HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-22; City Council; 17258; Presentation on Impacts of Ocean Pollutionz 0 4 0 Z E .. z 0 F 2 - 0 z 3 0 0 AB# 17,258 MTG. 7-22-03 DEPT. CM CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL TITLE: Request to Give Presentation by Council Member Finnila on Impacts of Ocean Pollution DEPT. HD. CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from Council Member Finnila on impacts of Ocean Pollution. ITEM EXPLANATION: City Council Member Finnila has requested the opportunity to provide a brief presentation on the issue of Ocean pollution. This item is informational in nature, and no action is being requested from the City Council at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown at this time. EXHIBITS: I. PEW Oceans Commission “America Living Oceans”, Summary Report, May 2003 (On file in the City Clerk’s Office). . FRONT AND BACK COVER Light of the setting sun bathes battered sea stacks shrouded by summer fog at McClure’s Beach, in Point Reyes National Seashore, California. Here, pounding Pacific waves have carved a shoreline of white cres- cent beaches and rocky cliffs. DAVID SANCER/DAVIDSANCER.COM OPPOSITE Tourists kayak the turquoise waters of Virgin lslands National Park. Americans love their freedom to move about the ocean surface where no streets, signs, or fences impede them, yet their sense that no one owns this vast realm has allowed them to tolerate no one caring for it. STEVE SIMONSEN/MARINE SCENES Cushion sea star, Hurricane Hole, U.S. Virgin Islands Steve SirnonsenIMarme Scenes Who has the most hope in the world? It is a fisherman, of course, for every time he casts out his line he has hope. Perhaps that hope can motivate us so that we can save and preserve the oceans and all its creatures from man, the apex predator. Stephen Sloan Trustee, International Game Fish Association Americans have always loved the ocean. Half of us live in coastal communities and the other half come to visit. Perhaps, as President John F. Kennedy once suggested, it is ”the salt in our veins.” When we stand at the water’s edge, we stare longingly out to sea-for the boat to return, for the tides to shift, for the winds to arrive, for the fish to bite, for the sun to rise or set-beyond the far horizon. depend on our oceans and their coasts, not just for pleasure and food-although these uses are central- but also as a counterweight to extremes of heat and cold on land, as a sponge for absorbing excess car- bon, and as a generator of life-giving oxygen. Although we often view the ocean as starting where the land ends, that separation is arbitrary. Land and oceans are part of the same global system. Activities on one profoundly affect the other. edgeable contact with outer space, the 21 st will almost certainly connect us more intimately to our oceans. In fact, it is imperative because-as much as we love our oceans-our ignorance has been destroying them. We love clean beaches, but what we discharge into the oceans befouls them. We destroy the very coastal wetlands we need to buffer storms and filter fresh water. A nation of seafood lovers, we are careless about how we treat the oceans’ ”nurseries” and brood stocks that replenish our fish supply. population and the extent of our technological cre- ativity have created enormously damaging impacts on all of the oceans. We are now capable of altering the Inspired by their majesty and mystery, we Just as the 20th century brought us into knowl- Furthermore, the size of the world’s human ocean’s chemistry, stripping it of fish and the many other organisms which comprise its rich biodiversity, exploding and bleaching away its coral nurseries, and even reprogramming the ocean’s delicate background noise. surface where no streets, signs, or fences impede us, yet our sense that no one owns this vast realm has allowed us to tolerate no one caring for it. During the 20th century our nation came to regard the air we breathe, the fresh water we drink, and the open lands as “common goods,“ part of our public trust. Now we must acknowledge that the oceans, too, are part of our common heritage and our common responsibility. The report of the Pew Oceans Commission, summarized here, outlines a national agenda for pro- tecting and restoring our oceans. It is a vision that projects an equilibrium of goods withdrawn from and goods regenerated within the ocean. It is a vision that abhors the careless-no less the systematic- extinction of vital sea species. It is a vision of clean water and clear horizons. Both comprehensive and detailed, the report presents a new direction for governing our oceans. From identifying the pollutants that rush down our waterways into our coastal bays to proposing protected zones for critical marine life, the Commission has confronted the most challenging aspects of ocean policy. If its recommendations are accepted and acted upon, we can anticipate a future when fish will again be plentiful and fishing commu- nities will thrive, when beaches will be clean, and now-impoverished coral reefs will teem with life. For those less familiar with our oceans, this summary report provides an overview of the chal- lenges faced by our oceans and coasts in the 21 st century and an agenda for meeting those challenges. For those already familiar with our oceans, we hope this summary leads you to delve into the commission’s full report for inspiration to help us protect, maintain, and restore our magnificent ocean trust for all future generations. We love our freedom to move about the ocean During their visit to Maine, commissioners went lobster fishing off Spruce Head. Captain Bob Baines talks with Pew Oceans Commission Chair Leon Panetta about innovative measures to manage the highest revenue- producing fishery in the Northeast. ASSESSING OUR LIVING OCEANS In June 2000, the 18 members of the independent Pew Oceans Commission embarked on the first national review of ocean policies in more than 30 years. They brought together their collective experiences from the worlds of fishing, science, conservation, education, government, philanthropy, and business to develop recommendations for a new national policy to restore and protect ocean and coastal ecosystems and to maintain the many benefits the oceans provide. Each member of the Pew Oceans Commission brings a lifetime of per- sonal and professional connections to the oceans. sioners traveled around the country to learn first- hand about the problems facing our oceans. Along the way, they spoke with thousands of citizens who live and work along the coasts. They heard from dozens of leading scientists and published a series of reports on pollution, coastal development, marine In the ensuing two and a half years, commis- reserves, fishing, aquaculture, and invasive species. Commissioners traveled from Maine to Hawaii, from the Gulf of Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico. They studied coastal development in Charleston, South Carolina, and Portland, Oregon. They met with sportfishermen in Florida, lobstermen in Maine, salmon fishermen in Kodiak, and crabbers in Baltimore. The commission toured aquaculture facilities in Maine, Florida, and Washington, and a pineapple plantation in Hawaii. Commissioners reviewed habitat restoration programs in South Carolina, Maine, and California. They traveled to Des Moines, Iowa, to talk with farmers about ways to limit polluted runoff from fields and feedlots. The story that unfolded is one of a growing crisis in America’s oceans and along our coasts. Although the issues and circumstances vary from community to community, the Commission found a shared sense of urgency and commitment to reverse the decline in the health of the oceans. n Kenai Fiords National Park, Alaska Deb AntoninilPew Oceans Commission The Honorable Leon E. Panetta, Chair He is director of the California State University Panetta Institute for Public Policy. He served in Congress for eight terms. He chaired the House Budget Committee and served as White House chief of staff. John H. Adam He is the founder and president of the Natural Resources Defense Council -one of the nation’s leading environmental organizations. In 1998, he was named one of Audubon’s 100 Champions of Conservation. The Honorable Eileen Claussen She is president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. She is a former assistant secretary of state for oceans, environment, and science. The Honorable Carlotta Leon Guerrero She is a former member of the Guam Senate where she chaired committees with-juris- diction over transportation, telecommunications, and Micronesian affairs. She is current- ly co-director of the Ayuda Foundation, a nonprofit health care organization in Guam. The Honorable Mike Hayden He is the secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. The former governor of Kansas served as president and CEO of the American Sportfishing Association, a recreational fishing group. Geoffrey Heal, Ph.D. He is the Garrett Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility and professor of economics and finance at the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University. One of his major research interests is the interaction of human societies and their natural resources. Charles F. Kennel, Ph.D. He is director of the Scripps Institution for Oceanography and the author of more than 250 publications in plasma physics, planetary science, and astrophysics. He has been both a Fulbright and Guggenheim Scholar. The Honorable Tony Knowles He recently completed his second term as governor of Alaska. He was the mayor of Anchorage and served on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, where he was instrumental in efforts to reduce bycatch. Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D. She is an Oregon State University professor of marine biology, a MacArthur Fellow, and past president of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Ecological Society of America. She is president-elect of the International Council for Science, and recipient of the 2002 Heinz Award for the Environment. Julie Packard She is the founder and executive director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium and vice chair of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. She is the 1998 recipient of the Audubon Medal for Conservation. The Honorable Pietro Parravano He is a commercial fisherman and owner of the Anne B. He is the president of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations and an elected member of the San Mateo County Harbor Commission. The Honorable George E. Pataki He is currently serving his third term as governor of New York. After graduating from Columbia Law School, he served ten years in the state legislature and was mayor of the city of Peekskill, his hometown. The Honorable Joseph P. Riley, Jr. He is serving his seventh term as mayor of Charleston, South Carolina. He has served as the president of the US. Conference of Mayors and has received many awards, including the Outstanding Mayors Award from the National Urban Coalition. David Rockefeller, Jr. He is director and former chair of Rockefeller Co., Inc., and is an active participant in the nonprofit fields of art, philanthropy, and the environment. He is a trustee of the National Park Foundation. Vice Admiral Roger T. Rufe, Jr., U.S. Coast Guard (Retired) He is the president and CEO of The Ocean Conservancy. While in the US. Coast Guard, he led offices responsible for marine conservation in Alaska and the Southeast U.S. Kathryn D. Sullivan, Ph.D. She is the president and CEO of COSI, a hands-on science center in Columbus, Ohio. As a NASA astronaut, she was the first US. woman to walk in space. She served as NOAA’s chief scientist from 1992 to 1996. She has a Ph.D. in geology. Marilyn Ware She is the chairman of the board of American Water Works Company, the nation’s largest private drinking water utility. She is a former newspaper editor and publisher, and currently serves on the board of the American Enterprise Institute. Patten (Pat) White He is a commercial fisherman and CEO of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association. He is a member of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and serves on the editorial board of National Fisherman. How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when it clearly should be named Ocean. Arthur C. Clarke Noted Author and Futurist The oceans are our largest public domain. The United States' oceans span nearly 4.5 million square miles', an area 23 percent larger than the land area of the nation (see map on pages 17-1 8). Their biological riches surpass that of our public lands. The genetic, species, habitat, and ecosystem diversity of the oceans is believed to exceed that of any other Earth system. Yet, incredibly, we are squandering this bounty. our vast capacity to exploit them result in unprece- dented impact upon the oceans and coasts. The dis- turbing signs of these impacts can be found nearly everywhere we look (Box One, pages 7-8). Yet, our laws, government institutions, and governance practices have not kept pace with these changes. Humanity's hunger for ocean resources and FISHING FOR TROUBLE Most obviously, we are depleting the oceans of fish, and have been for decades. We only know the sta- tus of one-third of the commercially fished stocks in U.S. waters, and 30 percent of the fish populations that have been assessed are overexploited to some degree (Figure One). Put another way, the govern- ment can only assure us that 22 percent of managed fish stocks are being fished sustainably. Even this figure is optimistic because the legal definition of overfishing does not account for the needs of other species and overall ecosystem health. The notorious. and yellom :line of New 1989, New E flounder hac England fisheries ingland cod, had( j reached historic is mo: Jock, : lows. effort. In addition, by the mid-1 990s, we halved the breeding population of Atlantic swordfish (Safina, 1994). However, such problems are by no means limited to the East Coast. In September 2002, the government imposed substantial restrictions on bottom fishing along the West Coast in an attempt to save four severely depleted rockfish species. Populations of bocaccio rockfish, commonly sold as Pacific red snapper, have been driven to less than 10 percent of their historic numbers (MacCall and He, 2002). seabird, and noncommercial fish populations are endangered by incidental capture in fishing gear. Worldwide, about 25 percent of the catch is discarded, either because it is not commercially valuable or because of regulatory requirements that prohibit keeping (Continued on page 9) Already depleted sea turtle, marine mammal, In Atlantic halibut are extinct-too rare to justify a commercial fishing Two bocaccio rockfish glide past a column of kelp nearsan Miguel Island, California. This is the approximate area (in square statute miles) of the United States Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)-the area of the oceans over which the United States exercises exclusive environmental and economic jurisdiction. The U.S. EEZ was established by Presidential Proclamation in 1983. The establishment of an EEZ extending 200 nautical miles from the shoreline of a coastal nation is recognized and accepted under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Status of Marine Fish Stocks The US. Department of Commerce listed 959 stocks In Its 2001 Annual Report to Congress on the Status of US. Fisheries. The data in the pie charts below are drawn from information in the annual report. A. Status for 959 Stocks in 2001 Known Stocks in Trouble C$z;;?g 1 Of the 304 stocks whose status is known, 93 stocks or 30.6% are experiencing overfishing, are overfished, or both. B. Status for 295 Major Stocks* in 2001 C. Status for 664 Minor Stocks in 2001 'Major stocks are those with landlngs of at least 200 000 pounds In 2001, 293 major stocks produced the majorlh at landings, totaling more than 8 billion pounds, compared with 9 million pounds irom 664 minor stocks Lucidity Information Design, LLC 7 Major Threats to Our Oceans NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION W A recent National Academy of Sciences study estimates that the oil running off our streets and driveways and ultimately flowing into the oceans is equal to an Exxon Valdez oil spill-10.9 million gallons-every eight months (NRC, 2002). W The amount of nitrogen released into coastal waters along the Atlantic seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico from anthropogenic sources has increased about fivefold since the preindustrial era, and may increase another 30 percent by 2030 if current practices continue (Howarth et al., 2000). Two-thirds of our estuaries and bays are either moderately or severely degrad- ed by eutrophication (Bricker et al., 1999). More than 13,000 beaches were closed or under pollution advisories in 2001, an increase of 20 percent from the previous year (NRDC, 2002). POINT SOURCE POLLUTION In the U.S., animal feedlots produce about 500 million tons of manure each year, more than three times the amount of sanitary waste produced by the human population (EPA, 2002). Based on EPA estimates, in one week a 3000-passenger cruise ship generates about 210,000 gallons of sewage, 1,000,000 gallons of gray water (shower, sink, and dishwashing water), 37,000 gallons of oily bilge water, more than 8 tons of solid waste, millions of gallons of ballast water containing potential invasive species, and toxic wastes from dry cleaning and photo-processing laboratories (Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 1998; Eley, 2000; Holland America, 2002). INVASIVE SPECIES Introduced species crowd out native species, alter habitats, and impose eco- nomic burdens on coastal communities. W The rate of marine introductions has risen exponentially over the past 200 years and shows no sign of leveling off (Carlton, 2001). W More than 175 species of introduced marine invertebrates, fish, algae, and higher plants live in San Francisco Bay (Cohen and Carlton, 1995,1998; Cohen and Carlton, unpublished data). AQUACULTURE A December 2000 storm resulted in the escape of 100,000 salmon from a single farm in Maine, about 1,000 times the number of documented wild adult salmon in Maine (NRC, 2002). A salmon farm of 200,000 fish releases an amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and fecal matter roughly equivalent to the nutrient waste in the untreated sewage from 20,000, 25,000, and 65,000 people, respectively (Hardy, 2000). W Over the past decade, nearly one million non-native Atlantic salmon have escaped from fish farms and established themselves in streams in the Pacific Northwest. / Art: John Michael Yanson COASTAL DEVELOPMENT W Sprawl development is consuming land at a rate of five or more times the rate of population growth in many coastal areas. Sprawl needlessly destroys wildlife habitat and degrades water quality. W More than one-fourth of all the land converted from rural to suburban and urban uses since European settlement occurred during the 15-year period between 1982 and 1997 (the last year for which such figures are available) (NRI, 2000). W Coastal marshes, which trap floodwaters, filter out pollutants, and serve as "nurseries" for wildlife, are disappearing at a rate of 20,000 acres per year. Louisiana alone has lost half a million acres of wetlands since the 1950s. OVERFISHING W As of 2001, the government could only assure us that 22 percent of fish stocks under federal management (211 of 959 stocks) were being fished sustainably (NMFS, 2002). Overfishing often removes top predators and can result in dramatic changes in the structure and diversity of marine ecosystems (Dayton et al., 2002). By 1989, populations of New England cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder had reached historic lows. In US. waters, Atlantic halibut are commercially extinct-too rare to justify a directed fishing effort. Populations of some rockfish species on the West Coast have dropped to less than 10 percent of their past levels (MacCall and He, 2002). W Rebuilding US. fisheries has the potential to restore and create tens of thousands of family wage jobs and add at least 1.3 billion dollars to the U.S. economy (POC, 2003). I HABITAT ALTERATION W Fishing gear that drags along or digs into the seafloor destroys habitat needed by marine wildlife, including commercially fished species. W Typical trawl fisheries in northern California and New England trawl the same section of sea bottom more than once per year on average (Friedlander et al., 1999; Auster et al., 1996). W Bottom-dwelling invertebrates can take up to five years or more to recover from one pass of a dredge (Peterson and Estes, 2001). BYCATCH ide, scientists estimate that fishermen discarded about 25 percent of what they caught during the 1980s and the early 199Os, about 60 billion pounds each year (Alverson et al., 1994; Alverson, 1998). W Bycatch of albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters in longline fisheries is one of the greatest threats to seabirds (Robertson and Gales, 1998; Tasker et al., 2000). W Bycatch in the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery may be jeopardizing the con- tinued existence of the loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles off the eastern US. seaboard (NMFS, 2001). CLIMATE CHANGE W Global air temperature is expected to warm by 2.5 to 10.4"F (1.4 to 5.8"C) in the 21st cen- tury, affecting sea-surface temperatures and raising the global sea level by 4 to 35 inches (9 to 88 cm) (IPCC, 2001). W Recent estimates suggest an increase in mean sea-surface temperature of only 2°F (1°C) could cause the global destruction of coral reef ecosystems (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999). W Climate change will modify the flow of energy and cycling of materials within ecosystems- in some cases, altering their ability to provide the ecosystem services we depend upon. increases in temperature may slow or shut down the Atlantic thermohaline circulation that powers the Gulf Stream, causing reductions in sea-surface and air temperatures over the North Atlantic and northern Europe, changes in the geo- graphic distributions of fisheries, and increased risk of hypoxia in the deep ocean. Q undersized or nontargeted marine life. Destructive fishing practices, such as bottom trawling and dredg- ing, are damaging vital habitat upon which fish and other living resources depend. Taken together, over- fishing, bycatch, and habitat destruction are changing relationships among species in food webs and alter- ing the functioning of marine ecosystems. We need to restore depleted populations of fish and other marine wildlife because they are essential components of marine ecosystems and because they are essential to the economies of coastal communities. Robust fish stocks are charac- teristic of healthy ecosystems, and healthy ecosys- tems are more resilient in the face of other threats to our oceans, many of which come from far inland. TROUBLED WATERS The greatest pollution threat to coastal marine life today is the runoff of excess nitrogen from fertilized farm fields, animal feedlots, and urban areas. Eutrophication is a long-term increase in the supply of organic matter to an ecosystem-often because of excess nutrients. Eutrophication creates two harmful effects In marine ecosystems: reduced water clarity and oxygen depletion. Reduced water clarity can starve seagrasses and the algae that live in corals for light, reducing thelr growth or killing them. While wind and waves aerate surface waters, the pycnocilnea layer of rapid change in water temperature and density-acts as a barrler to oxygen exchange In bottom waters. Oxygen is consumed in this deep layer as bacteria decompose plankton, dead fish, and other organic matter that sinks from the surface. When dissolved oxygen levels reach two mllllgrams per liter or less-a condition called hypoxi-ost slow-moving or attached animals suffocate, creating areas known as dead zones In the bottom waters. Source: Boesch et ai., 2001; EPA, 2000. 9 Airborne nitrogen-from industrial smokestacks, automobile exhaust pipes, and ammonia rising from huge manure lagoons-is also deposited in the ocean. Just as they fertilize the land, nutrients fertil- ize coastal waters, and excess amounts can cause massive blooms of algae. These blooms can trigger a chain of events that deplete the ocean waters of oxygen, turning vast areas into hypoxic dead zones (Figure Two). Some of these algal blooms produce toxins that can be fatal to fish, marine mammals, and occasionally people. The deaths of one million menhaden in North Carolina's Pamlico Sound in 1991, 150 endangered Florida manatees in 1996, and 400 California sea lions along the central California coast in 1998, all have been attributed to harm- dented rate (Figure Three). Most of this growth is occurring along our coasts (Figure Four, page 11). Coastal counties, which comprise just 17 percent of our land area, are now home to more than half of the U.S. population. Another 25 million people will live along the coast by 201 5 (Beach, 2002), further straining our wetlands, mangrove forests, estuaries, coral reefs, and other coastal habitats. Habitat destruction and the decline of coastal water quality resulting from development jeopardize species with which we share the coastal environ- ment. For example, urban sprawl contributed to the The Rate of Land Development and the Rate of Population Growth ful algal blooms (McKay and Mulvaney, 2001). These blooms disrupt aquaculture, wild fisheries, and coastal tourism. In the past two decades, their effects have expanded from a few scattered coastal to nearly all coastal al., 2000) Land in the United States has been developed at more than twlce the rate of popu- lation growth since 1982. This increase is a result of a consistent decline In devel- opment densities over the past few decades. If this trend contlnues through the year 2025, the natlon will consume another 68 million acres of rural land-an area the size of the state of Wyoming. The total developed land In the Unlted States will reach 174 million acres by 202-11 area larger than the state of Texas. (Burke et Meanwhile, invasive species are estab- I lishing themselves at an alarming rate in our coastal waters, often crowding out native species and altering habitat and food webs. More than 175 non-native species thrive in San Francisco Bay alone. Nearly one million Atlantic salmon escaped from pens on the West Coast of North America in the last 15 years. The species is now successfully reproducing in British Columbia rivers. Of the 374 documented invasive species in U.S. waters, 150 have arrived since 1970 (Ruiz et al., 2000). While "inva- sions" from the sea are altering marine ecosystems, there are other threats from the landward side. PAVING OUR COASTS Nationwide, commercial and residential I - P development is gobbling up land at an unprece- As used by the Pew Oceans Commission, the terms "state" or "states" mean any or all of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and any other commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States. Expansion of Metropolitan Coastal Areas Geographic Information Systems (GIs) technology has recently made It possible to graphically depict the expansion of metropolitan areas. The developed "footprints" (burgundy) of many coastal regions are expanding faster than the national average. The metropolitan regions of New York City (below, left) and San Francisco (at right) experienced physical growth rates far in excess of population growth. Sources: NOAA, 2002; Map images for New York adapted from maps created by Craig Campbell, using data provided by a partnership of Regional Plan Association, the United States Geological Survey, and Cornel1 University. Source for San Francisco map images: United States Geological Survey. Art: John Michael Yanson Maps: Jerome N. Cookson A great egret stalks prey in the Florida Everglades. Diking, draining, and water diversion have reduced freshwater flow through Florida's Everglades by approximately 70 percent since the 1940s. During this time, the population of wading birds has dropped by 90 percent. decline of 188 of the 286 California species that are listed under the Endangered Species Act, making it the leading cause of species decline in that state I (Doyle et al., 2001 1. I i Florida has experienced some of the nation's most rapid coastal development. From 1940 to 1996, the state population increased 700 percent, from 1.8 million to 14.3 million. Development has altered both water quality and water quantity, lead- ing to the loss of more than half of the Everglades, the largest contiguous wetland in the United States. Freshwater flow through the Everglades has declined by approximately 70 percent since the 1940s and the population of wading birds has dropped by 90 percent (Koehler and Blair, 2001 1. For coastal ecosystems, one of the most harmful aspects of development is the creation of impervious surfaces. Roads, parking lots, rooftops, and other impervious surfaces typically make up about 40 percent of the surface area of suburban development. They collect pollutants from automo- biles, fields, lawns, and golf courses and provide a conduit for their rapid transfer to rivers, estuaries, and-ultimately-our oceans. For example, a one- acre parking lot produces about 16 times the volume of runoff that would come from a one-acre meadow. Numerous studies show that when more than ten percent of the acreage of a watershed is covered with impervious surfaces, its aquatic biodiversity begins to decline (Schueler and Holland, 2000). Where and how we live has a profound effect on the health of our oceans and coasts. ZERO DEGREES OF SEPARATION Our current state of knowledge can make it difficult to unravel the relative roles of natural processes and human influence, whether from chemical pollution, nutrient enrichment, or climate change. But scientists are finding increasing human influence on the environment. For example, in Puget Sound, PCB contamina- tion may be a factor in the decline of orcas, or killer whales, whose numbers have declined by 14 percent since 1995. PCB levels in the Puget Sound popula- tion exceed that known to suppress immune function in another marine mammal, the harbor seal (Ross et al., 2000; Forney et al., 2000). Similarly, high levels of PCBs, DDT, and tributyltin (a component in boat paint) may be contributing to the deaths of California southern sea otters. Scientists have also discovered that increasing sea-surface temperatures are associat- ed with the northward spread of a pathogen that attacks the eastern oyster. The pathogen, Perkinsus marinus, was itself likely introduced into the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts via aquaculture. marine populations and ecosystems may be reaching the point where even a small disturbance can cause a big change. We must therefore initiate large changes ourselves, if we are to protect and restore the oceans, in our governance of them and our attitude toward them. We must no longer structure our thinking in terms of maximizing the short-term commercial bene- fit we derive from the oceans, but rather in terms of maximizing the health and persistence of ocean ecosystems (Box Two). The crisis in our oceans is such that many Anchored by kelp strands, three southern sea otters Noat in California waters. High levels of PCBs, DDT, and tributyltin may be contributing to decline of southern sea otters along the California coast. ECOSYSTEM HEALTH Ecosystem-based management requires defining stan- dards of ecosystem health. Maintaining, protecting, and, where appropriate, restoring ecosystem health should be the goal of our new ocean governance. Marine ecosystems are too varied and complex to write a single definition-scientific or legal-of health. However, as in human health, where we take basic measurements such as temperature, blood pressure, and cholesterol, we can identify and measure certain parameters in marine ecosystems to learn more about their health. These parameters include the number of species, population sizes of species, water quality, and habitat composition. Marine scientists need to develop an understanding of what good health means for each major ecosystem in US. ocean waters, and then policymakers and those who use ocean resources need to practice preventive medicine. The term "ecosystem health" refers to the ongoing capability of an ecosystem to support a productive and resilient community of species, irrespective of the human activity permitted there. This requires a holistic approach to management, focusing not only on individ- ual species but also on the interactions among them and their physical environment. A healthy ecosystem is capable of providing ecological goods and services to people and to other species in amounts and at rates comparable to those that could be provided by a similar undisturbed ecosystem. Although often taken for granted, the goods and services provided by coastal and marine ecosystems would be difficult-if not impossible-to replace. These benefits include protection from coastal storm damage, the filtering of toxins and nutrients, production of oxygen, and sequestration of carbon dioxide. In addition, fishing, tourism, and recreation provide economic benefit, and support ways of life that contribute to the social and cultural wealth of the nation. FRACTURED POLICY Governance is a reflection of the knowledge and values of the society that creates it. Our ocean gov- ernance needs updating to reflect substantial changes in our knowledge of the oceans and our values toward them since our major ocean laws, policies, and institutions were established. Not a system at all, US. ocean policy is a hodgepodge of individual laws that has grown by accretion over the years, often in response to crisis. More than 140 federal laws pertain to the oceans and coasts. Collectively, these statutes involve at least six departments of the federal government and dozens of federal agencies in the day-to-day man- agement of our ocean and coastal resources. Authority over marine resources is fragmented geographically as well. The Submerged Lands Act of 1953 gave most states authority over submerged lands and overlying waters from the shoreline out three miles. Federal territorial sovereignty extends 12 miles offshore, and, consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the feder- al government controls ocean resources out 200 miles or more. This federahtate division of ocean jurisdiction makes it difficult to protect marine ecosystems because it divides their management into a nearshore and an offshore component with insuffi- cient means or mandate to harmonize the two. Megan’s Bay, St. Thomas, US. Virgin Islands Steve SimonsenIMarine Scenes Now, I truly believe, that we in this generation must come to terms with nature, and I think we’re challenged as mankind has never been challenged before to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves. Rachel Carson Naturalist and Author An excerpt from CBS Reports, “The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson,” April 3, 1963 Addressing the crisis of our seas will require a seri- ous rethinking of ocean law, informed by a new ocean ethic. The legal framework that governs our oceans is more than 30 years old, and has not been updated to reflect the current state of ocean resources or our values toward them. The last com- prehensive review of our ocean policy was com- pleted in 1969, when the Stratton Commission pro- duced its seminal report, Our Nation and the Sea. The recommendations of the Stratton Commission, including the establishment of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the enactment of the Coastal Zone Management Act, provided the blueprint for US. ocean policy (Cicin-Sain and Knecht, 2000). But our oceans and coasts-and our society as well- have changed dramatically since that time. For example, nearly 30 years ago, in response to public outrage over foreign overfishing of abundant fish populations off America’s shores, Congress took action to develop a domestic fishing industry and capture the wealth of fisheries for this country. Today, the problem is reversed. We are overfishing our already depleted fish populations, harming marine ecosystems, and leaving fishermen out of work (Figure Five). Over the past three decades, our understanding of the oceans has also evolved. For too long we viewed the ocean as a limitless resource. We now know better. We overlooked the connections between the land and sea. Now we know that our activities on land-from building roads to logging trees to damming rivers- have a direct and considerable impact on the oceans. Over time, experience on land has made biologists and ecologists aware of the many linkages within and among ecosystems, fostering development of a more sophisticated approach called ecosystem- based management. An ecosystem is composed of all of the organisms living in a certain place and their interactions with each other and with their environ- ment. Weather, currents, seafloor topography, and human activities are all important influences on ecosystems. The goal of ecosystem-based management is to maintain the health of the whole as well as the parts. It acknowledges the connections among things. Marine reserves-areas of the ocean in which all extractive and disruptive activities are prohibited-are a relatively new, but very promis- ing, approach to marine conservation (Figure Six, page 19). The establishment of areas that prohibit extractive and disruptive activities, such as wilder- ness areas, has been a well-accepted conservation practice on land for more than a century and has greatly enhanced ecosystem protection. While 4.6 percent of the land area of the United States is pre- served as wilderness, the area of the ocean under U.S. jurisdiction that is protected in marine reserves is a small fraction of one percent. When we sacrifice healthy ecosystems, we also sacri- fice economic and social stability. Indeed, once an ecosystem collapses, it may take decades or centuries for it to recover, and the species that we so valued may be permanently lost (Figure Seven, page 20). Maintaining healthy ecosystems is crucial. TOWARD AN OCEAN ETHIC In July 2000, the Pew Oceans Commission embarked on a journey of inquiry. We sought to understand the state of our oceans and the effectiveness of the nation’s ocean policy. Our approach encompassed extensive research, consultation with scientific and policy experts, and testimony from Americans whose lives are intertwined with the ocean. We identified three primary problems with ocean governance. The first is its focus on exploitation of ocean resources with too little regard for environmental conse- quences. The second is its fragmented nature-institu- tionally, legislatively, and geographically. Thirdly, our , Flshlng directly affects the abundance of marlne flsh populatlons as well as the age of maturlty, slze structure, sex ratlo, and genetlc makeup of those populations (harvest mortality). Fishing affects marine blodlverslty and ecosystems Indirectly through bycatch, habitat degradation, and through blologlcal Interactions (Incidental mortality). Through these unintended ecological consequences, flshlng can contribute to altered ecosys tem structure and function. As commercially valuable populations of flsh decllned, people began flshlng down the food web, which has resulted In a decllne In the mean trophic level of the world catch. Source: Adapted from Pauly et al., 1998; Coli, 2000. Art: John Michael Yanwn ocean governance has focused on individual species as opposed to the larger ecosystems that produce and nurture all life in the sea. five main challenges and corresponding recommen- dations for revising our laws and institutions: reforming ocean governance, restoring America’s fisheries, protecting our coasts, cleaning coastal waters, and guiding sustainable aquaculture. These challenges require comprehensive action. To correct this situation, we have identified New laws and policies, however substantial, are not enough. A more fundamental change in values- not only what we value, but how we value-is essential to protecting and restoring our oceans and coasts. Our society needs an ethic of stewardship and responsibility toward the oceans and their inhabitants. Like the conservation land ethic that has taken shape in our nation over many decades, an ocean ethic provides a moral framework to guide the conduct of individuals and society. FOLLOWING PAGES: In 1983, President Ronald Reagan established the United States Exclusive Economic Zone, which extends 200 nautical miles (a nautical mile equals 1.15 statute miles) from our shores. The United States’oceans span nearly 4.5 million square miles, an area 23 percent larger than the land area of the nation. _- -- AMERICA’S OCEAN REALM Marine Reserves Increase Fish Biomass Around the world, marine reserves have demonstrated the abilitv to increase fi! mass side the wders. i most reserves stud- led, flsh biomass doubled within flve years. The larger fish found within reserves also produce more eggs. For example, ling cod within a reserve in Washington State produced 20 times more eggs per unit area than cod outside the reserve (Palumbi, 2003). Source: Data are from 32 studies summarized by Halpern (2003) that were published in peer-reviewed journals. Extending environmental protection beyond a sin- gle medium-such as air, or water, or a single species of plant or animal-to entire ecosystems is both a practical measure and our moral obligation as the stewards of our planet. The Commission has framed six key princi- ples that form the core of a new ocean ethic and that underlie all of its recommendations. UPHOLD THE PUBLIC TRUST The oceans of the United States are a vast public domain that is vitally important to our environmen- tal and economic security as a nation. The public has entrusted the government with the stewardship of our oceans, and the government should exercise environmental and economic control over them with a broad sense of responsibility toward all citi- zens and their long-term interests. Likewise, public and private users of ocean resources should be responsible in their use and should be held accountable for their actions. PRACTICE SUSTAINABILITY The essence of sustainable development is using our planet’s resources as if we plan to stay. In the long term, economic sustainability depends on ecological sustainability. We must reassess and, where necessary, change our actions to take out no more living things than the system can reliably replace and put in no more contaminants than the system can safely absorb. We must protect what should not be destroyed, and repair as much of the damage as we can. APPLY PRECAUTION Despite the wealth of knowledge we have accumulated, there is a great deal of uncertainty in our understanding of the structure and function- ing of coastal and marine ecosystems. However, we depend on ecological and economic goods and services provided by healthy marine ecosys- tems. In the face of uncertainty, we should err in our decisions on the side of protecting these ecosystems. 19 RECOGNIZE INTERDEPENDENCE Human well-being and the well-being of our coasts and oceans are interdependent. We depend on marine ecosystems, and they depend on our respectful treatment. Other interdependencies are likewise crucial: between land and sea; among species and between species and their habitats; among all levels of government with jurisdiction over the marine environment; and among govern- ment, the public, and the users of coastal and marine resources. An ocean ethic requires us to understand these connections, and use that knowl- edge wisely. ENSURE DEMOCRACY Our current system of ocean governance and the pat- terns of ocean use resulting from it too often allow the needs and desires of a few to dictate the availability of benefits for all of us. The public should be able to count on governance decisions that respect broad and long-term societal goals. It should be confident that those decisions are made by institutions that are accessible, efficient, and accountable through processes that are transparent and collaborative. IMPROVE UNDERSTANDING We know enough about coastal and marine ecosys- tems to improve their sustainable use. With better information, we could do much more. Public and private institutions need to work together to fill the gaps in our knowledge and to ensure that decision- makers have timely access to the information they need to protect the public interest. In addition, they need to provide the public with understandable information about the structure and functioning of coastal and marine ecosystems, how ecosystems affect our daily lives, and how we affect ecosystems. The scope of the problems before us requires sweeping change. With a strong ocean ethic to anchor us, we must place conservation of ocean ecosystems and resources as the primary goal of a new national ocean policy. Coral reefs-often called the “rain forests of the sea”-are among the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Pollution, destructive flshing activitles, coastal development, and climate change contribute to the declining health of the world’s reefs. Green sea turtle, Kona, Hawaii *) Chuck [~av~~/u?hu..t~d~ltl~faphoto corn The Commission formulated a body of recommenda- tions to reverse the declining health of our ocean and coastal ecosystems. It received extensive testi- mony and engaged in discussions at numerous pub- lic meetings, and sought reports and advice from experts in marine science and policy. In addition, the Commission conducted thorough analyses of issues and proposed solutions. Taken separately, each of these actions would improve the health of our oceans and coasts. Taken together, these recommen- dations form a plan of action to protect, maintain, and restore the health of our oceans and coasts. OCEAN GOVERNANCE FOR THE 21" CENTURY 1. Enact a National Ocean Policy Act (NOPA). Congress should enact a National Ocean Policy Act requiring federal, state, and territorial agencies to protect, maintain, and restore marine and coastal In the northwestern Hawaiian Islands, an accumulation of drifting fishing gear resulted in the deaths of 25 endangered Hawaiian monk seals in a two- year period (MMC, 2000). ecosystems, and reorienting national and regional decision-making bodies to these ends. This legisla- tion should provide clear and measurable goals and standards to govern activities affecting the oceans, establish mechanisms to ensure compliance with the national policy, and establish national and regional institutions capable of carrying out that policy. 2. Establish Regional Ocean Ecosystem Councils. As part of the National Ocean Policy Act, Congress should establish regional ocean ecosystem councils consisting of appropriate federal, state, and tribal representatives. These councils should be charged with developing and overseeing implementation of enforceable regional ocean governance plans to carry out the national policy to protect, maintain, and restore marine ecosystems. To be enforceable, plans must include performance goals and indica- tors, must be binding on all parties, and must meet federal standards established under the National Ocean Policy Act. The geographic extent of authority for each regional ocean council should be specified by statute. Each regional ocean council should estab- lish permanent advisory committees to obtain the views and advice of fishermen, environmental organi- zations and others with an interest in ocean resources, scientists, local government, and the public. The regional ocean ecosystem councils should utilize ocean zoning to improve marine resource conservation, actively plan ocean use, and reduce user conflicts. Ocean zoning should allow for the protection of key habitats or resources while facilitating a variety of human activities. 3. Establish a National System of Marine Reserves. Congress should enact legislation mandating the establishment of a national system of marine reserves to protect marine ecosystems, preserve our national ocean treasures, and create a legacy for our children. Congress should authorize regional ocean ecosystem councils to create marine reserves within the areas of their jurisdiction but should itself take action to protect areas of national significance. CIA A NEW ERA OF OCEAN LITERACY To create a new national ocean policy that restores and maintains ocean ecosystems, we will need more than new laws and institutions. We must also build a national con- stituency for the oceans that includes all Americans, whether we live along the coast or in the Rocky Mountains. We must prepare today's children to be tomorrow's ocean stewards. The Pew Oceans Commission calls for a new era of ocean literacy that links people to the marine environment. Through greater marine education and awareness, we can inspire the next generation of scientists, fishermen, farmers, business and political leaders-indeed all citi- zens-with a greater understanding and appreciation for the oceans. The federal government is only one part of this effort. As the Commission traveled around the country, we saw people across all levels of government and in many pro- fessions promoting ocean literacy. We also saw outstand- ing examples of aquariums and science centers helping the public to connect with the marine world. In California alone, the major aquariums attract as many as six million visitors each year. Restoring and sustaining the oceans requires broad public support, This support begins with greater aware- ness of just how valuable-and vulnerable-the oceans are. It is time to make a national commitment to teach and to learn about our oceans throughout society. The Commission encourages greater collaboration at all levels of government and partnerships between the pub- lic and private sectors to provide teachers with the mate- rials and training they need to bring the oceans into the classrooms. The Commission urges the national oceans agency to take a strong role in building ocean literacy nationwide, similar to what NASA has done for education about outer space. The Commission supports the ongo- ing efforts of aquariums and science centers to link the public with the ocean realm and instill greater apprecia- tion for their role in its protection. 4. Establish an Independent National Congress should establish an independent agency out- side the Department of Commerce to address the national interest in the oceans and atmosphere. This agency should consolidate under one roof as many federal ocean programs as is practical. At a minimum, the agency should consist of the programs of the Oceans Agency. current National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as well as the ocean minerals, marine mammal, and seabird programs of the Department of the Interior; Chesapeake Bay Program and the National Estuaries Program of the Environmental Protection Agency; aquaculture programs for marine species from the Department of Agriculture; shoreline protection and estuarine restoration activities of the Army Corps of Engineers. The national oceans agency will be responsi- ble for ensuring compliance with the National Ocean Policy Act, chairing the regional ocean ecosystem councils, providing technical and finan- cial assistance to the councils, and reviewing and approving regional ocean governance plans. 5. Establish a Permanent Interagency Congress should enact legislation establishing a permanent national ocean policy council within the Executive Office of the President. The head of the Oceans Council. nn A commercial shrimp trawler heads from Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico. Shrimp is the most valuable fishery in the United States. Shrimp trawling often results in substantial unintentional capture of red snapper, sea turtles, and other nontargeted species. national oceans agency should chair the national council. Its membership should be specified by law to include the heads of federal departments or agencies whose activities have a significant effect on the oceans. Council duties would include coor- dinating and overseeing agency implementation of the National Ocean Policy Act, resolving intera- gency disputes regarding NOPA implementation, and coordinating and certifying agency ocean budgets to address the national ocean policy. To assist the President and the national ocean policy council in carr-ying out NOPA, a position of nation- al oceans adviser should be established within the Executive Office of the President. RESTORING AMERICA’S FISHERIES Congress should amend the Magnuson-Stevens Act and other applicable fisheries laws to codify the following recommendations as national marine fishery policy. 1. Redefine the Principal Objective of American Marine Fishery Policy to Protect, Maintain and Restore Marine Ecosystems. The principal objective of fishery management should be to protect the long-term health and via- bility of tisheries by protecting, maintdinitig, c~ncl restoring the health, integrity, productive Lapicity, and resilience of the marine ecosystems upon which they depend. The objective should apply to all U.S. ocean waters. In cases of conflict between this objective and short-term social or economic needs, or in cases where information is uncertain or inconclusive, the need to protect, maintain, and restore these features of marine ecosystems should always be the top priority. 2. Separate Conservation and Allocation Decisions. There should be a clear separation between conser- vation and allocation decisions in the fishery-man- agement planning process. The purpose of this change is to assure that ecological sustainability takes precedence over short-term economic or political considerations. Conservation and al loca- tion decisions are discrete processes that require different management skills and different types of decision-making organizations. Conservation deci- sions should be made by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), or a revamped fishery service within a new independent oceans agency. They should be based upon recommendations from regional science and technical teams composed of federal, state, and academic scientists. Conservation decisions should precede and remain unchanged by allocation decisions, with one exception: allocation decision-makers may adopt more conservative policies than those set in the conservation planning process. Regional fishery councils should take the lead on allocation deci- sions subject to final approval by NMFS. 3. Implement Ecosystem-Based Planning and Fishing should not proceed in the absence of an approved plan. Core problems in existing fisheries, such as bycatch and habitat damage, must be man- aged and mitigated as a condition of fishing. Before fishing begins, the government should determine where and when the fishing shall occur, how much exploitation is acceptable, and how the fishing should be conducted. The government should make these decisions only after considering how the entire Marine Zoning. L3 ecosystem that supports the fishery-not just the tar- get species-will be affected by fishing. For new fisheries, this requires enactment of an emerging fisheries policy. Plan implementation should incor- porate comprehensive zoning to partition planned areas into sections designated for specific uses. 4. Regulate the Use of Fishing Gear that is Fishing gear should be approved for use subject to a zoning program. The program should designate spe- cific areas for bottom trawling and dredging if scien- Destructive to Marine Habitats. tific information indicates that these activities can be conducted without altering or destroying a significant amount of habitat or without reducing biodiversity. Zones not designated suitable for these purposes should be closed to bottom trawling and dredging. Sensitive habitats as well as areas not currently trawled or dredged should be closed to such use immediately. Gear modification and conversion pro- grams, with funding provisions, should accompany the new zoning regime. Funding should also be pro- vided for research into possible ways to reduce habi- tat impacts of bottom trawls and dredge gear. SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE SEAS There has never been a more critical time for the nation to increase its investment in ocean science and research. We know the oceans are in crisis. Unfortunately, as the nature, scale, and complexity of threats to marine ecosystems have increased, our national investment in ocean science and research has stagnated. For more than a decade, federal spending on ocean sciences has hovered near 755 million dollars annually-less than four percent of the nation's annual expenditure for basic scientific research. The nation must increase investment in ocean science and research, particularly broader programs to monitor and to understand ecosystems. To support this endeav- or, the Commission recommends that Congress at least double funding for basic ocean science to 1.5 billion dollars annually or approximately seven percent of the basic federal research budget. At the core of this financial commitment is a quest for knowledge that can help to sustain the biodiversity, productivity, and resilience of marine ecosystems for future generations. We need a deeper understanding of the effects of both natural and anthropogenic change on marine ecosystems as well as of the oceans' interac- tion with terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Increased capacity is needed in four areas to improve applied ocean science and research: 1. acquisition of new information, knowledge, 2. monitoring to evaluate status and trends; 3. capability to integrate and synthesize existing 4. sharing of information and knowledge with and u n de r s tand i n g; and new information; the public. The Commission also believes that to assure the inde- pendence and integrity of scientific advice, scientific work needs to be insulated from political and economic pressures. This may require reorganizing the institu- tional relationship between scientific research and resource management in some programs. Nowhere is this need more evident than in fisheries management, where the Commission recommends separating sci- ence-based conservation decisions from economic and political allocation decisions. 5. Require Bycatch Monitoring and Management Bycatch monitoring and minimization plans should be approved before the commencement of fishing. The statutory goal of these plans should be to reduce bycatch to levels approaching zero. Individual bycatch quotas for valuable fish species (except threatened and endangered species) appear to provide the most rational approach for managing toward that goal. Conservative catch quotas should be set for species, accounting for intended and unintended catch. Fishermen should be allowed to keep fish they catch within conservative limits, rather than being forced to discard and waste one species because they are in a target fishery for another. A plan should be developed for each fish- ery, using a stakeholder process modeled on the Marine Mammal Protection Act Take Reduction Teams, that is subject to statutory standards. Plans as a Condition of Fishing. 6. Require Comprehensive Access and Allocation Regional fishery councils should develop allocation plans, before the commencement of fishing, that limit access and allocate catch in a manner consis- tent with conservation goals. At a minimum, each plan should: (1) help match the size of fishing fleets and their catching capacity to the health of exploit- ed populations and their ecosystems; (2) manage fishing effort with privileges, such as total allowable catches, that control exploitation of fish populations Planning as a Condition of Fishing. within ecologically sate limits; and (3) allocate priv- ileges in a manner that properly aligns incentives, allows for the orderly operation ot a fishery ie.g., individual or community fishing quota programs), and maintains flexibility, resilience, and adaptability within the industry and fishing communities. 7. Establish a Permanent Fishery Conservation and A permanent trust fund for marine fisheries should be available, without appropriation or fiscal year limitation, solely for the purposes of improving fish- ery research, data collection, management, and enforcement; for habitat restoration; and-in the first 5 to 10 years of operation-for transitional buyback and community-development programs. Potential revenue sources include revenues generat- ed by royalty payments on landed catch (e.g., royal- ty payments collected as part of an individual or community fishing quota auction process) and fees collected from fines and other penalties. Management Trust Fund. CONFRONTING COASTAL SPRAWL 1. Develop an Action Plan to Address Nonpoint Source Pollution and Protect Water Quality on a Watershed Basis. Addressing the complex array of point and non- point sources of pollution related to development requires a comprehensive, watershed-based approach to water quality protection. States should Fishermen aboard a longliner rejoice atop the day’s catch of halibut near Kodiak Island, Alaska. establish and enforce water quality standards for nutri- ents, thus providing an enforceable benchmark against which progress can be measured. The Clean Water Act and state water quality laws should be amended to require action to reduce nonpoint source pol- lution. States should deter- mine the total maximum daily load (TMDL) of pollu- tants that a water body can accept and still attain water quality standards. The states should then implement meaningful plans for achieving the point and non- point source pollution reductions indicated by TMDLs. Implementation also requires watershed- based water quality compliance planning, which the federal government can encourage by providing a complementary suite of incentives for improving water quality and disincentives for activities that harm water quality. 2. Identify and Protect from Development Habitat Critical for the Functioning of Coastal Ecosystems. Congress should provide a significant, permanent, and dedicated source of funding for habitat protec- tion. Comprehensive habitat-protection planning by the states is important to ensure that federal, state, and local funds provide the maximum benefit in protecting habitat and water quality. The broadest possible array of financial tools and incentives should be made available to government and pri- vate land-protection efforts. Lastly, strong partner- ships among all levels of government, private land trusts and foundations, and the business community are crucial for large-scale habitat protection. 3. Institute Effective Mechanisms at All levels of Government to Manage Development and Minimize its Impact on Coastal Ecosystems and their Watersheds. Substantial changes in development patterns and practices on private lands are needed. Municipalities and counties should change their zoning and subdivision codes to promote compact growth in areas where it is desirable, to discourage growth in relatively undeveloped areas where it is not desirable, and to reduce impervious surface cover wherever possible. States should take an active role in developing a consensus on growth management, encouraging urban growth bound- aries to protect agriculture and environmentally sensitive lands, and restricting state development funding to designated growth areas. Congress should make federal funding for transportation and development available only to states that comply with the Clean Water Act and other federal environ- mental laws. Federal grants and loans should be required to be used consistent with state and local growth-management efforts. 4. Redirect Government Programs and Subsidies Away from Harmful Coastal Development and Toward Beneficial Activities, Including Restoration. The Army Corps of Engineers should be reformed to ensure that its projects comport with the agency's missions, are environmen- tally and economically sound, and reflect national priorities. Congress should transform the Corps into a strong and reliable force foi environmental restoration, working in partnership witb natural resource manage- ment agencies. Tax struc- tures should be examined at all levels of government to ensure that they are sup- porting compact, appropri- ately sited growth. The National Flood Insurance Program should be reformed by setting premi- ums that reflect the true risk of coastal hazards, phasing out coverage of repetitive-loss properties, and denying coverage for new development in haz- ardous Or environmentally sensitive areas. Runoff from a sugar field in central Florida carries nutrient and other chemical pollution into an adjacent ditch. Nutrients, particularly nitrogen, flowing from farm fields, streets, and yards across the nation represent the largest pollution threat to coastal waters. CLEANING COASTAL WATERS 1. Revise, Strengthen, and Redirect Pollution Laws to Focus on Nonpoint Source Pollution on a Watershed Basis. EPA and the states should establish water quality standards for nutrients, especially nitrogen, as quickly as possible. EPA and the states should also ensure that water quality standards are in place for other pollutants-such as PAHs, PCBs, and heavy metals such as mercury-where these are identified as problematic on a watershed-by-watershed basis. Congress should amend the Clean Water Act to require the use of best management practices to control polluted runoff resulting from agriculture and development. Congress and the Executive Branch should provide substantial financial and technical support for the adoption of such prac- tices. Congress should link the receipt of agricultur- al and other federal subsidies to compliance with the Clean Water Act. Finally, Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency should ensure that air emissions of nitrogen compounds, mercury, and other pollutants are reduced to levels that will result in a substantial reduction of their impact on marine ecosystems. 2. Address Unabated Point Sources of Pollution. Concentrated animal feeding operations should be brought into compliance with existing provisions in the CWA. Congress should enact legislation that regulates wastewater discharges from cruise ships under the CWA by establishing uniform min- imum standards for discharges in all state waters and prohibiting discharges within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone that do not meet efflu- ent standards. Congress should amend the National Invasive Species Act (NISA) to require ballast-water treatment for all vessels for all travel in U.S. waters, and regulate ballast-water dis- charge through a permitting system under the CWA. Finally, the International Maritime Organization draft convention on ballast-water BEYOND OUR BORDERS The Pew Oceans Commission, though charged with a review of U.S. ocean policies, recognizes the interna- tional nature of the crisis facing our oceans and believes that the United States must demonstrate leadership in the area of marine protection. We have the largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, with a footprint that stretches across the Pacific Ocean; what we choose to do in our waters invariably affects the condition of the global oceans, and our interests are readily affected by the actions of others. Many of the Commission’s rec- ommendations-to protect fisheries, reduce the flow of pollution into coastal waters, and preserve coastal habi- tat-require action at home and abroad. To address the crisis in our oceans, the U.S. will need the assistance of the community of nations. The Commission believes, however, that this nation must get its own house in order first to provide a solid foun- dation upon which to lead internationally. By establish- ing appropriate standards for sustaining marine species and ecosystems, the US. will be in a better position to use trade pressures-as it did successfully to protect sea turtles from unsustainable shrimp fisheries-or par- ticipate credibly in the negotiation of ocean resource treaties. For example, only by adopting strong conserva- tion standards for its domestic aquaculture industry can the US. establish the moral and legal authority to demand protective practices in other countries. All nations of the world must examine their ocean poli- cies. If we are to restore the world’s fisheries, reduce pollution, protect marine habitats, and sustain coastal communities, it is time to acknowledge the internation- al dimension of ocean resource protection, and engage U.S. policymakers and citizens-and the international community-to find solutions. The first step is ours to take. 27 management should be finalized and its provisions implemented through appropriate U.S. laws. 3. Create a Flexible Framework to Address Emerging A national electronic permitting system should be created under NlSA to facilitate communication and track imports of live species that may result in aquatic introductions. Each state should inventory existing species and their historical abundance, in conjunction with the development of the regional ocean governance plans under the National Ocean Policy Act. Congress should provide adequate funding for developing statewide invasive-species management plans that include provisions for inventorying, monitoring, and rapid response. With regard to sound, a comprehensive research and monitoring program should be developed to deter- mine the effects of sound sources on living marine resources and ecosystems. Consideration should be given to requiring the utilization of best-available control technologies, where the generation of sound has potential adverse effects. Finally, the environmental ramifications of any sound-produc- ing project should be taken into formal considera- tion-pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act or other applicable statutes-at the planning stages of the project, before significant resources, time, and money have been devoted to its development. and Nontraditional Sources of Pollution. 4. Strengthen Control of Toxic Pollutants. The U.S. should ratify the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) and imple- ment federal legislation that allows for additions to the list of the “dirty dozen” chemicals. In concert with this effort, EPA should develop and lead a comprehensive monitoring program to quantify lev- els of particular toxic substances in designated ocean habitats and species, and sufficient resources should be devoted to studying the effects of toxics on marine species. This monitoring program should be coordinated with Food and Drug Administration and EPA seafood contaminant advisory efforts, to enable people to know where their seafood comes from and what it contains. Local children examine a whale stranded in the northern Bahama lslands in 2000. During March, at least 17 whales beached themselves subsequent to Navy sonar operations nearby. Investigations suggested that the sonar transmissions were a critical factor in the strandings. SUSTAINABLE MARINE AQUACULTURE 1. implement a New National Marine Aquaculture Policy Based on Sound Conservation Principles and Standards. Congress should enact legislation to regulate marine aquaculture pursuant to sound conservation and management principles. The legislation should establish national standards and comprehensive permitting authority for the siting, design, and oper- ation of ecologically sustainable marine aquacul- ture facilities. The lead authority for marine aqua- culture should reside in the proposed independent oceans agency or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Until national marine aquaculture standards and policy are established, the Administration or Congress should place a moratorium on the expan- sion of marine finfish farms. Likewise, until an ade- quate regulatory review process is established, the government should place a moratorium on the use of genetically engineered marine or anadromous species. 2. Provide International leadership for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture Practices. The United States should negotiate and work with other nations to establish environmental provisions in international trade agreements to encourage eco- logically sustainable marine aquaculture practices in the international community. 28 We take our oceans for granted. We must view our oceans as a public trust, and handle them in a way that ensures that living marine resources are there for our children and for future generations. LEON E. PANETTA Chair of the Pew Oceans Commission An excerpt from Mr. Panetta's testimony before the US. Commission on Ocean Policy in Washington, D.C. October 30,2002 Over the past two years, the Pew Oceans Commission heard from thousands of Americans from Maine to Hawaii and the Gulf of Mexico to Alaska. We considered the latest scientific informa- tion regarding our oceans. In the midst of unease and even alarm about the conditions of our oceans, we heard expressions of hope and saw signs of suc- cess. Marine life rebounds within marine reserves where hooks and nets are forbidden. Striped bass, severely depleted along our Atlantic shores, made a striking comeback when given a chance. Seabirds, kelp beds, and fish communities returned to the coastal waters off Los Angeles after waste dis- charges were reduced. But such successes will remain the exception rather than the rule until we chart a new course for ocean management. Our country must articulate a clear, strong commitment to our oceans. As mariners weathered storms tor centuries with simple tools, our nation can navigate today's troubled seas. We know what we need: a compass, a chart, and the wind in our sails. That compass is a strong ocean ethic, the chart is a new legal framework, and the wind is our national will. The commitment of leaders and citi- zens alike is needed to steer us to healthy oceans. THE COMPASS: AN OCEAN ETHIC In recent decades, our nation has made great strides in environmental and natural resource tection. We fought back at the sight of litter, f rivers, and sooty air. We discovered a nationa pro- ouled 11 con- Our vast oceans-the final frontier on this planet-are now showing the same signs of stress that mobilized our nation to protect our land, air, and fresh water 30 years ago. Pollution, poorly g u i d ed d eve I o p m e n t , and h ab i ta t-des t ro y i n g f i s h i n g practices are a sampling of humanity's heavy hand on the oceans. We are altering ecosystems and their capacity to support marine life, as well as their ability to provide the goods and services that we have grown to expect without thinking, just as we take for granted the beating of our hearts. Extending strong environmental protection to the oceans is both a practical measure to preserve the ecological benefits that we require as a species and our moral obligation as the stewards of our planet. It is time we apply this ethic to our oceans, our country's largest public resource. THE CHART: DEFINING A NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY A mariner turns to the charts in preparation for a voy- age. Likewise, it is time for America to lay out a new policy that guides the nation toward healthy oceans. Rising some 400 feet above the crashing surf of the Pacific Ocean, the Point Sur Lighthouse alerts shim to science and articulated an environmental ethic. the dangers of the treacherous"Big Sur coastline. ' Congress and the President should begin by enacting a National Ocean Policy Act, significantly adjusting our nation’s attitude toward the sea and establishing the standards and expectations neces- sary to achieve healthy, productive, and resilient marine ecosystems. This action will facilitate a host of other changes including necessary adjustments in existing fisheries, pollution, and coastal manage- ment policies to pro- Although most areas will never return to a pristine condition, we can at least restore their function and productivity. THE WIND IN THE SAILS: LEADERS AND CITIZENS ALIKE Even with a new sense of direction and a chart to guide us, we still need the power to make it hap- tices that degrade water quality and destroy coastal habitat. Secondly, we must place a premium on pro- tecting and maintaining those areas that are rela- tively healthy and pristine, both on land and in the ocean. We should identify those areas critical to the functioning of productive coastal and marine ecosystems and place these areas off-limits to harmful activities. Finally, the United States should restore its degraded marine ecosystems actively and aggres- sively. These systems are tremendously valuable. pen. Charting a new course for the oceans will not be easy. It will take the time and dedication of countless individuals to work for-and to demand- healthy oceans for our children and for ourselves. A legacy of healthy oceans requires a nation- al commitment from government, the private sector, and citizens alike. The commitment must start with leadership from the President and Congress on the necessary reforms to national laws and policies. Our governors should reinvigorate state efforts and expand the partnership with the federal government Cushion sea stars, Virgin Islands National Park, U.S. Virgn lslands for coastal protection and management begun 30 years ago. Finally, we need a commitment from industry to reform its practices and from individuals to take responsibility for the impact of their choices on our oceans. A NATIONAL COMMITMENT TO MARINE ECOSYSTEMS We confront an ethical, environmental, and eco- nomic challenge that requires our nation to realign its posture toward the sea. Changing our policy course requires knowing where we want to go, applying the great energy required to overcome inertia, and taking action in time to avert disaster. Only a concerted and innovative effort will accom- plish what the Commission's work alone cannot- compel action through leadership, not crisis. health oi our oceans and coasts can be restored and protected. It is a vision based on the principle that we must treat our oceans as a public trust to be managed for the common good. It recognizes that the land and ocean are interrelated and that we must ivork regionally and locally to protect our ocean ecosystems and the watersheds that sustain them. The outcomes of this vision are healthy and plentiful marine lite, thriving fishing communities, clean beaches and coastal waters, and healthful seafood. We invite the American public to join with us to launch a national effort in behalf of future generations-to understand, restore, and protect the bountiful lite and habitats in our vast ocean trust. This Commission has a vision of how the Northern elephant seal, Gorda, Californid Richard Herrrnann Alverson, D.L., M.H. Freeberg, S.A. Murawski, and J.G. Pope. 1994. A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. Alverson, D.L. 1998. Discarding practices and unobserved fishing mortality in marine fisheries: An update. Washington Sea Auster, P.J., R.J. Malatesta, R.W. Langton, 1. Watling, P.C. Valentine, C.L.S. Donaldson, E.W. Langton, A.N. Shepard, and FA0 Fisheries Technical Paper No. 339. Rome, FAO. Grant Program, Seattle, Washington. I.C. Babb. 1996. The impacts of mobile fishing gear on seafloor habitats in the Gulf of Maine (Northwest Atlantic): implications for conservation of fish populations. Reviews in Fisheries Science 4(2):185-202. Commission, Arlington, Virginia. States: Significant Accomplishments, Future Challenges. Pew Oceans Commission, Arlington, Virginia. ment: Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation’s estuaries. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland. (PAGE): Coastal Ecosystems. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. Oceans Commission, Arlington, Virginia. Washington, D.C. Beach, D. 2002. Coastal Sprawl: The Effects of Urban Design on Aquatic Ecosystems in the United States. Pew Oceans Boesch, D.F., R.H. Burroughs, J.E. Baker, R.P. Mason, C.L. Rowe, and R.L. Siefert. 2001. Marine Pollution in the United Bricker, S.B., C.C. Clement, D.E. Pirhalla, S.P. Orlando, and D.F.C. Farrow. 1999. National estuarine eutrophication assess- Burke, L., Y. Kura, K. Kassem, C. Revenga, M. Spalding, and 0. McAllister. 2000. Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems Carlton, 1.1. 2001. Introduced Species in U.S. Coastal Waters: Environmental Impacts and Management Priorities. Pew Cicin-Sain, B., and R.W. Knecht. 2000. The Future of U.S. Ocean Policy: Choices for a New Century. Island Press, Cohen, A.N., and 1.1. Carlton. 1998. Accelerating invasion rate in a highly invaded estuary. Science 279:555-558. -. 1995. Biological Study. Nonindigenous aquatic species in a United States estuary: A case study of the biological invasions of the San Francisco Bay and Delta. A Report for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., and the National Sea Grant College Program, Connecticut Sea Grant, NTlS Report Number PB96-166525. -. n.d. (unpublished data collected between 1995 and 2000). Dayton, P.K., S.Thrush, and F.C. Coleman. 2002. Ecological Effects of Fishing in Marine Ecosystems of the United States. Doyle, K., J. Kostyack, B. McNitt, C. Sugameli, C. Whitaker, K. Whitcomb-Blaylock, J. Byrd, C. Stull, and B. Czech. 2001. Pew Oceans Commission, Arlington, Virginia. Paving paradise: Sprawl’s impact on wildlife and wild places in California. National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia. east Alaska. Report to the Wastewater and Solid Waste Work Group, Alaska Cruise Ship Initiative. Appendix B. <www.epa.gov/npdes/regulations/cafo-final-rule.pdf>. mental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. U.S. Pacific marine mammal stock assessments: 2000. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-300. U.S. Department of Commerce, Seattle, Washington. 5 Apr. 2003. ~www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot~res/readingrm/MMSARS/2000PacSar.pdf>. benthic trawl marks on the shelf and slope off Eureka, California. Fishery Bulletin 97(4):786-801. Ed. Pergamon. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Eley, W.D. 2000. A survey of waste stream discharges and solid waste handling practices of cruise ships operating in south- EPA. 2002. Environmental Protection Agency. CAFO Final Rule, 15 Dec. 2002. 17 Jan. 2003. -. 2000. Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters: Third Report to Congress. EPA-453-R-00-005. U.S. Environ- Forney, K.A., J. Barlow, M.M. Mutto, M. Lowry, J. Baker, C. Cameron, J. Mobley, C. Stinchomb, and J.V. Caretta. 2000. Friedlander, A.M., C.W. Boehlert, M.E. Field, J.E. Mason, J.V. Cardner, and P. Dartnell. 1999. Sidescan-sonar mapping of CoAi, R. 2000. Fisheries effects on ecosystems. In Seas at the Millennium: An Environmental Evaluation, C.R.C. Sheppard, Halpern, B. 2003. The impact of marine reserves: Does reserve size matter? Ecological Applications 13(IS)S1 17-1 37. Hardy, R.W. 2000. Urban Legends and Fish Nutrition. Aquaculture Magazine 26(6):47-50. Hoegh-Culdberg, 0. 1999. Climate change: Coral bleaching and the future of the world’s coral reefs. Marine and Holland America. 2002. 14 Jan. 2003. <http://www.hollandamerica.com/aboutus/policies/environmental.htm>. Howarth, R.W., D. Anderson, J. Cloern, C. Elfring, C. Hopkinson, B. Lapointe, 1. Malone, N. Marcus, K. McClathery, A. IPCC. 2001. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2007: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Fresh water Research 5 0: 839-866. Sharpley, and D. Walker. 2000. Nutrient pollution of coastal rivers, bays, and seas. Issues in Ecology 7:l-15. Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Houghton, J.T., Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell, and C.A. Johnson, Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, and New York, New York. Koehler, C., and E. Blair. 2001. Putting it back together: Making ecosystem restoration work. Save San Francisco Bay Association, Oakland, California. MacCall, A., and X. He. 2002. Status review of the southern stock of bocaccio (Sebastes Paucispinis). Santa Cruz Laboratory, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz, California. SCL Contribution #366. 10 Apr. 2003. <http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/readingrm/FRNotices/bocaccio-status-review.PDF>. McKay, B., and K. Mulvaney. 2001. A review ot marine major ecological disturbances (MMEDs). Endangered Species MMC. 2000. Marine Mammal Cornmission. Marine hlammal commission Annual Report to Congress 2000. Bethesda, NMFS. 2002. Fisheries of the UnitedStates, 2001. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric UPDATE 18(1):14-24. 14 Jan. 2003. <www.sea\Leb.ordbackground/mmeds.htmI>. Maryland. Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland. longline fishery on the loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles ot the western North Atlantic. National Marine Fisheries Service, Miami, Florida. <http://sfbay.wr.usgs.gov/access/urban. htmb. . 2001. Stock assessment of loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles and an assessment of the impact of the pelagic NOAA. 2002. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US. Department of Commerce. 13 Feb. 2002. NRC. 2002. National Research Council. Oil in the Sea 111: Inputs, Fates. and Efiects. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. . 2002. Genetic status of Atlantic salmon in Maine: Interim report. 10 Apr. 2003. <http://search.nap.edu/books/0309083 1 1 7/html/>. NRDC. 2002. Natural Resources Defense Council. Testing the Lt'aters 2002: A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches. Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, D.C. NRI. 2000. National Resources Inventory. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20 Dec. 2001. <http://www.nhq.nrcs.usda.gov/hRlil997>. Palumbi, S.R. 2003. Marine Reserves: A Tool for Ecosystem Management and Conservation. Pew Oceans Commission, Arlington, Virginia. Pauly, D., V. Christensen, J. Dalsgaard, R. Froese, and F. Torres, Jr. 1998. Fishing down the marine food webs. Science 279:860-863. Peterson, C.H., and J.A. Estes. 2001, Conservation and Management of Marine Communities. In Marine Community Ecology. M.D. Bertness, S.D. Gaines, and M.E. Hay, Eds. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts. POC. 2003. Pew Oceans Commission. Socioeconomic Perspectives on Marine Fisheries in the United States. Pew Oceans Commission, Arlington, Virginia. Robertson, G., and R. Gales, Eds. 1998. Albatross Biology and Conservation. Surrey Beatty Ki Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia. Ross, P.S., C.M. Ellis, M.C. Ikonomou, L.C. Barrett-Lennard, and R.F. Addison. 2000. High PCB concentrations in free-ranging Pacific killer whales, Orcinus orca: Effects of age, sex and dietary preterence. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:504-515. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. 1998. 7998 Environmental Report. Roval Caribbean International. 8 Apr. 2003. <http://sup- port.rccl.com/asp/faq.asp?S=&SlD=96>. Ruiz, C.M., P.W. Fofonoff, 1.1. Carlton, M.J. Wonham, and A.H. Hines. 2000. Invasion of coastal marine communities in North America: Apparent patterns, processes, and biases. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 31 :481-531. Safina, C. 1994. Where have all the fishes gone? Science and Technology. 14 Jan. 2003. <www.seaweb.org/background/safina3. html>. Schueler, T., and H.K. Holland. 2000. The Practice of Watershed Protection. Center tor Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, Maryland. Tasker, M.L., M.C. Kees-Camphuysen, J. Cooper, S. Carthe, W.A. Montevecchi, and S.J. Blaber. 2000. The impacts of fishing on marine birds. lCESlournal ofMarine Science 57:531-547. U.S. Census Bureau. 2000. United States Census 2000. 9 Jan. 2002. <http://www.census.gov/population/projections/nation/summary/np-tl .txt>. Brock Little finds a ridable surfing wave off Oahu's North Shore. The Pew Oceans Commission wishes to express its gratitude to The Pew Charitable Trusts, whose vision and commitment to the well-being of our living oceans brought us together and made this report possible. We appreciate as well the generous support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Oxford Foundation. This report represents the combined wisdom of thousands of scientists, fishermen, teachers, environ- mentalists, businesspeople, boaters, divers, and a host of others who shared their perspectives and expertise with us at our regional meetings, public hearings, workshops, and in so many other ways. We thank all of you for sharing your stories. Some of your words struck us especially, and we salute the contributions of the individuals and organizations whose work is cited and whose words are quoted in our report. We extend our special gratitude to the distinguished experts and their peers who wrote and reviewed the seven scientific reports that informed our deliberations and recommendations. to produce this report was assured by the dedica- tion and talent of the Pew Oceans Commission staff. We extend much gratitude to our partners in this effort: the Commission’s executive director, Christophe A. G. Tulou, and his colleagues Deb Our analysis was broadened and our capacity Antonini, Jennifer Black, Courtney Cornelius, Steve Caney, Justin Kenney, Jessica Landman, Chris Mann, Jessica Riordan, Amy Schick, and Heidi Weiskel. And, in unison, we thank Bernice Wuethrich who gave us a singular voice through the magic of her editing. We also received invalu- able administrative and moral support from the staff of Strategies for the Global Environment. Harbor seal near Santa Cruz Island, Californra Jim Knomlton B - we commiSSionerS are particularly grateful for Fishermen aboard a commercialpurse seiner draw in their catch of pink salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska. the wealth of time and knowledge shared by staff within our own organizations who kept us informed, on time, in touch, and well-advised throughout the Commission’s fact-finding and deci- sion-making journeys. As with all ventures of this magnitude and length, it is impossible to fully and appropriately convey our thanks for all the help we got along the way. This report is just the beginning of our work, and we hope to meet you again as we set a course for a better ocean future. Sen otters in Montere): California, float among kelp beds Frm, 1 anfingiMir&n Pirtur+ \ STAFF OF THE PEW OCEANS COMMISSION The Honorable Christophe A. C. Tulou, Executive Director Deb Antonini, Managing Editor and Director of Illustrations PEW pp \- g-CExNy COMMISSION 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 550 Arlington, Virginia 22201 www. pewoceans.org To me the sea is a continual Steve Caney, Director of Fisheries Policy Justin Kenney, Director of Communications Jessica Landman, Director of Publications Chris Mann, Director of Ocean and Coastal Policy Amy Schick, Director of Marine Conservation Policy Heidi W. Weiskel, Director of Pollution Policy miracle; The fishes that swim-the rocks-the motion of the waves- the ships, with men in them, What stranger miracles are there? WALT WHITMAN American Poet (Miracles, 7856) Courtney Cornelius and Jessica Riordan, Special Assistants Jennifer Black, lntern Design and Production: Widmeyer Communications. Printing and binding: Fontana Lithograph, Inc. CD-ROM Design: Deb Antonini. CD-ROM Replication: Oasis CD Manufacturing. Indexing: Connie Binder. Citation for this Report: Pew Oceans Commission. 2003. America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change. Summary Report. May 2003. Pew Oceans Commission, Arlington, Virginia. Copyright 0 2003 Pew Oceans Commission. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the contents without written permission is prohibited. Opposite Photo: Ron Dahlquistlrondahlquist corn fi p Prlnlcd ,>r, I I- r, c y, IIII ,p.qwr - Local children celebrate the beginning of summer vacation. Americans have an obligation to provide children a bountiful ocean legacy. Our vast oceans are a national trust we must preserve for this and future generations. Plastics and Trash: A View from the BeachPlastics and Trash: A View from the BeachCRRA ConferenceJuly 21, 2003Miriam GordonCalifornia Coastal Commission(415) 904-5214mgordon@coastal.ca.govCRRA ConferenceJuly 21, 2003Miriam GordonCalifornia Coastal Commission(415) 904-5214mgordon@coastal.ca.gov Marine Debris Education at the California Coastal CommissionMarine Debris Education at the California Coastal Commission!Main focus in early days - Coastal Cleanup Day, Adopt-A-Beach!New programs address range of issues, but many maintain a marine debris connection: curriculum, school programs and assemblies, watershed restoration education, clean boating!Main focus in early days - Coastal Cleanup Day, Adopt-A-Beach!New programs address range of issues, but many maintain a marine debris connection: curriculum, school programs and assemblies, watershed restoration education, clean boating Marine Debris Education cont.’Marine Debris Education cont.’!Funded largely by Whale Tail License Plate Sales ($3.5 million raised for CCC and Coastal Conservancy)!In addition to state programs, license plate funds creative approaches at local level through Whale Tail Grants (many topics represented, including marine debris) – distribute ½ million $ annually in grants!Funded largely by Whale Tail License Plate Sales ($3.5 million raised for CCC and Coastal Conservancy)!In addition to state programs, license plate funds creative approaches at local level through Whale Tail Grants (many topics represented, including marine debris) – distribute ½ million $ annually in grants Coastal Cleanup DayCoastal Cleanup DayPart of TOC’s International Coastal Cleanup On Sept. 21, 2002, more than 45,000 participants from 39 counties (24 are inland)Cleaned up over 800,000 pounds of trash & recyclables – a record Coordinated by huge network of volunteers What are we trying to achieve?What are we trying to achieve?We want people to:!Connect with the coast and ocean and feel invested in its protection!Understand and support coastal and marine issues!Recognize that their actions matterUltimate goal is behavior change and less marine pollution Education for those who don’t participateEducation for those who don’t participate7/20/2003CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION102002 Aerial Art Images Monterey Bay –Chaffee Zoo, FresnoSan Diego –I Love a Clean San DiegoLos Angeles –Malibu Foundation Throughout the coastal zoneThroughout the coastal zone7/20/2003CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION11Aerial Art ImagesSan Francisco –Headlands InstituteHumboldt County –North Coast Environmental Center This year’s Coastal CleanupThis year’s Coastal CleanupSeptember 20, 2003It’s tons of fun!Come out and join us! What’s Happening on Our Beaches?What’s Happening on Our Beaches?1. Cigarette butts 22%2. Foamed plastic pieces 8%3. Plastic pieces 7%4. Paper pieces 7%5. Food bags & wrappers (plastic) 6%6. Glass pieces 5%7. Caps &lids (plastic) 5% 8. Straws 3%9. Other metal items 3%10. Bottle caps (metal) 2%11. Other plastic items 2%12. Beverage bottles (glass) 2%1. Cigarette butts 22%2. Foamed plastic pieces 8%3. Plastic pieces 7%4. Paper pieces 7%5. Food bags & wrappers (plastic) 6%6. Glass pieces 5%7. Caps &lids (plastic) 5% 8. Straws 3%9. Other metal items 3%10. Bottle caps (metal) 2%11. Other plastic items 2%12. Beverage bottles (glass) 2%2000 Coastal Cleanup – California’s Dirty Dozen 2000 California Coastal Cleanup Types of Debris2000 California Coastal Cleanup Types of Debris!61% plastic!8% paper !7% glass!6 % metal!1% lumber!(17 % unspecified)!61% plastic!8% paper !7% glass!6 % metal!1% lumber!(17 % unspecified) Plastic is the biggest part of marine and land-based litter Plastic is the biggest part of marine and land-based litter Plastics = 60-80% of marine debris. Plastics = between 30 and 80 percent of roadside litter collected. Plastics = 60-80% of marine debris. Plastics = between 30 and 80 percent of roadside litter collected. Composition and Distribution of Beach Debris in Orange County, California-AMRF and SCCWRPComposition and Distribution of Beach Debris in Orange County, California-AMRF and SCCWRP!43 sites sampled from Seal Beach to San Clemente (Orange County, California).!Pre-production plastic pellets, foamed plastics, and hard plastics accounted for 99% of total abundance. !Cigarettes, candy, fast-food products, beer, and other beverages were the most identified brand-related debris.!43 sites sampled from Seal Beach to San Clemente (Orange County, California).!Pre-production plastic pellets, foamed plastics, and hard plastics accounted for 99% of total abundance. !Cigarettes, candy, fast-food products, beer, and other beverages were the most identified brand-related debris. 2002 California Coastal Cleanup-Sources and Activities of Marine Debris2002 California Coastal Cleanup-Sources and Activities of Marine DebrisShoreline and Recreational-includes stormwater50%Smoking-Related43%Ocean-Waterway4%Dumping2.5 %Medical0.5%Land-based sources account for 60-80% marine debris world-wide Impacts (beaches and near-shore)Impacts (beaches and near-shore)!Biological impacts on birds and other aquatic animals – ingestion, starvation, entanglement, bioaccumulation - increasing documentation of impacts!Economic impacts: beach closings, boat and marina fouling, municipal cleanup efforts (skimmers, etc.) –not well documented or understood!Biological impacts on birds and other aquatic animals – ingestion, starvation, entanglement, bioaccumulation - increasing documentation of impacts!Economic impacts: beach closings, boat and marina fouling, municipal cleanup efforts (skimmers, etc.) –not well documented or understood What are the root causes of so much trash on beaches and in inland waterways?What are the root causes of so much trash on beaches and in inland waterways?!Consumer behavior!Lack of Enforcement of litter laws, MARPOL, Clean Water Act/Porter Cologne!Direct discharge from storm drains to coastal waters!Poor housekeeping practices with businesses – for example, plastic pelletsYES, BUT…!Consumer behavior!Lack of Enforcement of litter laws, MARPOL, Clean Water Act/Porter Cologne!Direct discharge from storm drains to coastal waters!Poor housekeeping practices with businesses – for example, plastic pelletsYES, BUT… Isn’t the Quantity of Trash Generated the REAL Issue?Isn’t the Quantity of Trash Generated the REAL Issue? Plastic waste generated- a GROWINGproblemPlastic waste generated- a GROWINGproblem Plastics and Packaging Production Increases Every Year – Consumption is Growing tooPlastics and Packaging Production Increases Every Year – Consumption is Growing too!Since 1995, U.S. plastic packaging resin sales (millions of pounds) increased at an annual average rate of 5.9% (increase of 200M pounds/year).!plastic bottles recycled (the majority of plastics packaging recycled) increased at an annual average rate of 3.4 percent (50M pounds / year).!Approximately 25% of plastic resin sales (by weight) is for packaging.!Since 1995, U.S. plastic packaging resin sales (millions of pounds) increased at an annual average rate of 5.9% (increase of 200M pounds/year).!plastic bottles recycled (the majority of plastics packaging recycled) increased at an annual average rate of 3.4 percent (50M pounds / year).!Approximately 25% of plastic resin sales (by weight) is for packaging. Plastics and Packaging in the MSW streamPlastics and Packaging in the MSW stream!Nationally, plastics in the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream increased from 0.5 percent (390,000 tons) in 1960 to 13.8 percent (22.8 million tons) in 1999.!Packaging waste = 1/3 of MSW generated over the last 40 years.!Nationally, plastics in the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream increased from 0.5 percent (390,000 tons) in 1960 to 13.8 percent (22.8 million tons) in 1999.!Packaging waste = 1/3 of MSW generated over the last 40 years. Solutions? Recycling is good but it is not a panaceaSolutions? Recycling is good but it is not a panacea!Even if we were to increase recycling rates to keep pace with rates of generation, overall consumption (and associated problems) is growing!Municipal programs are unlikely to achieve this goal unless major hurdles overcome (size shape and composition of materials)!unlikely when industry fails to design products for recycling and promotes a confusing labeling system that misleads and frustrates the public!Even if we were to increase recycling rates to keep pace with rates of generation, overall consumption (and associated problems) is growing!Municipal programs are unlikely to achieve this goal unless major hurdles overcome (size shape and composition of materials)!unlikely when industry fails to design products for recycling and promotes a confusing labeling system that misleads and frustrates the public A few Policy Options to Reduce the Generation of Plastics and Packaging Waste that Contributes to Marine DebrisA few Policy Options to Reduce the Generation of Plastics and Packaging Waste that Contributes to Marine Debris!Producer responsibility which would connect the front end to thewaste end creating an economic incentive to reduce the waste stream (design for recycling, higher materials efficiency).!Increase recycling by market development, limiting the number ofcontainer types, resins, and shapes to meet recycling capability; standardize labeling; increase the cost of waste disposal, deposit/return fees.!Public education for waste reduction (marginal results compared to production and consumption)!Bans on certain types of waste-producing items (difficult to enact)!Enforce litter laws (good use of limited law enforcement resources?)!Producer responsibility which would connect the front end to thewaste end creating an economic incentive to reduce the waste stream (design for recycling, higher materials efficiency).!Increase recycling by market development, limiting the number ofcontainer types, resins, and shapes to meet recycling capability; standardize labeling; increase the cost of waste disposal, deposit/return fees.!Public education for waste reduction (marginal results compared to production and consumption)!Bans on certain types of waste-producing items (difficult to enact)!Enforce litter laws (good use of limited law enforcement resources?) Commission’s Future in this IssueCommission’s Future in this IssuePartnering with Algalita Marine Research Foundation on:“Assessing and Reducing Sources of Plastics and Trash in Urban and Coastal Waters”Partnering with Algalita Marine Research Foundation on:“Assessing and Reducing Sources of Plastics and Trash in Urban and Coastal Waters” California’s coast is a precious resourceCalifornia’s coast is a precious resource Let’s not let it go to waste!Let’s not let it go to waste!7/20/2003CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION22