HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-05; City Council; 17272; Fiesta Del Barrio PresentationAB# 17,272 MTG. 8-5-03 DEPT. CM CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL TITLE: REQUEST TO MAKE A PRESENTATION FROM THE FIESTA DEL BARRIO REGARDING POTENTIAL FUNDING AND IN-KIND SERVICE ASSISTANCE W DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. A CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from the Fiesta Del Barrio. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1) from Ofelia Escobedo, Vice President, Fiesta Del Barrio Carlsbad, requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council regarding potential funding and in-kind services assistance from the City. There is no action that the City Council needs to take regarding this matter. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown at this time. EXHIBITS: 1. Del Barrio Carlsbad, dated July 18, 2003. Letter to Ray Patchett, City Manager, from Ofelia Escobedo, Vice President, Fiesta 18 July 2003 Mayor Lewis and City Council Members On 29 May 2003 we submitted a letter asking for your help in contributing some in-kind services or for consideration of partnering with our Fiesta Dei Bamo Carlsbad. To date we have not received a response. We understand that our request is probably one of many that you have to address, but it is important to us.. In the past your support and generosity have helped to make our fiesta the success that it has become and we appreciate. Much of the history and cuiture of the area is being lost due to the rapid growth and tremendous influx of people. Many of the small towns and villages are beginning to lose their charm and family oriented ambiance. Fiestas such as ours will help remind people of the pleasures and memories that we all hold dear in our hearts. It is a time to bring families together and reunite friends to relive some of our happier days and to rekindle acquaintances and make new friends. We need to continue mating new memories for the present generation. We thank you for your past support and we hope to hear from you soon. Ofelia Wfi2 Escobedo Vice President CC: Mr. Ray Patchett, City Manager I/ This year our Fiesta Del Barrio Cansbad will be held on Sunday, September 14&. Our Fiesta celebrates the rich end diverse history of our Banio Carfsbad, The first Bani0 Carlsbad Fiesta in 1991 reunited families with their childhood neighbors and Mends who had grown up together in the oldest section of Cadsbad. Multiple generations of families celebrated their memories, honored their elders and passed a legacy to their children. The Eamo Fiesta has become a much loved tradition in Carlsbad, still reuniting families and friends while celebdng the contribvtions of both Barrio Carlsbad‘s pioneers and its current residents. The Barrio Museum, with its wealth of photos and memorabilia from Carisbad‘s past, attracts residents frum throughout the city and beyond. Day long performances by musical grwps combine with booths featuring food, local artisans and community gmups. The Banlo Fkta has been promoted in “Weshrvays’ the Southern California Automobile Club’s magazine, mailed to thousands of homes, yet it5 essence mmains a distindy Carisbad event with residents from every part of Carlsbad enjoying being together. The Barrio Fiesta Committee is a dedicated group of local volunteers working hard to assure that we am successful. In the past, the Fiwta has benefited from the volunteer labor of community groups, such as lhe Boy Scouts, some of the public schools, the Carlsbad High School Mecha Club and the Mexican American Organization. The Fiesta has been fortunate that the Carlsbad Police Department and ;Is volunteer patrol members, as well as the Fire Department, the library and other City smites, have participated. This year we am looking borward to the 2003 Rani0 Carlsbad fiesta but uncertain economic times present a challenge to raising the needed funding. We are not asking the City of Carlsbad for a monetary contribution. However, we would appreciate it very much if the City would consider pannering with us by contributing some ikkind services for the Fiesta.. Our planning committee would welcome the opportunity to meet with City representatives to discuss ways in which we might partner to celebrate Carfsbad’s heritage in this historical part of the City. Sinarely, /’I CC: MyRay Patchett, City Manager Police Chief Jim Hawks TOTAL P. 02 August 5,2003 Service Police - Day of Event Public Works - Materials TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Staff Hours Estimated Cost 140 - 176 @ $35 per hour $4900 - $6160 $275 FROM: Management Analyst Event Preparation Insurance Total IN-KIND SERVICES FOR THE FIESTA DEL BARRIO 12- 15 @ $35 per hour $420 - $525 $2200 (may be higher) $8095 - $9460 Per your request, staff has conducted an evaluation of the approximate level service and the associated costs that the City provides to the Fiesta Del Barrio. These numbers are estimates that are based on the City’s prior experience with the Fiesta and information regarding the needs of this year’s event. I Public Works - Staff I 6 + vehicle @ $50 per hour I $300 Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this matter. Event date is September 14, 2003 Fourth year the Fiesta has been held Located in the historic part of Carlsbad The Fiesta calls attention to the barrio's history and legacy It is a celebration of culture and diversity in our community Brings awareness to the family-oriented neighborhood that is a vital part of Carlsbad 1 Sharing and remembrance Education and awareness Culture and tradition amidst rapid growth and progress ~~~ The Barrio Museum will be open 2 Entertainment will be uplifting, the ambiance friendly and fun for families and the community There will be lots of food, arts and crafts, information booths, and a fun zone for kids I 3 Our Board is comprised of local residents Funding for the Fiesta comes from individual, small-business, and corporate sponsors as well as grants from private and government sources To make the Fiesta a success in 2003, our request is for in-kind services We have appreciated your help in the past, and look forward to your continued support! For more information, visit us on the Web at www.FiestaCarlsbad.com 4