect from time to time, as described in the first paragraph of this Mortgage Note, minus Set Rate Interest. the Facil Servicer. 1.2 Set Rate Interest. Set Rate Interest comprises a percentage equivalent to ity Fee payable to the Credit Provider and the Servicing Fee payable to the Loan Set Rate Interest accrues from and including the Accrual Date, to, but not including, the date this Mortgage Note is paid in full, and is payable on the first day of each month, in arrears, as part of the Mortgage Note Rate, to and including the date this Mortgage Note is paid in full. Set Rate Interest payable on the first day of each month to and including the date this Mortgage Note is paid in full, shall, as part of the Mortgage Note Rate, be paid to and received by the Loan Servicer, and retained by the Loan Servicer as to the Servicing Fee component of Set Rate Interest and remitted to the Credit Provider as to the Facility Fee component of Set Rate In teres t. 1.2(1) Facility Fee. The Facility Fee, expressed as a percentage, is -% per annum, or - “basis points” per annum, of the outstanding principal balance of the Mortgage Loan. 1.2(2) Servicing Fee. The Servicing Fee, expressed as a percentage, is -% per annum, or - “basis points” per annum, of the outstanding principal balance of the Mortgage Loan. 1.3 Computation of Interest. The Mortgage Note Rate shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year comprised of twelve (12) 30-day months. 2. Taxes, Insurance, Escrows and Reserves. All payments for taxes, insurance or for deposit into the Replacement Reserve, if applicable, or to fund any other escrow or reserve required to be established, funded or created pursuant to any Mortgage Loan Document, shall be due and payable to the Loan Servicer on the first day of each month, and in accordance with the applicable Mortgage Loan Documents. 3. Additional Payment Obligations. 3.1 Activity Fee. The Borrower promises to pay to the Credit Provider, when due, the Activity Fee provided for in the Reimbursement Agreement and to reimburse, indemnify and compensate the Credit Provider for all amounts provided by the Credit Provider under the Credit Facility. 3.2 Remarketing Fees, Costs and Expenses. At least seven (7) Business Days prior to each Remarketing Date, the Borrower shall pay to the Trustee an amount equal to the estimated fees, costs and expenses to be incurred in connection with the remarketing of the Bonds Outstanding on the Remarketing Date (which shall include bond printing and registration Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 3 Mariposa Apartments costs, fees and out-of-pocket expenses of the Trustee, the Issuer, the Loan Servicer, the Credit Provider, the Remarketing Agent, Bond Counsel, tax counsel, counsel to the Trustee, counsel to the Issuer, counsel to the Loan Servicer and counsel to the Credit Provider, costs of funds advanced by the Remarketing Agent, and such other fees, costs and expenses reasonably incurred or expected to be incurred in connection with or estimated to be attributable to the remarketing of the Bonds Outstanding) as set forth in a written notice to the Borrower from the Trustee given not less than twelve (12) Business Days prior to the Remarketing Date provided, that if the notice from the Trustee shall not have been given to the Borrower at least twelve (12) Business Days prior to the Remarketing Date, such payment by the Borrower shall nonetheless be due seven (7) Business Days prior to the Remarketing Date. In the event that the Borrower shall fail to pay the estimated remarketing fees, costs and expenses (or actual remarketing fees, costs and expenses in excess of such estimate as provided below) on or prior to the date such payment is due, such failure shall, at the option of the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider, constitute a default under this Mortgage Note, in which event the then outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, together with an additional amount equal to all interest on such principal balance which has accrued and has not been paid and all interest which would (if the amount so declared to be due were not paid) accrue on such principal balance to and including the first day of the month immediately following the month in which the amount so declared to be due is paid, and all other amounts then due and payable under this Mortgage Note, shall become immediately due and payable. If any remarketing fees, costs or expenses are advanced by the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider on behalf of the Borrower, such amount so advanced shall constitute additional indebtedness due under this Mortgage Note and shall bear interest until paid in full at the Default Rate. In the event that Bonds Outstanding are remarketed on a Remarketing Date and the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider shall receive reimbursement from the Trustee of any portion of the estimated remarketing fees, costs and expenses paid by the Borrower in excess of actual expenses incurred, such reimbursement shall be applied, provided no default shall then exist under this Mortgage Note, to the next ensuing payments due under this Mortgage Note. In the event that the Bonds Outstanding are remarketed, and the Trustee shall give notice to the Borrower that the actual fees, costs and expenses incurred with respect to the remarketing exceeded the estimated amount of the remarketing expenses paid to the Trustee by the Borrower, the Borrower shall pay to the Trustee an amount equal to such excess amount within fifteen (15) days after such notice by the Trustee is given. In the event that the Borrower shall have paid any amounts to the Trustee for payment of the estimated fees, costs and expenses of remarketing and the Bonds Outstanding are not remarketed for any reason, the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider shall be entitled to receive and hold the amounts of any reimbursement of such fees, costs and expenses paid to the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider by the Trustee until such time as the Bonds Outstanding are subsequently remarketed or redeemed, in which event any such amounts may be paid by the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider to the Trustee for payment of fees, costs and expenses incurred with respect to such remarketing or until redemption of the Bonds Outstanding by reason of such failure of remarketing, in which event such amount shall be applied to the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note. 4. The Borrower’s Continued Obligation in the Event of any Disgorgement. Notwithstanding any payment by the Borrower under this Mortgage Note or the occurrence of the Maturity Date, this Mortgage Note shall not be extinguished or canceled, but shall remain in effect, and the Borrower’s obligation to make payments under this Mortgage Note shall continue so long as, and to the extent that, the Credit Provider is obligated under the Credit Facility to Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 4 Mariposa Apartments make a Bankruptcy-Related Advance (as defined in the Credit Facility) and until such time as all sums due under this Mortgage Note have been paid in full. 5. Issuance of Bonds to Fund Mortgage Loan. This Mortgage Note is executed and delivered in connection with the issuance of the Bonds by the Issuer and evidences the Mortgage Loan made by the Issuer to the Borrower; the Mortgage Loan is funded with the Net Bond Proceeds in the amount of this Mortgage Note. This Mortgage Note is secured by the Security Instrument; the Mortgage Loan is otherwise documented, evidenced and secured by the other Mortgage Loan Documents. The Borrower acknowledges that the Issuer intends to assign this Mortgage Note to the Credit Provider and the Trustee, as their interests may appear, pursuant to the Assignment. The Credit Provider is, pursuant to the Credit Facility, providing credit enhancement for the Mortgage Loan and liquidity support for the Bonds Outstanding on each Remarketing Date so long as the Credit Facility remains in effect. The Borrower acknowledges that the Mortgage Loan has been fully funded and has an unpaid principal balance equal to the Mortgage Loan Amount as of the Accrual Date. 6. Method of Payment. All payments on this Mortgage Note shall be made in lawful money of the United States of America and in immediately available funds. 7. Notice of Payments; Application of Payments. 7.1 Notice of Payments. With each payment on this Mortgage Note, the Borrower shall specify in detail the amount of such payment constituting (a) interest at the Pass- Through Rate, (b) Set Rate Interest, including interest allocable to the Facility Fee and to the Servicing Fee, (c) principal, (d) interest at the Default Rate, if applicable, (e) late charges, if applicable, (f) a deposit for escrows for taxes, insurance, the Replacement Reserve, and, if applicable, other impositions and reserves, (8) a payment pursuant to any Collateral Agreement (as defined in the Security Instrument) and (h) any other amounts included in such payment (with a description of the nature and purpose of such amounts). 7.2 Application of Payments. If at any time the holder of this Mortgage Note receives, from the Borrower or otherwise, any amount applicable to the Indebtedness which is less than all amounts due and payable at such time, the Credit Provider, as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights, may direct the application of that payment to amounts then due and payable in any manner and in any order determined by the Credit Provider in its discretion. The Borrower agrees that neither the acceptance of a payment from the Borrower in an amount that is less than all amounts then due and payable nor the application of such payment shall constitute or be deemed to constitute either a waiver of the unpaid amounts or an accord and satisfaction. If the holder of this Mortgage Note accepts a guaranty of only a portion of the Indebtedness, Borrower hereby waives its right under California Civil Code Section 2822(a) to designate the portion of the Indebtedness which shall be satisfied by any guarantor’s partial payment.] 8. Reserved. 9. Prepayment. This Mortgage Note may not be prepaid except as expressly provided in this Paragraph 9. Multifamily Note LAl:lOO4261.2 5 Mariposa Apartments ALTHOUGH THE BORROWER MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO PREPAY THE MORTGAGE LOAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS MORTGAGE NOTE, THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT MAY LIMIT THE BORROWER’S EXERCISE OF THESE RIGHTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CREDIT PROVIDER OR DURING CERTAIN PERIODS. THE BORROWER MAY BE REQUIRED TO PAY A TERMINATION FEE TO THE CREDIT PROVIDER. PREPAYMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO LOAN SERVICING UNDER THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT. SEE THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR ALL DETAILS. No prepayments, in whole or in part, are permitted prior to the last business day of [DATE], except (a) involuntary prepayments, (b) prepayments from (1) insurance proceeds or (2) the proceeds of any condemnation award, in either case, in connection with a special mandatory redemption of the Bonds, in whole or in part, pursuant to Section 3.3(4) of the Indenture, or (d) other prepayments expressly permitted or required by this Mortgage Note. On or after the last business day of [DATE], the Borrower may, at the option of the Borrower, voluntarily prepay this Mortgage Note, in whole, but not in part (it being understood and agreed that the right to optionally prepay this Mortgage Note other than with Available Moneys shall be subject to, and evidenced by, the prior written consent of the Credit Provider provided to the Trustee and the Loan Servicer), provided that, as a prerequisite to the right to make any such voluntary prepayment in whole, the Borrower shall give written notice of such voluntary prepayment to the Loan Servicer, the Credit Provider and the Trustee not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of such prepayment, and provided, further, that, as a condition to acceptance of the prepayment, the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider shall have been provided with an Available Moneys Certificate. Any prepayment in whole shall be made on the last Business Day of a month. If the Bonds Outstanding are remarketed on a Remarketing Date (including the Initial Remarketing Date) for a term of not less than ten (10) years, the Borrower may, at the Borrower’s option, make a voluntary prepayment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, in whole, but not in part, on the last Business Day of any month during the period beginning on the last Business Day of the second month preceding the seventh anniversary of the most recent Remarketing Date and ending on the last Business Day of the second month preceding the next scheduled Remarketing Date, upon payment of an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the principal amount to be prepaid together with accrued interest on such principal amount to the first day of the month following the date of such voluntary prepayment and any other sums due the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider at the time of such voluntary prepayment (it being understood and agreed that the right to optionally prepay this Mortgage Note other than wholly with Available Moneys shall be subject to, and evidenced by, the prior written consent of the Credit Provider provided to the Trustee and the Loan Servicer), provided that, as a prerequisite to the right to make any such voluntary prepayment, the Borrower shall give written notice of such voluntary prepayment to the Loan Servicer, the Credit Provider and the Trustee not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of such voluntary prepayment, and provided, further, that, as a condition to acceptance of the voluntary prepayment, the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider shall have been provided with an Available Moneys Certificate. Multifamily Note LA1 : 1 004261.2 6 Mariposa Apartments If the Bonds Outstanding are remarketed on a Remarketing Date (including the Initial Remarketing Date) for a term of more than four (4) years but less than ten (10) years, the Borrower may, at the Borrower’s option, make a voluntary prepayment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, in whole, but not in part, on the last Business Day of any month during the period beginning on the last Business Day of the second month preceding the second anniversary of the most recent Remarketing Date and ending on the last Business Day of the second month preceding the next scheduled Remarketing Date, upon payment of an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the principal amount to be prepaid together with accrued interest on such principal amount to the first day of the month following the date of such voluntary prepayment and any other sums due to the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider at the time of such voluntary prepayment (it being understood and agreed that the right to optionally prepay this Mortgage Note other than wholly with Available Moneys shall be subject to, and evidenced by, the prior written consent of the Credit Provider provided to the Trustee and the Loan Servicer), provided that, as a prerequisite to the right to make any such voluntary prepayment, the Borrower shall give written notice of such voluntary prepayment to the Loan Servicer, the Credit Provider and the Trustee not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of such voluntary prepayment, and provided, further, that, as a condition to its acceptance of the voluntary prepayment, Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider shall have been provided with an Available Moneys Certificate. If the Bonds Outstanding are remarketed on a Remarketing Date (including the Initial Remarketing Date) for a term of more than one (1) year but less than four (4) years, the Borrower may, at the Borrower’s option, make a voluntary prepayment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, in whole, but not in part, on the last Business Day of any month during the period beginning on the last Business Day of the second month preceding the first anniversary of the most recent Remarketing Date and ending on the last Business Day of the second month preceding the next scheduled Remarketing Date, upon payment of an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the principal amount to be prepaid together with accrued interest on such principal amount to the first day of the month following the date of such voluntary prepayment and any other sums due the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider at the time of such voluntary prepayment (it being understood and agreed that the right to optionally prepay this Mortgage Note other than wholly with Available Moneys shall be subject to, and evidenced by, the prior written consent of the Credit Provider provided to the Trustee and the Loan Servicer), provided that, as a prerequisite to the right to make any such voluntary prepayment, the Borrower shall give written notice of such voluntary prepayment to the Loan Servicer, the Credit Provider and the Trustee not less than sixty (60) days prior to such prepayment, and provided, further, that, as a condition to its acceptance of the voluntary prepayment, the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider shall have been provided with an Available Moneys Certificate. If the Bonds Outstanding are remarketed for a term not exceeding one (1) year, this Mortgage Note may not be voluntarily prepaid prior to the last Business Day of the second month preceding the next scheduled Remarketing Date. The Borrower shall have no right to make a partial prepayment of the principal balance of this Mortgage Note (a) except from insurance proceeds or the proceeds of a condemnation award in connection with a special mandatory redemption of Bonds pursuant to paragraph (ii) of Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 7 Mariposa Apartments Section 3.3(4) of the Indenture, (b) unless the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider (as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights) shall require a partial prepayment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note after a default under this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any of the other Mortgage Loan Documents, whether through the application of funds held by the Loan Servicer pursuant to any Mortgage Loan Document against the indebtedness secured by the Security Instrument or otherwise, or (c) unless the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider shall for any other reason accept or direct a partial prepayment by the Borrower of the principal balance of this Mortgage Note. Any permitted or required partial prepayment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note shall (a) be made on the last Business Day of a month, (b) be applied against the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note and (c) not extend or postpone the due date of any monthly installments due following the prepayment. Provided that the Trustee and the Credit Provider shall have received the Cash Flow Projection and Verification Report required by Section 3.7 of the Indenture, the amount of each of such subsequent monthly installments shall be decreased to the extent necessary to amortize the then remaining principal balance of this Mortgage Note at the Mortgage Note Rate then in effect under this Mortgage Note in level monthly payments of principal and interest over a period equal to 360 months minus the number of months which have elapsed since, and including the month of, the Amortization Commencement Date and in which regularly scheduled monthly installments of principal and interest shall have become due, commencing with the Amortization Commencement Date, provided, however, that all indebtedness evidenced by this Mortgage Note shall, if not sooner paid, be due and payable on the Maturity Date set forth in this Mortgage Note. The Borrower shall, at the direction of the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider, execute an allonge to this Mortgage Note to reflect and implement the reamortization of the outstanding unpaid principal balance of this Mortgage Note in level monthly installments of principal and interest over the remaining term to maturity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Mortgage Note to the contrary, this Mortgage Note is, at the option and written direction of the Credit Provider (as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights), subject to involuntary prepayment by the Borrower, at any time, in whole, upon acceleration of payment of this Mortgage Note or acceleration of the Bonds, or in whole or in part, in amounts sufficient, and in time, to pay, when due, the redemption price of Bonds to be redeemed or paid upon any special mandatory redemption of Bonds pursuant to the Indenture. The requirement that the Borrower give written notice of a voluntary prepayment to the Loan Servicer, the Trustee and the Credit Provider not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the voluntary prepayment shall not apply to (a) any prepayment to be made from (1) insurance proceeds or (2) the proceeds of a condemnation award, or (b) any partial prepayment permitted or required by this Mortgage Note, provided that the Borrower shall give written notice of any such prepayments at the earliest practicable time. Each written notice of prepayment given pursuant to this Mortgage Note shall state the date on which the prepayment will be made, the amount of principal to be prepaid, the reason for the prepayment and the nature of all amounts required to be paid by the Borrower in connection with the prepayment, as set forth in the next paragraph of this Mortgage Note. Multifamily Note LA1:1004261.2 8 Mariposa Apartments If the Borrower makes a prepayment for any reason, including, without limitation, an optional prepayment, as permitted by the terms of this Mortgage Note, and an involuntary prepayment, the Borrower shall pay, in addition to paying the principal of this Mortgage Note to be prepaid, as an additional obligation under this Mortgage Note, the following: (i) all accrued and unpaid interest due on this Mortgage Note through the date of prepayment or, if the prepayment is in whole, all accrued and unpaid interest due on this Mortgage Note to the first day of the month following the date of prepayment; (ii) all other amounts due and payable under the Mortgage Loan Documents as of the date of prepayment including, but not limited to, all amounts which the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider has advised the Borrower are due and payable at the time of such prepayment ; (iii) any Termination Fee due under the Reimbursement Agreement; (iv) all other amounts due and payable upon such prepayment and the corresponding redemption of a corresponding principal amount of Bonds under the Bond Documents including premium, if any, payable to the Bondholders of the Bonds to be redeemed and interest to accrue on the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed to the date of redemption; and (v) an amount sufficient to pay all fees, costs and expenses in connection with such prepayment and redemption and, in the case of redemption in whole, to pay all other amounts payable under this Mortgage Note, the Indenture and the Financing Agreement. 10. Acceleration. 10.1 Nonpayment. If any installment or other amount due under this Mortgage Note is not paid when due, the entire outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note and all accrued interest on such principal balance shall, at the direction of the Credit Provider, as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights, or any successor in interest to the Credit Provider, at once become due and payable. The Credit Provider, or any successor in interest to the Credit Provider, may exercise this option to accelerate during any default by the Borrower regardless of any prior forbearance and notwithstanding the applicability of late charges and default interest under Paragraph 11 of this Mortgage Note. In the event that this Mortgage Note is referred to an attorney at law for collection or any action at law or in equity is brought with respect to this Mortgage Note, the Borrower shall pay all expenses and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees and expenses, to the Credit Provider, its successor in interest andor the Trustee, as applicable. 10.2 Acceleration Relating to Remarketinq. On each Remarketing Date, in the event (i) the Bonds cannot be remarketed for a term of ten years or more at or below the Strike Rate or the net operating income for the Mortgaged Property is less than at the original underwriting, and (ii) Credit Provider elects, as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights, not to continue to provide credit enhancement for the Mortgage Loan, and liquidity support for the remarketing of the Bonds, the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note shall become immediately due and payable at the direction of the Credit Provider, together with an additional Multifamily Note LA 1 : 1 OO4261.2 9 Mariposa Apartments amount equal to all interest on such principal balance which has accrued and has not been paid and all interest which would (if the amount so declared to be due were not paid) accrue on such principal balance to and including the final day of the month immediately following the month in which the amount so declared to be due is paid and all other amounts then due and payable under this Mortgage Note. 11. Late Charges; Default Interest. If any installment under this Mortgage Note is not received by the Loan Servicer within ten (10) calendar days after the date the installment is due, then, in any such event, the Borrower shall pay a late charge of five percent (5%) of such installment, such late charge to be immediately due and payable without demand. If any installment under this Mortgage Note remains past due for fifteen (15) calendar days or more, the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note shall bear interest during the period in which the Borrower is in default at the Default Rate or, if such increased rate of interest may not be collected from the Borrower under applicable law, then at the maximum increased rate of interest, if any, which may be collected from the Borrower under applicable law. Any late charge or interest at the Default Rate (to the extent that such Default Rate is in excess of the Mortgage Note Rate), shall be remitted promptly to the Credit Provider. 12. Waiver of Defenses. From time to time, without affecting the obligation of the Borrower, or the successors or assigns of the Borrower, to pay the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note and observe the covenants of the Borrower contained in this Mortgage Note, without affecting the guaranty of any person, corporation, partnership or other entity for payment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, without giving notice to or obtaining the consent of the Borrower, the successors or assigns of the Borrower or any guarantor, and without liability on the part of the holder of this Mortgage Note, the Credit Provider, as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights, may, at its option, extend the time for payment of the outstanding principal balance or any part of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, reduce the payments on this Mortgage Note, release anyone liable on the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, accept a renewal of this Mortgage Note, modify the terms and time of payment of the outstanding principal balance of this Mortgage Note, join in any extension or subordination agreement, release any security given for this Mortgage Note, take or release other or additional security, and agree in writing with the Borrower to a modification of the rate of interest or period of amortization of this Mortgage Note or to a change in the amount of the monthly installments payable under this Mortgage Note. Presentment, notice of dishonor, and protest are waived by all makers, sureties, guarantors and endorsers of this Mortgage Note. 13. Limits on Personal Liability. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph 13 or in any of the other Mortgage Loan Documents, the Borrower shall have no personal liability under this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any other Mortgage Loan Document for the repayment of this Mortgage Note or for the performance of any other obligations of the Borrower under the Mortgage Loan Documents, and the Issuer’s only recourse for the satisfaction of this Mortgage Note and the performance of such obligations shall be the Issuer’s exercise of its rights and remedies with respect to the Mortgaged Property and any other collateral held by the Issuer as security for this Mortgage Note. This limitation on the Borrower’s liability shall not limit or impair the Issuer’s Multifamily Note LAI:1004261.2 10 Mariposa Apartments enforcement of its rights against any guarantor of this Mortgage Note or any guarantor of any other obligations of the Borrower. (b) The Borrower shall be personally liable to the Issuer for the repayment of a portion of this Mortgage Note equal to any loss or damage suffered by the Issuer as a result of (1) failure of the Borrower to pay to the Issuer upon demand after an Event of Default under the Security Instrument, all Rents to which the Issuer is entitled under Section 3(a) of the Security Instrument and the amount of all security deposits collected by the Borrower from tenants then in residence; (2) failure of the Borrower to apply all insurance proceeds and condemnation proceeds as required by the Security Instrument; (3) failure of the Borrower to comply with Section 14(d) or (e) of the Security Instrument relating to the delivery of books and records, statements, schedules and reports; (4) fraud or written material misrepresentation by the Borrower, Key Principal or any officer, director, partner, member or employee of the Borrower in connection with the application for or creation of the Mortgage Loan or any request for any action or consent by the Issuer; or (5) failure to apply Rents and Profits, first, to the payment of reasonable operating expenses (other than Mortgaged Property management fees that are not currently payable pursuant to the terms of an Assignment of Management Agreement or any other agreement with the Issuer executed in connection with the Mortgage Loan) and then to amounts (“Debt Service Amounts”) payable under this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any other Mortgage Loan Document (except that the Borrower will not be personally liable (i) to the extent that the Borrower lacks the legal right to direct the disbursement of such sums because of a bankruptcy, receivership or similar judicial proceeding, or (ii) with respect to Rents and Profits that are distributed in any calendar year if the Borrower has paid all operating expenses and Debt Service Amounts for that calendar year). (c) The Borrower shall become personally liable to the Issuer for the repayment of all of the principal of and interest on this Mortgage Note and for the payment, performance and observation of all obligations, covenants and agreements of the Borrower contained in the Security Instrument, including the payment of all sums advanced by or on behalf of Issuer to protect the security of the Security Instrument under Section 12 of the Security Instrument, upon the occurrence of any of the following Events of Default: (1) the Borrower’s acquisition of any property or operation of any business not permitted by Section 33 of the Security Instrument; or (2) a Transfer (as that term is defined in the Security Instrument) that is an Event of Default under Section 21 of the Security Instrument. (d) To the extent that the Borrower has personal liability under this Paragraph 13, the Issuer may exercise its rights against the Borrower personally without regard to whether the Issuer has exercised any rights against the Mortgaged Property or any other security, or pursued any rights against any guarantor, or pursued any other rights available to the Issuer under this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument, any other Mortgage Loan Document or applicable law. If the Borrower is a married person, then the Borrower agrees that Issuer may look to all of the Borrower’s community property and separate property to satisfy the Borrower’s recourse obligations under this Paragraph 13. For purposes of this Paragraph 13, the term “Mortgaged Property” shall not include any funds that (1) have been applied by the Borrower as required or permitted by the Security Instrument prior to the occurrence of an Event of Default under the Security Instrument, or (2) the Borrower was unable to apply as required or permitted by the Security Instrument because of a bankruptcy, receivership, or siklar judicial proceeding. Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 11 Mariposa Apartments 14. [Reserved] 15. Business, Commercial or Investment Purpose. The Borrower represents that the Mortgage Loan evidenced by this Mortgage Note is being made solely for business, commercial or investment purposes. 16. Governing Law. The validity of this Mortgage Note and the other Mortgage Loan Documents, and each of the terms and provisions of this Mortgage Note and the other Mortgage Loan Documents, and the rights and obligations of the Borrower under this Mortgage Note and the other Mortgage Loan Documents, shall be governed by, interpreted, construed, and enforced pursuant to and in accordance with the laws of the Mortgaged Property Jurisdiction. 17. Consent to Jurisdiction. The Borrower irrevocably consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of any and all state and federal courts with jurisdiction in the Mortgaged Property Jurisdiction over the Borrower and the Borrower’s assets. The Borrower agrees that such assets shall be used to first satisfy all claims of creditors organized or domiciled in the United States of America and that no assets of the Borrower in the United States shall be considered part of any foreign bankruptcy estate. The Borrower agrees that any controversy arising under or in relation to this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any of the other Mortgage Loan Documents shall be litigated exclusively in the Mortgaged Property Jurisdiction. The state and federal courts and authorities with jurisdiction in the Mortgaged Property Jurisdiction shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all controversies which may arise under or in relation to this Mortgage Note, including, but not limited to, those controversies relating to the execution, interpretation, breach, enforcement, or compliance with this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument, or any other issue arising under, related to, or in connection with any of the Mortgage Loan Documents. The Borrower irrevocably consents to service and to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts with respect to any litigation involving this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any of the other Mortgage Loan Documents, and waives any other venue to which it might be entitled by virtue of domicile, habitual residence, or otherwise. 18. Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument and all other Mortgage Loan Documents shall be binding on the successors and assigns, including, but not limited to, any receiver, trustee, representative or other person appointed under foreign or domestic bankruptcy, receivership, or similar proceedings of the Borrower and any person having an interest in the Borrower. 19. Reserved. 20. Loss Sharing Arrangements. The Borrower further acknowledges and agrees that (a) any loss-sharing arrangement or arrangement for interim advancement of funds that is entered into from time to time by the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider is made pursuant to a contractual obligation of the Loan Servicer to the Credit Provider that is independent of, and separate and distinct from, the obligation of the Borrower for the full and prompt payment of the indebtedness evidenced by this Mortgage Note, (b) the Borrower shall not be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of any such loss-sharing arrangement or arrangement for interim advancement of funds and (c) no such loss-sharing arrangement shall constitute any person or entity making such payment as a guarantor or surety of the Borrower’s obligations, Multifamily Note LA1 : 100426 1.2 12 Mariposa Apartments notwithstanding the fact that the obligations under any such loss-sharing arrangement or arrangement for interim advancement of funds may be calculated with reference to amounts payable under this Mortgage Note or the other Mortgage Loan Documents, 21. Events of Default. The failure by the Borrower to pay when due any amount payable by the Borrower under this Mortgage Note or to perform or observe any covenant or obligation of the Borrower contained in this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any other Mortgage Loan Document shall, at the option of the Credit Provider (as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights), constitute an “Event of Default” under this Mortgage Note, whatever the reason for such failure and whether it shall be voluntary or involuntary, or within or without the control of the Borrower, or be impeded by operation of law or by any judgment or order of any court or any order, rule or regulation of any governmental body. 22. Cross Default. A default by the Borrower in the payment or performance of any obligation of the Borrower contained in (a) any of the Bond Documents, (b) any of the other Mortgage Loan Documents, (c) the Reimbursement Agreement, (d) any subordinate financing [, including, without limitation, any Subordinate Financing described in Paragraph 23 of this Mortgage Note], (e) the Regulatory Agreement or any other regulatory or restrictive agreement recorded against the Mortgaged Property in connection with the allocation to the Mortgaged Property of federal low income housing tax credits, or (f) any form of public, quasi-public, public/private or private debt and/or equity infusion, grant, subsidy, tax relief or abatement, plan program or other form of assistance, not cured within any applicable cure period, shall, at the option of the Credit Provider (as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights), constitute a default under this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument and each of the other Mortgage Loan Documents and entitle the Credit Provider (as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights), at its option, in its discretion, to direct or invoke any remedies set forth in this Mortgage Note, including, but not limited to, any remedy set forth in Paragraph 10 of this Mortgage Note or as otherwise afforded by law or in equity. A default under this Mortgage Note shall, at the Credit Provider’s option, in the Credit Provider’s discretion, constitute a default under the Reimbursement Agreement. 23. Certain Defaults. The Borrower acknowledges and agrees that any default by the Borrower under or violation of the provisions of the Regulatory Agreement, or any failure of the Borrower to perform any obligation, covenant or agreement or breach of any covenant, agreement or warranty contained in the Regulatory Agreement, not cured within any applicable cure period, shall constitute a default by the Borrower under this Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument and, at the option of the Credit Provider (as holder of the Mortgage Loan Rights), the entire outstanding principal balance, accrued interest and any other sums due under this Mortgage Note shall become immediately due and payable in full. [The Borrower further acknowledges and agrees that, (a) a default under or violation of the provisions of (1) the [Promissory Note] (the “Subordinate Mortgage Note”), dated as of [Date], executed by the Borrower to the order of [Subordinated Lender] (the “Subordinate Lender”) in the original principal amount of $ , evidencing a loan made by the Subordinate Lender to the Borrower in the original principal amount of $ (the “Subordinate Loan”), (2) the [Deed of Trust/Mortgage] (the “Subordinate Security Instrument”), dated as of [Date], executed by the Borrower to secure the Subordinate Mortgage Note, or (3) the [Loan Agreement] (the “Subordinate Loan Agreement”), dated as of [Date], by and between the Borrower and the Subordinate Lender entered into with respect to the Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 13 Mariposa Apartments Subordinate Loan (the Subordinate Mortgage Note, the Subordinate Security Instrument, the Subordinate Loan Agreement and all other instruments documenting, evidencing and securing the Subordinate Loan are referred to, collectively, as the “Subordinate Loan Documents”), or (b) any failure of the Borrower to perform any obligation, covenant or agreement, or breach of any covenant, agreement or warranty, contained in the Subordinate Loan Documents or (c) any failure of the Borrower to perform any obligation, covenant or agreement or breach by the Borrower of any covenant, agreement or warranty contained in, or the exercise by the Subordinate Lender of any rights in violation of, any subordination agreement entered into with respect to the Subordinate Loan (the “Subordination Agreement”), which is not cured within any applicable cure period, shall constitute a default under this Mortgage Note and the security instrument and entitle the Credit Provider, (as holder of the mortgage loan rights), at its option, in its discretion, to direct or invoke any remedies available to it at law or in equity, including but not limited to, the remedy of acceleration set forth in this Mortgage Note. Any and all amounts advanced or expended by the Loan Servicer or by the Credit Provider, at their respective options, to cure a default under the Subordinate Loan Documents or otherwise to pay any fees or fulfill any other payment obligation of the Borrower shall be deemed to have been advanced pursuant to and shall become additional indebtedness of the Borrower under and secured by the lien of the Security Instrument.] 24. Tax Event. The occurrence of a Tax Event shall, at the option of the Credit Provider, in its sole and absolute discretion, constitute a default under this Mortgage Note. 25. [Reserved] 26. Joint and Several Liability. This Mortgage Note shall be the joint and several obligation of all makers, sureties, guarantors and endorsers, and shall be binding upon them and their successors and assigns. 27. Security. The Mortgage Loan evidenced by this Mortgage Note is secured by, among other instruments, an [Amended and Restated] Multifamily Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing (the “Security Instrument” or “Multifamily Instrument”), dated as of the date hereof. Reference is made to the Security Instrument for additional rights as to acceleration of the Mortgage Loan evidenced by this Mortgage Note. 28. Notice. Any notice required by this Mortgage Note shall be given in the manner provided in the Security Instrument. 29. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE BORROWER (A) COVENANTS AND AGREES NOT TO ELECT A TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY ISSUE ARISING UNDER THIS MORTGAGE NOTE OR ANY OF THE OTHER MORTGAGE LOAN DOCUMENTS TRIABLE BY A JURY AND (B) WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY SUCH RIGHT SHALL EXIST NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. THIS WAIVER OF RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IS SEPARATELY GIVEN, KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WITH THE BENEFIT OF COMPETENT LEGAL COUNSEL BY THE BORROWER, AND THIS WAIVER IS INTENDED TO ENCOMPASS INDIVIDUALLY EACH INSTANCE AND EACH ISSUE AS Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 14 Mariposa Apartments TO WHICH THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL WOULD OTHERWISE ACCRUE. FURTHER, THE BORROWER CERTIFIES THAT NO REPRESENTATIVE OR AGENT OF THE ISSUER, THE LOAN SERVICER OR THE CREDIT PROVIDER HAS REPRESENTED, EXPRESSLY OR OTHERWISE, TO THE BORROWER THAT THE ANY PERSON WILL NOT SEEK TO ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH 29. 30. Severability. If any provision of this Mortgage Note shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining portions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. In case any covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of the Borrower contained in this Mortgage Note shall for any reason be held to be in violation of law, then such covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement shall be deemed to be the covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of the Borrower to the full extent permitted by law. Multifamily Note LA1 : 1 004261.2 15 Mariposa Apartments 3 1. Schedule A. Schedule A is deemed part of, and is incorporated by this reference into, this Mortgage Note. 32. Acknowledgment. By signing below, Borrower accepts and agrees to the covenants and agreements contained in this Mortgage Note and certifies that this is the Mortgage Note described in and secured by the Security Instrument, on property located in County, California. BORROWER: CIC CALAVERA, L.P., a California limited partnership By: Pacific Southwest Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit public benefit corporation Its: Managing General PartnIer By : Brian F. Biber, Executive Director By: CIC Calavera Hills, LLC, a California limited liability company Its: Co-General Partner By : James J. Schmid, Managing Member Multifamily Note LA 1 : 1 00426 1.2 16 Mariposa Apartments SCHEDULE A Definitions The following terms when used in this Mortgage Note shall have the respective meanings indicated below: “Accrual Date” has the meaning given to that term in the second paragraph of this Mortgage Note. “Activity Fee” has the meaning given to that term in the Reimbursement Agreement. “Additional Basis Points” has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of the Mortgage Note. “Assignment” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Available Moneys” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Available Moneys Certificate” means a certificate of the Trustee to the effect that the Trustee holds on deposit Available Moneys which are both sufficient and available under the terms of the Indenture for payment of the End Period Payment and any fees, costs, and expenses required to be paid in connection with the corresponding redemption of the Bonds to be redeemed as a result of a voluntary prepayment of this Mortgage Note. “Bond Counsel” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture.] “Bond Documents” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Bonds” means the City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A. “Borrower” has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this Mortgage Note. “Business Day” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Cash Flow Projection” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Credit Facility” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Credit Provider” means Fannie Mae, a corporation duly organized and existing under the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act, 12 U.S.C. $3 1716 et seq., and its successors and assigns. “Default Rate” means with respect to any installment due under this Mortgage Note, a per annum rate equal to the lesser of four percent (4%) per annum above the Mortgage Note Rate or the maximum interest rate which may be collected from the Borrower under applicable law. Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 A- 1 Mariposa Apartments “End Period Payment” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Facility Fee” means the Facility Fee to be paid by the Borrower in consideration of the Credit Provider’s providing the Credit Facility. “Fannie Mae Commitment” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Financing Agreement” means the Financing Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, among the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “General Account” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Zndebtedness” means the principal of, interest on, and all other amounts due at any time under, this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any other Mortgage Loan Document, including prepayment premiums, late charges, default interest, and advances to protect the security of the Security Instrument. “Zndenture” means the Trust Indenture, dated as of the date hereof, between the Issuer and the Trustee, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “Initial Remarketing Date” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. b‘Zssuer” means the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, and its successors and assigns. “Key Principal” means, collectively, the individual or individuals and/or entity or entities who have executed the Acknowledgment and Agreement of Key Principal to Personal Liability for the Exceptions to Non-Recourse attached to, and a part of, this Mortgage Note, or who have executed an Exceptions to Non-Recourse Guaranty with respect to the Mortgage Loan or who may, in the future execute, such an Acknowledgment or an Exceptions to Non-Recourse Guaranty. “Loan Servicer” means Red Mortgage Capital, Inc., an Ohio corporation, or any successor servicer appointed by Fannie Mae. “Maturity Date” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Mortgage Note. “Mortgage Loan” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Mortgage Loan Amount” means, initially, [Five Million Dollars] and No/100s ([$5,000,000]) and thereafter the unpaid principal balance of the Mortgage Loan. “Mortgage Loan Documents” means, collectively, this Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument and all other agreements and instruments, including any Collateral Agreements (as defined in the Security Instrument), documenting, evidencing, securing, arising under, made in connection with or otherwise relating to the Mortgage Loan, as each such agreement or Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 A-2 Mariposa Apartments document may be amended, modified, supplemented, or restated from time to time, but excluding the Financing Agreement and the Regulatory Agreement. “Mortgage Loan Fund’ has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Mortgage Loan Rights” has the meaning given to that term in the Assignment. “Mortgage Note” means this Multifamily Note, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated. “Mortgage Note Rate” has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of the Mortgage Note. “Mortgaged Property” means the “Mortgaged Property” referred to in the Security Instrument. “Mortgaged Property Jurisdiction” means the jurisdiction in which the Mortgaged Property is located. “Net Bond Proceeds” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Operating Expenses” means the reasonable expense of operating, managing, maintaining and repairing the Mortgaged Property, including, but not limited to, real estate taxes, utilities, assessments, insurance premiums, repairs, replacements and ground rents, if any. “Pass-Through Rate” has the meaning given to that term in Paragraph 1.1 of this Mortgage Note. “Permitted Lien” has the meaning given to that term in the Reimbursement Agreement. “Redemption Account” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “ReguEatory Agreement” means, the Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, dated as of June 1, 2003, by and among the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower, as it may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “Reimbursement Agreement” means the Reimbursement Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Credit Provider and the Borrower, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “Remarketing Agent” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Remarketing Rate” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Rents and Profits” means the rents, profits, issues, products and income of the Mortgaged Property received or collected by or on behalf of the Borrower. “Replacement Reserve” means the replacement reserve required to be established under the Security Instrument. Multifamily Note LA1 : 1004261.2 A-3 Mariposa Apartments “Revenue Fund’ has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Security Instrument” means the [Amended and Restated] Multifamily Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing, securing this Mortgage Note, as it may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time to the extent permitted by the Security Instrument and the Indenture. “Sewicing Fee” has the meaning given to that term in the Fannie Mae Commitment. “Set Rate Interest” has the meaning given to that term in Paragraph 1.2 of this Mortgage Note. “Tax Credit Investor” means [NAME], a [TYPE OF ENTITY]. “Tax Event” means any event which results in the interest payable on the Bonds being includable for federal income tax purposes, in the gross income of the Bondholders, including, but not limited to, any violation of any provision of the Regulatory Agreement or any of the other Bond Documents. “Termination Fee” has the meaning given to that term in the Reimbursement Agreement. “Third Party Fees” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Transfer” has the meaning given to that term in the Security Instrument. “Trustee” means [TRUSTEE], not in its individual or corporate capacity, but solely in its capacity as trustee under the Indenture. “Verification Report” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. Any capitalized term used in this Mortgage Note and not defined in this Mortgage Note, but defined in the Indenture, shall have the meaning given to such term in the Indenture. Multifamily Note LA 1 : 1 00426 1.2 A-4 Mariposa Apartments Pay to the order of [TRUSTEE], as Trustee, and Fannie Mae, as their interests may appear, without recourse CITY OF CARLSBAD By : Name: Title: Dated as of [DATE] Multifamily Note LA1 : 1 004261.2 End- 1 Mariposa Apartments LIHTC AGREEMENT THIS LIHTC AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) dated as of , is among the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation (“Issuer”), CIC CALAVERA, L.P., a California limited partnership (“Borrower”), and FANNIE MAE, a federally-chartered and stockholder-owned corporation organized and existing under the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act, 12 U.S.C. 0 1716, et seq. (“Fannie Mae”). This Agreement is made in connection with the Trust Indenture, dated as of [Date] (“Indenture”), between the Issuer and [Trustee], a [Description of Trustee] (together with its permitted successors and assigns, “Trustee”) and the issuance of the [$5,000,000] aggregate principal amount of City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A (collectively, the “Bonds”) pursuant to the Indenture. All capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the meanings given to those terms in the Indenture or elsewhere in this Agreement unless the context or use clearly indicates a different meaning. RECITALS A. The Recitals to the Indenture are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. B. The Issuer, the Borrower and Fannie Mae wish to preservethe ability of Fannie Mae to acquire an ownership interest directly or indirectly in the Borrower after the Closing Date should the opportunity to do so become available and should Fannie Mae, in its discretion, desire to do so at that time. SECTION 1. Acquisition of Equity Interest in the Borrower by Fannie Mae. The Issuer and the Borrower agree that Fannie Mae shall have the right to acquire a direct or indirect ownership interest in the Borrower (“Investment”) if and when available to Fannie Mae. The Investment may be a direct ownership interest in the Borrower, an indirect investment through one or more intermediate entities or the acquisition of an existing direct or indirect investment in the Borrower in a secondary market transaction. Nothing in this Agreement shall obligate: (a) Fannie Mae to acquire an Investment from the Borrower or any other person; (b) the Borrower to sell an Investment to Fannie Mae or to any other person. (c) Fannie Mae to obtain the prior consent of the Issuer before Fannie Mae acquires an Investment. No consent is needed from the Borrower for the acquisition by Fannie Mae of an Investment directly or indirectly in the Borrower from a third party. Fannie Mae may sell or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the Investment at any time and from time to time in its sole discretion, but subject to any applicable conditions, restrictions and limitations which are contractual obligations of Fannie Mae arising in connection with the Investment. LA1 : 1004734.1 SECTION2. Investment Notice. Not more than 15 days after the date Fannie Mae acquires an Investment, Fannie Mae shall provide or cause the provision of a notice to the Issuer, the Borrower and Bond Counsel that an Investment has been acquired (“Investment Notice”). The Investment Notice will be given in the form of the attached Exhibit A; SECTION 3. Information Regardinp the Investment. Fannie Mae has no obligation to provide any documents evidencing the Investment or any information regarding the Investment other than the information required by the Investment Notice. SECTION 4. Borrower Acknowledges Consequences of Fannie Mae Investment in the Borrower. The Borrower represents to the Issuer and Fannie Mae that it has had the benefit of legal and tax advice regarding the consequences of the acquisition of an Investment by Fannie Mae. The Borrower understands that from and after the date of the acquisition of an Investment: (a) the Credit Facility provided by Fannie Mae may no longer be a “qualified guaranty” as that term is used in Section 1.148-4(f) of the Treasury Regulations; (b) the bond yield of the Bonds may need to be recalculated to eliminate the cost of credit enhancement from bond yield; and (c) the effect of a reduced bond yield could be to reduce the amount of investment income on certain investments which the Borrower may retain and correspondingly increase the amount of rebate the Borrower would owe under the Tax Certificate with respect to such income. SECTIONS Ripht of Fannie Mae to Exercise Rights and Remedies as Credit Provider. This Agreement does not apply to the acquisition by Fannie Mae or its nominee of any interest in the Mortgaged Property through a foreclosure of the Security Instrument or a deed in lieu of a foreclosure. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the right of Fannie Mae to exercise any of its rights and remedies as the Credit Provider as set out in the Financing Documents or as otherwise provided by applicable law as Fannie Mae may determine from time to time. SECTION 6. Further Assurances. Fannie Mae, the Borrower and the Issuer agree that they will each promptly execute, acknowledge and deliver, or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered, such amendments to or supplements of the Financing Documents and such other certificates and agreements as Bond Counsel determines are reasonably required to carry out the intention of, or to facilitate the performance of this Agreement. SECTION 7. Rules of Construction. The rules of construction set forth in Section 1.3 of the Indenture shall apply to this Agreement in their entirety, except that in applying such rules, the term “Agreement” shall be substituted for the term “Indenture.” SECTION 8. Amendment. No amendment to this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties to this Agreement until such amendment is reduced to writing and executed by such parties. LIHTC Agreement LA1: 1004734.1 2 Mariposa Apartments SECTION 9. Binding Effect. This Agreement is a continuing obligation and shall (i) be binding upon each of the parties to this Agreement and their successors and assigns and (ii) inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by such parties and their respective successors, transferees and assigns. SECTION 10. Severability. Should one or more of the provisions of this Agreement be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such provision shall be severable from the remainder as to such jurisdiction and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired in any jurisdiction. SECTION 11. Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. SECTION12. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, and the obligations, rights and remedies of the parties under this Agreement shall be determined, in accordance with the laws of the State without regard to conflicts of laws principles, except to the extent that the laws of the United States of America may prevail. SECTION13. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. THE BORROWER, THE ISSUER AND FANNIE MAE (A) COVENANT AND AGREE NOT TO ELECT A TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY ISSUE ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT TRIABLE BY A JURY AND (B) WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY SUCH RIGHT NOW EXISTS OR SHALL LATER EXIST. THIS WAIVER OF RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IS SEPARATELY GIVEN, KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WITH THE BENEFIT OF COMPETENT LEGAL COUNSEL. THIS WAIVER IS INTENDED TO ENCOMPASS INDIVIDUALLY EACH INSTANCE AND EACH ISSUE AS TO WHICH THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL WOULD OTHERWISE ACCRUE. SECTION 14. Notices. It shall be sufficient giving of any notice or other communication if the same is sent by first-class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by private courier service which provides evidence of delivery, or sent by Electronic Means which produces evidence of transmission, confirmed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, and in each case will be deemed to have been given on the date evidenced by the postal or courier receipt or other written evidence of delivery or electronic transmission. Unless a different address is given by any party as provided in this Section, all such communications will be addressed as follows: To the Issuer: City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Community Development Telephone: (760) 434-2810 Facsimile: (760) 720-2037 LIHTC Agreement LA1 : 1004734.1 3 Mariposa Apartments To the Borrower: with a copy to: To the Fannie Mae CIC Calavera, L.P. c/o Chelsea Investment Corporation 215 South Highway 101, Suite 200 Solana Beach, California 92075 Attention: Wally Dieckmann Telephone: (858) 259-2624, Ext. 103 Facsimile: (858) 259-2644 Pillsbury Winthrop LLP 50 Fremont Street San Francisco, California 94101 Attention: Gary P. Downs Telephone: (4 1 5) 9 8 3 - 1 83 5 Facsimile: (415) 983-1200 Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Drawer AM Washington, DC 20016-2899 Attention: Director, Multifamily Asset Management Telephone: (202) 752-2854 Facsimile: (202) 752-3542 Re: [$5,000,000] City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A; Red Mortgage Capital, Inc. with a copy to: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Drawer AM Washington, DC 20016-2899 Attention: Vice President, Multifamily Services Telephone: (202) 752-7869 Facsimile: (202) 752-8369 Re: [$5,000,000] City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A; Red Mortgage Capital, Inc. [For courier use to all Fannie Mae addresses use 4000 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. and delete any reference to Drawer AM] By notice given under this Agreement, any party may designate any different addresses to which subsequent notices or other communications shall be sent. The remainder of this page is intentionally blank. LIHTC Agreement LAI:1004734.1 4 Mariposa Apartments IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer, the Borrower and Fannie Mae have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. IS SUER: CITY OF CARLSBAD LIHTC Agreement LA1 : 1004734.1 By : Name: Title: s- 1 Mariposa Apartments BORROWER: CIC CALAVERA, L.P., a California limited partnership By : Its: By: Its: Pacific Southwest Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit public benefit corporation Managing General PartnIer By : Brian F. Biber, Executive Director CIC Calavera Hills, LLC, a California limited liability company Co-General Partner By : James J. Schmid, Managing Member LIHTC Agreement LA1 :IOO4734.1 s-2 Mariposa Apartments FANNIE MAE By: Name: Title: LIHTC Agreement LA1 : 1004734.1 s-3 Mariposa Apartments EXHIBIT A Form of Investment Notice [Date] [Issuer] [Issuer’s Address] [Borrower] [Borrower’s Address] [Bond Counsel] [Bond Counsel’s Address] Re: [bond caption] (“Bonds”) [description of bond indenture] (“Indenture”) [description of LIHTC Agreement] (“LIHTC Agreement”) Investment Notice Ladies and Gentlemen: [Fannie Mae is giving this notice] [I am giving this notice on behalf of Fannie Mae] pursuant to Section 2 of the LIHTC Agreement. Capitalized terms used in this letter are used as defined in the LIHTC Agreement. Fannie Mae acquired an Investment in the Borrower on [fill in date]. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at Very truly yours, LIHTC Agreement LA1 : 1004734.1 A- 1 Mariposa Apartments Ex/y-i/3/r b y3& /1,/76 5- do -03 ASSIGNMENT AND INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT This ASSIGNMENT AND INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT (the “Assignment”), is made as of [DATE], by and among the CITY OF CARLSBAD (the “Issuer”), a municipal corporation, [TRUSTEE] (together with any successor trustee, the “Trustee”, a [TYPE OF ENTITY], not in its individual or corporate capacity, but solely as trustee, and FANNIE MAE (the “Credit Provider”), a corporation organized and existing under the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act, 12 U.S.C. 0 1716, et seq. and is acknowledged, accepted and agreed to by CIC CALAVERA, L.P. (the “Borr~wer’~), a California limited partnership. The meaning of capitalized terms can be determined by reference to Section 1. RECITALS A. The Issuer has issued, sold and delivered the Bonds. The Net Bond Proceeds are being used to fund the Mortgage Loan to the Borrower. B. The Trustee is trustee under the Indenture. C. The Mortgage Loan is evidenced by the Mortgage Note, secured by the Security Instrument and otherwise documented, evidenced and secured by the other Mortgage Loan Documents. D. The Issuer, the Borrower and the Loan Servicer have requested that the Credit Provider provide the Credit Facility as credit enhancement for the Mortgage Loan and liquidity support for the Bonds. E. As an inducement to the Credit Provider to provide the Credit Facility, (a) the Issuer and the Trustee have accepted and agreed to execute and deliver, and the Borrower has agreed to acknowledge, accept and agree to the terms of, this Assignment and (b) the Borrower has agreed to enter into the Reimbursement Agreement and the Pledge Agreement. In consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Assignment and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged by the Issuer, the Credit Provider, the Trustee and the Borrower, the Issuer, the Credit Provider, the Trustee and the Borrower agree as follows: Section 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Assignment (including the Recitals) shall have the meanings given to those terms in this Section 1 or elsewhere in this Assignment unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Capitalized terms used in this Assignment and not defined in this Assignment are defined in, and shall have the meanings given to those terms in, the Indenture or the Financing Agreement. The meanings given to all defined terms shall be applicable whether such terms are used in the singular or the plural form. Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA 1 : 1004255.2 1 Mariposa Apartments ‘‘Activity Fee” has the meaning given to that term in the Reimbursement Agreement. “Advance” has the meaning given to that term in the Credit Facility. “Assigned Documents” means, collectively, the Mortgage Loan Documents and the Financing Agreement. “Assigned Rights” has the meaning given to that term in Section 2.1 of this Assignment. “Assignee” means, individually, the Credit Provider, as its interest may appear, or the Trustee, as its interest may appear, as the context shall permit or require, and, collectively, the Credit Provider and the Trustee, as their interests may appear. “Assignment” means this Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement, dated as of [DATE], by and among the Issuer, the Trustee and the Credit Provider, and acknowledged accepted and agreed to by the Borrower, as it may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “As their interests may appear” or “as its interest may appear” means, with reference to the Assigned Documents and/or the Assigned Rights, the respective interests, exclusive of the Issuer’s Reserved Rights, of the Credit Provider, k, “the Credit Provider’s Interests”(as defined in paragraph (i) below), and of the Trustee, k, the “Trustee’s Interests” (as defined in paragraph (ii) below), from time to time, in and to the Assigned Documents and the Assigned Rights: (i) “the Credit Provider’s Interests” means and includes (a) all rights and interests of the Credit Provider under or pursuant to the Credit Facility Agreement, including, but not limited to, the (1) right of the Credit Provider, pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement, to payment by the Borrower of, or reimbursement by the Borrower for, Advances under the Credit Facility and (2) right of the Credit Provider, pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement, to payment by the Borrower, of all fees (including, but not limited to, the Facility Fee and the Activity Fee), costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees) and other amounts payable to the Credit Provider under the Reimbursement Agreement as a result of its execution and delivery of, and, if applicable, any payment under, the Credit Facility, (b) all other rights of the Credit Provider to payment, reimbursement and/or security under the Credit Facility Agreement and the Mortgage Loan Documents, or otherwise with respect to the transactions provided for in the Bond Documents, the Mortgage Loan Documents and the Credit Facility Agreement (but excluding (1) the payments to be received by the Trustee pursuant to the Credit Facility, (2) all other payments to be received by the Trustee in respect of the unpaid principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on the Outstanding Bonds (other than Purchased Bonds which, pursuant to the Pledge Agreement, are subject to a lien in favor of the Credit Provider, plus all accrued and unpaid interest on the Purchased Bonds) and (3) the payments to be received by the Trustee pursuant to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to the Trustee), (c) the Mortgage Loan Rights and (d) the right of the Credit Provider to payment or reimbursement of (1) all amounts to or for which it is or may be entitled to as an Assignee under Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 2 Mariposa Apartments this Assignment, (2) all amounts secured by the Security Instrument and (3) all fees, costs, expenses and other sums paid, incurred or advanced by the Credit Provider under the Credit Facility Agreement or the Assigned Documents, or otherwise in connection with the Mortgaged Property, or in connection with the exercise by the Credit Provider of any duties, obligations, rights, powers, options, privileges or remedies as an Assignee under this Assignment, including, but not limited to, all amounts advanced: (A) for taxes, assessments, water, sewer and vault charges, insurance premiums and other similar or dissimilar items in connection with the Mortgaged Property, its development, operation or management; (B) for payments to laborers, suppliers, mechanics, materialmen, subcontractors, contractors, construction managers, surveyors, architects, engineers, accountants, governmental agencies having or asserting jurisdiction over the Mortgaged Property, or any portion of it, and other similar or dissimilar persons or entities in connection with the construction of the Improvements or the development, operation, maintenance or management of the Mortgaged Property; (C) for costs, expenses, appraisals, attorneys’ fees and expenses, accountants’ fees and expenses or other fees and expenses in connection with (a) the protection of any security and/or collateral for the Mortgage Loan or for the Borrower’s obligations to the Credit Provider under the Credit Facility Agreement, (b) the enforcement of the rights and remedies of the Credit Provider under the Credit Facility Agreement, the Assigned Documents or this Assignment and (c) any foreclosure action or proceeding or the acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or other comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan; (D) by reason of or in connection with the acquisition, use, operation, maintenance, management, ownershipeor sale of the Mortgaged Property, or any portion of it, in the event of the acquisition of the Mortgaged Property, or any portion of it, through foreclosure or by acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or other comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan; (E) for any and all other things which the Credit Provider shall or may become entitled to pay or advance or for which it is or may be entitled to payment or reimbursement under the Credit Facility Agreement or the Assigned Documents; and/or (F) for attorneys fees, costs and expenses; and (ii) the “Trustee’s Interests” means and includes (a) the right to receive (1) the payments to be received by the Trustee pursuant to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to the Trustee, pursuant to (A) the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to the Trustee, and (B) the Credit Facility and (2) all other payments to be received by the Trustee in respect of the unpaid principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on the Outstanding Bonds (other than Purchased Bonds which, pursuant to the Pledge Agreement, are subject to a lien in favor of the Credit Provider, plus all accrued and unpaid interest on the Purchased Bonds), (b) the right to receive all fees, costs and expenses owing to the Trustee under the Indenture, (c) the right to receive payment or reimbursement of all amounts for which it is or Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1:1004255.2 3 Mariposa Apartments may be entitled to as an Assignee under this Assignment and (d) the right to receive all fees, costs, expenses and other sums paid or incurred by the Trustee (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and expenses), for itself or on behalf of the Issuer, in exercising any of its rights, powers, options, privileges or remedies as Assignee under this Assignment, including, but not limited to, all reasonable or necessary sums paid or advanced from time to time by the Trustee of the nature described in clauses (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) of paragraph (i) above. “Borrower” means CIC Calavera, L.P., a California limited partnership. “Credit Provider” means Fannie Mae. “Exhibit A” means Exhibit A attached to and by this reference made a part of this As si gnmen t . “Facilitv Fee” means the Facility Fee provided for in the Mortgage Note. ‘‘Financing Agreement” means the Financing Agreement, dated as of [Date], among the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “Improvements” means the improvements made or to be made upon the Land. “Indenture” means the Trust Indenture, dated as of June 1,2003, between the Issuer and the Trustee, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time as permitted by the Indenture. “Issuer” means City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, and its successors and assigns. “Issuer’s Annual Fee” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Issuer’s Documents” has the meaning given to that term in paragraph (iv) of Section 11.1 of this Assignment. “Land” means the real property described in Exhibit A, being the same real property described in the Security Instrument. “Loan Servicer” means Red Mortgage Capital, Inc., an Ohio corporation , as servicer of the Mortgage Loan, and any successor servicer appointed by the Credit Provider. “Mortgage Loan” means the loan made by the Issuer to the Borrower pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Financing Agreement for the purpose of providing funds to the Borrower to refinance the Mortgaged Property. “Mortgage Loan Documents” means, collectively, the Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument and all other agreements, documents and instruments evidencing, securing or otherwise relating to the Mortgage Loan, including all amendments, modifications, Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 4 Mariposa Apartments supplements and restatements of such agreements, documents and instruments, but excluding the Financing Agreement and the Regulatory Agreement. “Mortgage Loan Payments Interest” means, with respect to the Mortgage Loan, the right of the Trustee to receive and retain all payments due and owing under the Mortgage Note including the right to payment of the unpaid principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on the Outstanding Bonds (excluding Purchased Bonds which, pursuant to the Pledge Agreement, are subject to a lien in favor of Fannie Mae, and all accrued and unpaid interest on the Purchased Bonds) other than (a) Set Rate Interest, comprising the Facility Fee and the Servicing Fee, (b) late charges, (c) default interest, (d) payments for reserves (including all payments for deposit into the Replacement Reserve (as defined in the Replacement Reserve and Security Agreement dated as of , between the Borrower and the Loan Servicer)), (e) escrows for taxes, insurance and other impositions, (f) payments pursuant to any Mortgage Loan Document, (g) any other amount due pursuant to any Mortgage Loan Document (and further including all fees due to the Credit Provider, e.g., without limitation, the Activity Fee (as defined in the Reimbursement Agreement) due to the Credit Provider) and (h) other amounts which do not constitute principal or interest at the Pass-Through Rate. “Mortgage Loan Rights” means, with respect to the Mortgage Loan, without limitation (a) all of the rights, and interests, power and authority under the Mortgage Loan Documents and the Financing Agreement to direct actions, grant consents, grant extensions, grant waivers, grant requests, give approvals, give directions, exercise and enforce remedies, exercise forbearance, give releases, make appointments, make decisions, take actions, apply partial payments, apply late charges, receive and apply default interest, receive and apply escrow payments for reserves, taxes, insurance and other impositions, receive and apply funds received pursuant to any Mortgage Loan Document, and, subject to the exclusion set forth below, do all other things that may be done under the Mortgage Loan Documents and (b) the right, power and authority to, and the right, power and authority to assign or delegate the right, power and authority to, enter into and/or receive or accept delivery of and/or be a party to all Mortgage Loan Documents (other than the Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument which are executed and delivered by the Borrower to the Issuer), to be executed and delivered in connection with the Mortgage Loan, and which are not entered into and/or received or accepted by the Issuer, or to which the Issuer is not a party, including, but not limited to, any agreements, documents and instruments ancillary to or otherwise relating to the Mortgage Loan, including agreements with respect to the servicing of the Mortgage Loan and the establishment of custodial and other accounts for the deposit of funds payable by the Borrower under the Mortgage Loan Documents and collected by the Loan Servicer, and to vest in any assignee or delegatee, including the Loan Servicer, such rights, powers and authority as may be necessary to implement any of the foregoing; “Mortgage Loan Rights” also means, and expressly includes, with respect to the Mortgage Loan, custody of, and exclusive dominion and control over, each Mortgage Loan Document, including the Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument. “Mortgage Loan Rights” does not mean, and expressly excludes, the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest which is assigned by the Issuer to the Trustee. “Mortgage Note” means the Multifamily Note, dated as of the date hereof, executed by the Borrower in favor of the Issuer, together with all addenda and schedules, as the same may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time, or any note Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 5 Mariposa Apartments executed in substitution therefor, as such substitute note may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “Mortgaged Propertv” has the meaning given to that term in the Security Instrument. “Pass-Through Rate” has the meaning given to that term in the Mortgage Note. “Person” means any natural person, firm, partnership, association, limited liability company, corporation, company or public body. “Pledge Agreement” means the Pledge, Security and Custody Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Borrower, the Trustee, as collateral agent for Fannie Mae, and the Credit Provider, as such agreement may be amended supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time. “Regulatory Agreement” means the Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, relating to the Mortgaged Property, dated as of June 1,2003, by and among the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “Reimbursement Agreement” means the Reimbursement Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Credit Provider and the Borrower, as amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time or any agreement entered into in substitution therefor. “Reserved RiPhts” has the meaning given to that term in the Indenture. “Security Instrument” means the [Amended and Restated] Multifamily Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing, dated as of the date hereof, together with all riders and exhibits, securing the Mortgage Note, executed by the Borrower with respect to the Mortgaged Property, as it may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time, or any security instrument executed in substitution therefor, as such substitute security instrument may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. “State” means the State of California. “Wrongful Dishonor” means an uncured failure by the Credit Provider to make an Advance to the Trustee upon proper presentation of documents that conform to the terms and conditions of the Credit Facility. Section 2. Assignment. Section 2.1 Assignment. Subject to the specific assignments set forth in Section 2.2 and Section 2.3 of this Assignment, and further subject to the provisions of Sections 2.4 through 2.13 of this Assignment, consistent and in accordance with the grant provisions of the Indenture, the Issuer absolutely and irrevocably assigns, transfers, conveys and delivers to each of the Assignees, and their respective successors and assigns, for the benefit of each of the Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 6 Mariposa Apartments Assignees, and their respective successors and assigns, in each instance as their interests may appear (k, to the Credit Provider, as its interest may appear, and to the Trustee, as its interest may appear), without recourse, all (a) of the Issuer’s right, title and interest in and to the Mortgage Loan and in and to each of the Assigned Documents, provided that the Reserved Rights of the Issuer are excepted from this assignment, transfer, conveyance and delivery, and provided further that such reservation shall not in any way limit the rights of the Assignees to exercise all other rights of the Issuer under the Assigned Documents and (b) right, title and interest of every nature of the Issuer in the rights to receive payments under the Assigned Documents (including all proceeds of insurance or condemnation awards, but excluding payments on account of Reserved Rights) and in and to all Funds and Accounts (other than the Rebate Fund, the Costs of Issuance Fund and the Fees Account) held, maintained or administered by the Trustee pursuant to and in accordance with the Indenture and in all amounts on deposit in any Fund or Account (other than the Rebate Fund the Costs of Issuance Fund and the Fees Account) held, maintained or administered by the Trustee pursuant to and in accordance with the Indenture (all rights, titles, interests, liens and privileges described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 2.1 and assigned to the Assignees by this Section 2.1 are, collectively, the “Assigned Rights”). Each Assignee, for and on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, acknowledges receipt of, and accepts, and shall hold, the Assigned Rights, together with all right, title, interest, estates, liens, privileges, claims and demands and equities now existing, and to exist in the future, in connection with the Assigned Rights, or as security for the Assigned Rights, as its interest may appear. Section 2.2 Assignment of Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.1 of this Assignment, the Issuer absolutely and irrevocably assigns, transfers, conveys and delivers the Mortgage Loan Rights exclusively to the Credit Provider, and its successors and assigns, without recourse. The Trustee agrees to take such action and to execute and deliver and to facilitate the recordation of such documents provided to the Trustee as may be reasonably necessary to accede to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider. If a Wrongful Dishonor occurs and continues for more than five Business Days, the Credit Provider agrees that the Mortgage Loan Rights shall automatically, without any further action on the part of the Credit Provider, transfer to the Trustee at the end of such five-day period. In furtherance of the foregoing, the Credit Provider agrees to take such action and to execute and deliver and to facilitate the recordation of such documents provided to the Credit Provider as may be reasonably necessary to evidence the transfer of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Trustee. The transfer of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Trustee shall automatically terminate, and the Mortgage Loan Rights shall revert to the Credit Provider automatically, upon the cure of the Wrongful Dishonor. Section 2.3 Assignment of Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to Trustee. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.1 of this Assignment, but subject to the provisions of Section 2.6 of this Assignment, the Issuer absolutely and irrevocably assigns, transfers, conveys and delivers the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to the Trustee, without recourse, such assignment to be (1) for the equal and proportionate benefit, security and protection of the owners of the Outstanding Bonds, without privilege, priority or distinction as to the lien or otherwise of any of the Bonds over any of the other Bonds, and (2) for the benefit of the Credit Provider, for the payment of all amounts owing to the Credit Provider under andor secured by the Credit Facility Agreement andor the Assigned Documents. The Trustee shall receive the Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 7 Mariposa Apartments Mortgage Loan Payments Interest and deposit payments received on account of the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest in the appropriate Accounts under the Indenture (a) for the equal and proportionate benefit of the Bondholders without privilege, priority or distinction as to the lien or otherwise of any of the Bondholders over any of the other Bondholders and (b) for the benefit of the Credit Provider for the payment of all amounts owing to the Credit Provider under and/or secured by the Credit Facility Agreement and/or the Assigned Documents. The Trustee acknowledges and agrees that all payments on the Mortgage Note will be made by the Borrower to the Loan Servicer. Section 2.4 Effect of the Issuer’s Assignments. 2.4.(1) Effect of Assignment of Mortgage Loan Rights and Mortgage Loan Payments Interest. The Credit Provider and the Trustee acknowledge that the Issuer’s assignment of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider and assignment of the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to the Trustee are and shall be effective without any other or further action by the Issuer, the Trustee or the Credit Provider. The Trustee acknowledges and accedes to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider and agrees to take such action and to execute and deliver and to facilitate the recordation of such documents provided to the Trustee as may be reasonably necessary to accede to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Payments Rights to the Credit Provider. The Credit Provider acknowledges and accedes to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Interest to the Trustee. The Trustee covenants that it will not assign its rights or interests in and to the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to any party other than the Credit Provider, or other than as provided in the Indenture and this Assignment, and confirms and agrees that it will not in any event assign any of such rights or interests to any other party without the Credit Provider’s prior written consent. The Trustee acknowledges that by virtue of the Issuer’s assignment of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider, the Credit Provider will have (a) the right, power and authority to make all decisions in connection with the Mortgage Loan and under the Mortgage Loan Documents, it being understood and agreed that the Credit Provider shall be entitled to act with respect to the Mortgage Loan in the same manner and with the same rights, powers and authority to act as the Credit Provider would have if the Credit Provider were the sole owner of the Mortgage Loan and the sole owner and holder of the Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument, (b) the right to require that payments on the Mortgage Loan be made to the Loan Servicer, (c) the right, power and authority to enter into and/or receive or accept delivery of and/or be a party to all Mortgage Loan Documents (other than the Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument which are executed and delivered by the Borrower to the Issuer) to be executed and delivered in connection with the Mortgage Loan, and which are not entered into and/or received or accepted by the Issuer, or to which the Issuer is not a party, including, but not limited to, any agreements, documents and instruments ancillary to or otherwise relating to the Mortgage Loan and (d) the right to further assign or delegate (including assignments to any Loan Servicer) any of the Mortgage Loan Rights assigned to it and to delegate to the Loan Servicer the right to (1) enter into and/or receive or accept delivery of andor be a party to any Mortgage Loan Document (other than the Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument which are executed and delivered by the Borrower to the Issuer), including, but not limited to, any agreements, documents and instruments ancillary to or otherwise relating to the Mortgage Loan and (2) establish and maintain custodial and other accounts for the deposit of funds payable by the Borrower under any of the Mortgage Loan Documents and collected by the Loan Servicer and apply and disburse such funds in accordance with the Mortgage Loan Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 8 Mariposa Apartments Documents. Neither the Credit Provider nor the Loan Servicer, nor their respective officers, directors, employees, or agents, shall be liable to the Trustee or any Bondholder for any action taken or omitted to be taken in good faith by the Credit Provider in connection with the Mortgage Loan by reason of the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider. The actions of the Credit Provider with respect to the Mortgage Loan shall not be taken as an agent of the Issuer or the Trustee, and neither the Issuer nor the Trustee shall be liable for any actions taken or not taken by the Credit Provider, any assignee of the Credit Provider or the Loan Servicer. 2.4.(2) Assignment of Mortgage Loan Upon Payment or Redemption of Bonds. In the event that the Credit Provider makes an Advance pursuant to the Credit Facility which results in the payment or redemption of the Bonds in whole in accordance with the terms of the Bonds and the Indenture, the Trustee, unless otherwise instructed by the Credit Provider, shall (a) assign (in recordable form, if applicable) all of its rights and interests in and to the Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument, all other Mortgage Loan Documents, the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest and the Financing Agreement to the Credit Provider, and endorse the Mortgage Note to the Credit Provider, (b) assign and transfer to the Credit Provider all funds, but excluding the Rebate Fund, the Costs of Issuance Fund and the Fees Account, held by the Trustee, and, until such time as such moneys are paid to the Credit Provider, hold all moneys in all Funds and Accounts (excluding the Rebate Fund, the Costs of Issuance Fund and the Fees Account) as bailee for the Credit Provider and take such action with respect to such moneys while in the possession or control of the Trustee as the Credit Provider may direct and (c) execute and deliver all such documents presented by or on behalf of the Credit Provider as are necessary to legally and validly effectuate the assignments and other actions provided for in the preceding clauses (a) and (b). 2.4.(3) Assignment of MortgaEe Loan Without Payment or Redemption of Bonds. So long as a Wrongful Dishonor has not occurred, or if it has occurred, has not continued for more than five Business Days, the Credit Provider shall have the right, with respect to the Mortgage Loan, in its sole and absolute discretion, without making an Advance under the Credit Facility, but only upon filing with the Trustee a certification reaffirming the Credit Provider’s obligations under the Credit Facility, to direct the Trustee in writing to assign (in recordable form, if applicable) all of the Trustee’s rights and interests in and to the Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument, the other Mortgage Loan Documents and the Financing Agreement to the Credit Provider, in which event the Trustee shall (a) assign (in recordable form, if applicable) all of its rights and interests in and to the Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument, the other Mortgage Loan Documents and the Financing Agreement to the Credit Provider, and endorse the Mortgage Note to the Credit Provider and (b) execute all such documents presented by or on behalf of the Credit Provider as are necessary to legally and validly effectuate the assignments provided for in the preceding clause (a). The Credit Provider shall hold the Mortgage Note and the Security Instrument for the benefit of the Bondholders. If, following such assignments, a Wrongful Dishonor occurs and continues for more than five Business Days, the Credit Provider agrees that all rights and interests assigned by the Trustee to the Credit Provider pursuant to this Section 2.4(3) shall automatically, without any further action on the part of the Credit Provider, transfer to the Trustee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Credit Provider agrees to take such action and to execute and deliver and to facilitate the recordation of such documents provided to the Credit Provider as the Trustee deems reasonably Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 9 Mariposa Apartments necessary to evidence the transfer to the Trustee of all rights and interests so assigned by the Trustee to the Credit Provider pursuant to this Section 2.4(3). Upon the cure of the Wrongful Dishonor, the transfer of such rights and interests to the Trustee shall automatically terminate, and such rights and interests shall revert to the Credit Provider automatically. No assignment pursuant to this Section 2.4(3) shall affect the Credit Provider’s obligations under the Credit Facility . 2.4.(4) Trustee’s Assignment. The Trustee’s assignment to the Credit Provider pursuant to Section 2.4(2) or 2.4(3) and the Trustee’s endorsement of the Mortgage Note to the Credit Provider pursuant to Section 2.4(2) or 2.4(3) shall be without recourse, except that the Trustee shall (a) represent and warrant in connection with such assignment and endorsement that (1) the Trustee has the power and authority to assign such documents and instruments to the Credit Provider and to endorse the Mortgage Note to the Credit Provider, (2) the assignment of such documents and instruments and the endorsement of the Mortgage Note to the Credit Provider have been duly authorized and (3) the Trustee has not previously assigned any such documents or instruments or endorsed the Mortgage Note to any other person and (b) certify the principal amount outstanding under the Mortgage Note. Section 2.5 Exercise of Assigned Rights. Subject to the Reserved Rights of the Issuer and to the provisions of Section 2.2, Section 2.3, Section 2.4 and Section 2.6 of this Assignment, the Issuer agrees that either Assignee, in its own name or in the name of the Issuer, may enforce all of the Assigned Rights and all obligations of the Borrower under the Assigned Documents, without regard to whether the Issuer is in default under the Assigned Documents or under this Assignment. In order to implement the foregoing, the Issuer appoints each Assignee, and its successors and assigns, as the Issuer’s true and lawful attorney-in-fact, irrevocably, with power of substitution to do any or all of the foregoing in the name, place and stead of the Issuer. This power of attorney, being coupled with an interest, is irrevocable as long as this Assignment shall remain in effect as to such Assignee. The Assignees shall not be obligated by reason of this Assignment or otherwise to perform or be responsible for the performance of any of the covenants or agreements of the Issuer under the Assigned Documents. In no event shall (a) the exercise of any of the foregoing rights, remedies or powers or (b) any default under any of the Assigned Documents andor the Credit Facility Agreement result in a redemption of the Bonds or an acceleration of the Bonds pursuant to the terms of the Indenture unless the Credit Provider shall have directed such redemption or acceleration in writing. The Issuer shall fully cooperate with the Assignees in their enforcement of the Assigned Rights or obligations of the Borrower under the Assigned Documents and take such steps as reasonably requested to effectuate the same. The Borrower shall reimburse the Issuer for all of the Issuer’s out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the Issuer’s compliance with the preceding sentence. Section 2.6 Exclusive Exercise of RiPhts bv the Credit Provider: Exclusive Exercise of Rights by the Trustee. 2.6.(1) The Credit Provider. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Assignment to the contrary, until this Assignment is terminated as to the Credit Provider, as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment, or until a Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred and, in that event, only if the Wrongful Dishonor continues for more than five Business Days, the Credit Provider shall, subject to the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 10 Mariposa Apartments the Trustee pursuant to Section 2.3 of this Assignment, have (a) exclusive dominion and control over, and the sole right to exercise, the Mortgage Loan Rights and (b) the sole and exclusive right to exercise all of the rights, powers, options, privileges and remedies provided to the Assignees in this Assignment, including, but not limited to, all rights to enforce all obligations of the Borrower under the Assigned Documents and to enforce all of the Assigned Rights to the total exclusion of the Trustee, and without the consent of the Trustee, and the Trustee shall not have, and may not exercise, any of such rights, powers, options, privileges and remedies. Any one or more of the Mortgage Loan Rights afforded to the Credit Provider under the provisions of this Assignment may be exercised by the Credit Provider concurrently with or independently of the exercise of any one or more other Mortgage Loan Rights. Consistent with the foregoing, until this Assignment is terminated as to the Credit Provider, as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment, or until a Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred and, in that event, only if the Wrongful Dishonor continues for more than five Business Days, the proceeds of any foreclosure of the Mortgaged Property or other enforcement of the Assigned Documents, the proceeds of any sale of the Mortgaged Property, the rents and other amounts generated by the holding, leasing, operation or other use of the Mortgaged Property, and any condemnation and insurance proceeds, shall be applied by the Credit Provider in accordance with the terms of the Security Instrument and the other Mortgage Loan Documents, as the Credit Provider shall direct, in its discretion. The Trustee agrees that, in order to effectuate the purposes of this Assignment and the assignment of the Mortgage Loan Rights to the Credit Provider, the Trustee, for itself and for any successor or replacement Trustee, unconditionally appoints the Credit Provider as the Trustee’s true and lawful attorney-in-fact, irrevocably, with power of substitution, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any notice, document, certificate, paper, instrument or pleading and to do in the Trustee’s name, place and stead, all such acts, things and deeds for and on behalf of the Trustee under this Assignment and/or any of the Assigned Documents which the Trustee could or might do or which may be necessary, desirable or convenient in the Credit Provider’s sole discretion to effectuate the purposes of this Assignment and/or any Assigned Document. This power of attorney and the rights, remedies, power and authority granted by the Trustee to the Credit Provider in this Assignment are declared by the Trustee to be coupled with an interest and irrevocable until the Reimbursement Agreement is no longer in full force and effect or until a Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred and shall have continued for more than five Business Days and may be exercised by the Credit Provider in the name of the Credit Provider, in the name of the Trustee or in the names of the Credit Provider and the Trustee, as the Credit Provider may at any time or from time to time determine; the Trustee confirms and ratifies all acts and deeds taken or to be taken by the Credit Provider as attorney-in-fact. 2.6.(2) Trustee. Only at such time as this Assignment shall have terminated as to the Credit Provider as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment or during such period of time as there exists a Wrongful Dishonor which has continued for more than five Business Days may the Trustee exercise any of the rights, powers, options, privileges and remedies provided to the Assignees under this Assignment, including, but not limited to, the Mortgage Loan Rights and all rights to enforce all obligations of the Borrower under the Assigned Documents and to enforce all of the Assigned Rights to the exclusion of the Credit Provider, and without the consent of the Credit Provider, provided that, and notwithstanding any such Wrongful Dishonor, the Credit Provider shall be entitled to receive all notices pursuant to this Assignment, the Indenture and the Assigned Documents. Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement 11 LA1 : 1004255.2 Mariposa Apartments 2.6.(3) Disclaimer of Assumption of Oblipations. Neither the Trustee nor the Credit Provider shall be deemed by reason of this’Assignment to have assumed any obligations of the Issuer, under the Indenture or the Financing Agreement. Section 2.7 Confirmation of Assignment. In order to confirm and evidence this Assignment, the Issuer has (a) delivered to the Credit Provider and the Trustee and the Credit Provider and the Trustee acknowledge receipt of, a signed counterpart of each of the Assigned Documents and (b) executed and delivered to the Credit Provider and the Trustee Uniform Commercial Code financing statements covering the Issuer’s interest in the Assigned Rights in form sufficient for filing with the California Secretary of State and the Recorder’s Office of County, naming the Credit Provider and the Trustee as secured parties. The Credit Provider and the Trustee acknowledge the Trustees’s receipt and custody of (a) the original executed Mortgage Note, endorsed to the order of the Trustee and Fannie Mae, as their interests may appear, and (b) the original Security Instrument. The Issuer shall, at any time after the date of this Assignment, at the request of either Assignee, execute and deliver such financing statements, continuation statements and other instruments, in forms acceptable to the requesting Assignee, as either Assignee may request from time to time or as are necessary in such Assignee’s opinion to further confirm and evidence this Assignment. Section 2.8 Further Assurances. The Issuer covenants that it will, at the sole expense of the Borrower, cooperate to the extent necessary with the Borrower, the Trustee and the Credit Provider in their defenses of the security for the Bonds against the claims and demands of all Persons, and will do, execute, acknowledge and deliver, or cause to be done, executed, acknowledged and delivered, such additional and supplemental agreements, instruments and documents, do such further acts, and make such further transfers as the Trustee or the Credit Provider may reasonably request to effectuate the purpose and intent of this Assignment. The Issuer shall execute and the Credit Provider and the Trustee shall do, execute, acknowledge and deliver, such additional and supplemental agreements, documents and instruments, do such further acts and make such further transfers as the Credit Provider or the Trustee may reasonably require for the better assuring, transferring, conveying, assigning and confirming to the Credit Provider and the Trustee the interests to be assigned pursuant to this Assignment. Section 2.9 No Other Encumbrances. The Issuer covenants that, except as otherwise provided in the Indenture and this Assignment, it will not sell, convey, mortgage, encumber or otherwise dispose of any of the Assigned Rights or any of the Assigned Documents. Section 2.10 Consent Required for Amendments. The Issuer covenants that it will not agree to any amendment, modification, supplement, waiver or consent with respect to any of the Assigned Documents, other than in relation to the Reserved Rights, without the prior written consent of the Trustee and the Credit Provider. So long as this Assignment shall not have terminated as to the Credit Provider as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment, and no Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred, or if it shall have occurred, shall not have continued for more than five Business Days, the Trustee shall, at the written direction of the Credit Provider, consent to, and shall not, without the Credit Provider’s prior written consent, consent to any proposed amendment, supplement, waiver, or modification to, or revision of, any Assigned Document, provided, however, that no such amendment, supplement, waiver, modification or Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1:1004255.2 12 Mariposa Apartments revision to the Mortgage Note shall change the (a) outstanding principal amount, the interest rate, the maturity date, the due date for the payment of interest, the terms of mandatory prepayment or governing law or jurisdiction provisions without the Trustee’s prior written consent; or (b) timing or amount of the Issuer’s Annual Fee without the Issuer’s consent. Section 2.11 Insurance: Condemnation. 2.1 1 .( 1) Insurance. The Borrower covenants and agrees that the Credit Provider, the Loan Servicer and the Trustee shall each be named as a mortgagee on all fire, extended coverage and other hazard insurance policies required under the Assigned Documents, provided that all insurers shall be directed to pay all proceeds of such policies directly to the Credit Provider, which proceeds shall be held and applied by the Credit Provider in accordance with the terms of the Security Instrument and the other Mortgage Loan Documents, as the Credit Provider shall direct, in its discretion, and the Borrower, as mortgagor, shall deal solely with the Credit Provider or the Loan Servicer, as the Credit Provider shall direct, under the Assigned Documents. Neither the Credit Provider, the Loan Servicer nor the Trustee shall have any liability under this Assignment for any such application of insurance proceeds. Notwithstanding the foregoing, so long as this Assignment shall continue in full force and effect as to the Credit Provider, and no Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred, or if it shall have occurred, shall not have continued for more than five Business Days, the Credit Provider and the Loan Servicer shall be the sole loss payees on all fire, extended coverage and other hazard insurance policies required under the Mortgage Loan Documents, and all insurers shall be directed to pay all proceeds of such policies directly to the Credit Provider. Only at such time as this Assignment shall have terminated as to the Credit Provider as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment or during such period of time as there exists a Wrongful Dishonor which shall have continued for more than five Business Days shall the Trustee be deemed a loss payee entitled to receive the proceeds of such policies. The Borrower further covenants and agrees that the Credit Provider, the Trustee and the Issuer shall each be a named insured on all liability insurance policies required under the Assigned Documents. 2.1 1.(2) Condemnation. The Borrower covenants and agrees that all proceeds of any condemnation award or award in lieu of condemnation shall be paid solely to the Credit Provider, it being agreed that so long as this Assignment shall continue in full force and effect as to the Credit Provider, and no Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred, or if it shall have occurred, shall not have continued for more than five Business Days, the Credit Provider shall be the sole payee with respect to all condemnation and like awards and all awards in lieu of condemnation. Only at such time as this Assignment shall have terminated as to the Credit Provider as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment or during such period of time as there exists a Wrongful Dishonor which shall have continued for more than five Business Days shall the Trustee be entitled to receive such proceeds. All proceeds of a condemnation award or other award in lieu of condemnation received by the Credit Provider shall be held and applied by the Credit Provider in accordance with the terms of the Security Instrument, as the Credit Provider shall direct, in its discretion, and the Borrower, as mortgagor, shall deal solely with the Credit Provider or the Loan Servicer, as the Credit Provider shall direct, under the Assigned Documents. Neither the Credit Provider nor the Trustee shall have any liability under this Assignment for any such application of condemnation award proceeds. The Credit Provider and the Trustee shall execute, acknowledge and deliver all such documents presented by or on behalf Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 13 Mariposa Apartments of the Credit Provider as shall be necessary to evidence or confirm the provisions of Section 2.1 I( 1) and this Section 2.11(2), as applicable. Section 2.12 Possession of Mortgage Note and Security Instrument: Records and Books of Account: Examination of Records and Books of Account. 2.12.( 1) Possession of Mortgage Note and Security Instrument. The Credit Provider shall have custody of the original Mortgage Note, duly endorsed to the Trustee and the Credit Provider, as their interests may appear, and the recorded Security Instrument. The originals (or, where recorded, executed copies) of all other Mortgage Loan Documents, shall be delivered to, held by, and be under the exclusive dominion and control of, the Credit Provider. 2.12.(2) Records and Books of Account. The Trustee shall keep, or cause to be kept, proper records and books of account in which complete and accurate entries shall be made of all of its transactions relating to the Mortgage Loan and the Assigned Documents, including, but not limited to, payments made under the Mortgage Loan and all funds and accounts established by or held pursuant to the Indenture with respect to the Mortgage Loan. 2.12.(3) Examination of Records and Books of Account. The Trustee covenants and agrees that all records and books of account in its possession relating to the Mortgage Loan, the Assigned Documents and all records and books of account regarding the receipt and distribution of payments on the Mortgage Loan and the Borrower’s compliance with the terms and conditions of the Mortgage Loan and the Assigned Documents, shall be open to inspection, examination and audit at any reasonable time by the Issuer, the Borrower, the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider or by such accountants or other agents as the Issuer, the Borrower, the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider may from time to time designate. In addition, the Issuer, the Borrower, the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, to require the Trustee to furnish such documents to the Issuer, the Borrower, the Loan Servicer and the Credit Provider, at the Borrower’s expense, as the Issuer, the Borrower, the Loan Servicer or the Credit Provider, as the case may be, from time to time, deems reasonably necessary in order to determine that the provisions of the Mortgage Loan have been complied with. Section 2.13 Disposition of Mortgage Loan. Unless a Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred and be continuing, the Trustee shall not, except at the written direction or with the prior written consent of the Credit Provider, assign, transfer or dispose of (a) its rights or interests in and to the Mortgage Loan, the Mortgage Note, the Security Instrument or any other Mortgage Loan Document or (b) the Mortgage Loan Payments Interest to any party other than to (1) the Credit Provider as provided in Section 2.4(2) and Section 2.4(3) of this Assignment, (2) a successor Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Indenture or (3) to the Issuer, as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment. 2.13.(1) Credit Provider Assignment. The Credit Provider shall, in its sole discretion, have the right to assign, sell or transfer its right, title and interest in, to and under the Assigned Documents, the Assigned Rights and this Assignment to any Person. Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 14 Mariposa Apartments Section 3. Disposition of Credit Facility. On the Closing Date, the Credit Provider shall deliver the Credit Facility to the Trustee. The Trustee shall not, without the prior written consent of the registered owners of all of the Bonds then Outstanding, transfer the Credit Facility except as provided in Section 7.2 of the Indenture. Section 4. Limitations on Issuer. From and after the date of this Assignment, the Issuer shall not, except with respect to its Reserved Rights (a) deal in any manner with any of the Assigned Documents, (b) exercise or refrain from exercising any of the Assigned Rights or any rights or remedies under the Assigned Documents, (c) purport to exercise any of the Mortgage Loan Rights or (d) take any other action with respect to the Assigned Documents, the Assigned Rights or the Mortgage Loan Rights including, but not limited to, waiving or releasing the Borrower from any Event of Default or the performance or observance of any obligation or condition under any Assigned Document. Section 5. Effect of Default. In the event that, following a default under the Mortgage Loan (a) the Mortgaged Property is acquired by either or both of the Assignees, or their nominees, as a result of a foreclosure or the acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or comparable conversion of the Mortgage Loan or other enforcement provisions of the Security Instrument, (b) the Bonds are not redeemed with funds provided under the Credit Facility and (c) this Assignment shall continue in full force and effect as to the Credit Provider and no Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred, or if it shall have occurred, shall not have continued for more than five Business Days, the Mortgaged Property shall be conveyed to the Credit Provider or its nominee, and all decisions thereafter with respect to the Mortgaged Property (including, but not limited to, all decisions with respect to the management, operation, maintenance and sale of the Mortgaged Property, and the price and terms of such sale, the payment or contesting of real estate taxes, rebuilding or restoration after damage, destruction or taking, alterations, improvements, insurance coverage, litigation and conversion to a cooperative or condominium), shall be made solely by the Credit Provider. Section 6. Mortgape Loan Servicing. The identity of the Loan Servicer being of material importance to the Credit Provider, this Assignment is accepted by the Credit Provider on the basis, and with the understanding, that the Loan Servicer will be determined solely by the Credit Provider. Accordingly, so long as this Assignment shall continue in full force and effect as to the Credit Provider and no Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred, or if it shall have occurred, shall not have continued for more than five Business Days, the Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower agree that the Credit Provider shall, in its discretion, have the sole and exclusive (a) right to appoint the Loan Servicer and arrange for the servicing of the Mortgage Loan and the Assigned Documents, provided such servicing shall be performed by a Fannie Mae approved seller-servicer in accordance with the requirements of the Credit Provider, (b) power and authority, on its own behalf and/or on behalf of the Trustee and the Issuer, to do or refrain from doing any act in connection with the Mortgage Loan and/or the Assigned Documents, including any act provided for in this Assignment and (c) right to remove the Loan Servicer (for any reason), terminate its right to service the Mortgage Loan, and appoint a new Loan Servicer. The Issuer, the Trustee and the Borrower further acknowledge and agree that the servicing arrangements between the Credit Provider and the Loan Servicer are subject to amendment or termination without the consent of the Issuer, the Trustee or the Borrower and that none of the Issuer, the Trustee or the Borrower shall have any rights under or be a third party beneficiary of Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 15 Mariposa Apartments such arrangements. The Trustee, the Borrower and the Issuer acknowledge and agree that any Loan Servicer designated by the Credit Provider shall be paid a fee for its services. Neither the Issuer, the Trustee nor the Credit Provider shall have the obligation to pay such fees from their own funds. The Trustee, the Borrower and the Issuer acknowledge the right of the Loan Servicer to deduct the Servicing Fee and the Facility Fee from monthly payments on the Mortgage Note made by the Borrower so long as the amount remitted to the Trustee includes interest at the Pass- Through Rate. As long as the Loan Servicer is servicing the Mortgage Loan, the Borrower shall deliver to the Issuer, the Loan Servicer and the Trustee copies of all reports and notices required by the Mortgage Loan Documents. The Credit Provider delegates to the Loan Servicer the right to exercise such of the Mortgage Loan Rights as shall be approved or confirmed from time to time by the Credit Provider. Section 7. Borrower’s Acknowledgments. The Borrower acknowledges that all of the right, title and interest of the Issuer (excluding the Reserved Rights of the Issuer) in, to and under the Assigned Documents, including, but not limited to, the Issuer’s right to collect and receive all amounts payable under the Assigned Documents has, pursuant to this Assignment, been assigned by the Issuer to the Assignees as provided in this Assignment. The Borrower further acknowledges and consents to all of the terms and provisions set forth in this Assignment. Section 8. Regulatory Agreement. Section 8.1 Monitoring of Regulatory Agreement. The Issuer shall have the sole obligation to monitor compliance with the Regulatory Agreement. Section 8.2 Termination of Regulatory Agreement. Upon expiration or termination of the Regulatory Agreement pursuant to its terms, the Issuer, in its capacity as the Issuer, shall promptly notify Credit Provider of the termination of the Regulatory Agreement. Section 8.3 Right To Enforce Compliance. The Issuer, the Trustee, the Loan Servicer and Credit Provider shall each have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce compliance by the Borrower and its successors as subsequent owners of the Mortgaged Property with the Regulatory Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trustee agrees that it will, subject to the provisions of the Indenture and Article IX, at the direction of the Issuer, take such action as may be required to achieve compliance by the Borrower with the Regulatory Agreement. Section 8.4 Notices of Violations of the Regulatory APreement. Promptly upon determining that a violation of the Regulatory Agreement has occurred, the Issuer shall send written notice of such violation to Credit Provider, the Loan Servicer and the Trustee. The Issuer’s notice shall set out the nature of the violation and state whether the violation has been cured or has not been cured but is curable within a reasonable period of time, or is incurable and contain a copy of the Issuer’s notice of violation to the Borrower. If the Borrower fails to cure the violation to the reasonable satisfaction of the Issuer within the time period set forth in the Issuer’s notice of the violation to the Borrower (which period shall not be shorter than any applicable period set out in the Regulatory Agreement for the cure of such violation) and if, as a consequence of such failure, the Issuer declares an Event of Default under the Regulatory Agreement, the Issuer shall provide prompt written notice to Credit Provider, the Loan Servicer Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 16 Mariposa Apartments and the Trustee of the Event of Default (together with a copy of any notice of the Event of Default provided to the Borrower). Section 8.5 Cure Rights. Each of Credit Provider, the Loan Servicer and the Trustee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any default by the Borrower under the Regulatory Agreement. Such cure may be made even after the Issuer’s notice of declaration of an Event of Default under the Regulatory Agreement, provided however, such cure right shall not affect any requirements of the Code and the Act. Credit Provider shall have the additional right, but not the obligation, to cure any violation of the Regulatory Agreement by assumption of the management and operation of the Mortgaged Property, directly or through any Credit Provider approved seller-servicer or a receiver under the Security Instrument. Any operation of the Mortgaged Property by Credit Provider or its successors or assigns shall be in accordance with the Regulatory Agreement, but only so long as the Regulatory Agreement remains in effect. Section 9. Issuer’s Covenants. Section 9.1 Limitations on Issuer. The Issuer shall not consent to any amendment, supplement to, or restatement of any Bond Document or the Regulatory Agreement, or any other document executed or delivered in connection with the Bonds without the prior written consent of Credit Provider. Section 9.2 Enforcement. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Assignment to the contrary, until this Assignment shall have terminated as to the Credit Provider as provided in Section 15 of this Assignment or until a Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred and, in that event, only if the Wrongful Dishonor shall have continued for more than five Business Days, neither the Issuer nor any person under its control shall exercise any remedy or direct any proceeding under the Indenture, the Financing Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement other than as set out in this Section. (a) Enforcement of Certain Rights and Obligations. Subject to subsection (b), the Issuer may: (1) Tax Covenants. Seek specific performance of the tax covenants of the Indenture, the Tax Certificate and the Financing Agreement, injunctive relief against acts which may be in violation of any of the tax covenants, and enforce the Borrower’s obligation to pay amounts for credit to the Rebate Fund; (2) Regulatory Agreement. Seek specific performance of the obligations of the Borrower or any other owner of the Property under the Regulatory Agreement and injunctive relief against acts which may be in violation of the Regulatory Agreement or otherwise unlawful; provided, however, that the Issuer may enforce any right it may have under the Regulatory Agreement for monetary damages only against Excess Revenues, if any, of the Borrower, unless Credit Provider otherwise specifically consents in writing to the use of other funds; and (3) Reserved Rights. Take whatever action at law or in equity which appears necessary or desirable to enforce the Reserved Rights; provided, however, that the Issuer or any person under its control may only enforce any right it may have for monetary Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 17 Mariposa Apartments damages against Excess Revenues, if any, of the Borrower, unless Credit Provider otherwise specifically consents in writing to the enforcement against other funds of the Borrower. (b) Overriding Limitations. In no event shall the Issuer: (1) prosecute its action to a lien on the Mortgaged Property; (2) take any action which may have the effect, directly or indirectly, of impairing the ability of the Borrower to timely pay the principal of, interest on, or other amounts due under, the Loan or of causing the Borrower to file a petition seeking reorganization, arrangement, adjustment or composition of or in respect of the Borrower under any applicable liquidation, insolvency, bankruptcy, rehabilitation, composition, reorganization, conservation or other similar law in effect now or in the future; or (3) interfere with the exercise by Credit Provider of any of its rights under the Loan Documents or the Credit Facility Agreement upon the occurrence of an event of default by the Borrower under the Loan Documents or the Credit Facility Agreement; or (4) take any action to accelerate or otherwise enforce payment or seek other remedies with respect to the Loan or the Bonds. (c) Notice of Action. The Issuer shall provide written notice to Credit Provider, the Trustee and the Loan Servicer immediately upon talung any action at law or in equity to exercise any remedy or direct any proceeding under the Indenture, the Financing Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement. (d) Definition of “Excess Revenues”. As used in this Section, the term “Excess Revenues” means, for any period, the net cash flow of the Borrower available for distribution to shareholders, members or partners (as the case may be) for such period, after the payment of all interest expense, the amortization of all principal of all indebtedness coming due during such period (whether by maturity, mandatory sinlung fund payment, acceleration or otherwise), the payment of all fees, costs and expenses on an occasional or recurring basis in connection with the Loan or the Bonds, the payment of all operating, overhead, ownership and other expenditures of the Borrower directly or indirectly in connection with the Mortgaged Property (whether any such expenditures are current, capital or extraordinary expenditures), and the setting aside of all reserves for taxes, insurance, water and sewer charges or other similar impositions, capital expenditures, repairs and replacements and all other amounts which the Borrower is required to set aside pursuant to agreement, but excluding depreciation and amortization of intangibles. Section 9.3 Specific Performance. The Borrower acknowledges and agrees that were money damages a remedy under the Regulatory Agreement or in connection with any of the tax covenants of the Indenture, the Tax Certificate and the Financing Agreement, money damages alone would not be an adequate remedy at law for a default by the Borrower arising from a failure to comply with the Regulatory Agreement or the tax covenants and therefore the Borrower agrees that the remedy of specific performance shall be available to the Issuer andor the Trustee in any case. Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 18 Mariposa Apartments Section 10. Amendment of Agreements. The Issuer agrees that it will not consent to any amendment, modification of, supplement to, or waiver or consent with respect to, the Financing Agreement, the Indenture, the Regulatory Agreement, or any other documents executed or delivered in connection with the Bonds without the prior written consent of the Credit Provider. Section 11. Representations: Warranties and Covenants. Section 1 1.1 Representations: Warranties and Covenants of the Issuer. The Issuer represents, warrants and covenants to the Assignees that: (i) the making of the Mortgage Loan is in accordance with the Act; (ii) the Issuer is a validly existing municipal corporation, duly created, organized and existing under the laws of the State; (iii) the Issuer is the owner of all right, title and interest in and to the Assigned Documents and the Assigned Rights, and has all necessary power and authority (a) to execute, deliver and carry out the terms and provisions of this Assignment and to assign the Assigned Documents and the Assigned Rights to the Assignees pursuant to this Assignment free of any liens or restrictions other than those created under the Indenture, and (b) to execute and deliver the Indenture; (iv) the Issuer has duly (a) authorized the execution, delivery and performance of this Assignment, the Indenture and any and all other agreements to which it is a party, including, but not limited to, the Assigned Documents to which it is a party (collectively, with this Assignment, the “Issuer’s Documents”) and (b) executed and delivered each of the Issuer’s Documents; (v) the Issuer’s Documents are the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Issuer enforceable against the Issuer in accordance with their respective terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or other similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally or by general principles of equity; (vi) the execution, delivery and performance of the Issuer’s Documents by the Issuer will not (a) violate any provision of law, or any rules or regulations promulgated under any law, (b) violate, be in conflict with or constitute a default (after notice or lapse of time, or both) under the Act or under the by-laws of the Issuer, as amended from time to time, or any term or provision of any agreement, indenture, resolution or other instrument by which the Issuer is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, or (c) violate any judgment, decree, governmental order, writ, injunction, statute, rule or regulation of any court or governmental body, agency or other instrumentality applicable to the Issuer; (vii) the Issuer is not a party to, or otherwise subject to any provision contained in, any agreement or other instrument (including the Act) which restricts or otherwise limits the assignability of the Assigned Documents or the Assigned Rights pursuant to this Assignment; Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1:1004255.2 19 Mariposa Apartments (viii) except as specifically provided for in the Indenture, the Issuer has not granted and will not grant any lien or security interest in the Assigned Documents or the Assigned Rights and has not sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of any interest in the Assigned Documents or the Assigned Rights; (ix) the principal place of business and chief executive office of the Issuer and the office where the Issuer keeps all records concerning the Assigned Rights are located at the address set forth in this Assignment for notices to be given to the Issuer; (x) no further action, consent, approval, registration or filing by or with any governmental agency, bureau, commission or court is required in connection with the execution, delivery, adoption and/or performance, as the case may be, by the Issuer of the Issuer’s Documents other than as have been (or will be, when required) made or obtained; (xi) the Issuer shall comply with the covenants, requirements and provisions of the Indenture applicable to it and perform all of its obligations under the Indenture; (xii) the Issuer has complied and will comply with all material provisions of the Act applicable to the Bonds and the transactions contemplated by the provisions of the Indenture; and (xiii) no litigation or administrative action of any nature has been served on it and is now pending (i) seeking to restrain or enjoin the execution and delivery of this Assignment or the Assigned Documents, or the adoption of the Indenture or in any manner questioning the proceedings or authority relating to any of the foregoing or otherwise affecting the validity of the Bonds or (ii) as to the existence or authority of the Issuer or that of its present or former members or officers and, to the best knowledge of the Issuer, none of the foregoing are threatened. Section 11.2 Representations and Warranties of the Credit Provider. The Credit Provider represents and warrants to the Issuer and the Trustee that this Assignment has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Credit Provider; assuming due authorization, execution and delivery of this Assignment by the Issuer and the Trustee, this Assignment constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Credit Provider enforceable against the Credit Provider in accordance with its terms, subject to any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws of general applicability relating to or affecting creditors’ rights from time to time in effect, and to the exercise of judicial discretion in accordance with general principles of equity, whether applied by a court of law or of equity. Section 11.3 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Borrower. The Borrower represents, warrants and covenants that: (i) all representations, warranties, covenants, indemnities and other agreements of the Borrower set forth in the Assigned Documents, and all rights, powers and remedies of the Issuer under the Assigned Documents, are acknowledged to be assigned to and for the benefit of the Assignees, and all of such rights, powers and remedies may, as provided in this Assignment, be enforced by the Assignees (in the priorities established by this Assignment) in the name, place and stead of the Issuer; Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LAI:1004255.2 20 Mariposa Apartments (ii) the Assignees (in the priorities established by this Assignment), as the holders of all of the rights, remedies, authority, privileges, powers and options and authority of the Issuer, have the exclusive authority to exercise all of the rights, powers and authority of the Issuer, and to take any action or do anything, with respect to, under or in connection with or in the enforcement of, the Assigned Documents and the Assigned Rights; (iii) it will perform and observe, for the benefit of the Assignees (in the priorities established by this Assignment), all of the covenants and agreements of the Borrower under the Assigned Documents as if the Assignees were named in the Assigned Documents rather than the Issuer; (iv) it will not cancel, amend, surrender, abridge or otherwise modify the Assigned Documents without the prior written consent of the Assignees pursuant to the terms of this Assignment; (v) it will not seek to recover from an Assignee any monies owed to the Borrower by the other Assignee, pursuant to the Assigned Documents, whether by reason of defense, set-off, counterclaim or deduction for any reason whatsoever; (vi) whenever the consent or approval of the Issuer is required or permitted under the Assigned Documents, the written consent or approval of the Assignee having the right to give such consent pursuant to this Assignment shall, in lieu of such consent or permission of the Issuer, be obtained before taking any action or omitting to take any action for which such consent or permission is needed; and (vii) it will simultaneously give to the Assignees copies of all notices and communications required to be given by the Borrower under the Assigned Documents. Nothing contained in this Assignment shall be deemed to change, modify or waive any of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of the Borrower contained in the Assigned Documents. represents and warrants to Credit Provider that: Section 11.4 Representations and Warranties of the Trustee. The Trustee (i) it is a [TYPE OF ENTITY]; (ii) it has the power and authority to accept and execute trusts and has duly accepted its appointment as Trustee under the Indenture; (iii) it has the power and authority to execute and deliver, accept the rights and duties granted in, and perform its obligations under, this Assignment; (iv) all corporate action required to authorize the acceptance of its appointment as Trustee under the Indenture and the execution, delivery and performance of this Assignment and the effectuation of the transactions provided for in this Assignment has been duly taken; Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 21 Mariposa Apartments (v) the execution and delivery of this Assignment by the Trustee, as trustee, and the performance of its duties and obligations under this Assignment as provided in this Assignment are not in violation of any provisions of its organizational documents or by- laws, any law or regulation, any court or administrative order or any agreement or other instrument to which it is a party or by which it may be bound; and (vi) this Assignment has been duly authorized, executed, delivered and has been duly accepted by its duly authorized officers and, assuming due authorization, execution and delivery of this Assignment by the Issuer, Credit Provider and the Borrower, constitutes a valid, binding and enforceable obligation of the Trustee, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, and other laws of general applicability relating to or affecting creditors’ rights from time to time in effect, and to general equity principles. Section 12. Control on Right of Redemption. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of the Indenture or any of the Assigned Documents, the Issuer agrees that, so long as the Credit Facility is in full force and effect and no Wrongful Dishonor shall have occurred, or if it shall have occurred, shall not have continued for more than five Business Days, the Issuer shall not exercise any option under the Indenture to redeem any or all of the Bonds without the prior written consent of the Credit Provider. Section 13. Exculpation. Notwithstanding any term or provision of this Assignment, the Assigned Documents andor the Issuer’s Documents to the contrary, the Credit Provider shall not be liable under this Assignment or under any of the Assigned Documents or the Issuer’s Documents to any other party to this Assignment for any action taken or omitted by the Credit Provider in connection with the Mortgage Loan, this Assignment, the Assigned Documents or the Issuer’s Documents, except for such action or omission which is directly attributable to its own gross negligence or willful misconduct. The Credit Provider shall be protected and shall incur no liability in relying upon the accuracy, acting in reliance upon the contents, and assuming the genuineness, of any notice, demand, certificate, signature, instrument or other document believed by the Credit Provider to be genuine and to have been duly executed by the appropriate signatory. In addition, the Credit Provider shall be protected and shall incur no liability in relying upon an Opinion of Counsel with respect to any action taken or not taken in good faith by the Credit Provider under this Assignment, the Assigned Documents or the Issuer’s Documents. The Credit Provider shall, at all times, be free to establish independently to its satisfaction and in its absolute discretion the existence or non-existence, as the case may be, of any fact the existence or non-existence of which shall be a condition to any term or provision of this Assignment or of any of the Assigned Documents. The immunities and exemptions from liability of each Assignee shall extend to its directors, officers, employees and agents. Section 14. Disclaimers: Acknowledgments. Approval by the Credit Provider of the Borrower, the Mortgage Loan, the Bonds or otherwise shall not constitute a warranty or representation by the Credit Provider as to any matter. Nothing set forth in this Assignment or in the subsequent conduct of the parties shall be deemed to constitute the Credit Provider as the partner of any person for any purpose whatsoever. Section 15. Termination. This Assignment (a) shall terminate and be of no further force or effect as to the Credit Provider at such time as the Reimbursement Agreement is no Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 :1004255.2 22 Mariposa Apartments longer in full force and effect and (b) shall terminate and be of no further force and effect as to the Trustee at the earlier of (1) such time as the Bonds shall have been paid in full or deemed paid in full as provided in the Indenture or (2) by mutual written agreement of the Issuer and the Trustee after this Assignment shall have so terminated as to the Credit Provider, in which event the Assigned Documents shall automatically revert to the Issuer without any further action on the part of the Trustee. The Credit Provider agrees that upon termination of this Assignment solely as to the Credit Provider, as provided in clause (a) of the preceding sentence, it will execute a release, in recordable form, of its rights and interests under this Assignment. Section 16. Liability of Borrower. The liability of the Borrower under this Assignment is limited to the same extent as set forth in the Mortgage Note, the provisions of which are, by this reference, incorporated in this Assignment and shall have the same force and effect as if fully set forth in this Assignment. Section 17. IncorDoration of Security Instrument. The provisions of the Security Instrument are, by this reference, incorporated into this Assignment and shall have the same force and effect as if fully set forth in this Assignment. Section 18. Notice. All notices, certificates, demands and other communications provided for in this Assignment shall be in writing and mailed (registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid), hand-delivered, with signed receipt, or sent by nationally-recognized overnight courier: If to the Issuer: City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Community Development Telephone: (760) 434-2810 Facsimile: (760) 720-2037 To the Credit Provider: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Drawer AM Washington, D.C. 20016-2899 Attention: Director, Multifamily Asset Management Telephone: (202) 7 5 2-2 8 54 Facsimile: (202) 752-3542 Re: [$5,000,000] City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A; Red Mortgage Capital, Inc. [for messenger use 4000 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., and delete Drawer AM] with a copy to: Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Drawer AM Washington, D.C. 20016-2899 Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 23 Mariposa Apartments To the Trustee: To the Borrower: with a copy to: To the Loan Servicer: Attention: Vice President, Multifamily Services Telephone: (202) 752-7869 Facsimile: (202) 752-8369 Re: [$5,000,000] City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Mariposa Apartments) 2003 Series A; Red Mortgage Capital, Inc. [for messenger use 4000 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., and delete Drawer AM] [TRUSTEE] [ADDRESS] Telephone: Facsimile: CIC Calavera, L.P. c/o Chelsea Investment Corporation 215 South Highway 101, Suite 200 Solana Beach, California 92075 Attention: Wally Dieckmann Telephone: (858) 259-2624, Ext. 103 Facsimile: (858) 259-2644 Pillsbury Winthrop LLP 50 Fremont Street San Francisco, California 94101 Attention: Gary P. Downs Telephone: (415) 983-1835 Facsimile: (415) 983-1200 Red Mortgage Capital, Inc. 150 E. Gay Street, 22"d Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Atten ti on : President Telephone: (614) 857-1400 Facsimile: (614) 857-1410 The Issuer, the Trustee, the Borrower, the Credit Provider and the Loan Servicer, by notice given under this Assignment, may designate any different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates, requests, demands or other communications shall be sent, but no notice directed to any one such entity (except for the Credit Provider) shall be required to be sent to more than two addresses. All such notices, certificates, demands and other communications shall be effective when received at the address specified as aforesaid. Section 19. Miscellaneous. Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA 1 : 1004255.2 24 Mariposa Apartments Section 19.1 Waivers. The Assignees shall not by any act, delay, omission or otherwise be deemed to have waived any of their rights or remedies under this Assignment and no waiver whatever shall be valid, unless in writing signed by the Assignees, and then only to the extent set forth in the waiver. A waiver by the Assignees of any default, right or remedy under this Assignment on any one occasion shall not be construed as a waiver of any other default or be a bar to any right or remedy the Assignees would otherwise have on any future occasion. Section 19.2 Amendments. This Assignment may not be changed, modified or discharged in whole or in part, unless set forth in a writing signed on behalf of both of the Assignees and by the Issuer, each by their duly authorized officers. Section 19.3 Governing Law. This Assignment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State, without regard to conflicts of laws principles, except to the extent that the laws of the United States of America prevail. Section 19.4 WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. THE PARTIES (A) COVENANT AND AGREE NOT TO ELECT A TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY ISSUE ARISING UNDER THIS ASSIGNMENT TRIABLE BY A JURY AND (B) WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY SUCH RIGHT SHALL EXIST NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. THIS WAIVER OF RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IS SEPARATELY GIVEN, KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WITH THE BENEFIT OF COMPETENT LEGAL COUNSEL BY THE PARTES, AND THIS WAIVER IS INTENDED TO ENCOMPASS INDIVIDUALLY EACH INSTANCE AND EACH ISSUE AS TO WHICH THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL WOULD OTHERWISE ACCRUE. Section 19.5 Severability. Should any provision of this Assignment be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be enforceable only if modified, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Assignment, the balance of which shall continue to be binding upon the parties to this Assignment with any such modification to become a part of this Assignment and treated as though originally set forth in this Assignment. The parties further agree that any such court is expressly authorized to modify any such unenforceable provision of this Assignment in lieu of severing such unenforceable provision from this Assignment in its entirety, whether by rewriting the offending provision, deleting any or all of the offending provision, adding additional language to this Assignment, or by malung such other modifications as it deems warranted to carry out the intent and agreement of the parties as embodied in this Agreement to the maximum extent permitted by law. The parties expressly agree that this Assignment as so modified by the court shall be binding upon and enforceable against each of them. In any event, should one or more of the provisions of this Assignment be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions hereof, and if such provision or provisions are not modified as provided above, this Assignment shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions had never been set forth herein. Section 19.6 Additional Assignment. In the event that the Borrower is no longer the owner of the Mortgaged Property and a new mortgagor is substituted in its place, or if the Security Instrument is replaced by a new mortgage on the Mortgaged Property, the Issuer Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 25 Mariposa Apartments shall execute and deliver to the Assignees, and shall record, a new assignment, substantially the same as this Assignment, which shall refer to this Assignment. Section 19.7 No Merger of Interests. There shall be no merger of the interests of any of the Bondholders with the interests of any holder of the Assigned Rights by reason of the fact that the same person, firm or entity may acquire, own or hold, directly or indirectly, such interests, unless and until such person, firm or entity and all others having an interest in the Bonds and the Assigned Rights shall effect such merger in a written, duly recorded instrument. Section 19.8 Reimbursement of Assignees. The Borrower shall reimburse each Assignee, from time to time, for all the Assignee’s reasonable expenses, charges, costs, fees and disbursements, and those of the Assignee’s attorneys, agents and employees, incurred in connection with the performance of the Assignee’s powers and duties under this Assignment. The Borrower shall indemnify and save each Assignee harmless against any liability which it may incur in the exercise and performance of its powers and duties under this Assignment and which are not due to its gross negligence or willful misconduct. Section 19.9 Incorporation of Rights. All provisions of the Indenture, the Financing Agreement, the Reimbursement Agreement and the Credit Facility applicable to the rights of the Credit Provider are incorporated into this Assignment as if expressly set forth at length in this Assignment, except as such rights are expanded or modified by the express provisions of this Assignment. All provisions of the Indenture related to the duties, obligations, standard of care, protections and immunities from liability afforded the Trustee under the Indenture shall apply to the Trustee under this Assignment. Section 19.10 Counterparts. This Assignment may be executed simultaneously in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and it shall not be necessary in making proof of this Assignment to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. Section 19.1 1 Assignment Without Recourse. This Assignment is made by the Issuer without recourse in respect of the Mortgage Note or liabilities secured by the Assigned Documents. Section 19.12 Remarketing Agreement. The Issuer and the Borrower agree that they will not enter into any amendment, modification, supplement or other document effecting a change in any Remarketing Agreement applicable to the Bonds or enter into any new or replacement Remarketing Agreement with respect to the Bonds without the prior written consent of the Credit Provider. Section 19.13 Approval of Documents. All documents relating to the transactions described in this Assignment shall be subject to the approval of the Credit Provider, in its discretion. Section 19.14 Consent of the Credit Provider. If any provision of this Assignment provides for the prior approval or consent of the Credit Provider or any waiver by the Credit Provider and if a basis for the Credit Provider granting such approval, consent or Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA 1 : 1 OO4255.2 26 Mariposa Apartments ,/ waiver is not otherwise stated, then it is understood and agreed that such approval or consent will be given by the Credit Provider in its discretion. Section 19.15 Certain Notices to the Credit Provider and Loan Servicer. The Trustee agrees to advise the Credit Provider and the Loan Servicer promptly in writing of (a) the occurrence of any event of default known to it under the Indenture, the Financing Agreement, the Credit Facility or any Mortgage Loan Document, or any event known to it which, with the passage of time or service of notice, or both, would constitute an event of default under the Indenture or under the Financing Agreement, the Credit Facility or any Mortgage Loan Document, specifying the nature and period of existence of such event and the actions being taken or proposed to be taken with respect to such event, (b) each proposed redemption of Bonds (other than mandatory sinking fund redemption), (c) any failure by the Borrower to pay any fees, costs or expenses due to the Issuer or the Trustee and (d) any failure by the Trustee to receive any scheduled payment when due under the Mortgage Note or otherwise with respect to the Mortgage Loan. The Trustee also agrees to give prompt written notice to the Loan Servicer (and upon written request to the Credit Provider) of all payments received by the Trustee under the Mortgage Note or otherwise with respect to the Mortgage Loan. Section 19.16 Bailee. The Trustee agrees to act as bailee and agent on behalf of the Credit Provider in relation to the Borrower’s pledge and grant of a security interest pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement to the extent, if any, the Borrower retains an interest in all Funds and Accounts held by the Trustee under the Indenture. Section 20. Exercise of Rights. Subject to the provisions of this Assignment, any one or more of the rights and remedies afforded to the Assignees under the provisions of this Assignment may be exercised by the particular Assignee concurrently with or independently of the exercise of any or all other rights or remedies. Section 21. Remedies Cumulative. The rights, powers and remedies of the Assignees under this Assignment are in addition to all rights, powers and remedies given by statute or rule of law and are cumulative. The exercise of any one or more of the rights, powers or remedies provided in this Assignment shall not be construed as a waiver of any other rights, powers and remedies of any of the Assignees. Section 22. Obligations Limited. Neither Assignee, as such, shall be obligated to take any steps which are or may be necessary to preserve any rights of the Assignee in and to the Assigned Documents or the Assigned Rights against any other parties who may be liable in connection therewith. Neither Assignee, as such, shall have a duty to comply with any recording, re-recording, filing, re-filing, or other legal requirements necessary to establish or maintain the validity, priority or enforceability of, or the Assignee’s rights in and to, the Assigned Documents or the Assigned Rights. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA 1 : 1004255.2 27 Mariposa Apartments The parties have duly executed this Assignment as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD Name: Title: Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 s-1 Mariposa Apartments Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 [TRUSTEE] By : Name: Title: s-2 Mariposa Apartments Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 FANNIE MAE By: Name: Title: s-3 Mariposa Apartments Acknowledged, Accepted and Agreed to: BORROWER: CIC CALAWRA, L.P., a California limited partnership By: Pacific Southwest Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit public benefit corporation Its: Managing General PartnIer By : Brian F. Biber, Executive Director By: CIC Calavera Hills, LLC, a California limited liability company Its: Co-General Partner By: James J. Schmid, Managing Member Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 :1004255.2 s-4 Mariposa Apartments Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 EXHIBIT A Property Description A- 1 Mariposa Apartments [IS SUER’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT] STATE OF ) 1 COUNTY OF 1 On ,200- before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 :10O4255.2 N- 1 Mariposa Apartments [TRUSTEE'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT] STATE OF ) COUNTY OF ) 1 On ,200- before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1004255.2 N-2 Mariposa Apartments [FANNIE MAE’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT] STATE OF 1 1 COUNTY OF ) On ,200- before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1 : 1OO4255.2 N-3 Mariposa Apartments [BORROWER’ S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT] STATE OF 1 1 COUNTY OF ) On ,200-before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement LA1:1004255.2 N-4 Mariposa Apartments SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement1') is entered into as of this 1 st day of , 200 , by and among (i) the CITY OF CARLSBAD (as the "Issuer"), (ii) FANNIE MAE, a corporation duly organized and existing under the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act, 12 U.S.C. $1716, I=t seq, its successors, transferees and assigns ("Fannie Mae"); (iii) the CITY OF CARLSBAD (as the "Subordinate Lender"); (iv) CIC CALAVERA, L.P., a California limited partnership (the "Borrower")[, and (v) (the "Trusteel').] Recitals A. The Issuer has previously issued its tax-exempt revenue bonds entitled ''City of Carlsbad Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Mariposa Apartments Project) 2003 Series A" in the aggregate principal amount of $5,185,000 and has loaned the proceeds thereof to the Borrower (the "First Mortgage Loan"). The First Mortgage Loan is secured by a Multifamily Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated as of June 1, 2003 by Borrower for the benefit of Issuer and recorded on June -, 2003 as Instrument No. among the Official Records of San Diego County, California (the "Land Records"), as amended and restated pursuant to that certain Amended and Restated Multifamily Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security agreement and Fixture Filing dated as of even date herewith by Borrower for the benefit of Issuer and Fannie Mae and recorded as Instrument No. among the Land Records (collectively, the "First Mortgage") on a multifamily housing project located in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (the "Property"). The Property is more fully described in Whit A attached hereto. The Borrower's obligation to repay the First Mortgage Loan is evidenced by a Multifamily Note dated as of even date herewith (the "First Mortgage .. 20 . Note"), and is due in full on -3 B. Fannie Mae is providing substitute credit enhancement and liquidity support for the Bonds by issuing that certain Credit Enhancement Instrument [(Direct-Pay)], dated as of even date herewith (such instrument, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, amended and restated, is herein the "Credit Enhancement"). The Borrower's obligation to repay Fannie Mae amounts disbursed under the Credit Enhancement (the "Reimbursement Obligations") is evidenced by that certain Reimbursement Agreement, dated as of even date herewith, between Fannie Mae and Borrower (such agreement, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, amended and restated, is herein the "Reimbursement Agreement") and the Reimbursement Obligations are also secured by the First Mortgage. C. The Subordinate Lender has previously made a loan to Borrower in the original principal amount of $1,060,000 (the "Subordinate Loan") which is secured by a mortgage lien against the Property. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #I 199204 vl D. Fannie Mae has .agreed to issue the Credit Enhancement provided that the Subordinate Lender agree to subordinate the Subordinate Loan to the First Mortgage Loan and the Reimbursement Obligations, and that the Subordinate Lender enter into this Agreement. E. Pursuant to the terms of that certain Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement, dated as of even date herewith, by and among Issuer, Fannie Mae, Borrower, and Trustee, the Issuer has transferred and assigned to Fannie Mae, certain rights and benefits relating to the First Mortgage Loan and the Reimbursement Obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to induce Fannie Mae to issue the Credit Enhancement, and in consideration thereof, the Issuer, Fannie Mae, the Trustee, Subordinate Lender and the Borrower agree as follows: 1. Definitions. In addition to the terms defined in the Recitals to this Agreement, for purposes of this Agreement the following terms have the respective meanings set forth below: "Affiliate" means, when used with respect to a Person, any corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, trust or individual controlled by, under common control with, or which controls such Person (the term "control" for these purposes shall mean the ability, whether by the ownership of shares or other equity interests, by contract or otherwise, to elect a majority of the directors of a corporation, to make management decisions on behalf of, or independently to select the managing partner of, a partnership, or otherwise to have the power independently to remove and then select a majority of those individuals exercising managerial authority over an entity, and control shall be conclusively presumed in the case of the ownership of 50% or more of the equity interests). "Borrower" means the Person named as such in the first paragraph of this Agreement and any other Person (other than the Senior Lender) who acquires title to the Property after the date of this Agreement. "Business Day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a day on which the Senior Lender is not open for business. "Default Notice" means: (a) a copy of the written notice from the Senior Lender to the Borrower stating that a First Mortgage Loan Default has occurred under the First Mortgage Loan or Reimbursement Agreement; or (b) a copy of the written notice from the Subordinate Lender to the Borrower stating that a Subordinate Loan Default has occurred under the Subordinate Loan. Each Default Notice shall specify the default upon which such Default Notice is based. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 I99204 v 1 Form 4503 10/98 (Page 2) "First Mortgage Loan Default" means the occurrence of an "Event of Default" as that term is defined in the First Mortgage Loan Documents. "First Mortgage Loan Documents'' means the First Mortgage Note, the First Mortgage, the Reimbursement Agreement and all other documents evidencing, securing or otherwise executed and delivered in connection with the First Mortgage Loan, including the Credit Enhancement, and the issuance of the Bonds. "Person'' means an individual, estate, trust, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, governmental department or agency or any other entity which has the legal capacity to own property. "Senior Lender" means collectively, the Issuer and Fannie Mae. "Subordinate Lender" means.the Person named as such in the first paragraph on page 1 of this Agreement and any other Person who becomes the legal holder of the Subordinate Note after the date of this Agreement. \. "Subordinate Loan Default" means a default by the Borrower in performing or observing any of the terms, covenants or conditions in the Subordinate Loan Documents to be performed or observed by it, which continues beyond any applicable period provided in the Subordinate Loan Documents for curing the default. "Subordinate Loan Documents'' means the Subordinate Note, the Subordinate Mortgage, the Subordinate Regulatory Agreement and all other documents evidencing, securing or otherwise executed and delivered in connection with the Subordinate Loan. "Subordinate Mortgage" means the City Deed of Trust and Security Agreement dated encumbering the Property as security for the Subordinate Loan, recorded as Instrument No. among the Land Records. "Subordinate Note'' means the City Note dated issued by the Borrower to the Subordinate Lender, or order, to evidence the Subordinate Loan. "Subordinate Regulatory Agreement" means the Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated encumbering the Property as security for the Subordinate Loan, recorded as Instrument No. among the Land Records. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v 1 Form 4503 10/98 2. Permission to Place Mortgage Lien Against Property. The Senior Lender agrees, notwithstanding the prohibition against inferior liens on the Property contained in the First Mortgage Loan Documents and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, to permit the Subordinate Lender to keep the Subordinate Mortgage of record so long as the Subordinate Mortgage and all other recordable Subordinate Loan Documents are subordinate in all respects to the lien of the First Mortgage, and that the Subordinate Mortgage shall continue to secure the Borrowerls obligation to repay the Subordinate Note and all other obligations, indebtedness and liabilities of the Borrower to the Subordinate Lender under and in connection with the Subordinate Loan. Such permission is subject to the condition that each of the representations and warranties made by the Borrower and the Subordinate Lender in Section 3 is true and correct on the date of this Agreement and on the date on which the proceeds of the Subordinate Loan are disbursed to the Borrower. If any of the representations and warranties made by the Borrower and the Subordinate Lender in Section 3 is not true and correct on both of those dates, the provisions of the First Mortgage Loan Documents applicable to unpermitted liens on the Property shall apply. 3. Borrower's and Subordinate Lender's Representations and Warranties. The Borrower and the Subordinate Lender each makes the following representations and warranties to the Senior Lender: (a) Subordinate Note. The Subordinate Note contains the following provision: The indebtedness evidenced by this Note shall be subordinate in right of payment to the prior payment in full of the indebtedness evidenced by a Multifamily Note dated on or about , 20- in the original principal amount of $5,185,000 issued by CIC Calavera, L.P., a California limited partnership, and payable to City of Carlsbad ("Issuer"), as assigned and endorsed to the order of Fannie Mae and , as their interests may appear, to the extent and in the manner provided in that certain Subordination Agreement dated on or about , 20- between the payee of this Note, Issuer, Fannie Mae, Borrower and (the "Subordination Agreement"). The Deed of Trust securing this Note shall be subject and subordinate in all respects to the liens, terms, covenants and conditions of the Multifamily Deed of Trust securing the Multifamily Note as more fully set forth in the Subordination Agreement. The rights and remedies of the payee and each subsequent holder of this Note under the Deed of Trust securing this Note are subject to the restrictions and limitation set forth in the Subordination Agreement. Each subsequent holder of this Note shall be deemed, by virtue of such holder's acquisition of the Note, to have agreed to perform and observe all of the terms, covenants and conditions to be performed or observed by the Subordinate Lender under the Subordination Agreement. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v 1 Form 4503 10/98 (Page 4) (b) Relationship of Borrower to Subordinate Lender and Senior Lender. The Subordinate Lender is not an Affiliate of the Borrower and is not in possession of any facts which would lead it to believe that the Senior Lender is an Affiliate of the Borrower. (c) Term. The term of the Subordinate Note does not end before the term of the First Mortgage Note. (d) Subordinate Loan Documents. The executed Subordinate Loan Documents are substantially in the same forms as those submitted to, and approved by, Fannie Mae prior to the date of this Agreement. Borrower has delivered to Senior Lender an executed copy of each of the Subordinate Loan Documents, certified to be true, correct and complete. (e) Senior Loan Documents. The executed Senior Loan Documents are substantially in the same forms as, when applicable, those submitted to, and approved by, Fannie Mae prior to the date of this Agreement. Upon execution and delivery of the Senior Loan Documents, Borrower shall deliver to Subordinate Lender an executed copy of each of the Senior Loan Documents, certified to be true, correct and complete. 4. Terms of Subordination. (a) Agreement to Subordinate. The Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender agree that: (i) the indebtedness evidenced by the Subordinate Loan Documents is and shall be subordinated in right of payment, to the extent and in the manner provided in this Agreement to the prior payment in full of the indebtedness evidenced by the First Mortgage Loan Documents, and (ii) the Subordinate Mortgage and the other Subordinate Loan Documents are and shall be subject and subordinate in all respects to the liens, terms, covenants and conditions of the First Mortgage and the other First Mortgage Loan Documents and to all advances heretofore made or which may hereafter be made pursuant to the First Mortgage and the other First Mortgage Loan Documents (including but not limited to, all sums advanced for the purposes of (1) protecting or further securing the lien of the First Mortgage, curing defaults by the Borrower under the First Mortgage Loan Documents or for any other purpose expressly permitted by the First Mortgage, or (2) constructing, renovating, repairing, fiunishing, fixturing or equipping the Property). (b) Subordination of Subrogation Rights. The Subordinate Lender agrees that if, by reason of its payment of real estate taxes or other monetary obligations of the Borrower, or by reason of its exercise of any other right or remedy under the Subordinate Loan Documents, it acquires by right of subrogation or otherwise a lien on the Property which (but for this subsection) would be senior to the lien of the First Mortgage, then, in that event, such lien shall be subject and subordinate to the lien of the First Mortgage. fc) Payments Before First Mortgage Loan Default. Until the Subordinate Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v 1 Form 4503 10/98 (Page 5) Lender receives a Default Notice of a First Mortgage Loan Default from the Senior Lender, the Subordinate Lender shall be entitled to retain for its own account all payments made under or pursuant to the Subordinate Loan Documents. (d) Payments After First Mortgage Loan Default. The Borrower agrees that, after it receives notice (or otherwise acquires knowledge) of a First Mortgage Loan Default, it will not make any payments under or pursuant to the Subordinate Loan Documents (including but not limited to principal, interest, additional interest, late payment charges, default interest, attorney's fees, or any other sums secured by the Subordinate Mortgage) without the Senior Lender's prior written consent. The Subordinate Lender agrees that, after it receives a Default Notice from the Senior Lender with written instructions directing the Subordinate Lender not to accept payments from the Borrower on account of the Subordinate Loan, it will not accept any payments under or pursuant to the Subordinate Loan Documents (including but not limited to principal, interest, additional interest, late payment charges, default interest, attorney's fees, or any other sums secured by the Subordinate Mortgage) without the Senior Lender's prior written consent. If the Subordinate Lender receives written notice from the Senior Lender that the First Mortgage Loan Default which gave rise to the Subordinate Lender's obligation not to accept payments has been cured, waived, or otherwise suspended by the Senior Lender, the restrictions on payment to the Subordinate Lender in this Section 4 shall terminate, and the Senior Lender shall have no right to any subsequent payments made to the Subordinate Lender by the Borrower prior to the Subordinate Lender's receipt of a new Default Notice from the Senior Lender in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4(d). (e) Remitting Subordinate Loan Payments to Senior Lender. If, after the Subordinate Lender receives a Default Notice from the Senior Lender in accordance with subsection (d) above, the Subordinate Lender receives any payments under the Subordinate Loan Documents, the Subordinate Lender agrees that such payment or other distribution will be received and held in trust for the Senior Lender and unless the Senior Lender otherwise notifies the Subordinate Lender in writing, will be promptly remitted, in kind to the Senior Lender, properly endorsed to the Senior Lender, to be applied to the principal of, interest on and other amounts due under the First Mortgage Loan Documents in accordance with the provisions of the First Mortgage Loan Documents. By executing this Agreement, the Borrower specifically authorizes the Subordinate Lender to endorse and remit any such payments to the Senior Lender, and specifically waives any and all rights to have such payments returned to the Borrower or credited against the Subordinate Loan. Borrower and Senior Lender acknowledge and agree that payments received by the Subordinate Lender, and remitted to the Senior Lender under this Section 4, shall not be applied or otherwise credited against the Subordinate Loan, nor shall the tender of such payment to the Senior Lender waive any Subordinate Loan Default which may arise from the inability of the Subordinate Lender to retain such payment or apply such payment to the Subordinate Loan. (f) Agreement Not to Commence Bankruptcy Proceeding. The Subordinate Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #I 199204 VI Form 4503 10/98 (Page 6) Lender agrees that during the term of this Agreement it will not commence, or join with any other creditor in commencing any bankruptcy reorganization, arrangement, insolvency or liquidation proceedings with respect to the Borrower, without the Senior Lender's prior written consent. 5. Default Under Subordinate Loan Documents. (a) Notice of Default and Cure Rights. The Subordinate Lender shall deliver to the Senior Lender a Default Notice within five Business Days in each case where the Subordinate Lender has given a Default Notice to the Borrower. Failure of the Subordinate Lender to send a Default Notice to the Senior Lender shall not prevent the exercise of the Subordinate Lender's rights and remedies under the Subordinate Loan Documents, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. The Senior Lender shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any Subordinate Loan Default within 60 days following the date of such notice; provided, however that the Subordinate Lender shall be entitled, during such 60-day period, to continue to pursue its rights and remedies under the Subordinate Loan Documents. All amounts paid by the Senior Lender in accordance with the First Mortgage Loan Documents to cure a Subordinate Loan Default shall be deemed to have been advanced by the Senior Lender pursuant to, and shall be secured by the lien of, the First Mortgage. (b) Subordinate Lender's Exercise of Remedies After Notice to Senior Lender. If a Subordinate Loan Default occurs and is continuing, the Subordinate Lender agrees that, without the Senior Lender's prior written consent, it will not commence foreclosure proceedings with respect to the Property under the Subordinate Loan Documents or exercise any other rights or remedies it may have under the Subordinate Loan Documents, including, but not limited to accelerating the Subordinate Loan, collecting rents, appointing (or seeking the appointment of) a receiver or exercising any other rights or remedies thereunder unless and until it has given the Senior Lender at least 60 days' prior written notice; during such 60 day period, however, the Subordinate Lender shall be entitled to exercise and enforce all other rights and remedies available to the Subordinate Lender under the Subordinate Loan Documents and/or under applicable laws, including without limitation, rights to enforce covenants and agreements of the Borrower relating to income, rent, or affordability restrictions contained in the Subordinate Regulatory Agreement. (c) Cross Default. The Borrower and the Subordinate Lender agree that a Subordinate Loan Default shall constitute a First Mortgage Loan Default under the First Mortgage Loan Documents and the Senior Lender shall have the right to exercise all rights or remedies under the First Mortgage Loan Documents in the same manner as in the case of any other First Mortgage Loan Default. If the Subordinate Lender notifies the Senior Lender in writing that any Subordinate Loan Default of which the Senior Lender has received a Default Notice has been cured or waived, as determined by the Subordinate Lender in its sole discretion, then provided that Senior Lender has not conducted a sale of Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v I Form 4503 10/98 (Page 7) the Property pursuant to its rights under the First Mortgage Loan Documents, any First Mortgage Loan Default under the First Mortgage Loan Documents arising solely from such Subordinate Loan Default shall be deemed cured, and the First Mortgage Loan shall be reinstated, provided, however, that the Senior Lender shall not be required to return or otherwise credit for the benefit of the Borrower any default rate interest or other default related charges or payments received by the'Senior Lender during such First Mortgage Loan Default. 6. Default Under First Mortgage Loan Documents. (a) Notice of Default and Cure Rights. The Senior Lender shall deliver to the Subordinate Lender a Default Notice within five Business Days in each case where the Senior Lender has given a Default Notice to the Borrower. Failure of the Senior Lender to send a Default Notice to the Subordinate Lender shall not prevent the exercise of the Senior Lender's rights and remedies under the Senior Loan Documents, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. The Subordinate Lender shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any such First Mortgage Loan Default within 60 days following the date of such notice; provided, however, that the Senior Lender shall be entitled during such 60-day period to continue to pursue its remedies under the First Mortgage Loan Documents. Subordinate Lender may have up to 90 days from the date of the Default Notice to cure a non-monetary default if during such 90-day period Subordinate Lender keeps current all payments required by the First Mortgage Loan Documents. In the event that such a non-monetary default creates an unacceptable level of risk relative to the Property, or Senior Lender's secured position relative to the Property, as determined by Senior Lender in its sole discretion, then Senior Lender may exercise during such 90-day period all available rights and remedies to protect and preserve the Property and the rents, revenues and other proceeds from the Property. All amounts paid by the Subordinate Lender to the Senior Lender to cure a First Mortgage Loan Default shall be deemed to have been advanced by the Subordinate Lender pursuant to, and shall be secured by the lien of, the Subordinate Mortgage. (b) Cross Default. The Subordinate Lender agrees that, notwithstanding any contrary provision contained in the Subordinate Loan Documents, a First Mortgage Loan Default shall not constitute a default under the Subordinate Loan Documents if no other default occurred under the Subordinate Loan Documents until either (i) the Senior Lender has accelerated the maturity of the First Mortgage Loan, or (ii) the Senior Lender has taken affirmative action to exercise its rights under the First Mortgage to collect rent, to appoint (or seek the appointment of) a receiver or to foreclose on (or to exercise a power of sale contained in) the First Mortgage. At any time after a First Mortgage Loan Default is determined to constitute a default under the Subordinate Loan Documents, the Subordinate Lender shall be permitted to pursue its remedies for default under the Subordinate Loan Documents, subject to the restrictions and limitations of this Agreement. If at any time the Borrower cures any First Mortgage Loan Default to the satisfaction of the Senior Lender, as Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v 1 Form 4503 10198 (Page 8) evidenced by written notice from the Senior lender to the Subordinate Lender, any default under the Subordinate Loan Documents arising from such First Mortgage Loan Default shall be deemed cured and the Subordinate Loan shall be retroactively reinstated as if such First Mortgage Loan Default had never occurred. 7. Conflict. The Borrower, the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender each agrees that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the First Mortgage Loan Documents, the Subordinate Loan Documents and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern and control solely as to the following: (a) the relative priority of the security interests of the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender in the Property; (b) the timing of the exercise of remedies by the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender under the First Mortgage and the Subordinate Mortgage, respectively; and (c) solely as between the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender, the notice requirements, cure rights, and the other rights and obligations which the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender have agreed to as expressly provided in this Agreement. Borrower acknowledges that the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not, and shall not be deemed to: extend Borrower's time to cure any First Mortgage Loan Default or Subordinate Loan Default, as the case may be; give the Borrower the right to notice of any First Mortgage Loan Default or Subordinate Loan Default, as the case may be other than that, if any, provided, respectively under the First Mortgage Loan Documents or the Subordinate Loan Documents; or create any other right or benefit for Borrower as against Senior Lender or Subordinate Lender. 8. Rights and Obligations of the Subordinate Lender Under the Subordinate Loan Documents and of the Senior Lender under the First Mortgage Loan Documents. Subject to each of the other terms of this Agreement, all of the following provisions shall supersede any provisions of the Subordinate Loan Documents covering the same subject matter: (a) Protection of Security Interest. The Subordinate Lender shall not, without the prior written consent of the Senior Lender in each instance, take any action which has the effect of increasing the indebtedness outstanding under, or secured by, the Subordinate Loan Documents, except that the Subordinate Lender shall have the right to advance funds to cure First Mortgage Loan Defaults pursuant to Section 6(a) above and advance funds pursuant to the Subordinate Mortgage for the purpose of paying real estate taxes and insurance premiums, making necessary repairs to the Property and curing other defaults by the Borrower under the Subordinate Loan Documents. (b) Condemnation or Casualty. In the event of: a taking or threatened taking by condemnation or other exercise of eminent domain of all or a portion of the Property (collectively, a "Taking"); or the occurrence of a fire or other casualty resulting in damage to all or a portion of the Property (collectively, a Tasualty"), at any time or times when the Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #I 199204 vl Form 4503 10/98 (Page 9) First Mortgage remains a lien on the Property the following provisions shall apply: (1) The Subordinate Lender hereby agrees that its rights (under the Subordinate Loan Documents or otherwise) to participate in any proceeding or action relating to a Taking and/or a Casualty, or to participate or join in any settlement of, or to adjust, any claims resulting from a Taking or a Casualty shall be and remain subordinate in all respects to the Senior Lender's rights under the First Mortgage Loan Documents with respect thereto, and the Subordinate Lender shall be bound by any settlement or adjustment of a claim resulting from a Taking or a Casualty made by the Senior Lender; provided, however, this subsection and/or anything contained in this Agreement shall not limit the rights of the Subordinate Lender to file any pleadings, documents, claims or notices with the appropriate court with jurisdiction over the proposed Taking and/or Casualty; and (2) all proceeds received or to be received on account of a Taking or a Casualty, or both, shall be applied (either to payment of the costs and expenses of repair and restoration or to payment of the First Mortgage Loan) in the manner determined by the Senior Lender in its sole discretion; provided, however, that if the Senior Lender elects to apply such proceeds to payment of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the First Mortgage Loan, any proceeds remaining after the satisfaction in full of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the First Mortgage Loan shall be paid to, and may be applied by, the Subordinate Lender in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Subordinate Loan Documents, provided however, the Senior Lender agrees to consult with the Subordinate Lender in determining the application of Casualty proceeds, provided further however that in the event of any disagreement between the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender over the application of Casualty proceeds, the decision of the Senior Lender, in its sole discretion, shall prevail. (c) No Modification of Subordinate Loan Documents. The Borrower and the Subordinate Lender each agrees that, until the principal of, interest on and all other amounts payable under the First Mortgage Loan Documents have been paid in full, it will not, without the prior written consent of the Senior Lender in each instance, increase the amount of the Subordinate Loan, increase the required payments due under the Subordinate Loan, decrease the term of the Subordinate Loan, increase the interest rate on the Subordinate Loan, or otherwise amend the Subordinate Loan terms in a manner that creates an adverse effect upon the Senior Lender under the First Mortgage Loan Documents. Any unauthorized amendment of the Subordinate Loan Documents or assignment of the Subordinate Lender's interest in the Subordinate Loan without the Senior Lender's consent shall be void ab initio and of no effect whatsoever. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 VI Form 4503 10/98 (Page 10) 9. Modification or Refinancing of First Mortgage Loan. The Subordinate Lender consents to any agreement or arrangement in which the Senior Lender waives, postpones, extends, reduces or modifies any provisions of the First Mortgage Loan Documents, including any provision requiring the payment of money. Subordinate Lender further agrees that its agreement to subordinate hereunder shall extend to any new mortgage debt which is for the purpose of refinancing all or any part of the First Mortgage Loan (including reasonable and necessary costs associated with the closing and/or the refinancing); and that all the terms and covenants of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of any holder of any such refinanced debt; and that all references to the First Mortgage Loan, the First Mortgage Note, the First Mortgage, the First Mortgage Loan Documents and Senior Lender shall mean, respectively, the refinance loan, the refinance note, the mortgage securing the refinance note, all documents evidencing securing or otherwise pertaining to the refinance note and the holder of the refinance note. 10. Default by the Subordinate Lender or Senior Lender. If the Subordinate Lender or Senior Lender defaults in performing or observing any of the terms, covenants or conditions to be performed or observed by it under this Agreement, the other, non-defaulting lender shall have the right to all available legal and equitable relief. 11. Notices. Each notice, request, demand, consent, approval or other communication (hereinafter in this Section referred to collectively as "notices" and referred to singly as a "notice") which the Senior Lender or the Subordinate Lender is required or permitted to give to the other party pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and sufficiently given if: (a) personally delivered with proof of delivery thereof (any notice so delivered shall be deemed to have been received at the time so delivered); or (b) sent by Federal Express (or other similar national overnight courier) designating early morning delivery (any notice so delivered shall be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day following receipt by the courier); or (c) sent by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, at a post office regularly maintained by the United States Postal Service (any notice so sent shall be deemed to have been received two days after mailing in the United States), addressed to the respective parties as follows: SENIOR LENDER: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Assistant Finance Director Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #1199204 vl Form 4503 10198 (Page 11) and Fannie Mae Attention: Multifamily Operations - Asset Management Drawer AM 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 200 16 Attention: Director, Multifamily Asset Management SUBORDINATE LENDER: City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Agency 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Craig Ruiz Either party may, by notice given pursuant to this Section, change the person or persons and/or address or addresses, or designate an additional person or persons or an additional address or addresses for its notices, but notice of a change of address shall only be effective upon receipt. 13. General. (a) Assignment/Successor. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Borrower, the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender and shall inure to the benefit of the respective legal successors and assigns of the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender. (b) No Partnership or Joint Venture. The Senior Lender's consent to the Subordinate Loan Documents does not constitute the Senior Lender as a joint venturer or partner of the Subordinate Lender. Neither party hereto shall hold itself out as a partner, agent or Affiliate of the other party hereto. (c) Senior Lender's and Subordinate Lender's Consent. Wherever the Senior Lender's consent or approval is required by any provision of this Agreement, such consent or approval may be granted or denied by the Senior Lender in its sole and absolute discretion, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. Wherever the Subordinate Lender's consent or approval is required by any provision of this Agreement, such consent or approval may be granted or denied by the Subordinate Lender in its sole and absolute discretion, unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v 1 Form 4503 10/98 (Page 12) (d) Further Assurances. The Subordinate Lender, the Senior Lender and the Borrower each agree, at the Borrower's expense, to execute and deliver all additional instruments and/or documents reasonably required by any other party to this Agreement in order to evidence that the Subordinate Mortgage is subordinate to the lien, covenants and conditions of the First Mortgage, or to further evidence the intent of this Agreement. (e) Amendment. This Agreement shall not be amended except by written instrument signed by all parties hereto. (f) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State in which the Property is located. (g) Severable Provisions. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, then the other provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. (h) Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue until the earliest to occur of the following events: (i) the payment of all of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the First Mortgage Loan Documents; (ii) the payment of all of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the Subordinate Loan Documents [(provided the "Term", as defined in the Regulatory Agreement has expired)], other than by reason of payments which the Subordinate Lender is obligated to remit to the Senior Lender pursuant to Section 4 hereoc (iii) the acquisition by the Senior Lender of title to the Property pursuant to a foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure of, or the exercise of a power of sale contained in, the First Mortgage; or (iv) the acquisition by the Subordinate Lender of title to the Property pursuant to a foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure of, or the exercise of a power of sale contained in, the Subordinate Mortgage, but only if such acquisition of title does not violate any of the terms of this Agreement. (i) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original for all purposes; provided, however, that all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. (j) Rights of Fannie Mae and Issuer. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the parties acknowledge and agree that, as between Fannie Mae and the Issuer, the relative rights of Senior Lender under this Agreement shall be governed by the terms of the Assignment and Intercreditor Agreement dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Issuer, Fannie Mae and Trustee, a copy of which has been reviewed and acknowledged by the Borrower. The foregoing shall in no event relieve the Borrower of, or modify, the obligations of Borrower to the Senior Lender under this Agreement. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 vl Form 4503 10/98 (Page 13) Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Aflordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #1199204 vl Form 4503 (Page 14) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. SENIOR LENDER: CITY OF CARLSBAD By: Name: Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v I FANNIE MAE By: Name: Title: SUBORDINATE LENDER: CITY OF CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By: Name: Title: Form 4503 10/98 (Page 15) BORROWER: Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #1199204 VI CIC CALAVERA, L.P., a California limited partnership By: Pacific Southwest Community Development Corporation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation Its: Managing General Partner By: Michael T. Walsh, Executive DirectodPresident By: Its: Co-General Partner CIC Calavera Hills 11, LLC, a California limited liability company By: James J. Schmid Manager TRUSTEE: By: Name: Title: Form 4503 10/98 (Page 16) ACKNOWLEDGMENT [California] State of ) ) ss: county of ) before me, On 3-9 (name, title of officer, eg, “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name@) of signer(s)) ( ) ( ) personally known to me -0R- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacityhes, and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) Capacity claimed by signer: (This section is optional) ( ) Individual ( ) Corporate Officer(s): ( ) Partner(s): ( ) Attorney-in-fact ( ) Trustee(s) ( ) Guardian/Conservator ( ) Other: ( )General ( )Limited Signer is representing: (Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Attention Notary: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to an unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1199204 VI Title of Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document Signer(s) Other than Named Above Form 4503 10/98 (Page 17) ACKNOWLEDGMENT [California] State of ) County of ) ) ss: On 9-5 before me, (name, title of ofticer, e.g., “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name(s) of signer(s)) ( ) ( ) personally known to me -0R- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacityhes, and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) Capacity claimed by signer: (This section is optional) ( ) Individual ( ) Corporate Officer(s): ( ) Partner(s): ( ) General ( ) Attorney-in-fact ( ) Trustee(s) ( ) Guardian/Conservator ( ) Other: ( ) Limited Signer is representing: (Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Attention Notary: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fi-audulent attachment of this certificate to an unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT Number of Pages Date of Document RIGHT: Title of Type of Document Signer(s) Other than Named Above Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 v 1 Form 4503 10/98 (Page 18) ACKNOWLEDGMENT [California] State of ) ) ss: county of ) before me, On 7-> (name, title of officer, e.g., “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name(s) of signer@)) before me, On 7-> (name, title of officer, e.g., “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name(s) of signer@)) ( ) ( ) personally known to me -0R- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hishedtheir authorized capacity/ies, and that by hishedtheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) Capacity claimed by signer: (This section is optional) ( ) Individual ( ) Corporate Officer(s): ( ) Partner(s): ( ) Attorney-in-fact ( ) Trustee(s) ( ) GuardianKonservator ( )General ( )Limited ( ) Other: Signer is representing: (Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Attention Notary: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to an unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHEDTOTHE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1199204 VI Title of Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document Signer(s) Other than Named Above Form 4503 I0198 (Page 19) ACKNOWLEDGMENT [California] State of ) County of ) ) ss: On 9-7 before me, (name, title of officer, eg, “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name(s) of signer@)) ( ) ( ) personally known to me -0R- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hehhehhey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity/ies, and that by hishedtheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and oficial seal. (Signature of Notary) Capacity claimed by signer: ( ) Individual ( ) Corporate Officer(s): ( ) Partner(s): ( ) Attorney-in-fact ( ) Trustee(s) ( ) Guardian/Conservator (This section is optional) ( )General ( )Limited ( ) Other: Signer is representing: (Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Attention Notary: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to an unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHEDTOTHE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title of Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document Signer(s) Other than Named Above Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A #1199204 VI Form 4503 10/98 (Page 20) [California] ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ) County of ) ) ss: On ¶-> before me, (name, title of officer, e.g., “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name(s) of signer(s)) ( ) ( ) personally known to me -0R- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in hislherltheir authorized capacitylies, and that by hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) Capacity claimed by signer: (This section is optional) ( ) Individual ( ) Corporate Officer(s): ( ) Partner(s): ( ) Attorney-in-fact ( ) Trustee(s) ( ) GuardiadConservator ( )General ( )Limited ( ) Other: Signer is representing: (Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Attention Notary: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to an unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHEDTOTHE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title of Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document Signer(s) Other than Named Above MD-DOCS-A #I 199204 VI ICalifornia] ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ) ) ss: county of ) On >-? before me, (name, title of officer, e.g., “Jane Doe, Notary Public) Personally appeared (name(s) of signer(s)) ( ) ( ) personally known to me -0R- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacityhes, and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument Witness my hand and official seal. (Signature ofNotary) Capacity claimed by signer: (This section is optional) ( ) Individual ( ) Corporate Officer(s): ( ) Partner(s): ( ) Attorney-in-fact ( ) Trustee(s) ( ) Guardian/Conservator ( ) Other: ( ) General ( )Limited Signer is representing: (Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Attention Notary: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to an unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title of Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document Signer(s) Other than Named Above Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement -- Affordable Housing MD-DOCS-A # 1 199204 VI Form 4503 10198 DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT “D” AND “E” OF THE RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF DAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE PARTITION MAP THEREOF NO. 823 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 16,1896. Fannie Mae Subordination Agreement MD-DOCS-A #I 199204 VI Form 4503 10/98 (Page A-I)