HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-18; City Council; 17377; Street Lighting & Landscape District No. 2AB# 17,377 TITLE: MTG. 1 1 /18/03 DEPT. FIN DISTRICT, ORDERING MAINTENANCE WORK AND STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICT NO. 2: DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ASSESSMENT BALLOT TABULATION, FORMING THE CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION: U DEPT. HD. ClTYATTY- CITYMGR. %L e* Adopt Resolution No. 2003-300 , declaring the results of the assessment ballot tabulation, forming Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, ordering maintenance work therein, and confirming the diagram and assessment. ITEM EXPLANATION: The purpose of this agenda bill is to request Council’s approval of the final resolution necessary for the formation of the City’s Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 in compliance with the procedures of the California Streets and Highways Code. BACKGROUND: On November 4, 2003, the City Council adopted a resolution stating its intent to form Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 (“District No. 2). At that time, the City Council also adopted a map of the proposed Assessment District, passed on the preliminary report by the assessment engineer, set the date for this public hearing and ordered the initiation of the Assessment District ballot proceedings. Staff is recommending the formation of District No. 2 for new developments to the City, to pay for the costs of street lights, street trees and medians within those areas. Street lights, street trees and medians in the developed parts of the City are paid from assessments within Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 (“District No. I”). Each development within District No. 2 will be considered a separate zone, with their own assessment based on the costs for that particular area of the City. The first four zones in District No. 2 will be the Calavera Hills II, Kelly Ranch, the Oaks South, and the Thompsonflabata developments. However, staff is working with other developers currently building communities in the City, and these properties will be annexed into District No. 2 after District formation. Future developments that have not been conditioned at this time to go into one of the City’s lighting and landscaping districts will be conditioned to go into District No. 2. Tonight, staff will present a report outlining the maintenance and associated costs to be performed during the upcoming fiscal year, and the City’s contribution of a “General Benefit” for each improvement, as detailed in the Engineer’s Report. Any share of the benefits received from an improvement that does not provide a special benefit to the assessed properties is considered to be a general benefit provided by the improvements. The cost of such general benefit is not to be assessed to the properties in the Assessment District, but instead is contributed by the City from the General Fund. Staff is recommending that the maintenance and replacement of street lighting, street tree and median improvements be included in District No. 2, similar to District No. 1. FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROCESSING: In each of the four initial zones, a maximum and actual annual assessment rate is calculated on an annual basis. The maximum is the maximum annual assessment. rate that can be assessed on a particular parcel. This rate is calculated by adding up all the costs of maintenance and replacements, Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. assuming that all the improvements in each zone were fully maintained by the City. However in District No. 2, three zones are going to have a portion of their improvements maintained by their HOA. The calculated cost of maintaining any improvement that will be borne by an HOA has been subtracted from the maximum annual assessment in order to determine the actual annual assessment. 17,377 I $173.89 Thom pson/Ta ba ta The actual annual assessment is the amount that will be charged to each property owner on his or her annual property tax statement. If at any point in the future the City determines that the HOA is not maintaining the improvements to the City’s standard, the City has the ability to assume the maintenance of the improvements, and charge the property owner up to the maximum annual assessment. This would be done in order that the City can recover its costs of maintaining the improvements. Trees maintained by HOA $123.38 As shown in the following table, the actual assessment rates for a single-family residential parcel per year range from a low of $10.53 per parcel to a high of $123.38 per parcel. These assessments vary between developments depending on the density of each development, and the amount and types of improvements being maintained in each development. Once these initial assessment rates have been set by the City Council, the maximum annual assessment rates will be increased each year by the annual change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers for the San Diego County area, as determined by the rate published in March each year. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Planning Department has analyzed the potential environmental effects of formation of the District pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Because formation of the District is only a financing program for maintenance and does not authorize any construction, there is no potential for environmental impacts. The Planning Director issued a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration for the project on October 13, 2003. No comments were received during the public comment period. FISCAL IMPACT: The actual assessment rates in each zone of District No. 2 have been set so that, both the maintenance and operations, as well as the replacement of improvements, will be funded entirely through the property owners that benefit from the improvements. A $30,000 loan was approved on September 16, 2003 by the City Council to fund the initial formation costs. These costs will be recovered through the annual assessments placed on the property tax roll, over a four-year period. The first assessments for Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 will be placed on the 2004-05 property tax roll. 2 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. l7# 377 EXHl BITS: 1. Map of District Boundaries. 2. Order of Procedure. 3. Resolution No. 2003-300 , declaring the results of the assessment ballot tabulation, forming Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, ordering maintenance work therein and confirming the diagram and assessment. 4. Engineer’s Report. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: KEVIN BRANCA; (760) 602-2430; kbran@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. Pacific Ocean Legend loprnent Name one 1 - Calavera Hills Zone 2 - Kelly Ranch = Zone 3 - The Oaks South 111 Zone 4 - Thompsonflabata Printed 8 Oclober 2003 Map created by the City of Carisbad GIs. Portions of fbis DERlVED PRODUCT contain geographic iflbrmafmn copyrighfed by SanGIS. A// Rights Remmd. Exhibit 2 ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOVEMBER 18,2003 AT 6:OO PM Mayor: Direct the City Manager to provide the staff report. City Manager: Introduce Item “This is the time and place fixed for the public hearing related to: 0 the proposed formation of Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, the proposed levy of assessments within such assessment district for the purpose of financing the cost to maintain and service street lighting, landscaping and median improvements that specially benefit the properties within the proposed assessment district.” Staff Report: Staff Introduce the item. Describe public hearing procedure, assessment ballot procedure and assessment ballot tabulation. Note that noticing requirements were completed in accordance with the law. Introduce the Assessment Engineer. Assessment Engineer: Present and summarize the Assessment Engineer’s Report. Explain method and formula of assessment spread. End of staff report - - open public hearing 5 Exhibit 2 Mayor: Mayor: Mayor: Conduct the Public Hearing "The City Council will hear from any interested person who desires to address the City Council on this matter." Upon completion of all public testimony "If anyone has an Assessment Ballot to turn in, please do so now. <then, after any additional ballots are submitted:> "The public hearing is now closed." Council Questions and Comments "Do any members of the City Council have any questions for staff or consultants as a result of the public testimony." City Council questions to and responses from staff & consultants Request City Clerk to tabulate the ballots. "The City Clerk will now tabulate the assessment ballots and, upon completion of the tabulation, report the results to the City Council." The City Council may wait until the tabulation is complete or may take a short recess. City Clerk: "The tabulation of the assessment ballots has been completed. There were in assessments L%)in support of the levy of the assessments and in assessments L%)in opposition to the levy of the assessments. Alternative No. I If the number of ballots in support of the levy of assessments exceeds the number of ballots in opposition: City Clerk: "Since the amount of assessment in support of the levy of the assessments exceeds the amount of assessment in opposition to the levy of the assessments, there is no majority protest." Mayor: Request motion on the Resolutions. "Since there is no majority protest, I would ask for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2003-- Declaring the Results of the Assessment Ballot Tabulation, Forming Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, Ordering Maintenance Work Therein and Confirming the Diagram and Assessment." City Council: Motion to adopt both resolutions, discussion and vote to adopt both resolutions. 6 Exhibit 2 Alternative No. 2 If the number of ballots in opposition to the levy of assessments exceeds the number of ballots in support: City Clerk: "Since the amount of assessment in opposition to the levy of the assessments exceeds the amount of assessment in support of such levy, there is a majority protest." Mayor: Request motion to abandon the proceedings. "Since there is a majority protest, I would ask for a motion to direct staff to prepare a resolution abandoning the proceedings to form the Assessment District for the next Council meeting." City Council: Motion and vote to direct staff to prepare a resolution abandoning the proceedings to form the Assessment District. End of proceedings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION N0.2003-300 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ASSESSMENT BALLOT TABULATION, FORMING STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2, ORDERING MAINTENANCE WORK THEREIN AND CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, has initiated proceedings for the formation of and levy of the annual assessment in a special maintenance district created pursuant to the terms of the “Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972”, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the “Landscaping Act”), Article XlllD of the Constitution of the State of California (“Article XlllD) and the Proposition 21 8 Omnibus Implementation Act (Government Code Section 53750 and following) (the’”lmplementation Acr) (the Landscaping Act, Article XlllD and the Implementation Act may be referred to collectively herein as the “Assessment Law”), such special maintenance district known and designated as STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 (the “Maintencance District”); and WHEREAS, at this time all notice and public hearing requirements have been met relating to the formation of the Maintenance District and the levy of the annual assessments within the Maintenance District, and WHEREAS, the City Council previously received and preliminarily approved a report from the Assessment Engineer (the “Assessment Engineer’s Report”) and this City Council is now satisfied with the assessment and diagram and all other matters as contained in the Assessment Engineer’s Report as now submitted for final consideration and approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. Recitals. That the above recitations are true and correct. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 2. Procedures. This City Council hereby finds and determines that the procedures for the consideration of the levy of the assessments have been undertaken in accordance with the Assessment Law. 3. Assessment Ballot Procedures. Assessment ballots were mailed as required by Assessment Law to the record owners of all properties within the Maintenance District which are proposed to be assessed. The assessment ballots that were completed and received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing have been tabulated in accordance with the procedures established by Assessment Law and this City Council and the results of such tabulation have been submitted to this City Council. This City Council hereby finds that the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the levy of assessments as shown in the Assessment Engineer's Report as weighted in accordance with Assessment Law exceed the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to such levy also as weighted in accordance with Assessment Law.'Therefore, no majority protest to the levy of assessments within the Maintenance District has been found to exist. 4. Formation of Maintenance District. This City Council hereby orders the formation of the Maintenance District. 5. Determination and Confirmation. Based upon the Assessment Engineer's Report and the testimony and other evidence presented at the public hearing, the City Council hereby makes the following determinations regarding the maximum assessments proposed to be levied: a. The proportionate special benefit derived by each individual parcel to be assessed has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the cost of the operations and maintenance expenses. b. The assessments will not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on each parcel. c. Only the special benefits will be assessed. d. There is one parcel within the Maintenance District that is owned by a local government, i.e., the City of Carlsbad that specially benefits from certain of the improvements to be maintained and serviced. Such parcel has been .f Page 2 of 4 of Resolution No. 2003-300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 assessed in an amount equal to the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on such parcel. There are no other parcels within the Maintenance District that are owned or used by a local government, the State of California or the United States. The maximum assessments as shown in the Assessment Engineer’s Report will be increased each Fiscal Year without further compliance with the assessment ballot procedures required under the Assessment Law by the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), during the preceding year ending in March, for All Urban Consumers for the San Diego County area. 6. Orderina of Maintenance. The public interest and convenience requires, and this legislative body does hereby order the maintenance work to be made and performed as said maintenance work is set forth in the Assessment Engineer’s Report and as previously declared and set forth in the Resolution of Intention. 7. Filinq with City Clerk. The above-referenced diagram and assessment shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk. Said diagram and assessment, and the certified copy thereof, shall be open for public inspection. 8. adoption. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Effective Date. This Resolution of Intention shall take effect immediately upon its Page 3 of 4 of Resolution No. 2003-300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of.the Carlsbad City Council held on the 18th day of NOvember ,2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (Seal) Page 4 of 4 of Resolution No. 2003-300 Exhibit 4 AB #17,377 Reso No. 2003-300 11-18-03 CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ANNUAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2003104 Prepared by: Harris & Associates RCE 41965 Exp. 3/31/04 Date: October 29,2003 Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Report ........................................................................................................................... 2 Part A - Plans and Specifications ............................................................................ 3 Part B - Estimate of Cost ........................................................................................ 5 Part C - Method of Apportionment of Assessment ................................................ 7 Part D - Assessment Roll ...................................................................................... 15 Part E - Assessment Diagram ............................................................................... 15 Appendix Assessment Roll H:\l -User FoldersKevinBenefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 290-303-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Page 2 FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 ENGINEER'S REPORT PREPARED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 SECTION 22500 THROUGH 22679 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE, ARTICLE XlllD OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, AND THE PROPOSITION 218 OMNIBUS IMPLEMENTATION ACT (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53750 ET SEQ.) Pursuant to Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Part 2 of Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code) (the "1972 Act"), Article XIIID of the California Constitution ("Article XIID") and the Proposition 2 18 Omnibus Implementation Act Act (Government Code Section 53750 and following) (the Ymplementation Act" and together with the 1972 Act and Article XIIID, the "Assessment Law") and in accordance with the Resolution of Initiation, adopted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, State of California, in connection with the proceedings for: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District" or "District", I, Joan E. Cox, P.E., the authorized representative of Harris & Associates, the duly appointed ASSESSMENT ENGINEER, submit herewith the "Report" consisting of five (5) parts as follows: PART A - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Contains a description of the improvements that are to be maintained or serviced by the District. PART B - ESTIMATE OF COST Identifies the estimated cost of the services or maintenance to be provided by the District, including incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith. PART C - METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT Describes the basis on which the costs have been apportioned to each parcel of land within the Maintenance District, in proportion to the estimated special benefits to be received by such lots and parcels from the improvements to be maintained and serviced. PART D - ASSESSMENT ROLL Identifies the maximum assessment to be levied on each lot or parcel of land within the Maintenance District to receive special benefits from the improvements to be maintained and serviced. PART E - ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM Contains a Diagram of the Maintenance District Boundaries showing the exterior boundaries of the Maintenance District, the boundaries of any zones within the Maintenance District and the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the Maintenance District. HA1 - User FoldersKevinKknefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Page 3 PART A PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The improvements, which have been constructed or which may be subsequently constructed within and adjacent to the Maintenance District and that will be serviced and maintained, and the proposed maintenance and services are generally described as follows: DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED AND SERVICED The proposed improvements (collectively, the "Improvements") proposed to be maintained and serviced are generally described as follows: Landscaping and Appurtenant Improvements Landscaping improvements (collectively, the "Landscaping Improvements") include but are not limited to: landscaping, planting, shrubbery, trees, irrigation systems, hardscapes and fixtures in public street and sidewalk rights-of-way, including medians, parkways and other easements dedicated to the City of Carlsbad within the boundaries of the Maintenance District. Street Lighting and Appurtenant Improvements Street lighting improvements (collectively, the "Street Lighting Improvements") include but are not limited to: poles, fixtures, bulbs, conduits, conductors, equipment including guys, anchors, posts and pedestals, metering devices and appurtenant facilities as required to provide lighting and traffic signals in public street and sidewalk rights-of-way and other easements dedicated to the City of Carlsbad within the boundaries of the Maintenance District. The public lighting system shall be maintained to provide adequate illumination. Electricity for streetlights shall be furnished by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), and it shall be adequate for the intended purpose. Rates for power shall be those authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission. DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES Maintenance means the furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operation and servicing of the Landscaping Improvements and the Street Lighting Improvements facilities and appurtenant facilities, including repair, removal or replacement of all or part of any of the Landscaping Improvements and the Street Lighting Improvements or appurtenant facilities; providing for the life, growth, health and beauty of the Landscaping Improvements, including cultivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste; and the cleaning, sandblasting, and painting of walls and other improvements to remove or cover graffiti. Servicing means the furnishing of water for the irrigation of the Landscaping Improvements and the maintenance of any Street Lighting Improvements or appurtenant facilities and the kmishing of electric current or energy, gas or other illuminating agent for the Street Lighting Improvements, or for the lighting or operation of the Landscaping Improvements or appurtenant facilities. H:\l - User FoldersbCevinWenefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 4 The Street Lighting Improvements shall be maintained to provide adequate illumination. Electricity for streetlights shall be furnished by the SDG&E, and it shall be adequate for the intended purpose. Rates for power shall be those authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission. The following provides descriptions of the Zones of Benefit within the Maintenance District: Zone 1 - Encompasses the Calavera Hills 11 Development and funds the operation and maintenance of street lighting, street trees and medians. Zone 2 - Encompasses the Kelly Ranch Core Development and funds the operation and maintenance of street lighting and medians. Zone 3 - Encompasses The Oaks South Development and funds the operation and maintenance of street lighting, street trees and medians. Zone 4 - Encompasses the ThompsodTabata Development and funds the operation and maintenance of street lighting, street trees and medians. The plans and specifications for the Improvements, showing the general nature, location and the extent of the Improvements, are on file in the office of the City Engineer and are by reference herein made a part of this report. HA1 - User FoldersKevinEJenefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmdZ 290ct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 O&M Repl. Total Form- Other Max. Unit Unit O&MIRepl. ation Admin. Annual Quantity cost cost Costs Costs Costs Costs City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Page 5 Maximum Annual CostIEDU PART B ESTIMATE OF COST Zone 1 (Calavera Hills II) IOOW Light 50 each $172.29 $125.00 $14,865 $279 $464 $15,608 * 200W Light 26 each $224.29 $125.00 $8,128 $153 $254 $8,535 Trees 367 each $46.53 $17,077 $321 $207 $17,605 ** Medians 37,558 sf $0.24 $0.375 $23,098 $434 $721 $24,253 $66,001 1OOW Light 52 each $172.29 $125.00 $15,459 $291 $483 $16,233 * 200W Light 6 each $224.29 $125.00 $1,876 $35 $59 $1,970 Medians 38,250 sf $0.24 $0.375 $23,524 $442 $735 $24,701 Zone 2 (Kelly Ranch Core) The estimated costs for the operation, maintenance and servicing of the Improvements, shown below, are the estimated costs of maintenance if the Improvements were hlly maintained for Fiscal Year 2003-04. The 1972 Act provides that the total cost of the maintenance and services, together with incidental expenses, may be financed from the assessment proceeds. The incidental expenses may include engineering fees, legal fees, printing, mailing, postage, publishing, and all other related costs identified with the district proceedings. $47.74 / EDU $13.99 /EDU $53.84 / EDU $39.75 / EDU $36.44 / EDU $4.19 / EDU $53.55 / EDU $42,904 1OOW Light 135 each $172.29 $125.00 $40,134 $754 $486 $41,374 * 200W Light 7 each $224.29 $125.00 $2,188 $4 1 $68 $2,297 Trees 1.681 each $46.53 $78.217 $1.471 $947 $80.635 Zone 3 (The Oaks South) $82.34 /EDU $4.58 /EDU $160.47 / EDU $165,722 Zone 4 (ThommonTTabata) 200W Light 8 each $224.29 $125.00 $2,501 $47 $78 $2,626 I $10.38 / EDU Trees 251 each $46.53 $11.679 $220 $141 $12.040 I $51.46 / EDU Medians 22,180 sf $43,036 Subtotal Annual Costs: $305,939 $5,750 $5,9741 $317,663 1 * These lights are on arterial roadways, therefore the Total O&M/Repl. costs have been multiplied by 89.5% (This is to account for the 10.5% General Benefit for Arterial Roadways) ** Portion of total median area attributable only to Calavera Hills II Please see Part C of this Report for a description of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU's) and the apportionment formula. HA1 - User FoldersKevinU3enefit Districts ProjectWew Dish-ict\llmdZ 290ct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 Quantity Cost Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Zone I (Calavera Hills II) IOOW Light 50 each $172.29 $125.00 $14,865 $279 $464 $15,608 200W Light 26 each $224.29 $125.00 $8,128 $153 $254 $8,535 ** Trees 0 each $46.53 $0 $32 1 $0 $321 *** Medians 37,558 sf $0.24 $0.375 $23,098 $434 $721 $24,253 $48,717 IOOW Light 52 each $172.29 $125.00 $15,459 $291 $483 $16,233 * 200W Light 6 each $224.29 $125.00 $1,876 $35 $59 $1,970 Medians 38,250 sf $0.24 $0.375 $23,524 $442 $735 $24,701 $42,904 Zone 2 (Kelly Ranch Core) Zone 3 (The Oaks South) City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Page 6 Cost lEDU $47.74 I EDU $13.99 I EDU $0.99 I EDU $39.75 I EDU $36.44 I EDU $4.19 / EDU $53.55 I EDU FY 2003-04 Budnet (No assessment will be levied in FY 2003-04. The following budget is for informational purposes, only.) O&M Repl. Total Form- Other FY 03-04 -1 Unit Unit O&M/Repl. ation Admin. Annual ** IOOW Light 0 each $172.29 $125.00 $0 $754 $0 $754 * 200W Light 7 each $224.29 $125.00 $2,188 $41 $68 $2,297 ** Trees 0 each $46.53 $0 $1,471 $0 $1,471 ** Medians 0 sf $0.24 $0.375 $0 $755 $0 $755 $1.51 I EDU $4.58 I EDU $2.93 IEDU $1.51 I EDU $5,277 IOOW Liaht 45 each $172.29 $125.00 $13.378 $251 $418 $14.047 Zone 4 (ThompsonlTabata) $55.48 I EDU ** Trees 0 each $46.53 $0 $220 $0 $220 Medians 22,180 sf $0.24 $0.375 $13,641 $256 $426 $14,323 Subtotal Administrative Costs: $9,455 $0.95 I EDU $56.57 I EDU * These lights are on arterial roadways, therefore the Total O&MlRepl. costs have been multiplied by 89.5% (This is to account for the 10.5% General Benefit for Arterial Roadways) ** These budgets are $0 due to anticipated HOA maintenance and servicing *** Portion of total median area attributable only to Calavera Hills II The Assessment Law requires that a special fund be set-up for the revenues and expenditures of the District. Funds raised by assessment shall be used only for the purpose as stated herein. The City may advance funds to the District, if needed, to ensure adequate cash flow, and will be reimbursed for any such advances upon receipt of assessments. Any surplus or deficit remaining on June 30 must be carried over to the next fiscal year. H:\l - User FoldersU(evin\Benefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 290ct03-3.d~ Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Page 7 PART C METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT GENERAL The 1972 Act permits the establishment of assessment districts by cities for the purpose of providing certain public improvements which include the construction, maintenance and servicing of street lights, traffic signals and landscaping facilities. Streets and Highways Code Section 22573 requires that maintenance assessments be levied according to benefit rather than according to assessed value. This section states: '"The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements." The 1972 Act permits the designation of zones of benefit within any individual assessment district if "by reason of variations in the nature, location, and extent of the improvements, the various areas will receive different degrees of benefit from the improvements." (Sec. 22574). Thus, the 1972 Act requires the levy of a true "assessment" rather than a "special tax." In addition, Article XIIID and the Implementation Act requires that a parcel's assessment may not exceed the reasonable cost for the proportional special benefit conferred on that parcel. Article XIIID and the Implementation Act fhrther provides that only special benefits are assessable and the City must separate the general benefits from the special benefits. They also require that publicly owned properties which specially benefit from the improvements be assessed. SPECIAL BENEFIT ANALYSIS Proper maintenance and operation of the streetlights, street trees and street medians provides special benefit to adjacent properties by providing security, safety, and community character and vitality. Local LightinP. Special Benefit. The operation, maintenance and servicing of lighting along local streets in close proximity to certain lots or parcels provides a special benefit to such lots or parcels by providing illumination resulting in: 1) improved security of such lots or parcels, 2) improved ingress and egress from such lots or parcels by illuminating access after sunset, and 3) improved nighttime visibility for the local access of emergency vehicles. Local lighting consists of 100 watt lights. Street lights on or associated with traffic signals located at arterial-to-local connectors are considered to be 100% special benefit to those developments taking direct access at these intersections. General Beneft. There are no general benefits associated with local lighting. H:\l - User FoldersKevinDenefit Districts ProjectWew District\IlmdZ 29oct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 Lamp Size (Watts) City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 8 Number Monthly Monthly Annual Avg Annual Lights Rate Amount Amount Cost per Light Arterial LiPhting. Special Benefit. The operation, maintenance and servicing of arterial lighting provides a special benefit to each and every assessable lot or parcel within the development or vicinity which are adjacent to such lighting resulting in: 1) improved nighttime visibility for the access of emergency vehicles, and 2) improved safety and traRc circulation to and from parcels. Arterial lighting consists of 200 watt lights; however, special benefit is assigned consistent with local lighting wattage. General Benefit. The City recognizes that a portion of the maintenance, operation and servicing of those Street Lighting Improvements that are a part of the City’s arterial lighting improvements provide a general benefit to the public at large, which equates to the higher level of lighting required on arterial roads. The general benefits associated with Arterial Lighting are attributable to the higher level of lighting required for an arterial roadway. That higher level of lighting provides a measure of safety for the additional width of the street. Local and collector roadways require only 9,500 lumen lights (typically 100 watt lights) and arterial roadways require 22,000 lumen lights (typically 200 watt lights). The amount of general benefit is established by multiplying the number of arterial streetlights currently in the City by the difference between the average annual electrical costs to illuminate a light on an arterial street and a local street. (Electrical costs are used in this comparison, as the personnel and replacement costs for the various lumens and wattages of lights are virtually the same.) The table below shows the calculation of the cost estimate for general benefit for streetlights. Total 6,348 $535,528.56 Annual Amount Difference between Subtotal-1 & Subtotal-2 General Benefit = Total FY 2003-04 Est. Cost for all street lighting Estimated General Benefit Percentage 10.5% $69.49 $122,580.36 $1 ,I 65,034 (Annual Amount Difference) x (No. of High Wattage Lights) HA1 - User FoldersKevinD3enefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmd2 29octO3-3 .doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 9 Therefore, 10.5% of the Street Lighting Improvements on the City’s arterial roadways are considered general benefit, and only 89.5% of these Street Lighting Improvements will be used to estimate the special benefit costs. Streetlights on or associated with traffic signals located at arterial-to-arterial connectors are considered to be 100% general benefit. In addition to the above, streetlights fronting upon open space areas owned by governmental agencies and/or managed by a non-profit environmental trust and which are considered part of the major habitat core areas and/or linkages of the City’s Habitat Management Plan shall be considered as having 100% general benefit. Street Landscaping. Special Benefit. Trees, landscaping, hardscaping and appurtenant facilities, if well maintained, provide beautification, shade and enhancement of the desirability of the surroundings, and therefore increase property value. Street trees within the public street parkways provide special benefit to those properties directly adjacent to those tree-lined parkways. Landscaping and hardscaping within medians in the public streets provide special benefit to those developments that are directly adjacent to the public medians. These medians are located in the arterial roadways. Genera l Benefit. There are no general benefits associated with local street trees. Landscaping and hardscaping within medians in the arterial roadways provide only incidental aesthetic benefits to motorists travelling to, from or through the City. Therefore, it is deemed that there are no general benefits associated with the landscaped medians. Vehicular safety associated with the traffic channelization provided by raised medians is independent of the landscaping and hardscaping improvements fhded through this Maintenance District. However, median curb replacement costs are included in the overall replacement costs for the medians. Because raised median curbs are required for both landscaping and traffic channelization, 50% of the median curb replacement costs have been removed from the budget. Benefit Zones Benefit Zones are used to differentiate between the different types of Improvements to be maintained and serviced within each such zone. There are currently four zones of benefit in this District. Zone 1 - Calavera Hills I1 The Calavera Hills I1 development is located in and around the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and College Boulevard and is comprised of villages of varying types of land uses that will receive special benefit from the street lighting, street trees and medians within and directly H:\l - User FoldersKevinknefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 29oct03-3.d~ Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 10 adjacent to the development. It is anticipated that the Home Owners Association (“HOA”) will maintain the street trees. If the City and the owners of the land within Calavera Hills I1 reach an agreement (in the form of a declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions or otherwise) (an “Agreement“) to provide for the maintenance of the street trees by the HOA, annual assessments will be levied within Zone 1 for the maintenance of street trees only if (a) the HOA fails to maintain such street trees pursuant to the Agreement, (b) as a result of the failure of the HOA to maintain such street trees, the City is required to undertake such maintenance and (c) the HOA has failed to reimburse the City for the cost of such maintenance as required pursuant to the Agreement. Villages K, L-2, W and X are comprised of single family detached (“SFD”) units and have local streetlights and street trees within the public streets. Villages E, U and Y are comprised of single family attached (“SFA”), apartment (“APT”) units contains 1 acre of non-residential (“Non-Res”) land use, and do not have any local lighting or street trees. Village H is comprised of 2 acres of Non-Res use and does not have local lighting and street trees. All of the villages receive special benefit from the arterial street lighting on Carlsbad Village Drive, College Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue that is directly adjacent to these village areas. The entire Calavera Hills development (not just Calavera Hills 11) benefits fiom the medians within College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive within the boundaries of the development. An analysis has been performed to allocate the appropriate share of the medians to the Calavera Hills I1 development based on the assessment apportionment methodology shown in this Report. Zone 2 - Kelly Ranch Core The Kelly Ranch Core development is located southeast of the intersection of Cannon Drive and Faraday Avenue and is comprised of varying types of land uses that receive special benefit from the street lighting and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. The core development consists of SFD and APT units, 2.61 acres of Non-Res, a park and vacant property (future development details have not been determined) that have local streetlights in the public streets directly adjacent to them. All of these properties benefit fiom the local lights within this core development. There are an additional 5 SFD units planned for the Kirgis development, which is directly adjacent to Kelly Ranch and takes access through the development. A 2.63 acres site of Non-Res does not have local lighting. Part of this development also includes a city-owned 1.58-acre hture wastewater pumping plant site taking access off of Cannon Road. This property is considered Non-Res utility property that has no local streetlights adjacent to it. Although this property is a utility with essentially no value, it does receive the arterial lighting special benefits; however, this utility property is not deemed to benefit from the landscaped median improvements. All of the development receives special benefit from the arterial street lighting and medians on Cannon Road. H:\l - User FoldersKevin\Benefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.d~ Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 11 Zone 3 - The Oaks South The Oaks South development is located to the northeast of the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino de 10s Coches and is comprised of varying types of land uses that receive special benefit from the street lighting, street trees and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. It is anticipated that the HOA will maintain the street trees, local street lights and medians. If the City and the owners of the land within Oaks South reach an Agreement to provide for the maintenance of such improvements by the HOA, annual assessments will be levied within Zone 3 for the maintenance of such improvements only if (a) the HOA fails to maintain such any such improvements pursuant to the Agreement, (b) as a result of the failure of the HOA to maintain any such Improvements, the City is required to undertake such maintenance and (c) the HOA has failed to reimburse the City for the cost of such maintenance as required pursuant to the Agreement. The development consists of SFD units, and 1.42 acres of Non-Res property that have local street lights and street trees in the public streets directly adjacent to them. All of the development receives special benefit from the arterial street lighting and medians on Rancho Santa Fe Road, The median improvements on Rancho Santa Fe Road extend into an open space area that separates The Oaks South from the fbture The Oaks North development. This median provides an aesthetic link between the two developments and therefore 50% of the costs of the medians within the open space area to the north of The Oaks South is apportioned to The Oaks South, and 50% will be apportioned to The Oaks North at the time of its development and annexation into this Maintenance District. Zone 4 - Thompson / Tabata The ThompsodTabata development is located along Poinsettia Lane west of Aviara Parkway and is comprised of varying types of land uses that benefit from the operation and maintenance of street lighting, street trees and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. It is anticipated that the HOA will maintain the street trees. If the City and the owners of the land within the ThompsodTabata property reach an Agreement to provide for the maintenance of such improvements by the HOA, annual assessments will be levied within Zone 4 for the maintenance of street trees only if (a) the HOA fails to maintain such street trees pursuant to the Agreement, (b) as a result of the failure of the HOA to maintain such street trees, the City is required to undertake such maintenance and (c) the HOA has failed to reimburse the City for the cost of such maintenance as required pursuant to the Agreement. The development consists of SFD units that have local street lights and street trees in the public streets directly adjacent to them, and SFA units that take access off streets with local streetlights but do not have street trees directly adjacent to them. All of the development receives special benefit from the arterial street lighting and medians on Poinsettia Lane. The existing SFD property, Assessor’s Parcel Number 2 14- 170-8 1-00, is already assessed in Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 and is therefore exempted from this District. HA1 - User FoIdersKevinWnefit Districts F’rojectWew DistrictUlmd2 290ct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 12 ASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT AND RATES Equivalent Dwellinp Units To establish the special benefit to the individual parcels within the District, an Equivalent Dwelling Unit system is used. Each parcel of land is assigned Equivalent Dwelling Units (“EDU’s”) in proportion to the estimated special benefit the parcel receives relative to the other parcels within the District from the streetlights, street trees and medians. The single-family detached (SFD) residential parcel has been selected as the basic unit for calculation of assessments; therefore, the SFD residential parcel is defined as one Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). A methodology has been developed to relate all other land uses to the SFD residential land use as described below. . Single Family Attached (SFA) Residential. SFA residential uses, including condominiums, are given a factor of 0.80 EDU per dwelling unit. Based on data from representative cities in Southern California, the SFA residential factor of 80 percent is determined by the statistical proportion of relative trip generation from various types of residential uses, in combination with population density per unit. Apartment (APT) Residential. APT residential uses, also known as multifamily residential uses, are given a factor of 0.60 EDU per dwelling unit. Based on data fiom representative cities in Southern California, the APT residential factor of 60 percent is determined by the statistical proportion of relative trip generation from various types of residential uses, in combination with population density per unit. Non-Residential (Non-Res). In converting improved non-residential properties to EDUs, the factor used is the City of Carlsbad average size for a SFD residential lot, which is 1 dwelling unit per 7,500 sq. f€, or approximately 6 dwelling units per acre. Therefore, Non-Res parcels will be assessed 6 EDU per acre or any portion thereof. Vacanmarks. Parcels that are designated for parks or parcels that are developable but do not have a finalized development map are assessed based upon the acreage of the parcel. These properties receive special benefits based on their land, as this is the basis of their value. Based upon the opinions of professional appraisers, appraising current market property values for real estate in Southern California, the land value portion of a property typically ranges from 20 to 30 percent of the property’s total value. Additionally, the utilization of vacant property is significantly less than improved property and vacant property has a traffic generation rate of 0. Therefore, vacant parcels (and park parcels) will be assessed at the rate of 25% of Non-Res properties, or 1.5 EDU per acre or any portion thereof. Open Space. Parcels designated as open space do not receive special benefits from the Improvements and are therefore exempt from the assessment. The following table summarizes the EDU formula described above. H:\l - User FoldersKevinDenefit Districts’ PmjectWew DistrictUlmdZ 290ct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 13 EDU Formula Land Use EDU Rate Single Family Detached Res (SFD) Single Family Attached Res (SFA) 1 .O .I DU 0.8 I DU 0.6 I DU Developed Non-Residential (Non-Res) Vacant I Park 6.0 I acre 1.5 I acre 0.0 I acre DU = Dwelling Unit The table below provides the EDU’s for the various types of special benefits associated with each Zone, as well as the maximum assessment rates and thetotal estimated revenue generated by each. Maximum Assessment Allocations and Rates NLL = No Local Lights DU = Dwelling Unit Art. Light = Arterial Lighting NAP = Not a Part H:\l - User FoldersKevinWenefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 Local Light Art. Light Tree Median Development DU Acres EDU EDU EDU EDU Zone 1 - Calavera Hills II City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 14 $102.47 I EDU $1 02.47 I EDU $1 02.47 I EDU $102.47 I EDU $53.74 I EDU $53.74 I EDU $53.74 I EDU $54.73 I EDU $54.73 I EDU The maximum annual maintenance assessment rates shown above will be increased each year by the annual change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), during the preceding year ending in March, for All Urban Consumers, for the San Diego County area. $8,607.48 $1,434.58 $1 1,681.58 $11,784.05 $5,030.06 $5,803.92 $3,417.86 $328.38 $656.76 $48,744.67 The actual assessments levied in any fiscal year will be as approved by the City Council and may not exceed the maximum assessment rate without receiving property owner approval for the increase pursuant to an assessment ballot procedure undertaken in accordance with the Assessment Law. Zone 3 - The Oaks South SFD 494 494.0 494.0 494.0 494.0 Non-Res 1.42 8.52 8.5 8.52 8.52 502.52 502.52 502.52 502.52 Zone 4 - ThomDson/Tabata The table below provides the estimated FY 2003-04 assessments, if these were levied. No assessments are intended to be levied in FY 2003-04, so this if for informational purposes, only. This table was created based on the assumption that an agreement would be reached with The Oaks South (Zone 3) for the HOA to operate and maintain the local street lighting. Agreements are currently in place with the development HOA’s to maintain street trees in Zones 1, 3 and 4 and medians in Zone SFD 234 SFA 24 3. Estimated FY 2003-04 Assessment Allocation and Rates 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 19.2 19.2 19.2 253.2 253.2 234.0 253.2 I Totals:l NLL = No Local Lights DU = Dwelling Unit Art. Light = Arterial Lighting 1$128,165.84 I NAP = Not a Part H:\l - User FoldersKevinBenefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 29oct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 15 PART D ASSESSMENT ROLL The Assessment Roll is a listing of the proposed maximum assessment for Fiscal Year 2003-04 apportioned to each lot or parcel, as shown on the last equalized roll of the Assessor of the County of San Diego. The Assessment Roll is provided in the Appendix and is incorporated herein. The description of each lot or parcel is part of the records of the Assessor of the County of San Diego and these records are, by reference, made part of this Report. PART E ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM An Assessment Diagram for the Maintenance District is provided on the following page. The lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the Maintenance District are those lines and dimensions shown on the maps of the Assessor of the County of San Diego, for the year when this Report was prepared, and are incorporated by reference herein and made part of this Report. HA1 - User FoldersUCevinE3eneft Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 290ct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Page 16 H:\I - User FoldersKevin\Benefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-2.d~ Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Appendix - Page 1 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 I Assessment Rol I 1 Maximum Assessor's Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max; Asmt 1 Village H $644.88 167-101-19 61.190 $644.88 1 Village K $13,046.88 167-101-28 9.140 $2,483.31 1 Village K 1 Village K 1 Village K 1 Village K 168-041-03 14.460 $3,928.74 168-041-04 8.430 $2,290.40 168-041-06 3.820 $1,037.88 168-041 -07 6.000 $1,630.18 1 Village K 168-041-10 6.170 $1,676.37 48.020 $1 3,046.88 1 Villages U, W, Y $27,250.70 168-040-29 100.560 $25,427.58 1 Village u 168-041-11 7.210 $11823.12 107.770 $27,250.70 1 Village E $5,030.06 168-041-08 9.340 $5,030.06 1 Village X $1 7,861.80 168-050-27 45.31 0 $1 7,861.80 1 Village L-2 $2,174.48 168-280-49 6.160 $2,174.48 $66,008.80 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 208-180-01 208-1 80-02 208-1 80-03 208-1 80-04 208-1 80-05 208-1 80-06 208-1 80-07 208-1 80-08 208-1 80-09 208-1 80-1 0 208-1 80-1 1 208-1 80-1 2 208-1 80-1 3 208-1 80-1 4 208-1 80-1 5 208-1 80-1 6 208-1 80-1 7 208-1 80-1 8 208-180-1 9 208-1 80-20 208-181-01 208-1 81 -02 208-1 81 -03 208-1 81 -04 208-181-05 208-1 81-06 208-1 81 -07 208-1 81 -08 208-1 81 -09 208- 1 8 1 -1 0 208-181-1 1 208-1 81 -1 2 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 H:\l - User FoldersKevinBenefit Districts ProjectWew Dishict\llmdZ 29oct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 2 I Assessment Rol I 1 Maximum Assessor's Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 33 $94.1 8 208-1 81 -1 3 $94.18 n L 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 84 85 86 87 88 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 208-181-14 208-181-15 208-1 81 -1 6 208- 1 8 1 -1 7 208-1 81-1 8 208-1 81 -1 9 208-1 81 -20 208-181-21 208-1 81-22 208-1 81 -23 208-1 81 -24 208-1 81 -25 208-1 81 -26 208-181-27 208-181-28 208-1 81 -29 208- 1 8 1 -30 208-1 81 -31 208-1 81 -32 208-1 81 -33 208- 1 8 1 -34 208-1 81 -35 208-1 81 -36 208-1 81 -37 208-1 81 -38 208-1 81 -39 208-181-40 208-1 81 -41 208- 1 80-2 1 208-1 80-22 208-1 80-23 208-1 80-24 208-1 80-25 208-1 80-26 208-1 80-27 208-1 80-28 208-1 80-29 208-1 80-30 208-1 80-31 208-1 80-32 208-1 80-33 208-1 80-34 208-1 80-35 208-1 82-01 208- 182-02 208-1 82-03 208-1 82-04 208-1 82-05 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 H:\l - User FoldersKevinWenefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.doc 30 Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 3 I Assessment Rol I 1 Maximum Assessor's Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 2 89 $94.18 208-1 82-06 $94.18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 1 04 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 208-1 82-07 208-1 82-08 208-1 82-09 208- 1 82- 1 0 208- 182-1 1 208-1 82-1 2 208-1 82-1 3 208-1 82-1 4 208-1 82-1 5 208-1 82-1 6 208-1 82-1 7 208-1 82-1 8 208-1 82-1 9 208-1 82-20 208-1 82-21 208-1 82-22 208-1 82-23 208-1 82-24 208-1 82-25 208-1 82-26 208-1 82-27 208-1 82-28 208-1 82-29 208-1 82-30 208-1 82-31 208-1 82-32 208-1 82-33 208-1 82-34 208-1 82-35 208-1 82-36 208-1 82-37 208-1 82-38 208-1 82-39 208-1 82-40 208-1 83-01 208-1 83-02 208-1 83-03 208-1 83-04 208-1 83-05 208-1 83-06 208-1 83-07 208-1 83-08 208-1 83-09 208-183-10 208-1 83-1 1 208-1 83-1 2 208-1 83-1 3 208-1 83-1 4 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 HA1 - User FoldersKevinBenefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 290ct03-3.doc Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 4 I Assessment Roll 1 Maximum Assessor's Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 2 138 $94.18 208-1 83-1 5 $94.18 2 139 $94.18 208-1 83-1 6 $94.18 2 140 $94.18 208-1 83-1 7 $94.18 2 141 $94.1 8 208-1 83-1 8 $94.18 2 142 $94.18 208-183-19 $94.18 2 143 $94.18 208-1 83-20 $94.18 2 144 $94.18 208-183-21 $94.18 2 145 $94.18 208-183-22 $94.18 2 146 $94.18 208-1 83-23 $94.18 2 147 $94.18 208-1 83-24 $94.1 8 2 148 $94.1 8 208-1 83-25 $94.18 2 149 $94.1 8 208-1 83-26 $94.18 2 150 $94.18 208-1 83-27 $94.18 2 151 $94.18 208-1 83-28 $94.18 2 1 52 $94.18 208-1 83-29 $94.18 2 153 $94.18 208-1 83-30 $94.1 8 2 154 $94.18 208-1 83-31 $94.18 2 155 $69.22 208-1 83-32 $69.22 2 82 $39.72 208-1 84-04 $39.72 2 161 $593.33 208-184-05 $593.33 2 162 $881.52 208-184-06 $881.52 2 165 $4,181.59 208-186-03 $4,181.59 2 167 $91 I .14 208-1 86-05 $911.14 2 168 $1 3,674.94 208-1 86-06 $13,674.94 2 169 $7,628.58 208-1 85-05 $7,628.58 $41,824.51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 223-610-01 223-61 0-02 223-61 0-03 223-61 0-04 223-61 0-05 223-61 0-06 223-61 0-07 223-61 0-08 223-61 0-09 223-6 1 0- 1 0 223-610-1 1 223-610-12 223-6 1 0- 1 3 223-61 0-1 4 223-61 1-01 223-61 1-02 223-61 1-03 223-61 1-04 223-61 0-1 5 223-6 1 0- 1 6 223-610-17 223-610-18 223-610-19 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 H:\l - User FoldersKevin\Benefit Districts ProjectWew DistrictUlmd2 29oct03-3.d~ 3pz Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 5 I Assessment Rol I 1 Maximum Assessor's Parcel &Portioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 3 24 $329.81 223-610-20 $329.8 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 223-610-21 223-61 0-22 223-61 0-23 223-61 0-24 223-61 0-25 223-61 0-26 223-61 0-27 223-61 0-28 223-61 0-29 223-61 0-30 223-6 1 0-3 1 223-61 0-32 223-61 0-33 223-61 0-34 223-61 0-35 223-612-01 223-61 2-02 223-61 2-03 223-61 2-04 223-61 2-05 223-61 2-06 223-61 2-07 223-61 2-08 223-61 2-09 223-61 2-1 0 223-612-1 1 223-61 2-12 223-61 2-1 3 223-612-14 223-612-1 5 223-61 2-1 6 223-61 2-1 7 223-61 2-1 8 223-612-1 9 223-61 2-20 223-612-21 223-61 2-22 223-61 2-23 223-61 2-24 223-61 2-25 223-61 2-26 223-61 2-27 223-61 2-28 223-61 2-29 223-61 2-30 223-613-01 223-61 3-02 223-61 3-03 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 H:\l - User FoldersKevinBenefit Districts ProjectWew Dishict\llmd2 29oct03-3.d~ 33 Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 6 I Assessment Roll 1 Maximum Assessor’s Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 3 73 $329.81 223-613-04 $329.8 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 223-61 3-05 223-61 3-06 223-61 3-07 223-61 3-08 223-61 3-09 223-613-10 223-613-1 1 223-6 1 3- 12 223-6 1 3- 1 3 223-61 3-14 223-61 3-1 5 223-61 3-1 6 223-61 0-36 223-61 0-37 223-61 0-38 223-61 1-05 223-61 1-06 223-61 1-07 223-61 1-08 223-61 1-09 223-61 1-1 0 223-61 1-1 1 223-61 1-12 223-611-13 223-61 1-14 223-614-01 223-61 4-02 223-61 4-03 223-61 4-04 223-61 4-05 223-61 4-06 223-61 4-07 223-61 4-08 223-61 4-09 223-6 1 4- 1 0 223-614-1 1 223-6 14- 12 223-6 14- 1 3 223-614-14 223-614-15 223-614-16 223-614-1 7 223-614-1 8 223-61 4-1 9 223-61 4-20 223-614-21 223-61 4-22 223-61 4-23 H:\l - User FoldersKevinV3enefit Districts hojectWew DistrictUlmdZ 29oct03-3.doc $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 3LT Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 7 I Assessment Roll Maximum Assessor's Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 3 122 $329.81 223-614-24 $329.81 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 171 172 173 174 175 176 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $9,234.68 $8,904.87 $21,107.84 $32,321.38 $20,778.03 $1 7,479.93 223-6 14-25 223-61 4-26 223-61 4-27 223-61 4-28 223-61 4-29 223-61 4-30 223-614-31 223-61 4-32 223-61 4-33 223-61 4-34 223-61 4-35 223-61 4-36 223-61 4-37 223-61 4-38 223-61 4-39 223-61 4-40 223-61 1-1 5 223-61 1-1 6 223-61 1-17 223-611-18 223-61 1-19 223-61 1-20 223-61 1-21 223-61 1-22 223-61 1-23 223-61 1-24 223-61 1-25 223-61 1-26 223-61 1-27 223-61 0-39 223-61 0-40 223-610-41 223-61 0-42 223-61 0-43 223-61 0-44 223-61 0-45 223-61 0-46 223-61 0-47 223-61 0-48 223-61 5-01 223-6 1 5-02 223-61 6-01 223-61 6-02 223-61 6-03 223-61 6-04 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329 -81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $9,234.68 $17,479.93 $8,904.87 $21,107.84 $32,321.38 $20,778.03 181 $2,809.98 223-616-09 $2,809.98 $1 65,736.1 2 H:\l - User FoldersKevinWenefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.d~ 35 Exhibit 4 City of Carlsbad October 29,2003 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2003-04 Appendix - Page 8 I Assessment Roll 1 Maximum Assessor's Parcel Apportioned Zone Lot Asmt Parcel No. Acres Max. Asmt 4 $43,040.92 214-140-44 4.170 $2,282.02 4 214-1 70-58 2.150 $1,176.58 4 214-170-59 1.650 $902.96 4 214-170-74 19.350 $10,589.22 4 214-170-75 5.310 $2,905.88 4 214-170-79 7.120 $3,896.39 4 214-170-80 22.310 $12,209.04 4 214-170-84 10.130 $5,543.60 4 214-170-85 6.460 $3,535.21 $43,040.92 78.650 $43,040.90 H:\l - User FoldersKevinU3enefit Districts ProjectWew District\llmdZ 29oct03-3.d~ 3L cc) 0 0 0 Y z r LL I cn > > 4 5 > D ? - .. D 3 U 4 1 3 3 5 '- 2 - 3 4 r .c 0 T al m m a City of Carlsbad Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Asmt Amt: $236!/6[ ,5 ASSESSMENT BALLOT TABULATION RESULTS 6 Asmt Amt: $ l61. Asmt Amt Percent Yes: IO0 % Total of Ballots Received Total “Yes” Ballots Ballots tabulated by: JO~E. COX, PE Harris & Associates I Total “No” Ballots Asmt Amt: $ 0.m Asmt Amt Percent No: 0 % Qkar1sbadWe.w Districtkorrespballot results form.doc -~ I. -. I .- J .'I.- . . .---- --. -.-.. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Founation Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $91 1 .I4 b n i to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the 0 properties described in this assessment ballot hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owqer, or the authorized \ representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: MCMlLLlN MONTARA LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) $1 5,221.36 Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the no properties described in this assessment ballot 0 dlw I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: CALAVERA HILLS II L L C Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $42,017.08 * to be adjust d annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot n No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: CAL E-1 LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $5,030.06 to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot @ I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. a .-? Date Printed Name sig'nature PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: Centex Homes Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $30,012.71 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the Q properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that 1 am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. J Signatuk- ;Jt,"j03 Chat A. Iiuri, Printed Name PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: Davidson Builders, Inc Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $32,321.38 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the la properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. ThLIct LOVvlbttRbI - Date Printed Name Signature PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $23,416.51 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot Fi .. l hereby declare under penalty of perjury that l am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: STANDARD PACIFIC CORP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $43,040.90 0 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the '1 properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that l am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. J n PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) $1 4,507.01 Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the IEl properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot l hereby declare under penalty of perjury that l am the record owner, or the authorized identified above. Printed Name Signature ‘ City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC c/o Carl Waidell 731 5 Paseo Capuchina Carlsbad, CA 92009 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 90 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $29.682.90 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. X Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk X ...................................................................................................................................................... PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $29,682.90 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the o/ properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the recw owne/;,or-the authorized Signa tu re representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified Gj4KW. Printed Name rtlrdlq a% Date SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is gcJ confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ’yes” or “no” on the enclosed ballot. b Owner Name: K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC c/o Carl Waidell PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Apportioned Assessor's Maximum Zone Parcel No. Assessment 3 223-61 3-03 $329.81 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 223-61 3-04 223-61 3-05 223-61 3-06 223-61 3-07 223-61 3-08 223-61 3-09 223-61 3-1 0 223-61 3-1 1 223-61 3-1 2 223-61 3-1 3 223-61 3-1 4 223-61 3-1 5 223-61 3-1 6 223-61 0-36 223-61 0-37 223-61 0-38 223-611-05 223-61 1-06 223-61 1-07 223-61 1-08 223-61 1-09 223-611-10 223-61 1-1 1 223-61 1-12 223-611-13 223-61 1-1 4 223-614-01 223-61 4-02 223-61 4-03 223-614-04 223-61 4-05 223-61 4-06 223-61 4-07 223-61 4-08 223-61 4-09 223-614-10 223-61 4-1 I 223-61 4-1 2 223-614-13 223-61 4-1 4 223-614-15 223-614-1 6 223-614-1 7 223-614-18 223-61 4-1 9 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 Continued on Reverse Side * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Owner Name: K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC c/o Carl Waidell PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 i ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Assessment 3 223-61 4-20 $329.81 Assessor's Maximum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 223-61 4-2 1 223-61 4-22 223-61 4-23 223-61 4-24 223-614-25 223-614-26 223-614-27 223-614-28 223-614-29 223-61 4-30 223-614-31 223-61 4-32 223-614-33 223-61 4-34 223-61 4-35 223-61 4-36 223-614-37 223-61 4-38 223-61 4-39 223-61 4-40 223-61 1-1 5 223-61 1-1 6 223-61 1-1 7 223-61 1-1 8 223-611-19 223-61 1-20 223-611-21 223-61 1-22 223-61 1-23 223-61 1-24 223-61 1-25 223-61 1-26 223-61 1-27 223-61 0-39 223-61 0-40 223-61 0-41 223-610-42 223-61 0-44 223-61 0-45 223-61 0-43 223-61 0-46 223-61 0-47 223-610-48 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 Total $29,682.90 * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: Pulte Home Corp. Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $20,778.03 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Signature //-/S-03 5WE &a ~ -M50Mf Date Printed Name Letter of Transmittal 1 1 1 Harris & Associates Program Managers Sample Ballot Package Copy of each Ballot Consolidated List of Property Owners receiving Ballot Construction Managers Civil Engineers Janice Breitenfeld, Deputy City WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached Under separate cover via the following items: Prints - Plans - Samples - Specifications - Shop Drawings - - Copy of Letter - Change Order - THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: - For Approval X For Your Use - As Requested - Copies for Distribution - For Review and Comment - REMARKS: Enclosed is a copy of the Ballot package that was mailed out on Thursday, November 6,2003. Give me a call if you have any questions (800-827-4901 x337) Copy To: Kevin Branca City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Q:\carlsbad\New Districthrresp\Sarnple Ballot Pkg tms.doc 34 Executive Park, Suite 150, Irvine, California 92614 949.655.3900 FAX 949.655.3995 irvine@harris-assoc.com a, 0, n n bl a2 : 0 t? & E bl PI November 5,2003 Dear Property Owner: The City of Carlsbad has initiated proceedings to form an assessment district to finance the ongoing maintenance of the street lighting, medians and trees (if any) within and adjacent to your development. Enclosed please find (a) the Notice to Property Owners, (b) Assessment Calculation Information Sheet (reverse side of Notice to Property Owners), (c) Assessment Engineer’s Report, (d) Property Owner Assessment Ballot and (e) Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures (reverse side of Property Owner Assessment Ballot). Please review the enclosed information, which will give you complete details of the proposed annual maintenance assessments, how the assessment is determined for your property, and other information. The Assessment Ballot, which is the yellow piece of paper with your name and address on it, shows the proposed assessment amount for your property. This assessment ballot is the most important document in this material. It must be marked and returned by mail or in person to the City Clerk no later than Tuesdav, November 18, 2003 to be counted. (Please see the enclosed documentation for where to return your Assessment Ballot.) On November 18,2003, at 6:OO p.m., the City Council will hold a public hearing to hear public comment and, following the close of the public hearing, tally the assessment ballots received. The assessment amounts, cast as “yes” and ‘‘no” votes, will determine the fate of this District. Assessment ballots that are not returned, or are returned late, will not be counted, so please return your assessment ballot! If you have any questions about the proposed assessment district or this process, please contact the City of Carlsbad’s Finance Department at (760) 602-2430, Monday through Friday, 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. Thank you for your consideration of this issue. 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-731 4 (760) 602-2430 - FAX (760) 602-8553 www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us - Business License (760) 602-2495 - Utility Billing (760) 602-2420 @ Purchasing (760) 602-2460 - FAX (760) 602-8556 - Bid Line (760) 602-2464 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND ASSESSMENT BALLOT FOR THE FORMATION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 I. Notice This notice informs you, as record owner of property within the proposed assessment district, that on November 5,2003, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2003-275 in which it declared its intention to form an assessment district, entitled Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 (the "District"), and has scheduled a Public Hearing on the question of forming the District and the levy of proposed assessment within the District (the "Assessment"). The Public Hearing will be held during a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, in the City Council Chambers at the 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, 92008, California on November 18,2003 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. All interested persons are invited to attend the Public Hearing and express opinions on the formation of the District and the levy of the proposed Assessments within the District. Property owners who wish to submit an assessment ballot should mail or personally deliver it to the City Clerk prior to the close of the scheduled Public Hearing in accordance with the directions provided on the back of the assessment ballot in "Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. II. Assessment Information Name of District: Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2. The total maximum annual Assessment for the entire District for FY 2003-04: $317,663 Your Proposed Maximum Annual Assessment: The proposed maximum Assessment on your properties for FY 2003-04 is shown on the enclosed yellow ballot. Duration of the Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment for the maintenance of the street lighting, median and street tree improvements will be levied annually. The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the San Diego County area. (Any other increases or changes to the methodology of the Assessment must be submitted for property owner approval.) Reason for the Assessment: To pay for the costs of maintenance of the street lighting, medians and trees within the public rights- of-way. Calculation of the Assessment: All parcels within the District that receive special benefit from the improvements will be assessed in proportion to the special benefit they receive. Please see the Assessment Calculation Information Sheet (on the back of this notice) for information on how the assessments are calculated. Assessment Balloting Results: If a majority of the assessment ballots returned are in support of the levy of the Assessments within the District, the City Council will have the authority to form the District and to levy the Assessment in an amount not to exceed the amount listed on the enclosed assessment ballot. If a majority of the assessment ballots returned are in opposition to the levy of the Assessments within the District, the Assessment will not be imposed. Assessment ballots are weighted proportionally by each parcel's Assessment amount. The proposed Assessment described in this Notice is new and, if approved, will appear on your property tax bill. 111. Questions Regarding These Proceedings If you have any questions about the proposed Assessment or this process, please contact the City of Carlsbad's Finance Department at (760) 602-2430 Monday through Friday, 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ASSESSMENT CALCULATlONlNFORMATlON SHEET Existing law requires an assessment methodology be used for calculating the assessment to be levied on each parcel, based on the special benefit each parcel receives from the improvements being maintained. The following is a description of the methodology, which is summarized from a detailed Engineer's Report, a copy of which is enclosed with this Notice. Development Unit x Factor x Asmt Rate* = Assessments* Zone 1 - Calavera Hills II I Equivalent Dwelling Units The single-family detached residential parcel has been selected as the basic unit for calculation of assessments; therefore, the single-family residential parcel is defined as one Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). A methodology has been developed to relate all other land uses to the single-family detached residential land use. Table 1 shows the various land uses within this District and the associated EDU rates used in the analysis. Benefit Zones Benefit Zones are used to differentiate between the different type of _-- -_ ._ I, APT (NLL) 1 DU x 0.6 x $53.74 /EDU = $32.24 /DU ' Non-Res (NLL) 1 acre x 6.0 x $53.74 / EDU = $322.44 /Acre Zone 2 - Kelly Ranch Core SFD 1 DU x 1.0 x $94.18 /EDU = $94.18 IDU APT 1 DU x 0.6 x $94.18 /EDU = $56.51 /DU Non-Res 1 acre x 6.0 x $94.18 / EDU = $565.08 /Acre Non-Res (NLL) 1 acre x 6.0 x $57.74 / EDU = $346.44 /Acre Non-Res Utility (NLL) 1 acre x 6.0 x $4.19 / EDU = $25.14 /Acre - Park 1 acre x 1.5 x $94.18 /EDU = $141.27 /Acre Table 1 - EDU Rates by Land Use Land Use EDU Rate Single Family Detached Res (SFD) 1.0 IW Single Family Attached Res (SFA) 0.8 I DU ADartments (APT) 0.6 / DU Developed Non-Residential (Non-Res) Vacant / Park 6.0 / acre 1.5 / acre Open Space 0.0 / acre DU = Dwelling Unit Improvements to be maintained and serviced. There are four zones of benefit in this Maintenance District. Zone 1 - Calavera Hills II. The Calavera Hills II development is located in and around the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and College Boulevard and is comprised of villages of varying types of land uses that will receive special benefit from the street lighting, street trees and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. It is anticipated that the Home Owners Association ("HOA") will maintain the street trees, which will make the actual assessment amounts lower than the maximum amounts. Zone 2 - Kelly Ranch Core. The Kelly Ranch core development is located southeast of the intersection of Cannon Drive and Faraday Avenue and is comprised of varying types of land uses that receive special benefit from the street lighting and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. Zone 3 - The Oaks South. The Oaks South development is located to the northeast of the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino de 10s Coches and is comprised of varying types of land uses that receive special benefit from the street lighting, street trees and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. It is anticipated that the HOA will maintain the street trees, local street lights and medians, which will make the actual assessment amounts lower than the maximum amounts. Zone 4 - Thompson I Tabata. The Thompsonnabata development is located along Poinsettia Lane west of Aviara Parkway and is comprised of varying types of land uses that benefit from the operation and maintenance of street lighting, street trees and medians within and directly adjacent to the development. It is anticipated that the HOA will maintain the street trees, which will make the actual assessment amounts lower than the maximum amounts. Maximum Annual Assessments The maximum assessment rates for each benefit zone for FY 2003-04 are shown in Table 2, as well as the maximum assessment rate for each type of land use. * The maximum annual maintenance assessment rates will be increased each year by the annual change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), during the preceding year ending in March, for All Urban Consumers, for the San Diego County area. The actual assessments levied in any fiscal year will be as approved by the City Council and may not exceed the maximum assessment rate without receiving property owner approval for the increase pursuant to an assessment ballot procedure undertaken in accordance with the Assessment Law. Table 2 - FY 03-04 Maximum Asmt. Rates by Land Use I Base EDU FY03-04Max. FY 0344Max. 1 SFD 1 DU x 1.0 x $155.32 lEDU = $155.32 I DU SFA (NLU 1 DU x 0.8 x $53.74 lEDU = $42.99 IDU Zone 3 - The Oaks South SFD 1 DU x 1.0 x $329.81 IEDU = $329.81 IDU 1 acre x 6.0 x $329.81 I EDU = $1,978.86 /Acre Non-Res Zone 4 - ThomDsonlTabata SFD 1 DU x 1.0 x $173.89 /EDU = $173.89 I DU SFA 1 DU x 0.8 x $122.43 IEDU = $97.94 IDU NLL = No Local Lights DU = Dwelling Unit City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP c/o John Vance 10721 Treena St #200 San Diego, CA 92131 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 149 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $14,507.01 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see ”Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ..._.......____........~.~~~........~~~.~.~...~.~~~.......~~.~~.........~~..........~~~~....~.~~......~..~..~...................~~~~~.~~~. Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $1 4,507.01 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) 0 Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is yoJ confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not infended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ’yes”or “no”on the enclosed ballot. . Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT cia John Vance ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACH ME NT Parcel Listing Zone 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Assessor's Parcel No. 208-1 80-01 208-1 80-02 208-1 80-03 208-1 80-04 208-1 80-05 208-180-06 208-1 80-07 208-1 80-08 208-1 80-09 208-1 80-1 0 208-180-1 1 208-180-12 208-1 80-1 3 208-180-14 208-1 80-15 208-1 80-1 6 208-1 80-1 7 208-1 80-1 8 208-180-19 208-1 80-20 208-1 81 -01 208-181-02 208-1 81-03 208-1 81 -04 208-181-05 208-181-06 208-1 81 -07 208-1 81 -08 208-1 81 -09 208-1 81-1 0 208-181-1 1 208-181-12 208-181-1 3 208-181-14 208-1 8 1 - 15 208-1 81 -1 6 208-181-17 208-1 81-18 208-181-19 208-1 81 -20 208-1 81-21 208-181-22 208-1 81 -23 208-181-24 208- 1 8 1 -25 208-181-26 208-1 81-27 208-1 81 -28 208-1 81 -29 208-181-30 208-181-31 Apportioned Maximum Assessment * $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 Page 1 of 3 * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT c/o John Vance ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Zone 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Assessor’s Parcel No. 208-1 81 -32 208-181-33 208-1 81 -34 208-1 81 -35 208-1 81 -36 208-1 81-37 208-1 81-38 208-1 81-39 208-181-40 208-1 81 -41 208-1 80-21 208-1 80-22 208-1 80-23 208-1 80-24 208-180-25 208-1 80-26 208-180-27 208-1 80-28 208-180-29 208-1 80-30 208-1 80-31 208-1 80-32 208-1 80-33 208-1 80-34 208-180-35 208-1 82-01 208-1 82-02 208-1 82-03 208-1 82-04 208-1 82-05 208-1 82-06 208-1 82-07 208-1 82-08 208-1 82-09 208-182-10 208-1 82-1 1 208-182-12 208-182-13 208-182-14 208-182-1 5 208-1 82-1 6 208-1 82- 17 208-182-18 208-1 82-1 9 208-1 82-20 208-182-21 208-182-22 208-1 82-23 208-182-24 208-182-25 208-1 82-26 Apportioned Maximum Assessment $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.1 8 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 Page 2 of 3 The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT c/o John Vance ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Zone 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Assessor's Parcel No. 208-182-27 208-182-28 208-182-29 208-1 82-30 208-1 82-31 208-1 82-32 208-1 82-33 208-1 82-34 208-1 82-35 208-1 82-36 208-182-37 208-1 82-38 208-182-39 208-1 82-40 208-1 83-01 208-1 83-02 208-1 83-03 208-1 83-04 208-1 83-05 208-1 83-06 208-1 83-07 208-1 83-08 208-1 83-09 208-1 83-1 0 208-183-1 1 208-183-12 208- 1 83- 1 3 208-1 83-14 208-183-15 208-1 83- 16 208-1 83-1 7 208-183-18 208-1 83-1 9 208-1 83-20 208-1 83-21 208-1 83-22 208-1 83-23 208-1 83-24 208-1 83-25 208-1 83-26 208-1 83-27 208-1 83-28 208-1 83-29 208-183-30 208-1 83-31 208-1 83-32 Apportioned Maximum Assessment $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $94.18 $69.22 2 208-1 84-05 $593.33 Total $14,507.01 Page 3 of 3 * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. F City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Attn: Teri Shusterman 10721 Treena St #200 San Diego, CA 92131 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 71 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $23.41 6.51 The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. x Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk x ____._........__.___................~..~~~~~~~.....~......~~~..................~..~~~....~.........~~~~...............~~.~~.~~~.~..........~. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $23,416.51 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) I7 Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an "X" in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City-Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 21 8. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote "yes" or "no" on the enclosed ballot. Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Atln: Teri Shusterman ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 Zone 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Assessor's Parcel No. 223-610-01 223-610-02 223-61 0-03 223-61 0-04 223-610-05 223-61 0-06 223-610-07 223-610-08 223-610-09 223-61 0-1 0 223-610-1 1 223-61 0-1 2 223-610-13 223-610-14 223-61 1-01 223-61 1-02 223-61 1-03 223-61 1-04 223-61 0-1 5 223-61 0-1 6 223-61 0-1 7 223-610-18 223-6 1 0- 1 9 223-610-20 223-610-21 223-61 0-22 223-61 0-23 223-61 0-24 223-610-25 223-610-26 223-610-27 223-610-28 223-610-29 223-610-30 223-61 0-31 223-61 0-32 223-61 0-33 223-610-34 223-61 0-35 223-612-01 223-612-02 223-612-03 223-61 2-04 223-61 2-05 223-612-06 223-61 2-07 223-612-08 223-61 2-09 Apportioned Maximum Assessment * $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 Continued on Reverse Side * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Owner Name: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT \ Attn: Teri Shusterman ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Assessment 3 223-61 2-1 0 $329.81 3 223-612-1 1 $329.81 3 223-612-12 $329.81 3 223-612-13 $329.81 3 223-612-14 $329.81 3 223-61 2-1 5 $329.81 3 223-61 2-1 6 $329.81 3 223-612-17 $329.8 1 3 223-61 2-1 8 $329.81 3 223-61 2-1 9 $329.81 3 223-612-20 $329.81 3 223-612-21 $329.81 3 223-61 2-22 $329.81 3 223-612-23 $329.81 3 223-612-24 $329.81 3 223-612-25 $329.81 3 223-612-26 $329.81 3 223-612-27 $329.81 3 223-61 2-28 $329.81 3 223-612-29 $329.81 3 223-612-30 $329.81 3 223-613-01 $329.81 3 223-613-02 $329.81 Total $23,416.51 Assessor’s Maximum * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. . City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC c/o Carl Waidell 731 5 Paseo Capuchina Carlsbad, CA 92009 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 90 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment’ = $29,682.90 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see ”Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk ...---..........__..........~~~.............~...........~~..........~.~~~..........~~.~........~~..~.........~..~..~~~~~~~..........~~.~-- PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $29,682.90 to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and && your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 21 8. This information is presented in the public interest It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes”or “no”on the enclosed ballot. 1 Owner Name: K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC c/o Carl Waidell PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Assessment * 3 223-61 3-03 $329.81 Assessor’s Maximum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 223-61 3-04 223-61 3-05 223-61 3-06 223-61 3-07 223-6 13-08 223-613-09 223-61 3-10 223-613-1 1 223-61 3-1 2 223-61 3-1 3 223-61 3-1 4 223-61 3-1 5 223-61 3-1 6 223-6 10-36 223-61 0-37 223-610-38 223-61 1-05 223-61 1-06 223-61 1-07 223-61 1-08 223-61 1-09 223-61 1-1 0 223-61 1-1 1 223-61 1-1 2 223-61 1-1 3 223-61 1-14 223-6 1 4-0 1 223-61 4-02 223-61 4-03 223-61 4-04 223-61 4-05 223-6 14-06 223-614-07 223-614-08 223-614-09 223-614-10 223-614-1 1 223-614-12 223-61 4-1 3 223-61 4-1 4 223-614-15 223-614-16 223-6 1 4- 1 7 223-61 4-1 8 223-61 4-1 9 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $32 9.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 Continued on Reverse Side The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Owner Name: K HOVNANIAN AT LA COSTA LLC c/o Carl Waidell PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACH ME NT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Assessment * 3 223-61 4-20 $329.81 Assessor's Maximum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 223-6 1 4-2 1 223-61 4-22 223-61 4-23 223-614-24 223-614-25 223-61 4-26 223-61 4-27 223-61 4-28 223-614-29 223-61 4-30 223-614-31 223-61 4-32 223-614-33 223-614-34 223-61 4-35 223-61 4-36 223-614-37 223-614-38 223-614-39 223-61 4-40 223-61 1-15 223-611-16 223-61 1-17 223-611-18 223-611-19 223-61 1-20 223-61 1-21 223-61 1-22 223-61 1-23 223-61 1-24 223-61 1-25 223-61 1-26 223-61 1-27 223-610-39 223-610-40 223-61 0-41 223-610-42 223-6 10-43 223-61 0-44 223-61 0-45 223-61 0-46 223-610-47 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.8 1 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 $329.81 3 223-610-48 $329.8 1 Total $29,682.90 * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 STANDARD PACIFIC CORP Attn: Jo Ann Watanabe 5750 Fleet St #ZOO Carlsbad, CA 92008 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 2 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $43,040.90 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ......_._.._................--------.----..-..........~-----.....................~.--.-...............~~.~~.........-.----------.........- Owner Name: STANDARD PACIFIC CORP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $43,040.90 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the 0 properties described in this assessment ballot 0 properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and && your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 21 8. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ‘Yes’‘ or “no” on the enclosed ballot. Owner Name: STANDARD PACIFIC CORP Attn: Jo Ann Watanabe ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Assessor's PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 Apportioned Maximum Zone Parcel No. Assessment * 4 214-140-44 $2,282.02 214-170-58 214-1 70-59 2 14-1 70-74 214-1 70-75 214-170-79 214-1 70-80 214-1 70-84 2 14-1 70-85 $1,176.58 $902.96 $10,589.22 $2,905.88 $3,896.39 $1 2,209.04 $5,543.60 $3,535.21 Total $43,040.90 * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 MCMlLLlN MONTARA LLC c/o Kellie A. Thene, Sp. District Administrator 2727 Hoover Ave National City, CA 91 950 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 4 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $1 5,221.36 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk -----.-.......___........~~............~.~~~........~~~........~..~~~..........~.~~~............~~~~~~~.....~...~~..~................~........~.~.~..- PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: MCMlLLlN MONTARA LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $1 5,221.36 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot 0 properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the l hereby declare under penalty of perjury that l am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 2?8. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ‘Yes’’ or “no” on the enclosed ballot. Owner Name: MCMlLLlN MONTARA LLC c/o Kellie A. Thene PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACH ME NT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Description Assessment * 1 168-041-03 Village K $6,492.02 1 168-041-04 Village K $3,784.76 1 168-041 -1 0 Village K $2,770.1 0 1 168-280-49 Village L-2 $2,174.48 Total $1 5,221.36 Assessor's Maximum * The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES Attn: Kirk Roloff 1 Spectrum Pointe Dr #225 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 4 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $26,366.63 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. . - . - . . . . . li.- 0 n n a m ... Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ....__..........___.~.......~......~~...........~~~~..~.....~~.~~~...........~~~~..~.........~~~~~~~..............................~....--- Owner Name: ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $26,366.63 to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby deckre under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. - Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an ”X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the propose<] Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ”yes” or “no” on the enclosed ballot. Owner Name: ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES Attn: Kirk Roloff PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Assessment * 2 208-1 84-06 $881.52 2 208-1 86-03 $4,181.59 2 208-1 86-06 $13,674.94 Assessor's Maximum 2 208-1 85-05 $7,628.58 Total $26,366.63 The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. t City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 CALAVERA HtLLS II L L C c/o Kellie A. Thene, Sp. District Administrator 2727 Hoover Ave National City, CA 91950 Parcel information: Please see attached for a full listing of parcel information. Total Parcels: 5 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $42,017.08 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. X Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk ....._..__...............~._...............___............____..................~~~~~...............~...~~~.~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: CALAVERA HILLS II L L C Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $42,017.08 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the 0 properties described in this assessment ballot 0 properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the l hereby declare under penalty of perjury that / am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature F SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an ”X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. if a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or aftempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ‘Yes’’ or “no” on the enclosed ballot. Owner Name: CALAVERA HILLS II L L C c/o Kellie A. Thene PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTACHMENT Parcel Listing Apportioned Zone Parcel No. Description Assessment * 1 168-041-1 1 Village U $5,803.92 1 168-040-29 (por.) Village U 1 167-1 01 -1 9 Village H $644.88 1 168-040-29 (por.) Village W $1 7,706.48 Assessor's Maximum 1 168-050-27 Village X $17,861.80 Total $42,017.08 The Maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL c/o Tim O’Grady 1903 Wright PI #I80 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Maximum 223-61 6-09 3 ( Non-Res) $2,809.98 Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $2,809.98 The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. x Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk x ................_.~_~.............~.~............................~..~.~.~..~.~...........................................~~....~.......... PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $2,809.98 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the 0 properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is ggt confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ‘)fes”or “no”on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 CIC CALAVERA II LLC c/o James J. Schmid 21 5 S. Highway 101, Ste 200 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Maximum Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* 168-040-29 (por.) 1 (Village Y) $3,740.30 Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $3,740.30 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ba//ot to the City Clerk PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ......._......................_~~~.~..~~~.............~~~..............~.................~.~..................~.~~............ Owner Name: CIC CALAVERA I1 LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $3,740.30 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) 0 Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please fotlow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 21 8. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes”or “no”on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 Centex Homes Attn: Kim Molina 1815 Aston Ave, Ste 101 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Maximum 223-616-01 3 (SFDs) $8,904.87 223-61 6-02 3 (SFDs) $21,107.84 Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* Total Parcels: 2 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $30,012.71 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment wilt be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the balloi fo the City Clerk PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT .......................................................................................................................................... Owner Name: Centex Homes Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $30,012.71 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot 0 properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Cadsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ‘>es”or ‘j7o” on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Warmington Stoneridge Associates LP Mr. Matthew Tingler 701 Palomar Airport Rd, Ste 300 Carlsbad, CA 92009 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 Maximum 223-615-01 3 (SFDs) $9,234.68 223-61 5-02 3 (SFDs) $17,479.93 Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* Total Parcels: 2 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $26.71 4.61 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment wilt be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. x Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk _....._......._...........~~~~.............~.___.........._.~~~...............................~..~.............~......~.~.~.~............. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: Warmington Stoneridge Associates LP Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $26,714.61 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the 0 properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and &i& your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18,2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interesf. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes”or ”no”on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 CAL E-I LLC c/o Kellie A. Thene, Sp. District Administrator 2727 Hoover Ave National City, CA 91 950 Maximum 168-041 -08 1 (Village E) $5,030.06 Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $5.030.06 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the Citv Clerk PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: CAL E-1 LLC Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $5,030.06 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the El properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote ‘yes” or “no” on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 City of Carlsbad c/o Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Maximum Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* 208-1 84-04 2 (Non-Res NLL Utility) $39.72 Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $39.72 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. X Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk X ......................~_...........~~.......~...~~.........~~~...................~....~......~..~~~.......................~..~.........--- PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: City of Carlsbad Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $39.72 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the properties described in this assessment ballot I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes”or “no”on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Founation Attn: Kent Brinker, President PO Box 4004 Carlsbad, CA 9201 8 Maximum Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* 208-1 86-05 2 (Non-Res NLL) $91 1 .I4 Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $91 1 .I4 The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk .........._........_~...~............~~.............~............~~....~........~~...............~...........~~~......................~..~..~......... PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT L-I Owner Name: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Founation Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $91 1.14 to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) 0 properties described in this assessment ballot 0 properties described in this assessment ballot hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the ‘-4 representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. ,-\ /’\ Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and && your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 2 18. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes”or “no”on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 Davidson Builders, Inc Attn: Paula Lombardi 1302 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014 Maximum 223-61 6-03 3 (SFDS) $32,321.38 Assessor’s Parcel No. Zone Assessment* Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $32,321.38 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................... PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT K- - h-’ ,,-\ Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $32,321.38 ‘il 0 properties described in this assessment ballot !I1 ~- [I 0 properties described in this assessment ballot 4 GI( -, Owner Name: Davidson Builders, Inc to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) i 0‘1 Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that l am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. Date Printed Name Signa tu re SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X” in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18,2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is not confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes” or “no” on the enclosed ballot. City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Pulte Home Corp. Stephen L. Heinsohn 4141 Jutland Drive, Ste 200 San Diego, CA 921 17 Assessor’s Parcel No. PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPtNG DISTRICT NO. 2 Zone Maximum Assessment* 223-61 6-04 3 (SFDs) $20,778.03 Total Parcels: 1 Total Proposed Maximum Assessment* = $20,778.03 * The maximum annual maintenance assessment will be increased for cost of living each year according to the The person completing and submitting this assessment ballot must be the record owner of the property identified above or the representative of the record owner of such property who is legally authorized to complete and submit this assessment ballot for and on behalf of the record owner. Please see “Summary of Assessment Balloting Procedures” on the back of this assessment ballot to assist in filling out the assessment ballot. If there are two or more property owners, only one needs to sign and return the assessment ballot. change in the San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) for the San Diego County area. Please mark your assessment ballot in ink. Do not use pencil. Upon completion, fold the assessment ballot, place it in the return envelope and seal the envelope. Mail or deliver the assessment ballot to the address shown on the return envelope pursuant to the instructions on the back of this assessment ballot sheet. Please see the “Summary of Assessment Ballot Procedures” on the back of this sheet. For additional information about the Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, please see the enclosed legal notice. Please cut along this line, fold the ballot, seal it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot to the City Clerk -........................................~~.~~......~..~....~~...~.....~...~.........~..~~........~~~.....~~........~._....._......_._~~~~.......... PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Name: Pulte Home Corp. Total Maximum Assessment Amount*: $20,778.03 * to be adjusted annually by the change in San Diego Consumer Price Index - Urban (SDCPI-U) ,/q 1 (“- ’>, i \ ii Yes, I am IN FAVOR of the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the 50 J properties described in this assessment ballot i- __J No, I am OPPOSED to the levy of the assessment described in this assessment ballot on the r ‘I [’ ~. 0 properties described in this assessment ballot ;;.;i -\., ,’; ,, , I’ ’ I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the record owner, or the authorized representative of the record owner, of the parcel identified above. -4 Date Printed Name Signature SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEDURES If you are the owner of the property described on the enclosed assessment ballot, or the authorized representative of the record owner, you may submit the enclosed assessment ballot to the City to support or oppose the levy of the proposed Assessment. Please follow the instructions below to complete and return your ballot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Register your vote on the enclosed assessment ballot in favor or against the proposed Assessment by placing an “X in the corresponding box. Mark, sign and date your assessment ballot in pen. (Assessment ballots received without a signature will not be counted.) Do not use pencil. Fold your ballot, place it into the provided return envelope, and seal the envelope. Mail or personally deliver your assessment ballot to the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. The City must receive assessment ballots by November 18, 2003. Postmarks will not be accepted. Assessment Ballots must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the Public Hearing concerning the proposed Assessment District on Tuesday, November 18,2003, at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. Any assessment ballots received after the close of the Public Hearing cannot legally be counted. Following the close of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk or designee will tabulate the assessment ballots received. The assessment ballots are weighted by the assessment amount for each property. The Assessment may be confirmed unless a majority protest exists. A majority protest exists if, upon the close of the November 18, 2003, Public Hearing, the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in opposition to the Assessment exceeds the monetary value of the assessment ballots submitted in favor of the Assessment. If a majority protest exists based upon the value of the assessment ballots received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the November 18,2003, Public Hearing, the Assessment will not be imposed. Your assessment ballot is confidential and may be subject to public disclosure. The information in this notice and the accompanying materials were compiled and is distributed at public expense by the City of Carlsbad in compliance with Proposition 218. This information is presented in the public interest. It is not intended to influence or attempt to influence the actions of the voters to vote “yes” or “no” on the enclosed ballot. m v, "i) Proposed Street Lighting Proposed Street Lighting Proposed Street Lighting Proposed Street Lighting and Landscaping District and Landscaping District and Landscaping District and Landscaping District No. 2No. 2No. 2No. 2 Agenda!Staff Report!Public Hearing!Council Questions and Comments!Count the Ballots and Report (City Clerk)!Council Action"If in favor; adopt the Resolution"If not in favor; direct staff to abandon process History of District No. 1!1983 – District No. 1 formed for street lights!1989 – Median landscaping and street trees addedto District!1996 – Proposition 218 passed by voters!2003 – New district proposed Possible Solutions for Funding IssueFormation ofaNewDistrict?Formation ofa ReplacementDistrict? Benefits of a New District!Funds 100% of maintenance costs!Funds future replacement costs!Ability to place $0 assessments!Ability to capture over 18% of all residential development projected at buildout What Would it Look Like? Replacement District?!First step is a feasibility study!Return to Council at a later date to approve the study Establishment Process#Resolution of Initiation (September 16, 2003)#Prepare Engineer’s Report and Waivers#Resolution of Intention (November 4, 2003) $Set Public Hearing Date$Approve Prelim Engineer’s Report!Public Hearing (Tonight)$Public Input$Submit Ballots Engineer’s ReportStreet Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 Zones of Benefit1.Calavera Hills II2.Kelly Ranch Core3.The Oaks South4.Thompson / Tabata Special Benefit Analysis!Local Lighting$Improved nighttime property access!Arterial Lighting$Improved neighborhood access$Improved neighborhood safety$General Benefit = 10.5%!Street Trees$Beautification of adjacent parcels!Medians$Beautification of adjacent developments Assessment Formula Land UseSingle Family Detached Res (SFD) 1.0 / DUSingle Family Attached Res (SFA) 0.8 / DUApartments (APT) 0.6 / DUDeveloped Non-Residential (Non-Res) 6.0 / acreVacant / Park 1.5 / acreOpen Space 0.0 / acre DU = Dwelling UnitEDU RateEquivalent Dwelling Units (EDU's) Zone 1 – Calavera Hills II!Improvements:$Local Street Lighting$Arterial Street Lighting$Medians$Street Trees (HOA)!Maximum Allowable Assessment FY 03-04:$$155.32* per Single Family Detached (SFD) Home* To be increased annually by CPI!Estimated Actual Assessment FY 03-04:$$102.47 per SFD Zone 2 – Kelly Ranch Core!Improvements:$Local Street Lighting$Arterial Street Lighting$Medians!Maximum Allowable Assessment FY 03-04:$$94.18* per SFD$$56.51* per Apartment Unit* To be increased annually by CPI!Estimated Actual Assessment FY 03-04:$Same as above Zone 3 – The Oaks South!Improvements:$Local Street Lighting (HOA?)$Arterial Street Lighting$Medians (HOA)$Street Trees (HOA)!Maximum Allowable Assessment FY 03-04:$$329.81* per SFD* To be increased annually by CPI!Estimated Actual Assessment FY 03-04:$$10.53 per SFD Zone 4 – Thompson/Tabata!Improvements:$Local Street Lighting$Arterial Street Lighting$Medians$Street Trees (HOA)!Maximum Allowable Assessment FY 03-04:$$173.89* per SFD* To be increased annually by CPI!Estimated Actual Assessment FY 03-04:$$123.38 per SFD Actions Requested!Hold the Public Hearing!Council Questions and Comments!Clerk Count the Ballots and Report!Council Action"If in favor; adopt Resolution in theagenda bill"If not in favor; direct staff to abandon process Public Hearing Questions? Zone 2 – Kelly Ranch Core