HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-04; City Council; 17366; Regional Comprehensive Plan Status BriefingCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 17,366 6 TITLE: REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MTG. 11-4-03 I STATUS BRIEFING RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council RECEIVE A BRIEFING regarding the draft Regional Comprehensive Plan. This is an information item only. No action is being requested. ITEM EXPLANATION: In early December of this year the SANDAG Board of Directors is scheduled to take action (issue a draft for formal review) on the new Regional Comprehensive Plan (RCP). In an effort to build awareness about the plan in advance of the formal draft release, and at the recommendation of SANDAG, staff is proposing a briefing about the plan. Based upon the final 2030 Forecasts, the RCP will focus on the relationship between transportation and land use, using the recently updated Regional Transportation Plan (Mobility 2030), and the existing regional habitat conservation plans, as starting points, the integration of transportation and land use in the RCP will involve a balance of: + Sensitive lands protection, 4 Housing opportunities, 4 Job opportunities, and 4 Adequate public facilities and services While these issues will be viewed primarily from the traditional single-county perspective, the RCP will also consider a number of “borders” issues, which involve our relationships with Mexico, the counties of Imperial, Riverside, and Orange, and tribal governments within and outside San Diego County. The proposed RCP planning framework is provided as Exhibit 1. A copy of the outline of the draft RCP is provided as Exhibit 2. ENVIRONMENTAL: None is required as this is an informational item only FISCAL IMPACT: No impacts are associated with this information item. The Regional Comprehensive Plan, however, will make proposals regarding fiscal incentives and disincentives for the funding of regional infrastructure, with emphasis on transportation and transit facilities. In addition, proposals aimed at accommodating the growth being forecast through 2030 could result in local agencies amending their general plans in ways that could affect the needs for and costs of providing local infrastructure and services. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. “Proposed RCP Planning Framework,” October 2003, SANDAG “Initial Draft Outline for RCP,” August 2003, SANDAG DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Dennis Turner, (760) 602-4609, dturn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us I EXHIBIT 1 PROPOSED RCP PLANNING FRAMEWORK Preferred Planning Concept "Borders" issues: - Mexico - Neighboring - Tribal governments counties I 4 h Land Use Transportation I i (Urban Form) I Transportation Systems: - Highways/arterials -Transit - Non-motorize&: - Air/Water/Rail Sensitive Lands % Transportation Demand Mgt. Transportation Systems Mgt. I AB #17,366 Conservation Environment) Public Facilities and Services Assessments: - Environmental - EconomidFiscal - Social Equity Implementation Program Performance Monitoring 3 Jobs (Economic Prosperity) EXHIBIT 2 o Conceptual map scenarios Chapters - Goals, Policy Objectives, Actions o UrbanForm o Healthy Ecosystems o Housing o Transportation o Economic Prosperity o Public Facilities o Borders . AB #17,366 General Structure of Each Chapter . Envisioning the Future Issue Statement . Interrelated Issues / Relationship to Other RCP Chapters Environmental Justice / Social Equity . Goals . Policy Objectives . Actions J INITIAL DRAFT OUTLINE FOR RCP I. II. 111. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII; Executive Summary . Regional Priorities . Call-to-Action Introduction . What is the RCP? . Why is the RCP Important? How will the RCP be Used? Regional Vision and Core Values . . Vision and Core Values - Foundation for RCP Chapters Public's involvement in defining the vision and core values How do the vision and core values relate to smart growth and sustainability? Sustainability in the San Diego Region . . Reaching a balance between economic prosperity, a healthy environment, and social equity Environmental Justice and Social Equity Overview of the San Diego Region . Current Conditions . Future Trends 3 Page 2 of Exhibit 2 to AB #17,366 . . Compacts with local jurisdictions and infrastructure providers Actions that can be taken by individuals and the private sector IX. Performance Measures . . Base upon goals and policy objectives Build upon existing local and regional efforts X. RCP Updates - Where do We Go from Here? Anticipated process for updating the RCP Appendices: . Glossary of Terms . Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) . Regional Housing Needs Assessment . 2030 Final Cities/County Forecast . Maps . . Resolution Accepting Draft RCP . Others??? IRIS-Specific Items (Ex. Tables, Figures, etc.) Public Process for Developing the RCP More Detailed Descriptions Pulled from Chapters Proposed Policy and Proposed Policy and Planning FrameworkPlanning Framework Key IssuesKey Issues!How should the RCP be structured?!What kinds of policies, actions, and criteria will strengthen the connection between transportation and land use?!How should transportation planning and evaluation processes be designed to effectively implement the RCP? How Should the RCP Be How Should the RCP Be Structured?Structured? RCP Planning FrameworkRCP Planning FrameworkPlanning ConceptVision/Core ValuesTRANSPORTATIONTransportationSystems DevelopmentTransportationDemand ManagementTransportation Systems ManagementGrowth ForecastSensitive Lands ConservationPublic Facilities& ServicesSustainability AssessmentsImplementation ProgramPerformance MonitioringLAND USE / URBAN FORMHousingJobs“Borders” Issues Vision StatementVision Statement“Preserve and enhance theSan Diego region’s unique features –its vibrant and culturally diverse communities, its beaches, deserts, mountains, lagoons, bluffs, andcanyons, and its international setting –and promote sustainability,economic prosperity, and an outstandingquality of life for everyone.” Growth ForecastGrowth Forecast.501. of People19701980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030Population Planning ConceptPlanning ConceptGoals:!Protect our most sensitive lands!Improve our transportation system!Plan for adequate housing and jobs !Provide adequate public facilities LocalLocaland Regionaland RegionalLand UseLand UsePlansPlansConnecting our Transportation and Land Use PlansConnecting our Transportation and Land Use PlansLocal and RegionalLocal and RegionalTransportationTransportationPlansPlansRCP FRAMEWORKRCP FRAMEWORK Using Transportation & Land Use PlansTo Guide Other PlansUsing Transportation & Land Use PlansUsing Transportation & Land Use PlansTo Guide Other PlansTo Guide Other PlansLocal and RegionalLocal and RegionalLand UseLand UsePlansPlansLocal and RegionalLocal and RegionalTransportationTransportationPlansPlansRCP FRAMEWORKRCP FRAMEWORKStorm WaterStorm WaterSolid WasteSolid WasteEducationEducationWaterWaterEnergyEnergyOpen SpaceOpen SpaceWastewaterWastewater Sustainability AssessmentSustainability Assessment!Make sure that new growth is sustainable:!Environment!Economy!Equity How Can the RCP How Can the RCP Strengthen the Strengthen the Transportation / Land Use Transportation / Land Use Connection?Connection? TransportationTransportation--Land Use ConnectionLand Use Connection 20302030MobilityMobilityNetworkNetwork “Smart“SmartGrowth Growth Opportunity Opportunity Areas”Areas” Walkable CommunitiesWalkable Communities Walkable CommunitiesWalkable Communities Target AreasTarget Areas!Implement 2030 RTP “Mobility Network”!Improve connectivity of transportation systems!Provide adequate transportation funding!Facilitate coordination among jurisdictions!Consider mobility in approving new land uses!Design development to reduce auto dependency!Align timing of transportation and land use How should transportation planning How should transportation planning and evaluation processes be and evaluation processes be changed?changed? Proposed Implementation ApproachProposed Implementation ApproachKey Concepts:!Revised Transportation Project Evaluation Criteria!Single set of criteria!Revised criteria to reflect target areas !Sub-regional Plans and Implementation Programs ExistingExistingTransportationTransportationPlanning / Evaluation ProcessPlanning / Evaluation ProcessRegional Transportation Plan:2030 Mobility NetworkRegional Transportation Plan:2010 Project ListRegional Transportation Improvement Plan:(5 Year Plan)HighwayProjectEvaluationCriteriaTransitProjectEvaluationCriteriaRegionalArterialProjectEvaluationCriteriaFreeway-to-FreewayConnectorEvaluationCriteria ExistingExistingTransportationTransportationPlanning / Evaluation ProcessPlanning / Evaluation ProcessRegional Transportation Plan:2030 Mobility NetworkRegional Transportation Plan:2010 Project ListHighwayProjectEvaluationCriteriaTransitProjectEvaluationCriteriaRegionalArterialProjectEvaluationCriteriaFreeway-to-FreewayConnectorEvaluationCriteriaTransportationProjectEvaluationCriteriaRegional Transportation Improvement Plan:(5 Year Plan) ProposedProposedTransportationTransportationPlanning / Evaluation ProcessPlanning / Evaluation ProcessRegional Transportation Plan:2030 Mobility NetworkRegional Transportation Plan:2010 Project ListRegional TransportationImprovement Plan:(5 Year Plan)Transportation ProjectEvaluation CriteriaRegional Transportation Plan:2030 Mobility NetworkRegional Transportation Plan:2010 Project ListRegional TransportationImprovement Plan:(5 Year Plan)Transportation ProjectEvaluation Criteria ProposedProposedTransportationTransportationPlanning / Evaluation ProcessPlanning / Evaluation ProcessSub-regionalCorridor &NetworkStudiesGeneral PlanCirculation ElementsRegional Transportation Plan:2030 Mobility NetworkRegional Transportation Plan:2010 Project ListRegional TransportationImprovement Plan:(5 Year Plan)Transportation ProjectEvaluation CriteriaREGIONALSUB-REGIONALCITY/COUNTYSub-regionalImplementationPlans(incl. CMP)Local TransportationPhasing PlansCapital ImprovementPrograms(5 Year Plan) II--805 / I805 / I--55Transportation Transportation Study AreaStudy Area Target AreasTarget Areas!Implement 2030 RTP “Mobility Network”!Improve connectivity of transportation systems!Provide adequate transportation funding!Facilitate coordination among jurisdictions!Consider mobility in approving new land uses!Design development to reduce auto dependency!Align timing of transportation and land use What Happens Next?What Happens Next?1. Discuss this report with Policy Development Board on November 72. Review preliminary draft of RCP with Regional Planning Committee on November 143. Present Draft RCP to Board of Directors for public release on December 19 Key IssuesKey Issues!How should the RCP be structured?!What kinds of policies, actions, and criteria will strengthen the connection between transportation and land use?!How should transportation planning and evaluation processes be designed to effectively implement the RCP? Proposed Policy and Proposed Policy and Planning FrameworkPlanning Framework