HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-18; City Council; 17374; Appropriation of Funds to Solid Waste Fundn a a a w 6 a z 0 F 2 6 z 3 0 0 17,374 \B# ATG. 1 1 /18/03 IEPT. ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL TITLE: APPROPRIATION OF APPROVED USED OIL BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS, AND ALL ASSOCIATED INTEREST, % TO THE SOLID WASTE FUND CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-298 appro riatin approved funds received from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIW MBY Usej Oil Block Grant Program, and all associated interest, to the Solid Waste Fund. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act authorizes the State of California to collect four cents for every quart of lubrication oil (i.e. motor oil) sold, transferred, or imported into California. A portion of these funds is available to local governments in the form of non-competitive block grants for establishing used oil collection programs, which encourage recycling of used oil. The California Integrated Waste Management Board administers a Used Oil Block Grant Program to provide opportunities for the recycling of used oil. As part of this program, the Board issues block funds to help local governments establish or enhance permanent, sustainable used oil recycling programs. Under Cit Council Resolution No. 2000-149 and 2003-126, the City Council authorized staff to apply for 8 IWMB Grant Program funds. The City was awarded three funding cycles of the Used Oil Block Grant Program funds to be expended over the next three years through November 2006. Upon awarding funds each grant cycle must be expended within three years from the award date. Cycles may overlap and run concurrently. The block funds will be used to address continued public education, and enhance the uality and previous block funds from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIW MB) to develop an outreach campaign, strengthen the infrastructure of current collection facilities, and purchase storm drain markings. Staff recommends that the funding awards plus interest be appropriated in the Solid Waste Fund to continue the City’s ongoing used oil collection programs. quantity of permanent used oil collection facilities available to Carlsbad residents. 8 taff used FISCAL IMPACT: The City has received approvals for State Used Oil Block Grant funds for Cycles 7, 8, and 9, but these funds are not yet appropriated. To date, the City has received 90% of the Cycle 7 and 8 funds, the remainder to be received upon completion of the fund cycle. Cycle 9 funds have been approved by the State, but no funds have yet been received. No expenditures by the City have occurred in any of the three cycles to date. The following table shows Carlsbad’s Block Grant award amounts, plus interest earned on the receipts, through June 30, 2003. The total Block Grant fund amount to be appropriated to the City is $101,326 for Cycles 7, 8 and 9. EXHIBITS: appropriating Used Oil Block Grant Program Funds and 2003-298 1. Resolution No. 2. all associated interest, to the Solid Waste Fund. Grant approval documents for cycles 7, 8, and 9. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ann McClain, (760) 602-2776, amccl @ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-298 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING APPROVED FUNDS FOR THE USED OIL BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, AND ALL ASSOCIATED INTEREST, TO THE SOLID WASTE FUND. WHEREAS, grant funding has been established by the California Recycling Act and is wailable to cities and counties through the California Integrated Waste Management Board CIW MB) for establishing and maintaining local used oil collection programs that encourage -ecycling or appropriate disposal of used oil; and WHEREAS, CIWMB awards local agencies Used Oil Block Grant Program funds and the 3ty was awarded three funding cycles of the Used Oil Block Grant Program funds to be ?xpended over the next three years through November 2006. Upon awarding funding, each grant :ycle must be expended within three years from the award date; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has received CIWMB approval for funds totaling $91,021 or Cycles 7, 8, and 9; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is desirous of appropriating these funds and any interest ?arned on these funds in the Solid Waste Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, :alifornia, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized to appropriate $101,326 into the Solid ‘Vaste Fund, which amount represents the CIWMB Used Oil Block Grant Program awards eceived by the City for Cycles 7, 8, and 9 plus interest earned on receipts to date. ‘I ‘I !I 7 7 7 7 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~ 3. That future interest earnings on ClWMB Used Oil Block Grant awards received by the City are approved for appropriation into the Solid Waste Fund. 4. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council 7eld on the 18th day of November ,2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard iTTEST: (SEAL) i L GM(Bf7- 2 c+@ California Integrated Waste Management Board Linda Moulton-Patterson, Chair 1001 I Street 0 Sacramento, California 95814 0 (916) 341-6000 Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 4025, Sacramento, CA 9.58124025 www.ciwmb.ca.gov Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection Gray Davis Governor August 15,2001 Julie Ross Carls bad Community Services Dept. 405 Oak Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008-3009 RE: Dear Ms. Ross: Congratulations on the award of your 2001/2002 Used Oils Recycling Block Grant-Seventh Cycle (UBG7). Enclosed is the formal agreement package Agreement Form and various exhibits including the T Procedures and Requirements (Exhibit B), and*’Supplernental Information (Exhibit C). In addition, we have enclosed a Payment Request Form, to request advance payment, for you to return along with the signed Grant Agreement in the pre-addressed envelope provided. Used Oil Recycling Block Grant-Seventh Cycle, Fiscal Year 2OO1/2002-U6G7-01-6129 ur grant, which includes the Grant nd Conditions (Exhibit A), This grant cyde is similar to last year‘s cycle in many respects. Some of these similarities are highlighted below: Grant Agreements wilt be issued each year encumbering one year‘s funding and allowing three years to spend the funds. Example: Funds issued for fiscal year 2001/02 on July 1, 2001, must be spent by June 30,2004. Any funds that remain unspent after the term of the agreement must be repaid to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). Grantees will be advanced 90% of their Block Grant allocation. The remaining 10% will be released to the grantee on a reimbursement basis, once the Grantee has complied with all grant provisions. Grantees must track interest accrued on the advance payment of Block Grant Funds and report this in the semi-annual reports. Please see Chapters Seven and Eight of the Procedures and Requirements for more information. 0 Seyenth Cycle (Fiscal Year 2001/02) Used Oil Recycling Block Grant funds must be tracked separately from the Fifth Cycle and Sixth Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant funds. California Environmental Protection Agency Printed on Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. E Very Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web site at httu://www.ciwmb.ca,eov/. ApproNmately $0.024 per capita for used oil filter expenses has been included in the Block Grant allocation. A used oil filter collection and education program must be incorporated into the grantee’s used oil grant program. Grantees are required to purchase materials that contain the maximum recycled content available and to certify to the recycled content in all materials purchased with grant funds. . Please see Chapter Six of the Procedures and Requirements for details. I Although there are many similarities with the previous grant cycle, there are also some important changes. We would like to highlight a few changes that take effect starting July 1, 2001, and thqt are more completely described in the Procedures and Requirements. nual report for the July to December period, due on February 15,,will now consist of the Expenditure Itemization Summary. The report due August 15 will be a full report of all’activities for the year from July through June. percent of the total grant award, among other conditions. in order to claim overhead costs, grantees must follow the guidelines in the Audit Section of the Procedures and t Requirements. Submittal of a Premium Request Form is now require most premium requests. Note that certain premiums, recycling use or connection (oil funnels, used oil and shop rags) will not require the use of the form or gra Purchasing items that contribute to the household hazardous waste stream is now an ineligible expense. For example, purchasing flashlights as a promotional item would be ineligible because the battery to run the flashlight is a hazardous waste. Please review these changes and call your Grant Manager if you have any questions. . For source reduction purposes we have not sent out another binder with your UBG7 Grant Agreement package. Grantees are asked to insert the UBG7 agreement package into their UBG6 agreement binder so that you can refer to the requirements for each grant as needed. The UBGG agreement package was printed on white paper and the bottom left comer references the Version 7/00. The UBG7 agreement package has been printed on blue paper and the bottom left corner references the Version 7/01. The blue pages for the UBG7 DO NOT replace the white pages for the UBGG. If you did not receive a 6” Cycle Used Oil Block Grant, you will be provided a binder containing the Terms and Conditions, Procedures and Requirements and other supplemental information for this 7’h Cycle Grant. direct CosVOverhead is now explicitly defi d as an eligible expense but is limited to 10 itiate and receive approval for clear and unambiguous oil ntainers, oil change mats, and ger pre-approval. -+ . , t 3 e Grantees are responsible for reading the enclosed documents. The Procedures and Requirements describe the proper administration of your Seventh Cycle 2001/2002 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant. These documents should answer most of your questions concerning the administration of your grant. It is also advisable that you provide a copy of these documents to your finance department. 5 After reviewing all of the enclosed documents please: 0 1. Complete the lines on the Grant Agreement form entitled: "Grantee's Signature, Title, Date, and Grantee's Address." Please note the "Authorized Representative" MUST be the person identified in your grant application resolution as having signature authority for your jurisdiction(s) for purposes of this grant. If your resolution includes "or designee(@," you must submit a letter signed by the primary signature authority naming their designee(s). 2. Have the Authorized Representative sign the enclosed Payment Request Form in order to receive the advance payment. Be sure to complete the "Agency/Business Name, Agency/Business Contact, and Agency/Business Mailing Address" portion of the form. 3. Return the completed Grant Agreement and Payment Request forms, with original signatures, no later than November 13,2001, in the enclosed envelope. Please be advised Board policy states that Grant Agreements must be executed and returned by the grantee within 90 days from date of this letter. Failure to return the executed agreement within 90 days may result in the loss of grant funding. Upon receipt and approval of the signed Grant Agreement, your Grant Manager will process the contract and send you a fully executed copy for insertion into the binder. If you have any questions regarding the administration of this grant after you have reviewed the enclosed documents, please contact your Grant Manager, Cheryl Williams, at (916) 341 -6462 or e-mail at cwilliamOciwmb.ca.gov. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Shirley Willd-Wagner, Manager Used Oil and Household Hazardous Waste Branch Enclosures: Grant Agreement Form Payment Request Form Return Envelope (Exhibit A) - Terms and Conditions (Exhibit B) - Procedures and Requirements (Exhibit C) - Supplemental Information STA- 4 CALIFORNIA - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT CIWM8110 (NEW 10196) TAXPAYERS FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER TERM OF GRANT AGREEMENT FROM: July 1,2001 CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,914.00 TO: June 30,2004 I GRANTNUMBER I UBG7-01-6129 NT PROGRAM 2001/2002 Used Oil Block Grants - Seventh Cycle GRANT RECIPIENT3 NAME rHlS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this 1st day of July , 20m, by the State of California, acting through the Executive Director of the 2alifornia Integrated Waste Management Board (the 'State3 and Citv of Carlsbad (the 'Grantee'). The State and the Grantee, in mutual consideration of the xomises made herein, agree as follows: The Grantee agrees to perform the work necessary to implement a local Used Oil & Filter Collection Program as described in the application approved by the itate. 'he Grantee further agrees to abide by the provisions of the following exhibits attached hereto: Exhibit A -Terms and Conditions Exhibit B.1 - 8.8 - Procedures and Requirements khibits A AND B.l - 8.8 attached hereto and the State approved application are incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. he State agrees to fund work done by the Grantee in accordance with this Agreement up to the Total Grant Amount Not to Exceed specified herein. 2001/2002 Used Oil Block Grants - 7m Cycle CA Used Oil Recycling $25,914.00 ATE $25,914.00 U Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection Ewgl-r 2 California Integrated Waste Management Board c@4' 8 J$ECEIVED E~~NEERI~J~ DEPARTMENT Linda Moulton-Patterson, Chair 1001 I Street 0 Sacramento, California 95814 0 (916) 341-60 Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 4025, Sacramento, CA 95812-4 O6 2002 GrayDavis www.ciwmb.ca.gov Governor September 3,2002 **CERTIFIED MAIL" Clint Phillips City of Carlsbad Public Works-Maintenance 8t Operations 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad. CA 92008-3009 RE: Used Oil Recycling Block Grant-Eighth Cycle, Fiscal Year 2002/2003-UBG8-02-8129 Dear Mr. Phillips: Congratulations on the award of your 20082003 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant-Eighth Cycle (UBG8). Enclosed is the formal agreement package for your grant, which includes the Grant Agreement Form and various exhibits including the Terms and Conditions (Exhibit A), Procedures and Requirements (Exhibit B), and Supplemental Information (Exhibit C). In addition, we have enclosed a Payment Request Form, to request advance payment, for you to return along with the signed Grant Agreement in the pre-addressed envelope provided. This grant cycle is similar to last year's cycle in many respects. Some of these similarities are highlighted below: Grant Agreements will be issued each year encumbering one year's funding and allowing three years to spend the funds. Example: Funds issued for fiscal year 200803 on July 1, 2002, must be spent by June 30,2005. Any funds that remain unspent after the term of the agreement must be repaid to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). Grantees will be advanced 90% of their Block Grant allocation. The remaining 10% will be released to the grantee on a reimbursement basis, once the Grantee has complied with all grant provisions. Grantees must track interest accrued on the advance payment of Block Grant Funds and report this in the semi-annual reports. Please see Chapters Seven and Eight of the Procedures and Requirements for more information. Eighth Cycle (Fiscal Year 2002/03) Used Oil Recycling Block Grant funds must be tracked separately from the Sixth Cycle and Seventh Cycle Used Oil Recycling Block Grant funds. Approximately $0.024 per capita for used oil filter expenses has been included in the Block Grant allocation. A used oil filter collection and education program must be incorporated into the grantee's used oil grant program. California Environmental Protection Agency % Printed on Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web site at htm:/fwww.ciwmb.ca.gov/. ii'. 0 Indirect CosVOverhead is now explicitly defined as an eligible expense but is limited to 10 perceht of the total grant award, among other conditions. In order to claim overhead costs, grantees must follow the guidelines in the Audit Section of the Procedures and Requirements. Although there are many similarities with the previous grant cycle, we wish to highlight a few requirements effective July 1, 2002 that desire special attention. 0 In an effort to make administration of the Used Oil Block Grant 8* cycle more efficient, this cycle is authorizing an alternative option to the pre-approval process for publicity and education (P&E) items and materials. Under this option the Grantee will not be required to obtain pre-approval from the CIWMB Grant Manager for certain P&E itemdmaterials such as: premiums, print adshrochures, flyers, etc. To qualify for use of this option, dollar limits of $6 per single premium item and $1 00,000 for quantity of a single item have been set. Use of this option constitutes acceptance by the Grantee to submit a Publicity and Education Requirements Verification Form. 0 Purchasing items that contribute to the household hazardous waste stream is prohibited. For example, purchasing flashlights as a promotional item would be ineligible because the battery to run the flashlight is a hazardous waste. 0 All Grantees must report the percentage of recycled content material for products purchased in certain product categories. Grantees must use a separate Recycled Content Certification (RCP) Form, for each supplier and submit these forms with each February and August report. Grantees are responsible for reading the enclosed documents. The Procedures and Requirements describe the proper administration of your Eighth Cycle 2002/2003 Used Oil Recycling Block Grant. These documents should answer most of your questions concerning the administration of your grant. It is also advisable that you provide a copy of these documents to your finance department. After reviewing all of the enclosed documents please: 1. Complete the lines on the Grant Agreement form entitled: “Grantee’s Signature, Title, Date, and Grantee’s Address.” Please note the “Authorized Representative” MUST be the person identified in your grant application resolution as having signature authority for your jurisdiction(s) for purposes of this grant. If your resolution includes “or designee@),” you must submit a letter signed by the primary signature authority naming their designee(s). 2. Have the Authorized Representative sign the enclosed Payment Request Form in order to receive the advance payment. Be sure to complete the “Agency/Business Name, Agency/Business Contact, and Agency/Business Mailing Address” portion of the form. 3. Return the completed Grant Agreement and Payment Request forms, with original signatures, no later than December 2. 2002, in the enclosed envelope. Please be advised Board policy states that Grant Agreements must be executed and returned by the grantee within 90 days from date of this letter. Failure to return the executed agreement within 90 days may result in the loss of grant funding. Upon receipt and approval of the signed Grant Agreement, your Grant Manager will process the contract and send you a fully executed copy for insertion into the binder. For source reduction purposes we have not sent out another binder with your UBG8 Grant Agreement package. Grantees are asked to insert the UBG8 agreement package into their UBGG agreement binder so that you can refer to the requirements for each grant as needed. The UBGG agreement package was printed on white paper and the bottom left corner references the Version 7/00. The UBG7 agreement package was printed on blue paper and the bottom left corner references the Version 7/01. The BG8 will be printed on pink paper and at the bottom left corner references Version 7/02. DO NOT replace or dispose of any of these Versions; each grant is different and has specific procedures and requirements. If you have any questions regarding the administration of this grant after you have reviewed the enclosed documents, please contact your Grant Manager, Cheryl Williams, at (91 6) 341 -6462 or e-mail at cwilliam@ciwmb.ca.gov. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, H. James Lee, Jr., Acting Branch Manager Used Oil and Household Hazardous Waste Branch Enclosures: Grant Agreement Form Payment Request Form Return Envelope (Exhibit A) - Terms and Conditions (Exhibit B) - Procedures and Requirements (Exhibit C) - Supplemental Information STATE OF CALIFORNIA - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT cNYMm10 (MEW lm) GRANT NUMBER UBG8-02-8129 J NAME OF GRANT PROGRAM a2003 Used Oil Block Grants - Eighth Cycle RECIPIENT'S NAME City of Carlsbad P* TAXPAYERS FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $37,981.00 TERM OF GRANT AGREEMENT _- - FROM: July 1. 2002 TO June 30,2005 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on thls 1st day of J& ,20=, by the State of California. acting through the Executive Director of the California Integrated Waste Management Board (the 'State") and Citv of Carlsbad (the 'Grantee'). The State and the Grantee, in mutual consideration of the promises made herein, agree as follows: I-" The Grantee agrees to perform the work necessary to implement a local Used Oil & Filter Collection Program as desuibed in the application approved by the State. The Grantee further agrees to abide by the provisions of the following exhibits attached hereto: Exhibit A - Terms and Conditions Exhibit B - Procedures and Requirements Exhibit C - Supplemental Information Exhibits A, B, AND C attached hereto and the State approved application are incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. The State agrees to fund work done by the Grantee in accordance with this Agreement up to the Total Grant Amount Not to Exceed specified herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates entered below. FORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD California Integrated Waste Management Board Linda Moulton-Patterson, Chair 1001 I Street 0 Sacramento, California 95814 a (916) 341-6000 Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 4025, Sacramento, CA 95812-4025 www.ciwmb .ca.gov Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection CERTIFIED MAIL September 23,2003 Ann McClain Carlsbad Public Works Dept. 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. McClain: Gray Davis Governor Re: 2003/04 Used Oil Block Grant Agreement and Advance Payment Request for grants over $20,000. Congratulations! Enclosed is your Used Oil Block Grant Agreement for Fiscal Year 2003104 (9thCycle) and the 90% advanced payment request for your signature and return. In order to execute your grant, please complete and return the following: . Grant Agreement - signed by your authorized signature authority. Return the completed Grant Agreement no later than December 23,2003. After this 90 days, the agreement is void, without the option of appeal. . Advance Payment Request - signed by your authorized signature authority. This payment request is for 90% of the grant allocation. The remaining 10% will be paid upon completion of the grant requirements. We have made several administrative changes in an effort to streamline grant processes at both the local and state level. These changes affect the new BG9 qrants and retroactively affect active BG7 and BG8 grants. They are detailed in the enclosed Procedures and Requirements, and Terms and Conditions and summarized below. . Publicity and Education Materials - The vast majority of printed materials and premiums (promotional give-aways) no lonqer require pre-approval bv CIWMB. The Procedures and Requirements contain detailed requirements for logos and language to be used on all items funded by Block Grants. There are two exceptions that still require pre-approval: 1) premiums that cost over $6 a piece and 2) all television and video scripts. California Environmental Protection Agency @ Printed on Recycled Paper The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web site at httD:i/www.ciwmb.ca.gov/ 12- Please note that all publicity and education items purchased are subject to denial if the Procedures and Requirements are not followed and grantees may have to return previously paid grant funds. 0 Final Report - The following items are now required ONLY for the Final Report to close out the grant. These items are no longer required for the August 15* Annual Reports. . Interest Accrued - report the total interest accrued for the entire grant term ONLY with the Final Report. Please note: Any remaining unexpended interest will be formally invoiced by CIWMB. Unspent interest cannot be reconciled through the 10% withhold. Recycled Content Product Forms (RCP) - submit forms ONLY with the Final Report. . Publicity and Education samples - submit samples ONLY with the Final Report. o Printed materiats - 2 copies each o Small premiums - one sample if small and can fit into a manila envelope o Large premiums - two pictures of each item (digital photo preferred) o Videos - one (1) copy in VHS format o Radio Ads - one (1) copy on cassette tape or CD-Rom = Expenditure Itemization Summary (EIS) -back-up support documentation such as invoices, time sheets, etc., do not need to be submitted with an EIS. Retain all support documentation along with publicity and education samples for three (3) years following the grant closure for possible state audit. If you have any questions regarding your grant agreement, payment request and/or the administrative changes, please contact your grant manager, Cheryl Williams, at (91 6) 341 -6462. We look forward to working with you on your used oil recycling programs! Sincerely, SfiirCq WCi- Wagner Shirley Willd-Wagner, Branch Manager Used Oil and Household Hazardous Waste Section Enclosures Cc: Grant Managers 13 ‘ATE OF CALIFORNIA - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ;RANT AGREEMENT WMBl10 (NEW 10196) AXPAYERS FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED GRANT NUMBER UBG9-03-29 AME OF GRANT PROGRAM ERM OF GRANT AGREEMENT ROM: July 1,2003 2003/2004 Used Oil Block Grants - Ninth Cycle 3 RANT RECIPIENT’S NAME $27,126.00 TO June 30,2006 CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD SIGNATURE - DATE Mark Leary, Executive Director GRANTEES NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) City of Carlsbad GRANTEES SIGNATURE TITLE - -&It/ L4-x GRANTEES ADDRESS (INCLUDE STREET. CITY. STATE AND ZIP CODE) Exhibits A, B, AND C attached hereto and the State approved application are incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. MOUNT ENCUMBERED BY THIS ,GREEMENT $27,126.00 ‘RIOR AMOUNT ENCUMBERED OR THIS AGREEMENT The N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates entered below. grees to fund work done by the Grantee in accordance with this Agreement up to the Total Grant Amount Not to Exceed specified herein. PROGRAWTEGORY (CODE AND TITLE) FUND TITLE 200Y2004 Used Oil Block Grants - Ninth Cyde CA. Used Oil Recycling (OPTIONAL USE) ITEM CHAPTER STATUTE FISCAL YEAR ’OTAL AMOUNT ENCUMBERED TO )ATE $27,126.00 - 391 0-602-01 00 81 7 1991 200312004 OBJECT OF EXPENDITURE (CODE AND TITLE) 1000-751 00-702 hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available T A NO B R NO. ilGN - DATE