HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-12; City Council; 17274; Award of contract: Pavement overlay,B# 17,274 ITG. 811 2/03 IEPT. ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL TITLE: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PAVEMENT OVERLAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EL CAMINO REAL, AND PASEO DEL NORTE PROJECT NO. 3667-5 CITY DEPT.HD.% ATTY. CITY MGR. % RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-214 accepting bids ,and awarding the contract to Hazard Construction for the construction of the Pavement Oveflay of Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real, and Paseo Del Norte, Project No. 3667-5. ITEM EXPLANATION: This pavement overlay project is part of the City’s ongoing Pavement Management Program. This maintenance project will extend the life of portions of Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real, and Paseo Del Norte (see Location Map). In addition to the pavement overlay, the construction includes the repair of some sidewalk, curb and gutter, driveway aprons, and full-depth pavement section reconstruction. By completing these items of work at the same time, the public right-of-way will be improved by a single construction project which will reduce the construction impacts on the adjacent residents. During the bid process, the contract documents were amended to include the reconstruction of Jefferson Street, near State Highway 78, which was identified as needing maintenance this summer. The construction will also include upgrading curb ramps along the project roadways to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The inclusion of the curb ramp upgrades is in response to a notification from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), administrator of the federal funding for the project, which requires federally funded projects to address upgrading curb ramps within the project limits. The engineer’s construction cost estimate for the project was $2,650,000. On July 1, 2003, five (5) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project as shown on the following table. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder is Hazard Construction. All bid documents submitted by Hazard Construction have been reviewed by staff and found to be in order. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE: This project is categorically exempt from the environmental review process under Section 15301 Class 1 (C) of the California Environmental Quality Act. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 17,274 FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated construction costs associated with this project are summarized in the following table. The Pavement Overlay Project will be partially funded by Federal Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA-21) allocation of $869,678 which will be reimbursed after the expenses are incurred. The remainder of the funds will come from the Palomar Airport Road Pavement Maintenance Account (#34011) and available Trans Net appropriations of $5,340,000. The excess Trans Net allocation will be used to fund future Pavement Management projects. The sidewalk and curb and gutter repairs associated with this project are funded by the General Fund Street Maintenance Cement Repairs Program Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Maps. 2003-214 2. Resolution No. accepting bids and awarding the contract to Hazard Construction for the construction of the Pavement Overlay of Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real, and Paseo Del Norte, Project No. 3667-5. 3. Department of Transportation Authorization for Federal Aid. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Jon Schauble, (760) 602-2762, jscha@ci.carlsbad.ca.us LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD EL CAMINO REAL & PASEO DEL NOR& OVERLAY NOT TO SCALE PROJECT EXHIBIT NUMBER 3667-5 1 LEGEND: Y‘ - ROADOVERLAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t.?.V: t, I RESOLUTION NO. 2o03-214 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE PAVEMENT OVERLAY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EL CAMINO REAL, AND PASEO DEL NORTE PROJECT NO. 3667-5 WHEREAS, on April 22,2003, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approved plans and specifications for construction of the Pavement Overlay of Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real, and Paseo Del Norte; and WHEREAS, five (5) sealed bids were received on July 1, 2003, by the City of Carlsbad for the construction of said project; and WHEREAS, the low bid received to construct said project was submitted by Hazard Construction in the amount of $2,356,699.09; and WHEREAS, the low bid received to construct said project submitted by Hazard Construction is responsive and responsible; and WHEREAS, the City has received Authorization to Proceed with Construction from Caltrans and Caltrans has obligated Federal Aid funds in the amount of $869,678 for this project; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient Trans Net funds appropriated for the remainder of the pavement overlay project; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient General Fund Street Maintenance Appropriations available for the sidewalk, curb and gutter repairs; and WHEREAS, subsection 3.28.120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code authorizes the City Manager to approve change orders in an amount it determines appropriate for a large, complex project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the bid of $2,356,699.09 submitted by Hazard Construction, for the construction of the Pavement Overlay of Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real, and Paseo Del That the above recitations are true and correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Norte, Project No. 3667-5, is accepted and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Hazard Construction for Project No. 3667-5. 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders up to $353,505 for Project No. 3667-5. 4. That the award of this contract is contingent upon Hazard Construction executing the required contract and submitting the contract-required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within twenty (20) days of adoption of this resolution. The City Manager may grant reasonable extensions of time. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 12th day of August , 2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall and Packard n ATTEST tORRAIN9 M. WOOD, City Clerk J Page 2 of 2 of Resolution No. 2003-214 (SEAL) GRAY DAVIS. Governor STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS. TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 1 1, LOCAL ASSISTANCE 2829 JUAN STREET p. 0. BOX 85406 SAN DIEGO, CA 921 86-5406 PHONE (619) 688-6778 FAX (619) 688-01 14 TTY (619) 688-6670 Flex your power! Be energy efficient! April 16, 2003 Mr. Loydd Hubbs Public Works Director City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday A-ienue Carlsbad, CA 92008-8562 Attention: Jon Schauble Dear Mr. Hubbs: Subject: Authorization to Proceed with Construction, Federal Aid Project No. STPL-5308 (013) Enclosed is your IIAuthorization to Proceed" with Construction on your asphalt rubberized hot mix overlay project. The authorization date is April 10,' 2003. You may now advertise for bids for this project, but please keep in mind that the Federal Waqe Rates may have been updated since your PS&E Checklist was approved, so they should be checked aqain. Please notify this office in writing of the advertising date and the proposed date of bid opening. Upon award of a contract, please forward to this office the Construction Contract Award Package, which is made up of the following documents (Exhibits are in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual) : 0 Local Agency Bidder-DBE-Information (Exhibit 15-G) 0 Detail Estimate (Exhibit 15-M) - for this, use bid prices rather than estimated costs . 0 Finance Letter (Exhibit 15-N) - Also using bid amounts 0 Local Agency Award Checklist (Exhibit 15-L) 0 Resident Engineer's Construction Contract Administration Check1 ist (Exhibit 15 -B) "Caltrans improves mobili@ across California" Mr. Hubbs April’ 16, 2003 Page 2 NEW: A copy of the above Construction Contract Award Package must also be submitted with the first invoice to: Department of Trailsportation Division of Accounting Local Programs Accounting Branch, Mail Stop 33 P.O. Box 942874 Sacramento, CA 94274-0001 If your first invoice is also the Final Invoice, then the copy of the Construction Contract Award Package and Final Invoice must be sent to this office. If the Construction Contract Award Package is not sent to Local Programs Accounting Branch, they will return the invoice unpaid. After construction is completed, you must forward to this office a Final Report of Expenditures which includes: 0 Cover Letter (Exhibit 17-A) 0 Final Inspection of Federal Aid Project, Form FIF (Exhibit 17- C). Please send in this form when the project is about 90 to 95 percent complete. 0 Final Invoice using Final Costs (Exhibit 17-D) 0 Final Detail Estimate also using Final Costs (Exhibit 15-M) 0 Change Order Summary, which includes date of completion (Exhibit 17-E) - Also indicate if there are any liquidated damages or contractor claims. 0 Final Report, Utilization of Disadvantaged Business (DBE) and Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) (Exhibit 17-F) 0 Materials Certificate (Exhibit 17-G) 0 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Certification Status Change (Exhibit 17-0) If you have any questions, please call Don Pope, Program Coordinator, at (619) 688-6790. Sincerely, GARY L. VETTESE District Local Assistance Engineer Enclosure “Calirans improves mobility across Calijornia I’ 7 WI El %I El cn IO00 0 IO00 UI I I 1 I I I I I I I El 0 IO00 0 IO00 UI e.. I mcn 4 1 mL0 w I ww WI I lrrl I I I I I I Ell cn IO00 0 IO00 UI -.. 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