HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-23; City Council; 17329; Final Map for CT 01-03 Calavera Hills Phase II4B# 17,329 TITLE: FINAL MAP FOR ITG. MklW33 CALAVERA HILLS PHASE II 9-23-03 CARLSBAD TRACT CT 01-03 DEP;. HDYW CITY ATTY. @/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: IEPT. ENG I VILLAGE “E-1 ” Adopt Resolution No. 2003-255 Hills Phase II -Village “E-1”, and authorizing the City Clerk to process the map for recording. approving the final map for Carlsbad Tract 01-03, Calavera CITY MGR. ITEM EXPLANATION: Engineering staff has completed checking the final map of Carlsbad Tract CT 01-03, known as Calavera Hills Phase II - Village “E-I”. This subdivision is within Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 7 and is located on the south side of Carlsbad Village Drive, between College Boulevard and Glasgow Drive. The 11.67-acre property is being subdivided into one lot with 117 condo minium units. The final map conforms substantially with the tentative map as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on August 7, 2002 pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 5257 and approved by City Council pursuant to City Council Resolution 2002-268 on September 10, 2002. The final map also conforms to the General Plan, all applicable requirements of the Municipal Code, City Standards, and the Growth Management Plan. The applicant, Cal El LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is requesting the recordation of said final map. No further discretionary action is required prior to issuance of building permits. FISCAL IMPACT: The developer pays a plancheck fee to cover the expense of plan checking and processing the final map for recording. All appropriate fees will be paid if and when building permits are issued for this project. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No. 2003-255 approving the final map for Carlsbad Tract CT 01-03, Calavera Hills Phase II - Village “E-I”, and authorizing the City Clerk to process the map for recording. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Frank Jimeno, (760) 602-2758, fiime@ci.carlsbad.ca.us LOCATION M-AP PROJECT NAME CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE "€-I" PROJECT EXHIBIT NUMBER CTOI-03 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ‘b4ipT RESOLUTION NO. 2003-255 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACTCT 01-03, CALAVERA HILLS PHASE II - VILLAGE “E-1”, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO PROCESS THE MAP FOR RECORDING. WHEREAS, Cal El LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as owners, submitted a final map known as Carlsbad Tract CT 01-03 to the City of Carlsbad for approval; and WHEREAS, the tentative map of Carlsbad Tract CT 01-03 with conditions, was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on August 7, 2002, pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 5257 and approved by City Council pursuant to City Council Resolution 2002-268 on September IO, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Director has determined that said map substantially conforms to said conditionally approved tentative map; and WHEREAS, the conditions of approval for said final map have been completed or secured; and WHEREAS, the developer has offered public easements for dedication to the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the final map conforms to the City of Carlsbad General Plan and all requirements of City codes and standards; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determined it to be in the public nterest to approve said final map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, :alifornia, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That said final map known as Carlsbad Tract CT 01-03, Calavera Hills Phase II - dillage “E-1”, which is on file with the Public Works Director and is incorporated herein by .eference, is accepted. 3. 4. That the City accepts the dedications as shown on the final map. That the City Clerk is authorized to cause the original final map to be recorded in he Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California. Il Il 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. That the City Clerk is authorized to release the map to First American Title isurance Company for recording in the Office of the County Recorder. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council eld on the 23rd day of SEPTEMBER , 2003 by the following Vote, to Wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard NOES: None iTTEST: Resolution No. 2003-255 (SEAL) AB 17,369 9-23-0 3 Q9@)b add September 78,2003 &&& The Cape at Calavera Hih Homeowners Association Mr. Don Mitchell McMillin Land Development 2727 Hoover Avenue National City, CA 91950 Mr. Mike Holzmiller Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Wage E-?: Boundary line with Cape of Catavera Hilts and individual homeowners as to trespassing, encroachment, damage to Cape private property, health and safety conditions, and insurance issues. Gentleman: Mr. Bill Champion was authoriized by a vote of the Executive Committee of the Board af Directors for the Cape at Catavera Hills Homeowner's Association to act as liaison between the pa~es on the above mentioned matter. Please direct all information regarding Viflage El to Bill Champion 2979 Ridgefietd Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Home: (760) 730-3004 Cell: (760) 505-5983) 4 Sincere ty , The Board of Directors The Cape at Cataver-a Hills Homeourners Association cc. EdPont Tom London Maureen Lehan Camline Prescott Bacbara Strother Bonny Bruner Eva Brmm Keith Kennedy Etkabeth Harrison Pamela Grover Shiao Carter Bernice Hill Jeff Kuester Mary Kuester Vera Theiss Tom Nash Jill Nash Ryan Carter Shawn Boss, J.D., Attorney at Law September 16,2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Holder, Community Relations Michael Hobmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, McMillin Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfield Homes RE: Plat Mapp Pm That portion of Pad Map No. 16233 filed Spternber 21, 1990, described as Pami 'A" In Certificate of Compliance No. 03-07, In the City of Carlsbad, County d San Diego, State of California, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of an Diego County I 2003 as Rle No. 2003- Of~lRecOrds. Together with Lots 25 and 26 of Carlsbad Tract No. 83-47, The Cape at Ca!avera "ls Unlt No. 1 in the clty of Grlsbad, County of San Diego, state of California, acmdlng to map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, January 17,1983. This is to formally notify the CRy of Carfsbad, et a!, that I am rescinding my signature fbm the Adjustment Plat map that I previously signed regarding Village E-I. The decision to rescind my signature is due to non-disclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMlllin Companies, LLC regarding current and future liabilities of the property in question. My signature on the Adjustment Hat map was premature and lacked full understanding of all the issues both current and future. < Sincerely, L ("- /$ee. Bernice C. Hill Trustee o# the Bernice C. Hill Revocable Trust 2984 Ridgefleld Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 4,2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Holder, Community Red ons Michael Holtzmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, McMillin Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfield Homes RE: Plat Map-baa1 DescriDtion [On McM illin Plat Man) That portion of Parcel Map No. 16233 filed September 21, 1990, described as Parcel "A" in Certificate of Compliance No, 03-07, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County I 2003 as File No. 2003- of Official Records. Together with Lots 25 and 26 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47, The Cape at Calavera Hills Unit No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califwnia, according to map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, January 17,1983. This is to formally notify the City of Carlsbad, et ai, that I am rescinding my signature from the Adjustment Plat map that I previously signed regarding Village E-1. The decision to rescind my *nature is due to ksllptlsclosure of pertinent information ZO homeowners by McMillin Companies, LLC regarding current and future liabilities of the property in question. My signature on the Adjustment Plat map was premature and T lacked full understanding of all the issws both current and fu Sincerely, 2986 Ridgefield Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 - 0 WNER/APPLIcAIvl? I 'PARCEL "A'" RPUCANT: COMPANIES I 2 72 7 HOO VEU A Vi?. VATIONAL CITY, 124, 91950 8 I CALAVERA HILLS I/ LLC, A C;4LtFORM4 LIMITED LMILITY COMPANY 2727 HOOEff AM: I . .1 mTiowi ctn: a. 91950 (619) 477-41 I7 1.. PROJECT SITE L 1 ADJUSTMENT PLAT-CIW OF CARLSBAD NO. 03-08 PREPARED By. APPROKCI BY: A.P.N.: I f 68-04 1-08 Huwm dr AssOcATES 10178 HUENNMENS ST. 167-45 1-25 167-45?-26 W BfCQ l=A. 92121 ~ ~~ - sHr o,,Dm; =No. MTZ (858) SJB-/500 mzam w. t 2/31 /16cM I I ! I. t ! I I e I. - 1 0 WNERS: PARCEL "B " BERNICE C. #Ill, TRUSTEE Of THE 6ERNlCE C. HILL REVOC48LE TRUST 2984 RXXEFIELD AKNUE By: PARCEL "C" VIClNlTY MAP NOT TO SCALE ';G B a JEFFREY KUESTER 2986 RIDGEFIELO A WNUE CARLSMO, a. 92008 TEL. NO. =!:&@@a ____ ' -- -. -_ ___ LEGAL DESCRIPTI: ON TMT PORTIohr Of PARCEL WP NO. 16233 FILER S€PTEM8&R 21. 1990, DESCRfB€O AS PARCEL % ., IN CARLSBU?, COUNTY OF SIN L?/ECO, STATE OF CAFIFORNA, RECORDEO IN THE OffICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER Of S4N DlEGU COUNV --,-, 2003 AS flLE NO. . 2003------ OF OFFi'CM. RKORDS. CERTIRCATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 03-07, IN THE CITY OF TOGEWER WfTH 1UTS 25 AND 26 OF CARLSELdD TRACT NO. 81-47, THE CllPE AT CALAVERA HllLS UNIT NU. 1, IN TU[ CITY OF CARLSW, COUNTY OF W DtEGO, SJATE OF IN THE OFFICE OF THE CQUN7Y RECORUER Of WR COUffm, JANUARY 17, 1983. CALIFORNL~, ACCORDING ro MP THEREOF NO. 10565 RLED EXHIBIT "B" EXP. 12/3 1 /OS September 5, 2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Holder, Community Relations Michael Holtzmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, McMillin Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfteld Homes RE: Plat Map-Leaal Descriotion [On McMillin Plat Man1 All of Parcel Map No. 16233 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County September 21, 1990 as File No. 90-518471 of Official Records, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. Together with Lots 6, 12 and 21 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47, The Cape at Calavera Hills Unit No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, January 17,1983. This is to formally notify the City of Carlsbad, et al, that I am rescinding my signature from the Adjustment Plat mp that I previously signed regarding Village E-1. The decision to rescind my signature is due to non-disclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMillin Companies, LLC regarding current and future liabilities of the property in question. My signature on the Adjustment Plat map was premature and lacked full understanding of all the issues both current and future. Sincerely, Elizabeth G. Harrison 4527 Hartford Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 4 September 5,2003 Cadsbad Ci Council Sandy Holder, Community Relations Michael Holtrmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMiltin, McMillln Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Bmktleld Homes RE: Flat Map--n Mc- All of Pad Map No. 16233 filed In the OfTlce of the County Recorder of San Diego County september 21, 1990 as File No. 90-518471 of OPAclal Records, in the City of Carlsbad, Cwnty of San Diego, State of California. Together with Lots 6,12 and 21 of Cartsbad Tract No. 8147, The Cape at Calavera "is Unit No. 1 In the City of Cadsbad, County of San oiego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 10565 filed in the OfRCe of the County Recorder of said Caunty, January 17,1983. This is to formally notify the City of Carlsbad, et al, that I am rescinding my signature from the Adjustment Plat map that I previously signed regarding Village E-1. The decision to rescind my signature is due to nondisclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMitlin Companies, LLC regarding current and future liabilities of the property in question. My signature on the Adjustment Plat map was premature and lacked full understanding of all the issues both current and future. Sincerely, Pamela S. Glover 4526 Hartford Pke Catisbad, CA 92008 0 WNE.? APPUCANT: I PAR / EL "A" .>PUcANT. MCMlL LIN COMPANIES 3727 HOOVER AVf. NATIONAL CIW, CA, 91950 - ' CALAKRA HILLS It LLC. ADJUSTMENT PLAT-Ct'TY Of CARLSBAD NO. 03-06 PREPARED By: APPROVED BY: A.P.N . : T68-04 ? -08 HUNSAKER & AssocuTEs 10179 numumus ST. I67-45 1-06 RCEnwa 167-451- 12 s4N DEGO, C4 92121 DlPDm WE ? 67-45 1-2 1 sn cHt ol camp , yIT or.pm; Mp. 12/51/2005 II__ (858) fi58-1500 I 1 I I I I I ..I I I I VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PARCEL "C" PAMELA S. GLOVER 4526 MRTFORO PUCE Kl. NO. - LEGAL DESCRIPTION 9200 All OF PARCEi MAP NO. 16233 FiLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNrY RECORDER OF' S;4N DIECO COUNTY SEPTEMBER IN THE CITY OF CARLSBW, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNM By: PARCEL - 'D" TOCZTHER WITH LOTS 6, I2 AND 21 QF C4RLSMD TMCT vER(I'M. 1HESS NO. 8?-47. THE CAPE AT CALAWRA HILLS UNIT NO. I, IN 2974 RIDGEFIELD AKNUE THE CITY OF CARLSR40, COUNTY Of YIN DIEGO, STAE OF CALlFORN/A. ACCORDING TO MAP THEUEOF NO. 10565 FILED IN THE OFRCE OF 7l-E COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CUUNV, JANUARY 17, 198.3. 21. 1990 AS FtlE NO. 90-518471 OF OFnclAl RECMDS, PAMElA S. GLOVER -- OAVlD W. AMBLER L.S. 7233 EXP. 12/31 /05 EXUlBlT "€3" August 27,2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Holder, Community Relations Michael Holtzmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, McMillin Companies, .LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfield Homes RE: Plat Map-LeaaI DescriDtion (On McMillin Plat MaDl That portion of Parcel Map NO, 16233 filed September 21, 1990, described as Parcel "A" in Certificate of Compliance No. 03-08, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, recorded in the Office of the County recorder of San Diego County I 2003 as File No. 2003- of Official Records. Together with Lots 27 and 28 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47, The Capte at Calavera Hills Unit No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, January 17, 1983. This is to formally notify the City of Carlsbad, et ai, that we are rescinding our signatures from the Adjustment Plat map that we previously signed regarding Village E- l. The decision to rescind our signatures is due to non-disclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMillin Companies, LLC regarding current and future liabilities of the property in question. Our signatures on the Adjustment Plat map was premature and lacked full understanding of alt the issues both current and future. Since re I y, 1 \ I Shiao Lan Carter 2988 East Ridgefield Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 2988 East Ridgefield Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 5,2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Hotder, Community Relations Michael Holtmitler, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, Mdvlillin Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfield Homes RE: Plat Map--On That porW of Parcel Map NO. 16233 filed september 21, 1990, described as Pad "A" in Certificate of Compliance No. 03-08, In the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dlego, State of 2003 as Flh NO. 2003- California, recorded in the OfRe of the County recorder of San Diego County "t of Official Records. Togett'rer wlth Lots 27 and 28 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47, The Cape at Calavera Hills Unit No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San D@o, State of Caiifwnla, according to map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, Janwty 17,1983. This is to formally notify the clty of Carlsbad, et at, that I am rescinding my signature from the Adjustment Plat map that I previously signed regarding Village E-1. The decision to rescind my signature is due to nondisclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMillin Companies, UC regarding current and future liabilities ofthe property in question. My signature on the Adjusbnent Plat map was premature and lacked full understanding of all the issues both current and firkrre. Sincerely, 2990 Ridgefield Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 0 WNER/A PPLICANT: I- ?LIcANT: PARCEL T' 1 CALAWA HILLS I1 LLC, NO. 03-09 - ADJUSTMENT PLAT-CllY OF CARLSBAD PREPARED BY lAPPROVE0 BY: A.P.N.: / OWNERS: . i-Mc,wL LIN COMPANIES 2727 HOOVER AM. -NATIONAL ClW, CA. 91950 I L I 1- I- 1. I- I. I I -- I. I. -1 HUNSAKER & Assocum 101 79 UUENMKfNS ST, W DIEGO, C4. 92121 &II cER~ co#o , sM or.om: (BSS) 558-4500 PARCEL #*BH CMRLES RYAN CARTER AND SUMO LAN OIRTER 2988 GIST RIOGEFKLD AClrNUE CARLSBAD, C4 92008 PARCEL "C" VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 84R&4RA ALLYN STROTHER 2990 RIDGEFIE1 0 AVENUE CARLS€MO, CA. 92008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL W NO. 16233 RLED 2 I, 1990, DESCRIBED AS PARCEl 2 * IN OF COMPLMNCE NO. IN THE CIN OF COUNTY OF SIN DI€GO, STATE OF CALlFORNM, fN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SIN DIEGO COUNTY , 2003 AS FILE NO. 2003-,-,-- OF OFFICML RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH LUTS 27 AND 28 OF c4RLSB4D TRACT NO. 81-17, WE CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS UNIT NO. I, fN WE CITY OF C4RLSB40, COUNTY OF W DIEGO. STATE OF C;QLIFORNl4, ACCORDING TO MP TH€REQF NU. 10565 RLEO IN THE OmCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF WD COUNV, ,JANUARY 17, 1983. EXHlBIT "B " EXP. 1 2/3 1 /05 I I SHEET 1 OF 3 I -n:\O196\&h4ap\BA Cert of Comp 4 SHT O?.DWG[ f89t)Moy-08-2003 W.O. 1941-42 I I L 168-04 1-08 P 167-457 -27 167-45 1-28 August 27,2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Holder, Community Relations Michael Holtzmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, McMillin Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfield Homes RE: Plat Map-kaal Descrintion (On McMillin Plat Man) All of Parcel Map No. 16233 Filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County September 21, 1990 As File No. 90-518471 of Official Records, in the City of Carlsbad, County of sn Diego, state of California. Together with Lots 6, 12 and 21 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47, The Cape At Calavera Hills Unit No. 1, in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, January 17,1983. This is to formally notify the City of Carlsbad, et al, that I am rescinding my signature from the Adjustment Plat map that I previously signed regarding Village E-1. The decision to rescind my signature is due to non-disclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMillin Companies, LLC regarding current and future liabilities of the property in question. My signature on the Adjustment Plat map was premature and lacked full understanding of all the issues both current and future. Sincerely, I J - Vera L. Theiss L 2974 Ridgefield Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 September 4,2003 Carlsbad City Council Sandy Holder, Community Relations Michael Holtzmiller, Planning Department Planning Commission Mark McMillin, McMillZn Companies, LLC Dale Gleed, Brookfield Homes RE: Hat Mal Plat- That portion of Parcd Map No. 16233 filed September 21, 1990, described as Parcel “A” in Certlm of Compliance No. 03-06, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Oltfomb, recorded in the office of the County Recarder of San Mego County J 2003 as Ffle No. 2003- of OFWal Records. Together with Lots 22, 23 and 24 of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47, The Cape at Calavera H4ls Unit No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County d San Mego, State of Califomla, according to map thereof No. 10565 flled in the Offke of the County Rtmrder d said County, 3anuary 17,1983. This is to formally notify the City of Carlsbad, et al, that I am rescinding my signature from the Adjustment Plat map that I previously signed regarding Village El. The decision to rescind my signature is due to non-disclosure of pertinent information to homeowners by McMillin Companies, LLC regarding current and fuhrre liabilities of the property in question. My signature on the Adjustment Plat map was premature and lacked full understanding of all the issues both current and future. Sincerely, rc, M. Keith M. Kennedy 2980 Ridgefieid Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008