HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-16; City Council; 17313; Community Activity Grants ProgramAB# 17,313 MTG. 9-16-03 DEPT. FIN RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT HD? TITLE: COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS PROGRAM Direct staff regarding the funding of Community requests. ITEM EXPLANATION: In the 199O’s, the Community Activity Grants program was put in place by which Council could review all requests to fund special projects for the Community. The program is designed to complement other City programs by providing money for services that may not be eligible for funding under any other City program. In 1999, Council set aside $1 million from which the interest would be used to fund these requests from the community. The focus of the grant funds is to fund start-up costs or other one-time costs to implement new programs; the grants are not meant to be an ongoing source of funding for the programs. There is a three-year limit on grant funding from the Community Activity Grants. To be awarded a grant, an organization or individual must submit an application to the City. A seven-member citizen committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations to Council on allocating the funds. The program also has reporting requirements to ensure that the grant monies are spent as they were intended. The program under this format has been in place for four years. Despite the availability of the Community Activity Grants, Council continues to receive requests for funding programs outside the grant process. Sometimes the reasons have been that the timing of the grant process does not meet the program needs; other times the proponent has not felt that there were sufficient funds available from the grants. This year during the 03-04 budget process, a number of community groups requested funding from Council outside of the grant process. These include Artsplash, Barrio Fiesta, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, and PAL. Council was given several options on funding the requests, which included referring them to the Community Activity Grant process, funding them out of the General fund, or not funding them at all. Before responding to the above requests, Council appointed a Council subcommittee of Council Members Ramona Finnila and Matt Hall to review the current grant program and to return to Council with their recommendations of any changes to be made to the program. Since then the Council subcommittee has met several times and developed a program proposal that includes unique features for Special Events, and Winning Teams as well as several changes to the current program. Each of these programs is detailed below. Special Events This program would provide city funding for Special Events. The eligibility requirements would be the same as the current grant program outlined in Exhibit I. These grants could be requested any time of the year. In order to be considered, an applicant would complete the Special Events application as well as a supplemental application. The supplemental application would include information such as, the purpose and public benefit of the event, a detailed budget including revenue sources, the cost of city services to be provided, and the dollar amount of funding requested from the City. The Special Event would first be approved by the City’s Special Events committee and reviewed by the Finance department before being considered by Council for funding. Once the Special Event is approved, the request would then be presented to Council in an open meeting to allocate the funding. The flowchart (Exhibit 2) shows how the process would work. I Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 17,313 The Council subcommittee is recommending that a maximum amount to be used for the Special Events grants be set aside each year during the budget process. Once the funds are spent, any new requests would need to wait until the following fiscal year. Thus, staff needs direction from Council on the following points: 1. Does Council want to set up this program as outlined in Exhibit I? 2. If so, what should be the amount of money set aside for the 03-04 fiscal year for this program? Winning Teams Council continues to receive requests from various youth teams for a contribution to offset the cost of travel expenses to championship competitions. In the past, there have been discussions by Council about how to determine when to fund such requests. The Council subcommittee developed the following proposed guidelines to be used by the Council to evaluate these types of requests. The guidelines are as follows: 1) The participants are all 18 years of age or under. 2) The event to be sponsored by the City is the result of the advancement of the group through a competitive process to a national event. 3) The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or agency. 4) The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the event. 5) At least 90% of the participants in the team or group are residents of Carlsbad. If the team met the above guidelines they could submit a written request to Council for funding. The requests would be funded from the remaining appropriations in the Community Activity Grant fund or Special Event Community Grant funding. Direction from Council is needed on the following points: 1. Does Council want to set up this program as outlined above? 2. If so, should school teams be eligible for these funds? 3. What should be the maximum amount funded per team? Some suggestions on the amounts include: a fixed dollar amount per team a percentage of the total cost with a not to exceed fixed dollar amount. Communitv Activitv Grant Program When Council set up this program in 1999, the purpose was to fund enrichment programs for the community. It is a way to jump-start good ideas that may otherwise never get off the ground. It was intended that this program would compliment the Community Development Block Grant program, which is focused on funding social service programs (see Exhibit 3), by providing grants for programs that were not eligible for other sources of funding. Therefore, the Council subcommittee is recommending that the current Community Activity Grant Program be revised to specifically exclude social service programs as well as educational institutions from being eligible for these grants. This could be accomplished by specifically stating in the application that these programs are not eligible or by weighting the evaluation criteria towards the community enhancement programs rather than social services. Direction is needed from Council on the following: 1. Does Council want to specifically exclude social service programs and educational institutions from being eligible for Community Activity Grant funds? Once Council gives staff direction on the above questions, staff will bring back a revised Council Policy #51 and a revised grant application for Council adoption. Page 3 of Agenda Bill # 17,313 FISCAL IMPACT: The Council subcommittee is recommending that the Special Events Community Grants be funded each year from the Council's contingency account in the General fund and that the Winning Teams Grants be funded from the remaining appropriations in the Community Activity Grants and Special Events Grant fund. Council has $1 million set aside in the Community Activity Grants fund from which the interest earnings are used to fund the grants. In fiscal year 2003/04, $60,000 has been appropriated. The Council's contingency account has $2.3 million appropriated. I EXHIBITS: 1. Community Special Event Grants - Supplemental Application Guidelines 2. Special Event Community Grant request flowchart. 3. Community Development Block Grant Program Information 3 COMMUNITY SPECIAL EVENTS GRANTS SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES (must be accompanied by a special event permit application) General Information This program provides City funding for special events that benefit the community citywide. In order to be considered, an applicant must complete the Special Events application as well as the supplemental application. The City’s Special Events committee must approve the Event prior to being considered by Council for funding. These grants may be requested any time of the year. Eliqibilitv Requirements: Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply for grant funds. The basic requirements which must be met for an organization to be eligible to apply for Special Event Community Grant are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A Carlsbad City Council member cannot be on the board of the organization. The organization cannot have received money, or donated city services from other City sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year. The event cannot be in conflict with other City programs. The event cannot receive more than three years of Special Event Community Grant funding. The Special Event has received approval from the Special Events Committee. The purpose of the event may not be for any political or religious benefit or other purpose, which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public funds. Reportina Requirements: A report showing budget expectations compared to actual results for all receipts and expenses is required to be filed with the City’s finance department within three months after the event or annually whichever comes first. This includes a detail listing of revenue and expenses for the event. Proof of program expenses are required to be held for two years during which time the City reserves the right to audit the records. If the event has excess revenues over expenses (profit): 1. the City grant must be repaid prior to donating the funds to any other organization or repaying other groups. 2. Some, or all, of this amount may be reserved for next year‘s event. The reserved amount should be indicated on the final financial report. Application 1. Applicant Information: Please provide the requested information including: name, address, phone, Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, and two (2) contact names. Two contact names are required for the application to be considered complete. Be sure that each contact has signed the application; two signatures are required. 2. Grant Request: Enter the dollar amount of City funds you are requesting. If your request includes city services include the dollar amount of those services. 3. Special Event Description: The program description should describe the nature and purpose of the event, the benefits to the Carlsbad community, and the projected percent of Carlsbad residents expected to attend the event. 4. Implementation Plan: Please provide an implementation schedule for the event showing the timeline and activities required to implement the program. If this is an annual event for which you are requesting funds, describe how the event will be funded in the future without the City grant. 5. Budaet: Please provide a detailed budget for the entire event detailing the expected sources of funding and the budget. Include all types of funding sources and expenses including donations and city services required. Separately identify the City services and/or financing being requested, indicate amounts, times and estimated value. Show how the values were determined. City Special Events staff can assist in these estimates. Please include a funding schedule (your request for the timing of disbursement of the funds). Funds will only be disbursed in advance if a separate bank account is maintained and the organization is an established not-for-profit. Applicant must also provide the requested information on current funding sources, and previous City funding received or requested within the past three years. 6. Applicant Background and Experience: Provide the requested background information on your organization. If available, please attach an organization chart. Also, provide information relating to the applicant’s and other employees’ experience in planning, organizing and hosting special events. Include the number of years providing similar services and the experience level of the individual(s). Provide any other information, which would be useful to the reviewers in understanding your capabilities to organize and manage the event for which the funds are requested. Applicants are encouraged to seek partnerships with other civic organizations to enhance their access to experienced individuals. 7. Reportincl Requirements: Applicants must confirm that they will follow the reporting requirements of the grant as specified above. 5 0) 0) c, c, .I E E 0 0 U a, > Q 2 2 CI 0 7 Exhibit 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Community Development Block Grant Program The federal government's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides grants to cities and counties to help develop viable urban communities through the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The amount of each grant is determined by a formula which uses several measures of community need, including the extent of poverty, population, housing over-crowding, age of housing and growth lag in relationship to other metropolitan areas. Each city and county develops their own programs and priorities for using the funds. Priority must be given to activities which meet at least one of the three broad national objectives for the program and at least one of the local community development objectives established by each city or county. National 0 bject ives 1. Provide direct benefit to low and moderate income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and 3. Meet urgent community needs which pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community when no other financial resources are available. Community Development 0 bjectives 1. Affordable Housing Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or retention of affordable housing units within Carlsbad; Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons and families; and Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing. 2. Public/Social Services Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic needs of lower income persons; 0 Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer counseling and self-improvement programs for lower income persons; and Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreational and/or cultural programs for lower income persons. 7 3. Special Needs - Children and Adults 0 Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit lower income children with special needs living in Carlsbad; and 0 Provide assistance to organizations which administer programs that directly benefit low income adults with special needs living in Carlsbad. Eligible Activities Activities that can be carried out with CDBG funds include, but are not limited to: public service activities, acquisition of real property, relocation and demolition, rehabilitation of residential properties, construction of public facilities, and improvements and conversion of schools for eligible purposes. In addition, CDBG funds may be used for activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources. Assistance may also be provided to profit-motivated businesses to carry out economic development activities which benefit low and moderate income persons or households. The types of activities that generally are not eligible for CDBG funding include: buildings for the general conduct of government, political activities, income payments, construction of new housing and other facilities offering 24-hour care. Application and Approval Process Each year, the City of Carlsbad issues a request for proposals through the local newspaper and letters to community organizations, individuals, and City departments for projects or activities to be funded by the CDBG Program. Each eligible proposal is reviewed and evaluated based on the following criteria: 1 ) Organizational abilitylcapacity; 2) Financial capacityktability; 3) Benefits and beneficiaries; and 4) Readiness to implement the proposal. The City Council appoints a CDBG Funding Advisory Committee to review proposals and develop funding recommendations for Council consideration. The City Council then holds a public hearing to obtain input on the needs of the low and moderate income population and on the project proposals submitted to address those needs. The last step in the proposal selection process is Council approval of funding amounts for each project selected for participation in the CDBG Program for that year. Funding Schedule November Req December proposatslapplications for funding accepted. March Advisory April recornme Council reviews rec July Start of new CDBG Program Year, Summary Although the federal regulations for the program are complex, the primary goal of the CDBG program is fairly simple. The goal is as follows: every project or activity funded through the CDBG program must primarily benefit low and moderate income persons as defined by the federal government. Please contact Frank Boensch at 760-434-2818 for more information or to be placed on the City's mailing list for those interested in receiving notices regarding requests for proposals. Community Activity GrantProgram1999-00 AGENDA•Background of program•Subcommittee Recommendations•Special Events •Winning Teams•Community Activity Grants•Council Discussion / Decisions•Return to Council with revised applications and Council Policy #51 Background!$1 million set aside in separate fund!Interest used to fund grants !Focus of grants is to fund enrichment programs not eligible for other city funding!Requests continue to be received outside grant process Council Subcommittee!Formed to review current grant program and make recommendations to Council!Members of committee were Council Members Ramona Finnila and Matt Hall Subcommittee Recommendations!Special events grants!Winning teams!Changes to current Grant program Special Event GrantsProposed Guidelines!Provide city funding for special events!Eligibility requirements same as CAG!Could be requested any time of the year!Event must first be approved by the Special Events committee!Allocation of funding made by council in open meeting from Special Event grant funds Special EventsCouncil Decisions!Does Council want to set up this program?!If so, what amount of money should be set aside for FY04 for this program? Winning Teams!Council receives requests from various youth teams for a contribution to offset travel costs to championship competitions. Winning TeamsProposed Guidelines!Participants are 18 and under!Event is a national competition!Team is a non-profit!Funding is requested prior to event!90% of team are Carlsbad residents!Funding to come from remaining appropriations in CAG or SEG funds Winning TeamsCouncil Decisions!Does Council want to set up a winning teams program?If yes:!Should school teams be eligible?!What should be the maximum amount funded per team? (fixed $ amount, or % of total cost) Community Activity Grants!Purpose of program is to fund enrichment programs for the community.!Intended to compliment the CDBG program which funds social service programs. Community Activity GrantsSubcommittee Recommendation!Revise current Community Activity Grant program to specifically exclude social service programs as well as educational institutions from being eligible. Community Activity GrantsCouncil Decision!Does Council want to specifically exclude social service programs and educational institutions from being eligible for Community Activity Grants? Special EventsCouncil Decisions!Does Council want to set up this program?!If so, what should be the amount of money set aside for the 03-04 fiscal year for this program? Winning TeamsCouncil Decisions!Does Council want to set up a winning teams program?If yes:!Should school teams be eligible?!What should be the maximum amount funded per team? (fixed $ amount, or % of total cost) Community Activity GrantsCouncil Decision!Does Council want to specifically exclude social service programs and educational institutions from being eligible for Community Activity Grants?